#its about Avior what do you expect
vind3miat0r · 28 days
Send Me a Character & I'll Tell You game
Avoir (I had to lol)
My first impression: oaugh he was so mean to us in the beginning :( honestly? i did not like him (shocker i know). setting aside not having context for why he was acting like that, his character just did not strike a chord with me. the only thing that i really liked about him is that he yaps a lot and uses fancy words, and im like a moth to a flame when it comes to that shit
My impression now: THAT IS MY HUSBAND RIGHT THERE!! ughhh i love him and his character development :( hes so tragic and just. augh. he lives permanently in my brain now, the brainrot is real. i dont think im "could quote word for word" levels of obsessed, but ive listened to his audios enough times to know what hes going to say next in some instances. really a whole 180 i did there
Favorite thing about that character: his absolute adoration for Starlight. in the flashbacks, you can hear how much he loves and cares for them, and i can practically see him gazing at them starstruck, its beautiful. literally makes my cry anytime he says "my starlight" im so deadass rn 😭
Least favorite thing: honestly theres not really anything i dont like about him?? hes literally my favorite character so ofc im gonna be biased 😭😭 if anything, id like to hear more abt his past. i know he told us that story abt him and Circinus, and presumably there was more from the first time they were in the trap together, and id really like to see that, as well as their initial growing closer (again, ik that we saw some of that, but id would still like to see a more detailed version of it. like, who dropped the first "i love you"? and etc). other than that, i cant name anything off of the top of my head that i dont like abt him
Favorite line/scene: OAUGH. I HAVE SO MANY.. for scenes, definitely the entirety of "Back to The Real World With Your Demon." i was screaming internally the whole way through, and Avior realizing Starlight had gotten their memories back will always have me in a chokehold. and shoutout to his hbs and springback audios too. for lines, "The things I feel for you fly in the face of every justifiable fear and suspicion that this situation has burned into me" GETS ME EVERY TIME MAN, HE SOUNDS SO SOFT AND IN LOVE AND GRRRHASGHFDGF
Favorite interaction that character has with another: considering that hes literally only ever interacted with Starlight and Circinus on screen, id have to go with when hes helping Starlight get to sleep and (again) his hbs and springback audios. while i do like angst (why else would i listen to his playlist mutiple times per month), im such a sucker for fluff its not even funny
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: again, considering that hes only ever interacted with Starlight and Circinus, there is a whole slew of characters that id love to see him interact with! probably another demon character, like Warden or Gavin, those would be fun!
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: theres a character in a fandom named Caduceus Clay that my bf rlly likes, and i think him and Avior have a similar vibe :)
A headcanon about that character: augh i have so manyyyy 😭 ill just put down a few lol
Avior studied Greek and Roman mythology as a hobby during his first years on Elegy. he was at first intrigued by how thousands of years ago, the Greek had named the stars (which as you know, the d(a)emons are named after), and he just fell into a rabbit hole of legends and mytology after looking into it
he acted as a steward to Warden (the lore implications this would have would be CRAZY methinks)
after getting Starlight out of the trap, the areas of his body where his magic had torn itself away from him became white scars that resemble explosion scars. they're on his hands, arms, general chest area, and most of his tail. he also gained a facial scar from the fall he experienced
A song that reminds of that character: Upon Cobblestone Streets by The Family Crest. a while back i saw someone say that this song rlly fits Avior and Starlight's dynamic, i gave it a listen and immediately cried cuz they were RIGHT!!
An unpopular opinion about that character: two words: BODY💥WORSHIP💥 thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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starlitangels · 7 months
A Vial of Demon's Blood
I hope we get an answer on where Porter got the demon blood. Until then, here’s this 1.6k words
Monarchal Summit Arc Spoilers! Monarchal Summit Arc Spoilers! Monarchal Summit Arc Spoilers! Monarchal Summit Arc Spoilers! Monarchal Summit Arc Spoilers! Monarchal Summit Arc Spoilers!
*Guy voice* There are spoilers for the Monarchal Summit Arc, have I made that clear?
Avior scrunched his eyebrows as his phone started ringing, glancing over at it. He hadn’t even had one before we escaped the Meridian, but once we had and he started spending a lot more time on the human plane, we both found out easier if he had one. “Do you mind if I take that? Might be a student.” He met my eyes.
“Go for it.”
He reached over and snatched it up. “Professor Avior,” he greeted.
After a moment of the caller greeting him, his head cocked to the side in curiosity. “King Solaire. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
I raised my eyebrows and mouthed, “William Solaire?” He nodded. I made a face. He’d mentioned once that he was vaguely acquainted with the Solaire clan’s king, but only in passing because they both frequented the same vinyl records shop in downtown Dahlia that stocked a lot of old-fashioned big band music.
“What do you mean when you say ‘a favor,’ if I may ask?” Avior snipped. He shifted his position, raising a brow. He bent close to me and tilted the phone so we could both hear.
“Well, dear boy, you do not have to agree. Although this would be by far the easiest avenue for my needs,” William Solaire said with his light, French accent. Avior and I exchanged a confused glance. “The short version? I need a single vial of demon blood. Tonight.”
Avior flinched. “Demon blood?”
“What for?”
“Ah. Well. It’s probably better that you don’t know.”
“Your Majesty, you know I can’t accept that answer.”
“Nonetheless. I cannot give you any more information. For your own protection.”
“If you’re trying to give me plausible deniability for using my blood for a crime, I don’t think I need to remind you that demons don’t have DNA. Demon blood can’t be traced to the demon it came from if it can even be collected in a useable form within its half-life.”
“I’m well aware, dear boy,” William remarked. Avior’s jaw clenched at the endearment. “But I’d rather you not have any knowledge in case of any telepathy that might put this under a microscope it was never intended to be examined by.”
“Demons don’t like to part with their blood. Even less than humans do. We feel the loss of even a drop. Pulling at our magic until it disperses back into Arcana,” Avior said, voice taut. “What could be so important that you’d ask me for mine and believe there’s even a chance I’d agree?”
“How about potentially stopping CloseKnit from arranging another disaster?” William asked.
Avior’s entire body went unnaturally still in a way I’d only ever seen demons and vampires do. “I’m listening,” he replied. Tensely. His hand not holding his phone found mine and gripped it tight.
“Tonight is a ploy to cut off the vast majority of CloseKnit’s funding. All I will say is that, in order to do so, an Old Blood must be overpowered by a vampire much younger. An impossible task without crippling the Old Blood with the poison of a demon’s blood.”
Avior’s eyes met mine. “Give me a moment,” he said.
And muted his end of the call.
“Starlight,” he whispered. “If CloseKnit is gearing up for another Inversion or a new disastrous hell entirely…” He shook his head. “Hundreds or thousands more could die for whatever reason they’ve been orchestrating all this.”
“I understand that.”
He pursed his lips in frustration. “But it’s a bad idea for me to give up any of my blood to a vampire.”
“I agree. But do you get something in return?”
He blinked. And unmuted the call. “What would be in it for me, Your Majesty? I won’t part with even a vial of blood easily.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to. There are several options. I know demons… care little for human currency. But I could compensate you handsomely for your blood should that be the option you choose. There are plenty of other strings I can pull, should you choose something else. Or, if you’d rather keep it general, I can simply owe you a rather large favor.”
Avior scoffed. “An Old Blood vampire king owing a demon a favor is almost as dangerous as the opposite,” he pointed out. “When the demon comes to collect, the price can be steep.”
“Of which I am well aware, Avior. And willing to take that on because you are a good man. I need the blood tonight to stave off a potential catastrophe. One I know you also would rather not inflict on the world. You mentioned bad history with CloseKnit’s members before. Should you come calling for a favor, I’m willing to do what I need to, for the sake of the lives that may be spared.”
Avior stared into my eyes for several long moments, breathing steadily, but slow. He raised a brow in askance. Seeking my opinion. “Your choice,” I mouthed.
His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply. “One vial. One. And no funny business.”
“There will be no funny business, I assure you. My clan member who will do the extraction is good at what he does. It shall be quick and clean.”
Looking determined but apprehensive, he nodded once. “Fine. What time will he and I need to meet?”
“He can be at your place of residence by four-thirty-PM. I’m given to understand you’ve taken up semi-permanent residence here on Terra with a partner. Not too far from one of my clan members’ homes.”
“You’ll have to forgive me but I’m not comfortable with having a vampire I don’t know in my home.” He held my gaze. Protecting me from an unknown vampire.
“I understand. Do you recall the Solaire Property Management building in uptown Dahlia?”
“I’ve seen it in passing. Never stopped by.”
“Porter, my clan member, can meet you there. Should you be willing to travel that far.”
“That’s not far. I’ll meet him there.”
“Delightful. Thank you, my young demon friend.”
A muscle flickered in Avior’s jaw. “You’re welcome,” he replied.
“I trust you’ll pass a pleasant evening. Good afternoon, Professor Avior.”
“You too, Your Majesty. Goodbye.”
The call ended.
“I can’t tell if I have a bad feeling about this,” I remarked frankly.
“If it stops another Inversion, or something worse, a favor owed by an Old Blood king might very well be worth it, starlight.” He kissed the top of my head. “One vial. It’ll be uncomfortable for a few hours, and then I should be fine. Though… I might take some energy from this ‘Porter’ to make up for it. For the trouble.”
I couldn’t help the small grin. “I’d expect nothing less.”
He grinned—then sighed. “I guess we’ll finish up here and then I’ll have to leave.”
I nodded. “That’s okay.”
He kissed me firmly.
Porter didn’t even flinch as the rift opened a few feet away from him. The demon who stepped out was tall and trim, with wavy chocolate brown hair and metallic gold eyes. He wore dark jeans and a black polo shirt. His horns were nowhere to be seen and he looked mildly disgruntled. “Let’s make this quick. Porter, right?”
“That would be me,” Porter agreed. “I believe William said your name is Avior?”
“Mmhmm. Let’s get this done. My partner is waiting for me.”
Porter nodded and pulled the needle, tube, rubber ribbon, and vial off the table. “I’ll have to tie your upper arm.”
Avior smirked. “I’m a demon. Just stick it in.” He extended his arm.
Porter made a face of confusion. The smugness on Avior's expression deepened.
"I don't really have... veins unless I need to. Stick it anywhere. I'll form a blood vessel around it."
Porter blinked, but steadied his hands, held the vial carefully in one, and swiftly inserted the needle in with the other. Avior didn't flinch. Barely blinked.
"So. Someone's killing an Old Blood tonight?" Avior asked, voice quiet.
"That would be me," Porter replied.
"Best of luck. Sounds dangerous." Avior cleared his throat. "Where are you from?"
"Does it matter?"
"You've got a needle in my arm. I'm just making conversation."
"Originally the UK. But I've lived here for most of my afterlife. Parts of my accent have faded to match the one people use around here."
"Hm. I can kinda tell, now that I'm listening for it."
Porter grunted. "How old are you?"
"Does it matter?" Avior's arrogant expression seemed amused as he turned the phrase back on Porter.
"Not for the purposes of how potent the magic is in your blood. A brand-new demon's blood would work just as well. I told you a personal fact, now it's your turn."
"Thirty-six, give or take a few months. I coalesced in nineteen-eighty-seven."
"Hm." Porter pulled the needle from Avior's arm. The puncture sealed instantly—even faster than a vampire's would—and didn't even bleed. Porter met Avior's gaze. "All done."
"Best of luck with the assassination." A rift tore open directly behind the demon, and with another snarky glint in his gold eyes, he stepped back through it and vanished. Leaving Porter completely alone in the Solaire Property Management building with a corked vial of demon blood in one hand.
In a blitz of movement, he changed from day wear to his Summit outfit. A gaudy, grandiose, distracting dark red tux with all the frills of House Solaire's usual style. In sharp contrast to the lavender blue tux he knew Vincent was going to be wearing. The vial of blood got gently wrapped in a handkerchief and tucked into his inside pocket.
A quick glance in one of the bathroom mirrors satisfied him. He gave his reflection a nod. "Time to go piss off my prince and kill a king. What fun."
He Zipped off for his car.
Tag list: @pinksparkl
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hello hello! i love your character analysis(?) posts, and i would love to hear your thoughts on Avior 👀 /nf
alright im on the train home from uni so its rantin' time - this'll probably be a long one, so strap in theydies and gentlethems!
avior! avior. his first arc was incredibly interesting to me, as i'm a big fan of moral quandries. the idea of keeping a massive secret from a loved one for their safety is super compelling, doubly so if that secrecy is justified (looking at you, blake).
this guy is smart, which is refreshing. avior might be highly emotional (pin this for later), but he's a strategist by nature. unlike a lot of other characters (looking at you again, blake), avior is able (to a certain point) to put his own feelings and goals aside for the sake of others. however - as we'll get to later, avior also has a tendency to decide what people want for them, rather than asking. admittedly, he's usually right, but his execution almost always ends up making someone upset with him.
avior has a lot of flaws, but that's what makes him so interesting! i'd argue avior's biggest character flaw is his immaturity, with selfishness as a close second. he can be shockingly inconsiderate at times, especially if he believes he's doing it for the greater good. avior often hides behind his intellect as an excuse to be detached from things he deems unimportant. obviously he dials it up on purpose to keep starlight at arm's length, but his real feelings towards some of their less good ideas do start to show through from time to time.
on the other side of that coin, avior is very reactionary when it comes to things he does care about. he's a passionate person who regularly has to handle very strong emotions, and it shows. watching avior torture himself by keeping someone he loves at a distance by being a dick is - well, not fun, but it's very strong and entertaining character work.
i think these two things come to a head in the imperium. avior's desire to keep everything running smoothy clashes with his (for lack of a better term) humanity. we can see this in the way he is distrustful (and rightfully so) of the vampire hoardes showing up on the academy's doorstep, yet he goes ballistic at vega for suggesting that they're disposable soldiers who can be killed for resisting orders. i think it's pretty clear in both the prime and imperium timelines that avior is a pacifist, but is often forced into violence either directly or by proxy. imperium!avior has a lot of people relying on him, and he really wasn't built for that pressure.
as an aside, i think it's interesting to see how each character reacts to extreme stress. it was perfectly put in that one heritage tumblr post - your characters are geodes. to see what they're really made of, you need to break them. avior is very reactionary, so you might expect him to snap, but he crumbles. avior's prime universe breakdown is super interesting (which i know is a wild statement, but i'm making it through a purely analytical lens, so hear me out). he's 36 at time of writing, but that is staggeringly young compared to daemons who have been around since before the beginning of time. he doesn't know who he is yet. avior might resist it when questioned, but he wants - needs - guidance, and he knows that. i think avior struggles with impostor syndrome, especially in the imperium. he's nervous to move away from the security blanket that is the older daemons, and getting booted into a pocket dimension by blake has forced his hand.
let's talk about the finale, and start of arc 2! avior and starlight are dumped out on the street by ancient deathless gods. cool. the inversion starts. less cool. avior's first instinct is to investigate and report back to the chorus - his curiosity is back after being beaten out of him by spending 2 years completely isolated. he's horrified by the carnage, which is completely expected, but i also think speaks to how sheltered he is. obviously, everyone in the general area is caught off guard by what is essentially shades shooting fish in a barrel, but avior's revulsion is unique. he hasn't spent enough time in elegy to learn real damage control, let alone for a large number of people. david is a good contrast here - of course he wants to help individuals, but he recognises that his first priority should be the safety of as many people as possible. granted, it's his job, but even sam starts to coordinate muster points once he's caught onto the situation (and, admittedly, made sure vincent hasn't torn through a wall looking for lovely).
avior then presents his (*) memories of e'laetum and min'ara to the chorus, as well as calling them for backup at the inversion point, but they're unconvinced. we'll be here all day if i got into chorus politics here - but i think their hesitancy is, among other reasons, caused by avior's presentation of the information. he's panicking. insistant. desperate to get the chorus involved as quickly as possible to stop people from suffering. this is another of avior's flaws - he's a lot more human than he thinks.
you could chalk that up to his age and inexperience, but avior displays a level of empathy (ironically) and care for humans that a lot of other daemons do not. that's definitely not a bad thing, but avior seems to be completely unaware of this fact and thus leaves it unmeasured. i think avior might have had a chance of at least swaying the chorus if he had presented his evidence with logic and detachment. here's a screen recording of meeting e'laetum and min'ara and the information they gave, be it true or not. you can all feel mass casualties in the spellsong. shades are involved, and a lot of them, so the sovereigns are definitely up to something. avior is far too smart to not put the pieces together that this display of raw power by the sovereigns is a sign that their strength is returning. but, unfortunately, the chorus (specifically circinus) only see avior's emotions clouding his judgement, and dismiss him.
i'm worried that an extended period of being completely alone has stunted avior's emotional development, especially considering he never spent much time interacting with elegy in the first place. even someone like gavin (who chose to stay in elegy after years of mistreatment) responded to the inversion fairly rationally, considering he spent the entire time being agonisingly ripped apart at the seams. yes, they're different people, but gavin's exposure to people from fairly early in his life is definitely a contributing factor.
avior has a lot of potential directions for his character to go in, but i think the most likely one is his emotional regulation. he's too focused on the immediate future, which is a microscopic amount of time for a daemon that lives for an indefinite amount of time. he's childish. again, not a bad thing - but avior's inexperience and lack of emotional development have a strong effect on his behaviour. i hope he learns to recognise that before it bites him in the ass.
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copsecore · 9 months
My Thoughts About Hot Boi Summer ‘23:
CW/TW: i will be non-specifically AND specifically referencing at least semi-nsfw content so please dont read if that doesn’t fly with you in any way, please be responsible!
Holy shit what the fuck this was Amazing (im referencing the poll on this post because erik did the results on stream, so yeah). David was in my top three picks for the poll and I was gutted that he didn’t seem to get very high - but i think that’s coz it was the first video, so maybe people had forgotten about it/it wasn’t as much in the forefront of the majority’s minds by the time the poll was released. Pretty much no negative thoughts.
WE NEED MORE CUTE 7/11 DATES OKAY PLEASE ITS SO SWEET. Ofc the snack puns coming in Clutch ugh i loved those. My only issue (“issue”) was literally the same as why i wasn’t over the moon when sam was voted for the ba (sue me. i liked it anyway) and that was just that we had a vincent one a few months ago, and also a pretty pre-sexual vid after that. Also the fact that lovely literally grabbed his junk in semi-(hah, pun)public, but it’s the anti-PDA in me that disliked that part, so feel free to ignore it!
Also in my top picks!!! I was a tad gutted when we didn’t get his. Saw a lot of posts begging for people to vote for it because yk him n starlight have been in literal Hell for years and therefore they deserve some smut time. Super cute vid, “A Romantic Night” is totally the right descriptor for it and also AYO WHIMPERY AVIOR??? YES. sorry ahem it’s the demons.
It was so good. The premise of getting a more subby gavin? chef’s kiss, more please. everything about it was good and i WISH the ba had been how i expected it to go, but we aren’t here for my criticisms of That, so whatever. It links back to an old non-canon Huxley preview vid that was taken from us (RIP) when the channel lost loads of vids, or at least thats what it reminded me of, with the whole BBQ-and-somewhat-sexual-teasing aspect it was amazing and i would like to see more switch-esque gav in the future (*manifesting*)
Not too much to say considering I started this post as a way to lightly complain about the poll results, and Lasky wasn’t on the poll, obviously. Regardless, I’m glad this video went the way it did, I think we’ve seen a lot of lasko being quick to jump the proverbial gun in the last few years, with his non-canon vids, and hooking up with gavin, etc, so it was nice to see him break away from that and ask to move slower coz hell yeah dude, progress and growth!! and i think it shows how much he wants the relationship to be more natural, and not racing ahead, even if he does in part want that - it was sweet as hell.
ELLIOTT (ft. The Dragon):
I gotta say it right off the bat that i just found the video on the more boring end. *POLICE SIRENS BLARING IN THE BACKGROUND* AH FUCK-
I’m just not overly surprised that i think Eli got some of the lowest results on the poll, I enjoyed the video, and i liked it (this will be a recurring statement) but i just didn’t like it As Much. Lots of people (including me, ngl) wanted more of the dragon - but erik’s not about to do weird fantasy not-fully-bestiality-esque stuff guys - and i’m pretty sure I only liked it coz cmon it’s erik doing another hot voice, im gonna be down horrendous BUT NOT FOR AN ACTUAL DRAGON. i am Not donkey from Shrek. And yeah, i know Eli’s powers can be kinda limiting with what they can bring to the (pun not intended) sex-table, but does all of his spicy stuff have to be in a Dreamscape? idk.
My Second Favourite Hands Down. How people picked Sam over riding Ash in the front seat of a rental, i’ll never understand /lh the horn may make me jump every time, but it’s okay, there’s repentance in the tongue kissing, and i stand by that, it was the best bit (or one of the best bits), No Criticisms (except Ash please don’t have sex in a RENTAL. wait until you get to a bedroom at least PLEASE-)
Again, i liked it but not as much. I love Guy, he’s one of my favourites, i can’t really say why i didn’t like this video as much as I normally would, maybe the concept just wasn’t rolling with me as well - the whole idea of post-concert seemed vaguely random, but you could argue that about all of these, so it doesn’t count. did anyone else see this or was it just me, coz if it is then i will quietly wave my flag of solidarity from my hole in the ground where nobody can see it.
I voted Anton. It was the sadness with the feelings and the horniness spicyness towards the end, ugh I loved it, Anton come home from war soon please (im terrified he might die because despite everything, nothing Death Related had happened in project meridian yet, and let’s face it, it’s gonna.) - it was nice seeing a different but also soothing take on the “your lover is leaving for an indefinite amount of time” thing, and how it changed in comparison to James’ video on it. Anton deserved the continuation okay. No aggression though.
This is where I might get more argumentative because I was so disappointed that Sam won the poll, even though I love sammy. It seemed slightly out of character?? with everything we know about Sam, it just seems so unlikely that he would go to a club, let alone start getting, uh, “busy” n shit while at one. he’s not a big fan of PDA because of his past, in my opinion, and i think overall he’s very private, so the setting and stuff just seemed out of place, it would’ve made more sense for Milo’s or smth to be set there - but hell I can’t tell erik how to write his own characters lmao - and still, the ba was Great. with a capital G.
I fell asleep listening to this the first couple of times, which says a lot already. The sensual massage trope has been used as a gateway to presumably spicy off-screen things before (Aaron’s HBW ‘21, Asher’s HBS ‘22) but idky it wasn’t hitting as well as it normally does, maybe it’s wearing thin on my brain. ofc it’s redacted content so i’m gonna eat it up like it’s ass (crude but true) but i listened to it through without falling asleep and was like “yeah it’s good, i like it, but also eh,,,” - like i mentioned, it would’ve made more sense to me if Milo’s and Sam’s were swapped around - anyone agree?
as always, all the videos were really good, and despite whatever came across through this post, overall, i enjoyed all of them, so please don’t take this as a criticism towards erik or any of his work, trust me, i absolutely adore it - i say it every time, but every time it’s worth saying, and also please don’t cancel me. this was a really long post, so a lot of people probably won’t read it, so if you made it this far; well done! have a star 🌟- don’t be afraid to leave any agreements or disagreements in the notes, i love discussing stuff with people! thanks for reading
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clover-46 · 10 months
What about professional figure skater Avior? This has been cooking in my noggin for a hot minute.
Avior who absolutely hates the day after getting his blades sharpened because it's all so much easier to cut through the motions but he grew used to slowly applying more effort as the metal dulled. He would much rather just have a consistent immortal level of sharpness and stick at that, but since the world has forsaken him this request, he shall make do.
Avior who makes his own routines all by himself and practices them until it feels like his calves and ankles want to kill him. And then a bit more since walking through hell makes the other side seem so much better.
Avior who wishes he had his own private ice rink instead of having to share with other people. The only solution is going late at night.
So he does, and the best way to practice a routine is wearing that skin hugging fabric so you know what to expect when your costume comes in for competition. Avior pulling on gloves to protect against ice scrapes on his palms before stepping out onto the rink as the speaker starts on his playlist.
Avior's legs tensing as he prepares for a jump and thanks to the way the fabric hugs to his long legs, the muscles shifting is so wonderfully visible.
Avior closing his eyes as gravity falls away from him at the apex of his jump and he looks more at peace than he's ever been. Clapping and a soft cheer coming from the sidelines as he lands and almost trips from surprise, his eyes flinging open.
And there's a total stranger, bag slung over a shoulder, clapping with a grin on their face. And he's flustered, unused to praise outside of his coach or competitions. And he just wants to leave, but the stranger is dropping their bag and shoving on their own skates to come join him.
And he learns their name - Starlight - and learns that theyre part of his agency and the only reason he hasn't met them before is because they do partner routines while he sticks to singular. And now they're pleading with him to help them with a set, but Avior's already decided that he doesnt need anymore practice and they can do this on their own. Even if the whole point is doing it with someone else.
The following week, Aviors coach - Circinus, who else? - says that his rhythm is slightly off and the easiest way to re-find his rhythm is to work with someone. Avior cringing as Circinus calls over Starlight.
Avior standing still as Circinus tries to convince him to stop being stubborn and just go through with the routine. Avior finally, and begrudgingly, agreeing.
Its then that Avior learns that Starlight always has something to say, whether it be a question or a statement (that he never asked for a comment about for a topic, but they gave him one anyways)
Starlight explaining the routine before Avior hears Ne Me Quitte Pas by Jacques Brel play over the speakers. And suddenly he's nervous as the energy shifts.
Starlight skating towards him, each movement fluid and he's envious. They adjust so they have their back to his chest, expression matching the emotions of the song as their hand drifts gently down his face, caressing his skin.
It doesn't even matter that the AC is pumping to keep the rink cold, because his body is heating up. He's skated to romance songs before, but it's different this time.
His hands lingering on their shoulders, waist, and hips as he goes through the motions with them. He doesn't notice the gathering crowd of onlookers.
He isn't the only one affected either.
The song is stuck in his head for hours afterwards, as well as the feeling of Starlight's body drapes across his own.
And Starlight can't stop staring at their hands, brain replaying everywhere their hands touched him.
Neither are able to face each other at practice the next day.
- 🙊
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HOW DO THEY LIKE ALREADY HAVE CHEMISTRY WHEN THATS THEIR SECOND MEETING (cause avior and starlight are just the best). you probably have the most active imagination ever
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asmr-analyst · 2 years
daemon theorizing ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don’t know if this is more of a theory or a weird historical rant, but after Vega’s video last week and the “We were just Daemons... with an a” thing GOT ME THINKING! So, rant below, I’ll try my best to make it coherent lol
That whole video gave me a sudden spike of inspiration for another one of my interests (angelology) and general biblical angel (and demon) history, so I got researching on the term daemon and its history:
So unlike the term demon, daemons (which, by the way, is actually the latinization of the word daimon, so it might be better to look up that instead) are a much older concept, notably used by the ancient Greeks. I won’t bore you by quoting the entire wikipedia page for you, but there is some stuff here I think will be relevant to lore down the line:
1) Daemons weren’t seen as evil or malevolent, they were seen more as lesser gods, who could be good, neutral, or evil. The term later did evolve into the demons of Christianity (and other Abrahamic religions, but I know nearly nothing about them) where they’re seen as evil. So, shocker, CloseKnit was lying AGAIN when they said that daemonkind is seen as purely evil in mythology, that’s simply not true.
2) There’s always seemed to be a connection between daemons in the redactedverse and biblical angels (in my opinion). Y’know, with their government being called The Chorus - the general connection to music and the stars, it all screams angel to me? But this just seems to confirm that. Daemons being described as “between divine and mortal”, and them being used to send messages to humanity from the gods, like messenger angels do? Very intriguing. Also the whole section on a daemon being assigned to each person (like a guardian angel) made me think of empathy daemons, so take of that what you will.
3) Speaking of the stars - there’s some offhand comment in here about daemons “being located between the celestial objects and the terrestrial inhabitants” which seems to imply that they’re of the stars in some way? But I couldn’t find a source for this for the life of me, sadly.
I don’t know where I got this idea from, but I have been deadset for quite a while now that the name demons (no a) was given to daemonkind by humanity? If any of you guys know where I could’ve gotten this from, that’d be fantastic. I probably got it from an Avior video? But I haven’t listened to all of his series in such a long time, so I don’t remember which one, I’d have to go see.
We’ve been getting a lot of great daemon lore recently, and I’m really excited and curious to see how it all plays out (and concerned, as I think we all are, I think we’re all constantly expecting disaster LMAO). I hope we’ll eventually get more info The Chorus (remember when Gavin said that the highest members were “far too old for him to read (emotion wise)” in his aftershock video?!? very interesting...) It’s hard to say too much at this point though. Just wanted to do a quick post about my 3am “””research””” :) 
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caelumsnuff · 1 year
I don't want to come off as too mean but it feels like Erik has some really deep-seated issues in regards to relationships. Characters like David, Gavin, and Cutie that all violate a lot of boundaries are basically forgiven until their behavior is suddenly better one day (and I feel like this break with Geordi will still fall into this). Characters like Vega and James are supposed to be villains and yet it feels like they're starting to be written as misunderstood heroes. It seems like abusers aren't properly punished for the things they've done despite being painted as abusers, like Kody and again Vega. The only storylines that had their "abusers" dealt with were Marcus's and Sam's, and those were both done extremely poorly and seemed more reactionary to the fandom imo. I wouldn't necessarily attribute characters being characters (or tropes) to "the author has trauma" but given that some of these stories are more personal to him and that these themes continue to show up as they do, it kinda makes me wonder how much he's been and is potentially still being mistreated by friends and loved ones. He wants to make statements about abuse and yet it seems like he doesn't know what it looks like to not be abused or how to properly handle and overcome it. And if this is really the case, I feel kinda bad for him. Sorry for the long ask, but am I just reaching so hard that I'm practically Stretch Armstrong or do you see it too?
i wouldn't say you're stretch armstrong (hilarious wording btw, im stealing that), but i would say its simply not the best to assume that themes you find in someone's writing is because of trauma/whatever unless you personally know them.
(more under the read more bc i word souped lol)
You are right about the villians not getting punished appropriately though, which i have (i think) talked about before. Kody is a great example for sure, but i think most of the antagonists aren't punished proportionally to their alleged crimes. A lot of the ones that are punished do seem reactionary to the fandom, ESPECIALLY Marcus. (im very emotional about him, i miss him so much). Something else ive also talked about before, how he seems to let audience reactions sway how he writes/continues to write a story. A lot of the relationship/character flaws are just..... magically gone one day??? Along with conflicts?? Its really strange. I sound like a record on repeat with this one, but tries to balance sending some moral message, writing interesting plots, with maintaining comfort content, and he ends up fumbling a lot of ways in the end. He writes allegories/messaging into his stories, but they're sloppy because of how he tries to juggle all the other expectations his audience, and maybe even himself, holds him to. It just ends up with..... bad writing (at least in terms of plot and narratives, his dialogue and character writing is generally good or very good. man knows how to make a lovable character and sweet lines). Also even the characters who have healthier relationships, i feel like a lot of the unhealthy behaviors were originally in there to make the relationships interesting, which isnt a bad thing!!! conflict is important for narrative interest, but like. He just Gets Rid of these things, instead of transforming them into things that are healthier but still personality traits of those characters. Sam lost his snark, Darlin lost their stubborness, Vincent doesn't feel anywhere as near as flirty as he used to, Avior isnt a sarcastic butt anymore. Like your personality does not get buffed out when you get in a relationship and that relationship gets healthier. Southern Sass is still Southern Sass, as a matter of fact it gets worse the more you know someone. Flirts stay Flirts, maybe not with others, but definitely with their partners. You don't all of a sudden lose stubbornness because you love your partner (ask mine, lmfao). It feels like these things were done to maybe make them more palatable/likeable but they were loveable already with their unique character traits and flaws. You can have someone grow without them changing.
I wish that with Gavin and David we had audios of them and their respective partners laying down boundaries and changing, and as for Geordi and Cutie i wish we saw more of their relationship build up before it exploded. Their relationship was already on fire when they were introduced, which is still just SUCH a weird choice to me. Sorry for the word soup, but tldr is that youre right about the bad writing part, i just think its not a trauma thing with healthy relationships, but more just bad writing bc of high expectations and maintaining audience satisfaction.
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saffron-nova21 · 3 years
Safe and Healthy (S.K.)
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Warnings: Another 'moment' that's interrupted too quickly,
Watching the way you interact with Bokuto places a question in the dark-haired male's head: what was so special about you that had all of these grown men, falling over themselves for your attention? Hell, he doesn't think he's ever seen either Iwaizumi or Ushijima look at someone, with any romantic interest, before.
It was truly a sight to see. Though, with his astonishment also comes curiosity. He finds himself wanting to see what is so amazing about you that had not only Suna but also Miya, who to his knowledge, hadn't dated you, utterly whipped.
Dark eyes trail after Bokuto as he leaves you before they fall to Miya, who has already turned his attention towards Sakusa. There was something almost like a challenge in the faux blonde's eyes. Something that spurred Sakusa to take a few steps towards you.
"You may need this, you never know when the last time anyone here has washed their hands was." Cringing at the thoughts his own statement brought, Sakusa holds out his small, portable hand-sanitizer dispenser out for you. Though, he quickly finds himself souring at the thought of you touching the bottle, something he'd spent hours trying to deem 'clean.'
Watching you turn to face him, he has to resist cringing as you reach out. That is until he notices your hand outstretched, with your palm up so that he could distribute the disinfectant into your hands, rather than you going for the bottle. "You have a point," he doesn't expect you to say that. "Not to mention, I'm sure Iwaizumi has people clean the gym, but I don't even want to think about the sweat and germs on the equipment."
Color him impressed.
Pushing down on the pump of the small bottle, he allows a few drops to fall into your hand. Most would have deemed the small pool in your palm too much, though you don't complain, proceeding to rub your hands together until the liquid is gone.
"I have some lotion in my bag if you'd like some. I know that washing your hands and putting on hand sanitizer probably dries them out, a lot." His watching you warily for a moment doesn't seem to deter you, though. You just shrug, "Though don't hesitate to say no, Kiyoomi. You won't hurt my feelings. You've always been wary of germs. I understand."
For a moment, Sakusa squares his shoulders and looks you up and down. Did you remember that from all of the games that you both played in high school, or was it the fact he carried a whole bottle of hand sanitizer, gloves tucked into his pockets, and he had yet to take off his mask, despite probably being extremely hot? He can't quite figure it out.
He also can't quite figure out why he says yes.
He doesn't realize the words, "I'll take some," come out of his mouth, until you are guiding him over to your bag.
Sakusa watches you pull your bottle out from your small drawstring bag, trying to focus on anything but you. Do you really rep your roommate's merch, everywhere you go? Your bag, your crewneck, you'd even started talking about him within five minutes of arriving.
A brief thought crosses his mind: What will it take to get you to wear his jersey at the Olympics? Though, as soon as the thought comes, he shoots it down. Because in the case of that happening, he would have to wash it repeatedly and worry about what you'd done in it. The fact that the thought had even crossed his mind in the first place, though, has him absolutely reeling.
Did he have a fleeting crush on you in high school? Of course, how could he not have? You were everything.
No matter the fact that you were on the opposing team, all you were was kind to him. Especially when it came to public situations. He remembers all of the times you'd help him escape from a crowd, knowing he hated him. He remembers watching you fall to Suna's side, grasping for his hand as the two of you walked to the court, wondering if you'd have been okay with holding his hands, even though they were gloved. He remembers what a formidable match you were, whether you were paired with your boyfriend, or someone else. Though he also remembers watching you walk away from every game, win or loss, impassive, like the game itself didn't matter to you.
He remembers the day he'd asked you if you actually enjoyed playing volleyball.
He remembers your response to him, as well. "I enjoy... The adoration and acceptance that comes from my success."
So yes, maybe he had a fleeting crush on you in high school. But that's all it was. A fleeting crush.
Nonetheless, as he watches you gingerly squeeze some sweet-smelling lotion into his palm, he finds himself opening his mouth to ask you a question, similar to the one he asked years ago. "Do you... Enjoy what you do, now?"
A light laugh escapes you as you squeeze some lotion into your own hand, placing the lotion away, before beginning to rub it in. "Still worried about me, are you, Kiyoomi?"
A snort escapes him in response. "No, more still stunned that you played for years, all for acceptance from the two half-wits over there, when you could have been doing something that you enjoyed, with people who accepted you, with or without a career in volleyball." He can smell the lotion through his mask, though he finds that he doesn't really mind. It smells just like you.
"Are you trying to say that you would have been that person for me, Kiyoomi?" You don't invade his personal space, but suddenly Kiyoomi finds himself uncomfortable. Even if it was a situation he had put himself in.
"I should get back to work," Sakusa states, now avoiding your eyes. "I will talk to you more later." His words are curt, leaving no room for question. Though you just smile - one that he warily regards as being filled with mischief, as he turns away from you to walk away.
As he walks away from you, though, Sakusa feels that uncomfortable feeling arise again. Thinking more about it, he can't help but notice that it doesn't feel quite like discomfort... No, it is more of an... Is he embarrassed?
No, that isn't it. It can't be. You're just someone helping them grow as a team. And it will remain like that, as far as he's concerned.
Sakusa hadn't ever had a crush on anyone until you and Atsumu came along. Along with his on-and-off crush for your former best friend, you were one of the first people he had feelings for.
You and Suna were in sync when you used to play together. You two practiced hard and perfected being decoys for one another. It tripped up the other team at least 90% of the time.
You got good at volleyball and playing at multiple positions, mainly because as a child you always wanted your grandmother to brag about you the way that she bragged about Shinsuke. You thought being good at volleyball would do that, but it didn't, it just made you miserable for years.
... So it's been a while... Does saying 'I hope you guys weren't worried about me' sound conceited? I feel like it does, but still, I hope you guys have been doing well. I kind of dropped off the face of the earth for a while. I'm sorry. But, nonetheless, I'm hoping I'll get to start posting more regularly again soon.
In any case, you guys better be taking care of yourselves! That means eating, drinking some water, and sleeping at least five hours. I'm rooting for you, okay? You deserve to be healthy and happy and I am very proud of you. Have a good day! Or night!
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saffron-nova21 · 3 years
VII. Iwaizumi Hajime (27) Athletic Trainer Pt. 2
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Warnings: Iwaizumi is smooth, like one minor suggestive joke
As the three of you walked away from your apartment, you moved your hand into Kenma's, contently swinging your interlaced hands back and forth while Kuroo spoke to Kenma. You didn't tune in to all of it, instead just looking around. It looked dangerously close to raining and after glancing at your friends, you quickly realized that none of you were dressed for the rain.
Kuroo was surprisingly casual today, a white shirt with some dark print against it, a cross-body shoulder bag, and a pair of black skinny jeans that most certainly did him justice. Kenma, for once, had pulled something that wasn't his signature black hoodie out of his closet. Wearing a long sleeve black shirt that hung off of his form, along with some black joggers. You had gone with a crewneck for your own comfort. Kenma's merch, as usual for you.
You couldn't explain what it was about wearing Kenma's merch, but for whatever reason, it brought you a great deal of comfort, which was the main reason that Kenma made sure you got at least one of everything he sold, no matter how 'exclusive' it was supposed to be, you had one. Not to mention, he liked to have his name, even if it was the one he used online, displayed on you.
But you didn't have to know that part.
"Like I said, Lev is already on top of it. If you two want to take a serious break and not even have to deal with Twitter or streaming, just say the word." Kuroo reassures, patting his smaller friend on the back, "You know, I really don't understand why you two, who hate social interaction, chose a career that depends solely on it."
Looking over, you're quick to respond, "What can we say? We like staying at home. Plus, it's not exactly a lot of work. It's just hard work and it's draining, y'know?"
Both boys give you a peculiar look, Kenma being the first of them to speak. "You know, I think you need a nap when we get home." He squeezes your hand with his own before looking forward again. "Hard work and a lot of work are... Rather close to being the same thing. Don't undermine your profession, just because other people do."
Kuroo raises an eyebrow, though he doesn't say anything as he faces forwards as well. "There he is, in the flesh," he notes as he gestures in the direction of a man leaning against a car.
Your eyes widened a bit as you took a good look at the man. He looked... Where there even words for it? Muscular arms and what you could only guess was a muscular chest was barely contained by a black shirt. Unluckily for you, blocking your view was what you assumed to be a compression sleeve, covering one of his arms from his wrist, up past his sleeve. He also wore the same black joggers that Kenma did, though through them, you could see muscular thighs and calves.
"Tetsuro, I thought you said we were going to meet a colleague, not someone who I would let do horrible, vile things to my -." Your words are cut off by an abrupt cough from Kuroo. "Come on, you both know I'm kidding!.. More or less..."
Kuroo and Kenma couldn't help but exchange pained looks - you really were going for a reverse harem, at this point, weren't you? You'd think they'd both be used to your fawning over 'pretty' and 'respectful-looking' men. Though, Hajime wasn't the worst person you could pick, at the very least.
After shaking his head in amusement, Kuroo raises an arm over his head to wave towards the other man. "Hajime!" Kuroo's deep voice cuts through the air, catching the Athletic Trainer's attention.
Looking up from his phone, the black-haired male gives a light wave, adjusting his posture to stand up straight. Sliding his hands into his pockets, he shifts his weight, his biceps flexing more than they should be allowed to, in your opinion. He might be an athletic trainer, but no one should be allowed to look that good, in just a t-shirt. Looking at the way the material stretched over his muscular arms, you wondered if it was about to tear... It certainly looked like it was close to it.
Iwaizumi allows the three of you to catch up to him as he reaches the entrance of the restaurant. He gives you and Kenma a nod, because he turns to Kuroo and begins to speak to him, though you tuned out pretty quickly when you heard him speaking to Kuroo about the previous Captain's job. What could you say? It was boring.
Crossing your arms, you spare Kenma a glance, "He could have at least said 'hi.'" You complain, not quite expecting the two in front of you to hear you.
You can hear Iwaizumi let out a quiet laugh, before he turns to face you, voice dripping in dry amusement. "I'm so very sorry, your highness." He shifts so his face is directly in front of yours. "Hi, I'm Iwaizumi Hajime, Athletic Trainer of the volleyball team. I can't wait to start our work together."
You narrow your eyes a bit, brows furrowing at how close he was to you. Heat rises to your face and you attempt to take a step back, only to find that Kenma was conveniently preventing that. You find a reason to finally look away from him as he takes your hand from Kenma's to shake it, amusement pooling in his features. Underneath the surface, though, Iwaizumi was silently thanking Oikawa for the years he'd spent with the other male, learning how to shock him enough to shut him up.
Kenma bites back his smirk, raising a hand to cover his mouth before he let out the laugh of amusement that threatened to escape him. He raises an eyebrow, nudging you, "You could at least respond, now that he has said hi."
Your two friends found far too much amusement in the interaction, in your opinion.
"Well, it's a pleasure, Iwaizumi Hajime, Olympic Trainer." You recover from your previously stunned state, a slight huff of air escaping you. "So kind of you to finally acknowledge our presence."
Kuroo sighs deeply, "Kuroo Tetsuro, table for four," he nods to the hostess, who looked amused by the interaction.
"Right this way."
Iwaizumi withdraws his hand so that he can begin following the other two, towards your normal booth in the corner. Kenma liked to have his back against the wall, always saying how it helped him stay calm. Neither you nor Kuroo had any qualms, especially if it made him feel more comfortable with you all going out in public. Though rather than moving to sit across from you both so that you could sit next to Kenma, as per usual, Kuroo slips into the seat beside Kenma, ensuring that you'd be seated next to Iwaizumi.
Puffing out your cheeks, you open your mouth to protest, only to stop and glance at Iwaizumi when you hear him speak. "Any day now, your highness."
You slide into your seat with palpable reluctance, you hostess giving you a sympathetic smile, before nodding. "Your waiter will be with you shortly."
Sinking further down into your seat, you cross your arms, "You know, I - Woah, buddy!" Jumping back up straight in your seat, you point an accusing finger at Iwaizumi, "You better watch where you're putting that leg of yours, buddy! There shouldn't be any premarital under-the-table knee touching."
Kenma lets out a breath, "You think they'll give us the check, yet?"
You and Kenma hold hands a lot in public. More than anything else, you both use it as a way to silently let one another know when you're uncomfortable. One squeeze for reassurance, two for an 'are you okay,' three for 'get me away from this conversation/person,' and four for 'home. now.'
Kuroo isn't sure how well Kenma is going to take it, when you truly start spending time with good-looking athletes, every day.
Kenma doesn't know that Suna and Atsumu are on the Olympic team and will probably kick Kuroo's ass, when he finds out. You were hurt badly, after everything. Worse than anyone but Kenma saw.
I hope you all are having a wonderful day. It is spring break and I, for one, have lost all concept of time. But still, I hope you guys are enjoying the story and having a good break. As usual, don't forget to eat and sleep, okay? And drink some water, I know you probably haven't, today.
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@kookie-doughs @halesandy @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @its-the-aerieljeane @onlyonew @kac-chowsballs @saltylettuce @thathoneybee3 @daninaninani @akkeyomi @vintagexparker
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saffron-nova21 · 3 years
New Favorite Setter (U.W.)
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Warnings: None, really :), just Ushi being sweet After spending a long ten minutes convincing Kenma that you were, indeed, okay, and Iwa was driving you home, he takes his departure. Though, what had really sold him was the fact that he could set up a movie for you both when you got home.
With Kenma's departure, you find yourself wringing your hands - what were you supposed to do? You'd asked everyone to give you and him a moment to talk and they'd done exactly that. Though, now that he was gone, you found yourself standing alone and watching as everyone interacted with one another. You hadn't exactly gotten this far. You felt like it was your first day at Nekoma, all over again, when your teacher made you stand up to introduce yourself to the class.
You didn't want to help in the gym, at least not when Atsumu and Suna were there, even if Bokuto was with them as well. And Iwaizumi seemed to be reviewing some different exercises with Sakusa and Yaku, leaving you wondering what exactly you were here to do. What help could you possibly be to them? You had half a mind to turn around and leave the gym, maybe you could catch up to Kenma before he walked too far away...
Little did you know that you'd caught the attention of a certain player that had stepped out of the gym to get some water.
Just as you're about to turn on your heel to leave, you find yourself approached by none other than the giant of a man, Ushijima Wakatoshi himself. He doesn't know how to acknowledge your awkward actions, or the fact that you look out of place, though maybe that was a good thing. Maybe you just needed a little push to help you get used to and more familiar with the team.
"I need someone to set for me so I can work on my spikes. I want to work on spiking with my right hand, as well. It will be an advantage on the court." The man stands in front of you, almost apprehensively, while he awaits an answer from you. His words are hesitant, voice void of most emotion. Though you had to give him credit for trying to make you feel more comfortable, despite being so awkward, himself.
As he awaits your answer, he furrows his brows in curiosity. Did you even still want to be here? Should he have just let you take off? Maybe he should walk away before he embarrasses himself, or you. Any prior thoughts of leaving you to your own devices leave him when he hears the quiet breath of relief that you release. "Yeah, I can do that. It's what I'm here for, after all!" You flash him a smile and momentarily Ushijima finds his chest tightening. That was an odd... And new feeling.
What was even more confusing was the way the feeling amplified when you took his hand in yours to tug him towards the gymnasium. He trails behind you without complaint, in fact, finding himself managing a small smile at how quickly you brightened when he interacted with you. He wasn't quite sure why he hated the idea of you leaving as much as he did, but here he was, making up excuses for you to stay with him and train. Though he'd be honest, he was probably about to make a fool of himself: it had been a while since he attempted spiking with his right hand.
As you both entered the gym, Bokuto, Suna, and Miya all turned to look in the direction you'd entered, but they had two sides of the court for a reason. Without a word to them, you're releasing Ushijima's hand and going to retrieve a volleyball for the both of you to use.
Ushijima, while your eyes are away from him, shoots a look of warning towards those on the other side of the net as you both make it over to the side, furthest from the door. Unsurprisingly, the look causes the three to halt in their own practice for a few moments, simply watching you. It had been a while since Suna and Miya had seen you play and Bokuto just... Really loved to watch you play. There was something almost elegant about the way you would set. It reminded him a lot of the way Miya set, though he supposed that made sense, with Atsumu having been your teacher.
"You ready, babe?" Tossing the ball to the opposite hitter, you grin at the way his cheeks darken at the term. "Throw it to me, whenever you're ready, alright, Ushi?"
"You may call me Wakatoshi, if you would like, L/N." The giant of a man nods in your direction with an impassive look on his face. Closing his eyes momentarily, he takes a deep breath, reopening them as he exhales. With his exhale also came the volleyball being tossed into the air.
It only took a brief glance at him to note where he was running and with that, you swung your arms to gain momentum as you jumped into the air. Your hands come together above your head only moments before the ball makes contact with them. All of the volleyball players could tell your form wasn't perfect.
Though even in high school, you hadn't been a setter. Nonetheless, Ushijima hardly had to do any work, your set making contact with his hand perfectly. A loud thud sounds through the room as the ball makes contact with the floor.
Ushijima had expected you to be good, but you really had a talent for volleyball, much like Bokuto had been bragging about. He was sure, though, that it was also a product of being a friend of Hinata Shōyō and Bokuto Kōtarō, who seemed to never want to stop practicing. Turning to face you, he noticed the way you grinned proudly at yourself, eyes flickering to his. He interpreted it as exactly what it was: a silent 'how did I do?' And he didn't hesitate to answer your unasked question.
"I think I've found my new favorite setter."
Damn, Ushi really said that in front of Atsumu too... Anyways.
You don't go by the last name 'Kita' anymore, you coined the name 'L/N' for your social media platform, and because after you left for Tokyo, you hadn't had any contact with your brother or grandmother.
Ushijima hasn't ever really had a romantic interest in anyone before, always focusing on his career. But with the knowledge you'll be around often and your phone number, he'll be changing that.
I'm so sorry these updates are taking so long. April and May are kind of rough months for me, but I am working on updates this week, I promise. Anyways, I hope you're all doing wonderfully and taking care of yourselves. Don't forget how proud I am of you, okay? And don't forget to eat, drink some water, and get some rest. You deserve it. Oh, and there will be much more with Ushi, no worries.
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@kookie-doughs @halesandy @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @its-the-aerieljeane @onlyonew @kac-chowsballs @saltylettuce @thathoneybee3 @daninaninani @akkeyomi @vintagexparker
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mercurypilgrim · 4 years
How did Ashara deal with Avior? Notwithstanding ideas about the force, it seems like their personalities would clash.
Hoo boy, you are correct! In the beginning, they really didn’t get along. Ashara was defensive and prickly (understandable, considering...) and Nox was far more fiery in his youth. Slowly, they learn to trust each other and then they learn a little more about themselves and the other.
One day, it strikes Ashara that they could almost be called ‘friends’. Avior teaches her about the Empire and all it’s nuances, things he had to learn by himself. This makes Ashara more open to the Empire, and she begins to lean more towards the grey. By the end of the Hutt Cartel, she’s on her way to a lordship, fully committed to bringing about Avior’s vision of a reformed Empire.
Avior is full of ghosts and bitterness for a good chunk of the story, but when he finally gets that under control he starts to mellow a bit and become the scheming politician we all know.
Having gone through that journey of self discovery together, they’re close with each other. They don’t always agree, but Ashara understands him like few do, and he does the same for her. It’s a rocky road, but by the end they’re pretty much inseparable.
As a little thing, have a snippet from when they met!
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She wasn’t sure why she liked the engine room so much.
Perhaps it was because the hum of the drives made sure she was never alone with her thoughts, smothered by silence.
It had been two days since they had left Taris, and every single part of her wished she could go back.
Change things.
Make different choices.
From the moment she had answered the holo from the unknown caller, she had tripped and fallen.
Her belly hurt from the guilt that ate at her, her body tense and tired.
She couldn’t sleep.
All she could see were the bodies of her Masters, and all she could hear was the crackle of electricity.
She hadn’t even fought.
She had tried to stop them from attacking the Sith, why hadn’t they listened?
Whatever the reasons, they hadn’t.
The Sith had drawn his blade, defensive as they had advanced on him.
“This one gives me an uneasy feeling.” Master Ryen had said, his eyes intense as he stared at the Sith.
The Sith, tall and thin and swathed in dark robes, a deep hood thrown over his head and a blindfold over his eyes, had given a tiny, humourless twitch of the lips.
“Blame it on my misspent youth.” He had murmured, wary.
She had felt a pang of regret when the Masters advanced on the Sith, wishing she had had to resort to betrayal.
The Sith, even with the rough looking man by his side, would be beaten into submission by two Jedi Masters. Ryen and Ocera were no library bound intellectuals.
That regret turned to horror, and she could still smell the ozone and feel the charge in the air as he wreathed himself in power.
She had been frozen.
For all her fire and skill with her blades, she hadn’t even been able to move, let alone draw her sabers in defence of her Masters.
When Master Ryen hit the floor, his dead muscles twitching with aftershocks, her legs felt as though they might buckle under her.
The Sith, his violet blade smoking as the last of the electricity crackled along its length, looked to her.
His mouth was set in a grim line.
“You killed them,” she breathed, her own eyes unable to move from the bodies of the Jedi that had been her teachers since she had been old enough to wield a blade. “You killed the Masters.”
He shut off his blade, stowing it on his belt.
“If someone hadn’t betrayed me,” he bit out, and she flinched at his tone. “Then no one would have been any the wiser and you would have kept your precious Masters alive.”
Her throat was tight, and her eyes threatened the spill with tears.
The remembered the feeling of numb hurt, as though she was viewing events in the third person.
When all was said and done, when she had witnessed the impossible and more corpses than she could stomach were littering the floor, she watched him sink his teeth into the spirit of her ancestor and devour him.
Wisps of power clung to him as he straightened, and she would have taken a step back if the grim-faced man behind her hadn’t been there, blocking her escape.
The Sith glanced at her, and it was unnerving to have such intense focus on her despite the blindfold.
“Come with me.” He had said simply, voice deep and smooth and barely winded from throwing around more power than Ashara could dream of summoning.
Dazed, all she could do was follow.
He hadn’t spared her much notice as they boarded the ship, disappearing to some shadowy corner soon after take-off.
The man who had accompanied him to Taris, Andronikos, had grunted at her to find a spare bed in the crew bunks.
Everything had felt strange.
A few hours ago, everything had been different.
Strangely, she wondered about her possessions. She didn’t have many, but she idly thought about what might be done with her little footlocker.
The cameras would have caught it all, so there was no hoping they wouldn’t know what she had done. What she had caused.
It was like a dam had broken and feelings flooded every inch of her without mercy.
She had put her head into her hands and cried.
Ashara forced herself back to the present with a sigh, fingers jabbing the buttons of the keypad in front of her.
A presence made itself known as it headed down the corridor, politely advertising its approach.
Nerves fluttered in her belly.
His voice was low and smooth, and she didn’t think he sounded like a Sith.
That Imperial accent gave it away, at least.
Turning and smoothing down her fear like it was the front of her robes, she let her eyes rest on him.
He was intimidatingly tall but almost painfully slender, his robes hanging off him. His hood was down for once, exposing a shock of white hair that she couldn’t help but wonder over. A mass of scar tissue stretched over his throat, half obscured by a high collar, and curled up over snowy skin to almost bisect his mouth.
His features had an avian look to them, and everything about him seemed sharp, from the pronounced hollows of his cheeks to the severe angle of his nose and the harsh lines of his cheekbones. Frankly, he looked like he needed more food and more sleep.
A simple blindfold covered where his eyes would have been had he been human.
“Sith.” She greeted, reminding herself to not show weakness. He might have been strangely calm for a Sith, who Ashara had assumed were all slavering dark side monsters, but she didn’t trust him at all.
“I see you’re settling in fine.” he murmured, and she blushed. Fiddling with the ships computers probably didn’t look good.
“Just getting my bearings.” She shot back, unwilling to play nice. “Since someone didn’t seem to mind where I went.”
His lip curled, and his presence, tightly leashed and heavy, sparked a little.
“You try absorbing a Force ghost of a powerful Force user and tell me you don’t need a little meditation afterwards.” He snapped, showing temper.
She swallowed, fists clenched.
“Well, I’m here now.” She muttered, bitter. “Not like I can go anywhere else since I’ve been forced to throw my lot in with a Sith. I don’t even know your name.”
He folded his arms.
“Forced? Jedi, you don’t know the meaning of the concept.” He scoffed. “My name is Kallig. Lord Kallig.”
She tried to soothe the flash of anger. She didn’t know what it meant to be forced? What did he think he had done to her?
“Your first name is Lord?” she asked sweetly, hating him. “A common one in the Empire, then.”
He sneered.
“If you’re going to be my apprentice, you need to understand Imperial culture better.” He said, cutting. “First names are deeply personal, and not given out to just anyone.”
“If I’m your apprentice, I’m hardly just anyone then, am I?” she shot back.
He seemed to calm himself, and it irritated her. How could he, a Sith, calm himself so effectively when she still felt fire in her belly?
“Avior.” He said after a long pause. “My name is Avior.”
She blinked.
It was a strangely normal name.
She had half expected something outlandish.
He scoffed.
“You have it, and you don’t even know what to do with it.” He mocked. “Say ‘thank you’ and if you’re being particularly formal: ‘I’ll keep it well.’”
“I… why?” she asked, honestly baffled.
He shrugged.
“Something to do with trust and loyalty, or so the books said.”
She frowned.
He gave her a look that implied he thought she was stupid. It was impressive since half his face was covered with a blindfold.
“Do I look like your typical Imperial? No, I have the accent but none of the citizenship.” He grunted. “If I had to learn, so do you.”
She felt a little silly.
He was miraluka.
Of course he hadn’t been born Imperial.
Being his apprentice was one thing, but immersing herself in Imperial culture? Learning how to act as a Sith? That was another thing entirely.
She felt like she might lose herself.
“I’m not dark side,” she said firmly. “And I’m not Sith.”
He folded his arms, and she saw his hands, gloved and long fingered, thing and spidery as he rested them on his arms.
“Good for you.” He dismissed, and she blinked.
She had expected more resistance. More defence of his code.
“You can wreath yourself in sunshine and rainbows for all I care,” he said simply, and she wondered how he knew what a rainbow was. “But you will not cause me difficulty by refusing to play your part.”
“Cause you difficulty? What, in subjugating the galaxy?” she asked, glaring.
He looked grim, and she got the impression that he wasn’t used to smiling.
“No.” he murmured, giving her a measured look. “The Empire is rotting, and I refuse to go down with it.”
She frowned.
“Then why not join the Republic?” she asked, meaning it. “I’ll vouch for you, and they’d help you.”
His expression cooled, and she didn’t know what she had said wrong. His dissatisfaction made her insides squirm.
“The Republic,” he began icily, “Is no friend of mine.”
He shook his head, refusing to elaborate.
She was curious but unwilling to push him.
“Besides,” he began with a tiny, humourless smile. “Who said I wanted to leave the Empire? When it’s mine, I’ll cut out the rot myself.”
So, he had lofty ambitions.
“You can’t change the dark side.” She murmured, feeling it on him. It was sweet and sticky, and if she weren’t careful it would cling to her until she slipped under.
He shrugged.
“I don’t want to.” He said, tone serious. “It’s always been good to me.”
“It’ll destroy you.” She warned, remembering her lessons.
He shook his head.
“Peace is lie, there is only passion.
Though passion, I gain strength.
Though strength, I gain power.
Though power, victory.
Though victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.” He recited; some deeper meaning known to him giving the words weight that she swore she could feel.
“Some shackles are heavier than others.” He murmured, turning to leave. She didn’t know what to say to that. “And sometimes you need to break them the only way you can.”
She swallowed, uneasy.
He paused at the doorway; a spectre swathed in shadow.
“Tomorrow we begin our lessons.” He advised. “You had better be ready.”
He slipped out, and Ashara was left alone in the engine room, the hum of the drives her only company.
She hoped she would be enough.
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