#just have this song stuck in my head
the-final-knight · 4 months
All day I face the barren wastes without a trace of water
Cool waterr
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hychlorions · 6 months
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What if I told you that I've fallen?
[ID: Art of Susato Mikotoba and Haori Murasame/Rei Membami, done on a stylized background of swirling cherry blossom petals. Haori is falling backward, pulling Susato with her, so close that their noses are touching. Haori closes her eyes as she pulls off Susato’s cap, while Susato — still dressed as Ryutaro Naruhodo — looks down at her with eyes wide. The background is suffused with the faint colors of the lesbian flag. End ID]
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i never felt so free before ↯ (cr.)
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
I don't know what compelled me to make this but now it exists
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vegancas · 7 months
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I only wanna worship you, my new religion
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night-triumphantt · 10 months
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Um,,, read @infamous-if yea? Also please enjoy my bastard boi, Nikki Lane, in his final form, I like to think this was taken by Rowan bc he was being a sore loser in monopoly or something and now its an album cover for an EP that definitely doesn’t include the only honest expressions ab how he feels ab seven after their breakup
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theinfinitedivides · 1 month
the rest of the Heeramandi soundtrack just dropped and it's giving Bajirao Mastani meets Muskurahat from Gangubai meets Qala meets Kavita Seth's work on A Suitable Boy. very interesting soundscape choices Mr. Bhansali sir i approve
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Utena and Juri: HEY MIKI YOU SO FINE YOU SO FINE YOU BLOW MY MIND *banging the table* HEY MIKI HEY HEY HEY MIKI Miki: aw you guys *trips and falls flat on his face*
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moonsstan · 2 months
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coconut530 · 10 months
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AN. EPISODE. 🎸🪕🎻🪈🎺🎷🪘🥁🪇
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being-luminous · 10 months
Here's your monthly(?) reminder that I'm not dead. From a fun little au inspired by Don't Lose Your Head
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“How old is he, anyway?” Ron asks as he scowls down at the invitation he plucked from Harry’s hand, at the note scrawled near the bottom that requests his continued presence after the festivities’ end. He tosses it away, angled suspiciously for the fireplace. “A hundred?”
“Don’t be stupid,” Harry scoffs, snatching the invitation from the air before it can land in open flame. “Of course he isn’t one-hundred years old.”
“Harry’s right, Ron,” Hermione begins, "Lord Voldemort can't be one-hundred—"
“Thank you,” Harry says too soon.
“—He doesn’t look a day over fifty.”
Ron snorts, crosses his arms. “Oh, my mistake.”
“I’ll have you know,” Harry said, cheeks growing hot, “some men like that sort of thing.”
“And you’re one of them, are you?” Hermione asks skeptically. She exchanges a look with Ron, the kind Harry should really be used to inspiring by now.
“Of course he is. Can’t you tell from his extensive history in dating the elderly?”
“Piss off.” Harry tosses the invitation back at Ron, aiming right for his face. Then, because he can’t help it, he snaps, “Fifty is hardly elderly.”
“Seriously, Harry.” Hermione summons the invitation before Ron can return fire. “Are you sure about this?”
“Am I ever?”
He sighs. “You worry too much, Hermione.” Then, before she can inform him that she worries precisely the required amount, thank you very much—as she always does whenever he protests—he adds, “And besides, what do you actually think is going to happen?” He gestures toward himself, adds a sarcastic little flourish just to be really drive his point home. “He’s running an entire country. I’m just…me.”
Ron frowns again. “Harry—”
“It’ll be a bit of fun, that’s all,” Harry says, and this time, the confidence isn’t faked. Because why would it be? He’s seen the sort of person who’s usually found in Lord Voldemort’s company—bewitching, shining. Beautiful. Harry probably won’t even last the week. “You’ll see.”
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kralmajales · 4 months
Anyone else in love with the world through the eyes of a girl who’s still around the morning after??
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Shane asks the farmer what they are listening to. The farmer isn’t sure how to respond but they ask if they want to listen? They say he may not like it thought but still offers him their earbud for him to listen. They have EuroPapa on full blast & Shane is just perplexed by it. He thinks the farmer has weird tastes in music but they like that about them.
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theenemyod · 3 days
Magisterium characters as shit I've done today
Aaron: actually talk to people (Ew how do people manage this daily)
Call: lock myself in my room with my pets for ages
Tamara: dig a big hole in the beach for no actual reason
Alex: play music extremely loud because there were too many noises
Jericho: try to bite my friend (again)
Constantine: realise that my brother isn't currently here for some shitty reasons
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smply-sktchng · 1 year
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life could be sweet
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nehswritesstuffs · 3 months
Avid Reader
I’ve been trying to figure out something LawBin to write for ages now and I’ve finally done it!
3413 words; for @rimetin, who is a sweetheart; takes place post-Dressrosa but pre-Wano (clearly); I am a manga eye color truther so this means brown for Robin and yellow for Law sorry but those are the rules; the fact this ship doesn’t have more traction in Anglophone circles is very interesting to me but hey be the change you want to see in the world I guess; there is no real plot just these two making clumsy moves on one another since it’s me test-driving writing this ship; it kinda got away from me but what else is new
Trafalgar D. Water Law was getting desperate.
Okay, so maybe that was a strong word. Desperate. It did accurately describe the depth of his feelings as he wandered around the… ugh… Going Luffy-senpai looking for a quiet place to just exist for a while. The rest of the ship felt like one big and obnoxious party, despite the fact that all he wanted was to be left alone the entire rest of the way to Zou—and therefore his crew. There was only one problem with that: his host was making it actively uncomfortable for all but the Straw Hats, which was probably the most annoying part of all.
Eventually, he was able to slip away from both Straw Hat and Bartolomeo long enough to go below deck and begin looking through some of the more empty rooms. After a few open doors leading to sleeping areas, storage space, and further shrines to the Straw Hats, Law eventually found a room labeled “LIBRARY”, which he slipped into without question.
“Couldn’t take much more atop deck?” Law glanced over into a corner and saw Nico Robin curled up on a couch by a port hole, a stack of books at her feet and one in her hands. He let out a heavy sigh of relief, one that she instantly caught. “So I’m correct.”
“You have no idea,” he grunted. He looked around and took in the fact that there was a library on the Going—ahem—on the ship. A quick inspection of the nearest shelf found that it was scarily stocked as well. “Had no idea that our host could even read.”
“Pretty sure it came with the ship,” Robin smirked. She sprouted an arm off the bookcase and plucked a specific book off a shelf, handing it to Law. “This one will suit your interests, I feel.”
He looked at the cover—it was a fiction novel. “Nico-ya, I was aiming for something a little less…”
“If you were looking for a medical journal, unfortunately that is the closest thing you’re going to find, and that includes in the infirmary; I checked,” she replied nonchalantly. “At least the main love interest is a court physician.”
“I’m not looking for a romance novel.”
“You’ll be hard-pressed to find anything different… unless you feel you’re ready to take on Luffy and Rooster-kun again…”
“Eh… I’ve fallen asleep to worse.” Law flopped himself down on the ratted armchair near the other porthole—one leg hooked over the side—and reluctantly cracked the book open to the first page, figuring it was better than nothing. At least if one of the more obnoxious of his fellow passengers found him, he could easily enough shoo them off with a glare and a lie on the topic.
Okay, he had to hand it to Robin; at least she had pushed a book on him that was well-written. It reminded him of the books he’d occasionally find in his parents’ home library, or on the sisters’ desks at school. He’d read a few of them back then, raising his eyebrow at how his mother kept reading them despite anatomy Not Working That Way, but mostly gave them a personal hard pass. What did a little boy know about romance? What did a child understand about relationships spurred on by hormones that they had yet to experience? His parents had never stopped him from reading anything, however, making the novel oddly nostalgic despite the fact he had never seen it before in his life.
The main character was a woman, strong-willed and sharp-tongued as such protagonists oft were. Her quick wit was integral to her getting out of scrapes, but also getting her into trouble as well. There was something amiss at the noble court she had been contracted by a neighboring kingdom to investigate, their tenuous alliance under the World Government’s flag being one that required more skill and finesse than a normal inquiry could garner. She held herself well and was damn good at her job. Said job was testing her limits, and for good reason: there was very clearly something going on, and yet everyone was covering their tracks almost too well. With each new character she covertly investigated, the more tangled the case became, until there was a sort of pallor that hung in the air, tightening around her neck like one of Doflamingo’s strings.
Ah, yes, there was the court physician, finally back from assignment; Law checked and saw he was about a third of the way through. The character was dashing and desirable, possibly the only one to potentially jeopardize the investigation with his odd sort of magnetism that changed the entire mood of the book. It was all the main character could do to keep a level head with him around. They stole each other away from the costume ball and began to kiss passionately out on the veranda, the novel devolving into descriptors almost more at home in Shachi’s collection of naughty Sora, Warrior of the Sea fan zines.
Quirking his eyebrows, Law knew the implications involved with Robin having expressly recommended this book to him. They were still allies until they reached his crew, but this… this was far from appropriate for mere allies, threatening his poker face with… let’s be honest. It was smut she handed him. At least, it was about to become smut if he was gauging it correctly. He flipped to a few pages further on and… yeah. It was down-right filthy. Wasn’t she with Robo-ya? As in they were together-together? It didn’t make sense…
Law then made the mistake of glancing over to where Robin was still sitting, light now filtering in directly through the porthole now. It caught her dark hair and brown eyes in a way he had not seen before, causing a brief thought to cross his mind. Seas, was it the book’s flowing language getting to him or was she rather pretty with her nose in a book? He realized he had been staring when she turned her gaze up and gave him a smile.
“Enjoying the novel, Torao-kun?” she chuckled. His face darkened in blush and he dropped his eyes back to the page.
“Nothing… just…” A lie, a lie, quick… “With the sun I’m seeing some differences between you now and when your bounty photo was taken—the one our host has framed. Did you have access to vitamin supplements wherever it was you were hiding?” Okay, not the best of his lies, but it would do for the time being.
“Hmm…? What do you mean…?”
“You’re much paler now. A change of that magnitude can only come from a prolonged period with minimal sun exposure. Usually vitamin supplements are necessary when such a relocation happens.”
“No vitamins, but you’re right in that I did go from being in the sun a lot to not rather recently. It was when our crew was broken up in Sabaody—I was transported to a very cold place in the East, near the northern-most part of the Red Line.”
“I grew up in the North—my sympathies.”
Robin gave a nod and suddenly hands appeared over by a small door in the wall, opening it to reveal it was actually a dumbwaiter with some freshly delivered tea. Law was surprised for half a moment—of course Chicken-ya would know to have his crew send her some tea every once in a while. He took his leg off the armrest to get up, only for her to hold up a hand to stop him.
“Allow me.”
With a flick of her wrist, Robin activated her Devil Fruit ability to retrieve the tea tray. Instead of it being a series of hands, however, as Law was used to, an entire clothed replica of her body sprouted up from the floor and took the tray from its cubby to the small sidetable that sat between the couch and armchair. The replica gave him a wink before disappearing in a flurry of petals, which also dissipated as they fluttered away.
“That’s… different…” he choked out. “I… didn’t know you could do your whole body.”
“I can, but I can’t hold it as long as I’d like yet,” she replied. Robin put down her book and poured them both some tea, expertly ignoring the large thud that rocked the ceiling above them atop deck. She passed him his mug—no sugar or milk—and shrugged. “Not nearly as useful as your ability, but it has its uses.”
“You make it sound like a party trick.” He blew a puff of air across the surface of the tea before taking an exploratory sip—still too hot. “Didn’t take you for the type.”
“It’s no party trick.” A wicked grin crept across her face as she took a sip of tea. “Would you like to help me practice?”
He gave a short nod. “I could. Chicken-ya seems to have a decent sparring area on the forecastle…”
“Right here is fine,” she replied. Robin leaned back into the couch with her tea and her book, a Devil Fruit clone of herself sprouting up next to her. “It’s not something that needs the sparring area, I imagine.”
It took Law a moment to realize that she did not mean sparring, as the Devil Fruit clone approached him, hips swaying just enough to notice. Leaning forward at the waist, it held his chin as their lips pressed together in a chaste kiss.
Quickly, Law put up a Room and checked to see where everyone was on the ship. Most everyone was distracted by the continuous party, with the remainder keeping to actual jobs they had aboard ship. He locked the door before dropping the Room’s field, definitely not wanting to be disturbed now.
“You know what to do,” Robin said through her clone. Law looked at her and saw that the original was sitting rather calmly, not visibly registering the contact her clone was doing. He placed his mug of tea down on the sidetable and swallowed hard.
“Aim is endurance, then?”
“…that and not allowing what happens to my clone to show on the original,” she admitted. The clone’s hand let go of Law’s chin and instead pressed against the back of the chair, fully trapping him.
“Do your worst,” it dared.
Carefully, Law placed his hands on the clone’s hips and pulled them closer, making it straddle his lap as it sat. His thumbs accidentally brushed under the false clothing and marveled at the fact the skin under the shirt felt warm. The clone’s hands gently caressed his face as it leaned in and started kissing him in earnest, teeth worrying his bottom lip as he looked over at the original.
She turned a page in her book and kept reading. How the fuck…?
The Devil Fruit clone’s hands then began to wander, moving under his unbuttoned shirt to touch his shoulders and chest. He tried not to moan as fingers lightly went over his nipples in a teasing manner—this wasn’t fair.
“You play dirty, Nico-ya,” he wheezed.
“I play fair as is needed,” the clone murmured against his mouth. “Come on Torao-kun… don’t be shy… I know you’re more clever than that…”
A moment’s worth of thought crossed his mind—the novel! She must have known how far he had gotten before they began with tea. He tried to remember what had been in the novel, his brain beginning to stutter due to the unexpected contact.
Oh… if only the guys could see him now… they’d never believe it.
“I thought you were with Robo-ya…” he breathed. He wasn’t going to ask permission, but the least he could do was avoid making however long of a trip they had in front of them growing awkward.
“Even if I was, I don’t think he’d blame me.” Robin’s clone moved one of its hands to his shoulder, then back of his neck, and the other to the small of his back as it continued to kiss him. “I’d be getting a real boy for once.”
“You get the real deal and I don’t?” He worked one hand under her shirt and another up the leg of her shorts, getting a decent handful of what certainly felt like real tit and ass, giving both a squeeze. “That’s hardly fair.”
“Prove you’re ready for the big leagues and then we can talk,” the real Robin chuckled. She took a sip of her tea and her clone continued to kiss him, egging him on.
“The big leagues? How do you know I’m not already there?”
“…because if you were, I’d have a much more difficult time following this book.”
It took all the synapses in Law’s brain firing at once for him to remember what the two characters in the novel had been doing. He recalled the court physician using his long fingers to his advantage, which made him decide to do the same. Shifting his fingers, he felt to see if there was anything for him to anatomically tease between her legs—there was. He found its entrance first, then the nub of its clit, feeling the clone shudder as he rubbed a few quick circles before it burst into a cloud of petals that vanished in thin air.
“What was that?” Law teased. Robin frowned and reformed another clone, this one in the dress she had worn when she last stepped off the Thousand Sunny… and only the dress from what Law could tell. He pulled this clone in with more purpose, grinding his hips up into its, hearing a gasp from clone and original alike. “And here you were making fun of me.”
“Rude,” the clone scoffed, pinching some skin on his chest. He retaliated by grinding up between the clone’s legs again, making sure that his growing erection hit where it was needed most. “It’s a lot of work remembering all the details to replicate on each copy. Should I take shortcuts on the next one?”
The next one…? Another clone? Fuck that… Law was determined to the real Robin before they were done.
Two hours later, Luffy came barging into the library, a large turkey drumstick in one hand and his eyes full of mirth. There was food again! The ship’s cook finished making dinner! Robin and Torao needed to stop being cooped up inside and go eat on the deck!
It was a good thing he didn’t catch the pleased sweat on Robin’s brow, nor the flash of horror in Law’s yellow eyes as he quickly moved a cushion to cover his undone trouser fly, nor the assortment of petals that covered the floor as they faded into nothing…
…though… huh… Torao’s tea was cold. A full mug too! Maybe that’s why he seemed upset? His face was really red… oh well! Some meat could help him cheer up! Luffy wrapped a noodly arm around his friend and dragged him from the library, despite his protests and Robin’s giggling.
People sure were weird sometimes.
With the Alliance made and everyone breaking off to their separate assignments, now that he and his crew were again within the auspices of the Polar Tang, Law felt more at-home than he had been in ages. Everything was beginning to settle into something closer to what it should have been—what it was going to be after they defeated Kaidou—and for the first time in a long time, Law found himself beginning to unwind.
“I don’t know what the fuck you people did, but I like this version of the Captain,” Penguin chuckled as he brought a tray filled with drinks over to the table. They were in the middle of riding a current, so the most that all but a handful of them had to do was wait. Most of them were gathered in the mess hall shooting the shit or, in his captain’s case, simply tolerating the others’ presence.
“Helped me get a fucking dragon off my back,” Law grumbled as he reached for a drink. He pulled his hand back for a moment as Zoro grabbed two drinks at once, going back for his allotment when the other swordsman was firmly double-fisting the alcohol. Penguin tried to yank the tray away but to no avail.
“I meant something else, but whatever,” he shrugged. Law downed half his mug at once and glared at his crewmate—no, one of his oldest friends. “Pretending ain’t gonna work. I’ve known you long enough to know better.”
“Uh-huh. Sure.” Law tried to appear aloof, yet knew he wasn’t fooling anyone from his crew. He felt Penguin’s stare bore straight through him, their guests not picking up on what was happening. It was then that their final guest came through the doorway into the mess hall—Robin. “Nico-ya, I thought you said you needed a lie-down.”
“I feel much better now, thank you,” she smiled. No… something felt a little off… “I have a question for you, Torao-kun.”
“Is it about the ship?” Penguin asked suavely, passing the drink tray to a passing Uni. Of course he would jump at the opportunity to be alone with a pretty lady not named Ikkaku. “I might be able to assist you.”
“No, I think I might,” Shachi cut in. Fucking hell, where did that perv come from? “The Tang is a marvel, isn’t she?”
“That she is,” Robin agreed, “but I wanted to discuss a book your captain and I were both reading on the Going Luffy-senpai. You do remember the end, correct?”
“I do,” Law nodded. He stood, poured the rest of his drink into one of Zoro’s (who simply shrugged and kept going; the liver damage had to be insurmountable), and walked past the insanely grumpy Penguin and Shachi to join Robin in the corridor… except… “Couldn’t come here yourself?”
“Think of it like another test,” the Devil Fruit clone smirked. It walked with him over to the door to his cabin before dissipating, Law waiting until the final petals vanished before slipping into the cabin and locking the door behind him.
There, sitting at his desk and looking over some of his notes with great interest, was Robin—the real Robin—wearing nothing but one of his button-down shirts, just like the heroine of the novel as she was readying to team up with the court physician in the final act. He felt his face grow hot in embarrassment as he realized she was reading one of his Sora, Warrior of the Sea compilations, the familiar tome looking strange in her hands.
“I have to admit, I never took you as a comics fan,” he said, trying to play it cool. He went to the desk and rested his chin on Robin’s shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“I used to read Maruko-san when I was little, but I never really had the chance to keep up considering everything.” She turned a page and chuckled lowly. “This looks interesting—maybe I’ll read this instead.”
“Instead of what? Maruko-san?”
“Instead of seeing if you’re finally ready to show me how the book ended.”
Law raised an eyebrow; wasn’t the book merely an excuse? Code? He felt himself get pulled backwards by a familiar hand and he knew that it was another Devil Fruit clone, courtesy of Robin’s desire to torture him. It manhandled him towards the bunk, aggressively making him sit on the mattress as it prepared to keep him occupied while the original read.
Well, two could play at that game; an open Room and a twitch of his wrist swapped Robin with her Devil Fruit clone, putting her in his lap. She frowned playfully at him as she realized what happened and allowed her clone to dissolve.
“I lost my page.”
“Mmm… I’ll catch you up.”
“You sure?” She looked in his eyes as his hands idly began to work at opening the shirt she had stolen. Brown and yellow stared one another down as buttons were carefully undone, making them both wonder how this—whatever it was—would survive once they were in Wano.
“I’m sure.” He opened a Room again and watched her expression turn curious. “Now it’s my turn to test something I’ve been working on. Be as loud as you want; I dare you.”
He watched her grin and knew that if they wanted it, there was definitely a chance this could last.
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