#kamakiri x reader
class-1b-bull · 9 months
Those Tsuburaba & Rin headcanons got me fr I appreciate the sweetness! For my sibling, may I request S/O headcanons for Kamakiri and Honenuki?
Not proofread we die like men
Kamakiri -
Hes aggressively nice to you. Like he'll cuss you out because it 'annoys' him that your so smart or whatever yk
You two constantly go bug hunting together <3
He will take you on the nicest dates ever and then threaten you lmao
Like you to are having a picnic in a flower field at sunset and next thing ya know hes saying he'll dice your ass if you tell anyone lmao
He adores you but would rather die than admit that
He tries to keep up the cool edgy exterior he has but that all crumbles when you ask him about bugs.
Theres been more than once where he just pulled a live bug out of who knows where just to show you
He will call you stupid if you do something dumb but if someone else calls you stupid for the same thing they are dead and you get to help hide the body lmao
The closest you get to a pet name from him is getting called 'little guy' or some variation of that
Even then thats not a pet name because he calls every bug he sees 'little guy' too lmao
Honenuki -
Bro will give you messages whenever you want <3 all you gotta do is ask <3
He always sends those pictures of two cats next to eachother surrounded by hearts to you just to say 'us' and dissappear for 4 hours lol
He cooks every meal for you simply because he wants to <3
Hes constantly talking about you to his friends with these stupid lovey-dovey sighs that his friends hate lmao
He always asks and makes sure that your eating 3 meals a day, getting enough water and sleep ect.
If your not taking care of yourself he will force you to start taking care of yourself ykyk
Haven't eaten? Heres your favorite food. Haven't drank any water? Down this glass or else. Didnt get 8 hours if sleep? Go to bed rn.
He will do about anything you asked with no hesitation.
You wanna do his makeup/hair? Go ahead he will sit still and be at your mercy.
If you did do his hair/makeup or whatever he would keep it in all day and whenever someone asked about it hed say his 'AMAZING lover did it for him' (with emphasis on the amazing lmao)
I found monoma, kendo and tetsutetsu doll things on amazon and they are so bad that theyre funny to look at lmao.
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frickingnerd · 9 months
stealing togaru's hoodie
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pairing: togaru kamakiri x gn!reader
a/n: togaru is so underrated but so damn cool >.<
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togaru has some very stealable hoodies! 
most of his clothes are black or another dark color, some ripped or with rivets on them
all the clothes he owns just look really cool and it's hard not to feel the urge to wear them just once or twice
togaru is always happy to lend you your clothes and he can see how your eyes light up when looking at a few particularly cool looking hoodies
but sometimes you snatch one or two of them without telling him and he'll only realize they're gone when he sees you walking around in them the next day in the dorms
he always tries not to let it show, but he gets super flustered seeing you wearing his clothes, especially when you show them off to your friends
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bakuhoewriting · 1 year
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☰ NOTES⋮ reader! is in Class 1-A ; gn!reader x Class 1-B; some mildly suggestive themes
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𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐒𝐄 tends to weld himself onto your side whenever he’s exhausted from training. It may earn him a scolding from Vlad-sensei or even Shiozaki-san, but you never complain and if Yosetsu gets to fall asleep cuddled in your warmth, that’s his prerogative.
𝐊𝐀𝐈𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐀 carries a polaroid of you in his wallet. It’s frayed at the edges from time, but it’s the first polaroid you ever took together. He keeps it alongside his provisional hero license because it’s the best motivation he has for the future.
𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐑𝐈 has a pet Rhinoceros Beetle he keeps in his dorm room. You caught the little guy when he took you bug-catching for your first date to the local park. It wasn’t until you compared him to the little guy with pink cheeks and a wide smile that Togaru just had to have him.
𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐈𝐑𝐎 hosts a seánce in your room every month. He would do it in his room, but Shiozaki’s room is close to his and he’d rather not be accused of sinful behaviour (as if your other activities aren’t sinful, but Shiozaki-san doesn’t need to know that).
𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎 often plans informal joint class outings with Yaoyorozu so your classes can bond. It doesn’t always work—Mineta, Monoma and Bakugo are banned for the next three activites—but she’s just glad to see you mingle with her classmates.
𝐊𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐈 is a frequent vistitor of UA’s communal garden. In fact, she recently signed up to have her own plot so she can grow tomatoes and cucumbers—both for her and for you.
𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐎𝐙𝐀𝐊𝐈 was in her churchs’ choir. She doesn’t do it often, but if you’re especially tired than she’ll sing you to sleep. It works everytime.
𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐀 has an Uncle in France that he’s really close to. His Uncle is the person who told him the story of the Beast of Gevaudan, and the first person Jurota confided in about his crush on you. If you ever get married, his Uncle Daichi has offered his estate for the wedding.
𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐃𝐀 always wanted to give Boxing a go, but didn’t have the courage to visit a gym (largely due to his size) until you offered to join him. It’s one of the many things he’s grateful to you for and now something of a couples’ activity for the weekends.
𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐈 didn’t know you could speak English until you laughed at her insulting Monoma during a joint training session. Now, she begs you to talk in English whenever you’re together because she finds your accent really cute.
𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐀 definitely fainted the first time you agreed to study with him in his room. Bleeding nose and all. The same thing happened when you proposed to study in your own room so now you just work together in the common room. It’s better for his health that way.
𝐓𝐄𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐓𝐒𝐔 will deny it for as long as he can, but sometimes he does provoke you into a senseless argument. Namely because you have an adorable pouty face and his heart is reduced to a pandrum whenever you kabedon him to tell him off. It’s glorious.
𝐓𝐎𝐊𝐀𝐆𝐄 has a dinosaur onsie that she wears whenever she misses you. It’s not her colour, but it’s the same colour as your eyes so it’s automatically her favourite. She’s also got a matching pair for you in green, one that she’s planning to give you for your birthday.
𝐅𝐔𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈 has an all year-round pass to the Manga Museum in Kyoto. It’s become a post-exam tradition to visit the Museum everytime you want a celebrate, because in addition to reading some of his favourite manga, you often stop for ramen on your way back to UA.
𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐊𝐈 tends to smell like jasmine and sweet orange with how often he lathers his hands in massaging oil. It earns him some light ribbing from the boys at first, but that ends as soon as you show up smelling the exact same from massaging Juzo in return.
𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐎 practiced his confession to you for two weeks because he didn’t want to stammer mid-confession. It didn’t work, but it turned out that you liked him with his stammer anyway; in fact, you have a nervous tic of over gesticulating which he soon found was endearing all the same.
𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐌𝐀 has a growing pile of Franco-Belgian comics in your room. 9/10 times his comics lead to an argument between him and your classmates whenever he comes over to take one back. Bakugo’s now petitioning to have him banned.
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐈 is an avid fan of Kabuki theatre; in particular, the popular horror classic Yotsuya Kaidan. For your first Halloween as a couple, you dress as Tamiya Lemon and Oiwa. Not a conventional couple by any means, but it makes Reiko glow in a way you’ve never seen before so it’s worth it.
𝐑𝐈𝐍 read that couples who watch the first snowfall are destined to stay together forever so he plans your first date for late-Autum. He’s shivering for most of your time together, but there are two highlights by the end of the night: when you worriedly draped your scarf around his neck and when a snowflake landed on his cheek in the middle of a spontaneous kiss.
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– 2023 ©️ credit to bakuhoewriting ; soon to be crossposted on all my other accounts under the same name!
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wonderwomanfantasy · 2 years
give me a chance. Let me show you a good time
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-You start your week like any other
-a heap of anonymous love letters on your desk
-You filter through them politely but none of them really catch your eye,
-there's only one guy in UA who could catch your eye and his name isn't on any of them
-You feel a slight tap on your shoulder and when you turn the boy in question is right there.
-Kamakiri stood in front of you holding a plane-looking envelope.
-“I really like you,” he said, nervously rubbing the back of his head. “I hope you accept my confession and consider going out with me.”
-Your heart jumped in your chest.
-You didn’t even need to read the confession letter to give him an answer you already knew you loved Kamakiri back, but it would be rude to not even read it.
-Kamakiri stiffly turned around and started walking away. “Wait,” you said stopping him.
-“There’s a summer festival on Friday, would you like to go with me?” you asked, so you wouldn’t lose your chance. His whole body language changed in a heartbeat, he straightened and beamed at you.
-“That would be great, I’ll uhm- I’ll see you tomorrow then?” he asked, you agreed instantly.
-You read through his letter that night, poring over his declaration of love. The next day you re-accepted his confession. Then all it was just a matter of waiting for your first official date.
-Kamakiri walked awkwardly beside you. He wasn’t sure if it was too soon to take hold of your hand yet, but he badly wanted to.
- Kamakiri wanted everyone to know that you weren’t just with him you were with him.
-You were one of the most popular people in school, he wanted to show off that you were with him, at least a little bit.
-As if reading his mind you wrapped yourself around his arm holding him close.
-“Don’t get lost,” you teased. Kamakiri was glad he couldn’t blush, otherwise, his face would be on fire right now. How could you be so cute and flirty so naturally? You were going to kill him.
-“I’ll try not to,” he said meekly, squeezing your hand.
-Kamakiri had never been on a date before, and he wasn’t exactly sure if he was doing it right,
-but you seemed like you were having fun trying different food, and losing at the rigged games. You even let him feed you Takoyaki.
-“It’s getting late, you can tell me if you’re ready to go home,” he whispered, even though he wasn’t ready for the night to end, it was the gentlemanly thing to do.
-“Not yet, I want to watch the fireworks,” you said, leaning your head to his shoulder.
-“Okay, let's go find a place to watch the fireworks then?” the two of you found a grassy spot on a grassy hill where a couple other couples had set up.
-“This was really nice, thank you for taking me out tonight, this has been really fun,” you said leaning your head to his shoulder, Kamakiri flinched before quickly forcing himself to relax again so you wouldn’t move your head.
-“T-Thank you for agreeing to go out with me,” he said, voicing what he had been thinking all night
- You smile up at the fireworks and squeeze his hand
-"There's no one else I'd rather be here with,"
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thegoldencatscafe · 2 years
Season Ticket on a One Way Ride
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AN: This story is being slowly crossposted from Ao3.
Contents: Swearing, M!Reader, 3rd year students, fluff and angst, idiots to lovers.
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Kamakiri Togaru was an asshole.
He wasn’t a loud asshole, like Bakugo (although their personalities were worryingly similar) - no, he was a calculated asshole. Like his blades, his insults had the power to cut someone deep, to carve up an ego until the insecurities bled out; fortunately, he had enough sense to refrain from digging too deep within his classmates, avoiding a whole lot of emotional scarring.
Kamakiri Togaru was also a 6’2’’ mantis-looking dude with two giant pincers on his cheekbones who could slash anything that got too close to his face: Tokage would have lost many limbs if it weren’t for her Quirk. Lastly, Kamakiri Togaru was currently living rent-free in your mind, making concentration nigh impossible as your stupid brain preferred fawning over lanky feral boys instead of focusing on your goddamn hero law studies.
You wanted to punch him in the face.
With your lips.
Dropping your pen with a huff, you rubbed your face, admitting defeat. Vlad King has graced Class 3-B with a period of free studying, that in your case was doomed to be very unproductive. You’d ask Rin for help later, resigning yourself to a period of mindless pining.
You couldn’t even stare at him. Stupid seating plan.
Komori’s voice snapped you out of your daydreaming, a relatively loud “(Y/N)-kun~!” resonating behind you. You turned around to face the smiling girl, feeling some sort of impending doom as the mischief in her eyes gleamed at you.
“What?” You whispered back, and she cupped her hands over her mouth, leaning closer to you.
“Your crush is staring at you!”
You felt your face burn as Komori giggled, clearly enjoying herself way too much. “No shit, with you yelling my name all of a sudden!” You whisper-yelled back, half-covering your burning face with your hand.
She stuck her tongue at you, crossing her arms in an exaggerated fashion.
“Come on, (Y/N)-kun, you’re no fun. I can’t really get you two together if you keep ignoring all the signs he likes you!”
You sighed, closing your eyes momentarily. “Komori-chan. Just because I’m very gay for him, it doesn’t mean he is also gay for me. In fact, he might not even be into dudes.”
The girl tapped her chin, a tick she picked up from hanging out with that frog girl from Class 3-A. “Well, I’ve never seen Kamakiri-kun express any sort of interest in girls, so…”
“Komori-chan, Kamakiri hates everything. And I’m pretty sure I’m on that list too.”
“Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that,” She dismissed you with a wave of her hand, going back to her very detailed drawing of a mushroom.
Turning back to your desk, you held a sigh back. While it was very unlikely that Kamakiri would return your affections, your feelings were honestly getting in the way of your life; letting them out was the best course of action. But then again, the idea of rejection made you feel nauseous, so confessing to him was a no-go.
Then, after a few more minutes of self-loathing, Aphrodite herself decided to bless you with the cheesiest, most cliché idea you could possibly think of.
Love letters.
As soon as you got to your dorm room, you started devising your plan. You needed to deliver the letters without him knowing it was you, so your crippling fear of rejection could remain unscathed. Luckily, Kamakiri was surprisingly timely with his workouts with Tetsutetsu, which meant you had a time frame of about an hour to shove your letter under his dorm room door and safely make your way back into your room without raising too much suspicion. That gave you three days in the week where you could deliver your letters to him without getting caught. With a pen and paper in hand, you began your work, pouring out all your feelings for the boy in a rambled first draft, that with a few touches became a nice letter you could deliver in your next opportunity.
[I hope you're not put off by this letter. I don't want anything in return: I am here only to express my feelings and, with luck, flatter you.]
The drop off was surprisingly uneventful. No one really loitered around Kamakiri’s room, so the hallways were nice and clear from any prying eyes, leaving you to shove the folded letter inside his room for him to find out after he came back to his dorm. You noticed how it actually felt nice to let it all out while you walked to the common room kitchen, feeling a mixture of excitement, relief and the last bit of adrenaline that hadn’t worn off yet from your sneaking around.
[I am not brave enough to say these things in person, and I fear I might never be. These words are of a lovesick fool who hopes their muse won't be freaked out by their ramblings.]
Unbeknownst to you, Kamakiri had something akin to a mental breakdown when he came back to his room to find a folded piece of paper lying on his floor. First, he thought it was a death threat - which, to be fair, would be probably deserved - then he actually opened the paper to find what appeared to be a love letter, in which his immediate thought was that it was a very cruel prank made by someone who deserved a good carving. He couldn’t stop reading it, though. It felt way too real to be a prank. The letter detailed and praised details about him and his personality that only someone who really paid attention to him could write about.
[Sometimes, I catch myself wondering how it would feel to run my fingers through your hair. I can tell it's naturally spiky from the way it moves when you're in action; it doesn't stay still like hair spiked up with gel.]
He felt conflicted. This looked genuine - but it couldn’t be. Kamakiri had resigned himself to a lonely future, being pretty certain his rudeness and less-than-flattering mutations would chase off any particular interest towards him; but here it was, a physical proof that he could be wrong, that even his incurable bad attitude was endearing to someone. It was too good to be true, he thought. So, he decided to wait for the unknown writer’s next step. Your next letter came a week later, praising him for his good performance on the training exercise the class had that monday.
[Even as I watched the blades that sliced solid metal, carving a path of pure severing, I didn't feel afraid. I didn't feel afraid because those blades are your blades, and I know that you would never hurt an innocent person intentionally - even if your trash talk may indicate otherwise.]
Without fail, your letters chipped away at his walls, and he began to actually consider that someone did truly admire him, although he didn’t know who. That started to frustrate him. A lot. And a frustrated Kamakiri is a grade-A danger in the 3-B dorms. While he managed to maintain his usual attitude the first few times he received the letters, his façade started to melt as the irritation from not knowing who the writer was started to bother him more and more. You didn’t know this, though. The only thing you knew is that every time you managed to sneak in a letter, Kamakiri appeared later, with a very pissed-off face. Your heart sank as you connected the dots, assuming the letters you had so lovingly crafted were annoying the target of your affections to no end. So, you stopped. You stopped delivering your letters, deciding instead to keep them for yourself, in hopes of not angering the boy further. In hindsight, it wasn’t a very smart idea to keep those love letters to Kamakiri in your dorm room, where anyone could potentially see them and connect the dots. But to be fair, you weren’t known for your incredible thinking skills.
After three weeks of no letters, Kamakiri was having a conniption. First someone started to send him actual love letters that kept appearing until he actually started looking forward to reading them, then suddenly they just stopped? What did this mean?! Did they notice how frustrated he got and got afraid? Were they finally scared off? Did he fuck himself over on what might have been his only chance at a relationship? Suffice to say, his mood visibly worsened as time went on, leaving basically everyone in Class 3-B feeling like they were dodging landmines. Something had to be done - and soon. The last thing you expected was to hear someone banging on your door at almost midnight - interrupting your periodic wallowing in self-pity. Rushing to open the door before it fell off the hinges, the unusual occurrence became even more strange as you came face-to-face with Kamakiri himself.
“Uh. Can I help you?”
“I sure fucking hope so.” he muttered, running his fingers through his messy hair. You stepped to the side, allowing entrance to your room, and he immediately beelined to your desk chair, throwing himself with a huff.
“W-what happened? Are you alright?” You internally panicked, approaching him hastily and running your gaze over him in search of any injury.
“Do I look like I’m alright?” he snapped, and you turned your gaze towards his face. He had eyebags, his hair was messier than usual, and his pincers looked… dull?
“To be honest, it looks like you haven’t slept in a month.” You deadpanned, and he let out a tired laugh.
“Listen. I need to tell you something. It’s personal, so don’t go yapping off.”
That took you aback. “Hang on, why me?”
Kamakiri didn’t respond at first, looking at your face for a couple seconds and then turning his gaze to the side, jaw clenching and unclenching. He was nervous. “I can’t tell Tetsutetsu because that knucklehead has no filter in his mouth. Same with Awase. The others basically run off whenever I even look at them, and I don’t even want to imagine what Tokage’s reaction would be if I told her this.” He took a deep breath, and you swear you could see his pale green skin darkening a bit. “You… You’re not scared of me. For some reason. And I know you’re reliable enough to not spill anything I tell you.”
You blinked once. then twice. and then sat on the desk beside Kamakiri, silently urging him on.
He sighed, running his hand over his face. “Someone… has been sending me letters. They’re, uh… love… letters.” He muttered the last bit as if he was ashamed to say the l-word.
You felt your heart stopping.
“Okay,” you spoke slowly, trying to gauge his reactions. “What about them?”
Kamakiri looked directly at your face, in apparent disbelief. “You believe me?”
Now you were the confused one. “Wha- why wouldn’t I believe you?”
He snorted, bringing his legs up to cross them in the chair, and held his head in his hand. “Dude. Are you blind?”
“I wasn’t the last time I checked.”
He sighed, closing his eyes. “Why the fuck would someone send me love letters when I look like the lovechild between a swiss army knife and a human-sized mantis?”
“Okay, first of all,” you started, gesturing with your hands dramatically, “mantids are arguably the coolest insect there is; second of all, your entire style screams punk and that really complements your ‘do no harm but take no shit’ attitude and third of all, your Quirk is incredibly powerful and the fact you can use it so easily without mangling yourself is honestly impressive.”
He stared at you, eyes wide with disbelief. You cleared your throat, feeling a bit embarrassed under his gaze.
“Also, y’know. I wouldn’t call you ugly, so… it honestly doesn’t surprise me that someone would admire you enough to send you letters.”
“I… I guess…” he muttered, still looking at you with a strange expression. “Anyways, they stopped sending me letters some time ago, and I don’t know why. I thought at first someone was pranking me, but... “ he sighed once more, now more dejected than you’d ever seen him. “Seems like too much work, y’know? To constantly write these full-page letters just to make fun of me.”
You nodded, egging him on.
“I… I don’t know what to do. Why did they stop?”
“Well,” your voice was soft and gentle, “maybe they thought you were put off by the letters, and stopped because they didn’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
“... I got frustrated because I didn’t know who it was. I was waiting for them to fuck up and either write too much or just leave any sort of evidence behind, but they’re good. Then, they stopped.”
“I see.” you nodded along, tapping your desk absentmindedly. “What would you do if you found out?”
He hummed, looking up in thought. “Depends on who it is. I…” he cut himself off, diverting his eyes at you. “I’m going to tell you something, and you better take it well or else you’re not going to get out of here alive.”
You chuckled at his defensive posture, gesturing to him to go ahead with your hand.
“I’m not into women.” He paused, and you almost choked on air.
“Oh. Are you-”
“Yes. I like dudes.”
You felt your face flush once again, and you hid your face with a hand. “Um. G-good for you, I guess.”
“Depends,” he relaxed, after realizing you weren’t freaked out. “If it’s a girl that sent me these, things are gonna get real fucking awkward.”
A silence followed, both of you mulling over very different things: while Kamakiri was wondering about his situation, you were trying not to think about how your crush liked your letters and was also gay.
“A-alright,” you spoke up after a couple minutes, “how could I help you in this situation?”
“You have more friends than me.” Kamakiri muttered, still looking at the floor with furrowed eyebrows. “I’d rather cut my own dick off and eat it than go around asking who it is.”
“So you want me to find out who it is?”
“Yes.” The boy took a deep breath, and muttered a very quiet ‘please’, as if it hurt him to say it.
“I’ll… see what I can do. No promises though.”
“Thanks, man. See you tomorrow.”
“See you.”
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part 2 - part 3 - part 4
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Kamakiri general headcanons to fuel that Kamakiri kick of yours? (Romantic, casual, or just abt him is fine)
I been waiting for this one😌
I promise there are actual general hcs in here, I just really love kamakiri
D*rk content blogs, do NOT interact with me at all.
Kamakiri general/romantic headcanons
He, having some characteristics of a mantis, is cold blooded
That’s why he wears such big and fluffy clothes all the time (like in Horikoshi’s drawing of him in his street clothes)
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He also has a heater in his room that he keeps going most of the time, his room stays at about 70-80°F (about 21-26°C), and thats one of the few times you can see him in shorts, other than around the dorms occasionally
Honestly if you asked him out, at first he thought it was a joke.
Like, haha I dare you to ask out the emo mutant who hates everything
He gets really flustered when he realises you’re serious, though
Like, he brushes you off if you’re in public with a lot of people, but pulls you aside later to just say “ok fine” , give you his number and walk away
But if he asked you out, it definitely took a lot of hyping from Awase
He’s absolutely against any sort of pda, it’s just awkward and weird to him
Any surprise hugs given to him will end with your ass on the floor. It’s just a reaction, and he feels horrible when he realises it’s you he just shoved away, but still a little pissed off.
In private, however, he’s just a sweetheart
Still awkward and gruff about it, but he won’t push you away
Laying in his bed and just scrolling on your phones or watching something isn’t rare on lazy days
Also, important fact about him: he loves bugs. His mutation literally makes him a praying mantis. He doesn’t care if you like bugs or not, but it really just won’t work out if you’re calling them ugly or killing them.
He takes offence if you ever call a mantis ugly, and gets annoyed if you’re just insulting bugs in general. It kind of hurts to watch you step on bugs aswell
Surprise kisses with him also just aren’t a thing, unless you wanna end up looking like Jeff the Killer
You really need to ask him before so he doesn’t turn his head and rip your cheek open with who’s mandibles
Speaking of, he can turn his head nearly 180° like a mantis.
He’s still of course human, so he can’t quite reach 180°, but it’s enough to freak people tf out
He did this once when someone called his name behind him and the entire class 1b starting screaming
His hair is super fluffy, and he loves it when you play with his hair. He really likes when you loosely Dutch braid it, but he hates pony tails and tight braids. They give him headaches
(I have really similar hair to him, like pretty much the same style but obviously mine doesn’t defy gravity like that lmfao)
(But just running my hands through my hair against the direction it’s swept in literally feels like heaven. Idk if that’s a good way to explain it but just apply that as you will)
He also asks you to check for any spots he missed when he shaves his undercut
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nakunakunomi · 3 years
Hello again!!! Would it be okay if I could ask for ❤ + ☔ with Kamakiri from One Piece plz? ;w; Ty, Hazel! <3
Hiya ! Let's see if I can do him some justice! Thank you for trusting me with your request <3
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Training was an everyday occurrence for the Shandia warriors. You liked watching them as they trained. Well, you liked watching Kamakiri most of all, and it was not because you were having a major crush or something.
There was always something that stirred within you when he moved, a rare combination of strength, gracefulness and complete composure. You were always in awe, and you knew that if you'd never muster up the encouragement to actually confess your feelings, you'd be more than happy just to spend time watching him. That would be more than enough.
A few drops of rain were falling. Usually a little rain didn't really interrupt training, after all, you wouldn't stop a battle because of the weather.
But a few drops turned into pouring rain, lowering visibility and soaking you in only a matter of minutes. You noticed most people running in the direction of the village, looking for shelter, but you were too disoriented and confused to follow them, the noises they made overwhelmed by the rain just pouring down and drowning out most of the sounds.
You were suddenly pulled from the ground and by the speed and smoothness you were moving, you could only conclude that you had been picked up by someone on a jet board. You looked up, right as you were pulled into a muscled chest, making sure you were steady.
A right decision, because the moment you noticed who had saved you from the sudden weather change, your knees felt like jello.
"Are you all right?"
You felt yourself getting flustered as you swallowed before speaking up.
"Now I am, thank you, Kamakiri"
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Join my mystery drabble event - Click!
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
(1) Hello Cookie!! GG on 700 followers! :D I was wondering, for this event... would you be okay to do some headcanons for the Shandorian Warriors in OP? (Wyper, Kamakiri, Laki, Braham, and Genbo specifically) I know a great deal of them hardly get any screen time at all and might be difficult to write for, but I love them all so much and I miss them :c If they're okay, could I possibly ask for some headcanons on how they acclimate from a lifetime of war to an era of peace and how they might...
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Hi Torra! I had so much more fun writing these than expected. Sky Island was actually one of the arcs I didn’t care much for, and even after watching the arc twice I barely remember what happened. I expected writing for the Shandorians to be hard but the words actually came really easily and I managed to write these in one go! I hope you’ll enjoy them ❤
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Wyper’s focus has been battle for so long, once the war is over he’s not sure what to do with himself for a while. Due to the constant threat being gone he can now finally relax, something he’s not used to.
As he’s looking for a way to fit into this new era of peace, you come across his path and it doesn’t take long for you to dominate his thoughts. This is a new sensation for Wyper. He’s never had the time for relationships and now suddenly he did, and there was you.
Wyper is not scared though, not of a relationship and not of confession. He’ll confess to you pretty soon after he realises his feelings for you.
Fully aware of his somewhat more violent and impulsive past, Wyper is determined not to let those tendencies return in your relationship. He’ll be extra careful with you and he’ll do whatever he can to treat you right.
Communication has never been Wyper’s forte, certainly not about his emotions. Miscommunications will happen on the regular in the beginning of the relationship, but he’ll try his best to understand you, and himself, better to make sure things go well between the two of you.
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Laki is a gentle soul, and the only reason she was participating in the war was that it was necessary. Both for the people of Sky Island and for the Shandorians, as well as to protect the people she loved, like Kamakiri and Aisa.
Once the war is over, Laki feels like she can finally breathe again, and her cheerful personality shines even brighter, causing people to flock to her. Yet the only one who caught her eye was you.
At first she’s careful, taking her time to get to know you. Laki does not want to rush into a relationship, only to be disappointed because you didn’t match up after all.
Once the two of you are together, be prepared to be spoiled. VERY spoiled. Laki’s love is 100% devotion and she’ll do anything to make you happy. There will be little presents, small displays of affection at random moments and of course, lots of food, made with lots of love.
On certain nights, when the memories of the war come flooding back to her, she’ll seek out the warmth of your embrace in silence. She doesn’t want to talk about it, she just needs someone to ground her, to remember that it’s over now.
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Kamakiri was born and raised in war. He was used to following Wyper’s crazy orders in a crazy time, where everyone did crazy things. The things he saw during those years haunt his dreams, even long after the war is over.
His main concern is making sure his fellow warriors are doing well and are finding their place in this new era of peace. War or peace, Kamakiri’s love for his companions doesn’t fade, and helping them find their place becomes his new mission. Once they’re all well though, it’s his turn, and he’s not quite sure what his place is.
That’s where you came in, showing him his place is wherever he wanted it to be. It doesn’t take long for him to realise he wants his place to be next to you, and he confesses to you pretty fast.
Kamakiri shows his love with lots of physical affection and words of affirmation. Your touch is addicting to him, a soft kind of touch that was foreign to him until the war ended. He’ll be on the borderline of clingy, but if you need some space you need but say the word. The well-being of those he cares about is still his main concern.
Braham and Genbo below the cut!
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During the war, Braham was merciless, doing whatever it took to reach his, and Wyper’s, goal. Instead of the peace of mind he had expected to get after the war was over, he found himself becoming more restless with each day, unsure of what he could do besides fighting.
That’s when he meets you. You help him, you calm down that racing head of his, you know how to deal with his anxiety and his nightmares. Every day he starts caring for you more and more, and he scares himself once he realises just how much he started caring about you in such a short time.
Confessing will not come easy for him. He believes you deserve better, stronger, more stable, but after a little convincing from Laki, he will confess. When you tell him you feel the same way, he has no idea how to react. He didn’t expect you would.
The early relationship will be hard, as even the littlest touches can make him jump if he doesn’t see them coming. Memories from the war still haunt him. Slowly, with a lot of patience and love, he will get better, get used to the touches, and the memories of the war will get replaced with memories of you.
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Not many people know much about Genbo. He mostly keeps to himself, choosing to listen to and observe other people instead of speaking. His observation skills have saved his hide more than once during the war. The fact that it’s over now pleases him greatly, the goal he had been fighting for having finally been reached.
There is one problem, and that is that he can’t get rid of the things he saw during the war. The memories haunt him and him not talking about it with anyone only makes matters worse. Even when he meets you, even when he realises he falls in love with you, it’ll take him a long time to confess to you. He’s a horrible overthinker, and it really drags him down.
But eventually, with a lot of patience, he’ll get there and the two of you get together. Genbo often brings you little thoughtful gifts. Things you said you liked, even if you said it only once. He pays attention to all the details, remembers all the important dates and notices shifts in your mood immediately.
He’ll pick the words he uses to express his love for you very carefully. The fact that he’s usually pretty quiet already adds more weight to his every word, so he’s hoping to pick the right words as well to best express his feelings for you.
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class-1b-bull · 11 months
What are your head cannons for kamakiri?
Ik he has had like 5 minutes of screentime, but that doesn't stop me from obsessing over him
I just think he's angry and neat :))
I honestly adore Kamakiri sm! Im so glad you asked for this!
Heres some Togaru Kamakiri headcanons! <3
Hes very aggressive and hard to approach but he turns into an excited little kid if you ask him about bugs (he tries to hide it tho)
He uses his quirk for cutting food instead of actual kitchen utensils. That habit has caused way to many problems in the past.
I feel like he would really be into wood carving.
I mean he has a nick (idk how to spell it lol) for carving things and the blades of his quirk can be different shapes so... idk i just think hed be good at it.
Hes very loud and brash but thats why I think he would be a good therapist. Like imagine your telling him about some problem in your life and he just screams "Bitch what?!" At the top of his lungs XD
He really likes playing call of duty and other games like that.
Not because he likes first person shooter games but because he likes to cuss out 12 year olds in the lobby <3 its very therapeutic.
Other than that tho i cant see him playing many other videogames.
I feel like hes strangely good at chemistry and any other science class but don't ask him for help. He'll just say a bunch of words you dont know and you will learn litterally nothing.
Well versed in the language of plants and flowers but would rather die than let anyone know that.
Hes either an only child or the oldest of like 7 kids, no in between.
I dont think kids would like him very much because of his 'scary' appearance, hes not a vig fan of kids but stuff like that gets to him sometimes </3
He moves a lot in his sleep. Like he will fall asleep on his back in bed all nice and cozy and wake up in the fucking hallway somehow?!
Doesn't like the taste of coffee.
I litterally love him sm
Not proofread o7
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Class 1B Masterlist
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Neito Monoma
monoma with a s/o who has a healing quirk - headcanons
dating neito monoma - headcanons
monoma crushing on a 1A student - headcanons
monoma showing off his s/o - headcanons
monoma with a shy s/o - headcanons
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
tetsutetsu with an insecure s/o - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with eijirou kirishima and tetsutetsu tetsutetsu - headcanons
Hiryu Rin
yandere hiryu rin - headcanons
yandere hiryu rin with a lonely darling - headcanons
Yosetsu Awase
teasing yosetsu awase - headcanons
Kosei Tsburaba
kosei crushing on a reader who's already in a relationship - headcanons
Sen Kaibara
the effect you have on me - drabble
Shihai Kuroiro
a smile like sunshine - drabble
Nirengeki Shoda
cuddling with niregenki shoda - headcanons
Juzo Honenuki
juzo taking care of his sick s/o - headcanons
Togaru Kamakiri
stealing togaru's hoodie - headcanons
Manga Fukidashi
hanging out with manga fukidashi - headcanons
Kojiro Bondo
patching up kojiro bondo - headcanons
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Itsuka Kendo
kendo with an affectionate s/o - headcanons
Kinoko Komori
kinoko komori with a stoic s/o - headcanons
Ibara Shiozaki
yandere ibara shiozaki - headcanons
Pony Tsunotori
holding hands with pony - headcanons
Setsuna Tokage
teasing setsuna tokage - headcanons
Yui Kodai
yui kodai crushing on you - headcanons
Reiko Yanagi
i see forever in your eyes - oneshot
reiko crushing on a reader who's already in a relationship - headcanons
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bakuhoewriting · 1 year
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☰ NOTES⋮ reader! is in Class 1-A ; gn!reader x Class 1-B
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tends to be bold in their affections. a real touch-starved/obsessed kinda partner. doesn’t matter if it’s a side hug, back hug or your standard run of the mill hug–they enjoy holding you close and will gladly jump on any opportunity to latch onto you. even if some of them look borderline aggressive in public doing so. and if someone mentions it to them? expect them to squeeze you even tighter. 
awase, monoma, tokage, kamakiri, tetsutetsu, kuroiro
actually likes to be on the receiving end of hugs. can’t really explain it. as much as they like holding you, they enjoy it much more when you hold onto them. there’s just something that feels right whenever they can sink into your warmth. and when they’re in your arms, you don’t know this but they’ve grown accustomed to the steady beat of your heart. it’s become one of their most favourite sounds in the world.
kodai, pony, fukidashi, tsuraraba, shiozaki, shoda, yanagi
isn’t too keen about public displays of affection, but in private? totally comfortable becoming a hug fiend. enjoys just how easily you fold into their arms, and how natural it feels when your arms encircle their shoulders or waist. will sigh when you run your fingers through their hair, or give a small content smile when the roles are reversed. if the others found out how much they enjoyed hugging you, they’d be super bashful.
shishida, honenuki, rin, komori, bondo, kaibara, kendo
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2023 ©️ credit to bakuhoewriting ; soon to be crossposted on all my other accounts under the same name!
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admin-in-residence · 5 years
Kamakiri Relationship Headcanons
Request: Relationship headcanon's for Kamakiri, the Shandia Warrior.
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Kamakiri, in general, seems to be overall a kind, humorous, and protective person. All traits that will flow into your relationship.
Kamakiri will look for someone that also is in general kind, will understand his jokes, and believes in his culture.
This is the type of guy who will surprise you with random gifts, or flowers that he’s collected before the sun has even risen for you.
In all honesty, this guy was probably way too nervous to flat out, ask you to go out with him. He probably needed help from someone, even someone like Wiper, just to give him a shove or two.
Kamakiri will like to take walk’s with you, whether you guys walk around the village or beyond, just some simple time when he’s not busy protecting everybody and he can walk hand in hand with you.
He probably won’t tell you when he leaves to go deal with Enel. He’s not the type of person who wants to worry you.
He would just kiss your forehead and say something like he has to go guard of do something...but you know exactly what he’s doing, and it doesnt make you worry any less...just worry more.
After the battle with Enel, although weak, his only goal is to return to you and tell you how much he loves you and how sorry he is for nearly missing a chance to tell you again.
10/10 Sweetest guy to date.
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thegoldencatscafe · 2 years
Season Ticket on a One Way Ride - 2
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AN: This story is being slowly crossposted from Ao3.
Contents: Swearing, M!Reader, 3rd year students, fluff and angst, idiots to lovers.
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“Komori-chan, we have an emergency,” you muttered loud enough for the short girl to listen, quickly dragging her to a secluded corner in the hallway.
“Whoa, what’s up?”
“I fucked up. I think. I don’t know. Help me.”
“Whoa whoa whoa, calm down there. What did you do?!”
“Okay, I need you to not scream, okay?” You muttered, and she nodded, staring at your face intently. “...I may or may not have been… sending… anonymous love letters to Kamakiri.”
Komori quickly covered her mouth with her two hands, muffling a gasp. You could tell she was bouncing in excitement by the way her hair bounced around her shoulders.
“‘m not done,” you held her by the shoulders, “he came yesterday to MY ROOM to ask ME to find out WHO is writing those letters!”
“Oh…” she recoiled her hands to tap her chin. “Well, why didn’t you just say it was you?”
“Are you FUCKING kidding me Komori-chan, do I look like someone who has the balls to confess to someone? I’d rather bottle up all my feelings until the day I die.”
“That’s called self-sabotage,” The short girl shot back, slapping your hands away from her shoulders, “and I’m also very upset you didn’t even think about telling me what you were doing!”
“He’s also into dudes.”
This time, it was your hand that flew to her mouth to cover a squeal. “Did he tell you this?!”
“Yes. What should I do?”
“Okay, okay, uh, let me think…” she shut her eyes, placing her hands on her head as if to force her brain to work faster. “Are you still writing those letters?”
“I am writing, yes, but I stopped sending them. I thought the letters were upsetting him.”
“Okay, so… what if you keep sending these letters, and maybe… uh… send something to him with it, or ask him to do something specific in class, in case he’s interested in you!”
You blinked. “While that is a great idea, Komori-chan, I still have the other problem of how I’ll figure out who the writer is if I’m the writer?”
“... Damn it. I’m all out of brain juice.” She shook her head, pouting. “But seriously, (y/n)-kun, if you just told him the truth it’d be so much easier.”
You sighed in defeat. “I know. It’s just… it’s the first time I actually feel like this. Usually my crushes last for about a week, maybe a month, but this one has been going for years.”
“Well, it’s no use wallowing over this. Come on, class is about to start. We’ll figure something out.”
You smiled, opening your arms. Komori immediately jumped on you, giggling like a child. You squeezed her a bit, before letting go and heading to class together.
The universe was cruel, Kamakiri thought, trying to erase the sight he had stumbled into while heading early to class. ‘Of course he’s not gay’, he berated himself mentally, what sort of wishful thinking was that? Komori was basically stuck to you as your arms enveloped her way too tightly to be just friendly.
He didn’t understand what was happening in his mind; why after the talk you two shared, he started to hear your voice when he reread the letters. Why he found himself wondering, even wishing that it might be you.
[I hope this letter finds you well.]
The letters began once again.
[I’m sorry. I’m scared of making you uncomfortable. I’d rather bottle up my feelings once again than to make you feel uncomfortable, and your recent mood shift made me think I was crossing a line. Considering you got even more frustrated when I stopped, I’m almost certain it either doesn’t relate to these letters or it’s the opposite of what I thought.]
The deliveries were getting more and more untraceable - while before, you chose to deliver the letters when he was away at the gym with Tetsutetsu, now the letters appeared almost at random; once, Kamakiri saw the letter slipping under his door and even sprung up to open it - only to find no one there.
[I know you’re trying to figure out who I am - I wish I could tell you. I wish I had the courage that you do, the confidence that you have. I’m scared you’ll reject me.]
“Any updates?”
You jumped, turning over your seat to come face-to-face with Kamakiri.
“S-sorry, none.” you shook your head, feeling Komori’s staring at you two. “Uh… any news from your side?”
“They started sending the letters again. I swear, either they can teleport or they’re incredibly fast, because once I opened the door right after a letter was delivered and there was no one there.” He muttered, leaning over so no one else could hear what he was saying.
You felt a wave of relief hit you. You’d have to thank that Hagakure girl later for her service.
“We’ve been too obvious. They know we’re trying to find out who they are,” he continued, crossing his arms. You sighed.
“I’m sorry I can’t do much,” you offered, and he shook his head. “Don’t worry about it, man.”
He took a second to think, then huffed. “It’s hard to think when your girl won’t stop staring at us like this.”
You blinked. “My… girl? You mean Komori?” You glanced at her, and she was very much staring at you two, only averting her eyes after you gave her a pointed look.
“Isn’t she like, your girlfriend or something?” He ran his fingers through his hair, and you did your best to not stare.
“Uh, no. We’re just friends.”
He scoffed. “Come on. Every time I see you two practically glued to each other.”
Komori’s voice, way too close than where she was previously sitting, made you jump once again.
“Why do you care so much, Kamakiri-kun?” She grinned, with her elbow resting on your shoulder. You tensed up, looking at her smug little face and considering maybe punching it a little.
Kamakiri took a step back, and you swear you saw a faint blush on his face. “I don’t care at all - just thought it’d be nicer if you two kept your PDA to a fucking minimum.”
“For your information, Kamakiri-kun, I’m just very huggy!” She giggled, putting her hands on her hips with a bounce. “So you don’t need to worry, (y/n)-kun is still very much available!”
“You’re awfully bold for a talking shiitake,” Kamakiri snarled, his pincers clicking, “especially one that’s not diced yet.”
Komori let out an ‘eep!’ and ran over to hide behind a very confused Kendo, leaving the two of you to sit in an awkward silence, both trying very much to ignore the heat on their faces.
You hid your face in your hands. “I’m… so sorry. She’s… a lot.”
“Yeah, I fucking noticed.” He sighed, crossing his arms again. “But then again, I have to endure Tetsutetsu’s nonsense, so I get it.”
A beat of silence, then he spoke again.
“Hey, uh. Are you free this saturday?”
You tried your best to not choke in your own spit. “Uh, yes, why?”
You weren’t actually, but Komori deserved to be ditched after this.
“The nature museum in Tokyo just opened an exhibit on bugs and I want to go, but you pay less if you buy two entry tickets.”
“Oh. Sure, I'd love to go with you-”
“Cool. Meet you there at 2 o’clock. Don’t be late.”
With that, he stalked off, leaving you with whiplash and a stupid grin on your face.
[I've heard that you enjoy collecting insects. This hobby requires patience and care - very different traits from the ones you usually wear in public. Sometimes I like to imagine you caring for your bugs, and I wonder which one is your favorite - maybe a praying mantis?]
You swore Kamakiri was the only person who could make trench coats look good. He looked in his element, ripped jeans and boots contrasting against the white wall of the museum he stood by. Komori insisted on helping you pick your outfit for your “date”, and after a long dispute, you insisted on a plain t-shirt and jeans (effectively frustrating the girl, who whined about your “lack of style”).
When he spotted you, you swore you saw something akin to a smile before he turned his back to you, heading inside the museum with you right behind. You reached to pull your wallet, but he waved you off - to your honest surprise.
“Tokage told me you ditched Komori for this,” he explained, and you smiled.
“I mean. She did deserve it.”
He grinned, still not looking at you. You could get used to this view.
The rest of the day went on smoothly. Kamakiri’s rough personality practically melted away as soon as you two stepped inside the entomology exhibit, replaced by a much more talkative Kamakiri. He’d spout facts about the insects you two stopped to look at, practically lighting up like a kid when you asked questions and urged him on. You two finally left the building at around 7, having spent the entire afternoon inside the museum.
Not wanting it to end, you two decided to pop in to a nearby fast food place to eat dinner - this time, with you paying to “compensate for the ticket”.
“Thanks for coming with me, man.” he muttered, setting down his burger, “I didn’t think you’d actually be cool with… y’know…”
You raised an eyebrow, and he sighed.
“I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea, and think I was like. Coming onto you or something, even though you’re straight.”
You snorted, almost choking on a fry. “Now who said I was straight?” You retorted, much to his surprise. “Is this about Komori again?”
Kamakiri huffed, his face visibly flushed. “Whatever. Forget I said anything.”
“Just so we’re both on the same page,” you spoke, pointing at him with your milkshake, “I am also gay.”
“To be fair, I had a feeling. I just didn’t want to assume.”
You smiled. “We’re two bros, chilling in a Wendy’s, two feet apart and we’re both gay-” you cut yourself off, cackling at your own joke.
You could see him choking down a laugh (score) before glaring at you. “Are you done?”
“Nah, man, I got way more where that came from.”
“For the love of All Might, spare me,” he massaged his forehead, sending you into another fit.
[It is awfully rare to see you smile. Not a sneer or a smirk, I'm talking about a full on grin. I wonder what your laughter sounds like. I wonder if I could make you laugh. It would be incredible.]
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part 1 - part 3 - part 4
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bugmomwrites · 3 years
Class 1B and how they embarrassed themselves in front of their crushes (guys):
Ladies version will be made if this one doesn’t flop. Thank @thatgirlgames for helping me brainstorm and giving me something to cackle about at 4am(?) on a Wednesday
Awase Yousetsu learned to dance from Mina and was excited to show you. Called out to you and some of the others in the common room from the second floor hallway to “check out some fucking amazing moves”, then tripped over his own feet and went tumbling down the stairs. Landed face first and refused to lift up his head to look you in the eyes, even after you ran over to ask if he was okay.
Kaibara Sen and you were gardening together. He was helping you dig so he used his quirk to show off be more efficient. He drilled his arm into the dirt and oops he’s stuck. Laughs a little at first but he actually can’t get it out. The more he activates it the deeper it goes until the soil is well past his elbow. Has to sit there like an idiot until you return with a trowel- the very same one he said you “wouldn’t need” because his quirk was supposedly better.
Kamakiri Togaru was helping you cook and also used his quirk to try to impress you. It was your turn for dinner duty and he jumped at the chance to spend time with you. You two were cooking chicken with lemon butter sauce for the whole dorm. Turns out when you retract the blade back into your skin from just cutting a lemon it burns like a bitch. Let out the most unholy scream and scared the daylights out of you.
Kurorio Shihai and Tokoyami are poetic brothers. That and he likes taboos. He shows up outside your dorm room at midnight sharp because he thought it was more romantic that way. He’s holding a piece of lined paper, trying to read you a poem he wrote. But you have no clue what he’s talking about, using all these big fancy words you don’t understand. ☠️ Scary Night Man is visibly shaking in front of you, the hallway completely silent aside from his stuttering and the occasional crinkle of paper.
Shishida Jurota actually tried to meme with the class in the group chat. Unfortunately, he didn’t know what the words meant so he sounded like a whole ass boomer. Like when your dad misuses modern slang to sound cool in front of your friends. The guys still haven’t let him live it down. They have screenshots and everything.
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Shoda Nirengeki tried to show you how much you meant to him by cooking your favorite things in the dorm kitchen. Thought you’d love to wake up to the smell of your favorite food wafting up to where you sleep. Instead you woke up to a fire alarm, and Shoda standing in the middle of all the carnage. Tried to offer you a bowl of cereal as a peace offering later.
Tsuburaba Kosei would do just about anything for you, so it’s more what didn’t he do to try and impress you. There’s just so many instances of him doing stupid shit. But one of the most iconic moments would probably have to be when the class went on a hike, and he found some cat tail reeds growing by a swamp. Picked one up and told you he “found some wild glizzies” before chomping into it like a corn dog. Pollen went everywhere, and he accidentally spit some in your face.
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu has tried to prove how strong his quirk was by letting the guys fucking throw him like a damn bowling ball. Shishida did the best job in his opinion, followed closely by Bondo, but now there’s a giant hole in the drywall of the common room, and Vlad wasn’t too thrilled about it, making him clean it all up.
Fukidashi Manga tried impressing you by reading up and binge-watching your favorite shows and comics. All in one night. The next morning, running on zero sleep, he tried to impress you from what he’s read/watched and got most of the stuff wrong because his brain was pretty much toast from the all nighter and numerous energy drinks. Passed out in the middle of the day, and The Bois TM had to drag him to the nearest couch.
Honenuki Juzo offered to give you a massage after a long day of training. Grateful to have some sort of relief, you told him where the main knots were and sat down in front of him. This was the closest he’s ever been to you, so he was (understandably) nervous. As a result, he accidentally rubbed too hard in the wrong places and made it worse. Eventually you’ve had enough and say you’ll just take a hot shower and he feels so guilty🥺 You reassure him that it’s not so bad but every time you move he can see you fighting back painful noises. Definitely haunts him at night as he stares up at the ceiling asking himself “why are you like this”.
Bondo Kojiro was trying to impress you by lifting things up easily since you admired how strong he was. It started off normal enough, from bags you couldn’t carry to even giving you a piggyback ride to your room after you fell asleep on the couch downstairs during class movie night. But holy shit now he’s showing off by holding half the class in his arms, and ends up dropping them all because it was just Too Much. Everyone was covered in bruises and grumbling about the fall and he felt guilty for weeks after. The fact that you weren’t one of them does offer some peace of mind for him though, and Kendo is quick to remind him of this :’)
Monoma Neito copied your quirk for shits and giggles thinking he’d “show you how it’s done”. You warned him about the side effects, but his pride wouldn’t let him see reason and he made sure he had all eyes on him before activating your quirk. It went alright for about a minute or so, and then it started to act up. He couldn’t get a handle on it at all, destroying everything around the room while the guys laughed at him and you panicked. He got his ass handed to him just as you predicted, and mocking him quickly became an inside joke among some of your classmates.
Rin Hiryu is naturally cold blooded as a result of his quirk. He always has to be bundled up in the colder months or his immune system will turn against him. And yet, when it started raining on your way back from a grocery run for the week’s dinner, like a gentleman he shrugged his jacket off and insisted that you wear it. Of course you turned him down, you knew he’d get sick, but he refused to put it back on, throwing it over you and zipping it up. Sure enough, he ended up with a cold the next day, but the only lesson he learned was that getting sick means you dote on him until he’s better. 🤦
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azrael’s other students masterlist
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welcome to azrael’s MHA: Other Students Masterlist🧡 please note that all readers are gender neutral unless stated otherwise
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Overwatch/MHA Crossover 1
Last updated: March 16, 2022
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Nejire Hado
s/o whos quirk is the avatar
Tamaki Amajiki
not quite
Hitoshi Shinso
not quite
Inasa Yoaroshi
not quite
Jurota Shishida
his s/o helping him during shedding season
receiving flowers from his s/o
Juzo Honenuki
not quite
Kinoko Komori
not quite
Shihai Kuroiro
not quite
Togaru Kamakiri
general/romantic headcanons
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Togaru kamakiri X gn short reader
Today togaru was walking back to his after after training with testutestu and seen his lover standing on some books.
He was confused so he walked over there before they could get hurt. "Hey bee what are you doing" togaru said while behind them. When they turned around they quickly planted a small peck on one of his horns "that" they said and hopped off of the books and walked away smiling.
He just stayed there for a second before laughing a bit thinking about his goofy lover.
The next day he was helping kendo cook by cutting some vegetables. When he finished cutting some onions y/n came up to him a stepped on a step stool so their a little taller than him and kissed his tears away. Togaru  returned the kiss and went back to cutting vegetables with a small smile. Without him realizing kendo had taken a picture of that moment.
When it hit Saturday he was heading down the stairs to go the gym with testutestu and was stopped to when he felt a small tap on his shoulder. "Yes bee?" He said after turning around. He was a bit shocked when y/n kissed him. "Don't over exercise like last time, okay" y/n said with worry. "I'll try but I might do it again" and after he said that he kissed his lover goodbye and left.
When togaru left tokage came from behind y/n. "So when did you guys become a thing" tokage said with a small smirk "oh will about a month or two ago. Why?" "Oh will I guess I haven't noticed" tokage then looked at y/n and smiled "you guys are cute together" she looked at y/n smiling face "aw thanks sestu" y/n said and tokage chuckled a bit "yeah welp i'm got to go I told Reiko I would help pick out a movie for tonight, bye y/n" and with that she left.
Later when testutestu and togaru got back they looked really tired so they went to there rooms. When togaru was walking to his room he decided to go to y/n's instead. He knocked a couple of times before hears a 'come in' and went inside . "Huh, oh hey kiri" y/n said as togaru layed down next to them and hugged y/n and soon fell asleep.
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