#jo bouillon
newyorkthegoldenage · 4 months
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Josephine Baker receives a congratulatory kiss on the nose from her husband, orchestra leader Jo Bouillon, after her show at the Strand Theater during her 1951 U.S. tour.
Photo: Alfred Eisenstaedt via Life magazine Instagram
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hauntedbystorytelling · 9 months
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Joséphine Baker embrasse son nouveau mari, le chef d’orchestre français Jo Bouillon, le jour de leur mariage, le 3 juin 1947, au château des Milandes à Castelnaud-la-Chapelle, Dordogne. (AFP) | src Drouot
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emmynominees · 1 month
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david dukes as jo bouillon in the josephine baker story
primetime emmy award nominee for outstanding supporting actor in a limited series or movie
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joinvoda · 8 months
Happy Bisexual Visibility Week
Cheers to Bisexual Visibility Week! 🌈
Did you know these iconic figures are bi, actually?
Let's take a look at bi-cons throughout history.
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Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo is infamous for a great many things. Her art, her socialist views and activism, her disability from a trolley crash, her bisexuality, and more. During her marriage to Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo had several extramarital affairs with both men and women. Frida was openly bisexual and would occasionally dress in men's clothing.
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Josephine Baker
A singer, dancer, and a civil rights pioneer, Josephine Baker was a bisexual performer and activist. She helped to defeat the Nazis in France through her work as a resistance spy. She lived a queer life through and through - she dated Frida Kahlo, and after the war, married Jo Bouillon — a gay musician. Each had relationships with other people and they adopted 12 children who Baker called her “rainbow tribe.”
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Malcom X
Malcolm X was America's leading advocate for black pride, upliftment, and freedom. He spoke with fierce eloquence and defiance for black liberation. Based on interviews with Malcolm's closest friends, Author Bruce Perry suggests he was not as solidly heterosexual as his colleagues have claimed. Friends say he had many queer relationships in his 20s and some suggested he might have as a sex worker for a period of time.
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Virginia Woolf
Author Virginia Woolf's diaries indicate she was very in love with her husband, Leonard Woolf. They were both a part of the Bloomsbury group which tended to have more liberal ideas about sexuality than general society did at that time. They were not monogamous, nor were her lovers all men. Many of her novels, including Mrs. Dalloway and Orlando have bi characters and she famously dated Vita Sackville-West.
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David Bowie
David Bowie's gender and cultural fluidity inspired a generation of queer people. He labelled himself variously throughout his life, originally coming out as gay, then straight when he married Iman later in life, but he had relationships with people of all genders across his life and undeniably influenced generations of queer people to be comfortable with who we are.
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Marlene Dietrich
Dietrich, an actress, was "an early pioneer of cross dressing and of embracing bisexuality without apology,” She dd it in her very first Hollywood film — the 1930 drama, Morocco, which earned her her only Academy Award nomination. In the film’s most famous scene, her character, a cabaret singer, kisses another woman while dressed in a men’s tuxedo.” She was a trailblazer.
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Janis Joplin
Janis Joplin of Big Brother and the Holding Company was an American singer-songwriter who sang rock, soul, and blues music. She had a short but eventful life, including relationships with rockstars such as Jim Morrison and her most sustained relationship with Jae Whitaker, and an on-again-off-again romance with Peggy Caserta.
Bisexuals make up over half of the LGBTQ+ population. Who knows how many historical figures may have been queer but unable to come out at the time?
This week, we celebrate all the people before us who made it possible to be who we are.
Happy Bisexuality Awareness Week!
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vintage-every-day · 1 year
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Josephine Baker, here 1956 and her husband, Jo Bouillon, adopted 12 children together and lived in a countryside residence called Les Milandes.
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vinylespassion · 1 year
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Jo Bouillon
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lecameleontv · 3 months
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Captures des moments off (2024) en dehors des Tournages des Emissions et des Episodes de la nouvelle saison 13 de l'émission télévisuelle française Danse Avec les Stars, diffusée sur la chaîne privée TF1, l'acteur James Denton.
Une bonne occasion de promouvoir à l'internationale l'attractivité de la capitale... pour les JO 2024 ^^. .... avec la gastronomie qui va avec en essayant les 'Bouillons' de la capitale :
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Et si vous ne savez pas quoi faire de votre ancienne cheminée à cause du réchauffement climatique, James Denton a une idée^^ :
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... en comptant en français^^ ... :)
L'acteur a également profité d'être en France pour voir Pragues.
L'acteur James Denton s'était déjà rendu à plusieurs reprises en France, et à Paris (galeries du Louvres et ) dans le cadre de son rôle d'égérie de la marque Daniel Hechter.
sources : et
Alias Mr Lyle dans la série Le Caméléon
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revoltingrat · 7 months
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Jo's Manicotti Recipe Hearty manicotti tubes are stuffed with a decadent mixture of ricotta and Romano cheeses, spinach, eggs, onion, garlic, and thyme, then baked until bubbly while being drizzled with a basic tomato sauce and topped with mozzarella. 2 eggs beaten, 1 onion chopped, 1 can tomato sauce, 1 pint part-skim ricotta cheese, 1 tablespoon chicken bouillon powder, 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese, 1/8 teaspoon dried thyme, 1/4 cup grated Romano cheese, 1 package manicotti pasta, ground black pepper to taste, 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt, 1 package frozen chopped spinach thawed and drained
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fredborges98 · 11 months
Bom dia!
Por: Fred Borges com a imprescindível colaboração de Fernando Rabelo* em seus escritos.
Parecia uma foto comum, mais uma do século XX em preto e branco, mas não era, era a imagem de uma família, onde seu principal personagem era nada mais e nada menos que Josephine Baker.
Na beirada inferior da foto dizia:
Nesta foto, a bailarina Josephine Baker (1906-1975), considerada uma das personagens mais extraordinárias do século XX, aparece com seus 12 filhos adotivos, de diferentes etnias e religiões, originários de diversos cantos do mundo. A família ficou conhecida como a "Tribo do Arco-Íris". Nesta imagem ela está com as crianças e o seu quarto marido Jo Bouillon, na entrada do Castelo de Milandes, na França, onde viviam. Os moradores da região se aglomeravam para ver de perto a célebre família.F.R.
A França e o mundo nunca mais foi o mesmo depois de JB, também conhecida pelos apelidos de: Vênus Negra, Pérola Negra e ainda a Deusa Crioula. Vedete do teatro de revista, Josephine Baker é geralmente considerada como a primeira grande estrela negra das artes cênicas.
Como toda maioria negra da época até os dias de hoje teve que lidar com o racismo, mas o fez de maneira peculiar, idiossincrática, da sua maneira.
Sabia que o facão do preconceito iria lhe dilacerá-la ao meio e em pedaços,estripada, e se adaptou ao tempo,locais e pessoas, não lutou contra eles de maneira frontal, foi o devorando, deglutindo, digerindo da forma mais inteligente possível, foi tomando a "sopa fervendo" pelas bordas, e depois tornou-se a própria sopa, virando o jogo, pelo facão que a atravessou saindo pelo outro lado e não foi atingida em nenhum órgão vital, fez do escafandro seu casulo e borboleta, construiu do pó, da poeira das estrelas, o céu que se permitiu e foi permitido.
Era isto ou nadaria e morreria na praia.
Ela era efetivamente fruto de uma grande miscigenação racial: tinha além da herança negra, de escravizados da Carolina do Sul, também a herança genética de índios americanos apaches.
Em 2 de outubro de 1925, estreou em Paris, no Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, fazendo imediato sucesso com sua dança erótica, aparecendo praticamente nua em cena. Graças ao sucesso da sua temporada europeia, rompeu o contrato e voltou para a França, tornando-se a estrela da Folies Bergère.
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, teve um papel importante na resistência à ocupação, atuando como espiã.
Depois da guerra, foi condecorada com a Cruz de Guerra das Forças Armadas Francesas e a Medalha da Resistência.
Recebeu também, do presidente Charles de Gaulle, o grau de Cavaleiro da Legião de Honra.
Nos anos 1950, usou sua grande popularidade na luta contra o racismo e pela emancipação dos negros, apoiando o Movimento dos Direitos Civis de Martin Luther King.
Também trabalhou na National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
Janot, coreano; Akio, japonês; Luís, colombiano; Jari, finlandês; Jean-Claude, canadense; Moïse, judeu francês; Brahim, argelino; Marianne, francesa; Koffi, costa-marfinense; Mara, venezuelana; Noël, francês; e Stellina, marroquina eram seus filhos adotivos.
Pablo Picasso, Hernest Hemingway,E.E.Cummings ou Edward Estlin Cummings eram seus fãs e seguidores deste fenômeno e prodígio que veio do gueto, da pobreza, mas nunca se resignou e lutou a luta dos estrategistas,dos que sabem que você pode nascer pobre, mas morrer pobre está inteiramente ligada a sua responsabilidade, ao seu livre arbítrio e o domínio e controle de sua liberdade, esta última conquistada com ambição, perseverança, determinação, disciplina e real distinção dos papéis que assume ao longo de uma jornada biográfica.
Nasceu Freda Josephine McDonald
3 de junho de 1906
St. Louis e morreu Josephine Baker em 12 de abril de 1975 (68 anos) no
Hospital da Salpêtrière.
Foi enterrada no Panteão nacional em Paris . Hoje,na cripta, 70 célebres personagens da história francesa repousam-tais como artistas, escritores, cientistas,como: Alexandre Dumas, Marie Curie, René Descartes,Victor Hugo e Voltaire–, motivo pelo qual o frontão contém, inscrito, o interessante brocardo “Aux grands hommes, la patrie reconnaissante” (“Aos grandes homens, a pátria é grata”), junto ao interessante baixo-relevo, de David d’Angers, alusivo à homenagem da pátria francesa a seus imponentes heróis.
Panteão vem do grego pántheion (πάνθειον), que significa "de todos os deuses".
Uma justa homenagem a uma Deusa!!!!
*Em 1990, iniciou a profissão de repórter fotográfico.
Em 1992, passou a trabalhar para a sucurdal carioca da Folha de São Paulo.
Em 1993, passou a trabalhar no Jornal do Brasil, trabalhou durante 12 anos como repórter fotográfico e de 2004 à 2005 trabalhou como editor de fotografia.
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edgarmoser · 2 years
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jo bouillon, chef d'orchestre et mari de joséphine baker
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aeschknight · 5 years
Cristina Garcia, Ruth Ozeki, & Josephine Baker | Into the Library #6
My April reads video is out now (and only mostly late)! Check it out!
Or, if you prefer text, give this is a read.
As always, lemme know what you think!
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twixnmix · 7 years
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Josephine Baker marrying her fourth husband, Jo Bouillon at a private chapel in Château des Milandes in France on June 3, 1947.
It was also Josephine's 41st birthday.
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citizenscreen · 2 years
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Josephine Baker performs at New York’s Strand Theater in 1951, her triumphant return to Broadway.
Also backstage with husband Jo Bouillon.
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"Mariage de Joséphine Baker avec Jo Bouillon au Château des Milandes" (1947) à la conférence “Joséphine Baker, du Music-Hall à la Résistance“ par Tatiana Mignot de l'association Des Mots et Des Arts, novembre 2021.
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immanueldid · 3 years
“Trenet said that he had written an initial version of the song's lyrics as a poem at the age of 16, many years before he came up with a tune for it. The tune came to him while he was traveling by train in 1943 between Montpellier and Perpignan as he was gazing out of the window at the Étang de Thau, a lagoon in the south of France. He jotted it down on a piece of paper and in the afternoon he worked out the details with his pianist Léo Chauliac. That evening they performed it in front of an audience without much of an impact.
The song was not recorded before the end of World War II. It was first offered to Suzy Solidor, who, however, declined it. After that the job fell to Roland Gerbeau, who recorded it together with Jo Bouillon's orchestra at the end of 1945. The orchestration and chorus were provided by Albert Lasry. Trenet himself recorded his song for the first time in 1946.” - La Mer (Song), Wikipedia
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historical-babes · 5 years
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Josephine Baker (1906-1975).
American-born French dancer, singer, and actress.
She was an American-born French entertainer, French Resistance agent, and civil rights activist. Her career was centered primarily in Europe, mostly in her adopted France. Baker was the first African-American to star in a major motion picture, the 1927 silent film Siren of the Tropics.
During her early career Baker was renowned as a dancer, and was among the most celebrated performers to headline the revues of the Folies Bergère in Paris. Her performance in the revue Un vent de folie in 1927 caused a sensation in Paris. Her costume, consisting of only a girdle of artificial bananas, became an iconic image and a symbol of the Jazz Age and the 1920s.
Baker was celebrated by artists and intellectuals of the era, who variously dubbed her the “Black Venus”, the "Black Pearl" and the "Creole Goddess". Born in St. Louis, Missouri, she renounced her U.S. citizenship and became a French national after her marriage to French industrialist Jean Lion in 1937. She raised her children in France.
She was known for aiding the French Resistance during World War II. After the war, she was awarded the Croix de guerre by the French military, and was named a Chevalier of the Légion d'honneur by General Charles de Gaulle.
Baker refused to perform for segregated audiences in the United States and is noted for her contributions to the Civil Rights Movement. In 1968 she was offered unofficial leadership in the movement in the United States by Coretta Scott King, following Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination. After thinking it over, Baker declined the offer out of concern for the welfare of her children.
She was married four times: Willie Wells (1919); William Baker (1921); Jean Lion (1937); Jo Bouillon (1947). Her last partner was Robert Brady.
Baker’s bisexuality was an open secret. She entertained several female lovers—notably during her years in the United States.
She adopted 12 children from different ethnicities and nationalities.
She was close friends with Grace Kelly who helped her during hard financial times.
She had many eccentric pets including a cheetah.
She died from a cerebral hemorrhage.
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