#joe callie
babyjapril · 11 months
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Grey's anatomy + lgbt+ characters
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questintheskies · 3 months
Kenny Omega isn't interested in having a third match vs. Will Ospreay, but would instead like to wrestle Samoa Joe and Swerve Strickland.
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waxsuyaaa · 4 days
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cementcornfield · 10 days
Joe ultimately sacrificed his knee for Ja'Marr Chase
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
sadly the motogp twinks are the only people you have available to join your flag football league who is making it to the main team and who is sitting out on the bench?
since they’re all such compact little guys (and tbh i don’t know much about their athletic ability besides motogp) i think im going to just recruit whoever is craziest. the raw competitive spirit. whoever has not just one dog but multiple dogs in them. whoever will ignore the “flag” in flag football and maybe just start tackling people. a beautiful team of overly competitive twinks.
marc obviously tops the list as he is famously insane but i’m adding fabio (kid in the locker room shirtless with a towel over his face and headphones ON if we lose) enea (the other italians think he is crazybananas) aleix (THE PASSION!!!!) and jorge martin (not unconvinced he will start biting people)
i’m keeping the academy boys on the bench as potential relief players bc pecco and luca can help me with strategy, bezz will YELL the whole time (GREAT cheerleader tbh), and celestino will do what i did on every sports team i was on in middle school and sit on the bench and like. read a book instead of paying attention. weird girl representation matters <3
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Like Father, Like Son
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Summary: Joe Floyd is one cruel son of a bitch. Later Bob turns out to be his dad’s equal
Notes: Based off of an interview with out dear friend, Glen Powell about a very gross but very funny incident that occurred during flight training
Miramar, CA
September, 1992
Joe was still sleeping deeply at this early hour, his face almost buried into Irene’s neck and his arm coiled protectively around her shoulders. The other kids would have to get up for school in an hour, leaving him to leave at the same time they did.......8am on the dot. 
Irene groaned in her sleep, annoyed at the set of tiny feet kicking her all over and the movement that was becoming more frequent these days and one that she knew a little too well. “Baby?” 
“What?” Joe murmured. 
“Little man’s awake already.” 
Joe yawned, his hand gently rubbing her shoulders before moving down to her more noticeable bump. “You be nice to your mother,” he said. “Or else I’m gonna have to come in there and fight you.” 
He felt the flat of a tiny foot shoot to the palm of his hand before it disappeared and settled. “You see what he did there?” he asked her with an annoyed look on his face.
“Oh no,” Irene chuckled sarcastically. “Your little mini Muhammad Ali’s been quiet all morning.” 
Joe rolled his eyes and figured it was time to get up. “Want me to get the rest of the prison inmates up?” 
“Go ahead,” Irene laughed. 
Joe kissed her cheek before pressing a firm one to her lips. God she was gorgeous.....even after the kids and still as happy-go-lucky as the day he and Irene had their first date at a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert all those years ago. “I love you,” he whispered. 
“Love you too,” she said, smiling widely as her hand grazed his shadow-lined chin. 
He kissed her once more before he shifted and kissed her bump. “I love you too little man,” he whispered. “You’d better behave for your mother while I’m gone or else you’re gonna hear about it when I get home.” 
Joe went about the usual routine of catching a shower before he jumped into his flight suit and boots, grabbing the keys, helmet and backpack he took with him every day to work. Now came the hard part......getting the seven other miscreants in the house up for school. 
“Let’s go! Let’s go!!” Joe ordered loudly, knocking on the bedroom doors. “Everybody up! First day of school! Let’s get going! C’mon! Reagan, Eugene and Michael, get up! Sean, you too, I don’t want any complaints.”
The four eldest stuck their heads out of their doors as Joe continued down the halls. “Liam, let’s get moving!” Joe ordered.  “Chloe and Aly, you two little troublemakers better be up in five minutes and I mean five minutes!” 
Each of the kids gladly complied, not wanting to incur the wrath of their father who had early mornings down to military precision. Reagan, the oldest of the Floyd wolf pack, was old enough to help get breakfast ready for the younger ones. She climbed onto her little stepstool in the kitchen, turned on the radio and helped as best she could, while Joe made sure the kids had everything in their bags. 
The kids ate quicker than usual and cleaned up when they were done before rushing back to their rooms to get their new school clothes. Not too bad. The only bump in the road being Liam with his sloppily tied shoes. No matter, the kid was still learning. 
Outside they went to wait for the bus to take them to the school on base. Thank God it was one of those hippie schools that let the kids play outside as much as they could. Joe and Irene loathed the thought of the kids being stuck inside all day. 
As soon as they had been picked up, Joe jumped in the truck and switched on the radio, unrolling the windows so that every annoying neighbor along the way would have to listen to AC/DC’s “It’s a long way to the top” blaring from the speakers as he drove by.
“It’s gonna be a good day,” he told himself, repeating it like a mantra, over and over again. 
Naval Air Station, Miramar
8:50 am
Joe strode onto the tarmac with his flight helmet in hand and aviators perched on the bridge of his nose. Today was definitely going to be eventful, seeing as Maverick and Ice were the first two to greet him. 
“Looks like we’ve got some new recruits,” Joe remarked. 
“New is a bit of an understatement, Rabbit,” Ice chuckled, dropping in Joe’s callsign. “These guys are as green as you can possibly get and I have a feeling we’ll have our work cut out for us.” 
“Who’s on roster?” 
“You, me, Mav, Slider, Wolf and Hollywood,” Ice told him. 
Into the hangar they went to meet the new recruits. Ice wasn’t kidding, these kids were as green and fresh-faced as you could get. But there was one amongst the crowd that Joe had taken an instant disliking to, a kid that had an arrogant look in his dark eyes that just screamed “privileged brat straight from the Ivy League schools.”
“Now it’s important to remember that when you’re up there,” Joe explained. “Your weapons systems and everything needs to be working to a T. One little thing is off and you’re fucked up the ass and out the ears.” 
“Sir, I hate to be one to interrupt,” Mr. Ivy League interjected. “But you’re telling us things that we already know.”
This kid was really starting to make Joe’s blood boil. Every two seconds it was an interjection about how his superiors were wrong and he was right. Even Maverick and Ice’s eyes were rolling. Slider and Wolfman whispered something indiscernible to each other as Joe tried to carry on, but found it a little more difficult. 
I swear to God, I’m gonna get this kid and I’m gonna get him real good......Joe fumed. 
Out to the tarmac they went, everyone loading into their respective planes with a new recruit. Joe was a little less than pleased to find that he had been partnered with Ivy League, his skin crawling at his smug face and the way he bragged. 
“Fair word of warning,” Joe told him as they climbed in. “You start feeling like you’re gonna puke, there’s bags in the backseat pocket.” 
“I’ve never puked sir,” Ivy League replied. “And I’m proud of the fact that I never have.” 
Joe rolled his eyes and climbed in, securing the straps on his flight helmet. He already had the kid’s weakest point figured out......and it was certainly going to get very interesting. 
The planes taxied onto the runway and took off into the sky, speeding towards the training grounds where the team would begin to show the new recruits how things were done amongst the old salts. 
Things had gone smoothly for the most part, no mechanical issues or any others for that matter. Yet Joe soon began to notice the pale, ashen look that was beginning to appear in Ivy League’s face, a look that he just couldn’t get out of his mind as his brilliant, germ of an idea began to grow and spread.
“You doin ok back there?” he asked. 
“Doing just fine sir, everything’s under control,” Ivy League replied. 
“Ok, if you say so,” Joe said. No one could see it, but an evil little grin had begun to form under his mask. 
Joe watched him carefully like a cat eyeing its prey in the bushes. The kid was beginning to look greener and greener around the gills with every second that passed. Alright kid.......he thought......time for your ego check......
“Alright,” Joe announced. “We’re gonna practice with some light barrel rolls just to get you used to the sensation.” 
“Ok,” Ivy League replied, his voice a little weary. “Ok, gimme one second.” 
Joe heard him reaching for the bag and the kid retching his brains out a second later. Now was his chance.
In the blink of an eye, Joe turned the plane into a double barrel roll which startled Ivy League nearly shitless, the newbie screaming and puking as the contents of the bag and his stomach all came back up, hitting both his face and the glass canopy of the plane. 
The grin that crawled across Joe’s face was uncontrollable as he quietly laughed his ass off. God the stench was horrible, but he prayed it would be the ego check of a lifetime for the kid. 
“You learn your fuckin lesson kid?” he chided. 
“I give! I give!” Ivy League cried out before he retched and let loose again. “Oh God!!! Agh! Eeew!!” 
“Ok, I think we’ve had enough,” Joe chuckled. 
He landed the plane on the tarmac, quickly opening the canopy and motioning for a medical officer to get Ivy League out of the back. 
“What the fuck did you do?!” Maverick laughed. 
“Gave the kid an ego check!” Joe answered. 
Maverick, Ice, Wolf, Slider and Hollywood whistled and cheered a little bit. Sure they felt a bit sorry for Ivy League, but one thing was certain. Nobody messes with one of their best. 
Naval Air Station, Miramar
July, 2022
Jake, Phoenix and Halo waited for the plane to land and for Bob to come back, hoping that the rest of the new recruits had done ok in training. When he finally landed, they couldn’t help but notice a rather gross looking splatter on the glass canopy of Bob’s plane. 
“Yo, what the fuck?” Hangman remarked. 
“Bro, that’s nasty,” Halo added. 
“Did Bob just commit murder?” Phoenix chuckled. 
“Hell no, somebody puked,” Halo replied. 
Bob came striding back, flight helmet in hand and a huge shit-eating grin on his face. He bit his lower lip, trying so hard to stifle his laughter, but it was damn near uncontrollable. 
“What did you do?” Phoenix questioned. 
“Did you just like, kill your new recruit?” Halo said with a nervous laugh. 
Bob snickered and shook his head. 
Phoenix and Halo glanced at each other, but Hangman’s eyes widened, finally processing the sequence of events that had transpired and the resurfacing of old memories from when he had first joined Top Gun ten years previously. 
“HOLY SHIT!!!!!!” he screamed. “HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!” 
Bob busted out laughing. 
“You stole a page from your dad’s dirty playbook!!!!” Jake screamed again. “YOU SNEAKY FUCKER!!!!!”
Bob couldn’t control his laughter anymore. “Guilty as charged,” he admitted, raising his hands and grinning from ear to ear.
“His dad?” Phoenix asked. 
“Foul-Mouth Joe Floyd!” Jake answered. “He was my flight instructor when I first started ten years ago! He did the same thing to my dad’s prick of a cousin back in ninety-two!” 
Callie and Natasha both looked at each other with their jaws hanging wide open in disbelief. Joe’s escapades were legendary around Top Gun, just as legendary as Maverick’s. 
“Oh my shit!” Jake declared, wiping a tear from his eyes and pretending to kowtow before Bob. “Bob, you are the kind and we are not worthy!!” 
Bob and the girls laughed before Natasha finally said something. “Bob my brother,” she said, putting her arm around his shoulders. “You are the king......but you smell so fucking bad right now.” 
“Yeah I’m gonna go shower off before I go home smelling like puke,” he chuckled before making his way inside to the showers. 
@nobody7102 I did it.......I fucking did it, that little blurb has been turned into this evil science experiment of a story (lol). @creativitybeware @jakexfmc​ I hope you guys enjoy this too, sorry for the unexpected tag and for it being so long, there was alot to sort through to get it all down. 
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danwhobrowses · 10 months
I'm sorry if you think All In Wembley's card is not 'Good Enough'
I honestly am, because you must really be finding ways to make sure you're disappointed in the event.
Let me remind you that the original All In had MJF vs Matt Cross (fka Son of Havoc in Lucha Underground), Flip Gordon vs Lethal, Okada (and not Rainmaker Okada, red dye and party balloons Okada) vs Marty Scurll, Hangman vs Janela (followed by grown men in dick outfits coming out so Joey Ryan could show up), Omega vs Penta, and CD vs Stephen Amell. All this on the main card while SCU vs the Briscoes were on the pre-show. If AEW did something like that today for a PPV it'd be ripped to shreds on paper, especially since some matches were announced with little to no build, but it was the best wrestling show of that year and is still a pivotal and momentous event in wrestling history.
So I'm sorry that you didn't get Omega/Ospreay III because New Japan likely want it for Wrestle Kingdom, I'm sorry early reports of Omega being in a trios match (against two men he brought into the limelight, including a faction he once led, and teaming with his closest friend/lover and his former tag partner who he was champion with) and Ospreay/Jericho turned out to be true, I'm sorry you're getting Punk, Joe, Adam Cole, the Elite, FTR, Kota Ibushi, Jay White, Eddie Kingston, the BCC, Hikaru Shida, Toni Storm, Sting, Chris Jericho, Will Ospreay and more on a single show - which has already had to deal with injuries to Bryan Danielson, PAC and Jamie Hayter - and you still think it's not enough, but that's a you problem.
Also stop with this 'no build' nonsense; multiple storylines have been built from segments over the past few months, Eddie vs Claudio started in March for christ's sake.
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saltedbeans · 1 year
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Empty copy <3
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ryanmoody · 6 months
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Waifu Goddesses By Scottytheman Commissioned piece from @scottyartz This was a commission made for my 40th B-Day. I wanted to do a harem featuring my favorite females characters (past & present). I got inspired by a theme Roman/Greek Goddess motif by one of the MST3K Hercules movies and this was the result. There were many ladies cut from the queue but I designed this to be expanded on if I decide to take it further. 🙂 This isn't a top 10 but I wanted to put a good mix from various points in my life.I want to again thank again to Scottytheman for his time and patience! Characters featured: Misato (Evangelion) Callie Briggs (Swat Kats) Loona (Helluva Boss) Saeko Nogami (City Hunter) Baroness (G.I. Joe) Yurika Misumaru (Martian Successor Nadesico) Shigure (Hataage! Kemono Michi) Puma Sisters (Dominion Tank Police) Kiyone Masaki (Tenchi series) scottyartz other socials: https://twitter.com/scottyartz
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moviemosaics · 3 months
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directed by Darren Lynn Bousman, 2016
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buffyfan145 · 11 months
The trailer is finally out for the final season of Hulu's "The Hardy Boys"!!! :D Season 3 looks great too and going by this trailer Bailee Maidson's Drew Darrow for sure is the show's version of Nancy Drew and nice that she moved to town and is Callie's roommate. I'm also curious to see how the boys and Nancy's/Drew's relationships are too comparing it to all the other adaptations.
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satanstruemistress · 2 months
Please stfu you fucking hot dog. How dare you interrupt two of the best.
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amethyst-is-gay · 2 months
Oh. Don Callis. Great...
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vampiricmechanic · 3 months
so uhh wip. (spicy ig?)
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i can explain (i can't but i'm very proud of how it is turning out)
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questintheskies · 3 months
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heartsoulrocknroll · 3 months
AEW Dynamite 2/1/23
Adam Page vs. Jon Moxley -- Moxley rushes Page before the bell!! Figure Four on the floor in the crowd by Mox! Mox wraps a chair around Page's foot and tries for a stomp off the apron, but Page gets up and slings the chair at Moxley's head!!!! Suplex on the chair on the floor by Page!! Exchange of chops in the ring! Moxley goes for a lariat, but Page catches him and lands a fall-away slam!! Fireman's carry by Page on the apron, and Page absolutely slams Moxley into the ring post, sending Moxley crashing to the outside!! Chops from Mox!! Huge elbow from Page puts Mox down outside!! Back in the ring, Page lands a DVD off the top!! Mox kicks out! Moxley gets up to his knees, and Page kicks Mox in the face each time he tries to get up, yelling at him to stay down!!! Nice!!!! Moxley flips Page off and responds with cutter. Chop and elbow exchange!! Moxley with some hard kicks, then he locks in a sleeper. Back suplex by Page! Side suplex by Moxley!! Suplex off the top by Moxley, but Page kicks out!!! Moxley immediately starts laying in the hammer and anvil elbows, followed by stomps to Page's head! Paradigm Shift attempt, but Page blocks it! Moxley locks in an armbar, but Page gets his foot on the bottom rope! Page goes for a moonsault off the top to the outside, but Moxley moves out of the way and lands a huge lariat to Page's head! Beautiful pop-up powerbomb by Page, driving Moxley through the timekeeper's table!!! Mox barely makes it back into the ring in at 9! Page lands a lariat, followed by Deadeye, but Mox kicks out! Page goes for a stomp to the head, but Mox moves out of the way and responds with huge lariat!!!!! Nasty elbows, then a thrust kick by Page!! Page lands a small package driver!! Moxley kicks out! Moxley ducks a Buckshot attempt and goes for Paradigm Shift, but Page reverses into a Tombstone!!! Page lands a Buckshot!! Moxley kicks out!!! Page locks in a bulldog choke!! Moxley manages to counter the hold by maneuvering Page's shoulders onto the mat for a three count. Bleeeehhhhhh.
That was a really great, heated match with a lame finish. Wanted to see Page go two in a row, but obviously, that was never going to happen. Great action nonetheless. Rating: 4
After the match, Page and Mox try to go at each other some more, but Claudio and Yuta come out to get between them.
Saraya and Toni Storm attack Britt Baker.
The Gunns come out to demand a tag team title match. The Acclaimed say no, but the Gunns provoke Billy into saying yes by telling him to go drown his sorrows in a pill bottle like he used to.
Konosuke Takeshita vs. Brian Cage -- Beautiful Blue Thunder Bomb by Takeshita!! Cage nearly drops Takeshita on his head with a German suplex! Buckle bomb attempt by Cage, but Takeshita reverses with a hurricanrana, sending Cage into the turnbuckle! Beautiful jumping knee from Takeshita to the back of Cage's head! HUGE LARIAT BY TAKESHITA! TAKESHITA LANDS A GORGEOUS STALLING GERMAN SUPLEX!! MY GOD, THE STRENGTH!! Into a bridging pin, but Cage kicks out! Takeshita with a sit-out powerbomb!!! Takeshita goes for the jumping knee, but Cage blocks! Cage swings for a lariat, but Takeshita ducks it and responds with a DISGUSTING ROLLING ELBOW!!! OH MY GOD!!!! Cage responds with a headbutt!! Back suplex by Cage, followed by a big discus lariat! Takeshita kicks out! Takeshita lands a brainbuster, then a HUGE ELBOW, then another brainbuster!!! Cage kicks out!! Takeshita hits an avalanche brainbuster, followed by a BEAUTIFUL jumping knee to put Cage's lights out!!!! Cover by Takeshita!! 1, 2, 3!!
Wow!! Takeshita pulls a better match out of Cage than Danielson did. Takeshita's knee strike is up there with Omega's in terms of pure beauty. I am becoming obsessed with that guy. Rating: 3.5
Backstage, the JAS says Starks can have another match with Jericho, but only if he beats Parker, Menard, and Garcia or Guevara first.
The Elite extend an offer for a Trios Championship match to Top Flight and AR Fox after Top Flight's recent victory over the Bucks. The Firm comes in and challenges The Elite for Rampage. The Elite are unsure, but Callis tells Omega to think of the money they could make from an NFT of Omega giving Matt Hardy the One-Winged Angel. Excalibur: "Don Callis is so lame that he thinks NFTs are still a thing."
Bryan Danielson vs. Timothy Thatcher -- LET'S GO. Thatcher immediately goes for the Fujiwara armbar, and Danielson rushes to the ropes before he can lock it in. HUGE uppercuts by Thatcher!! Thatcher with a wrist lock, then he traps the wrist on the mat and stomps!! Danielson ties up Thatcher's legs, then falls back onto the mat, wrenching down on the legs. Bow and Arrow stretch by Danielson, but Thatcher grabs the hand on the injured arm of Danielson and stomps it!!!! Danielson with some hard chops and a running dropkick in the corner! Thatcher grabs a wrist lock and picks Danielson up by the wrist!!!! Thatcher takes the hold down to the mat, and Danielson gets his foot on the rope! Thatcher lands some hard shots to Danielson's midsection with Danielson's injured arm hammerlocked behind his own back! Headbutts by Danielson in an attempt to escape!! Thatcher goes for a butterfly suplex from the top, but Danielson stops it with shots to the ribs and headbutts!! Dropkick off the top by Danielson! Thatcher gets the better of an uppercut exchange, but Danielson turns it around with vicious kicks! Thatcher blocks the last kick and goes for the armbar again, but Danielson escapes before he can lock it in!!! Danielson grabs a waist lock, and attempts a roll up, but Thatcher holds onto the ropes to stop it!! Thatcher swings for an uppercut but misses, and Danielson catches Thatcher in a backslide!! Thatcher kicks out and immediately tries for the Fujiwara armbar, but Danielson once again avoids it and lands a NASTY kick to the head!!! Thatcher kicks out!!!!!!! AAAHHHHHH!! Danielson with the hammer and anvil elbows, followed by a rear choke!!! Danielson, with the choke locked in, backs Thatcher into the corner, nailing the ref in the process!!! While the ref is down, here comes MJF with the Dynamite Diamond Ring!!! But now here comes Takeshita!! Takeshita with punches to MJF!!! The distraction allows Thatcher to finally lock in the Fujiwara armbar, but Danielson manages to get his foot on the rope!! Belly to belly suplex by Thatcher!! German suplex by Danielson!!!! Thatcher runs at Danielson, but Danielson ducks and comes back with a psycho knee!!! Cover!! 1, 2, 3!!
THAT ROCKED SO HARD!! I LOVE TIM THATCHER, SO GLAD TO SEE HIM!! Just great, back and forth wrestling here with so many great, little details. Rating: 4
After the match, MJF and Takeshita are shown backstage, still going at it! MJF throws a chair and then a trashcan at Takeshita's head!!! They lay into each other with punches until security pulls them apart!! MJF screams, "I'll kill you!!" at Takeshita. Loool. Renee enters to announce that Tony Khan has just made MJF vs. Takeshita in an eliminator match official for next week!!! MJF is livid!!! I AM SO HYPED FOR THIS!!!
Danielson vs. Rush is announced for next week. Backstage, MJF offers Rush briefcases full of money to "rip Danielson's arm off and beat him over the head with it."
Jade Cargill (c) vs. Red Velvet for the TBS Championship -- Velvet goes for a cross body to the outside off the apron, but Jade catches her. Jade carries Velvet around like a baby. Jade then presses Velvet up over her head, walks up the ring steps still holding Velvet up, and throws Velvet into the ring, causing Velvet to bounce hard off the top rope! Dropkick, lungblower, then more kicks by Velvet!! Pump kick by Jade, but Velvet kicks out!! Kiera Hogan comes out and takes out Grey at ringside. Velvet lands a big rolling kick to Jade!! Velvet covers and Jade's shoulders are down for more than three seconds, but the ref is distracted with Hogan! Ref turns around and starts the count, but Jade kicks out! Nice submission hold on the arm by Velvet, but Jade deadlifts Velvet up onto her shoulder to counter!! Velvet escapes and tries to roll up Jade, but Jade blocks it, deadlifts Velvet back up, and lands Jaded for the pinfall.
Jade is now 50-0. This was the best match of hers I think I have ever seen. Solid. Rating: 2.25
Darby Allin (c) vs. Samoa Joe for the TNT Championship (No Holds Barred) -- Darby comes out in a jacket covered in thumbtacks!!!!!!!!! He runs at Joe in the corner with the jacket on, driving the tacks into Joe!! Joe turns the momentum around with a big enziguri in the corner! Joe grabs a table from under the ring, but Darby comes flying out of the ring with a suicide dive, driving the table in Joe's hands into Joe's head!!! Darby moves the ring steps beside the barricade. Joe slings Darby, and he slides across the ring steps and over the barricade!!!!! Geez!!! They head up the arena stairs into the crowd. JOE JUST TOSSES DARBY OVER HIS SHOULDER AND OVER THE HAND RAIL!!! DARBY LANDS HARD ON HIS BACK ON THE STAIRS!! OH MY GOD! Joe slings Darby back over the barricade and slams him down on the ring steps!!!!!! Back in the ring, Joe keeps Darby down with hard kicks and chops, and wrenches down on Darby's neck!!! Joe covers Darby with his leg on Darby's head and upper body, but Darby manages to escape! Darby finally gets some separation and runs at Joe in the corner, but Joe stops him with a huge STO!!! Cover, but Darby kicks out! Joe goes for a sleeper, but Darby counters with a jawbreaker!!! Darby gets in some chops!!! But Joe stops the chops and absolutely HURLS DARBY OVER THE TOP TO THE OUTSIDE!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!!! Joe sets up two chairs back to back and drives Darby's back into the backrests with a side suplex!!! Joe goes for powerbomb, but Darby throws some sort of powder into Joe's eyes to stop it!! Darby lands a Code Red!!! Darby follows up with a stunner!!! Darby puts the thumbtack jacket back on and lands a Coffin Drop from the top!!!! Cover, but Joe kicks out!! While Joe is down, Darby removes the canvas and the padding underneath, exposing the wooden boards of the ring!!! Darby goes for a cannonball dive through the second and top rope, but Joe moves out of the way, and Darby goes back-first through a table Joe had propped up on the barricade earlier!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! Back in the ring, Joe powerbombs Darby onto the thumbtack jacket, then wraps the jacket around Darby's face!!!!! Darby blindly gets both his thumbs into Joe's eyes to escape!!!! Darby lands chair shots to Joe's back!!!! Darby goes to the top, looking for a Coffin Drop, but Joe pulls the ref into the top rope to knock Darby off his feet!!! Joe lands an avalanche Muscle Buster on Darby on the exposed boards!!!!! HOLY SHIT!!!! Cover by Joe!!! 1, 2, 3!!!!!
Damn, what a match!!!! It was full of insane spots, and I absolutely loved it. Nobody can be a badass quite like Samoa Joe. And NOBODY can take a bump like Darby Allin!!!!!!!! Sad to see Darby lose the title, but I'm good with Joe holding it. Rating: 4.25
However, I am not fine with Wardlow beating Joe for the title, which seems to be where this is going. Wardlow enters after the match and tries to powerbomb Joe, but Joe escapes.
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