#juliet simmons
jubyphonic · 1 year
I’m A Guest Anime Event! (4/29)
Hey! I'm gonna be at Weeb Stop's event signing stuff and meeting people, stop by if you're in Texas! It’s my first event in like 4 years so I’m admittedly pretty nervous but also excited. I was really kindly invited so I’m gonna do my best!!
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⏰ 𝗗𝗮𝘁𝗲: April 29th
🎟️ 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁 & 𝗧𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘁𝘀: https://bit.ly/3KK6eQX
📷 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮: https://bit.ly/3mJ4a3C
@/TheWeebStop @/SenpaiSquadNet
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ibetittering · 3 days
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Realized I haven't made one of these in a while 😋
(Part 19)
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forensicated · 4 months
Mickey: Phil's with her? How! Jack: She was snatched off the road...Phil was there... Mickey: *looks suspicious* Do you wanna tell me what Phil was doing there? Jack: I asked him to look into things. I know what you're thinking Mickey, but if someone told me you were dodgy, what would you expect me to do? Nothing!?
Mickey: Guv, we need to lose DC Sim... Jack: Why? Mickey: Well you know why! DI Manson brought her over from Stafford Row...We don't want her compromised
Mickey: I'm sorry about DI Manson Jack: Well don't be sorry until there's something to be sorry for. I might not be as close to him as I was to you, but I trust him just the same. Mickey: Well I wouldn't trust me guv...I don't work for you anymore.
Neil: At some point, we're going to have to start trusting one another again. Phillipa: Yeah, well that has to be planned. Neil: There's such a thing as forgiveness. Phillipa: Oh and were always so good at that, weren't you Neil! Oh this is ridiculous, I don't care what you say, I'm going to report that probe. Neil: *sees the NCS Mob* Phillipa! Wait! Mickey: Mrs Manson, I have a warrant to search these premises for money and correspondance. Neil: Mickey, you know she's a lawyer. You start making false accusations and you'll regret it. Mickey: It's not your wife we're interested in Neil, it's you. Neil: Sneaking in the back way...I wouldn't have thought that was your style, DS Webb. Mickey: Well, with respect sir, given your position, we thought it would be more discreet. Neil: Does er, this look familiar? *passes the bug to Mickey* Mickey: *looks at the bug* No idea what you're talking about. Neil: Yeah, right.
Liz: 5 thousand pounds in used notes hidden under your sons mattress...how much pocket money does he get, I wonder. Neil: All I know is it isn't mine. Mickey: Then who's is it? Neil: Dunno. Mickey: Your wife's? Neil: You'd have to ask her. It's not very characteristic though, she tends to put it in the bank... Liz: Would you say you had a good marriage, Mrs Manson. DCI Brice: What was the name of that PC he was in the sack with? She was an undercover journalist wasn't she? Phillipa: No comment. Mickey: How did you know Julie had been hurt? Phillipa: No comment. Mickey: But you did know... Phillipa: Do you want me to read my statement back? A little slower this time?
Mickey: Guv, if you don't mind me saying, one of your strengths as a DCI is the loyalty you display to all your officers.
Jack: Neil Manson's my DI Mickey: Face it, Guv, he's bent. He couldn't have a bigger flashing light on him if he tried. Mickey: You think it’s me? Is that why you're here? You’re investigating me? Jack: Well? Mickey: Everything points to Manson... I cannot believe you wanna lump this in me. You got any idea how that makes me feel? Jack: How did you know that Neil was at Cassidy's flat? Mickey: I'm not at liberty to tell ya, even if I wanted to. Jack: So what are you doing here? Mickey: I'm here to see a priest. Jack: What do you want a priest for? Mickey: This is my fiancées church. We're getting married. And you just crossed yourself off the guest list. Get used to it will you, Its Manson. You think otherwise, you prove it.
Jack: Mickey… Mickey: Nobody even calls me Mickey anymore, my names Michael. DCI Brice: Did you have any idea it was Liz Mickey: No of course I didn't. What... What is this? What do you take me for? *storms out* Jack: What was all that about. DCI Brice: She's not just a colleague. Liz Garret is Michael's fiancée. Mickey: Why Liz, Why? Liz: Do you think I wanted this? Mickey: Tell me why though? Liz: McGowan helped me once. I owed him, I had no choice. Mickey: Why didn't you come to me? I could have helped you. Liz: Because I love you. I couldn't drag you into this. You're separate from all of this. Mickey: But this is murder. Two people have died now. Liz: Do think I wanted it to get to this. Please understand me. Jack: Mickey, it’s an NCS collar. Do you want it? Mickey: No, I can't. *walks away*
Mickey: Y'know something Jack. I really thought I'd found her. The one for me. I really did Jack: Well, if there was anything I could say Mickey: I know, you would. *throws rings in river*
Phil: Cindy had her car trashed last night, she reckons it was a fireman right - he thought the car was mine. Mickey: *Chuckling* You ain’t been knocking off a fireman's bird 'av ya? Phil: No! I mean, none that I know of...and definitely not recently! Look I'm a changed man now alright? Juliet: *Chuckling* Tell that to the fireman!
Mickey: All the flats that are involved have been sold in the last 6 months. Now who would have access to the keys or the alarm codes? Alex: Estate Agent. Mickey: Bullseye. Alex: If you nick an Estate Agent, Mickey, I'll put you in for a commendation. Mickey: I wasn't able to do an inventory, I was busy trying not to get my face smashed in. Craig: Mickey! That's a Senior Officer you are speaking too! Mickey: I was busy trying not to get my face smashed in, SIR! Craig: MICKEY!
Smithy: *lifting drugs out a pram* "Makes a change from a cuddly toy"
Dan Casper: I thought if i just left it, it would just go away! Gina Gold: Where? Never Never Land?
Dan: “Have you seen her today, she’s like Godzilla on crack."
Smithy: Right, the car details have been circulated, I just need to find out what happened from you… Louise: Must we? Smithy: *pauses* ...Right, let's start again shall we? I'm Sgt Smith, from Sun Hill, and you are...? Louise: *sighs* Louise Roberts… Smithy: There, see - wasn't that painful, was it Miss Roberts. Smithy: And what are you doing in Sun Hill? Louise: Just passing through. Smithy: In a multi storey carpark? Louise: That's right... Louise: You're not going to find the car, so I don't know why we're bothering... Smithy: Amazingly, they do turn up...and we'd like to find it, it's our job. It'd be a little bit easier if we turned up and everyone said 'oh no, don't bother finding my expensive motor that's just been nicked by some bloke'. So what happened? Smithy: Did he say anything? Louise: Maybe. Nothing worth publishing. Smithy: Age… Louise: Who knows? 17, 18? Smithy: *grins* Who knows, without cutting their heads off and counting the rings, it's difficult to tell, ain't it...
Leela: ...after he pulled a knife on her. Smithy: He what! She didn't mention that...but then again, there's a lot she hasn't mentioned. Smithy: Well, we can't hang around here all day waiting for her to say something, so let's go rattle her cage. Smithy: And now, your number? Louise: Do we have to? Smithy: Well yeah, I might have some other questions that you don't want to answer. Smithy: Sometimes it's the smallest details about someone that tells us the most. Louise: And what do the small details tell us about you Sergeant Smith? Let's see, for a start you're not married. Smithy: *raises his left hand* Well that's not exactly difficult, is it. Louise: You don't live with anyone either... Smithy: How'd you know that? Louise: Because you're wearing slightly too much aftershave, too much for the inside of a small car anyway. A woman would be sensitive to that, when she kissed you goodbye in the morning, she'd tell you that. Am I right? Smithy: ...Possibly. Louise: That means yes. So what else do we know? You're late twenties, doing pretty well to be a Sergeant by now. Local boy from the accent. I expect you've got a smart, bare little flat somewhere not too far from here. Big widescreen telly, but not much else. Not much clutter, white walls, sanded floors...which you did yourself cos you couldn't afford that nice laminate stuff. Smithy: What is this? Changing Rooms? Louise: And no partner. Smithy: You don't know that. Louise: You're dedicated to your job. That's why you made Sergeant. Because you've got nothing else to worry about. Apart from going to the gym. Maybe twice a week by the look of you. Smithy: Oh, thank you. Louise: You've had relationships. But let's face it, work just gets in the way... Smithy: Do you fancy a job in CID? Louise: You couldn't afford me. Louise: *returns to the car clutching just one coffee* Smithy: ...No thanks, I'm fine… Louise: Okay… Smithy: No that I think of it, it makes sense that you're not bothered about the car. It don't matter, not to people like you. Louise: People like me? And who are they? Smithy: People with money. Now I bet you're married to a *very* wealthy man...Now take those boots. They're at least three hundred quids worth... Louise: They were in a sale and I paid for them with my own money... Smithy: I bet you've never even done the housework. Or the washing up come to think of it... Louise: Why's that? Smithy: Look at your nails. And then there's your hair...That's at least once a week, and it'd take longer than a lunch hour, so - you've got some leisure time, which means you don't work, which means it's paid for by a wealthy bloke. Louise: Assistance? They're only kids. Smithy: Yeah, with knives and they're prepared to use them. I'm not stupid like you! Smithy: Put your seatbelt on. Louise: It's creasing my coat... Smithy: It'd do more than that if you went through the window screen. Louise: Thank you so much for caring. Smithy: Yeah, I don't. I just don't want the paperwork. Reg: Sarge, she's a bit of alright ain't she? Smithy: Not when you're stuck in a car with her she's not...
Louise: I could always cry... isn't that meant to melt the judges heart? Smithy: *rolls his eyes* Leela: Spoilt little rich girl with too much money Smithy: Yeah, you're probably right... Leela: Nice looking though... Smithy: Not really my type. Smithy: ...Leela? Can I ask you something? Erm, my aftershave… *clears his throat* Is it a bit strong? Leela: *looks confused* Maybe just a bit. Smithy: ...Right *walks off* Tony: Could you just carry on with the statement please, *looks at Smithy* I'm enthralled... Smithy: *nods*
Smithy: We get accused of all sorts... Louise: Like what? Smithy: I'm sure you know what I mean... Louise: Well I'm sure I wouldn’t accuse you of anything, we're on the same side aren't we? Smithy: You sure about that? Louise: *sees Smithy looking at a picture* You like it? Smithy: Actually I prefer the poster of that tennis bird scratching her bum but... Louise: You are joking, aren't you? Smithy: You spotted that...well done... Louise: I just don't want to appear in court, it's not me... Smithy: Well I'm sure Mr Larson will buy you a new outfit if that's what you're worried about... Smithy: ...not some phony like you. Louise: *excuse* me? Smithy: You're nothing, love - noone! All you've done is married well, so don't give yourself any airs and graces, cos you're no better than me! Smithy: And all of this! It's not yours, you're just a spoilt pampered little pet!
Smithy: Morning... Louise: It's time you were out of here... Smithy: Don't I get a good morning kiss, or something? Well how about a nice cup of rosy then? Louise: No! Smithy: Why not? Louise: Because, now come on... Smithy: What's the rush? Louise: I've gotta get going, and so do you! Smithy: If you've got time...*wraps his arms around her waist* we could er… Louise: No!
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rosegarden-society · 10 months
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picrew link
top three: Hunter Ebbrell; Agent Juliet; Jessica Barnes (Fallen Eagle timeline)
bottom two: Olive Simmons; Lieselotte Simmons
0 notes
rubykgrant · 10 months
(The Freelancers are just there and OK, don’t worry about it, everybody is alive and friends in this scenario, it’s fine)
-Florida makes everybody Uncomfortable... plus, he and Sarge start this REALLY awkward flirt-fight thing, where maybe they’re dating Romeo/Juliet/forbidden-love-style, maybe they also wanna stab each other, maybe both (this is the equivalent of two single dads that get together, and it embarrasses the heck of the kids “Gross! Old people love”)
-Florida also keeps halfway flirting with Church (like maybe not, but also kinda yes) in his very specific creepy way, and Church is just like “Uh... no thank you???”, and then Sarge calls him a home-wrecker
-York vibes with Grif, and keeps helping him rig snack machines to spill free goodies. Also, he intentionally sets-up Donut to say all kinds of innuendos. York totally encourages the bad puns and double-entendres (if it makes everybody else groan, that means he won)
-Flowers and Donut are a whole SPECTACLE for the others to hear
-South and Kai become this unstoppable FORCE OF CHAOS, and their bros are over there begging them to be normal for 5 minutes
-South also gets along with Donut, she likes that he knows all the drama, and he likes how mean-funny she is
-North and York both LOVE being overly-supportive of Wash, he’ll be doing something normal like getting a bowl of cereal or whatever, and they’ll be cheering “Look at our boy gooooo!” etc like embarrassing parents at a soccer game
-Wash loves hanging out with the Triplets again, and people start calling them the Quartet
-Everybody gave Wyoming the silent treatment for almost 2 whole months, which drove him crazy
-When they finally acknowledged his existence, he started having all kinds of arguments with Sarge (it is a nightmare to listen to them; Sarge is a yee-haw and Wyoming is like the evil-version of Bert from Mary Poppins)
-Other people keep taking the “Grifshot” and hiding it somewhere Maine can find find it, and he ALWAYS gives it back to Grif... who is like a timid little bunny rabbit in that situation
-Maine will also just stand around and watch Tucker do stuff. Tucker feels like this is some kind of INTIMIDATION act, but Maine literally just thinks Tucker is cool
-Lopez was initially indifferent to all these extra morons he has to hang out with, but Connie actually pays attention to him and is the only one who knows how to chill, so they get along really well
-People were surprised that Tucker wasn’t immediately flirting with the new girls, but he honestly assumed that South and Connie were a couple and he was trying to be a good ally-bro (they start playing it up, and... maybe they ARE a couple???)
-He DID try to hit on Ohio, which everybody thought was hilarious
-Kai is less subtle; who’s single and what are you into?
-Iowa for some reason decided Simmons is the coolest dude and always wants to know what he’s doing and help with projects (he messes things up a lot, but Simmons enjoys the attention)
-Idaho is a naturally good helper for Doc, they both like assisting with bandages and what-not, and they’re both “list-makers” (they make categories and lists for everything, from important supplies, to favorite movies). Idaho also is a great friend to O’Malley; whenever he speaks up, Idaho instantly plays up the role of “evil assistant” and goes along with the bit (they don’t do anything actually “bad”, they just like. sneak all the ice cream and them blame it on somebody else)
-Grif and Simmons get really into playing word-games with the Triplets, they have endless conversations about nonsense
-Carolina had to try REALLY hard to convince them “No seriously guys, I can relax now!”
-Tex, Carolina, and Church have their own weird little dysfunctional-family thing going on; whenever they get snippy with each other, he tries to be the peace-maker, and it ticks them both off. If they ignore him for too long, he starts bothering them until they finally crack to yell at him (and that means success). Sometimes Carolina and Tex will whisper to each other while glancing at Church and giggling, so he KNOWS they’re talking about HIM, but when he asks they just go “Nothing~”. Carolina is a total enabler when it comes to Church mouthing-off to somebody (she just encourages him to rant more). Tex will throw Church over he shoulder like a sack of potatoes sometimes and just walk away with him. He likes it
-Tex just kind of decided that Locus is going to be her friend, and while he doesn’t understand why she even likes him, he enjoys her company (still thinks he doesn’t “deserve friendship”, but he’s getting better). They like going to events like motorcycle races together
-Whenever Caboose asks a question, North takes the time to explain stuff to him (so does York, but York doesn’t know what the fudge he’s talking about and just makes stuff up. not in a mean-lying-way, he’s just a dink)
-Iowa and Caboose will wander off to look at rocks or whatever, but also just have a whole ADVENTURE (they might have accidentally gone to Narnia at one point)
-Kai and York are united in a “f*ck the law” attitude, and will engage in some “creative vandalism” from time to time (they wreck advertisements all over the place)
-Doc and Maine hung out together for several days before even discussing stuff about O’Malley and the Meta... nobody is entirely sure what was said (which is fine if they want to keep it private), and this seems to have resulted in Doc having absolutely NO fear of Maine (even when other people still get intimidated), and Maine has all these inside-jokes with O’Malley
-Sarge called dibs on Maine, South, and York. He truly feels like they are integral to some kind of grand scheme that makes no sense to anybody else. Maine is fine with it, he likes the Reds. South immediately jumps on the SUCK IT BLUES band-wagon (because guess which side her bro got absorbed into). York hams it up, like woe is me, I am on the opposing side of a feud from my dear friends, knowing full well this does not matter
-Locus is one of the few people who kinda just has default respect for Flowers? It seems as if he genuinely doesn’t notice how weird Flowers is (he does, Locus just likes the way this messes with everybody else). Meanwhile, Flowers is at least nice enough to avoid giving Locus “orders”, and instead invite him to join activities like baking or knitting/crochet
-South scares Simmons to death, she’s everything that terrified him about Carolina times a thousand, but she loves listening to him when he snaps and gets all uppity
-Tex and Connie have their own chill moments together, kind of reconnecting their friendship, and sharing stuff they have in common (they like similar books and what-not)
-North started having a whole control-trip, not intentionally trying to be a jerk exactly, but he doesn’t know how to NOT be the one who takes care of everybody else, and if nobody listens to him, he kinda has a panic attack and becomes insufferable... as a result, Tucker gets into arguments with North, kind of a LOT. They don’t “hate” each other or anything, but North makes a lot of incorrect assumptions about how immature Tucker acts (not fully realizing how capable and clever Tucker can be), so Tucker feels the need to one-up North and take him down a notch. Tucker finally made North see there are different ways to care for people. They eventually are on better terms, and can jokingly argue without it being a whole thing, because North genuinely respects Tucker
-When Maine seems to be getting especially “isolated”, it’s actually Locus who knows how to gently approach him and pull the guy into a different train of thought (both having once felt like they were “just weapons”, and learning how to be people again). Maine returns the favor, but with a different method; when Locus is in a self-destructive and depressed mood, Maine will just pick him up, then go pick up somebody else, like Wash or Caboose or whoever might be right for the moment, and they have a Friendship Adventure (which usually involves watching cartoons)
-Kai gets all the ladies together for a PARTY NIGHT! Sometimes it’s just them staying in, eating their favorite food and watching TV, sometimes it’s going to a club for dancing, sometimes they have an entire action movie adventure that results in a show-down with some bad guys at an abandoned amusement park. You know, fun stuff
-Connie and Wash like going out for friend lunches together, they enjoy a lot of the same kinds of food. They also both dress like dads on vacation to the beach, and will complete the fun with bowling
-York doesn’t get totally DRUNK like he used to, but he’ll get a bit buzzed occasionally, and while he’s up for hanging out with anybody, his favorite person to be around like that is Lopez. The robot might sound “stoic”, but he’s clearly amused by loopy York... who speaks Spanish, and catches all the funny comments Lopez makes (Lopez will also help steer York when they walk around so he doesn’t trip and fall)
-Church personally gives Wyoming a reality-check whenever the guy gets too full of himself, and it’s weirdly not with his usual explosive fury of swears; it will be very quiet and kind of chilling. Wyoming is genuinely unnerved, and tries in vain to win Church over with compliments (Simmons calls him a loser and a suck-up). Doc joins in, being a mean little smart-mouth with Church
-Ohio is the only one who isn’t afraid of Carolina’s hyper competitiveness when it comes to video games, they’re BOTH super headstrong about playing
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thealmightyemprex · 5 months
Oscar Nominated Shakesperian performances that arent LAurance Olivier
So I noticed several Shakesperian performances were nominated for oscars.....Most of them by Laurance Olivier (Henry V,Hamlet which he won ,Richard III and Othello ) but I wanna showcase the oscar nominated Shakesperians who arent Olivier
Basil Rathbone as Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet
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Norma Shearer as Juliet in Romeo and Juliet
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Jean Simmons as Ophelia in Hamlet
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Marlon Brando as Marc Antony in Julius Ceasar
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Maggie Smith as Desdemona in Othello
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Joyce Redman as Emilia in Othello
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Frank Finlay as Iago in Othello
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Kenneth Branagh as Henry V in Henry V
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Denzel Washington as Macbeth in Tragedy of Macbeth
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@ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @princesssarisa @minimumheadroom
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kanyewithaj · 11 months
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Day 7: Vow
For Day 7 prompts I had no clear direction as what to draw. Then my brother came up with the brilliant idea of showing the wedding scene in the Romeo & Juliet play! The pose and their clothes were inspired by 1968 R&J, the one with the Zac-Efron-looking Romeo. https://images.app.goo.gl/92qa41c1FSKTrhpt8
Question: Can anyone name all the characters in the audience?
Oh and Happy Pride month, what timing that this piece has Mr. Simmons!
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sapphire-weapon · 5 months
Excuse meeeee "a vapid caricature"???? She's Leon's soulmate, the love of his life, the Juliet to his Romeo okuurrrr (yes im kidding lmao)
yo you joke but people will actually put this forward as an argument
like "she cares about leon so clearly that makes her deep" like no bitch everyone fucking cares about leon she ain't special. they just happen to care about leon on top of having an actual character motivation.
though real talk i would love it if capcom introduced a character who was just like "i can't fucking stand that guy" re: leon
like they've done that for chris. time for someone to just be like "yo that guy sucks." but even characters who start out by disliking leon end up liking him by the end, or it's something where they're projecting and it's not actually really about leon at all (simmons and remake krauser).
i want someone who fuckin works with him in the government to be like "please don't fucking assign me to work with that asshole, he drives me fucking crazy and i might eat him if i'm locked up with him alone for long enough."
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mattmurdocksthighs · 1 month
MEET MY OCS (shows)
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name: amelia avery thompson show: outerbanks love interest: rafe cameron faceclaim: fivel stewart
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name: astraea collins - astraea simmons show: criminal minds love interests: darren wilson (oc), matt simmons occupation: military sniper, bau profiler faceclaim: elizabeth olsen
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name: celia river rhodes show: julie and the phantoms love interest: reggie peters faceclaim: diana silvers
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name: juliet carolyn shepherd show: grey's anatomy love interests: jackson avery, arizona robbins, carina deluca, alex karev occupation: neurosurgeon faceclaim: adelaide kane
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name: lady dove show: merlin love interest: sir leon faceclaim: sarah gadon
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name: astryn stark show: house of the dragon love interest: jacaerys velaryon faceclaim: rose williams
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name: riley morris show: riverdale love interest: reggie mantle faceclaim: lucy hale
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name: bianca stirling show: pretty little love interest: faceclaim:
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name: bradley stirling show: pretty little liars love interest: faceclaim: nick robinson
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name: marin quinn show: yellowjackets love interest: lottie matthews occupation: lawyer faceclaim: mila kunis
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name: tara winchester (nee. scott) show: supernatural love interests: dean winchester, meg masters, sam winchester occupation: hunter faceclaim: jessica alba
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name: stephanie 'steph' kane show: the 100 love interest: john murphy faceclaim: chloe bennet
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name: nina grey show: shadowhunters love interests: victor aldertree, raphael santiago kind: nephilim parabatai: lucas callahan faceclaim: conor leslie
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name: lucas callahan show: shadowhunters love interest: jace herondale kind: nephilim parabatai: nina grey faceclaim: brenton thwaites
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name: celeste lucas show: the walking dead love interests: daryl dixon, eliza moore (oc) occupation (pre): bartender faceclaim: alycia debnam-carey
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name: elizabeth 'eliza' moore show: the walking dead love interest: celeste lucas (oc) occupation (pre): detective faceclaim: cobie smulders
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name: wyatt moore show: the walking dead love interest: occupation (pre): bodyguard faceclaim: stephen amell
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name: olivia ann cohen show: the wilds love interest: toni shalifoe faceclaim: natalia dyer
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name: mila carson show: the wilds love interest: kirin o'conner faceclaim: holland roden
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name: rosalind 'rosa' lahey show: teen wolf love interest: lydia martin kind: werewolf faceclaim: madelyn cline
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name: nathaniel wilkes show: teen wolf love interest: stiles stilinski kind: hellhound faceclaim: brenton thwaites
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name: theodore 'theo' barnett show: peaky blinders love interest: michael gray occupation: boxer faceclaim: rudy pankow
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name: leah calloway show: peaky blinders love interest: finn shelby faceclaim: rachel zegler
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name: alexander madden show: peaky blinders love interest: john shelby occupation: distillery owner faceclaim: boyd holbrook
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name: felicity allen | kid flash show: titans love interest: jason todd powers: superspeed faceclaim: katie douglas
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emblazons · 2 years
You know the more time I spend on the internet and trying to make sense of how people are missing the cues for Byler (in the narrative sense—not in a ' willfully obtuse about what's happening because the story isn't heteronormative’ sense) more I realize it’s because they think Stranger Things is the same as other media they consume, instead of a show created by people who consume media critically and enjoy stories with little details that build into the subversion of tropes.
Now, this isn't to knock more "casual" television or movies (I am a firm believer that there is as much to be enjoyed and even analyzed in a show like The Office as there is an acclaimed film like Bong Joon-Ho's Parasite, if for wildly different reasons); it is simply to say that The Duffers themselves have said over and over again that ST was designed for people like them, even though (as the show has gained more popularity) most people watching Stranger Things aren't “people like them,” which is why they keep missing the things—Byler among them—they put in their show.
Even just reading “Worlds Turned Upside Down” the way I have been…people “like them” are people who had a bad time in high school: film nerds who grew up on Tim Burton’s Batman, Evil Dead I & II, who found inspiration in the works of Stephen King, Dan Simmons and even George’s R.R. Martin books; who got the idea of this show from watching Denis Villeneuve’s Prisoners, and who learned to love TV as much as movies as a medium for storytelling after seeing what Cary Fukunaga did with True Detective; people who grew up watching movies through until the credits rolled, and who take pleasure in referencing a million other movies as little Easter eggs for the other people…like them.
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source: The Duffer Brothers on how ‘Stranger Things’ will all end (deadline)
When it comes to how people interpret what is becoming a huge love triangle in the show, I think that lack of understanding of who is making the show and who they are making it for (on top of rampant heteronormativity and homophobia) is a huge part of what is keeping most people from seeing things that are technically right in front of them, even to the point of dismissing individuals who understand this show wasn't designed to be read at a surface level.
Most people watching the show aren’t the type who dig into things (which The Duffers are—they talk about watching every director’s commentary and “how it’s made” for their favorite media constantly), and so they miss that Mike and El’s relationship was compared to Elliott and E.T., which (if you know movies) has immediately non-romantic implications.
They miss the way things as small as the shirt someone is wearing is meant to draw a mental comparison to stories that directly contradict Mike & El being endgame, and the way a “star crossed lovers,” Romeo and Juliet comparison is actually a bad thing if you’ve spent any time critically consuming Shakespeare. The duffers even love putting references to how they’re building out their show in the damn show—down to making in-canon jokes about how people called their story derivative because it was so inspired by stories from their childhoods—and people still miss it.
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I say all that to say…I just. I guess most of the people shipping them so adamantly add Mike and El to their little lexicon of couples from romantic comedies, 80s romances and Disney movies (while overlooking/willfully denying the cues for their breakup and Mike’s seemingly requited feelings for Will) and miss the fact that ST wasn’t made to be that…so much so that it was designed to subvert expectations created by those things.
They forget that this show wasn’t made for people like them—and they ignore the ever mounting evidence that maybe, just maybe, The Duffer Brothers and their team of 2000 creatives aren’t making a show that will give them what they’ve come to expect from their media….just like all the stories the ST team consumed that brought them to their own story. Just saying lmao
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shinigami-striker · 5 months
[January 2024] Birthdays | Monday, 01.01.24
Here are the upcoming birthdays for the month of January 2024 down below:
Monday, 01/01
Eden Riegel
Tuesday, 01/02
Anna Cummer
Thursday, 01/04
Greg Cipes
Friday, 01/05
Clancy Brown
Jason Charles Miller
Saturday, 01/06
Johnny Yong Bosch
Sunday, 01/07
Lara Gilchrist
Monday, 01/08
Scott Whyte
Wednesday, 01/10
Cat Thomas
Ryan Drummond
Thursday, 01/11
Heather Walker
Saturday, 01/13
Melissa Molano
Tuesday, 01/16
Carrie Keranen
Sunday, 01/21
Eric Stitt
Monday, 01/22
Juliet Simmons
Thursday, 01/25
Kaiji Tang
Friday, 01/26
Hannah Grace
Monday, 01/29
Bryn Apprill
Clifford Chapin
Julie Ann Taylor
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momomonogatari · 6 months
WHAT IF MEKAKUCITY ACTORS HAD A... DUB!?!?#&#&#; part one (1)
ya so basically I've been thinking about these specific characters for a while so I'm finally posting about it. this might get long 😢
here's how this is set up! it goes 'Character - Voice Actor (specific character I think they'd sound like)
Ayano - Natalie Hoover (Tsuzura Hanatemari)
Takane / Ene - Michelle Ruff (Yukari Takeba I AM A FIRM BELIEVER IN THIS ONE IDC WHAT ANYONE SAYS)
Shintaro - Justin Briner (kiyotaka ayanokoji)
Kano - Clifford Chapin (Kaworu Nagisa)
Kido - Christina Vee (Homura Akemi)
Momo - Juliet Simmons (Chiyo Sakura)
Marry - Miranda Parkin (Miyo Saimori)
ya!! I wanna know what other people think abt thiss 🥳
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forensicated · 4 months
Some more quotes from around series 18/19/20
They seem to be more Smithy (what a surprise!) Gina, Mickey and Dan than most...!
Jack: "Since I'm coming with you I'll drive." Mickey: "There's no need for that!" Jack: "Look - I don’t wanna pull rank on you! Get your jacket!" Jeff Simpson: It feels very invasive having the contents of your wallet photocopied. Mickey: Well you'll live - unlike some!
Gina "There was a time I could drink any officer under the table. You ask the Super at Barton Street, I've still got the scars to prove it. Alright, hands up, you win, there's a good girl. Now, call us a cab." Smithy *giggles drunkenly* "You're a cab" Smithy "Ahh but you've never taken on a Dale Smith before have you?" Receptionist "Can I see your ID again please?" Smithy *annoyed* "You can take a photocopy if you want!" Debbie "In future Smithy, when I make a decision about a C.I.D case, I'd like you to give me the professional courtesy not to question it." Smithy "I wasn't questioning it. You were wrong!" Smithy (to snotty receptionist) Thanks for your help! *walks off muttering* "It's good to know the NHS is in such safe hands" *After seeing Cam and Kerry hug* Smithy: Oi Oi! *Smithy leaning against the front desk - tries to escape as Mr Lovett enters* Mr Lovett: Hey - I want to report a crime!! Smithy: *mutters* I thought you might . . . The old squirrels been digging up your lawn again have they Mr Lovett?! Mr Lovett: Don't you be flippant with me, sunshine!!
Cam: Kerry helped me out … Smithy: I bet she did! There's nothing they like more then to catch us with our defenses down, makes us easy targets. As long as she didn't take advantage… Cam: Thanks for your concern Sarge, but she didn’t. She wouldn’t… Smithy: No? Well you obviously don't know Kerry that well *walks off* Smithy: *leant against the wall holding Andrew - DS McAllister’s son's - hand* Well I don't usually go a lot for kids but er . .he's quite handsome ain't he! Debbie: Would you mind having. . . Smithy: Nah - you're alright! *Talking bout Des and Reg* Gina: Des was his hero! Smithy: Yeah - who recently tried to kill him! *Smithy and Reg are guarding Niamh's body in the Chapel Of Rest - a security guard is patrolling - they think it's Des. Smithy charges at him and pushes him against the wall, pinning his arms behind his back* Reg: LEAVE IT . . TURN AROUND . . . *Smithy makes the bloke turn round* It's the security guard Sarge! Smithy: *Innocently* Is it!? . . .*lets go* Oh - sorry mate . . . your boss said he was gonna cancel you for tonight! Security Guard: Did he? Smithy: Yeah . . still er. . . no hard feelings eh . . . *slaps him on the back* Smithy: "So the brief says to this probationer 'Was that a yes or a no officer?' and as he opened his mouth to speak he threw up all over the witness box." Gabriel: "That probationer wasn't you was it Sarge?" Smithy: "Very funny." Kerry: "Des is just upset because the kid blew him a kiss before driving off." Dale: "Awww!" Des: "Very funny!" Kerry: "Men and their emotions!" *Arches eyebrow and walks off leaving Dale glaring.* Debbie: "Anything interesting?" Mickey: "Well if you get off on checking phone records yes." Juliet: "She's in a good mood" Mickey: "She's always like that when someone tries to pull her." Juliet: "Really?" Mickey: "Yeah - last night apparently." Juliet: "Anyone we know?" Mickey: "Well with Debbie McAllister’s choice in men it could be any number of psychotics." Juliet: "Oh come on, that's a bit unfair isn’t it?" Mickey: "She's always coping off with nutters. Husband ended up shooting himself. Juliet: "Yeah - I heard something about that." Mickey: "Tom Chandler was as sick as they come. But Debbie - she couldn’t get enough of it." Juliet: "Debbie was married to Superintendent Chandler?" Mickey: "Yeah. I don't know who I felt sorry for sorry for the most till the Super shot himself. Juliet: "Wow!" Mickey: "Anyone who gets involved with Debbie McAllister needs their head testing!"
Mickey: *bout Christmas* “I’m sure you had a lovely time with your family at Christmas. But some of us used to dread that poxy tree going up every year. Do you know, all it meant to me was me old man hitting me mother, me mother hitting me old man, and poor little old me on all fours hiding behind the sofa, begging them to stop. Happy bloody Christmas eh?!” *Kid noses in a folder Smithy: "You alright there?" Kid: "Erm, I'm, looking for PC Taviner" Smithy: *Closes folder* "Well you ain't gonna find him in there are ya?" *About the kid that steals the area car* Dale: "He left bout 20 minutes ago." Des: "Didn't you think of holding him till I got back?" Dale: "What for? Visiting a police station in a built up area?"
Man: (in hospital that Mickey and Duncan are visiting) Come on - get us a nurse lads? Mickey: (walking of with Duncan) Breaks your heart, dunnit Man: I heard that!
*Kerry trying to flirt* Kerry: *Sees hole in Dale’s uniform* “Aww look, you’ve ripped your uniform” Dale: “Yeah I did it on a fence. Don’t do that, you’ll make the hole bigger” Kerry: “Got someone who can mend it for you?” Dale: “I can sew” Kerry: “Well show me when you’ve done it, I’ll give you marks out of ten” *Kerry’s continued attempts to flirt, and Smithy’s first response.* Kerry: “Work smarter not harder, isn’t that what you say Sarge?” Dale: “I don’t appreciate it being quoted back at me though” Kerry: “What even when I’m right?” Dale: “Especially when you’re right” Kerry: “You should take it as a compliment Sarge; it means I listen to you!” Dale: “Nah, look, you’ve been working really well all round lately. Focused, intelligent. It’s good to see. Kerry: “As opposed to what? Earlier?” Dale: “Accentuate the positives.” Kerry: “You what?” Dale: “I’m simply swapping compliments with you PC Young; in fact, I may go as far as taking you out for a drink tonight. What do you think?” Kerry: “Don’t you have to ask me first?” Dale: *Rolls his eyes and clears his throat* OK, “Would you, like to come out for a drink with me? And I don’t mean with half the relief this time. Just you and me” Kerry: “When?” Dale: “Tonight.” Kerry: “Love to, yeah” Smithy: "I wonder if the Inspector would think it a good idea to go behind your Sergeants back?" Kerry: "Probably not!" Kerry: "You're down here cos you fancy me" Dale: "You don’t know what you're talking about!" Kerry: "Big brave solider Smithy. The only thing he can't handle is his own emotions. You're such a cliché mate, it’s laughable!" *Kerry starts to undress* Dale: "What you doing?" Kerry: "This is what you're after isn’t it?" Dale: "You what?" Kerry: "Sex without any strings." Dale: "You're behaving like a slag!" Kerry: "Oooh I love it! You treat me like a slag. But you don’t want me to behave like one. Tell me to stop." Dale: *Eyes her warily* "You're making a fool of yourself." Kerry: "Do you want me to stop? I will if you tell me to" *She pulls Smithy's tie off as he grabs her arm. Dale: "I've told ya" *She kisses him* Kerry: "Come on Sarge" Mickey: (To Jim) You’re their FLO. Shouldn’t you be washing up or something Mickey: Maybe it was Jack the Ripper, come back to terrorise the Larkmead Shopping Centre. Smithy to Des "No, I agree with Reg. If you want a pink panda sweetheart you can have one" Des "I don't want one!" *coy* "it's not my colour..."
Smithy: (to Andrea) We're like two lost souls on a boat. Andrea: what boat's that then? Smithy: I've got no idea... listen, listen Andrea: What? Smithy: It's not the size of the vessel... Andrea: No, don't say it! Smithy: but it's the motion of the ocean
Gabriel: Wonder where we'd have gone for my stag party... Smithy: *mutters* Some dive probably... Gabriel: Well it's usually the best man's job isn't it....and that'd probably have been you. Gabriel: I got jealous some times....it was always Smithy this, and Smithy that...and I was like yeah, alright Kerry... Smithy: Alright Gabriel...
Andrea (about Gabriel): You know he's covering something up Smithy Smithy: Well, that makes two of you
Roger: That could have been the shortest stint I've ever seen. Squished like a cat on your first day. Dan: You're all heart Roger: Oh, Me? I'm famous for it.
Smithy: *to Gina* But I forgot! You don't need any help from anyone, ever, do ya! Gina: ....I haven't got the big support network to fall back on! Smithy: The irony is that you have! You just won't let them!
Jack: Well you might think he's corrupt. But I know my officers. Liz: You didn't know about his affair with Andrea Dunbar... Mickey: The point is, he's married to the prosecution barrister. Jack: So? Liz: Which makes him uniquely placed. Mickey: His marriage his rocky. His mistress is dead. Liz: He's at home, feeling sorry for himself. Mickey: McGowan comes along, offers him a nice juicy bung. Liz: Manson uses his wife to gain access to the witness, who suddenly decides to clam up on us. Jack: This is all conjecture. Liz: It's a theory. For which we need evidence. Mickey: Which is where you come in, Guv. It would make things easier round here if we could have your co-operation. There's a couple of Neil Manson's cases we'd like to look into, for evidence of corruption. *Phil knocks* Alright Phil? Phil: Hello Mickey! Jack: Just excuse me a minute will you? Phil...*takes him outside* Did you know about Neil and PC Dunbar? ....Did you? Phil: *looks awkward before nodding* What's this about? Jack: We've got the national crime squad in there making a fool out of me and this department. Liz: *walks out and looks at them* Just going to get a coffee... Jack: I'm just off to the gents, *to Phil* I think you'll find you need to go too
Mickey: Guv Neil: Hello Mickey. What're you guys up to? Jack: *quickly* Shouldn't you be enjoying your time off? You're not going to have any when you get back here.
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Read-Alikes: Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
Where’d You Go, Bernadette? by Maria Semple
Bernadette Fox has vanished.
When her daughter Bee claims a family trip to Antarctica as a reward for perfect grades, Bernadette, a fiercely intelligent shut-in, throws herself into preparations for the trip. But worn down by years of trying to live the Seattle life she never wanted, Ms. Fox is on the brink of a meltdown. And after a school fundraiser goes disastrously awry at her hands, she disappears, leaving her family to pick up the pieces - which is exactly what Bee does, weaving together an elaborate web of emails, invoices, and school memos that reveals a secret past Bernadette has been hiding for decades. 
Where'd You Go Bernadette is an ingenious and unabashedly entertaining novel about a family coming to terms with who they are and the power of a daughter's love for her mother.
Beauchamp Hall by Danielle Steel
Winona Farmington once dreamed of graduating from college, moving to New York City, and pursuing a career in publishing. Then real life got in the way when she left college and returned to her small Michigan hometown to care for her sick mother.
Years later, stuck in a dead-end job and an unsatisfying relationship, Winnie has concluded that dreams were meant for others. She consoles herself with binge-watching the British television series that she loves, Beauchamp Hall, enthralled by the sumptuous period drama set on a great Norfolk estate in the 1920s. The rich upstairs-downstairs world brilliantly brought to life by superb actors is the ultimate in escapism.
On the day Winnie is passed over for a long-overdue promotion, she is also betrayed by her boyfriend and her best friend. Heartbroken, she makes the first impulsive decision of her conventional life - which changes everything. She packs her bags and flies to England to see the town where Beauchamp Hall is filmed. The quaint B & B where she stays feels like home. The brother and sister who live in the castle where the show is filmed, rich in titles but poor in cash, are more like long-lost friends than British nobility. And the show itself, with its colorful company and behind-the-scenes affairs, is a drama all its own. 
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Rosalind Franklin has always been an outsider - brilliant, but different. Whether working at the laboratory she adored in Paris or toiling at a university in London, she feels closest to the science, those unchanging laws of physics and chemistry that guide her experiments. When she is assigned to work on DNA, she believes she can unearth its secrets.
Rosalind knows if she just takes one more X-ray picture - one more after thousands - she can unlock the building blocks of life. Never again will she have to listen to her colleagues complain about her, especially Maurice Wilkins who'd rather conspire about genetics with James Watson and Francis Crick than work alongside her.
Then it finally happens - the double helix structure of DNA reveals itself to her with perfect clarity. But what unfolds next, Rosalind could have never predicted.
Mr. and Mrs. American Pie by Juliet McDaniel 
The year is 1969. Dick Nixon was just sworn in as the thirty-seventh President of the United States. Neil Armstrong just took one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind. And notable Palm Springs socialite Maxine Simmons just found out that her husband is leaving her for his twenty-two-year-old secretary.
After a public meltdown at Thanksgiving, Maxine finds herself not only divorced, but exiled to Scottsdale, Arizona. However, these desert boondocks will not be her end - only her Elba. The former beauty queen sets her eyes on a new crown: that of the Mrs. American Pie pageant, awarded to the nation’s best wife and mother.
Maxine only has one problem: to win the crown she’ll need to find - or build - a family of her own.
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celaenoo · 1 year
Hands of Emperor - Victoria Goddard
Just Ignore Him - Alan Davies
Terror - Dan Simmons
Mo Dao Zu Shi - Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Dziewczyna z konbini - Sayaka Murata
książki Juliet Marillier
Ruchomy zamek Hauru - Diana Wynne Jones
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing - Hank Green
Wojna i pokój - Lew Tołstoj
Warbreaker - Brandon Sanderson
seria Temeraire - Naomi Novik
Raffles - E.W.Hornung
książki P.G.Wodehouse’a
Lewa ręką ciemności - Ursula K. Le Guin
Czarodziejska góra - Thomas Mann
Pan światła - Roger Zelazny
Weird things customers say in bookshops - Jen Campbell
seria Ruchomy chaos - Patrick Ness
Upadek - Albert Camus
Moab is My Washpot - Stephen Fry
451° Fahrenheita - Ray Bradbury
Śniadanie mistrzów - Kurt Vonnegut
Jonathan Strange i pan Norell - Susanne Clarke
Miasto ślepców - Jose Saramago
Doushitemo Furetakunai - Kou Yoneda
Staromodna babeczka - Sagan Sagan
Trzynasta opowieść - Diane Setterfield
Rurouni Kenshin - Watsuki Nobuhiro
Yona w blasku świtu - Kusanagi Mizuho
Straż nocna - Terry Pratchett
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nelsonbeauchejason · 2 years
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