#karma and gakushuu are siblings
le-panda-chocovore · 7 months
Me : Karma and Gakushuu are Rivals to Lovers ONLY, nothing more and nothing less.
Me : *finds a Karma & Asano are siblings fic* What is this ? I can't imagine Karma being a part of Asano family, it wouldn't make sense ! Also, I want them to be boyfriends, not brothers !!!
Me : *after reading a few siblings AU fic* Oh my god there's so much DRAMA POTENTIAL IN THIS TROPE, THIS IS AWESOME HOLY FUCK- *process to daydream about dysfunctional Asano-Akabane family for one month straight and has at least 3 fanfictions idea*
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glitchy-anime-fan · 10 months
Thinking about how funny it would be if Karma in my sibling au tried to tell the rest of E Class him and Gakushuu are half brothers and no one believed him. That is until someone (maybe Ren or a disguised Korosensei) embarrasses Shuu and the entirety of E class watch as his face goes tomato red just like Karmas.
Like they can chalk up any other similarity between Gakushuu and Karma as a coincidence, but the full face blushing can only be genetic 💀
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bismuthwisdom · 2 years
What's this I hear about the Asanos actually being brothers and pretending to be father and son? If you've got some interesting ideas, spill 'em! (I can already sense the angst)
oh god what have I sparked now
I actually didn't think too much about it, I just found it a "haha funny" what if scenario.
But now that you mention it, I find it an interesting concept to explore tbh.
How they got into this mess is the question. And also if Gakushuu is aware of that or not. For the sake of angst, let's make him not be aware of it. :)
If we go by what is most likely canon, I can see that the parents had died not long after Shuu was born so Gakuhou would take him in since back then he still wasn't like his current self. They pretty much behaved like father and son, although he wanted to disclose their actual relations when he was old enough. And of course the day never really came as he broke down at that point. After that it didn't really matter to him.
Another story possibility is that he actually took him in when he broke down. He wanted to have someone he can personally teach to become strong and ofc his younger brother was the perfect candidate for that. His parents were quite old at that point and, unaware of his intentions, let him take care of him. Then he manipulated him so much to the point that he believed his actual mother died. The lack of pictures could be explained by Gakuhou's coldness and rationality after breaking down, so Shuu didn't question if further.
Funnily enough, that would make that one scene where the principal mentions the baldness on Gakushuu's mother's side all the more hilarious. He practically dissed himself too, but ofc Gakushuu wouldn't know that.
Also, I believe it would make their uncanny resemblence make more sense since they share both parents and are likely to end up looking a lot similar.
Going a bit out of canon possibilities, I could apply this to my fan interpretation as well. I made the Asano family be like a giant cult and Gakuhou someone who managed to escape. Through an accident, he would be able to save his brother as well. To cover up this up, he would lie that this is his son and not rise suspicion.
That's basically all I have for now, if you want more or want to add-on feel free to do so!
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 4 months
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New year, new OC. Well, to most of you, anyway.
No, I did not forget Karma and Gakushuu’s birthdays (though, I wouldn’t blame you if you thought I did). For Karma, I missed it ‘cause… well, I explained it in my last post; it’s there. So then I thought this was a perfect opportunity to make a brothers post, give him a late b-day piece, especially since if I were to pick one of the birthdays, I prefer January 1st (though, twins (and triplets, too, but, er, we’ll get to that very soon) don’t have to be born on the same day, so he could still be born on Christmas… details, details). And then, because I’ve been mulling over introducing her for a while, I decided to make it into a triplets post and introduce you to my OC Mineko.
She’s made a cameo before though; I don’t know if you remember. It was in a Kuniko piece.
I originally meant to introduce her in a fanfic first, but, uh… dunno when that’ll be written ^^; (I’ll get to it one day, but it’s not seeming anytime soon). Made her a few years ago because I really like seeing people give Gakushuu or Karma a sister, and since I’m obsessed with brothers’ AUs, why not hit two birds with one stone? Though, she only came into proper fruition when I got the fic idea. But yeah, decided to introduce her now, since January 1st is definitely her birthday, regardless of Karma’s (she’s the middle triplet. Gakushuu’s still the baby brother, haha). That was the plan, anyway, considering January 1st was yesterday… Oops.
But yeah, a belated happy birthday to Gakushuu (and Mineko), and a very belated happy birthday to Karma (One year, I’ll be on time for both 😤).
I’ll post some old sketches of her in a few days from now (to pad out some time for my next post; dunno when I’ll get something new out), and I’ll talk a bit more about her then, too, so you have some info on her and she’s not just a blank slate until I get her character sheet done (I am working on those, trust me… just, the art rut paused the process). But yeah, kinda wanna talk about the piece for a bit.
Since I’m dealing with 3, Neapolitan flavors were an easy idea to come to. So they’re having a little sibling outing on their birthday, eating little cakes. Obviously don’t have to explain Karma’s choice of flavor, but I kinda wanna explain Shuu’s. See, when I was a kid, I vividly remember seeing vanilla being referred to as the king of ice cream flavors, but when I looked it up years down the line, I couldn’t really find anything justifying my memory :/ But I’m pairing Shuu with vanilla because of that title my little kid brain may or may not have made up. I mean, why wouldn’t he want the (hypothetical) king of all flavors? And then Mineko gets chocolate by process of elimination. She wouldn’t really have a preference between those three flavors.
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luna-loner · 2 years
We've all heard of the classic "Asano gets sent to E class" but have you thought of "Five Virtuosos get sent to E class"?
OF COURSE! A Lot of times actually!
In fact, I remember reading a Wattpad story where they all got sent down to E Class. Sadly, it was incomplete (I think just two chapters?) Not sure if it still exists.
Now, if I had to write a fic like that, I'd say Gakuhou sends them all to E Class as punishment for making and losing a bet with the underdogs, therby humiliating not only themselves, but their classmates as well. And since this is Gakuhou we're talking about, it'll be easy to get A Class to turn on them.
So E Class is in for a surprise next semester; same can be said for the Big Five. And of course, it's Karma who finds it amusing. Already, Gakushuu is not going to like this...
Now, let's see how each are going to be like in E Class:
This guy is Irina's third apprentice. Not really surprising, right?
Much like Yada, he doesn't want to seduce others with his body. He's a womanizer, but he's not lewd.
He also tries flirting with every girl in class. Kataoka practically follows him around to tell him off, especially when he's going after the not-so-assertive ones.
Yukiko is his most frequent target, so he has Sugino on his case, too.
Karasuma also has to keep him in check. He can also be harsh on him during training.
Aside from that, Ren isn't much of a hassle. He's pretty good at something when he puts his mind to it. He's quickly become an exceptional shooter, but not on the Sniper Duo's level, though.
Him and Yada can make a great duo at infiltration, especially if they've got two different targets of the opposite sex.
Since they're both brunets, they can pass off as siblings. Yada maee up this sob story about them being half-siblings and how their dad played favorites and how they didn't meet until recently and whatnot. All to gain some sympathy points.
Back to Yukiko, remember how she's his frequent target? Sooner or later, she's going to have to tell him off herself.
I imagine this happens when she opens up about her past, the Kyoto incident, and how she's learned not to care what others think and be herself. Ren's surprised a seemingly perfect girl such as herself had a rebelious phase and relates. He's had to deal with his fair share of expectations, and it can be quite annoying. Still, he's at least grateful for the overall good relationship he has with his parents.
This serves as an important growth for the two of them. Ren decides to take a page out of her book and be himself and Yukiko becomes even more assetive and vocal. They even beome book buddies and may occassionally play video games.
Ren's still a womanizer though, just less tocuhy and creepy. He also stops chasing after girls after they've rejected him and moves on to the next one instead. (Hey, it's still character development, right? 🤷‍♀️)
May or not be considering Polyamorous relationships because of Maehara. The entire class agree these two together trouble. Gakushuu has considered getting a leash for Ren, and suggested Isogai do the same for Maehara, much to Isogai's bemusement.
Since he doesn't flirt anymore, his relationship with Yada also improves.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: this boy is so damn insecure because he's not special compared to the other B5. In E Class, it's a little worse now that he's comparing himself to those he looked down on not too long ago.
He still looks down on them even if he himself is an underdogas well. Seo does put a lot of effort in training, but he doesn't stand out at anything and it drives him crazy!
The other Virtuosos found their specialty and then there's him...average at everything...doesn't stand out...useless.
That leaves him with his English skills but even that isn't enough to make him feel important.
He really hates it when Nagisa, Rio, or anyone else answers a question relating to the subject with ease. He also gets jealous of Irina whenever someone asks her about a certain word or phrase. Hellooooo, he's right here? Why do these idiots have to bother the teachers with stupid questions?
In short, this boy wants some attention...he's just asking for it the wrong way.
So his jealousy and insecurity gets him on the wrong foot with everyone else. Even the other Virtuosos think he needs to straighten up his act. Terasaka calls him out,
Eventually, he has a heart-to-heart talk with Korosensei, who gets him to be a little more amicable. He also tells Seo that while he may not shine in a particular field, he's still dedicated to assassination and his that work is nothing to scoff at, even if it's not up to Seo's standards.
Seo isn't really satisfied with this "A for effort" crap. He knows the octopus is just trying to make him feel better.
Seo only agrees to be a little nicer after Korosensei promises to take him around the world.
So Korosensei tells him how this dedication makes him flexible at handling any weapon, gun or knife. This in turn, makes Seo perfect for supporting his classmates, which doesn't make the boy feel better in the slightest.
Now that Seo's a bit more friendly, he can hold a conversation with his classmates. He finds himself bonding with Nagisa (and subsequently Karma) over their mutual love for Sonic Ninja. (Gakushuu feels betrayed whenever he sees Seo hanging out with Karma.)
Also, I can see him and Kataoka verbally obliterate others (usually Okajima) for their stupid plans, much to everyone's horror.
Seo still has his sharp tongue, so he has no trouble calling others out on their BS. It's useful for keeping others from getting over their heads, which Korosensei makes certain to praise him for that even if he's a fairly frequent target of Seo's reprimend.
Seo and Itona are another terrifying duo. When they're not roasting others, they're roasting each other. It's a bloody, but funny verbal battle.
This guy is all over Korosenesi in seconds, asking question after question. The octopus feels like a celebrity, even dressing up like one (Much to Karasuma's annoyance)
His inquisitive nature and observation skills make him perfect for gathering intel.
He's a nerd so he immediately clicks with Takebayashi, which means he's joined the Maid cafe squad.
He gets along with Hara due to their love for rom-coms. Also, wants to know who likes who in class.
He frequently goes bug-hunting with Kurahashi. He's curious about the mountain's ecosystem.
May or may not develop a crush on her, and turns into a blushing mess whenever he sees her.
He's also fascinated with Ritsu and never stops asking her questions, raging from Norway, to her programs, to her "older sister"
Araki's pretty good with knives. In addition to Karasuma's training, he's spent hours reading articles and watching videos and practicing in his room.
He's Yada and Ren's informat, supplying them with everything they need to know about their targets. Ristu also helps.
Still pretty jealous of Isogai, but doesn't dare say anything lest he wants the whole class on his case. (It's unspoken rule in E Class that you do NOT hurt the Ikemen)
Imagine Seo of all people telling him to put his jealousy aside and stop comparing himself to others. Korosensei is spying on the boys and weeping with pride at Seo's growth...and Seo trying to shoot him down while muttering a series of insults.
Actively avoids the Terasaka gang and Okuda.
His memorization skills are very useful, so he's partners with Takebayashi, who may or may not bring him to maid cafes.
He's pretty good with knives because it doesn't take him long to memorize Karasuma's moves. (Apparently, this guy's got some good muscle memory, too.)
He also teams up with Nagisa to observe Korosensei for weaknesses.
He's also copied Korosensei's weaknesses from Nagisa so they can have a back-up in case something happens to the original notes.
Much like Seo, he's envies of others who best him in his own field, especially Okuda. He can't even look at her without feels rage boil in the pits of his stomach. Doesn't help that she's seemingly close to Karma, aka the guy who once stole 4th place from him.
This makes Okuda is uncomfortable, so they don't talk. Ever.
As if Korosensei's gonna let animonlsity brew in his class. He gets the bright idea to assign those to create a certain chemical.
The Okuda protection squad (Karma, Megu, Kayano, and Sugino) are watching through the window. Koyama's lost the number of times he's recieved a glare from both Megu and Karma, and even Kayano! ("Who knew that pipesqueak could be scary?" You'd be surprised, Koyama 😏)
It results with Korosensei messing things up until the chemical blows up in his face. Okuda and Koyama agree that he's an idiot, which Korosensei takes as his plan working. They actually AGREED om something!
Doesn't mean they're friends, though, but at least they have no qualms working together now.
Another Virtuoso whom Takebayashi introduced to the lovely world of Maid Cafes. That's how he starts talking with Terasaka again.
This guy...
He's going to get his father back for this.
But first, he needs to kill a certain, annoyingly optimistic, stupidly perverted octopus and a red-headed moron while he's at it
Gakushuu's got some experience with martial arts gives him an edge, so it's no body's surprise that he excels at practically everything. His marksmanship is on par with the Sniper Duo.
Speaking of the Sniper Duo, I can see him hanging out with them due to their quiet nature. Him and Chiba are math prodigies so I can see them geeking out at math equations and geomatry. (Actually, this may be me being so influcened by Hailey's math wiz posts) Gakushuu would also be pretty impressed by Chiba's blueprints. Hayami feels like a third wheel whenever they discuss math.
Then again, Gakushuu feels like a third wheel whenever assassination is brought up.
Lowkey these two are fighting for Chiba's attention
He has a sort of rivalry with Hayami when it comes to books, and when they disagree on something, they're locked in a deadly glaring contest. Now, Chiba's the one who feels like a third wheel.
Ritsu's another student who catches his eye. I can see her, Gakushuu, and Chiba as a trio. (The other Virtuosos are not jealous.)
May or may not use her to prank his dad and hack into his devices.
Maehara tries to join in their little group, but promptly rejected. Gakushuu can only handle one womanizer, he's leaving the other one to Isogai.
Allow me to be self-indulgent and say Gakushuu would also be good friends with Yukiko as well because come on, those two can realate to one another so well! Imagine him begrudgingly accompanying her and Ren to the arcade. He's surprised to find himself amused by Yukiko utterly destroying his best friend. (Ren has never felt such betrayal)
Same thing with Seo, and then Karma. Gakushuu brought popcorn specifically for the latter's virtual demise.
It's all fun and games till Yukiko kicks his ass at a shooting game. This so-called genius actually thought he had a chance at victory just because he was among the top marksmen in their class. Chiba even warned him not to!
And if that wasn't bad enough, you have the redheaded bane of his existance crackling in the corner with popcorn!
Gakushuu: "Okay, how does Kanzaki manage to improve her assassination with video games, then?!!"
Chiba: "Master gamer."
Gakushuu's butted heads with Isogai over their different leadership styles. He's questioned Isogai's descisions more than once, and while he's raised some good points (Like Isogai not stopping the guys from using Itona's tank for pervy reasons) there were other times some of the Virtuosos sided witn Isogai, including Ren!
He once got kidnapped dragged by his friends and Takebayashi to a maid cafe.
Gakushuu was dumbfounded, like he had been slapped in the face. It made him wonder if he was in the wrong, not that he'd ever admit it.
Sooner or later, he's gonna have to swallow up that pride and admit he's wrong, though.
Takebayashi Arc: All five feel a mix of envy and shame. Here you have a former underdog rise up to the ranks of the elites while they got booted down. It was like a cruel joke from the principal, especially for Shuu.
S2 Changes:
They're confused as to why E Class are so desperate to get him back. Sure there's a prize money, but realistically, they don't have a chance to kill Korosensei. More surprising, is Takebayashi willingly returning to E Class. What the hell?! They're still planning to return to the main campus, but they can't deny they're curious as to what's so special about E Class.
Pudding Plan: Araki is impressed with Kayano's plan and fascinated by all the interesting pudding knowledge. Seo thinks it's crazy at first but ends up having fun. He tells Nagisa what would happen if something like this happened in Sonic Ninja. Gakshuu makes it clear he is unimpressed by this plan, much to E Class's annoyance. Nevertheless, he still participates.
Pole-toppling Arc: This one doesn't happen, so I can replace it with an individual arc for the Virtuosos.
Daycare: You that kid who was snuggling up to Yukiko? He's made his life's mission to chase Ren around and bite his ankles. Eventually, Ren has to approach Yukiko, hair disheveled and a shaky smile that says he barely has any composure left, and calmly point down, where a little gremiln is biting his leg, and begs her to take the creature off of him.
Araki and Gakushuu help out with the reconstruction. Seo too because he sucks at dealing with kids. He's also yelled at Korosensei for the absured punishment, but the damn octopus wasn't backing down because "it's important everyone remembers not to get carried away with their strength" (Seo shoots him like crazy)
Koyama had a small role in the play as wizard. Afterwards, he went to help with the contrusction.
Reaper Arc: Time for the Virtuosos to put their assassination skills to good use. This is the first time Gakushuu takes orders from Isogai without complaints.
Finals: They hear about Gakuhou brainwashing A Class and are determined to take the principal down in hopes he'd stop this insanity. Korosensei has Karma and Gakushuu co-tutor everyone and once again, so Gakushuu is forced to swallow his pride for the sake of his old classmates. Karma does so, too, but that doesn't mean he's teasing his rival after finals. They end up tying for first place. The other Virtuosos are in the Top 5 as well. Seo's sixth place and he's actually okay with it!
Some time later, the B5 individually rekindle their relationship with A Class.
Gakuhou vs. Korosensei: Cue the Asano angst
Basically, it's Gakushuu yelling at father for being an idiot of the highest calibar, choosing to forfeit his life for the sake of his damn pride! He lets out years worth of pent-up anger, eyes tearing up a little, aa he hurls insults at his father. The B5 have to calm Gakushuu down while holding him back from jumping back inside the classroom through the window and giving his old man a good kick.
Of course, Gakuhou doesn't die, but the ordeal was too much for Shuu. On the outside, he looks calm, but you can tell from the empty look in his eyes that he's still distressed. Ren offers he sleeps over at his place.
The experience forces Gakushuu to reflect and sort out his feelings. He still hates his father, but after what happened, he realizes he doesn't want the man to die. Seeing Gakuhou willingly choose death like that makes Gakushuu question everything he was taught about strength.
Kayano's reveal: They're shocked like the rest of the class. Araki feels like an idiot for not recognizing her as Mase Haruna...and then he fanboys over the fact he's been classmates with an actress this whole time! (The B5 are not amused)
I don't think the B5 would cause any change since it's Nagisa's big moment. Maybe Ren joins in on the teasing with Rio and Karma.
Civil War: I'm just gonna say which team each Virtuoso joins:
Blue Team:
Gakushuu: The old Shuu would've sided with Red Team based on logic, but after everything he went through this semester, he's learned that sometimes logic alone doesn't cut it, and you need to take. Also, ever since the incident with the principal, he's developed a fear of losing loved ones (whether or not Gakuhou counts as a loved one is still up in the air because this boy is an emotional mess on the inside)
He understands that it would be a waste if their time if they abandon the assassination, but since he's hasn't been in E Class for as long as the others, he doesn't really feel like his time was wasted.
Ren: Yukiko wants Korosensei to continue teaching them, and Yada wants to be honest with herself. Ren agrees with both of them. He also wants Korosensei to live, even if it sounds unreasonable or selfish. That's what he truly wants. Plus, he wants to stand by Gakushuu's side.
Red Team:
Seo: He agrees with Terasaka that it'd be a waste of their time and year if they suddenly choose to abandon the assassination, the one thing that helped them improve, then what was the point of this class?
Araki: Much as he'd like for Korosensei to live, they have to be realistic. Even if there is a way to save him, do they have enough time to find it? He also agrees that abandoning the assassination is an insult to Korosensei's efforts.
Koyama: This guy didn't have a purpose in life up until meeting Gakushuu, so he gets what Terasaka and Nakamura are saying. Of course they're annoyed with this change in plans. Koyama despises wasting time, wasting effort; is this what Korosensei wants?
I won't go into detail on what each Virtuoso does or how they change things up sinxe that requires a lot of thinking and planning, but I'll just say that this is their chance to utilize the skills they've aquired this semester.
Of course, Blue Team still wins.
Space Arc: Araki and Ritsu guide Karma and Nagisa through the space station. Ren's in charge of getting Yada and Hinano out once they finish distracting the workers. He uses the half-siblings sob story to excuse his "sister's" and her friend's reckless actions.
Valentine's Arc:
Ren recieves obligatory chocolates from Yada and Yukiko, and he doesn't flirt.
Seo also recieves some from Yada and Kurahashi (they're going around handing all the unpopular guys chocolates) and one from Nakamura...for some reason.
Arakis recieves some from Kurahashi and he's over the moon.
Koyama recieves one from Hazama for some reason...he quickly throws it away.
Gakushuu jas a whole mountain of chocolate boxes. He's still quite popular among the main campus kids. Normally, he wouldn't care for the occasion until he sees how some of the guys are eying him with envy so he rubs it inbecause he's that letty.
Also, there's this nice, civil moment between father and son; just Gakuhou trying to fulfill his promise by being a normal, loving (as loving as Gakuhou can be) parent, maybe like a normal conversation, or a game of chess. It's awkward at first, but the two find a way to make the atmosphere more comfortable. It doesn't suddenly erase eveything Gakuhou's done, but Gakushuu feels a little at ease for the first time in quite a while.
He recieves one from Yukiko (shameless Gakuyuki agenda XD) and one from Karma which he promptly rejects. He gets one from Hayami, too.
Final Assassination: Much like the civil war, the guys utilize the skills they've aquired in E Class. And of course they cry like hell after Korosensei's death. For Gakushuu, it's a good opportunity to let out a good chunk of his emotional turmoil. For Seo, he lets himself be vulnrable and allows others to hug him.
And of course, they all get a happy graduation. I imagine when it's Gakushuu turn to get his certificate, the principal gives him a rare, fond smile.
A Class comes to their rescue when reporters hound them again, and it wasn't on Gakushuu's orders.
Seven years later, only Ren and Araki show up at the reunion and they update the others on the remaining Virtuosos' lives. Gakushuu's in America, his business is thriving. Seo's an English teacher at the same school Nagisa's in. And Koyama's popular with the ladies thanks to his plastic surgery.
Also, imagine a scene where Nagisa meets up with Seo after class, who asks how the "assassination" is going.
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tuulikannel · 8 months
May I ask🏅, 🧠, and 💭, please?
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
“actually planned for once...” *dying of laughter* ^^;;
Yeah, so. Not that. >_> If I’m perfectly honest, there’s very little I’ve been proud of in... how long? Dunno. Haven’t finished anything, haven’t planned anything... have barely written anything. Next chapter of Caught Between (last updated in May) has practically no words, next chapter of Gifts (last updated in March) perhaps a handful. I did start a new wip and wrote ~2500 words in a day which was nice I guess, but now it’s stuck too.
Sorry, this is a glum answer for an ask that should be all positive, but seriously, I’m in a slump rn. ^^;;
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Hmm... I don’t know if I’ve got many of these. I think I’ve started writing most of my ideas...
Well, there is the Mary Poppins fusion XD In which Karma & Shuu are siblings and Aguri (playing the role of Mary) becomes their new nanny.
I don’t know if I’ll ever write this thing, but it amuses me quite a bit. I guess it would follow the plot of Mary Poppins pretty closely... I only have some random scenes in my mind. Like, heh, there’s the scene where Mary’s friend Bert takes the kids with him for his chimney sweep job (and she’s not happy about that)... well, here (human) Korosensei has Bert’s role, and Aguri for sure isn’t happy that the kids would get anywhere near his line of work. ^^;;
(This whole thing is just weird, I admit ^^)
(And then of course I've this one idea for original work (a fantasy book, or two) that I've had for like past 20 years and that I most likely never write. >_>)
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
Headcanons. Uh. Those things I’ve a plenty (not) ^^; (Umm, disclaimer, I'm not 100% sure what this "about your ow work" means, so I'm just picking something that is a headcanon to me and is something that might or might not be overly visible in my fics)
So. Let's see... That contrary to the popular belief. Gakuhou loves his son. ^^ That all he’s doing, he’s doing out of love. It’s all messed up ofc. But the main goal is to make Gakushuu as strong as he can be, so that he won’t end up like Ikeda. (Moreover, I’d claim it’s semi-canon. :p The Graduation Album mentions that Gakuhou’s hidden side is that he won’t shut up if he starts talking about his son, and it hints at him being “oya-baka”, literally, idiot parent, i.e. overly-fond parent XD)
Oh. And I feel like him going so nuts over Ikeda’s death just makes no sense. They hadn’t been in any touch for 3 years, for heaven’s sake! All that “he loves Ikeda more than his son…” I don’t swallow it. But this makes me suspect he wasn’t such a balanced person to begin with. And... this might be another hc of mine... I blame his parents. They did name him “summit of learning” anyway >_>
But yeah. These are literally the only headcanons I can think of at the moment. XD (I've never understood how headcanons work. I keep on seeing those posts where people are asked to come up with headcanons about X, and then they just. do. Like. what.)
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ladysunamireads · 2 months
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sskk-ao3feed · 10 months
Never Grow Up (Kunikida’s Version)
by Aria_A_King
Kunikida does not want any of his horrid E class students to grow up. Or change. But he doesn't really get a say.
Kunikida also was quite reluctant to leave them even after Koro-sensei was assassinated but he did anyway.
However, despite what he'd originally thought, that was not the end of his time with his horrible 3E students who just didn't seem to stop growing up
Words: 1038, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom, 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Asano Gakushuu, Asano Gakuhou, Akabane Karma, Shiota Nagisa, Nakamura Rio, Kayano Kaede | Yukimura Akari, Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Irina Jelavić, Karasuma Tadaomi, Korosensei (Assassination Classroom), Fukuzawa Yukichi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ozaki Kouyou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin, Hirotsu Ryuurou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Tachihara Michizou (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Dazai Osamu & Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akabane Karma/Shiota Nagisa, Akabane Karma & Kunikida Doppo, Shiota Nagisa & Kunikida Doppo, Kunikida Doppo & students, Kunikida Doppo/Tayama Katai (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Irina Jelavić/Karasuma Tadaomi, Class 3-E & Kunikida Doppo, Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ozaki Kouyou/Yosano Akiko (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Kunikida Doppo Is So Done (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo-centric (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida is a teacher, Teacher Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Dazai Osamu Being An Asshole (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu is a Little Shit (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya Is So Done (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akabane Karma is a Little Shit, Shiota Nagisa is so done, Everyone is tired, Im tired, Armed Detective Agency (Bungou Stray Dogs), Class 3-E as Family (Assassination Classroom), Kunikida Doppo is a father, Song: Never Grow Up (Taylor Swift), Dead Korosensei (Assassination Classroom), kinda emo sometimes, Reminiscing, Kunikida and Karasuma are besties, Kunikida Doppo & Nakahara Chuuya Friendship (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya & Ozaki Kouyou are Siblings (Bungou Stray Dogs), Chuuya’s friends with agency members, Port Mafia (Bungou Stray Dogs), Armed Detective Agency and Port Mafia Have a Truce (Bungou Stray Dogs), my neck hurts
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48932905
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ranlinjin · 2 years
Crossover things III
-Kayano is constantly done with Mingjue, who, for some reason continues to bother her. Often, way too often!
(-Near the end of the journey, she throws Mingjue down some stairs as well, who, for some reason just laughs it off while Lan Xichen tries hard to keep smiling his ‘I’m fine, everything is fine’-smile.)
-Kayano giving a speech about siblings with Gakushú, while Jin Zixuan listens in and takes notes (or he tries, but cut him some slack, he really tries! - much to the dismay of his father).
-Madam Jin only wants Jiang Yanli to finally come to Carp Tower and bring some joy into her miserable life, she does not care about the rest. She still gets a lot of headaches in this Au, mostly because of her son and the mistake of her husband.
-Madam Jin and Jin Guangshen switch bodies with Maehara and Nakamura for half a day, but this is more crack than actual plot (then again, all of this is more crack than actual plot). Madam Jin spends that day in utter confusion until Meng Yao finds her and stops her from hurting herself. Nakamura and Maehara have the time of their life, spending way too much money that isn’t theirs and causing Jin Zixuan to really, really start to wish he was already married so that he wouldn’t have to deal with that. (Jin Guangshen is passed out for that day, because Nakamura had been way too hungover and it’s better to not let this swine into soceity, no matter which one.)
-Xue Yang is not getting what is wrong with his only, maybe, kinda, sort of, far cry of a friend, but he sticks around anyway, because there isn’t that much other stuff to do. (And he gets to call him A-Yao! Definitively one reason more to sick around!)
-While Xue Yang is in Nagisa’s body (and still babysitting Sakura, who is fine, by the way), he runs into Meng Yao and informs him about what is going on so far - not even lying to him! (And he still can call him A-Yao, he is not corrected! Totally a good decision to stick around a bit longer!) They do get crepes in the end, and Meng Yao gets one for Sakura as well, who is not very impressed with how the day has gone by. (Meng Yao helps her with her homework later, until Nagisa is back in his own body, terrified and ready to kill somebody.
-Gakushú in Jiang Cheng’s body is way softer, smiles way more, pretends to be kind and caring, because he knows how to conceal and don’t feel. (Taking care of a sect isn’t that hard actually; his new younger brother is way more worrisome, as is the marriage between his new younger sister and some guy who is clearly not good enough for her!)
-Jiang Cheng in Gakushú’s body barks one order after the next, which gets the job done just as well, but causes the whole school to worry and coo about him, much to Karma’s amusement and dismay. (Because if he has to assure one more student that their favorite Ace isn’t possessed, he will isekai himself, through the traditional way.)
-Gakushú singing once after being dared to by Kayano while they were drunk and making use of Jiang Cheng’s actually quite nice voice. Kayano remembers that the other actually can sing and they have a warm moment, all while Wei Wuxian is short on loosing control completely.
(-The whole Au is basically them having one adventure after the next and the time of their life while Karma is stuck on the other side and slowly falling into despair. He is not the only one, to be fair.)
Karma on the inside: *internal screaming*.
Karma on the outside: It’s boring being left behind.
Jiang Cheng: Boring doesn’t even cut it.
Jiang Cheng: Are you like, in love with this boy?
Karma: ... It’s complicated.
Karma: Naturally, the rival of my rival is also my rival, because how dare my rival have any other rival than me? I'm more than enough, and if he forgets that, I'm more than willing to remind him.
Jiang Cheng: Are you sure you're still talking about rivalry?
Karma: I'm not taking critique from a war-traumatized, social incompetent shut-in.
Kayano: Throw away a hope that is loyal to your standards.
Gakushú: From where do you have that line?
Kayano: A Gintama song. Though I doubt his highness knows about-
Gakushú: It’s from the 9th opening. Not my favorite, but not bad either.
Gakushú: What? You can’t convince me that any other song can even compare to the 13th opening, no matter how many times you look at it.
Kayano: Did you know that gold tends to go well with violet?
Gakushú: But my eyes are grey in here?
Kayano: You’re worse than Nagisa. Never mind, maybe gold goes better with blue after all.
Karma (other side of dimensions): There are way too many people with golden eyes.
Isogai: ?
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Karushuu Week 2021. Day 2: Parents/Siblings.
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heyhellohihowareyou · 2 years
An Assclass Masterlist I Guess
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Character headcanons
Karma Akabane
Yuuma Isogai + X Y/N HCs
Taiga Okajima
Hinata Okano
Manami Okuda
Megu Kataoka + Pride HC
Kaede Kayano
Yukiko Kanzaki
Justice/Masayoshi Kimura
Hinano Kurahashi
Nagisa Shiota + Pride HCs
Sosuke Sugaya
Tomohito Sugino
Kotaro Takebayashi
Ryuunosuke Chiba
Ryoma Terasaka
Rio Nakamura
Kirara Hazama
Rinka Hayami
Sumire Hara
Yuzuki Fuwa
Hiroto Maehara , Maehara the math wiz
Koki Mimura
Takuya Muramatsu
Touka Yada
Taisei Yoshida
Itona Horibe
Kaho Tsuchiya , Kaho in 3-E
Asano Gakushuu
Sibling/Parent Headcanons
Haruko + Himeko Maehara
Yume + Yuki Isogai and Ayame Isogai
Hayato + Toshiro Okano
Akito Sugino
Yoroko Sugaya
Seiichi Kataoka
Yuzuru Kanzaki
Reiji Fuwa
Makoto Yada
Amai Terasaka
Tadamichi Muramatsu
Daiki + Daisuke Hara
Friendship Headcanons
The Katana Klan
Kataoka and Maehara
Okano and Isogai
Maehara and Kurahashi
Sugino and the Katana Klan
Chiba and Kanzaki
Kataoka, Okano, Isogai, and Maehara
Group 3
Terasaka’s Gang
Maehara and Nagisa
Chiba and Maehara
Ship Headcanons
Maeiso Part 2
My Writing
Decisions: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Killing Game Time!: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Mittens (Maeiso Oneshot)
New Years Kiss (Gakuren Oneshot)
A Friendship That’ll Last Forever (MaeIso Week 2022)
Smitten (MaeIso Week 2022)
Cause You’re Really My Dearest Friend (MaeIso Week 2022)
Bittersweet (MaeIso Week 2022)
Fairytales (MaeIso Week 2022)
🎃Halloween Time🎃
Go On, Protagonist
Big Brother Maehara
Birthday Blues
I Wanna Kiss Your Lips (MaeIso Week 2023
Other Stuff I Did
Maehara’s failed flirting attempts
My AssClass favs
Reasons why Leader Time! Is such an amazing episode
The girls ranking list
If class 3-E had ultimate talents
Why Spinning Time! is comedy gold and just great in general (part 1) And Part 2
Why I think Discord Time! is a fantastic episode
My top five favorite class 3-E boys
My top five favorite class 3-E girls
Why Vision Time! Is So Great
Why Closing Time: First Semester is phenomenal
3-E’s siblings reaction to the Koro-sensei aftermath
Why Let Live Time! sure is an episode
Why Cheer Up Time! was just lovely part 1 and part 2
Reminder that I’m always up for receiving asks and suggestions ☺️
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glitchy-anime-fan · 1 year
More things that have definitely been said within the Sibling au ft Nagisa
(All quotes are generated from this generator. Check out part 1 here and for context on the au check out this post)
Gakushuu: Where’s Akabane?
Nagisa: Around.
Gakashuu: Around?
Gakashuu: You don’t have any idea, do you?
Karma, dropping down from above: Did you know there’s a space above the ceiling?
Karma: Who wants to make fifty bucks?
Gakushuu: How?
Karma: I need someone to take the fall.
Gakushuu: What did you do?
Karma: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked.
Nagisa, from the other room: Oh my god.
Karma: ...
Nagisa: OH MY GOD!
Gakushuu : Make it a hundred.
Karma: Deal.
Karma: Nagisa is a perfect cinnamon roll who’s never done anything wrong in his entire life!
Gakushuu : Never done anything wrong?! He set a city block on FIRE!
Nagisa: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Karma: But are you shuffling?
Nagisa: Everyday.
Gakushuu : What language are you two speaking??
Nagisa: I dare you-
Gakushuu : Akabane is not allowed to accept dares anymore.
Nagisa: Why not?
Karma: "I have no regard for my own or others personal safety", as some would say.
Nagisa: Why is Karma crying?
Gakushuu : He saw a leaf on the sidewalk and-
Nagisa: Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say-
Nagisa: NO, NOT THAT!
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chaoticfiredreams · 2 years
Actor AU part 2
Watch me slide this in a month late lmao
A lot of the kids have disabilities, even if they aren’t visible and the show raised a lot of money for children’s hospitals that focus on physical therapy and mental health
For example, Terasaka wasn’t supposed to be a “loud dumb delinquent” he was supposed to actually to be one of those kids that’s like quiet and airheaded (for lack of a better word) but he’s deaf in one ear, so he comes across as loud a lot of time without meaning to, so directors just made it part of his character so he wouldn’t feel so bad about it ❤️
Gakushuu has dyslexia and Gakuhou was so patient with him when practicing lines, it helped a lot to not feel stressed
When Nagisa saw how his character took notes on Koro sensie’s weeknesses, he started taking notes on what the other people on set liked so he could get them good Christmas gifts since he’s one of those people who hate the stereotypical gifts people get others cause they don’t bother to find out what they like
Gakushuu is shorter than most people there but also not like Nagisa or Itona short but it’s never noticeable because there aren’t a lot of scenes where he’s right next to someone, and if there is it’s not a full body shot so he demands to stand on a box or smth lol
Rio is like Elizabeth Gillies (Jade West’s actor) but with an opposite aesthetic
Karma has social anxiety and Okuda talks for him a lot since their besties ❤️💜
Kataoka also has a singing career
This was Fuwa’s first ever acting gig, and even tho she didn’t have a lot of lines everyone still raced to help her because she’s like the “baby” lol
Gakushuu actually has a twin that came to set once to be his stunt double for the pole toppling ep, but they got them confused and got Gakushuu on top of the pole and was like “you gotta kick them and use your momentum to stay on the pole” and Gakushuu was like “absolutely not 💗”
Even tho Karma is a sweetheart who doesn’t talk a lot, he’s always got this look to him that just makes him look like he’s about to do something like steal your wallet 😭 it’s why they hired him
There’s so many scraped clips of the kids just zoned tf out during the 3 minutes Karasuma/Koro sensie had to pretend to be teaching something
“Can ya’ll at least try to look like productive children with a passion to beat their opponents?” “No”
Reaper 2.0 is only 19 years old and he “bullies” the younger kids so much 😭 like in an older sibling type way
“You’re supposed to be setting an example” “I don’t understand what you want from me my character wants to KILL THEM”
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 3 years
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God, this is a long post... It could most definitely be shortened, as there’s a lot of unnecessary details, but, well, nah. Also, no shading because I'm lazy.
I’ve got a presentation due tomorrow which I decided to do on cat cafes, which I’ve yet to finish, but I’m not too worried. I’ve done more in less. I swear, I’m gonna try and kick this procrastination habit one day. That day, though, is definitely not today. Anyway, because of that presentation, I felt like drawing cats. Anything for more cat practice. So here’s my cat headcanons for the three. Also, I don’t know if it’s because of the inspiration, but Gakushuu reminds me of a barista. I’ve also got dog headcanons for them, but we’ll see when I get to drawing them. I think Gakushuu would really like points—in this case, a blue lynx point. They’re my absolute favorite coat (though, my cat is prettier than any lynx), so that’s what’s depicted here. Again, though, he’d just like points in general. Also, a good sized cat with medium-fur. All that shedding, though... He’d probably get frustrated pretty often, but it’s worth it. He’d probably gave a preference for purebreds, but I don’t really have a specific breed in mind. If I had to pick, probably a Birman? They’ve got the coat down, and I’d imagine he’d appreciate their personalities. Intelligent, curious, quiet, and friendly yet independent. I’d like to imagine, though, that she’d only get really affectionate at the most inconvenient of times. And when he wants to shower her with attention, she’d be out of sight. Also, while she sometimes rips up papers and attacks pen/cils, he’d probably have her around when he’s doing homework—a homework buddy. Gakushuu would probably like to think he’d be a pretty strict owner, but in reality, he’d spoil her rotten—bit of a pushover. She’d be his little princess.
For Yukiko, I definitely think of Maine Coons, those gentle giants. I absolutely love Maine Coons—favorite breed, most definitely. They’re calm temperaments, the fact that they’re big and so gosh darn fluffy, their ear tufts, and, oh my gosh, their trills. I absolutely adore these guys. The only “flaw” would be that they’re not naturally points and you’d need at least two generations of mixing them with one—but there’s also a good chance they’d be lynx points, there. They’re just perfect. I’d probably never get one, though, as what are the chances there’d happen to be a Maine Coon in a shelter the day I happen to visit one? If that ever does happen, though, you bet I’m pouncing on that. Anyway, like the Birman, they’re very affectionate but also independent, and pretty soft spoken—traits I’m sure Kanzaki appreciates. While a caliby is shown above, I think Kanzaki equally likes torbies. Well, she’d be a fan of calicos and torties in general. I drew a caliby, though, because 1) I wanted a cat with white, and 2) as you can see, I really like tabbies. Don’t like drawing them much, though... Also, she’s a chocolate calico/caliby, because I think that’d Kanzaki’s favorite coat.
And finally, the cat man himself. It’s impossible for me not to see him as a cat person. Like, if no one else, than it’s gotta be Karma. Unlike the other two, none of my favorites are at play here. Instead, it turns out that what I’d imagine Karma to like most is a mixture of a trio of cats in my life, which I find interesting. I’ve already mentioned what that is in a previous post . I remember all three of those cats as kittens only, and they’re all male. The first was a kitten named Shadow, which was my older brother’s first cat. He was a tabby and was really affectionate. 
The second was also named Shadow—one was named after the other, but I forgot which came first. He was a stray/neighborhood cat my siblings and I temporarily adopted once when we were visiting my dad’s home village. He’s probably where the black coat comes into play. And finally, the most recent, was a family member’s kitten overseas. We looked after him for a few weeks at the end of our trip because it had been two months since I’d last seen my cats, and I was feline-deprived. His personality is definitely what I think Karma would prefer. Absolutely hyper—one second, he’d be on the right side of the bed, and the next, he ran all the way across. He was never not active. Whenever we’d hold him still, just like that, he’d be passed out. There was only an on or off switch for him, that little bugger. Anyway, Karma wouldn’t really be that interested in specific breeds, but because I gave the other two a breed, I decided to give him a Bengal. I already knew Bengals had the personality, but I wasn’t really sure about the other criteria. When I searched it up, though, they seem to fit all of it. Depending on genetics, they can be small (the one depicted, though, is definitely a kitten), and they naturally just look smaller than they actually are. They’re also one of the most common breeds to have the charcoal tabby trait. So a Bengal just ended up matching perfectly.
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luna-loner · 1 year
Heh... Let's see your take on ALL of B5 for the character meme, please! (and dw, I am working on your ask too, it just takes time :)
Hehe, challenge accepted, Candy! (Also dw, take your time)
How I feel about this character: Love them all! Love them to death, and I'll keep defending them until my last breath. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Any/all the people I ship romantically ship with this character: Currently, the only B5 ship I have is Gakuyuki. The others are paired with OCs (for Next Gen purposes, hehe...) I do have a soft spot for Ren/Hazama, but it's constantly floating between "Nah, won't happen" and "Bad idea but still funny to think about..." and "But it's just so good!!!"
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
Gakushuu: His rivalry with Karma, especially in sibling AUs.
Ren: I just love the idea of Maehara having a one-sided rivalry with a clueless Ren.
Seo: A sibling-like relationship with Rio, filled with bilingual bickering, curses, snarky remarks, and even diss tracks.
Araki: Him and his dad; I get the feeling they have a good relationship from what little extra info we got.
Koyama: His one-sided hatred with Okuda. So now you have one E-student vowing to best a Virtuoso, who is barely aware of their existence, and a Virtuoso trying to best a an E-student, who is barely aware of their existence.
My unpopular opinion for this character: For Gakushuu, I got nothing. As for the others....
Ren: If you're gonna hate Ren for the library scene, then you better also hate Maehara, Okajima, Itona, Irina, Korosensei, Rio, and every other perv in the series because some of them make Ren's actions look tame in comparison. Just saying...
Seo: The fact he genuinely cares about his friends makes him redeemable, likeable, and even interesting.
Araki: "Only Ren and Gakushuu are hot. Everyone else is ugly." My guy, you are not ready for the nerdy Ikemen type yet.
Koyama: His face and laugh are iconic.
They're called the Big Five, not Gakushuu and Friends! Remember them, people!
One thing I wish would happen/ had happened with this character in canon: More screentime of course. I know AC isn't really their story, but it would've been nice to have just one chapter showing us their daily lives, or at least give them all character profiles, not just Gakushuu. What I wouldn't do for offical birthdays....
A B5 spin-off would be greatly appreciated, no matter how unlikely it may sounds. Heck, I'm okay if it were just a one-shot, just give me some B5 content, Matsui!
Also, Seo got done dirty in the timeskip! Why is it we learned what the previous four did for a living, but Seo's section was just, "He and Whatsherface went to the same university and repeatedly dated on and off, yet despite this ridiculously clear sign this so-called relationship is an utter failure, Idiots #1 and #2 believe the other is their one true love."
Even Ren's section was better than this. Sure, he almost started a bloodbath and got lectured by Shuu for it, but at least he got some much-needed character development out of it. Every single Virtuoso got a happy ending but Seo, who is stuck in an unhealthy relationship. No character development, no clue what he was majoring, like come on! Have mercy on my insecure boy! Preferably by him dumping the harpy he's been shackled with since middle school once and for all.
Favorite friendship for this character: Ren and Gakushuu (Wholesome), Seo and Araki (Wholesome), Koyama and Seo (Chaos)
Yeah, I wasn't planning for my first ask to be this long, but ah well, more B5 content for Candy 😊
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