#kai havertz oneshots
blueaetherr · 2 years
could you write a cute moment between havetz x reader: during the game, kai sees the screen reader along with the bleachers wearing his shirt with his name on it! 🥺
thank you and i love you
pairing: kai havertz x gn!reader [they/them]
warning(s): none
summary: the one where kai and the reader remind one another of their liking and support for each other
a/n: intended for this to be longer but this was all that came to mind. also sorry anon for taking so long with it!
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Watching Kai slip the ball into the net, Y/N was quick to get up from their seat. They were given a moment and a bit to celebrate their partner, revealing their high spirits. With their cheering, with their singing, with their quite excessive clapping. 
After the pains of a football match—the frustration of VAR (not) functioning, the annoyance from opposing players dragging the match, the inconveniences of extra time—Chelsea could potentially see victory through, and it was all because of Kai yet again. They, lovingly, couldn't let that pass without tipping their hat off to him. It was only a goal, yes sure, but they saw it as something so much more. Any goal, title or award Kai could receive was something of an achievement in the eyes of Y/N to celebrate, at the Bridge and at home.
Pulling away from his teammates Kai's smile grew wide, his body lighting up with ease. Upon the large screen, he took notice of Y/N and all that they were. 
How their enthusiasm stood out in the presence of others, so far up in the stadium yet they managed to remain the centre of attention in the eyes of Kai. How they paired his no. 29 jersey with other blue accessories, finding fashion while supporting him, repping his name and number with another level of pride. How they interacted with those around them, celebrating his goal with other Chelsea fans with kind familiarity.
Really, they were his biggest fan. Call it a cliché, and perhaps it was. Everyone always says that their partner is their biggest fan, and Kai didn't believe that was an exaggeration when speaking on Y/N. They were everything and beyond his biggest fan. His personal favourite, his best friend, his streak of luck for all his matches. Y/N didn't understand how their support towards him made Kai so content. Since forever, it has gone long a way to aid his career. 
That's why he always dedicated his goals to them. A kiss to the badge. Y/N deserved the recognition, letting others know that there was no Kai without the love and support of his very darling Y/N.
Looking toward a camera, Kai offered a small wave. A thank you, a simple act of appreciation. To the Chelsea fans in the stadium, to those at home. The constant echoing of his name across the Bridge spoke for itself.
But then he blew kisses towards the camera, too many to catch with one's bare hands. A thank you, a simple act of appreciation. And this one, he reserved just for Y/N to receive. This was the thank you and I love you message, each kiss repeating his thoughts over and over again. Y/N didn't need a reminder to know how Kai felt about them, that was very much a given. It was Kai's by the way and I just wanted to let you know; just like Y/N reminded him that he was on their mind when they were sporting his jersey, they were on his mind whenever he was playing on the pitch.
He continued to blow kisses in their direction until his teammates pulled him away, teasing him as they got back into form. And Y/N caught them all. Every kiss he blew their way—every thank you and I love you message Kai let drift in the air to reach them—they caught them. Every single one.
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mxsonxmountx · 2 years
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Can we PLEASE take a moment, for this beautiful human
*holds a minute silence to appreciate mason mount*
Thank you 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽
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yellowkitkieran · 1 year
Hi, could you maybe write about Kai‘s transfer to Arsenal?
Like y/n supporting him and being so proud of him. Like fluff. If you could do that it would be awsome. Thank you love ❤️
Transfers (Kai Havertz)
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"Are you sure I made the right choice?"
"Kai. Hey- look at me." You wait until the churning season of his eyes meet your calm strength. Then you cup his jaw, the light prickles of stubble scratching your palms. You allow Kai to draw from the depths of your love for him until he sighs.
At times like this, you are Kai's saving grace. He doubts himself more often than he should; he knows coming to Arsenal was a positive move for his own development, but he needs your reassurances regardless. So you give that to him now, not with words as much as your gentle touch.
Kai slowly leans forward until his head meets your shoulder. You slide your arms under his and draw him into a hug, pouring every ounce of what you're feeling into it.
Eventually, when Kai's shoulders have relaxed and his breathing is evened out, you find your voice, "I'm so, so proud of you Kai. You're doing what's best for you- you're gaining European football and another family for us to grow close with. Plus you'll not have that pressure to score goal after goal- we know you aren't a proper striker. The move to Arsenal should take some of that spotlight off you in that sense."
"Yeah… yeah that's true- it should give me more room to be the player I'm meant to be, won't it?"
"Exactly." You kiss Kai's curls, unruly with the humidity that's been fogging London lately. "Who cares what anyone says, you've proven people wrong before. What's one more time? All I ask is that you give a hundred percent, then I'll always be proud of you."
Kai's smile is felt against your neck. "Thank you, schatz. Ich liebe dich."
"I love you too, Kai. Kick some ass in your debut, will you?"
"You already know I will."
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lovelybrandt · 11 days
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(REUPLOAD) Private From barcaisforever Wattpad Football Oneshots/Füßball Oneshots Kai Havertz × Lexi 2/2 Stories When Going On The Beach
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elmatadorisgay · 2 months
WIP Ask Game bc idk
doing this bc I've kinda lost ideas for the pyramids for now so here we go
Send an ask about a wip with one(or multiple!) of the questions below!
My Current WIPS(Listing these just by name & with short description of characters/ships involved):
Boytoy Phil(Phil Foden)
Chapter 12(There's Only 5 Beds, Fabio's POV)
Untitled Bravertz(Julian Brandt/Kai Havertz)
Untitled Mueller(Manuel Neuer/Thomas Muller)
Untitled Odegaard/Ramsdale(during international break)
Kiwi(Ben Chilwell/Christian Pulisic)
WIP Questions
Describe the basic plot for the wip
A random snippet from the wip
What's stopping you from finishing it?
Who's POV is it in?
Share the last line you wrote in the wip
Share the funniest line in your wip
Share the last thing you scrapped from it and why
Do you have a title for it yet?
Why did you give your wip the title it has?
What's the current word count and what's your goal word count?
What number draft is this wip on?
What are some hcs for this specific wip?
What other characters are involved?
share something cute/romantic from your wip
Are you planning to make this a series or just a oneshot?
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footballxixstars · 4 years
Day 6 ~ Kai Havertz
An Early Christmas Present
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Countdown to Christmas 2020
“I know that it's not quite Christmas but I thought I would give it to you now,” Kai said to you. He had been out all day and you had no idea why but you were finally guessing that you get to know why he went out and wouldn’t tell you where or with who. He’s also been really secretive lately like he had a secret so hopefully, this has something to do with the secret because that was driving you wild. You had a couple of guesses but you’re sure none of them was right. One of them was a proposal which you kind of hoped wasn’t going to do. You were too young for marriage and wasn’t ready for it. No matter how much you love Kai you still weren’t ready for it.
Whilst he had gone you had cleaned a lot and he had asked if you could put away anything that was low that could easily break or tear. Oh god, he better not have come back with a child. A child would be worse than marriage. He told you to wait where you were on the sofa and to close your eyes whilst he goes and gets it. Not wanting to ruin it for him you closed your eyes and waited patiently on the sofa. Being patient wasn’t your best quality though and quickly you began moving around just wanting to open your eyes and see what Kai was doing. You didn’t want to ruin the surprise though so you kept them firmly shut.
“Kai,” You squealed when you felt Kai sit down next to you. You hadn’t heard him return to the living room so it shocked you when you felt the sofa move. You couldn’t hear anything or anyone with Kai so you were guessing that he hadn’t got you a child. Thank god. You were getting curious and antsy though so you’re hoping Kai lets you see what it is soon.
“Open your eyes,” Kai whispered. You couldn’t open them straight away though. You kept your eyes closed for a little bit to calm your breathing down. You were a nervous wreck and needed to calm your own breathing down before anything else happened. Kai understood this and started to draw shapes on your thigh hoping that would calm you down a little bit more which it did. Finally, you found your breathing going back to normal. Slowly you opened your eyes and turned to face Kai. Once you saw your early Christmas presents your eyes opened even wider.
“Oh my god, you got us a puppy!” You exclaimed quietly so you didn’t scare it. It could only be 8 weeks or so maybe 10 but it was a puppy. On his lap, there was a little golden retriever. Well, you think that it’s a golden retriever anyway. There was a fluffy dog on Kai’s lap and that’s all that mattered. You had always wanted a dog with Kai and it looks like he has made it your Christmas present. It was a perfect present and you were happy that Kai gave it to you a couple of weeks early. You didn’t even move a muscle, just looked at the puppy which was patiently sitting on Kai’s lap and licking his hand. You didn’t want to scare it. Occasionally it would go and try to nip Kai’s hand but mainly lick him. It was adorable.
“Do you want to hold?” Kai asked you. Shakily you nodded your head. For some reason, you felt nervous about having the dog on your lap and you don’t know why. Kai kissed your temple before passing you the dog.
“Kai,” you breathed out as Kai sat the puppy right on your lap. Shakily you moved your hand and started to pet the dog. Kai smiled brightly at you and also began to pet the dog again. Its tail was wagging like mad against Kai’s stomach just showing you how happy it was with the two of you and that was making you happy. Yours and Kais' little family was expanding with a dog. Something you’ve wanted for a while but not knowing whether or not Kai would be leaving Germany stopped you but now you were in London and staying here for a little bit Kai apparently thought it was a perfect time to get a dog.
“What’s its name?” You asked, not sure if the previous owner had given it a name yet also you didn’t know if it was a boy or girl. Did the dog understand German or English? Kai’s dogs back in Germany only understand German and to make him feel more at home you don’t know whether or not he got this one that only understands German.
“Well it’s a boy and he doesn’t have a name yet so I thought we could pick together,” Kai said to you. Instantly a bright smile came to your face and you instantly began thinking of names that you could name your dog. So many names came to your head but for some reason, you wanted to pick a Christmassy one since you had got him at Christmas time. It made sense in your head anyway.
“I want to give him a Christmas name,” You told Kai. You were trying to look the dog in the eye to see what name it would suit but he wouldn’t let you wanting to move around the sofa but still wanting to sit on your lap. He was trying to explore with the comfort of you two around.
“Okay, we can do that,” Kai replied and it made you smile a little bit wider knowing that he was on board with what you wanted to do. The two of you sat in silence thinking about names but still stroking the dog making sure he had at least some of your attention. This dog was going to be spoiled, you could tell already.
You don’t know how long you were sitting there trying to think of names but it had to be a while. The both of you were struggling. Thinking about it, it was easier to come up with girl names for dogs that have something to do with Christmas but boys are so much more difficult. Either it was more difficult or since that’s what you needed you were struggling more to think of one and you were betting it was the latter.
“Jack Frost,” Kai said. The first name that came out was Jack Frost. Was Jack Frost even a good film? You couldn't really remember it if you’re honest.
“Not happening,” You laughed.
“North? For the North Pole,” You questioned. You weren’t the biggest fan of it but it was an okay name. The thing was you didn’t want an okay name you wanted a perfect one.
“Don’t think so,” Kai said. You let out a breath of relief when he said he didn’t like it that much. You don’t know why you said it since you don’t like it that much but you needed to say one of your suggestions and that was the best one.
“Better than Jack Frost,” You laughed. Kai pushed you a little bit, being mindful of the dog on your lap before bursting into laughter. He had to admit Jack Frost was a terrible suggestion. The two of you threw a couple more names out like Grinch, Scrooge Max (which you didn’t mind but wasn’t really Christmassy it was only the Grinch’s dogs name) and Frosty all courtesy of Kai and yours were Blitzen, Comet and Buddy. They were all okay but none of them seemed to fit him. Picking a name was way harder than you ever thought it would be. It probably didn’t help that both you and Kai were very picky people but you knew that the perfect name would come to you eventually.
The dog wanted to get off of your lap so you placed him on the floor and instantly he began running around and sniffing everything. He was exploring the living room and having a great time doing so. He was running around like a mad man before he would suddenly stop and sniff at something. You were certain he was going to pee on the floor but allowed him to still move around. He was running around the whole living room enjoying the freedom a little bit.
“Dasher,” You said to Kai. Watching the dog run around the room as fast as his little legs will let him. You know that is definitely one of the names of the reindeer so it’s a name to do with Christmas. You quite like the name too.
“Hmmm,” He replied, obviously not paying attention to what was happening around him right now.
“His name should be Dasher,” You said again hoping he was listening properly this time. Kai looked at you before turning his attention to the dog. It was like he was trying to figure something out before he turned back to you and raised an eyebrow like he was questioning why that name.
“Dasher is one of Santa’s reindeer and apparently Dasher is the one who loves sports and you’re a footballer so he should like sports. Also, he’s dashing around the living room at the moment,” You explained to him so he could understand where you were coming from. He nodded his head as soon as you finished like he understood a little bit where the name had come from and what it has to do with Christmas.
“Dasher,” Kai said, experimenting the name and seeing how easy it would roll off the tongue. You liked it when it came off of Kai’s tongue. The English word coming out of his German mouth sounded so good.
“I like it,” Kai admitted. You smiled brightly at him, happy that he likes the name that you picked out for the dog. It was definitely your favourite name out of everything you’ve said all day. This was like confirmation of your dog's name since you both like the name so much.
After running around the living room and sniffing trying to figure out where he was, Dasher came back to you and Kai who were both watching him enjoy himself. Kai had apparently closed the door to the living room when he came in so Dasher couldn't go out there and had to stay in the living room which you were thankful for because he would probably try to go and eat things that are out there. Dasher came and tried to jump back onto your lap but was struggling because he was too small. You leaned down to pick him and placed him on the sofa. He sniffed around a little bit before he found a comfortable spot on your lap.
“Thank you for the early Christmas present,” You told Kai as your hand still moved through Dasher’s fur. He was fast asleep on your lap. You could hear his little snores and it was adorable. Kai was leaning against your side, one hand also running through the dog's hair. His lips kissed your cheek before kissing around until he reached your lips and kissed you properly being careful of Dasher.
“It’s no problem. It’s also kinda my own present,” Kai told you. You let out a little laugh before kissing him again and then the two of you sat back with Dasher still on your lap as you and Kai cuddled together watching something on Netflix. A Christmas film nonetheless since it was Christmas time.
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rubenfinity · 2 years
season's end ⤷ mason mount instagram au
genre: fluff
summary: as it was the final chelsea match of the season, your boyfriend mason invited you to the bridge.
note: a short and wholesome instagram au inspired by recent photos :)
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liked by cmpulisic, thiagosilva, and others
yourusername back to back player of the season 💙
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masonmount still trying to get my head around it 😅
↳ yourusername so proud of you baby ❤
cesarazpi money mase, future chelsea captain 🔥
↳ yourusername oh for sure!! 💯
jorginhofrello well deserved papai, happy for you 😊
1 day ago
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liked by itsamelewigi, masonmount, and others
yourusername my girlfriend and kai 😍
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masonmount my boyfriend and soph 😍
↳ yourusername 🙄😂
kaaihavertz29 my 👸
↳ sophiaaemelia mi vida ❤
yn&masonfan love how kai ignored the caption 😂
timowerner y/n and sophia are dating?
21 hours ago
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liked by hziyech, rlc, and others
yourusername uncle macey duties
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itsamelewigi mace needs to stop trying so hard to be summer's favourite uncle 🤨🙄
↳ masonmount I don't need to try, I already am 🙂
declanrice mason's fanpages need to watch out, they've got competition 🤣🤣
↳ yourusername oh shush you 😂
↳ masonsfanpage it's true 🙄😂
yn&masonfan imagine how cute y/n and mason's babies will be 😅
↳ masonmount @/yourusername 👀
↳ yn&masonfan2 if she isn't now, she might be after this 🤭
↳ yourusername look what you've done @/masonmount
↳ masonmount I think they might be onto something though 😏
jazbenham 😍😍
16 hours ago
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liked by benchilwell, reecejames, and others
yourusername a bittersweet moment 🥺
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toniruediger 💙
↳ yourusername all the best rüdi ❤🤞
chelseafc 🤗
chelsupdates we did not need to see this 😔
↳ yourusername sorry😶
chelsfan1 why would you do this to us 😭😭
chelsfan2 you're evil for posting this 💔
chelsfan3 brb crying 😀
12 hours ago
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laurasstufff1 · 2 years
I got a request
So my request is
So u and kai are dating and u have 2 kids together one girl one boy 2 and 4 so Kai is working
and the kids are being bad and not listening so u tell them off but they Are not listening Kai heard it all he is ready piss and then he yells at the kids it works and then u kai have a cute moment
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Gif credit to @youmustlovehim !!
Hope this meets your expectations!! Thanks for requesting! 😚😚
Oskar and Anna were a nuisance. You loved them with your whole heart, of course you did, they were your children, the perfect mixture of you and the man you loved. But everything they touched they broke, they were always talking, shouting, sometimes fighting… but you could never get mad at them, not even when they didn’t let you do your job, like today.
“Mum can we play outside?” Oskar asked poking his head through the doorframe of your home office. Just like that, you knew that was the first questions of many.
“It’s raining”.
“But we have the red boots!!” Anna happily shouted behind her brother. Oskar was considerable taller and it only made her look much more smaller. You couldn’t help but to smile at the sight of them both.
“Okay, you can go outside but when it stops raining, okay?” you said before turning your gaze back to your computer. That was until you heard their steps walking into the office. You knew they were sitting on the little couch you had there, even though you had your back to them.
“Can we watch a film?” Oskar talked again reaching for your laptop.
“You were watching one in the living room!” You laughed turning to to look at them, who were indeed laying comfortable on the couch.
“It was boring!” Anna shouted with her high pinch voice.
“Okay, alright, keep it quiet. We’ll watch a movie all together when papa comes and I finish work, alright?” They seemed happy with the deal, staying right there while you typed your article.
Ohhh lord, but these kids were impatient, they wouldn’t let you work by asking questions all the time: ‘I’m hungry!! - you just had dinner’ ’when’s papa coming? - soon’ ‘what are you doing? - I’m trying to work’ ‘can I use your laptop? - no’… and seconds later ‘mum, what’s the password?? - I told you not to use it, Oskar!’ ‘is still raining? - yes, Anna’ ‘when’s papa coming? - sooner than the last time you asked’.
“Mummy mummy, look at Angela’s haar!” Haar, one of the few basics words you knew in German, and it meant hair. As soon as you realised, you turned around just to see Oskar sticking a caramel in Anna’s hair.
Kai arrived when you were in the middle of the fight with the kids, scolding Oskar for 1) eating the caramel without your consent, 2) giving one to his 2 year-old sister and 3) sticking another into her hair.
“What’s going on here?” Kai asked standing in the doorframe. Oskar didn’t hesitate on telling him all about it while laughing and hugging his dad’s legs, you couldn’t even turn around to meet your man, too busy trying to get the candy out of your daughter’s hair, who, by the way, was also laughing. “That’s not funny, Oskar” Kai seriously said walking towards you and kissing your head before helping you. But the kids didn’t care one bite, they were still laughing while telling his dad about their later plans enthusiastically.
“We’re going to go outside with he red boots!! And watch a movie, Shrek!!!” Oskar shouted running around your office.
“No! I want Moana!” It didn’t take more than two seconds to have them fighting and shouting again.
Kai watched how you scrubbed your hand over your face showing tiredness, sitting back on your chair with a sigh, already ignoring them just so you could finish before bed time.
“Kinder! Hört sofort auf damit! (Kids! Stop it now!)” Kai shouted making use of his native language, a language that the kids could understand even better then you. Kai only used it when he was really happy or really mad, and today they knew it was the second option what led him to use it. They stopped immediately, standing still in their place with a low gaze.
“Can we go outside?” Anna asked almost in a whisper and your heart melted again.
“Yes. But make sure you change your boots, okay?” you said before turning your face back to the computer, hearing a soft ‘thanks momma’ when they both left. Minutes later you could see them through the window, jumping on the puddles of the garden with their red boots laughing together, the argument about the film long forgotten.
“Have they been bad the whole evening?” Kai asked making space for him at the edge of the chair you were sit too.
“They’ve been good” you shrugged without stopping typing, finally pulsing the final dot key and moving your head to look at him. “They’re just talkative, too talkative, for my liking” you concluded, earning a laugh from Kai, that mixed with the one from the childs playing outside.
“You’re my superhero, you know? The best Mutter (mother) for them ” he said leaning in to hug you placing lazy kisses in the crock of your neck. You were planning on telling him other way, but you couldn’t hide it any longer, so you just gave him a glimpse when he separated from your embrace.
“I just can’t imagine how crazy it’s all going to be with the third baby” you said staring at his face.
“Third baby?” He asked shocked “Ein neues Baby? Da? (A new baby? There?)” He pointed to you belly like a child but with the same light in his eyes he had the other two times you told him that good news.
You were just nodding at his words ready to talk, but he wouldn’t let you, taking you in his arms while spinning around, mumbling words in German you couldn’t even understand but you knew were good. He placed you back on the floor, looking at you with love and adoration. He was about to lean in to kiss your lips when two voices demanded your attention.
“Can we watch Shrek now???”
“No! Moana!!”
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rubendiasworld · 2 years
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𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞:
@tommyspeakycap - Masterlist
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@emwritesfootball - Masterlist
@emwritesfootball - Masterlist
@emwritesfootball - Masterlist
@emwritesfootball - Masterlist
@emwritesfootball - Masterlist
@emwritesfootball - Masterlist
@emwritesfootball - Masterlist
@emwritesfootball - Masterlist
@emwritesfootball - Masterlist
@emwritesfootball - Masterlist
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allthemenofmydreams · 3 years
Hi, can I ask for an imagine where you are a journalist and you interview your boyfriend Benjamin Pavard who is trying to distract you, please (or with Kai if you prefer)
First of all apologies for the delay and secondly apologies for not doing it from Benjamin Pavard. I felt Kai's personality fit better with the idea I had in mind. I hope you like it, and if you have any other requests with Pavard I'll do my best to do it.
Interview- Kai Havertz
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When your boss told you that you had to cover the post-match interview, you were more than happy to do it. Interviewing the MOM was a great opportunity, especially because you already knew the Chelsea players, but you felt a bit awkward when the MOM was your boyfriend, Kai Havertz. Even though your relationship was known to everyone and some of your co-workers made fun of you at the sports channel where you work, you and Kai continued to keep your relationship low-key.
"Here he comes," said, the camera guy, "are you nervous?"
The question left in the air as Kai appeared next to you, all sweat and flushed by the intensity of the game. He's still out of breath, and his dark hair wet, and messy makes him still look handsome. He gives you a wink and an ear-to-ear smile.
You are a little dismayed by his presence you regain your composure as quickly as possible by clearing your throat and smiling.
"So, Kai, how does it feel to score what may be the most important goal of your career? Scoring the winning goal in the Champions League at such a young age must mean a lot to you." You went straight to the point.
"Yes, it feels great. To hear the whole stadium cheer and celebrate with us after everything we've been through. I will remember this day for the rest of my life."
"It's been a tough first season for you, with a lot of criticism..." You knew Kai has been criticized this season because he wasn't showing his "grit." Although you knew he went through days where he regretted whether it was the right decision or not. Leaving the comfort of his home country, only to step into the best league in the world as the Premier League was, with a totally different culture and another language. Where people want you to adapt in the blink of an eye. All that pressure at times had Kai under the weather.
"...Now, with the winning goal, you can say that coming to Chelsea was the right decision?"
"I don't care about the criticism. We just won the fucking Champions League!" Kai was so ecstatic that he forgot he was on international television, and his words left you in shock. He realized his mistake and quickly said, "I'm sorry, darling."
You giggled. How cute he looks? All flushed and embarrassed by what he said. He continued speaking. "As I said, I'm one hundred percent sure I made the right decision. Even though I haven't had good days at times, I've learned a lot, and now I have friends who are like family. Next season will be better, I promise." He replied, winking at the camera.
"You're definitely going to shine next season." You said proudly, cheering your boyfriend on. He nodded as a thank you. "Last question so you can continue to enjoy the night. What went through your mind when you saw the ball cross the line?"
"I don't know. For a few seconds, I couldn't believe it. Until the cheers of the fans deafened me, and then, when my teammates were running towards me, I knew it was true and not a dream." Kai's deep blue eyes were shining with happiness, and all you wished was that you could hug him and celebrate with him. You turned to the camera to end the interview, but Kai spoke again.
"You haven't asked me, but that goal had a special meaning for me, not because it gave me the first and highest title I can get at a club. Because I dedicate it to my girlfriend, who has been with me all this roller coaster of ups and downs. I know she had to find a new job to be by my side. So to me, she's the real hero, who supports me all the time."
His love-filled words left you speechless, as you were clearly the girlfriend. Your heart was overwhelmed with love, and all you wanted at that moment was his strong arms around you. Your eyes pricked as you held back tears.
"Thank you, Kai," you said, telling people that the interview was over, but also thanking him for such nice words.
He nodded as you turned and spoke to the camera again.
"Kai Havertz is one of the youngest footballers to score in a Champions League final. At just 21 years old, he is already in the history book." You said, looking at the camera when the interview with Kai was already over. He was supposed to go with the team to celebrate. Instead, he stood behind you, making silly faces and making the people in front of you laugh. You turned to see him with his characteristic serious face. But you knew that even when he looked like a very calm and serious guy he has his funny side.
"The German boy went from villain to hero this season..." you kept talking, but again he made his dumb face and this time rested his chin on your left shoulder. You shook your head, as you couldn't believe it. You knew he was doing it all on purpose, just to distract and annoy you.
"Kai," you whispered between your lips as you followed along live on TV. He let out a chuckle at your little reprimand and before leaving, pressed a kiss on your cheek.
You felt your cheeks burn in embarrassment. Kai was so excited that he didn't mind making silly faces and making you blush on international television. Even when you were a little pissed off with his behavior, a small part of you was so happy he did it. So everyone could see a part of the real Kai Havertz, the lovelorn, the funniest, and the most loving. So everyone can see that he is not a motionless person and that he shows affection. Plus, you were glad he saved the kiss on your lips for later because you wouldn't know what to do if he had done it on TV. You might have fainted, but you figured out to keep the composure to the end of your report. Once you were free you went to catch Kai and celebrate as it should be.
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blueaetherr · 2 years
could you make a request where havertz and reader (fem) get a tattoo together? could be their initials
everything, everything
pairing: kai havertz x fem!reader [she/her]
warning(s): none
summary: the one where they get matching(ish) tattoos
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Resting behind Kai while he was washing some dishes, Y/N yawned burying her face into his shoulder. For someone who had yet to do anything today, her fatigue was quite questionable. Adjusting her head, her eyes witnessed the tattoo on his forearm. "What do you think, huh?" Exhaling softly, Y/N let her finger travel along Kai's tattoo. Doing so let her focus trail and unwind. "Should I get one of these?" 
Getting a tattoo of her own—it was a question that remained at the back of her mind, but she never really confronted it. It was just there, ignored amongst the rest and existing for the purpose of wonder and what ifs, a thought with no real reason to be if she refused to act on it. Never was she deterred from getting one; no religious boundary was holding her back and she held no fear of getting one. It was never something that she got herself into, simply never taking the chances to look into it.
Kai looked over his shoulder at Y/N, a laugh attached to his smile, before returning his focus to the dishes in the sink. "I don't know, love. It's whatever you want," his voice trailed as he placed a clean dish on the rack, "but it'd be cool if you did." 
He would be lying if he never thought about Y/N getting a tattoo, a matching one too even. It wasn't a wish of Kai's for her to get one, she could do as she pleased. It was more of a thought of his, one not too pressing but existing.
Tattoos had meaning or, extremely, a lack thereof. The idea of having matching tattoos with Y/N seemed like an act of fun and bonding for him. To have so much meaning or less written in ink, to have someone to share a unique tattoo with—sharing something only she would understand—sharing a tattoo that would only make sense if the two were together, physically. That right there, that was truly something for Kai, and he refused to argue against it.
"You thinking about getting one?" asked Kai.
She chuckled, wrapping an arm around his waist. "It might just be on the list of things to do," she rested her chin on his shoulder, her sight eyeing one of the tattoos on his arm. everything y/n is love. Y/N grinned into Kai's shoulder. "What were you thinking... when you got this?"
"I mean... a lot, really," Kai hummed, "I can definitely say you." There was a lot of thought that went into the tattoo. It came to the player after they exchanged their first I love you, when the relationship was really taking off. When Kai was excited, giddy and young in love—in fact, he still was. That want and belonging and affection from the beginning of time, they all remained—they were there—and were felt by Kai with every passing day. He wanted to do something, a gesture big or small, and dedicate it to his partner, so he decided on a tattoo.
It spoke his truth about Y/N—the truth. He got it with her in mind as she was the only one thing, only one person he had in thought. That she was the centre of all in his life. There was nothing above or below her, in-between, in no way was she limited to anything. That she was enough, more than enough, all that he needed. She personified that love, affection, company, and all these unconditional matters. Y/N was, indeed, his reason to do this and that and his thoughts from dusk till dawn.
Turning off the water, Kai dried his hands with a tea towel as he turned around to face Y/N. "I don't know if I make it obvious but it's my favourite one." It was something far from Kai's knowledge, though it remained a general fact to her. From where the tattoo resided, that was his comfort spot on his body. In any state of negative or positive energy, he found his fingers tracing the tattoo. Y/N made everything feel okay. He took Y/N into his arms, embracing her gently before placing a kiss on her forehead. "I love it. I really do, much like I do you."
And Y/N felt the same, perhaps even more than enough, to do the same for Kai.
"I don't understand why this has to be a big reveal," Kai said, following Y/N into the living room. He took a seat next to her on the couch, sighing. "Like, I get it—it's your first one after all—just why so much suspense?" 
There was a glow to Y/N. Some thoughts and days later, she decided to get the tattoo, finally. It wasn't a rushed decision but from the time it first came to mind up until now, it was evident that a certain conversation with Kai caused current actions to happen.
"Are you ready to see it or not?" Deciding to get a tattoo also came with the decision to not have Kai accompany her to get it. She wanted his reaction to be genuine and full; the process of getting one would only make his reaction appear delayed and dragged out.
Rolling his eyes (lovingly), he gestured to his partner. "Show me then."
Following his go ahead, Y/N unveiled the new tattoo resting along her arm. everything [kai] is love, it wrote. Much thought didn't go into it—there was no need yet, still, it held its meaning. It referenced no particular memory. Days where they spent their hours wasted and too far gone until they remembered nothing but one another, days where they hibernated at home and kissed for hours and hours, days where it was simply only Y/N and Kai. Really, any single memory with Kai would do because she dedicated the tattoo to him. 
I mean that's what she thought of Kai, to herself and outwardly.
He was her everything. Everything about him is love, he is love. The way he holds her close, the way he could see all in her eyes, the way he comforts her during hard times, the way he lets them waltz together tragically whenever her favourite soft tunes came on, the way he never judged Y/N for her traits deemed far from normal. He made the relationship whole and fun. Y/N could ask for one thing and Kai would provide her with so much more. That want and belonging and affection, at the end of the day, never did he forget to relay it all on Y/N.
"So what I'm seeing is that you copied me?" he said, though Y/N knew it was all bluff. His lips parted, his eyes lighting up, inspecting the tattoo as he let his fingers carefully trail over it. There was no reason to believe that he didn't love it. 
She shook her head with a chuckle as Kai brought her into a hug. "You inspired it but I guess we can agree to disagree."
"You knew I'd love it and you were right. I really do."
All of Kai and Y/N was love. They saw it in one another and in everything around them. Kai saw love in all that was Y/N, that he didn't want everything in the world when he had her. Y/N, in hand, saw Kai as everything and in that everything there lay love. Through her company and his kind words, all was whole. That want and belonging and affection, it was infinite and would never fall flat.
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
Dialogue/Situation/Setting | 15 with Kai Havertz
“I’m hot” “Yes you are ;)” + Bathroom + Flirting [getting ready for night out]
Warnings: some innuendo but nothing else xx
- - -
You stared back at your reflection in the mirror, pulling a funny face as you swiped mascara over your upper and lower eyelashes on both eyes, turning this way and that to make sure everything looked perfect. The rest of your makeup was flawless; the only thing missing was the perfect shade of lipstick to go with your look.
Once your lipstick was on and you’d added the jewelry as the finishing touches to your outfit along with the shoes you’d bought specifically for this dinner date, you couldn’t help gaping at your reflection in the mirror at your transformation.
“I’m hot,” you muttered to yourself, sliding your hands down your body to smooth out the wrinkles in your outfit.
“Yes, you are,” came an unexpected answer as Kai walked into the room. He shot you a wink followed by a grin before leaning down to press a light kiss to your cheek, careful not to ruin your makeup. “You almost ready to go?”
“I think so,” you replied, giving yourself one last once-over in the mirror. “You still haven’t told me where we’re going.”
Kai just smiled back in response. “That’s because it’s a surprise, but I can tell you that you’re going to be the most beautiful woman in the restaurant, Schatz.”
“Stop it!” You swatted his shoulder playfully before grabbing your clutch. “Flattery won’t get you anywhere until after the date.”
“Well then, let’s hurry up and get there before I have a chance to make us late for our reservation,” Kai replied, taking your hand and leading you to the car for your mystery date.
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varanest · 3 years
one thing i’ve left to do, discover me, discovering you
a/n: this is a ‘whoever you want to read it with’ piece i have posted and deleted twice but i decided i will post everything that’s on my drafts so - any feedback is appreciated. 
As soon as they were in their Uber, he was all over her. His hand slipped between her thighs, slowly working his way up. His face was buried in her neck, his tongue and teeth mapping out the column of her throat. She fisted his hair as he assaulted her neck, keeping her lips firmly together so that her moans didn’t reach the ears of their driver while she dragged his hand up to her cunt.
“Impatient little thing… can’t even wait ‘til we’re home to have my hands on that pretty cunt,” he growled into her skin as his fingers traced the damp circle soaking through her panties. The heat rose to her cheeks, though she wasn’t sure if it was from the filthy words dripping off his lips or from the way their driver’s jaw clenched in annoyance. Didn’t really matter which, though. Maia still grinded against his hand while he murmured cheesy praises into her neck.
Once inside his building, Maia barely got a chance to catch her breath. He had her caged between him and the wall during the elevator ride, letting his hands trail over her sides as he pressed his full weight into her. His thumbs reached just below the underwire of her bra when the elevator doors slid open.
She whined quietly as he pulled off her, already missing the feeling of him practically engulfing her. He was taller than her, maybe six feet tall if she were to guess. When she was pressed up against him, she almost felt small. Little. Like a fragile thing surrounded by him.
It was a foreign feeling. She had never really felt small.
And as his large hand engulfed hers as he pulled her toward his apartment, this giddy, warm feeling pooled in her stomach. Just his hand covering hers made her feel little. That feeling only grew as he tugged her into his apartment before pushing her up against his door. “Fucking finally,” he grumbled before his mouth took hers.
As greedy and hard as his lips on her neck had been, his first kiss to her lips was surprisingly gentle. And warm. His entire body was pressed hard against her, squeezing her body tight between him and the door, but his lips remained soft. And the way his tongue dipped into her mouth… she’d call it filthy if it were more urgent, but the slow pace made it feel reverent.
It was so easy to respond to him, to just shut her mind off and only think about reacting to the tongue exploring her mouth and swallowing his quiet grunts. It wasn’t until minutes later when he pulled away and they were both breathless that she realized how urgent it had become. His hand was now fisting her hair, her hands were gripping his collar, and the two of them were gasping for air.
“Bedroom.” She meant for it to come out like a command. After all, Maia was a little bossy in all aspects of her life, but especially when it came to getting laid. But her voice sounded smaller than it usually does, a little breathless and pleading. And it wasn’t without an effect on him, whose lips smirked and eyes darkened as he took a step back. She almost whined at the loss of contact, but he kept both his hands on her as he walked her toward his bedroom.
This time, he had her up a dresser. He flicked the lights on before slamming his lips back onto her neck, this time on the other side… perhaps his way of making sure there was an even distribution of his marks when Maia woke up in the morning.
She tried to get back into it, but she was itching to turn the light back off. Its presence transformed her excitement into fear. Fear of him seeing her naked. Fear that he wouldn’t like what he saw. Fear that every dimple on her thighs and roll on her stomach would repulse him.
Before her thoughts took the dark turn into a full-on body-loathing spiral, she asked, “Could we keep the lights off?”
He blinked several times, his brows furrowed as he processed her question. He was going to ask her why. They always asked why. And then Maia would try to downplay it, but he wouldn’t buy it. And next thing she knows she’s spilling all her body image problems onto a stranger instead of having sex. Fuck, she should have just kept her mouth shut and suffered through having the light on.
After a beat, his face faltered. “Yeah, okay,” he murmured before flicking it back off. Relief should have washed over her once the lights were out. No longer did she have to fear him seeing her naked in a well-lit room. It meant that Maia could fuck him however she wanted without her anxieties about her body ruining it.
But something lurched in her chest at this visible disappointment in his eyes. As he leaned forward to kiss her, she stopped him. “Is that okay?”
“Of course, whatever you want, baby,” he shrugged it off, but Maia stopped him again when he leaned forward. “Okay, I just…”
“You just what?”
“I just wanna see you.” There was no smugness in his voice. No teasing tone that came with all his pick-up lines. No endearment or praise. Just him, with a hint of sadness in his voice, admitting that he wants to see her.
Maia bit down on her lip and stared back at him. The lamppost outside his building illuminated his face in the dark, meaning she could see the sincerity in his eyes.
So, even though her stomach lurched at the thought, she leaned over to flick the light back on, and the change in his demeanor was immediate.
“There you are,” he grinned as he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. She tilted her head up in time for his lips to glide against hers again, and the contented moan that escaped his throat sent a chill down her body.
He kissed her like he did before, his mouth demanding her full attention. She felt her mind go blank again, only vaguely aware of him tugging off his own jacket. She kicked off her heels next, giggling a bit into his mouth when she realized just how much shorter than him this made her.
She tugged at his shirt next, whining until he helped her get it off. Maia wanted to run her fingers all over the warm, newly exposed skin, but he had other ideas. His fingers worked the zipper of her dress, and Maia felt a familiar panic set in.
Maia tucked her face into his neck, pressing kisses to distract herself from the fact that her dress was about to fall to the ground, exposing every stretch mark to him. “Baby,” he murmured right into her ear. The zipper was completely undone, meaning he was just waiting for Maia to pull her arms out of it and let it fall.
He tilted her chin up with his finger, and Maia locked eyes with him. His were warmer than they had been, not the dark, smug eyes that had watched her for most of the night. She relaxed under his gaze, letting her dress fall to the floor with an easy exhale.
His body snapped back into focus. His hands gripped her waist as he walked her back to his bed. “Fuck, look at you,” he growled right into her ear, his breath hot on her earlobe. “Gorgeous.” She was about to roll her eyes again when the back of her legs hit his mattress. She fell back onto the comforter with a thud. A giggle escaped her lips. There was no way that was hot or graceful.
When she looked up at him, his eyes were raking over her… staring at her uncovered body for the first time. God, she should have kept the lights off. His soft eyes lingered on her chest, which wasn’t surprising. One silver lining for Maia’s weight gain had been the massive breasts that came with it. But when his gaze drifted lower, her arms automatically came up to cover her stomach.
”Maia.” His voice broke on that one syllable. It was low, gravelly, and forlorn. “Will you let me look at you some more?”
She kept her eyes trained on his face as she removed her arms, and there was a small twitch at his lips, curving the corners of his mouth up. His eyes didn’t leave her body as his hands slid up and down her bare thighs. And just when she got her heart rate down again and relaxed into his touch, he whispered one quiet, earnest word that sent a shudder through her entire body.
a/n: who did you picture this with? let me know.
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football-rambles · 2 years
I got 43 responses from the poll I asked for people to take part in! It is hard to choose, for because its basically Mason and Ben that has been voted for, and honestly, I want to make it fair when it comes to other players so I have decided to put the names that have been voted with the number so if its mason mount (12) its how many he was voted for etc.
It’s just easier to collect the data, here is a new poll
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marcdurm · 4 years
“I not so accidentally ended up wearing your sweater tonight.”- Kai Havertz
They’ve known each other for years now and they have been good friends, but for the past months they have decided to take their relationship to the next step. It was clear they both had an eye for each other for a long time now but both of them being in a relationship with different people made things impossible. Coincidentally, their break ups happened almost at the same time, with different reasons for each relationship. Since then, they came closer and even if it was noticeable by their friends, they still haven’t been open about it. Until tonight.
Part of her wanted to keep things quiet for longer, but the fact that there was another girl having her eyes on Kai was triggering her more than anything else lately. And the fact that the two of them really didn’t get along pretty well made things worse. She was a friend of a friend, and somehow found her way out with the group whenever Kai would be there too. She’s not sure if the reason she didn't like her was because of her interest on Kai or not but that was still enough for her.
“I not so accidentally ended up wearing your sweater tonight.” she said immediately as soon as Kai answered her FaceTime call, showing him the view  of her in his forgotten sweater and her biker leggings, on her mirror. They were invited to a friend’s house and of course she was going to be there too, trying to flirt with Kai, ignoring how much uninterested he looked. But she really wasn’t interested to watch the same show again.
“Are you trying to break some hearts tonight?” Kai smirked knowing exactly what she was doing. He didn’t really care whether someone was flirting with him or not. His mind and eyes were on her and only but there was something about the way she acted all possessive when it came to him, that turned him on. 
“As politely as I can.” she turned her selfie camera back on and smiled at him innocently. “She needs to learn where she stands at finally.”
“Revenge is a dish best served cold, I know.” he laughed, “It looks good on you though, and in general you look good tonight.” he smiled at her, making her blush.
“Mhm, you better hurry up though and come pick me up so you get to enjoy me more. I didn’t get all pretty just to wait here, alone.” she raised her eyebrows at him.
“I’ll be there soon, I’m leaving in five minutes, I have to make sure I look good enough to be standing next to you.” 
“Try not to look too good though, she’s hungry and I don’t promise I’ll be able to hold myself either from fighting her or taking you right in front of anyone.” she winked at him and ended the call.
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footballxixstars · 4 years
can i request something with kai havertz? maybe celebrating his hattrick? ☺️
Celebrating • Kai Havertz
You were sitting at home watching the Chelsea game against Barnsley. As soon as you saw Kai score that hattrick you knew you needed to do something to celebrate. It was his first hattrick for Chelsea and although it was against a league one side it was still a momentous occasion. You had time to think about how to celebrate it. You already had a couple of ideas and some of them were sexual but to be completely honest you went feeling up to that tonight. Maybe you would reward him that way another night. Also, Kai had just played a game where he scored a hattrick so he probably wouldn’t be fully up to it either. Suddenly a great idea came to your head and you knew what to do to celebrate. You jumped up from the sofa and instantly started to get everything ready. You had around 1 hour and a half, possibly 2 hours maybe longer until Kai gets home and you had a lot to get ready so you have to get started.
“Congratulations on the hat trick,” You said as soon as Kai walked through the door. He dropped his bag on the floor and walked over to you. He would pick it up later but for now, he just wanted you in his arms. His arms wrapped around your waist pulling you into his body. He had obviously had a shower at the ground because he actually smells quite nice and clearly not sweaty like he had just played a game.
“Come with me,” You said holding his hand as you made your way through the house. The closer you got to the dining room the stronger the smell got. You had to admit it did smell nice and appealing.
“Something smells nice in here,” Kai complimented which made you smile. It smelled nice to Kai which means it should taste nice. The smell is everything. Eventually, he made it to the dining room where there were two meals laid out. One meal for him and another for you. There were candles set across the table making it seem more romantic and you had also placed some flowers on the table. He looked at you speechless. You had cooked his favourite food. You knew that he hadn’t been in England for long but he had missed food from home so whilst you had time you decided to make it. Kai’s mum taught you how to make it whilst in Germany so you’re not the best at cooking but you’re decent. You’re good enough that you know that Kai will enjoy it.
“I’ve made a meal knowing that you would be hungry and then I’ve got another surprise for after so sit down,” You said pushing Kai towards his seat. Once you were sure Kai was comfortable in his chair and taken care of, you took a seat opposite him. The two of you talked as you ate through the meal which was filling you up quickly yet you still left some room for dessert. You told Kai to stay where he was sitting whilst you went and got it. You picked up the dessert leaving the other plates that had the dinner on them on the side thinking that you’ll just clean them tomorrow. All you wanted to do was spend time with Kai and eat this dessert that you made. You placed the dessert in front of Kai and instantly he dug into it literally inhaling it. Whilst Kai ate his quickly you took your own time eating it wanting to taste it all properly but before you know it, it was all gone. You were stuffed but part of you wanted to go and get some more. Kai began to speak though before you could move.
“Thank you for this, the meal was lovely,” Kai said to you leaning in to kiss you. You couldn’t keep the smile off of your face as he kissed you making it a bit difficult so Kai pulled away from you. You grabbed the dessert plates, taking them into the kitchen and also placing them on the side before going back over to Kai. Instead of sitting down opposite him, you stood in front of him.
“I’ve got something else for you,” You said linking your hand in Kai’s and pulling him along with you so you were sure he was walking with you to the bedroom.
“Y/N I’m really not in the mood for sex,” Kai said as you pulled him towards the bedroom. You were not bringing him into the bedroom for sex but you could see why Kai thought that. You had given him a meal and usually what comes next is sex especially for a celebration but not tonight. Even if you were dragging him to the bedroom.
“I know,” You said. The rest of the way to the bedroom was made in silence but it was like you could hear his mind running trying to figure out what was happening. He was trying to figure out why you were going to the bedroom.
“Right take your top off,” You said to him as you got into the bedroom. Kai looked at you raising his eyebrow but did it anyway. Pulling his top off he placed it on the chest of drawers before looking back over at you waiting for you to explain what you want him to do next.
“Lie down on the bed on your front,” You said to him. Without even questioning you Kai did what you asked moving around a couple of times to get comfortable. When you were sure he was comfortable you went and grabbed everything that would be needed before coming back and placing it on the bed next to Kai where you would be able to easily grab it. Kai had a lazy smile on his face when he saw you walk back into the room with those things in your hands. He automatically knew what was happening and he was looking forward to it. It’s not often that you give him a massage, only on special occasions so Kai was excited. You know that you’re not the best at massages that’s why you hardly give him them but any excuse to get your hands on Kai. Kai absolutely loved your massages. They maybe weren’t professional like the ones he gets at the club but they are personal so that makes them better. To Kai anyway. You went and sat on Kai’s lower making sure that both of you were comfortable. When Kai said he was comfortable you got the oil and put it on your hands before placing your hands on his shoulders rubbing them a little bit before putting more pressure making sure that it was still gentle. You could feel how tense Kai was but bit by bit he was slowly relaxing. Maybe your massages were good.
“God Y/N,” Kai moaned when you hit one spot on his shoulder. He could never describe how good it felt and you would never believe him anyway so he never tried. You moved your hands down his back and moved yourself down onto the top of his thighs so you were able to massage his lower back. Small moans were constantly leaving his mouth so you knew that he was enjoying it but pretty quickly he was fully relaxed and didn’t need to be massaged for much longer. You continued for a bit longer until deciding that was enough and you pulled your hands away from him and got off of his lower back. You were going to do his whole body but you felt like Kai would fall asleep if you did so you decided to finish it. You massaged his back and shoulders well enough so that should be good enough.
“How do you feel now?” You asked him, throwing everything onto the floor which was on the bed. You already knew that you would have a lot of cleaning up tomorrow and you would hate yourself in the morning but at this moment you just wanted to be with Kai. After getting ready for bed of course. You did, however, have to wash your hands to make sure that the oil was off of them which didn't take long. . You were already there near enough so it only took a minute and all Kai had to do was take off his shorts. He knew that he should probably brush his teeth but he couldn’t be bothered to get out of bed. Missing one night shouldn’t be bad; he'll just make sure he brushes them better in the morning. Same as you to be honest.
“Good, relaxed like I could just go sleep now,” Kai said as he watched you get back into bed on your side facing him. The two of you were just staring at each other in silence for a bit. Your hand on his cheek just drawing shapes whilst he sleepily blinked. You knew that it wouldn’t be long until he fell asleep. He was too relaxed and tired anyway.
“Thank you for tonight,” Kai said and right after it yawned. He was tired now and just wanted to go to sleep.
“You’re welcome. Maybe I’ll give you a proper congratulations tomorrow if you’re up for it,” You said, leaning in to kiss him quickly before leaning back down head on the pillow. Kai’s arm wrapped loosely around your waist. Your eyes are on his face as he tries to go to sleep. He looked so peaceful just lying there with his eyes closed. Your hand was wrapped around his waist and your nails were softly scratching his back helping him fall asleep and once he was asleep you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to sleep comfortably in his arms.
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