#just finished a movie and thats Enough of That for today
hmmm sleep or write?
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months
pussy privileges
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words: 1.6k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, female receiving oral, p in v sex, multiple orgasms, partying, drinking, mentions of a drunk driving crash, rafe is kind of mean but in the grand scheme of rafe not really, established relationship
“i thought we were gonna go on a date.” you cross your arms as rafe finishes buttoning up his shirt. 
“we are going out.” rafe tries to justify, but you shake your head. “you’re taking me to a house party, rafe. thats not a freaking date.”
“ill take you out tomorrow. dinner and a movie?” rafe offers to pacify the angry look on your face.
“fine.” you shrug, knowing there is no convincing rafe to not go the party if hes set his mind on it. you point at rafe, making sure he’s paying attention to you. “but im not happy about it.”
you don’t talk to rafe the entire ride there. you would have told him you were staying home, but you already got dressed up and don’t want to waste a full face of makeup and outfit.
“be right back, baby.” rafe says, making you throw your hands up as he walks away to talk to topper, having just entered the party a few minutes ago and your boyfriend is already abandoning you.
“god, rafe is being a dick today.” you groan, stomping up to your friend, who simply shakes her head and hands you a drink. you know that rafe isn’t really being a dick, not in comparison to how he treats other people, but you can’t resist the urge to complain.
“promising to take me out on a nice date night only to take me to a party and fuck off with topper.” you roll your eyes, downing your drink quickly before refilling the cup.
rafe finds you half an hour later, dancing with your friends. the music is so good you don’t stop him when his hands land on your hips, joining you in dancing.
you grind against him until your feet start to hurt, the song shifting to one you haven’t heard before. “rafey.” you whine, leaning back into him. “wanna go home.” “come on, you can wait. keep dancing.” rafe pushes his hips into your bum, making you roll your eyes. “no! im tired.”
rafe taps your hips, trying to encourage you to move, but you keep yourself standing still, much to his displeasure. “baby.” rafe turns you around so you’re facing him. he cups your cheeks as he speaks, “a bit longer. i like you dancing up on me.”
“fine.” you sigh. “gotta get me another drink though.” “thats my girl.” rafe smirks, grabbing a white claw off a nearby table before quickly coming back, pushing it into your hand before twisting your hips around, almost causing you to stumble as he presses his chest into your back, dancing into you again.
“rafey.” you whine when you realize he didn’t even open the can for you like he always does, but hes far too into dancing into you to hear your complaints over the loud music.
you manage to open the can without breaking a nail, grinding back slightly into rafe until you’ve finished the can, the alcohol moving through your system enough to ignore how much your heels are beginning to hurt, dancing back into rafe.
“god, you’re hot.” he groans into your ear, pressing a kiss under your ear before moving to your neck, burying his head in your soft skin, inhaling your scent.
“rafe!” you shout when his mouth presses against your skin and he sucks an incredibly visible hickey into your neck. you pull away quickly, but know it’s already going to bruise as you turn with a frown, your hands on your hips.
“sorry.” rafe says, but the smile on his face shows that he’s not actually sorry.
“whatever.” you sigh, rubbing at the spot. “just take me home.”
“fine.” rafe sighs, reaching for your hand, knowing it’s getting too late anyways. he tugs you through the crowd until you get outside. 
“did you drink or take anything?” you ask, raising your eyebrows at rafe when he walks towards his truck. it’s only a short drive home, but you don’t want anything to happen.
“barely.” rafe says, unlocking his truck and opening the passenger side door for you.
“lets just walk home then.” you shake your head. “it’s so close.” rafe knows how much you hate drunk drivers ever since one hit your sisters car, thankfully she was fine besides a few bruises.
rafe sighs, head tilting back to look at the sky. “why didn’t i just lie?”
“ugh!” you stomp your foot. “rafe, that is so wrong!”
“baby, i really had just like two sips when we first-” rafe tries to explain, he’s truly not even buzzed, but you are already walking away, heading down the sidewalk towards tanneyhill. you don’t make it very far, rafe trailing behind you, until you have to kick off your heels.
rafe would usually pick you up, carry you home, but he knows your mad so decides to stay back, letting you walk barefoot home.
“baby-” rafe finally speaks when you get to the front door, but you just walk in, leaving it open for rafe to follow.
“y/n…” rafe tries again when you both get inside his room, but you ignore his call of your name and begin to take off your jewelry, before moving to your dress, quickly putting on pajamas once you’re naked.
rafe takes it as a sign, undressing himself for bed, relieved when you climb under the covers next to him.
“come here.” rafe holds his arms open. you hesitate for a second before moving in, allowing him to cuddle into you and press kisses all over your face.
“i’m so sorry, princess.” he says softly, connecting your lips in a kiss. 
“you can make it up to me tomorrow on our very nice and well planned date.” you give a look to rafe, who quickly nods.
he leans in to kiss you again, and you accept it, allowing his hand to wrap around your waist and pull you in closer, bodies slotting together underneath the covers.
“i love you baby.” rafe says, his hand moving to underneath your flimsy pajama shirt.
“love you too.” you say, reaching to pull his hand back out, placing it on top of the fabric.
rafe frowns slightly before kissing you again, this time trying to move your leg so he can slot himself in between. you allow it, until he starts to grind into you. the second you feel him begin to swell in his pants, you pull away, pressing your thighs together.
“baby.” rafe whines. “i want you, come on.”
“and i want you to not be a dick.” you shake your head. you may have accepted rafes apology for his behavior, but aren’t willing to so quickly allow him to have sex with you.
“i said sorry!” “you can fuck me after you make it up to me tomorrow on the date. and it better be good, or i’ll get myself off and leave you alone.” you threaten, smirking when rafes eyes widen.
“okay, okay.” he nods. “tomorrow.”
rafe does everything right. flowers, a dinner reservation to a fancy restaurant, a new dress and necklace, as well as doting on you throughout the entire date.
“did i make it up to you?” rafe asks.
“hmm…” you tap your finger against your chin, rafe barely able to wait as you stand before him, new dress wrapping around your body like a present just waiting to be pulled away by rafe to reveal what he really wants to see.
“i don’t know. maybe the date was a little too good.” you let out a fake yawn. “a bit tired. might just have to go right to sleep.”
“baby-” rafe whines. he hasn’t gone this long without having you since you first started dating.
“but i guess you could eat me out and we can see if you deserve to fuck me.”
rafe smiles, knowing as soon as he gets between your legs, that you’ll be begging for his cock in no time. he undresses you completely before he even begins to work on his buttons, giving you a show as you lay naked on the bed, head propped up against the pillows as he strips away the layers of clothing until he’s nude, cock already straining.
rafe crawls between your legs, sighing with relief when you spread them, letting him view your pussy as he immediately buries his face between your legs, eating out your pussy like you’ve intentionally starved him of it, not just denied him sex one night.
“god, i fucking love how you taste baby.” rafe mumbles, his words vibrating against your cunt. “‘m so sorry i was a dick. won’t happen again. love you too much.”
you can’t help but smile when you reach down to fist your hands into rafes hair. his tongue gets you to orgasm three times until you’re whining for his cock too much, tugging at his hair.
rafe gives your sensitive clit a final kiss before crawling up the bed, connecting your mouths in a kiss, knowing how much you love to taste yourself on his lips.
“fuck me, come on.” you tell rafe. “need it so bad.”
rafe pushes his cock against your entrance, making you moan as he slowly brings his hips forward, sinking inside of you with ease.
“god, that was as much of a punishment for me as it was for you.” you laugh slightly when rafe is fully inside of you, still for a moment for you to adjust.
“certainly taught me a lesson.” rafe admits. he didn’t realize how hard it would be to go without fucking you. just one night felt like a century, his dick literally hurting when he woke up in the morning with a hard on, one that you would usually crawl beneath the covers to take care of.
“no pussy privledges when you’re mean.” you nod, confirming the rule, even though you hopefully never have to enforce it again.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @magicalyoura @die4niyahhh @juniebugg
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sissylittlefeather · 2 months
Your Love's Been a Long Time Coming: Chapter 2
A/N: Second installment of the Elvis x OC Vivian Choquette series! We pick up in 1961 during the filming of Blue Hawaii. I really hope you all stay on board for this one. I have the next 4ish chapters planned out and there's some fun stuff coming...
Need to catch up? Here's my Masterlist.
As always, thank you for your help and encouragement, bestie @ccab!
Warnings: Still pretty tame, kissing, cussing, alcohol use, references to sex/oral sex, fist fighting
Word count: ~2k
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"Hello again..."
"Oh, you two know each other?"
"Yeah we met in..."
"Germany." She finishes the sentence for him because he doesn't seem to be capable of it. He's still in awe of her. She hasn't changed much since the last time he saw her and he's still spellbound.
"Good. That should make this easy then." The director turns away from the conversation and leaves them to get reacquainted.
"I-I I didn't know you were an actress?" He tries not to visibly cringe when his nerves make him stutter. She gives him a half smile.
"Yeah, I'm just starting out really. This is my first movie role."
"And you're the lead?"
"You're the lead. I'm just your girlfriend." I wish. He thinks, but doesn't say it out loud.
"Well, still, good for you."
"Thanks... so listen."
"Hmm?" He shifts a little as someone walks behind him and forces him closer to her. She looks up at him and he notices how her eyes are the same color as the ocean when it's deep.
"Let's not make this awkward, okay?"
"Oh, of course not." He nods reassuringly.
"We can be... friends." His heart sinks a little. Friends. That's all she wants.
"Sure. Friends sounds good." It doesn't sound good at all, but he'll settle for friends if that's what it takes to be around her.
"Elvis! Come meet some of the other cast members." The director calls from across the room. Elvis nods at Vivian.
"I'll see you around. I gotta..."
"Yeah. Go, Mr. Movie Star." She pats his shoulder lightly and a shiver runs all the way down his spine. He hopes he'll be able to keep it together around her for the whole movie.
"CUT. VIVIAN! THAT'S STILL WRONG." The director is yelling from his place behind the cameras. Elvis stands and watches as she struggles to do what she needs to do. He can tell that she's getting more and more frustrated as the takes go on and on. For some reason, she can't seem to wrap her head around the necessary lines. Elvis is dying to try to help her, but it's not the time or the place. She looks at her feet and shakes her hands and he knows she's trying not to cry. Every time the director yells at her, she gets more flustered.
They try the scene again and Elvis holds his breath, begging God to help her get it right.
But she doesn't. She misses it again.
"CUT. Alright. That's enough for today." They've been trying to get the scene all day long and the director is done. Elvis hangs his head as the director stomps over to Vivian. He can't really hear what he's saying, but when she starts crying and begging, he takes a couple steps closer.
"Please, please let me try again tomorrow. Please don't do this to me. Please."
"I'm not wasting another day of filming. We're replacing you. We have another actress ready to go. You're fired."
"No! Please!"
"Okay. You're not completely fired. You can have a non-speaking part." The director turns and walks away from her. Vivian looks around at everyone watching and takes off running away from the set.
"Viv! Wait!" Elvis calls out to her and tries to follow her. He loses her somewhere in the trailers though and isn't exactly sure where she's gone. When he finds her trailer, he knocks on the door, but he doesn't hear any noise inside. He waits for a few minutes and then turns to walk away. Thats when he hears something hit the door and break. He knocks on the door louder this time.
"Viv, let me in!"
"Go away!" He decides to try the door. It's unlocked, so he opens it and slips inside.
He ducks quickly as something hits the wall above his head and breaks.
"Viv! What the hell?!"
"I need another glass." He looks at her sitting on the couch with a bottle of vodka clutched to her. "Or maybe I don't."
She takes a pull straight from the bottle and grimaces.
"Vivian." He walks over and sits down next to her. She offers him the bottle and he declines.
"I got fired."
"I know. Are you okay?" She looks at him and laughs.
"I feel like you're always asking me that. I'll answer the same way I did last time. Do I look okay?" She takes another swig from the vodka bottle.
"No. You don't." He grabs the bottle when she gets it back to her lap and sets it on the coffee table.
"Hey..." She goes to reach for it and he pulls her to him, holding her with her head on his shoulder.
"No, that's enough." Even he's surprised by his command of the situation, but he knows more alcohol is the last thing she needs. He's not sure how much was in the bottle to start, but there's only about a third of it left. Her body quakes as she begins to cry again.
"I p-promised my stepdad I would make this acting thing work out."
"Why does he care?"
"He's tired of the burden I've become since I'm not married. He said he never dreamed I'd still be around." A wave of rage washes over Elvis. He's never met the man, but he imagines punching him if he did.
"Honey, it's not your fault you're not married." She sits up.
"Well I know that. Tell him!" She settles back into his shoulder. "Kinda is my fault though because I won't just marry anyone."
"Oh?" He dismisses the fleeting thought of proposing just to give her a way out.
"No. I want to be madly in love when I get married. I want to be so in love that we can't stand to be apart from each other for another minute." She sits up again and turns to him with a dreamy look in her eyes. "I want to positively burn for my husband and I want him on fire for me. You know?"
He nods as his heart races. Could she love him like that?
"I know exactly what you mean." He whispers.
Just then, she grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him into her, pressing her lips to his. He melts into her, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close to him. She opens her mouth and slides her tongue into his and the passion mounts as their tongues take turns dipping into the other's mouth. He can feel her hands against his chest and she whimpers a little. He pulls back and looks into her deep-ocean eyes and then leans in and kisses her cheek, down to her jawline, and then on down to her neck. She snakes her arms around his shoulders and pulls him with her as she lays back on the couch. He rearranges so that he's on top of her, rolling his hips into hers.
Is this it? Is this how they begin? His mind is racing as they continue to kiss deeply.
"Elvis, stop."
"What?" He backs away breathlessly and looks into her face.
"Are you in love with me?" His heart skips a beat. Is he?
"Because I need you to know that this would just be sex. I'm really drunk and sad and I'm just not... I don't want to give you the wrong idea."
"How drunk?"
"That was a new bottle of vodka." When she says it, he notices how heavy her eyelids are and that her words are a little fuzzy around the edges. He feels like someone has knocked the wind out of him. Sitting up, he runs his hand through his hair and closes his eyes.
"You are, aren't you?" She asks him calmly.
"I didn't say that."
"Then why did you stop?"
"You're too drunk. I don't even know if you want this." She laughs and he looks down at her sadly.
"Oh, trust me. I want it."
"Well, I don't. Not like this." She sits up and glares at him.
"Then why the hell are you here, Elvis?!"
"I don't know."
"Fine. Get out, then." He stands up, grabbing the bottle of vodka as he does. He tries to head for the door, but she yanks the bottle away from him "Goodbye, Elvis."
Deeply discouraged, he walks out the door and down the steps to go back to the hotel. Is he in love with her?
The next day, he's sitting around with the guys during a break. They've brought in the new actress to play his girlfriend and she's great, but he wishes they'd given Vivian another chance. He looks up just as she walks by to sit with another actress about twenty yards away.
"You see her?" Joe asks the group of guys with a wry smile.
"Vivian?" Elvis asks confused.
"Yeah. She's got a hell of a mouth on her." He laughs raucously and pushes one of the other guys.
"What the fuck are you talking about, Joe?" Elvis feels himself start to seethe, hoping Joe isn't talking about what he thinks he's talking about.
"She came to my room last night. She gives great h-" Without another thought, Elvis is on top of him, throwing punches. The idea of him with Vivian makes him see red. And then him here talking that way about her pushes him over the edge. All the guys jump and holler, trying to pull them apart.
"Elvis, stop!!" It's Vivian's voice that cuts through the rest of the noise and gets to him. He drops Joe and stumbles backwards, breathing heavily. Blood drips from his nose where Joe landed a good defensive blow. "God. Men. Come with me."
She drags Elvis to a chair and makes him sit down. Then, she disappears for a bit. He considers getting up, as mad as he is, but he stays put until she comes back with some wet napkins to clean up his nose.
"What the hell were you thinking? You... with Joe?!"
"Elvis, I told you I was drunk and sad. You said no, so I found someone else." He feels another wave of rage rush through him.
"Just like that, huh? I really don't mean anything to you."
"You said you weren't in love with me. I told you we could be friends. That means you're going to have to be okay with me being with other guys. But if you're in love with me-"
"I'm not." It feels like a lie, but he wants it to be true.
"Good. Then, get over it." She says it softly as she finishes with his nose and pats his cheek gently. Then, she puts a hand on each arm of the chair and leans in close to him. "Listen, I like you a lot, Elvis. You're a great guy and it's probably a good thing you said no because I could fall in love with you. But I've seen you with girls. I know you have several on the hook right now. We can never be more than friends for that reason alone. I need someone on fire for me and no one else. Can you understand that?"
He looks down at his hands in his lap where bruises are starting to form. It's true, he does have a steady rotation of girls. And he has no way to make her believe that he would stop all that if they got together. Even he's not sure he could be true forever. But he'd certainly try, for her. Still, why would she ever trust him?
"Friends?" He looks up into her deep-water eyes again.
"Friends." She takes one of his bruised hands and kisses his knuckles gently. He actively ignores the way his heart skips when she does.
"With benefits?" He smiles coyly and she puts her hand on his forehead and pushes it backwards.
"We'll see..."
Until next time... thoughts?
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed!):
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @jhoneybees @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley
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roseblog-rog · 4 months
She Actually Built a Shrink Ray…
(contains g/t mouthplay, g/t fearplay, and dubcon)
My best friend—Jamie—told me a while ago that she was working on a big project. After some prying from my end, she revealed it was going to be some sort of laser that would…do something with, like, atoms? And it would decrease them…I think? Maybe? When she started using science talk I kinda zoned out.
But she eventually dumbed it down for me, saying it would make whatever object it hits far smaller, which actually kinda made sense.
“So, a shrink ray? Like Honey, I Shrunk the Kids?”
“Yeah, something like that…but what the fuck are you talking about? Shrinking kids n’ shit??”
“Nah you made that shit up.”
For someone so smart she’s a complete dumbass. Or maybe it’s just not a popular movie…
Anyways, it’s not that I doubted her ability, per se, but I was highly skeptical about whether that was even possible. I mean sure, the idea of shit from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids being real was very intriguing…but could she do it?
That question was finally answered today when she sent me a text saying ‘HAZELLLLL COME OVER NOWWWW ITS SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT 😱😱😱’, and I arrived to her house only to be dragged to her lab where I found…well…a big laser. It really did look like something out of a movie, appearing very similar to Wayne Szalinski’s own creation.
This is where I am now: staring at the large machine, shock and some slight skepticism evident. “Is–is this…?”
“You bet your ass it is! Here lemme show you.” She ran over to a box containing several big red building blocks, taking one out and putting it on a stool where the laser was aimed. She then moved over to some sort of control panel and fiddled with some switches until the tip of the laser was glowing yellow.
I watched in awe; her genuine scientific prowess never ceases to amaze me. Still, I couldn’t help but make a remark. “Y’know, I honestly expected the beam to be red. Maybe some blue glow mixed in.” I smirk.
She glared at me playfully. “Well sooorryyyy it’s not exactly like your stupid obscure movie.”
We laughed as she finished activating the machine. She beckoned me to her side and we both watched as an actual laser was fired onto the building block, making it glow in a similar shade to the beam itself. My mouth then hung open in complete awe as I watched the once large block slowly shrink until it was about as big as a fingernail. She then turned off the machine, and we both went to look at the results. Sure enough, the block was intact, and I picked it up between my fingers to get a closer look.
Well holy fucking shit. The block was exactly the same aside from the now smaller size, and I could see Jamie grinning out of the corner of my eye.
“This is…this is, well, revolutionary.” I couldn’t believe she built this thing, still caught up in the shock of it all.
“Oh but thats not all! Put the block back on the stool.” She instructed, rushing back to the control panel. I could tell she was just as excited about this as I was, if her happy little bounces and giggles were any indication.
I placed the block back and returned to my position beside her, noticing the tip of the laser was now glowing purple instead of yellow. The process then repeated, only this time I watched the block grow back to its original size. Incredible.
“I still can’t believe you actually managed to pull this off…”
“You saying you doubted me?” She gave me another lighthearted glare. “Aaaaanyways, you ready?”
Ah. Right. Because I love and trust Jamie more than anyone, also seeing her capabilities firsthand, I volunteered to help test her machines as a human subject. Is there an ethical issue with this arrangement? Maybe, but it’s cool.
While nothing bad has ever happened to me as a result of previous tests, Jamie has a tendency to…mess with me during the process. She knows her machines more than I do, therefore knowing exactly how to fuck with me. Like the time she built some sort of emotional amplifier, activating it whenever I laughed until I was quite literally pissing myself and breathless on the ground laughing. Or the time she built that stupid artificial spider drone—Jeffrey, the fucker—and kept making it crawl into my peripherals to scare the shit out of me.
I love her to death but she can be a real pain in the ass during tests, using my misery to fully test the capabilities of her machines. The sadist.
This time though…this time was different. I would be completely at her mercy, too tiny to do anything but accept whatever she does. It was…thrilling, honestly. Will it be scary? Probably. Will I get annoyed? Maybe.
But she wouldn’t hurt me.
“Yeah yeah okay whatever, let’s get this over with.” I sat down at the stool, and Jamie gave me a knowing smirk. I watched the laser—which was now pointed at me—start to glow yellow again, but despite the nerves I could never miss a joke opportunity.
“I am not missing the mall today.” I huffed and rolled my eyes, truly embodying my inner Amy. Jamie just stared at me with the most deadpan stare I’ve ever seen.
“I am so glad I finished building this so I don’t have to deal with your bullshit about this movie you’re so obsessed with.”
“Oh cmonnnnn. Youuuu loveeee meeeeee~” I taunted in my singsong voice. But at that moment she smiled and the machine was activated.
The feeling of the beam hitting me is…hard to describe. The best word I can think of is tingly. An almost soft and fuzzy sensation filled my body as I watched the world around me get bigger and bigger. It was one thing to see an object shrink, but a whole different experience to actually see the world grow while you get smaller. Tables grew taller, tools became gigantic, things that were once so close by slowly felt miles away. Even the stool I was sitting on transformed into more of an open landscape in my eyes.
After some time the world stopped warping around me, and I stood up to take in my surroundings. I was so familiar with Jamie’s lab, and yet it seemed like a completely new room from this perspective. I could notice cracks and rough edges around me with more clarity, notice particles of dust flying through beams of light. I glanced down from the stool and it felt like I was on top of a whole fucking mountain. This was absolutely insane, like h—
“Holy shit!” Jamie’s voice boomed through my ears, and I had to raise my hands to cover them from the vibrations that practically shook my whole body. My ears started ringing. A shadow now loomed over me, and looking up I could see Jamie towering above. From the look on her face, though barely legible due to the distance, she seemed to notice my more sensitive hearing.
“Oops, sorry Hazey.” Her voice fell to a calmer speaking tone, which no longer rattled my eardrums as I slowly lowered my hands. “I can’t believe that actually worked!”
I laugh, smirking. “Oh look who’s doubting herself now.”
She pauses for a moment, then speaks again. “I can barely hear you.” She chuckles. “That’s new.”
“Hey!” I pout, also noticing she’s cupped her hands. She lowers them down to the stool, and it looks like an offer to climb in. I accept, stepping onto her palm and balancing myself.
“Just don’t lift me up too—“ I feel her hands rocket up towards her face, and I fall over from the sheer force of it. Dark spots quickly faded in and out of my vision “…quickly.”
She chuckles softly. “Sorry about all this, you’d think I’d have thought about how to properly treat you with how much preparation I did.” I stood back up and met her eyes. They were huge, and I could really take in the rich shades of brown within her irises. “But speaking of you,” she left me standing on one hand while she moved the other to ruffle my hair with her pointer finger, “you are so fucking cute! You’re like a little speck on my hand!!”
I blush furiously, not used to being the short one. “Hey! I’m not that small!” Being in her hand I could see I was about the size of half her finger.
“Awwww poor wittwle thing~” She continued to coo and rub the top of my head. I hate the fact that it actually felt really good. Is this how she was gonna mess with me this time? Taunting me for being short?
“Stoppppp!” I whined through giggles, starting to melt at the contact but being unable to actually do anything about it. I already know my face is completely red. She knows me too fucking well.
Her finger starts to softly shove me around a bit, rubbing ever so often. I get a bit dizzy from the overwhelming tenderness of it all.
“Hehe! You’re such a fun little toy!”
That comment makes my mind and heart stutter, and I really start to take in just how powerless I am in this situation. I begin feeling a bit of wetness in my panties, but try to keep those thoughts at bay. As far as I know, Jamie isn’t interested in sex or anything of the sort. Besides, we’re friends. I’ll just enjoy the soft shoves and rubs and coos, that’s more than enough.
But then I notice that blush has crept onto her face as well, and she slowly smirks as her finger stops playing with me. She gently pinches the back of my shirt, lifting me up, and now I’m really helpless. I instinctively and slowly start to flail around to free myself from her grip, but to no avail.
I’m in front of her mouth now, and her lips are slightly parted. I can feel how heavy she’s breathing, warm air pushing out and brushing against my skin. Her breath smells nice, it’s honestly kind of soothing.
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this. Sorry in advance.” With that being my only warning, she fully opens her mouth and sticks her tongue out. She’s salivating a lot, and the realization of what she’s doing dawns on me.
“Wait! Wait wait wait wait!” She drops me onto her tongue as I beg and squirm, but no matter how much I try to crawl off of her tongue I cannot get any sort of grip. I keep slipping and falling helplessly as her tongue snakes back into her mouth with me on it.
“No no no no no please! Jamie!” But it’s too late. I’m fully inside her mouth at this point, her tongue now flipping me over to hold me down against the bottom of her mouth. I try to push myself out, but she’s too strong. I feel tears start enter my eyes.
“I don’t mean to scare you. I swear I’m not like…eating you or something. I just…” She trails off, and her mouth fully closes.
I honestly never realized just how dark the mouth is when closed, because it’s open whenever I look into mine. But now I get the real experience. It’s dark. Very dark. The air around me is also very thick and humid, the warmth of her tongue and copious amounts of saliva contributing heavily. It also smells completely like Jamie’s breath in here—I mean, obviously—but overwhelmingly so. I can hear her breathe through her throat from my position under her tongue.
Her throat. Right.
Well, she said she wasn’t gonna eat me…but what the fuck is happening then? Is this just another scare prank? Is she secretly a cannibal and just lied to make me struggle less? I’m at a complete loss.
I feel her moving around now, hear her searching through drawers for something. The vibrations of her footsteps ripple through the mouth, bouncing me between her wet tongue and the floor. As scary as this is, the warmth is comfortable, and the moisture surrounding me is actually pretty arousing.
Fuck, I’m trapped in my now-giant friend’s mouth and all I can do is be a whore. Typical, honestly.
I try to move again but I’m still being held down, and suddenly I hear Jamie stop searching. A breath of relief moves up through her throat and out her lips, giving me a brief glimpse of light before it is snuffed out once again.
I’m not even scared anymore, honestly. I’m just bored. This sucks actually. If you’re gonna scare me like this at least up the stakes.
I feel her move around some more until she sits down on what is either a couch or her bed. Regardless, I felt the bounce.
“Jamieeeeee!” I try to yell out to her, hoping she hears me from in here. “What the fuck is going on?!” I need answers and if nothing else I can try to get them.
“Just—! Please let me have this.” I’ve never heard her like this before, voice so shaky and desperate. I feel some fear creep back in, but this time it’s for her rather than me. “I need you, Hazel.” I’m still confused until I hear the familiar buzz of a vibrator.
Oh shit.
She…this…huh????? I can barely process what this actually means before I hear moans reverberating up from her throat, the pool of saliva around me starting to grow. I can feel her body start to shake with arousal, also starting to notice her tongue snaking back.
I’m able to stand up now, but it takes extra effort with how soaked I am in saliva. It’s heavy and slick, almost keeping me down. I can feel my clothes completely stuck to my body, making it very obvious that I’m hard. My heart rate and breathing are also picking up, both from shock and the resurgence of my arousal from before getting put in here.
Then her tongue leaps at me before I can react, pushing me against her gums repeatedly as I squirm to break free. It’s bigger than my entire body, each lick completely drenching me in more gooey spit. As much as I should be disgusted, this sensation is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. It’s so warm and wet and comfortable, sending tingles of pleasure from my crotch throughout my entire body. Her moans pick up with each lick as well, and I truly start to realize just what she meant when saying ‘I need you.’
Her tongue quickly gets more frantic and suggestive, lapping my entire lower body from my feet up to my crotch, and I already feel incredibly sensitive and brainless as the motions continue. I can’t help but join Jamie in moaning. Instinct overtaking me, I remove my clothes as best I can while being bombarded with wet sensations. I manage to get my shirt and bra off first, and Jamie quickly notices what I’m doing as she focuses her tongue movements towards my now exposed upper body instead. This makes her moan even louder, if that’s even possible at this point.
My pants come next, and this takes some effort given how wet and sticky they are, combined with the fact that I’m still being licked mercilessly against a giant row of teeth. When the pants are lowered enough to reveal my panties, Jamie moves her tongue back down to my crotch. With one less cloth barrier, the overwhelming sensations are too much to handle, and I orgasm. I can feel my panties grow even wetter despite how soaked they already are. Jamie stops for a moment, taking in the taste of my leakage as it drips down my thighs and into the pool of saliva below me. Her tongue feeling me up as I continue to leak honestly feels so pathetic, and I can’t help but whimper.
Once Jamie finally realizes just what she’s tasting, she goes feral. Her tongue picks me up and shoves me over to her molars, placing me down carefully only to bite specifically at my pants and panties to rip them off. I’m finally completely naked. I’m then forcefully sent sliding towards her lips, pushed through so that my upper body dangles out of her mouth while my legs stay inside. She has her lips pressed tightly against my crotch, and she begins sucking on me while simultaneously licking relentlessly at my taint. It’s too much, sliding back and forth on her lips like this, grinding against such intense moisture, feeling that giant tongue absolutely lick me clean. I can’t think straight.
My vision is blurry in the light after having been in darkness for so long, but I can see Jamie vibing her clit. She’s shaky and wet, her frantic breaths pushing against my body as I rest my upper half against her lower lip.
I already feel close to a second orgasm, but then Jamie’s vibrator turns off. Her mouth opens wide, tongue licking her lips while I’m dragged along against her skin underneath. I’m then plucked up by my legs, dangling in front of her face. I am completely drenched, drop after drop of saliva falling down and hitting her body. We’re both breathing heavy, faces red. She looks at me, and from my upside down view I can see her smile before I’m sent down between her thighs.
Warm. That’s the first word that comes to mind. I’m shoved against her clit, and I immediately start humping. We’re both completely soaked so the grinding is smooth. Jamie’s moans from high above me reverberate through my ears, and I can feel her get wetter by the second. Her grip doesn’t let up, and she actually starts to rub me against her forcefully. She doesn’t need her vibrator now, she can just use me. I cum again, becoming even more slicked up as I’m slid up and down across her crotch. I can’t tell whether I’m more covered in her saliva or my cum anymore, I’m too brainless and soaked to process. She is in complete control of me; I’ve become nothing but her glorified sex toy.
She starts tensing, squeezing her thighs together tightly, and she quickly shoves me inside her hole. It’s a similar environment to the mouth but far more constrictive. Oppressive. Her walls push against me as I squirm and stimulate her, barely being able to breathe from her scent and moisture completely overpowering me.
Finally, she cums, and I hold my breath as I am once again completely drenched in her. I manage to get pushed out right in between her thighs, stuck pressed there until she unclenches. It’s all so much, so many new and euphoric sensations. I’m breathing heavier than I’ve ever breathed before, feeling like I might pass out at any moment. Yet I cannot stop myself from huffing her scent like my life depends on it, cannot slow my racing heart after everything that just happened to me.
When she unclenches, I do not go sliding down her thigh. Rather, I remain stuck there, practically webbed by the saliva and cum I’ve quickly become accustomed to being drenched in. Strings of fluid connect me to her other leg. I want more. I can get an explanation later, I just need to be back in her mouth again. Back inside her. I already feel myself start to dry up and I whine, trying to squirm out of the adhesive I’m trapped in.
I hear a breathless chuckle from above as I am carefully ripped from my prison, once again left dangling in front of Jamie’s face.
“Wow, so d-desperate for more? I g-g-guess I was right. You are a fun little toy.” She stutters and takes deep breaths as she speaks, likely just as brainless from pleasure as I am.
“P-please put me back in your mouth. I need—I need to feel your tongue again.” I blush furiously at the plea, already feeling myself ready to cum again. This is so fucked.
“Of course, Hazey. Anything for you.” And with that, Jamie opens her mouth and drops me inside once again.
Feeling the warmth of her breath and saliva is a comfort I could never take for granted. Her tongue is gentler this time, hums of approval ringing from her throat as she savors every taste of me. I let myself relax for a bit as she feels me up, catching my breath while still feeling highly aroused from the licking. Once my heart rate is under control, I slowly stand and wrap my body around her tongue as best I can. I then begin to thrust myself into it over and over again, my cock sliding against the impossibly warm and slick surface. It feels amazing.
A chuckle sounds from Jamie’s throat as I hump, and I feel her body rise as she begins to—presumably—clean up. I’ve gone from a sex toy to a simple form of stimulation for her mouth. A thing to mindlessly flick around and play with while she goes around and focuses on other tasks. The thought makes me blush ever so slightly more.
I feel myself get close to a third orgasm, but her tongue quickly goes back to overpowering me, pushing me towards her molars once again. This time, however, she bites down on me. Not enough to injure or kill me, but enough to keep me trapped with just enough pain that I still feel good. My lower body is facing her tongue, but I cannot see what it’s actually doing. From the feel of it, it doesn’t seem like she’s doing anything to me anymore. Is she just going to leave me here? Prevent me from reaching the orgasm I was so close to? My train of thought is interrupted, however, when her tongue suddenly goes to fondle my crotch and taint. The surprise of receiving such overwhelming sensations out of nowhere makes me moan loudly, feeling myself just on the edge of cumming.
But. Then she stops again. Oh you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.
She repeats this process multiple times: fondling me by surprise only to stop just before I orgasm. No matter how much I try to squirm out of her teeth, how much I try to maneuver my arms to touch myself, it’s no use. I quickly become brainless and whiny, eventually deciding to cry out pleas for her to let me cum.
After enough begging, she finally relents, licking me once again but this time without stopping. I’m still trapped under her molars, but I thrash around wildly as I’m finally able to let myself go all over her tongue. I all but scream as the feeling fills my body. I don’t care how embarrassing it may sound, all I can focus on is releasing my pent up pleasure all over her. I feel each burst of cum exit me, all of which bringing more and more pangs of overwhelming euphoria. More and more pathetic sounds. I feel elated. Wet, shaky, dizzy, and elated.
As I come down from the climax, her teeth let me go. I look at my body to see massive red teeth marks across my chest. Woah. I try to stand up, but I’m so shaky and filled with pleasure that I immediately fall over. Her tongue takes that as an opportunity to pick me up and bring me towards her lips. Her mouth opens and I am released once again, only this time her tongue slowly angles down so that I slide off into her cupped hands below.
She holds my small and soaked body tenderly as I regain my senses, raising her hands so I’m at eye level. I look at her face and am shocked to see tears falling down rapidly.
“I’m sorry Hazel! I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m s—“
“Hey hey hey! I’m okay! I don’t know what that was, but I feel fine. Good, even!” I try to comfort her, sitting up and gently rubbing her palm with my hand. “Although, I would like to ask…why? Why did you do all this?” Sue me, I wanna know.
Jamie sniffs, the tears not slowing down. “I—I—I’m in love with you, Hazel.”
I freeze, and for a moment my heart stops. I say nothing, and she continues.
“And—and I was too afraid to ask you out or admit my feelings because you’re so…” She looks closely at me now, eyes filled with stars at the sight of me. ME?? “…you. I’ve loved you for a while now; your smile, your voice, your authenticity, your laugh, your jokes, your absolute beauty, even your stupid fucking movie obsession.” I wet chuckle at that, feeling tears falling down my eyes as well. “You are the only person I ever want to love, Hazel…and I ruined it. I got too desperate. I used you. I’m so fucking sorry.”
I stand up now, and gesture for her to move me closer to her face. She complies, and once I’m close enough I rush to hug her cheek. I really start bawling now, so overwhelmed from the affection.
“I—I’ve loved every moment spent with you, Jamie! You’re so fucking smart and funny and sweet and an absolute dumbass. There isn’t a part of you I don’t want to cherish. I…I love you too.” I manage to get out through sobs, feelings I had no idea were there finally coming up to the surface. “To be honest…I didn’t think you’d ever want to be with, well, someone like me.” I step back from her cheek now, wrapping my arms around myself in a pitiful hug.
Jamie bends her head forward, pressing a giant but soft kiss onto my head as I cry. “Oh, Hazel…you know that doesn’t bother me. I mean shit, I watched by your side as you slowly become the person you’ve always wanted to be. It’s admirable! You’ve become so much happier and genuine with yourself. So much prettier. How could I not love you?”
I full on wail at that, and she presses me close to her chest as I sob. The rhythmic beats of her heart slowly calm me down, and my breathing eventually begins to level.
“Do—do you mean that, Jamie?” I clutch her shirt as I brace for the inevitable ‘Just kidding! You’re gross!’
But it never comes.
“Every word, Hazel. I want to love you for the rest of our lives.” She gently takes one of her hands to rub the back of my head as I quietly cry into her shirt.
“So do I.” I manage to get out, and I feel her heart stutter ever so slightly.
“You mean that? Even after…what I did?” Jamie sounds nervous, just as afraid of rejection as I was. But she never has to worry about that. Not with me.
“I do. I really mean it. I could never hate you or leave you. I never want to spend a moment without you in my life.” I press a kiss onto her chest. “Besides, I was into it.” I full on laugh and Jamie can’t help but laugh too.
“Oh and I’m the dumbass?” She holds me even closer to her body, seemingly never letting go any time soon. Good.
When we both stop crying after a while, Jamie is the first to speak again. “So…do you want me to grow you back to normal size?” From a nearby window, I can see it’s dark out now. I am exhausted.
“Can…can I stay like this for the night? Sleep on your chest?” It was an embarrassing request, but I knew she wouldn’t care. She would probably tease me a bit though.
“Awww! You are adorable!” Speak of the devil. “Of course you can stay small tonight…though I think I accidentally swallowed your clothes.” I chuckle at her guilty expression, and resolve to just stay naked to sleep…as long as I can dry off first.
After we both get ready, Jamie lays down in her bed, and I rest in my position next to her heart, her hand serving as a blanket for me. This was an absolutely confusing and…surprising start to our relationship, and I had no idea what the days ahead would bring, but I knew we would figure it out.
I smile as the warmth of her body and pulses of her heart lull me to sleep.
Shoutout to my wife @flowers-but-gay for being my smart dumbass and describing how a shrink ray would potentially work only for me to dumb it down 😭
Also shoutout to Eve @specksizedgoddess for brushing the dust off my g/t kink and getting me back into writing
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rdiowx · 1 year
Now posted on my ao3: Cndlewax
Frankenstein frank iero x gn! Reader
Ik i said this would be longer but I’ve been working on this for days and i actually dont know what i was going to do with it lmk if i should go on with the series
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Now i when was trying to figure out which Frank era would fit Frankenstein i was thinking revenge so thats what i went with and is described here. However now that i think about it, Leathermouth and danger days wouldve been viable options (WHY DIDNT I DO DANGER DAYS IM LITERALLY SOBBING)
Reader is technically Frankenstein and Frank is Frankensteins monster, its like 1930s id like to think because of the 1931 Frankenstein movie, Reader is a mad scientist, Reader is lowkey kinda insane im not gonna lie (because who thinks of this kinda thing), Mikey shows up i just feel like he’s Frankensteins assistant Material, kind of detailed mention of limbs being sewn and stapled together, i mean technically Frank is put in an electric chair…, usage of Y/n,(i do plan on making this a series however if i do id probably move it to ao3 and it would be random chapters of teaching frank random things).
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The village ‘mad scientist’ also known as Y/n, You had been rumored to be working on something for years, and you have. Today it should finally be done. You were currently hunched over your project, a man covered in staples, stitches and all sorts of other things. You make sure each limb is sturdy, sewing or stapling multiple times if you have to. When he comes to life —and you will make sure he will— you wouldnt want him to fall over. You need to make sure he can hold his body weight up. you are pulled out of your focus when you hear the lab door open, “I’ve brought good news.” Mikey exclaimed, holding a larger than average beaker in his hands.
You broke out into an extremely unsettling smile, Mikey only smiles back, used to your behavior having been friends with you since you were kids. “Did you get it Mikey?” You asked, at the edge of your seat, He only nods in response. You laugh and spin in your chair towards him, you grab and kiss his face enthusiastically. He playfully gags and wipes his face, having set the beaker down at your work table.
“What would i ever do without you Michael?” You exclaimed, Taking the beaker and quickly making your way to your experiment. Using your lab table to set him at a 90 degree angle you took the top of his head off, you needed to connect his brain stems. You needed to detach multiple places in order to do it, luckily you thought ahead and thought not to stitch these places before hand. Mikey made sure you had enough light to complete this task, holding a simple flashlight above your work area.
After attaching everything correctly you stapled and sewed, it would be a shame if all your hard work went to waste due to some poor patch job. You had been working on this for years, and finally you could finish it. You had done this once before, not anything near as big as this project, but on a salamander when you and Mikey were 16. The day you revived that salamander was the day you earned the ‘mad scientist’ title. “We’ve waited years for this Mikey, i dont think i possibly couldve gotten this done without you.” You said, wheeling over the machine that was going to bring your experiment to life. Mikey smiles proudly as you looked his way, quickly moving to your side as you waved your hand for him to come to you.
“You’re fucking crazy.” Mikey teased, smiling your way before putting his metal goggles —which you made to fit his glasses perscription because he complained about not being able to see every time— on for protection and stepping away from the now powered up machine. You only smile in response, putting your metal welding headgear on before pulling the last lever. The light from the electricity filled the room, you were sure any nosy civilian would be curious if they were outside right now. Turning off the machine you lift your headgear off before checking your experiment. Seeing his fingers twitch filled you with hope, a quiet groan filled your ears looking over, Mikey had a smug look on his face. You looked back towards the now living thing, His hazel eyes looking straight forward. “I feel like he needs a name, what are you thinking?” Michael asked, tilting his head before taking his goggles all the way off and setting them aside.
“Frank.” You replied simply, taking in the mans appearance.
He had a slight green discoloration, covered from head to toe in stitches and staples. you could see the stitches make indents and stretch his skin as well as with the staples, you were lucky he didnt have pain receptors or this would be a lot harder to pull off. A simple screw on the side of his head it was a decently sized one but not huge, maybe as big or slightly bigger than your hand. It was a screw that required a Phillips screw driver even though it was turnable by hand, his eyes had bags and his hair was greasy. His hair was nothing you had seen before, the sides were a light blonde and he seemed to have a mohawk but it was slicked down by the sheer amount of grease that had built up over the years and the front of his hair sat in the middle of his face. He was wearing an old suit you found in your closet, you dont know who it belonged to but you didn’t exactly care all that much. He looked to have had piercings from were you stapled his face, But it kinda fit him after all you could always fix it later. After a while you realized you would have to teach him how to do things again, he’s not what he once was. “Alright (Y/n), i have to go. Gerard is waiting for me to get back home and its getting dark.” Michael informed, hanging his lab coat on his designated hook by the door. “Be safe Michael, wouldnt want to lose my favorite lab partner.” You laughed, Michael rolled his eyes on the way out but not before shouting “im your only lab partner!” You could swear you could hear him mumble a quiet “Im your only friend at that.” Making you roll your eyes, you couldn’t be mad if he was right.
Now you were sat in your lab with your own creation staring back at you. ‘Lets see what you can still do.’ You thought to yourself before walking around to the still seated man. You lifted his arm to see if he could hold it up, He turned his head to face you and surprisingly he could, these are great signs. you sat in your spin chair and rolled your way to your clipboard that was on your desk. You needed to write stuff for your experiment down, right now you were the happiest you had been in years. You couldn’t suppress the slight smile on your face as you tested the staple covered man. After finishing your tests you wanted to move on to his speech, since you were the one who put him together you knew he was capable of doing so.
The only problem was you didnt know how, sure you knew how to talk but you didnt really know how to hold a conversation, if it wasn’t for Mikey you dont think you would talk at all if it wasn’t to yourself. Being the village scientist meant you were always in the lab, you hadn’t talked to anyone but Mikey or sometimes his older brother Gerard in years. You dont even remeber the last time you even left the lab, it was your house and Mikey did all of your errands. You supposed you could start with the basics, ‘hello’ or your name maybe even his. If you started with hello you’d have to explain what a greeting is, if you started with your or his name you might have to explain what a name even is and how to use it. You hadn’t noticed the man move from his spot, you were so busy staring off into space you didnt notice the prominent frown on your face as you stared at the wall. When you finally snapped out of it you panicked as you watched the man touch stuff on your lab table, almost spilling a tube of something before catching it and looking at you with guilt ridden face.
You quickly made your way to him, taking the tube out of his hand and putting it in its correct place. “Um, okay don’t- don’t touch anything on this table..got it?” You spoke, gently steering the man by his hand to sit at your desk chair. You pushed him into said chair maybe a bit rougher than you meant to, however he didnt seem to mind. “Okay.. your name is- can you talk?” You asked, you couldve maybe put in a little more effort but this was your first time doing anything like this. You only got a head tilt in response, it was like he could understand you but he couldn’t answer. You furrowed your eyebrows, Your reaction caused him to frown a little. “‘My name is Frank’ Can you say that?” You questioned, he could only get out ‘Frank’. It wasnt much but you could work with it after all you weren’t sure of what he was capable of, Sure he had human parts but he wasnt fully functional right now.
“Frank, frank is you.” You stated, pointing a finger towards him. “You?” He questioned, his index finger now pointing towards himself. You smiled before shaking your head, This caused Frank to smile as well however he looked sort of confused. You tried again pointing your finger towards him, “when i stick my finger out towards you it means ‘you’, when you stick your finger towards yourself it means ‘me’.” You stated, a look of realization crossed his face before he pointed to himself again. “Frank is me?” He asked, letting out a noise of what seemed to be happiness after you confirmed it. He was going to be trouble but you knew it was worth it, after all, you wanted this.
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urbanflorals · 1 month
hi emsies!!!
watched saltburn today, and then i gagged and i watched an f1 race, cried cause my fav driver won for the first time, and then i watched a movie called eighth grade that’s about the last week of ms its my last week of ms so i thought it was a once in a lifetime experience and it was in the comedy section so i thought i’d be funny IT WAS NOT I SOBBED LIKE A BABY so now im watching emma (gwenyth’s ver) :)
oh and it’s raining which is nice
help ok thats a lot to take in.
saltburn - ew (how'd that go?)
f1 - i was smiling so hard (i just finished watching the replay cause i didnt get up early enough to watch it live 😭)
was the movie any good at least? aside from the sobbing
oooh hehehe i've always wanted to watch emma
sakjdgajshd rain <333
also ily
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 2 years
Hello all, i am a bringer of bad news today…
So that steddie/ronance comic? That i never finished? Its not getting finished. I still like the ships but the hyperfixation abandoned me awhile ago :(
As a sort of apology, here is what i had planned for the story so far:
Part 5:
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R: Hey Steve?
S: Hmm?
R: You know im here for you if you ever want to talk about anything, right?
(Steves head leaning on Robins shoulder, her head is resting on top of his)
S: I know, thanks Rob, really
(Steve confused face)
S: Wait…
(Steve lightbulb moment, Robin looking away sheepishly)
S: Does this mean you have a crush on Nancy??
Conversation continues with steve asking why robin didnt tell him (she felt kinda guilty cuz exgirlfriend stuff) telling her she has good taste and reassuring her that hes not mad
S:Hey Rob?
S:You know you can talk to me about anything too right?
R:I know, thanks steve
Steve and Robin hugging
S:Love you Robs
S:say it back!
R: *sigh* Love you too dingus, now go get ur man!
Part 6:
Steve shows up at Eddies door with his “Nasty” Pizza (so. much. cheese.)
Steve does succeed at being nondistracting for the whole movie! Because hes so bored he falls asleep (ma boi is sleep deprived cuz trauma)
Eddie gently shakes him awake later, offers for steve to stay for the night if he doesnt feel awake enough to drive (really neither want to leave the other)
Steve stays, they end up sharing the bed after listening to some of eddies records for a bit
Part 7:
Robin wakes up from a nightmare and immediately tries to call steves house
Hes not home and she doesnt know who else to call so she calls nancy
Nancy offers to come over and pick her up
At nancys they hang out for a bit until robin is calm and feels like she can sleep, Robin sheepishly asks to stay over night to ward off the nightmares
Nancy is like “Of course! You dont even have to ask☺️”
They fall asleep in nancys bed
Part 8:
Scenes beside each happening at the same time: Steve waking up in Eddies arms and Robin waking up in Nancy’s
Still side by side scenes: Steve and Robin looking surprised and both saying some variation of “i havent been able to sleep that well since everything started” Nancy and Eddie saying “me neither” shy smiles all around
Maybe they kiss?
Part 9
Steve gets to work and he and robin both just look at each other for a second “did you-“ “did you??”
High fives and grins they talk about it idk i had nothing planned past this
Welp thats all folks, nothing is set in stone but count this project abandoned, and if you followed me specifically for steddie content theres zero hard feelings if you unfollow me now!
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iambellarose1816 · 4 months
You Keep Me Warm
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He lies awake, sleep not getting to him. He turns to his wife, who is fast asleep. Her hand on his chest, the diamonds of her wedding ring glimmering in the moonlight thats peaking out from the rain clouds.
He smiles at her sadly. He didn't know why she chose him. Why she would want to be with someone so broken, so lost.
He removes her hand from his chest, slowly and gets off the bed, his feet meeting the cold floor of their bedroom.
He wraps his nightgown around him as he heads towards the door. He takes one more look at his wife and leaves the room.
The night is silent. The only sound he can hear is the rain pouring down slightly. He heads towards the living room and sits on the couch. He closes his eyes for a brief minute until he hears his wife's soft voice calling for him.
He opens his eyes and sees her standing at the entrance, wrapped in her own nightgown to protect her from the cool air.
"Why aren't you sleeping?" She asks sweetly. He smiles at her and beckons her over to the couch.
She obeys and makes her way to sit next to him. "I can't sleep." He says truthfully. She raises a skeptical eyebrow at him, trying to figure out why he couldn't sleep. She knows that he is a deep sleeper, but today something is definitely bothering him.
"Talk to me, I'm your wife after all, you can tell me anything, I won't judge you." He smiles at her and brushes a strand of hair from her face. Her blue orbs staring at him intently, the same eyes that made him fall in love with her.
"Why me?" She furrows her brows at his question. "I'm sorry, I'm confused." She says. He looks at her, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "Why did you choose me to be with?" She was taken aback by his question this time.
"Hans, what are you talking about?" She asks, still not raising her voice. He sighs heavily. "You could have had any guy, but you chose me? Why?" He looks at her, sadness taking over his facial features.
"Because you are not like any other guy. I wanted one that was imperfect, one that never hid his true self," She says as she takes his hands in hers. "I just fell for you, Hans Westergaard and I'll do it a million times over if I had that choice."
He shakes his head. "I don't deserve you, I don't deserve your love, Elsa." She takes her hands and cups his cheeks, making him look at her.
"When you went down on one knee eight months ago, I said yes. Why did I say yes? Because you, Hans Westergaard are my happiness, my light, you helped me and I love you for it."
He blinks rapidly, not believing what he was hearing. "I am broken, Snowflake. Why would you want me?" She was getting slightly frustrated at her husband. He still thinks he isn't good enough for her, enough for her love.
"When we first met I was broken too, remember? My parents just passed away that time. You were the one who managed to cheer me up and give me some high hopes."
He remembers that day clearly. How she didn't trust anyone at the time. How she was so isolated when they saw each other at the ice rink when he was finishing hockey practice and she was coming in to do her figure skating practice.
"Yeah, I do." Elsa places herself onto Hans's lap and snuggles against his chest. "You keep me warm." His heart warmed at her words.
He remembers how he told her that when they were three months into dating, when they went to his house on a cold day and they snuggled up on his couch, watching Harry Potter movies.
"I love you so much, Snowflake." He mutters into her vanilla scented hair. She kisses his chest and looks at him. "I love you too." She says. He leans down and kisses her softly.
"Thank you for making me feel worthy, for making me feel...loved." Elsa looks at him and shakes her head. "I should be the one thanking you. You made me feel loved."
Hans at that moment couldn't have been happier, more content in his life for having this woman who was snuggled against his chest as his life partner, his wife.
He wouldn't change her for the world. He was damn lucky she was his and his only. He loved her that much.
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bananonbinary · 2 years
i know i sing the praises for mail-in or absentee ballots every time it comes up, but seriously. if you are thinking of not voting, and you have the option to get a mail-in ballot, DO THAT.
you can fill it in on your own time table, from the comfort of your own home, and you can take as long as you like, and no one can say SHIT. if you find an issue that you’re not quite sure about, you can spend the next 3 hours googling it if you want. if all the legalese starts to blend together, you can just say “well thats enough for today” and go watch a movie, and finish the rest of it with a fresh mind later. if you find that you’re starting to make poor decisions because you’re too hungry, or too thirsty, or whatever other reason, you can just...go take care of that problem nbd.
it’s literally SO easy to vote this way it’s the take-home test of voting, i know that voter suppression is a huge huge problem with only having a few polls, or making the polls hard to get to, or only having them open during work hours, or generally making them deeply inaccessible, but absentee ballots solve all those issues. and so many states have no-excuse-needed absentee voting.
FUCK “election day” long live “election give me like 3 weeks to think about it”
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novaskfpblog · 10 months
ITSSS~ ✨small KFP rambling time!!✨ a bite sized ramble ;P
Today! About Kai...because of course
I love him! And a shen or tai lung ramble would NOT be bite sized- sheeesh!
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WAYYY wayy back when i saw KFP3 and hell- way before that! I had a thing for coming up with "villain redemption stories" or "villain joins the good guys!!" Stuff while maybe it was cuz Lil me really wanted to see more of those bad guys and DONT BLAME ME! They are great! But these days i feel like i think of such ideas because certain really cool characters dont have enough interactions with other cool characters
Or hell! Any interactions at all...it suckkkss but thats what the power of ✨creativity and imagination✨ is for :] being able to come up with new, heartwarming or interesting interactions for characters who otherwise never had such moments is great! And coming up with villain redemption ideas always opened up the possibility of said characters meeting in the future
Of course not everyone deserve a redemption arc but there is always the thought of...what if???
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Now on the topic of funny panda movie guy
These ideas of mine eventually applied to Kfp! As soon as i finished watching kfp3 for the first time back then! i came back home, layed down on my bed and started to think how could i?? Redeem that kai dude!!
And well uhh it was not really easy Lil me was...creative i guess- but said ideas i came up with never really reached anything interesting they were just kinda One off ideas to be forgotten in a week- you know??
But this one stuck considering it was kinda the start of me writing down my ideas :0 nothing perfect for something written late at night by Lil me but truly a start! Thats what matters
I came up with the idea of reversing the roles of Oogway and Kai
●■It followed Kai and Oogway being met by an intense battle ambushed and cornered Kai entered a reckless state of fury wanting to show off as much power as he could! This led to Kai being terribly injured said battle was not one to rush and what kai had done could have cost him his life
Oogway made the wise decision to flee said battle and instead go search for help to save his dear friend before it was too late
Oogway discovered the Secret panda village asking for their help to Heal Kai
The Hardest challenge for Lil me was bringing Kai there....i mean we wont just Suddenly NOT want to steal all their chi and true Kai thought that if he had that much Power maybe he could have easily defeated the people who injured him....ashamed and defeated he planned to steal ALL of the panda's Chi and take his revenge..
The more he plotted and conspired as he faked to enjoy their simple, calm lifestyle as much as Oogway did...the more he Deep down started to feel peace
While not outright showing his change the more he learned about chi and its helpful abilities, the more he pondered...he started to wonder what they really fighting for, glory and fame were not gonna cut it....if no real change was being made then what for?.
This troubled Kai, feeling true comfort for the village, finding joy in the small things, the moments he is spending being helpful feel much better than the moments he used to spend destroying.
He never realized that his want for more power blinded him completely to the fact that there was already so much good around him...but now he gets it and the journey was not short
But those months of learning and training came to and end and so we come to the question ■ what is Kai going to do now?? As he stands in the day he planned to betray the pandas...
He and Oogway instead Leave having learned something! Becoming a peaceful warrior
He might not have found the Power to make him unstoppable but all the power he already had! Was enough to do something meaningful and truly special ●■
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WELP thats what Lil me thought of back then!! Its not great- but i appreciate it for being the start of a more creative journey :]
Lil kid me would be proud of sharing this HAHA! i never realized how good it was not to have a word limit ✨ still short but- thats the point lol
To whoever is reading♡ wow thanks hehe this aint much but sharing this years old thing was a huge relief...i should write new stuff here...huh 👀
ADIOS for now!! And cya real soon💚💚
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yennasun · 2 years
Drabble #3; Marvelous Michael tarvors comeback (aka, me procrastinating more instead of continuing the main storyline)
"Movie night!" Blue yelled as second and red gathered on the couch.
Green came running soon after with purple in tow, basically dragging them into the living room. Second swore he heard purple feet squeaking as they were dragged in.
Red followed soon after, although she had to excuse herself to go clean off from her days work.
"Movie night?" Purple asked
"Yeah! Every week or so, we all gather and vote on a movie. The movie with the most votes is the one we'll be watching!" Green explained enthusiastically.
Oh, that sounds fun!
Purple smiled at the thought.
"What movies w-someone get yellow!" Blue yelled out, before going to get yellow himself.
Purple heard an altercation occur from yellows room before blue barged back into the living room carrying yellow over his shoulder as she struck him on the back.
"Blue, you put me down right now!" She kicked and yelled
"Hell no, I'm not letting you work yourself till tomorrow morning!" He said as he body slammed her harmlessly on the couch.
Yellow glared up at him and blue responded with a simple shrug.
"Good on you blue, someone had to do it." Green said with a laugh.
They'd finished laughing about the whole ordeal (except yellow, who wasn't laughing at all.) And second scrolled through the movies that were playing on TV.
One was a horror movie, the other was sci-fi, one was a rom-com, one was a normal comedy, and one was a documentary.
"Oohh! I like that one!" Yellow perked up, pointing at the rom-com?
"Really, a rom-com? P-u-k-e" Red replied with a smug grin, clearly intending to annoy yellow
"Why does everybody hate rom-coms so much?" She threw her hands up.
"Umm...I'm thinking that one...yeah that one!" Blue pointed at the horror movie.
"I like that one too!" Red said
"I kinda want the sci-fi one, looks pretty cool." Yellow said
"Of course you'd want the sci-fi...actually I kinda wanna see it too" Green piped up.
"What about you second?" Red asked, turning to the orange hollowhead holding the remote.
"Uuuhhh...either'd fine with me."
"Dammit second, you do this every time!" Blue pointed at second
"Well whadayawantmetodo?!" Second yelled back, raising his voice an octave.
"I want you pick something for once!"
"I like both! If I could I'd watch both but we're too poor to have more than one big screen!"
Now it was greens turn to add to the drama.
"Listen second, poor isn't a status...it's a mindset and one thats verrryy hard to break out of." He said matter-of-factly
"We are not poor, second; we are broke" his deadpan delivery made everyone burst out laughing and alleviated the pseudo-drama between second and blue.
Once the laughter died down, they all turned to purple.
"What do you think purple, and don't follow second terrible example" Blue passed a look to second who chuckled under his breath.
Purple took a second to think about it.
"Uuummmm...that one!" They pointed at the Scifi movie.
"Well that's that" Green said
Second turned the movie on and they watched.
It wasn't a bad movie, although purple had trouble following the admittedly convoluted plot.
The special effects were nice and flashy, the action was just spaced out enough to give way for character development and there were moments of comedic relief without being overly cringy.
Once the movie was over, the sports channel switched on.
"Good evening lady's and gentlesticks and welcome back to Saturday night fights!" The anchors voice rang
"Ohh, ohh! It's fight night!" Green looked at the others excitedly
"You guys gotta check this out, it's so awesome!" He pleaded
They all decided to humor him, and the anchor continued.
"And today, our main event should prove to be very interesting. We have a returning legend of the sport, "Marvelous" Michael tarvor. Today he will be putting his 545-13 record on the line against top cruiserweight contender, Mathew Johnson. Tarvor has been missing for years now and was even presumed dead, but now returns in an attempt to make his comeback to recapture his former glory! Can he do it? We will see tonight!"
"545 to 13? Damn these guys fight everyone!" Blue quipped
"They sure do, they don't duck anyone and I love it!" Green said giddily.
Mathew Johnson made his walk to the arena in his hooded velvet robe, throwing punches at the air as he inched closer and closer.
But as the so called "Michael tarvor" made his walk, they all froze.
Yellow was the first one to speak up.
"Is that who I think it is?!"
Purple was shocked and even a little anxious at the sight.
It was him, without a doubt. Same height, face and even the same scowl he always wore.
The only difference was his build, he looked like he was made of bricks. He'd always been toned but this...he looked like he was on something...
Green voiced everyone's thoughts
"He's roided! He's roided up to his eyes without a doubt. the cheat!" He pointed angrily.
Second seemed lost in thought until he finally pieced it together.
"Michael tarvor....Michael tarvor...M...T...Oh it was right in front of us the whole time!"
As second finished, the fight started.
"Just so you guys know I already know who I'm rooting for!" Green said.
MT seemed to be more tentative, mainly using his jab.
He rarely threw he rear hand, instead jabbing and resetting distance.
This led to him getting tagged alot, which drew cheers from green and yellow.
"Yeah! Beat his ass!" Green shouted at the screen.
Purple themselves, despite their desire to help MT, took a bit of sick pleasure in watching the beating that transpired.
MT was getting lit up like a Christmas tree over the next 2 rounds, then in the 4th round Johnson let fly a vicious combination that dropped MT harshly.
Green cheered, thinking that was the end...purple knew better than anyone that it was NOT the end, sometimes purple questioned if MT even felt pain.
Purples suspicions turned to reality, but what shocked everyone wasn't that MT got up - it was how QUICKLY he popped back up. He got back up like he'd just taken a deft tumble and nodded at the ref deliberately.
They let the fight go, but MT continued taking brutal punches to the face, cutting and bloody'ing him badly.
As the rounds progressed, green and yellows cheers had stopped and their smiles were replaced by faces of pure disgust and disbelief.
Red was the first to get up and leave, being unable to witness the carnage in full, but the others just couldn't seem to take their eyes away no matter how much they wanted to.
MT got dropped 2 more times in the 5th and both times looked to be out cold, but he kept popping back up like nothing happened.
Halfway through the round, MT switched tactics and just threw punches.
It seemed like he wasn't even concerned with whether they landed or not, he just kept throwing.
Of course this left him open and he took more punches but was at least able to give some back in the process.
By the end of the 5th MT'S face had become a mask of blood, it spewed out of cuts over both of his eyes and down a particularly deep one on his forehead caused by an accidental headbutt on Johnsons part.
It was so bad purple could barely make out MTs facial features,
Once MT went back out for the 6th, blue had enough.
"Fuck this. This is just sick!" He said as he left the room
MT went down again from a nasty counter punch and green had switched up entirely.
"Stay down man...just stay down" MT did not in fact, stay down.
"C'mon just let it go!" He yelled in frustration as he watched MT get back up.
MT took more and more punches until purple themselves had enough.
"I'm leaving." They said, leaving green, yellow and second alone, with the latter cupping their mouth with their hand.
Even the commentators were in awe of the violence taking place, and from the 4th round onwards were slamming the ref for not stopping the fight.
The three continued to watch, but towards the end of the round MT seemed to roar back to life.
What transpired was simply amazing and inspiring, instead of being the verge of being stopped he was now punishing his opponent.
Instead of his mindless flurries of rhythmic punches hitting air, they all found their mark until Johnson was forced to back up and cover up.
He had Johnson pinned as MT fired away, lighting him up worse in those 45 seconds than Johnson had in the entire fight up to this point.
Johnson went down and green stared wide eyed.
"I'm gonna burst into flames if I keep watching this!" Second screamed, clearly hyped by the whole event. Green could also feel his heart rate spiking, and yellow was visibly sweating.
Johnson was saved by the bell, but when they came out for the 7th MT picked up right where he left off.
To his credit, Johnson tried to fight back. But they all knew there was no beating MT in a toe-to-toe dog fight.
They stood and traded until Johnson was forced to give ground due to MTs superior firepower, and MT continued to throw to his hearts content.
The 7th ended and they were all on their feet, green by this point was actually rooting for MT purely for the fact that he was the underdog.
The 8th round came and Johnson looked spent but MT, despite everything, still looked fresh and hungry for a knockout.
He stalked Johnson down, roaring out of his southpaw stance throwing hooks and uppercuts in combination.
By the midpoint of the 8th, Johnson stumbled away and grabbed hold of a rock to hold himself up as MT hammered away with punches to his head.
Once Johnson finally went down they saw MT point at him and smile through the blood.
The ref counted and they all held their breaths.
Johnson got to his feet but it was too little too late, he'd just been knocked out after being so close so many times.
The three all screamed out in unison, with second running laps around the couch and yellow jumping up and down.
"He won! He fucking won!" Purple heard green scream out from the kitchen.
They went back in the living room and the first thing they saw was MT walking away from a crumbled and defeated Johnson with his arms raised in Victory.
Purple was baffled, to say the least.
"What happened?" They asked over the yelling
"Some gladiator shit, that's what!" Yellow said
Once they calmed down, they explained how the rest of the fight went to purple who oddly enough wasn't surprised at MTs tenacity.
But this gave purple some ideas that they thought more on as they went to bed.
If they could catch one of his fights live at the arena, they could trail MT back to either his gym or maybe even his PC.
Purple would later discuss this plan with second, who'd front the money to buy seats in the venue.
But thats a story for another time.
This was another one of those things that just started as an idea that popped into my head and I wanted to make a story around.
Because of that this one turned out disorganized and a little sloppy but I'm gonna do my best to not make a habit of it.
Either way, I hope you enjoyed!
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airsignss · 2 years
HBO War Fluffy Holiday Prompts Day 11
Title: See What I Look Like Under Them Lights
Prompt(s): Decorating & Snowed In
Pairing: cmon now
Rating: T-ish
Words: 1864
Authors note: am i cheating? I think im cheating bc i combined 2 prompts. Sorry, im bad at this stuff. Work and life got in the way this week but I still wanted to do something this week so i did a lil twofer. TBH this coming week is much the same (board meeting+ holiday obligations) so i may end up doing the same but we’ll see. Same au and all that, bc thats all i know how to write so hope you enjoy! [Prompt(s) from @almost-a-class-act]
Gene had gotten used to snow, he had even come to enjoy it in a way. Living in the north for long enough with no plans to leave he came to accept it as a fact of life. There were limits to it though, and being outside working while the stuff fell in blankets was one of them.
“Why did we have to do this today?” Gene asked as he climbed up the ladder, the string of lights wrapped around his arm. He did his best to shield his face from the wet sting of the snow hitting it. Babe settled his weight on the bottom rung for safety when Gene was far enough up.
“We are literally supposed to get a foot and a half more of snow, we wouldn’t have been able to get it done any other time.” He explained. They had gone back and forth all day, it was their first Christmas in their home and Babe wanted to make a statement. “Besides we are literally almost done, we just have to do the porch after this, so buck up buttercup.” He quipped, leaning up to smack Gene’s ass. Gene turned around and glared playfully at Babe who winked.
“If I didn’t love you so much…” Gene grumbled, stringing the lights in the clips he had placed along the eaves edge.
“But ya do, so you can’t complain.” Babe remarked, sticking his tongue out to catch the floating flakes. Gene plugged in the string to the adjoining one and held his breath as he made sure everything lit completely. When it did, he grinned and turned to look down at Babe. Babe’s face was illuminated by the glow, and his eyes were lit with wonder.
Gene climbed down the rungs and pulled Babe into his arms as soon as he was back on the ground. “Perfect.” Babe said softly, his smile wide and excited like a child. The day had turned to night hours ago, so the other houses on the street with decorations were lit as well. It felt like a scene from the holiday movies he would watch as a child, where a white Christmas was all but a fairytale in the backwoods of Louisiana. The snow picked up, the storm had fully arrived so they quickly finished wrapping lights and called it good; saying anything that needed fixing they could do the next day.
“Tell me again why we need two trees, run through that one more time.” Gene said as he pulled the box containing the new seven footer into their front living room. Babe followed close behind with the bags of decorations he bought specifically for it. Gene let the box drop and he collapsed back into the overstuffed sofa.
“Because this one is the nice tree, it is gonna rotate and everything just wait until you see it it’s fucking neat!” He said, giddy to set up his new toy. Gene watched as he took a pocket knife to the box, slashing the tape open.
“What’ wrong with our old one?Why can’t we have it in here?” He asked through a yawn. The tree that Babe had bought the first year they were together that they subsequently used from that point on was set up in the family room, decorated with ornaments they had curated together over their nearly seven years together; it was a snapshot of the life they had built together. Babe set the knife down and joined Gene on the couch, settling into his lap. He wrapped his arms around Gene’s shoulders, his fingers scratching at the back of Gene’s head the way Babe knows he likes.
“Nothing is wrong with it, it has all the special stuff on it; and it will be for our family, whatever that ends up looking like. This is like… it’s ‘the pretty tree’, I’ve never had one of those but you moved me to the suburbs so now I get to have one. So if anything, this is your fault.” He told Gene, his voice deceptively sweet. Gene snorted out a laugh and rolled his eyes. Babe smiled and placed a quick, chaste kiss on his partner's lips.
“Funny, I don’t remember that being part of our closing agreement when we bought this place.” He remarked and it was Babe’s turn to roll his eyes. He stood up and took a breath before giving the explanation one more time.
“Family room, family tree; Living room, pretty tree. That’s it, that's all you have to remember. And after this one we’re literally done since I did everything else so quit your bitching.” He said, his tone playfully bitchy. Gene silently gestured for Babe’s hand, asking for help getting up. Babe obliged and pulled Gene up and into another embrace. Gene buried his face in Babe’s neck and Babe pressed a kiss into the side of Gene’s head. They stood like that for a few more moments, rocking back and forth before Babe put space between them.
“You’re stalling, come on.” He directed. Gene huffed and reached down for the remote, putting on a local news channel for noise in the background. The pair began the task of setting up the tree, their differing styles clashing. Babe carefully read the instructions while Gene reached into the box and tried to parse what each piece might do.
“-and most recent forecast out of the National Weather Service in State College is saying some folks in the viewing area could see up to three feet overnight, while Pittsburgh is keeping with their 2 and a half model. Either way folks in the tri-state area are gonna be digging out tomorrow morning.” The meteorologist on screen said, his forecast background noise as the pair worked on their project together.
“Three feet, Jesus christ. I don’t think we’ve ever seen that much snow around here.” Babe muttered from under the tree, connecting cords and changing the settings. Gene nodded even though Babe couldn’t see him.
“If I had to go in tomorrow I’d be fucked.” He said absently catching a glimpse of Babe’s ass as he squirmed under the tree, thinking of all the things they COULD do with nothing to do and nowhere to go.
“Stop staring at my ass and flip the switch.” Babe ordered, still under the tree but shimmying out. Gene waited until Babe was safely out and flipped the switch.
“How did you know I was staring at your ass?” He asked and Babe shrugged.
“Because it was right there, and I know how you are, pervert.” He said nonchalantly, sitting up straight to see if the tree was working. Gene didn’t even have the courtesy to be embarrassed, he just shrugged and threw Babe a winking with a knowing smirk. Babe looked at the tree, the lights crossing both their faces as it spun slowly. Babe scampered slightly, quickly getting up to turn the lights of the room off to get the full effect.
“Ain’t that something?” He asked, more rhetorically than anything. Gene nodded in agreement and gestured for Babe to sit back down with him.
“I get it now.” He said and Babe turned to look at him inquisitively. “I get the pretty tree.” Babe giggled, leaning in to kiss Gene soundly on the mouth. After a few more minutes of admiration, they began to decorate with the all new everything Babe had bought for it. Gene wasn’t going to ask how much Babe spent, he would just see when the credit card statement came.
They bickered back and forth about ornament placement and tinsel usage but in the end it came out perfectly. They laid under the tree when they finished, looking up at the twinkling lights. Gene looked over at Babe, more enthralled with the way the soft light made him glow. He reached over to cup Babe’s face gently, dragging his thumb lightly across his cheekbones. Babe’s eyes met his own, full of a sweetness he reserved just for Gene. After a little while longer under the tree, Babe yawned.
“C’mon let’s go upstairs before I end up needing to carry you.” Gene said, shimmying himself out from his position. Babe hadn’t moved but he heard a whine. “C’mon Beanie Baby, on your feet.” He said, crouching down to gently drag Babe towards him. When his face was revealed, Babe was sporting an exaggerated pout, Gene chuckled and helped the redhead sit up. They stood and after making sure everything was locked and turned off, made their way up the stairs. They slid into bed together, Babe asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. After pressing a kiss to his hair.
The next morning, Gene woke up to an empty bed. An unusual occurrence since he was more of an early riser, even on weekends. The room was still dark thanks to the blackout curtains. He reached blindly for his phone, and the screen read 8:15 am; much earlier than Babe even considered getting up every other Saturday. He pulled on the pair of flannel pants on the floor near his side of the bed and padded quietly out of the bedroom and down the stairs. He heard humming coming from the kitchen and the sound of coffee being brewed.
Babe smiled at him when he entered the kitchen, and gently pushed a steaming cup across the island counter to him. Gene took a grateful sip before he spoke.
“Good morning, cher. You’re up a little early?” He asked and Babe shrugged with a shy smile.
“I like to be up on snowy mornings to watch it.” He said, taking a small sip from his own mug. Gene did know that, thinking back to his mental catalog of ‘Babe Things’ and his love of sitting in the same sport all day to watch a snow storm being one of them.
Gene held out his hand for Babe and led him into the adjoining family room. He settled them into the deep cushions of the couch. Their ‘family tree’ was proudly lit in the corner, and that made Gene smile. Gene took a look outside, the visibility a few notches higher than a complete white-out. The snow had piled up on the deck, and the drifts had to have been almost three feet high.
“Looks like we’re snowed in.” He remarked, helping Babe spread the blanket over top of them. Babe nodded in agreement.
“Unless you wanna go out there and dig us out.” He teased, reaching for the remote to turn something mindless on. Gene made a face and shook his head.
“Nah, I have everything I need right here.” He told Babe with a wink. Babe smiled as he channel surfed, scanning the Saturday morning options.
“Do you want breakfast soon?” Babe asked, settling into Gene’s embrace. He looked up at Gene expectantly. Gene smirked, a devilish look Babe had to know the meaning of.
“I got my breakfast right here.” He quipped, and Babe swatted his chest before leaning in for a kiss… a very long kiss. Some parts of snowy days were enjoyable to Gene, this was one of them.
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years
My thoughts: fair warning to people who are following me. I'm a lunter shipper, I don't like Amity's character at all. Lunter just makes more sense to me. I'm not a fan of miraculous lady bug anymore do to bad writing and because I just don't like Marinette's character anymore(she's so annoying). I love sailor moon, especially 90s English dub because thats what I grew up with, usagis new English voice actor's voice is annoying, so I don't listen to the new English dub. Don't like sailor moon crystal because the animation sucks and they took out everything I loved about the 90s one. Don't understand why my little pony is so popular or ever will. I love catradora, and don't understand the hate on catra' character. I think catra had a perfect story arc. I love Shera and the princess of power as is. It's a great show. Plus it has Entrapta and she is my spirit animal. So don't get the hate for shera. I don't get new cartoons or new kid shows/teen show of today. They're all so bad, so sanitized, or just plain bad writing. I'm a zutara shipper(or just zuko finding happiness with anyone's besides mai. Don't like her character very much). I don't like legend of Korra, the writing was just really bad. Especially after season one. So never watched it after season one. I hate the cartoon movie Disney beauty and the beast and love the live action one so much. It's my favorite of the live action disney movies. Emma Watson was the perfect Belle and made her more relatable. The little mermaid is my Disney movie and don't get all the hate on Ariel. She's the best. Love all versions of the little mermaid. Even the original fairy tale and any movies based on the original fairy tale. I hate the frozen movies with the burning intensity of a thousand suns. The movies are just not good. Titanic is a good movie. I love that movie. I also love James Cameron's avatar movie(can't wait for the sequel) and never understood why it isn't more popular. I love 80s movies and 80s fashion( would not want to live during that era) especially 80s romance movies, or any 80s movies were the main character is female and relatable. Though I don't get the breakfast club or why it's so popular. I love criminal minds and true crime documentaries(especially ones with female criminals). I don't like the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus book series. Mostly cause theres not enough Artemis in it, Hades would never cheat on his wife Persephone ever! I loved Rachels character and never really liked Annabeth. I thought she was a know it all. I honestly would have picked lukes side. Because the gods as parents suck! The whole concept of demi god children sucks and its abusive. That's mainly why I stopped reading. I love movies on classic novels, but will never read them. Mostly because they just seem so boring. I will never read jane austen because her books are just so boring to read. The language is so difficult to understand. Sam Manson is a horrible character and I don't like her with Danny. Danny's parents are abusive, and he deserves a better ending. The ghost king deserves a better ending. The only Classic novels I've ever read are written by Agatha Christie. I love her writing! Clary from mortal instruments is a mary sue and just Cassandra Clare's writing just seem really bad. Especially her world. The shadows hunters world is very black and white thinking. So I'll never read her books. The show looks really good though. And I like it so far. I love Harry Potter but understand why it's problematic now. And that just makes me really said. I hate when creators turn out to be jerks. Why I strongly believe never meet your heroes. They always disappoint you. My favorite movie this year is "Don't worry darling". I thought it was brilliant and had a good twist. I love ghibli movies and my favorites are spirited away, whispers of the heart, the wind rises, and howls moving castle. If I don't like a part in a book I don't finish it. And if the first paragraph in a book doesn't catch my attention I don't finish it. I love the original dark fairy tales. I love happy endings.
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violet-amet · 1 year
owl house spoilers, and thinking back on what could had been. so yeah. rambling again. but, i will say, i loved it, and it left me an emotional mess. not as much as ffxiv's shadowbringers and endwalker, but still p good without comparison.
i enjoyed the ending tbh. i love titan-luz esp. there was a lot of things i found interesting in the world building, that i wish that if the series wasnt cancelled, could had been properly explored with time, and king can unite with his father, but unfortunately... yeah. but you know, despite all the good, i do feel that having the big bad have so much mystery, but no time to explore makes his death a bit weak.
like it feels good to have him beaten down as he was, and killed straight up, but i wish i could had learned more about his backstory. his reason to be there. yes luz caused him to get where he is, but like, thats only one piece to a bigger puzzle that is the big bad's story.
i wish i could had learn more about the collector's kind. what really happened to them and what happened to the titans. i wish we could had learned more about the collector as well, because giving just three episodes to the other big "bad" isnt enough, imo, to grown attached to him. but i do think he is adorable. just a kid with too much power and too little guidance. its a shame really.
thing is, im just a viewer, not a writer, and so idk what happened or what the creators were thinking to make what they did, but i still enjoyed it. there was too much that disney missed out on, and honestly, i wish the owl house existed when i was a kid. it would make me feel proud to not only be hispanic, like i always wanted a hispanic heroine, but also glad to be weird and different. im glad that this show exists for kids that exist today.
but it is what it is. im not angry at the mouse, im more angry at the people who direct the mouse. the mouse isnt to be blamed here.
anyway thats just summoning up my thoughts on it, and i nearly did cry at the end, to see a proper happy ending after so long. i havent finished steven universe, because i heard that the ending for that is p bad, and like, honestly, i just watched a few episodes of future, and felt content with just finishing it off pre-movie. but i know that even su suffered a lot from corp meddling. it sucks.
still, despite corp nonsense, im glad these shows are being made today, and for future gens to enjoy. i hope to see more shows like these continue to be made, despite corp nonsense. i want to see more good stories.
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velveteen-leaves · 1 year
a list of my favorite things!!
tagged by @seiya-starsniper !! i’ll tag maybe @deliriiuumm and @issylra , which is not 10 people but i’m terrible with remembering usernames but if you see this and want to do it go ahead 🤍
bowls that are also kind of plates. you know the ones
i’d say my cat but she’s on my nerves rn bc she shat on the floor. so instead i’ll say my cat when she isn’t being a bitch
movies with good soundtracks
^ by extension, 60s music. the kinks are better than the beatles and i don’t care what people say
reading a book so good you speed through like 100 pages and you don’t even realize it bc you didn’t check the page numbers once, THATS how good it was
double-spacing an essay once you’re finished and seeing just how long it really is
^ also just academic validation in general
waking up early enough to be able to actually enjoy the morning. which i did not do today because i also love sleeping
checking your phone after a while of not using it and seeing a bunch of missed messages you get to respond to. controversial but i like getting emails i just hate being the one to send the first one
i’d be basic to say the smell of rain but like…. it’s good
making small talk with ppl in public and actually talking about your lives and not just the weather or smth
i’m sure there are more specific things i love but those r what come to mind immediately
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belovedtylerr · 1 year
omg hi <3 i hope ur having a great day!! could you possibly do a billy angst? i have no specific plot in mind so ill leave that up to you!
Omg ofc!! Tysm for requesting lol! Sorry if it took long, took me a minute to find some depressing plot and plus I had work😭 I apologize if its not good or what you wanted, I tried
'Rotting Petals.🥀' Billy x Reader
Summary: Billy decided that hes had enough of you.
Warnings: ansty sad stuff, mentions of murder, attempt of murder, carelessness, overall toxic stuff, gore
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Billy and You had hit it off easily, you two were two peas in a pod, and he definitely 'loved' you, maybe a bit too much. Today, was a Saturday and after hearing about all the murders, you couldn't help but feel unsafe when alone so you would see Billy. Although today he decided to take you out to dinner (with Stu's money that he sto-borrowed) You put on you're favorite clothing and started to do you're hair. Once you finished you walked outside on you're porch as billy walked towards you with red roses, but one white rose in the middle. You hugged him as he kissed you're cheek.
Small timeskip to dinner, something felt off about Billy. The way he glared at you when you 'weren't looking' and the way he'd grit his teeth from time to time. He seemed irritated?? You couldn't really tell, but you felt unsafe. Or thats what you're gut told you. Insecurity was written all over you're face, and Billy knew. He tried changing a subject whenever it came to the murders, he'd talk about latest school stuff or parties, or even you're intrests you knew he didn't necessarily care for. (Im sorry if its harsh😭) The conversation continued to be back and forth about the murders, than Billy forcefully changing the subject. In a way, you thought he was the murderer, but you're mind continued to gaslight you to think he's you're saint. Oh, if only that was true.
Time passes by like a truck, he takes you home and kisses you're cheek. You walk in, putting the new flowers into a v/c (vase color) vase. You sit down onto the couch, watching whatever was on the TV. Only thing you could think about was Billy and why he was being so stubborn yet secretive. You looked over, noticing two of the roses already rotting. You weren't too worried, you knew that you could always replace them. Just like how Billy could always replace you. You continued 'watching' the TV, zoned out and staring out the window. A faint noise in the background made you jump. You turned around in search of what caused the noise. Feeling slightly unsafe you walk upstairs, before hearing the phone ring. You grab the phone. "Hello?." You asked cautiously. "Hello, Y/N." it sounded like a grown man. You were scared, but you mustered up the small amount of courage you had and kept talking. He continued asking questions like favorite scary movies, then the last question caught you off guard. "What door am I at?" You yelped, starting to panic as you started to run downstairs, locking doors. The flowers continued to rot, all except the white one. Tears started to run down you're face, as you turn around from locking the front door, seeing ghostface in front of you.
You kicked him, desperate of escape as he slashed you're arm, blood slipping out as you held the deep cut. You ran to you're room, and hid under the bed. You can hear the floor boards creek. You covered you're mouth, faint sobs could still be heard. "Come on, Y/N. Don't you wanna play a game? I think Billy would enjoy." You suddenly realized. Its Billy hes the killer and he always had been." The mask fell to the ground, as his face met yours. "There they are!!" he grabbed you by the arm, blood squirting out quicker. "Billy please!!!" You cried louder, as hel held you in his arms, the knife cutting you're knee. You tried to break free, kicking and screaming yet nothing seemed to help. You kicked once again, as the knife slipped and stabbed you're thigh. He started to walk towards the window, breaking it with you're own body. He tried to shove you out the window but failed as you ran out. You headed for the phone, dialing 911 as fast as you could, noticing the red roses that were completely shriveled. Although when you tried to call the phone cut out, thanks to Billy's schemes. You heard faint creaks behind you before
Whack! He hit you with what seemed to be some kind of wood. He hit over and over until you fell, everything was a blur. He kissed you for the last time as you whined, barely able to scream for help. He grabbed the white rose from the vas as he put it under you're hand, blood pooling around you. He then ran back upstairs and grabbed his mask before jumping out the previously broken window. Later on you're guardian/parents had found you bleeding out and rushed you to the hospital.
You lived, but not for long.
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