jaehyunsbub · 3 years
Los vas a olvider
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Pairing : Jaehyun x (reader)
Genre : Fluff, Angst
(A/n) : This is purely fictional and has nothing to do with the mentioned people. A little birthday celebration and valentines gift wink wink ;). Also forgive me I couldn’t proof read it :(.
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It was a Saturday night and everyone was more than grateful for the very weekend. Not to mention they had a party that night and everyone was busy getting ready. “Babe what are you wearing?”
“Not sure, I was thinking either that dull green satin shirt or the black one.”
She hummed to herself, thinking about which one would be better for him to wear.
“I think the green one babe, that kind of matches with mine too.”
“Oh yeah, it does,” he said with wide eyes.
“I think its settled then. Alright, I’ll go back to my room, I have to finish getting ready.”
“Wait, Wait.” He said as he came running to her from his bed.
She looked at him, waiting for him to ask for something.
He grinned at her as he placed his hands on the small of her back. She knew the familiar look on his eyes. She held in her laugh. She kept looking at him as his hands kept going down very slowly and stopped right on her ass.
“Why don’t you, um, stay for a while, and we can, you know. Do stuff.” He said nervously but playfully. She put her arms around his neck, and tiptoed on her toes to reach his height.
“Oh my, I’d love to,” she said against his ears, “but no.”
He looked extremely disappointed, but let her go any way.
“I’ll call you when I’m done getting ready. Let’s leave together?”
He nodded, acting pissed but knew it was without malice. “Sure thing, (Y/n).”
She let out a laugh before finally leaving his dorm room. She went to her own and saw Lisa getting ready. “Hi I’m sorry I’m late, I was stuck somewhere.”
Lisa rolled her eyes dramatically, “Hm yeah, stuck between Jaehyun’s legs?”
She looked at her wide eyed, “How do you get it every time? Almost.”
“You’re extra smiley. Now shut the fuck up, and help me wax my back.”
“Sure thing Mona Lisa.” She rolled her eyes again at the nickname.
“You mean Manobon.”
“Yeah same shit.” She shrugged.
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After a while they were done waxing, polishing, hair washing, drying, and painting their nails. Very dramatic for a party, but this is what made it fun. It gave the students a night to prepare for, an excuse to doll up. Not like it was not obvious, but everytime they were invited somewhere, it felt like a sin to decline.
“Lisa help me straighten the back pieces please, I’ll curl yours for you.”
She quickly grabbed the straightener from her hand and did it for her.
“What about your anniversary? Won’t you invite us?”
“Well, we were thinking pizza at day for you all. And a dinner date to a fancy restaurant at night for just the two of us.”
“Thats perfect! But no pressure.”
“Ofcourse not, we’re doing ourselves a favour by spending time with you guys. If school wasn’t so hectic we all would practically live together.”
Lisa nodded in agreement.
(Y/n)’s eyes got wide as she remembered something.
“Don’t forget to bring Ten, Lisa. We wouldn’t mind you know.”
Lisa looked down as she spoke. “I know, but we had a fight and right now I can’t pretend that we’re okay.”
She frowned at this, not knowing if to say sorry for bringing him up, or to say sorry because she didn’t know she was going through a hard time.
Lisa noticed her mood change and elbowed her from behind. “Hey, it’s not like we’re over. Fights happen all the time, this is how we grow. I’ll forgive him and he will forgive me, but we still need to acknowledge our mistakes to make sure we keep moving forward. Not turn that frown upside down and put on some makeup because we don’t study all week to be sentimental at the weekends. Nows our chance to shine.”
As they got done getting ready, she went ahead to Jaehyun’s room. As she entered the first thing she could smell was his bitter peach perfume which smelled better when mixed with her strong strawberry mist.
She took in a look of him, a change from his usual nerd look. “I can’t believe you’re my boyfriend.”
He laughed as he took her hand to sit her down on his lap. “And I can’t believe you’re all mine.”
She hit him on his chest, “Stop being cheezy.”
He put his hands up in surrender. “You started it.”
She got up as she fixed her dress and informed him that they should be leaving.
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They arrived the party rather quick, it was in a night club booked just for them by the one and only, Lee Taeyong. His brother in law Johnny who was a graduate from the very same school loved to hangout with his former school mates in this club, that he owned by the way, and it was the best way to drink the night away. Free and safe.
Taeyong was very close with Jaehyun and they were almost best friends. Notice how it’s almost? Well, long story short they fought about a girl when they were very young and some scarring may still have been left.
Jaehyun and (Y/n) sat where the drinks were being mixed. As the night got deeper, they were pretty much drunk. She sat and went beside Lisa who dragged her to the dance floor. She denied at first but she thought that this was her only chance to dance the night away. Literally.
While she was dancing her heart out she didn’t realise that Jaehyun was sitting alone and the whole weeks tiredness was now just hitting him.
Lisa turned away from her as she grind on her friend and made both of them laugh. They were feeling the floor, letting the music control their feeling and muscles to the point where they didn’t even need to think of the next moves. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the moment. She looked at Lisa who was now facing her, but her eyes were on something behind her. She almost looked at it with absurd eyes. She wanted to know what bothered her so much. So she turns back to see Lee Taeyong. She looks at him and smiles instantly.
“Enjoying?” He asked as he handed her a drink.
She looked at the drink and then at him, a little hesitant.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t spike it haha. And it’s your favourite, blush champagne.”
She took it, realising how rude it looked. A drink in his hand and another now on her waist. He slowly brought her closer, swaying her waist left and right as he did too.
She tried not to think too much of it, after all he was Taeyong. A childhood friend and a close friend to her boyfriend. Alot of people started coming on the dance floor and suddenly it was too stuffy. As she was very, very drunk to the point where her vision was blurry and legs wobbly. All she knew was she no longer was on the dance floor but in a dark room but was very dimly but beautifully lit.
The next thing she knew was a pair of lips on hers. She couldn’t understand anything at the moment but it definitely didn’t feel bad. She also started moving her lips with his. She put her arms around his head and pulled him in closer. He bit on her bottom lip and she let out a small whimper. He responded with a growl of his own. At the moment the both if them were so deep into making out they did not realising the door opening.
It was almost like someone had bursted her bubble and brought her back to earth. Even with the heavy but muffled music loudly playing, that voice was unmistakable. The voice she loves with all her heart.
She pushed him off right away and fell to the floor. The alcohol leaving her weak to her knees.
“I can’t believe this-“
She still didn’t know what was going on but she did see him storm out. And right then, she passed out.
She woke up with a headache so bad she almost puked on the bed. She ran to the bathroom to let it all out. She heard footsteps run to her and she ducked her head again to the toilet.
“(Y/n), oh my god, are you okay?” She recognised the voice as Lisa’s and she did not realise the tears dripping down aggressively.
She turned back and looked at her with very upset eyes.
“I think I fucked up Lisa.” She said as she wiped her tears away.
Lisa did not know what she meant. But she still comforted her.
She got out of the shower, feeling alot fresher than before.
“You okay now girl? What the fuck happened?”
“I’ll say it to you all at once so don’t interrupt okay?”
Lisa nodded, eager to know.
When she completed the whole story, which was not complete in the least because she barely remembered anything, Lisa deadpanned her head against her hand. Staying stuck in the same position for a while.
“Well say something now!”
She looked at her shocked. “What the fuck man, how drunk were you.”
She looked down at her hands, fiddling with them. After a few seconds she confessed, “I think I blacked out..”
Lisa stopped her from speaking. “No, this is serious. How did you go from grinding on me to lip sex with Taeyong?!”
“I dont know! All I know is that I did it and I think Jaehyun saw me. Trust me, I did not plan to cheat on him on any form! I just.. got carried away.”
Lisa looked at her, feeling bad for her. She truly knew her and she knew never in a million years would she actually willingly cheat on Jaehyun. Or anyone for that matter.
“What do I do..”
“Listen. There is no perfect solution for this situation, but you need to- no. Have to talk to Jaehyun. Okay? Cuz I know you would never actually do this, but here we are. So talk it out. But no matter what outcome, you have me on your side. So don’t worry too much.”
(Y/n) got down from her chair and hugged Lisa tightly. She hugged her back and pat her head.
“Now go, I’ll try to talk to Ten too. I mean, chittaphon.” She rolled her eyes dramatically.
She let out a small laugh. “Good luck Manoban.”
“Same to you (Y/l/n).”
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When she arrived at his room, she tried to be strong. She knocked on his door with her eyes closed. Afraid what she might feel when she saw him, not that what she was feeling right then was any better.
The door opened after a few seconds and she still hadn’t looked.
“You can come in.”
She finally looked at him, and her heart broke in a million pieces. His eyes were red and puffy, rose red. And on top of that he sounded like he had a bad cold.
She got in without saying anything, and waited for him to close the door.
He walked past her and sat infront of her. He played with the end of his sleeves and she just stared at her feet.
She looked at him and saw that he was staring at her which she regretted instantly. She looked away and sat down as well.
“Huh?” She wasn’t expecting him to cut her off. Not like she got pissed.
“Why would you that? With him? Before our anniversary? Did you not think about me?”
She bit her lip, promising she wouldn’t break down. “I couldn’t understand what was happening. It felt like a dream, a-and before I realised what was happening, you saw me..”
He huffed out in frustration. His eyes even more red. “So if I hadn’t seen you, you would have kept it a secret?”
She looked up at him, “What- Jaehyun no. Never. I wasn’t going to keep anything from you. I just hadn’t realised that it was actually happening, it felt like a lucid dream, it felt like I was high or something. I don’t even remember properly. I don’t even know how I reached my dorm last night.”
He sighed as he rubbed his temples. “I dropped you off.”
The moment she heard that, she couldn’t hold in her tears. Despite doing a shit thing, he still cared enough to drop her off.
She started sobbing, hiding her face in her hands to hide away from him. As much as he was angry and hurting inside, it still hurt him more to see her like this. He got up and brought her close to him. He put his hand to the back of her head and rest it on his chest.
“I just didn’t expect it. Not from you anyway. Any other girl, just.. not you.”
“I didn’t mean for it t-to happen you know, All I remember is being dragged away to a room and then thats it. The rest feels f-fake.” She said between sobs.
“Wait, he dragged you?”
She looked at him confused.
“(Y/n), did he suggest this first?”
“I mean y-yeah, he gave me a drink and then the next thing you know..” she tried to explain.
Jaehyun groaned in disbelief, “I knew that son of a bitch was trouble.”
He looked at her before speaking again. “I’ll end him. I’ll not leave him.”
“W-wait. I am at fault too. There’s no point in fighting him.”
“Yes but you were dead drunk, from what I know you were blacked out, he can’t do this to an unconscious girl. Someone needs to knock some sense in him.”
“Jaehyun I don’t care about that or anything, I just want to know if you can or will forgive me or not. I did not come here to explain my side of the story or situation, I came here to apologise. Because I know I was wrong blacked out or not. So answer me, do you forgive me or not.”
Jaehyun looked at the bed stand, avoiding her gaze. He looked at the picture of their first date, she was wearing his hoodie because he spilled coke on her dress and he was shirtless. They were in his car, his body literally pink from the cold and her bright teethy laugh. Her best friend Lisa took that picture, capturing a moment they wouldn’t forget.
Despite sparking memories from looking at the picture, he still couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that she still could do this.
“I don’t know, but I think we need a break.”
She nodded, respecting his opinion.
“If thats what you want, then that’s what you’ll get. Again, sorry Jae.” She spoke one last time before leaving his room. She couldn’t look at him or anything at that moment. She shut her eyes close before the tears bursted out.
She went back to her room and plopped herself on her bed so loud Lisa came running in.
“It didn’t end well huh?” Lisa stood as she cried her heart out.
She shook her head not even stopping to explain herself.
When she calmed down a bit, Lisa asked asked her properly.
“He said he wants to take a break, and no break ends well. This I know, I-I just know it. And I don’t how this happened but all I know is that I couldn’t even bid a proper good bye to him because something tells me this was the last chance.”
Lisa understood what she meant but she thought it was still too early in the break to decipher if they were going to fix everything or not.
“I think you should wait. You clearly made an honest mistake, and if he’s not willing to try again that means he’s a dick and he no longer deserves you. If Chittaphon were to something like this, I would not talk to him, distrust him, and hate him, but I know for a fact at the end of the day I would go back to him and talk to him, trust him, and love him. Because it is him. The guy I loved, love and will forever.”
(Y/n) listened carefully, she usually wasn’t the type to share about her relationship issues, but her somehow opening up sure did help, abit.
“Also know for a fact, that if he did the same, you’d be way for reactive, but also way more forgiving. Don’t let him use this to his benefit. I’m not saying he doesn’t love you, but I’m saying the truth. So wait. If not, too bad, you lost your boyfriend. But he’ll lose the best thing that ever happened in his life.”
She nodded. Lisa words were harsh but true. There was a time when Jaehyun got caught doing weed and molly at a music festival. She bailed him out. When Jaehyun didn’t finish his assignments, she completed them for him. When he texted a girl for homework but the girl non-stop flirted with him, she just told him to stop responding. She didn’t even react, but it pained her so much.
So just for once, she wanted to be excused, forgiven.
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Lisa and (Y/n) walked through the campus, already tired from the first period.
“How is economics so tiring? What the fuck!”
(Y/n) chuckled beside her, walking to their next class.
While walking, her eye caught on something. Lisa noticed it too and forced her away. As she was being dragged by Lisa, their eyes met. As soon as their eyes met, she moved it away first.
It was Jaehyun, with the same girl who wouldn’t stop flirting with him, when all he asked for was homework.
She scoffed, but she was right. It was the end. Even in those few seconds, she thought about if he did forgive her. If he regretted breaking up, did he regret being with her in general. The pain of being not enough for someone her hitting every part of her body. It pained. His last words to her were unacceptable. ‘Lets take a break’. When did the break end with her and start with another?
All she could hope for was that he could let it go, amd forgive her. If not, then this game of amger and revenge was poisonous. Why not tell her, why be petty. Was it revenge or was it genuine loss of feelings in just two months. She didn’t know, but she scoffed of how much this situation reminded her of the phrase she learnt when reading a foreign book.
‘Lo Vas A Olvider’.
All she could hope for was forgiveness. She wished for him to forget her and start new. She prayed for Jaehyun to let it go. Let it be.
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kaepop-trash · 5 years
AS: Proclamation
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Rated: M for Smut, Angst.
Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader xYuta
Summary: Image makes up the life of a public servant. Being a person who needs to elected by the public only makes that worse. It all about image: the smiles, the babies at conventions, the fake girlfriend and far too many secrets. It doesn’t matter who you are behind closed doors, the people want a perfect candidate. One that doesn’t exist tangentially, only in the polls. Jaehyun knows this game better than everyone, and this is his olympic moment.
(A/N): special thanks to @jaehyunsbub for this wonderful banner. I love it so very incredibly much, it fits the tone of the fic so appropriately.
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September, 2024
It was purely coincidental that Jaehyun had to be the only inhabitants of the house save for (Y/N). People started leaving in a rush once the hurricane warning was sounded. Even his parents were leaving claiming their presence at a dinner the next day. It was forecasted to rain heavily for the next three days and thunder was already quite audible.
Jaehyun was on the phone with a senator while (Y/N) sat on the large table at the side of the library, reading something with concentration. When the door opened Jaehyun turned only when she stood up, turning around his eyes met his father’s. Yet it was his mother’s gaze behind him, avoiding Jaehyun that both intrigued Jaehyun and unsettled him terribly— he turned to (Y/N) as an automated response.
“We wanted to speak to you.” His father spoke with a voice that struck him as too familiar, too dreadful. Jaehyun mumbled into the phone and hung up, his eyes met (Y/N) who had a similar unaccountable panic in hers. He turned to his father with hardened eyes as his parents came and sat on the sofa adjacent to him, “What did you think of the Jones family? Their daughter Olivia is very nice.” He spoke to his son with heavy approval in his tone. Jaehyun’s ears rang in the way it did before one blacks out and it made him wonder if he would collapse, his eyes were on his father but he wasn’t seeing much at the moment.
“I’m sorry?” His voice was slow, careful. His father’s demeanor seemed to solidify: his back stiff and his eyes resolute.
“I’ve spoken to the family, we think it's better to just get engaged instead of doing the dating thing. You're old enough." His father went on, the background he heard a chair scrape against the wooden floor. He didn't need to look up to protest.
"Sit down (Y/N)." His voice was resolute, when he looked up, she was watching him with a face clean of any expression. But her eyes watched him, "Sit down and listen." His eyes locked hers in place, she swallowed a lump down her throat. The distance the sky rumbled as the chair scraped back in place. She put her elbows on the table and watched him.
"I'm not going to get engaged to her." He turned around to his father, who grew increasingly restless and confused at the refusal.
"Why not? She's a fine girl!" He slapped the desk and both his mother and (Y/N) flinched.
"I'm sure she's great. But I'm not getting engaged." He sat back cooly, no remorse on his face. His father's face turned red and he stood up, flinging his hand across the air towards him with accusation.
"Why not?," He screamed so loudly the walls rattled, mirroring the oncoming storm. "Give me a reason Jung Jaehyun. I want to know what causes you to disobey me like this!" He spat across the room, his words razor sharp. Jaehyun turned to (Y/N) dismissively, his eyes fixing hers with curiosity and a sliver of hope.
"You know why I had to do it then right?" His voice was tender, his father was too saturated with rage to notice but his mother paid attention now.
"Yes. Working for him gave me credibility. It made me a worthy candidate." She didn't hesitate her eyes still stuck to his. Jaehyun cracked a smile, he was sure now.
"Yes and now you work for me." He reassured, "And nobody else matters." He shook his head once with resolution, she nodded in response, eyes filling in.
"What are you doing?" His father screamed so loud his ears rang, his voice filled the room and brought him out of the moment. "I don't want to hear anything you will—" His father began, Jaehyun turned, his gaze cold and feline sharp.
"I'm in love with (Y/N). If I'm marrying anyone it's her." He let the words out so easily that in that moment he wondered why he couldn't say it sooner, why he felt the need to conceal something that felt so normal. He even smiled at his father, his joy growing. When his mother gasped he turned to her, unsure of how to assist her emotions, "She makes me happy Mom, I mean that. I love her." He told her with sincerity: he needed one of them on his side.
"What utter bullshit are you coming up with? You love her? You think that's going to take you places? You've lost your senses!" He screamed more and in that moment Jaehyun wondered if the pulsing vein on his temple would explode.
"I don't know about love. But she'll get me places further than you and your manicured selections. I'm tired of you father, leave me alone. You want a son in government you have it, you want a son who's president." He took a deep breath, lips splitting into a smile, full of years of silence—misplaced power, "You won't get it unless I'm with her. Imagine if people find out I was with her all along. Nan even gave me her ring a year ago, they asked me to bring their granddaughter home. You know how she is, she just wants to see her daughter's son happy; the silly woman." He laughed bitterly. His father sat down while rubbing his face.
"What the fuck is all this Jaehyun? She's a criminals daughter. You asked your mother's father for his old ring, so I'm supposed to be okay with this atrocity?" He glared at his son, his voice hoarse but still loud, gritty words scratching against his sandpaper throat and spilling out harsh and abrasive.
"She's the lawyer who passed a unanimous law on a landmark judgement at the supreme court. The only person stuck in the past is you. You don't have to be okay with anything. You just need to shut up or get out of my life. Either way I'm done with this idea that what you ask me to do is a compulsion and not a suggestion. Who I marry is not up to your made up calculations based on made up beliefs. No one cares, most of all me." Jaehyun sat back; when he turned away, he almost missed his father lunging at his and his mother moving forward to stop him. The chair slid again and when his mother grabbed his father's arm, she was at his side.
"What are you doing? You can't hit a grown man!" His mother cried out while hauling him back.
"I'll do what it takes to keep my son in place!" His father roared, his mother pulling him back harder.
"Jaehyun move, your mom can't hold him." (Y/N) pulled him urgently, growing more eager when he refused to budge, "Please Jaehyun, he's going to kill you." When he turned to her at her whisper, her eyes were desperate, he shook his head and let out a scoff.
"He's not going to do anything. You know I'm too pale father, how will I explain a man sized red palm on my face to the press." He paused, tapping the arm of the sofa and humming thoughtfully, " In fact, you might just make it easier for me if you do hit me. It wouldn't take a day to explain why I had to cut you off for my happiness. You know how sentimental voters are." Jaehyun's voice was level, unafraid of the body looming over him, with years of similar sights of torture on his shoulder. But this time Jaehyun didn't need to flinch, his father might have had tradition on his side, but now Jaehyun had power on his. He watched as his father's body lost it's rage, coming to terms with the corner he was backed into as all untamed species usually are.
"Good. You understand now. Sure you don't approve, but you'll learn soon enough that the protest isn't worth it: I've watched you for years father, I know you." The room went silent after his remark, nothing left to say on his part.
"I'm never going to accept that leeches daughter as my daughter in law! Do you think that because I had pity on you and gave you a chance at the same opportunity as my son that somehow you're his equal? Don't you know how to appreciate charity?" His questioned her and she faced him, eyes sharp and unflinching.
"You put my father in jail. Took my rightful place at law school away and then gave me a loan and a job that you made me work myself off for your benefit. Just because I have the gentility to not come screaming at you, doesn't mean I don't know that your act wasn't charity as much as you assuaging your guilt with a throwaway act. I'm not daft Mr. Jung, only polite." She responded to him softly, ignoring his wide glares. She got up quietly after that and left, he didn’t stop her because she had seen what she had to.
“You can leave now father, there’s nothing else left to be discussed.” Jaehyun got up promptly, fixing his shirt and leaving the library.
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He only kept putting off leaving because she spent the whole day outside with that horse.
Jaehyun remembered the time he was running through the grounds of his school at an ungodly early hour, preparing for a rowing match, when he spotted the most magnificent horse he had ever seen, it's skin was this shade of rich brown that looked almost red in the light filtering through the tree it was sniffing under. Jaehyun was mesmerised by the way it's hide gleamed in the sun and he moved a little closer to it.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” A voice stopped his movement. He turned around to find a familiar face sitting under a tree, a half bitten plum in her hands, “She's a bit moody. Kicks like a nightmare.” She got up, picking up a hard looking helmet as her boots clicked with her steps.
“Is she yours?” He asked quizzically, tilting his head when she scoffed.
“I wish. It's just that I'm the only person she'll tolerate, so I ride her. She's quite good, incredibly fast. People just don't seem to find the patience for her.” She looked up and went over to the horse, petting it's snout gently. The horse seemed to respond to the gesture with a huff and a shake of it's head and (Y/N) seemed to laugh with delight. Jaehyun watched this happen before him.
“Merlot likes being pet but she won't admit it.” She smiled a little wider and Jaehyun mirrored it. He took a hesitant step closer and the horse seemed to grow restless as it clicked his hooves. Jaehyun took two safe steps back and stood back a little flustered.
“Calm down drama queen.” She smacked the horse's head and it nudged her making her chastise it again.
“I'm sorry she's horrible. I love it when people show her affection because she loves it, but she's a little shy.” She spoke about it like a person with character and it made him look over the creature again.
“It's alright (Y/N).” He smiled and she blinked thrice, caught by his charming smile and the way the early morning rays reflected in his eyes, before looking away and nodding, “I guess she's an acquired taste.” Jaehyun looked up at the horse while he spoke, nodding decidedly at the idea— frowning at the creature that seemed to be frowning back at him. He turned back to her when she laughed.
“I guess that's what it is.” She laughed once more, before lifting herself up to her saddle and riding away with a last nod of acknowledgement. As Jaehyun walked back to his room to get ready for class, he wondered why the encounter he had moments ago felt like something he'd dream when he's half awake. He just shook it away and planned his day ahead.
Jaehyun stood on the porch with a steaming cup of coffee before he had to put it down on the wrought iron table outside and venture out to spot the person he was in search of. It had started raining twenty minutes ago and she had made no gesture to return so Jaehyun decided to venture out with a large umbrella in his hand. His parents were still packing in the house and he saw her mother doing the same when he left his room. He ducked under a tree as he reached the edge of the raised hill the house was on— under which he saw the stable. As he had predicted, a light shone from inside through the dense downpour and with the promise of that he walked down the muddy slope and reached the stable with his pants soaked heavy with mud and parts of his shirt damp. His senses were the first to be assaulted by the stench of his surroundings as he looked at two restless horses on one side as they clicked their legs endlessly against the hay covered ground.
“Don't you want to go inside?” He spoke to the figure sitting in the corner on a metal chair, her hair dripping down and stuck to her cheeks.
“They're frightened. I can’t leave them.” She lifted her hand to point at the horses, “Go back inside, I'll be back in a while.” She mumbled as he came and bend down in front of her, pushing the hair out of her face and tightening his grip on her face when he realised how cold it was. This close he could see her trembling lips, beads of water jumping gently against the skin.
“Go.” She pushed his hand away and he combed his fingers through her hair, watching her close her eyes.
“How can I leave you in a storm when you're so frightened?” His voice was soft and her eyes fluttered open to catch his face, he gave her a gentle smile.
When he finally convinced her to go inside the house, her mother was waiting in the kitchen, who looked up when two silhouettes entered from the backdoor, setting her mug of coffee on the marble counter and looking between them. When her eyes focused on (Y/N) there was a passing guilt in them.
“If the reporter left because of me, I apologise for my behaviour.” She looked away from her with no remorse for him.
Jaehyun watched (Y/N) carefully as she caught the flesh behind her lower lip in her teeth, staring at her mother with an increasingly contorted face. She looked away from her and turned to Jaehyun, he didn’t bother looking away anymore.
“Sure.” She moved away from the door and towards the stairs, leaving pools of water in her path and disappearing to the first floor without another word. Jaehyun watched with a little disbelief. 
“If you ever ruin my daughter for your personal gains, i’ll destroy myself if it assures that the same happens to your family.” She spoke out to him, making him turn away from the entrance of the kitchen to her mother. It took him another moment to understand her words, cautious of them.
“Why did you do it?” He gave in to his curiosity. He wasn’t oblivious to her animosity towards him, he also didn’t underestimate the women’s intelligence to assume she didn’t understand. He had to but consider whose mother she was. She turned up to him as headlights crossed her face, eyes flooded with duty and Jaehyun almost pitied her.
“Because she’ll get rid of you by herself. Self-preservation has always been her way. I couldn’t trust an actual good man.” She stood up after that, picking up her things and leaving without a word.
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