#kagome x gojo
dyaz-stories · 28 days
WIP Wednesday — Gojo Satoru x Kagome Higurashi
Hiii everyone, I wanted to post this little snippet on here for this niche crossover pairing I've been thinking about so much recently. I have ideas for a fic for them that I really want to work on and publish eventually, but in the meantime, here is a little part that I've written. I don't know if anyone who reads me will be in both fandoms and/or be interested but if you are PLEASE come scream about it with me, you'd be so so welcome to do so! Hope you'll enjoy!
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Kagome sprints down the crater left by the collision. The dust hasn’t settled yet. She cannot hear anything but the sound of her own heart over the ringing left by the explosion, and her eyes cannot pick up anything through the thick veil of dirt and ashes.
She has no way of knowing what she will find down there, no way of knowing if Gojo is alive or if she will have to finish the enemy he could not take on, alone. She already has an arrow at the ready, fingers tight around the string of her bow. Her spiritual energy, which she’s so dutifully repressed for years, is pulsating under her skin, keeping up with her swirling emotions.
He’d said he was the strongest. He’d said it, and repeated it, and everyone around him had acted like it was obvious, and she’d believed them — but she barely knew him, and he barely knew her world. He was an exorcist, and these weren’t curses. Yokai, corrupt monks, dark priestesses… He could as easily not have made it.
But when she reaches the bottom of the crater, as the dust is starting to settle, she meets piercing blue eyes.
“Not bad, huh?” Satoru Gojo asks her. He’s grinning wildly, panting, sweat running down his neck.
He’s alive.
Relief washes over Kagome instantly, and she puts down her bow, letting the spiritual energy flow back in. She feels it protest, knows it wants out, wants her to stop constricting it. She still forces it back in.
“You’re okay,” she whispers.
His grin widens even more as he walks up to her. His tongue sticks out cockily between his teeth as he speaks.
“’course I’m okay. You didn’t think I was going to let that little thing beat me, huh?”
He’s towering over her, basking in the glory of his victory. His white hair frame his face, a glowing halo. He looks like an angel. He looks like a god.
Kagome feels the relief switch to fear, one that fills her veins and makes her head buzz. Half of it is canalized into anger right away, because that’s just how she’s wired,  but she knows. Deep down, she’s terrified.
“You cannot do things like that,” she says slowly, taking the time to articulate so she doesn’t lose it. “You don’t know enough about the yokai, or the wielders of spiritual energy. You don’t know what we can do.”
“Neither do you,” he answers casually, leaning his shoulders back. “There’s nothing you can throw at me that I wouldn’t be able to take.”
The worst part is, she doesn’t even believe that that is untrue. He probably could. If he had any idea of what might be coming his way, which he clearly, emphatically, doesn’t.
“You don’t understand,” she says. “I told you before. Spiritual energy— it can dispel cursed energy. Whether it’s curses, or any spell.”
He tilts his head, studying her. His eyes are shining.
“Just like that?” he asks. His tone is mocking, and she can tell he doesn’t believe her one bit. She gets it. He’s never seen it happen. This is a world he never even knew existed, and he’s used to nothing being able to hide from him. But she has to, she needs to make him believe her.
So she reaches out. His Infinity is always a light glow around him, one that she knows others cannot see, so she knows it’s activated. She lets her fingers get in contact with it, slowly. It stretches like a glove at first, before the spiritual energy that irrigates her entire body whether she wants it or not sets to purifying it. It doesn’t pop like a bubble, though she suspects she could do that, if she chose to, just letting her index finger through, then her entire hand, then her wrist. Finally, she places her hand on Gojo’s heaving chest, all while he’s staring at her, mouth slightly agape now.
“Any spell,” she repeats.
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For context:
This takes place post high school arc for Satoru but pre-Yuta. Satoru is around 24 I want to say? Maybe a little younger. I haven't decided yet if he's already a teacher at Jujutsu High but I'm leaning towards no.
Kagome is the same age, living in the modern era for reasons that will be explored later on. The well is closed. I'm leaning towards InuKag having always been platonic in this universe, but with a very very strong bond nonetheless (obviously)
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erakubi · 3 months
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I sketched some scenes from @authorautumnbanks ‘s satoru/kagome stories on ao3 ;v; found this ship like a month ago and have never known peace since.
1st panel: A Thousand Days With You
2nd panel: How To Tame A Sorcerer
3rd panel: One Night
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authorautumnbanks · 8 days
Sneak peak/not edited
“I’d love to be at the mercy of you. You like bondage?”
Kagome tilts her head to the side. “Can’t say I’ve ever done it. You want me to bind you?”
“There’s no bindings that can hold me.”
“But I’m a priestess,” she points out. “I can put a seal on the rope so you can’t get out unless I want you to.”
Satoru hums and looks at his wrists. “Anything else you want me to pick up?”
“Clamps.” She waits for the disgust to flint across his face, but it never does. Satoru smiles at her so brightly she almost needs sunglasses. “You’re such a pervert,” she says with a snort.
“Oink oink.”
She laughs as she brushes past him. 
Oh. She forgot about Ijichi-san. Koushi’s giggles follow after Ijichi-san’s cries.
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secretumparadisus · 2 years
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Tmw some chick bumps into you when it shouldn’t be physically possible
Kagome x Satoru is such a small camp ship your honor, and I love it
obvs she’s older than during the main inuyasha-series, I hate I feel the need to disclaim that
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aae-tuu · 10 months
The Kikyo-Kagome Effect
In which you look like someone who he used to know
A Gojo Satoru (jjk) x platonic!gn!reader short fic
(readers appearance nor gender isn’t stated but there is mentions of them looking like someone else who’s gender is a girl so uh... Also slight spoilers for JJK season 2 but it’s not like explicitly stated what happened. Also also, probably some ooc gojo tehe)
You could feel it.
The way Gojo's eyes would always linger on you a few seconds more than they would linger on others, never in the romantic sense of course.
You were one of the four first years at Tokyo Jujutsu High, and along with Itadori, Megumi, and Nobara, worked towards perfecting your cursed technique.
But, there was always a question at the back of your mind.
Why doesn't Gojo Sensei like me?
It felt as if in a way he hated you, but at the same time didn't. Like he didn't want you around but wouldn't want you to leave either.
Whenever Itadori went to give him a high five or any sort of physical contact, Gojo accepted with open arms. Whenever you attempted any physical contact, Gojo would tense, his fun demeanor vanishing instantly and you'd be left wondering what you did wrong or if you had offended him in any way.
You'd hear stories about how fun Gojo is to go shopping with from Nobara and Itadori, but whenever it's just you and Gojo out, it's as if you have a suffocating helicopter parent.
One time, you had disappeared from his side to go look at a product at a store window. When he had found you he grabbed your shoulders, looking you over from head to toe, asking questions that ranged from "Who took you?" to "No shots?"
You didn't understand what he meant by that last question, but brushed it off as just Gojo Gojoing around.
It wasn't until he really scolded you for leaving his side, his voice and gaze uncharacteristically serious, that you had your suspicions that something else was going on with him. From then on, he's always make you hold onto his sleeve when out, or he'd hold onto yours.
That was one of the closest physical contacts he's granting you and it's only for when you two go out.
Another thing you noticed was he didn't like when you and Megumi hung out together. You didn't know why
He'd see you two talking and suddenly he has to whisk Megumi away for "something important" or if you two are sitting too close he'd either scoot you apart with his hands, or he'd just plop right in the middle of you both, doesn't matter how uncomfortable it is.
You could never understand why he acts like this around you. At first you thought he was just being protective over Megumi (who is basically his son), but the feeling in your gut said otherwise as you continued to observe his actions.
You try to be friendly, you really do, but he never gives you a chance to bond. He's always running off to annoy someone else and as much as you hate to think it, you wished he'd annoy you too.
You wanted a fun relationship with your teacher just like the other students. Someone who just wasn't a teacher but a friend as well. You wanted the inside jokes, the fun shopping trips, the physical affection, all of what the others have with Gojo, you craved as well.
But he wouldn't give it to you. No matter how much you begged for an ounce of your teachers attention, he simply couldn't look at you when you looked too much like her.
And those eyes bring back an unbearable pain that he refuses to go through again.
Even if it meant creating a barrier between him and his precious student...and watching you walk away, a disappointed look on your face, as he once again made sure only you wouldn't be one of the few who'd get past his walls. And he knew, deep down, even though she's gone and you're still alive, at this rate
he'd lose you too.
AN: i had to get this off my chest you guys because I like making Gojo suffer idc
Also let me know if this is ooc but honestly I just want that man to be sad
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mizukixtsukiyomi · 8 months
Can i request a scenario with Kagome x Gojo. I also really wanted to tell you that you do great work. I've liked your posts for a long time. I'd also like to say that i appreciate you and that you should work on what you want regardless of what other people think.
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I am still a bit rusty, so I'll be writing short scenarios until I can get back into my groove.
"Thank you, Shoko." Kagome gave the brunette doctor a smile. "I know Satoru's request can put you in a bit of a bind, but we will take hit."
Shoko sighed waving her palm up and down. "Don't worry about it. I know you two are just looking after the kid." Her tired eyes glided over to the white-haired male standing next to her friend. "Are you sure, though? Don't you think his friends would want to know he's alive?" It had come as a shock to see Itadori Yuji alive and well. She was ready to examine his body as soon as he arrived.
"I'll be training him," Gojo replied with a grin. "I'll have him ready for the exchange event."
Kagome blinked over to stare at the man - bewildered at his statement. "What? That's in a few weeks!" Was he crazy? The boy was trying to recover from his own funeral!
Shoko raised a brow before turning her back to the duo. "Do as you like, you two. Just don't get me wrapped into the mess."
Hearing a snicker next to her, Kagome watched as Gojo gave Shoko a thumbs up. This man and his weird ideas. She shook her head. "You think Yuji-kun will be able to handle the exchange event? This is serious, Satoru."
A pause stretched.
"He's capable," Gojo replied, turning his head to the priestess. "You feel it, don't you?"
"I just don't like the idea of Sukuna being inside of him." She replied. "I could easily exorcise his soul out of Itadori-kun, but you didn't let me." Turning her body to full face her partner, Kagome's brows furrowed with concern. "I am here to support your dream, Satoru. I am here to support and protect those kids. I don't want to lose anyone just like we lost Suguru...so if I have to intervene to protect them, I will."
He listened. Her words anchored into his head. This was the girl jujutsu sorcerers wanted and protected to make sure no curses got ahold of the jewel she possessed. But he had made his own vow. To educate a new generation of jujutsu sorcerers who would be there to protect her...when he no longer could.
A smile returned to his lips before gently setting his hand on her head. "We won't lose anyone, I promise that on my own soul."
Kagome gave him a pout, "don't vow on such a thing! I don't want to lose you either... you promised to protect me."
"Yeah, yeah," he chuckled, "I did, didn't I?"
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Since the crossover of Jjk and Inuyasha is popping up here, for the Gojo x Kagome, there actually is a fic I would like to suggest its called How to Tame a Sorcerer and their first meeting is actually Kagome falling from the sky to Gojos lap.. Its definitely a meet cute fic filled with smut and fluff and a must read for me
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neonscandal · 5 months
Who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them...Thanks if you want to answer....
Contemplating my answer as I've come to the realization that ships are really just a way to self report on how you view relationships or how yours are in real life (is that just me?)...
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Suffice it to say, I generally like ships that are a leetle antagonistic in jest, but are warm and fuzzy at the core.. generally. Unsurprisingly, a lot of the ships I love most are also featured on this list of recs. Thank you for asking, I'd love to hear about what ships you'd recommend as I'm always looking for something new to obsess over. In no particular order:
A Special Place In My Heart
Inclusion of the ship may not necessarily be a gold seal of recommendation for the source material so.. grain of salt.
Kyouko Hori & Izumi Miyamura, Horimiya - innocent and navigating the obstacles of coming of age. They each get a sense of redemption (just looks a bit different) but also they are silly and comfortable.
Shuumei Sasaki & Yoshikazu Miyano, Sasaki and Miyano - genuinely? Earnest Gentle x Considerate Gentle but also funny. Butterflies and second hand embarrassment, just what you'd expect from falling in love in high school.
Narumi Momose & Hirotaka Nifuji, Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku - because of course. Authentic acceptance of one's shameful quirks and hobbies even if it isn't readily apparent that one of them has been invested a whole lot longer than the other.
Ranma Saotome & Akane Tendou, Ranma 1/2 - don't judge me, I was young, immature even. Tsundere x tsundere will have you fighting for your life on that "will they, won't they" ledge. If you haven't seen it, think Inuyasha & Kagome (same mangaka and Ian Cox voices Ranma in later seasons and goes on to voice Inuyasha).
Miaka Yuuki & Tamahome, Fushigi Yugi: The Mysterious Play - she won.
Tatsu & Miku, The Way of the Househusband - not a ship but a fact of life.
Hayase Nagatoro & Naoto Hachiouji, Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro - ... another "don't judge me" inclusion. These two are "pause the show to recover from second hand embarrassment" but so am I.
Gugu & Rean Cropp, To Your Eternity - because first and foremost, I'm a sad bitch and their story accomplishes more in like.. a few episodes than some ships do in an entire series.
A Special Place in My Festering Lizard Brain
Generally, I post more about these ships because, in my head, their stories are incomplete or, more likely, tragic and deserving of remediation.
Kojiro Nanjo & Kaoru Sakurayashiki, SK8 the Infinity - if not ship, why ship shaped? It's the banter, baby.
Satoru Gojo & Suguru Geto, Jujutsu Kaisen - Gojo's last warm spring of youth was my last warm spring of youth.
Aslan Jade Callenreese & Eiji Okumura, Banana Fish - shhh, we can fix what canon broke.
Katsuki Bakugo & Izuku Midoriya, My Hero Academia - this ship is about to be canon as hell, so help me.
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shinyasahalo · 2 months
Top 50 AO3 Anime/Manga Dua Ships 2024
Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 9,653 fics
Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke (Naruto) 8,023 fics
Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 7,297 fics
Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku (MHA) 6,204 fics
Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang (FMA) 5,119 fics
Mikasa Ackerman/Eren Yeager (AOT) 4,806 fics
Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 4,795 fics
Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto) 4,772 fics
Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail) 4,665 fics
Higurashi Kagome/Inuyasha (Inuyasha) 4,482 fics
Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo (MHA) 4,354 fics
Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki (MHA) 4,084 fics
Bulma Briefs/Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z) 3,851 fics
Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou (MHA) 3,622 fics
Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess (Spy X Family) 3,299 fics
Higurashi Kagome/Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha) 3,045 fics
Haruno Sakura/Hatake Kakashi (Naruto) 2,986 fics
Edward Elric/Winry Rockbell (FMA) 2,757 fics
Armin Arlent/Annie Leonhart (AOT) 2,536 fics
Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might (MHA) 2,518 fics
Gojo Satoru/Iori Utahime (JJK) 2,464 fics
Chiba Mamori/Tsukino Usagi (Sailor Moon) 2,429 fics
Nara Shikamoru/Temari (Naruto) 2,380 fics
Midoriya Hisashi/Midoriya Inko (MHA) 2,357 fics
Levy McGarden/Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tail) 2,308 fics
Eri & Midoriya Izuku (MHA) 2,282 fics
Kuchiki Rukia/Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach) 2,255 fics
Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail) 2,234 fics
Kirigiri Kyoka/Naegi Makota (Dangan Ronpa) 2,162 fics
Iida Tenya/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 2,118 fics
Hanako | Yugi Amane/Yashiro Nene (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun) 2,072 fics
Chi-Chi/Son Goku (Dragon Ball) 1,976 fics
Harukawa Maki/Momota Kaito (Dangan Ronpa) 1,968 fics
Namkize Minato/Uzumaki Kushina (Naruto) 1,945 fics
Maka Albarn/Sout Eater Evans (Soul Eater) 1,921 fics
Bakugou Katsuki & Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 1,828 fics
Rin/Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha) 1,823 fics
Haruno Sakura/Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto) 1,812 fics
Bakugou Katsuki/Original Female Character (MHA) 1,761 fics
Mikasa Ackerman/Jean Kirstein (AOT) 1,726 fics
Hyuuga Hinata/Uchiha Sasuke (Naruto) 1,705 fics
Akumatsu Kaede/Saihara Shuichi (Dangan Ronpa) 1,687 fics
Miroku/Sango (Inuyasha) 1,679 fics
Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao (MHA) 1,598 fics
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Eri (MHA) 1,571 fics
Levi Ackerman/Petra Ral (AOT) 1,569 fics
Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku (MHA) 1,509 fics
Todoroki Shouto & Yaoyorozu Momo (MHA) 1,503 fics
Jellal Fernandes/Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) 1,492 fics
Honda Tohru/Sohma Kyou (Fruits Basket) 1,470 fics
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dyaz-stories · 15 days
who are we to fight the alchemy? || Gojo Satoru x Kagome Higurashi (1)
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summary: All Kagome wanted to do was go home, after her friends made her go out to go clubbing. As a result, she had no choice but to go through Shibuya, on Halloween night of all nights.
Sometimes, it only takes one person to change everything.
warnings: canon-typical violence, angst, eventual fluff, eventual romance, fix-it fic (kind of), BAMF Kagome Higurashi, Adult Kagome Higurashi
word count: 6.3k
A/N: this is a crossover pairing I've ben obsessed with recently, so here is the first chapter of a story that's all vibes with little plot. I hope you have fun and it can heal other's hearts after all the harm jjk caused all of us!
Also posted on Ao3 and fanfiction.net if you prefer reading on other websites
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All Kagome had wanted to do that night was get home. If anything, she was quietly fuming at the thought that she had, again, let Eri, Ayumi and Yuka talk her into going out, only to be met with thorough disappointment and boredom, and she wanted nothing more than to get back to the comfort of her bed.
Upon coming back from the Feudal Era, she had reveled in the feeling of safety, in the fact she no longer had to risk her life or see her friends be gravely injured, in no longer having the weight of the world on her shoulders, in the mundane pleasures of the modern life. Time had gone by since then, though, with the well never letting her through again, and though she had accepted it and moved on, now…
Well. Now, she may or may not be a little… bored.
The modern world had its oddities, too. Though yokai were few and far between, particularly in Tokyo, as the remaining ones preferred the empty forests and mountains, there were creatures roaming the world. They looked somewhat like yokai, but were unintelligent, for the ones she’d seen, strictly malevolent, and, from what she could tell, non-living.
They also instinctively steered clear of her and, as she’d confirmed for herself, they could not resist even the smallest contact with spiritual energy. No need for spiritual arrows, even coming in contact with her was unbearable for the weaker ones. As for the stronger ones, while they also could not withstand her touch, it was still more efficient to use arrows — but not necessary, not in the way it had been with yokai.
She wasn’t sure what these things were. Since becoming a teacher, she’d gotten used to cleaning the high school of them, as they appeared frequently, and discreetly freeing her students of them. After a few years of that, the school had started to feel… purified, with the creatures’ appearance becoming rarer and rarer.
“The atmosphere feels much better in the school, don’t you think, Higurashi?” one of her colleagues had asked her recently. “I don’t know what it is, but it’s gotten much brighter in here, I think. Even the students feel it!”
She’d hummed and smiled, but hadn’t commented on it.
That was one of the more interesting aspects of her life these days. Going clubbing on Halloween night with her high school friends, on the other hand… wasn’t.
She cursed under her breath as she wedged her way through the crowd outside of Shibuya. Maybe she’d have been better off calling a cab, but her small salary as a teacher, paired with the rising cost of life in Tokyo, meant that she’d be feeling the ripple of that for far too long. So, even if just the thought of the sea of human bodies down there exhausted her, she started making her way down, deep into the belly of the station.
She had just reached the top of the stairs to the last level, where she hoped to catch a subway soon enough, when she felt it.
Something was coming down. She lifted her head, only to be, of course, met with nothing but the ceiling. Even without seeing it, she felt its power extending, caging the whole building, and she felt it sealing as it reached the floor. Her breath caught painfully in her throat, heartbeat racing as she glanced around, trying to understand what was happening.
“Yeah, so I told him— Can you hear me? Hey, do you— Hello? Shit, my call cut off,” a young man muttered beside her.
Soon, everyone was echoing the same feeling — calls cutting off, SMS not sending, no Internet, no signal, no signal, no signal.
And Kagome couldn’t see anything, just try to keep breathing through the oppressive feeling.
She hadn’t experienced something like that since the three days she had spent inside the Jewel. The longest, worst days of her life.
She’d never thought she would have to deal with something like that again. But, unable to move, stuck between the bodies of thousands of others, as everyone slowly came to realize that no trains were coming and they couldn’t leave the building, she felt tears well up in her eyes.
I don’t have time for that, she thought, forcing them back and tightening her jaw to keep her lower lip from trembling. There had to be something she could do, and she refused to stand there, weak and useless, as whatever had caused this to happen decided what to do with them.
Except she couldn’t see anything.
She managed to take a few steps more, craning her neck in hope of spotting something others might not be able to see, when she bumped into a broad man.
“Sorry,” she said sheepishly, “if I could just—”
“Listen, lady,” he said, turning around a glaring at her, sweat dripping down his forehead, “no one here can move. So just stay where you are until they fix the issue, alright? No need to try anything. Stay in your goddamn place.”
Then he turned his back on her again, and Kagome stared, blinking slowly.
See, it was in moments like that when she regretted not having a big, strong half-demon with anger issues by her side.
Well, that, and whenever she was making herself ramen.
She hoped he’d found something he liked just as much, in the Feudal Era.
Bumping into the man again — one might say, deliberately pushing him, but Kagome would never —, she slipped through the crowd further, out of reach by the time he turned around to shout at her.
“You bitch!”
There were odd things going on, she realized as she got closer to the trails. She couldn’t see them, but she could feel strong presences, exuding the same energy as the creatures she’d been getting rid off for months, except so much stronger it made it hard to breathe, not unlike Naraku’s miasma — except that she seemed to be the only one to feel it.
The spiritual energy swirled inside her, instinctively wanting to rebel against whatever energy that was — not demonic, nor spiritual… what could it be? — and she pushed it down. She hadn’t let it out fully since the first couple of months of her first year of high school. It brought her unnecessary attention, which she didn’t want to deal with back then, and she had never gotten around to letting it out fully. There had been no need, and her emotions were either to reign in when she didn’t let herself experience everything. With her spiritual energy out, she didn’t have a choice to do that. Still, even when under control, it prickled unpleasantly when that energy infested the air.
“Does anyone know what’s going on?” she asked out loud, to no one in particular.
“No clue, but there are some dudes on the tracks,” a woman answered, somewhere in front of her. “Maybe that’s why the trains aren’t coming? The security should hurry up to get them off if that’s the case, though.”
“Some dudes?” a tall man in a suit scoffed. “There is one man there. Anyway, I heard the security is waiting for someone to come.”
“Who?” Kagome asked, frowning in confusion. She could not imagine how one man was necessary here.
“Gojo Satoru,” he replied with a shrug. “No clue who that is, though. Heard someone saying that.”
Okay. Very odd. Sounded like a trap for that guy, whoever he is, if you asked her, but there wasn’t much she could do about it from where she, and the doors to the tracks were shut close, which left her with another choice.
Going back.
Whatever it was that she felt fall earlier, she could at least try undoing it. If it was similar in nature to the weird energy of the creatures, it wouldn’t last long in front of her anyway.
Problem was, of course, that everyone was trying to leave, and there just wasn’t any space to go. She managed to make around twenty meters before getting stuck again, back at the bottom of the stairs.
This was starting to get annoying. If Inuyasha was there, she’d hop on his shoulders and they’d jump over the crowd. If Kirara was around, she’d fly over the scene and away from here. If Sango was here, well, she’d probably start mowing down the crowd with her Hiraikkotsu.
Kami, she missed her friends.
“What’s he doing up there?” yet another anonymous voice in the crowd asked.
Tilting her head all the way back, Kagome squinted to try and figure out what is was she was seeing.
If her eyes weren’t betraying her, high up there, where she thought the ground floor of Shibuya was, there was a man. Floating in the air.
She’d seen such things before, of course, but these were yokai. That man, though even from where she was she could tell that there was something incredibly powerful about him, was decidedly human.
And, as she slowly realized because the silhouette was growing closer, coming down.
Right above her.
Surely, he wasn’t going to…?
Nope, he definitely was. She ducked with a shriek before his shoe came in contact with her face, and watched as he stepped onto some guy’s head instead, then jumping through the crowd before disappearing behind the gates protecting the rails.
Could that be Gojo Satoru? The guy that was supposed to save everyone here? Really?
Well, she supposed having the power to fly was a step in the right direction — no pun intended — but she did wonder if he could be trusted to save them.
Though, again, she once knew a boy with a heart of gold who would have saved everyone here while absolutely stomping all over them and yelling insults at the people under him too, so maybe she shouldn’t be so prompt to judge.
She still couldn’t move, could only crane her neck and try to glimpse what was happening. And things were happening, which made it all the more frustrating. She could hear the screams, as the gates to the tracks opened and people fell down, she could feel the energy’s rise and fall, she could see a blueish aura developing, become stronger. She both heard and felt, deep in her bones, as one of the things that was never really alive died, and it tugged at her heart in a way it never had before. Somewhere, she thought, a leaf had weathered and died.
She couldn’t explain it though, couldn’t explain anything that was going on there — and things only got worse from there.
She’d stayed composed, mostly, as things went crazier, even she didn’t understand a thing. Fear may have been running through her veins, but it was a feeling she was once used to, and she found that that wasn’t the kind of things you just forgot.
As a train started to approach though, slowing down not far from her, fear was replaced by absolute horror.
She could see the souls seeping out of it, contorting, bent into abnormal shapes, sobbing and begging to anyone who could hear them, for freedom.
Souls weren’t things she usually saw. Sometimes, she noticed someone with a very large one, and she wondered what their story was, if it was anything like hers, but for most people, their shapes espoused their bodies perfectly — they were right where they belonged.
She choked a sob, and it was only when she felt the tears slide down her cheeks that she realized she was crying.
She tried to take a step back, bumped against another body, didn’t comprehend the person’s protest.
Her head
 The subway doors opened slowly, and all Kagome could do was watch as the horrible, misshaped humans with the screaming souls poured out, tearing into the other humans who stood in their paths. One of them rushed towards her, and she grabbed onto it, hands tightening onto its shoulders as it tried to bite her face off.
As she was falling, she felt its body shift under her hands.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered quietly to the young woman whose dead body remained in her arms, as her soul was freed. She saw it shiver, taking back its true form, before floating towards the exit of the station — hopefully, it would be free to do so.
Around her, there was nothing but chaos. The humans that were no longer humans ripping into the ones that still were, bodies falling from the upper floors and coming to crash down near her. She didn’t have time to mourn any of those deaths, nor did she have the power to do much, not as she was. She wished that she had her bow and arrows with her, but they were forgotten in a corner of her grandpa’s shed, where she hadn’t stepped foot in months, maybe years.
That meant she had nothing to channel her spiritual energy into. The only choice that left her, she thought as she slowly rose back to her feet, abandoning the woman’s dead body on the floor, was to let her spiritual energy flow out.
It had been so long since she’d last done that, though, that she had no idea where to start. She had spent so many years repressing that side of her, only using it to protect her students and loved ones, trying to dismiss the years she’d spent in the Feudal Era, trying to fit in and be normal and forget… How could she let it out again, even if she wanted to?
No choice, though, she repeated to herself, clenching her fists. Another monster jumped on her, and with a gentle touch she set it to rest, doing her best to accompany the body of the old man to the floor. Then came a businessman, and a teenager, and a middle-aged woman with a round face, and Kagome couldn’t figure out what to do, not when they kept coming, and they were all people, all with their own lives, their own loved ones, and her eyes burned, and her heart ached, and she needed it all to—
When the world froze, she didn’t understand what was happening.
She saw a dash of white to her left, and realized, slowly, that everyone around her had gone completely and utterly still. Former humans, humans, even the oddly shaped creatures she could spot now that the world had gone quiet. She took a step forward, then another.
Nothing moved, except — except that white bolt, running through the people, piercing through the former humans.
It was the man she’d seen earlier, she realized.
Had she been right about his identity then?
Was he Gojo Satoru?
She walked through a world gone still. She could feel, distantly, something pushing against her mind, trying to get in, but the spiritual energy inside her would never let it. It was an instinctive thing, a refusal, and she knew that whatever was happening outside of her just wasn’t compatible with what was going on inside.
She had so many questions, not even the beginning of an answer, but she let them go, walking slowly in the frozen space, bending down to brush her fingers against the back of former humans to get their bodies to turn back into their rightful form. They deserved to find rest as they had existed.
One of them was a young girl, wearing a Sailor Moon costume. She had to have gone out to have fun tonight — and her life had not only been cut short, but horrifically so, through pains Kagome could not even begin to imagine. She bent down, picking up the magical girl staff that was hung at her waist. It was a silly thing, nothing like Miroku’s staff, but holding it like it was a weapon gave her a little bit of strength.
She needed magic too, tonight.
She walked between an odd young man — who she knew was no man at all — with long grey hair and stitches all over his body and face, and a blue creature with what could best be described as a volcano for a head. She didn’t touch them, knew right away that they were not the same as the ones she had gotten rid of at her high school. She needed more information, and that meant that, at least for now, she would not risk making contact.
Plus, there was something by a pillar that had caught her attention.
Well, it didn’t feel like something. Her eyes told her it was a box, but she picked up nothing from it.
No, not nothing — less than nothing, a void, a black hole, an emptiness in a world where nothing was truly empty. It was off, in the same bizarre, fucked up way this whole situation was off, and once more, she couldn’t figure out what on earth was going on here.
The white bolt appeared again on the stairs on the other side of her, on the opposite side of the place through which he’d left, still tearing through the former humans, finally getting to the last one, a couple meters away from her. He didn’t pay any attention to her, probably assuming she was frozen like the rest. The second the head was torn off, the world switched back on.
Kagome looked at him. There was blood all over his clothes and hands, dripping from a spot on his cheek. The bluest eyes she’d ever seen appeared to shine under white locks of hair that clung to his forehead. He was panting painfully, shoulders slinking down with each exhale, chest rising up and down. He was a handsome man, but that wasn’t what stuck out to her right now. No, she thought of how he looked tired. She thought of how he had just allowed the souls of hundreds, maybe of thousands of those humans to go free, and carried that burden on his shoulders forever now. She thought of all the people that were alive now, thanks to him. She thought of how he’d done it all alone, and her heart ached.
All of her important battles, she’d fought with all of her friends by her side.
His eyes darted to the box, which was sitting between him and her, and all of a sudden, eyes snap open on the box, as the nothingness around it expanded.
The white-haired man’s eyes widened, and he spun around, starting to get away — when another man appeared. Long black hair, traditional clothing, stitches on his forehead, and something so deeply, deeply wrong about him that even after everything she’d seen that night, it still made Kagome’s stomach churn.
“Satoru!” he said cheerfully, confirming Kagome’s suspicions about the man’s identity. “Long time no see.”
The white-haired man froze, and almost right as that happened, the box started to shake.
Kagome’s body moved on instinct. Her gut telling her that something bad was about to happen, her knowledge that she could stop it, her deep conviction the white-haired man deserved to have someone on his side, it all took over, and she couldn't have stopped to think about it if she wanted to.
Just as the box was launching itself forward, she’d stepped in front of it, raising a hand. Her back collided with that of the white-haired man, so she was certain whatever was coming wouldn’t get in contact with him, another unconscious decision. Since she didn’t have anything to channel her energy into, all she could do was raise the Sailor Moon staff she’d grabbed earlier. It wasn’t anything much, but she could still push her energy through there, using it to shape it as she wished to — until she figured how to actually let it out.
Barriers had never been her specialty. Kikyo and Miroku might have excelled at them, but her powers mostly manifested in an offensive way, not defensive. In this case though, she only wanted to shield the two of them, not a whole building, like she’d tried — and failed — to do at her school a few times. This was much more within her capabilities, even with such a small staff as her only tool.
The box shrieked like it was in pain when it hits the barrier, and her spiritual energy started pouring into the barrier, through the staff, as it purified it. A lesser priestess could have been drained in an instant. Kagome? She felt energized. As the power left her body, used as it was intended to, it felt like she finally had room to breathe.
The box fell to the floor, eyes closed again. Defeated, if only for now. Around it, space was back to normal.
Wow. Not too bad for someone who sucked at barriers, huh?
“Are you okay?” she asked, whirling around to look at the man, a hand naturally coming to rest on his shoulder.
She was met with wide blue eyes that seemed to be able to look straight through to her soul. They were cautious, inquisitive, something cold about them, but more than anything, they were curious.
“You’re conscious,” he noted, tilting his head to the side, fascination growing more and more obvious on his face.
Well, yeah, of course she was, she thought at first — until she realized, glancing around them, that all the humans looked frozen in place, bodies slack though they were still standing, mouths open, eyes dull and empty.
“A priestess,” the man with the black hair said thoughtfully. “I thought you were all extinct.”
They weren’t, and she knew for a fact that she was far from the last one. Despite that, she doubted that this was an information she should be giving him, so she held her tongue, even if she wanted nothing more than to throw in his face how wrong he was. The white-haired man turned to face him, deliberately placing himself between him and Kagome, as if shielding her from him.
“Now that that’s dealt with,” he said, tone light and breezy, “how about you tell me who you are?”
The man’s eyes remained cold, but the corner of his lips lifted to form a smile — one that appeared quite painful to put up. Kagome wasn’t sure what was going on here, but if she had to guess, she’d say she might have thrown a wrench in that dude’s plans.
“You know me too well to ask that, Satoru,” he said. His tone was soft.
Satoru scoffed.
“Please. As if I’d be fooled.” His eyes hardened, and Kagome could feel his muscles clenching. He was preparing to throw himself into battle. “My Six Eyes might be telling me you’re Geto Suguru, but my heart and soul know otherwise. Who are you?”
Six Eyes…? Oh, whatever. That seemed pretty low on the list of her priorities right now, actually.
The man started to raise a hand, but let it fall back down to his side.
“Maybe we’ll have that conversation again, at a later time, Satoru,” he said sweetly. “For now, I’m afraid we’ll have to backtrack.”
“Are you kidding me?” the volcano dude hissed, not far from him. “Is that it? Just because some bitch appeared?”
“I don’t know who he’s supposed to be,” Kagome said, tiptoeing to try and get closer to Satoru’s ear so he could hear her, “but there’s a presence in his head.”
He glanced at her over his shoulder, blue eyes filled with confusion now.
“How can you know that?”
Kami. Why was everyone intent on being so disrespectful to her tonight?
“No time for this, Jogo,” the black haired man — Geto, was it? — chimed. “I would advise you leave while you can.”
Satoru spun back around.
“None of you are leaving this place,” he announced calmly.
In just an instant, he was gone from in front of Kagome, launching himself at both Jogo and Geto, with a speed that made it impossible for her to follow. Her eyes left the fight once it looked to her like he could take both of them at once, and focused instead on the third bystander — the one with the grey hair.
He looked at the fight with vague interest, and she thought he might not be as invested in the result as the others, maybe not as dangerous as the rest — until he walked to one of the frozen humans, a woman with a long dress and short black hair, and she saw the shape of her soul and body change into something that couldn’t be recognized as a human.
When he let go of her, the woman, who looked nothing like a woman now, threw herself into the fight. It took less than a second for Satoru to kill her, but already the grey-haired non-human was moving on to the next one.
Changing these people’s bodily integrity, wounding them so deep in their very essence they couldn’t survive it, all to kill them.
Something started burning within Kagome.
“You’re the one who’s been doing that to those poor souls,” she hissed between her teeth.
He glanced at her, eyes widening as a big smile formed on his lips.
“You can see souls?” he asked, sounding genuinely delighted. “Finally someone who can appreciate what I’m doing!”
“Appreciate?” She was trembling with anger. She felt her spiritual energy banging against the walls of her mind, the ones she didn’t remember how to lower fully, as had been natural to her when she was a teenager, and she could feel them getting ready to collapse. “You destroyed them. All they can hope for now is death. You’re a monster.”
He laughed, light and happy, and his eyes were warm when they focused on her.
“Thank you,” he hummed. “Maybe you’ll appreciate what I’m going to do to you?”
He was in front of her before she could blink.
“Don’t worry,” he said. “I’m sure Gojo will kill you soon. But before that, I’m going to make you so, so disgusting.”
Both of his hands closed over her face, almost delicately, as if he was cradling a small animal within them.
Almost immediately, she felt him pull on her soul. It wasn’t a new feeling exactly, not to her, though his attempts at shaping it were. She could tell it was expanding, knew, on some level, that in order to fit her body, it was forced to make itself smaller than it was. That was what that old witch had said, too — her soul was much, much larger than usual.
She heard him let out a sound of surprise.
“Oh,” he commented, obviously delighted, “oh, I’m going to have so much fun with you! Maybe I’ll keep you!”
As he pulled at her soul, she could feel his — if you could even call that a soul. She could see all the shapes it had been forced into, found it distended and fragile and about to tear. More than anything, she found it repulsive. It tried, clumsily, to change hers. But she was never going to let anything or anyone else toy with her soul, ever again.
“Get you filthy hands off my soul,” she snarled, wrapping her fingers around his wrists.
She would never have bested him in a purely physical fight, but this wasn’t one, and he was the only one to blame.
He was laughing at first as she forced him back.
Then the laughter turned into screams.
“It burns!” he protested, like a child discovering fire for the first time. “Stop it, it burns!”
She could feel it, too, her spiritual energy piercing through him as easily as a knife through butter. She forced him to his knees, and as he looked up at her, eyes terrified now, she knew he saw it. Her soul, wrapping itself around her in a wide sphere, dwarfing him and his poor excuse of a soul completely.
“That’s… beautiful,” he whispered.
Even then, he couldn’t resist trying to change it, couldn’t help himself. And so, as Kagome called it back to her, felt its warmth as it invested her body completely, she felt no guilt, no shame, not even rage anymore.
She was merely doing what needed to be done. This creature was an anomaly existing to cause chaos. It wasn’t a yokai that played its own part in nature, not a human, not even truly living. A plant warranted more respect than this.
So, through her palms, she pushed her spiritual energy on him, in him, ignored the burning it caused her. Through and through, with no regards for the amount of energy she used, she purified him. There was so much pain inside of him, and she let it pass through her, let it turn back into what it was, just an emotion, just something human that should have always stayed that way, never taken that form.
When she reached the end, all there was left was a sense of relief.
He smiled at her.
“That’s not so bad,” he whispered before vanishing.
Kagome fell to her knees, heaving. It had been years since she’d last used her powers like that. Glancing down at her hands, she saw her palms were red and burnt, and she closed her trembling fingers over them carefully.
It took her long seconds of trying to regulate her breathing and to calm down the energy within her — which was telling her it wanted out, still so much left inside her, no matter how much of it she had just used up — before she realized how quiet the station had gotten.
Glancing up, she saw Satoru approaching her, lips twisted into a annoyed expression.
“Where—” She realized her mouth was painfully dry, swallowed. “Where are…?”
“Geto’s gone,” he said, clicking his tongue. “Used the other one to escape.”
He’d gotten rid of Jogo, which had barely been a work-out, but whatever or whoever was puppeteering his friend’s body had managed to escape him.
Which delayed the moment when he’d kill it. He couldn’t say that thrilled him.
“Now,” he said, ridding himself of those thoughts to crouch in front of her. “Tell me. Who are you?”
She blinked at him.
“Kagome,” she answered. “Kagome Higurashi.”
He studied her. The name was unfamiliar, not any exorcist family he’d ever heard of. On top of that, she didn’t produce any cursed energy. It was almost reminiscent of Fushiguro Toji — except Toji had been a void, and she definitely wasn’t one. Whatever she exuded was warm and gentle.
“You’re not an exorcist,” he said finally.
“Well,” she said, glancing up at the ceiling thoughtfully, “I’ve dealt with ghosts and yokai — demons, if you’d like. So, I guess technically, you could say I am an exorcist…?”
She watched as a wide grin formed on his lips. Reaching up behind him, he wrapped a blindfold around his face, hiding his eyes.
“He called you a priestess, though, didn’t he?” he asked, fiddling behind his head to tie it.
“I guess you could say that too,” she shrugged. It wasn’t like she’d ever spent that much time working at a temple. Really, it was just a title to describe her ability, one she didn’t feel that strongly about. “I’ve been called a miko, too, but— I’m sorry, do you need help with that?”
He stilled his awkward attempts at tying the thing behind his head, examining her — she thought — from behind what looked like a thick blindfold.
Odd. Very odd, in fact, but so low on the list of ‘odd’ she’d dealt with today that it would feel silly to ask about it.
“My oh my,” he said once he’d gotten his bearings back, “is that what you’re into, then? Blindfolding guys you’ve just met?”
Oh God. She might have missed Miroku, but not nearly enough to be happy that this was where he was going right away.
“Now, when you said yokai, were you talking about curses?” he asked, having apparently succeeded with his blindfold.
“What do you mean ‘curses’?” she frowned, mind immediately going to the Wind Tunnel. “I’ve known people who were cursed, but I mostly meant… Well. Yokai.”
“Alright, Kagome,” he said, and her brow furrowed some more at the immediate familiarity. “I’m going to have a lot more questions for you, but I think my people are going to get here soon, and it’s probably better if you’re not here when they get there.”
Ominous. Another question to add to the list.
“What do we say we get out of here?” he asked, shooting her a cocky grin.
“Um. Sure, but how do you— Ah!”
Without a warning, he’d pulled her to her feet and, wrapping a strong arm around her waist, he’d pressed her against him as he— took off, basically. It wasn’t her first time flying, but it still caught her off guard. She wrapped her arms around his neck without giving it a second a thought, almost jumped back when he let out an outraged gasp.
“We’ve just met!” he protested with fake modesty. “Do you always hug strangers?”
She glared, tightening her hold so she didn’t feel like she’d fall down the second he’d let go.
“Do you?”
He let out a light laugh as he flew up. He kept her tightly pressed against his hard chest, arm not once faltering. He might have been a stranger, but for the first time since the beginning of the night, Kagome felt fully safe.
Eventually, they made it out of the building and he distanced himself from it, taking her to a nearby rooftop.
“Alright then,” he said, setting her down. “Call a cab.”
She groaned. After the way she’d spent her evening, it felt very, very unfair to have to live on a teacher’s salary.
He watched her as she reluctantly got her phone out, then sighed while she stared at it.
“Do you want me to call you one?” he asked.
Did she? If he was like Miroku, she’d never hear the end of it. On the other hand, well, she didn’t know what that weird box thing was, but she didn’t think it would have helped him, so…
“So, you’re an exorcist, right?” she questioned, looking at him. “Does that pay well?”
He seemed surprised for a second, then laughed again, throwing his head back as if she’d said the funniest thing ever.
“I can’t complain,” he said, pulling out his phone and pressing a few touches on the screen. “They’ll be here in a few minutes.”
“Thanks,” she sighed. “It was nice meeting you…?”
“Gojo Satoru.” Then he paused, as if for dramatic effect, and his grin widened when she didn’t react. “Well, I’ll be in touch, Ka-go-me,” he said, stretching her name as if he was testing out how it felt on his tongue.
She opened her mouth to ask him a question — she wasn’t even sure which one, there were so many on her ever-growing list, but before she could, he’d raised a hand, and then he’d vanished. She didn’t think he’d run, though, no, he was just— gone. There one second, away the next.
She had no idea what on earth had been tonight.
The news talked about some sort of terror attack in Shibuya that night. She let herself weep then, mourning all the lives that were lost, wishing them a safe travel to the other side, hoping the next life would prove kinder to them.
She knew she would not have that long to get used to those thoughts, to that world that she had only caught glimpses of until then. She knew that whatever had started in Shibuya, this was only the beginning.
Next time, she would need to be ready.
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“So you’re saying that Geto Suguru, whose body you refused to have destroyed last year, has come back, possibly as a curse himself, and was responsible for the attack on Shibuya?”
Gojo scratched the back of his head, failed to stifle a yawn.
“It wasn’t Geto Suguru,” he answered with a shrug. ‘A presence in his head’, Kagome had said. Not that he had any clue what it meant, of course. He’d had to look into that, but he couldn’t do that while these old farts kept interrogating him about something none of them could have even hoped to achieve. “Are we done here?”
“We’ll see what the consequences are for your actions, which have endangered all the lives of those living in Tokyo, will be,” the distant voice boomed. “For now, we have one more question.”
On a screen, a camera recording of Kagome appeared.
“This woman. While we lost sight of her, it appeared she was not affected by the use of your domain extension. Who is she?”
Gojo stared at the screen with fake concentration.
“Oh, that’s what I forgot to do! I didn’t ask her that.”
There was heavy silence on the other side.
“We will find her identity,” the voice threatened. “You are only delaying the inevitable.”
“Well, you should tell me once you do! I sure would like to know who she is, too,” Gojo answered with a shrug. “Now, if we’re done here, some of us are actually working hard, and need to rest.”
He waved as he turned his back on the Higher-Ups, moving towards the doors with some wide strides. They didn’t bother answering him, and he didn’t bother looking back. He could have been worried about Kagome, but all they had to go off of was the grainy footage of a damaged surveillance camera. On top of that, even if they tried to find a better picture somewhere, doing that while looking at the footage of Shibuya on Halloween night would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Maybe they’d be able to pull it off eventually, but it would take them time.
He was sure that he would get to her first.
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It's been a while since I had as much fun writing a fic as I did this one! I'm super excited for this pairing and I have a ton of ideas for them. This story is really just so I get to write for them before I finish outlining other ideas I have for him that will have a little more plot than this. I hope you liked this, please consider supporting your writer (me, I'm your writer) by reblogging, commenting and/or sending me an ask about it! I thrive on interaction, and also I would LOVE to talk about this pairing. See you in the next chapter!
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I lead a very busy love life, as you can see.
All characters aged up accordingly, don’t make it weird
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He nearly did kill me. And then he took me to heaven with him.
My Husbands: Touya Todoroki, Zero Kiryu, Sasuke Uchiha, Tomoe, Howl Pendragon, Ren Honjo, Kakashi Hatake, Shinya Kogami, Kaneki Ken, Keigo Takami, Vash the Stampede, Zack Foster, Sebastian Michaelis, Tamaki Suoh, Kraft Lawrence, Takumi Usui, Soul Eater Evans, Rin Okumura, Kyo Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Ayato Sakamaki, Shikamaru Nara, Kiba Inuzuka, Kimimaro Kaguya, Sōshi Miketsukami, Ichigo Kurosaki, Uta, Tuxedo Mask, Abel Nightroad, Satoru Gojo, Haku (Spirited Away), Haku (Naruto), Yuuki Anzai, Tsume, Cloud Strife, Jamie Fraser, Zade Meadows
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But friends don’t look at each other the way we do.
My Wifeys: Nana Osaki, Tsunade Senju, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Holo, Ino Yamanaka, Touka Kirishima, Hinata Hyuga, Sakura Haruno, Temari, Tenten, Rukia Kuchiki, Saeko Busujima, Clare (47), Teresa Of The Faint Smile, Haruhi Fujioka, San (Princess Mononoke), Harleen Quinzel, Pamela Isley, Selina Kyle, Ivy Valentine, Tira, Talim, Sophitia & Cassandra Alexandra, Taki, Setsuka, Seong Mi-na, Anko Mitarashi, Astharoshe Asran, Tifa Lockhart, Nagi Kirishima
Ships & Pairings
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Touya x Keigo • Zero x Yuki • Tsunade x Jiraiya • Nana x Ren • Maka x Soul • Ashitaka x San • Howl x Sophie • Tsukasa x Anzai • Akane x Kagomi • Tenten x Neji • Hinata x Naruto • Sasuke x Sakura • Sebastian x Grell • Holo x Lawrence • Tamaki x Haruhi • Sailor Moon x Tuxedo Mask • Haruka x Michiru • Kaneki x Touka • Tohru x Kyo • Abel x Esther • Yato & Hiyori • Asuma x Kurenai • Inuyasha x Kagome • Sebastian x Grell • Kiki x Tombo • Minato x Kushina • Vanitas x Noe • Vanitas x Jeanne • Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy • Catwoman x Batman • Sly x Carmelita • and plenty more
Other Fav Characters
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Link to other post coming soon
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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authorautumnbanks · 2 months
Twisted Desire (Complete)
Summary: If Kagome knew accepting the role at Jujutsu High would come with two yandere students, she would have stayed at her old job. Too bad for her, once Satoru and Suguru put their mind to something, everyone bends to their will. Even Higurashi-sensei.
Pairing: SatoruxKagomexSuguru
Satoru leans against the wall with his arms behind his head. Supposedly, the new teacher is joining him for a field mission. Yaga said it was to help foster relationships or some bullshit like that. He's fucking a third year. He doesn't need a teacher. Satoru lives and breathes jujutsu.
What could some new teacher possibly teach him? He taps his foot as he blows out a breath. He hates waiting. What he should do is get this mission over with and tell Yaga how stupid this is.
Foster relationships his ass.
Satoru sighs and then stiffens. What the hell kind of energy is that? He moves from the wall and clenches his teeth as the door slides open. His eyes widen behind his glasses. No fucking way.
That is not the new teacher. Her?
He wets his lips. "Yo."
The dark-haired woman smiles at him. "Higurashi Kagome." She bows slightly, and the hint of cleavage peeking through her white blouse is going to haunt him for the rest of the day. He's always been a visual guy. "You must be Gojo Satoru. I'm the new teacher starting here."
Satoru grins. He knows that. He isn't an idiot. His eyes travel down her form. How the hell did someone like her become a teacher here? She looks as though she'll fall over at the slightest provocation. Hell, she doesn't even look like she could handle a grade three curse. "Lead the way, Kagome." He motions with his hand for her to get a move on it.
Kagome's face goes flat. She presses those plump lips together. "It's Higurashi-sensei." Satoru nods, though he isn't hearing a word of what she is saying. The only thing running through his mind is how to get Kagome—excuse him, Higurashi-sensei's lips wrapped around his cock.
"Whatever you say, sensei," he coos.
Kagome sucks in a breath and turns on her heel. His eyes fall to the curve of her ass in that tight skirt. He glances at the desk on the way out. On second thought, maybe he will show up for class from now on. Satoru walks behind her, allowing Kagome to think that she is leading the way to this mission. He doesn't get why Yaga thinks he needs to foster a good relationship with her. As a third year. Hell, as a special grade, Kagome isn't gonna be teaching him shit he doesn't already know.
"So, what kind of field mission is this? Grade three?"
Kagome looks over her shoulder and frowns. "Grade three? Of course not. This is a special grade mission."
Special grade? "Didn't think they did special grade field missions," he says with a shrug. Do they think he needs help, or do they want him to evaluate the new teacher? Yaga ain't told him shit other than doing a mission together is the best way to establish trust. "You're a special grade?" he questions, his tone dubious.
Kagome shakes her head. "No, I'm not classified as special grade since my abilities don't classify as taking out a country. But I can take out a special grade curse, no problem. In short, it's complicated."
"Special grade without the special pay."
Kagome shrugs. They come to an abandoned house. "I'll put up a barrier. This shouldn't take long." She flashes him a smile. The hair on Satoru's neck rises. Whatever this is, is not curse energy. "Ready?"
"No chant?"
Kagome shakes her head. "I don't need to chant to put up a barrier." She walks forward and opens the door. "We should still be on alert. They have this curse registered as a special grade, but you know there's a wide range when it comes to that."
"I get that." He takes a step forward and looks down at her. "What I don't get is why we're both here."
Kagome smiles, and something about that smile pisses him off. It's as though she is trying to placate him. "There may be times where you need to work with a team. Regardless of how strong you are."
Satoru turns and takes a step toward her. Kagome quirks a brow but holds her ground. "So, you and me are a team?" He dips his head and bites his bottom lip. She smells like cinnamon. Sweet. His eyes dart to her lips.
"For now, you're a student and I'm the teacher," Kagome says simply, as though he is nothing but a boy in her eyes. She brushes past him and enters the home. Satoru bites back the scowl. One way or another, he will get her to look at him as a man.
"Satoru? What are you doing here?" Kagome asks, crossing her arms over her breasts. Satoru leers at her for a moment and then remembers himself. It's only been a couple of months since Kagome started at Jujutsu High, but a couple of months is all Satoru needed to know that Kagome is his.
She just doesn't know it yet, but he's a semi-patient man and he doesn't mind bringing her up to speed.
"Passing through. Heard we got some new first years." He brushes against her. Kagome tenses and takes a small step away. It's cute how she thinks she stands a chance. "Actually, I need your help."
Kagome side-eyes him. "You need my help? Suguru should be around if it's help with a mission."
"Nah," Satoru drawls. "I can't ask Suguru for help with this. Besides, ya know, Suguru is busy with his missions, and you're the new teacher and all." Besides, if he asks Suguru, then Suguru will want to join in because he's a pervert, and Satoru isn't sure if he wants to share.
Kagome presses her lips together and turns to look back at the building where the first years are doing their first mission. Satoru grits his teeth. His nostrils flare. How dare she look away from him. Who the fuck cares about the newbies? Kagome shouldn't even be in charge of them. Yaga should be.
Satoru swipes his tongue along his teeth. Yaga is doing this on purpose. Putting Kagome in charge of the first years. Male first years. The hell is Yaga thinking?
"What do you need help with, Satoru? It's not like you to track me down." Kagome taps her nails on her arms. Worry flows off her in waves.
"Come by my place later—"
"I am not coming by your apartment," she replies sharply.
Satoru scowls. "We're coworkers. What's the problem?"
Kagome blows out a breath of frustration. She wets her lips. He tracks the movement. How many nights has he thought about that tongue? "We are not coworkers. You're a student and I am a teacher. That's so inappropriate for me to stop by your apartment later." She glances at her simple watch. If it were up to him, he'd get her a better one. The school clearly isn't paying her, her worth. "Tell me what you need help with now, or drop it."
"Kagome," he sighs.
"Sensei," he says. "You're so tense around me. Did I do something to offend you?" Why is she so gung-ho on pretending conventional boundaries work with him?
Kagome mutters something under her breath. "You tracked me down for a reason. Just spit it out."
"It's embarrassing," Satoru says, dropping his shoulders. His glasses slide down his nose as he makes himself appear much smaller than he is. "It has to be at my apartment. That's where the problem is." He takes his glasses off and hooks them on his jacket. "Higurashi-sensei," he breathes. "Please. I can't ask Suguru for help with this, and you're the only one I trust."
Kagome falters. Satoru bites the inside of his cheek to keep the grin off his face. Just a little more. He steps in front of her and advances until her back hits the fence behind her. Satoru sucks in a breath and widens his eyes. He places one hand on the fence, right by Kagome's head. She is so damn tiny. It would take zero effort to pick her up, flip her around, and eat her cunt through her panties.
He squeezes his eyes shut. Not the time. Soon. But not right now. He needs to keep it together. Just keep it together long enough to get her to the apartment.
"Satoru?" Kagome touches his face. Her touch is soft. Hesitant. She goes to take her hand back, but he catches it with his other hand.
She's soft too.
Satoru dips his head. "Please Higurashi-sensei. Say you'll come by tonight. It can't wait." Kagome flushes. Her skin turns this tantalizing pink that gives him visions of how pink the rest of her is. His cock twitches in his pants. Damn, he wants her. "Sensei," he pleads.
"... Satoru." Kagome glances away and presses her lips together in thought. She looks back at him with those expressive brown eyes and he just wants to see how dark they get when they are clouded with lust. "I guess..."
He squeezes her hand and presses his body closer to hers. She feels amazing. He bites the inside of his cheek again. Taking her like this would be amazing, too. Her arms pinned above her head while he plunges his fingers into her tight, wet cunt. His mouth waters.
Pull it together.
"Please. I can't rely on anyone but you for this."
Kagome blows out a breath. "Fine. Just send me your address."
Satoru bites down on his tongue. He wants to smile. Wants to shout. Wants to hoist her over his shoulder. He wants to do so many things, but he isn't dumb enough to ruin this. Satoru pulls away and gives her hand one last squeeze. "See you soon, sensei." He gives her a wave goodbye as he heads back to his apartment.
There is something he needs help with alright and it's not curse-related. Satoru pauses and tilts his head to the side. People walk by, but he pays them no mind. On second thought, perhaps this is curse-related. Ever since he met Kagome, he's been cursed with wet dreams of her every fucking night.
He can't take it anymore.
It's time she takes some accountability. She isn't as slick as she pretends to be. Satoru sees how she looks at him. How she somehow manages to wear the shortest fucking skirts when he's around. No, tonight she will help him alright. He grins as he stuffs his hands into his pockets.
Tonight, he's claiming what's his.
Kagome is late. Satoru drums his fingers on the table as the dinner grows cold. This is what he gets for trying to set the scene. He texted her what time to be at his place. She assured him she would be there, and yet here it is an hour past and Kagome is nowhere to be found. Satoru stands. The chair screeches and topples back. He snatches his phone off the table.
"Answer the phone, Suguru," Satoru growls into the phone as it continues to ring. He paces back and forth. On the last ring, Suguru answers. Satoru pauses. Is that Kagome's voice in the background? "Where are you? I hear Kagome."
"Hello to you too," Suguru chimes. "Ah yes, that would be Higurashi-sensei in the background. We just so happened to run into one another."
"That so..." He flexes his fingers. "Tell Kagome she's late."
There's silence on the other end. "Late for what?" Suguru asks. His voice is hushed. He must be whispering.
Satoru looks at the cold dinner on the table and leans back against the counter. "Just make sure she gets to my apartment."
"Depends. Are you sharing?"
Satoru rolls his shoulders and then balances the phone between his ear and shoulder as picks at his nails. "Get her here in ten and I might. For you," he adds. Anyone else and he would have kicked their ass to space and back. Lack of oxygen be damned. But for Suguru? For Suguru, he can make an exception.
"We can make it in five." The line clicks. Satoru sucks in a breath and tries to calm down. It's fine. Kagome is late, but she'll be here soon. Though he is miffed that she got so damn caught up in Suguru, she didn't think to send him a text or a call? Does she really see him as nothing more than a student?
She isn't even his damn teacher! Satoru sucks in another breath. Calm down. After tonight is over, she'll never look down on him again. He grabs the plates of uneaten food and dumps them in the trash. Satoru pauses. He stares at the trashcan and then opts to put the plates in the sink.
The front door slams open. Satoru grins as he wipes his hands on his pants and strolls into the main room. Suguru jerks his head at him and takes a seat on the couch. Kagome frowns at Suguru as she slides her heels off.
"Sorry, Satoru. I didn't mean to lose track of time." She crosses her arms as she looks at him with expectancy. Satoru clucks his tongue. What's with the coat? Kagome is crossing her arms over that black coat as though it is a lifeline.
"You need help taking that off? This will take a while, and I don't want you to be uncomfortable." He moves towards her and holds out his hand. Kagome falters for a moment and then slides her coat off. Fury punches him in the gut.
She was late because she was on a date.
"Nice dress," he says, sucking his teeth. "Hot date?"
Suguru snorts.
"That's not important," Kagome says. She glances at Suguru and then back at Satoru.
"It's fine. Suguru can know. He won't tell anyone, right?"
Suguru stretches one arm over the back of the couch and pretends to zip his mouth close. He snaps his fingers and stands up. "Be right back," Suguru says, heading to the bathroom. He tugs on his ear as he brushes past.
"Okay, what's going on?" Kagome asks after the bathroom door shuts. She crosses her arms again.
"Do you want something to drink?" Satoru heads to the kitchen. He isn't really asking her, and he doesn't care if she is thirsty or not. "I got soda." He opens the fridge and pulls out a coke. "Was it a far walk?"
"Satoru," Kagome says sharply. He shivers as he pours the drink into a cup for her. "Why are you stalling?"
"Me?" He points to himself. "Higurashi-sensei, I'm not stalling. I'm being hospitable." He flashes her a smile as he goes to hand her a drink, but he pretends to trip and the drink spills over her cleavage and soaks her white dress.
"Satoru!" she shrieks. Kagome closes her eyes and blows out a breath. "It's fine. Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you." Kagome looks at him with slight annoyance.
"Sorry!" Satoru says with a frown. He turns quickly to find a towel and his hand slips just a tad. The rest of the drink splashes on Kagome, and she just stands there looking so put out, he almost gives himself away. "I do not know what is going on with me, Higurashi-sensei," he sighs. "It's like my energy has been all out of wrack lately." Satoru sets the now empty glass on the counter. "You can borrow some of my clothes. That has to be uncomfortable."
Kagome grimaces and tugs slightly at the wet fabric. "If you don't mind. Then after, you need to tell me what the deal is so I can help you."
Satoru's phone buzzes in his pocket. He flares his energy, coating the apartment with cursed energy. Kagome blinks and lowers her hand. "See what I mean," he says, dropping his shoulders. "Everything is out of whack. But let's get you out of those clothes first."
"Excuse me?"
"I meant get you a change of clothes." He smiles as he grits his teeth. Why is she so jumpy? Does she know the thoughts lurking in his mind? The thoughts brewing in Suguru's mind? Satoru resists the urge to look back at her while he walks to his room for a change of clothes. Kagome hovers near the door as if coming into his room is the worst thing ever.
She takes this whole teacher thing too seriously.
He's not a child.
And he doesn't give two shits about the age gap. Five years is nothing in his world.
"I think my problems started back during the star plasma mission," Satoru says, pulling out a pair of sweats and a basic white shirt. "You know, I got stabbed in the head."
"... I didn't know that," Kagome says slowly. "Were you not able to heal your brain fully?"
Satoru shrugs. He breaks his brain down every day and refreshes it with rct. "Who knows? Never got a scan done." He hands the clothes to her. "Maybe we should start there first? Giving bra- looking at my brain?"
Kagome frowns and then nods her head. "Yeah, we can start there." Kagome grips the clothes in her hand and refuses to look Suguru in the eye, who quirks a brow.
"Did it start raining?" Suguru asks.
"Nah, I fucked and spilled on her."
"You spilled a drink on me," Kagome says. She exhales in exasperation. "I will be out soon." She rushes to the bathroom and the door slams closed.
"Easy with the innuendos," Suguru chastises. "You know she's a stickler for rules."
"Rules?" Satoru scoffs. "There's no rule that she can't fuck me. Us," he adds the last part.
Suguru shrugs one shoulder. "In most areas, it is frowned upon because of the power imbalance." He snorts. "Though that doesn't apply to us."
"How long?" Satoru rocks on his heels as he waits for Kagome to come out of the bathroom.
"Not too much longer," Suguru says, undoing the buttons on his jacket. "Wasn't sure how it would work with her holy energy, so I prepped the room first. But it should still take her some time to work it out of her system since she isn't immune to gasses."
Satoru grins. That's their cue. He strolls down the hall to the bathroom and knocks on the door. "Higurashi-sensei, is everything okay?" he asks, opening the door. Kagome looks at him with glazed eyes. Satoru swallows. The pants are halfway on and the only thing standing between him and her tits is that strapless bra.
"S-Satoru? Get out of here," Kagome wheezes. "Something isn't..."
"It's okay," Satoru says, stepping into the bathroom. He lifts her up bridal style. "I got you. Why don't you lie down for a bit?" Kagome nuzzles her head into the crook of his neck and lets out a small moan that sends shocks through his body.
"It's hot," she says, breathless. "I need to..." Kagome pulls away and tries to kick the rest of the pants off. "I just need to..." she bites her lip.
"Everything alright?" Suguru asks. Kagome looks at him and freezes. Her body trembles. "Sensei?"
"I need to go home," she says, pushing against Satoru.
"No, you need to lie down. You're in no position to leave." He sets her down on the bed. Satoru swallows. "Fuck, look at you," he coos, trailing a finger up her leg. "You're hot, right? Want these off?" he asks, though his hands tug the sweats off.
Kagome struggles to sit up. "You two are students, this isn't—ah!" She squeezes her eyes shut, but her thighs open and it's all Satoru needs. He cups her cunt as he leans over her.
"I think Kagome needs our help, Suguru."
"But does she deserve it?" Suguru slides off his shirt and kicks off his pants. He leans against the wall as he strokes his hardening cock. "Maybe we should leave her to suffer like this. It must be painful."
Satoru pretends to think it over. "Yeah, you're right. She has been treating us like troubled students." He pulls his hand away and shakes his head. "Guess you'll just have to suffer through this," he says with a sigh.
"What?" Kagome shakes her head. She rubs her forehead. "No, I just..."
"You just what?" Satoru undoes his belt and slides his pants off. He pulls out his cock and strokes it slowly, as though he isn't foaming at the mouth to get a taste of her. He squeezes the head and rubs his thumb over the slit. "No one has to know, Kagome. Let us help you."
"...I..." Kagome looks away, but ends up looking in Suguru. "We can't," she says weakly. "It isn't right."
Suguru sighs as he walks over to the bed. He smiles as lays next to Kagome. "Don't mind me. I just wanted to be comfortable." He slides his hand down and strokes, though he never takes his eyes off Kagome as he does so.
"Suguru, this isn't—ah!" Kagome bites her lip.
"It's painful, huh?" Satoru coos. He takes off the rest of his clothes and sits next to her feet. "It'll pass more quickly if you let us help you."
"What? Do you know what—fuck!"
Satoru slaps her cunt. Kagome's body arches. She's being so difficult. He reaches for her underwear and slides them off and sighs. "Sensei, the one thing I've ever wanted you to show me, and you've been keeping it hidden from me." Satoru glares at her for a moment before he grips her thighs and brings her hips closer to his mouth. He inhales. "You want my help?"
Indecision flashes across Kagome's face. Even with her cunt a hair's width away from his tongue, she is still fighting this. Still fighting them. Suguru leans over. His cock smacks Kagome on the lips as he pretends to reach for something on the nightstand. Suguru pulls back and shifts until he is comfortable once more.
"Sorry about that. I was checking something."
Satoru digs his fingers into Kagome's thighs. "The longer you wait, the stronger and more painful it's going to be," he reminds her. Kagome shivers. Her body is flushed pink. Her dark bangs stick to her forehead.
"No one can know," she says. "A binding—"
"No binding vows," Satoru says right before burying his face into her hot pussy. His eyes roll back as her essence coats his tongue. Oh yeah, this is bullshit. She's been walking around with this delicious treat between her thighs and keeping it from him? He hasn't been subtle about his desires. Satoru groans. Suguru threads his fingers through Kagome's hair as he guides her mouth over his cock.
A bolt of desire shoots through him. She can't even fit all of Suguru in her mouth. He licks her until her legs tremble, and she calls out his name.
"Satoru!" she moans.
"Keep sucking," Suguru commands, pulling her mouth back to him. "That's it. Damn sensei, you should have put this in the lesson plan." Kagome makes a sound in the back of her throat. Most likely, cussing Suguru out, but it only spurs Suguru on. Satoru gives Kagome one last lick before he lowers her legs.
She's ready now.
Suguru shoots him a look, but Satoru flips him off. He knew Kagome first. He will have her first. Suguru can wait his damn turn or get the fuck out. He doesn't care.
"Satoru, wait—fuck," she breathes as he bottoms out. Satoru grins, but it's slightly maniacal. Did she really think he was going to stop and get a condom?
Fuck no.
"Sensei," he coos. "Oh Higurashi-sensei, you feel so good." He grabs her arms and uses them as leverage as he fucks her. Suguru reaches over and rips the bra off.
"Hey!" Kagome glares at Suguru, but it's hard to take her seriously when she keeps letting out these moans and her tits are bouncing.
"Sorry, sensei," Suguru amends. "Here, I'll make you feel better." He cups her breast and wraps his lips around her nipple. Kagome gasps. He pulls away and stuffs his cock back in her mouth as he idly toys with her nipples. "Hurry up, Satoru."
"Fuck off." Satoru bares his teeth, though he knows he won't last much longer. Kagome grips him so good, he sees stars. "Shit. At this rate, you ought to stay the weekend. Just in case," he babbles. Satoru releases her arms and reaches between them to flick her nub. Kagome thrashes as if she is trying to get away from him.
Away from this pleasure.
She's a fool if she thinks he'll ever let go.
His neck rolls back as he looks up at the ceiling. Fuck, she feels amazing. "Gonna come just for you," he tells her.
Kagome reaches for him, but he ignores her and fills her until his balls are empty. Satoru sucks in a breath. He doesn't want to leave, but Suguru is glaring holes at him. Satoru pulls out and switches spots with Suguru, who immediately sinks into Kagome.
Her back arches as she presses a hand on Suguru. "Too much... It's—ah fuck. Too much," Kagome wheezes.
Satoru brushes a stray tear from her eye. "You cryin? Aw, Suguru, we made Higurashi-sensei cry."
"That so?" Suguru asks, lowly. He snaps his hips, rocking Kagome forward. "We can't have that. Don't worry, I'll make you feel good. Gonna fill this pretty pussy up."
Kagome shakes her head, but Satoru grips her by the cheeks and kisses her. She tastes like Suguru and she tastes like his.
"I can't," she breathes. "Suguru, you're too—"
"You can take it. Just a little more," Suguru says. He fucks Kagome roughly. Fucks her like she is his. Satoru grunts. Any other man and he would have killed them, but since it's Suguru, he doesn't mind too much. Kagome turns her head to the side and bites down on Satoru's arm. He grunts but lets her use him.
It's the least he can do.
"Fuck yeah," Suguru says, pulling out. "Look at how much you're leaking."
Kagome blows out a breath. Satoru brushes her hair back. Her eyes are no longer glassy. The realization must set in because Kagome jerks up. She clutches her hands to her chest as if that will somehow hide her breasts. There is no hiding those tits. Besides, he already has her body committed to memory.
"This will never happen again," she says, swinging her legs over the bed. Satoru rolls his eyes and grabs her arm. "Satoru, let me go. I'm serious."
"So are we. Lie down."
"Let me go."
"We can't do that," Suguru says smoothly. "Stop fighting this."
Kagome looks at Suguru, and then she looks back at Satoru. "There was something in the bathroom. Some kind of pheromone—"
"I think Kagome needs rest," Suguru says. "She's talking crazy."
Satoru nods his head. "Why would there be anything like that in my bathroom?" He tugs Kagome back and pulls the cover over her. "Don't worry. It'll all make sense in the morning." He glances at Suguru. Kagome shifts, tugging the covers until only her face is visible.
"I'm telling you; something is wrong."
Suguru kisses Kagome on the forehead. "Goodnight sensei." He turns off the light and climbs into the bed with them.
A moment passes. Kagome turns on her back. "Are you going to let me go?"
A/N: You don't see this, but if you do see this then Rune I hope this is the dash of yandere you wanted. Satoru and Suguru are 19 here. Take care! Drink your water. And Have an awesome week!
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kyojurismo · 11 months
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★ izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, ochaco uraraka, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, tsuyu asui, kyoka jiro, fumikage tokoyami, tamaki amajiki, mirio togata, hitoshi shinso, shota aizawa ( eraser head ), keigo takami ( hawks ), rumi usagiyama ( mirko ), yu takeyama ( mt. lady ), kaina tsutsumi ( lady nagant ), taishiro toyomitsu ( fat gum ), toya todoroki ( dabi ), himiko toga.
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★ inuyasha, kagome higurashi, sango, miroku, sesshomaru, kikyo.
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★ yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, maki zenin, toge inumaki, yuta okkotsu, noritoshi kamo, aoi todo, satoru gojo, suguru geto, kento nanami, toji fushiguro, choso, ryomen sukuna, shoko ieiri, mei mei.
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★ tanjiro kamado, nezuko kamado, zenitsu agatsuma, inosuke hashibira, genya shinazugawa, hashira ( including kanae kocho ), yoriichi tsugikuni, muzan kibutsuji, kokushibo, doma, akaza, hantengu clones, gyokko, daki, gyutaro, enmu, lady tamayo, yushiro, hinatsuru, makio & suma uzui.
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★ loid forger, yor forger.
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valgreys · 2 years
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¡Yo! Paso brevemente a dejar un pequeño comunicado. (?) Actualmente ando trabajando en un garabato Psycho-Passero de mi ship favorita de ahí, pero pronto tendré día ocupados, así que no actualizaré tan seguido como me gustaría. Ahora tengo 3 garabatos en proceso, pero dado mi escaso tiempo, estoy dejando una pequeña encuesta para determinar el orden en que los terminaré. Si pueden, pásense por mi Twitter y voten por su favorito. 🙈
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mojojojo2017 · 3 years
An insanely long list of my favorite pairings/ships:
(in no particular order, although I did sort them by fandom)
Naruto x Hinata
Sasuke x Sakura
Shikamaru x Temari
Ino x Sai
Neji x Tenten
Gaara x Rock Lee
Naruto x Sasuke~
Sasuke x Hinata~
Kakashi x Sakura~
Kakashi x Gai | Kakashi x Iruka
Kakashi x Obito~
Boruto x Sarada
Kawaki x Sumire
Konohamaru x Hanabi
My Hero Academia
Bakugo x Ochako
Bakugo x Ochako X Deku
Deku x Ochako~
Bakugo x Kirishima | Bakugo x Deku
Kirishima x Mina
Shoto x Momo | Shoto x Deku~
Todoroki x Deku X Bakugo
Jujutsu Kaisen
Gojo x Geto
Nanami x Gojo | Utahime x Gojo
Itadori x Megumi
Megumi x Sukuna
Nobara x Maki
Yuji x Megumi x Nobara
SK8 The Infinity
Reki x Langa
Kojiro x Kaoru
Ainosuke x Tadashi
Adam x Joe x Cherry
Reki x Langa x Adam
Hinata x Kageyama
Shoyo x Kenma | Kuroo x Kenma~
Tsukishima x Tadashi
Kuroo x Tsukishima
Bokuto x Akaashi
Kuroo x Tsukishima x Akaashi x Bokuto
Ichigo Kurosaki x Orihime Inoue
Rukia Kuchiki x Renji Abarai
Orihime Inoue x Ulquiorra Cifer~
Dragon Ball
Vegeta x Bulma
Android 18 x Krillin
Goku x Chichi
Yamcha x Tien
Launch x Raditz | Launch x Tien
Gohan x Videl
Vegeta x Goku~
Shinya Kogami x Akane Tsunemori
Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward Elric x Winry Rockbell
Roy Mustang x Riza Hawkeye
Sailor Moon
Usagi Tsukino x Mamoru Chiba
Inuyasha x Kagome Higurashi
Miroku x Sango
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Aang x Katara
Sokka x Suki
Zuko x Katara
The Legend of Korra
Korra x Asami
Bolin x Opal
Soul Eater
Soul x Maka Albarn
BlackStar x Tsubaki
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley
Ginny Weasley x Luna Lovegood
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Buffy x Angel | Buffy x Spike
True Blood
Sookie x Bill | Sookie x Eric
Sookie x Alcide Herveaux
Food Wars
Sōma Yukihira x Megumi Tadokoro
Takumi Aldini x Megumi Tadokoro~
Maid Sama
Takumi Usui x Misaki Ayuzawa
Say I Love You
Mei Tachibana x Yamato Kurosawa
Spice & Wolf
Holo x Lawrence
Fruits Basket
Tohru Honda x Kyo Sohma
Tohru Honda x Yuki Sohma~
Yuki Sohma x Machi Kuragi
Hatsuharu Sohma x Isuzu Sohma
Frozen/Rise of the Guardians
Elsa x Jack Frost
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Jack x Sally
Teen Titans
Beast Boy x Raven
Robin x Starfire
Trent Lane x Daria Morgendorffer
Jane Lane x Daria Morgendorffer~
Kim Possible x Ron Stoppable
Danny Fenton x Sam Manson
Kevin Levin x Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10)
Fry x Leela (Furturama)
Duncan x Courtney (Total Drama)
Percy Jackson x Annabeth Chase
[ships marked with a tilde (~) mean that I’m not a big fan of that pairing, but I still sometimes enjoy content of those characters together]
I just know there are some ships missing from the list… being a multishipper is hard…
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Last updated: Oct. 19, 2021
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djmarinizelablog · 3 years
Hello! I don't know if you've answered this before but what's the meaning behind your URL? Are you a DJ? Also, what other ships you like beside LH? Do you have any fav trope?
My original blog used to be djmarinizela which I created back in high school in 2010, but some of my Tumblr followers were IRLs and I didn't want them to see my fangirling side :)) apparently you couldn't reuse a deleted blog, so I had to resort to djmarinizelablog for my fandom thingamajigs!
And no, I'm not a DJ (I wish I were), but the username came from my grade school crush, "dj mari" + my online name, "izela" = "dj mari n izela" = "djmarinizela"
Then I just added the blog in the end. Fancy, huh?
Aside from LH, I've been an InuKag (Inuyasha x Kagome) fan since my childhood days! I'm also starting to ship GoUta (Gojo Satoru x Iori Utahime), but I guess I need to watch Jujutsu Kaisen first hehe
Thanks for asking!
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