#its ok tho i have a lot of rocks that are good for stimming
Any rock can be an anti anxiety healing crystal when you're autistic
#i stim with the rocks#i see rock#anxiety goes down#i hold rock#i click rock against other rock#i had some thin pieces of agate my grandpa got me from a cave gift shop once and i would literally just sit on my bedroom floor#surrounded by all my rocks and just hold the agates up to the light to look at all the pretty colors#just watch tv while rubbing the smooth rocks against my cheek#i had a piece of a counter top that broke at a house that was being built that my grandpa was doing the plumbing at#one side of it was shaped in a way that it perfectly fit the bottom part of my palm in the way it curved#idk what happened to it#its ok tho i have a lot of rocks that are good for stimming#just 💜💜💜💜💜💜rocks my beloved💜💜💜💜💜#i still wanna polish my giant chunks of rose quartz#to be fair i dont only do these things when im axious#i did like to carry my smooth rocks in my pockets at school tho#i liked to fidget with them in class#also the sound of a rock clicking against a desk 🤌🤌🤌🤌#or my pocket watch chains. i liked fidgeting with those too#had to make sure charles didnt see them tho or hed get after me for having a chain#he never got after any of the guys who wore chains on their wallets but the kid carrying a pocket watch was CLEARLY a threat#the other security guard didnt give a shit#he thought it was cool#got right up in my face about it too. like literally marched over to me got right into my space and grabbed the chain and was like#''yOu CaNt HaVe ThIs. PuT iT aWaY.''#like charles my guy i could point out like 3 guys in this room that have pocket knives on them#i dont think my pocket watch chain is any of your concern#started wearing chains on my boots just for you charles 💜💜💜
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tinytinybumblebee · 3 months
yay ok sorry if this is long!!
• i think he is the stimmiest ever! partially because he can’t verbalize any of his feelings and partially because it’s just his personality, but he has all kind of physical stims. before he left the briar, he did a lot of happy clapping but that activates his magic—when he was all alone this was fine, the more friends the better right? but now that he’s out in the wider world he’s trying his best to redirect himself to a different stim, he likes hand flapping the best right now :)
• that’s a double edged sword though because he can’t vocalize good emotions, but he also can’t vocalize bad ones. and the nomad tries so hard to be so sunshiney and friendly to the world and it seems like most of the time all he gets is hostility in response, so as positive as he tries to stay, eventually things just boil over and it’s so hard to be the happy guy he wants to be, so when he’s in a bad mood well, that fuse is very long but when it burns to its end the result is EXPLOSIVE. he can have some of the world’s worst tantrums and they’re usually completely silent. he tends to stay self contained and doesn’t destroy anything or hit people, he just flails and kicks and swings around wildly having a very typical temper tantrum you’d see from a little one in a store or something and usually if he’s been pushed to that point there’s no getting him out of it and he usually just has to tire himself out. then he’ll be weepy and clingy for the rest of the day :(
• padded regressor ofc. yknow what all those layers are for in his outfit? hiding his dips so he can still try and do big boy things when he needs to!
• I think he’s a one and done person with a cg. As in he has one very special person and that’s it. I think he didn’t start really regressing often until post melinda (the loneliness really took its toll on him) so he really doesn’t have anyone as of now but one day he’ll find his special person and that will be his main cg… he’s ok with babysitting but he wants that one person there to be his anchor and rock, someone safe he can see as mommy/daddy/bubba he can run back to whenever he needs them. I realistically don’t think it would be skout tho… she reminds him too much of melinda and it was his job to protect and look after her, so having skout as his permanent caregiver feels wrong somehow even if she doesn’t mind helping
• he’s really good at standing his ground against bounty hunters but i think he starts to involuntarily regress when he feels truly backed into a corner or when he sees one of his little object friends get hurt
• blankie!! he has a blankie!! it’s actually not a blankie at all but the scrap remains of a poncho from one of melinda’s disguises (which drew him to it even if he didn’t remember why) but whatever it’s blankie now and he’s very insecure about it in the way that it’s always in his hand (his biggest tell for being tiny) and people can look but don’t touch. no matter how much he trusts someone he gets paranoid they’re gonna take it away from him
• hat is always on, scarf is on frequently no matter what he’s wearing. if he’s wearing baby clothes he’ll still have those on because they feel like part of who he is and they make him feel safe :) also like his dips the scarf hides his paci if he ever needs to be a big boy when he isn’t in that space mentally, and the best part of being mute is that he can have his paci through all his travels because he doesn’t talk so no one will notice it impeding his speech or anything >:) hehe baby time all the time
• his favorite activities include tummy time and back time (with those baby toys, idk the name for them but they’re like an arch/bar over a soft cushion with dangling toys to bat at while baby lies on their back), building with blocks, being read aloud to (he loves hearing his cg’s voice after so many years of no one to speak to him), coloring and finger painting, naptime (but he likes to pretend to pout and sulk when he’s told it’s naptime because lots of real babies fuss over naps, but he cracks immediately when you call him out), playing with noisemaker toys like rattles and when he regresses to closer to a toddler age he likes playing dress-up and having tea parties!
• soooo many stuffies and just a little clap brings them right to life! he’ll collect a dozen stuffies and then he’ll collect a dozen more
• usually very sweet and well behaved unless he’s having one of his rare really bad days, because again I think he’s either an extremely sweet good baby or a fussy upset nightmare and there is no in between aside from when he gets weepy sometimes
• if he does get in trouble he’s not good with punishments, usually he needs to be held and gently explained to why what he did wasn’t good, because I completely agree that he always wants his carer in his line of sight and so being put in time out and not allowed to go to them or be snuggled gets him stressed and he immediately starts thinking they hate him and won’t come back for him (he’s been in time out for one minute)
• loves being helped with little things especially getting dressed. all his nomad gear is so hard to put on when you’re such a tiny guy :(
• he regresses between ages 0-3 I think and he much more commonly lands on the very young end of his spectrum
that’s all i have right now i’m sorry this is so long!! he has one of my favorite character design tropes with the hidden face and bright eyes and one of my favorite tropes in personality of the infamous one who actually is as sweet as pie so to me he is peak baby material in every way
WAAAAAAAAAAAAA oh my goodness you have blessed me with your OUTSTANDING IDEAS OA A A A A A A A I've been reading these over and over since I saw it last night AAAAAAAAAAA🥺🥺💕💕💕💕��💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Crying over Nomad just seeing too much of Melinda in Skout to really see Skout as anything past a playmate/buddy ;o; They probs tried once but Nomad just got too emotional when he saw Skout wiggling her finger at one of the rock friends (it reminded him of Melinda's magic and he instantly tried to protect Skout in case "anyone saw her do magic" ) maybe when they reach the Iron Border Nomad (and Skout!) meet someone more in a position to be a carer hehe
and waaaaaa at him just being such a tiiiiny guy! He tries to best to put on his clothes but buttons are soooo confusing and buckles are just too hard for such a little scarecrow! He was alone for quite a few years so he was a bit shy at first when asking for help but, he's gotten really good at the "I'm just going to look at my unbuckled boots until someone catches on and helps me" xD
Waaaaaa jsut YES to all of these oh my goodness- and I hear you on his design! It is peak baby (the moment I see a masked or hidden face my monkey brain is like "Oooh just a little baby right there") Tank you so so much for sharing these wonderful ideas!!!!!!!!!!!
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matoitech · 3 years
bro how do u think galo stims ??? i think hed like big full body stuff (swings, spinning, rocking, jumping) but id love to hear ur thoughts ???? also how does lio stim ???? any ideas ,,,?
OH I AGREE WITH ALL THAT definitely full body stims!! i wrote out a bit so i am splitting it in2 bullet points 2 b easier 2 read :3
i think galo does a lot of pacing and running around as well, like he’ll just be walking and suddenly BOLT for a few seconds and then keep walking at his previous pace gbhf. he moves around and fidgets a Lot, even when hes sick or injured he does a lot of moving around and then remembering and saying ok i wont do that again and then immediately forgetting w the need to Move. im guilty of this myself
definitely like shaking his hands and arms out, a lot of rocking (esp side to side, that ones not shown as much as forward-back but it can feel better than it!!), shaking his head out. everything he did in the movie ofc esp ruffling or pulling at his hair, hairs a big sensory thing 4 him
prob uses fidgets often too, rings n sequin keychains n whatnot
i think he prob stims by making noise too, talking usually (tho i think him and lio both r semiverbal but thats its own thing i can talk abt lol), he prob growls n snarls, chirps, just sudden noises varying in like sound level he often doesnt notice and does not intend esp when hes happy or excited. definitely when hes feeling positive emotions he makes more noise, though i think that noise i can not describe he makes when hes frustrated and scratches at his head in the ova/movie also shows that he prob makes noise when hes upset too!
raptor hands/curling his hands up, pressing his elbows in2 his side for a good sensory feel, walking on his toes i think is Galo Thing bc it feels better than walking on the soles of his feet. i think when hes overloading and needs a shutdown he doesnt move his hands much but when hes just stimming or understimulated (or sometimes regulating overstimulation) he does a lot w his hands, twists them and grabs at things and needs 2 touch stuff n whatnot. touches his face and clothes a Lot
i think him and lio r both rly touch stimmy and sensitive 2 sensory stuff- i think galo physically NEEDS to stim more and in more obvious ways than lio does, but they both need it often.
lio i think sometimes stims w his breath so alternating between light/heavy/deep breathing, also rocking, sometimes twisting his body around in ‘weird’ positions 2 get the good sensory feel (so u would come upon him looking like hes stretching or doing yoga poses but he is just stimming), lio prob clenches/flexes his fists a lot. he runs to stim too lol. Moving feels safe
ive prob mentioned this b4 but i think b4 he lost the promare he did more body stimming w the fire like, twirling his hands around and spinning 2 create the various objects n things out of fire. he doesnt have the promare anymore but its still a comfort to do.
i think lio grits or grinds his teeth a lot too whether from stress or just like sensory overload issues w nowhere to release it so he uses stim stuff like chewable necklaces and bracelets so he doesnt bother his jaw n make it more sensitive
lio ALSO does a lot of toe walking, its a common thing we do not talk abt enough w hcs i think :3
when lio Cant move a lot 2 stim i think he prob things like stims by blinking a lot, yawning repetitively, tensing/untensing, etc, small not very noticeable things that he can still do
also went searching thru my blog and tumblr search sucks but i found two other posts talking a bit abt their stimming here and here! i know theres more but idk where <3 id LOVE to hear more of ur or other ppls thoughts on stimming w them i love talking abt stimming hcs or things they do in canon..LOTS more i could say but we will stick w this 4 now :3
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molabuddy · 3 years
Tumblr media
eghehehehe >:-] ..... ok i spent way longer on these than i thought (and i wouldve done more but im burnt out) many of em r stuff that I do and a few are also inspired by my friend Dell @/miixtape .. habit’s get to be at the top but the rest are under the cut
Habit - he has trouble standing still i think and likes to sorta bounce on his heels n rock back n forth a bit when not doing anything . it likes to walk sort of cartoonishly, shifting its weight weirdly and swinging its arms reaally wide bc Feels Nice :-] even tho sometimes it accidentally hits someone while doing that but that's ok. Also if Habit's sitting in a swivel chair they have to spin in it no matter what . also they probably pull their hair a bit when theyre stressed but they're trying to work on not doing that as much. also also his coat is sorta like a comfort item for him . its super soft and wearing it makes him feel more safe / secure . he runs his hands along the sides / collar of the coat to ground himself whenever hes upset / panicked.
Kamal ! he chews things, like th inside of his lip / his hands / his nails / his sleeves , sometimes he tries to use stim toys instead but he often forgets he has them rip. she likes to run her hands along fabrics, usually her own pants (and ends up with that weird carpet burn-y feeling in her hands but that doesn't stop her) and also along Habit's coat bc Soft ,, nd she probably plays with her hair too like twirls it around her fingers and stuff . and he repeats things over n over again too - usually just like little phrases that he has stuck in his head.
Putunia ! she's like habit but 10x more energetic she's gotta be movin !! she likes to run around a lot nd swing and sway her body around a lot too and she can't sit still for very long . if something makes her excited she WILL jump right out of her seat and will not sit back down . She likes to swing her arms about / punch the air / punch at nothing which . similarly to Habit means she sometimes hits ppl around her by accident (and sometimes on purpose . sometimes u just gotta give your friends a good ol punch in the side!) which sometimes Hurts bc she's Strong. Also she likes to yell fighting / comic book sound effects to herself :-]
Parmslwy ... Parblle ..... Parsley - he chews things of course <3 pretty much anything that's around him / on his desk when he's working he chews on which is usually like . pens, pencils, pieces of paper etc . and he usually ends up destroying them bc his teeth are kind of sharp and he doesn't notice he's doing it until he realises he's basically eaten half a pen <\3 he started using chewy necklaces after he got tired of chewing up all his stationary but he has a tendency to bite chunks off of them absentmindedly. He also bounces nd sways / kicks his legs a lot even when he's standing up.
Millie !! she likes to hit things :-] usually she has either her club or some other sort of stick / pipe / etc with her which she uses to bonk things with . her favorite thing to hit is metal pipes and fences bc of the sound and vibration they make . she also likes to drag her hand or whatever she's carrying along the wall when she walks, both bc it feels nice and bc she knows it sometimes makes un-reparable marks in the wall depending on what she uses >:-]
Randy - the smell thing is 100% a stim he keeps strong smelling things around him / with him p much at all times . also he likes to just write nonsense in cursive / scribble on paper when he's bored or needs something to do with his hands . nd they like to rock n sway a bit when standing and twist n flap their hands ! They also like repeating stuff, usually like . small rhyming phrases, bits of poetry or just random sounds / gibberish to themself .
Tim tam - they mostly like visual stims . they reaally like fidget spinners - they steal lots of them, esp the shiny metallic ones and cool shaped ones - and they sit for a while nd watch them spin . They also spend a long time watching stuff like water running / flowing and ants moving around. They also do some physical stimming too like flapping their hands when they're happy and swaying back and forth !
Trevor .... dogboy .... he chews on things too, usually his scarf or his coat sleeves, and he flaps his hands when he's excited !! Trevor also likes to make barking and growling noises to itself and like . click its teeth together like biting at nothing. It scratches / bites / picks at its skin, mainly its hands a lot, especially when nervous / stressed , enough that it has some scars there . His coat and scarf are also comforting items bc they're Warm and kind of heavy so they make him feel secure.
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worldsendgirlfriend · 3 years
should i start like tagging these or puttign them under read mores No actually i dont want 2 readmore mysefl fuck censorship listen to psychotic voices ‼️
i dont wnst to tag them either jus personally. but if any of u want me to then i wil. so like. lmk if u do. onto the mental health section of daily dabiseimeivector times
looks at todo list 4 last nite i made myself in city block.... ok i wrote this then checked and i actually did get like, most of it done and made progress on the main thingy so i guess it wasnt too wasteful a night. but i Definitely got too distracted i couldve done a lot more and like i wanted 2 do a lot more. perhaps sth like intermittent lil small alarms just 2 remind me how much time has passed.... why does time in general feel so backwards for me. once a day passes it couldve been yesterday or two and a half weeks ago or like seven months ago. when i say "recently" in any context thats code for "i have no fucking clue but it probably happened like?? ? within the past... six months.. ??? ?? if not then this year for sure.........?????". nd when im not paying attention to time But specifically depending on what im doing, it either feels like its been hours and its only been like maybe 30 min or its been around 30 mins and its been almost like 4.5 hours.
when i was in Hell On Vector Stim Drug Technique period i was certain i was losing time just like bc it just Started happening bc i kept finishing so late at work despite being Sure i was going at my usual speed if not faster. Yeah, i know, but i wasnt clearheaded at all for that whole time so it Felt like i was normal even tho my body constantly in the process of crashing hard but molly nd addys both kept hooking its corpse up to the back of a wagon and yeah pulling it along but also thru the dirt and hitting rocks and shit. and as u can tell from morning editorial sleep habits are still very fucked. food was much easier to fix quick tho i still have to like, check the clock sometimes and be like did i eat anythimg recently ❓ but even if i forget ive been drinking lots of fluids bc i was severely dehydrated like Really was and even if i still am Dehydrated kts like. water helps fucking wverything dude. as long as i get some thats all i can do. but Yeah tangented as shit fuck but that was just a worry that was Completely understandable re what caused it just like at the time seemed unrelated. but my point is that now that im (in)sane again its not like... like im fine at work again nd stuff but im. def having more time problems still tho not as like idk scary as that felt. still concerning. have therapy today (i was Sposed to wake up when it happen and get like normal sleep time but you saw. you adamanda) so ill bring up, i like unloaded everything directly pre and post 2fdck Get and Ingested. Lot (good thing it was 2f bc! if it was regular ket! well i mightve had an actual medical 'emerjencie' on my hands from all that nutrience) just so like. like i texted her beforehand like hey we wont get to address like any of this bc i have so much totell you but like thurs itll be fine just like heds up. nd as i expected things r like. yeah nothing Major major happened between monday anf now. life normal. Vector version of normal. so like What te fuck is going on but like its fine like take a hit off ybis its fine.
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autisticsidesau · 4 years
I just wanted to say that as an autistic person, I've really enjoyed reading through this blog, and getting to see one of my special interests (sanders sides) shown as autistic characters made me really happy, I stimmed a whole bunch while I was reading!!!! also, if its okay, can we see more of Logan and Virgil's friendship???
Aww ty!! ts sides is also a big special interest of mine, and autism is awesome so hell yeah. Super glad you’re enjoying it. And hell yeah!! Stim!! ~Remiel
I’m glad you like this blog and it made you happy stim!!! TS sides is my main Special Interest (some side ones are Try Guys, fashion history, and neuroscience) and I personally love seeing autism rep in the fandom too!! It’s cool to see characters like me!! -Max
TW: meltdown, losing a comfort item temporarily, routine change
So The Whole Gang decides to go to an outdoor mall one day as a group
They prefer the outdoor mall because it has more space and the open area means sounds and smells aren’t as trapped so it’s generally less overwhelming
Throughout the day they end up in smaller groups
And eventually Virgil and Logan are left as a pair wandering through different sections of the mall and generally being stupid teenagers just enjoying life
(Virgil wanted to stay in Hot Topic and Logan wasn’t opposed and that’s how they got separated from everybody else)
Eventually they get the text from Roman that everyone’s gonna regroup at the front of the mall
As they walk to the front of the mall, Virgil realizes, somethings is very very wrong
But they don't know what 
So Logan goes grabs his tablet and pulls up virgil’s checklist and they run through it
(Virgil’s checklist is essentially: when was the last time you: ate, drank, used the bathroom? Are you overwhelmed? Is it too loud, bright, smelly, etc? Do you have everything you need? 
And it’s when they get to this last point that it clicks
Virgil doesn’t have their hoodie
Which immediately causes them to Panic Big Time
Logan helps to calm Virgil down saying they didn’t go many places it’s probably in one of the few stores they went to
Logan leads Virgil through some breathing exercises and has Virgil wear their headphones b/c they get overwhelmed easier when they’re anxious 
So they go through all the stores and Logan uses his tablet to ask the store workers if they’ve seen Virgil’s jacket and shows them a photo
After searching all the stores they went to, Virgil and Logan decide to meet up with the rest of the group who is now Concerned b/c Virgil and Logan are late and have not responded to any texts or calls
Eventually they walk up to the rest of the group and Dee turns to see his brother shaking and crying and bordering on a meltdown with headphones and no jacket???
And Dee immediately rushes to comfort his brother and then tells the rest of the group to go without them and that their moms are gonna come pick them up 
Logan gives Dee Virgil’s backpack as Dee calls their moms
So everyone leaves and Dee and Virgil get picked up
Virgil’s pretty unresponsive for the evening and goes to bed really early that night
It’s the next morning when everything really comes crashing down
Virgil gets up and starts their morning routine
Shower. Dressed. Grab breakfast. Brush teeth. Grab backpack. Grab jacket. Go to school.
Wait where’s their jacket?
And now Virgil remembers and this isn’t okay because this is their comfort object it makes them feel safe and it’s part of their routine and now it’s lost
It’s lost
And Virgil‘s trying to hold it together. They’re trying
But this is their comfort object and they might never ever see it again
It’s no wonder they have a meltdown
And Oh Boy it is a really bad meltdown
And because it’s a really bad meltdown it’s a very draining meltdown 
And Virgil is in no shape to go to school
Dee wanted to stay and help for as long as possible but eventually he and Janet had to leave while Lindsey stayed with Virgil for a bit 
Being a lawyer she has a lot more schedule flexibility and is able to stay home with her kid 
They spend the day in the sensory room together, Lindsey works on paperwork while Virgil watches movies and is nonverbal the whole day
Eventually they feel well enough to text their friends that they’re ok they just had a really bad meltdown and couldn’t go to school
Logan responds offering to come over and help Virgil with their homework
Virgil shows the text to his mom and Lindsey allows it 
So Logan comes over and hangs out with Virgil and helps them with homework 
Logan comes into the sensory room to find Virgil in a weighted blanket burrito with their mom on her laptop next to them
Logan settles down next to Virgil and sees Virgil’s spider stuffie which he promptly puts on Virgil’s head because he knows it’s another of Virgil’s comfort items
This gets a happy face and happy hum from Virgil
Virgil starts rocking as Logan explains the math from today
Then Virgil’s phone starts ringing
And the noise of the phone is instantly overwhelming to Virgil
Their rocking turns more frantic but they dig around in the blanket burrito for their phone before practically throwing it at Logan
Logan looks down and recognizes their area code.
Logan: “Do you want me to answer it?”
Virgil nods so Logan turns down the volume slightly and answers it
The person from the other side of the call is someone who works at the mall
And asks if this is “Virgil” and that they have their jacket.
Logan gets the location and information and hangs up
Virgil is very overwhelmed so they’re not listening and processing at all.
Logan tells Virgil and their mom they got their jacket and Virgil is unresponsive
Virgil’s mom lets Virgil know that she’s going to go pick up their jacket and then leaves
Virgil’s still unresponsive so Logan just hangs with them why they wait for their mom
Eventually Dee and and Janet get home and they find that Lindsey’s gone and Logan’s here and Virgil is unresponsive
Logan quickly fills them in whilst Virgil is going to town on their bat chew in the background
Dee joins them in the sensory room and sits down and opens his homework 
He and Logan get distracted and have a discussion about science philosophy quietly
Dee checks on his brother every couple minutes tho 
This gets small slow nods from Virgil 
Who is stimming a lot
Eventually the garage opens and Virgil slams their hands over their ears because L O U D
Dee grabs Virgil’s headphones as quick as possible and puts them on his brothers ears
Soon after, Lindsey slowly and quietly enters the room and hands Virgil their jacket 
Virgil is stimming even harder now and starts crying and making many noises that are good and bad
Eventually they figure out virgil’s having a shutdown
Lindsey quickly grabs Virgil’s PECS board and emotions binder and leaves the room to give her child some space
Because there were a lot of people in that room near Virgil and that was Not Helping
Eventually Virgil comes back around and signs “thank you” over and over again 
They happy stim a lot and shake their head 
And Logan and dee are smiling as virgil tries to put on the jacket whilst happy stimming 
Logan stays for the rest of the afternoon and for dinner 
Around 7 Emile arrives to pick Logan up and Virgil feels well enough to walk logan to the door and when they step outside Virgil quietly says “Thank you”
Logan: “No problem Virgil, i’m glad we were able to find your jacket.”
Virgil hums and flaps their hands as Logan says this 
Virgil: “I’m glad it wasn’t lost. But I meant thanks for staying with me and helping me communicate. To the store clerks and on the phone, i know how frustrating it can be for you.”
Logan: “You’re very welcome. I understand how important comfort items and routine can be. I- I don’t want you to be upset.”
Which is admitting a lot of Logan, because while Logan is a very caring friend, it’s not often he’ll straight admit to caring for others
Virgil: “You’re a really good friend Logan”
Logan takes the compliment, but doesn’t seem to happy about it
Virgil signs “ILY” 
Logan pauses for a moment before signing “Same”
Which is a big deal for Logan
They both flap their hands a bit and Virgil watches logan get into Emile’s car and drive off and waves as logan drives away and doesn’t stop waving until they can’t see the car anymore
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bathroomcorpse · 3 years
1, 2, and 12!
1. What does your sensory haven look like and what does it include?
ok... the Ideal sensory zone for me is like. actually a hundred different zones bc i have very contradictory needs (as most ppl do lol), so I’ll just answer for if i could completely customize my bedroom to be a sensory haven. step one is i have to live somewhere quiet. little to no street noises, no other people yelling or playing loud music or whatever. step two is a window to the outside (i do not currently have this in my room lol) but also curtains that block out light so i can choose if i want to stare out the window or not (plus a lil seating thing so i could comfortably stare out the window). I’d have either a dimmer or like. fairy lights. anything that would get me like. ambient light lol. a comfy bed with soft sheets/blankets, my stuffed toys. something for Pressure (i guess a weighted blanket but I’ve never used one. i do lay an ankle weight over my forehead a lot tho). uhhh what else. SCENTED CANDLES. gotta have the Smells. comfortable sleep headphones. and then all my stim stuff (chew necklaces, my glitter bottles, fidget cube, etc.)
2. How do you like your blankets (many, none, texture, etc.)?
i like to have One blanket. If i must, I will use two to be warm. It’s mostly bc i find it annoying that they’re two separate things and that they move around and stuff. I dont like comforters but mostly bc i don’t like duvet covers (thats what they’re called right?) for the same reason. comforters always slide around in those things and its just annoying. as for texture i like them very soft. my current blanket that i’ve had for a couple years now is like. the best i’ve ever had. it’s a polartec microfleece or something like that? so soft so good.
12. Is nature sensory heaven or a sensory nightmare for you?
I mean. “nature” is such a broad category. for the most part, it’s sensory heaven. but that’s like. True Nature (empty hiking trails, forests, etc.). beaches are a no but mostly bc i hate the sun. i actually like rocks and sand and water and all that so like. empty, rocky beaches in like. fall? early spring? excellent. Esp lake beaches. i was one of those kids tho that would just go to a less populated part of the park and sit in the grass and touch the trees and plants and be completely entertained and happy all by myself for hours. honestly i could still do that lmao
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(sal)ly face headcanons bc why not
sal actually loves bright/jarring colors, but claims he doesnt look good when wearing them (he does tho, just ask the artists ash and larry)
he loves loves loves space!!! he knows the names of random stars and planets. he doesnt talk about it much bc its hard for him to word it correctly but he just.. FOCUSES on it for HOURS
when people ask him “comics or novels” he literally cannot decide. he’ll read stephen king’s “it” but then a second later he’s reading a fuckin archie comic or garfield comic
he actually loves sci fi films more than horror!
horror movies tend to freak him out because hes more psychologically affected by them (bc of his trauma), so he’d rather avoid that and go with something like sci fi
this is canon but- he loves to paint his nails! one time he painted each nail with the bi flag. it actually took a lot of precision but it was worth it
sal loves small dogs. he also loves rottweilers and chihuahuas bc they look so silly and cute with those big bulging eyes and that waggy tail
he thinks bunnies are AWESOME and one time larry put one on his head and he felt like an angel was above him
“sal how does it feel?” “it feels like… like god has sent her top guardian down to protect my mind…” “from what?” “from negative energy”
it is utter chaos when hes forced to go to school with a cold
poor boy sneezes but he cant take off his prosthetic bc he’ll feel naked af
dont worry tho, ash and larry to the rescue! they take him to larry’s apartment and hide him there and take care of him for a bit before going back to school themselves. they also bring sal any work he misses
sal gets emotional very easily over happy things!
like literally if he thinks abt his friends for one (1) second he’ll start to tear up because he just appreciates them so much
he hates strawberries. they are always too weirdly cold for him and that hurts his teeth and he also just doesn’t like the way they taste
he also stims!!!! he tends to blink a lot and grind his teeth. other stims are more visible ones like flexing his fingers or drumming them on tables, and flapping his hands as well. also kicks his legs a lot
sal loves all animals, this is canon, but like
imagine if he frickin got like.. a snake
larry is SUPER terrified of snakes, he thinks theyre cool from a distance but he hates seeing them
so when sal is like “i got something to show u” larry isnt expecting it and he sees the snake that is very clearly in its container but he just BOLTS
and sal is like “noo… babey snek is nice…”
he… has a weird relationship with bugs like all of us. but he baby talks all of them from time to time
he literally will pick up a centipede and be like “what are you doing here mister?? just crawlin around? how delightful!! i wonder what it’s like to see the world in your eyes… with that many legs…”
sal will obviously wear whatever he wants
but traditionally “masculine” clothes? no thanks. he hates it. thats why he wears dresses to formal stuff. he feels trapped or suffocated if he wears a suit or anything like that
he just prefers really baggy/loose clothing
if given a meal with different portions he’ll eat it one by one
so like… if he has fries and chicken strips. if he starts on the fries, he finishes the fries. he doesn’t switch back and forth
he also loves sweets but only if they’re small
big candy bars? no thank you
also going back to the stim thing- ash stims as well so she and sal share stim toys!!! things like squishies or weighted stuff or spinner rings or chewie jewelery, they’ll share those with each other
okay but one day he’s in art class just goofing off with larry
and larry puts glitter in his own hair as like a joke
but sal is just FASCINATED
because… oh my god… sparkl…………. shinyy…
and so he practically pours the entire tub of glitter on his hair
and he gets in so much trouble for it but he’s like “no miss listen i am a goddess. this is who i am. i am a teen figuring my life out”
and for the rest of the day he doesn’t bother to get any of it out so he walks around the school with a terribly large amount of glitter in his hair
larry cries of laughter whenever he sees him
ash thinks he’s a QUEEN and insists that he comes over and lets her fiddle with his hair and actually make it v pretty and sparkly
so he accepts!!!!!
sal also loves little kids and is super good with them. sometimes kids get scared of his mask, but it’s easy for him to reassure them
when soda is born, sal declares he’s going to be her favorite uncle
and he’s right!
larry’s not jealous though cause yeah, sal is pretty great
and honestly? sal is super protective of soda. he shields her from seeing or hearing any bad things
i also headcanon sal’s voice is a bit like kurt cobain’s- so he kind of sings like him too? but doesn’t scream or anything. his singing voice very soft like kurt’s in the beginning of lithium
sal doesn’t really like to sing though. in front of people, at least
he loves music box versions of songs, they’re just so relaxing and they help him fall asleep a lot of the time
also when he sleeps it’s usually on his back, so gizmo lays on his stomach through the night. sal doesn’t move a lot during his sleep
he has sleepwalked though, to larry’s place
and larry woke up and saw sal (this is after he first saw him without his mask) and he saw him without his glass eye For The First Time
larry TRIES not to wake him up but pretty much fails and sal kind of has a panic attack
he’s like “that- i- i’m sorry- my eye-” and covers it but larry pulls his hand down back to his side and is like “it’s ok you look super cool without it”
prom is honestly one of the best nights of sal’s life
he’s got his hair up in a bun and wears a rainbow-striped t-shirt with a high-waisted black skirt and a long-sleeved black shirt underneath the t-shirt and tall dark leather boots
his nails are painted blue, red, purple, orange to represent him, larry, ash and todd (tho his nails on his thumbs are painted black)
because he secretly loves dancing when no one is around, he just kind of rocks it at prom and his friends are blown away bc… holy shit?? sal fisher can Dance????
but he’s more playful with it
he and larry scream the lyrics to the songs that play
they all end up ditching the prom and going outside to the back of the school and just kinda goof off
larry and ash share a cigarette and todd drives all of them out beyond city limits to an open field
they just kinda lay down in the grass there and stargaze for nearly the entire night
they talk about stupid stuff and serious stuff
honestly sal just goes back to his apartment very later and happy cries
cause again, he gets so emotional over happy stuff
and he loves his friends very much
and no there is no bad ending to this or bad ending that i won’t talk about
they all grow up together and are happy
EDIT: ANOTHER ONE I FORGOT TO ADD... sal LOVES deadpool. hes only into marvel for deadpool. he relates to him bc hey they both have deformed faces (except for dp its his whole body too i think) but ya!!!! he loves wade frickin wilson
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autisbians · 6 years
extensive autistic juno steel headcanons because i love projecting:
-so. one, juno’s autism was definitely... noticeable, when he was a kid. like, according to my hc, he didnt talk for a While, was a little slow to like.. learn things. which is prominent to juno (even in canon) but thats more of a trauma thing and im not goin into THAT mess rn
-ok ben?? was probably the only person juno really talked to bc, when he was rlly young, he hadnt learned how to ‘behave correctly’ w his autism (which i Hate that phrase but juno... thinks like that bc hes a sad lady) and still had a lot of issues w communicating correctly, not stimming in ‘appropriate places’ (which i also Hate but juno... has like internalized anti-autism? idk how to phrase it) and ben was like. the only person who Got It.
-ben didnt laugh at him for saying the wrong thing, his less subtle stimmings (flapping his hands a Lot, rocking, spinning, etc) and juno,, generally felt safe around him. once they met sasha and mick, juno had gotten... a tiny bit better, but he still regularly stimmed w/o realizing, still had trouble communicating, etc. mick made jokes abt it but sasha usually made him cut it out bc she was actually aware that autism was something... juno wasnt comfortable w making jokes abt
-when ben died. well. a lot of things got fucked up? like, juno’s one Really Safe Person was gone. sasha and mick were there, but juno had never allowed himself to just let go a bit in front of them? like he always tried to hold back as best he could in front of anyone but ben, so a.. lot of feelings got repressed! Not Good
-also juno stimmed w ben a lot (playing w his hands, hair, etc) and not having a person to do that w took out a really Effective stim for him?? so!! not good!!!
now. skipping ahead to hcpd times:
-by then, juno had gotten pretty good at determining some social cues (to an extent, at least), controlling his stimming, etc. when he slipped up, it was usually just seen as Oh, There’s Steel Being An Asshole Again, (ex, when he didnt respond to someone, interrupted, said something that wasnt really considered Socially Acceptable). because when juno originally went into the hcpd, he didnt tell them about his autism. i dont know how treatment of autistic ppl is in juno’s time, but i doubt theyd let an autistic person on the force bc allistic ppl are.. Like That
-captain khan eventually finds out bc shit.. goes down and he finds juno while hes having sensory overload, freaking out n stimming, All Over The Place essentially and. juno does have to tell him after. khan keeps his mouth shut abt it to the higher ups tho, bc hes a nice dude and even tho he would never admit it bc he doesnt like juno, really, he does feel bad for him, and kind of feels like he needs to Help sometimes.?
-anyway at that point there are 3 ppl who know juno has autism. sasha, mick, and khan. but!! when he eventually departs from hcpd and goes into private eye work, rita eventually finds out, bc rita is all-knowing and was bound to realize sometime. also she found juno’s few stimtoys (for emergencies, bc juno cant justify using them when hes not having an overload bc again, internalized anti-autism, thanks for that allistic society) and, like, Connects The Dots. she confronts juno abt it (kind of? more like she just asks bc like, it’s her right to know!! she’s workin for the lady!!). and juno,,, freaks out a bit?? more like 1 he’s embarrassed and 2 worried that rita’s gonna leave, but rita is supportive as HELL bc rita is a goddamn ANGEL
but also: rita is totally comfortable w juno stimming so like,, cut to juno AGGRESSIVELY CHEWING while working a case lmao
okay im gonna skip past a Lot, but. peter does notice juno’s autistic tendencies, because unlike mick, peter knows about this kind of thing, but he never really takes note of it because juno never says anything about it. even during final resting place, juno doesnt say anything bc hes internalized and repressed so fucking much, and he just assumes that if peter finds out, that’ll be it, peter will leave. because thats how juno thinks, partially bc of autism partially bc of trauma. so peter assumes that juno would have told him, so he dismisses the few symptoms he had picked up on as just weird juno things
but. skipping past a lot, cut to after the jupeter reunion. i think we all know the major hcs, but its to the point where they have the ‘juno is still a pi and stays on hyperion city, peter keeps on being a thief but always returns to juno, and juno comes w him sometimes’ arrangement. peter still doesnt know about juno’s autism bc juno is still.. worried. also, thanks to said autism, he doesnt really realize that he should have told peter by now?
but. peter runs into mick bc come on its gotta happen eventually; lets say its at a bar, or smth, juno is at his apartment
peter and mick talk for a while. peters mostly just amused at juno’s childhood (the good parts, at least, which is what mick tells). and then, bc mick is a Useless Straight, he slips up and mentions juno’s autism! also he assumed peter knew, but like. theyre just talking and mick comes across the How Mick Didn’t Know A Single Fucking Thing About Autism section w how he kept Touching Juno and Doing Overload-Inducing Things To Juno and like, other bad things w autism, but, before he gets to too much of it he just carelessly says smth like “-cause of juno’ autism, y’know-“ and peter is just like. W H A T D I D Y O U J U S T S A Y. mick is like. oh oops! shit!
mick feels like absolute SHIT but peter??? hes just REALLY WORRIED
and thats the story folks. i have discussed the aftermath with Many People so,,, uh hmu if u wanna discuss i am ALWAYS OPEN!!!!
also im autistic so like ;)) im not being ableist like a lot of the other ppl who make these kinds of hcs. anyway!! hmu Also @ sophie and kevin Make Juno Autistic Please I’ll Owe You Forever (but dont make him a stereotype or i’ll die ON THE SPOT)
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Psst... You should talk some abt your ocs if you want. I wanna know random facts about them.
hi anon!! i’ve been working on some world building for my ocs so i hope you don’t mind me dropping that in as well- im putting it under a read more bc i wrote a LOT-
also, i kept accidentally deleting this so i’ve had to rewrite this multiple times :’) but it’s fine, i like infodumping-
heres a link to my og post about them! https://enbees-and-lavendar.tumblr.com/post/642206592824213504/holds-up-these-ocs-hello-and-welcome-to-a-new
so, there’s 3 kingdoms, all w/different morals & ideas:
The Kingdom of Preocupat: their whole moral system is “as long as you don’t damage property you can go wild.” unsurprisingly, they have a lot of crime here-
The Kingdom of Cordeno: upholds kindness & respect, try their hardest to remain “pure” in the eyes of their deities (who im still working on-)
The Kingdom of Tenbrarum: ok yeah, this kingdom is barely a kingdom- the people call for anarchy & the royalty try to get them to stop
 these kingdoms are all in a conflict: Cordeno wants everyone to just chill & not have any death, Tenbrarum is trying to basically kill off all of their citizens in hopes of starting anew & Preocupat is helping both sides out, not really caring about their placement in it all.
 so its chaos in this realm- but there are groups from each kingdom gathering, trying to help the conflict to the best of their abilities.
 the ocs i posted about? they might be a group, but they definitely aren’t trying to help the conflict anytime soon- they might have incredibly powerful people in the group (which i’ll talk about soon!) but they would rather help out random travelers & small taverns in the woods than help the kingdoms
 they’re just a group of people who do the side quests of this realm-
 Aeolanyira (she/her):
 w/all that story stuff out the way, lemme talk about the gang! (also, they all either have ADHD or are autistic, this is mostly bc I self projected onto all of them so- im mentioning this bc im gonna talk about their favorite stims)
she’s dating Moonweb
a funky lil musician who travels around the realm, uncaring of consequences
she didn’t have a family, so she’s traveled around for as long as she can remember
she often makes pit stops at taverns to perform, & her music enchants anyone who listens to it
basically, when she sings, she has the power to control the elements & keep people/enemies drawn to her
she doesn’t really have that much control over these powers, (she has accidentally set a tavern on fire once) the most she knows now is when to stop singing
despite her not caring about consequences, she is rather wary of how her actions affect others, bc she’s seen the best & worst of people & she’d hate to be someone that caused hurt
she smells like cinnamon!
 Moonweb (she/he/they):
fav. stims: F L A P P Y  H A N D S. also, humming/talking to herself!
she’s dating Aeolanyira
a half elf, half demon who lives among the mortals to help do jobs for his father
although they never knew her mother, his father is actually very caring (for a demon lord) & usually sends them around so he can teach her various lessons
they actually met Aeolanyira in a tavern & decided to follow her around to see what she does on her journeys
he actually doesn’t have many powers apart from being able to fly & having heightened senses-
she prefers flying around, but ever since they’ve joined the gang he tries to walk more often so she can hold Aeolanyira’s hand 🥺
they tend to present themself as very kind, but if she doesn’t care about you then you’ll end up being a pawn in his game-
his scarf is the only remnant they have of her mother
fav. stims: flapping their wings around despite not flying & smelling cinnamon bc it’s a nice smell & reminds her of Aeolanyira
he’s dating Orsal
Whiskey (he/him):
an orc from the kingdom of Cordeno who follows the messages of his Goddess
he has a ton of siblings. his parents taught them all the messages of their Goddess. he ended up leaving bc the family started putting too much pressure on his shoulders
while travelling around, he ran into Aeolanyira & Moonweb, who were stuck in a ditch somehow?? he helped them & decided to stick around bc they looked like they could use some help
he doesn’t have powers on his own, however he’s pretty damn good w/a sword & can ask his Goddess for help
when asking his Goddess for help, he has the power to just slash the crap out of everyone (this technically goes against his morals, but he’ll do anything to help his friends)
due to his upbringing, he tries to keep kindness & peace first, but the gang definitely can make that hard-
his armor piece was a gift from 1 of his favorite sisters
fav. stims: tapping his foot & clinking his sword against stuff bc he likes the noises :D
he’s dating Whiskey
Orsal (he/him):
a powerful demon lord who was sent up to the mortals’ realm to basically babysit his friend’s child (Moonweb-)
he doesn’t have family, he was born out of the mortals’ rage
he honestly was just stumbling around the realm until he bumped into Moonweb, who was hanging out w/Aeolanyira & Whiskey in a tree-
he basically just gets his powers from people’s rage. someone’s intensely upset? Orsal gains power from that, using it whenever he can
when using people’s rage, he grows bigger & stronger. he can grow up to 15 feet & tends to stay at this size after battles
he has very similar morals to Moonweb: he uses people to his own benefit, but he doesn’t try to hide it like Moonweb. he’s very soft & protective of those he cares about tho (the gang 🥺🥺)
his eyes change color! when using his powers, his eyes go black & red, but outside of that his eyes are blue & green
fav. stims: destroying things & touching the others (not in a weird way- it’s more like him playing w/or stroking the other’s hair & wings)
currently single, but she has a secret admirer 👀
Zanna (she/her):
a powerful witch who lives in a cottage just outside the outskirts of Tenbrarum
her family’s dead- she’s alive bc she cast a successful spell that keeps her alive longer
the rest of the gang met her when they were on the run from Tenbrarum forces- she kinda just opened her door for them & was so amused by them that she joined their little journey
she’s a jack of all trades who’s basically learned all types of magic- she does grow tired when she does too much magic of any kind, so she doesn’t pop off as much as she could  
she specializes in healing & defensive magic, but she’s definitely very good at offensive magic
she’s been alive for so long that she’s basically grown desensitized to everything. she’s seen it all & she’s not gonna try to change anything anytime soon. the only things she cares about is the gang, so F in the chat for anyone who messes w/them-
bc her sleeves are really long, her hands rarely show. it’s become a joke w/in the gang that if her hands show, she means business
fav. stims: fidgeting w/her sleeves & doing flashy magic to watch the colors change :D
currently single, but crypt’s pining hard for Zanna 👀👀
Enador (crypt/cryptself):
a vampire who became the “familiar” of Zanna & is her personal bodyguard (tho not really since we all know Zanna can handle herself)
crypt’s family disowned crypt bc crypt showed way too much interest in other species- 
crypt hid crypt’s human form from the gang for a while- 1 night crypt just chose to shift & the gang was like “ZANNA YOUR BAT’S TURNED INTO A HUMAN” & Zanna was like “lmao i know”
crypt is honestly just a normal vampire- besides being able to stand in the sun & having crypt’s animal features pop up, not much is different
the most impressive thing about crypt is crypt can just transform in the blink of an eye- crypt just spreads crypt’s wings out & suddenly there’s a bat there
crypt’s been alive just as long as Zanna, however the 2 have very different morals- crypt just has SO much pent up rage, so crypt’s morals are basically “if you inconvenience me or my friends even just a little bit, i will choose violence & not hold back”
crypt has claws- i can’t tell you how many times crypt has accidentally scratched someone in the gang & had to apologize immensely
fav. stims: rocking back & forth & lightly chewing on crypt’s skin (Zanna didn’t know about it until later & that’s when she gave crypt a bunch of random things to chew on in the meantime)
...sorry for how long that infodump was- but i love them a lot & i might post fics about them! (that is, if i have the time & people like them-)
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musashi · 7 years
here’s my I Choose You thoughts dumped into a text post. i’m not a profesh movie reviewer. spoilers below.
i don’t understand the hate this movie got. ok, i mean, i do--it was mostly entitled genwunners and older fans who think they’re the only target audience--but i so heavily disagree with denouncing a whole story just because you’re upset at the absence of two characters. i’ve always said “if you have the opportunity to tell a story twice, why would you tell it the exact same way each time?” and i stand by that.
the movie itself was nothing life-changing--it was a pokemon movie, and those have been pretty dull since AG (with the exception of the keldeo movie, which i was quite fond of!) that being said, i personally loved this movie more than any one i’ve seen SINCE i was a kid in ‘99. i mean, i’ll state it’s issues up-front--the pacing was weird, the plot kinda lulled, and there were a lot of points that didn’t make much sense or i feel really coulda used some elaboration. but when i say that’s all, i mean it. those flaws weren’t even things i noticed until i had time to reflect.
but beyond that? god, where do i begin.
obvious elephant in the room, of course--i watched this movie dubbed, and y’all KNOW how i feel about the dub. i have enough hate in my heart for the TPCI dub to fill a goddamn water tower. thats being said... this might be the first time in my life where the fact that i was watching pokemon dubbed was not on my mind. i wasn’t constantly thinking about how much better a scene probably was in japanese. i wasn’t thinking about how the original score was replaced. i probably will have these thoughts when i DO watch it in japanese, but they weren’t lingering and intrusive like how they are when i watch older episodes of the anime i haven’t seen in japanese.
this might be the best TPCI has ever been. i genuinely loved every voice with the ALWAYS exception of carter cathcart. sarah natochenny fucking KNOCKED it out of the park. i’ve never preferred her satoshi to taylor’s and definitely not to rica’s, but i found myself literally turning on that opinion this time? which is a sentence i cannot feasibly believe i am typing. my biggest problem with natochenny is how it always sounds like she’s holding back from full potential, which is something SO unsuited to satoshi himself--but there was a moment during the spearow scene where her voice kinda broke into a full-on almost roar and it was only like 2 words but something in my heart awakened. i so badly want her to tap into that in the future--if she did that all the time, she’d be the best dub voice in the show. bar none.
going into it, i was SO expecting the same with with makoto and souji as with all movie characters--i would be unattached to them and then immediately forget they ever existed. but i’m not going to lie, i really loved them and their voice actors. they’re nothing i could write paragraphs upon paragraphs about, but that’s kind of okay--this movie is about satoshi and pikachu, and i feel that giving them too much attention might distract from those two and their struggles.
that being said, they might have had two of my favourite scenes in the movie? that moment where makoto is looking through her phone at all her selfies and laughing and lingers on one of her less-than-awesome mom, only to look up from her phone and see SUICUNE staring her dead in the eyes, fog surrounding it, the pond gently rippling below its feet... and the lack of dialogue in that scene but the weight that it carried, i don’t know man. that really, REALLY stuck with me.
souji’s flashback is more complicated, because i did NOT want it, but damn if it wasn’t effective. i don’t think i’ve ever seen the pokemon anime be that BLUNT with death. and the VOICE ACTING that followed?! that was some lion king bullshit, tbh. it was powerful and i felt just as fucking traumatized as souji probably was when it happened to him. but i also have like 17 iterations of animal death on my blacklist, so that might have something to do with it ^^;
a lot of people are pissed off or not into one scene in particular: pikachu speaking like a human to satoshi. whether it be just conceptually, or because they’re not fond of the voice chosen for pikachu. i personally LOVED it. to the latter one i would say... in defense of the dub, (can’t believe i just typed that jesus who am i) consider how tall an order they had. not only does ikue ohtani have a very distinct voice (the kind i have tried and failed to perfect my impression of for years to no avail) but the lip flaps in that scene were super hard to match. changing the “itsumo/itsudemo” to “it’s because...” was honestly probably the best they could do without breaking the impact of the scene more.
to the former? i think it’s fine. it has always, always been canon that when a trainer and a pokemon bond enough, there ARE words between them. not spoken, tangible words, but a clear understanding beyond just feelings and impulses. if you watch the show with that knowledge, you’ll definitely notice it! trainers having small conversations with their pokemon, where they’ll ask a question and get pokespeak in response and nod knowingly, continuing on. i viewed that scene as solely satoshi’s perspective--that was the real climax, the height of his and pikachu’s bond, where he was able to hear pikachu’s voice clearly as the pokemon told him that he loved him and never wanted to be without him.
the reception to the rocket trio seems pretty mixed too. personally i loved their little cameos--they were so, SO unnecessary but that just makes me love them more. how unnecessary they were in that movie added an extra layer of humour to them, for me. i was constantly like WHY ARE YOU HERE I HATE YOU THREE in the loving way that i usually am, like a doting mother. i don’t think they coulda offered much to this plot without it being awkward, tbh. for what they were, i enjoyed them. best line goes to musashi-- “well I’M here, so where’s entei?!” if TPCI makes them say any variation on the phrase ‘pick us a primo pokemon’ again tho i’ll fucking drive to bellevue myself and fight them with my own fists.
god, what else can i say. the movie was nice. i enjoyed the slow pacing of it--i felt the journey and it didn’t seem forced or rush to me, just nice and cozy and domestic. i LOVED the whole sequence of satoshi living in our world and how bleak and depressing it was compared to the one he belongs in--a lot of people took that as a slap in the face, but as someone who’s fictionkin, it resonated with me more than anything i’ve ever seen in pokemon, probably. they captured the feeling. they captured the feeling of being homesick for a world much greater than your own and feeling powerless to go back. i need to let everyone who isn’t Like Me know--that is exactly how it feels, and i felt so like... validated in seeing it.
anyways....... it was good. delia was best character. fucking SAVAGE “you’re just like your father!” my GOD. cross was A Villain and kinda bland but he kept up the cool trend of trainers in this movie using pokemon from their home regions, which i thought was awesome. that i could look at him and know he was alola native, i mean!
i just feel really lucky to be able to say that i saw a new pokemon movie in 2017 with my friends, and the entire time i couldnt stop stimming in my chair, it was wild. i was just rocking excitedly and trying to calm down and literally didn’t stop until the screen shut off.
best scene in the whole movie?
wobbuffet’s cameo, obviously.
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spartalabouche · 7 years
(all for both skylar and kitty, or whichever you prefer to answer it for) 1-3, 5-12, 14-19, 21-26,28-38,40,42-50
OK i did ALL OF IT
1.What is your OC’s favorite color?
kitty likes red skylar likes purple
2.Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?
kitty collects rocks! skylar collects Literally Anything given to him hes a bit of a hoarder but only when it comes to gifts. he cant bring himself to get rid of anything given to him
3.What kind of things is your OC allergic to?
kitty is mildly allergic to oranges. skylar isnt allergic to anything
5 already answered
6.What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite?
skylar loves any and all cats (including kitty(;3)) but tigers are his favourite. kitty likes bears
7.What element would your OC be?
skylar would be. water i think? i think kitty would be earth? but idk.
8.What is your OC’s theme song? 
idk lmao i dont do theme songs 
9.Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC?
been meaning to find some but i havent yet. i should get on that
10.What deadly sin would best represent your OC?
skylar i think would be envy. kitty maybe..wrath? i dont think that fits too much but its the best out of the seven.
11.What are your OC’s hobbies?
skylar likes to sew, kitty likes to cook
12.How patient is your OC? How hot-headed are they?
skylar is very patient. but maybe a little past patient to being just kind of a pushover. but he is very patient. kitty is a little less patient but i wouldnt say shes hot headed? shes a little irritable the days around the full moon but other than that shes pretty ok
15. If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?
kitty would like a lizard! she just thinks theyre cool. skylar wants a cat. 
16.What does your OC smell like? 
skylar smells like... warm. like warmth has a smell and thats what he smells like. kitty smells like fruit shampoo
17.How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job?
theyre both highschoolers n dont have jobs but skylar wants to be a nurse. kitty isnt sure what she wants to do n thinking about it scares her a lil
18.What are your OC’s greatest fears? Weaknesses? Strengths?
skylar is terrified of being alone, its the reason he was in his situation before he met kitty in the first place. he will do anything for you if he thinks you will leave him if he doesnt obey.
kitty is terrified of hurting the people close to her, mostly after when she attacked skylar bc of the blood moon bs. after a few more moons they figured out what the deal was but shes still afraid that something could happen and she could attack someone again without warning. before that.. im not sure? i havent thought much about that
19.What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?
skylar likes sufjan stevens n things similar, kitty likes the ready set n things similar
21 already answered
22.What kind of student were they/would they be in high school?
when hes with the right people skylar is a vry good student but before he met kitty he was in the principals office a lot and his grades dropped bc he was so exhausted emotionally from being w the ppl he was friends with and it took a toll on his mental health and his ability to focus and slash or care about school.
kitty is a good student in the classes that can keep her attention (usually science and history) but she has a real tough time if shes not Really Interested in whatever shes supposed to be learning, it just doesnt stick with her well. attitude wise tho shes a good student. she doesnt get into trouble unless the trouble finds her first and then shes too stubborn to back down lol
23.What is a random fact about your OC? 
...........i cant think of a random fact that isnt already mentioned lmao
24.What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?
skylar is pretty depressed and negative about His life but very positive abt others? if that makes sense? he thinks everyone has a reason to live and deserves to live. kitty is p much the same but shes not depressed rlly. shes pretty positive all around. 
25.What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?
WELL. a looong while back i wrote a vent fic about dave like getting the shit beat out oif him or whatever. and skylar was one of the bg characters. he was very remorseful but didnt do anything to help dave or apologize and was just like.. in the bg for no reason? but then i was like i kinda....wanna do more with this guy. so i kinda like made an alternate ending to what i had where skylar helped dave after instead of leavin him where he was. and then i got attached lmfao.
kitty was made specifically for skylar! for a long while i thought skylar would always be like. a stand alone character it just felt rlly weird giving him a second Permenant character that wasnt terrible for him and then one day i was like WELL.....what if.......this Girl and then kitty was created
26.Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why?
skylar and kitty are each others Most Important Person. kitty brought skylar out of a dark place and skylar is kittys rock when she gets overwhelmed or breaks down. theyre good for each other. best friends.
there is not a single person however that is not important to skylar he cares abt everyones opinions all the time. kitty tho.. theres someone but im not sure?? who exactly? havent gotten into that or anything.
28 answered
29.If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
man idk. skylar is too scared of death to think about it and kitty just doesnt thing much abt it
30.Do they want to get married? Why or why not? Would they ever want kids? Do they have kids? Why?
kitty would like to get married, shes indifferent about kids. skylar would like to get married and have at least one child !
31.What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory?
most traumatic.. for skylar probably . being kind of forced to hurt people?? not necessarily forced by other ppl but forced by himself ofc. but it was still traumatic. 
kitty... im not sure. she hasnt really had any traumatic experiences so aside from attacking skylar which she could only remember bits and pieces of anyway idk !
33.Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? 
kitty could kill someone accidentally during a blood moon or if she was pushed too far in a non blood moon Wolf time she could probably kill someone but she definitely wouldnt mean to if she was coherent. shes a little more irritable during wolf times (i think i already mentioned that in this or the other one but) and if she gets too angry the wolf in her comes out a little more and she gets violent. shell only mean to maim but miiight go a little too far. hasnt happened yet though and she is determined to be sure it never happens.
skylar however. after like a year of hurting people hes sort of. learnt to dissociate in the process of it to cope. so if he was also pushed far enough, but like, thatd take more than wolfy kitty. like to the point of his family (including kitty) being seriously hurt or threatened seriously he could sorta. snap and have at it. and he could accidentally kill them. really unlikely though.
34.What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
skylar tends to avoid social groups for long periods of time and if he is w a social group hes pretty quiet and will mostly just talk to kitty between her conversations with other people. uhh id go a little more in depth about how kitty interacts with people but i.. do not go to social groups and interact enough to see how an extrovert.. would interact with other people. at least i dont kno enough abt how theyd interact to be decisive abt it. sorry lol
35.How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
skylar is def worried most of the time. he overthinks things especially when asked to do something, like hell overthink whether or not he did whatever thing correctly and overthink every little detail he worries a lot.
kitty likes to day dream! she likes to talk to skylar about her daydreams a lot n shell be able to go on for like an hour about whatever shes thinking about and skylar just likes to listen to her and she doesnt need him to participate a super lot just like. Listening makes her happy. shes got a lotta thoughts all the time
36.What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
skylar wants Approval and praise. not like in a selfish way like i did this thing for u so i Deserve your praise and affection for it or whatever but just. its a dpd thing. he Needs it
kitty is... difficult. i really dont have her wants slash needs as fleshed out as skylars which is bad of me :\ i need to get on that.
37.What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do?
well kitty stims she likes to flap her hands and stuff but i think thats still pretty common. idk if skylar really does anything that other people dont do?? shrugs
38.What would your character do with a million dollars?
skylar would probably save it lol. kitty would impulse buy a shit ton of things at once until skylar was like wAIAt WHAT ARE U DOING and make her Calm Down
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42.Does your character have any scars? Where did they get them from? 
skylar has scars on his cheeks, back of his arms, his shoulderish area and on his chest from kitty attacking him.
43.What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said?
skylars probably accidentally said a bunch of offensive shit being a Straight Cis White Boy but idk specifics man. kitty always corrects him tho and he does better hes tryin
44 answered
45.If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza?
skylar probably doesnt mind pineapple pizza? its not his favourite but hed be fine with it but kitty thinks pineapple pizza is the most Disgustng thing on earth. she would rather Die. 
46.Your character is given a voodoo doll of themself. What do they do with it? Do they see if it actually works?
kitty would probably curiously mess with it a little but skylar would be too paranoid to touch it lol
47.Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle?
kitty likes to draw furries because she is an Actual Living Furry but skylar doesnt draw much more than like. ur average bored doodling.
48.What were their parents like? How has that affected how they are as an adult?
well theyre both still teenagers but kittys parents have always been very supportive of her. they kno shes bisexual and she hasnt brought up bein partially nonbinary just because she doesnt want to yet and theres nothing they Need to know about that yet but theyd be supportive of that too. shes got really good parents
skylars dad was not a very good person, not like physically abusive or anything but he was a toxic person and he is no longer in skylars life. his mom however! is a very nice person. shes rlly patient with skylar nd was especially when he was in that rlly bad place and was getting into trouble a lot. she knew there was something going on
49.Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush?
skylar likes chocolate and kitty likes.. like all candy. i dont think sugar rushes are.. a real thing??? lmao but itd just be kitty when shes excited. skylar doesnt get sugar rushes
50.If your character was presented with imminent and unavoidable death/fatality, how would they react? Would they try to avoid death anyways? Would they try to make their last days count?
skylar is pretty afraid of death but i dont think hed try to fight it. hed probably isolate himself from anyone that wasnt his mom or kitty
kitty would probably kind of just hide it like not tell anyone if it was possible. shes like. the moderate amount of afraid of death n i think if there were ways she could try to avoid it that would at least Extend her time a little she would definitely do that as much as possible but if she knows there wont be much she can do she wont waste too much time with it. shed just make the time she has count
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