#it's the scowl that gets me
canisalbus · 1 month
wanted to voice my appreciation for how angular machete is, and how he gets even more angular when he's displeased
He's a little bit like that one owl that gets pointy when threatened.
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lemongogo · 3 months
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mo-mode · 5 months
Lin Manuel Miranda: He’s everywhere but no one really likes him. People think he’s selfish and annoying. A little shit
Hermes: ALSO everywhere but no one really likes him. People think he’s selfish and annoying. A little shit
Listen buddy, you wanted accurate casting-
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shademarble · 27 days
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do not separate...
pr-ship/b-tcest dni
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edandstede · 8 months
picture stede having a sloppy makeout session with ed and it suddenly cutting to him making kissy faces to the air, eyes shut and daydreaming on his back with the crew around him sleeping. he doesn’t stop until olu kicks his shin and hisses at him something like “seriously captain, you can’t keep doing this every night, it’s getting weird. at least don’t do the noises”
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stormofdefiance · 16 days
Aventurine should have been wearing a feather boa instead of a fur collar and no one can change my mind
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pathetichoney · 1 year
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[Image ID: A drawing of a selfie taken by Sam Manson with Damian Wayne. They are both dressed up in formal attire, Damian in a black/dark grey suit with a red tie, and Sam in a purple topped off the shoulder dress with black straps. She is wearing a variety of jewelry, a necklace with a bat pendant, a black choker with a star of david in a circle pendant and cartoonish spider shaped earrings. Her hair is reminiscent in her half-up hairstyle, but with two ponytails rather than one. The background is a dark wall, a white collumn and white tile flooring. There is a window in the back, with green curtains, and outside the window is a cityscape of Gotham at night. There is a watermark of the artist’s username in the top left corner @pathetichoney​. End ID.]
i am back on my bullshit this time with a v special new way that i’m drawing bc i got a new phone that i am paying out the wazoo for, however i can draw on it so my art has gotten significantly better. though of course i had to test myself and do both 1. a full background 2. a character who wears lipstick which i always struggle with unless their mouth is in a particular position and 3. a character that i have never ever tried to draw.
so like. rip me lol.
anyways i am back on my bullshit bc this is fanart of fanfic!!!! i always feel exactly in my element when i do this, it’s just always so good??? and fun?? and when i first read this fic, i mean oh god i just fell for it so hard. i ended up rereading it again like barely 48 hours after i’d finished reading it the first time lol
the fic in question is a damian and danny are twins au! it’s called Leap Before You Think by TourettesDog and i just-- the characterisations are just so well done it all feels incredibly natural especially with the merging of the two different universes into one cohesively and seamlessly it’s wonderful. there are a few faults with this pic i think, however i am still incredibly proud of it. as a bonus, here’s a better view of the window scene because i’m still really proud of that one:
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ramonahblog · 11 days
Storybook of Legends is confusing me. A Lot.
So when the characters all get their pets and Cerise gets a direwolf pup.
There's a sentence right after that's like "Headmaster Grim scowled thoughtfully" implying that he might be cottoning onto/aware of Cerise's parentage.
But than right after Cerise's scene is done, it say Blondie's pet is a bear cub.
So either the previous gen had everyone in these kind of tales hooking up with their villain and Cerise was the only one child to have a physical trait that reveals her mixed heritage.
It's completely normal for characters to get pets that are the same/similar species to their villains if their villain is an animal?
And if it's the latter, there was no reason for Grimm to be suspicious about Cerise having a direwolf as a pet.
But if it's the former, why isn't Grim being suspicious about Blondie since she has a bear as a pet?
It's not like we can even say that's because Badwolf works at the school and that'd be bad PR for Grimm because the Bears work there too! It's literally Poppa Bear doing this class/forest/collect-a-pet thing right now!
So either it's completely normal for Cerise to have a pet direwolf because Blondie has received a pet bear and therefore Grimm has zero reasons to be "scowled thoughtfully" at Cerise.
Or it's not and he should have also "scowled thoughtfully" at Blondie.
Unless Grimm thinks Cerise is pretending to be Red Riding Hood's daughter and is actually Badwolf's daughter but doesn't realise the answer is both?
Which would make these two scenes make sense - I think, I'm just spitballing here - because then it would be understandable why he would "frown thoughtfully" at Cerise receiving a pet direwolf but ignoring Blonde's pet BEAR.
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executivenerd · 2 years
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Was disappointed with the lack of AJ in the finale so here are some more Archer comparisons with a bonus Lana comparison!
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“If I’m so terrible, how about you just grow a pair and replace me?”
“Are you gonna run off with him . . . and leave me behind?"
Editors notes under the cut
These bitches are truly deeply hella troubled and I’m tired of pretending their root insecurities are not fascinatingly parallel to one another. 
(Posting cause there’s unprecedented storming outside and I can’t sleep lmao)
As soon as s2 ep 2 came out I really deeply truly desired to make a little something something for Octavia and Luna and their relationships with their dads. I hope future eps give us more father-daughter content.
I also REALLY liked remaking the second half. I originally wasn’t going to, but the idea of getting to rip apart my work and try again was too juicy of an opportunity to pass up. As someone incapable of self-satisfaction, this soothed some of the aches in me that long to pick and pick and pick at all my creations ad nauseam. Also, having more clips mean I get to provide different interpretations to the same lyrics I’ve already worked with, which is also super cool.
original version for comparison can be found here
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willowser · 1 month
Lol willow voice reveal was not on my 2024 bingo card (Idk if you have ever said anything before but this is the first time I am hearing it.) And omgggg your voice is so absolutely adorable... I am swooning~~ It's so pretty and soothing and perfectly matches your name. Now all we need is for me to put my head in your lap as you sweet voice lulls me to sleep under a willow tree hehe <3 (if that's k with you ofc) I can imagine bakugo saving you sumn and saying "You should be more careful >:( " with that scowl on his face that makes him look constipated, but as soon as you say thanks- just as the first word leaves your mouth his brain goes static and his heart goes *shalalalalala~* as cherry blossoms fall around you XD (don't ask me how I know I was the tree >:). Eventhough it's love at first sight he still has that pisspoor scowl on his face the whole time lol, just with redder ears. (idk the faces bakugo makes are so absolutely hilarious to me)
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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What you got there, Father?
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thin-line-between-us · 3 months
I spent over an hour looking at old pictures of Hayden Christensen
Which wouldn’t be THAT strange for me but it was specifically spent zooming in and inspecting his TEETH
I will not explain myself but most of my curiosity was satisfied
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memser · 10 months
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deny your actions, infect my wounds, let it fester, spiral soon
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cold-neon-ocean · 1 year
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A Trojan sketch for myself ;; he actually serves 'world's comfiest boyfriend' when he isn't fucking scowling
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magicalboycupid · 10 months
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for real I look like I just got a text that my hamster died
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