#its awful to see those around me much skinnier Knowing that i could change that if i wasnt so paranoid
velvetthunder1999 · 4 years
All the time on Earth
Part 31 - Lonely
Summary: Even though you and George are on good terms, you feel deserted and lonely. When you sneak out with Fred to get away for a bit, George is mad at you for risking your life
Warnings: Angst, swearing(?)
(Also, I’m sorry but I’ve decided not to tag people - it’s just too much work. Feel free to follow me; I only post this story and you’ll see every time a new part comes up :)  )
Word count: 5.5K
George Weasley x Reader // Fred Weasley x Reader (platonic)
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It had been three weeks since George had walked out the door into the rain. For a good four days you had hoped that he’d come back and you could settle everything. But he hadn’t shown up. According to Bill, the twins were fine, their shop was always crowded with customers and they seemed relatively okay.
However, you couldn’t help but suffer. You kept replaying the whole awful conversation in your head, cringing and feeling ashamed. You knew you had rightfully become angry; George’s decision was just as insane as they come. But on the other hand, you also knew that you had made a mistake when you had started shouting at him. Both of you had been wrong, and now both of you were suffering because of it. Well… you hoped it wasn’t only you who had been suffering for the past few weeks.
You had to wait twenty nine days to hear the familiar pop again. You had been mindlessly flipping the pages of a book that you had read three times now, when the sound of someone apparating came from the garden. You looked at the clock; it was too early for Bill and Fleur to come home. You stood up so suddenly your chair almost fell over. You drew your wand and raised it so that it was pointing at the door.
Someone knocked. Then a voice, a voice that you had thought you’d never hear again spoke.
“It’s me. My name’s George Weasley, you call me ginger boy when you want to be cheeky. I call you witty, because you always have to have a comeback to whatever I say and because you’re never afraid to tell me when I’m acting like a true git —”
You opened the door and George fell silent at once. He looked skinnier than the last time you had seen him, and his hair was a bit longer as well. He was looking at you, his face stuck in an uncertain expression, his eyes in doubt.
“Hey,” he whispered.
“Hey,” you whispered back.
The two of you were staring at each other, not sure what to say. Then George casted down his eyes and cleared his throat.
“Can I… can I come in?”
“Sure,” you said and stepped to the side. As he walked past you, you could feel the scent of the shop on him. Fireworks. Your stomach clenched and you closed the door.
“I…,” he started, forcing himself to look into your eyes. “I wasn’t sure if I should come.”
“Why?” you asked, maybe a bit more coolly than you had intended. “Because you might be followed?”
“No,” George shook his head. “Because I wasn’t sure you’d want to see me.”
“Oh. I see.”
Both of you fell silent again. You didn’t know what to say, where to start. You opened your mouth and then closed it. You were staring at your own two feet for at least a minute before you gathered enough strength to look up again.
“George —”
“Y/N —”
You cut each other off and met each other’s eyes again. You couldn’t look at him for long; his gaze was burning an aching hole in your soul. He looked lost, scared, uncertain; he looked like an abandoned child. He suddenly seemed much younger than he actually was.
You tore your eyes away from his face and saw his hands by his side. He was constantly making his fingers into a fist then releasing them again, clearly drawn by anxiety. You sighed. You were sure that in this moment both of you felt the same way.
He had hurt you. Yes. But you had hurt him just the same. You wanted to tell him how sorry you were… you wanted him to know that you had run after him into the rain… that you were still insanely in love with him and that fighting was stupid… You wanted to let him know that he was your everything and not having him around had driven you mad… and you just wanted him to know how much you’d missed him. But words seemed to fail you. You didn’t know how to say all those things… Not when you still had that miserable argument between you… Not when he had said he didn’t want to visit you in the future.
But you didn’t want to fight anymore.
You stepped forward, your eyes still fixed on his nervous hands. Slowly, very slowly you reached out, touching his fist, gently asking his fingers to loosen the fist and to hold onto you instead. And they did. With a sudden breath of air his hand welcomed yours and finally you were strong enough to look into his eyes again.
“I don’t wanna fight anymore,” you whispered. He nodded.
“Me neither, I’m…” he was desperately looking for the words. “Witty, I didn’t mean what I  said —”
“I know,” you said reassuringly. “Me neither.
“I am so sorry,” he said, his head hanging low. “Really, I was… I was a horrible, disgusting prat, who —”
You stood on your toes and wrapped your arms around his neck. Even though the last couple of weeks were rough, you didn’t want to hear him bashing himself.
“Let’s just… Let’s just figure out something, okay?” you said while hugging him. When he put his arms around you as well, the warmth left by his touch was coursing through your body like electricity. It warmed you. “Because I really missed you.”
“I missed you, too,” his voice cracked. You hugged him tighter. “These weeks without you… It was absolutely dreadful. Even more when I realized that it happened because of me.”
“That’s not entirely true…”
“Yes, it is,” he said firmly. “You were right… about the stupidest idea I’ve ever had.”
“Then let’s come up with something,” you said as you let him go, but stayed close while looking deeply into his eyes. “Let’s have a plan, let’s figure out a schedule… Anything. Anything is better than not having you around.”
He didn’t answer at once. You saw doubt on his face. Before he could had come up with anything, you cupped his cheeks and talked in a very gentle manner.
“Love… You saw how these three weeks were… Dreadful as you said. It’s clear that… we need each other. I need you…”
“And I need you, too, but it’s dangerous —”
“I know, love,” you said, still watching your tender tone. “But I think we’ve reached a point where we simply have no other option but to accept the risk. Because this… this isn’t a life. What you’re suggesting is going to kill us both.”
“I can’t loose you,” he said miserably. “If the risk is too high, I cannot…”
“So we’ll make it as low as possible. Seeing you once a month is still better than not seeing you at all.”
“Once a month?” he said. “That’s…”
“Awful, yes. It’s…” you were only now realizing what it meant. “It’s horrible, but… would you be okay with that?”
You stroke his jaw with your finger. He took his time, thinking.
“Or even Fred can come and visit me once in a while,” you added with a weak smile. “I miss him as well.”
George chuckled. You took it as a good sign.
“Yeah, I’m sure he’d be delighted.”
“So is that a yes?” you asked carefully. George kissed your temple and murmured against your skin.
“Yes. Once a month.”
Once a month. Even though it was more than nothing, your smile still wasn’t completely honest. When George left that afternoon, the promise that you’d only see him four weeks later made you want to burst into tears again.
And so, weeks had passed. The schedule seemed to be working, it didn’t draw much attention and George said the members of the Ministry and the Death Eaters (which were basically the same thing at this point) did not seem suspicious. If anything, it made you at ease at least.
Every two weeks one of the twins showed up to spend one hour with you, keeping you company, telling you everything that had been happening in the world. And every time they left, they took a piece of you with them, eventually making you feel deserted and empty. You spent almost all your time in your room, barely going outside, not seeing the point since you’d already knew the garden and the small segment of the beach inside the protective charms like the back of your hand.
When you were not listening to the radio listing all the names of people who had disappeared or died, you tried to sleep. Your idea was that if you woke up late and went to bed early, two weeks would pass incredibly fast. However, since you were doing nothing other than worrying, mostly you just lay awake in bed, staring at the dark ceiling, trying to avoid your anxious and miserable thoughts. Oftentimes you grabbed your crystal necklace, letting George know that you were thinking about him; then, you waited to see the crystal turning its color, giving you small doses of relief that George was okay, too, and he didn’t forget you, regardless of what your damaged brain suggested.
Then the weather started to change; the wind was cooler, the days were shorter. December had arrived, marking the beginning of the fifth month that you had spent in hiding. You could count on one hand how many times you’d seen George. By this time you felt both physically and mentally sick. You had nothing to look forward to. Only one hour from George and one hour from Fred per month.
Today was one of those hours when you didn’t feel totally depressed, and it was only due to the fact that Fred was sitting at the table next to you, cutting up a blueberry pie that Mrs Weasley had made. He was rather cheerfully talking about something and nodged you with his elbow when you weren’t paying attention for the second time now.
“Oi!” he said, shoving pie into his mouth. “I’m talking to you.”
“Sorry,” you said and started picking your pie with your fork. You wanted to eat it but on the other hand you knew your nervous-all-the-time stomach couldn’t handle it.
“What’s gotten into you?” asked Fred, eyebrows raised.
“Am I a burden?”
The question burst out of you before you could had stopped yourself. Fred looked taken aback.
“What the bloody hell are you talking about?”
“I just… Never mind.”
“Hey…” he gently put his hand on your shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“Sure, that’s why you just asked me if you’re a burden.”
“I meant…” you sighed and put down your fork. “I know I’m not good company. Nothing has happened to me in the last five months.”
“And I’m sorry if this obligatory visiting is starting to annoy you.”
“Merlin, Y/N, something’s really gone wrong in your head,” he said in disgust. “You really think I don’t like to see you?”
“I don’t know.”
“Blimey. Did you ask my brother the same thing?”
“No.” “Is it just me, then? Do you think I’m not your friend anymore?”

“It’s not that!” you snapped.
“Then what?”
“I… Forget it.”
“Tell me.”
He was leaning quite close, completely ignoring his pie before him. There was something in his eyes that let you know that he won’t judge you. You turned your head away, picking at your pie while you talked.
“It’s really hard, you know. I know that I’m lucky, and I’m grateful, but… everything is hell out there and I just really wish… I really wish I could do something. Help.”
“You’re helping by staying safe,” said Fred seriously. “By staying alive. I know it’s hard, staying here. I’d gone crazy, believe me. Not leaving the bloody house for months. I’m really proud of you.”
You snorted.
“For what, may I ask?”
“For holding on,” said Fred with a shrug.
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“Have you told George this?”
“Not really.”
You mumbled something about not wanting to bother him. Fred frowned.
“Well, that’s just stupid. Why would you bother him?”
“I’d rather just enjoy the time he spends here.”
“So how’s the shop?” you asked. You didn’t want to talk about your issues anymore and Fred, after staring at you in doubt for a few seconds, let you change the topic.
“Yeah, the shop’s good. Lot of customers. We’re quite busy.”
“That’s nice.”
“It is. We’re working on some new stuff, they’re quite amazing, you’ll see.”
“I wish I could see it. Or just see the shop again. Or just go for a walk, really.”
“Well, take your coat, Y/N, I’m taking you out,” said Fred jokingly. You chuckled.
“Can you imagine? Would be kinda crazy.”
“Yeah,” Fred smiled to himself. “Crazy.”
You locked eyes, staring in silence. You knew you were thinking the same thing.
“It… It would be crazy, though… wouldn’t it?” you said, asking for reassurance.
Fred tilted his head from left to right, thinking to himself.
“Yeah… It would. Unless…”
“It wouldn’t.”
“It’s kinda dangerous though…”
“Yeah, we shouldn’t…”
“Or should we?”
“Well…” you started carefully. “I mean if… we’re careful and everything… disguise ourselves, maybe…”
“Stay only for a little while,” nodded Fred. “Find a nice place…”
“A muggle town, perhaps? Where no one knows us?”
“Yes… Yes I think…”
“That should be fine.”
You were staring at each other again. You dared only to whisper.
“Are you serious?”
“Y/N… take your coat.”
You jumped up from your seat with a sudden wave of excitement. You were going out. You were leaving the house! You were going to see something else than these walls and the ocean!
“We need to get back before Bill and Fleur do.”
“Yes,” agreed Fred. Then he drew out his wand. “Now, come here.”
He examined you from head to toe, then indicated at your face.
“Would you like your eyecolor to change? Or your hair?”
“Should we do both?” you asked. “And I think we should change you as well.”
Ten minutes later you stepped out of the house as someone unrecognisable. Your hair was pink as Tonks’s, your eyes a strange color of purple. You had told Fred about muggle contact lenses, he was only willing to change your eyes to an extreme extend after that. You were wearing a big puffy jacket with green boots, and a scarf that said “Oxford University”.
“I have never heard of this place,” said Fred.
“Well then, great. We’re supposed to be muggles, right?”
He was now blonde, his brown eyes changed to blue. It felt weird to look at him, but the way he talked to you made it obvious that he was still Fred.
“Well, then, woman,” he said with a grin. “Are you ready?”
You looked at the ground as if you could see the invisible border. Your insides were shaking with excitement. You took Fred’s hand and closed your eyes.
“I’m ready.”
He took one step, pulling you with him. Your boots barely touched the ground when you felt yourself twisting in the air, having your lungs begging for air, then it was over and you felt yourself standing on concrete instead of sand. You opened your eyes.
“Where are we?”
You were standing in a dark alleyway between the back of two shops. On your right were some dustbins, on your left lay the street, illuminated by the setting sun.
“It’s a muggle town, er, village more like. I forgot the name but I remember dad bringing us here once when we were little. He wanted to show us the muggles.”
“I see.”
“Sure,” you said but you couldn’t move. It was so surreal. It was so exciting and nerve-racking. You couldn’t believe it. Fred chuckled, smirking.
He grabbed your hand and started pulling you towards the main street. When you stepped onto the sidewalk, your mouth opened to the sight. The cars were bathing in the orange light of the sunset, a man and a woman were riding a bycicle on the icy road, laughing. Shops were all around the place, offering tea, coffee, bagels and scones. A nice little sidewalk with stairs led to a small lake across the road. Children were skating on its surface.
“You like it?” asked Fred, still grinning. His breath was like smoke in the cold December air.
“I love it. Thank you.”
“No problem, love.”
He bought two hot teas with honey, then you two started walking towards the lake.
“How come you have muggle money on you?”
“You never know when you’ll need it,” shrugged Fred.
You made your way down the stairs, now walking in the snow, sipping the tea. You found an empty bench not far from the lake, where the sun still warmed your faces but you could also keep your distance from the muggles.
“What are they doing?” asked Fred, indicating at the children on the ice.
“Skating,” you said. “You don’t know about skating?”
“Well, look at them,” he said with a funny tone. “Seems useless to me.”
You giggled.
“Just because it’s not quidditch…”
“It doesn’t make any sense —”
“It doesn’t mean it’s not entertaining!” you laughed. Fred frowned in mock outrage.
“Are you laughing at me?”
“Yes, yes I am,” you rolled your eyes jokingly. “Wizards.”
He didn’t say anything but from the corner of your eyes you saw him smiling to himself and shaking his head. He then turned back towards the children. You took a sip from your tea.
“How does it feel being a blonde?” you asked.
“It felt normal until you brought it up.”
“Sorry,” you chuckled.
“Does it look strange to you?”
You looked at him. You squinted.
“It’s your eyes, more like. Not what I’m used to.”
“I’m still handsome I hope,” he smirked. You laughed.
“Everyone can dream.”
“You’re naughty,” he said. “I know I’m not as handsome as my brother.”
“Yeah?” you asked, quite surprised at his statement. Then he raised his head, closing his eyes with satisfaction.
“Now that I’m blonde, I’m more handsome.”
“Yeah, you are,” you said, then covered your mouth. Fred’s eyes burst wide open.
“Did you just —”
“No!” you squeeked. Fred nodded vigorously.
“Yes, you did! You said it!”
“No, I didn’t! I didn’t mean it like that!” you tried to save yourself but the damage was done. Fred laughed joyfully.
“Well, well, dear Y/N, the day finally arrived…”
“Oh, shut up…”
“The day when you admit the truth…”
“Oh, God,” you chuckled painfully.
“Oi, Y/N, what would George say to this?”
“Oh, shut up, you,” you said between laughs and hit him playfully on his shoulder. “You’re never gonna let me forget this, are you?”
“Never,” he said, beaming. “I’ll tell it to my grandchildren one day, let them carry on the story of this fine day, let the future know…”
“Oh, my God, just stay quiet now,” you laughed.
The sun was hanging low now, and the air was getting even colder than before. You’d drunk your last sips of tea and now you were playing with the paper cup, folding it in your hands. Fred was watching the children with interest, every now and then a small smile appeared on his lips whenever a kid did something funny. When the last beam of orange sunlight disappeared behind the hill, and the kids started to leave, Fred looked at you with a soft expression.
“I reckon it’s time to go.”
“I know,” you said. You’d been preparing for this moment the minute you two had sat down here.
“We can come again sometime,” he said gently, seeing your sorrowful face.
“When I’ll see you in a month?” you asked miserably. You turned your head away. You didn’t want to see his pitiful expression.
He didn’t say anything. Still staring at the lake, he put one arm around your shoulders and pulled you into a gentle hug. You let out a shaky sigh.
“I don’t wanna go back,” you whispered into the silence.
“I know.”
You raised your head a little, looking at him. He turned to you, his eyes meeting yours.
“Thank you, Fred.”
“You’re welcome.”
His lips curled into a sweet smile and even though he was blonde, even though he had blue eyes, you recognised him under his disguise. You recognised his mannerisms, the way he looked at you, the way he talked to you, the way he hugged you. All of it made you feel really melancholic.
“Take me back, please,” you said, accepting that there was simply no other way.
You stood up from the bench and walked back to the street, passed the shops and got back to the alleyway from where you started off. You offered your hand to Fred, but he refused to take it. Instead, he placed his hands on both side of your face.
“It’s gonna be okay, Y/N, all right? You’re gonna be fine. I promise.”
Seeing how intense he was, you nodded. You wanted to believe him. You wanted to believe him so bad.
“Okay,” you said, and offered your hand once again. This time he took it and you felt the familiar twisting and turning again.
You felt the salty air first, but you refused to look around just yet. Behind your closed eyelids you saw the village in the orange light, and the lake with the children. You wanted to hold on to it for as long as you could.
“Oh… Shit.”
Hearing Fred’s tense voice made you open your eyes. Every inch of your body winced in fear. In the backyard of the house stood George. He was facing you, staring, waiting.
“Oh, no,” you said. You couldn’t even imagine the scolding you were about to get. “Oh, shit.”
“It’s okay,” said Fred and gently grabbed your shoulder. “Come inside the charms.”
You stepped inside, keep staring at George in the garden. He didn’t move an inch. Fred saw your anxious face and leaned closer.
“I’ll talk to him, okay? I’ll…”
“No,” you shook your head. “It’s… I’ll do it.”
You started walking, nervously biting your tongue. As you got closer, you could make out George’s expression. His face was pure rage and he was panting. You had never seen him this angry.
When you were only a few feet away, Fred stepped forward.
“George, before you start —”
“Shut up,” answered George, not taking his eyes off you. His voice was ice cold. Fred frowned; he didn’t let it end here.
“Now, listen —”
“I said,” George’s voice was shaking from the restrained anger. “Shut up.”
“It’s okay,” you said hastily, recognising that nothing could be done. You turned to Fred. “Go. Go home.”
“What are you —”
“It’s okay, Fred,” you said. “Really. Just go.”
Fred looked quite uncertain. He was staring for a few seconds, then he seemed to accept your request. He turned to George again.
“Don’t be so hard on her.”
Fred fell silent, but you could see that he was about to say some nasty things to his brother. Instead, he waved his wand, turned back into his ginger self and walked towards the border. When he stepped outside, he disapparated at once. “What’s this?” said George in a cold tone, pointing at your purple hair. Your voice was really high as you answered.
“Disguise,” said George after you waved with your wand and turned back to your normal self. “You two planned this out nicely, didn’t you?”
“How could you?” he yelled and suddenly the words got stuck in your throat. You wanted to disappear. “Do you have any idea what I’ve gone through?”
“One hour! We agreed on one hour! What do you think was going through my head when Fred didn’t come back after one hour?”
“I don’t know,” you whispered. His fury scared you.
“You don’t know? Try again!”
“That…” your eyes started to fill up with tears. “That something’s wrong.”
“Brilliant answer, Y/N. And how do you think I felt?”
“I d-don’t know.”
“Answer me.”
“Oh, worried is not even close. But let’s continue. When Fred didn’t appear another hour later, what do you think I thought?”
You shook your head in tears. George continued, cruelly.
“Nothing? Then how do think I felt when I came here to check if everything was all right but I saw the empty house instead?”
“I don’t know,” you mumbled. Tears started running down your face.
“I thought you were dead!” yelled George in rage. “I thought you were murdered! Would you like to be murdered, Y/N? Look at me! Would you?!”
“No,” you sobbed. George didn’t care.
“Then how could you be so irresponsible, Y/N? How? Do you have any idea —”
“We were c-careful!”
“I don’t give a damn!” he roared. “I would’ve never thought that you would be so careless, so imprudent to risk your own life! Don’t you listen to the radio? Don’t you hear how many muggleborns are killed? Or — do you think it’s just a game, do you think I come here only once a month as a joke?”
“I was worried sick!”
“Don’t tell me you wouldn’t have done the same!” you shrieked. “The famous George Weasley would have just stayed put for months, wouldn’t he?”
“I am not the main target of the whole fucking Ministry!”
“That’s not my point!” you cried. Finally, you found your voice. “You have no idea what’s it like, being here, not doing anything all day but listening to the radio listing all the people who disappeared or died! You call that a life? I don’t have a life! I am locked up here, and yes, I should be grateful and I am grateful but I’m suffocating here! And I can’t feel anything but guilt, knowing that while others are on the run I still don’t appreciate enough to have my own room and sleep in a bed every night! You know what’s the worst? Everyone, every single person, you included keeps telling me to hold on until the end, until the good times come but… George, when will the good times come? For how long do I have to stay in hiding? A year? Five? Or ten? What kind of life is that? And I can’t do this anymore… I can’t… I don’t… I don’t know what to do and… I’m lonely, I’m so miserably lonely, I’ve seen you four times in five months and…. and… who says we’re gonna win? Who says it’s a guarantee that we’re gonna get our lives back? Who says You-Know-Who’s gonna loose and I won’t have to stay inside for ever?”
You sat down in the sand, trying to muffle your sobs. You couldn’t believe the amount of times you had cried in the past months. You felt yourself on the verge of insanity. Not because of the crying, no. Because of all the things that made you cry.
You felt a hand on your knee as George sat down, too. His voice was low.
“Why haven’t you told me this?”
“I’m telling you now,” you sniffled. You hid your face into your hands. George tightened his grip on your knee.
“You still shouldn’t have gone out today.”
“I know. Don’t punish F-Fred for it. It was my idea.”
“I’m gonna have a word with him, don’t you worry.”
“But it was —”
“I don’t care. Y/N…” he let out a groan. “Y/N, you have no idea what I felt when I saw the empty house. When I thought… I’ll never forgive you for this. Never.”
“I k-know.”
“Good. Now, listen to me because I’m only going to say this once. Everything’s going to be all right.”
“Oh, shut it,” you sobbed. “You keep saying that but nothing’s all right.”
“I trust Harry.”
“That doesn’t mean he’s gonna succeed.”
“I trust that he will.”
He spoke with so much confidence, with so much strength that it made you feel even weaker than before. You knew you were only a shadow of your normal self and yes, while George was here, telling you all this, you could almost believe it. But he was going to leave as always, leaving you alone with your thoughts again only to appear a month later. You couldn’t handle it anymore. You needed him.
“Stay,” you said suddenly, barely louder than a whisper.
“What was that?”
Your lip trembled as you looked him in the eye.
“Please stay.”
“Y/N…” suddenly his face changed; he looked extremely remorseful. “You know I need to go back.”
“Please…” you begged, tears running down on your cheeks again. “I’m begging you.”
“Please…” you grabbed onto his jacket. You knew you looked absolutely pathetic. You didn’t care. “Just for tonight. Please.”
He gently wiped your face. His touch made you shiver.
“Y/N, I… I can’t…”
“Don’t…” you sobbed. “Don’t leave me alone…”
He was fighting an internal battle. You took his hand, desperately pleading.
“Please… Please, George…”
He took his time examining your face, brushing a piece of hair out of the way, then cupping your cheeks. His touch was so warm, and you missed it so much… Then he kissed you, gently and carefully and you knew that this was goodbye, that this was his way of letting you go without words…
“I need to go home,” he said and you cried. “But… But I’ll come back.”
“W-what?” you said, not believing your ears.
“I’ll come back tonight, okay? But I need to go home first. Talk to Fred, arrange a few things…”
“No,” you started shaking your head. “No, you… you’ll promise but you won’t come back…”
“I promise you I’ll come back,” he said, looking deeply in your eyes.
“Do you trust me?”
You didn’t answer. You shook your head in despair.
“Do you trust me?” he said again, more firmly.
You wanted to. You wanted to trust him so bad.
“Yes,” you lied.
“Trust me,” he said with another soft kiss. “Only tonight, okay? This is an exception.”
“Sure,” you mumbled. It didn’t matter. You knew he wouldn’t come.
“Okay,” he said and he stood up. He helped you up, too. “Go back into the house, all right? Don’t leave, you understand me?”
“Yes,” you said, barely audible. He cupped your cheeks again.
“Do you understand?”
“Yes,” you said again.
“Good. Now go.”
You kissed him goodbye, stretching the moment for as long as you could. Then you turned away without meeting his eyes again, and wiping yours, you walked into the house. You could hear the sound of disapparation and you knew that he was gone.
And you waited. Because even though you knew he wasn’t coming back, even though you knew that he had promised only to make you calm down, you couldn’t help but hope.
When Bill and Fleur came home and you had dinner, you stayed awfully quiet. You felt sick and tired, you were exhausted and drained. More than once you caught yourself staring out of one of the windows of the house with tears in your eyes. Finally, around nine o’clock you couldn’t take it anymore and went to bed.
And you waited. Constantly wiping your wet cheeks you waited. Being disappointed after every passing minute you waited. Every now and then you looked at your necklace but it wasn’t glowing. George wasn’t thinking about you. He wasn’t coming back.
Around one in the morning you felt the tiredness taking over your body; you could barely keep your eyes open. It was really hard to accept the truth. You kept dazing off and jerking awake again, just to realize that you were alone, maybe more alone than you had ever been. And this feeling travelled through your body, poisoning every inch of you, and you were hurting, more than you had ever been hurt before.
But then, something happened. You were on the verge of sleeping again, when you heard footsteps on the corridor outside your room. You didn’t dare to move. It was Bill. You were sure. Maybe it was morning already and they headed for work again.
Your door creaked. You raised your head at once and saw a tall, ginger figure entering the room. In the dark, only with the moon shining through your window, he looked like a heavenly presence. You weren’t even sure if he was real or you were dreaming already. But then you decided that you didn’t even care.
He moved. He kicked off his shoes, he took off his jacket. He moved the covers and he climbed into bed next to you. His firework scent filled the room, embracing you, filling up the hole in your soul. He wrapped his arms around you as you moved to rest your head on his chest. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. Everything seemed to fall into place. You felt his fingers in your hair, gently brushing your face. And after four months of lonely nights you finally heard him whisper again:
“Sweet dreams.”
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years
Round Little Tummy- Sam x Reader One Shot
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A/N: Hi friends! So this little one shot is very personal to me. The first paragraph leading up to Sam’s entrance is all true to me and how I really feel. There are other nonfiction elements throughout but it’s manly fiction! I just had an image of Sam being so sweet with his insecure girlfriend so here this is; enjoy!
Warnings: Fluff, insecure reader, mentions of being overweight, self-hate, jealousy (of Sam cause who isn’t jealous of his good looks?) 
Word Count: 1,205
Main Masterlist| Holiday Masterlist
Requests are OPEN| Tag List requests are OPEN for ALL fandoms 
*(Tags are based off those who I’ve spoken to or who are actively or recently liking my work, if not requested)*
Xxx M
Being overweight wasn’t anything new for you. You were always pinned as the ‘heavy girl’ but you were told it was just that you were “big-boned,’ not that you believed it. The majority of your friends and even your family members who were around your age were always skinny. Their clothes always seemed to fit them just perfectly; yours were either too big or too small. Fitting into jeans was a nightmare because your hips were wide but you had a small waist and the last time you checked, there wasn’t a single pair of jeans that were built for both. And let’s not forget your ‘fatty’ areas. Your thighs touched, your arms jiggled, and your stomach was round and rolled in on itself. According to all doctors and your Internet searches, everyone told you, you were overweight and needed to lose weight. So, you began to take their advice, and slowly, you began to lose weight. It was very gradual at first but you were doing it. It encouraged you when you began seeing the small changes that were showing on your body due to the weight loss but you still had a long way to go until you hit your goal.
“Hey baby,” Sam says, as he walks into your room.
Ah, Sam Winchester, he was something entirely different. He was built like a Greek god; physically fit, chiseled jawline, gorgeous eyes, perfectly plump pink lips, and a smile with two dimples. To you, and so many other women, he was beautiful. You could easily be insecure when you and he were in public. You felt like people would be giving you dirty likes as if they were thinking, ‘why is someone so hot like him dating a fat girl like her? He could do so much better.’ You could never admit this to Sam because he would try to tell you the exact opposite of all your insecurities but that didn’t always help. And he had too much to worry about in his world, that he didn’t need to be concerned with all your insecurities.
“Hi Sam,” you say, not looking back to him. Currently, you stood in front of the bathroom mirror, as you held the hem of your shirt up so you could examine your stomach.
“What are you doing in here?” He asks, suddenly appearing beside you in the mirror.
“I’m looking at my tummy; it’s so round!” You whine, moving to stand to your left while your hands traveled around your stomach. You poked and prodded yourself, groaning in disapproval of how you looked.
“There’s nothing wrong with that, y/n,” he says, watching you in the mirror, as you continued degrading your physique.
“Look at my legs, they jiggle so much; it’s gross!” You poke the skin on your thighs that were exposed thanks to Sam’s shorts you had borrowed.
“And my arms are so gross!” You say, holding up your arm and shaking it, the fat deposits there moving with your actions before Sam had had enough.
“Okay y/n, seriously, that’s enough,” he said, his voice coming off louder and stronger than before. The sudden roughness taking you my surprise, making you almost shrink away from him.
“I’m only speaking the truth, Sam,” you finally say but keep your voice low. When he didn’t immediately answer back, you figured he agreed with you, so you left the bathroom and went climbing in bed.
You grabbed the remote to turn on the television, seeing that Sam had flipped the light off in the bathroom, and thought he was just going to join you. The youngest Winchester had other plans. He kept quiet and near the bathroom, appearing to be thinking of something to say to you. He knew it wasn’t easy talking to you about your insecurities but he did know he had to say something. His eyes remained on you, as his mind raced with thoughts, and he couldn’t help the small grin that broke out on his face as he looked at you. To him, you were unbelievably beautiful. He loved the way your hair fell in your face and you would blow air up to get the hair back in its place and when that didn’t work, and you got annoyed, he’d chuckle at you, thinking it was adorable. The sound of your laugh that carried throughout the room you were in and always found a way to his ears, made his heart skip a beat. Your smile was just a big as his, stretching to your eyes and they would crinkle, as Dean’s would, and he loved you more. Your eyes drew him into you constantly and when he’d search them, it made him wonder what you were thinking. You were smart, you had a sassy side, but you were always sweet and caring about others before you took care of yourself and Sam adored you. He soaked everything about you up like he was a sponge; he craved that kind of love. And with you, he got it, every single day.
You continued to lay on your bed, not paying Sam any more attention, enthralled in the show you were watching. Stretching to relieve the tension in your muscles, your shirt rode up, exposing your stomach. In the blink of an eye, Sam was right there next to you, hands on the exposed skin.
“Sam, what are you doing?” You gasp as you felt his warm fingers dance around your skin. Every little bit of skin that he could see, his hands were all over. Soon they made their way up to your arms, down to your thighs, and back up to your stomach, Sam refusing to answer you. He suddenly leaned down and began leaving small kisses along where his hands just were. Then he slowly moved his head up to look you dead in the eye and said,
“I love your little round tummy and everything you’re insecure about. You’re working on losing this weight and I’m so proud of how far you’ve come; you have no idea. You amaze me with your determination to succeed in everything you put your mind to; this is just one of those times. You may think I don’t know how nervous you get when we go out, fearful that someone skinnier might catch my eye, but baby, that won’t ever happen. I am crazy about you and only you. You are exactly the kind of woman I want and I love having a little extra skin to squeeze,” he says in that lower voice that always turned you on, as he squeezed your thigh. “I love you so much, baby girl. Never forget how much I love you and how much I want you.”
You smile wide, matching that of Sam’s, and stretch up to kiss him. He alleviates your struggle by bringing you back to the pillows behind you for support and falls into a perfect rhythm with your lips.
“I love you so much too, Sammy. Thank you for being here for me and for loving me as you do," you said when you broke away from your kiss.
“The honor is all mine darlin’. I love loving you; forever and always.”  
Tag List: @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @tloveswriting​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @spnjediavenger​ @angeredcrow​ @to-my-beloved-fandoms-2​ @deansmyapplepie​ @akshi8278​ @hobby27​ @thwiso​ @spnreader​ @marvelfansworld​
If you would no longer like to be tagged, please let me know!
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know! (Tags are based off those who I’ve spoken to or who are actively or recently liking my work, if not requested)
Special acknowledgments for this story:
 “OH MY GOODNESS, YESSSS! I’M ALL FOR IT! -@tloveswriting​ and her every growing support for me and my blog. Ilysm, T!
“ Aw wow that’s so nice. I love it when writers do tht because i’m sure it really relates with a lot of readers out there and i’m sure they really appreciate it. -@angelinathebook​ a new friend and very supportive bean. Thanks a lot, A!
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 4 years
I was so inspired by the headcanon made by @letthemsayfuck and expanded upon by @newsies-of-corona about Varian’s season 3 outfit that I had to write a quick one shot about it! It was such a cute idea and I couldn’t get it out of my head, I had to write it down. Hope you enjoy!
New Threads
It had been a couple weeks since Rapunzel had returned to Corona, and things were starting to return to normal after the Saporian attack had been quelled. Well, almost normal. Thanks to the attack, Frederic and Ariana were not currently fit to rule since their memories hadn’t yet been restored, and as a result, Rapunzel was now the acting queen of Corona. The people of the kingdom were grateful to have their beloved princess back, and Rapunzel was happy to be back as well, even if there was a certain empty spot in the castle that was hard to ignore. Coming back to Corona after losing a friend was hard, but even though she’d lost one friend, Rapunzel was happy to have gained back another one. Now that Varian had turned over a new leaf and was back on the right side of history, he and Rapunzel had managed to start laying down the bricks of their rebuilt friendship. He was a lot happier now that his father was free, and he was almost never not by his side, stuck to him like glue. Rapunzel was happy for him. She’d truly felt awful that she had let him down all those months ago after being unable to save his father, and watching Varian go down that dark road, feeling so lost and broken, had been difficult. Rapunzel never, ever broke a promise, so finally being able to keep hers had been a wonderful feeling. But even though Rapunzel still cared greatly for Varian and had forgiven him for his misdeeds, it didn’t mean that the kingdom had. Varian had never exactly been a very popular boy, not very well-liked in his village, and now he was reviled even more. True, Varian had helped save the kingdom from the Saporians, but not everyone in Corona was as quick to forgive as their princess. Varian couldn’t hardly go anywhere alone without having insults and sometimes objects hurled his way, so he hadn’t been around much since Rapunzel came back. As a result, if Rapunzel wanted to see him, she had to go visit Varian in his own home. Today was one of those days. Rapunzel journeyed happily to Old Corona, hoping to see her young friend. As she walked through the village, the people who had come back after being displaced smiled and waved at their beloved princess. She returned their greetings, happy to see her subjects out and about. She climbed the familiar steps of Varian’s home and knocked on the door.
“Oh, Princess!” Quirin greeted, opening the door.
“Hello, Quirin!” Rapunzel smiled. “How are you?”
“I’m doing much better, thanks to you.”
“That’s great to hear. I’m really glad I could help,” said Rapunzel. “Is Varian home?”
“Yes, he’s home,” Quirin replied. “He’s in his lab. You can go on in.”
“Thank you!”
“Thank you, Princess,” said Quirin as he stepped aside to let Rapunzel in. She smiled as she walked past him and went over to Varian’s lab. She stood outside the door for a moment, listening to the familiar sounds of Varian’s tinkering. She closed her eyes briefly, remembering her friend of before. But he was still her friend, and hearing the usual cacophony of his lab helped her remember that. She pushed open the door and went inside. Looking around, she spotted him in the corner working on some new machine she hadn’t seen before.
“Hi, Varian!” she said brightly. He looked up suddenly from his work.
“Oh, Rapunzel! Hi!” he looked at her with a smile on his face.
“What are you working on?” she asked as she peered at his machine in curiosity.
“Oh, this?” he stepped aside to give her a better view. “This is my newest invention. It’s a machine that’s designed to reverse the effects of the Saporian memory wand and restore your parents’ memories, since I, well...” he trailed off, his smile fading. After a moment, he sighed softly. “I’m sorry, Rapunzel.”
“It’s...well, it’s not really okay, but I trust that you’ll figure something out. You’re a smart guy. You can fix this,” she assured him.
“Thanks. For...for trusting me,” said Varian quietly. “I-I know I don’t really deserve your trust, but-“
“Varian,” Rapunzel gently interrupted. He looked up at her. “I know you feel sorry about everything. And the fact that you’re working to help me already shows me that you’re worthy of being trusted.” He gave her a little smile.
“Thanks.” He loosened up a little after previously feeling a bit tense. “So, uh, what are you doing here?”
“I just thought I’d come and check up on you, see how you’re doing,” Rapunzel replied. “Do you need any help with your machine?”
“Actually,” said Varian, his eyes brightening. “If you could pass me my tools when I need them, that’d be great.”
“You got it!” Rapunzel said cheerfully, handing him a screwdriver.
Rapunzel spent the rest of the afternoon in the lab with Varian, helping him out with his machine, watching him work, and listening to him explaining its function with rapt attention. He also talked a lot about the past couple weeks that he’d been reunited with his dad. He spoke excitedly about how happy he was to be back and how much he missed the simple things they used to do together, like having dinner in the evening, but how glad he was to get to do them again. Rapunzel loved listening to Varian talk about the things that he was passionate about, and hearing his sweet laughter again after so long was a pleasant and beautiful sound. Watching him work and hearing him talk, it made Rapunzel feel like nothing had changed. But things had changed, even in very subtle ways, and there were many indicators about just how much time had passed. As Rapunzel watched Varian tinker away on his machine, she noticed that he wasn’t quite so little anymore. Granted, he was still a “little guy”, as Eugene had called him, but Varian had grown. He was taller than he had been the last time she’d seen him all those months ago before she left. It was evident in where he now stood in comparison to Rapunzel and in the way she noticed him absentmindedly tugging on the sleeves of his faded blue shirt every now and then, as if trying to bring them down further on his arms. It could have also been a subconscious desire to cover his hands, since he was now working with his hands exposed because the black gloves he used to wear had melted off while Rapunzel was in her trance. Looking at him, she could tell why he always wore those gloves, since working without them had left behind tiny cuts on his hands from the lack of protection from his alchemy and metalwork. Really, he had simply started to outgrow his outfit. Even though Rapunzel could tell that Varian was a little bit skinnier now as a result of eating nothing but the prison food for months on end, she still noticed that his old blue shirt was starting to be too small. The way Varian shifted his feet around while standing and talking indicated that his shoes were too small as well. And even if his clothes fit him perfectly, the patched sleeve of his shirt and the old, worn fabric were signs enough that he was in need of a new outfit.
Surely he must be uncomfortable she thought as she watched him working. Then, realization struck her and her heart sank as she thought about why Varian was still putting up with clothes that weren’t exactly fit to be worn anymore. Not everyone in the kingdom had forgiven Varian yet. There were still some people who were harboring fresh wounds and weren’t ready to extend him a helping hand yet. He couldn’t even walk around without his dad nearby for fear of being harassed in some way. Even if Varian wanted to go out shopping and buy himself some new clothes, he couldn’t do it without facing persecution from the citizens who were still angry with him. But not everyone was upset. Rapunzel saw in him a good heart and she knew he had changed for real, and when she saw that a friend was in need, well, she couldn’t just sit idly by without trying to help. So when it was time to leave and she told Varian goodbye, she headed straight back to the castle with newfound determination and an idea burning in the back of her mind.
“Hey, Sunshine!” Eugene greeted warmly when she arrived back home. “How was your visit to Old Corona? Is Varian doing okay?”
“It was good,” she replied. “It was really good to see him. He’s doing a lot better. He’s back to inventing and doing alchemy.”
“That’s great to hear,” he said. “I’m glad the little guy is starting to become more like his old self.”
“I am too.” She smiled at the thought. But then she remembered what she’d been so fired up about. “Oh! I have to go see the royal seamstress,” Rapunzel said as she began walking off towards the beauty room where the seamstress worked.
“You planning on getting some new threads?” Eugene called after her.
“Something like that.”
Rapunzel entered the quarters where the seamstress worked, sewing up new clothes for the royal family. She looked around through the curtains of dresses and suits that hung all around.
“Faye?” she called.
There was a ruffling sound and a bundle of fabric was suddenly tossed through the air and a short woman with pins in her mouth poked her head out from behind some more rolls of fabric.
“Oh! Your highness!” said Faye, the seamstress. She took the pins out of her mouth and pushed them into the mini pincushion she wore on her wrist. “How can I help you? Is there something wrong with your dress?”
“Oh, no, it’s fine. Just as beautiful as ever! But I have a special request for you,” replied the princess. She took out her journal with a new painting on one of the pages and showed it to Faye. “Do you think you could make me something like this?”
Faye studied the picture Rapunzel had made, looking over all the details and specifications.
“Absolutely, Princess! I’ll get started right away.”
“Thank you, Faye!” Rapunzel said cheerfully. “I know it’ll be just great!”
A few days later, Rapunzel once again made the trek to Old Corona, this time with a package in her hands. She had a skip in her step as she thought about her little surprise. When she made it to Varian’s house, she entered his lab enthusiastically.
“Hi, Varian!” she announced, her voice bright.
“Oh, Rapunzel! I’m glad to see you,” said Varian. “I wanted to tell you more about my progress with the new machine.”
As he spoke, Rapunzel glanced down and noticed his hands.
“Hey, new gloves!” she observed.
“Oh, yeah,” said Varian, looking down. He was wearing a pair of new alchemy gloves, dark brown this time, with little pressure gauges on them. “Dad bought these for me the other day when he went into town. I had mentioned that it was harder doing my alchemy without gloves, and I guess he was worried that I would burn myself or something. But I’m glad to have them, it feels more normal. Anyway, I’m not quite finished with the machine yet, I’m still working out the kinks,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “But in the meantime, I’ve been working on some potions that I think could help with restoring your parents’ memories. I’ve just gotta test them.”
“Sounds like you’ve been busy,” Rapunzel said.
“Yeah,” Varian agreed, laughing lightly. “So, what brings you here so soon after your last visit? Not that I’m not happy to see you,” he added quickly.
“Do I need a reason to come visit?” Rapunzel teased.
“I don’t know. Do you?”
“Maybe I just wanted to come say hi! But actually I do have a reason.” She brought the package out from behind her back and held it in front of her so Varian could see it. “I have something for you!”
“For me?” Varian looked down at the package in her hands in surprise. “W-why would you get me something?”
“Can’t I just be nice?”
“Of course, you’re always nice. But, why me?”
“Because I thought you could use it.”
“What is it?” Varian asked.
“You are seriously missing the point of a surprise,” Rapunzel replied. She pushed the package into his hands. “Just open it and see for yourself.”
Varian set the package down on a nearby table and used the sharp edge of one of his tools to open it up. He peered inside and his eyes went wide.
“Wait, Rapunzel, really? This is for me?”
“Of course! I hope you like it. I designed it myself and I had the royal seamstress sew it up based on my pattern. What do you think?” she asked. Varian lifted the carefully folded clothes from the box and held it up to himself.
“I, wow, I don’t know what to say.”
“Well, go on!” Rapunzel said, making a shooing motion with her hand. “Go try them on! Let’s see how it fits.”
Varian picked up the box and left his lab, going up the steps of his house and to his room. A few minutes later, Rapunzel could hear footsteps coming down the stairs and Varian came back into the lab, and Rapunzel smiled at his appearance. Instead of his old blue shirt with the patched sleeve and his pants with frayed edges, he was now wearing a new dark maroon vest with gold buttons going down either side, and underneath that was a beige long-sleeved shirt with a collar. He also had a new pair of pants and a belt, plus a new shorter tan apron that tied at the waist rather than higher up on his chest like his old one. He even had a new pair of boots, with a thicker toe on them to protect his feet better from broken glass or just the usual chronic clumsiness that Varian seemed to suffer from. Rapunzel’s eyes lit up when she saw him.
“Hey, you look great!” she complimented him warmly. She got up and looked him over. “That’s a nice color on you, and it looks like it fits you better than your old shirt. Hmm, except for the sleeves,” she noticed, seeing how the cuffs almost covered his fingers. “But that’s okay, we’ll just get you some sleeve garters to wear and it’ll help with that. How do your boots feel?”
“Rapunzel, I...I can’t accept this,” said Varian softly.
“Why not? Should I have gotten you blue instead? You seem to like blue.”
“No, it’s not that.” He paused briefly. “I just don’t deserve something like this.”
“Varian, why would you say that?”
“Rapunzel, just look at everything I’ve done. I-I stole the sundrop flower, I kidnapped the queen, I tried to hurt you, worse, even. I took over the kingdom, I erased your parents’ memories. Why would you want to be nice to me after everything I did? You saved my life, you saved my dad’s life. That’s more than I could ever ask for. Why would you keep on giving me things? I don’t deserve your gifts,” said Varian sadly, nervously rubbing at the too-long sleeve of his right arm. Rapunzel put her hands on his shoulders so he’d look at her.
“Varian, it’s true, you did a lot of things that hurt me. But I can see that you’re sorry for them, and you’re working to make up for them. I know you have a good heart and that you really are a good person. You had a pretty...rough patch, let’s say. But don’t think for one second that you’re any less valuable as a person because of it. You still deserve to be treated with kindness because I can see that you still want to give kindness to others, and you’re a human being just like everyone else. That means you make mistakes just like everyone else, and it means you deserve to be treated kindly just like everyone else. I know you’re mad at yourself and that takes time to get over, but please don’t think that you’re unworthy of love or friendship because of your past. What you need to focus on is the present. Don’t talk badly about one of my friends,” she said earnestly.
Friends. Varian’s eyes lit up at the word and he gave her a smile. He liked the sound of that. He took a step back and turned around to look at himself in a mirror in his lab. He smiled at his reflection, turning to look at himself from different angles.
“So, what do you think?” Rapunzel asked eagerly.
“I think...it looks good.”
“So you like it?
“Of course I like it.” He ran his hands over the fabric softly. He’d never had such fine clothes before. “And you’re right. This is a nice color,” he laughed lightly. He looked up at Rapunzel.
“Thank you, Princess.”
“You’re welcome, Varian,” she replied with a smile. She gave him a hug and she stuck around to listen to him talking about his further progress with his machine. When it was time to say goodbye, she waved and headed back to the castle. And for the rest of the day whenever Varian caught a glimpse of his reflection, he couldn’t help but smile.
Not too long after, Rapunzel decided to raise her kingdom’s spirits by bringing them together for a community project, namely to help rebuild the castle’s throne room after the Saporian attack had damaged it. Several members of the kingdom had volunteered to come, and Rapunzel was both surprised and delighted to see that Varian was one of them. Finally shaking off his fears of traveling to the capital city alone, he showed up at the castle with a backpack full of tools, ready to help.
“Hello, Varian! It’s good to see you out and about,” she said.
“Thanks. It’s good to be out and about. I know I’m a big part of why the throne room is damaged, and I’m sorry about that. But I’m ready to get to work rebuilding,” he replied.
“Well, thank you. I appreciate it. We can use all the help we can get.”
At that moment, Eugene entered the room and spotted Rapunzel talking to Varian. He looked him over in surprise.
“Varian! I like the new outfit! You’re looking sharp, buddy.”
“Thanks,” Varian replied with a smile. “New outfit, new day, new me.”
And it was true. The new, special clothes looked good on Varian, and not just because the color was nice. It was a different, more mature look and it reflected Varian’s growth, in more ways than one. It was still perfect for alchemy and inventing, he hadn’t lost that part of himself. He was still the same sweet boy he’d always been, but he was changed. He really was a new person, still with all his same quirks, but now he was bigger and stronger, and not just in size. His return to kindness had ushered in a new change, and change looked good.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!
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*jhs / hanahaki! au/ 🌙☆
*4.5k written 
Summary: Hoseok desperately wants to continue your guy’s friendship despite his girlfriend Soo-min hating you. What he doesn’t know though is that even just being friends will kill you.
A/N: After much consideration what started off as a one-shot then two-shot, shall now have three parts. Thank you everyone for your patience. I appreciate all the support given to me.
White orchids spill from your mouth as you heave into the toilet only to miss. A minute passes before you collapse onto the cold tile floor of your restroom. Your eyes stare blankly at the white mocking flowers splattered with blood. How fitting for the product of your disease to be such a rare exotic flower. Most people who suffered from Hanahaki threw up roses or lilies, but you got orchids. It is as life wants to personally point out that your first and only time falling in love with someone is doomed.
Forcing the remnants of blood and flowers back into your throat, you stood up on shaky legs. It was 9:10 am last time you checked, and time you spent throwing up has  fucked up your morning schedule. If you don’t change soon you’d undoubtedly be late to your morning class. “Come on (Y/N), you can do it. No stupid flowers are going to-”
“(Y/N)! Are you ready?” a familiar jovial voice calls out, causing only more flowers to fall from your lips. 
Quickly you slam the door to the restroom shut, locking it for extra measure. Your mind races trying to figure out why the object of your affection Jung Hoseok was here. Sure he used to walk you to class every morning, but only to make his ex-girlfriend Soo-min jealous. Soo-min hated you with a passion. Which is why when Hoseok and her broke up, he thought fake dating you would be the best way to get her back-and it worked. 
For three months you faked a relationship with Seoul University’s  ‘sunshine boy’. At first you felt awkward not being a people person and Hoseok was under the impression that you were some sort of monster. Eventually though you two passed those hurdles. Hoseok broke through your icy barriers, he became your first friend and through him you began to make other friends. Everything went perfectly except for the fact you began to fall for him. 
 It started slow, but you could feel the symptoms progressing each day. His love began thawing the ice around your heart. Then a seed  planted itself in it sprouting leaves that grew like ivy. Soon after flowers escaped your mouth the sure sign of an unrequited love. Your love for him was real. Probably more real than anything Soo-min could give him. However Hoseok felt oppositely hence the Hanaki disease. 
“(Y/N)? Are you in there? “ Hoseok knocks. “It’s kind of late to be getting ready. Did you oversleep?”
“Yeah.” You croak. “I just got up. What …what are you doing here, Hoseok? Didn’t you and Soo-min get back together?”
It’s a question you already know the answer to, but you can’t help not to ask. You need to know for sure, before you make any decisions regarding your Hanahaki, you need to Hoseok got his wish. “….we did, but that doesn’t we can’t still be friends-”
    His answer both hurts and relieves you at the same time.  
“It means exactly that, Sunshine boy. You can’t be friends with me. You can’t even talk to me unless you want Soo-min to hate you.” You say, hardening your heart.
   Hoseok isn’t the type to abandon a friend for girl. Not even if he’s only known them for a few months. Which is why you need to be the bad guy here…for both your sakes. “(Y/N)…” Hoseok says.
     Taking a deep breath you opened the door coming face to face with the cherry haired boy you loved. His dark eyes gaze at you sadness radiating through them. You have a feeling he knows how right you are, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. “We can’t. Being friends with you will only cause pain and trouble for us. Trust me.” you reaffirm.
    Hoseok shakes his head. “I don’t believe that. Not for one second. You are my friend whether Soo-min or anyone else wants you to be or not.”
       A vine shoots out at his words coiling tightly around your rib. It takes everything within you not to double over in pain as it bruises muscle and bone. You are so far gone, any sort of relationship with Hoseok will kill you. “What about what I want? What if I don’t want to be friends anymore? What if I am tired of dealing with you and everyone else?’ You snap uncontrollably. “I don’t want to do it, Hoseok. I don’t want to be your friend anymore. Alright?! “
   Hoseok doubles back a crushed look on his face. “Alright. If that’s what you want, I’ll leave you alone then.”
   “It is.”  You say looking away . You can’t handle the expression on his face. It hurts more than anything the Hanahaki does to you. A ray of sunshine like him should never be anything less than shining, especially not at the expense of an ice queen like you. 
    Later that night you receive a visit from Yoongi, Hoseok’s best friend/fraternity brother and the only other person who knows about your disease. The blonde haired boy arrives with an assortment of medicines, books, and pamphlets revolving around Hanahaki. It’s a sight that makes you both laugh and cry at the same time. “I heard you broke up with Hobi.” Yoongi says as he enters your dorm.
    You snort, shaking your head. “We weren’t really dating to begin with, so how can we break up?”
    “He looks awful. Almost as if you murdered his whole family in front of him.”  Yoongi mentions. “Seriously I’ve never seen him so upset. Not even when Soo-min broke up with him.”
      You look down ashamed. “I didn’t want to hurt him, but I-”
  “You had to.” Yoongi finishes knowingly. It’s only been a few days since you revealed to him your secret, but already Yoongi could see the damage done to you by this disease. You are paler than normal, skinnier too with dark circles under your eyes.  Your lips are chapped and your hair lost whatever shine used to be there. Overall you look like shit and Yoongi feels so fucking guilty for not noticing sooner. 
     “He’ll kill me.” You whisper sadly. “Just by being around me, this plant will grow and strangle me to death. It’s not fair-especially for Hoseok, who didn’t even ask for my affection.�� So I have to stay away for both our sake.”
    It sucks, but you don’t doubt sunshine boy will bounce back. You’re merely another side note in his novel of a life after all. “Have you decided what to do yet?” Yoongi asks, looking over the pamphlets. “They have tablets that are supposed to reduce hanahaki growth, but they aren’t a permanent solution.”
     “There are only two solutions to hanahaki disease: death and surgery.” Tears well up at the thought. Neither option is preferably, especially since you know first hand the consequences behind them.
        “I hope you aren’t seriously thinking about death. I mean I get that you love Hobi, but it’s only a feeling. It’s not worth your life.” Yoongi says, his dark eyes pinning you with a look. “Besides it’s not like you two can’t be friends afterwards.” 
   Your lips curl into a bitter smile at his words. Memories of a vacant stare and careless question of ‘who are you?’ flash before your eyes. Yoongi’s naivety is not his fault. The horrors behind hanahaki surgery are such that even doctors belittle its effects. After all who wants to hear that the person they loved will be forever erased from their memories?
     And  like that night three days ago you confide in Yoongi about your horrible truth. “Hey Yoongi…have you seen someone go through hanahaki surgery?”
      Three hours later Yoongi stumbles home wanting to throw up. Your words play like a never ending loop in his head gripping tightly to his heart. ‘My parents suffered through Hanahaki disease when I was little. My mother died from it and my father forgot everything.”
  His knees buckle as he steps inside the frat house. For once it is silent. No one up playing video games in the living room, no loud music blasting, or groups of people conversing simply silence, something Yoongi can’t tell if he’s grateful for or not. On one hand he could use the distraction-the noise to blare out your tearful story, whereas on the other hand Yoongi’s glad no one is around to see him like this. 
    “Fuck.” he whispers to no one. “Fuck. Fuck..Fuuuuccck.”
He’s haunted by the calm expression on your face as you whispered. ‘Everyone thought my parents had a happy marriage. After all, my father loved my mother and she always smiled but I guess not all smiles equal happiness…my mother loved someone else. Who? No one knows. She never gave any indication of fancy someone other than my father. No one knew until I found her propped up against the toilet, roses sprouting from her lips like some macabre painting.“
  Seven. Seven fucking years old when you found your mother dead, yet you spoke as if she simply gotten a cold. If he didn’t know any better Yoongi would’ve thought you to be soulless. However the orchids clamouring out of your own body only proves  how much of a heart you did have. “Hey, man is everything alright?” Hoseok’s voice comes, as he steps into view.
    He’s dressed in his normal sleepwear, a white t-shirt and boxers cladded in cartoon birds. His hair is disheveled which normally meant he was sleeping, if not for the purple bruises decorating his neck. Anger flashes through Yoongi at the sight. Soo-min must be over, that fucking bitch. “Fine. Sorry for waking you up.” 
     “I wasn’t really sleeping.” Hoseok shrugs.
“I’ve noticed.” Yoongi says dryly. Logically the blonde knows it unfair to be mad at his friend. It isn’t Hobi’s fault you fell in love with him. Nor his fault that he loved Soo-min…but Yoongi can’t help himself-especially since Soo-min  replaced you. (You might’ve gotten over her bullying you, but Yoongi hadn’t.)
     “Ah yeah, Soo-min got a little wild. She’s never been this possessive before.” Hoseok laughed. “If making her jealous is all I got to do for sex like that, I’ll have to do it more often.”
   Yoongi didn’t even bother faking a smile. Hoseok already knew how much he and the rest of the guys hated Soo-min. “Whatever you say, just keep it down okay? I have a math test tomorrow.”
     Hoseok nods. “Of course. Sleep tight Yoongs! Don’t let the bedbugs bite.”
 “That’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard.” Yoongi grumbles, walking away. Hoseok’s laugh echoes down the hall as Yoongi heads to his room. It is not until he falls back onto his soft bed that Yoongi allows the final tidbit of your confession to play.
  ‘Forget. That’s what the surgery makes you do. It doesn’t only erase emotions of love, it erases all memories pertaining to it as well. When my father returned from his surgery the first thing he said to me was, ‘who’s kid is this?”
  Forget or die, two shitty options for someone who already had it shitty. Yoongi closes his eyes thumbing the pair of keys belonging to a certain roommate of his. Slowly he slips the key covered in mickey mouse prints off. There isn’t much he can do to help you make your decision,  but perhaps Yoongi can make life a little easier for you. 
      A week passes from that day and Hoseok can’t ignore the gnawing feeling that something is wrong. He knows your guy’s friendship has ended, but the cherry haired boy can’t keep his distance. Not when every cell in his body screams for him to fix this somehow. 
      After three months of fake dating you somehow became a permanent fixture in his life.  He misses teasing you about your bad breakfast choices, or forcing you to eat an actual meal instead of coffee for lunch. He misses the way you listened to him, barely muttering more than ‘uh huh, ok, yeah’; it always seemed like you weren’t listening until you surprised him with a question or comment. 
   Hoseok just misses you period.
Which is why he decided to give your friendship one more shot. Surely if he misses you this much you feel the same. Memories of your callous words from a week ago come to mind tormenting his fear, suddenly Hoseok feels like he can’t breathe. You said he annoyed you, that you were tired of him, but that was just because you were scared of losing him to Soo-min? Once you see how genuine he is, you two will go back to being friends. 
     "I don’t want your stupid apple. I’ve already eaten. ” Hoseok perks up at the sound of your voice. He’s been sitting on the steps of the language building for the past half hour waiting for you. Your name dances on the tip of his tongue. Eagerly he opens his mouth to call out to you but freezes  at the sight of a familiar blonde walking beside you. 
      "A gogurt and a cup of coffee doesn’t count as lunch, dumb ass. Now eat the apple, it’ll help you from getting sick. “ Yoongi says, shoving the red fruit into your hands.  
     Something within Hoseok twists, he finds himself nearly doubling over in pain. A dark ember burns in his stomach, suddenly Hoseok wants nothing more than to punch Yoongi. "She hates apples. ” Hoseok can’t help but inform. “It’s her least favorite fruit. ”
   Both you and Yoongi jerk surprised by his presence. As if on instinct Yoongi steps forward blocking your view from him,  it causes Hoseok’s blood to boil more. “Hey Hobi, waiting for Soo-min?” Yoongi asks nonchalantly. 
     Hoseok bit his cheek suddenly remembering Soo-min has a class right before yours. The two of you share the same major meaning your schedules often coincided. He walked you to class everyday just to show off your “relationship." 
       "Something like that." 
    "Cool. See you at home I guess.” Yoongi nods, pulling you with him towards the door. You barely even glance up at Hoseok as you’re led away. 
    Again something twists violently in the pit of his stomach and the question, 'are you guys together,’ slips through his teeth before Hoseok can stop. The two of you freeze, Yoongi’s fingers tightening around your wrist. Suddenly Hoseok doesn’t want to know the answer.
     "Something like that. “ Yoongi replies, dragging you into the building. 
    Three weeks go by since your 'break up’ with Hobi, and ironically, you find yourself in another fake relationship this time with Yoongi. Unlike your previous pseudo-relationship this one contains nothing more platonic love. There are no fake dates or pet names. Yoongi doesn’t treat you like some girl he’s in love with. Instead he forces broth and anti-growth pills down your throat only to hold your hair back when white petals flow back up from it. He shields you from Hoseok,  Soo-min and the judgemental glances of the world, protecting you from harm. No, Min Yoongi is a god send, but you aren’t in love with him. 
    Sometimes you wish you were though. Loving Yoongi sounds easier than loving Hoseok, but that could simply be wishful thinking. After all, Yoongi and Hoseok are two different elements. Hoseok is the warm sun melting away all your defenses, while Yooongi is a winter’s breeze offering relief from the sun’s rays while fortifying your protection. "So the date has been set. A week from now I’ll have the surgery and this will all be over. ” you announce, ignoring the painful ache in your chest 
    The idea of forgetting Hoseok scares you. You don’t want to forget him or the way he’s made you feel. As selfish as it sounds Hoseok is the first person to show you affection in years. Your family basically ostracized you after they discovered your father’s amnesia. While he could learn to love you again the possibility of him remembering your mother ran too high. So instead you lived as his niece with an aunt and uncle who despised you, because you looked like your mother. 
     Yoongi nods, glancing over at the calendar. He can’t help but frown at the date circled in red. “I know this is the only viable solution, but I feel like I should ask you if this is what you really want?”
   "No, but I don’t want to die either.“ You say softly. "As much as I want to hold onto these feelings of love, they don’t really belong to me, you know? Hoseok loves Soo-min. They’re her feelings not mine. ”
    Yoongi’s frowns. “Soo-min only loves herself. You know it,  I know it, and deep down Hobi does too.”
  "Maybe but it doesn’t change a thing.“ You murmur, eyeing the date. Your grip tightens around the mug you hold.  You don’t want to admit but you’re scared; scared of waking up the exact person you were before Hoseok: cold, intruding and alone. 
  Yoongi shoots a knowing glance. "Something else bugs you, doesn’t it? ”
   You take a sip of your tea. “ Don’t worry. It’s stupid stuff. " 
    It’s three days before your surgery that you see Hoseok for the first time in a month. Logically you know you should avoid him even if the appointment is less than forty-eight hours away. However you find yourself staying at the coffee shop, eyes unlocking from the cherry haired boy.  'Just one more glance.’ You assure yourself. 'Something to carry with me onto the operating table that’s all I want. ’
     But it’s more than one glance it’s several long stares, watching as the boy talks animatedly amongst his friends. He looks so happy right now practically glows like the sun. The sight is so beautiful it causes your heart to bear faster. This is what you wanted to see. Hoseok happy and carefree even if it is without you. 
   You smile, ignoring the painful pulse your heart gives when the Hanahaki’s vine squeezes around it. This is how things are meant to be. Hoseok deserves a life filled with equally bright people. He deserves happiness in every form. You aren’t.
     A content sigh escapes you. You swore to Yoongi, you accepted the surgery with no regrets, but that was all a lie. Seeing Hoseok like this though, so free and unaffected by your absence, you can finally let go of the little doubt holding you back. 
    "Order for (Y/N)!” The barista calls out sliding your drink across the counter. 
  You cringe at how loud they are; internally hoping that Hoseok hadn’t heard your name.  Seeing him from afar is dangerous enough, if you actually interacted with him…  You push the thought out of your head, quickly exiting the cafe, completely unaware of the eyes following you. 
   "You okay man? You’ve been staring at the barista an awful lot. “ 
    Hoseok blinks, tearing his gaze away from where you stood. The moment you walked into the cafe Hoseok could only focus on  you. It is like everything else disappeared except for you.  "Yeah I’m fine. " 
"You sure? Because if you like the dude that much, I can get you his number. ” Another, Jo Kwon teases. “Though I think Soo-min would kill both of us- wait! Isn’t that (Y/N) up there? Didn’t you two used to date before you and Soo-min got back together?”
     Hoseok nods barely listening. His focus once again on you, this time watching you leave. Neither Dino or Jo Kwon knew about the dumb deal or how sweet Seoul University’s Ice Queen really was.  While they are good friends, they were nowhere near close enough for Hoseok to feel comfortable sharing his secret. 
  "Gotta say you must’ve been really off your rocker, Hoseok. Dating such a scary girl. “ Dino snorts. 
   "Seriously, I heard (Y/N) got arrested for murdering her parents, but since she was a kid no one believed she did it.” Jo Kwon says. “You know someone should warn Yoongi-hyungnim about her. They’re together now aren’t they?”
    "Something like that…" Hoseok mutters. His chest burns at the mention of Yoongi and you.  While you refuse to even look his way, you have no qualms hanging on Yoongi’s every word and move. It is like Yoongi’s the sun and you’re the earth orbiting around him- it pisses Hoseok to no end and he can’t explain why. 
   "Maybe he just figured she’s an easy lay. I mean a girl like her is probably desperate for attention. She’s probably spreading her legs for anyone who looks at her-“ Hoseok’s fist hits Dino’s face before either one can process what is happening.
  The younger boy falls to the ground with a loud crash, causing everyone to stare at them. "What the fuck man!? You just hit me. ” Dino sputters wide eyed. 
    "And I’ll do it again if I ever hear either of you talk about (Y/N) like that again.“  Hoseok threatens. The anger within him is uncontrollable. He can’t explain it. Especially when it is not only Dino and Jo Kwon who pisses him off, but Yoongi too. Just the mere sight of the blonde sickened him nowadays. 
   "You’re crazy man. She’s a freak and she made you one too!” Jo Kwon says.
  Luckily, all it takes is a warning look to have them scrambling out of the coffee shop. “Assholes.” Hoseok mutters, ignoring the still plentiful stares at him. He reaches for his coffee only to pause when his stomach turns suddenly. Annoyed Hoseok pushes the cup away. He must be getting sick.
   Word of the fight spreads across the campus like wildfire. Fury does not explain the anger Soo-min feels when she hears about her boyfriend’s outburst. In all the years she dated Hoseok never once did he get offended for her sake. Boys literally listed off her body count at parties and Hoseok merely shrugged asking Soo-min. 'why does it matter when everyone knows you’re mine?“
    Mine. The claim used to send shivers down Soo-min’s spine. Yes, she was his. Just like how she owned him. They were meant to be no matter how many times they broke up. It didn’t matter if Soo-min decided to date around a little, because Hoseok would wait for her.  
   At least so she thought until one day Hoseok ended up on the arm of her biggest enemy. Originally Soo-min assumed he simply wanted her jealous- a clever ploy really, after all wherever she went you two appeared. Three weeks later though, you started wearing Hoseok’s hoodies. After that Beta-Tau-Sigma invited you to their house, a privilege which took Soo-min months to achieve, but the real straw to the camel’s back happened when Hoseok threatened her. 
   The cherry haired boy who cared little about gossip finally spoke out against it and not for her sake.  In that moment Soo-min realized the relationship between Hoseok and you ran deeper than she assumed. For the first time in her life,  Soo-min felt threatened in Hoseok’s and her relationship. So she ended it.
   With a bat of the eyelashes and the purse of her lips, Soo-min took back what was hers. Once again Hoseok and her were together while you cried your ugly heart out. Everything went back to normal. Except it didn’t. 
     Hoseok refused to leave you alone. He was determined to have some sort of relationship with you, despite now being with her. Not even you dating his own best friend stopped Hoseok’s unsettling obsession with you. 
   "I don’t expect you to understand, but (Y/N) is someone special to me. I can’t just let her go. ” he told her one night. 
  He was right. Soo-min didn’t understand. Nor did she want to. What Soo-min wants is you gone.  “(Y/N) (L/N), you fucking slut! Stay away from my boyfriend!” She hollers, charging after you. 
    You stare at her confused. The sight spurs her rage more so. How dare you act clueless! As if you don’t know what you are doing? She pushes past the throng of students cornering you against a tree. It’s just her no posse unlike last time. Not that Soo-min needs one to kick your ass.
   Since elementary school, she has worked to put you in your place. The only difference now is the strange attachment Min Yoongi has towards you. Last time he stopped her from teaching you a well deserved lesson. Today however he won’t be able to save you.  “I’m not in the mood Soo-min. ” you mutter, walking around her. 
    She grabs onto your hair yanking it. A small gasp escapes you as you tumble onto the ground. “Well I am. So you are going to listen to me and listen real good you got it?”
       "Fucking psycho. “ you spit.
   Her hands twist, tightening the pull on your hair. You reach up trying to pull away, but Soo-min’s stronger.  "Me? Psycho? No no you’re the heartless ice queen here. You might’ve tricked Hoseok and everyone else into thinking you’re some innocent little girl, but you and I know the truth. You are unlovable.”
     You let out a loud laugh surprising her. “Again with that hanahaki shit? You and our family have been holding that over my head for fifteen years.  My father’s disease wasn’t my fault. Nor was it my mother’s. ”
  Taking Soo-min off guard, your right leg sweeps back, knocking her off balance. She loses grip on your hair allowing you to push back. You stand towering over her. “Love is an uncontrollable force. You can’t choose who you love. Just like you can’t choose who loves you back.”
    Soo-min snorts. “What do you know about love? Your mother chose to love over her daughter, and your father chose life over you too. Meanwhile Hoseok only used you to get me back. He never loved you and he never will-”
    A small cough breaks through her rant. One tiny hiccup like cough that normally would go overlooked if not for a single orchid petal escaping your lips. She freezes eyes locked on the white petal. 
     "You…“  She hardly managed to say the word when you turn tails running. 
     Her body moves on its own chasing after you. She doesn’t want to admit it. Doesn’t want to acknowledge it but Soo-min’s scared. As much as she hates you, you are still her cousin. It doesn’t take long for her to catch up to you. Out of the two of you, she’s always been the more athletic one. Moreover thanks to the disease, you hardly make it  a few feet before heaving a basket of flowers up. 
    Soo-min stares at the blood soaked plants in horror. Full stems. You are throwing up whole plants. "You are dying. ”
     The words come out more blatantly then she intends, but you snort nonetheless. “Yeah, I am. Don’t celebrate yet though. I’m getting the surgery.”
       "You. You are in love.“ She continues speechless. 'But how? I mean who? Is it Hoseok?”
    "Yoongi.“ You correct quickly. "I’m in love with Yoongi. He ah he doesn’t love me though. He loves someone else so we broke up.”
   "Oh.“ Her throat tightens around the word. For the first time ever Soo-min does not know how to react. Deep inside she wants to reach out, comfort you, scream at Min Yoongi until she’s blue however she can’t. Not only does Soo-min know you won’t accept it, but there’s still something within that holds onto her parents’ prejudice 
     "Does he know?” Soo-min asks. 
You shake your head. “No. Nor does he need to. In two days this will all be a forgotten memory.” 
     Soo-min frowns. Her heart squeezes pain at the thought. It’s funny she’s always wanted to see you suffer, but not like this. Despite being little during your parents’ illness Soo-min remembers clearly everything that happened. From the hole your mother cut through you and your father’s heart to her uncle’s empty expression after the surgery. More than anything she remembers her warm fun loving cousin falling into herself. The person who was once her best friend suddenly distanced herself from everyone including Soo-min.
    It is a memory that stirs up something within Soo-min, she hasn’t felt in a long time…: guilt.
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xiajin · 7 years
Have you ever thought about how if someone with hanahaki coughs up roses, the thorns would hurt them so much? But they'd still want to love but for obvious health reasons, many times, those loves RARELY work out...? just a random thought for my favorite writer :) I'm yoonkook trash thanks to you
my head, my heartsugakookie; hanahaki disease au; could be longer, might be a whole fic, idk. 
jungkook, like other orphans, has nothing.
his hands are always either warm or sore; jungkook, like other orphans, go to sleep at night and wake up in the morning hearing the ring of bells in his head, hoping that it’s the sound of their fathermother waking them up in the morning. it’s always a lie. jungkook, like other orphans, grow into adults with a listless look in his eyes, staring up at the sky and keeping his mouth shut. like other orphans, he dreams.
sometimes he dreams about the stage - grandiose, open, and wide - sometimes he dreams about the studio, his mouth pressed against the microphone in a silent kiss - sometimes he dreams about laughing freely into the sea. she captures his smiles for himself and drops it in the depths of her oceans. jungkook wishes for the sea like a dream, like a lost forgotten memory. he wishes, wishes, wishes, counts stars the way orphans do, and thinks that a life living in the shadows is better than wishing for something that was never - and never will be - his.
it starts with jungkook, who has nothing. he goes to work at a laundromat in the evenings and on paycheck days, he brings home the envelope to his empty apartment building and eats whatever he can find. sometimes he takes the snacks that the other employees leave for him, but most of the time, he tells himself that he doesn’t need to.
his stomach has caved in a little, and he feels skinnier than he has in years. it’s okay, he tells himself. it’s okay. at night the laundromat is empty save for the few night owls and day laborers that have no other time to wash their clothes. jungkook can sweep and hum under his breath and no one will notice. he can pretend to dance with the broom and no one will be the wiser. he can stare out the window and count each twinkling diamond star in the sky and go one till the hundreds, until fog clouds over seoul make them disappear. jungkook can do all of these things at night, when the liminality of the city makes it easy to hold his breath.
jungkook dips his hands in the cold water of the sink, washing his hands and his face. he rubs at his cheeks and his nose, pushing away any water from his bangs and the curve of his chin. jungkook puts on the ugly apron that they all need to wear for the night shift and ties it around his waist, tugging it tight. it always manages to be loose no matter what he does.
his phone is plugged in and connected to the store’s wifi. it’s quiet, the sound of rushing cars and low, distant murmurs enough to lull him into a sense of security. his eyes flicker across the television screens for a while before going back to the one in front of him. the nighttime, the quietness - it always makes him silent and soft, waiting for something; someone; anything.
with nothing else to do, he does whatever he can on his phone by looking through his email, then his texts, then his bank account. when everything is done, he presses his fingers against the thin glass of his phone to keep in time with his rhythm games, tallying the points in his head - following, with his eyes, the black spots that move up and down. up and down. jungkook blinks his tired eyes and pulls back when he finishes with his song, absentmindedly pulling out a headphone when -
startles, looks up and jerks backward. there’s someone staring at him wide eyed and curious, his hair an ashen blonde from underneath his cap. jungkook jerks the other headphone from his left ear hard enough that it hurts. the stranger keeps staring for a moment, leaving jungkook with enough time to pull himself together. he leans forward on the stool he’s sitting on to balance himself.
“can i,” his words come out haltingly. “can i help you?”
“yeah,” the stranger says. “i need change for the soap machine.” he holds out a 10000 won bill. jungkook winces - numbers crossing his head - and wonders how much change that is. wonders if it’s too unprofessional of him to check on his phone.
the stranger puts a cigarette between his lips but it’s unlit; jungkook is thankful. the stench of cigarette smoke is awful. reminds him of the orphanage, where the matron used to smoke at the window every lunch hour. he counts out change from the little packets of coins that are provided for this very purpose and drops them all in the stranger’s outstretched hand. he pulls back soon after.
there’s only a couple of people in the laundromat - it’s nearing one am, after all. there’s a young girl who looks like she’s about to pass out from exhaustion with her head leaning against the washing machines, a middle aged man scrolling through his phone and rubbing a hand over his stubble, and a slightly older woman who looks harassed enough that it seems like something’s constantly on her mind. no one likes coming in at one am to do the laundry unless they have to. unless they have no other choice.
jungkook plugs his headphone in again and this time sets his head down on the counter, closing his eyes briefly. he’s long since learned to not sleep during the night, becoming used to the switched daylight. he doesn’t play any song, just revels in the quiet calm that wearing his headphones bring - the sound of the washers and driers are muted.
something thumps on his table. with a flutter of his lashes - he looks up at the blonde stranger. “i don’t need the rest,” he says, looking toward the register. jungkook presses his lips together and takes the rest of the change, carefully and slowly converting the rest into bills.
it’s tired and repetitive work. sometimes, he thinks that’s what he needs the most.
“that was a nice song,” the stranger starts, his voice low and a little awkward. jungkook looks up at him through his lashes, still keeping count in his head, still wanted to mouth the numbers so he doesn’t forget. “the one you couldn’t hear me over earlier. i liked it. what’s its name?”
jungkook finishes up and hands over the money to the stranger. his throat feels strangely clogged, but he replies anyway. “moonstar by eunha.” he’s downloaded all the songs off her album. he only wishes he could buy it, too.
“huh,” the stranger says. “never heard of her before.”
jungkook mutes nodly; sounds like something you’d say when you don’t know anything else to say. the stranger continues, “is she fairly new?”
“i guess,” jungkook shrugs. “i don’t follow celebrities.”
something odd crosses the stranger’s face. “only music, then?”
“yeah.” he looks down at his phone again, at the curved edges and the slight marks in the case from where he’s dropped it numerous times. it’s amazing that his phone’s screen hasn’t cracked yet. it’s obviously the end of the conversation - or so jungkook likes to think - when the stranger walks away toward a washing machine. a sigh of relief builds in his lungs. jungkook pushes at the screen of his phone and starts playing her song again. he’ll keep playing it until he’s sick and tired of the way it sounds, until he remembers every nuance of the voice in his ears. then he’ll move on.
that’s the end of it, jungkook thinks. that’s the end of it.
he rests his head on the tabletop again and listens to her sing; when you look at me with the sodden stars above us, it reminds me of a time that used to be...
when the song is done playing for the third or fourth time, jungkook hears the tapping of a finger and quietly pulls out his headphones again, face flushing at how distracted he is. he’s about to start again - how can i help you - when the same stranger from before glances up at him from where he’s on his own phone, lazily twirling a headphone cord around his finger.
“it’s a sad song,” starts the stranger. “didn’t think you’d be a sad song type.”
jungkook blinks, bewildered.
there’s a screen glowing in his face then; the official cover art of the song, already bought and loaded onto itunes on the stranger’s phone, playing slowly. he can hear the vague notes of it coming from his headphones; they’re pretty loud. moonstar - eunha.
“kinda fits you,” he continues. takes back his phone. “i mean.”
“songs fit people?” jungkook blurts out, immediately wishing he could take it back.
for the first time, the stranger smiles. it pulls back his lips to reveal that he smiles with his gums, full and wide, like a secret. he chuckles a little, looking a bit embarrassed, and then sets down his phone. “sounds stupid, huh? i think you’re the first person to ask me that, though.”
jungkook shrugs.
“i’m yoongi,” says the-stranger-turned-yoongi. something niggles at the back of his mind. something that yells this is a bad idea.
jungkook points to his nametag.
he thinks about the way yoongi’s voice sounds. jungkook wonders if he can tentatively label this as friendship, or if it’s something less. he’s only seen him once but - but it feels like an acquaintance, like a small beginning. like one of those people you meet once on the street, or at a store, or in passing, and remember them. you might have shared numbers, or snapchats, or instagrams - something that connects you for that one day you met, those three or four hours where you were friends. that’s what yoongi feels like. jungkook doesn’t have his number or his snapchat or his instagram, but he has a song.
the next night, yoongi comes in with a big bag of laundry. he hauls it right in front of jungkook’s counter at midnight exactly, sets it down at his feet, and jungkook opens his mouth to see if he wants change -
“have you ever heard of loki?” asks yoongi. “i think you’d like him.”
he holds out a headphone for jungkook to take. jungkook pulls at the strings of his work apron and says, “don’t you have laundry?”
“my roommate’s,” yoongi answers in a heartbeat. “if i don’t finish them today i’ll finish them tomorrow. here.” jungkook holds the headphone to his ear and leans forward so the cord doesn’t pull. it looks like an expensive headphone. he doesn’t say anything.
yoongi is right - it is his type of music, beginning to finish. there’s something distinctly calming about loki’s voice, a soothing jazz and r&b rolled into one tenor. jungkook finds himself humming along to the end of it.
“you catch on quick to melodies, huh?” yoongi takes back the headphone and loops it around his neck in an easy motion. “started singing by the end of it.”
“it was humming.”
“sounded good,” the other keeps going, smiling again. it makes him look younger, jungkook realizes. it makes him look less serious.
and then - and then something forms in his throat. it feels heavy and thick. almost like when he was young and got the flu, couldn’t talk for a week, couldn’t eat anything other than fluids and soup. almost like a sickness, almost just like that.
“do you need change?” jungkook asks, voice higher pitched to get rid of the scratchiness, and yoongi laughs.
he doesn’t stay for long, only a couple of hours. he takes jungkook’s phone and opens up a page in notes, types for a few moments while jungkook battles against the anxiety of having someone else take his phone. when he gives it back, there’s an entire list of songs to listen to. some of them jungkook recognizes - the artist or either the name - but others are some that he doesn’t recognize at all.
“i think you might like them,” yoongi starts, then hesitates. “i mean. maybe.”
something about his reluctance makes a warmth bloom in jungkook’s chest. “i’ll - i’ll check them out.”
he gives a one fingered salute and kicks his bag toward one of the washing machines. he still forgot his change, jungkook thinks.
when he gets home in the morning - yoongi left after a while, giving jungkook a quick wave of the hand as a goodbye before taking all the clothes in his bag and hoisting it over his shoulder - jungkook looks through all the music sites he knows for the songs. plays them one by one.
and when he’s starting on the last song, something called so far away by agust d, something catches in his throat - he doubles over, holding his chest, holding his chest, trying to grapple for breath in what seems like a desperate attempt to find himself and then -
he coughs out a single red petal.
it falls at the edge of his wrist and - and there, at the end of his wrist bone, is a smear of blood. a metallic taste fills his mouth and he opens his mouth wide - hyperventilating a little, he’s not going to lie, and pulls out a little stem of thorns. more petals, stuck between his molars and his uvula, or caught at the back of his throat. smells sweet, smells like blood.
jungkook coughs out pinpricks of blood and thinks to himself: oh no.
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themarginalartist · 7 years
Think... Ink: Chapter 2
So it was mentioned to me that Archive of Our Own wasn't accessible for some so I am reposting the story here for those who can't get there. If there is a formatting issue I won't be able to fix it until tonight so sorry about that! 
I have to find Bendy. I have to find him. Maybe he will know what's going on. Why I now look like this. 
I have to find Bendy. 
I have to find Bendy. 
I have to find Bendy. 
I have to find Bendy. 
I have to find Bendy. 
I have to find him. 
I have to find him. 
I have to find him.
I have to find him.
I have to find him. 
I have to find it. 
I have to find it.
I have to find it. 
I have to find it. 
I have to find it. 
Find it.
Find it. 
Find it. 
Find it. 
Kill it. 
Bendy moved down the silent hallway, the only noise being the ripples of ink pushing aside as he moved. He checked the doors as he went, peering inside to see if he could find any signs of Henry, but he kept coming up empty handed. Growing more frustrated and sad that he couldn't find him he let out a growl. 
What had happened to Henry? 
The last thing he remembered was the two of them falling asleep in a side room. When he'd woken up there was no trace of Henry, not even his axe. Had Henry abandoned him? 
He shook his head fiercely. He couldn't think like that. Something had to have happened. Henry had made his promise that he would help him get out (even though he still didn't believe him a little bit). Henry had been there for him through everything so far. 
So why did it hurt so much the longer he looked? 
He moved into one of the side rooms and shut the door. Moving towards the desk in the back he left a large in puddle before reaching inside himself and putting his paper on the desk to stare out to the room. When the ink finally dripped away he was sitting on his line, knees curled up to his chest. 
"I wish Henry was here right now..." he whispered to the empty room. It had been so hard already. 
Searching for Henry alone. Fighting searchers alone. Being alone. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes. It just wasn't fair, things had been going okay for them for once, Henry hadn't been injured for a while and his leg had been getting better and he had been gaining better control of his other form. He'd gone an extra couple of minutes longer each time he left the safety of a room to look for Henry. 
"Where are you Henry? Why did you leave me?" Bendy laid down on his side and closed his eyes, a nap would help, he'd have to search for Henry later. 
Why sad. 
So sad. 
Do not like. 
Replace sad. 
Hate sad. 
Kill it. 
Sad bad. 
Only anger. 
Only hate. 
 Kill it. 
Kill it. 
Kill it. 
Kill it. 
Kill it. 
 Find it. 
Find it. 
Find it. 
Find it. 
Find it. 
Kill it. 
Bendy had woken up a little while ago and had started searching again. He still tried to hope that Henry was safe and that nothing had happened to him, but as each minute dragged on, it was harder and harder to hope. 
Why did you leave me Henry? Why? 
Bendy kept on though. He decided that after that last break, he was done taking breaks, he had to find Henry. 
 No matter what. 
 Even if that meant he lost control. 
I feel it.  
It hurts. 
It feels so bad. 
Hate it. 
Do not want it. 
Want it to stop. 
Want to kill it. 
Want to sleep. 
Do not want these. 
It hurts. 
It hurts.  
It hurts. 
It hurts. 
It hurts.
Do not want. 
Kill it. 
End it. 
Make it stop. 
It caused this. 
End it. 
Make it hurt too. 
End it. 
Kill it. 
Kill it. 
Kill it. 
Kill it. 
Kill it. 
Make it suffer.
Bendy had lost control. He raged through the hallways. Any searcher that came up in his path was turned into a splatter against the wall. He roared. The pinprick of light in his eye scanned the hall as he went. He clawed hand leaving marks in the wall as he dragged it against it. He growled. 
He was angry. 
He was furious. 
He was desperate. 
As he continued down the current hallway he came to an area flooded in ink. Nothing that he wasn’t used to. He entered it without thinking. 
Searchers popped up from the pool. He snarled. And the fight began. Left and right he swung his arms and smacked the searchers out of existence. He roared as some of them tried to get him from behind, quickly smashing those ones as well. 
For what seemed like ages he fought off the searchers. 
And then they stopped coming. 
He panted heavily, rage starting to fade away slightly. His form smoothed out. He was back to normal, or at least back in control. He looked around at the pool. The area was silent. Too silent. 
Then he heard it behind him. Something coming out of the ink and raising up. Excess dripping and falling off the form of what it was. He turned around. 
It wasn’t the other ‘Bendy’ as he had initially feared. And it wasn’t a searcher. But it was terrifying. 
It stood at the same height he was. Black and staring with a single wide eye. Entire face covered in ink. A large spike protruded from its head. It was leaning forward, huge arms supporting it upright, legs defined but just goopy messes that widened out as they went to the pool. They stared at each other. Squaring each other up. Tension in the room rising. Low growls coming from the new creature. 
It roared, ink making stringy lines where it’s mouth was, and launched itself at him. 
It’s spike aimed straight for his chest. Bendy dodged out of the way in the nick of time. It stopped itself quickly and turned raising an arm to swipe down at him. He blocked it with his own arm, keeping the hand from reaching his head. It grabbed him with the other arm though, yanking him aside like a doll, and threw him against the wall. 
Bendy growled. It was strong. And he didn’t have Henry here right now to help him. He was just going to have to fight it on his own. But why did it’s head shape seem familiar? 
He had no time to question it further as the creature launched itself at him, trying to drive its spike through his chest again. Bendy ducked down as it did so and grabbed the creature around it’s torso and threw them both down into the pool. He pinned it’s arms down, struggling to make sure that he had control of the creature. It lifted it’s head trying to use the spike to slice at him. Bendy was cut on his shoulder as he moved his head out of the way. He hissed in pain. 
And suddenly it stopped. It froze. Eye widening. 
And it hissed. The frozen moment suddenly gone and it pushed Bendy off with enough force to launch him some ways away in the pool. 
“HuRTs” It growled. 
That voice, distorted but familiar. Bendy hissed in pain as the cut on his shoulder let ink flow out of his form, the gash while not leaking heavily still hurt. 
It came at him again. 
But didn’t use its spike, swinging its arms instead, like it was afraid of something. 
Bendy dodged out of the way easily. It seemed to be slowing down for some reason. 
“SToP iT” It roared. dropping to its knees and clutching his head. “PaiN. dO NoT waNt It” It was shaking. 
Bendy was too. He realized why the voice sounded familiar. Why when he first saw its head it was familiar. Why he was familiar. 
“…Henry?” Bendy quietly questioned. It snapped its eye towards him and stared, only confirming Bendy’s suspicion. 
“Henry, is that— Is that you?” Bendy felt the tears begin to well up in his eye. He was shaking heavily, trying to keep his form stable. The loss of ink from his shoulder, having come out of berserker mode a little while ago, and having just fought his only friend in the studio was taking its toll on him. But he needed to press through it, just for a little while longer. 
“hUrtS” It hissed quietly. 
“Henry it’s okay. It’s me. Don’t you recognize me?” Bendy carefully moved towards Henry. Henry didn’t move. He kept watching him. Shaking. 
“Henry you need to calm down.” Bendy hated how much he had to speak right now. How his voice was distorted and awful. But Henry needed him. 
Henry’s form was now losing globs of ink. He was slowly changing back. But back into what? 
Bendy was two feet away when Henry’s form changed in a large splash of ink. Everything from that old form had fallen away. And left in its place was Henry. 
Except he was definitely not human, or not fully human. 
Bendy looked over his friends form. Henry’s body was coated in ink in different places. His chest obscured by ink leading down into his right arm and making it as large as Bendy’s own. His left arm starting just above his elbow was a skinnier, shorter version of the same. He saw how the ink was all the way up to Henry’s hip on his left leg, and from what he could tell it looked to be that his right leg started below the knee as Henry’s pants were still visible. White hair was all that protruded from his head, the remaining brown coated in ink that fell to his shoulders. 
Bendy couldn’t stop the tears from flowing down his face. 
“I— I’m a monster— I hurt you— I— I can’t— I can’t stay here— I can’t—” And with that Henry ran. 
Bendy started to chase after, but immediately had to stop and clutch his head, waves of fear, sadness, and self loathing rolled through him. He remembered feeling those. He knew those feelings well. But those were not his. These feelings though overwhelmed him and he quickly spotted a door and threw himself inside slamming it shut. Spotting a desk he quickly reached in and pulled his paper to lay on the desk. 
When the ink cleared away, Bendy was panting on the page, shaking. 
“What, what was that, all of those feelings. And Henry, Henry what happened to him? I GAHH” Another wave of emotion hit the toon. It hurt so bad and it made him feel terrible. He wanted to help Henry so bad. He needed to help Henry. But he was just so tired. 
Without realizing. Bendy eventually closed his eyes and fell asleep. 
The last thought the toon had before he finally fell into a dreamless sleep from the exhaustion of the days events, ‘I will help you Henry, I promise.’
Alternate ending… 
Bendy was too. He realized why the voice sounded familiar. Why when he first saw its head it was familiar. Why he was familiar. 
“…Henry?” Bendy quietly questioned. It snapped its eye towards him and stared, only confirming Bendy’s suspicion. 
“Henry, is that— Is that you?” Bendy felt the tears begin to well up in his eye. He was shaking heavily, trying to keep his form stable. The loss of ink from his shoulder, having come out of berserker mode a little while ago, and having just fought his only friend in the studio was taking its toll on him. But he needed to press through it, just for a little while longer. 
“hUrtS” It hissed quietly. 
“Henry it’s okay. It’s me. Don’t you recognize me?” Bendy carefully moved towards Henry. Henry didn’t move. He kept watching him. Shaking. 
“Henry you need to calm down.” Bendy hated how much he had to speak right now. How his voice was distorted and awful. But Henry needed him. 
Henry’s form was now losing globs of ink. He was slowly changing back. But back into what? 
Bendy was two feet away when Henry’s form changed in a large splash of ink. Everything from that old form had fallen away. And left in its place was Henry.
Except he was definitely not human, or not fully human.
Bendy looked over his friends form. Henry’s body was coated in ink in different places. His chest obscured by ink leading down into his right arm and making it as large as Bendy’s own. His left arm starting just above his elbow was a skinnier, shorter version of the same. He saw how the ink was all the way up to Henry’s hip on his left leg, and from what he could tell it looked to be that his right leg started below the knee as Henry’s pants were still visible. White hair was all that protruded from his head, the remaining brown coated in ink that fell to his shoulders. 
Bendy couldn’t stop the tears from flowing down his face. 
“I— I’m a monster— I hurt you— I— I can’t— I can’t stay here— I can’t—” 
Suddenly a door creaked open. A small figure appeared and crossed into the ink and stood a bit away from the two, the three creating a triangle. The figure crossed it’s arms and frowned deeply. 
“What the hell you two?” She growled. “Why are you fighting? Just hug it out.” 
“What—“ Henry started. 
“You heard me. Hugs, now, you both need them.” 
“Who are you?” Bendy looked down at the person? Wait, it was a cat? A cat person?
“ShinyZango. Now hugs. Do it.” Bendy and Henry looked at each other, then back at ShinyZango. 
“Now.” She said again tapping her foot. 
The two shuffled towards each other. Pausing just as they got next to one another. They looked back at ShinyZango again. She then mimicked with her hands them hugging. 
Bendy was the first to move, wrapping his arms around Henry and holding him tight. 
“See, much better.” ShinyZango nodded as she said this, then turned around, walked back through the door, and shut it with a slight slam. The door then quickly opened and she poked her head back out. “MARGINAL STOP HURTING THEM!” And with that she slammed the door shut. 
“What the hell was that?” Henry asked after Bendy released him. 
“No idea…”
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fixxofvixx · 7 years
I am so so so so sorry that this update has taken so long! I wont bore you with an explanation and just get right to it!
Oh! I will be on vacation next week but I have wi-fi and unlimited data so if I have some time to get something out, I definitely will!
Thank you for reading!
I love you all!
You were half-asleep when you heard your phone ringing. Confused, you sat up and tried to figure out where you had left it. You glanced over at Taekwoon, who had stirred when you had moved and was now rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand. You finally, located the device on the floor next to your pants that had been discarded earlier.
“Unni! Thank goodness you answered. I need help!” JiYoon’s voice was low, but panicked.
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“The other wolf hybrid showed up at Wonshik’s studio. I think they’re going to fight! Bring Taekwoon, please!”
And with that, the line went dead.
****1 HOUR BEFORE****
Wonshik was quiet as his manager drove to the studio. Occassionally, he would glance over at JiYoon and grin. She knew he was looking at her. She tried to maintain her composure but her pink cheeks were giving her away. It had only taken her five minutes in the car when she realized that he’d probably heard everything she had said about him.
She panicked for another five minutes before concluding that she was kind of glad that he did hear. It was easier than saying it. She knew she should be proud and happy that she had found Wonshik, or rather, he had found her. While she was happy, being able to say it out loud would take a little while.
Soon enough, the manager stopped outside of the studio and told Wonshik to call when he was ready to come back. JiYoon noticed that the window had already been repaired. She followed Wonshik as he unlocked the door and walked in.
As soon as she had cleared the door, Wonshik turned, closed the door and locked it, and proceeded to wrap his warm arms around her. She squeaked slightly in surprise but recovered quickly to return the hug. Wonshik chuckled a bit and squeezed her tighter.
“So you like me a lot, huh?”
Pink dusted her cheeks as he referenced the conversation that she had had earlier. She nodded her head. Again, he chuckled.
“Don’t want to say it?” His voice rumbled near her ear and she involuntarily shivered. When he felt it, he gathered her even closer. “You don’t have to, you know. I know your heartbeat. I can hear it several yards away. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I can hear it change when I’m near you. The rhythm picks up and its not in fear, right?” This time she shook her head.
“Ah, good.” He leaned back to take in her still-pink cheeks and smiled.
“Just so you know, I do intend to take you out on a date. And I most certainly intend to kiss you. When you are ready, of course.” His hand rose to smooth a stray hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear.
“That sounds…..good.” She smiled up at him and frowned.
“Just ‘good’? Not 'exciting’, 'wonderful’, or even 'great’? Hmm, maybe I should rethink all of this.” He was teasing her. And she loved it.
“All of those. And more.”
“Well, then, thats….good.” He winked at her and smiled. “Any idea of what you want to do?”
Before she could answer, Wonshik went deathly still. A low growl sounded from his chest and his arm became a steel band around her waist.
“Wonshik?” She watched as his eyes slowly turned red. She jumped when a knock sounded on the door outside. This only resulted in Wonshik’s growling to intensify. Curiousity prompted her to try to look out the window but Wonshik’s arms tightened. His shoulders hunched foward, effectively caging her in with his body.
“It’s him.”
That was all he said. It took her a second to realize that he was talking about the other wolf he had mentioned before. The same wolf who had broken the window and tormented him all those years back.
She understood his actions perfectly now. He was behaving how any hybrid would, if one was in the presence of someone they considered their mate. She would have to blush over that later. Right now, she had to stay close to Wonshik.
“I’m right here. Just calm down.” She fully wrapped her arms around his waist and he seemed to relax slightly. But, he was still on the defensive.
“C'mon, Wonshikkie, open up and greet an old friend!” The wolf knocked again and Wonshik tensed, growling again. JiYoon squinted her eyes in anger. He was doing this on purpose.
“Let him in, Wonshik. He wont leave us alone until you do.” Wonshik shuddered against her body and she knew he was fighting the urge to tear the other man apart. She patted his shoulder in an effort to reassure him. “I wont leave your side. Just open the door and see what he wants.”
He sighed and kept one arm around her waist as he reached for the door. As soon as he turned the lock, the door burst open and the other wolf strode happily into the room. Wonshik backed JiYoon away several feet, turning her slightly to where she was half behind him now.
JiYoon gathered Wonshik’s shirt into her fist at the small of his back. Half to settle her nerves and half to make him aware that she was still here with him. Hybrids could be violent if approached by the same species. Wolves even more so because of their natural instincts over territory. Wonshik’s body was tense but she knew he was ready to fight. The difference in body size was in Wonshik’s favor as well. The man who walked in stood about 4 to 5 inches shorter and vastly skinnier than the wolf she was now hiding behind.
“What do you want JooHyung?” Wonshik’s voice was tight and controlled.
“Aw, nothin’ much. Just wanted to see how you’ve been all these years. Made quite a name for yourself with that group of yours. Looks like you’ve even got a little plaything, too, huh?” JooHyung walked closer and tried to peek at JiYoon but Wonshik didn’t back up this time. He didn’t want to give him the pleasure of retreating.
“Is that why you busted out my window?”
“Well, that was just for old times sake. Couldn’t let you get too comfortable, right?”
“Really? And why is that? I have never done anything to you. Its always been you. Why did you come back?” Wonshik kept his voice calm but she could feel the muscles in his arm tensing around her.
“Are you serious? You started everything!” JooHyung’s eyes blazed red and he clenched his fists at his sides. In return, Wonshik pulled JiYoon further behind him and braced himself for an attack.
Scared, JiYoon pulled her phone from her pocket and dialed the only number she knew besides Wonshik’s. Her hand shook as she waited. Finally, the line clicked.
“Unni! Thank goodness you answered. I need help!” JiYoon’s voice was low, but panicked.
“Why? What’s wrong?”
“The other wolf hybrid showed up at Wonshik’s studio. I think they’re going to fight! Bring Taekwoon, please!”
She didn’t waste any time. She quickly hung up and grabbed Wonshik’s arm again.
“Aw, sweetie, we’re not gonna fight. Me and Wonshik here are old pals. Right, buddy? I’m just here to reminisce about the old days. So why don’t you march that pretty little butt over there and fix us something to drink?”
Normally, JiYoon would have just obeyed. She was used to being insulted and ordered around. Now, she no longer lived in that horrid place and she’d be damned if she go back to that state of mind.
“What?” JooHyung seemed genuinely surprised.
“If you want something to drink, go get it yourself, preferably outside.”
“Well, damn, Wonshik. You’ve got you a spitfire. Hey, honey, you got a sister? Or better yet, if you ever get tired of Wonshik, you wanna give me a call?”
Wonshik started towards him, but JiYoon held firmly to his arm. She knew he shouldn’t risk getting into a fight. He didn’t need that type of publicity. Instead, she stepped around Wonshik, even though he tried to move her back.
“No, I don’t have a sister. I wouldn’t introduce you if I did. And I don’t foresee myself downgrading from Wonshik to you in this lifetime so you’ll probably want to forget about that idea. Now, will you tell us why you are here?” Her voice was soft but it held confidence. She was tired of bullies and lowlifes. She’d had enough to last a lifetime. However, it seemed as though JooHyung did not appreciate being talked to like that and his eyes turned an even deeper red.
“Sweetheart, this doesn’t involve you. Unless you want it to then I’ll be sure to give you some nice attention after I’m done with Shikkie over here. Until then, just shut your mouth.” This time, he advanced and lunged for Wonshik. JiYoon quickly moved out of the way and backed up several feet. Wonshik easily dodged JooHyung, who landed ungracefully on the floor. He growled in anger and quickly rose to his feet.
“I don’t get why you’re still coming after me. What in the hell did I ever do to you?” Wonshik instinctively placed himself between JooHyung and JiYoon.
“Are you serious?! You really don’t know?! You started this fight when you took off with the girl I wanted. You knew I liked her. After you took her from me, I never even saw her again. She never answered my calls!”
“I didn’t steal anyone! I barely dated when I was younger. Who the hell are you talking about?”
JiYoon listened intently to the exchange. She realized that she should have known this was over a girl.
“You son of a bitch! HyeWon! I’m talking about HyeWon! I was going to ask her out and then you went and took her to an amusement park!”
“You fucking idiot. Seriously?! Thats what this whole thing has been about? HyeWon is my cousin, you dipshit! I took her out to the amusement park because she was leaving the next day to go to the States with her mom. Everyone knew she was my cousin. Are you really that stupid?”
JiYoon almost laughed at the expression on JooHyung’s face. It was a mixture of disbelief and borderline insanity.
“You’re lying!” JooHyung lunged for Wonshik again but was cut short when Taekwoon burst through the door.
You were hot on his heels and quickly searched for JiYoon. You ran to her and checked to make sure there were no injuries.
“You guys are really loud. I could hear you all the way down the street.”
“Great, the panther’s here.” JooHyung threw his hands up in frustration and backed away slightly. He looked towardsyou and JiYoon and gasped.
Your head snapped over to the man who’d been arguing with Wonshik and your eyes widened.
JooHyung smiled and ran towards you. He’d almost reached you when Taekwoon quickly stepped in front of you, cutting off his path.
“Move, cat. This doesn’t concern you.” He tried to slip past Taekwoon but to no avail.
“When you run at my girl it does. Back off.”
“Your–? Noona! Tell me you didn’t!”
You peeked out from behind Taekwoon and smiled. He looked at your eyes and groaned when he saw the green in them. Taekwoon’s green. After the shock wore off from seeing JooHyung again, your eyebrows furrowed.
“Wait. YOU’RE the one who tormented Wonshik all these years?” You fully stepped out from behind Taekwoon and stood in front of the small wolf. “Lee JooHyung! I’m going to beat the shit out of you!”
You walked towards him and started hitting on his arms, chest, head, and anything you could get your hands on. Taekwoon stood in shock of what he had heard and what he was witnessing now.
“Ow! Noona, stop! That hurts! Hey!” He tried to dodge but you landed a lot of good hits. Eventually, the happy exchange between you two was gone and anger replaced it. Finally, he caught your wrists and tried to wrap his arms around you to hold you still. You noticed that his eyes an angry red again and all the happiness he’d had when he had seen you vanished.
“I said, stop!” His voice raised in volume and his hands tightened painfully on your wrists. This only succeeded in pissing you off even more. You slammed your knee into his groin that resulted in him shoving your body back and doubling over in pain. Luckily for you, you landed securely against Taekwoon’s chest. Unluckily for JooHyung, Taekwoon was furious. He started after JooHyung but you stopped him.
“I’m not done with him yet.” And with that you started landing blows again. “I can’t believe you! You were so nice to me! I can’t believe I even liked you! Why would you pick on Wonshik? All because you didn’t get a girl?! Is that why you stopped talking to me? Because I wouldn’t sleep with you?!”
JooHyung stood to his full height which was still only a couple inches taller that you. His hair was a mess and his shirt hung awkwardly off his body.
“Well that doesn’t seem to matter now, does it? Judging by your eye color, it looks like you’ve found someone to take to bed. I had considered giving you a pity fuck because it looked like you were gonna be a prude your whole life. But, no, the reason I stopped talking to you was because I never could get my mind to connect with yours. I needed you as a handler. But it never worked so you were useless to me.”
You could practically feel Taekwoon seething behind you. But, you saved him the effort. You pulled back your right arm and connected your fist with his jaw. It was satisfying to see him end back up on his ass but pain shot up through your hand and arm.
“Ow.” You turned to Taekwoon and showed him your hand, sticking your lip out in a pout. Tears threatened your eyes and you flopped your hand around to try and ease some of the pain. Taekwoon grinned and took your hand, looking it over.
“Its not broken.” He pulled you towards his chest and wrapped his free arm around you. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles. You sighed in relief when the pain subsided. “Nice shot, though. Can I have a go at him now?”
“No, just leave him.” You raised your voice so that he was sure to hear. “Now that the misunderstanding was cleared up, he’s going to leave everyone alone now.”
You turned as JooHyung rose from the floor. Wiping the blood off his lip, he chuckled. Your breath left your lungs when you looked at his eyes. They were black.
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Holiii!! I saw the pic of Liam and Honey😍😍😍 Asdfahs. They are so cute! And also, i love Liam's eyes. It'a such a nice colour!! And i also saw the gifs!! I love that gif of Louis.  HE LOOKS SO SOFT. I could cry. And Harry😂😂😂 Its such a mood. I always flip people off like that. Jajajaja. AND THE GIF OF HARRY WITH THE PINK JACKET. 😍He is dancing funny and i love hiiim.  Oh, and i havent read that fic but i'll read it asap and then i'll tell you about it. Promise. Thanks for the rec💖 (1)
Hiiii, Love!!!! I’m so sorry it took me so long to answer! but yesterday I was busy, and when I came home my head hurt like a b*tch, 😖😖. Liam’s eyes very pretty, aren’t they? Everyone likes him better (poor honey). I always flip people like that too, jajaja, that’s why I needed a gif, and I found the best, jajajaja. I couldn’t resist. I’m already rereading that fic,😅. I love re reading things I read a long while ago, bc my English has improved a bit since I came to tumblr, and it’s like reading things for the first time again, so cool.
It wasnt hard being updated bcs OT was everywhere, but yeah. I always try to engage in my friend’s hobbies. & some of them do the same. One of my friends used to be a 1D fan before i met her, and though she is not longer in the fandom she tries to be updated. She sends me memes or things that remind her of 1d. She even watched a video of BG without me knowing/telling her about it. I dont deserver her. Ay, and last week she watched freddieismyqueen videos with me on a free period. I 💖 her (2)
HOW DID YOU FRIEND MANAGE TO QUITE?!?!?! Jajajajaja It feels imposible (not that I have tried…). And she sees things and isn’t intrigued about what is happening?? She should write a self help book,jajajaja. “How to suite one direction: the guide”,jajajaja. But she sounds cool and supportive of you, so keep her, jejeje.
Well, you just described me. Talking in public always end up in one of those two options. I have always wanted to do a road trip!!! You are totally invited of course. JAJAJAJA. Well, it just…happened? Our friend was having a very bad time and he was going through a lot of things and we didnt know how to cheer him up. And then one night we just starting watching a video of AuronPlay reading a fic, and he was happy for the first time in months. (3)And so my cousin said “what if we write him a fic?” And i said “omg, yes”. And thus was born. Its a crack fic. We just put in there his family, his biggest celebrity crush, our friends, ourselves and a couple of animals and started writing nonesense. He hasnt read anything yet, bcs we want to finish it first, and me and my cousin (and our siblings, bcs they wanted to help) only hang out alone sporadically. But we laugh a lot writing it. I hope he laughs too when he finally reads it. (4)
You, your sister and your cousins sound so cool. And your friends too. I’m gonna have to migrate and adopt you all, jajajaj. I’m sure your friend is gonna love it. It’s a recipe for success. Keep me updated when you show him and his reaction,please!!
“How does a gay look like?” Like someone with no toxic masculinity. But i see your point. Judging on looks is not cool. (And i dont usually do it. I watched their behaviour or their words. When someone doesnt ever use gender pronouns and just say “they” “parter” “somebody” im just👀👀👀 i see what u are doing). Yes yes. What you said makes sense. I understood. Dont worry. I have never heard that quote, but i think i could marry whoever wrote this. So much truth!! 😱 (6)
Tbh I never payed attention to that, :/ (heteronormative mind and all that). If I had, maybe I had known about a lot of my high school friends’ sexuality. Looking back, we were just a group of friends, boys a girls, nobody cared about boyfriends/girlfriends (we were friends from 12-16). Then we went our separate ways, and we lost touch. And now I see in Facebook that they are gays and lesbians, and I’m like… :/ we didn’t know much about those things back then. And I hope I didn’t make any comments who could offend/affect them. But it makes me so happy to see them being themselves and living with they’re boyfriends and girlfriends… 😊 I just wish I could have been a better friend back then 🤷🏻‍♀️. But now I pay attention to that. And I always try to show support in a non invasive way. And try to educate people about who they’re been homophobic, or make not appropriate comments… like there’s this boy (around 16) that likes to paint his nails. And I love everything to do with nails. And, at the shop, I comment on people’s nails (if I know them enough, lol). And I always try to say something nice to this guy. To normalize the fact that he has his nails painted (and no make a statement that I approve of it, if someone else is listening, so they don’t make rude comments around me). And then my friend’s sister is Lesbian. But their mother is so ancient-minded… like, my friend has a dit of fat, and she’s always making comment about how she should be skinnier bc she won’t ever find a husband 😒. And her sister is very thin. And once, she was working as cleaner in a /cuartel de la guardia civil(?)/. And their mother was always: hmmm, I hope she finds a good guy there, bc she’s never had a boyfriend. And I always thought: I wonder why, lol. Well, she finally came out to her parents, and while they don’t treat her different (which I don’t know if it’s good or no), they’re like “waiting” she changes her mind. And hoping she finds a boyfriend. Anyway, her mother is friends with my mom, and she comes to visit at the shop sometimes, and she always has a comment to make about what people do or don’t do. And I get so angry 😡. I’m always correcting her. But she doesn’t listen. And I feel sorry for my friend and her sister. So whenever I have the chance I saw her my support, and always talk about these things, lol. (I talk so much about lgbt+ things, that my family associates me with it, to the point that every time they see a rainbow or whatever they tell me: look look! And I just satisfied with it. At least they don’t make so much homophobic comments anymore 😒)
YOUR MOM IS AN ANTI? How? “Why would they fake a baby?” Thats a good question with awful answers. I miss RBB&SBB.😍 (I havent explained that to anybody, yet. But once while playing a game my cousins choose Rbb as his nickname so i choose Sbb and our friends started making questions and we where like? 1d things? Long story, leave it for another day? I’m glad they dont remember it bcs i wouldnt know how to explain that😂😂). Was your friend a fan of 1d too? (7)
Well, she isn’t a nasty anti, jajajja, but she doesn’t think they’re together. Not for nothing special, just that she thinks they would say it if they were together. And since they haven’t say it, they aren’t together. But I’ve shown her the famous Christmas pic, and she doesn’t Thing B was ever pregnant. And I show her pics of F to ask for an outsider opinion, and she doesn’t think the kid looks like Louis at all, lmao. So, I think if they ever come out, she wouldn’t care at all. Bahhh, I’ve talked about RBB/SBB with my friend sometimes, but it’s so bad of a thing, that we don’t come to a conclusion. She isn’t a fans, sadly. But she likes celeb gossip, and I like to talk, so… yesterday she came to visit/ to get her arms waxed (bc that’s my other unofficial job) and she ended up staying for 2 hours. Bc we had see each other briefly lately, couldn’t sit and talk properly in a while. And she always asks me about 1d, bc she knows I love to talk about it,jajaja. And I have a sideblog where I reblog things to show her. And well, yesterday we talked a little about BG, and I showed her the no-belly pic, and she was… 😳. And she thinks louis and Harry must be together, at least at some point, bc the way the touched wasn’t in a friendly way. She now has a boyfriend, and she kept saying: I’m not a very touchy person with my friends or my family, but when I’m with him I always want to touch him or kiss him, and that’s what those two were always doing. And I’m always: do you think that for real, or are you just saying it so I stop talking?? Jajjaja. And yes, she’s convinced they are/were together. She asked me if I think they’re still together, and I told her that now more than ever, but it’s a long story, so we should talk about it another time, bc lol, we were just talking about it for a couple of hours, and we both had things to do. So, we’ll keep talking another time.
Of course, I dont share that info with everybody, but I dont mind my friends knowing. I have this one friend that i bother everytime i get frustated bcs of a fic. I tell him the plot, and what is happening and i cry about it (and he laughs at me but at least he listens). Sometimes i make him choose which one should i read next when i cant decide. (9)
I almost did a fic reference yesterday talking with my friend, and I stopped myself midsentece, and laughed (I thought of you,jajaj) and she was so confused!! But she’s used to my weirdness, so we just laughed it way. And I kept talking, jajajajaj.
Girl, i have 6 dioptres😂😂 Thats what i have forbid myself from reading on the phone. No, i havent read that one, but its now on the list. I’ll tell you when i do! Though it make take a while :( (I understand you. Dont worry). (10)
😳 6?!!?! Please take care of your eyes!!! Stop reading… everything!! Jajaja. No, I’m kidding. I know about people who has 8… so you’re still ok,jajajaj. I have 1, but my ophthalmologist told me I’m very sensitive to change, bc I thought I had 27463 diopters, bc I saw so poorly 🙄🙄.
Yes, i also like IDGAF more than New Rules. They have overplayed that one. Have you heard Blow Your Mind? I love that one. It’s also a single so…i guess you have heard it? You’ll get amazing shots, i’m sure. Honey was sleeping on you? 😭😭😭😭 I love hiiim (11)
I listened today Room for 2 and Homesick, and I think I like them. I’ll have to listen this new one two. For me, to like a song, I have to heard /a lot/ (not as much as Despacito, please). It has to have a catchy tune. That’s why I think a like Carolina, or Woman, or Kiwi, and I don’t understand why people is so fidyfvbure about the lyrics, jajjaja.Honey is always sleeping on me. The other day Liam was sleeping between my legs, and Honey came and just laid on top of my poor limo. And I wanted to kill him, bc liam never comes to sleep with me. They’re so different… but I love them both.
Oh, my little sister. I just wanted to tell you that yesterday was her birthday. She almost cried when she saw that me and my older sister had brought her Flicker deluxe as a present. (We hadnt bought it yet. Dont judge us). She was freaking out just bcs of that and i was laughing so hard thinking that she’s gonna pass out when she sees the rainbow flag her friends have gotten her for Nialls show. And also another pair of Cds. She wont survive the show. Poor thing. But she was so happy 😍😍 (12)You start next week? Okay. I’ll ask again next wednseday. Have a nice daaaay!!
Not judging, you’re amazing sisters!! Awww, poor thing!! She will have an amazing time at Niall’s concert, for sure. And, yes, please, tell her to bring the flag. I’m so happy seeing how people are starting to bring rainbow flags to niall concerts too. And have you seeing that he has taken pics with rainbow flags?? He even brought one to the stage the other day!! It makes me inexplicably happy to say everything covered in rainbows. There was so much at Harry’s show too, my sister said it looked like a pride parade. Hey, Dunkirk it’s about to start khbkhdfbvkjdnfvkjndfv. But, have YOU SEEING THE NEW ROYAL BABY WAS NAMED AFTER LOUIS?????? AND HIS TWEET?!?!?  IM SCREAMED!!!! Dijffvjkbdded. Bye love. I have to feed my cats before the movie starts!!! Aaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
0 notes
oldscarredlove · 7 years
AfterGone - Part 1/3
The Origins of AG
Error > @loverofpiggies (tag ain’t working) Swap!Sans > @(can’t remember)
After all this time I still remember what it was like when the human came here to the Underground, the prison of the monsters hidden deep in Mount. Ebott, I’ve lost all sense of time here, when you’re alone you kind of lose all your senses and sanity. Looking over to the other side of Snowdin river, the fields of wooden crosses and blocks of stone, I mesmerized how this all happened… — It is said that the human had fallen into the Underground from the surface landing onto a pile of golden flowers, making them sound like some kind of angel that fallen from the Heavens with golden wings. They were the most innocent thing down here, their smiles and laughs were all it took for the monsters to be befriended and give them their trust.
Right to the very end. No one ever got to see the light of the surface, every single monster that came face to face with the human ultimately ended up being left as a pile of dust. I made sure to never even be within range of the human’s toy knife, being the only one to see their true self.
The human may have fallen as if an angel had been sent to us… But no one ever questioned why the angel had fallen, it was because it was a monster, even more so than ourselves. — Haunting laughter filled the golden corridor, the light of the barrier shining through the windows were blinding my eye-sockets but I’d much prefer look at something that wasn’t the human in front of me. Their cheeks were rosy and their smile was just as it always was but with a more twisted and darker reason other than befriending.
Their yellow shirt was no longer tucked from their brown trousers, the black suspenders hanging loosely on either sides of their legs and their dark shoes powdered with the dust of the slain. Their knife had lost its shine during the journey here, it was pointed at me for the fifth time and I could feel my soul ache in a familiar pain.
“Here again, huh Sans?” Questioned the demon-child, “I wonder how many times we’ll dance like this.” They giggled manically and their soulless eyes looked at me from under their messy fringe.
“The real question is…” I felt my left eye glow before I opened my eyes again, staring into the soul which should have never existed. “Why aren’t you burning in Hell like you should be?” —RESET— Something was different, something has changed and I have no idea what and whatever it was, it was making my bones rattle, it crawled up my spine the entire day, I just couldn’t focus on anything.
It took longer than usual to leave the house, I was heading toward the Waterfall post when it happened, hearing the slice before the bang. I hid in the shadows of the Snowdin woods as I watched Papyrus, my beloved sister, crumble into nothing but ashes, Chara practically skipping away whilst humming a strange tune.
When the human vanished, I came out and wobbled toward the blood-coloured scarf on the ground, hesitating when I reached out for it. “P-Papyrus…? S-Sister…?” I fell onto my knees, burying my face into it and felt myself shiver, feeling the true cold of the situation for the first time.
I was never there to see my sister turn to dust, mainly because I knew I’d lose my mind, I could feel it crack, splitting in half and my eye-socket burning with hatred. “I shall make sure…” I looked up from my spot on the snow, “they burn in the flames of Hell.” — The scarf was wrapped around my neck when I next faced the human, after blasting them with my little pets, they collapsed onto the ground and were silent for a full minute. Then they started to boom with laughter, I could hear them struggling to breathe and see the tears fall onto the floor. They looked up to me with that scary face and had an expression of someone who’s had an awful idea.
“Hahahaha! Why- Why didn’t I think about this before?!” They started to howl again and I could feel their sins surrounding me, it was almost enough to choke me.
“What is it, kid? You’re kinda creeping me out here.” I scowled at their attempt of getting up and falling down again.
“Join me!” I froze in place. “Join me in the next run! Let’s kill everyone! They’ll never-”
“No.” It was all I could say, they’d managed to make me lose my ability to speak, ‘no’ was the only word I could formulate.
“Listen to me, Sans!” They stood up and spread their arms toward me.” They’ll never have to know! I can just reset the timeline and they’ll all just forget, only we will remember!” They held out their disarmed hand. “Join me Sans, it’d be so interesting to see if you’d be able to kill your own-”
Looks like I’m ganna have’ta use my special attack early. —RESET— “Oh! Good morning Sans! You’re up unusually early today!” Papyrus was grinning like a fool as usual, I starred at her in-tents-ly, trying to burn this image of her into my skull. Her heroic cape-like scarf, her shining ‘battle body’, her happy face, looking at me like I was a saint.
How wrong she was, it was almost enough to break me entirely, she was always seeing the good in everything whilst I was her polar opposite. She was the saint, always trying to save those I would’ve discarded without a second thought, being honest and soft forever and always.
“Heh, yeah…” I looked away, ashamed. “Hey sis… I kinda forgot… What would you do if you became the Head of the Royal Guard?”
She looked at me with an expression of bewilderment, amazed I’d forgotten when she’s spoken of it a million times. In truth, I wanted her to picture her happiest day before it all came to an end. As she turned away from me and explained everything with joy, I materialized my claw and sliced at her, making sure to go through the soul to ensure she didn’t feel any pain.
I didn’t want her to even see the human or myself, before she even started to crumble I broke apart, I let the claw fade off and knelt onto the floor, disgusted with myself for what this timeline has in store. After several minutes, I got up, my body rattling loudly, I had no words to say to her, what could I say? “I’m Sorry…” — I was sitting inside Grillby’s when the human came, I heard the door open and footsteps come closer to me, they stopped and were followed by a giggle. “No one’s here, huh?” I said nothing. “Where’d they all go? Did you warn them? Because if you did I can just reset an-”
“I killed everyone.” It was silent for a whole two minutes then booming laughter filled the diner.
“WOW! So you’re going to join me?!” I nodded, they cheered. “This’ll be fun! I can’t wait to see how this goes, par’ner!” I wasn’t so sure. — By the time we reached the Queen’s throne room and that flower-thing were reduced to nothing, we went into the room that was before the barrier, the human was still grinning like a clown with their cheeks the same red as Papyrus’ scarf.
“Now that, Sans, was what I called a good time!” They winked at me like I should agree, but all I felt were the sins crawling up my back.
“It’s the end now kid, we had an agreement: When this was all done with, you’d make sure no one ever knew about this…” I stared at them with hatred, feeling my soul pulsing in agony.
They tapped their knife against their forehead, as if they’d forgotten something. “Oh right!” I was hoping they’d stab them-self in the head. “Ok then, a deal’s a deal.” They steadied their knife. “Goodbye Sans.”
My eye-sockets widened and I could feel my jaw drop (not literally), I stared in horror and what’d just happened. The dark grey floor was suddenly covered in red and a choked chuckle rang through the room.
“There… The deal’s done.” And with those dying words, they collapsed onto the ground and time froze. In the monster’s place was a human in different colours, their face was pale and their magenta shirt was stained with blood and their blue trousers and brown boots were dusty.
Staring at this other human, I realized that I’d made a deal with the literal Devil, turning my own words against me. I zipped to the human and started to shake the human around brutally, screaming and sobbing at them to RESET, they always did, why was this any different from the other times they’d died?
My thoughts already pieced the answer together, it was because Chara had killed this human ever since they first possessed them, stealing and destroying a little piece of their soul for every second they were inside them. I started to get slow and my voice was becoming a whisper.
“Please… Bring them back…” — Whilst heading back, I picked a bunch of flowers, gold and blue, and covered each with the dust with a single monster. When I got back to Snowdin, I summoned my claw and made each flower a hole, buring them and placing a wooden cross I’d made from fallen branches in the nearby forest at the head of the grave.
When it came to those I cared for especially, I made them a tombstone, carving their names and a small message into the rock. The last two were Papyrus and the human, although I had never met this human child before, it felt like we could’ve been pals in another lifetime.
When Papyrus’ grave was done, I wrapped her scarf around her tombstone and stood up, looking around at my handy work. My hoodie was torn and tattered, itchy from all the dust it’d collected during the run, I went inside and headed to my room, throwing all the clothes I was wearing into the trash.
When I came outside again in my new clothing, I noticed that time had literally stopped, I guess without the human, there was nothing else to proceed… My head tilted down and I climbed onto the roof, feeling nothing but shame, vengeance and disgust. I felt sick to my non-existing stomach and felt like the ghost of Papyrus behind me, watching my every move in anger and betrayal. — I started to cry out of nowhere, I’d looked at the window of the living room and noticed I’d become skinnier and had actually grown at some point. Ever since… I haven’ had much to eat, resources were becoming scarce and I’ve now had to start living off of plants, forcing myself to become a vegan.
It could’ve been because I’d grown and believed that time was starting again, only to have my hope crushed when I’d stared at a clock for what seemed like an hour. Or it could’ve been that I’d glanced at the calendar that was next to the door and saw that (for me) it has been over a year since then.
Whenever I slept and woke up, I’d count that as a day. I hardly got sleep anymore, resulting with bangs under my eyes somehow and becoming an insomniac. I always got nightmares of Papyrus, staring at me in hatred with marks on her body from when I’d sliced her but dripping with her blood.
I left the house from feeling claustrophobic and jumped onto the roof and sat down on its peek, resting my skull into between my knees. The new clothes I’d made shortly after finishing the graveyard hung loosely to me, during my growth I’ve had to alter them to make sure they were bigger than myself, to be sure I was prepared for any more unexpected growth spurts.
Silence has been the only thing I’ve heard now, other than the imaginary voices of the other monsters before they were massacred, so after a few minutes of self-loathing, you could imagine my shock when I heard a glitch rip and a confused voice ask:
“What’s this place, Error?”
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highschool-hasbeen · 7 years
Chapter 1
 ​Plague. ​I gagged at the smell that drifted out of the small cottage; it drifted out of the open windows and under the door. I knew what we were going to find. Almost every house hold had it, and the ones that didn’t were becoming rarer and rarer every day. James stepped forward and knocked on the door. ​“Please open the door for an inspection of your dwelling,” he said. Arthur and I exchanged looks. We could clearly tell that this dwelling was infected. We would have to go in anyway, but that was James for you: polite and proper, no matter what. Arthur was more rough and tough, while I was more of the quiet and conservative type. We three made an interesting trio, with Arthur and James were always bickering, while I was usually the one who had to step out of my comfort zone and settle things. ​James was tall and muscular, a permanent sign of the labors he performed in the mines. Everything about his physique was manly. His borderline black hair was cut short, showing off his dark brown eyes. His defined chin line had the start of a beard growing. The ratty shirt he wore showed off the large scar on his right arm that he never spoke of (the last man who had asked about it ended up in the infirmary). James didn’t care about how he looked; he only cared about providing for his two younger sisters after his parents died. Yet, he somehow still managed to awe most of the girls in the village, winning almost everyone’s heart. ​Arthur was skinnier than James and shorter than me, but not by much. His long gold hair, combed to perfection, hung down low on his forehead, almost coving his light, blue eyes. He was far tanner than I was, and had a short temper and sarcastic attitude. He often sat in the village squared and laughed at the people who walked through, giving him his fair share of dirty looks, and earning him a bad rap. ​I what people call a stick. I was skinny, and had almost no muscle on my body. I wasn’t particularly tall, and people like James dwarfed me. I had curly bleach-blonde hair that most people considered to be a bird’s nest. The most interesting features about me are my two, emerald green eyes, which sometimes possess a splash of yellow. ​I used to hate my name. “Theodore” just didn’t seem to fit me back then. I’d gotten used to it since then, but I still thought that something like “Matthias” or “Thomas” or even “Peter” would be better. ​The door swung open, startling me from my thoughts and revealing a small woman in a full length gown. The stench of decay flowed out the door. Arthur took a step back and coughed. I probably would have turned and lost my lunch, if I hadn’t already done so a few houses back. Even James’ steel composure swayed at the smell. The woman seemed unfazed by the putrid odor, and gestured for us to come in. We strapped on our masks, and stepped in. ​“As you can see, there is no plague in our home! You can take off those silly masks and head back out the door once you are content that there is no sign of that evil disease,” she said once we had entered her house. James and Arthur began to poke around, looking for the usually signs. I took a quick glance around the cottage. It was cleaner than most houses we visited, and surprisingly spacious. Fresh flowers sat in a vase on a small table next to the fireplace. A small bed, child-sized, sat in a corner, and a larger table sat pushed in the opposite corner with three chairs surrounding it. The house almost looked innocent. The smell, however, told a different story. ​“Where is your husband?” Arthur asked a little more forcefully than necessary. ​“Out in the market, getting tonight’s supper with our child,” the woman said. I watched her carefully. She put on a good façade, but I could tell that something was up. She slowly twisted an old wedding ring around on her finger. Her eyes quickly darted to a small broom closet, and then quickly looked around to see if anyone had noticed. Her eyes met mine, and her act crumbled for a second. Her eyes pleaded for me not to look, not to unearth the secret in the closet. “How old is your child?” James asked as he inspected the bed. As quick as it had left, the bright cheery woman with nothing to hide returned. “He is going to reach his seventh summer later this year,” she said with a sigh, as if contemplating what she would do for his celebration, or as if looking back on his childhood memories. “What is in that closet?” I asked softly. Her eyes darted in my direction, and she began to turn her ring faster. “Oh, nothing, just a little extra storage for an old woman,” She giggled without humor, her eyes fixed on my like daggers. They begged me not look, not to push it, not to finish my search. I looked back at her with sympathy, knowing that it was too late. James and Arthur pulled open the door, and stepped back immediately. James turned and wretched in the middle of the floor, and Arthur staggered away from the now over powering smell of death and decaying flesh coming from the closet. I crept closer and took a peek in the closet, the woman bursting out in tears behind me. There, stacked with care in the tiny closet, were the woman’s husband and child, decaying right in her house. The woman collapsed in onto the bed, sobbing. Her shawl fell off, revealing the large blotches infamous to the plague. She sobbed as James and I removed the bodies to be burned. She sobbed as we placed them in my cart with all the others we’d collected that day. She sobbed as Arthur slowly took her arm and led her away from her house, towards the infirmary that she would stay in until she died of the plague. She was still sobbing as she turned, and silently caught my eye, telling me everything she was thinking in an instant. This is your fault, she said. It’s your fault that I will die away from my family, in a horrible sick bay. It’s your fault that I will never get to say goodbye to my husband and son. It’s entirely your fault, she screamed at me silently, piercing through me with cold eyes. Then she was gone. I turned towards James, who sat next to me in the front of the cart. “Let’s get going,” I said. He nodded, and I gave a click to my horse, Lea, a dappled gray mare, and she set off down the street to the next household we would destroy. ************************************************** ​After the bodies had been burned and I had bid James farewell, I let Lea take us back the stables. I undid her tack and turned her out to the fields, giving her a sugar cube for her services before she left. I watched her until she was no more than a speck in the distance, then turned away and headed down to the spring that only a few trusted individuals and I knew about. I threw off the ratty clothes I’d been wearing for plague duty and jumped in. For a little while I just floated there, letting the cool water lap against my back. The pine grove that hid my secret get away filled the air with a sweet fragrance. Eventually, I grabbed a cloth from my knapsack and wiped all the possibly infected areas of my body. The people of my village took no chances when it came to the plague. My mind quickly flashed back to the girl. It was like I was just there, sending her out, watching her- No. I would not. I could not allow myself to think like that. I couldn’t show sympathy. I needed the extra rations, and plaque patrol was the way to get them. ​When I was finished cleaning myself, I rose from the spring and let my body begin to drip dry. I peered out from the grove, and investigated the horizon. A wall of dark gray clouds greeted me, coming in from the west side of our island. I turned away from the incoming storm and looked at the rest of Aris Island, the place my people called home. It was small enough that many mapmakers from the mainland forgot to include us in their designs, but just large enough to fit our people’s needs. We once were a nomadic tribe of traders, traveling on the mainland from place to place, staying no longer than a moon anywhere. However, after a long and harsh war with another tribe, we moved here, to Aris, the place that would keep all of our people safe. ​And up until recently, the island had done just that. Our people settled down and learned how to fish and how to farm. We grew and prospered on the beautiful island, and when I say beautiful, I mean it. From the birch forest in the north to the ragged cliffs in the south, Aris was a sight to behold. Now, in the heart of summer, wild flowers bloomed all throughout the fields, making them look like one large mosaic. The forest was alive with growth and beauty, filling everyone who gazed upon it with a sense of awe and respect. In the west, a few hills lazily rolled up, creating the perfect place for our animals to graze and rest. Our village sat nestled in the east, right where the sea and the land met. ​I turned away from the beautiful view, and put on the change of clothes I had brought with me. I left the grove, and headed back to the village. I reached my one-room house, which some called pitiful (I personally preferred the word cozy), and let myself in. A familiar interior greeted me; the dining table with one chair positioned against the window, the bed with blue sheets in a corner next to the fireplace, and the ugly rug which sat in the middle of room, showing off its “glory” for all to see. I planned to rid of the thing as soon as possible. I threw my plague duty clothes in the fire, and then fell back into my bed. Within seconds I was fast asleep.
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