#jian bios
the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Immortal Demon Slayer (2017) 悟空传
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Director: Guo Zijian
 Screenwriter: Guo Zijian / Jīn Hézài / Huang Hai / Fan Wenwen / Huang Zhiheng
Starring: Eddie Peng / Ni Ni / Shawn Yue / Faye Yu / Ou Hao / more...
Genre: Drama / Action / Fantasy
Country/Region of Production: Mainland China
Language: Mandarin Chinese
Date: 2017-07-13 (Mainland China)
Duration: 123 minutes
Also known as: Bio of Wukong / Wukong
IMDb: tt6513406
Type: Retelling
This is not any chapter of Journey to the West, this is the story of Wukong. At that time, Monkey King (played by Peng Yuyan) was not the Monkey King who shook the world, he was just an arrogant monkey. Tianting destroyed his Huaguo Mountain to control the fate of all people, so he was determined to fight against Heaven destroy all precepts. In the Heavenly Court, Monkey King met A Zi (Ni Ni), who could not be loved, Yang Jian (Shawn Yue), his lifelong enemy, and Tian Peng (Ou Hao), who missed his former lover A Yue. Their identities were destined to kill each other forever, but in fact, Wukong is not the only one who is unwilling to be at the mercy of fate? Unexpectedly, the resistance would bring even greater catastrophe.
Everything they do, is it a passionate and frivolous person who does not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, or the depression and despair of helpless fate? Is fate really doomed? Wukong was not convinced, he waved the golden cudgel again to make all the Buddhas disappear in smoke!
Source: https://chinesemov.com/2017/Wukong
Link: https://sflix.to/movie/free-immortal-demon-slayer-hd-10073
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silent-dragon · 3 months
TWST Student OC Profile ~ Guan Zǐ-Xīn
"In an endless night, there is nothing closer than the bright moon, always hanging in the sky." - Jing Yuan
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Personal Info
Name - Guan Zǐ-Xīn (pronounced “Zu-Shin”)
Physical Age - 19
Birthday - October 6
Zodiac - Libra
Gender - Male
Species - Fae
Height - 215cm/7ft
Eye Color - Golden Amber
Hair Color - White Silver
Orientation - Pansexual
Homeland - ??
Twist of Jing Yuan from Honkai Star Rail
College Info
School - Night Ravens College
Dorm - Celestellaron (@geminiiviolets)
Year - 3rd
Best Subject - All
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Occupation - Ex-Royal Guard of Thorns,Martial Arts Tutor
Favorite Food - Boba Milk Tea
Likes - Feline Animals,Sleeping,Swords,Neat and Clean Places,Suen Wěi & Sun Jian,Comfortable Chairs,Cool Days,Tea,Elaborate Decor,Long Train Rides,Fluffy Pillows
Dislikes - Disorder,Dirty Places/People,Feline Dislikers,Disturbing His Sleep/Nap
Talents - Swordsmanship,Martial Art Master,Organization,Noticing Every Little Detail of Something/Someone,Napping Anywhere
Unique Ability - Shocking Friends - Zǐ-Xīn can summon unique familiars that all have lightning based looks to them but look like ordinary animals at first. Usually will be a cat or other felines as his favorite but can be other animals…if he ever thought about other ones.
Personality - Comes off as very taciturn as hardly speaks but always observing. Usually will talk if there's a cat nearby but only to the cat,sees a flaw that bothers him,or sees friends. He is super friendly and makes an effort to check up on those he calls friends. Other side of him is well…sleepy. He has a common problem with falling asleep anywhere but in class during teaching time. Nothing is wrong with him,he just says he is so tired. Has an angry sleepy mode if get on his bad side,most say he goes into a commander type vibe…it's scary but exciting to some. His sleepy expression has him always looking at you with bedroom-like eyes but he is just sleepy…most of the time.
Bio - A sleepy man of kinda unknown origin. Often seen talking to Diasomnia students so friends with a lot of them. His fuzzy poof of hair is signature to knowing who he is if stumble upon him. Usually a random cat or two will be snuggled on his lap. It's common to find him asleep somewhere just like a certain feline man that has a colorful relationship with him. He is like a different person in class when lessons going on as active,attentive,and answering all the questions right. Super good standing student overall,can't seem to find any faults in this man but maybe there's something hidden underneath the poof? Who knows…
Other Facts
Just note I am spelling his name in the way chinese names usually are so Guan is not his first or surname its his last/family name. Zǐ-Xīn is his first name and I added the pronunciation for it above the best I think it's said but I may be wrong I did research but may not been enough I try.
Zǐ-Xīn's normal familiar is his pet lion,Kei who he obtained from being scammed but she was a little cub and he couldn't ignore how cute she was so kept her. She is now fully grown and has a family of her own in the wild so he goes to visit her but never summons her away from them.
Only when his hair gets wet from rain or maybe sweat from him working out that you may get a rare glimpse at his ears which are pointy indicating he is of fae relation.
He has a small cute little mole under his left eye but usually can't see it as hair covers his left eye often.
Calls Lilia chief,commander,and other titles that mean someone of high rank…but says it's just for fun.
Talks about Sun Jian as if they have been long time friends but only known him for a little while and sometimes corrects himself as he forgets to say he is talking about another who he won't say name of but is similar to him so is why he likes being near him.
Has an interesting relationship with the Savanaclaw dorm leader as is quite fond of him and had the bravery to pet his head which caused a mess of problems but he still can't hate him and actually adores still.
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silviakundera · 24 days
Joy of Life S1 Ep 41 liveblogging
watching for the 1st time, so don't tell me secrets ;)
FX uncles squad: still stressed
Fan Xian: wait don't tell me secrets!
FX thinks they're the same type of person: realistic, ruthless, vicious. Interesting to consider how he views himself.
I do think he's all these things but also there's a core of humanity & empathy
"Fan Jian isn't your biological father" well, if so I'm zero % surprised by that. Though if Xiao En is gonna claim he knows for certain who bio dad is... idk that I believe that either. I think it's very possible that none of the old guard have proof.
Xiao En thinks his son is the bio dad. Maybe so, maybe not. I mean, he probably believes that 🙃
lmao so half the uncles squad has been leveraging the fact that Mom is a mystery to gaslight Xiao En about being for sure the secret grandpa. Hey, free mystery baby out there to imprint on... Why not?
It kinda feels like they were totally hoisted by their own petard here, because I feel like they ALSO all developed an irrational connection to this kid. They think they're so superior to Xiao En but don't all of u barely know Fan Xian but you're invested
Has Fan Xian figured the scheme out and is playing along?
See, I feel like even Minister of Revenue isn't certain who the dad is? 🤔 The way his biggest objection to all the scheming is, this is Ye Qingmei's son. (and watch the emperor TOTALLY NOT BE WORRIED. HE IS NOT PRESSED IN THE SLIGHTEST.)
so what is this super special secret??? God's temple in the extreme north? immortal elixir?
Ok my guess is they went to polar region and stumbled upon the crypto pods of the perserved past civilization
Ok ok they find a temple in the middle of nowhere with a massive brown door... feeling good about my theory BUT WTF IT'S A SCIFI DOOR \o/
Ye Qingmei his mom came from the mystical brown door ok. But I feel like we the audience and Fan Xian already knew the substance of this, from the letter? So the 'secret' is very underwhelming
The only question is if ... if she is being "pursued" by others from behind the brown door and if FX will now tell the qing uncles squad about his mom's origins or lie that he doesn't know the secrets
Also, secret book ? Which can make someone a grandmaster
She separated from them for their own good, ok. So they just kept this incident hidden by command because they think she's an immortal god like being
Hmmmmmmmmmm something horrible locked inside the temple that will end the world if released? Intriguing.
Mom created all the grandmasters, naturally!
aha!!!!!!!!! so she DID hook up with the prince who became the current Qing emperor. I thought so! Until proven otherwise, I don't think any of those guys know for 100% whose illegitimate child FX is
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whumpsical · 1 year
contents: flashback to a minor whumpee, homelessness, discussed homophobia, bio family blues
Some sweet comfort from one the rockiest eras of Jian's past <3 the gays stick together <33
sometime in 2014
taglist!!! @yet-another-heathen @much-ado-about-whumping @minerscanary
“Come here, Jay.”
Jian bristled.
He was only sixteen at the time. He didn’t like nicknames. He’d never liked nicknames. It wasn’t anyone’s fault; no one had beaten or bullied him out of a taste for them, and he had no past relationships to any particular nicknames to turn him off to the concept. He just didn’t like them.
But at Casanova, one of the many gay bars in Jian’s early rotations, the owner liked to call him Jay. And Jian found that it didn’t grate on his nerves the way it usually would, not coming from Cal.
Cal first caught Jian sneaking into Casanova on a chilly, rainy night. It wasn’t the first time Jian had gotten in. He’d just had a harder time blending with the partygoers that night: waterlogged and shivering, too exhausted to even talk, sitting by himself on a leather couch near the bathrooms. His clothes were damp, leeching all the warmth from his small body, but even shedding his wet jacket didn’t feel like an option. He was convinced that the moment he slipped his scrawny, narrow shoulders free, his age would be made even more pathetically obvious than it already was. It was better to keep still and try to pretend that he wasn’t there at all.
Cal was on the floor that night, covering for a sick bartender. He’d wondered how he’d missed the obviously underaged kid’s entrance into his bar. It was a Tuesday night. Not very busy at all. Maybe it was the rain. The patio sat empty, everyone instead gathering inside and cluttering up Cal’s view of the front door.
Jian flinched when Cal approached him. He was a tall, hefty man, comfortably in his fifties. Though with age his ratio of muscle to fat had shifted, he still had an intensely intimidating power in his stature, especially from where Jian was sitting.
“Hey,” Cal said, with just a hint of the stern edge to his voice which he only fully put on for the handsy creeps and mean drunks.
Jian looked up at the man, numb in the face. He had nothing to say, and was too shocked with cold and fear to even try to squeak out a word.
Cal stood tall, unyielding. “You wanna show me some ID?”
Jian looked at his shoes, a lump growing in his throat. His head was too misty to comprehend much, but he understood enough to recognize he’d been caught, which meant that he had to find somewhere else to hide from the rain. He already couldn’t remember how many times this had happened that night. All he knew was that he didn’t want to go back to the shelter, but he was quickly running out of options. With stiff, freezing hands and a weak, trembling effort, he pushed himself off the sticky seat and started on his staggering trek to the exit.
Cal’s large hands stopped him, butting against his shoulders. Not grabbing. Jian couldn’t even muster any awareness of the act, just pushing his empty body against Cal’s hands like they were an invisible wall in a video game. Cal pushed back a little more firmly, and Jian’s feet tripped to a halt. He stood in place, blinking through confused sparks in his eyes, feeling lightheaded.
“Hold on, hold on. Hey,” Cal said, stooping down to meet Jian’s eyes, and, as twenty-something year old Jian suddenly realized with fondness, to shield him from the activity of the bar around them. “Do you need… Would you like something hot to drink? A warm meal, maybe? Someplace dry?”
Jian had no clue what his face was doing. He remembered his body as a hollow wooden vessel. Still, something must have come across in his silence, because Cal softened even more.
“Look, I don’t know your situation,” he said, squeezing Jian’s shoulder. “But I can tell enough that you need help. I have the means. Come on, honey.”
Cal started to usher Jian towards the bar, and a volatile switch flipped in Jian’s gut, instantly rubbing every inch of his skin raw and sucking the air from his lungs.
“No,” Jian managed in a desperate whisper, shrugging his way out of Cal’s hands and stumbling backwards a few feet before blinking the blind terror from his eyes and halfway remembering where he was. Cal’s hands hovered in a deliberately non-threatening airspace, allowing Jian to retreat as far as he needed.
“Okay,” Cal said quickly, in a peaceful, hushed tone. Jian’s focus still whipped around the bar, but Cal let that manic vigilance die down in its own time, keeping his own body still and distant. “Okay. You don’t have to. But I really don’t want to send you back out there, to who knows what, without at least getting you dried off. You can stay here, honey. You don’t have to go.”
The vividness of Jian’s memory drained to an uninviting mist. He knew that at some point he’d started to cry, and that Cal had led him with an open hand -- so broad it nearly spanned Jian’s entire waistline, at least in those days -- to a more secluded area behind the bar, where both Cal and the small kitchen crew could keep an eye on him while he ravenously devoured a warm plate of various bar staples and a few Casanova specialties. Jian remembered being offered an offensively sugary Shirley Temple in that same spot, but that may have been on another night.
Sometime later, a shift change freed Cal up to drag a second black painted chair over to Jian’s, where he’d been working on drying himself off with an only slightly ratty towel, having adamantly refused a change of clothes from Cal’s apartment above the bar.
“Hey there, kiddo. You feeling any better?”
Jian nodded sheepishly, embarrassed at all the drama he’d become the center of tonight, now that the terror had mostly passed. The heat from the crowd and the food had long since stilled his shivering, and an almost contented sleepiness was taking over instead, a feeling so unfamiliar that he was struggling to guard against it, finding himself nodding off every now and then. He’d been focusing his energy on staying upright in the chair, and was glad for Cal’s interruption.
“I’d like to have a little chat with you, if that’s okay,” Cal said, leaning forward in his seat to match Jian’s height. Jian visibly tensed, swallowing nervously and breaking eye contact. Cal’s voice only softened more. “Sweetheart, you’re not in any trouble with me. What’s your name, honey?”
When Jian only gulped again with considerably more effort, his eyebrows starting to knit with growing anxiety, Cal nodded thoughtfully.
“That’s okay, you don’t have to tell me.”
A rush of cool air flowed through Jian’s chest, relief unclenching his jaw before he’d even realized how tight he’d been squeezing it shut.
“I would like to know how old you are, though,” Cal continued lightly. “But don’t tell me that either. I want to guess. Flex my skills. Is that something the kids are saying today?”
One corner of Jian’s mouth lifted a bit.
“See, I’m out of the loop. This’ll be fun,” Cal said. “Hmm,” he hummed, one hand rubbing his chin as he made a show of scrutinizing Jian’s scrappy appearance. “I’ve got nieces in the eighth grade, but they’re all shorter than you. They definitely eat better, though.” Jian couldn’t help but chuckle silently under the heat of the spotlight, feeling himself becoming invested in the game, despite everything. “Fourteen, maybe? No, fifteen.” When Jian shook his head to both, Cal leaned back, worry overtaking his expression. “Oh, sweetheart, please don’t tell me I started too high. I don’t think I could handle it.”
Jian shook his head again, an easy smile finding its way onto his face. “Sixteen,” he said, his delicate voice all but confirming his answer.
Cal nodded, solemnity gently wafting away the air of humor that had eased them to this point. He leaned forward again, hands clasped in front of him, and looked into Jian’s eyes as he spoke. “It was a long time ago, but it was tough for me when I was that age, too. I can’t speak for your experience, honey, but I know what it’s like to feel alone in the world.”
His defenses down, Jian felt the words hit him square in his chest. Fear and apprehension prickled at the edges of the impact, but the crater was deep enough that genuine empathy was what struck Jian the most. He felt breathless and fragile as he listened, but he didn’t look away.
“I’ve seen some very good friends go down dark paths because of that feeling. And it’s hard to find your way back out. It’s hard out there, baby, I know. But no matter how lost you feel, you will never be unworthy of love, and safety, and peace. Do you understand me?”
Jian wasn’t sure that he did, but Cal spoke with such an urgency that Jian felt he should at least nod, though unease was building in his stomach again. Cal watched him with earnest conviction as he waited for Jian to answer, but Jian shied away from the intensity of it, breaking off eye contact and betraying the gnawing guilt he suddenly felt. Cal sighed, too softly to hear beneath the noise of the bar.
“I know that look, sweetheart. Your family?”
Jian hadn’t realized how obvious it could be. His stomach dropped and a flash of heat pushed tears behind his eyes as fresh wounds burst through their haphazard stitches. He could feel the metaphorical slam of the door all over again, the pain of his father’s violent and consummate rejection only compounded by the past year he’d spent trying to stitch himself back together without him. Failing miserably. He bit his cheek to keep the rest from spilling, and locked eyes with Cal to silently implore him to continue.
Cal didn’t falter. He wrapped Jian’s restlessly clenching fists between his warm hands and leaned in.
“There’s not a lot I can do to change the truly fucking awful things that happen in this world,” Cal said. “But what I can do is help lift some of the burdens that fall on us. You are welcome here, honey.” He accented this with a squeeze of Jian’s hands, then paused, blinked a few times, and made an undecided gesture with a tilt of his head. “Not in the bar, mind you.”
At the gentle chiding, Jian found himself laughing with him, vaguely relieved to be acknowledged as something other than a novelty or a criminal. Cal looked at him without hunger. Being the object of someone’s worry instead of their hatred or desire had faded to a memory from another world, and Jian didn’t know what to do with or even how to identify the bubbly feeling which sat high in his chest. The release of pressure set free a cold crop of tears that he had been clinging to. With grace, Cal let them fall without address.
“But any time it’s getting too heavy,” Cal continued, holding Jian’s hands tight, “if you’re ever hungry, tired, need someone to talk to, anything, you come to Casanova and you ask for Cal, okay? I mean it. We make our own families here.”
Jian nodded, with emphatic gratitude this time. His head felt too fuzzy and exhausted to really comprehend the mess of emotions that writhed and tangled inside him, like a rat’s nest of colorful yarn choking his heart, but the mess itself was colorful and soft, and that had to be enough for now. He took a steadying breath.
“My name’s Jian,” he said, feeling shy under the usually anonymizing glow of the blacklights. But Cal beamed.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Jian,” he said. “Now, the big questions: Do you have a place to stay tonight? Is there someone I can help you call, to let them know where you are?”
“No,” Jian said simply, and the scalding, mortified blush that would’ve normally flooded Jian’s entire face and neck just wasn’t there. Instead, Cal’s hands landed on his shoulders, blanketing him in steadiness and warmth without suffocating.
“Now you do, Jay. Now you do.’
From somewhere in the comfortable fog of Jian’s distant memory, Dickass Lee’s voice wormed back into his ears.
“Come here, Jay.”
Jian bristled.
“Ugh, yeah, no. No. I get it,” Dickass Lee said with a comically exaggerated shudder, mimicking the tension in his captive’s shoulders. “I’ll stick to ‘Jian.’”
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starrbee · 5 months
Hello! Welcome to the Blog!
Hi! I'm Oliver (Starr or Bee can also be used) and i use he/they pronouns! I'm an oc artist! (I have a few ideas for ninjago fanseasons and if you want to know more about it go check out @withinthestarsnfs !)
Requests: Open
(one per person? I won't do multiple in a row, because I don't want to create whole comics with out anything in exchange!)
Art Trades: Open
A masterpost for all the OCs i post about here!!! This will have their reference sheet and some information about them.
Jian Zhang (Lego Monkie Kid OC)
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>Formerly a Carp, turned into a dragon by the Jade Emperor after jumping over the Dragons Gate
>Was Azure Lion's student and sided with the brotherhood
>Currently resides with the Bull King family
>Has a wife named Chrys
>Has a (non-biological) sister named Ming Zhu and a nephew called Zi Xin
Some of the scenes I've written can be found here
Ampu (Ninjago OC)
Ref 1 (Before/slightly after the merge)
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Ref 2 (first signs)
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Ref 3 (almost mature)
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>Own species/elemental being thingy?(edit: Dragonkin! That's what I'm calling them!)
>Basically borrowed a dragon power permanently? if that makes sense?
>specifically a departed dragon. (remember the dragons from Curse world 1&2? those)
>works at a bakery with their friends Sparrow and Bow (and Morro but thats another explanation...)
>There will be a comic eventualy
Cirris (NDR oc)
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>Elemental master of cloud!
>during the first few years of the merge they live in Shintaro
>well the first few months they were with a group called 'The Archivists' who experimented on them with transformation magic
>This caused Cloud to gain more Oni-Like features
>Related to Ash (Elemental master of Smoke)
E.T.C.H/Cal (Ninjago OC)
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>A nindroid created to mimic human life
>the scientists were inspired by Zane, wanting to create a Nindroid that could pass as human
>they can use a similar thing to Zane to disguise themselves as human
>They have a detatchable 'Tail' to help them balance
>Introduced during Prime empire, as a helper for the mechanic (Forced)
>Pixal reaches out to them during the Ninja's time in Shintaro, becoming fast friends
Shuck (Hazbin Hotel OC)
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>Cook for the hotel
>Died in 1890 due to being shot in the head while having a VERY violent mental break
Chun (Lego Monkie Kid OC)
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>Howler Monkey demon
>Magically made
>Bio-Parent’s(?) were a Nekomata and a monkey demon [Lesbians] who conceived plant through magic
>current parent is Huizhong, another monkey demon, he is a professor and works with Tang.
>Works in a flower shop down the road from Pigsy's
>has quite destructive magic! (they can scream loud- think Pearl from splatoon- , sharp magic claws and a massive monkey avatar!)
>Socially awkward... he didn't socialise much when they were younger
>Definitely sewed those trousers themself
>Duo tail :3 (they often wrap them into one so they don't get in the way)
Calyx (Voltron oc)
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-so the one thing that really annoyed me about how Voltron was created was there was no prototype, they had no physical proof that the project would work, so here is the fix!
-The white lion was a prototype for the voltron project, and it is smaller and less finished than the other lions, however it was supposedly 'destroyed' when the other lions were sent away
-the trash planet that it was stored on lead a group of refugees, including a white paladin, to use it to protect themselves and create a safe place, near the edge of the known universe away from the Galra. this soon became a place full of refugees and soon a trade planet for rebellions and resistances, the views they follow mean that the planet is almost entirely cash-free and relys more on trade than buying.
-Calyx is very anti-establishment and watches over the entry ways and trade route, making sure that theres no-one suspicious coming in or out, however upon inheriting the lion, they feel as if it wants to find the others, causing them to find Allura's castle and the others during the season 1 finale.
-the white lion relys mainly on stealth and tracking, so they stay in the background for a while
-Calyx also has mild chronic pain and uses a wheelchair sometimes, they also use braces and tech to ease the pain
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Oberon Starlu
The Elemental Master of Anima. He is a part Oni as well.
Their abilities include talking to animals and staking on abilities and features of animals, though not fully, as that would come under form.
She was first introduced in the tournament of elements, and stays close to the ninja after, often helping keep the monastery running while their away.
Before the tournament they were close to Bolobo, living in the same farming village. During TOE they get close to Griffin, Neuro and Shade. They’re Very close to Griffin. :)
His Oni blood is very diluted, the only reminder of this is their horn(s).
This image is of their outfit during TOE
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Lumi! (Ninjago OC)
I tried to make her the opposite of everything wyldfire is, She grew up in a high class family that was close to the ninjago royal family. Though she holds herself like she sees herself hightly, shes quite shy and is a bit of a recluse. through her family she learnt basic sword skills. after the merge she went to the crossroads, eventually meeting Arin, Sora, Euphrasia and Wyldfire.
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cfdepths · 10 months
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dear all nations, FREYJA SVENSDOTTER has crossed the city borders to edinburgh to the sound of VENUS FLY TRAP by MARINA. the PRINCESS of SWEDEN is known to be IN FAVOR OF making peace. SHE reminds me of STRAY STRANDS OF HAIR ESCAPING AN UPDO and HOOFS SPLATTERING THROUGH MUD however did you know that SHE RAN AWAY FROM HER FAMILY TO AVOID A BETROTHAL AND IS HIDING UNDER A FAKE NAME?
tw: death
alias: helvig age: 26 pronouns: she/her birthday: may 17th alignment: chaotic good sexuality: pansexual connections: parents (deceased), queen dorothea håkansdotter of sweden (cousin/adopted sister-in-law), king jian svensson of sweden (adopted brother), crown prince viktor svensson (adopted brother), princess idunna svensdotter (adopted sister), princess astrid svensdotter (adopted sister), adam gustafsson (servant), spanish noble (friend/@fevilleter), prince of sweden (adopted brother), queen mother of sweden (adopted mother), betrothed (fiance/fiancee)
arya stark (game of thrones), æthelflæd (the last kingdom/historical), merida (brave), lizzy bennett (pride & prejudice)
you were born with a wild streak. even as a child you wailed louder than anyone thought a babe should. from the time you could crawl you dragged yourself to doors and windows and to animals; toward anything that gave you a glimpse of the outside world. you didn't have the normal fears a child was supposed have. perhaps you were destined to lead a life that wasn't normal either. though you are an only child, you grow up close to your cousin, dorothea. she's older than you but you're cut from the same cloth and you recognize the rebellious twinkle in each other's eyes. it is to her you go to laugh or in the few times you allow someone to see your vulnerability. when your parents pass in your teenage years, it is dorothea's mother-in-law who takes you in. her children become your siblings. as you and dorothea grow, it is clear to you both you have different paths ahead of you - though you're sure the paths crisscross each other. you certainly hope they do.
your new mother ensures dorothea has all the assets in her arsenal to make her an enchanting lady, maybe even a queen. and your cousin knows how to wield them as deftly as any sword-master or archer. try as your mother might, you remain stubborn and loyal to your wily roots and free spirit. you are just as likely to be found in dance lesson as you are to be found sparring in the courtyard. you are as comfortable in a library as you are on horseback. you are as deft with an embroidery needle as you are nocking an arrow on your bow. eventually your exhausted aunt sets her sights on other targets.
as a young woman, you can feel your family's goals changing. dorothea is directly involved and for that reason you know which side you belong to. an uprising, a new dynasty is being formed and at the head of it: your favorite cousin and her husband. you are pleased with the results and that your family remains safe for the time being. you feel relieved and glad to return to your untamed and free way of living, but then as quickly as it ended you are once again under your mother’s thumb. this time she doesn't relent.
your adoptive mother - now the mother of the king and the queen mother - tells you that you are to be betrothed. a foreign partnership with someone you've never met and have no loyalty to. you look to your cousin, now queen dorothea for closure - for someone to fight for your freedom against her mother-in-law's announcement. she tells you this time comes for all young women. you feel betrayed and heartbroken. she was supposed to understand you? she always had before.
had the girl who felt virtually no fear become a woman afraid, trapped in a gilded cage? you refused to let that happen. you did the only thing you knew to do. using the only opportunity you had, you befriended a noble of the galician court who was visiting the swedish court. they help smuggle you out, unseen. you travel out of sweden with them. your family is none the wiser.
as war looms you and many others seek a haven. you're told of a neutral parley point in the kingdom of scotland. you're not sure whether you trust this supposedly peaceful meeting but you have no other place to go. you make your way to edinburgh. falling in with different courts, clans, and nomads traveling the same way. you are always careful not to reveal your real name. you are helvig now. it is a good name - a safe name that wont reveal too much about you.
you have heard rumors of the swedish kingdom traveling to scotland. you can only wonder when your past and your present will meet.
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armenianwriterman · 8 months
Bio: Shang Tsung is an evil sorcerer and one of the main antagonists of the story. Once a young boy living in squalor in Mistral about 500 years before the story begins, he stumbled upon a cave containing a pair of gauntlets. On a whim, he put them on and they merged into his skin, giving him the ability to drain people’s auras and take their powers. This greatly extended his lifespan and he began to seek out other artifacts of power for himself. His desire to drain the auras of people with unique or powerful semblances often puts him in conflict with the heroes. In the present day, he acts as a business partner to both the SDC and Outworld, but unbeknownst to them, he has his own sinister agenda.
Design: Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa’s appearance in the 1995 movie/MK11.
Color Name: N/A
Species: Human
Eye Color: Yellow
Aura Color: Red
Weapon: Mimic - A simple Jian sword
Abilities: Aura Drain - Thanks to the artifact he found, Shang Tsung has the ability to drain people’s aura through touch. His aging is slowed whenever he does this and he gets to temporarily copy the victim’s semblance when he does this. A full aura drain is lethal and allows him to keep the abilities permanently. However, he is vulnerable when he does this and his ability to defend himself from outside attacks while he is draining is limited.
Stolen Semblances: Fire Skull - Shang Tsung can shoot fireballs in the shape of a flaming skull. Doppelganger - Shang Tsung can create illusion copies of whoever he is currently fighting, and unlike Neo’s copies, they are just as strong and durable as the people they are copying are. Aura Curse - Shang Tsung launches a projectile that causes the aura of whoever it hits to slowly drain like poison in a video game. Portal Network - Shang Tsung can throw a projectile that creates a series of connected portals, a la Blink from X-Men Days of Future Past.
Affiliation: N/A
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zuko-always-lies · 2 years
When Can We See Azula Being Polite?
This canon bio got me thinking:
Daughter to Fire Lord Ozai, Azula is Zuko’s 14-year-old younger sister. She’s a lot like the typical “Little Miss Perfect” younger sister, only she’s also a deadly Firebender. Azula has always been the favorite of the Fire Lord, and of everyone around her for that matter-  everyone but Zuko, that is. Azula excels at her royal role-  she is extremely gracious, smooth and put-together. An ideal Princess, she is also cold, calculating, and precise. Zuko will tell you that Azula is “lucky.” Things just tend to turn out in her favor.
Being polite and gracious is not something that most people would associate with Azula, but I think we can see hints at this side of her at various points in canon.  Before we get into this, I think it’s worth discussing who she’s not polite to:
1) Subordinates who she thinks are screwing up.
2) Iroh, since her disdain for him overrides just about all other considerations.
3)  Zuko, since her “annoying little sister instincts” tend to predominate even when she’s on better terms with him.
4) Her enemies during battle when she’s trying to keep them off balance.
 Now, where and to who do way see 14 year old Azula being polite?
1) She often seems to be fairly polite to her friends outside of combat situations, even when she’s being a jerk.
2) Outside of her breakdown, she seems to be very polite and respectful with Lo and Li.
3) The aftermath of the war meeting at Nightmares and Daydreams shows her chatting with a Fire Nation officer.
4) I think she’s reasonably polite when she “chats” with Aang during “The Chase,” and in both of her interactions with Zuko and Iroh in “The Crossroads of Destiny”
5) She’s fairly polite in her dealings with Chan and Ruon Jian...until she decides to burn their house down.
6) I think we can see how she is “well-mannered” in this interacting with War Minister Qin:
War Minister Qin: (stepping into scene to address Azula) This drill is a feat of scientific ingenuity and raw destructive power. Once it tunnels through the wall, our troops will storm their city. The Earth kingdom will finally fall, and you can claim Ba Sing Se in the name of your father. Nothing can stop us. Ty Lee: (looking away from a periscope) Hmm. What about those muscle-y guys down there? (She looks back into periscope, then cut to a view through the periscope, where Earth kingdom benders are seen dropping into trenches. Switches to exterior view, showing a series of large trenches dug in the shadow of the wall, with the Fire nation forces approaching in the distance.) War Minister Qin: (walks up and sharply raps the periscope, startling Ty Lee) Please, the drill's metal shell is impervious to any earthbending attack. Azula: (condescendingly) Oh, I'm sure it is War Minister Qin. But just to be on the safe side... (in commanding tone) Mai, and Ty Lee, take the earthbenders out! Mai: (twiddling knives) Finally, something to do.  
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bomnun · 1 year
I'm so lost in this whole thing but how could there be a future for pentagon if Hui debuts with bepler?? Do people seriously think they can vote for hui and expect pentagon to comeback??
Cube sucks, they probably will debut a group with Doha on it 🫠💀 before we get a ot8/ot9 comeback
I think most universe’s strategy is to keep him in high ranks until the final and then stop (not that this is likely to work considering the general public has eaten up Mnet’s script), unless he drops out before that. I stand by the fact that I don’t think he’s in there to redebut. Why would he pretend he wasn’t on the show for the longest time? Literally until the day the participant list came out he was posting from and participating in Pentagon’s schedules as normal. His participant bio has Pentagon’s “Just do it yo!!” entered as his favorite song, and instead of wishing for a high rank he says “rather than rank, it’s about proving”. Plus that one deadpan comment of hoping everyone finishes above him. Plus him not even in his intro saying he wants to redebut.
As recently as this Tuesday, you have members saying they don’t have plans on quitting as a group (x) . I feel like this is as explicitly as Kino can say it under the current circumstances. Right after the Boys Planet participation came out Shinwon said this on a now deleted Vlive, and I think it lines up more or less with what Kino said … two days ago. This to me shows that the members have no intention of disbanding, and as I’ve said many times before, they’re very aware of how shit the fandom is feeling, and wouldn’t lie about this if there was no hope at all.
The more time passes I’m convinced the Pentagon comeback was canceled because Cube is tight on money. There’s even a possibility they’ve canceled/postponed a BTOB comeback (recently an article came out they’d have an April comeback, but it’s since been deleted, and just today Cube announced (G)I-DLE is coming back in “April or May”; if this comeback happens it’ll have been 6-7 months since the most recent Cube artist comeback), and BTOB are not a group they’re planning on getting rid of, even though they clearly have no idea what to do with them. A friend of mine says Jian and Huiyeon were probably cut from Lightsum, and Yanan hasn’t come back because Cube doesn’t want to (or is unable to) pay to support them, so paying termination fees to Jian and Huiyeon and leaving Yanan hanging in China saves money. With this in mind I wonder how soon NBG can actually happen… They teased them last year, but if they’re struggling for funds to make BTOB or (G)I-DLE come back too, how are they going to debut a whole new group soon?
My current guess is Cube didn’t want to/couldn’t pay for a Pentagon comeback, and got a deal or threat from Mnet (sucking up to Mnet is like Cube’s only industry connection), and managed to convince Hui he has to do this (based on what I’ve said above and, just, Hui’s personality, he’s not ditching the group like random people on the Internet like to say), and also tried to make him think that Pentagon are unable to comeback because of their own results, and not because the company is running low on money.
Also, initially, I thought that Cube’s master plan here was to separate Hui from Pentagon, defame the others and paint them as bygones and then keep Hui, but considering the editing he’s getting on the show this show is hurting his individual reputation and image the most … it’s all so messy and weird?? I don’t understand what a company unable to financially support their artists gains from trying to paint one of them as complete failures, including one of their biggest individual assets both as a performer and producer.
Also Shinwon has been namedropping Hui A LOT on Bamra the past week or so, a while previously he didn’t even mention his name… I’ll do my part as a Bamra listener and read too much into that, lmao.
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assortedsouls · 4 months
Bio: Ji Naizhu
(This is my OC Nat, but made to fit in a xianxia verse.)
Birth name: Jì Jiǎn (纪囝)
Courtesy name: Jì Nàizhù (纪耐助)
Age: Anything up to late 20's.
Birthday: November 10
Occupation: Rogue cultivator specialised in healing and medicine (just like his adoptive father).
Family: Unknown birth parents. Jì Jiǎnghé (纪讲和) (adoptive father (yăngfù 养父))
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: Kind and caring, tend to put others before himself, want nothing more than helping others. Usually cheerful and understanding, but don't let his kindness fool you, he will fight when needed and won't stand for people being used or mistreated. He can also be a bit too stubborn, too trusting and with little regards for his own life.
Weapons: Wooden staff (gùn 棍)
Build: Slender, border on "too skinny".
Height: 173 cm (5'8")
Hair: Golden brown, wavy
Eyes: Amber
Skin: Tanned
Facial features: graceful, almost feminine
Naizhu had been left to die in the forest when Ji Jianghe found him. Finding the baby, and still alive, was a miracle, since the boy had made no sounds and it was late autumn and unusually cold outside. Yet the baby looked at Jianghe and gave him a smile, despite having been left in the wild to die. Being a man that found life sacred, Jianghe couldn't just leave the baby there, so he picked him up, intending to find him a home, which was why he just called the baby 'Jian', child. In the end, he kept the boy, having grown fond of him and also not being able to find a home for him. People seemed unsettled by the boy's unusual hair and eye colour, so even though he was an easy child (rarely crying and generally in a cheerful mood), no one wanted to care for him. This pleasant disposition continued and even grew the older the boy became.
Being a rogue cultivator, or more of a wandering healer, Jianghe had no stable home and Jian grew up on the roads, learning the trade of his adoptive father. Except, it turned out he had an innate ability for healing. By the time he was ten, he could heal people by touch, although at the cost of his own spiritual energy and physical health (although he will recuperate from this with food and rest).
At the age of thirteen, Ji Jianghe had taught the boy what he could, being a fairly poor cultivator himself, and managed to find a place that could take Jian in and train him further (despite his ability to heal, he didn't have a golden core yet). It was a little early for the boy to get a courtesy name, but he couldn't go away being called Jian by everyone. He was therefore given the name Naizhu.
Unfortunately, while he was away studying, Jianghe disappeared, now one knowing what happened to him. Once Naizhu finished his studies, he went about to wander around, just like his adoptive father, helping people, but also looking for Ji Jianghe.
Main See above
Baby Wen Ji Jianghe finds baby Jian (later Naizhu) right at the beginning of the Sunshot Campaing. He's not in Qishan Wen territory, so he doesn't even suspect that the baby might be a Wen. However, he is. So unknown to everyone, Ji Naizhu is one of the two last living Wens (him coming from another outer branch family than Lan Sizhui). In this verse, he's around 20 when Wei Wuxian returns.
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oaresearchpaper · 4 months
Green Synthesis of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles from Alternanthera Philoxeroides
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Iron oxide nanoparticles, notably magnetite (Fe3O4), have become widely used and a key topic of research due to their superparamagnetism and distinctive features. As a result, scientists are diligently looking into new uses for these nanoparticles. The choice and use of synthesis techniques are important variables that might affect the size and characteristics of the nanoparticles (NPs). The use of harmful compounds that are absorbed on the surface of the nanoparticles has been linked to a number of negative impacts of chemical production processes. The Green synthesis of nanoparticles has evolved as an eco-friendly method in response to environmental concerns, giving researchers the chance to internationally investigate the potential of various herbs for nanoparticle synthesis. The aqueous extract of Alternanthera Philoxeroides leaves and the precursors ferric chloride anhydrous (FeCl3 anhydrous) and ferrous chloride tetrahydrate (FeCl2.4H2O) are used in this study to demonstrate a green synthesis approach for manufacturing magnetite nanoparticles. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), vibrating-sample magnetometer (VSM), and UV-visible spectroscopy were used to evaluate the produced FeNPs. The presence of functional groups including (-OH), (C-H), and (-NH) was detected in the FTIR findings, showing that organic compounds had been coated on the FeNPs. A maximum absorption peak was detected in the ultraviolet-visible spectra of the aqueous media containing iron nanoparticles at about 330 nm. The magnetic characteristics of the produced FeNPs were verified by VSM testing. Numerous uses for these nanoparticles exist, such as waste water treatment, energy production, and others.
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Nanoparticles have seen an increase in demand in recent years, due to their use in various fields, including health, catalysis, energy, and drug delivery systems (Nam et al., 2009; Li et al., 2011). The physical, chemical, optical, and electrical properties of these nanomaterials are significantly influenced by the size, shape, and surface morphology of the nanoparticles. Various techniques, including physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, the solgel method, co-precipitation method, ultrasonic method, electrochemical synthesis, and chemical reduction of metallic ions, are used to create metallic nanoparticles (Horwat et al., 2011; Sobhani et al., 2011; Starowicz et al., 2006). These Syntheses frequently involve toxic, expensive, and unsustainable substances. Due to the simplicity of synthesis, environmental friendliness, and increased stability of nanoparticles, green synthesis approaches based on fungus, microbes, plant and peel extracts are currently being investigated (Balaji et al., 2009; Kumar et al., 2011; Sukirtha et al., 2012). 
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Because of their high saturation magnetization, Fe3O4 MNPs are simple to magnetically separate in an external magnetic field (Mohamed et al., 2017). Several studies have been done on the synthesis of MNPs using a variety of reducing agents, including hydrazine (Hou et al., 2005). Dimethyl formamide (Jian et al., 2006). Sodium borohydride (Cain et al., 1996). Carbon monoxide (Mondal et al., 2004) and others. The biocompatibility of MNPs is hampered by these highly reactive reducing agents, which also have negative environmental impacts. As a result, there are only a few bio-medical uses for chemically reduced MNPs. MNPs must be strictly biocompatible in order to be used in biomedical applications. Several research using plant extracts to synthesize Fe3O4-NPs have been successful. For instance, Artemisia annua fruit extract (Basavegowda et al., 2014). Perilla frutescens leaf extract (Basavegowda et al., 2014). Tridax procumbens (Senthil et al., 2012). Caricaya papaya extract (Latha et al., 2014). Plantain peel extract (Venkateswarlu et al., 2013). Grape proanthocyanidin seed extract (Narayanan et al., 2012). In the leaf extract, there are a number of polyphenols and acidic compounds available. These Polyphenols from the extract form complexes with metal ions and show both reducing and capping behavior for NPs Senthil et al., 2012. Also, these polyphenolic compounds are biodegradable, nontoxic, and water-soluble at room temperature, which proves that green leaf extract as an effective reducing agent compared to others (Latha et al., 2014). According to the literature analysis, no specific studies have been conducted on the synthesis of Fe3O4-NPs using the alligator weed Alternanthera Philoxeroides, which encourages and pushes us to work on this. We have developed a modified green synthesis method to prepare Fe3O4-NPs using green Alternanthera Philoxeroides extract as a reducing agent, a novel environmentally friendly technique for producing Fe3O4-NPs is suggested in this study.
Source : Green synthesis and characterization of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles using leaf extract of Alternanthera Philoxeroides for environmental applications
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bookishnerdlove · 9 months
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Capítulo 63 "¿Tiene un compañero, Capitán Jiang?" Jiang Ting había vivido durante más de 30 años y, por primera vez, alguien le tomó la mano, se sentó en el borde de la cama y le susurró: "Solo quería venir a verte". Se congeló por un momento. El aislamiento acústico de la suite era muy bueno. El KTV de abajo estaba casi completamente aislado, y solo la lámpara del escritorio emitía una luz amarilla, tiñendo la colcha y la almohada a su lado, así como la bata de baño limpia de su cuerpo, de un color crema claro. Yan Xie miró a Jiang Ting con un brillo profundo en sus ojos. "…¿Estás loco?" Jiang Ting finalmente pronunció esta frase: "¿Quién te dio el alta?" Yan Xie dijo: “Lo hice yo mismo. Los puntos están casi curados. Si no me crees, mira”. Luego levantó el dobladillo de la camiseta. Las marcas de eliminación de puntos en los fuertes músculos abdominales todavía eran bastante obvias y había una especie de sustancia transparente parecida a un pegamento sobre ellas. La boca de Jiang Ting se torció de inmediato. Reconoció que se trataba de una bio cinta de curación y eliminación de cicatrices postoperatorias relativamente avanzada. Este tipo de cosas no fue fácil de conseguir en el hospital del condado, por lo que Yan Xie debe haber dejado que alguien condujera de Jianning a Jiangyang para recogerlo con equipo médico. ¿Quién condujo personalmente el automóvil durante cuatro o cinco horas con una lesión? Es pura mierda. "¿Está bellamente cortado?" Una sonrisa juguetona apareció en los ojos de Yan Xie. Jiang Ting no respondió a esta pregunta: “Este lugar no es adecuado para la recuperación; deberías ir a casa." Pero cuando se levantó, Yan Xie le tomó la mano y lo arrastró de regreso a la cama: "Pero no quiero irme". "¿Por qué?" "No he visto lo suficiente". Yan Xie susurró: "Todavía quiero quedarme aquí y verte". La cara de Jiang Ting, cuyos músculos siempre estaban relajados y demasiado vagos para hacer expresiones, era un poco complicada en este momento. Pero no podía sacar su mano de la palma caliente de Yan Xie, ni podía seguir sosteniendo la bata de baño en esa posición medio levantada. Los dos permanecieron estancados por un tiempo, y Jiang Ting no pudo evitar decir: "¿Qué diablos estás …?" No hubo principio ni fin, pero Yan Xie entendió lo que quería decir e inmediatamente interrumpió: “No puedo decirlo; es simplemente lo que piensas”. Jiang Ting dijo: “Esta es la confianza ciega y la psicología del puente colgante que has generado en otros cuando el caso se encuentra en una situación desesperada. Le sugiero que comprenda la teoría de las emociones de dos factores. La excitación fisiológica y la cognición emocional son dos factores diferentes. Cuando los dos están mal vinculados, su cerebro producirá naturalmente la ilusión de un latido del corazón o una descarga eléctrica…” "No quiero saber". La sonrisa en los ojos de Yan Xie se hizo más profunda, se inclinó hacia su oído y preguntó suavemente: "¿Tiene un compañero, Capitán Jiang?" Jiang Ting: "....." En ese momento, de repente llamaron a la puerta varias veces y se escuchó la voz de Yang Mei: “¡Hermano Jiang! ¿Hermano Jiang?” Los párpados de Yan Xie saltaron y Jiang Ting retiró la mano y se puso de pie. "¿Estás dormido?" Giró la manija con un clic como si quisiera empujar la puerta para abrirla. Jiang Ting dijo en voz alta: "¡No entres!". Los movimientos de Yang Mei se detuvieron. La atmósfera se congeló ligeramente. Yan Xie miró a Jiang Ting y siguió guiñándole un ojo, pero este último simplemente fingió no verlo. Se acercó y se paró detrás de la puerta: "¿Qué pasa?" Yang Mei tartamudeó: "¿No vas a comer?" "Come tú; Tengo algo de información para estudiar”. "Eso... hice que alguien cocinara gachas y te las trajera". Jiang Ting: "Está bien". Luego extendió la mano y abrió la puerta. Yan Xie no esperaba abrir la puerta sin previo aviso. Dudó durante aproximadamente medio segundo entre apresurarse a esconderse para evitar ser visto y levantarse para saludar. Sin embargo, con un reflejo condicional, se agachó y toda la persona se escondió debajo de la cama. Luego escuchó las instrucciones de Yang Mei provenientes de la puerta: “Ten cuidado, hace calor. Cómelo mientras esté caliente…” “Bueno, estás ocupado; ve a hacer lo tuyo”. Luego cerró la puerta, dejó el cuenco de avena sobre el escritorio y murmuró: "¿Dónde está?" Yan Xie se puso de pie abruptamente: "Así que quiero preguntar, ¿qué tipo de relación tienen usted y ella para que ella pueda empujar la puerta cuando quiera... eh!" El mareo apareció instantáneamente y Yan Xie involuntariamente apoyó la cabecera de la cama. Jiang Ting: "¿Qué te pasó?" “…Vine a verte con prisa y no cené esta noche…” Los músculos de las mejillas de Jiang Ting, que estaban un poco tensos, se relajaron de inmediato y las comisuras de sus ojos se movieron ligeramente. Después de un rato, golpeó el borde del cuenco con una cuchara y dijo: "Entonces ven y bebe este cuenco de avena". Se decía que era papilla, pero en realidad era muy espesa. Yang Mei le pidió al chef que agregara camarones frescos, pescado, vieiras, yemas de huevo, etc. En la selección de ingredientes, Yang Mei realmente se adhiere al concepto simple de preservar la salud de los trabajadores: elegir sólo los caros, no los correctos. Cuanto más caro, mejor; cuanto más caro, mayor comodidad psicológica. Inesperadamente, Yan Xie sólo lo miró y sacudió la cabeza: “No lo comas; es demasiado barato”. Jiang Ting: "....." “El camarón no es langosta azul, el pescado no es de labios amarillos, el marisco no es geoduck y la yema del huevo no parece fresca. Nunca había comido una papilla tan raída desde que nací. Ni siquiera lo tomé como guarnición. Vamos." Jiang Ting dijo fríamente: "¿Quién es la persona que come cubos de fideos instantáneos en la oficina de la ciudad todas las noches?" Yan Xie respondió con fluidez: "Ese soy yo yendo a las bases para observar los sentimientos de la gente". Los dos se miraron fijamente durante mucho tiempo y Jiang Ting ni siquiera parpadeó. "....." Entonces Yan Xie finalmente dijo la verdad: "No quiero comer la comida de mi rival". Jiang Ting arrojó la cuchara al cuenco de avena y preguntó: "¿Por qué no te mueres de hambre?". Cinco minutos después. Mirando hacia abajo desde la ventana abierta, Yan Xie se deslizó por el tubo de drenaje, se levantó y se sacudió el polvo de los pantalones. Se paró en el callejón oscuro, agitó las manos y llamó en voz baja: “¡Capitán Jiang! ¡No tengas miedo! ¡Sólo sígueme!" Con un chasquido, Jiang Ting cerró la ventana sin expresión alguna. "Hermano Jiang, ¿a dónde vas?" Yang Mei se paró asombrado en la puerta del ascensor: “Es muy tarde, ¿por qué no descansas? ¿Las otras cosas se pueden hacer mañana?” Jiang Ting respondió vagamente y salió directamente, mientras Yang Mei lo perseguía y gritaba: "¡¿Por qué no dejo que alguien te despida?!" "¡Todo está bien!" Jiang Ting salió apresuradamente de la tienda y la oscuridad bloqueó efectivamente sus pasos ligeramente apresurados como si estuviera huyendo: "¡Caminaré y volveré!" El mercado nocturno estaba lleno de gente que caminaba hombro con hombro. Las brillantes bombillas de los puestos de comida estaban envueltas por el vapor caliente y picante, y el aire estaba lleno de olores agradables y animados. "¡Aquí! ¡Dos tazones de fideos de piel fría (Liangpi), cuatro gatos de cangrejo de río y cuatro gatos de cangrejo picante! La cerveza y las bebidas se pueden recoger personalmente; ¡Puedes comer bien!” Yan Xie quitó la tapa de la botella de cerveza con la navaja suiza que llevaba. Antes de que tuviera tiempo de hacer algo, una mano que se estiró de la nada le quitó la botella y golpeó otra lata de bebida frente a él. "Tu langosta azul, pez de labios amarillos y geoduck". Jiang Ting tomó un sorbo de cerveza de la botella de vidrio y dijo: "Es perfecto para combinar esto con este Lafite de 1982". Yan Xie miró las palabras "Leche de soja Yonghe", y sus párpados saltaron. Si fuera otra persona, Yan Xie ya estaría impaciente, pero el Capitán Jiang era digno de ser el Capitán Jiang. Los párpados de Yan Xie saltaron durante mucho tiempo y luego sonrió: “Mírate; Todavía no hemos estado juntos y ya has empezado a cuidar de mi salud”. Luego desenroscó el tapón de la botella de leche de soja y empezó a engullir los cangrejos. El cangrejo picante se frió con hojas de laurel, anís estrellado, salsa de ostras, comino, etc. Estaba jugoso, salado, fragante y picante. Cuando rompes las garras del cangrejo con fuerza, quedan llenas de carne blanca como la nieve. La mano de Yan Xie estaba llena de aceite, pero no se olvidó de ayudar a Jiang Ting, quien pelaba lentamente las cáscaras de los camarones y clavaba los palillos en la carne del cangrejo. Sacudió la cabeza y suspiró: “Siempre pienso en eso cuando bebo sopa y agua caliente durante unos días en el hospital. Bueno, realmente estoy a punto de olvidar su sabor”. Jiang Ting dijo: "Será mejor que te contengas y tengas cuidado con la incisión". “La incisión sanó hace mucho tiempo. Además, ¿a qué le tienes miedo? ¿Cuántas décadas puedes vivir en este mundo? Si una persona ni siquiera puede satisfacer su apetito, ¿qué sentido tiene vivir?” Jiang Ting dijo en su corazón que come, come más y que tu crisantemo naturalmente te enseñará a ser un ser humano cuando vayas al baño mañana. Yan Xie lo miró y la comisura de su boca se torció: "Dilo de nuevo". Era un poco rufián por naturaleza, y es lógico que este tipo de rostro le diera a la gente una sensación de astucia, pero tantos años de carrera policial criminal han exprimido esa astucia y la han refinado hasta convertirla en un bandido feroz y duro. Cuando sonreía maliciosamente, parecía muy guapo y atractivo. “Gaozi debatió con Mencius y dijo que el deseo de comida y el erotismo son las búsquedas más instintivas de la vida humana. Acabo de escapar de una calamidad y cuando regresé, había comida, bebidas y una belleza como usted a mi lado, Capitán Jiang. Se puede decir que la vida es completa; ¿Qué hay que temer?" …Esta falacia fue simplemente demasiado terrible, pero Jiang Ting no expresó ninguna opinión. Dejó los palillos y lentamente tomó su último sorbo de cerveza antes de decir: "No vayas a la oficina de la ciudad mañana". "¿Por qué?" "Te llevaré a un oftalmólogo". Yan Xie se echó a reír y pareció encontrarlo muy interesante. Con una sonrisa, sacó la pitillera y sacó un cigarrillo chino suave, lo encendió y luego se lo entregó a Jiang Ting. Los ojos blancos y negros de Jiang Ting lo miraron, pero no se podía ver ninguna emoción en su rostro; tomó el cigarrillo. “Realmente, después de que te fuiste hoy, realmente lo lamento. De hecho, las pocas palabras con las que intenté ponerte a prueba no fueron sinceras”. Yan Xie encendió un cigarrillo y dijo: "Pero he estado pensando en esas preguntas en mi corazón durante mucho tiempo, así que no pude controlarlas con prisa y también quería provocarte a propósito". Jiang Ting dijo a la ligera: "¿Qué pregunta?" Yan Xue dijo: "Ting Yun". Alrededor de los puestos de comida, algunas personas bebían después de perder en el juego de adivinar con los dedos; algunos gritaban fuerte, fingían estar locos por el alcohol… Hombres con gruesas cadenas de oro, mujeres charlando, chismorreando y riendo, niños corriendo gritando, además del suelo grasiento, la mesa llena de sobras y el bullicio. en el camino hacia la puerta, todo esto reflejaba el lado más animado de la ciudad de Jianning por la noche. Nadie sabía que había dos investigadores en un rincón, bebiendo y charlando sobre las drogas más secretas, caras y malditas del mercado. “El nombre del nuevo tipo de compuesto de fentanilo es oro azul, la mayor parte del cual debería haberse exportado al sudeste asiático a través de canales de contrabando, pero una parte considerable ha fluido hacia Estados Unidos y México. El oro azul era raro en China en los primeros años, principalmente porque una parte considerable de las materias primas venenosas no están en la lista de productos químicos controlados por el estado, y si se venden a gran escala en China, es probable que despierte la vigilancia de la Administración Estatal de Supervisión e incluso del Ministerio de Seguridad del Estado”. Jiang Ting exhaló y Yan Xie miró fijamente su rostro tranquilo en la niebla blanca: "¿Entonces ya sabías sobre la existencia del 'Oro Azul'?" “Este nuevo compuesto apareció una vez en un caso de robo a mano armada de drogadictos que manejé”, dijo Jiang Ting, “pero el informe físico y químico fue alterado y el inspector en ese momento fue transferido. La existencia del oro azul fue encubierta por algunas personas cuyas identidades no pude descubrir, así que los rastreé en secreto durante aproximadamente uno o dos años, encontré una base subterránea de producción de drogas en una aldea abandonada alrededor de Gongzhou y también sacrifiqué a algunos informantes en el centro." El color de los ojos de Yan Xie cambió ligeramente. ——Los seguí en secreto durante aproximadamente uno o dos años y sacrifiqué a algunos informantes en el medio. Cuántos asesinatos y crímenes horrendos se escondían en estas dos tranquilas frases. "…¿y luego?" "Entonces fue descubierto". Jiang Ting dijo con voz ronca: "El Rey de Picas estaba en la base de producción de drogas ese día". Las pupilas de Yan Xie se encogieron ligeramente, solo para ver a Jiang Ting bajar las pestañas y arrojar lentamente la ceniza. “La razón por la que te pregunté si habías visto su rostro no fue porque tenía miedo de que hubieras visto algo que no deberías haber visto y, por lo tanto, corrieras el riesgo de ser silenciado. Fue porque quería saber cómo era”. "…¿qué?" No lo he visto. Jiang Ting dijo: "Esa noche, en la fábrica de drogas, el contacto más reciente que tuve con esta persona fue que me apuntó con un arma a la cabeza por detrás y dijo que el compuesto de fentanilo que tenía delante vale 600 millones". “600 millones, ya ves ”, el íntimo susurro del Rey de Picas pareció resonar claramente en el fondo de su cabeza: “ La felicidad terrenal es muy valiosa. " La lluvia torrencial bañó la fábrica subterránea y las luces traseras de los camiones en la distancia eran como ojos escarlata, reflejando las innumerables bolsas de polvo azul tenue en las profundidades del edificio de la fábrica. " ... ¿Quieres matarme ?" Preguntó Jiang Ting con voz ronca. Antes de que pudiera terminar de hablar, sintió el calor acercándose detrás de él y presionando contra sus oídos con una sonrisa: “ O puedes compartir la riqueza y el poder conmigo por igual… Un oficial de policía bueno e inteligente es más importante que un cadáver, mucho más. ¿no es así? " “Así que él no me mató o, en otras palabras, realmente no importa si me mata o no. Mi investigación privada acaba de involucrar el área cercana, y el hecho de que mi paradero pueda ser expuesto tan fácilmente muestra muchos problemas internos”. Jiang hizo una pausa y dijo: "Además de eso, debería haber sido un personaje que habría sido más problemático de matar en ese momento y habría sido muy útil conservarlo, y no tenían que preocuparse demasiado de que yo saliera y diciendo tonterías. Por supuesto, hasta donde sé después, abandonaron rápidamente la fábrica, lo que probablemente sea una de las razones por las que pude salvar mi vida”. Yan Xie tomó un sorbo de cigarrillo, pensó por un momento y preguntó: “¿Qué pasó después de eso? ¿Desapareciste después de la explosión de la fábrica de plástico y no viste al verdadero Rey de Picas durante ese tiempo?” Jiang Ting se mostró sorprendentemente cooperativo esta noche, pero guardó silencio durante mucho tiempo ante esta pregunta. No fue hasta que Yan Xie pensó que no volvería a responder esta pregunta que de repente dijo: "He estado en coma durante tres años... Esos detalles ya son muy confusos". “No sé dónde estaba en ese momento, y no recuerdo pistas valiosas sobre el clima, la temperatura, las características geográficas, etc. La única certeza es que el recuerdo siempre fue oscuro, lo que indica que mis ojos estaban vendados. " Se señaló la sien con el dedo índice: “Más tarde, intenté construir un modelo facial del Rey de Picas en mi cerebro, pero fracasé. Después de todo, el cerebro humano no es una computadora, y las emociones negativas fuertes pueden afectar los sentidos, algo sobre lo cual ni siquiera yo puedo hacer nada”. Jiang Ting sostuvo el cigarrillo entre dos dedos delgados y abrió la botella de cerveza. La tapa metálica de la botella tintineó y cayó sobre la mesa llena de conchas de cangrejo. "... Entonces, cuando intentaste atraparlo más tarde, pensó que habías traicionado esta alianza de intereses". Yan Xie preguntó: "¿No es así?" En realidad, esta fue una declaración muy decente y considerada, que básicamente eliminaba cualquier posibilidad de avergonzar a Jiang Ting, pero para su sorpresa, Jiang Ting negó con la cabeza: "No, según su forma de pensar, debería ser yo quien lo traicione". "¿Cómo dices?" “El secuestro en serie es una forma de expresión muy personal. Cuando un niño o una niña tiene quince o dieciséis años, cuando sus sentimientos son más puros, se apoyan mutuamente en una situación desesperada. Todas las imágenes tienen una fuerte dirección. Si crees que he destruido la relación entre poder y dinero, no hay necesidad de diseñar un secuestro en serie tan complejo y extraño para la autoexpresión; de lo contrario, habrá demasiadas emociones personales. Las personas como el Rey de Picas, que tienen tanto talento como experiencia criminal, deben saber que cuanto más obvia sea la conexión emocional en el proceso penal, más pistas y fallas se pueden analizar”. Yan Xie inclinó levemente la cabeza y no dijo nada. ——De hecho, él también pensó lo mismo y pensó aún más profundamente. Es solo que, después del conflicto de la tarde, no quería decírselo a Jiang Ting en este momento. “¡La cocina está apagada! ¡Último pedido! ¡Una brocheta picante de cangrejo y cangrejos de río a la barbacoa! ¡Último pedido!" Gritó el dueño de los puestos de comida. Yan Xie miró su reloj y dijo suavemente: “Vamos. Mañana iremos a la escena de la montaña Tianzong para ver, tal vez podamos encontrar algunas pistas ". Jiang Ting asintió, se llevó la única botella de cerveza que quedaba a la boca y de repente se detuvo nuevamente como si recordara algo y dijo: "En este caso de secuestro en serie, cuando la víctima despierte, definitivamente podremos atrapar a algunas personas, pero Es posible que no necesariamente podamos atrapar al Rey de Picas”. Yan Xie esperaba esto, por lo que no fue muy sorprendente. Read the full article
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tatahbelline · 11 months
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iranajian · 1 year
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myfeeds · 1 year
Squid tissues and chemistry combine for versatile hydrogels
Researchers at Hokkaido University in Japan have combined natural squid tissues with synthetic polymers to develop a strong and versatile hydrogel that mimics many of the unique properties of biological tissues. Hydrogels are polymer networks containing large quantities of water, and are being explored for many uses, including medical prosthetics, soft robotic components and novel sensor systems. The Hokkaido team report their contribution to this fast-moving research area in the journal NPG Asia Materials. Natural biological tissues exhibit unique properties essential for their functions, which researchers are seeking to replicate in hydrogels. Muscles, for example, in addition to strength and flexibility, have physical properties that vary in different directions and are built from a hierarchy of structures working together. Bones and blood vessels also display these features, known as hierarchical anisotropy. Unlike the natural tissues that researchers wish to mimic, most synthetic hydrogels have uniform properties in all directions and are structurally weak. “By combining the properties of tissues derived from squid with synthetic polymers, we have demonstrated a hybrid strategy that serves as a general method for preparing hydrogels with useful hierarchical anisotropy and also toughness,” says polymer scientist Tasuku Nakajima of the Hokkaido University team. The manufacturing process begins with commercially available frozen squid mantle — the main outer part of a squid. In live squid, the mantle expands to take water into the body, and then strongly contracts to shoot water outwards as a jet. This ability depends on the anisotropic muscles within squid connective tissue. The researchers took advantage of the molecular arrangements within this natural system to build their bio-mimicking gel. Chemical and heat treatment of thin slices of the defrosted squid tissue mixed with polyacrylamide polymer molecules initiated formation of the cross-linked hybrid hydrogel. It has what is known as a double-network structure, with the synthetic polymer network embedded and linked within the more natural muscle fiber network derived from squid mantle. “The DN gel we synthesized is much stronger and more elastic than the natural squid mantle,” explains Professor Jian Ping Gong, who led the team. “The unique composite structure also makes the material impressively resistant to fracture, four times tougher than the original material.” The current proof-of-concept work should be just the start for exploring many other hybrid hydrogels that could exploit the unique properties of other natural systems. Jellyfish have already been used as a source of material for simpler single-network hydrogels, so are an obvious next choice for exploring hybrid double-network options. “Possible applications include load-bearing artificial fibrous tissues, such as artificial ligaments and tendons, for medical use,” says Gong. Further work by the team will explore the biocompatibility of the gels and investigate options for making a range of gels suitable for different uses.
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froggitos · 3 years
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