#its like advanced mold basically
weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 3
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Gene -
"Has a special interest in film and almost works himself to death because he doesn't think his film is as perfect as he wants it to be. He completely botches a project on purpose, an action blockbuster, because he felt like it wasn't respecting the thing he loves the most."
Kei -
"It was the scene in which Makoto and Nao discover that he was able to stuff so many wild plants into his bookbag bc there was literally nothing in it that sold it for me. I can't put it into words. I just see that and I know. I know that boy is autistic."
Arthur -
"His powers are literally fueled by his special interest in knights and chivalry."
Euini -
"I relate a lot to his social anxiety, especially his performance anxiety that occurs when he's being watched by people, particularly due to his stress at needing to follow the plan/do things the "proper" way in order to not feel like he's a failure. he also stands like a lil autistic kid and i appreciate him so much for that.
(LIGHT SPOILERS) basically, he has a test that he needs to take in order to advance as a witch, and he keeps failing it because he cant perform properly while being watched by other people, even though he knows the "right" spells to use and why he's supposed to use them. on his third attempt of the test, he's prepared a "script" to use so that he can follow it and not worry about failing in the moment (in this case, his script is a hand-written book of the proper spells to use and the order in which he's supposed to use them), but when a part of the exam changes, he's no longer able to follow his script. because he's been taught all his life that there's only one proper way of doing things, his way of thinking is very rigid and he's not able to deviate from his plan without panicking. luckily, one of his fellow examinees (richeh from the autistic anime girls poll 💕) is able to convince him to try and change the way that he does things to something that is more attuned to his personal needs- basically change the way that he casts his spells and which spells to use so that he doesn't need to struggle with doing things in the way that everyone says that he should; the way that he cant seem to manage. but, even before richeh helped him with that though, he was still finding way to modify the "proper" spells a little bit to better suit his weaknesses. he was trying so hard to fit in to the mold that witch society gave him, but it just wasnt right for him and he was making it work however he could."
Westar -
"something something Westar's entire character is an anomaly amongst the other denizens of Labyrinth in that he's a big goofball in a world where everything is dictated to the extreme by its ruler. if that's not an autism metaphor of some kind I don't know what is."
Sousuke -
"Sousuke Sagara is an ex-child soldier turned teenage special ops who has to go undercover at a high school to discreetly bodyguard another student. The only problem is that he has no IDEA how to act like a "normal" teenager. Sure, you can say that a lot of his mannerisms come from the whole "raised as a child soldier" thing which, fair, you could make a decent case for (C)PTSD. However, he's also extremely serious and has notorious flat affect and does not understand when other people are joking at all. He's incredibly literal; there's several scenes where he misinterprets what someone says, like the time he asked the art teacher what a model was supposed to do and got a rambling flowery metaphorical response about "becoming one with nature" so he ran off to hide in the woods. Another thing, his social skills are… lackluster at best. He's very blunt, and also a terrible liar for an undercover agent, when the student in question confronted him his strategy was to repeat the same phrase over and over again. One time he's challenged to see if he can pick up any girls, and after a brief misunderstanding his "improved" flirting tactic was to jump in front of them and say "Hi! Would you like to know the names of defense agency spies?" Speaking of, Sousuke has an obvious special interest in the military tech and giant robots he works with. He reads their magazines for fun and was able to rattle off the specs for a model Russian tank. The first time he actually looks happy is when he accidentally starts infodumping in front of the class while introducing himself. One time he got distracted on a mission (and need I remind you, Sousuke takes his job VERY seriously) because he found someone who was also interested in the giant robots and got into a full-on conversation with them and completely forgot what he was doing. It is IMPOSSIBLE to read this boy as allistic. And sure, he might be a little stiff, but he's also very caring in his own awkward way. One time he gave a girl flowers as an apology gift…because they were poppies and he told the girl she could get rich by selling opium on the black market. The "picking up girls" challenge mentioned earlier ended with him helping a grandmother pick out a toy for her grandson. He agreed to pretend to be someone's boyfriend for a day (it went exactly how you'd expect, but it's the thought that counts). In conclusion: stan Sousuke Sagara. and vote for him too."
Katsuhira -
"His entire thing over the course of the entire show is that he doesn't feel pain or emotions like other people. He isn't 'interested in himself' or other people (low empathy) and doesn't realize that the things that happen to/because of him do effect other people, he doesn't realize when people have a crush on him or want to be friends, and all of this is stuff he kinda comes to realize as the show progresses. He struggles to care for himself physically because of the lack of physical and emotional input he experiences, and his friends canonically often cook for him and have to remind him to eat, and is a bit picky about what he eats. He cannot read social cues to save his life and is very blunt and honest when communicating with others, and doesn't talk with much tone or emotion in his voice."
John -
"Is very loud and passionate and says everything he thinks out loud, not understanding why others may see that as weird. Has difficulty controlling his volume, so he's almost always shouting."
Yuuri -
"So he models his entire life around the first celebrity he gets a crush on. He's takes up that celebrity's hobby, he gets the same kind of dog that his crush has, and he definitely has his bedroom wallpaper with his crush's face. But then, he actually meets his crush. And his crush likes him back. Naturally he panics over this and proceeds to deny it for months until his crush straight up kisses him. Then like a day later, he just, buys a ring and proposed to his crush on the spot. He's the guy ever. He's so socially awkward, yet somehow still incredibly cocky."
Yoshimori -
"Baking special interest but does Not Get math my beloved."
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shakingparadigm · 1 month
idk if your still busy so obviously finish what your doing before doing anything else but do you know how hyuna's prosthetic latches together?? I think theres like a knee-latch on her prosthetic that's a bit father down than her other leg but theres so much going of its hard to tell whats going in that area
Honestly I'm not sure how the mechanics of it would work, especially since there's got to be some weird alien technology or structure at play there. It's pretty different from what a prosthetic leg is like in real life, so it's tricky to make assumptions based on that, too.
There's some stuff I noticed about Hyuna's leg across the various official arts, though. Mostly the fact that it's inconsistent, and I kind of see a reason for it. Please forgive me as I go on a bit of a ramble.
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In her original performance outfit the prosthetic is structured almost like it's just a normal leg molded out of metal. It's a lot more solid and is dark in color, almost black. It also seems as if it goes up to just her knee? Maybe it still goes up to her thigh and she just ripped her pants until the knee for better/unobstructed joint movement. It joins at the ball of her knee and seems to be composed of quite a few different parts, somewhat complicated.
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In All-In, Hyuna's prosthetic is still mostly of average leg shape. The most notable difference is that the leg includes hollow spaces, most likely thinner parts assembled together as opposed to one solid leg. It's also a different, lighter color. We can infer from this image that her leg is until her upper thigh.
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And then we have the latest one. Hyuna's leg in All-In seems to be until her upper thigh, but this image makes it seem as if it goes much higher than that (although it's most likely an artistic choice. maybe I shouldn't look into it too much. I've learned my lesson 😭). But it's interesting how this leg is the most unique, solid and without hollow spaces, but considerably thinner, more simple.
There's also the fact that you mentioned, the latch being farther down in comparison to her actual knee. It's different from her previous prosthetic legs which seem to join at the knee exactly and are much more similar to that of normal leg anatomy. For this prosthetic, her leg doesn't actually latch at the knee, it latches just a bit below it. The prosthetic knee may look a little lower, but it's just the way she's angled, left leg facing left and right leg facing forward.
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Maybe I'm overexplaining something that's already obvious/basic knowledge, my bad. Also I'm no scientist, so I could be wrong.
Anyway, the fact that Hyuna's leg changes quite a bit is interesting. It could be a design shift from the earlier production of ALNST to the finalized version, but I personally like to think that Hyuna's leg changes because she replaces it sometimes. Her lifestyle calls for a lot of action, and while her body can heal itself overtime, her prosthetic leg is prone to wearing and breaking apart.
This is how I see it (just a theory/maybe headcanon):
The leg she has in her performance outfit is one supplied to her by the aliens, which is why it looks much more sturdy, more like a true human leg. They're very advanced, so they'd know exactly how to make one that best suits her. Once Hyuna escapes to the rebellion, she doesn't have access to that kind of material anymore, nor does she know how replicate it. So instead she gets creative, taking scraps of metal and joining them together to make another leg, which is why it looks considerably lighter and less complicated. Whenever her leg breaks, she (or someone from the rebellion) creates a new leg from the material they can find, which is why her legs become progressively more simple and less conventionally "leg-like" . It's no problem to her though, and she's very proud of it.
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iridescentscarecrow · 7 months
hi i'm the op of that post (stackslip) PLEASE elaborate on chainsaw man's metanarrative
hi! um. you've given me free reign, i hope you know what you're doing. anyway: fair warning in advance that this is based entirely on how i like to interpret and think of the csm story and doesn't necessarily hold true, partly because of the level of abstraction that i'm operating at here. i'm normal and i like metanarratives a normal amount. this might be a little long. but.
um. thinking about how protagonism in CSM is inflicted on denji by the author insert that is makima. i've brought up the Icon of chainsaw man before in my part 2 analyses but basically:
the Chainsaw Man is the role that denji occupies in the story, right? it's the title of the manga. it's what the public Sees him as. it's what makima quite literally produces. the relationship between denji and the chainsaw man in both aspiration and idealisation forms a major stem of both part 1 and part 2's narrative.
this production occurs on two levels: (1) what Chainsaw Man is, and should be, and (2) how denji is developed as a protagonist by makima.
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"you don't get him at all." chainsaw man is her blorbie (i think i'm funny). the point is that the Presentation of chainsaw man, the one that the audience is initially set up to expect, is almost entirely synonymous with makima's version of the CSM that we get later. i think a lot about how part one borrows from, amplifies, and later subverts shounen tropes. the CSM as an idea persists in how it's discordant from denji's normality in part 2 but part 1's direction in how denji voluntarily inhabits the chainsaw is what i'm pointing at here. (there's a lot to be said about how denji's idealisation as tied to the icon of the CSM is intertwined with his wants but that's not relevant in this meta except in the minutiae of his adherence / resistance to this role.)
the thing is that makima is instrumental in pushing this role onto denji. she sees chainsaw man, he is chainsaw man. it's (and i sound insane here but please hold on, i beg) like writing.
i think her addressing him in the last battle scene, the "i'll kill you personally" is indicative of her finally divorcing denji from the chainsaw; forming The Chainsaw Man in full, while still obviously curating the denji that would support this formation throughout the story.
a small side here but: "but she never even saw me once, even from the start." // fujimoto's writing actively utilises characters towards the end goal of shaping the protagonist. this struggle here is one between a character and an author.
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now continuing; the way that makima provides for and then systematically removes these initial connections simulates traditional story structures with its setup, its confrontation and resolution. her excellence as an antagonist rests upon her identity as a narrative device which develops the protagonist and pushes him through this structure. the conflicts and the loss that a protagonist usually naturally (at least in-world) goes through in a story are instead all artificially created by makima.
"how could i make you so hurt that you'd no longer be capable of living a normal life?" // her molding of denji isn't just passive emotional manipulation, it's active writing. she herself is aware of the tropes and the character relationships that are being built up, that are being subverted. she herself embodies, espouses and resolves the themes of multiple arcs (thinking of the end of the bomb devil and the darkness devil arc here / thinking of how she draws the shutters on ignorance and on wanting).
there's a lot i try to extrapolate from her commentary on movies during her date with denji especially in context with the story simulation that she herself is doing throughout the manga. i find it interesting how the ending to the movie date or the "good" movie founds itself on shared feeling: denji sees makima cry at the same movie as he does.
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"the drinks yesterday were delicious." // you talked about her goals already in your post but makima's search for real intimacy (and equality in a relationship) coincides with denji's one. to me, it comes off as a writer trying to find a mirror of understanding in their own creation. the way she visualises the CSM (as "chaos" to her order) reveals a relationship quite like the flawed connection that one has with characters one makes: and this relationship is what denji (the 'stage' of this process) responds to so emphatically: "she wasn't looking at me this whoole time."
so, yeah; CSM to me operates at two levels: the one with the deeply human character relationships that construct the story and another layer where fiction and ideation mesh. it's important to note that this is something fjmt quite likes doing in his other work: using characters to specifically engage with the telling of his stories or exploring his characters' nuanced reactions to fiction and its weight.
thinking of makima as the 'Author' is misleading, though, and it ignores the fact that makima is both a device deployed by the actual author and in-world by the structure that are the higher ups. she is the control devil; she controls the scaffoldings of the story but she in herself is an agent of the author, of the narrative, of the aforementioned higher ups.
i don't know. is an artist ever truly original in their art? do they not operate within a greater structure, borrowing from and being regulated by it and its interpretation of their work? are makima's plans not ultimately upset by her creation?
denji materialises as a character from multiple active sources instead of the unitary source that makima believes herself to be. he's a passive character and yet he refuses to be a stable creation (psst. it's that universal tussle between the living art and the artist -- something fjmt's already tackled in his oneshots).
i don't know (2). this interpretation's been simmering in my head for a while, but i wasn't very Sure about it. but hm. this writeup primarily bases itself off part one (since it's well. complete) but image and image production specifically coming into fruition as a theme in part two makes me feel increasingly confident in this interpretation. it's strange how it somehow all ties back into storytelling.
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Smoke and Mirrors 1
A BG3 AU, fluff and tension with Professor Dekarios, Paramedic Halsin, and you as the injured TA
HAPPY BDAY @general-dweebous
“And now,” began the professor, “let us sort the chaff from the grain. Best of luck,” he continued, handing out exam packets as you followed and handed out answer booklets and multiple choice slips. “I have full confidence that most of you will do quite well and plenty of you will have wished you’d attended most lectures.” He froze, mid-step, and adjusted his spectacles; peering over them, the answer key on one student’s forearm became quite visible. “Matilda, may I see you in my office?” Readjusting his glasses along the bridge of his nose, he resumed climbing the stairs and dispersing packets. “The first packet will involve multiple choice, the last will require you to use those magnificent minds that I’ve helped mold since the close of summer. And,” he paused and lifted a finger into the air, “the larger the word and more difficult to pronounce, the better,” he resumed his ascension, “I may even add points on poetic flourish.”
An acne-ridden scowl darkened one student’s face. His hand shot up, “But, Professor Dekarios, this is a history course. Why does how we express it matter as long as it’s right?”
Gale continued disseminating papers, “AH! Because your voice is who you are! It is your essence splayed out with ink and paper. It is what,” a lick of his thumb as he separated the packets, “separates you from every other person in this room. And if I see some creative individuality,” he eyed the student over his glasses once more, taking in his very basic aesthetic, “I like to reward it.”
You stifled a chuckle as he carried on, describing what else would be on the midterm. Thank the gods I decided to wear these flats, was your main thought at the moment. You’d wanted to wear something a bit more—what was a good word— “eye-catching” to go with your flowing skirt, but reasonable Toms would have to do. The class was held in a large auditorium with a long flight of stairs separating three columns of chairs; while you didn’t appreciate the amount of walking necessary to make sure everyone participated honestly, you did find a hint of joy in the way the professor’s voice seemed to reflect off of the walls. 
The room was an amphitheater and Professor Dekarios was its orator, keeping you enrapt in his eloquence for four semesters, now. As quick-witted as he was, however, he seemed to be oblivious to any notice of yours. While he did appreciate you bringing him a mug of black tea whenever you fetched a coffee for yourself, or the time you had made chocolate chip cookies to sate any hints of hunger during a grading session in his office, he seemed unaware of your subtle advances. 
If he hadn’t been a coworker who’s company you enjoyed so much or if you didn’t finally have a position in your first-choice college’s administration, you may have more overtly tested the waters and seen where it took the two of you.
Fortunately (or unfortunately), both were the case and for now you were content with merely sharing thoughts and time with him. 
“Meg, my dear,” your eyes shot up to his, a few loose strands framing his face, “I was hoping to be in my office, reviewing a few historical findings Professor Elminster sent me last night. Think you can handle keeping the hopeful masses in check?”
You looked around at the expanse of a room, hearing the groans and low chatter of the dozens of disgruntled students. They were prepared for their doom.
“You can say no,” he added, tilting his head as you looked back at him.
He’s literally giving me puppy eyes right now, how the fuck do I say no to that.
“Psh, I’ll be fine. No shenanigans’ll happen on my watch,” you feigned a salute that extracted a chuckle from the professor. 
“Well, in that case, I’ll owe you. Maybe I can pay you back with a coffee while we grade these later,” he added, looking away to clear his throat. 
“Sure! Gods know we’re going to need something to keep us awake.” You had leaned in toward him, conspiratorially, and looked around to the rest of the class again.
“AhEM, yes, well, right, that—that should do well, then,” he replied, loosening his tie. “Is it a bit warm in here? I supposed it’s a good time to head back to my natural climate in my office.” He faced the auditorium sprawling out below him, “Right! Well, gods’ speed, and Begin!”
The auditorium was filled with the sound of sighs, quiet groans, and scribbling. You paced up and down the aisles, making sure everyone filled in the bubbles in good faith. Matilda’s seat remained open as you passed it on your way up the stairs once more.
The door above clicked open. “Hi,” the professor whispered, holding the door ajar, folded napkin in hand, “Good work, I figured you could maybe use a little pick-me-up since you’ve been pacing for almost an hour, now.” He handed you the folded napkin through the space in the door. You turned and looked down toward the class, noticing that half of them watched the interaction while the other half looked toward their neighbor’s tables, and turned back to Dekarios. Unfolding the thin paper revealed a warm coffee cake muffin: your favorite.
His glasses held his tousled hair up and away from his face. A glimmer shone in his eyes and a smirk shined beneath. “I wouldn’t have my favorite coworker swooning alone in the classroom from not having a treat handy.” A smile was shared between the two of you.
“Of course, Meg. Now, I’ll let you get back to it. I was just getting to the part of the article regarding the importance of medieval cultural advances and folklore. It’s brilliant!” He pinched the air in front of him with zeal, then waved once more and closed the door. 
You held the pastry close to your face and breathed in deep, savoring the delicious aroma, when—
Emergency lights flashed as the fire alarm blared from all around; suddenly, the air was filled with the sound of panic a few screams from behind you. 
You spun around, almost dropping the muffin to see students scramble up, grabbing their bags and careening up the stairs. They raced past you, as you saw smoke billowing up from the foot of the stairs.
“Oh, my gods, Fire! FIRE!” 
“What on earth is happen—” began the professor, reopening the door only to be pushed aside by the crowd.
You turned, handed him the muffin, then leaped down the stairs taking two at a time. Halfway down, you unlocked the fire extinguisher case with your admin key and held it under your arm. Adrenaline pumping as you continued your descent, you failed to notice how close the last stair was when you skipped past it and landed at an angle on your left foot.
FUCK, that’s going to be a problem. But, fire’s a bigger problem right now.
You limped over to where Professor Dekarios kept his dustbin: flames consumed the refuse paperwork in the basket. 
You pulled the pin and the trigger, spraying foam and smothering the flames thoroughly. After a few more seconds, just to make sure the monster was conquered, you released the trigger, huffing while your ankle still throbbed. You placed the extinguisher down with a deep sigh and sat on the professor’s desk, trying to take weight off of your foot. A moan escaped you as you lifted your injured ankle up to your knee. Looking up, you noticed a handful of students by the doors and Gale halfway down the stairs, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. What you hadn’t noticed was how far your skirt had been hiked up your thigh.
“I think I got it, I think it’s fine now,” you panted, brushing a stray strand back behind your ear.
“Yes, I think you are—I mean, um,” he rubbed his eyes with his right hand and nodded, “Yes, yes, um, good job Meg,” he removed his hand and headed down the stairs to you. 
A few of the stray students clapped and you waved weakly, “Thanks, thank you, yup. That’s why they pay me the big bucks. Pretty sure it’s safe to say ‘class dismissed’, right, Gale?”
“Yes! Yes, you’re all dismissed,” he flicked his hand behind him flippantly, signaling for the remnants of the class to disappear.
Other administration members arrived to see what the commotion was about. “Gale! Meg! What the devil happened here?” You knew Rolan cared, he just had an odd way of showing it. “It smells abysmal in here, open a window or something.” The librarian stalked toward a large window a quarter of the way down the auditorium and shoved the pane up. A pleasant October breeze swept in. “And why are you still just sitting there?”
“It appears our heroine has acquired a wound in battle, so unless you know any healing techniques,” Gale’s voice lowered from a shout to something softer when he faced you, “she’s better off here, on my—well, on the desk, that is.”
“Ofcourse you would go an injure yourself, wouldn’t you?” His words were meant to annoy, but you saw the change in his demeanor upon hearing of your state. “Well, it’s best that the fire department should be here any minute, then isn’t it? And even if we called off the hounds, given that it seems you’ve fixed that smokey little problem, they’d still want to see for themselves if the danger was quelled substantially or not. They’ll probably have someone that can patch you up, though.” Rolan paused his soliloquy to focus on a different topic with a slightly gentler tone. He approached the desk you still sat on, your foot propped up while you grimaced, “…How bad is it?”
“It’s not great,” you sneered through half-closed eyes. 
At that moment, you could faintly hear sirens. Here comes the cavalry. At least there was one bit of good news: you could tell the firefighters you’d braved the flames and saved the school yourself. And considering, well, your general opinion of those in the fire services at large, you wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to impress if you could.
A few minutes later, the sirens stopped immediately outside of the window. You all watched and bantered as the crew climbed the stairway outside, lead by—
No, there’s no possible way one of them is that tall. It’s some kind of trick, viewing them at this angle through the glass, you rationalized. Then again, the rest of them all look normal. You suspended your disbelief and waited for them to make their way over, gear in tow. The tall one stopped outside of the door and spoke to Dean Aylin. Unlike nearly everyone around, the dean failed to be distracted by the fireman and continued to debrief him.
Time slowed.
The tallest man you had ever seen bowed his head and angled his shoulders down, through the doorway at the top of the stairs. A frown darkened his striking features, including his facial tattoo that stretched the length of his face on the right side. 
He locked eyes with your little group at the base of the auditorium, and his softened. 
“Well, I take it you’re our hero, are you not?” His voice boomed down, effortlessly.
“That’s me,” you replied, ignoring every single overwhelmed sensation in your mind and body at the thought of this muscle-bound behemoth talking to you. Just pretend this isn’t real. None of this is real, and I won’t say something stupid. I’ll be smooth as butter. “And you’re, what, the resident talking tree?”
“HA!” A wide grin cracked his face. He shook his head, “No, that would be our driver, Minsc. I’m Halsin Silverbough and I’ll be your medic for the meantime.” He slid his bunker gear jacket off and draped it over his arm as he approached you.
In what universe had you done something to deserve luck this phenomenal?
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Hello! I am a molecular biologist, and I was wondering if I could get your opinion on some of my theories on Gallifreyans.
I haven't read through everything on your blog yet, but I'm working my way through it (lol). So some of this may not be quite accurate with what you have set up thus far.
Basically, I want to briefly discuss alternative splicing! Anyway, in metazoans, alternative splicing outcomes can be regulated in a time and tissue specific manner by legitimately hundreds of biomolecules such as RNA binding proteins, chromatin remodelers, hormones, etc etc. It is subject to epigenetic regulation as alternative splicing and transcription are coupled (and splicing largely occurs cotranscriptionally), so details such as DNA methylation, nucleosome positioning, histone modifications, etc can change the balance of different mRNA isoforms. This is largely because these factors will either help recruit splicing factors (or inhibit their recruitment) or because it will slow RNA Polymerase II elongation.
Onto my theories. I have been thinking for a little while that the lindos hormone can perhaps modulate splicing, triggering the production of regeneration-specific isoforms. Perhaps their bodies work so fast that isoforms promoting totipotency trigger a temporary transition away from the cells' differentiated states.
I also think it could be possible that they have some novel ability to, say, "unsplice," which humans cannot do. This could potentially allow them to use already made transcripts and then completely change them to produce unique proteins without needing to transcribe another mRNA. This could feasibly allow them to rapidly change what proteins are in each cell (perhaps quick enough that it occurs within the regeneration itself). Although, there would be some instability while now unused proteins get degraded or the splicing/unsplicing ratio stabilizes (the molding period). This would require intense regulation as well as unsplicing and resplicing would now be posttranscriptional, but I digress.
Sorry to bother you with the long post, I just had too many nerdy ideas going through my head. Thanks!
Molecular Biology: 'Unsplicing'
Oh, you thrill me with your biology talk! Molecular biology is not a speciality so apologies in advance for any limited response.
🔬 Lindos and Its Variations
Something to be covered in the new Anatomy and Physiology guide is a wider look at the role of Lindos in Time Lords, so we're hitting the nail on the head here.
Under stress, injury, or during the process of regeneration, the lindal gland significantly increases its production of the hormone Lindoneogen like a caffeine-fueled scientist, resulting in a corresponding surge in lindos cell production. There are several forms of lindos cells, including:
Lindopoetic Progenitor Cells (LPCs): Dormant cells that spring into action upon Lindoneogen stimulation.
Lindopoietic Stem Cells (LSCs): Residing in the yellow bone marrow, ready to differentiate under the guidance of Lindoneogen and the catalytic influence of artron, into ...
Lindoblasts and Phagolindotropes: Specialised cells responsible for regenerating tissue and recycling cellular components from the previous incarnation.
Haemolindocytes: Circulating cells that endow Gallifreyan blood with its regenerative properties.
💡Splicing and Lindoneogen
Lindoneogen could play a key role in alternative splicing, creating specific mRNA isoforms vital for regeneration. This implies that Lindoneogen is not just a cellular signal but also a molecular tool for crafting the necessary protein portfolio for regeneration. So Lindoneogen may trigger the production of specific mRNA isoforms that are vital for the regeneration process, which could lead to the expression of proteins that facilitate the transition of cells into a more pluripotent state.
Love this idea. 'Unsplicing' as your concept presents would be particularly relevant during regeneration. It could allow cells to quickly alter their protein expression profiles without the lag of new mRNA transcription. This rapid adaptation would be pretty handy for the efficient transition of cells to suit the requirements of the new incarnation.
🔗Integrating with Lindos Cells
This concept of 'unsplicing' could be particularly prominent in the function of phagolindotropes. As these cells are responsible for consuming the previous incarnation’s cells and replacing them with new ones, their ability to 'unsplice' and rapidly change protein expression would be pretty useful. This mechanism might also support the functions of lindoblasts and haemolindocytes in tissue regeneration and blood adaptability.
🏫 So ...
The addition of splicing and unsplicing mechanisms to the lindos theory suggests a more complex and dynamic process than simple cellular proliferation and differentiation, with dynamic genetic adaptations at the molecular level highlighting the advanced biological capabilities of Gallifreyans. Good work, Batman!
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honeybewrites · 9 days
@ath3alin I'm here!! I'm here!! *papers and notebooks spilling out of hands, hair a complete mess and face flushed* I have more rambles!!!
OKAY!!! Rage's elemental vision/very basic run down of the elemental system (I want to do a more comprehensive intro post for the whole magic system, so this is just a little teaser).
So, elemental is used by most species in some form. It's different for each species on how much they can control, but the basics stay the same.
Elemental relies on two main aspects: the element being harnessed (pulled from the surroundings) or extracted (pulled from within the users body), and energy.
The broad categories of elements are fire, water, air, rock, bio, energy, and a few... other elements that I'm not going to name right now because it's Plot Points. (can you tell AtLA influenced this???) They all have many more categories in them and several of them overlap, but this is the general guide the Realms use. Most of your average run of the mill people are just going to refer to elements as this. You really only get the nuanced categories and specialties when you get with an advanced trained user.
Energy has three categories. Life energy, elemental energy, and wild energy. They have technical names, but most of your average people are just going group them together and call them energy.
So, since Rage is Mirralian, his body produces no element of its own, but it does produce a specific type of elemental energy that allows him to harness the elements in his surroundings. Ninety-nine percent of the time, Rage harnesses air, just "seeing/sensing" where it is. It requires little energy and his body, after doing this for decades, has built up stamina and extra energy production to compensate. The air leave an outline of where things are, like pouring clay in a mold. It can give Rage an incredible amount of detail if he puts in more effort, but for the most part he just lets his "sight" only go so far. The closest I can think of to give you an example is an inverted black and white picture like these.
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Not sure if I explained that very well, but it's what we're going with because my brain is mush right now.
NOW! On to Asurr's research!
First off, yes the questionable research is in healing/biology/genetics. It was pretty much why they chose to go into that field of work later in life. It defiantly wasn't for any desire to help people or good morals and a sense of duty.
Asurr's research specifically revolves around the writings, which are very few and seen as exaggerations and myths by the majority, about the creation of the Tanimoriem during the Dragon War. If the dragons could create a new species from another, why couldn't Asurr improve upon existing ones? Could they change one species to another? Could they create the ultimate species?
A lot of Asurr's research involves ancient writings in languages long lost, talking about impossible elemental feats that most believe to be complete myths. Asurr has had some success in his experiments, but they are crude, gruesome, unnatural and unholy feats of nature. Most of these abominable creatures are extremely violent and devoid of emotions and reason. While Asurr only sees them as steps forward and nowhere near their desired results, the Mors are very pleased with these creatures and use them for many things.
Most people see Asurr as crazy, which they are, but they are also insanely smart and driven. It's their life's work to reach the pinnacle of genetic alterations and species manipulation.
And finally, the Dragon War!
I've mentioned my other WIP, Legend of the Ancients (LotA), a couple times, which takes place in the same world as Echoes of War Chronicles (EoWC). LotA happens a good couple centuries before EoWC, but the Dragon War happens even before that. (LotA focuses a lot more on the creation of the Tanimoriem than EoWC does and is a major plot point for that series).
When the Realms were slowly discovering each other, all the species mixing together, tensions were high. A few of the Realms threatened war against each other. The dragons stepped in to keep the peace, working to unite the Realms and keep things from escalating. And it worked well, until Mirralia was discovered.
Mirralia was extremely hostile towards the dragons, hunting the species and using them to enhance their elemental. Mirralia convinced the other Realms the dragons needed to be controlled.
And so the Realms began a war against the dragons.
It was brutal. The single worst war in the Realms collective histories. It wrecked devastation for everyone, nearly destroying the Realms completely.
During this, the dragons came up with a plan. Through a massive amount of elemental and energy, the dragons "gifted" parts of themselves to various select beings who had been extremely loyal through the war, resulting in a new species. The Tanimoriem. It still remains to be one of the most impressive and powerful uses of elemental in history.
With the help of the Tanimoriem, a mix of namuhs and dragons, the dragons were able to end the war on their terms and keep the Realms from collapsing.
Sorry this is such a long post. When I start rambling, I really start rambling. Hopefully this answered a little more of your questions!! And thank you so much for showing an interest in my work!! It means so, so much to me!!! My DMs and asks are always open!!
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charmsponies · 7 months
Some Rambly Thoughts About Custom G1 Ponies…
Okay sorry in advance: Rereading some of these thoughts I am a little bit mean tonight. but i do not care lol I am ranting for fun.
I am A little annoyed at those types of people who criticize anyone who makes MLP G1 customs because they think its immoral to customize a vintage toy since they arent made anymore (….you could say the same thing about like, g4 since thats over now, but okay).
It is perfectly fine, and even good, to customize a vintage toy at times.
Most customizers are smart and will seek out “bait” (damaged) ponies to customize. If they’re already broken or damaged, customizing it is like giving it a new life, even if theyre not restoring it to be exactly how it is before. In fact: Sometimes it may be cheaper to customize a pony than restore it!
For example: The pony I made my extraterra custom of was Moondancer. She had cut hair and no cutiemark, her glitter for her cutiemark had completely faded away. Now, ive restored a moondancer before so I actually have everything i would need to have fixed her, but like. lets say i wasn’t a restorationist who had all the materials: I would have to pay for each of the hair colors I need (about 15 bucks when you factor in shipping) and then another 15-20 bucks to buy the rehairing tool and needles and then 5 bucks on quality glue and a few more bucks on zipties to retail her and then id have to buy glitter. I personally buy biodegradeable glitter but the kind i get is a little expensive especially since i have to get it shipped from overseas so im paying like 20 more bucks- Moondancer is one of the most common ponies and typically sells for around 15 bucks total o-o. Not that I don’t see value in restoring common ponies (I will restore at least 1 of every pony so that I can add her to my collection, no matter how damaged) but like. Most people don’t wanna throw all their money away to do that for a cheap common pony when they COULD put their money into those same supplies (hair, tools, paint, ect) and have fun making a cool new unique piece of artwork.
2. Even if the pony isn’t damaged: Is it your toy? Is that YOUR toy that the person customized? No? It was their Own Toy That They Paid For With Their Own Money? then shut the fuck up its not your business what they do with their toys 😭 Yeah it would hurt my heart if someones out there buying expensive rare ass ponies just to customize them when there are cheaper alternatives to certain poses (like if someone customized a night glider when they could have just used like, posey or someone for the pose) but its not my business because its not my toy and I accept that people can do whatever the fuck they want with their own property.
And anyways, most customizers DO care about vintage toys and will seek out the more common ponies with the poses they need, I don’t think anyone who is truly invested in the pony fandom uses ultra rare ponies for their customs UNLESS theyre already damaged, in which case I just see it as giving it new life. Also, customizers utilize projects like the HQG1C project or Basic Funs ponies, so you dont Have to use vintage toys to actually make a g1 custom anymore.
but I also dont think people should be shamed for using vintage bases. It can be convenient if you have bait ponies laying around. Especially since sometimes there Is No Good Alternative. like for example: I would love to make a custom of my pony design for Gregory Fnaf, but I would need a kinda rarer hard to get pose (the baby brother ponies with the molded hooves). I personally won’t make any customs unless i can find a damaged one, but if i COULD find a damaged vintage baby boy i would absolutely use it because whats the alternative when some poses are just flat out rare :(
Also to the people who just hate vintage customs in general: Sorry but youre boring. You dont like fun new designs in the g1 style? You want everything to be made with current toys? My autism makes me think about ponies 90% of the time, and for 99% of the time im thinking about ponies, i forget g4 and g5 even exist because im so focused on the older gens. Not everyone cares about the new stuff. You dont like the older gens or people using their creativity to make art relating to the older vintage gens? Youre boring as hell, sorry
Final thing I wanna say: this rant is inspired by many posts complaining about customs but the one that made me the most mad was someone complaining about G1 customs and then finishing their post with “and you could TELL that it was their first time making a custom like that :/ “
Fucking excuse you? Customs are an art form, plain and simple. And everyone has to start somewhere. do you think my first ever custom pony was any good? (for anyone curious its not one ive posted on this blog, it was a fakie) hell no I made many mistakes! But you shouldnt shame or insult people for their art, we all start somewhere and frankly you’re just mean.
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tarnishedinquirer · 2 months
Location: Oridys's rise
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South of the Starcallers, I spotted a tower with an unusual architecture style. Most of the structures on this subcontinent had a similar look, but this one was far more advanced. It was guarded by a pack of wolves, but I couldn't tell whether they were trained or just decided to make this their home. Didn't matter much either way.
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Circling around the tower, I noticed another stone astrolabe at the top of the hill, overlooking the cliff. And just like the other one, I was able to find a shard of starlight nearby.
Hmm... these astrolabes appear to have been built specifically to gather starlight shards. Could this be a Carian outpost? If it is, this one seems to have been long abandoned. The Shattering War must've led to this one being forgotten. The voice had informed me this was Oridys's Rise, but perhaps I'll never find out who that is.
Even if it is a Carian outpost, the astrolabes look far older than the tower. It was probably built later to take advantage of the astrolabe, though why they were able to build one here but not further north is a mystery.
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Continuing to circle around, I found the entrance, but it was blocked with some magical force. At the bottom of the entry stair were some gargoyles like the kind that accept the stonesword keys, but instead of a slot for keys, this one had a carved book in its hands and a candle on its head.
The book held an inscription in Old Lucarian, which is the root of my own native tongue. I'm a little rusty, but it wasn't complex.
"Seek three wise beasts."
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Fair enough. I didn't have to think hard about what that could possibly mean, because when I turned around, I immediately saw a phantom turtle.
As a security system, this was more a delaying action than anything. The only people it would keep out are the illiterate. Anyone else would presumably be slowed down enough for the researchers inside to teleport away. Therefore, whatever they were doing here couldn't possibly be that valuable. Likely some basic academic work or field observation.
Still, I need every advantage I can get.
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The second one was hiding in the bushes to the left of the stairs.
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The third was a little trickier. I admit, it even took me a while to figure out. Then I noticed ripples in the pond with no apparent source. I took care of the third turtle, and the door opened.
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My assessment was correct. The first floor was filled with drained glintstone, broken astronomical instruments, and pile after pile of books, all of them so badly damaged by the humidity of this rain-soaked land that they were more mold than book at this point.
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The only thing that caught my eye was a painting of a ruined tower. I wondered where this tower was, and what secrets it might hold. Perhaps somewhere nearby, even?
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The office at the top of the tower held the only valuable: A chest with a rectangular black stone pendant. The voice informed me it was a "memory stone." Also, it's a fragment of the black moon that once hung over the Eternal City.
Well. That sounds important. I'll probably figure out what it means, eventually.
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One last thing. South of the Rise, I found that the wall tower looked suspiciously accessible. I couldn't quite jump up there, even with Torrent's help, but the spirit spring allowed me to launch myself up high enough to get there.
I found a bunch of the pockmarked weapons, and also the bodies of two long-necks who tried to hide up here. I guess that, however they got here, it was a lot harder to get down. All they had on them were a warming stone for healing, and a turtle shell fashioned into a crude shield.
Seems like turtles are popular in these parts.
What is the black moon?
What is the Eternal City?
Who built this outpost?
Does this have any relation to the Starcallers nearby?
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diet-comet-soda · 3 months
I sometimes think of a video I watched from a former cop, talking about the way even the “good” people going into the job are eventually conditioned to view human life as having weighted value, to view minorities and the unhoused and people suffering from addiction as being inherently worth less. To a degree, all civilians become lesser, their world becomes split into cops and non-cops, “sheep-dogs” and “sheep”. And then I look to what zionists say about Palestinians, a people undeniably undergoing—live on-camera—one of the most horrific occupations that a people can be put through. An entirely preventable genocide at the hands of the Israeli army funded by governments and the wealthy around the world. Thousands of people that seemingly have no qualms with what they're enabling, who don't see it as “that bad”.
And I think to myself, why was the human psyche even built to be capable of such dehumanization? What purpose can it possibly serve, when all my life I have only watched as it has wrought pain and destruction?
This isn't a new observation, but I guess it really is just a coping mechanism. It's a way to reserve our capacity to care and our energy to act, so we can focus it most on those who are dear to us or who are actually within our power to save. It is the same mechanism that causes proximity to often dictate our empathetic reaction stronger than logic, why we may risk our lives to save a stranger standing a few feet away from us in a fire, but may not donate a couple thousand dollars when asked to fund a stranger's life-saving surgery half a world away.
This prevents us from being exhausted by the world. It allows us to exist in the face of the sheer scale of human suffering, suffering that no individual could ever hope to stop or control on their own. From an evolutionary perspective, it is an instinct to protect our in-group from out-group members when resources are limited; if only some can survive, we want us and our loved ones to be the ones that do.
But we don't live in tiny little communities anymore. We're basically one global society now (or at least we have the potential to be). And our ability to produce the necessities of life has advanced to a point where it is almost completely feasible for every person to live a decent and well-provided-for life at no cost to another, if only we spread our wealth evenly and indiscriminately.
In this modern day world, this protective mechanism to dehumanize has molded into a dysfunction of the human condition. Now, the ability to separate and dissociate from other peoples has become the catalyst through which much of the death and destruction it blocks out is actually caused. What was once our shield against the cold unavoidable nature of often harsh reality, now is a sword that perpetuates its own necessity by creating that very “harsh reality” for which it is needed.
We can't purge this instinct from our minds entirely, it's simply not possible, it's built-in. And if you think you can, then you’re more than likely just ignorant to the ways you fall victim to it, which only makes you more susceptible. But the fact we can't totally overwrite it isn't an excuse to give into it either, to stop caring and choose to only ever fend for yourself.
Don't let it rule you. Don't let it make you forget what it means to be human.
Free Gaza. Free Palestine.
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sostrangerous · 10 months
Sooo... I've been talking to my friends about your fanfic and we've been wondering where do you get your inspiration from? I mean, where did the idea for this fanfic come from and if anything about it is kind of... personal? If you don't feel comfortable answering, don't feel pressured! I'm just very addicted to it, I've reread everything about 5 times 😭
ooh i love this question!! im gonna be kinda long winded here so sorry in advance 🙏🏼
ive been a big reader since i was a child, and ive been writing fanfiction since i was 13 or so. this basically means ive been practicing writing stories for at least 10 years, and I've gotten slowly better at it as I get older. it's fun, and i like doing it, so that's kind of the reason I write in the first place
my fics usually come together from a small idea, and then snowball from there. like, fyck started as silly self indulgent porn and then turned into what it is, because for me i really discover characters and stories as im writing them. when i write i feel like im 'meeting' them and learning more about them. for example mark is the catalyst for fyck and its built around him, as I develop his character and his life the story molds around him
it's probably obvious from the way im talking about them, but even though i write rpf, my characters are 100% fictional characters, and I think about them that way. i get some inspiration from Mark as a real person but the character comes from my imagination and things I think would be interesting to write avout
I like writing about things that are stressful and upsetting, i think in part bc im kind of a narrative adrenaline junkie. if im not feeling emotions intensely, usually negative emotions, then im not interested in writing because it's boring to me. however im still very invested in characters being happy at the end. it's kind of a form of self soothing; i make up a guy, i put him through hell, but throughout his suffering the anchor of stability and happiness is always there waiting for him (even if he doesn't know it yet). i admire people who can write really bleak or bittersweet endings but i personally don't care to, at least so far in my writing career
anyway!! yes, writing characters is fun, and they're very separate from me. Mark in fyck, or jaemin in igbl have mindsets that are not mine, and are extremely maladaptive. it's fun to explore. however there are always little moments that reflect my own experiences in life (they're often the most stressful to write lol) but usually i don't even realize how much i relate to a certain emotion until I'm already writing it. im pretty self aware but not self omniscient
hopefully, this was interesting and kind of answered your question :) ty for the ask <3
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synonymroll648 · 1 year
I mean. if you're willing to share....then yes I am all ears on that sokeefitz angst fic...just saying *eyes*. I put this in a separate ask to give you a space to talk about it, but only if you want! Also no clue what I would want if I was sick, it's genuinely been so long I don't. I don't know what my sick safe foods are? life is so so so hard for people with strong immune systems i'm suffering so much /s
also hi hope you're feeling better! or that if you're still sick that it packs its bags and kicks its own ass to the curb soon <3
i'll answer the other stuff in the og chain; this one's juuuuust gonna be the sokeefitz angst fic lol.
basically: au (that's technically canon compliant, esp since the series isn't over? idk man don't ask) where like the shadowflux echoes in (fanon) fitz's knee, the echoes in his heart end up developing into a chronic condition. but the heart echoes are a significantly bigger threat to his health, like in canon (we don't ever see him get wiped out from the pain in his knee, but we do see him get wiped out from his heart echoes going haywire. there's examples throughout flashback of what i'm talking about). a year or two after canon ends (i'm approximating fitz'll be 18 or 19), livvy and elwin sit him down and tell him that from what they can see, they doubt he'll be able to live past 100.
they tell him that they'll do everything they can to make that statement false, but it falls on ringing ears.
from there, the premise would mainly be exploring how fitz would learn to manage his emotions to keep his heart echoes in check as best as he can - particularly anxiety and anger - plus him learning to accept that he's gone from having a shot at being a famous ancient to bring pride to the vacker family, to an elf that's become the closest to mortality that one can get. and ableism in the lost cities too, because i think realizing that a lot of the people he looked up to when he was younger valued him less as a disabled person would be a good motivator to break away from the golden boy mold and become who he actually wants to be, whoever that is.
and then there's also learning to accept almost-mortality through sophie's unique perspective on it, and helping her accept almost-immortality. slowburn exes to lovers on that front, through the power of - as keefe dubbed it in the books - cognate rawr. i'm also thinking this would be set in level 7 for fitz, so he could be roommates w/ keefe and have an '(unofficial) ex (childhood) best friends to lovers' arc.
sokeefe would be established already in this, but have a conversation fairly early on the fic where they're like 'ummm so i actually haven't moved on from fitz and it's freaking me out-' 'omg SAME' and then help each other figure out they're bi and polyam (that would be a side plot of its own, because, like. you can't do that in one scene lmao). and then once they'd reached that conclusion they'd be like 'hey so you wanna see if we can flirt our way into getting fitz to join our relationship?' 'worth a shot, sounds better than endless pining'.
ofc fitz is super dense though so he doesn't see keefe's advances as flirting until the obliviousness starts getting ridiculous, and he makes up ten million platonic excuses for sophie's actions because we broke up, there's no way she still sees me like that anymore - not when she has keefe the way she does. because as an aro i would do that in his situation and i have decided he's aro-spec <3 but they all get it together eventually. and get a cottage somewhere and fitz gets to be a baker and they just. have their happily ever after.
uuuuuuuuntil fitz is on the cusp of turning 100 and dies. because i'm evil. and i want to explore how much worse keefe's oh my god please don't leave me please please please i'd do anything to make you stay complex would get if he lost a lover and the situation was out of his control. and how much it would differ from sophie's acceptance. and how sophie's acceptance could turn into world-crushing anger and stuff after she stops feeling the need to stay strong for keefe.
and then maybe how much worse the whole please don't leave me alone please i'll do ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING JUST STAY STAY STAY would get if sophie died centuries after fitz from some mission and keefe was truly on his own. just after he started feeling solid about having her in his life for a long time after the present. if i'm feeling particularly cruel by the end.
(there's a lot of scenes that made go OWOWOWOW that my brain conjured up, but. those stay in my brain until i write them. no spoilers :) also ik i'd need to do a lot of research on heart conditions to make fitz's arc more accurate to real life because even if shannon doesn't care about medical accuracy, i do lol.)
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lumilasi · 1 year
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Finished Franziska's redesigns. I just felt the old one came off too much like a "old Hollywood diva Wine-aunt", which, nothing wrong with that, but it's not what I needed for her character at this point. It's not what her character is like lol
(side note; the "dress" referred to in the second pic is the black-and-yellow one, not her magenta skirt look)
Bio below:
Name: Franziska Belmont
Nicknames: Frankie (Angus) Franzie/Cat of Doom (Youko, little Chimera child)
Age: Like with her brother, her exact current age is unknown, but she was in her late twenties/early thirties when she was infected with Reverence and became a demon. (She is roughly 5 years younger than her brother though)
Height: 168 cm
Former heiress who ran away from home and became a Bounty Hunter to spite her parents, blaming them for her brother's supposed "death" 
Role: Works under one of Hanzoku's "family heads," Amalia Marek. (She'd actually met her sometime before Amalia left to find the source of her powers, and followed after her once she was infected as well.)
Family: Big brother Angus
Love interest: None
Friends: She gets along with most people around them, but especially likes talking with the Heart House head Taiga, and acts almost like a big sister for her boss' newest protege, Kujaku
Rival: Akiko & Toshiko (her stealth/tactical/speedy fighting style is similar to theirs, only more advanced due to having more experience and being stronger physically)
She is incredibly fast and agile, and generally has an inhuman level of strength that can allow her to break trees in half and shatter walls with a kick. Frankie is also generally really stealthy, easily able to sneak up on people and slipping into even really secure and highly guarded places, without being noticed.
Her demonic powers have given her plenty of feline type abilities; her vision is excellently sharp even in the dark, she can move about dead quietly, her claws can cut through even metal, and Franziska is far more flexible than average human. She can also leap quite far and high.
She's very good with bladed weapons, and has an extremely good aim with throwing weapons, or firing a firearm. Franziska is also really good with picking locks.
She has some basic medical knowledge for emergencies, and like her brother is multilingual (this world's equivalents of English, Polish and Japanese, though unlike with her brother she only learned the latter after gaining her powers)
She's very afraid of losing her brother again due to their past, and might choose protecting him from perceived harm over doing her mission properly.
Franziska doesn't like water much due to being a feline demon, and therefore tends to not want to fight in areas full of water/someone with water based powers. (it does sometimes lead to comical situations when they try to get her to bathe...only Angus can convince her) It is likely that she developed this fear herself because the way she managed to kill the demonic beast was drowning it, in a way inheriting its fear.
(She wasn't like this as a normal human, and sometimes does feel frustrated about having this 'silly' weakness.)
Franziska mostly appears as the opposite of her brother; friendly, social, clearly enjoying spending time with people and having attention to herself. She does however still value her own time, and can be very blunt if she wants to be left alone. She's generally seen as quite fearless by most, outside her odd water phobia.
Franziska has always been curious about more morbid topics, like Death and beliefs around it across the world/legends about dangerous beings, horror stories, etc. She often even asked Angus about his more difficult, gory jobs while he was a doctor. Something her parents of course did not approve of, as it didn't fit in the mold of "perfect daughter" they had. This has left her with some confidence issues, and needing approval for any sort of mentoring/parental figure.
While she appears friendly at first glance, Franziska is very cautious person and never lets on too much about what she's really thinking. She also really hates liars due to the big lie her parents told her, and will become very angry if she feels someone is trying to/has manipulated/lied to her/her brother. (foreshadowing to her story)
Her moral compass was twisted both by her life as a Bounty hunter for a while, and her demonic power infection; she wasn't always as ruthless and cold blooded as she is now, and sometimes laments on the fact/feels conflicted about how she's become nonchalant about death and killing people without even blinking.
PART 1: Family Trouble
Franziska and Angus were the children of a well known merchant family, but neither was really happy with the role that was being pushed on them; Angus taking over the business he barely cared for, Frankie to go and find a husband so she could birth a heir. Franziska spent most of her time secretly reading about things her parents did not approve of, sneaking out of her home and pretending that she hadn't found "the right one" yet. Lot of her stealth skills/lockpicking skills were developed already at this phase in her life basically.
The only person she felt accepted her desire to be free and do whatever she wanted was her brother, Angus, and she often visited him in his workplace at the clinic. During one visit however, Angus' mentor caused an explosion by handling an object he did not understand properly, causing Franziska to lapse into a coma for months. Once she finally woke up, her parents claimed her brother had died in the explosion. (something she discovered was a lie later on.)
Furious, Franziska blamed her parents about his "death," as in her mind they had forced him to study magic in secret that resulted in this explosion, instead of providing him a safe enviroment with proper mentoring and no risk of someone ignorant touching his objects. She ends up running away eventually, as her parents are trying to force her to marry someone she did not like.
Part 2: Bounty Hunting
Sometime after running away, Franziska ends up joining a group of Bounty Hunters after managing to outsmart and steal their price from them. The group takes a liking to her and begins mentoring her, teaching her how to use weapons and how to fight properly. This group was led by a woman called Amalia Marek, who had some bizarre demonic powers that Franziska was curious about. She bonds with her a lot and Amalia becomes almost like a surrogate parenting figure for her for the few years they spend together.
Eventually, Amalia leaves the group in search of the origin of her newfound powers after developing some issues with them.
Then, during a mission Franziska's group is ambushed by a demonic mountain lion, and it kills all of her comrades, infecting her with some sort of dark magic. She eventually realizes it was the same power their former leader had, and decides to head after her in hopes for some guidance on what to do now. For her utter shock, once she finds Amalia, she also finds somebody else; her brother Angus, who was alive, and also infected with this power that was apparently called "Reverence." She decides to join the group, wanting to stay by her brother's side.
Unknowingly to her however, her parents had sent hunters after her to find and bring her home, and during a fight between them her power destabilizes briefly, almost killing her. Furious over the incident, her brother heads out to confront their parents once and for all, resulting in both of their deaths (one intentional, one accidental self-inflicted)
Fun Facts:
Unlike Angus, her blond haircolor (and dark eyebrows) is natural.
She's pansexual, but due to not trusting people easily, doesn't really have anyone she'd let that close.
She respects Amalia a lot as her former mentor, and takes her betrayal twice as hard as a result. (SPOILERS: Franziska is the one who ends up killing Amalia by the end of the story, as revenge for her brother's death that she blames her and Belladonna for)
She can get high on catnip, though not as strongly as actual feline beings.
Franziska gets along with her brother's boss Belladonna, although is aware as to why Angus does not like her, and mainly does it out of politeness and wanting to keep an eye on the witch in case she tries anything against Angus.
She sometimes jokingly rubs her cheek against her brother's face, making a purring noise. She's the only one Angus allows in his personal space without warning for the most part.
Franziska wasn't that phased after hearing about her brother's "research" phase, just commended him for being selective with his test subjects.
She did feel a little sad hearing how her mother accidentally killed herself, but ultimately did not have much sympathy left for either of them, given she felt extremely betrayed and used by her parents for their deceit and need to dictate who she was supposed to be.
Due to his water element powers, Franziska is a bit spooked of Azure. Because her fear is more connected to water than him as a person/his soul eater powers, Azure finds it more bizarre (and kind of funny, all he has to do is hold up a bubble of water and she hisses at him) rather than slightly upsetting as he normally would.
Franziska has only ever been afraid of her opponents when facing the Soul Eater twins Kuromoya & Kouka, namely because they seemed to actually be strong enough to match her brother who is immensely powerful now. (She's basically only afraid of people who feel powerful enough to actually kill Angus, typically meaning their Big Boss Hanzoku, or the Spider's son Soul Eater Jurou & Vigour Spirit Shura from the good guy side)
She doesn't always wear the suspenders-overlay skirt, mainly having it as an extra layer of protection for missions. She also tends to not use the suspenders properly when wearing it alongside her local-styled outfit, feeling it just doesn't look good together.
The magenta patch showing from her shirt collar opening is part of the shirt, rather than separate garment.
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primnroses · 2 years
― Shizune’s entire jutsu arsenal
The information presented in this post has been checked and revised. My aim is not to hate or to discredit any of the characters mentioned. Please read about me for further information.
This post will contain evidence in picture format directly from the manga Naruto (1999 - 2014) created by Masashi Kishimoto and published by Shueisha in 1999. I will also use information from the official databooks of Naruto.
In this informative post will explain all the jutsu that Shizune has used in canon, meaning this will only include techniques that the author of the manga and the novels, illustrated by Kishimoto, have given her.
This analysis will be crossposted in AO3.  
Sakura’s jutsu arsenal (with 24 techniques) Ino’s jutsu arsenal (with 14 techniques) Hinata’s jutsu arsenal (with 10 techniques)
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In order to talk about any jutsu, like ninjutsu, taijutsu or genjutsu, the term of stamina must be explained.
Stamina is accomplished by mixing mental and physical energies together, and it is the energy that fuels any kind of jutsu, with chakra or without chakra. These mental energies are different from the Yin and Yang Release.
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The amount of stamina is proportionate to the number of jutsu the user can perform. This means that the more stamina the ninja possesses, the greater the repertoire of jutsu attacks and the more quantity there will be to transform into chakra, and, therefore, into a jutsu.
Since taijutsu uses no chakra, the fighter does not need to mold any or use hand seals. On the other hand, in order to perform ninjutsu, chakra is kneaded and expelled through hand seals.
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Shizune is known for her medical ninjutsu, which is said to be behind Tsunade’s skills in the third databook, so her chakra control is higher than the average medic-ninja.
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Much like Sakura and the description of her chakra control by Ebisu, Shizune is able to blend her mental and physical energies together to mold chakra efficiently. 
Her stamina is directly linked to her proficiency in hand seals. This is why, despite not having a very high statistic of stamina, Shizune is able to learn techniques that require kneading chakra and perform ninjutsu without any difficulty through hand seals, which is an area in which she excels.
The third databook describes stamina as the foundation of chakra and the hand seals as the knowledge in that art, the medium in which a jutsu is performed and the proficiency in executing said techniques.
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As an adult, she has the advantage of having more than half of stamina reserves compared to other medic-ninja. Her unusual talent for medical ninjutsu stems from her chakra control. 
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Shizune is only proficient in ninjutsu and that is her field of expertise. As a medic-ninja, she is originally a ninja of support, but she counts with techniques that allow her to take the initiative in battle. She also displays a wide knowledge of genjutsu despite not performing or dispelling any herself. 
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She can use attack and supplementary jutsu (A & S) and they are short and mid-range type (C & M). Her specialties are A-rank medical ninjutsu and B and C-rank defense techniques.
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Shizune falters in taijutsu, having a below average knowledge of hand-to-hand combat. However, she’s very fast and her reflexes are very refined, which does not add to her taijutsu because she does not use it, but it contributes to her offensive techniques. 
The art of ninjutsu is the molding of stamina, the transformation in chakra and its release through hand seals. This result is called a technique, or jutsu. There are different types of ninjutsu, like elemental techniques based on Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth and Water; or basic ninjutsu taught in the Academy. There are also more advanced types of techniques like Medical Ninjutsu.
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» POISON MIST (B-rank, Offensive): The user exhales poison from the mouth, which becomes mist at the mere contact with air. This technique works like the Great Fireball jutsu, but instead of fire, poison is expelled form the mouth. 
It also requires a vast knowledge of chemistry and chakra control to avoid being affected by the poison after inhaling it. 
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» PREPARED NEEDLE SHOT (C-rank, Offensive): This technique throws needles coated with poison at a high speed. 
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» MEDICAL NINJUTSU Medical Ninjutsu is a branch of ninjutsu dedicated to the restoration or repair of any damage produced in the body by pouring and using chakra to accelerate the process of healing.
Presumably, Medical Ninjutsu needs Yang Release type to be able to alter the physical properties and accelerate the healing process.
There are different techniques applied to heal the body depending on the difficulty of the injury. Shizune is the third best medic-ninja in the world and second to Tsunade, who was surpassed by her disciple Sakura Haruno. She is also an expert of poisons and bases her offensive attacks on her knowledge of toxins. Currently, she still serves as a medic-ninja in Konoha Hospital. 
— Mystical Palm Technique (A-rank, Supplementary): The most basic healing jutsu. It allows the body to accelerate the healing process without any medical equipment.
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This technique is taught to aspiring medic-ninjas to help them develop their chakra control. According to Tsunade, Shizune was a prodigy at mastering this technique and it set the bar high for the other student of the Sannin.
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Although this technique is what transforms any shinobi into a medic-ninja and is the universal healing technique, its capabilities can be developed and enhanced to their full potential. 
We never see Shizune use this technique to a higher degree whatsoever, but her talents made her a jōnin level medic, which means she achieved near godly healing skills and sits high among the Medic Corps.
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(The Medic Corps are those professional medic-ninjas that dedicate their skills to advanced medical ninjutsu and work in Konoha Hospital. In the present, Shizune works aiding her junior, Sakura Haruno, the director. More information here).
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— Healing Resuscitation Regeneration (A-rank, Supplementary): This is a high-skill cooperative technique used by jōnin level Medic Corps to regenerate a missing part of the body using DNA from the hair (or other parts of the body).
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The use of this technique is very draining and it requires concentration and skill, which is why only jōnin level medics are able to use it. 
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Shizune is not a very versatile ninja, being only proficient in ninjutsu. However, she counts on advanced medical ninjutsu knowledge and intelligence that she applies to develop techniques that allow her to attack if she were in an adverse situation.
This level of medical ninjutsu knowledge made her a renowned medic, being hailed as second to Tsunde. Even if she was ultimately surpassed by her fellow junior and student, Sakura Haruno, Shizune is still an asset in Konoha and provides medical care as an active worker for the Medical Department.
This list features 4 jutsu: 2 are ninjutsu and 2 are medical ninjutsu.
1. Poison Mist 2. Prepared Needle Shot 3. Mystical Palm Technique 4. Healing Resuscitation Regeneration
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end-of-pizza · 1 year
okay, so heres that tangent I warned about
so for the last like 10 years I have had this fantasy of winning the lottery and starting a business.....that first part is mostly the fantasy, because without that theres no way I could afford to do the latter
basically it comes down to new technology that allows automation for small guys like me, stuff like these
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basically with 3D printing and affordable cnc and laser cutting machines, a guy like me could have the man power of like 10 people, and if I hired maybe 10 people total to assist, I could easily do something on par with much bigger companies.
my initial fantasy just involved making guitars, granted more advanced guitars then I think the market insists upon, because they are locked in the habit of what has proven sellable to MOST people. fender scale length, bolt on neck, 2 humbuckers, faux les paul look and feel. every company does it, no shame. just not my thing.
I've had this idea, which I've experimented with and talked about in the past, the guitar of the future. Ive done mockups etc like this
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but as I've grown older, honestly what I think it should really be is a cheap reliable guitar with a few tricks up its sleeve. so I have reimagined it as basically this
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telecasters are simple, and on a cnc machine if you made it as layers that were later glued together, you could make it very easily. the 4x2 headstock is better for straight string pull, and helps eliminate tuning instability. replacing the old school pickups with active style pickups like emg would make it more versatile, and then adding the b bender, along with string drops a g bender, and maybe even a strap actuated bender, the guitar could cover a lot more roles then a standard electric guitar. plus I honestly think benders are cool and more people need to play them, so making them as cheap and accessable as possible is a good idea
just a simple guitar, maybe of paulownia or plywood, cut as 2 or 3 sections and glued together, and then maybe even using a circuit board instead of wire to speed up production, its a great idea.
but I started looking into what else I could do with this hypothetical company that basically 3D prints things, and cncs plywood
I guess bikes
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I am a big fan of ebikes, mainly because I believe genuinely in the next 10 years they will begin to be a lot more common in most major cities, their prices will come down as there are more batteries in circulation for evs, and being able to make quick simple bikes like this to sell locally, it seems like a way to directy serve the market I want to live in.
I also looked into stereo equipment, as I am a big hifi guy, and I am a huge raspberry pi fan, so seeing stuff for hifi pi, again it would be a market i understand, and think shouldnt be so fuckin expensive
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I also genuinely would love to make a cheap hammond organ clone
like sub $500, because when I was wanting to pickup the instrument it was very hard to get the $ together to do so, and I know if you could injection mold the keys, cnc the body print the circuit boards, and use an arduino or raspberry pi to run a soft synth hammond clone, you could easily hit that price point
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more people need to play the organ
lastly is furniture
I love basic designs and furniture has always been something that I enjoy looking at, modern furniture designs, stuff from the last 50s early 60s, its so timeless and the open source furniture movement just scratches that itch. it's simple, but stylish, its utilitarian but it doesnt look bland
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the idea of being able to make these things, locally, and just being able to put out into the world things I want and I know other people would too.....I think i'd like that
just wish I didnt have to win the lottery to do it
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What is a trope(s) in sci fi or fantasy you think is overrated or overused? Which one(s) do you think are underused? I am giving you a Weapons Free clearance to go full autism on this one
Sci-fi Overused: this one's a clean tie. "advanced ancient space empire that isn't around anymore but left incredibly powerful artifacts" is one, it's there just to have it these days. It doesn't take much to break the mold and make it at least interesting (BattleTech's Star League is more important for its political legacy than its tech, which was advanced but still within the same order of magnitude as modern-era systems, and Sun Eater's Mericanii were for all their advancement and terrifying power never capable of FTL travel) but still it's rare to see a setting where modern civilization is as advanced as it's ever been. The other is inventing a wacky dimension of space for FTL for no reason. Like 40k's Warp is fine, because there's significance to it, but "oooh we go through gooey hyperspace and there's tentacle space whales there" is another thing that's just perfunctory at this point
Sci-fi underused: as a basic plot point and setting element, things like machine shops and autoforges and 3D printers. How often does it come up in sci-fi that they badly need specific parts or weapons or components or some other nonsense and have to jump through hoops or do without when you'd think their spaceship would have some sort of fabrication facility onboard?
Fantasy overused: fantasy racism, particularly either by or against elves. I've bitched about it before, all arguments stand, I'm fucking sick of it.
Fantasy underused: I can't really point to a specific one because at least a third of my worldbuilding posts are about sadly underused fantasy tropes and ideas
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gabrielle-writes · 1 year
Weekly Lore 18: Undeads - Raising and Death
(I started writing three different Wekly Lores and got like "THIS IS NOT WORKING" in each one and then I noticed it was because they all hinged on too many explanations that should be given before and separately. As a result, more details about Undeads and about some species mentioned on other Weekly Lores for the next weeks :D)
The raising of an Undead is a complex matter, involving all four basic uses of magic in an interconnected way, months of work, and frequently more than one single Morttatio.
With necromancy and control, a Morttatio identifies suitable Soul Pearls for raising and gets to know them intimately, their personality, how they viewed themselves when alive and, if possible, their name - something trickier to discover before the raising, when the mind and memories are not truly anchored to anything.
With this information, transformation and healing is put to use: the flesh of animals and Blood Blossom spores are selected and magically transformed, bit by bit, the Morttatio slowly molding a new body, human in general shape, to be as closely as the Soul was able to remember themselves when alive, but also more resilient, stronger, with sharper senses. Once the body is considered ready, artificial blood purified from Blood Blossoms is pumped into its veins through magic.
And only then, mainly through necromancy, a Morttatio connects the Soul Pearl to their new body; the Soul itself and its memories remain in the Pearl, but at the same time, they occupy the body. It is a connection, not a transfer, one that can go on for numerous decades.
Because of how they are made, Undead bodies do not function exactly as Living bodies. There are three glaring differences: first, any ingested food is consumed by the spells of transformation and healing molding the body and keeping it functioning, not by the body itself. Second, their bone marrow have bits of Blood Blossom in them, so that any produced blood is actually akin to the artificial one. And third, as of now, even with how perfectly any reproductive organs are molded, Undeads can't have children in the same way as Living - this is something Morttatios have been studying but still were unable to discover the hows and whys.
Despite these facts, most internal organs work mostly as they should in a Living, even if usually more into overdrive, to compensate for their extra abilities - even reproductive organs and genitalia, despite the sterility, do work.
Undeads, we must say, because of how their bodies are in end artificially made through magic, hardly age from the moment of their Raising to the end of their second life. The most obvious sign of any aging is the hair, graying and whitening more and more as the time pass; besides, as the time passes, spells start to fray, and as a consequence their senses become more dulled, closest to human senses, and the connection between the Soul Pearl and the body starts to fail, creating blackouts and sometimes episodes of Hunger. As of with any Living of advanced age whose body and mind has started failing, they can choose to undergo a Merciful Death, having their bodies shut down and buried inside the mountains. It is the most common destiny for Undeads whose bodies are not destroyed in battle.
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