#just some rambles :)
theblueraven5 · 7 months
The Marvels spoilers ahead
I went to see The Marvels again and I had some thoughts about ValCarol as they have taken up a lot of my mind.
Carol immediately went to hug Val when she got there, needing that comfort from her friend (possibly more than) and I really liked that scene between them. Val held her hands and gave her words of encouragement and it was so sweet! Val even had a nickname for Carol but I did find it interesting that it was her hero name and not her actually name.....I wonder why that is.
Val was so soft and patient with Carol and I wonder if she wants something more with Carol but maybe knows or thinks that she's not quite ready for that, a romantic relationship.
Or maybe they do have something more but haven't put a name on it or made anything official....I dunno
Carol hasn't at that point fixed her relationship with Monica and was still trying to fix/deal the situation she caused with the Skrull/Kree. So even tho she's lonely, I wonder if she thinks she isn't ready for love, either romantically or from family. She's just a little lost and vulnerable and it was an interesting character arc thing...I don't know what to call it.
Or I'm just spouting possible headcanons and just wanted to talk about them cuz I lost it during that scene with them. Ohmigoodness! I was so excited when Val showed up cuz I've seen in the past some like teasers for a ValCarol ship but didn't think it would go anywhere and then it possible did and I lost it!
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Another Thought About Adam (POSSIBLY) Returning
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Again, this is all just super bored speculation. I am not saying if it’ll happen one way or the other, and if I find out ANYONE tried to harass the show runners into including or excluding Adam, I’m gonna go Niffty on the offending parties!!
But something that just occurred to me is, in Charlie’s opening monologue about Lucifer, Lilith, and the creation of Hell, she never said Lilith DIED to wind up in Hell. Lucifer & Lilith were cast INTO Hell together, but as far as we know Lilith was still alive. Meaning she’s never truly died. And if SHE’S never truly died, then maybe Adam never truly died when HE was pulled into Heaven & turned into an Exorcist Angel. And if Adam never died before Niffty skewered him, then his soul was never properly judged. Meaning he COULD be up before the Divine Parole Board with the Powers That Be determining where to stick his finally-dead ass.
Again JUST some things to think about. He probably is dead forever because the showrunners want to move on to more interesting things like Lilith, Sera, and the Vs.
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rants-rambles-ravings · 6 months
I know the UN demands for ceasefire is non binding, I know that as long as the US continues to back this genocide and countries like the UK and Germany continue to abstain, Israel will continue on with its senseless violence.
But just, can we take a second to appreciate how the majority of the world has still come together to so strongly oppose colonization? How thoroughly we've broken away from the propaganda and media brainwashing we've been getting?
This movement isn't backed by Hollywood star power or any of the mainstream narratives and news channels. This isn't funded by charity drives from billion dollar corporations.
This is the people's movement.
This started from the brave Palestinians on the ground risking their lives to show us the undeniable truth, and somehow the people around the world stopped and listened.
I just can't wrap my head around how wonderful that is, how satisfying.
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nina-a-pines · 9 months
I love regency era stories, but ngl Luffy and Nami are kinda hard to fit in a scenario like that.
Well, Nami isn't, she'd be very easy to fit actually, but Luffy... Luffy being a lord... now that is hard to imagine.
Although I guess he would be the third son and therefore have more liberties than, say, Ace, to be his excentric self.
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ladyzirkonia · 12 days
I'm thinking about Dadpart and my Rebel Captain.
I'm thinking about him being absolutely sure that his kid will inherit his good looks and wit because he's so convinced of himself.
I'm thinking about Rampart dragging her around the base because mom has to fight a war.
I thinking about a girl that just looks exactly like him that it almost hurts. About little tea parties between meetings because it's important to learn to drink your tea properly without the tiara slipping on her head. About ''she will be a rebel but at least she will have some manners.''
I'm thinking about Rampart watching holovideos to learn to make her hair look perfect and flawless because ''only because we have to live with these Gamorreans it doesn't mean we still can't look good''
I think of a whole village to raise a child and the person she will become.
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shujiforever · 10 months
Forcing Shuji on cheesy dates.
He argues at first - "baaaabe, that sounds so lame." but he eventually gives in. After all, how could he say no to you?
Then he gets SO into it.
Arcade? He's gonna win you all the prizes.
Aquarium? He's got his nose pressed to the glass.
Putt putt has him ready to fight a lawn gnome.
Ice skating? Well.. I'd pay money to see that lanky mf on some ice skates. The date ends when he falls down and gets all huffy about it.
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Can't believe it's been more than two years since I first started working on this story. Would never expected myself to create something out of nothing and write original fiction, but here we are.
But anyway! I'm drafting out Chapter 6 and hopeful about the direction it is going. A new side character will be introduced - a friend of Yeshe's. I won't divulge too much but I'm already having fun working out the dialogue between him and the Messenger. Stay tuned!
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thecapuchinonerd · 1 year
Imagine Yuu showing Malleus the TV series of Gargoyles
- imagine telling him there are comics too and getting Malleus hook up in different comics
- and imagine Yuu telling him about comic con
Malleus would lost it at comic con
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kakerutori · 1 year
Just reminiscing on c!Karlnapity for the time being and decided it’d be nice to share with the class :,)))
In the ship, Karl is actually pretty funny the more you think about it. He’s the only one with his actual name as his character name, and so it’s easy to attribute everything he does irl to his character. And he’s really the same guy, save for the glaring memory issues and task to rescue this mysterious realm and all of time, too, for gods sake. But he’s still this really neutral and silly character otherwise, never picking a side unless it’s the winning one, always being a little unserious and playful. But it’s a breath of fresh air considering the turmoil of the server’s past, and he really stands to create a sweet contrast in c!Karlnapity. He’s tender with abandon, something that the somewhat cold-hearted Sapnap and Quackity need.
Quackity is undoubtedly the most complex of characters of the three. He has this huge rise to power and traumatic history with an abusive relationship, all driven by seemingly festering greed. But he’s really not the same when you put him with Sapnap and Karl, and that’s the beauty of his story with the two. With any other affair, Quackity is set up to fail, in a way. He has to impress the other or be good enough, like with Schlatt or Wilbur. But not with Karl and Sapnap. With them, we see him giggly and happy. And that side of him is undeniably fond. He built nations for them (and George.) He wants them. He’s a ruthless thing without them, but with them? He’s gentle.
And finally, my personal favorite, Sapnap. Sapnap is loyal to a fault, and his story is probably the most consistent at the core of it. He’s always been blindly loyal to Dream, even closing out (thus far) his arc with a confrontation of Dream post-prison-break, but largely, his life is empty. With such a drive for service through brute force, he really doesn’t have direction or roots to confide in, and loose ends are prone to break. But give him love to fight for? He’s head over heels. And we’ve seen that, time and time again, jokingly or not, he’s always loyally flirting with Karl and Quackity. They make him happy. They are his treasure to defend.
I’m just so sad they haven’t gotten a true ending. I miss them and the times we went crazy over them. Very much. <3
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I don't know if there is a better feeling than really liking a project while you're making it. Like, I started making this Lance piece, and it's just been really fun, and I am just very excited to show you guys the finished piece soon. I've been working all day today, really got into the flow of things, and I've really missed that feeling of just painting and not thinking.
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thehollowwriter · 20 days
Sometimes I think about what Silas would be like if he grew up in different circumstances and went to school. He's a very clever guy who's endlessly curious about the world and how things work. He probably would have either been some kind of scientist or even a historian. Something academic related, tho he also makes use of more practical stuff. He makes weapons and bags/baskets by himself so he's pretty good at that too.
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articwolfclawartist · 1 month
I still don’t refer to myself as an adult, because adults suck. They act like they know better than you but then you turn their age and realize they’re all just slightly taller children who get to drink away their problems instead of dealing with them like we do.
I say “we” because I’m not an adult, I’m a 21 year old child
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sarahlizziewrites · 9 months
Want to do some different stuff with regards to writeblr games and presenting art in a novel way
Like I was thinking about a real-time interactive short story using polls
But I know getting people to read significant snippets of anything on Tumblr tends to be a big ask and even though I have quite a few followers I tend to get very little engagement
Then it got me thinking why do I do things? Because I like it and I think it's cool, or for engagement? I want it to be the former but let's be real, it's both. If I did this interactive short story I would want it to be so I could connect to people and watch them having fun voting for the story.
So I guess let me know if you'd be interested in participating in an interactive short story and I'll make a taglist.
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One race is not gonna break Charles, this boy has been carrying the weight of Ferrari for a long time, the good and the bad, his mistakes and others' mistakes. And I've been trying to make up my mind about what to say, I can't blame this godforsaken team, not this time, I can't go and say oh it's Ferrari what did I expected? I'm left with just Charles made a mistake. And he did, he pushed to much and he lost an already volatile rear, and then the crash and him screaming on the radio, thinking he was alone in the car, that he could let it all out without noone noticing it. I will never forget that scream. And then he hid from the press from his team, and when he came out he was broken in a way. Charles, the guy always taking the blame, always making it up, saying we'll come back stronger and we're united. And he paraded around the garage passing from hugs to hugs but not really feeling them. I always say I hate this team, that he needs to get away, but as soon as he's the one to actually blame Ferrari closes itself around Charles to protect him from himself. I hope he feels all the love and that we know he gives 200% every race. It's not over yet. Forza Ferrari.
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fleething · 1 year
good omens season 2 screams “i am going to do absolutely unhinged shit which will probably result in the collapse of the world as we know it, but i’ll do it. I’ll do it for you” and i’m here for it
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garagepanic · 2 years
sorry sorry i've deleted the art i posted this morning coz someone was upset (the comment felt very angry i think) about how I had drawn Dream in this one ; not enough alike Tom Sturridge, in terms of body type...? Anyway I got scared (its 6.am and I havn't slept yet 😭) and so i deleted the post... I think I will try to *fix* the art itself, because I really really feel like I did a mistake with the choices i made on this one. I hope it will be better
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