#judgement boy (anime ver)
starryartist512 · 1 month
Fanart 30 Day Challenge|Day 30: Free Day.
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This challenge was really fun! It helped me experiment with new techniques and inspiration! Mina and the Sackboy/Sackgirl interpretations belong to @c0smiccom3t!
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subskz · 1 year
the skz stylists have it personally out for the hannie luvrs out here bc?? the s-class suit ver. choreo vid??? his glasses…. the tie.……. how perfectly the shirt and pants fit his cute waist and legs… 😵‍💫 the desire to pull him around by his tie and kiss him breathless until his glasses are all fogged up.. ♡ i feel perfectly normal about him in case you can’t tell 🥰 also, upon reflection, i have made a lapse in my judgement and will rescind my previous statement because the stylists clearly actually have a vendetta against all of us, bc 2min & innie with glasses too?? not to mention the harness going up to hyunie’s neck??? baby boy would just be so.. sensitive…. if you touched around his neck there while he’s wearing it.. they all looked so good, i am so weak 😵‍💫
it was absolutely a calculated attack on us all but you’re so so right abt them going extra hard w hannie, his look had me so mesmerized the entire time <3 esp the way his shirt was tucked in to show off his itty bitty waist and that cute lil heart cutout he had in his glove…i also never get tired of the way those giant chunky boots that he loves so much look on his long dainty anime girl legs hehe. perfect look for ruffling up his hair fogging up his big glasses and leaving his dapper clothes all dishevled 😽
the moment i noticed lino had a harness on under his jacket wrapping around his tummy it was over for me…and the way his tie was undone 😰 literally what are we meant to do abt this. hyune’s harness + choker combo was no doubt the biggest cause for unrest it was so distracting…it’s so easy to imagine the kind of expression he’d make and the cute gasp he’d let out if you tugged at it or slipped your fingers underneath to brush against his sensitive neck ♡
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psychoticwillgraham · 4 months
part 1 of my big ass list of hannigram au���s that yall are free to do in case i never do them
for fans of this brilliant niche anime, an au of hozuki’s coolheadedness. that’s it, that’s the idea (I rlly need to rewatch it)
on that topic, an ugly Americans or your pretty face is going to hell au (that one has SO much comedic potential). in the UA au beverly and Will are roommates, I just need to rewatch these
a repo! the generic opera au: basic plot: obviously hannibal is the repo man and like in canon is Will’s ‘psychiatrist’ and Will has generally the same role. Will has to investigate a series of murders where the victims organs are taken and they’re displayed like art (like in the show), but geneco denies that the repo man did it because even they don’t have the organs that were supposed to be taken. obviously it’s hannibal, and it turns out that he’s gone rogue
fairy tale ish au: Will still has the same job as he does in the show, but is also a god of nature and righteous revenge (he investigates murders and also avenges them by catching and killing the killers). Hannibal is the same as in the show, but is a god that’s akin to being the devil, but not quite (im gonna have to work this out lmao). They have the same roles as in the show, but when they first meet, they both know of each other’s divinity.
fairy tale ish au vers. 2: OR the second option of not adhering to the show yet still the same divinity concept. hannibal would be the obvious, overtly ‘evil’ opposite of Will, but obviously in character if this makes any sense lol. They always encounter each other when Will learns of a murder and tries to avenge them by killing Hannibal.
purgatory au (version 1): there’s a cafe that’s on the border or life and death where souls from those in comas or near death experiences go to relax for as long as they need to before going back to the living world or start their journey to the afterlife.
purgatory au (version 2): Will dies, and wakes up in a bar in the middle of nowhere. turns out, it’s a ‘holding place’ for the souls whose final destination is undecided. it’s usually reserved for souls like Will’s that are deeply fucked up but still have a chance for redemption. Hannibal is the god of purgatory and has the last judgement on these souls where he’ll either send them to heaven (very rarely), hell, or doom them to roam the lands of purgatory for all eternity (who tempt souls like Will to commit grievous sins, therefore getting them sent to hell).
hannibal uses will as a vessel for demons to inhabit and uses said demons/black magic to torture him. eventually, Will learns how to harness the power of the magic/demons and uses them to torture and kill hannibal as his revenge.
my boy builds coffins (Florence + the machine song fic): -Will and Hannibal live in solitude, and Hannibal is a prolific serial killer and Will is a woodworker who makes wooden coffins for what’s left of Hannibal’s victims for the family of the said victim. Hannibal picks his target and kills them, and shortly after, Will visits the family to get input on what coffin the family wants for their loved one. They both attend the funerals, since this is a smaller community therefore everyone knows each other, and nobody ever suspects a thing. Hannibal throws a dinner party in celebration of the victim and invites their family while eating said victim without anyone knowing.
They have Abigail with them and teach her how to kill and prepare the meat and cover her tracks. eventually, Hannibal fucks up and accidentally kills someone very important in town, so he rushes home to Will to warn him that they’ve got until probably dawn to prepare to be captured. Will already made one coffin for each of them, and they’d already had a suicide pact made. So they spend their last night in each other’s arms and have sex for the last time.
At midnight on a full moon, they prepare to do it, and Hannibal informs Abigail that Will will die first, killed by Hannibal and dying in his arms, then Hannibal will prepare him for burial and place him in his coffin and bury him on the grounds of their property. Then Hannibal will kill himself over Will’s grave, and have Abigail prepare and bury him right next to Will. What Abigail does afterwards is entirely up to her, whether she decides to take her own life or leave the town and make a life for herself (everything’s been arranged if she chooses this). All of this happens and Abigail stays and informs the police of what happened, that it was a murder suicide. After the dust settles, she leaves and goes off on her own, returning to the house 10 years later, talks to the both of their graves, prepares herself and her coffin in a shallow grave, shuts the coffin lid and kills herself in it, in the grave just below Hannibal and Will’s.
Then it ends with the three of them becoming a local legend years down the road, about their reign of terror, meant to scare people away from the forest where they lived. Nobody disturbs the house and it rots, the three of them becoming more of an urban legend. The final scene describes a wandering traveler who happens on the dilapidated house and the graves, and sees Will’s ghost standing over a fresh coffin, which is a perfect fit for the person and done in the way they would want it to be done, and Hannibal and Abigail’s ghosts all staring at them and gesturing towards to coffin for them to get in. The person runs and we end on the sound of laughter from the three of them. (there’s gonna be some real creepy dialogue here about how Will made coffins for everyone, and that’s includes you, addressing the person)
non hannigram au’s
-Constantine/Will: AU where Constantine is in Virginia for some reason and ends up hearing tales of a local shut in (Will) out in remote Wolf Trap that everyone is absolutely sure is a God, one that’s been long forgotten by the world. He’s said to be able to see through anyone’s eyes, to experience their true nature due to his extreme empathy, to discern who is truly good or evil. But that gift, or rather curse, is what made him infamous. It eventually drove him mad, seeing through the eyes of the most wicked of humanity, empathizing far too much with those who killed and destroyed. It began to fundamentally change him, make him become a monster. So one day, he just vanished.
Abandoning those who worshipped him, just so he wouldn’t become a mad god. All of this time later, as the generations forgot him, he became secluded, choosing to be alone in a cozy little house, tucked away in an area of the woods where no mortal had access to. Nobody could get in, only he could get out, the only way in being if he favored you and subconsciously guided you to where he lay hidden away from the rest of the world.
John is immediately fascinated by this, knowing of the existence of ‘forgotten gods’, but never actually being able to track one down. Of course nobody actually knows what this god looks like, except that he prefers to look like a regular human and most likely walks among them every day going undetected. John is obviously not happy with the lack of clear leads on the god’s location or appearance, but decides to just hang around the town for a while as a vacation away from London.
That night, John dreams of a ravenstag, of being torn apart by faceless beings. But just as he thinks he’s about to die, the stag saves him and takes him deeper in the forest, safe and away from harm. When he wakes up, he’s in the same forest he dreamt of, extremely confused as to how he got there. But suddenly he feels an invisible pull, a deep, yet sweet slightly southern accented voice floating through his mind, guiding him on the suddenly revealed path. Eventually he comes upon the fabled god’s house, and finally sees the fable in the flesh.
Constantine/Will smut: After John has a particularly stressful and draining few weeks of cases, he asks Will to dominate him and take complete control, to not let him think for himself or make any decisions for a few hours, basically giving himself completely over to Will. Will is obviously nervous but agrees. At the end of the night, John cries, but not because he’s upset. He cries because this means that he’s finally able to trust someone like Will with something like this, to finally give up total control on his own terms and to trust someone else enough to be truly intimate. kinks included: choking, restraints/cuffs/rope/stuff like that, gags, heavy d/s and bdsm, humiliation, dirty talk, cock rings, orgasm denial, blood play, knife play, collars/leashes, consensual violence
schneeplebro: schneep is a scientist/doctor who rehabilitates magical creatures that have been injured or mistreated and one day, he gets a call about an angel (Chase) who had been captured by black market traders who had cut off his wings when he tried to escape, therefore making him no longer valuable to the rich ‘collectors’ who wanted him, so they left him to die in an abandoned building. schneep rescues him and begins to figure out a way to help him get his wings back through science.
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avada-kedavrugh · 4 years
Murderer. (Edited ver.)
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You confront Draco Malfoy after the death of Dumbledore. You’ve heard the rumours and you’ve come for revenge. But maybe, you’re both just the victims of war? A lot of angst occurs. 
Pairing | Draco x Reader
Genre | Angst (if anyone is interested, I am thinking of writing a fluffier sequel)
Words | 2717
Warnings | Mentions of war, suicidal thoughts, death and swearing.
This is an edited, longer version of the original of the same title that I already have on my page but I prefer this version. Let me know what you think :)
Fired on by your pure rage and fury, a bitter feeling building in your chest, you stormed through the corridors, crashing into other students which only served to anger you more.  
People frantically dodged you as you went on your rampage. Your flared nostrils, blazing eyes and the way your veins bulged from your clenched fists were a clear warning sign of your emotions. Anger. And no one wanted to get in the way of you now.
You muttered under your breath, letting the bitter feeling burn in your chest and immerse your emotions. A baptism into a pool of hatred and anger - spurred only by your need for revenge.  
A range of savage insults and curses left your lips, a sinful symphony all aimed at one person. No one could even hear you but inside your mind the words blared.
“Draco Malfoy, you murderer.”
As the light shrunk away, you took stock of your surrounding and realised you were nearing the common room. Slowing down, you realised you didn’t even know what you would say to him, you were so deluded with anger that you could only think of empty insults that he could easily brush off. Easily laugh at and take into his stride. Easily look at you and think of crueller insults that would crumble your confidence. Easily leave you stood there, tears rolling down your cheeks. Such anger taunted you with the images of hurting him, leaving him lying there, tears rolling down his cheeks as you strode away without a second look. The bitter feeling in your chest had spread across your body and had now marinated every bone in your body and had spurred you on your rampage.  You found yourself succumbing to the taunts that ran rampant around head, finding yourself captive within the ring-a-roses of evil. You were going to hurt him.
Shaking yourself a little, the sense of rationality within your mind beckoned you, like a teacher to your rescue, stopping the taunts within your mind and scaring yourself a little that you were capable of thoughts like that. Burying those thoughts to the deepest depths of your mind, your controlled anger returned. Mere images of giving Draco the verbal retribution you set yourself to give out returning. That your anger was all you needed to keep you going. Draco Malfoy would get what he deserved. After all he’s done. With that, you felt your legs move forward again as the bitterness consumed you.
The only light from the depths of darkness were weak torches that flickered in the cold air that lapped at your robes as you stormed along. In the darkness, your eyes fell upon a Slytherin student minding their own business.
“Where is he?” You hissed. The student’s eyes darted to you, struggling to make you out in the dim-lit halls, your own eyes glared back at him. Burning through him, the dark glint in your eyes seemed to flicker in your eyes as you glared at him.
His eyebrows fell in a look of confusion and then irritation as he grunted back.
“Who? Who? What are you a flipping owl? Draco Malfoy! Tell him to come here and show his repulsive face.” You snapped at the boy.
The student’s irritated look switched to one of pure anger as he sneered at you. As he took a bellowing step towards you, his large figure entering the light and casting a dark shadow over you. Perhaps stupidly, you took a step towards him. The bitterness in your mind clouding your judgement. You were not about to back down and you definitely not let anything or anyone get in the way of the justice you sought to give out.
A venomous feeling pooled in your throat. You felt something cruel inside you tug at your body. As if you were just a puppet of some supreme being. Taking full control of your mind.  
You felt a pull as your hand moved towards your wand. As curses, even you in your clouded state of mind knew you should never use, teased you from the darkest depths of your mind.  
For a second. A split second. You saw the student’s face fall in a jumble of shock and fear. Then he seemed to immediately compose himself, his own body mirroring yours as he reached for his own wand. No doubt he had no idea just how cursed your thoughts were. How this raging soldier inside of you would stop at nothing to get to Draco.
Any doubts in your mind vanished as you raced to pull out your wand.
Grasping it in front of you.  
Pointing it at the boy.  
Taking another step forward, closing the gap between you and the boy, you found the dark shadow cast over you grow as the boy became illuminated by the torch above him.
The light cast over him and his face became clearer. A new feeling pooled over you. Your hand trembled and your grasp on your wand was weak.  
You didn’t even know his name.
The bitter feeling reigning over you tried to push that aside. The hymn of cruel words demanded that you hurt him.
But instead you stood facing the boy. Heart pounding in your chest and drowning out the cruel words.
Taking a deep breath and desperately holding onto your wand, readying yourself, you opened your mouth to speak.
“Why are you looking for me?” A cruel voice sneered out.
Through your vision that was covered with a thin tearful shroud, you saw a shapeless silhouette, the wicked beast ahead of you. The killer. Without even being able to see his features, a match was ignited inside your chest, a scorching sensation that erupted inside you, filling your whole body with anger. Your heart become a ball of fire at the sight of the man who caused such pain and rage inside you.  
“You murderer!” You accused, the bitterness inside you flaring up as you lost control of your body again. Letting whatever evil being that was within you take over. Brandishing your wand at him. Pointing it towards Draco. You felt the blisters forming on your hand as you clutched your wand with some new found strength.
The figure stepped forwards from the darkness. Joining you under the light of the torch, his face was illuminated. The precious son of the Malfoy family. The murderer of Dumbledore. The Death Eater. The symphony of spiteful words returned to you as you came face to face with the man you despised. His piercing gaze burning into your soul.
The other Slytherin boy had run away into the darkness. Perhaps to get help. Perhaps an audience. Or perhaps he had sensed the battle that was about to occur.
Draco Malfoy. You wanted to kill him. You had to kill him. He was the one who caused all this. He had ruined everything. Dumbledore was dead. Because of him.  
“I don’t know what you think but I don’t think you want to make an enemy of me,” His words chastised you. Chuckling to himself, Draco’s amusement only created a sick feeling inside your stomach. His cruel mannerisms etched into your mind. Then he stopped laughing, his eyes piercings yours as he said with a menacing smirk. “Besides, aren’t you a filthy mudblood?”  
With that, any rationality that had lingered in your mind was burnt into a pile of ashes that was swept quickly aside as you succumbed to your scorching rage.  
You barrelled towards him. Giving him no time to respond. His callous hands grabbed onto you. The feeling of his murderous, cold fingers on you seemed to burn your skin at the very touch. You fell with him. Desperately holding onto him to save yourself. His body collapsed to the ground with you following quickly behind him. You found yourself on top of him. Your face inches away from the face of a murderer.
For a second you were both stunned, his grip on you loosened, falling to his side and instead his eyes seemed to probe through every corner of your mind. Regaining your senses, the anger quickly found itself back into your body.
“You murderer!” You spat at him, your spit mixing with the tears that stung your eyes and rained down on him. You thrashed against him as you urged for him to fight back and yet he seemed to have accepted his fate as he kept still beneath you. His cold stare on you sent a chill down your spine. Stopping the fire inside of you in its tracks as you stared back at him. For a second the anger in you faltered, replaced with a momentary confusion as his eyes flickered with something unrecognisable within the Death Eater before you.
The thought returned to your mind. You were being tricked by him. He wanted you to let your guard down so he could murder you. Dumbledore had let his guard down and now he was dead. Now Hogwarts was controlled by the Death Eaters. Now everything you loved was gone or in danger.  
All because of him.
The bitterness seared every cell of your body. You let the scorching anger control you as your arms continued their merciless onslaught.  
You jumped away from him as you felt his cold hands on yours. Stopping your hands in their path. Jolting you out of your thoughts. You scrambled away from him.  
You weren’t going to let him trick you.
You remained on the floor.  Hunched over like a scared, wounded animal trying to protect yourself from the killer in front of you. Keeping your distance from him. Your eyes stuck on him to assess his every movement, from the rise and fall of his chest to the slight tremble in his fingers as he eyed you up in return. Your hands now twitching to move and grab your wand.  
Draco moved to kneel and his face came to a rest a few inches from you.
Both of you sat. Staring at each other with intense looks. Your eyes were burning with the bitter contempt that had ravaged you and his eyes returned a cold, blank look that were still bespeckled with emotion you didn’t recognise.
His own face so close to yours, you could see every detail of his face. The way his icy eyes were sunken and weary, adorned by lavender bags that would soon match the bruises that you caused on his pale skin. His pale skin contrasted with the black shadows that fell around you, like the moon in the night sky. Even with the anger you felt, you felt a tug of a new emotion. Pity. He looked empty and you wondered if he had always looked like that or if that was the result of your attack.
A waterfall of tears escaped your eyes. For a moment, the look that he held in his eyes became clearer and the realisation made you want to crumble to the floor.  
He was looking at you with concern.  
Your breath caught at the realisation. His eyes penetrated your thoughts with his simple look of concern. Your barbaric thoughts battled against the new feelings of guilt that now terrorised your mind. Your grip on your wand loosened. And then you saw it.
The dark match etched onto his arm. It was only a brief glimpse from where his sleeves had been hastily rolled up before. But now your eyes were set upon the reminder. The reminder of what he had done and who he was.
His eyes followed yours and then widened as you lifted your wand, pointing it towards him.
Inside your mind, the symphony of cruel thoughts rung out. Urging you to take your revenge. In the darkness of the halls, you could see Draco’s eyes as he stared at you.
The concern had left them and instead there was a blank slate, the look of an exhausted man who had accepted his penalty. The light above the two of you, shone down on him, illuminating him and letting you see the man you were about to kill. As if it were some twisted punishment. You sat in the shadows, avoiding the light to avoid seeing your grip on your wand, the hands of someone who was about to become a killer. The cold air seemed to suffocate you as you tried to steady your breathing but the sound of your heaving chest echoed through the halls, breaking the eery stillness between the two of you.
“I didn’t kill him.” His words rang out, cutting through the sound of your breaths.
Your eyebrows fell in confusion though your wand remained pointed accusedly, refusing to let your fear become visible as you willed your hands to remain still.
“What did you say?” You hesitated. Your eyes widened at his words. Mind racing. Was this another lie? The cruel alter ago within you pleaded with you to ignore him, to keep your guard up but the look on his face, the look of a broken man, made you falter.  
“I didn’t kill Dumbledore.” Draco’s hand slowly moved towards your wand, making gentle movements as if you were a scared creature.
“Don’t lie to me,” You shoved your wand against his chest, stopping him in his movements, your wand dug against him. Marking his heart with your anger, the same way his arm was marked as a similar tell-tale of a much more sinister anger. His breathing remained steady as he took in your frightened form “You’re a murderer!”
“I know that’s what everyone thinks. But I didn’t.” He choked out “I couldn’t.”
He watched the fury in you smoulder. His own tearful eyes suddenly flickered with determination as he made a sudden move towards you.
“But I still deserve this.” His hands went to yours. His cold hands grasped yours and thrusted your wand further into his chest. His grip on the wand was strong, his knuckles turning white, breathing too hard and too fast.
You both stared intently into each other's eyes. His blank state had now transformed into a look of desperation, his eyes welling with tears as he silently pleaded with you. You took in the sight of him as he tried to shove down the sobs that threatened to escape him. Your own anger had vanished, the tug of humanity returning, as you stared at the broken man before you. His hands trembled a little as he clasped your hand on your wand.  
You ripped your hands away from his hold and the wand clattered to the floor between you. Mixing with the sounds of the anguished sobs that escaped Draco’s lips. Creating a new symphony that would mark the emotions of the war to come.  
“Please kill me.” He whispered. One final, desperate prayer to you.  
You came here to kill him.  
Instead, you found your arms coming to clasp his body. A feeble attempt to hold him together as he appeared to break down in front of you. You hoped no one would come now as you embraced him, whispered hushed words of comfort as you felt him slump into you, his strong form crumbling apart as he let himself cry in your arms. His own arms found themselves snaked around you, clutching onto this moment of humanity between the two of you. Letting his tears fall like a fountain down onto the floor, gathering on your wand and soaking you, mixing with your own and purifying the both of you as you cried into each other.
All bitterness and fury had now vanished and all you felt now was compassion.  
One day you would be made to pick a side and might have to face this boy in battle but now you would let your humanity tug at you. Let yourself be taunted by the kindness in your heart that willed you to ignore the cruelty burning inside you. Let yourself embrace the warmth that his hold brought you, a new soothing warmth like a fireplace in winter, rather than the blistering anger you felt earlier. 
Holding him in your arms as you both continued to cry. 
The murderer.
Or maybe just a broken man?
A boy who was the victim of a war.  
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dominzc · 3 years
——— character development !
Basic Character Questions
first name? dominic
surname?  wright
middle name? alonzo (é o nome do avó dele por parte materna, homenagem)
Nicknames? domi ou dom
date of birth? um kkkk 
age? 21
Physical / Appearance
hair style? ok eu sou pessima em descrever, mas ele tem o cabelo preto, é um pouquinho mais comprido e  meio messy, é cacheado bem bonitinho, ele diz que não cuida muito mas o erik provavelmente sabe que ele cuida sim.
height? 1,77
glasses or contact lenses? sim, óculos! ele tem miopia bem alta, de cinco graus e meio, e acabou desenvolvendo estrabismo por isso, já faz alguns bons anos mas ele não gosta nenhum pouco disso.
which facial feature is most prominent? ele acha que os olhos chamam bastante atenção por causa do estrabismo mesmo 
favorite body part? o pescoço.
tattoos? varias e listinha delas já foi postada então vc já sabe.
type of clothes? e-boy, mas com dez mil marcas diferentes e ainda mais extra.
race / ethnicity? branco/mexicano (mas não tem muito contato com a cultura mexicana)
mannerisms?  a postura dele muda um monte conforme as pessoas que ele está perto, ele sempre relaxa quando é pessoas que ele tá confortavel, da super pra notar a mudança. quando ele fica nervoso ele corre pegar alguma coisa pra ter na mão, sei lá porque. 
are they in good health? não muito, ele até vai pra academia umas 3 vezes por semana, mas só come besteira e bebe/usa drogas demais.
are they more optimistic or pessimistic?  pessimista.
are they introverted or extroverted? extrovertida.
what bad habits do they have? vários?? até difícil listar, ele é mto o rei da auto-sabotagem, então vive fodendo tudo ao seu redor sozinho mesmo.
what makes them laugh out loud? ele não ri muito, mas erik é meio que a única pessoa que consegue fazer ele gargalhar.
how do they display affection?  por mais que não pareça, o dominic é bem carinhoso, ele é até meio chato de grudento quando está em um relacionamento. ele gosta bastante de cuidar das pessoas e até é bom nisso, ele é bem príncipe, não sei dizer e ele teria só uma ou duas love language pq ele faz meio que um pouco de tudo.
do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? demora, ele já foi julgado bastante não quer fazer isso com os outros.
what haunts them? várias coisas, de novo, rei da auto sabotagem, mas acho que duas das maiores são: sua sexualidade (e o fato dele claramente estar gostando do erik) e o medo do futuro, ele não leva a faculdade a sério, ele não consegue levar nada a sério e não se sente suficiente para esse tipo de coisa..
what are their political views? ele nasceu burro né, não leva a politica a sério, mas quando ele vota (o que não é sempre, desculpa) é esquerda.
are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? outdoorsy, ele ama festas.
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? ele é filho único, então sua família é bem pequena. seu pai se chama aaron e tem 48 anos, sua mãe se chama Eva e tem 44 anos. Ele tem bastante primos e tios, que ele não é distante, mas não é próximo também. daquele tipo que você vê a cada quatro ou cinco meses numa festa de familia (não mais agora que ele se mudou mas vc entendeu)
What is their perception of family? seus pais e ele não tem uma relação saudável a algum tempo, desde a época de adolescente rebelde do dominic basicamente. eles brigam bastante, mas no final da conta ele ama seus pais muito, iria ficar devastado se algo acontecesse e tem muito medo de decepcionar eles.
Describe their best friend. é o erik, óbvio. eles são vizinho desde criança, os dois cresceram juntos, passaram por tudo juntos. dominic confia no menino mais do que confia em si mesmo até, e ele faz quase de tudo para ver ele bem. 
Do they have any pets? não
Did they grow up rich or poor? rico hm.
Do they believe in love at first sight? não, ele não se apaixonou de verdade por ninguém na vida ainda, então pensar em algo como amor a primeira vista parece maluco.
Are they in a relationship? sim! a uns três/quatro meses, com uma menina chamada maggie.
How do they behave in a relationship? Ele trata ela MUITO bem, mas o problema que ele é vacilão e vive traindo ela.
When did you character last have sex? nesse dia mesmo é dificil ter uma namorada e um namorado, ele não fica sem sexo nunca.
What sort of sex do they have? acho que depende muito pra ele, ele pode fazer tanto mais kinky com tapa e etcs, mas também é mais vanilla. depende demais do dia e de como tá tudo, acho que normalmente é mais simples com uns tapinhas e enforcada só de leve mas deixa mais especial para quando quer impressionar sldkkkk 
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job? herdeiro kkkkkkk
What do they think about their current job? acha ótimo, óbvio.
What are some of their past jobs? hm kkkkk
What are their hobbies? ele tem alguns, por exemplo: ama futebol (brasileiro mesmo), video-games e ele sabe tocar piano, inclusive muito bem, mas esse é algo que ele faz bem pouco.
what is their favourite animal? no momento gekko mas é porque ele quer um.
what place would they most like to visit? hm acho que amsterda
what is their favourite colour? azul ou preto.
what is their favourite day of the week? sabado
what is on their bedside table? bagunça serve de reposta? ok, eu não vou dizer tudo em detalhes, porque ele tem duas estantes do lado da cama. ele tem uma luminaria de cada lado, também é onde ele guarda seus três perfumes, uma caixinha com maconhas, cinzero, garrafas de água e xicaras sujas ksdkdkk mas assim, é mais treco mesmo?? deve ter alguma decoração que ganhou de presente, coisa boba assim.
what is in their purse or wallet? ele quase nunca anda com mochila, normalmente tá com sua carteira que tem sempre seus documentos, seus cartões, algum dinheiro e moeda e umas duas camisinhas. quando leva a bolsa é pra faculdade e tem o notebook e algum caderno ali. 
what is their most treasured possession? ele não é apegado demais a coisas matérias, o que é esquisito pra alguém que tem dez mil coisas de marca, mas só não sei?? 
do they believe in the afterlife? não tem certeza, foi criado em uma familia cristã, mas é complicado pra ele. tem dia que ele tem certeza que existe uma vida depois, outra não.
what are their religious views? é meio que a mesma coisa do que com afterlife. tem dias, aonde ele acredia muito em religião e deus, e em outros aonde ele acha impossivel e maluquice. 
what do they think heaven is? imagina de uma maneira meio infantil, na real? algo meio dourado e magico, e bom.
are they superstitious? Um pouco, principalmente por influencia da sua mãe.
how would they like to die? desde que seja indolor e que ele não sofra, pra ele tá tudo bem. mas odiaria ter uma morte trágica e novo.
what is their zodiac sign? hm kkkk
Daily life
what are their eating habits? ele cozinha até okay, mas é preguiçoso pra cozinhar o que leva ele a pedir muita comida fora e nem sempre ser a coisa mais saudavel do mundo, mas tenta se controlar, principalmente pelo peso.
do they have any allergies? não.
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? se ele tá sozinho, provavelmente olhar pro celular. se ele tá com o erik (ou a maggie) normalmente vai dar atenção pra pessoa com beijinhos e etc.
what do they do on a Sunday afternoon? em alguma festa ou na maggie.
what is the soft drink of choice? café
what is their alcoholic drink of choice? gin ou whiskey 
what or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? ele não é muito criativo, então provavelmente iria pedir ajuda pro erik e aceitar o que ele falasse pra ele vestir. (ou quando tá amorando faz  algo de casal)
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? erik, concerteza.
what would they do if they won the lottery? ele já é rico, nunca sonhou com isso de verdade, mas provavelmente iria dar uma parte enorme do premio pro erik, investir um tanto em algumas empresas e etc e viver tranquilo fazendo nadas.
Do they believe in happy endings? para si mesmo? não. mas para os outros sim, e sempre tenta fazer os outros verem isso. 
what is their idea of perfect happiness? ele não sabe direito, acho que estar em paz com as coisas na sua vida que o atormentam (sua relação com seus pais, sua relação com o seu futuro e sua sexualidade). provavelmente isso o deixaria feliz o suficiente. e dinheiro pra fazer o que quiser de verdade é sempre um bom bonus (apesar dele já ter uma mesada enorme)
what would they ask a fortune teller? provavelmente alguma coisa idiota pra ver se ela é real ou não porque não acredita nisso sdlmkkkkk
what sport do they excel at? futebol.
What sport do they suck at? futebol americano, ele tentou porque parecia mais cool mas ele é um lixo.
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? acho que ele iria querer ter controle do fogo, não é útil mas é legal.
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maria-la-cave · 4 years
My top 9 gay films:
Because why not?
Sorry for the mistakes, I am not a native english speaker.
1. Call Me By Your Name
This film is about beautiful love and dealing with a heartbreak. The main characters are 17 year old Elio Perlman from Southern Italy and 24 year old american student of history Oliver who moves on Summer to Elio's house to co-operate with his highly educated Dad. To know more about them, watch the film or read a book.
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2. The Way He Looks
This film is about a brazilian blind boy Leo who wants to be as normal as others and study abroad but his parents are too afraid to let him go. He also discoveres love with a new classmate Gabriel who looks at him the way he really is. The film is based on a short film named I don't want to go back alone.
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3. Love, Simon
I personally like the book more but the film is definitly great too. This film shows brilliantly coming out of a teenager named Simon Spier. He once discoveres a post of a mysterious boy from his school confessing he's gay on the internet and contacts him on e-mail. They both fall in love but will they ever meet and get to know who they really are?
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4. Holding The Man
This film tells a story about australian men John and Timmy who fall in love at highschool in the 80s. Both boys patrticipate in the marches for gay rights, deal with discrimination and they also experiment. Their relationship is affected by the HIV virus which starts spreading highly in the 80s. You can also read a book Thimothy Conigrave which is the film based on.
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5. Rocketman
Rocketman is a documentary film about a brilliant singer, pianist and music composer Elton John who discoveres the life in showbusiness and his homosexuality. He can't deal with the fact very well especially because of his parents and his manipulative boyfriend.
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6. Alex Strangelove
This awesome film is about a boy named Alex Truelove who has a loving girlfriend but he meets a cute gay boy who is crushing on him. He starts questioning his sexuality because of him and he knows he might really be gay but fears the fact and has huge problems about his coming-out.
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7. Bohemian Rhapsody
Bohemian Rhapsody is a documentary film about the band Queen and a legendary singer, music composer and pianist Freddie Mercury who is well known as a frontman of a legendary band Queen. He has a wife who he considers as the love of his life but he also knows he's gay and deals with his body without judgement. His life is affected with AIDS brutally.
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8. Freak Show
The film tells a story about an amazing teenager Billy Bloom who feels just amazing and dresses, acts and lives the way he wants. He deals with rough hate from others but also understanding. He wants to show others that everybody is amazing inside but not anybody shows it on the outside.
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9. Classmates
This animated movie is about two young teenagers Hikaru Kusakabe and Rihito Sajou who both participate in a summer school. Kusakabe is a much more confident extroverted singer and Sajou is a very intelligent confused introverted boy who just wants to get into his dream university. They are both very different but can make their ways to each others' hearts.
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tmntxreader · 5 years
I have mixed feelings about the 2k18 show Rise of the tmnt. That being said, do you have any relationship headcanons involving this new characterization for the boys? All of them are so different than what we're used to, I have a little trouble adjusting my Leo love to this new one. ¬_¬
ahh im sorry, but i haven’t watched it! the animation is really off putting to me and i actually despise the cartoon design of it, i have seen some clips on youtube just to check it out with curiosity and it was torture for me. truthfully, i haven’t enjoyed an animation since the 2003 one ( i have respect for the 2012 ver though, mad respect and no insult to that era ) so it was doomed for my skepticism from the start.
this is absolutely no shade and there will be no judgement towards those who do like this new era, just wanna clarify this. but for me personally, its another lost era. these days when it comes to new adjustments i mostly stick to the live actions
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lokbobpop · 3 years
The first known use of the word "past" was in the fourteenth century; it developed as the past participle of the middle English verb passen meaning "to pass."
gone by in time and no longer existing. the time or a period of time before the moment of speaking or writing. a past tense or form of a ver
Past, assed, pust, pssst, pay past, pay stop.
Writing the word past
My past sucks it really does school was demeaning it just showed me how crap I am and how much others were better than me it wasn’t fair.
The past years have been hard on my physical with all my thoughts building up to put me through physical problems and I feel defeated had enough not being able to help myself what to do and worried it will never end with the baseline thought I’ll never get better.
All the things that have happened in the past weird stuff I’m looking back all bring it up and feel a bit cringes
My life before I left stroud comes up how things were like boys I dated being alone for a long period of time feeling unloved unwanted miserable weather depressing times broken hearts doesn’t feel great looking back at the past.
Now all of my past comes to mind and how am I going to change this how am I going to live now because I’ve judged all my past as not good living in my mind I see that’s what tainted me everything I’m dissatisfied with it all who I’ve been and what I’ve become ad feelings of how am I going to get out of this hole I’ve created.
It’s in the past now forget it let it go move on I tell myself
A past boyfriend comes up my first real boyfriend who I usually throw aside the thought of him I’ve always longed to be back together but if I’m realistic it would never work it would be just the same I’m the problem not my relationships it me I can’t blame others for me I’m me and take responsibility for that but having him pop up all the time I find annoying because all I’m looking for with him is to feel safe looked after nothing else and I can provide that for myself. So why does it keep coming up what am I missing here.
Out load
I want to forget my past I wish it would all just disappear from me so I don’t have to look and judge myself anymore it wouldn’t come up and affect me just disappear.
The thoughts of someone passing away dying oh so and so past
I’m sick of carrying my past around with judgments of being shit and judgements of Im shit
I’m past it to old to do stuff now it’s to hard on my body
I’m past it now to old I’m not attractive anymore my face is old and wrinkly I’m past it I’d never get anyone attached to me now.
I use to pass out faint all the time in the past.
Some animals had a hard life with me in the past I should of been a better carer.
My dad was a dick in the past my mother was unloving I the past. Thoughts of feeling unloved unwanted uncared for by both parents looking for guidance and not getting any blame of them on how I think there parenting wasnt good enough
Does this definition support me no not by a long shot but excellent word to walk I think so much shit attracted to the word past it’s quiet exciting to see how I’ve beefing living the word past it’s incredible I see how I don’t like myself and others in my pass who I was and who others were, but it’s the past it’s done I just have to make sure from their point onward I don’t allow myself to be like this or treated like this. This word is amazing how I’ve lived it with real physical cringes coming up and stomach flutters and how I really want to bloke my past out completely like it never happened when all the time it’s my learning curve not to do it again there’s so much information there for me to work off and resolve it’s my stepping off point to a new me.
Past pay stay
My window of change opportunities guide of what needs to change within me to see realize and understand me with self reflection self honesty
How will you live the word past
I will use this word as a starting points of change in a way where it will support me and not bring me down by also living the word helpful and change.
0 notes
matoki-project · 7 years
B.A.P Primer [Link Saved Version]
-- Updated last 6/17/17 -- (Updated with Party Baby Links!)
Who is B.A.P?
B.A.P (Best Absolute Perfect) is a six member Korean k-pop group under TS Entertainment that debuted on stage on Jan. 27 2012 with their first mini album Warrior. They are best known for their strong messages and signature powerful style of music. | More info here |
| Official Facebook | TS Ent Twitter | TS Ent Youtube | Official Fancafe |
V Live Channel  [Follow on V App as well]
The official fanclub name of B.A.P is BABY (plural Babys or Babyz) and the unofficial fan color is spring green.
To catch new fans up with the previous development of events, in November of 2014, B.A.P announced they were filing a lawsuit against TS Entertainment to nullify their contracts due to unfair conditions and profit distribution [x]. Since then,they went months into inactivity, attempting to hold a trial throughout. On August 1st, 2015, B.A.P and TS reached a settlement [x]. B.A.P returned to TS, prepared for their next activities and promoted with “Young Wild & Free” from their Matrix album and now recently released “Wake Me Up” from their Rose.
Yongguk’s hiatus and return
Due to Yongguk’s recent health (diagnosed with panic disorder in October of 2016 x), the five remaining members promoted for the Skydive/Noir comeback. Himchan took the leadership role and filled in for Yongguk during their Skydive performances. Following that, Yongguk was revealed to return to activity for their Wake Me Up comeback and so far is active in promotion again.
Bang Yongguk  | March 31 1990 | Leader and Main Rapper |  | More Info | Twitter | IG | Soundcloud
Yongguk is the stoic, and shy, yet caring leader of B.A.P. He is responsible for many of B.A.P’s album lyrics and more recently their song productions. His deep cave-like voice is well-known and impersonated by many. He’s also known for his vast amount of charity work and fondness of children. His favorite things, besides working on his music include ramen and his favorite character, tigger. He’s easy to embarrass, but he has a childlike side to him as well. Overall, he’s a strong leader and a strong believer of justice.  
Kim Himchan   | April 19 1990 | Sub-Vocal and Visual | | More Info | Twitter | IG
Himchan is B.A.P’s resident “mother” figure. He brings the group to life especially during variety shows, as his outrageous humor and outgoing charms are a crowdpleaser. He is known for his talent with the janggu, a korean drum and knowledge of traditional Korean music. On top of that, he originally was an emcee for MTV’s “The Show”, so his abilities are diverse. His favorite things include fashion, food and iced americanos. While he can be quite strict and teasing towards the other members, he’s very caring and sensitive. He especially shares his positivity with Babys.
Jung Daehyun  | June 28 1993 | Lead Vocal |  | More Info | Twitter | IG
Daehyun is infamous for his high notes heard throughout many of B.A.P’s songs. True to his vocal position, Daehyun is one of the more talkative members, even assuming the role as reporter for the group. Besides his voice, Daehyun is also known for his intense appetite for food (his favorite is cheesecake). He enjoys teasing and rough-housing the other members, especially the younger ones. Like Himchan, he shows a lot of love for the fans but can be sensitive himself.  
Yoo Youngjae  | Jan. 24 1994 | Lead Vocal |  | More Info | Twitter | IG
Youngjae is the group’s energetic spirit and he is the huskier vocal that melodically holds together B.A.P songs. As the group’s “brain” he’s a wisecracker that enjoys trolling the other members and especially the fans. His laughter is extremely contagious and he’s best known among fans for his silly faces and reactions. Some of his favorites include R&B music and photography. Just like Himchan and Daehyun, he’s another talker and fan of the fans. Despite his often sassy to moody nature, he is quite caring over the other members.
Moon Jongup | Feb. 6 1995 | Sub-Vocal and Main Dancer |  | More Info | Twitter | IG
B.A.P’s ball of sunshine, Jongup excels in heightening the group’s stage performances with his effortless dancing ability. And since B.A.P’s return from their hiatus, he’s been able to showcase his impressive vocal skills as well. His many loves include pokemon, hamburgers, chocolate milk, Frozen (particularly Olaf) and Chris Brown. One of the quieter members, his clever sense of humor is his best charm, and he never ceases to remind fans or the group of that. When he’s not smiling he’s in a perpetual state of judgement and even babys aren’t safe from his troll-like jokes.    
Zelo (Choi Junhong) | Oct. 15 1996 | Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer and Maknae | | More Info | Twitter | IG
The youngest of the group, Zelo impressed with his famous LTE rap. He is also an immensely talented dancer, and his fluid style compliments their stronger dance styles very well. Despite his age, he’s also the tallest member, at 187 cm, and he’s quite conscious about it. Including rapping and dancing, he skateboards a lot and is often seen carrying one around. He also has a liking for interesting fashions (socks) and strange animals. Another of the shy members, he’s coy when put on the spotlight outside of the stage, but a very playful and curious person at heart. 
The mascot of B.A.P are a species of alien masked rabbits, from the planet Mato, called “matoki”. The B.A.P members have corresponding matoki and each has a color that helps designate their respective member. Their personalities loosely reflect B.A.P’s alien personas introduced in “Ta-dah It’s B.A.P!” Matoki are heavily used for promotional purposes (like album covers or graphic logos) and are frequently seen in their merchandise and products.
Original release photos | Group Photo
Shishimato (Yongguk) | Red | Intro Vid
Shishi can be described as the most soldier-like of the matoki (he’s fascinated by war tanks, fighting, destruction, and of the such). He looks after Tototmato often. Sometimes he’s seen looking at 19+ material.
Tatsmato (Himchan) | Pink | Intro VId
Tats is a laid-back, high maintenance, tatted matoki. He’s often seen drinking wine or lazing about. Tatsmato is also the only matoki wearing the default matoki mask (in logo form, the matoki symbol looks like Tatsmato).
Kekemato (Daehyun) | White | Intro Vid
Kekemato is the only matoki that is actually in a suit. Keke’s real skin color is pink, and he wears a mask with a heart on it. When in suit, his mask is white/gray (This brought a lot of confusion to fans when first released, but Keke’s/Daehyun’s representing color is white. Since white isn’t visible over light colors, fans will sometimes use gray, pink, purple or other lighter colors as a substitute in their posts/subtitling). Because of the suit, Kekemato has a secretive type of personalty. He has a fascination with Batman and superheroes.
Jokomato (Youngjae) | Yellow | Intro Vid
Joko is the brains and jokster of the group with a clown-like face. He often tries to come up with ideas and schemes but fails at executing them. In their “Goodbye” short, Joko and Keke work together to leave planet Mato. However, they crash in on the remaining matoki in their own spaceship, causing them to veer off course to Earth.  
Dadamato (Jongup) | Green | Intro Vid
Dada is a playful, tough, and active matoki with tire markings over his body. He fantasizes of riding a motorbike and is often seen making the noises as he pretends to.
Totomato (Zelo) | Blue | Intro Vid
Toto is a robot matoki (named after Zelo’s love of cherry tomatoes in Ta-Dah It’s B.A.P!). Because he’s a robot, he’s needs to recharge himself every so often. He often follows Shishimato’s lead in their adventures. Since he’s still a baby, he is very curious about everything around him.  
Earthventures Comic (original comic strip series featuring the main matoki)
Warrior    [1st Single Album]    |    2012 Jan. 26
Power    [2nd Single Album]    |    2012 April 26
No Mercy    [1st Mini Album]    |    2012 July 19
Crash    [1st Mini Album Repackage]    |    2012 Aug. 29
Stop It    [3rd Single Album]    |    2012 Oct. 23
One Shot    [2nd Mini Album]    |    2013 Feb. 12
Badman    [3rd Mini Album]    |    2013 Aug. 12
Warrior [Japan 1st Single Album]    |    2013. Oct. 9 | Limited Edition Tracks: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]  | Type A Tracks [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]   |  Type B Tracks [x[ [x] [x] [x]
One Shot      [Japan 2nd Single Album]    |     2013 Nov. 13
First Sensibility    [1st Album]    |    2014 Feb. 3
No Mercy    [Japan 3rd Single Album]    |     2014 April 2
Unplugged 2014    [4th Single Album] |    2014 June 3
Excuse Me [Japan 4th Single Album ] |    2014 Sept. 3
Matrix    [4th Mini Album]    |    2015 Nov. 16
Carnival      [5th Mini Album ]     |      2016 Feb. 22
Best.Absolute.Perfect   [Japan 1st Album] |   2016 March 30
Feel So Good   [Japan 5th Single Album]   |     2016 July 13
Put ‘Em Up   [5th Single Album]     |     2016 Aug. 8
Noir     [2nd Full Album]        |       2016 Nov. 7
Fly High    [Japan 6th Single Album]    |    2016  Dec. 7
Rose   [6th Single Album]   |     2017 March 7
Wake Me Up [Japan 7th Single Album]     |   2017 April 26
Daehyun x Jongup Project Album [Party Baby]     |   2017 June 8  
Music Videos
Going Crazy (Predebut - Yongguk & Jieun)
Shy Boy (Predebut - Appearance by Yongguk, Himchan & Jongup)
Starlight Moonlight (Predebut - Appearance by YG, HC, JU & YJ)
I Remember (Predebut - Yongguk & Yoseob)
Never Give Up (Predebut - Yongguk & Zelo)
Secret Love [TS Ver,] |    Ta-Dah Version
Goodbye (Animated Short with Matoki)
No Mercy
Stop It
For a Year (Appearance by Yongguk) 
Everything is Pretty (Youngjae & Sunwha)
Rain Sound
One Shot
Coffee Shop
Warrior [Japanese]
One Shot [Japanese]
1004 (Angel)
No Mercy [Japanese] 
Where Are You? What Are You Doing?     |    NG Version
Excuse Me [Japanese]
AM 4:44 (Yongguk personal work created during the lawsuit)
Young Wild & Free
Feel So Good
Body Lotion (SLEEPY feat. Yongguk)
Breakaway (Braclet feat. Zelo)   Band Version  |  Drama Version
Kingdom [Japanese]
Feel So Good [Japanese]
That’s My Jam
Now (Jongup MV)
Skydive | Director’s Cut |   Dance Highlight
Wake Me Up [Stream to increase views!]
Wake Me Up [Japanese]
Shadow [Daehyun Special Video] 
Try My Luck [Jongup Special Video]
Past Live Stages
Warrior Era  |   Secret Love Era
Power Era
No Mercy Era
Crash Era
Stop It Era
One Shot Era     [Himchan was absent due to a hand injury]
Badman Era
1004 (Angel) Era
Young Wild & Free Era
Feel So Good Era
Skydive Era      [Yongguk was absent due to hiatus]
Wake Me Up Era     [Himchan was partly absent due to a rib fracture]
Performances (starting from recent)
Miscellaneous performances to check out
Other Song Works/Features
Mine - Bang Yongguk for The Star
Sexy Clap - Bang Yongguk & Himchan
Q - Bang Yongguk
T - Bang Yongguk
Sacramental Confession - Bang Yongguk
Hallucination - Bang Yongguk
Curxe - Bang Yongguk
Vintage - Song Jieun feat. Zelo
No Title - Zelo
R(x)play - V-hawk feat. Zelo
Young Wild & Free (Mozaix Remix) - Bang Yongguk
X - Bang Yongguk
Feel So Good (Remix) - Bang Yongguk
Drunkeness - Bang Yongguk
Photo - Jongup feat. Bang Yongguk
How About You - Daehyun
Dark Light - Daehyun
Song recommendations list (songs mentioned by members)
B.A.P Must Watch Shows
Ta-dah It’s B.A.P! (Their first show in 2012 and the introduction of their “alien concept”)  Ep. 1, 3 - 9 Eng Sub  |  Ep. 2  Eng Sub
B.A.P Diary Ep. 1 Eng Sub  |   Ep. 2 Eng Sub
Killing Camp Ep. 1 Eng Sub |   Ep. 2 Eng Sub  |  Ep. 3 Eng Sub (Starts at 7:11)
Go! B.A.P Full Eng Sub
B.A.P Attack! Ep. 1 - 12 Eng Sub
B.A.P’s One Fine Day Ep. 1 (P1 P2 P3) |  Ep. 2 (P1 P2 P3)   | Ep. 3  |  Ep. 4  |  Ep. 5  |    Ep. 6  |  Ep. 7  |  Ep. 8
Other Shows to Watch
Weekly Idol 120822 No Sub (beginning is cut out  |  130904 Eng Sub   |  140305 Eng Sub
After School Club 130817 Ep.    |     140219 Ep.   |    151124 Ep.
Gurupop Full Eng Sub
Star King cuts130831 Cut No Sub |  130907 Cut Eng Sub  |   131102 Cut No Sub  | 131109 Cut No Sub  |   140405  Cut No Sub |
B.A.P HeyoTV Private Life
Hello Counselor160321 Eng Sub [Himchan and Daehyun] |   161114 Eng Sub [Himchan and Youngjae]
Some misc vids to check out (these are out of order)
B.A.P The Star Interview and iconic aegyo Eng
B.A.P Workplace Song
B.A.P Day Cut Eng
B.A.P Egg Song
B.A.P Egg Song 2
B.A.P and Miss A visit Nursery
Youngjae & Sunhwa at MTV Waiting Room Eng
DFLA X B.A.P Interview
B.A.P & A Pink for Skoolooks Eng 1 2 3 MV
Miss & Mr. Idol B.A.P Cut
B.A.P Safety Song
B.A.P Elevator Safety
Himchan wrestling
131003 B.A.P Interview Eng
Daehyun plays reporter in this Show Champ Interview
Yinyuetai V-charts Awards Interview Eng
B.A.P struggle with aiming in this game
LOE Special Memory In Japan Eng
B.A.P interviews B.A.P
B.A.P make Valentine’s chocolates
140530 B.A.P Interview
DFLA Live on Earth Interview
Ice Bucket Challenge Himchan Eng
Ice Bucket Challenge Youngjae & Zelo Eng
B.A.P’s first video as 6 after lawsuit is dropped 
B.A.P Vring U trailer and debut of giant matoki heads Eng
The Qmentary Eng
Chemitest with B.A.P Eng
5 Second Interview at The Show Eng
B.A.P plays pepero game
B.A.P play dance practice
B.A.P Young Wild & Free dance practice
B.A.P are warm and pretty in this Star1 photoshoot
B.A.P Be Happy dance practice Christmas special
B.A.P reacts to Kiss Scenes Eng
B.A.P Fan Heart Attack Idol Eng
B.A.P Heyo TV
Youngjae and GOT7′s JB in Celebrity Bromance [look in playlist]
Mato TV On-Air Zelo CF Parody
Mato TV On-Air Daehyun and Jongup Drama Parody Eng
Mato TV On-Air Yongguk Lotion Parody
161223 Idol Battle Likes Eng Daehyun MC
B.A.P vs Teen Top in Overwatch 1 2 3
B.A.P are helpless in this VR roller coaster game Eng
B.A.P do the limbo Eng
B.A.P Bingo Talk Eng
More English Subbed Content
Behind the scenes vids
B.A.P photobook and past calendars info
Other stuff to find
B.A.P support for comeback!
Voting Tutorials!
Follow those links for everything you need to help B.A.P in music shows and more! I will do my best to update this section with more tutorials as B.A.P’s promotions continue.
Tumblr Blogs
itsbap (main source for updates) |    B.A.P’s schedule
bapdirectory  (collection of B.A.P blogs/some may be inactive)
bapsubbers (for B.A.P’s translated video content)
baptrans (for B.A.P’s SNS translated content)
bapnet (Network for B.A.P fans)
bestabsolutestyle (B.A.P Fashion info)
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