all prime numebrs for the fic writer ask! 💛😊
I will pretend you spelled numbers correctly lol. thanks for the ask!!
2. How many fics did you work on this year? (They don’t have to be finished or published!)
I want to say 12. I published 6, I’m currently working on 2 different ideas for the naddpod gift exchange so I’ve started both and will be making a full decision tonight or tomorrow (lmao), and then there are a couple I just decided to not publish and a couple I’m always working on but will never actually commit to finishing because I can’t come up with a satisfying ending.
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
That I can allow myself to do the things I want to do and go back and fix the other stuff later. I had previously only done this with a fic that included a bunch of time skips and that was why I wormed around the document but I did this with one fic that I consider my magnum opus and it worked. (I like to write dialogue more than scene descriptors so I wrote all the dialogue back and forth and then went back and added names and descriptors and everything else and it was so much more fun)
5. What fandom(s) did you write for this year?
Naddpod. It was just naddpod. I’m thinking I might break into d20 next year but I make no promises, naddpod is so fun to write for.
7. What character(s) captured your heart?
Hardwon Surefoot. Moonshine Cybin. For some reason I find them easiest to write even though getting Moonshine’s voice right was incredibly daunting every time I wrote her. There’s just so much to play with and it was very fun. Plus the Hardwon being alive reveal rewired my brain.
11. What fic was the most satisfying to finish writing?
how to think about you (without it ripping my heart out). God that was a doozy to write. It was my first foray into doing something multi-chaptered and I did have it finished before I even began publishing it but doing the daily updates and my every chapter mini edits took so much time that it was so much fun to finish. Plus I thought about the idea for truly so long before I started writing it that it was very relieving to finally finish.
13. What fic was the easiest to write?
Fools Rush In (Idiots, However, Take 200 Years). This is the fic I mentioned for number 3. I wrote all the dialogue in basically one pass because it’s a long, drawn out conversation that lasts an entire day. I immensely love writing dialogue and the back and forth, hitting what Hardwon and Moonshine would say and how they’d react was easy. And then, even though I was dreading the descriptors, they came so easily because I could picture them so perfectly. It does feel weird to say that my longest fic to date was the easiest to write but it was.
17. What are your go-to writing snacks?
Doing that classic ADHD thing where you hyperfocus and forget to eat all day and then start shaking and put fistfuls of m&ms in your mouth while waiting for chicken to heat up. But when I remember to snack, Smartfood popcorn.
19. Share your favorite opening line.
“You love me?” (Fools Rush In (Idiots, However, Take 200 Years).) I knew I’d open this with that before I finished the previous work in the series. I enjoy getting straight to the point.
23. Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out?
This was a hard goddamn choice but here goes:
“Look - “ She paused, took a deep breath, and started again. “Can I make a suggestion? You two know him better than I do, obviously, but this might be a time where you give him some space. I know that’s not really what you three do, but he’s going through one of the worst days of his life. And you are, too, but he’s incredibly in his head about it right now. I think maybe if you give him a moment to work out his own feelings, he’ll be able to articulate them to you. And you will then be able to assure him that you need him. Besides, your MeeMaw will take great care of him, Moonshine.” (The Void of an Absence)
Alanis is speaking here. And I wanted her to be pragmatic without seeming insensitive while also staying relatively true to the character she is in the show. I ended up with this slightly more emotionally aware Alanis than we’ve seen but she does switch straight to business afterwards, and that is kind of how Murph RP’d the scene with her and Hardwon. But I overthought it a lot. I’m pretty okay with its final version, but mostly because I got to sneak a “tell me your feelings and I’ll tell you that I need you” reference in there.
29. If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
Obviously the two crew for creating characters that so thoroughly destroy and entertain me, and the people who got excited when I said shit like “I have a terrible idea that’s going to hurt” and responded with “do it.”
Fic writer asks list - ask
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waveridden · 2 years
all the prime numbers for fic writer ask!
thank you for testing my basic mathematical knowledge. let's go
1: fic you're most proud of
i have several for different reasons lol but i was thinking about this powerful throwback earlier so i'll drop it in here: forward momentum is a rock band au i wrote when i was like 17 based on cw's wildly popular program the 100. it's a little odd in places because. i was like 17. but it was the first long project that i finished and it is something i still feel a lot of fondness for and i am so proud of it because i did it! it was the first project i committed to in that way. happy 7th birthday to that fic
2: what's a fic that took you to an emotional/dark/hard place?
writing stuff during the pandemic is very much looking back and going "oh, that was about the pandemic!" and nothing did that so extremely as stand tall, which is a blaseball fic about the snackrifice. i reread it a while ago and i was like. oh huh! a story about people experiencing physical separation who have to connect with one another via storytelling and adjust to the distance and loneliness! wonder what could've inspired that!
putting everything else under a cut bc i just realized how long this is going to be
3: what's a fic you're emotionally attached to?
oh i'm attached to many things i've written lol but i am going to shout out syrinx which is a taz balance merle character study about religion and is one of those things that i have just. always liked! sometimes there are ups and downs and sometimes "liking" things i write means going "yeah that was good" but this is one that i have always fully enjoyed and thought was sweet and i am immeasurably fond of it
5: what's a fic of your own you won't read?
my ofmd fic because it freaks me out looking at how many comments and kudos it has lol. i know this sounds like a humble brag but like 20% of the kudos i have ever gotten is on that fic and it's intensely intimidating
7: how does receiving or not receiving feedback impact you?
wow what a complicated question lol uhhh. the person whose opinion i care about the most is mine, let's start there. i try to write things that i am proud of and happy with. that being said! i like getting comments and kudos! i think it's cool when strangers read things i write and enjoy them, and sometimes it's frustrating when i put in a lot of time on something and it just...... doesn't get a big response. and at the same time i am always grateful for anyone who takes the time. it's one of those things where there are a dozen contradictory and equally true statements that i could say. i wish i could say the numbers don't matter to me, but they do! if i didn't want people to read what i write, i wouldn't post it. (there's plenty of stuff that i don't post!)
11: has a fic you've written ever caused issues/controversy?
there's a story here that i'm not going to tell lol but real ones remember free play (derogatory). my second answer is i wrote a page for the blaseball wiki recently that somehow indirectly resulted in a couple lore jams and major rewrites and issues. i don't really follow how like nobody told me i was involved but i guess i was
13: do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? why?
oh i'm so proud of it! this is a skill i've worked on and like i'm not kidding myself about my odds of getting published but that's not the goal, the goal is writing things for myself and my friends that i like and i am GREAT at that.
17: what is the best interaction/feedback/engagement you've received on a fic?
long comments make me happy! actually the thing that makes me lose it is transformative works, i've received three podfics and a translation and a sequel and some art (and of COURSE jamie who sent this ask sent me a physical bound copy of my d20bb fic destination as well as leaving a comment that delighted me and that's like. one of the all time coolest things.) idk i just think it's neat when my art moves people to make more art
19: if you could write an ideal fic, what would you include?
oh MAN what a question. uhh i'm never good at listing favorite tropes/plot points or things like that but i WILL say something i really struggle with is like. subplots and plot motion and things that feel external to the characters. so my ideal fic would include a strong subplot. (i am DYING to try and write a mystery sometime, i just haven't had a good idea yet.)
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cptnleviackerman · 6 months
thanks @dearscone for the tag!!
list 10 songs you've been listening to on repeat
1. is it over now? (taylor's version)by taylor swift
2. got me started by troye sivan
3. simple song by the shins
4. miss you so much by miley cyrus
5. bad blood (taylor's version) by taylor swift
6. honey by troye sivan
7. ...ready for it? by taylor swift
8. invisible string by taylor swift
9. cross me by ed sheeran
10. you belong with me (taylor's version) by taylor swift
tagging a few peeps @cowgirlikets @jeanboyjean @jlinns
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arts-i-enjoy · 4 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Tagged by @professorrajansavarimuthu. Thanks! :3
Are you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have kids?
What sports do you play/have you played?
Used to play tennis and swim way back when I was little. Not really sure that counts lol.
Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, frequently
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Hm, I guess in-person, usually their clothes, I try to pay people compliments whenever possible and clothes are a good bet. Online....sense of humor?
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Generally happy endings but trying to get a foot in the door with scary movies :P
Any talents?
I don't particularly think so, not as such. I like to think I'm good with parrots, but that is definitely something developed over hundred and hundreds of hours with hundreds of birds lol.
Where were you born?
Florida, but the boring part
What are your hobbies?
Don't have a whole lot I do consistently. I'm trying to read/listen to books more like I used to, spend a little time doodling, needlecraft stuff on a rare occasion. Not any consistency.
Do you have any pets?
3 parrots, 1 snake, 2 cats that don't live with me anymore but I still consider mine. A colony of darkling beetles, bonus pets as a result of the snake.
How tall are you?
5 foot 6 if I'm being honest. 5'7 on a good day.
Favorite subject in school?
Meh. I guess maybe biology? My favorite course I ever took was a zoology course...
Dream job?
No aspirations on career, but maybe dream hobby/pastime would be working with rescue birds.
Tagging.....hm my options are somewhat limited on this blog, not everyone knows me here.... @wolfbro92 @hurdygurdywizard @astarlingdiscovery @childoferebus @yaboynotaboyoshalyn @thehotgirlproject @thenarrativefoil @vulture-bone @evilweasel24 @pom-seedss @sootlet-too @nyaz-chys @aeli-tan-art @fourteen--steps @jlinns
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grasslandgirl · 11 months
I've seen you talk about your wc spreadsheet before but I just saw it again in your tags please tell me about your writing tracking
aaaa bec HAPPILY i will do so <33
i got the idea like a year and a half ago (abt the beggining of 2022) from my dearly beloved friend jamie @jlinns who's been doing wc spreadsheets for a while themself and recommended it to me !! the bare minimum gist is to keep track of how much you write month to month and then be able to compare across months and years-- which really helps me maintain motivation and encourages me by having concrete numbers to show i HAVE gotten some writing done even if i don't feel productive
for my spreadsheet specifically, i'm detail-oriented and an overachiever so mine is like. really detailed and fairly complicated lmao; i have a row for every project i've worked on this year (as well as some that have carried over from last year) and all wips are collected under fandom umbrellas within the rows (color coordinated) and then each row has a column for every month as well as a running total sum column for that wip specifically. and then each month has running totals across all fandoms/wips so i can compare how much i wrote in january to how much i wrote in june etc etc and then a grand total sum box that combines how many words ive written across all fandoms/wips across all months up to present !!
it's kind of complicated and i use a lot of comments on certain boxes to keep track of totals month to month so i can find the difference between the may wc total and the june wc total for instance (especially on wips that are older than this year- of which i have so many) and i usually do a round up and double check across every doc i've worked on at the end of a month to make sure it's all accurate and up to date before the month turns over and i start adding totals to the adjacent column in all my wips !!
Tumblr media
this is really just a copy paste of the real format i use for my sheet, with the real wip titles and wc information subbed out for examples and additional information-- up at the top is one of the sum equations i use! [=sum(e8:p8) which basically breaks down to adding together the values between the cells e8 and p8 (e being the "wc jan" column and p being the "wc dec" column) and 8 referring the the row that refers to this wip in question! all the other cells in the "wc gross" column have the same equations, subbing out the number 8 for the row in question on down the line. all the equations under the months in the "monthly total" row are pretty much the same thing only inverted, =sum(e3:e17) for january, =sum(f3:f17) for febuary, etc on down the line, changing the letter value for each equation and maintaining the same block of numerical row values to encapsulate all the wips logged in the sheet!]
writing it all down like this makes it seem more complicated than it is, it think ? and of course, if this is something that interests you, it doesn't have to be as detailed as mine is!! the important part is that it helps in the ways you want it to, and that the help isn't out weighed by the work to keep it up !! (mine doesn't take that much upkeep, now that i've got it set up the way i like it, to be clear! the turn over to the new year (and a new sheet) was kind of a pain in january, but that's only bc you basically have to clean it out and make sure you're carrying over all the pertinent information!) google sheets is pretty easy to manouver and control, in my experience, and they've got a lot of cool things you can do with equations once you've got information in the cells, and a lot of ways you can organize and structure the information to your liking
anyway. thanks for coming to my ted talk skfjvbnskfjbnskfbjsn i did warn in the post that inspired this ask that i could talk about my wc spreadsheet (my darling) for a long time if prompted skjvnbsfkb so thank you for prompting me to speak on it, bec!! i hope this was interesting and helpful for you, and for anyone who bothered to read all of this!! (and i'm happy to go into more detail/answer questions about it if you've got them/if i was unclear/if you want help putting together your own !!) xoxoxoxoxoxo
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aberfaeth · 2 years
Writer asks! 4, 6, 17 🧡💛🧡💛
4. Do you prefer writing multi-chapter or oneshot fanfictions?
oh oneshots 1000%. well i mean like. i Enjoy multichaps conceptually but i have literally never finished one. sesdinikhil love languages doesnt count bc sav @grasslandgirl and i wrote that all in one sitting and then divided it into chapters later kdfgkgdfgk but yeah like i have so many ideas for longer wips i just have never gotten into a space where i could write them
6. Have you written any fanfictions featuring OCs? If so, elaborate!
SO FUNNY QUESTION bc again sav and i are like >20k deep in a fic thats essentially. What If Jamie Tartt Had A Younger Half Sister. That Could Fix Him Probably. also word on the wind (wizard101 fic. Deep Sigh) probably counts as an oc bc even though mae is like. The Protag The Young Wizard The Spellbinder Etc her name and personality and arc are inventions of my brain
17. Are there any writers and/or stories that you consider an influence?
Oh Boy Are There.
PUBLISHED WORK: the long way to a small angry planet by becky chambers is a masterclass of worldbuilding and i want everyone on earth to read it. similarly i think dimension 20's the unsleeping city is the best urban fantasy world ever created and i think about it every time i write urban fantasy! alberto rios is my favorite poet and inspires me Daily like the smallest muscle in the human body is such a wonderful book specifically some extensions on the sovereignty of science which makes me cry so much god i wish i had his skill with language. and the adventure zone remains my favorite story of all time! douglas adams, terry pratchett, honorary rick riordan mention for making me want to write in the first place.
FICS: in terms of like general lifetime inspiration god i would give my kidney to write like these people: tell me about the big bang by nina varela, domesticverse by @gyzym which is utterly lifechanging and permanently affected how i think about love and romance, patron saint of lost causes by @themetaphorgirl because the way it weaves together so many complex beautiful stories is beyond inspiring, if you could let me inside your heart by @featherquillpen because it remains the most compelling group character study ive ever read in my whole life, i hate to look into those eyes and see an ounce of pain by @precalamity bc if i ever write a reclist without this shoot me im a pod person.
and a separate section for stranger things writers bc thats where im at rn: all of the people who influence how i write character dynamics and arc: lesbianrobin (@lesbianrobin), birthdaycandles (@steveharrington), oaseas (metaldead on twitter), thegoodthebadandthenerdy (@cauldronoflove), sickoflosiingsoulmates (@strangetorpedos)
also everyone in the hanover high AV club. Everyone. i mentioned girl help! by @jlinns in a previous ask but seriously everything these guys have ever written i am taking and putting in my shirt pocket for later: phonecallfromgod (@phonecallfromgod), formosus_iniquis (@formosusiniquis), jj thegoodthebadandthenerdy again, mikeshanlon (@akenoz), unbelieve (@fearlessjournalism) if i have forgotten anyone im so sorry i love you all so much
and of course sav grasslandgirl (@grasslandgirl) who inspires & influences me literally every single day! would not write Anything without her <333
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myownprivatcidaho · 2 years
hiiiiiiiiiii sia i just want you to know that your crushposting has truly been such a joy to follow along with this past little while, i am sending you ALL the good vibes for tomorrow. god fucking speed bestie you got this 💛
AHHHH JAMIE TY TY TYSM ;-; fr im SO excited nd nervous so this means a whole lot !!!💖💖💖
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masculinepeacock · 3 years
march, friday, saturday, august, and november for the fic/writing asks! 💗
march, friday, saturday: answered!
august: are any of your fics associated with certain genres/artists/songs/etc?
yes!! all of my mice & murder fics pretty much fall exclusively into the gothic range, be specifically my dark!sylvie/lars fic!
november: do you have any rituals or requirements for getting in the mood for writing?
not really? sometimes i’ll brainstorm beforehand but it’s not a hard rule that i have to to be able to write
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strangetorpedos · 3 years
wednesday, february, november, and august for the fic asks! 💗
wednesday: name a fic which you have posted which you think is underrated?
according to my stats my fic with the least hits is my post-canon lars centric fic focusing on their unrequited love for sylvester which. makes sense but also it’s a banger imo!
february: have you ever written a holiday-centric fic?
see i didn’t think so but. apparently i wrote a christmas tuc fic for the d20 alphabet (i think for the prompt “family?”) so i guess so LMAO
november: do you have any rituals or requirements for getting in the mood for writing?
hm i don’t really think so? i always have to be listening to music but other than that i don’t think i have anything specific
send me time-related fic asks!
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charlienick · 3 years
windy!!!!!! 💕 im in the mood to sit down with a big juicy fic tonight and ive been meaning to read your work FOREVER, do you have one of your longer fics you recommend i start with first? 🥺
hiiiii jamie!!!! i recommend starting with the edification of eddie kaspbrak first!!! i worked v hard on that and i'm ALMOST proud of it 🥺 i hope u like it!!!! let me know your feelings 😳
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samdyke · 4 years
kora i just want you to know youre the funniest dude on this motherfucking website and i respect you so much
jamie funny you should say that because i think youre incredible and are doing us all a favor simply by existing
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waveridden · 2 years
⭐ for destination!! 🥺
!!!!!!!!! yes absolutely! i talked about one of my favorite bits here but luckily i love that fic a lot so here is another bit: the rowboat from the end of the second scene!
one of the cool things about big bangs is working with your artist to figure things out. faun and i knew pretty early on that we wanted to do an anthology, so i sent over a really simple bullet point outline of some stuff i had in mind, and one of the things i was thinking about was the episode of bojack horseman where it's almost entirely underwater so there's very little dialogue. which didn't end up being the vibe, but i knew i wanted a water thing, so i mentioned the boat thing, and at some point or another faun introduced the image that they used for the tour poster: fig and gorgug on a rowboat
and that wasn't what i had in mind but i was really struck by how well that image captured both the peace and the uneasiness i had in mind for that scene. at that point i was already pretty set on the idea of the submarine bus boat thing, but i decided to tack on something about the rowboat, because i just really really loved the mental image. and that wound up being one of the key ways for me to differentiate fig's and gorgug's sections of the fic: fig gets these parentheticals at the end, these little follow-ups, because she's thinking a mile a minute and there's always something to add on. like the rowboat! so it was also really useful for me to get a handle on character voices lmao
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cptnleviackerman · 4 months
thank you so much for the tag @milky-aeons !!
people I would like to get to know better! <3
last song: technically champagne problems lo-fi version, im listening to it rn on yt
fav colour: green
last movie: sahara, w penelope cruz, matthew mcconaughey + steve zahn
currently watching: so many things oh my god, mostly my hero academia + criminal minds atm but I'm also part way through rewatching aot + jjk, and also watching gossip girl for the first time (but the last three have kinda been on the back burner recently haha)
sweet/spicy/savoury: savoury!! spicy is a near second though! + i love sweet stuff sm but I have weirdly sensitive teeth so I have trouble eating it regularly:((
relationship status: taken!! for 2.5 years hehe(love my boyf so much:(( he's my guy forever)
current obsession: trying to stick to the fitness health challenge I've set myself! + making my selfship posts + basically just anything to do with smaus or tumblr themes haha
last thing I googled: exercising in line with your menstrual cycle
this kind of game is so fun so I hope my moots don't mind he tagging them hehe!! @jlinns @tempe-brennans @thephantomtheory @nasa-parker @kurooscopy @gojoath @stevebabey
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lunarfuneral · 4 years
also i love the moment in the finale when same and dean go back to harvelles roadhouse to see bobby and cas walks out and hes like "hello, dean" and then dean gets all teary eyed and either 1) he immediately says "i love you too" 2) he just drops everything and kisses cas on the spot 3) it cuts to black 4) they have a long chat discussing their feelings and decide to take each day as it comes (its a choose your own adventure)
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grasslandgirl · 11 months
For the fic writing asks: 19, 27, 33, 47, & 68
19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
stick solely to canon characters!!! i have a couple dna characters who are my darling light and life but i also don't really count them as OCs bc they're rooted in the original play to me forever and i don't usually throw them into unrelated fic (except leah my sam ecklund big sister. that's leah dna to me. whoops)
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
uhhhh depends on the fic !!! some fics i feel really solid in the dialogue for, some i feel iffy on dialogue and comfortable in description, sometimes i like to really sit into the world building/setting/etc-- it depends on the fic and the setting and my headspace more than anything !!! (though i am forever curious as to what OTHER people think my strength/s in my writing is 👀)
33. Is there a specific word count that you hold yourself to/enjoy writing the most?
anything under like. 3k feels too short for me. i have a lot of respect for people who can write really short things and have them be like. cohesive and solid and clear but i feel like my writing has to surpass 2 or 3k words before it feels like. solid enough to post!! after that, it depends on what the story demands; i said in a previous ask that i don't outline generally and that carries over to wrod counts, too, i don't really know how long a fic is going to be until i feel myself getting into an organic endgame of the narrative-- when i start something, i have no idea whether its gonna be like 5k or 25k or longer lmao (famously i thought noble pining was gonna be a short regular fic when i started it. 3 years and 100k words ago. so. what do i know?)
47. Is there a trope that you’ve written before but are now sick of?
not really?? i tend not to read a lot of soulmate aus anymore bc i find them. a little overdone and not super interesting to me personally anymore?? but like ive only written one soulmate au a long time ago and i started writing that as a way to explore a soulmate au world build that did interest me!
68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do?
uhhhhh so many fics and at the same time? none? idk i read fic. so much. like every night to go to bed bc im #normal, and while there have absolutely been fics that have been wonderful and lifechanging and mind bending i dont know if there are any that have directly impacted my writing? sometimes reading a fic will give me a tangential idea for a scene or a fic or a beat that i might then go on to write, but my style tends to me more impacted by the people i am lucky enough to write alongside and hearing about their thoughts and processes and getting their insights and feedback !!! specifically in the last while jamie @jlinns and luka @creacherkeeper have been super inspirational and really helped me to continue shaping my perspective on my writing <3
send me fic asks from this list!!!!
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wintercorpse · 3 years
YOUR AUS!!!!!! very excited for whenever u decide to post more 🥺
i think i’m going to try to post some starting this week !! i need to get over the fear of posting on the internet <3
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