#join the ranks//new muse
glory-hasnoplacehere · 8 months
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New vampire Muse! Welcome Eru Yanor!
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starlightvivi · 6 months
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König x Reader
Note: this story contains romantic themes and fluffiness
A/N: bruh this is my first time writing a story please do mention how is it, I mentioned whatever I feel like in Note, 😭 and English is not my first language, but I had the urge to write 😭, and do tell me if I try something new or write more parts of it and hope you guys like it ✌️ and stay safe guys
It all began when you joined Kortac base, assigned to work there. Known for your thoughtfulness, compassion, and kindness, everyone admired you, including the Colonel who found you both proficient and charismatic. Despite meeting everyone in the base, an encounter with the Colonel remained elusive, creating an air of curiosity about the man who is a tall, massive figure behind the mask he wore.
The Colonel had silently admired your warmth since your arrival. Admiring from a distance, he yearned to initiate a conversation but found anxiety to be a formidable adversary. Each attempt felt like a delicate dance between desire and hesitation. In the bustling cafeteria, he finally thought to talk to you.
"Umm, hi there. Is this seat taken?"
The Colonel, surprised, nodded, inviting you to join him.
He had been quietly captivated by your warmth since your arrival. Admiring you from afar, he longed for conversation, but anxiety proved formidable. he finally found the courage.
"Not at all, have a seat. I hope the cafeteria chaos isn't too overwhelming for a newcomer like yourself."
"It's a bit lively, but I'm getting used to it. Mind if I join you?"
"Not at all, Sergeant. It's nice to have some company. I find these moments in the midst of chaos quite refreshing," he finally found some courage and replied.
"It's y/n," she said with a beaming smile on her face, relieved by his welcoming demeanor.
He nodded.
She gazed at him with eyes akin to big, lustrous blackberries, a radiant smile illuminating her face as she patiently awaited his introduction.
He stared for a moment and responded, "König."
"I see, King, huh!" She replied with a warm smile.
He responded with a nod, his gaze momentarily finding refuge on the tabletop. A shy warmth colored his cheeks, a subtle crimson betraying unspoken emotions beneath the surface.
"I noticed you seemed deep in thought. Everything alright, sir?"
He lifted his head, and his eyes, a mesmerizing fusion of cerulean blue and emerald green, held a captivating depth. Long, graceful lashes framed these kaleidoscopic orbs, casting delicate shadows that accentuated the enchanting hues, making his gaze an ethereal spectacle, and she felt she could get lost in them forever.
"Oh, just lost in my own musings. It happens more often than I care to admit. How are you finding your first days here?"
"It's been a mix of excitement and nerves, sir. But everyone's been friendly, especially considering the ranks," you replied as you got back to reality.
"Glad to hear that. It's a good team here. Anything specific on your mind, or just taking in the cafeteria spectacle?"
"Well, sir, besides navigating the military maze, I was also wondering if a seasoned officer like yourself has any tips on how to make the best impression." She said, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
König, catching her playful tone, chuckled.
"Ah, making impressions. A classic challenge. Just be yourself, Sergeant. Authenticity goes a long way."
Y/n leaned in with a smirk. "But what if being myself includes a touch of charm and a killer smile?"
König, caught off guard, blushed slightly.
"Well, in that case, I suppose you'll be making quite an impression, won't you?"
Their banter continued, infused with playful teasing, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and laughter. The cafeteria chaos faded into the background as they enjoyed each other's company.
And that's how the story began.
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harlowtales · 8 months
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Reader is trying to figure out why all Jack’s friends and family are acting so weird.
18+ sweet/romance
“Baby go and see what’s taking Grandpa so long.” Jack asked you. He was all decked out in his Cardinals jacket and you had on his Cardinals hoodie.
“Will do Jack.” You said as you jumped down from his Jeep parked in the driveway of his Grandparents house.
You let yourself in and Grandma was just helping Grandpa put his sweatshirt over his head with a #3 on the back and his last name. “Looking good Pops!” You exclaimed. It was also so sweet to see how they looked after each other. Grandpa had some arthritis in his shoulder and his wife made sure she helped him.
“Thanks Sugar.” Grandpa said and pecked Grandma on the cheek. “Let’s roll, my Grandson is impatient”
You made sure Grandpa was safe in the front seat and took the back. Jack loved that he never had to ask you to do the little things like that.
It was a chilly fall evening and the stadium was packed in a sea of red and white. Cheers went up as Jack entered the stadium with you arm in arm with Grandpa. Jack egged it on by standing on top of a the seats, raising up his hands to the crowd, and dancing. You were shy and stayed out of the way, rolling your eyes at him, and he shot you a wink. Even Grandpa left you for a while to join in the fun. Jack’s friends were already there as they attended the tailgate party in the parking lot.
“Sup y/n” Trap Steve said taking a seat next to you and cracking open a Modelo. “Forever the party animal I see”
“Do you see him already?” You said pointing at Jack who had now climbed a wall to shake hands with fans. “Someone has to keep their head screwed on.”
“All I know is your man has to stop jacking my swag. The mullet is mine.” Trap said sarcastically
“Oh you own the rights on mullets?” You said laughing
“Yup! I should collect royalties.” He said
“From like every other hillbilly in Kentucky?” You ribbed
“He really digs you. It’s kinda sweet.” Trap said as he got up to join in on hyping up the stadium.
You looked after him a bit puzzled. “That was random” you mused. People were acting so weird lately.
The game started and Jack was screaming and jumping up and down as the Cardinals players ran onto the field. Beating top ranked Notre Dame would be a big deal. Jack finally took the seat beside you and held your hand for two seconds pecking you on the cheek before he got up to go again erupting with cheers. He looked back and saw you making sure Grandpa was ok with a drink and some snacks. He gave you a deep look of love with his big blue eyes that Grandpa caught but you didn’t see. The tension grew as the Cardinals closed the gap to pull ahead of Notre Dame. You cheered and spilled a bit of your popcorn on Grandpa.
“Oh geeze! I’m so sorry Pops!!” You said grabbing all the napkins you could find to clean up his lap. It was then that Grandpa felt moved to tell you something. He had been watching how Jack was around you the last few months and knew that look his Grandson had just given you. It was very familiar to him.
“So how’s everything going with Jack?” Grandpa asked you and threw you off guard.
“Um fine I guess. Why has he said something?” You said a bit panicked
“Nope just asking.” Grandpa said “I see the way he looks at you is all.”
“How does he look at me?” You said now even more paranoid
“Kinda like how I look at my Sugar.” Grandpa said referring to his nickname for his wife
You paused not knowing what to say and the popcorn in your mouth seemed to sit there for eternity and just melt. You couldn’t even chew. He noticed your silence and started apologizing. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” He said.
“No just um…caught me off guard.” You said patting his leg to let him know it was fine. What Grandpa did not tell you and swore not to tell you is Jack thought you were THE ONE and was waiting to see how things went as the relationship was still new. He rarely let anyone around his family let alone spend so much time around his Grandparents.
It was a good game, the tension was building right up to the end. Suddenly you heard huge cheers and Jack was loosing his mind! The Louisville Cardinals had won!!! He started running with the crowd onto the field. Grandpa wanted to follow but you advised against it and guided him to the stadium tunnel where it was safe. Finally everyone piled into the locker room for the real party before the party that night.
Your boyfriend was in the thick of the action and to be honest you had a bit of a headache. What Grandpa said, how Trap was acting…had your head swimming and your heart racing. You retreated to the back of the room and watched Jack dancing, having the time of his life with the team and the boys. You slipped out the back to get air and saw Cope having a joint alone near the team bus.
“Cope?” You said quizzically
“Sup y/n” Copelan said as he took a pull off his joint and a sip of his beer. “Just needed some air.”
“Yeah. I feel that. I needed some air too, and Grandpa doesn’t need me hovering over him all the time.” You giggled
“You’re a real one y/n. Jack’s a lucky guy.” Copelan said “The way he looks at you….I know my dude. He’s feeling you big time.”
“Why does everyone say that?” You said feeling nauseous again. Why was everyone making a point of telling you what Jack thinks of you? You had only been dating 4months.
“Because we know him very well. We know The Look. Bruh is done. It’s a wrap. It’s just a matter of time really.” Copelan said and headed back in
“Why is everyone being so weird!!!?” Your thoughts raced.
Eventually you caught up with Jack inside. Grandpa needed to take his medication and get to sleep. Not according to Grandpa, but according to you. You tapped both of them on the shoulder and looked impatiently at your watch. They both looked at each other and rolled their eyes. You were right they should go. Jack dropped Grandpa off and Grandpa winked at you as he left the car. Jack wondered what was up.
“You guys got some inside shit happening now?” Jack observed
“What? No…” you said visibly uncomfortable tucking your hair behind your ear.
Jack knew when you did that it meant you were nervous but be thought it was cute you and his Grandpa had some inside situation he wasn’t privy to. He just held your hand the rest of the way to your place. Bryson Tiller softly playing in the jeep. “You like your apartment huh?” Jack said as he pulled up in front of your building. He fondly touched your face as you kissed him goodnight and this time you caught it. He thought you didn’t see it but you did. “The Sugar Look” is what you dubbed it in your mind. You felt it deeply. Jack looked away shyly his face red.
“I like it ok.” You said not wanting to call him out on anything and embarrass him.
“Yeah I guess there’s time to see what other living arrangements could look like.” He said his hand on your thigh
“Jackman” you said seriously
“Ah shit what did I do now.” He said with his hands up in mock arrest
“Whys all your friends, Grandpa, even your mom…acting so weird lately?” You asked
“Oh no reason.” He said playfully. He had told everyone he was going to ask you to move in with him. They could see he’d never been happier. “Thanks for looking after Grandpa tonight. I never have to worry with you by my side, and his side. You got my back in a major way.”
“No problem Jack, I guess I wish I still had my Grandpa or my dad.” You said trailing off
“Listen y/n, we’re all here for you ok?” Jack said and you felt so warm as he reached over and hugged you. He had an early flight and couldn’t come up and cuddle. “I’ll see you when I get back from Nashville ok?”
“Ughhh! Nashville again?” You whined
“Yeah Sugar you know I gotta finish up what I got going on out there.” He said as he pecked you on the forehead.
“What?” You said in shock by the nickname he just called you.
“What?” Jack said not noticing what he had said
“Nothing.” You said “I miss you already.” You blew him a kiss goodbye as you walked away on a cloud.
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sloanesallow · 2 months
Big Brained
There's nothing wrong with being feral for one's husband, right? Sloane can't help it, especially when Sebastian shows off that big, sexy brain of his. ✨Sebastian Sallow x F!MC Tags: NSFW! MDNI! Sexual content, oral sex (m receiving), exactly one spank, and some Sebastian dirty talk. 2.5k words [Read on Wattpad] - [Read on Ao3] - [tumblr masterlist] Reblogs, comments, and kudos are always appreciated! ✨
The last place Sloane wants to be is the Ministry of Magic.
She has managed to avoid a permanent place at Whitehall, despite Minister Spavin’s constant and personal invitations for her to join their ranks. Her answer is always no—she does not want a career in the wizarding world’s government, preferring her freedom and whatever anonymity she has left. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for her husband, who is technically under their employment, contracted to work as a curse-breaker with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.
At twenty, Sebastian is young, but incredibly talented, and one of the Auror’s greatest assets. He is usually in some far-off destination, exploring ancient tombs and collecting artifacts with a rag-tag crew, helping to chase down Dark Wizards and undo any havoc caused. Sloane travels with the group as an unofficial healer, treating mysterious and mundane wounds while researching remedies both magical and muggle. They are a dynamic duo of sorts, and the Ministry knows that the Sallows are a package deal, the bond inseparable—unbreakable. 
After spending the last three months in the Austrian wilderness, they are back in London to receive a new assignment. Sloane spends the morning checking in on their dusty flat and shares a few cups of tea with Poppy in the local shoppe before venturing back to the second floor to find Sebastian. Even though he is rarely in-office, the Aurors keep a room clear for his use, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of what she calls the ‘bull-pen’.
Sloane can hear a few familiar voices as she approaches the open door, peeking her head in to see Sebastian in the middle of a fervent discussion with two of the officers who accompanied them in Salzburg. The other men don’t seem to notice her presence, but her husband acknowledges her entrance with a quick glance, the corner of his mouth twitching up before he refocuses his attention.   
“Have the scouts reported back?”
“Yes, sir,” Jeffries, the older and more skeptical Auror replies. Sir—Sloane sees the subtle pride in Sebastian’s expression, even if the title causes her to bite back a laugh. Jeffries continues, “the rumors about increased activities on the Nordic coast are true. Intelligence suggests a small, but powerful group of heretics are attempting to locate bloodrunes, magic the Ministry hasn’t encountered in…centuries.”
That you know of, Sloane muses to herself as she idly peruses the nearby bookshelf, overflowing much like the shelves at home.
“Bloodrunes require significant power to activate,” Sebastian states, not bothering to specify if this knowledge is based on first-hand experience or not. He leans over the map spread out across the desk and traces a finger along the supposed site. “There are probably laylines that can be disrupted, but I won’t speculate until I see the area for myself.”
“Perhaps we should wait before sending a team—”
“Wait for what, exactly?” Sebastian interjects, raising an eyebrow in challenge. He straightens his posture and crosses his arms. “A blood sacrifice? Neither of you studied ancient magical tribes, so I won’t fault you for your ignorance, but the last time runes like these were activated, it triggered a tidal wave that destroyed the sea walls along the Nordic coast. Thousands of people were killed.”
Sloane glances up from the book she is pretending to read and feels only a little shame for ogling her husband when he is in the middle of an important conversation. But she enjoys watching Sebastian showcase his intelligence—he’s always been a little cocky, and rightfully so—he won’t back down when he knows he is right. With his coat discarded and sleeves pinned up, she can see the way the muscles in his arms flex as he waits for either man to respond.
“Alright, Sallow, you win,” the other Auror, Bartie, sighs. The red-headed Weasley is a few years older than her and Sebastian but is far more trusting than the rest of the old guard. “What do you need from us?”
Sebastian shrugs, trying not to smirk when he gets his way. “Whomever the department can spare, really. Preferably those who are proficient in more than just defensive magic. A liaison for the local communities as well, to safeguard them from harm.”
“Should I contact St. Mungos—”
“That won’t be necessary,” Sebastian waves off Jenkins’ inquiry. It should be known by now that the only healer needed is Mrs. Sallow—Sloane. The Aurors give curt nods and Sebastian flicks his gaze to where she is standing. “Now, if you’ll excuse me gentlemen, but I believe my wife has been waiting long enough.”
She smiles somewhat bashfully as the two men finally notice her just as they are being shooed out of the room. Jeffries is indifferent, but Bartie offers a polite smile and wave before leaving.
“Looks like we’re off on another adventure, sweetheart,” Sebastian says when they are alone, re-crossing his arms as he leans back against the desk. Sloane is already swiftly crossing the room, practically launching herself onto him as she swallows his surprised laughter in a kiss. He quickly hooks his arms around her waist, holding her steady as she presses up on her toes to meet his height the best she can.
“Mmm—hello,” he manages, pulling away with a breathless grin. “You’re certainly in a mood.”
“Yes, sir,” she simply replies, catching the glimmer of excitement that passes through his coffee-colored eyes. Sloane touches her heels back to the floor, smoothing her hands across his shoulders and chest, playing with the straps of his suspenders. “Is that so bad?”
“Not at all,” Sebastian hastily shakes his head and gives her hips an appreciative squeeze. “I’m usually the needy one, is all.”
“Well, I can’t help it when you show off,” she explains, undoing the first two buttons of his shirt. “I love your big brain.”
Sebastian’s brows twitch up at the word big, but before he can make a lewd comment she palms the front of his pants, and he croaks instead. He recovers quickly, hands snapping up to firmly cradle her face as he captures her lips in a kiss that speaks volumes of his hunger for her. Sloane matches his enthusiasm, tugging at his suspenders until they are hanging at his sides. As she flicks open the clasps of his trousers, he fumbles for his wand, muttering the necessary spells against her lips to slam shut the door, waiting for the audible click of the lock before tossing it aside.
It isn’t very often that Sloane is in control, and she takes full advantage of catching him off guard, not-so-gently pushing him back until he topples into the cushioned armchair with an oof. He watches her with a mesmerized expression, shifting to accommodate as she kneels between his spread legs. She continues with removing his trousers, pulling them down along with his underwear until the fabric pools around his ankles.
Sloane wastes no time, finding satisfaction in the way Sebastian’s breath hitches as she wraps one hand around the base of his cock, already hard from her teasing. She leisurely strokes him, pushing up his shirt so she can trail a path of wet kisses across his navel, hipbone, and thighs. Her thumb brushes over the sensitive head, spreading the gathering of pre-come as he shudders, breathing already labored. With a coy glance up through her lashes, she slowly takes him into the warmth of her mouth.
Sebastian’s fingers quickly thread into her hair, tugging at the ash-blonde strands as her lips slide down his length until she feels him against the back of her throat. She sucks in to create a perfect seal, repeating the up and down motion a few times before leaning back to swirl her tongue around the tip.
“F—fuck…” Sebastian groans, his head lulling back. Sloane steadily increases her pace, humming until the vibration prompts him to slide open his eyes to watch her head bob in his lap. Her fingers continue to stroke where her lips can’t reach, her other hand softly fondling his sac in a way that has his hips bucking up involuntarily.
She keeps her eyes on his face as it contorts with pleasure, brows furrowed deeply as he resists the urge to unravel too quickly. It’s thrilling for her to see him at her mercy, incoherent murmurs of praise falling from his lips as she eagerly coaxes him to the edge. His grip tightens in her hair, pressing against the nape of her neck, a telltale sign he’s close.
“Slo—Sloane,” he gasps, voice strained. “I—oh, fuck—I’m—”
The rest of his sentence dissolves into a strangled moan, his body tensing and cock twitching against her tongue as he spills his release. Sloane swallows it all, remembering to breathe through her nose as she takes every last drop he has to offer. Sebastian slumps back, in a daze as Sloane pulls away with a wet pop and self-satisfied smirk. There’s a lopsided grin on his face as he silently admires her, affectionately sweeping the hair from her face before brushing the pad of his thumb across her wet lips.  
Even though Sloane can feel the slick of her arousal within her undergarments, she is content enough to wait until they return to their London flat for reciprocation. Seeing Sebastian so boneless and completely sated is satisfaction enough. She slides her hands across his thighs, gently massaging the remaining tension away.
“Ready to go home?” she asks, already imagining the evening ahead. A long bath, a hearty meal, and the comfort of their marital bed—not that they’ll be doing much sleeping.
Sebastian gradually sits up and Sloane pushes herself to stand, ready to help him right his trousers and gather his belongings so they can leave before more Aurors—or heaven forbid the Minister himself—stops by for another chat. But Sebastian shakes his head and the devilish gleam in his eyes is all the warning she has before his hands are on her, spinning her around to bend her over the desk.
“Seb!” the protest dies on her tongue as he hoists up her skirts, tucking them around her waist. Sloane sucks in a breath as he cups her, fingers pressing firm against the dampness of her knickers. He makes an appreciative sound, applying more pressure where she needs it the most, but just as she pushes back against his touch it’s gone, and all she can do is whimper at the loss.
“Don’t worry, darling,” Sebastian coos, peeling the delicate fabric away to expose her naked flesh. “I’ll take care of you.”
She lets out a surprised squeak when he playfully smacks her bare bottom, even more heat pooling in her gut as her legs tremble. Sebastian huffs a soft chuckle, this time smoothing the skin over with a gentle touch.
“More?” he asks, the deep timbre of his voice causing her to shiver.
She nods, barely remembering to speak, “yes.”
Sloane flushes—even after all these years, Sebastian can so easily fluster her. “Y—yes, sir.”
“Good girl.”
Perhaps some lingering naivety makes her believe he’ll simply take her like this, but no, her husband clearly has other plans for her. His hands slide up the back of her thighs until his thumbs are spreading her open, teasing her silken folds and entrance.
“Is this what I do to you?” he rasps, sliding two fingers through her arousal before slowly sinking them into her as she lets out a shuddering sigh. The way she flexes around him as he leisurely pumps in and out betrays just how impatient she is for his offer of pleasure. When she lifts her hips to meet his ministrations, Sebastian presses his free hand to her lower back, keeping her still.
“I said I’d take care of you,” his voice is gruffer than before, and she bites back a whine when he removes his fingers. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No,” she breathes, shaking her head. A part of her realizes this is Sebastian’s way of showing her who is really in charge, now.
“Do you want to come around my fingers?”
Sloane shakes her head again, fighting the urge to squeeze her thighs together for the slightest ounce of relief.
“No?” Sebastian feigns surprise, amused by her startled moan when he slips his fingers back inside her anyways. “My, my…you are needy today, aren’t you?”
All she can do is moan, disrupting the parchment on the desk as she grasps for purchase.
“Well,” he says in a sigh, curling his fingers to press against the spot that makes her vision blurry with stars. “You’ll have to use your words, my love. Tell me what you need.”
Sloane bites down a little harder on her bottom lip, her entire body now hot and prickled with goosebumps. She used to hate when he prompted her like this, attempting to coax filthy words from her lips and make her beg. But she really is too indigent right now to care, glancing over her shoulder to meet his wicked expression.
“Sebastian, I swear to God, if you don’t—”
“Isn’t it a sin to swear to God?” he muses, acting as if he isn’t knuckle-deep inside her. “My Sloane is much more polite than that.”
Insufferable tease—she huffs in frustration, but the warm swirl in her gut is a stark reminder that she loves it, loves him.
“Please,” she starts, deeply exhaling. “Shut up and fuck me.”
Sebastian tries to hide his delight but fails, laughing as he shifts to properly stand behind her, nudging her stance a little wider so they are properly aligned. “As my lady wishes.”
There is little teasing after that, Sebastian nudging his hardened-again cock against her before snapping forward to fill her in one fluid stroke. Her sharp gasp is drowned out by his deep groan and it’s very clear neither will last very long. Almost immediately, he sets a quick pace, the friction an agonizingly wonderful burn. Sloane can feel her legs shaking, straining as she stands on the very tip of her toes, Sebastian holding her up by the waist and hips to meet his thrusts.
“That’s it,” he grunts, not bothering to keep any sort of rhythm. He folds his body over hers, his free hand grasping her right wrist, pinning it to the desk as he bares his weight down. “Just like that.”
Sloane whimpers her approval, the warmth of him holding her down a comfort she never expected to enjoy or need. He ruts his hips against hers until they are both frantically crying out, core fluttering around him as he spills again, this time deep inside her heat.
It takes several moments for them to float back down to reality, Sloane sighing as Sebastian rests himself a little more comfortably across her back. He nestles his nose against her neck, affectionately sweeping through her sweat-matted hair as he presses a few lazy kisses to the shell of her ear.
He repeats her earlier ask with a breathless chuckle, “ready to go home?”
She hums her agreement, the two unhurried as they fix their appearances and attempt to tidy up any mess. As they leave the offices hand-in-hand, Sloane thinks to herself that maybe, just maybe, the Ministry of Magic isn’t so bad after all.
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pockyteau · 1 year
✩ a chishiya x reader where hearts players are all one in the same, until they're not
✩ a/n - chishiya is knees deep in denial in this one
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Chishiya didn't like Hearts players. 
For one, he found the notion of a 'hearts player' rather cheap. It doesn't take a lot to take advantage of a person; despite his disinterest in understanding the human heart, it was no great feat to fool one. However, the mind was a much more complex task - and perhaps he was biased, but Diamonds pretty much had that covered. 
Even so, he found some Hearts players slightly intriguing. Was the capability of understanding a person's heart really such a special thing? Chishiya's inability to see the value in a person's emotion, compassion, was what put him at such an advantage to the rest of the people in the Borderlands. Who would choose to trust their heart, something that breaks so easily, rather than their mind? 
And so he was slightly curious when the new executive turned out to be a Hearts player.
Chishiya had been expecting the newcomer for some time; the Beach's recent growth meant more competent players would be joining the ranks, and he was interested to see who Hatter might consider skilled enough to invite into the executive board. Despite what most might believe, it was no high honour to be an executive, however lower your assigned number would be as a result. It just meant more people would be out to kill you. 
Which didn't bother him as nearly as much as the frequent meetings the Hatter insisted on holding, during which he often contemplated climbing through the open window on the fifteenth floor.  
Aside from your status as a Hearts player, Chishiya finds the rest of your introduction a bore. There is already a Hearts player on the executive board, in any case; Mira, who seems to have been here ever since the Beach's beginning, and whom Chishiya mildly dislikes. What does interest him, however, is how you are smiling; there is not one welcome-faced person in the room, and yet your expression is strangely warm. You must be a fool, he muses, but from where he stands most Hearts players often are.
Before he can look away your eyes meet his from across the room, and he is momentarily caught off-guard when your smile becomes directed at him. He gives you a small wave, quick to regain his composure. He sees your fingers twitch at your sides, wondering whether to wave back, and the corner of his lips tug upward into his usual complacent expression. But you are guided into a seat before you can do any more than nod in his direction, and Chishiya leans back in his chair. You are nothing special, he decides, and probably just as predictable as the rest.
But he finds his gaze drifting back to you as Hatter drones on about something he doesn't care about enough to listen to. You look as bored as he is, making a cat's cradle with your fingertips under the table. The action somewhat amuses him, with your eyes lowered in quiet concentration.
Without warning, his vision is abruptly filled with those eyes of yours again as you catch him watching you, meeting his gaze in surprise. Unabashed, he tilts his head at you - after a beat or so you merely smile again, the corners of your eyes crinkling slightly in quiet laughter. 
Chishiya sighs, the soft breath soundless to the person seated next to him. Do you think you have found a friendly face, someone to acquaint yourself with? So it's just that. A Hearts player's naivety. He doesn't need to know much more about you than that to guess how competent you'll be at playing games, or how long you'll survive for. He turns away, certain that you've served your purpose in keeping his mind off of this tedious meeting.
But it's strange that you still linger in his thoughts long after the meeting is over.
- Chishiya is slightly annoyed when Kuina asks about the new executive. He doesn't see the need to talk about you, or why Kuina should show such a sudden interest in executive matters - you are just yet another member of the Beach. Why waste time talking about something so unimportant?
"A Hearts player?" Kuina says curiously. She takes a sip of her coffee, and grimaces.
"Yes," Chishiya concedes. "Why do you keep drinking that garbage? You clearly don't like it."
Kuina snorts. "Don't change the subject! And my coffee drinking habits are none of your business."  
The blonde shrugs. "If you like torturing yourself, so be it." 
"You're literally the worst." Kuina eyes him with distaste, taking another strenuous sip of her coffee. "Right, well. What's this Hearts player like? Any good?"
Chishiya sighs. In his mind, an ideal world, the discussion has already moved far beyond this point. "Don't know." He says impassively. He hopes that the additional and unspoken 'don't care' is evident in his tone of voice, since Kuina is clearly set on this topic of conversation. He raises his palms, giving Kuina a dry smile. "Why don't you find out for yourself?"  
She groans, and Chishiya's grin widens as he advises her to watch her precariously tipping coffee cup. He expects she will pretend to throw it at him in response; he finds it unsurprising when she does exactly that.
Chishiya considers skipping the next executive meeting, unenthusiastic to spend another hour in a room with a collection of people far more pretentious than even himself. The summer air was rather weighted, and he presumed the warmth in the air would make him drowsy. Yet he could think of no better way to spend his time, either. 
He exhales, stuck between the two options, neither any more enticing than the other. Could he play a game? No, it's still much too early. Perhaps he'd better go to the meeting after all - he had skipped quite a few this past month, and although he cared little for the Hatter it might be beneficial to remain in the man's good graces. 
As if carried on the lazy summer wind, the brief thought of you passes through his mind, but it is gone before he can dwell much on it. 
The conference room is already mostly full when Chishiya arrives. Ann calls it ill-mannered, Chishiya calls it fashionably late. Besides, even Hatter is yet to arrive, so clearly he has come in good time. 
Chishiya notices you glance up as he takes his seat at the back of the room. You give him a small smile, like before. He smirks, giving you a wave in return. Strange that you would think you had found a friend in him, of all people.
As you shift your hands on the table top, he catches a glint of pink foil between your fingertips. He raises his brows, making no attempt to inquire about it, but you seem to notice his gaze on your hands. The smile on your lips turns into a grin, and you shoot a quick glance over your shoulder to check if Hatter has arrived yet. 
Confirming the Hatter is still absent, you turn back to Chishiya, who watches you with his brow furrowed. Admittedly, he has no idea what you're doing. Carefully, tilting your hands towards the blonde as if guarding a great secret, you open your closed palms to reveal two foil-wrapped chocolates.   
Want one? you mouth.
Chishiya can't help but snort, earning him an odd look from Ann beside him. He catches the soft laugh that escapes your lips at his response, the chocolates still sitting on your palms. Certainly, you might not be special, but you were proving to be more interesting than he initially thought; out of all the things he had expected out of today, this was not one of them. He decides to play along, his lips curving in amusement.
What flavour? he mouths back.
You blink. The wrapper is pink, you reply. 
The blonde frowns. What does that matter?
Pink means strawberry, you explain. Everyone knows that. 
Chishiya feels an odd sense of utter disbelief. What is he doing? he wonders, and what kind of useless knowledge was that?
In the end he accepts the chocolate, which makes your eyes light up in a way that almost surprises him. It's only a chocolate, yet you seem so delighted; it causes a strange twist in his chest, which he passes off as contempt. Of course someone like you would be so happy about such a simple thing. It's another thing he dislikes about Hearts players - they always retain such unnecessary emotion. 
But that quality seems so much different, so much better, on you. 
Then comes the ordeal of you trying to slide one of the chocolates across the table to Chishiya, which has the both of you concealing laughter behind hands and the clearing of throats. The chocolate ends up on the floor. Ann shoots Chishiya another glare. 
Chishiya couldn't care less about Ann. 
Chishiya is aware that you are not fond of playing games. 
He has picked up on the way you chew the inside of your cheek whenever the Hatter talks about collecting more cards, the way your gaze lowers to the table whenever the subject is breached. He finds this unsurprising. Even as a player of hearts, you yourself are soft-hearted, the gentleness in your eyes and the way you continuously smile contradicting your card specialty - but every executive has made their way on to the board for a reason. What had made it so that you were able to stand in the same room as him? He finds he would be interested to see you play a game. Would you be so friendly with your life on the line?
He is mildly disappointed to see the group arrangement for the evening's games. The group he is in will play a Clubs game, speculated to be low-level. He usually finds it insulting when Hatter delegates these kinds of games to him, the man's frequent disregard for Chishiya's intellect irritating - but whatever. He is much more intrigued by the game you have been selected to play. 
 Your name is under the group for the Diamonds game, located in Shinjuku. 
His eyes lazily trace the rest of the list. He wonders if you are as intelligent as your status as a Hearts player would suggest; many would say Diamonds and Hearts are interchangeable, though Chishiya much prefers his title as a Diamonds player, he was just as confident in his ability to clear Hearts games - but there are some who are exceptions to this common theory. He finds Kuina is listed under the Shinjuku Diamonds game as well. Perhaps she might be able to provide some insight on your capabilities when she returns, if he is bothered to ask by then.
But he doesn't have to wait that long to find out.
He sees you first, on the way back from his own game. His game, a Six of Clubs, was mind-numbingly easy, although he'd disliked the way his group had looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to solve the game himself. They weren't his problem. Why should they expect anything from him? He shoves his hands in his pockets, stopping when his fist closes around a small object wrapped in foil. He realises the chocolate you gave him is still in his pocket. 
He wonders why he hasn't thrown it out yet.
Chishiya blinks, realising you must have seen him too. He lifts one of his hands from his pockets to wave, and you give him a smile, although it seems more weary than usual. It's strange, how his throat tightens at the thought, but he lets the lazy smirk surface over his lips. "That's me, yes."
"Glad I wasn't mistaken, then." You joke. "How was your game?"      
The blonde shrugs. The nicety is far too bland for him to give a substantial answer. "Nothing remarkable. Yours?"
You pause, deliberating on a reply. "Well, I suppose it wasn't anything remarkable either." You let out a quiet laugh. "I'm not great at Diamonds games, though, so considering it was an Eight I'm lucky to have made it out at all."
Chishiya hums, offering no response of his own. He thinks quite the opposite, actually. He is sure that the wan expression you wear is not because you lack of skillset - judging by the way you spoke so flippantly of the number, you had cleared the game without much challenge. No, the reason was one Chishiya himself had never cared for. It was clear enough by the conflicted look in your eyes, one he had seen on enough people to recognise instantly, that you weren't as indifferent as he was to the lives of other players. Quite a few deaths in your game, then. He sees the way you rub your thumb over the side of your index finger, a habit of self-reassurance and comfort. A habit he had unlearned a long time ago. 
Here was another thing he disliked about Hearts players; they were always much too concerned about other people's business.
He presses his lips together. You would be so much more interesting, so much more worth his time if you dropped this soft-hearted quality of yours. But as he studies you he can't explain why somewhere in him too difficult, too abstract to pinpoint feels the need to say something to you, to offer you some form of comfort. This was not his problem, as much as the survival of the other players in his game wasn't his problem. 
So he doesn't know why the words escape his lips of their own accord.
"Give me your hand."
You look at him, surprised. Chishiya is also surprised. 
"My hand?" you say doubtfully, and the blonde nods. You peer at him for a moment more before uncertainly holding your palm out to him, although you don't lose the apprehension in your voice. "Okay..."
He places the pink foil-wrapped chocolate into your hand, his fingers brushing your palm as he does so. He ignores the warmth that briefly lights up is fingertips. Probably friction, or something of the sort. The chocolate is, astonishingly, still in good condition, and you close your fingers around it and bring it closer to you. The smile returns to your face as you laugh unreserved. 
"You kept it?" you murmur, glancing up at Chishiya with a grin. 
He gives you another shrug. "I don't like chocolate." This is a lie. He is no big fan, but he doesn't mind the confectionary, either. And he is particularly fond of strawberry, as the pink wrapper indicates.  
You raise your brows as if seeing through his lie, but you say nothing nonetheless. Instead you thank him, the content smile still resting upon your features, and Chishiya finds he is somewhat relieved to see your expression is much more relaxed than it was before.
But when you suddenly wrap your arms around him, whispering another word of thanks into his shoulder, he feels himself tense at your touch; Chishiya has never liked physical contact, especially not from people he barely knew. Yet he simply lets you hug him, although he makes no attempt to hug you back. You pull away after a moment, suddenly further from him than he would've liked.
"Ah, I'm sorry...I should've asked first, I just..." You apologise, clasping your hands together in a flustered way. The action makes it difficult for Chishiya to keep the amused look off his face - for a moment he is tempted to taunt you, wondering if he could draw a new expression out of you. Something devastated, perhaps, if you thought you'd ruined whatever relationship you had with him. An interesting change to your usual bright smile. 
Chishiya exhales, unable to help the slight upward tilt of his lips. "Don't lose sleep over it," he shrugs. He won't torment you, at least for now. You did give him a chocolate, after all. He's simply repaying a favour. "It's not a big deal."
There it is again, that smile of yours that exasperates Chishiya no end, relieved and tentative. Strangely, he has the sudden urge to move closer to you and observe your happiness at close-quarters. Surely there was a limit to how much a person could smile a day? But he merely dips his head in response as you bid him goodnight and disappear, careful to make sure his complacency never wavers.   
It's odd, though. No matter how hard he tries to push it away, a question lingers in his mind for the rest of the night.
Why didn't he pull away from you then?
You begin to sit next to Chishiya during executive meetings. 
He can't say he is surprised.
Only, he can't say he despises it either, the way you draw out the chair beside him and ask him if you could sit there with dancing eyes. He should hate that you think the two of you are friends. He does hate the way his throat seems to tighten when you smile, which should be reason enough for him to shut you down.
But for whatever reason, he doesn't.
Maybe it's because he knows that even if he does shut you down, you would pay him no mind. So why bother? It's not as if he doesn't welcome the distraction from the executive matters he is well above hearing about for the fourty-fifth time. 
You bring with you more pink-wrapped chocolates, as if you had never really believed the lie he'd told you. Chishiya finds when he eats one that they're much too sweet, even for him - you are content eating the strawberry chocolate, however, the over-sweetness of the confectionary not seeming to bother you in the slightest. Chishiya can't seem to refuse when you hand him one. 
"These are terrible," he mutters under his breath, chewing on one of your strawberry chocolates as Hatter points at his card collage. 
"Why do you eat them, them?" You grin, folding a pink foil wrapper into a condensed foil heart. The irony of you folding hearts is not lost on him. 
But Chishiya honestly doesn't know the answer to your question.
He doesn't know why he lets you press the little heart into his palm either, your touch warming his hands as if he is holding them to a winter bonfire. The twist in his chest is growing stronger, and he can only ignore it for so long. It's strange that he suddenly doesn't know so many things; Chishiya finds uncertainty alarming - to be uncertain was a concept he was unfamiliar with, his ability to predict the outcome of every situation he encountered one he prided himself on. He is always certain; of himself, of the world, of where people stand in his regard. He is certain he dislikes Heart players. 
Especially you. 
You, who possesses every quality he condemns, who somehow makes him feel the need to understand his own heart no matter how much he tells himself he does not. Something else he is certain of; he does not need the emotions that may surface from doing so.   
But when he looks at the foil heart in his palm, the remnants of shared strawberry chocolate, was he really so certain anymore?
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thedensworld · 10 months
Lover | Kim Mingyu
How You Two Notice Feelings
Lover Series 🖤🌼
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Pairing: Idol!Mingyu x Fashion Editor!reader (ft. Joshua as an unbiological brother)
Genre: Romance, Angst, Series, Humour
Note: i'm sorry i use she pronouns for this series😔
After pouring five years of relentless effort, learning from seasoned mentors, and shedding blood, sweat, and tears, your dedication bore fruit as you were fortunate enough to ascend the ranks, securing the position of Artistic Director for the South Korea branch. The news of your promotion filled Joshua and your mother with excitement, especially considering how your demanding work had kept you from visiting them even during your time in Seoul. The prospect of your impending move to Seoul sparked Joshua to start planning a celebration.
Over the course of a month, you meticulously prepared for your move, addressing logistical challenges like sending your belongings, securing a visa due to your non-Korean origins, and attending to work-related matters. Now, you found yourself standing on Seoul, the very heart of South Korea's capital city. As you emerged from the gate, your heart warmed at the sight of your mother holding a sign bearing your name and Joshua standing beside her, a mask and hat partially concealing his features. With a wide grin, you waved, the anticipation and joy palpable.
"Lost some weight, huh?" Your mother's observation upon seeing you prompted a laugh to escape your lips, breaking the initial wave of emotions.
"I'll grab your things," Joshua offered, extending his help after an extended embrace. Grateful, you muttered your thanks before linking arms with your mother.
"Jet lag bothering you?" Your mother's query brought back memories of your tendency to suffer from jet lag, even after relatively short train journeys. Joshua's chuckle in the background, giving a playful jab at your enduring idiosyncrasy, a sign of his endearing fondness for his little sister.
For now, your plan was to reside temporarily with your mother, despite the hour-long commute to your workplace. The inefficiency was overshadowed by the comfort of being with her, reminiscent of times past.
"Are you staying here?" After emerging from the bathroom and spotting Joshua on the couch, indulging in potato chips and his favored Netflix series, you inquired. He invited you to join him, a temptation you couldn't resist, despite the lateness of the hour. Sleep eluded you, even though it was nearing midnight and you'll have a busy day ahead, visiting the office and various locations.
As you settled in beside him, he graciously shared his chips, a small gesture that highlighted the mutual respect you held for each other—an unspoken bond between unbiological siblings.
"I'm glad you made to move here," Joshua remarked, turning his gaze towards you, a smile lighting up his face. In response, you returned his smile, playfully querying,
"Missed me, did you?" Joshua's nod was confirmation enough.
"It reminds me of when Mom first introduced you. It felt odd, like I was too old to suddenly have a sister. At the time, we both sensed the awkwardness between us. Having never had a sister before, your arrival was quite the... surprise. Yes, a surprise."
Your smile grew wider, and you mused, "But when I left..." trailing off, your gaze met his, and he nodded in understanding. "Yes, when you left five years ago. I've never felt that kind of loneliness before. I grew up with twelve members, but when I got a taste of having a sister and you were gone for such a long time, I couldn't help but cry."
For a moment, you were taken aback by this unexpected confession. Embracing Joshua, you held him close, your affection for him as a brother evident in the tightness of your grip. "Really, Josh?"
His embrace conveyed reassurance and sincerity as he continued, "I'd only ever heard stories about members with sisters, like Vernon, Jeonghan, and Mingyu. They always worried over their sisters, and I secretly envied those emotions. When you left, I finally understood that feeling. It wasn't solely because you were gone; it was because I now had a sister too."
Resting your head upon his shoulder and intertwining your arms, you murmured, "You're a great brother as well, Josh. You should know that."
"The new Artistic Director is coming in an hour," the assistant of the photoshoot's director informed, caught by Mingyu's ears. Suddenly, a flurry of activity engulfed the staff, feverishly tidying and polishing every corner of the photoshoot venue.
"Let's move on to the next outfit," the director announced, prompting Mingyu to express his gratitude to the staff before stepping away.
"Who's coming?" Mingyu queried his manager while changing into his next ensemble. "Should I prepare myself?"
"A new director is visiting. Would you like to greet them? They should arrive in about fifteen minutes," his manager conveyed, also inquiring about his coffee order. The photoshoot team informed them of a food truck sent by the new director, replete with coffee and desserts.
Mingyu's eyes lit up at the mention of fudgy brownies. "Hyung, you know my order," he chimed, referring to his preference for an ice americano paired with fudgy brownies. His manager chuckled indulgently before departing to fetch his third outfit. With three more outfits to go, he eagerly anticipated the brownies.
"The director is rather young," his manager remarked when Mingyu emerged from the changing room for the fourth outfit.
"They're here?" Mingyu inquired, his restlessness palpable.
"She's here."
"A woman? Should I introduce myself?" Mingyu pondered aloud, prompting his manager to discuss the matter with today's director. Mingyu's eyes widened as he recognized a familiar figure moving around the venue. "Ms. Y/n, meet Kim Mingyu, our global brand ambassador and the star of this shoot."
A smile graced your lips as you extended a hand for a handshake. "Long time no see, Mingyu," you greeted warmly, evoking fond memories of your past interactions.
You explained your connection to the director, who left the two of you to engage in further conversation. "How have you been?" you inquired.
Mingyu's smile radiated genuine contentment. "I'm doing great. You moved here to Seoul, right?" he confirmed, prompting your nod. "I just got here yesterday. How's the shoot going?"
"It's incredible. Park Jihoon, the director, always has a keen eye for what works best," Mingyu praised before being called back for another shoot. You allowed him to proceed before resuming your exploration of the venue. Little did anyone in that space know the profound effect this reunion was having on Mingyu's heart.
Following his return from France, no one could have told the way your friendly interactions would set Mingyu's heart racing. Your frequent texting and video calls had even induced blushes on his cheeks. After a heartbreak months ago, he hadn't anticipated experiencing these feelings again, but unbeknownst to him, the sentiment was reciprocated on your end as well.
A week turned into a month, during which both of you unwittingly toyed with each other's feelings for nearly a year, all beneath the innocent labels of friends. While you habitually addressed each other as bestie, babe, and love, you were fully aware of the profound impact these terms held for one another. This recognition became a sweet addiction that drew you closer.
As the autumn breeze rustled through the leaves, you found yourself buried in a mountain of work, rarely engaging with your phone. It wasn't about mundane life updates; it was the shared texts that mattered. Mingyu still messaged you, but the rush of tasks left little room for replies. Days merged into weeks, and you realized that more than ten days had passed without a response. The courage to apologize or explain your situation escaped you, causing you to inadvertently distance yourself further.
In Mingyu's eyes, he saw his actions as immature. Despite his age, this realm was unfamiliar to him. He acknowledged that you were simply friends, yet he couldn't deny the undeniable spark between you two. His recent actions could be attributed to disappointment after your month-long silence. He pieced together snippets of your life from a friend's Instagram Story, and this might have prompted him to respond to a girl who reached out to him through DM, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
The realization that he'd made a mess of things dawned on him when pictures of him with the girl began circulating online. He held a faint hope that you'd come across them. Taking it a step further, his company issued a statement, falsely claiming he was in a relationship with the girl, all to gauge your reaction. Yet, the most poignant moment of his realization came when your communication ceased altogether. Four years had passed, but the feelings he held for you refused to wane.
When was the last time you'd been in a relationship? Seven years ago. Navigating the complexities of dating, particularly with Korean men, had always been challenging. Dating in itself was a labyrinthine journey. Cultural barriers loomed, evident from a past experience where you had dated a coworker. The affair lasted six months before you left it behind to chase your dreams in France.
The day's schedule had concluded. Exiting the car, which belonged to Joshua, you entered the house. The dimly lit environment was guided only by the entrance's faint lights. The clock displayed 9 PM, suggesting your mother had rested for the night. While you temporarily occupied Joshua's room, he slept at a shared apartment with other members. A twinge of guilt tugged at you for taking over his space.
"Josh, are you asleep?" you called out to Joshua through phone call.
"No, I'm hanging out with the members. Have you eaten?" he responded.
Your circle was small—your family, Joshua, and your mother were your constants. But there was also Mingyu, in the past. While your connection had been stronger four years back, now it seemed to have faded to mere acquaintance status. Your recent meeting stirred up memories, though they weren't numerous. These fragments remained locked within you—the way he spoke, laughed over phone and video calls, even his quirks. You held them close. To Mingyu, you might be just a friend, but the nightly calls raised questions. Did friends talk every night? The emotions you held for him loomed large.
"No, I haven't eaten, Josh," you responded with a mumble.
"Do you want to join us? The guys wouldn't mind," he offered, prompting a series of voices from his fellow members asking "who?" before he informed them, "Y/n."
"I'll make some ramyeon; I don't want to bother," you replied.
"No worries. Should I come pick you up? Are you home?" he inquired.
A chuckle escaped you. "Josh, your car is with me," you reminded him, causing him to swear under his breath.
"Mingyu's about to arrive. He could give you a ride. You're friends, right?" he suggested.
And that suggestion solidified your decision to decline. "I'll just make some ramyeon. Goodbye, Josh. Have a great time!" You exhaled heavily as the call ended. The question nagged at you: Why did you always deceive yourself?
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mirrored-movements · 1 year
A Rock and a Hard Place
(Miguel O'Hara x reader)
Synopsis: You'd always consider yourself an older sibling to the younger spider-folk, often taking them under your wing despite Miguel's distaste for it (Something you ignored knowing he'd have to just tolerate it) So what happens when you meet Miles and everything you'd looked at from behind rose-tinted glasses changes?
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE- YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED (Also plot change- sue me if you don't like it IG)
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Since joining the Spider society you’ve accomplished three things:
One, taking anyone younger than you under your wing and practically acted as an older sibling to them. Two, established yourself as one of the higher ranking spider-people - Surprisingly enough, and three, somehow making it onto Miguel's good side- the man shockingly enough taking a liking to you despite the rambunctious and loud nature you had.
He was a grouchy man from what you could tell, stiff and nearly the equivalent to a locked box- however with enough prying and enough unannounced visits you found him beginning- albeit perhaps a bit reluctantly- warming up to you.
“You’re a pest (Y/N), you know that?” Letting out a deep sigh from where he stood Miguel casted his gaze back at where you sat, suit-clad feet resting up on one of the consoles while a screen hovering in front of you.
Some strange sitcom that you and Lyla had begun watching was playing across the screen.
Folding your arms over one another your gaze moved to meet his own, a playful hint to your expression. “Well if I’m a pest then why don’t you just kick me out?”
Starring at you for a good second he simply grumbled a few choice words, head shaking as you’d scrunched up your face in success.
You and Miguel were in some sort of unspoken relationship it seemed, neither wanted to say anything but also enjoying one another's presence to the extent that either of you would miss the other when they were gone on a mission.
“Whatever.” Rolling his eyes he huffed in annoyance, however the faintest of smiles quirked across his lips.
Moving to resume watching your show with Lyla the soft ping of your watch halted you from doing so, the edges of your lips fully quirking up at the series of messages sent from one of your ‘children’ as you’d like to refer to them.
Seeing you pop up and out of your chair he couldn’t help but let out a sigh. “Where are you going now?”
“Just going to check on the youngsters.” At the mention of that you could see Miguel roll his eyes, however, the man didn’t do anything to stop you merely just casting you a look that said ‘Stay out of trouble.’
Not that that was something you could easily do.
Honestly, you only meant to check in on Gwen and Pavitr, the latter of the two having sent you a quick message about the new guy who’d dropped in as well as the appearance of Hobi- much to your confusion. But upon arriving you were quickly met with- a mess.
“What even- what is that?!” Your feet skidded across the cement, the eyelets of your mask widening as you turned around to address the four standing behind you; almost as though the hole would somehow leap out and drag them in.
“Well, I said it was a metaphor for capitalism.” Stuffing his hands into his pockets Hobi mused out, his tall frame coming to peak into the void down below. “Poetic innit?”
You rolled your eyes at that, holding back a laugh knowing that the situation should be taken seriously. “I came here to say hello to the ‘new guy’ not deal with-” Looking down at the gaping hole you finished. “A black hole.”
“Sorry but mi-” “New guy? That’s me!” The slim form occupying the space beside Gwen piped in right away, the kid almost instantly hopping over to shake your hand despite you not offering it. “Miles Moralis, or Spiderman- but I mean Spiderman of my world of course but were not there right now obviously- so just call me Miles.”
Leaning to the side a bit in order to spare Gwen a look, your attention returned to Miles, eyes partially closing and hand returning the handshake. “Nice to meet you Miles, you seem like a good kid.” At the slight praise, he visibly perked up. “(Y/N) is the name.”
You already liked the kid.
Slumping a little as an arm was thrown over your shoulder Hobi leaned his weight onto you, other hand motioning towards where you stood. “(Y/N) is like our big siblin, we can get away with anythin- well almost anythin.” Using his hand to cover part of his mouth as though he were telling a secret he added on. “They’re a little cushy with the big man though so-”
“Ok ok enough of that,” Cutting Hobi off and shaking off his arm you let out a mix between a huff and a laugh. “It’s nice to meet you though.” It was your turn to cover part of your mouth, “Gwen talks a lot about you.”
“Hey-” “Sorry not sorry!”
There was some more quick conversation between the three of you, Pavitr coming to join soon after inquiring on how his world would be- to which despite not knowing what had happened or who they were facing- you decided to reassure him.
Something that Jess did as well when her and a few others arrived in order to assess the damage and whatnot.
She seemed a little displeased with your presence however waved it off and gave you the brief instructions to bring the others; Hobi, Miles, and Gwen, back to HQ.
“The big boss- what’s he like?” Coming to walk beside you Miles spoke, hand fiddling with the day pass he’d been given in order not to glitch out.
“Scary-” “Kinda like a dictator a little.”
You gave Gwen and Hobi a look at their comments, the two hushing right after upon knowing how you and the man they spoke of were.
“He’s straightforward,” You began casting a quick look towards Gwen, “maybe a little scary,” Your eyes then moved back ahead. “But he had what’s best for all of us in mind.” Since entering HQ You’d taken off your mask, deciding now yo flash Miles a reassuring smile. “He has a kind heart and I trust in his decision.”
Taking your words to mind he nodded his head, a question popping into his brain quickly. “Uh are you and you know this boss uh-” “They're fuck buddies, respectfully.”
“Hobi!” Nearly hissing his name you flashed him a glare, finger pointing accusingly his way before your attention quickly returned to Miles opting to correct what was said. “Miguel and I aren’t fuck buddies- Just close, I mean I’d like to say we’re close.”
“That's why I’m saying you’ll be fine.”
Boy did you feel like a liar.
With the way Miles stared at you in disbelief- you might as well have traveled into his world to kill his dad yourself.
You had no clue this was the course of things, no clue of the pent-up anger and resentment held for the boy you’d just met, and you certainly had no clue he was going to contain Miles to a cage- basically.
Now, you just stood back, stunned at what was going on and stunned at the way Miguel handled the situation.
“Miguel, this- this isn't right.” Raising a hand you moved to place it on the man's arm, his attention flickering over to you. The angered and irritated look he had when addressing Miles softened only a bit as he spoke.
“This is what needs to happen. For his sake. For your sake. For all of us.”
Your heart fell at this, Miles’s banging against the containment shields growing more frantic until it stopped- a wave of electricity firing from the device or rather from Miles rendering it deactivated.
The shockwave had sent everyone tumbling to the floor, the first one to act being Miguel who’d lurched forward clawing at the ground in order to move quicker.
Your eyes met Peters from across the floor, a torn look being shared between you two- however, unlike you, he’d gotten up right away following after the herd.
Sucking in a few breaths trying to make a decision you’d slipped on your own mask, webs firing from your wrists in quick succession.
Your mind was made up.
You’re helping the kid go home.”
“Miguel!” Finally finding yourself catching up enough to call out you swung from side to side in order to avoid the traffic within the highway to the moon, body right away swinging full throttle into the man having caught him while he’d been pinning Miles. “This is wrong! What’s wrong with you?”
Recovering quickly from being tackled he stared back at you, a glare clearly shining through his mask as clawed hands gripped the vehicle you’d swung into. “This has to be done (Y/N)! You can’t change what is already written.” Despite not wanting to engage in a fight he let out an irritated breath, hand roughly gripping your shoulder intending to move once he’d noted Miles recovering.
“He’s just a kid!”
“He’s an anomaly!” Having enough Miguel shot his own web forward, the force of it dragging himself and by default you away from the vehicle you’d dragged him into, “He shouldn’t exist in the first place!” Shouting the last part he shot another web forward intending on continuing his pursuit.
“That’s not for you to decide!” Following suit and firing your own web you caught up quickly, heart hammering within your chest as you’d begun trying to deter him. “You preach for justice but is this really is?!”
“Stop interfering (Y/N)!”
Coming to swing at his side once more he caught your leg using your momentum to toss you back. “Just stay down!”
“I can’t!” 
The (F/C) strings of your webs came back, splatters of them sticking to Miguel's mask, inevitably leading him to backtrack for a moment- the surprise on your face must’ve been evident as you hadn’t expected to be football tackled and pinned to the side of the tunnel. Miguel’s angered frame towered over you, the front of his mask deactivating for a second as he spoke, ruby hues boreing through your mask.
“It’s me, or him (Y/N).”
Biting your tongue at the statement you watched his jaw tighten, gaze hardening at the lack of response.
Without much else to say he’d raised a hand, neon webs right away stucking your limbs down despite the protests that left your lips.
“Miguel wait-” “We’ll talk when I get back.”
Rising back up he casted you one last look, something that was almost disappointment before bolting off.
To say you were stuck between a rock and a hard place was an understatement.
Little but rushed tbh bc the exact plot of ATSP is escaping my brain at the moment <3
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mysticwolfshadows · 1 month
Taken - Zutara - Part 13
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Katara found her life shifting to fit a new routine. Zuko would come to the South Pole every two to three months. While Katara healed the injured soldiers, Zuko and Iroh met with her father and Bato, and the Earth Kingdom supplies were traded for the few things they had an overflow of.
She realized that some of the supplies from the Earth Kingdom were metals forged into spear heads and arrow tips. Hunts became easier, with more deadly equipment able to fell wild tiger moose and arctic caribou in only a few shots, rather than a slow trailing hunt. For once, they had enough to breath.
Its in the evening, as they feast and celebrate, Zuko tells Katara about his travels. Sokka hovers each night, supposedly still wary of the prince, but Katara has a feeling he just wants to hear about the rest of the world too. Zuko had traveled a fair amount, but was restricted to Fire Nation friendly ports, while also avoiding selling the Southern goods at towns controlled by the Fire Nation. Mostly, he got around it by traveling further inland from Fire Nation ports that wouldn't look to closely at his cargo.
Zuko had been to a small town called Gaipon, where he had sold some lamp oil in exchange for some berry wine and a few crafted spear heads. In a somewhat large city called Goa Ling, he and the soldiers had donned Earth Kingdom disguises, selling the rest of the lamp oil and the crate of arctic crab that the nobles in the area went crazy for. Kyoshi Island was closer to the South, but isolated and rarely went off the island, so they took an interest in anything Zuko had left over on his way back, once they deemed him not a threat.
Before Katara knew it, it had been nearly a year and a half since she had returned home. She vaguely realized that she had missed Zuko's 14th birthday, and that his 15th was close. She mused the thought aloud at dinner one night, and her parents seemed intrigued.
The next time Zuko returned, she met up with him to find the Fire Nation Prince stumbling out of a tent, traditional Southern Water Tribe blue covering him. His face was bright red, his hair redone in a version of a Southern Warriors wolf tail. He seemed embarrassed as he shifted around, hands fisted in gloves at his sides.
"Sorry Katara," her father said as he came out of the tent, a firm hand placed on the back of Zuko's neck, the way she'd seen him do to Sokka when her brother wasn't to keen on following orders. "But Prince Zuko will be spending the day with us."
Before she could get any answers, her father was leading a grumbling firebender to the village wall, joining with Bato and a pair of boys that had just turned fourteen. She wondered what could possibly be going on, and went to Iroh for answers. Of course, the man was good at keeping secrets, and somehow pulled her into a game of Pai Sho. They played for hours, Katara's mind drifting to what her father and Bato could possibly be doing, only for Iroh or soldiers to distract her.
When they finally returned, Zuko was wide eyed and laughing, as if shocked by his own delight. He and the two other boys were dragging a large Arctic caribou behind them. Across each brow was a mark of the tribe. When Katara got close enough, she saw the mark of the trusted painted across Zuko's brow.
"You took him hunting?" Katara snapped at her father. "And ice dodging? Dad! That's so dangerous! Zuko didn't grow up in the South! He could have been seriously hurt!"
"It's fine," her father said, placing a hand on her shoulder to stop her. He turned, and Katara followed his gaze to where more of the older boys were gathering around Zuko, laughing as they seemed to share stories of ice dodging and first hunts. "Zuko has earned a place in the tribe. He has done us a great service, returning you, and helped us still since then." He paused. "He has become someone the tribe can rely on."
Katara watched her friend as a young warrior, a boy who had joined the warrior ranks two years ago, gave Zuko a joking shove. Zuko, despite his momentary scowl, shoved back in a similar manner, setting the warrior into howls of laughter. For the first time in what seemed like years, Zuko seemed almost at ease.
When he looked at her, he smiled, lifting his hand in an awkward wave. She lifted her own hand to do the same, only for someone to say something to Zuko that got his face flaming red and start wrestling in the snow. It quickly devolved into a free for all, all in good fun.
Katara watched on, wishing that Zuko would stay, let himself be happy here in the tribe, where he felt free enough to laugh so openly. But she knew, come morning, he would be off once again, chasing a ghost.
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 8 months
SABEZRA WEEK: Day 1 (Oct 23): In Between
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*Ten years is a long time.  A lot can happen, a lot can change.  As Sabine Wren settles into a routine on Lothal, she reflects on what has changed since that fateful day, both with the galaxy at large and regarding her feelings for Ezra.* 
For all her life, Sabine Wren had known action and movement.  Mandalorian upbringings were full of activity by their nature, and the realities of life on the Ghost meant that staying still could be disastrous.  She had gotten used to being on the move, never staying in one spot too long (not for lack of trying), and her schedule being determined almost exclusively by the mission of the day or the Empire's less-than-wanted input on the subject.  All of that together, it was just one of the numerous things that made her current situation alien and unusual for her. 
She had initially been content with a small apartment in Lothal City, but the comm tower seemed to loom over her in more ways than one.  In what seemed like no time at all, she had moved into the tower. 
Ezra's tower. 
She had been living here for a few years now, and in that time she had taken up the surprisingly alien notion of a schedule.  Wake up, feed the Loth-cat, check the filtration systems, tune up the speeder, head into town for whatever groceries or parts she needed, train and exercise, eat, shower, go to bed.  Rinse and repeat.  Social calls were few and far between, though that only made the occasional meeting with Ryder a very welcome departure from the norm. 
This isn't to say that Sabine was completely out of the loop for what was happening beyond Lothal.  She had kept up with every scrap of news on the Rebellion she could find, scouring for any mention of Hera, Zeb or Rex.  She had stood in shock with everyone else when news of Alderaan reached their ears.  She had waited with baited breath as the rebellion grew into a full-blown galactic war.  She had been especially interested in the rumors of a new Jedi joining their ranks. 
Yet that last point also made her other ruminations more painful.  Even if she hadn't been literally living in his house, Sabine knew she could never get her mind off of Ezra.  Of all the incredible things that had happened that day, the most powerful blow remained that he was gone.  Ezra, Specter 6, the loth rat stowaway, the annoying kid of the team, the up and coming Jedi Padawan, the rising star of Phoenix Squadron, her crewmate, her partner, her best friend... 
And the thing that gnawed at her most of all, was her musings that he may be something more. 
As she poured kibble into Murlay's bowl, Sabine thought back to a conversation she had once had with her brother.  A conversation that she had vehemently denied was anything more than Tristan teasing her. And yet she still kept coming back to it. 
“So he is a friend.” 
“No duh, osik-head.” 
“And he’s a boy.” 
“That doesn’t make him my-!“ 
“Seems like it does.” 
“We’re just friends! Nothing more!” 
“Seems like you’re a little more than friends.” 
“We’re not!” 
Were they? 
Despite her insistence, Sabine had ended up painting a (if she did say so herself) pretty impressive portrait of the young Jedi. When he had returned to Krownest mere weeks later, it had taken every ounce of her willpower to keep herself from running over to hug him. Was that something you did if you were just friends? 
Well, Sabine had been mulling it over for six years now, and she was nowhere closer to an answer than before. Even the multitude of conversations she had had with Hera had never ventured to discission how she was starting to feel about her wayward friend. An impromptu interview with a rising star of the Rebellion with a vested interest in Jedi had turned semi regular whenever he was in the system, yet some of her ruminations left her even less sure than she had been before. And that didn’t even begin to account for what he might be thinking. If he was even- 
Sabine stopped herself. Thinking like that would only set her even further off course. No, Ezra was not dead. He was out there somewhere. And one way or another, she would bring him home, with or without help. This she swore. 
Scratching Murlay behind the ears as he started to eat, Sabine rose to her feet and made her way to a small box under the bed. Rummaging through the contents, she found what she had been looking for. Of all the things that had been added to her routine, lightsaber training was certainly one of the more unique. She had added the emitter shroud herself to satisfy an urge to tinker, but it was otherwise the same as when he had left it to her all those years ago. Walking out onto the balcony, Sabine took a deep breath and ignited the emerald blade. She took herself through a few practice velocities, nothing fancy or significant, but enough for the dancing blade to do its surprisingly calming magic. Ahsoka had told her that some Jedi could use their lightsaber sequences to facilitate a form of moving meditation, where the repetition of the action gradually became instinctive, enabling the Jedi to dedicate their mental energies to other tasks. Sabine wasn’t quite sure she could get to that point (Hyuyang certainly didn’t think so), but it was close enough. 
Some day she would find him. Some day she would bring him home. Between now and then, she would do what she had been doing. Who knows? She might even figure out just what Ezra Bridger meant to Sabine Wren. 
And when that day finally came; well, she always had a knack for finding the appropriate time for fireworks. 
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glory-hasnoplacehere · 11 months
Anzu Ames is here y'all. Resident slime boy creature.
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
↱ an unexpected addition ↰
➘ summary : a new member decides to join the league of villains but she doesn’t look villain material, twice on the other hand says otherwise
➘ twice x reader, jin bubaigawara x reader
➘ a/n : are you guys enjoying this new design take I’m doing?
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The League of Villains' hideout was shrouded in darkness, a stark contrast to the bright and bustling world outside. The group of misfits gathered around a table, each member immersed in their own thoughts and plans for chaos. But today, something unusual was about to disrupt their routine.
A knock echoed through the hideout, causing the villains to exchange glances. Toga was the first to approach the door, a sinister grin on her face. "Who could it be at this hour?"
The door creaked open, revealing a figure standing in the doorway—a young woman with vibrant (h/c) hair and an infectious smile. She seemed out of place amidst the gloom, radiating an inexplicable joy that was almost jarring in this setting.
"Hey there! Sorry for dropping by unannounced," the girl greeted cheerily, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Shigaraki raised an eyebrow, his hand hovering over his face as he regarded the newcomer with suspicion. "And who the hell are you?"
"(Y/N)," she introduced herself with a laugh, as if her very presence was a burst of sunlight in the dim room. "I heard you guys are making a name for yourselves, so I thought I'd see what all the fuss was about."
Toga's eyes gleamed with interest as she circled around (Y/N), her curiosity piqued by the girl's audacity. "Well, well, aren't you a little ball of energy?"
Before anyone else could react, Twice stepped forward, his face split into a wide grin that mirrored (Y/N)'s own expression. "Hey, hey, I vouch for her! She's got the right vibe, you know? The League could use some fresh air."
“Fuck off!”
Shigaraki crossed his arms, regarding the scene with a mixture of amusement and skepticism. "Twice, you're vouching for her just based on vibes?"
Twice nodded eagerly, his eyes bright. "Yeah, yeah! Trust me, Boss, she's got potential. We could use some positivity around here."
“No! Kick her lame ass out.”
(Y/N) chuckled, undeterred by the skeptical gazes around her. "Life's too short to be serious all the time, right?"
The League's members exchanged glances, caught between intrigue and uncertainty. It was true that their group had always leaned towards the darker side of life, but (Y/N)'s unwavering cheeriness was like a splash of paint on a blank canvas.
Shigaraki finally sighed, his fingers tapping impatiently against his arm. "Fine. Twice, if you believe in her, we'll give her a chance. But she's got to prove herself. This isn't a tea party."
Twice grinned even wider, his excitement palpable. "You won't regret it, Boss!"
“I’m already regretting agreeing.”
As the League of Villains welcomed (Y/N) into their ranks, the dynamics of the group shifted. Her presence, like a burst of color, had the potential to change the way they saw their mission. Whether she could truly find her place in this world of darkness remained to be seen, but one thing was certain—the League of Villains was in for a unique and unexpected journey with their newest, and perhaps most unconventional, member.
(Y/N)'s entry into the League of Villains marked a new chapter for the group. Her bright personality was like a constant source of energy, injecting an unusual spark into their sinister pursuits. As days turned into weeks, the members began to adjust to her presence, some more begrudgingly than others.
Toga found herself oddly drawn to (Y/N)'s infectious laughter and carefree nature. She observed her new companion's interactions with a mix of fascination and curiosity. "(Y/N), you're really something else," Toga mused one day, twirling a knife between her fingers.
(Y/N) flashed a grin in response, seemingly unfazed by the dangerous instrument Toga was wielding. "Well, life's too short to be boring, right?"
Meanwhile, Twice found himself spending more time with (Y/N), the two forming an unexpected camaraderie. He appreciated the break from the constant tension within the group. "(Y/N), you're like a breath of fresh air," he admitted, a genuine smile on his face.
“I wish you would just die!”
"I try my best," she replied, her eyes glinting mischievously. "Who knew villains could use a little sunshine?"
Even Shigaraki, who was known for his stern demeanor, couldn't help but be intrigued by (Y/N)'s unique approach to villainy. He watched her from the shadows, observing her interactions and contemplating the potential benefits and risks of her presence.
One evening, as the group gathered to discuss their next move, (Y/N) piped up with an idea that caught everyone off guard. "Why don't we organize a charity event? You know, something that shows we're not all bad."
The room fell silent, each member processing (Y/N)'s suggestion. It was a far cry from their usual activities, but there was something strangely appealing about the idea of presenting a different side of themselves.
Shigaraki leaned back in his chair, his fingers steepled as he regarded (Y/N). "Explain."
(Y/N) leaned forward, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Think about it. We could use the event as a cover for something bigger. People would never suspect us, and we'd be able to gather information, or even set a trap for our enemies."
The room buzzed with a mix of curiosity and interest. The proposition was audacious, a gamble that had the potential to either backfire spectacularly or yield unexpected rewards.
Toga was the first to voice her approval, her grin bordering on maniacal. "I like the way you think!"
Twice nodded in agreement, his eyes wide with excitement. "It's like turning the tables on everyone, but with style!"
“This is a dumb idea!”
Shigaraki mulled over the idea for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, he finally cracked a small smile, a rarity for him. "Fine. We'll give it a shot. But make no mistake, (Y/N), if this goes south, you're taking full responsibility."
(Y/N) beamed, her energy practically bouncing off the walls. "Deal!"
As preparations for the charity event began, the League of Villains found themselves venturing into uncharted territory. With (Y/N)'s unconventional ideas at the helm, they were about to show the world a side they never thought they'd see. Whether their plan would succeed or crumble under the weight of their own audacity remained to be seen, but one thing was certain—the League was in for a ride they would never forget, all thanks to the girl who had brought a touch of brightness to their shadows.
The League of Villains threw themselves into planning the charity event with a newfound fervor. Their hideout, once a hub of darkness, transformed into a makeshift event planning headquarters. (Y/N)'s energy was infectious, as she rallied the members with her innovative ideas and boundless enthusiasm.
Kurogiri, the somber portal-manipulating member of the League, observed the proceedings with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "(Y/N), are you sure about this? It seems quite... unconventional."
(Y/N) flashed a reassuring smile at Kurogiri. "Trust me, Kurogiri. Unconventional is exactly what we need. We'll catch everyone off guard and achieve our objectives without them even realizing it."
As the event drew near, (Y/N) worked tirelessly, ensuring every detail was in place. The League's hideout was adorned with banners, tables, and decorations, creating an atmosphere that was eerily inviting. The other members contributed in their own ways, albeit reluctantly at times, as they prepared for roles that felt oddly unfamiliar.
On the day of the event, the hideout's transformation was complete. The villains, dressed in costumes that attempted to mimic a sense of normalcy, mingled with the attendees, many of whom were unaware of the true nature of their hosts. (Y/N) flitted about, a master of ceremonies with an infectious smile that betrayed none of the darkness lurking beneath.
Toga, her usual thirst for blood disguised by a façade of normalcy, entertained guests with her unsettling charm. Twice, donning a tuxedo, created duplicates of himself to help serve refreshments, adding a quirky touch to the proceedings.
Shigaraki, his fingers still gloved, mingled with the crowd, his cold demeanor in stark contrast to the festive ambiance. Yet, even he couldn't deny the strange allure of (Y/N)'s plan.
As the evening progressed, (Y/N) sensed an air of tension mixed with curiosity among the attendees. They were drawn to the event, even if they didn't fully understand why. The League's usual chaos was temporarily subdued, replaced by a deceptive sense of unity that (Y/N) had managed to conjure.
But amidst the laughter and music, a more sinister undercurrent simmered beneath the surface. (Y/N)'s watchful eyes were attuned to the subtle shifts in the room, the hints of conversations that hinted at something more sinister.
As the night continued, (Y/N) seized an opportunity to gather valuable information from unsuspecting guests. Her casual conversations led to secrets revealed, alliances exposed, and rivalries unveiled.
When the event came to a close, the League of Villains retreated to their hideout, exhausted but exhilarated. (Y/N)'s plan had worked, and they had achieved their objectives without raising suspicion. It was a success that had left the members, even the skeptical ones, with a sense of accomplishment.
"(Y/N), I've got to hand it to you. That was a crazy idea, but it worked," Toga said, a satisfied grin on her face.
Twice nodded enthusiastically. "You brought some much-needed chaos in the most unexpected way!"
“I hated it!”
Shigaraki leaned against a wall, a rare smile tugging at his lips. "(Y/N), I must admit, you've got a knack for this."
(Y/N) beamed, her heart swelling with a mixture of pride and relief. "Well, villains can have a little fun too, right?"
The League of Villains had experienced a night unlike any other, and it was all thanks to (Y/N)'s unorthodox approach. As they settled in, their laughter and camaraderie resonated through the hideout, an echo of the unlikely success that had unfolded under the guise of a charity event.
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blade-liger-4ever · 1 year
Okay, so I’ve been thinking of Smokescreen from TFP a lot, and I’ve decided to share some thoughts/head-canons involving him
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First of all, we tend to ignore the fact that Smokescreen is a scarily adept thief. Just think about it: he’s always snitching the Phase Shifter until they allow him to keep it, and he manages to sneak away from the others to the battlefield or elsewhere with no one the wiser. So realistically speaking, Smokescreen is no stranger to sleight of hand tricks and stealth, meaning he likely stole - at least a little - before he was inducted into the Elite Guard, probably in order to survive.
And another thing about Smokescreen that always stuck out to me was how, despite his excitement for joining Team Prime and his insistence on “it being destiny/[he’s] destined to be a great warrior”, every time something went wrong, he blamed himself. He never shirked it onto someone else, or accused them of being at fault (come to think of it, he never pointed the finger at a teammate for anything). Instead, Smokescreen kicked himself for the failure and held himself to an unnecessary degree of accountability. It’s almost like he’s expecting too much from himself, so that, to me, says that Smokescreen thinks poorly of himself most of the time. Additionally, this leads me to think that he’s desperate for approval and acceptance from people, especially Team Prime and Optimus in particular. And I personally believe that Smokescreen’s ego early on is what he holds onto in order to convince himself that he is actually a worthy ‘Bot in his own right and not worthless or a burden.
So that’s left me to a couple of conclusions and theories: One, Smokescreen initially grew up in a darker part of Cybertron (clearly unaffected by the war); two, he was likely used by other Cybertronians for infiltration/recon/courier missions, and three he was often told what his worth was by others, half being condescending and the other half being sarcastic, with the occasional genuine praise from others, specifically his guardians.
And now we come to the real head-canon aspect of this: Smokescreen’s mysterious past (note, this is all from my own musings).
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So, I imagine Smokescreen was a kid who grew up in a little known place of Cybertron called the Mithril Sea. Like the Sea of Rust, it was primarily rust and heat, leaving only the strong to survive. An area largely ignored by most for their poor living conditions, the denizens of the Mithril Sea have to make frequent trade and excursions through the various run-down cities and markets to make a living. Taken in by the Axelerators merchant group, Smokescreen was the youngest and fastest of the group. Seeing the advantage of his youthful exuberance, the leader of the Axelerators often sent him to spy and steal from their rivals within the arid Mithril Sea. Despite the lack of empathy by most of the Axelerators, Smokescreen enjoyed the thrill of racing through the streets, jumping across the rooftops, and occasional chases by enemies. He would also get a kick out of pranking some of the better off and vain ‘Bots in the vicinity, or taunting his pursuers when they were unable to follow him into a particularly small passageway.
But this still left him restless. The Axelerators were always just using him for their next deal, for the next undermining of their opponents. It was a thankless and condescending life, but Smokescreen refused to believe that his life would always be so dull. Somehow, he always had an innate sense that he would leave the Mithril Sea and become a warrior - an idea that grew as he learned more about the ongoing Autobot-Decepticon War. He loved hearing the tales that would filter down into the market streets about the great battles, and the glorious cause of freedom for all that the new Prime, Optimus, spoke of. Hearing these stories drove Smokescreen to the knowledge that he was meant to be a soldier in the Autobot army, and he vowed to join their ranks after the passing of his guardian in the Axelerators.
Taking another mission on behalf of the Axelerators, Smokescreen instead stole a week’s worth of energon cubes and left the Mithril Sea. Arriving in Pellechrome, he bought more energon and supplies before searching for the nearest Autobot recruitment center. After pestering and waiting outside for a solid cycle, the sergeant accepted him into the Autobots and had him inducted into the Elite Guard for training. Overjoyed, Smokescreen joined the last unit of young Autobots to be trained under Rocket Plume, herself a deadly stealth agent. Smokescreen soon found that his background made him stand out to the more insecure ‘Bots, who would use him as a scapegoat and target for their actions. This naturally resulted in fights, but to the surprise of many, Smokescreen always came out on top, something that caught the eye of Rocket Plume. Taking him under her wing, Smokescreen’s skills at evasion, stealth, and battle truly flourished, although he was still considered an outcast by his fellow cadets. For that, as well as Rocket Plume’s teaching of changing one’s voice for covert operations, Smokescreen learned to suppress his natural Mithrilic accent to the point that no one who met him for the first time suspected his heritage.
When the war began to escalate, Smokescreen and his fellow cadets were given a hasty and unceremonious graduation, something that would forever disappoint him. With Rocket Plume pulled back onto the front lines, Smokescreen and the other graduates were sent to Iacon to bolster its defenses. Although pleading for a role on the Iacon front, Smokescreen was disheartened to learn that he would be given the position of security detail to Alpha Trion. Initially resenting this task, Smokescreen gradually built a rapport with Alpha Trion, whose grandfatherly nature and care earned the respect and loyalty of the young ‘Bot - especially when he was encouraged to speak with his natural accent. Seeing potential in the young Mithrilic and learning more of future events through the Covenant of Primus, Alpha Trion, under the pretense of old age, regaled Smokescreen with tales of Cybertron before the war, as well as those of Optimus and his past as Orion Pax.
To his great relief - and a certain amount of pride - Smokescreen was an eager learner, absorbing every fact related to Optimus and the battle techniques that Alpha Trion passed on to him. Eventually, the time came for Iacon’s fall, and Smokescreen eagerly waited near the doors to fully embrace and live up to the Autobot cause. Then, of course, Alpha Trion knocked him out and entrusted him with one of the Omega Keys, knowing that he would escape to Earth and help bring the Keys to Optimus.
Personally, I would have given Smokescreen a new human partner, and I’d reuse Tripp Summers from the 2018 Bumblebee film. Their bond would mostly focus on helping Smokescreen relax and realize his worth isn’t in his actions or what he can or can’t do for the team, but in his desire to do good and promote an end to the war. On Tripp’s side of things, Smokescreen would probably help him learn autonomy (I swear, that pun wasn’t intended) and to stop appeasing his haughty peers, whom he tries to please on behalf of his family.
And there we have it - my expanded history for Smokescreen. My boy deserved more attention and care in TFP, although what we got was good, too. To just further elaborate, the names of unknown locations and ‘Bots - Alpha Trion and Iacon notwithstanding, of course - I searched the Teletraan 1 Wiki for these places and expanded on them. So, if you’re curious, you can check them out there.
Additionally, I picture the Mithril Sea as stylized after ancient Persia, with the accent being Persian. The biggest reason for this is because first of all, I’m deeply interested in ancient Persia, the second being that Nolan North had previously voiced the Prince of Persia in the 2008 game. He’d wanted to do that accent for the character, but for some incomprehensible reason, the studio wanted his “Nate Drake” voice for the character.
Yeah, I don’t get that either. But at least this way, not only does Smokescreen have a larger and more colorful history, Mr. North would have the chance to use that accent whenever Smokescreen is agitated, excited, or frustrated by something. Who knows, maybe he’ll come across this and do that accent after all. I know I would certainly love to hear him use it!
See you around, folks!
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gensokyogarden · 5 months
it's almost new years and you guys have been there for me so much during this year so tonight I do want to make a post trying to recognize a lot of people within the community. My head is pretty fuzzy right now so I fear I'm gonna forget some folks, in which case I'm honestly genuinely very sorry, but know that so many of you have touched my life in a positive way. Since I wasn't fully around on Thanksgiving either, consider this my chance of telling you all that I'm thankful for you too.
Some of you may not see this. Either because you don't follow this blog or you've been offline for a while. But I hope even if you don't see this post you still are able to understand my feelings towards you.
At the moment I would prefer if people don't reblog this. I'm not the most comfortable with my out of character thoughts being spread around. However if you know someone in this but think they won't see it on their own you are welcome to link them to this. Also if you're mentioned in this and you REALLY want to save it, I guess I can't stop you from reblogging.
Ruler: It feels like anytime I'm in a rough spot you always have kind words for me. With how often you're in character I just deeply respect you always breaking it for me. You've helped me to feel safe in the community during a very difficult time. That means the world to me.
Annette-mun: I know we only met a year ago but you have become an incredibly close friend to me. Being honest, I rank you as one of my best friends. I have fun with all of the boardgames we play together as well as the connections we've made between a lot of our muses. I always want to recognize all the work you put in sending me those ask spams. I'm sorry that because of head stuff I haven't been able to answer most of the new set. It makes me feel as if I've failed to respect the effort that you have put in. But I hope some day in the future I can fix that. I'm very glad we're friends.
Vel: You're a really funny friend and I care about you a lot. I feel that sometimes I'm not sensitive enough to things that may bother you and worry I may have upset you at times in the past. If I have, I'm really sorry. You write Kyouko really well and your ocs are also quite fun. Thanks for letting me make Nagi. Sometimes you say things that make me feel you are self-concious about your blog and other things. So I just wanna reiterate that I am in your corner and here for you whenever you need.
Slap: I was shy towards you at first, I'll admit. It may not seem it but I'm kinda a shy person in general and I'm nervous to warm up to people, but I'm glad you joined the Touhou community. You're a really funny guy. I love reading your posts on my dash and now I also love playing the occasional game with ya. Your ability to do voice and to commit to bits is astounding. I'm really glad I met you.
Argo: You're someone who is always there for me. I really appreciate that. I left the Fate community for personal reasons years ago now. I'm very glad that, despite that, I still ended up meeting you. Because you've been such a good friend to me. I'm glad that you've gotten somewhat into Touhou because it gives us more room to interact. You've really been there when I've needed you. Often you apologize and say you don't do enough but you've done so much for me. You're special to me.
Hoche: Through all the struggles I've gone through you have been very supportive of me. You have been a level headed voice of support and advice. I think that if it were not for you I would have been worse off in many different circumstances. Aside from that you are a very talented writer. I find myself stunned by some of what I've seen you write. Thank you for everything you've done for me and for being my friend.
Zane: You always show me cool warhammer things and that's special to me. I also really like Nyalter. I love ocs in general, but I think you have done a phenomenal job in giving her a life and story that is uniquely hers. I find it to be quite inspirational and it really pushes me to work harder on my own original characters.
Amber: I have mentioned this before but you were the first person to welcome me into the community. That is always going to be special to me. During that period when you left I teared up a fair amount because it felt like things would always be so different with you gone. I'm very glad that you came back. I really like all your ocs. I'm glad Eri isn't gone but I'm also really happy to be seeing the opportunity for your other ocs to shine as well. They're all fun, but I'm particularly a fan of Anna.
Kay: You've given me some of the advice that has helped me the most when I have been in a bad spot. I can't thank you enough for that. You've stopped me from making really bad decisions. You've also just been a fun and supportive friend. I am very interested in your Reimu and the story arc you've created with the hakurei god.
Swigg: I know we haven't talked much lately. I think our schedules don't line up the best. But you recently mentioned trying to get back into Tumblr. I'll be very happy if you do. Your ocs are fun and you put a lot of love and care into the canon characters you write. I think you add a lot to the community.
Sethy: I didn't know it for a while but back in the Fate community I followed your arknights blog and admired you there. I'm super glad I have gotten the opportunity to meet you and to become your friend. I think that all the things you do are so cool. Like you're a vtuber that's incredible. I always wanted to stream but could never work up the courage. You also know the creators of all the walfas I love. I just think its so cool. You have such a history within the community. I know that you suffered a very bad tragedy this year. I don't believe I was in a good enough headspace at that time to have provided you with the support a friend should have given and I deeply regret that. I just hope you're doing well.
Noka: I think you're a real sweetie and also really funny. I'm glad to see you posting on your sfw blog a lot more again because I really love seeing you on my dash. I'm hoping that we can do a lot more threads in the future because its always fun to write our muses together.
Minnie: Maybe the only person with the same brain worms as me. I know that lately we have not talked much but I hope you are doing well. I just wanna say that I really love your art.
Aurora: My apprentice and buddy, hehe. I know I haven't been around much but I want you to know that I'm glad you decided to join the rpc. You're so full of ideas and kindhearted. You have such phenomenal oc ideas and have such a talent for making danmaku. I think someday you may be the centerpiece of the community.
Sats: We haven't spoken too often but like Amber you were one of the first folks to interact with me in the community. Alongside that I find your writing to be phenomenal. As are your headcanons. The work that you put in to research, especially on folklore, is just so inspirational. It drives me to want to learn everything I can.
Momi: Hey Momi. It's been a while since you've been around and I miss you a lot. I know we still message on discord occasionally so its not like I can't reach out to ya. But I just miss you being in the rpc a lot. You were such a great writer and always doing something fun. But I imagine you've got a whole bunch of difficult challenges ahead of you. I've heard the career you're pursuing is really rough. I hope that you're thriving in it though.
Sarience: You've always been a good pal to me. I have a lot of fun writing with Neka in both forms as well as your other muses. There's a lot of asks from you I haven't answered yet. I'm really sorry about that. It feels disrespectful. Still I hope to be able to do more in the future. Thank you for always being interested in interacting with my muses, even when I was very new and unestablished.
Kyo: I really really like everytime that I see you on my dash. You write your muses in such a fun and engaging way. I hope that we get to interact a lot more in the future. I also know you've started something new in the last few months, not gonna be specific since I'm not sure if you've shared that part of your personal life on Tumblr, but I wish you the best of luck at it. I think you're going to succeed hard!
Ran: Ran I guess I just first wanna say I consider you a really good and special friend. When we've spoken you've often alluded to social anxiety and feeling like you've said embarassing things. So I want to restate that I've never been put off by what you've said and I love talking to you. As well as roleplaying and doing boardgames. I have so much fun pairing our muses up our causing wacky hijinks. I haven't seen you on your blogs much lately. Maybe I've just missed you but if not I hope you return to the rpc soon. It's not the same place without you.
Metal: You've been a long time friend to me by this point. Longer than a lot of folks on this list. I really appreciate that a lot. We haven't talked too much lately but I hope you're doing well. I also know not all of our fandoms sync up but I'm always down to interact anyways.
Nep: Hey Nep I haven't really seen you on Tumblr lately. I'm hoping that's just because we've been active at different times but if not I hope you're back soon. If you're not, I hope you're happy wherever you are. I think that you're real fun to write with and you've got original characters I'm excited to do much more with. I also believe that you had an event while I was gone that I'll hopefully be able to catch up on sometime soon.
Koi: I know I've not been around much lately but I hope that you're doing well. I've not really been in the headspace for horror lately but you're very good at bringing a unique horror flair to things.
Plumber: Hey we don't really personally know each other all that well but you're always making fun and wacky posts that I love to see on my dash. It feels like the rpc would be a lot less fun without you here. You also seem to be an incredibly kind person.
Kaali: A friend I've had for quite a while now but that I don't talk to enough. Sorry about that I'm just genuinely not the best with conversations. I have mad respect for all the work you put into your original characters and into your ideas. Like you really pull out all the stops.
Awoo: I've admired your ability to create interesting and fun original characters a lot. Several decisions I've made to develop my skills as a roleplayer have been inspired by you. I know you've had some mental health struggles of your own and I haven't heard from you lately so I hope you're doing alright wherever you are.
Sades: During some really difficult moments you were there for me when not many other people were. I'm always going to appreciate that. You're also the reason I got into Touhou. Which means that without you, chances are I woule not have met the vast majority of people here or found a community where I feel I belong.
Cobalt: I am always ecstatic when I see your posts on my dash. I love your Chen and think that you're a lot of fun. I have not been around much but when I have been I've seen you talking about things like not feeling you have much to do in the community. I can't make decisions for you but I do want to say that I think you are a fundamental piece of our rpc. I would be sad not having you here.
Teeps: I was shy about approaching you at first but you're incredibly cool. A lot of the fandoms you are in I'm not in but your posts get me interested in them anyways. Like I have no clue who that green sonic character is but you give her such an energy. I'm real glad to know ya. As far as the 2hu rpc goes you've been around a lot longer than me and I love hearing your own personal that you've developed.
Cait: I need to pop in and catch your streams more. I think that you're very cool to see on the dash. I especially love the way that you write your Sakuya. I really cherrish her interactions with my Reimu.
Sev: First of all. A while ago you sent me a very kind message wishing me well in my mental health struggles. I was not in the best place then so I did not appropriately respond. So thank you for that it truly meant a lot to me. I believe that you put a stunning amount of work into the characters you write, giving them so much detail and layers. Its inspiring and I just really want to appreciate you for it.
Hanafuda: You haven't been around much and last we spoke you alluded to a rough spot. So I hope if you ever see this that you're doing well. It was always fun having another Miko on the dash for mine to banter with. I also looked forward to seeing more of the other muses you played. Maybe someday you'll return.
Frozen: Everytime I see one of your posts it makes me smile. Honestly you've got some of the funniest jokes in the fandom. Some I don't get but I still feel they'd be hilarious if I got them. Also I have noticed you often commission art for other people. I find that to be a very sweet and kindhearted thing. So I consider you to be the heart of the community.
Fox: I don't know you very well but I've recently seen your multimuse popping up and it seems very fun. So I want to get to know ya in the future.
Chiru: We've not really spoken but I think you make some really great posts. Very well written headcanons and roleplays. So I just wanna say I'm always happy seeing you on my dash.
Draco: you're not in the touhou fanbase but you have been a long time friend. I haven't heard much from you lately so I hope you're doing well. I'm here if ya need me.
Sturm: I think that all your fairy posts are incredibly. You truly are a star of my dashboard. Hopefully someday we'll interact more. I'd like that.
Xana: You seem to have so much lore for your blogs, its really cool. It seems you've been around a long while so there's a lot of history. Someday I'd like to sit down and hear all about it from you. I also find your writing to be quite fun.
Jacob: we don't interact too much but I'm always excited to see someone posting walfas images. So that has always made you stick out in my dash and brighten it. Hope you're doing well.
Geisthonoredferry: As of yet, I don't believe we've interacted. But you're always liking my posts thst's something I really appreciate. Hopefully sometime I can get to know your oc.
Carp: Last I saw you were in a rough spot so I hope things are well now. You're newer to my dash but you seem very kind hearted and jovial. Also your ocs sre red as hell and go've got good face claim tastes.
Crim: You're a real cool friend with a lot of cool ideas. I love any interactions that our muses have together. Although my favorite is Kutaka/Eiki because it's somehow both a very obvious ship and yet a rare one. I think that they are very cute together. I also like the sisterhood of Reimu and Kisume. It's an unexpected but fun dynamic.
Mugenri-mun: I don't believe I know your screen name but you've been real supportive of me through my hardship and gave me a person to speak to. I would not be in as good a place without you. Also I'm glad someone is repping Len'en.
Kcmeiji & Closedheartedgirl: I wanted to note you both as you are both Komeiji blogs thay popped up and then disappeared while I've been got on hiatus. I just think that's a bit disappointing. The Komeiji are some of my favorites.
That's about all I have to say. It was kind of tough to word it all out but those are things I want y'all to know.
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aetherdoesthings · 5 months
let's be friends - nico robin x gn!reader
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forethoughts: i wrote this late at night so no proofreading other than one quick read through so apologies for any grammar mistakes! i just watched eneis lobby and sobbed my heart out prior to writing this. i want to give robin a hug so bad and be friends with her. anyways i hope you enjoy ^^
warnings: MAJOR ENEIS LOBBY AND WATER SEVEN SPOILERS!!! you have been warned.
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You were the newest member of the Straw Hat Pirates. Temporary, maybe, but still you had allied with their captain and joined their ranks. You were minding your own business in Water Seven, doing some shopping for food and picking up new parts to repair your own ship that had taken a beating. But when the news about Iceberg’s attempted assassination got out and everyone got in a frenzy, was your attention set on the Straw Hat Pirates. You weren’t a fan of the World Government, nor pirates; rather a wanderer that set out on sea to accomplish your own goal: finding some friends. You weren’t well received as a child; many called you estranged and unfortunate. So you had set out on the sea to prove those people wrong. After years of sailing to different islands across the Grand Line, you had made it to Water Seven somehow still alive, but still alone. 
That’s when you met the Straw Hat Pirates. Well, somewhat. You had decided to sneak into the train station the night after Iceberg’s attempted assassination, wanting to go away despite Aqua Laguna. But of course, with your incredible luck, you managed to miss the train. You paced around the station, thinking about your next course of plans when footsteps approached. A girl with tangerine hair and the renowned Paulie from the Dock One foremen charged into the station, demanding for answers. After a heated conversation and a close call, it eventually led to a mutual agreement between you and the orange hair girl. You’d help them get back one of their crew members, Nico Robin, and they would give you the materials to go the nearest island once the whole mess was over. Sure, you weren’t that skilled of a fighter; you only had a devil fruit power that essentially made you faster than the speed of light, but it was valuable enough for the girl to shake your hand and bring you aboard on their rescue mission.
Now you stood feets away from the dark haired woman herself, who found a spot on a cliff next to the coast, basking in the sun as it started to retire. You stood there idly, a basket in your hand. You tried not to make a noise so as to not disturb the poor woman’s needed peace, but this was Nico Robin you were facing. Nothing gets past her.
“Ah, Y/N, it’s you. What are you doing here?” Robin turned around, a faint smile on her face. Her shoulders relaxed at the sight of your face, as she turned her body to properly face you.
You blinked twice, your heart pounding as you shook your head, trying to avoid eye contact with the beauty in front of you. The sunlight accentuated her features, making blood rise to your cheeks as your skin got evidently red. You clutched onto the basket Sanji had given you earlier, trying to give the notion that your grip was causing you to overheat, even though you knew that made zero sense. 
You nodded your head, warily taking a step towards the woman, setting the basket down by her side. “You missed dinner. Sanji, I think his name was, told me to give you this since I’m going anyway.”
“You’re leaving? Already?” Robin mused, looking inside the basket. “Thank you, Y/N. I’ll be sure to apologize to Sanji when I see him.”
“Yeah. Y-You’re back safe with your crew, and Nami has already paid for my ship. I don’t have any more business with you guys.”
“I see.” Robin takes a plate of food out from the basket and a piece of cutlery, as she began eating. “Would you stay with me, Y/N? I haven’t gotten the chance to talk to you since… everything.”
“Huh? Oh. Uh, sure.” You hesitantly took a seat next to the woman, unsure whether to cross your legs or put them out. That left you with one leg crossed under a stretched out leg.
“I wanted to ask, Y/N, did you only agree to help my friends rescue me because of the deal they gave you? Or was there something else that prompted you to go to Eneis Lobby?” Robin asked out of the blue, her serene and elegant voice floating into your ear.
You stared at the waves calmly rocking back and forth, as if Aqua Laguna never happened. “It was half of the reason I decided to join.”
“Oh? If you do not mind, would you tell me the other reason you decided to go to Eneis Lobby?”
You shrugged, as your fingers dug into the soil, picking at the grass. “Well, I never really had any friends growing up. They called me weird and estranged, and always picked on me. But after I ate that devil fruit, they called me a monster and excluded me from everything. So I didn’t have any friends growing up. Now that I’m older, I want to sail across the seas to find friends or people I can call friends. And when I met you guys… or at least the six of ‘em, I guess I was moved. I’ve never heard or seen anyone do such bold things for a friend. You’re really lucky, you know? You have a group of people that prioritizes your wellbeing. I wish I had someone who’d do that for me too… but I know it’s not gonna happen to me. I move too fast for the world. No one can catch up to me.”
You couldn’t see her face, your eyes too busy counting each blade of grass, but you could feel that faint smile she had that brought warmth to you, eyes filled with understanding and not judgment.
“What makes you so certain you will not have anyone who will prioritize your wellbeing over theirs?” Robin gently asked.
Your fingers stopped moving, your eyes shifting towards the woman. You were met with a kind and warm smile, as she looked at you with confidence and encouragement. “I appreciate your help today, everything you did for my friends. For me. Even if it was just an agreement, I truly appreciate your help. You sound quite like someone I know.” Robin looked away, seemingly reminiscing upon a memory. “Someone I would love to be friends with.”
You raised an eyebrow at her. “Friends?”
“Yes. Friends.” Robin turned her head to look at you, as she handed you a piece of bread Sanji had packed. “I don’t understand your devil fruit power, but I do understand running that fast for a long duration must be draining.”
Despite the large meal you had eaten and fought over with Luffy, you gladly took the bread, shoving it down your throat without struggle nor hesitation. You immediately looked down as blush filled your cheeks. “S-Sorry. And thank you for the food.”
“Don’t be.” Robin softly chuckled, looking at you with an amused look. “You interest me, Y/N.”
“I do?” You asked.
“I do. Say, where do you plan on going?” 
“Um, I don’t know. I suppose wherever my log pose says I should go.” 
“I see.” Robin looked at the setting sun, a small smile on her face as she held onto the other piece of the bread, deep in thought. “May I propose something, Y/N?” “Sure, go ahead.” You answered, confusion evident in your voice.
“Sail with us. Or stay with us until we manage to reach the next island or wherever we go. Go on one trip with us to one island.”
You raised an eyebrow. “That’s all?”
Robin nodded her head. “That’s all. Join us on our captain’s next adventure. I’m certain Luffy will love to have you on his crew. I will love your company; I’m certain everyone else will.”
“There’s nothing in it for me?”
“Would you rather sail alone, searching island after island, year after year?”
You bit your lower lip, your eyes falling to each blade of grass. “Why are you offering this to me?”
Robin smiled. “Because I would love to be friends with you. Or at least make an attempt to be as close as friends, if not comrades. You sound like an amazing person with quite the unique devil fruit power; I’m very interested in you and your abilities. One trip to one island, and you may leave or do whatever you wish after. Does that sound good to you?”
You tilted your head, staring at the waves that reflected the sun’s radiant light. You stayed like that for a while, remaining silent even after Robin finished her meal, finally breaking your silence when she closed the basket lid. “You’d love to be friends with me?”
Robin looked at you with a smile on her face. “Certainly.”
You let out a scoff, shaking your head as a low chuckle exited your mouth. “Really?”
You sucked your teeth. Despite being the fastest person alive, your brain still took its sweet time processing each word. “And if I said I would love to be friends with you too?”
“I would be delighted to hear that, Y/N.”
You finally smiled at her, returning that warm and kind smile she had given you. “Then let’s be friends.”
Robin let out a sigh of relief, as if she would’ve driven a harder bargain if you had turned down her deal. “Let’s be friends, Y/N.”
The two of you sat there admiring the sunset, silence filling the environment around you. It wasn’t awkward nor deafening, but a peaceful and serene one. A smile was plastered on your face, your inner child shining through as you had completed the one goal you had ever wanted since you were a child.
To have a friend. 
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yourfellowhuman07 · 2 months
Alliances of the Heart
A She-Ra: Princess of Power 2018 fanfiction
For centuries, the All Princess Ball has been a time for the nobility of Etheria to let loose. Flaunting their power, prestige, and fashion for all to see. The ball had always been politically neutral, but, as tension from the war rises, not everyone is so keen to forget what happens beyond the walls of Castle Chill.
Lord Hordak, along with Princess Scorpia and Force Captian Catra, have come to the party to make alliances and find out everything there is to know about their enemies. Careful to not arouse the suspicion of the Princess Alliance.
Princess Entrapta, being the scientist she is, decides to come to the party to decode the secrets of body language, despite getting the same data from every other party she has ever attended.
When the two rulers cross paths, their plans flip on their heads as the two grow closer. Now it is up to Catra and Scorpia to push the two together as Adora and Glimmer stick their noses where they do not belong.
Chapter 10: The Right Step
Adora joined the party right as the doors opened, her eyes zeroing in on Frosta, who sat on her throne. Fighting her impulses, Adora stayed with the ranks of the crowd and surveyed the endless sea of partygoers. Despite entering with Perfuma, Bow quickly joined Glimmer’s side while Perfuma left to join her other friends. Sweet Bee was still melancholy, while the Star Sisters left a trail of giggles behind them. Catra and Scorpia were still upholding their air of friendliness (Adora was still convinced they were up to something). Also, she noticed Mermista and Sea Hawk were nowhere to be found.
Then Adora, unfortunately, noticed Hordak entering, and annoyance washed over her. Hordak had won over Entrapta, and Adora was still bitter and baffled Entrapta would ever want to join his side, but it didn’t matter now. Adora had a mission, and it will not be hindered by one warlord.
Hordak had entered the ballroom, looking like a lost puppy as he searched for Princess Entrapta.
After careful observation, he deemed the princess late and told himself that was fine. To pass the time, he checked in with Catra and Scorpia.
“Have you learned anything new?” Hordak, who was already sipping on a glass of wine, asked.
“Huh,” Catra looked up at the warlord with a slightly apathetic expression, “Oh, nothing much, just useless gossip.”
Hordak’s face was pulled into a tight line. Despite the welcomed distraction Princess Entrapta provided, Hordak still wanted his original plans carried out. Also, Hordak didn't appreciate how flippantly Catra had started to regard him.
“Sorry, Lord Hordak.” Scorpia, who was still firm in her respect, commented.
“Never mind that,” the volume of Hordak’s voice dropped, “go after some of the other princesses and government officials who are not in the Alliance. We need as many people on our side as we can get.”
“What about,” Catra mused, glancing over to Frosta.
“No,” Hordak replied firmly. “Frosta is strict about Prom etiquette, and if she suspects we are trying to convert her, she could throw us out of the party entirely.”
The two Force Captains gave the warlord a short nod.
Across the ballroom, another set of doors opened, letting in Princess Entrapta. At the sight, Hordak’s posture straightened and his ears perked in attention.
But, Hordak’s attention dissipated as he picked up the sound of his Force Captains whispering and giggling to each other.
“What?” Hordak questions defensively, while his ears flicked downward.
“Oh nothing,” Catra sighed and began to pull Scorpia away. “You can return to your princess, Lord Hordak.”
“We’ll take care of everything!” Scorpia shouted as she and Catra disappeared into the glittering crowd.
Hordak rolled his eyes and brushed off his embarrassment as he walked toward the princess, placing down his glass while adjusting his cape and hair along the way.
When Hordak got close enough to fully see the princess, he was floored. His first observation was she was wearing the coat, despite the heat of the castle. Then he took in the rest of her ensemble. Instead of her usual overalls, she wore beige trousers, and white ballet flats replaced her work boots. Most interesting was the fact she had her hair in a high ponytail and her bangs were pushed up and hung over a pair of red-lens goggles.
The two finally took their places next to each other while Hordak attempted to calm his nerves.
“Hi, Hordak!” Entrapta greeted, as jovial as ever.
“Good evening, princess.” Hordak gave her a small bow. “I see you received your gift.”
“Yeah, I love it! It’s so versatile and comfy!” She gushed as she hugged herself and the coat. “This is the best gift anyone has ever gotten me.” She assured, a warm smile spreading across her face.
A warm feeling bloomed in Hordak’s chest, which was evident by the pink lightly dusting Hordak’s cheeks and ears. He cleared his throat, simultaneously trying to calm down the beating in his chest and ripping his eyes from Entrapta’s sparkling ones.
“Would you,” Hordak mused as his heart finally steadied, “like to return to the gardens?” Hordak offered his arm to the princess, which she gladly took.
“Of course!” Entrapta exclaimed as she began to drag away Hordak. “I’ve already thought of  87 design ideas for those bots you were talking about!”
“Sounds delightful.”
The pair made their way to the gardens through a corridor Entrapta had found on her way to the party (while Hordak tried to hide his embarrassment of not finding this earlier).
An hour passed and Adora finally found an opening to talk to Frosta. She was standing next to a snack table with no guards around her. Now, Adora just needs to approach her correctly.
It was evident Frosta was a stickler for Princess Prom rules and etiquette, so recruiting her wouldn’t be possible until after the event had ended. Instead, Adora focused on befriending and gaining her trust first, then slowly introducing her to the rest of the Alliance. When she is on their side personally, it should be easier to get her on their side politically. Also, if they were successful, perhaps some of the smaller kingdoms would follow Frosta’s lead.
It was a (hopefully) fool-proof plan.
Adora approached the table, hoping she appeared casual. She poured herself a glass of punch and gave it a sip, savoring the sweet drink. She pretended to innocently look around until Frosta locked eyes with her.
“Good evening, revered hostess.” Adora gave a short, yet firm, bow.
“Adora,” she replied with a regal yet dismissive tone. “Are you enjoying the festivities?” She asked, plucking a strawberry off the table.
“Of course, your highness.” Adora could feel her hands get clammy as an awkward tension started to form. “I would just like to say sorry for disrespecting you and the rules of Princess Prom. It was improper of me and I regret every moment of it.” Adora gave another bow as her nervous eyes were trained on Frosta’s expression.
“Apology accepted,” Frosta assured, lifting the weight on Adora’s shoulders. “This party puts me in an awkward place in terms of keeping to the rules, and I need to be firm and fair to all guests. Besides, this is your first ball, correct?”
“I understand, and yes, it is.”
“Then you have slight leeway.” Frosta paused, thinking about her next move. “I am not ignorant, Adora. I know, as a child ruler, I am in a precarious position. Many people expect little of me, so I need to keep a firm grip to command respect. I especially can’t have people causing problems at my first ball,” Frosta explained, her eyes keeping an unyielding gaze on Adora.
“I understand, hostess.”
“Good,” Frosta replied with a nod. “Walk with me.” Frosta began to move, waving at Adora to follow her.
The two walked across the floor and up the stairs to the second level of the ballroom, stopping infront of the railing.
“While, on the surface, this can be seen as just another party, this represents something bigger.” Frosta gestured toward the crowd. “It is the representation of peace between our nations and a chance for us to see our countries are not just masses of land, but people with thoughts and feelings.” Frosta turned to face Adora directly. “I know it is the sacred duty of She-Ra to protect our planet, but I can not afford to rattle the foundations of this event.” Frosta sighed. “I can’t stop you from thinking about or watching the members of the Horde, but just try to keep it under wraps.”
“As you command, revered hostess.” Adora gave her final bow, and the two went their separate ways.
When she got out of sight, Adora took a deep breath and leaned against a wall.
Not 100% how she hoped it would pan out, but it was a step in the right direction.
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New around here (Charles Leclerc)
Note: english is not my first language
I realised I did not have any pieces wirh Charles where the reader wasn't already in a relationship with him so there's this
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and although I'm not taking requests per se, if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so!
Tw: mention of a previous car accident (non F1 related) and injuries (does not go into too much detail)
Since you could remember yourself as a proper Formula One fan, you would always tell your father, who was the one that made you watch the races in the first place, that one day you were going to grow up and do what that lady was doing, interviewing the drivers. And soon enough, thanks to hard work, persistence and a bit of luck, you managed to land yourself a job at Sky Sports, going through all the ranks of being just an intern pushing cables and wires around and writing notes for presenters to being sat in the room waiting for your colleagues Naomi and Natalie.
"Y/N, dear, how many times have we told you that you don't need to be so tense about things?", Natalie arrived and gave you a hug, seeing how you had already scribbled a few things down on the notepad ahead of the meeting, "today is a slow day at least, because this weekend we're back in the paddock, and you're coming with us!", she cheered as Naomi made a little celebration dance. And yet you stayed stiff as a board, if you were still a little bit tense in the mornings everytime reality downed on you that you were working with your idols, no one can imagine the nervousness that installed in your core at that revelation, "I'm going to SPA with you guys?", you asked, still unsure wether you had caught it correctly, "Yes! Myself and Natalie feel like you're ready, the rest of the team think so too, so you're coming with us, you'll do a few broadcasts, show your face for a change", she chuckled. You had participated in a few races' broadcasts, giving your opinion through audio only, sitting comfortably in the studio away from the cameras, and despite live TV broadcast being your end goal, you were still unsure. "Don't worry, we'll be there, the whole team will be there too, it's going to be great!", Natalie assured you as the three of you sat down and started discussing the plan for the weekend ahead.
Arriving in Stavelot on Thursday, the day was already scheduled down to the fullest since there was a lot to report and to find out after the summer break, making you drop your personal luggage quickly in the hotel room you were staying in before heading to the track. Even though you and your father had the tradition to go to a few races every time you could, you had never been to Spa-Francorchamps, leaving you to take in the view of the and from the track in awe, "Quite spectacular, isn't it?", Natalie said from behind you, "yeah, it feels like a dream really", you mused. You started arranging everything for the next day, going over the schedule and practicing some lines for the eventual broadcasts you'd be in.
Friday morning rolled around, your alarm waking you up and making you go and get ready for the long day ahead, picking an outfit that was presentable enough for television but also comfortable, knowing how long the day would be. You arrived in the paddock, scanning your pass and making your way to the place where you would be broadcasting soon, "And today we have a new face joining us", Naomi said, "her voice should be known to all of you by now as Y/N Y/L/N has been with us for the last 8 months commenting from the studio, and before that she was writing up our guidelines, so here she is! Y/N, tell everyone a little bit of your way here!", Naomi introduced, "like you said, I have been with Sky Sports since before I even graduated, I used to apply for summer jobs and I guess they liked me enough to keep me for my internship and now my full time job! I used to go karting up until I was fourteen but due to medical reasons I had to stop", you said referring to the car accident you had that left some damage on you back that, despite not being a trouble for day to day life, made you leave karting behind, "but I've always been a fan of Formula 1 so I'm very excited to be here this weekend!", you smiled as you kept discussing the day and what you expected to see around the paddock. Wrapping up the broadcast, the team all clapped and whistled, "Congratulations on your first broadcast girl, that was amazing!", Natalie cheered before getting a group hug from everyone, "You're a natural Y/N, well done!", Naomi finished before bringing you in a hug.
The cheers caught the attention of George, Charles and Lewis, who saw that Naomi was out of broadcast and excused himself from the group, making his way to where you stood, "Naomi, hi, how are you?", he greeted her before waving at the team, "Oh Lewis, this is Y/N, she's new on the paddock team", she said as Lewis stretched his arm, your won stretching too and meeting his fistbump almost out of memory muscle, "Hi, how are you?" before the short conversation came to an end, the team now needing you in the media pen, "You'll be there too?", Lewis asked, "yeah, and be nice to her Lewis, or she'll ask mean questions", Naomi teased before bidding goodbye. Lewis Hamilton had just fistbumped you and held a casual conversation, you could not wait until your dad heard about this.
The interviews in the media pen went smoothly, and you were waiting for the last one before Free Practices began, Charles Leclerc the last name on your notepad, "Hi, I'm Y/N for Sky Sports", you began asking your questions away, waiting patiently for Charles to give his final answer before you thanked him, "You're the new one, right?", he asked you, only managing to nod before he interrupted you, "Sorry, I thought I would've recognised your face if I had seen you before, and- and I heard the cheers back in the paddock", he quickly said, not wanting to come on too weird, "yeah, it's my first time at a GP", you smiled, "Well, I hope I'll see you around, I- I- mean, hopefully it's not your last", he replied as a slight pink tiny coloured his cheeks before he excused himself to get get ready.
Saturday had a whole another atmosphere going around, more fans in the circuit and just a genuine thrill for the qualifying sessions, everyone speculating how the new changes in the cars would change the grid positions. Finishing the final broadcast of the day, you felt a tug on your pants, making you look down to find a little girl no older that 7, her light brown hair in a braid and a huge coat protecting her body from the colder weather, the sun playing the usual tricks in Belgium. "Hi, how are you? I'm Y/N", you said crouching down so you were face to face with her, "Hi, I'm Emilia and when I grow up I want to be like you", she said sweetly, making you melt inside as you looked around to see any adult that seemed to be in charge of her, "thank you Emilia, that's very kind of you! Are you here alone?", you asked her gently, "No, daddy brought me here with him, he's an engineer, look, that's him in the red t-shirt!", she pointed happily to a group of men dressed in Ferrari team member clothing, a wave from one of them being the actual only way to find who her dad was. "One day, I'm going to have a microphone and talk about the fast cars to the camera too", she beamed, looking at the one you had in your hand, and a quick look around the team prompted you to make her an offer, "Do you want to hold this one?", and the little girl squealed in excitement as her wide eyes looked at you, "really? Can I go show daddy too?", she asked and you nodded, handing it to her and following her to her father, not wanting to be responsible for broken equipment on your first day. As she was showing the microphone around the group, you heard a French accent behind you, "What do you have there, Emi?", he asked, "Charles, you're here! How do you feel about the race tomorrow? Do you think you can get in the podium?", Emilia said into the microphone before nearly shoving it in Charles' face. Earning chuckles from everyone around, the monégasque answered, "I think tomorrow will be difficult, we seem to be off the pace a little bit but we're going to see what we can do about it", he replied as if he was in a serious interview, you vaguely remembering the same answer he had given Natalie that afternoon when she asked him a similar question, "You're going to take me out of my job darling, that was very good, very well done, voice placed correctly too, maybe next time just put the microphone a but further away from his face", you smiled at the little girl as she handed you the microphone back, her father thanking you for the opportunity, "Don't think she will shut up about it now!".
The race, as always in Spa, was full of action, Max making it to the podium from the back of the grid pretty easily as you watched Charles in particular, knowing how his season had been going and paying attention to the strategies, one of the things that made you fall in love with the sport, "Did I ever tell how how much I wanted to be a strategist when I was younger? I used to borrow my cousin's laptop and draw graphs on the screen and pretend they were stats from the race, and my little cousins would be driving their toy cars around the living room", you commented earning a chuckle from Natalie, "Seems like you would do no worse that Ferrari have been", she sneered slightly, taking the opportunity that she wasn't live or reporting to discuss with you the different points of view.
After the race, you were in the media pen checking your order as you nodded over to the communication advisor next to Charles, him signaling to Charles to head your way, a tight lipped smile on his face as he felt another interviewer tug on his arm, "Oh sorry, I'll talk to you after talking to her", he said politely despite the unhappy look on the other man's face.
You had already finished your interviews for the weekend and were now helping the team gather the equipment, making sure that nothing was left behind when you heard your name being called, "Ah, Y/N, you're still here!", Charles said, approaching you as you zipped the last camera bag and handed it to your colleague, "So, how was your first GP as an interviewer? How do you rate the experience?", he asked and you stood still for what felt like an eternity to Charles. Maybe it was weird for him to come back here, maybe he shouldn't have listened to Carlos when he said he had nothing to lose in checking if you were there still, until you spoke, "Oh, it's like I expected it to be, so tiring but so worth it! The atmosphere is so different from just being a fan out there, watching everything happen up close, truly the best thing ever", you exclaimed, the crinkles around your eyes more visible since your smile was the biggest it had ever been, making Charles' heart flip for a second. "Well, why don't we make it even better and swap numbers so we can have dinner when you get to Monza?", Charles tempted, knowing that worst case scenario he would get a no and would have to run away from you for the rest of his career, a small price he would have to pay for at least trying. Smiling at him, you took your phone out of your pants' pocket, handing it to him, "I'd like that very much", you said shyly as he gave you his phone, writing your number down and smiling at the prospect.
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