#judgement boy (game ver)
starryartist512 · 1 month
Fanart 30 Day Challenge|Day 30: Free Day.
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This challenge was really fun! It helped me experiment with new techniques and inspiration! Mina and the Sackboy/Sackgirl interpretations belong to @c0smiccom3t!
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sydnikov · 3 years
i think you missing the second period really affects your judgement on the game (no hate my love i literally am obsessed w you) but we had a 5 minute penalty major called against lomberg when it shouldnt have been called. It was such a horrible call that even canes fans and nhl fans all over twitter were upset with the call. Ryan Lomberg and Antti Raanta collided and left Raanta hurt (i was so worried for him) and Lomberg got a 5 miniute major conduct and a game. The only issue with the call is that the goalie was so far out into the ice that Lomberg didnt have enough time to stop and get out of the way, ver rarely do you see a goalie that far out. If you watch the play you can see Deangelo warning Lonberg and Lomberg trying to move out of the way but it had been far too late. Since the goalie was so far out, at that point it is not Lomberg’s fault and fair game. I truly hope Raanta is good tho🥲. That call was horrible tho and we were on the power play 5 minutes which led to a goal from you guys. That being said, the panthers were actually playing pretty sloppy in the third (i wont blame the second period on them), but their great start really helped them pull thru with the win. I know yall were missing pesce and nino, but we had lost our best player and captain Aleksander Barkov and our stud goalie Bobrovsky. Losing your goalie and captain can be scary, but they still fought through. I love watching carolina play, but it seems as if Freddie wasnt at his best yesterday. Panthers goalie could have been better too, but hes only 20 years old so hes simply just learning. Both these teams are strong and have amazing front lines, but overall I think the panthers defense and offense were just slightly better. Ik this bc canes twitter was attack the panthers for their only con, which is fan attendance 🥲. That being said there was a lot of efforts from the boys, but I do think the panthers have had a harder schedule so they were used to really good teams and had the chance to fix the problems on their team. I believe the canes will learn from this and come back stronger, like the panthers did after the OTL against the bruins. Loved watching TT, Aho and Svech try their hardest last night. Ironically for some reason the best cane against the panthers is former panthers vinny trocheck 🥲 but its still ALL love for him here. Cant wait to see these guys play again bc Im sure the Canes will step up their game, and Id love to see them play against Barkov and Bobrovsky. BTW if you love the finns I promise you Barkov is a great guy to follow... he is literally so adorable🥺
Yeah that's why I told the anon I'm probably not the best person to discuss about the game with LOL but, while I do also agree with a majority of what you said, you have also only brought up the argument of five minute penalty on the panthers as "the refs favoring the canes". I didn't see the play live, but from what I have seen of players charging goalies, there's mostly always a way to avoid injuring them even if they do go way out of the crease. I just watched the play, and while yes I can see DeAngelo warning him and Lomberg trying to stop, at the end of the day it's still charging. I personally think Lomberg should've been paying more attention, but considering this seems to happen a lot when goalies exit the crease I just don't know. I agree with the five minute major, but I don't think he deserved to be ejected from the game either because injuring Raanta was a complete mistake on Lomberg's part, nowhere do I blame him for that.
In all honesty though, it's just about perspective. Bias plays a lot into how we view games or certain plays, and it's no different for the game last night. The Panthers were the better team (that much was very obvious and nowhere am I saying that we were better), and I do applaud them for that considering they were missing some key players, but, and I'll say this again, it will always be in my opinion that they had a lot of help from the refs. You and the other anon have only brought up the five minute major to argue for unfairness versus the four separate penalties called on us in the first period alone, one on Slavin of all players not even a minute into the game.
Thanks for this lovely debate though, I truly do enjoy them!! But in this case I think we'll just have to agree to disagree, because it's only in human nature to see what we want to see and in this case, I saw very biased refs trying to get us to lose and my mind can't be changed in that, as with you pointing out the unfairness of the five minute major.
I'm also looking forward to seeing them match up again with a (hopefully) full & healthy team, and I might just have to check out Barkov now that you mention it... I do love myself some finns
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dominzc · 3 years
——— character development !
Basic Character Questions
first name? dominic
surname?  wright
middle name? alonzo (é o nome do avó dele por parte materna, homenagem)
Nicknames? domi ou dom
date of birth? um kkkk 
age? 21
Physical / Appearance
hair style? ok eu sou pessima em descrever, mas ele tem o cabelo preto, é um pouquinho mais comprido e  meio messy, é cacheado bem bonitinho, ele diz que não cuida muito mas o erik provavelmente sabe que ele cuida sim.
height? 1,77
glasses or contact lenses? sim, óculos! ele tem miopia bem alta, de cinco graus e meio, e acabou desenvolvendo estrabismo por isso, já faz alguns bons anos mas ele não gosta nenhum pouco disso.
which facial feature is most prominent? ele acha que os olhos chamam bastante atenção por causa do estrabismo mesmo 
favorite body part? o pescoço.
tattoos? varias e listinha delas já foi postada então vc já sabe.
type of clothes? e-boy, mas com dez mil marcas diferentes e ainda mais extra.
race / ethnicity? branco/mexicano (mas não tem muito contato com a cultura mexicana)
mannerisms?  a postura dele muda um monte conforme as pessoas que ele está perto, ele sempre relaxa quando é pessoas que ele tá confortavel, da super pra notar a mudança. quando ele fica nervoso ele corre pegar alguma coisa pra ter na mão, sei lá porque. 
are they in good health? não muito, ele até vai pra academia umas 3 vezes por semana, mas só come besteira e bebe/usa drogas demais.
are they more optimistic or pessimistic?  pessimista.
are they introverted or extroverted? extrovertida.
what bad habits do they have? vários?? até difícil listar, ele é mto o rei da auto-sabotagem, então vive fodendo tudo ao seu redor sozinho mesmo.
what makes them laugh out loud? ele não ri muito, mas erik é meio que a única pessoa que consegue fazer ele gargalhar.
how do they display affection?  por mais que não pareça, o dominic é bem carinhoso, ele é até meio chato de grudento quando está em um relacionamento. ele gosta bastante de cuidar das pessoas e até é bom nisso, ele é bem príncipe, não sei dizer e ele teria só uma ou duas love language pq ele faz meio que um pouco de tudo.
do they make snap judgements or take time to consider? demora, ele já foi julgado bastante não quer fazer isso com os outros.
what haunts them? várias coisas, de novo, rei da auto sabotagem, mas acho que duas das maiores são: sua sexualidade (e o fato dele claramente estar gostando do erik) e o medo do futuro, ele não leva a faculdade a sério, ele não consegue levar nada a sério e não se sente suficiente para esse tipo de coisa..
what are their political views? ele nasceu burro né, não leva a politica a sério, mas quando ele vota (o que não é sempre, desculpa) é esquerda.
are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? outdoorsy, ele ama festas.
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of? ele é filho único, então sua família é bem pequena. seu pai se chama aaron e tem 48 anos, sua mãe se chama Eva e tem 44 anos. Ele tem bastante primos e tios, que ele não é distante, mas não é próximo também. daquele tipo que você vê a cada quatro ou cinco meses numa festa de familia (não mais agora que ele se mudou mas vc entendeu)
What is their perception of family? seus pais e ele não tem uma relação saudável a algum tempo, desde a época de adolescente rebelde do dominic basicamente. eles brigam bastante, mas no final da conta ele ama seus pais muito, iria ficar devastado se algo acontecesse e tem muito medo de decepcionar eles.
Describe their best friend. é o erik, óbvio. eles são vizinho desde criança, os dois cresceram juntos, passaram por tudo juntos. dominic confia no menino mais do que confia em si mesmo até, e ele faz quase de tudo para ver ele bem. 
Do they have any pets? não
Did they grow up rich or poor? rico hm.
Do they believe in love at first sight? não, ele não se apaixonou de verdade por ninguém na vida ainda, então pensar em algo como amor a primeira vista parece maluco.
Are they in a relationship? sim! a uns três/quatro meses, com uma menina chamada maggie.
How do they behave in a relationship? Ele trata ela MUITO bem, mas o problema que ele é vacilão e vive traindo ela.
When did you character last have sex? nesse dia mesmo é dificil ter uma namorada e um namorado, ele não fica sem sexo nunca.
What sort of sex do they have? acho que depende muito pra ele, ele pode fazer tanto mais kinky com tapa e etcs, mas também é mais vanilla. depende demais do dia e de como tá tudo, acho que normalmente é mais simples com uns tapinhas e enforcada só de leve mas deixa mais especial para quando quer impressionar sldkkkk 
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job? herdeiro kkkkkkk
What do they think about their current job? acha ótimo, óbvio.
What are some of their past jobs? hm kkkkk
What are their hobbies? ele tem alguns, por exemplo: ama futebol (brasileiro mesmo), video-games e ele sabe tocar piano, inclusive muito bem, mas esse é algo que ele faz bem pouco.
what is their favourite animal? no momento gekko mas é porque ele quer um.
what place would they most like to visit? hm acho que amsterda
what is their favourite colour? azul ou preto.
what is their favourite day of the week? sabado
what is on their bedside table? bagunça serve de reposta? ok, eu não vou dizer tudo em detalhes, porque ele tem duas estantes do lado da cama. ele tem uma luminaria de cada lado, também é onde ele guarda seus três perfumes, uma caixinha com maconhas, cinzero, garrafas de água e xicaras sujas ksdkdkk mas assim, é mais treco mesmo?? deve ter alguma decoração que ganhou de presente, coisa boba assim.
what is in their purse or wallet? ele quase nunca anda com mochila, normalmente tá com sua carteira que tem sempre seus documentos, seus cartões, algum dinheiro e moeda e umas duas camisinhas. quando leva a bolsa é pra faculdade e tem o notebook e algum caderno ali. 
what is their most treasured possession? ele não é apegado demais a coisas matérias, o que é esquisito pra alguém que tem dez mil coisas de marca, mas só não sei?? 
do they believe in the afterlife? não tem certeza, foi criado em uma familia cristã, mas é complicado pra ele. tem dia que ele tem certeza que existe uma vida depois, outra não.
what are their religious views? é meio que a mesma coisa do que com afterlife. tem dias, aonde ele acredia muito em religião e deus, e em outros aonde ele acha impossivel e maluquice. 
what do they think heaven is? imagina de uma maneira meio infantil, na real? algo meio dourado e magico, e bom.
are they superstitious? Um pouco, principalmente por influencia da sua mãe.
how would they like to die? desde que seja indolor e que ele não sofra, pra ele tá tudo bem. mas odiaria ter uma morte trágica e novo.
what is their zodiac sign? hm kkkk
Daily life
what are their eating habits? ele cozinha até okay, mas é preguiçoso pra cozinhar o que leva ele a pedir muita comida fora e nem sempre ser a coisa mais saudavel do mundo, mas tenta se controlar, principalmente pelo peso.
do they have any allergies? não.
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning? se ele tá sozinho, provavelmente olhar pro celular. se ele tá com o erik (ou a maggie) normalmente vai dar atenção pra pessoa com beijinhos e etc.
what do they do on a Sunday afternoon? em alguma festa ou na maggie.
what is the soft drink of choice? café
what is their alcoholic drink of choice? gin ou whiskey 
what or who would your character dress up as for Halloween? ele não é muito criativo, então provavelmente iria pedir ajuda pro erik e aceitar o que ele falasse pra ele vestir. (ou quando tá amorando faz  algo de casal)
If they could call one person for help, who would it be? erik, concerteza.
what would they do if they won the lottery? ele já é rico, nunca sonhou com isso de verdade, mas provavelmente iria dar uma parte enorme do premio pro erik, investir um tanto em algumas empresas e etc e viver tranquilo fazendo nadas.
Do they believe in happy endings? para si mesmo? não. mas para os outros sim, e sempre tenta fazer os outros verem isso. 
what is their idea of perfect happiness? ele não sabe direito, acho que estar em paz com as coisas na sua vida que o atormentam (sua relação com seus pais, sua relação com o seu futuro e sua sexualidade). provavelmente isso o deixaria feliz o suficiente. e dinheiro pra fazer o que quiser de verdade é sempre um bom bonus (apesar dele já ter uma mesada enorme)
what would they ask a fortune teller? provavelmente alguma coisa idiota pra ver se ela é real ou não porque não acredita nisso sdlmkkkkk
what sport do they excel at? futebol.
What sport do they suck at? futebol americano, ele tentou porque parecia mais cool mas ele é um lixo.
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? acho que ele iria querer ter controle do fogo, não é útil mas é legal.
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andrescasciani · 4 years
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Próximamente! “TEATRO INESTABLE” 20 años en la dramaturgia de Sacha Barrera Oro (1999/2019). Ilustrado por Andrés Casciani De próxima edición, esta monumental compilación cuenta con el inestimable trabajo crítico de varias investigadoras teatrales de Mendoza: Marcela Guembe, Veronica Manzone, Laura Martín Osorio, Marina Sarale Llaver, María Victoria Urquiza, Susana Tarantuviez y la coordinación a cargo de Luis Emilio Abraham Diseño editorial: Bruno Cucusa ------------------------------------------- La ilustración corresponde a la obra “Ruido Blanco” Décimo primer obra de las trece que integran el volumen de próxima edición. El texto es el resultado de un experimento de dramaturgias múltiples y creación colectiva realizado junto al elenco Cajamarca teatro de Mendoza en el año 2008 MELISA: ¿Sabés qué es lo que me molesta de comprarme una moto por partes?... Me molesta que el casco me lo vendieron trizado. Le entra el aire por el costado. ¿Me entendés? Llueve y el agua me entra en el ojo. Y pierdo el control de… (Se abstrae) Mucho campo, ¿me entendés?... Y yo lo tengo que proteger. Gente... gente de mierda que te señala con el dedo, como si fuera un pecado tenerlo así. Tener una moto así. De a pedazos. Después de todo uno lo tiene como puede. No como le gustaría, sino, como puede. La moto, digo. DAVID: (Toca el T.V.) Acá no pasan nada de… Me tengo que ir. MELISA: Y andate. Yo no entiendo por qué no te vas. DAVID: Ya me voy a ir. Es que quiero ver a qué hora empieza esto. MELISA: Pero andá a verlo en vivo. Es mucho más lindo que en la tele. (Sandra vuelve a leer el poema. Hugo y Vero comienzan a jugar con los almohadones.) DAVID: Mirá, te voy a decir una cosa. Un poema no se racionaliza. Se siente, o no. Y vos entendés muy bien lo que dice ahí. De ahí que no te guste lo que sentís, es otra cosa. SANDRA: (Lee) “Hay errantes bloques de insomnio. Grandes serpientes de pereza. Familias que invaden la hierva. Gente pálida que se aleja...” (Vero le gana a Hugo en la pelea y lo tiene contra el suelo) HUGO: (A Sandra) Ah… No te quiere ver más. (Pausa) Es lo que dice, seguí leyendo y vas a ver. SANDRA: Bloques de insomnio… HUGO: El tipo no puede dormir, porque está cansado de... SANDRA: También puede ser porque me extraña. DAVID: Seguí leyendo SANDRA: “Grandes…” DAVID: Serpientes de pereza… ¡Vos sos la serpiente! ¿Qué más? SANDRA: “Familias que invaden la…” DAVID: Invaden la… hierba. El tipo no quiere saber nada con la familia. Para él es una invasión. SANDRA: “Gente pálida que se aleja…” DAVID: (Expeditivo) Vos sos la pálida ¿Qué más? SANDRA: “Yo pertenezco a la intemperie.” VERO: Love can transpose to form and dignity: Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; And therefore is wing’d Cupid painted blind Nor hath Love’s mind of any judgement taste; Wings and no eyes figure anheedy haste And therefore is Love said to be a child, Because in choice he is so oft beguiled. As waggish boys in game themselves forswear So the boy Love is perjured every where. (*) DAVID: (A Vero) ¿Vos crees que te entendemos? TODOS.- Sí. MELISA.- (Con naturalidad) Es un monólogo. HUGO.- (Con naturalidad) De William Shakespeare: “Sueño de una noche de verano” SANDRA.- (Con naturalidad) “El amor puede transformar las cosas bajas y viles en dignas, excelsas. El amor no ve con los ojos, sino con el alma, y por eso pintan ciego al alado Cupido…” MELISA.- Yo quería ser Hermia, la puta que lo parió. DAVID.- Bueno, mejor me voy. HUGO: A dónde te vas a ir, si vos sos un cagón. No te podés mover de acá. DAVID: Ehhh! Ehh! Tranquilizáte! HUGO: (Violento) ¿Hace cuánto que te querés ir? DAVID: ¡No me digas esas cosas! MELISA: Cobarde. VERO.- (A David) Peter Parker... So, come on! Do it! HUGO: (Enojado) Te estoy enfrentando para que te vayas de una vez. Para que te pongás los huevos y te vayas. Pedazo de… DAVID: ¡Que mierda, che! (Toma sus cosas y se está por ir) HUGO: ¡Pero la puta que lo parió! (En el fondo se escucha el portazo. Silencio. Vuelve Hugo.) DAVID: (Lo señala) Mirá... Sino me voy, es porque tengo que arreglar algunas cosas primero. ¿Sabés? HUGO: ¿De qué se murió tu tío? MELISA: No sé. Amaneció muerto. (*) Fragmento de W. Shakespeare.
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thelapismoon · 6 years
Song recommendations pls
*cackles* Here’s my ongoing song list that I’ve kept since 2016
Good music1. Fade: No copyright sounds2. Centuries3. Floating block of ice4. The fat rat: unity5. Find the pieces 6. Grand finale: studio killers7. Soren’s theme8. Four Heroes9. Mice on Venus10. Sweden 11. Leap of faith12. Stronger than you13. Fight song14. Say goodbye to the holiday15. Children of the night16. Lullaby for a princess17. Bats18. Credits minecraft story mode 419. Soren jazz20. Soren song21. Doctor who theme22. Bad Apple Music box23. Bow ties are cool24. Don’t blink acoustic 25. Time and relative dimension in space26. Haggard27. Camp fire song song28. Minecraftable 29. The diadem 30. Gravity falls theme31. Hedwigs theme32. Counting stars33. Whatcha say remix34. Riptide 35. I will wait36. Oh Ginny37. Mischief managed38. Gold39. Waiting takes time40. Secrets41. Necessity 42. Enchanted43. I open at the close44. The hanging tree45. Renegades46. Wildest dreams47. Neon Pegasus48. What does the fox say49. Safe and sound50. Game of thrones theme51. Pistols at dawn52. Ex’s and oh’s53. Sorry54. Where are you now 55.  Luna’s future56. On the moon thuynder remix57. When I see you again58. Ladybug PV59. It’s gonna work remix60. Moog city61. Maps62. Coffee: Run to me63. Towards the sun Rihanna 64. Dancing in the dark65. Frozen: Elves66. It’s over isn’t it67. Everything stays68. I’m just your problem 69. Abraham’s daughter 70. Eyes open71. Kingdom come72. Most wonderful of nights: feat Luna 73. Aquarius- Within temptations74. Queen of France75. Ride- twenty one pilots76. I’m a star77. Everything’s alright78. From the ground up79. Buying stars80. KING81. Call me home 82. Jump 83. Good little girls bad little boys84. Look up at the sky85. Haunting(haunted house remix)86. 2.7587. Suki no kuimbu 88. C418 Far89. Love like you90. Rurelle war of hearts91. Ghosting92. Echo93. In the dark of the night94. Queen- Stephen Jerzack95. Here96. Coat of many colors97. The plague98. Against the world99. Valley of the dolls100. Hope of morning101. Daughter of the moon102. Heartbeat103. Unknown soldier 104. Waiting for love105. Shatter me106. Ruelle- Monsters107. Megalavonia sans piano108. Smoke and mirrors109. I’d love to change the world110. Villains warriors WIP111. ET Katy perry112. My demons113. Hide and seek114. This will be the day115. This is Halloween116. Life and death and love and birth117. Here comes a thought118. Heathens119. Mcsm soundtrack- Lapis120. The wolf- the cinema121. Miss Jackson122. Dollhouse Melanie Martinez123. Nightmare124. Tag you’re it125. The world is ours126. Ruelle- storm127. More than brains128. Cops and robbers129. Enchanter -dragon age OST130. Once we were- dragon age OST131. Empress of fire132. Francis forever133. Starset it has begun134. I am Lapis Lazuli135. Calls you home 136. I’m so sorry137. Like a vampire138. Partners in Crime139. Wolf in sheep’s clothing140. Stressed out- twenty pilots141. Flares- Newt tribute142. Hall of fame/ The script143. Stronger than you- Chara144. Keaton Henson- You145. Wait for it Hamilton 146. Stay alive- Hamilton147. Destiny Bond148. Cost of the crown.149. Don’t let me down - chai smokers150. Soldiers151. Starry eyed 152. Dragonhearted 153. Car radio- twenty one pilots154. Death by glamour 155. Short hair- Mulan OST156. Blossoms- Mulan OST157. Spider dance 158. This is the hunt159. The battle of Yorktown- Hamilton160. Your obedient servant- Hamilton 161. You’ll be back- Hamilton 162. Youth- troye Sivan 163. Still here164. Move like a soldier165. Something missing166. Who I am167. Marionette doll168. The coven (dark violin)169. Forever and never dark cello170. Fell invincible171.  Rise172. So what?173. Freak the freak out174. Nostalgic dream175. Guns and ships176. Bad apple- the dreemurs undertale 177. I found-Amber Run178. I can do anything 179. Red like roses180. It’ll be okay-mlp181. Mirror mirror 182. Warriors- imagine dragons 183. Monster- imagine dragons 184. Bleeding out- imagine dragons185. Ready aim fire- imagine dragons 186. Dream- imagine dragons 187. Rather be188. Crybaby 189. Castle-Alexandria 190. Haunting191. Girls like girls192. Battle against a true hero fan vocal193. Lost in thoughts all alone ft.Milky194. Asgore’s theme w/fan lyrics195. Once upon a December 196. Something that I want197. Into the open air198. What’s the use of feeling blue199. The call200. We all still die201. La da de202. Mordred’s lullaby 203. Pangur Ban204. Mademoiselle Noir205. Witch Hunt- JubyPhonic206. The game of life207. Hather 208. Orisis 209. Oh no- Maria and the diamonds 210. Death should not have taken three211. Cheshire Cat we’re all mad here212. Alice’s theme213. Zettai unmei mokishuraku 214. Your future is not mine215. Boys will be boys216. Little game-Benny217. Son of a preacher man218. Mine- Peridot tribute219. Rude220. I’m a dead girl walkin221. Meant to be yours222. Snow White and the huntsman: breath of life223. Monochrome no kiss224. Believer-Imagine Dragons 225. Lifeboat-Heathers226. Copycat 227. Unravel228. A female ninja but I want to love229. Ten faced 230. Black fox231. Secrets of Wisteria232. Self inflicted achromatic 233. Alive234. Boulevard of broken dreams235. Lunacy of duke vernomia236. Running with the wolves237. Wine red238. Muzzle of nemesis239. Judgement of corruption 240. Evil food eater conchita 241. The tailor shop on enbizaka242. Donald trump vs Hillary Clinton rap243. All DHMIS songs244. Samurai jack theme song245. Megalomaniac vers. asriel and chara246. Journey of the two mages 247. Seven crimes and punishments248. Master of the hellish yard249. A hero’s armor is always Crimson 250. Youth251. The burn marks on my epiano won’t go away252. The little witch 253. Nephthys shadow254. On the wings of night255. Echo- purple guy version256. Anubis chant257. Feathers across the seasons258. Gypsy bard259. Pretty little psycho260.  I’m only human261. Revolting children262. Escape of Salmhofer the witch263. The weathered head at onigashima264. Purple265. Can the can266. Deja vu- JubyPhonic 267. Saturn268. Keep the wolves away269. The outsider270. Sorry- seinabo sey271. Pistols at dawn- seinabo sey272. Younger- seinabo sey273. Nostalgia by little note274. Still- seinabo sey275. Another brick in the wall-Pink Floyd276. Paint it black277. No one would miss me278. New Americana279. Clean freak280. Ruby twenty one pilots 281. Rainbows282. Mars- sleeping at last283. Back stabber- Ke$ha284. Woman285. Dead hearts286. Lions- Skip Marley287. Pity party288. Little pistol289. Death of a bachelor290. Don’t mess with me- Temposhark291. When you’re evil- Voltaire292. Entropy- Gretina remix293. The spirit of nostalgia294. Secunda- SkyRim295. Attack on Titan opening theme296. Sippy cup297. First aid kit- Wolf298. Savages-Marina and the diamonds 299. The wolf- Siames300. The hoosiers- killer301. Determination- irresistible cover302. My crush was a monster boy303. Look what you made me do304. American Pie305. Out of sight out of mind306. The killers- somebody told me307. It took me by surprise 308. The night309. Teen idle310. Blue lips311. Rasputin312. It’s all over but the crying313. Take me to church314. This is Gospel 315. The ballad of Mona Lisa316. Fly away317. No control318. Sixteen tons319. Gravel to tempo320. Bee and puppycat space song321. Escapism 322. Seeds of the past323. Open up your eyes 324. Bohemian rhapsody 325. Running- Beyoncé 326. Feelings- Hayley Kiyoko327. Dernière danse- indila 328. I’ll run- Pentatonix 329. American Soul330. French seven crimes and punishments 331. Charming332. In my house333. Project Ma334. Rise- Katy perry 335. Flan- Jake Chudnow336. Try to change- Mother Mother337. Team- lords338. Love story- Indila339. Hadestown- Wedding song340. Hadestown- Why we build a wall341. Arsonists lullaby342. Madness- Ruelle343. The ballad of Sarah Berry344. Cool for the summer- Demi Lovato 345. Leave Luanne346. Coraline theme347. Crave- water parks 348. Rose colored boy
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erickmalpicaflores · 6 years
Erik Malpica Flores Erik Malpica Flores recommends: What is Coming to Amazon Prime Video in October 2018 |
The third season of the Prime Original drama THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE is coming to Amazon Prime Video in October 2018, as is the new anthology series THE ROMANOFFS.
Related: What’s coming to Amazon Prime Video Canada in October 2018?
October 1
Growing Pains, Seasons 1-7
Happily Never After, Season 1
Paradox, Season 1
Pushing Daisies, Seasons 1-2
Ravenswood, Season 1
Scorned: Love Kills, Season 1
Silent Witness, Seasons 1-21
Spaced, Seasons 1-2
The Thick Of It, Seasons 1-4
Trust, Season 1
V., Seasons 1-2
88 (2015)
4: Apocalypse (2014)
5up 2down (Getting High) (2006)
A Boy Called Hate (1995)
Adventure Scouts (2008)
Almost Mercy (2015)
America: Imagine The World Without Her (2014)
American Meltdown (2004)
Among Thieves (2009)
An Affirmative Act (2010)
An American Werewolf In Paris (1997)
An Eye For An Eye (1966)
Appetite (1998)
Assassins’ Code (2011)
Bad Karma (2002)
Being Canadian (2015)
Beta Test (2016)
Betrayal (Lady Jayne: Killer) (2003)
Bitter Moon (1992)
Blue Ridge Fall (End Of Innocence) (1999)
Blue Steel (1989)
Boricua (2004)
Break A Leg (2005)
Bulletproof Monk (2003)
Call Me (1988)
Candyman: Farewell To The Flesh (1995)
Caroline? (1989)
Carrie (1976)
Casting Couch (2013)
Child’s Play (1988)
Cold Deck (2015)
Comic Book Villains (2002)
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Ct (1989)
Counter Measures (1998)
Creator (1985)
Curse Of Chucky (2013)
Dark Blue (2003)
Deadly Blessing (1981)
Deadly Closure (Armed And Deadly) (2010)
Death Wish 2 (1982)
Deceptions (1985)
Diabolique (1996)
Dirty Work (Bad City) (2005)
Driving Force (1988)
Duress (2009)
Election (1999)
Extreme Justice (1993)
Flatliners (1990)
Flyboys (2006)
Foreign Fields (2000)
Frank And Jesse (1994)
Frankie & Johnny (1991)
Frauds (1993)
Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Funny Money (2006)
Game Changers (2017)
Get Smart (2008)
Go Against The Flow (2016)
Gods And Monsters (1998)
Gone Dark (2003)
Good Enough (2017)
Handsome Harry (2009)
Happy Event (2011)
Henry’s Crime (2010)
Homage (1995)
Honeymoon (1997)
Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)
I Am Dina (2003)
Il Sogno Nel Casello (2005)
Imagine A School….Summerhill (2008)
Imagine I’m Beautiful (2014)
In Her Defense (1998)
Intimate Affairs (2001)
It Ain’t Pretty (2017)
Jackboots On Whitehall (2010)
Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003)
Jigsaw Man (1983)
Jim Norton: Please Be Offended (2012)
Joe The King (1999)
Judgement In Berlin (1988)
Kalamity (2010)
Kalle And The Angels (1994)
Kettle Of Fish (2006)
Kicking And Screaming (1995)
La Mission (2009)
Leading Man (1996)
Leave Me Behind (2008)
Legend (1985)
Let Me In (2010)
Life Of Significant Soil (2017)
Love & Rage (2000)
Marine Life (2001)
Meeting Spencer (2010)
Men Without Jobs (Planet Brooklyn) (2004)
More Than AGame (2008)
Mulholland Drive (2001)
My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys (1991)
My Name Is Water (2017)
Nightbreed (1990)
No Vacancy (2004)
Nora (2000)
Once Bitten (1985)
Once Upon A Scoundrel (1974)
Orange County (2002)
Oxenfree (2017)
Pieces Of April (2003)
Poltergeist lll (1988)
Ponchao (2013)
Prancer (1989)
Prince Brat And The Whipping Boy (1993)
Psychoanalysis (2015)
Raging Bull (1980)
Rap Sheet: Hip Hop And The Cops (2006)
Reasonable Doubt (2014)
Recipe For Love (A Mi Me Gusta) (2008)
Regresa (2009)
Resurrecting the Champ (2007)
Return Of The Living Dead (1985)
Road From Erebus (2000)
Robocop (1987)
Robocop 2 (1990)
Robocop 3 (1992)
Sample People (2000)
Satan’s Little Helper (2004)
Saving Banksy (2017)
Second To Die (2001)
September Morning (2017)
Sexting (2011)
Silver Hawk (2004)
Six Weeks (1982)
Something To Cheer About (2002)
Somewhere Slow (2013)
Spin (2003)
Split Image (1982)
Stage Beauty (2004)
Stand Up Guys (2012)
Starship Troopers (1997)
Strange Bedfellows (2004)
Sugar Mountain (2016)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre II (1986)
The Amityville Horror (2005)
The Arrival (1996)
The Black Knight Returns (2008)
The Breakup Artist (2003)
The Cell (2000)
The Eyes Of Laura Mars (1978)
The Face Of An Angel (2015)
The Fog (2005)
The General (1998)
The Guilty (1999)
The Hard Ride (2011)
The Hustle (2008)
The Illusionist (2006)
The Long Riders (1980)
The Myth Of The Male Orgasm (1994)
The Number 23 (2007)
The Peacemaker (1997)
The Perfect You (Crazy Little Thing) (2002)
The President’s Mistress (1978)
The Presidio (1988)
The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999)
The Raven (1963)
The Rescue Of Jessica McClure (1989)
The Second Arrival (1998)
The Secret Life Of Archie’s Wife (Runaway Heart) (1990)
The Serpent’s Kiss (1997)
The Skeleton Key (2005)
The Strangers (2008)
The Uninvited (2009)
The Way Of The Gun (2000)
Threshold (1981)
Throttle (2005)
Tim Tebow: On A Mission (2012)
Train Driver’s Diary (2015)
Trees Lounge (1996)
Wild Bill (1995)
Winter Break (2002)
Winter Passing (2005)
Year Of The Gun (1991)
Zombies Of Mass Destruction (2010)
October 2
Extrano Enemigo (Prime Original series), Season 1
Barbelle, Season 1
Birth Stories, Season 1
Mighty Good: The Beatles (1977)
Never Goin’ Back (2018)
October 5
The Man In The High Castle (Prime Original series), Season 3
October 6
A Prayer Before Dawn (2017)
Night Of The Living Deb (2016)
October 11
Mr. Robot, Season 3
Monster’s Ball (2001)
Strangers: Prey At Night (2018)
October 12
The Romanoffs (Prime Original series), Season 1
October 13
October 14
October 16
Devil (2010)
Manieggs: Revenge Of The Hard Egg (2014)
October 17
Donnie Darko (2001)
The Daniel Tiger Movie: Won’t You Be Our Neighbor? (2012)
October 18
October 19
Lore (Prime Original series), Season 2
Tumble Leaf Halloween Special (Prime Original series), Special
October 20
October 25
Daddy’s Home 2 (2017)
Bad Samaritan (2018)
October 31
You Were Never Really Here (Prime Original movie) (2017)
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starryartist512 · 2 months
Fanart 30 Day Challenge|Day 28: Character In Your Favorite Clothing Style.
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I decided to edit outfits on these two! The judgement boy is supposed to be the game ver, by the way!
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