#its tiiiiiiiiiiiime!
koshercosplay · 1 year
it's time for yet another year of chanukah ratings! that's right folks here are my Very Important Ratings of chanukah memorabilia (or, as I wrote last year with the pun of the century, menorabilia) for this year. Buckle up everyone for a wild ride!
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none of these have anything to do with chanukah, but as we all know, chanukah IS the jewish holiday of all time which means it's time to bring out every single piece of even vaguely jewish-related merchandise! 5/10 the transliterations are incorrect
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this is most likely a translation error but the thing is I still don't know what was supposed to be there. I want this pillow. I'm gonna start peppering this into my conversations. 7/10 many menorah!
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oh no. no no no. why is there always at least one of these. I'm so tired. we have never wanted jewish santa. actually this looks like regular santa just stole those items from a jewish household. maybe santa IS christian after all! 1/10 santa has descended into a life of crime and thievery
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it's very funny to me that to goyim chanukah is the live laugh love peace light and joy holiday because of the ~pretty lights~ when in reality it's about a rebellious uprising against our oppressors. AND latkes. 4/10 why is the t in latkes lowercase
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no no you see the big floating magen dovid behind thomas jefferson isn't antisemitic, it's just a friendly reminder that jews control the banks! -102938473732/10 hey walmart what the fuck
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I for one am ready to accept the hanukkah armadillo as part of the tribe. unfortunately the designers of this were cowards and didn't even give him a kippah or menorah. 6/10 free the menoradillo from bland christmas capitalism and give him a latke
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this feels like an advertisement for "I Spy". the menorah isn't kosher. aladdin's lamp is there for some reason. is he jewish? good for him. mizrachi jewish icon. 5/10 scroll back up and read the hebrew
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I saved the best for last purely because Tis The Season of the Boob Donuts. once you notice the Boob Donut you can't escape. that's not even how jelly donuts are filled and yet, here we are. 9/10 for boobs and no christmas imagery
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faggyv4mpire · 6 months
Have you seen the mcr cover of All I Want For Christmas Is You?
yeahhh but i discovered it a year ago while i was grounded😫 that's why i've never sat down to listen to it carefully
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lord-hunkyhair · 2 months
-Mariah Carey , on stabbing Caesar
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mspaintjade · 6 months
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GG: omg!!
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cardsharksplayingames · 5 months
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wookofwallst · 8 months
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animationismycomfort · 11 months
idk many so sorry if its not enough
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ira-sturm · 1 year
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ryoubandwagon · 5 years
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I finally drew Isis with a reference and BY GOLLY she’s such a good gal!!!
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1980ssunflower · 2 years
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I love them for every little thing! I fell for their passions and personalities! Their love for music and their love for EACHOTHER are huge reasons why I love them as deeply as I do tbh including all of their imperfections! which if you've watched the show yknow that the point of the show is for the protags to overcome their problems and better themselves as people!
They both can be pretty insufferable in different ways and like. Ryan definitely has done the worst things. Examples being, Ryan stealing Mins work keys to force him to chase him to the train station, lying to Min abt a gig in New York to get him to run away with him, and considering leaving Min and going through the portal home (although the scene afterward showing how guilty Ryan feels and genuinely how low he thinks of himself is so sad like FUCK)
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genuinely genuinely I fell for them when I first laid my eyes on them !!
now I'm just going to rant unrestrained on how I feel looking at images of them online so like. going to be under a read more and tbh will maybe be a bit suggestive (edit: yeah it is)
GENUINELY WHY IS HE SO CUTE!!!!! HES GORGEOUS WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!! he has the cutest and stupidest expressions and ghdfjkhgdfjkgdf like GOD i love his pretty long hair and his red glasses and hes so SHORT and CUTE AND SOMEHOW STRONG❓❗ like he could just pick me up all princess style and maybe slam me on the bed idk
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and hes literally the biggest whore ever (in a very goofy way)
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stares directly at your c-
and like oughh when he gets pissed off im like 😳💦💦
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angry ryan please rai- *gets shot*
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(spongebob licking poster meme)
Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka
Min is the BIGGEST dork ever i see him on screen and screen and cry and throw up i cant get over how much of a loser he is hgfdsjk
I ALSO love his hair sm like ryan like i think his pompadour suits him but he ALSO looks soooo cute with his hair down and its a shame we dont ever see it outside of ep 1 😔💔💔 ALSO I KNOW HES FASHIONABLE I KNOW IT!!!!! DONT JUDGE HIM ON HIS DIGS HE HAD ON THE TRAIN HE WAS WEARING HIS WORK CLOTHES WITH HIS JACKET OVER IT!!!!
Hes both tall, big, and beefy + chub but manages to be so LAME im OBSESSED 💙💙💙
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gives him a kiss on his cute little nose <33
HIS VOICE,,, HIS STUTTERS,,, HIS VOICE CRACKS!!! I GENUINELY CANT GET ENOUGH OF IT,,, and SOMEHOW he has the same voice actor as crypto from apex legends
I also wish we ever got to hear him sing solo,,, i know he has such a nice singing voice 😭💔💔
my fav deliveries from him in show was the way he says the lines
"You think THATS gnarly? Check THESE out! Keys to the Dumpty Kingdom"
and of course the heartbreaking
"You,,, you LEFT me,,,"
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spoonbenders · 3 years
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faggyv4mpire · 6 months
it's almost time for Jesus Christ's birthday (christmas)
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mythgirlimagines · 5 years
I’ve really didn’t meant mastermind Shuichi. I’ve meant traitor like Sakura who knew the Mastermind’s identity, but unlike Sakura, Shuichi doesn’t give himself a redemption arc and is willing to get dirty to save his uncle’s detective business. It’s the only thing Shuichi cares for.
Ah, sorry anon! Tbh I kinda forgot about that part, I haven’t seen a dr1 playthrough in a long time 😅 hope this is better!
“Upupu! Right again!”
Kaede was quaking as everyone seemed to shut down- everyone but Shuichi. There were so few of them left, she was certain they could get by without another murder! “Why? Why would you do this?”
Shuichi had his eyes lowered when the verdict was read, but when he lifted them, they were empty, yet crazed. “I had to.”
Kaito recoiled at this, taken aback by what his friend was saying. “Shuichi, what are you-”
“I had to do this, plain and simple.” He smirked at the unintentional use of a phrase taken from one of the people advocating for him being the culprit. “It’s not like it makes much difference why, but there you go.”
Maki shook her head, looking like she was trying to figure him out. “Motive is always valuable knowledge.”
Kaede agreed, but she was on the fence about actually knowing. He was her best friend! There must’ve been something Monokuma didn’t account for.
“Didn’t you care at all?” Tsumugi asked, looking like she was going to throw up.
“Simply put, no.” Kaede breathed in sharply, finally remembering to not hold her breath. “I never cared about any of you.”
“What was everything, then?” Kaito argued, obviously and understandably angry.
Kokichi beat Shuichi to the punch. “It was all a lie, wasn’t it.” He was frightfully calm, like he had nothing left to gain by being angry.
“That’s right.” A creepy smile edged onto his face. “Everything I did was just leading up to this moment. I only did what I did in order to get here.”
From his chair, Monokuma laughed again. “Yup! And let me tell ya, you were a lot more useful than that other traitor.”
“Traitor?” The words nearly caught in her throat. “I don’t understand.”
“You never did.” Rather than hurting at first, Shuichi’s words confused her. He noticed and, sighing, elaborated. “The only reason you all aren’t dead yet is because it was my job to keep you alive during the trials. I pointed you towards all of the evidence; I gave you everything. All you needed to do was put it all together, and even then you were too blind to see it on your own.”
Kaede was still beyond confused. Everyone was confused, even Kokichi. But he just kept talking, not giving them a chance to interrupt.
“All of you were too blind to see, or even think, that there was a traitor among you. Someone you trained with every day-” a nod to Kaito and Maki- “someone you trusted with everything and, I suspect, grew feelings for.”
It felt like she was being stabbed straight through the heart. Maki bristled. “How dare you- do you want to die?”
A split second of silence as Shuichi regarded her coldly. “If I did, at least I would have something to die for, unlike all of you.”
Kaede hugged her stomach, nauseated. “That’s a lie, isn’t it?” Kokichi asked, a scathing undertone present in his voice.
“All of this was all for one cause: my uncle’s detective firm. I was told to keep the game going to ensure its safety, so that’s what I did. Every murder, every trial, I had a hand in all of them. Along with the mastermind, of course.” A sick amusement glimmered in his eye. “I could tell you who it is, you know. But I doubt even if I gave you the most obvious hints you’d be able to get it right.”
Kaito had to hold Maki back from killing Shuichi herself. Kaede felt like she was trapped in a nightmare that wouldn’t end. “So none of it was real. You betrayed us all,” Tsumugi said quietly.
“And there is the stupidity again.” He threw his hands up into the air in exasperation. “I was never on your side to begin with. And if I didn’t shove the evidence down your throat, you’d all be dead for it.” He turned to Monokuma. “I finished my job. Make good on your promise.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. If you’re done then, let’s give it everything we’ve got!”
Kaede’s vision grew dark, the last thing she saw before collapsing Shuichi’s sick, evil grin.
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skoodledoodledoo · 6 years
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princess-josie-riki · 6 years
Cuphead: “I can’t believe we lost the bet and have to spend the night in this old haunted house.”
Mugman: “That’s an oddly complete summary of out predicament.”
Cuphead: “Yeah, not to mention the fact of if we leave this haunted house early, we’d lose our-”
Cuphead was cut-off when he and Mugman heard a ghostly moan.
Mugman: “What was that?”
Cuphead: “I’m not sure, but whatever it is, it must be haunting this old house.”
Without warning, Werner’s ghost slowly materialized behind Cuphead and Mugman as he kept moaning eerily.
Cuphead: “You don’t think...”
Ghost!Werner: (ghostly tone) “Voooooooooooo... Bevaaaaaaaare... Bevaaaaaaaare...”
Cuphead and Mugman turned around to see Werner’s ghost and screamed.
Ghost!Werner: “IIIIIIIIIIIII am zee ghooooooooost of Veeeeeeerner Veeeeeeeeeeeerman! Vooooooooooooooooooo! Leeeeeeave nooooooow or face zee consequences!”
Cuphead: “No!”
Ghost!Werner: (suddenly angry) “Zen PEEEEERIIIIIIIISH!” (let’s out a ghostly scream)
Cuphead and Mugman screamed and ran upstairs as Werner’s ghost flew after them. As Cuphead and Mugman came upstairs, the ghost materialized behind them and screamed again, making Cuphead and Mugman scream and run away. Then, they kept running until they lost Werner. Knowing that they might get caught, they decided to hide in the closet, hoping that they would hide from Werner’s ghost.
As time passed, they were just sleeping until they heard an eerie moaning coming from outside the closet.
Ghost!Werner (off-screen): (ghostly tone) “Deeeeeaaaaad maaaaaaaan teeeeeeells neeeeeein taaaaaaale... Deeeeeaaaaad maaaaaaaan teeeeeeells neeeeeein taaaaaaale...”
Mugman: “You don’t think...”
Suddenly, Werner’s ghost opened the closet door and lets out a loud ghostly scream. Cuphead and Mugman screamed in terror as they hugged.
Ghost!Werner: “You’re doooooooomed! Dooooooooooooomed! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!”
Cuphead: “It was nice knowing you, Mugman!”
Mugman: “Oh, Cuphead!”
They screamed as Werner’s ghost got closer. Without warning, the ghost of the real Werner Werman materialized behind the other ghost.
Real Ghost!Werner: (ghostly tone) “BOOOOOOO!”
Ghost!Werner Imposter: (turns around) “Huh?” (sees the ghost and screams in terror) “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! IT’S ZEE GHOST OF ZEE REAL VERNER VERMAN!” (flies into the wall and hits his face, causing him to fall)
Werner’s ghost grabs the imposter and removes a cloaking device, a voice modulator and a jetpack from the “ghost”. Then, Werner’s ghost removes the mask from the imposter, revealing it to be...
Cuphead and Mugman: (surprised) “King Dice?!”
King Dice: “Fooled you didn’t I? I was only trying to scare you out of this house so that-”
Cuphead: “That was a dirty trick you pulled!”
King Dice: “Well, it was until the ghost of the real Werner Werman showed up! I would've gotten away with it if it weren’t for him!”
Ghost!Werner: “Ooooooooh really? Veeeeell it looooooks like zat yoooooouuuu have overschtaaaaaaayed your veeeeeeelcoooooome, sooooooooo... Voooooooooooo!”
King Dice: “Really? You’re not that scary.”
Ghost!Werner: (angry) “Vaaaaaaat did you saaaaaaaaay?!” (lets out a loud, echoing, ghostly scream)
King Dice screams and runs out of the house.
Ghost!Werner: “Uuuuuuuuund schtaaaaaaay oooooooooout!”
Cuphead: “Golly, you have saved us!”
Ghost!Werner: “Daaaaaankeeee. It vas really fuuuuuuuun once you get uuuuuuuuused to it.” (notices that it is almost daylight) “I guess it’s tiiiiiiiiiiiime for me to disappeeeeeeeaaaaaaaar. Fareveeeeeeell, mein frieeeends! Fareveeeeeeeeeell!” (disappears)
Cuphead and Mugman: “He’s gone!”
The sun begins to shine. The two went downstairs. Then, the door mysteriously opens on its own as if someone had opened the door. Cuphead and Mugman then went outside, knowing that they are safe.
Mugman: “Wow, I guess Werner really is a friendly ghost.”
Cuphead: “Wait until he tell the others about this.”
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Itssssssssssssssss party time
Time to eat
Time to feed
Time to drink
Blooooooooooood is yummy
Its party tiiiiiiiiiiiime
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