#jade & jayd
onnahu · 1 month
Oh no...
I was scrolling through ao3, as one does at midnight, and I saw a Slade Wilson/Jason Todd fic. Now, my 'oh no' is not a reaction to the ship. My 'oh no' is because I was like 'what was their ship name again? Slade and Jason... Slayson?'
It's Jayde, btw. Sometimes SladeJay.
Definitely not Slayson.
Just... why, brain. Why.
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astrophysician · 3 months
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commission info | who is this?
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prilaja-artblog · 1 month
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Jadeite and Nephrite. Gift for my friend Tomodurien over on the bird site of their OC Nene interacting with my OC Jayde.
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lessirussolvr · 7 months
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bryceslahela · 1 year
JAYDE who was the li that you regretted romancing the most?
besides him? hmmm…. i might say something controversial. but… gabe. BEFORE U JUMP ME!! but it’s mostly bc i wasted all those diamonds for what ? like same thing with bryce and blaine and i love all three of those characters but the lack of a solid ending made me SO MAD! like i spend all those diamonds and i got NOTHING in return like im so mad still 😭 typing this brought all my anger to the forefront
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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RYL0 Has Her Full-Circle Moment With 'Thru My Chest' Born out of the nature of the internet is a generation of omnivorous listeners not bound to the limitations of genre; it was only a matter of time that hyperpop would explode onto the scene. Frenetic and sickeningly sweet, the genre has spawned countless artists intrigued by its accessibility, much like the previous wave of bedroom pop. Alt-pop breakout star RYL0 is taking all of these things and making them her own. Taking a detour from her explosive, off-kilter hyperpop bangers opens a new path for the young artist, armed with the skills learned from being an independent artist that has collaborated and shared the stage with everyone from Fraxiom to Arca. "Thru My Chest," her latest single, hints at this new era. Harps drenched in reverb lead into deep kick drums with the dark urgency of drum-and-bass, setting the perfect backdrop for RYL0's stunning vocal performance that goes in and out of autotune. RYL0 is ready to see what 2023 can bring, and that means reflecting on her journey thus far to inform her songwriting process. With some of pop's most prominent producers ready to work with the rising star, she's ready to expand the vast, colorful world that she's built.Read on for PAPER's conversation with RYL0. “Thru My Chest” is such a brilliant track and is very different from a lot of your poppier, mile-a-minute songs from your EP. What did that process of shifting gears look like for you?The process has been pretty long actually! We got together for the “Thru My Chest” session late last spring, around the same time I was preparing to release my last mixtape, I’m the Worst!! So there’s been a lot of overlap. I came up with the concept of I'm the Worst!! back in 2020 and it didn’t come out until May 2022, so I’ve been playing the long game for a while and a lot can change in that window. Once that project came out, I was already mentally onto the next thing since I was doing tons of different sessions in the middle of its rollout. I had spent a few years operating in the hyperpop world, was ready for a change, and started exploring new styles of pop music. Leading up to the release of this track, I knew I also wanted to change up my look. I like to challenge myself since I get bored easily, and decided to transition from the DIY internet music aesthetic that I had embraced the past couple years to something that was more glossy. I’ve been talking about this “rebrand’ for months, and that’s not something that just happens overnight. I really wanted to take my time and make sure everything would be aligned with this new direction before rushing to put the track out. I needed new assets, so I made new logos, updated my website, created a Discord server, made a Tumblr, etc. Now that everything’s all set and the presentation’s there, I feel really confident about finally shifting gears and reinventing myself again. I browsed your Soundcloud and was taken by your older work characterized by eerie synths and minimal voice production, and I see glimpses of it in this track. How did you find your way back without letting go of your passion for pop music?I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot lately, and it really does feel like a full-circle moment. Up until late 2020, my biggest musical inspirations were Kelsey Lu, Grimes, FKA twigs and Purity Ring so I was incorporating a lot of dark electronic elements that were often categorized as “experimental” into my music. I was producing everything myself using GarageBand while I was also trying to figure out what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it as an artist. I wasn’t concerned with anything technical because I found it boring, and I never used a proper microphone because it was more convenient to just sing straight into my laptop. Obviously, I didn’t take myself too seriously but I also knew I hated being called experimental because it still felt disingenuous to what I was actually aiming for.Releasing "Thru My Chest" of course marks the beginning of a new era in my career, but it also feels like a nod back to some of my earliest releases in a lot of ways. While this was never the intention when creating this track with my collaborators Dave Burris and Christina Galligan, I think that ultimately proves the point I’ve been trying to make for years up until now… I’ve always been a pop-oriented artist. I’ve definitely gotten better at making that more obvious in my music over the years, but the pop sentiment has always been there for sure.You are a former screenwriting student. Do you envision ‘Thru My Chest’ being part of a larger story in the future, and does envisioning your music in this way help your creative process?I started writing songs around the same time I studied screenwriting in college, and I think that significantly impacted the way I tell stories in my music. I love building narratives in general, but with this song in particular– the narrative is pretty fairly self-contained. The song itself might not be my most intense or meaningful, but it’s still very honest to how I was feeling on the day we had the session. I remember really struggling to wrap my head around my own emotions, feeling really vulnerable, and trying to parse through them in real time as we were coming up with the lyrics. I think working with another writer definitely made it easier to detach myself from the context, and keep it concise while also prioritizing the song’s pop appeal.With that being said, this track does communicate really well with a few other songs I’ve made over the past several months, but that wasn’t intentional. It wasn’t until I looked back on the demos that came out of a lot of these sessions I had back to back last year that I realized there was a consistent through line at all. Usually when I come up with a concept for a project, I form a loose narrative early on in the process and try to create songs that fit within that overarching story. There’s a lot of value in that approach and I’ve learned so much about world building that way, but I didn’t do that with this song. I’ve been trying to just let stories form organically based on what I’m actively feeling inspired by in my life and let the larger story speak for itself.You’ve worked both solo and alongside a talented array of producers and fellow artists throughout your career. What has been the most rewarding and most challenging parts of going from making music independently to opening yourself up to the world of collaboration?Working with a team of people and considering other tastes, styles, opinions, and timelines can definitely have its challenging moments, but I love collaborating and it has always been a huge part of my life as a creative. Before music, I was heavily involved in pursuing both musical theater and a career in film production – both highly collaborative practices. The only real reason why I worked so independently for the first few years of my music career was because I didn’t have many other options when I first started out. I started learning more about production as a hobby while still in film school so I wasn’t really surrounding myself with people I could ask for help. I didn’t have any kind of musical network and it felt both extremely isolating and freeing since I only had my intuition and my own ears to rely on. At a certain point though during the pandemic, it was becoming harder to operate by myself on my little island because I was struggling to find new ways to grow and challenge myself. I was getting bored of operating within my limitations, so that’s when I got online and started building a community for myself and hitting up literally anyone. I was so bold about reaching out and DMing as many people as possible, and that process was extremely rewarding and changed my life. I’ve made some of my favorite songs with the help of people I’ve met online, and that gave me a lot of confidence to start collaborating in person… sometimes in really intimidating environments. I truly collaborate all the time at this point in my career and I’m a much better artist for it. Plus things get done a lot faster which is a bonus!Check out the PAPER premiere of RYL0's "Thru My Chest" below.Photos courtesy of RYL0 https://www.papermag.com/ryl0-premiere-thru-my-chest-2659205529.html
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nyukyusnz · 2 years
chain game, 5 songs! 🍓
when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) <3
Ooh again !! Thank you Jade !
⁰¹ One Last Time by Ariana Grande °♡°
⁰² It's You by Ali Gatie °♡°
⁰³ Eleven by Ive °♡°
⁰⁴ Have Mercy by Chlöe °♡°
⁰⁵ Miracle by WayV °♡°
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
Finding out that Zizz’s imps name is (Jayde) so funny to me because my real life name is Jade and Zizz is my favorite demon
So how’d Zizz, Jayde, servants, and the sloth ring in general go about navigating which being they’re talking about? Would I have a new name/title, or is poor Jayde getting a name change?
Also how awkward would it be now for Zizz to call out to his lover/servant that share the same sounding name?
There's a very simple solution to this.
Jayde is now exclusively referred to as "Jay" by his coworkers and the King.
The first time Zizz moans "Jade" in bed might be a little awkward, but he shoves that sensation aside quickly enough.
Jayde is a little sour about the whole thing and still wants people outside of work to call him by his actual name. It'll take a while before he doesn't immediately react to the name "Jade" as if it were a call for him. "Jay" makes him feel like a kid.
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zwedexx · 2 months
30 Canadians in 30 days
Day 1 - Evelyne Viens x Italian Roma Reader (flirty)
-> After Ev signs for Roma, she wants to discover the city so you offer to take her around.
Day 2 - Sophie Schmidt x Houston Dash Teen Reader
-> R is the Dash's new signing and ends up struggling with their mental health due to the critism and hate.
Day 3 - Lysianne Proulx x Portland Thorns Reader (18+)
-> Despite winning the game Lysianne is pissed at you for ruining her clean sheet.
Day 4 - Rylee Foster x New Zealand Reader
-> Social Media Soft Launch
Day 5 - Kailen Sheridan x Teen Reader
-> R gets adopted by Kailen.
Day 6 - Chandra Davidson x Bartender Reader (suggestive)
-> After winning the league, the Benfica squad goes out to a club where they meet the reader who is working as a bartender. Chandra can't keep her eyes off you.
Day 7 - Jordyn Huitema x Reader
-> Your camera roll as Jordyn's partner
Day 8 - Cloé Lacasse x Reader (18+)
-> You really miss Cloé. (You don't play for club or country together)
Day 9 - Sabrina D'Angelo x Reader
-> You and Sabs celebrate your 2 year anniversary
Day 10 - Simi Awujo + CanWNT x Reader
-> You get injured before the game that is supposed to be your first cap.
Day 11 - Jessie Fleming x Barrista Reader
-> Jessie falls for the barrista at her local café
Day 12 - Top!Melissa Dagenais x Non-Player Reader (very suggestive)
-> Melissa comes home to Montreal and to you
Day 13 - Sarah Stratigakis x English Reader
-> Love at first sight Blurb
Day 14 - Marie Alidou x Reader (angst)
-> After not contacting each other since 2017, you meet again at international camp.
Day 15 - Gabrielle Carle x Hockey Player Reader
-> Social Media Fluff
Day 16 - Ashley Lawrence x Chelsea Reader (suggestive)
-> Before leaving for international break, you and Ash get a lil drunk and end up confessing some things.
Day 17 - Quinn x Reader
-> You're in a depressive episode so Quinny takes care of you.
Day 18 - 2012 Christine Sinclair x Reader
-> TBD
Day 19 - Jayde Riviere x Man UTD Reader
-> You and Jayde decide to prank the rest of the squad for April Fools
Day 20 - Julia Grosso x Italian Reader
-> Socia Media Fluff
Day 21 - Jade Rose + CanWNT x Reader
-> During your time in CEGEP you develop a dependency on pain meds. The team suspects something when you arrive at camp.
Day 22 - Vanessa Gilles x Reader (Hurt/Comfort)
-> You get tackled during a game and Vanessa goes into full protective girlfriend mode.
Day 23 - Stephanie Labbé x Non-Player Reader
-> TBD
Day 24 - Desiree Scott x Teen Reader
-> TBD
Day 25 - Janine Beckie x Injured Reader (angst + hurt/comfort)
-> Janine is there you during your recovery period
Day 26 - Clarissa Larisey x Swedish Reader
-> TBD
Day 27 - Nichelle Prince x Reader
-> TBD
Day 28 - Olivia Smith + CanWNT x Reader
-> TBD
Day 29 - Kadeisha Buchanan x Reader
-> Social Media Hard Launch
Day 30 - Adriana Leon x New Villa Player Reader
-> TBD
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jaydedresearcher · 3 months
are you jade or just jayded?
you're asking me if i'm a stone?
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cinamun · 5 months
midnights for jackson and jade
Friend..... I'm gonna pause on these because I have a short window of time to edit these unecessarily filthy pictures for tomorrow's update but um....
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
Solid food for Jackson....
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He can't sleep thinking about it! He fears it! The anxiety overwhlems him! in the wee hours of the morning when he should be sleeping he's thinking about nursing! HE DOESN'T WANT TO WEANNNNNNNNNN!!!!!
Jayde sleeps.
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lessirussolvr · 8 months
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bryceslahela · 11 months
They changed the ad system so you can get up to 100 diamonds daily by watching ads. So if you have the patience to work hard in the diamond mines you can start playing COP2 like tomorrow 💎⛏️💪
i’m lazy but… i might just do this 🫣😏
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puremorphinsims · 5 months
Jayde Urbie (The Urbz) for The Sims 4
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Download on the Sims 4 Gallery by searching for 'Jade Urbie Urbz' by puremorphinsims
Donate via Ko-Fi
My goal with Jayde was to make a character that has the feeling of the Urbz character, including the more cartoony aspects like the exaggerated body and face shapes.
Personality and Traits
Name: Jade Urbie
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Walk Style: Swagger
Aspiration: Party Animal
Traits: Dance Machine, Insider, Outgoing
Colors: Black, pink
Music: Pop, Metal
Sim Characteristics: High Energy Sims, Rascals
Conversation Topics: Compliments
Fashion: Streetwear, Rocker
Activity: Dancing
Decor: Industrial
Colors: Blue
Music: -
Sim Characteristics: -
Conversation Topics: Complaints
Fashion: Outdoorsy
Activity: Research and Debate, Robotics, Rocket Science, Painting
Decor: Cute
I've pinned a bunch of the content I used to this pinterest board: https://www.pinterest.com.au/puremorphin/ts4-urbz-cas-jayde/
Hair | Base game eyeshadow | Praline Solis Eyeliner | Birthday - Akalukery lipstick |
| Base game short purple fingernails |
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I have tried to make outfits that match all the various ones Jayde has worn, both in-game, in cinematics, and associated media.
CAS Default Outfit (T-Shirt)
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T-Shirt | Bell Bottom Jeans | Base game sneakers
Default Outfit (Leather Jacket)
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Leather Jacket Accessory | Thong Accessory | Bell Bottom Jeans | Trillyke Heartbreaker Loafers
Cinematic Outfit 1 (Skater)
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Top from Seasons | Men's base game pants | Base game sneakers | Get to Work necklace |
More info including CAS links and other outfit comparisons coming soon.
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live-laugh-loverpool · 3 months
If Virgil and Ali adopted a girl they would call her "Jade"
although considering Virg calls Ali "mijn jade" AND that young Jayden "Jayde" Danns has joined the first team, that would be extremely confusing sometimes 🤣
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imogenkol · 1 year
— ocs as literary archetypes
tagged by @corvosattano and @jendoe for this uquiz thank you!!! 💕💕💕
tagging: @chuckhansen @risingsh0t @phillipsgraves @jackiesarch @unholymilf @florbelles @shellibisshe @shadowglens @roofgeese @detectivelokis @marivenah @jinfromyarikawa @indorilnerevarine @simonxriley @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @sstewyhosseini and YOU!
the ruler — you probably grew up in an environment where everything was policed, you had almost no control over your own life. now, you need to be in constant control, lest those feelings of helplessness return. however, the ruler is the most easily corrupted of the archetypes, remember that. you might find yourself not only wanting control over your own life, but the lives of others. that in itself is not a bad thing, so long as you're benevolent and kind, but it's easy to be tipped a bit too far into your desires. in the same vein, don't shoulder all of your responsibility alone. while it is ultimately their decision to make, a ruler also has a circle of advisors around them.
the orphan — you've been hurt a lot before, haven't you? you feel like you don't belong where you are, no matter how hard you try. you crave human connection, to find people that feel ostracized the way you do. i hope you'll find that soon.
the lover — you're a bit of an idealist. you value emotional and physical intimacy (not always romantically), and you revel in what it means to be a human. you need relationships with other people to thrive, you have a lot of love and compassion to give. you're an amazing friend, lover, family member, and those around you genuinely appreciate everything you have done and continue to do. sometimes it feels like you give more than what you receive, and that can really hurt a heart like yours. i promise that there are people out there that will love you just as much as you love them. loving and being loved is a burden, so don't take on that burden for just anyone.
the rebel — you were probably made painfully aware of the reality of the world at an early age. this might have left you a bit jaded, but it mostly has made you angry. why do things have to be this way? is there really no way to change things, or are people just afraid to do so? you're very stubborn and determined, sometimes too stubborn for your own good. don't forget that your way isn't the only way, be open to discussion. your heart's in the right place though, and i admire your spirit. the world always needs more people like you, that's how the course of history keeps on rolling. remember even small changes can do so much for the lives of others.
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