#it's not very big or very detailed but have a lil smth
navree · 1 year
Since i really like your headcanons, i wish you could give us your thoughts/headcanons about the personalities of the green's dragons
You're too nice, thanks!
So, I have a lot of Sunfyre headcanons here, but the gist of it is that Sunfyre is incredibly vain because he knows he's The Hot Girl, but also incredibly affectionate, not just with Aegon (tho it is primarily with him due to their bond) but also with Aegon's family and even their dragons. He's incredibly light hearted, and though a preener to the absolute extreme, also a playful boy at heart.
I think of Dreamfyre as a bit of an "odd one out" type of dragon, especially given that her known riders are people who're seen as "divergent" by society, Rhaena being our lesbian babe and Helaena being coded as neurodivergent herself. She's older, so she knows what she likes and what she doesn't like, and she likes to keep to herself primarily and do her own thing. I think out of all of them, she adores flying, and there's an element of playfulness to her, since I think she's Sunfyre's mother, and I think she too is extraordinarily loving, just less in a show off way than Sunfyre. She's also more exclusive in her affection, deeply attached to Helaena and less willing to share some of that than the way Sunfyre is with the rest of the Greens.
Vhagar, as everyone has memed, and to which I agree, is dragon meemaw. She's everyone's extremely cranky grandma, and she's able to keep young whippersnappers in line with just a look. I also think Vhagar's a bit jaded, not by any of the human deaths she's seen necessarily (though I think Laena's clearly affected her, as she mourned) but by what happened to Meraxes. Meraxes is written as having been larger than Vhagar, and there's no other information on when she was born, so I think Meraxes was older, and likely something of an older sister, insofar as dragons feel things about siblings. So Meraxes having been shot down, combined with Visenya's own deep cavernous grief over Rhaenys (aaaaaaaahhhhhh) likely hardened her. I also think that, as Vhagar grew older, she grew fond of having young riders, of having people to take care of, given that Laena claimed her at age twelve and Aemond at age ten, and she's very possessive, views the creatures she loves as her's and will defend them ferociously and with her own life if necessary. And she's a grudging grandmaternal presence to the littler dragons, even if she thinks Sunfyre is a drama queen.
Tessarion, like, her rider, is the baby. She's also not nearly as vain as Sunfyre, despite still being gorgeous, and I actually think she's a bit shy, and probably needs to be coaxed out of her shell by Daeron and Sunfyre more than any other dragon. Tessarion is also incredibly physically affectionate (while Sunfyre adores Aegon and does love his other family, he's not necessarily very physical about it), but Tessarion is constantly curling up around Daeron and butting her head against his. When she was small enough to be held she was insufferable about it.
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7ndipity · 6 months
Babee, the partner privilege headcannon, esp yoongi is just lovee.
I wouldn't mind a detailed hc for yoongi boongi
Partner Privileges with Yoongi
Yoongi x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: I’m so glad y’all have enjoyed the partner privileges lists so much, I've had a lot of fun writing them! I kinda want to make individual lists like this for the other members as well, tell me what y'all think!
Requests are open
As I said before, I think skinship would be a big one for him. The number of clips of this man twitching to hold the members hands fucking kills me. He’s secretly a massive cuddle enthusiast if you ask me, especially when y’all sleep together, but that’s hdkgfjhdfvb
Deep talks. He's definitely gotten better about this in the past few years, but he still tends to feel rather awkward about opening up and sharing what’s on his mind, but he tries to push through that when he’s with you. He really wants to be open and vulnerable with you, it just takes him a little time.
Sharing food/drinks. He very much has that “what’s mine is yours” attitude, imo. There’s a clip of Hobi being like “You put your lips on that(the coffee they were sharing), and Yoongi just blinks and says “I love you”, as if that makes everything cool, but that’s his same approach w you. He also just likes making sure you’re eating well.
As I’ve also said before, he is an Acts of Service King. It doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of the night or if he's on the other side of the planet, if you need help with anything, he will find a way to help you or be there for you.(He would be the type to order you food or smth when your sick/sad while he’s away, or help you reset smth on your laptop/tv via video call at like 3am)
Petnames. He claims he doesn’t really care for them, but you defintely notice the way his ears get a lil rose tinted when you call him soft things like baby, sweetie, or jagi(this one hits especially hard early on when he’s not as used to hearing you speak Korean yet)
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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stillfrownyclownlol · 4 months
*slams my head on the sink* 100 questions for aidlyn.
I'm dead serious btw. This is long
1. Who fell first? Who fell harder?
Aiden fell first and Ash fell harder. But they are both horrendously down bad for each other 🫠
2. Who is the one who fusses the most? Does their partner mind very much?
They're both kinda fussy in different ways, but Aiden is the one getting hurt more often so Ash is fussing the most. Not that Aiden minds he eats that shit up.
3. What is their love language?
I think I mentioned Ash's is quality time and for Aiden it's physical touch :>
4. Has either ever gotten a hickey off the other? What was their reaction?
I've gotten a hickey from somebody biting me (IN A PLAYFUL WAY get your minds outta the gutter 🤡) so I feel like Ash would get one in the same way?? Like. Aiden just bit her cheek or smth. Cuz he's bitey. And it left a mark. She was really pissed about it 😭 like "Ow wtf man-!"
5. What is something they like to do together?
Oh, they're not picky...Aiden likes doing everything with Ash so he lets her pick. Ash likes doing something calm because she likes seeing him more low energy and relaxed like binging a show or doing a puzzle. If he leans on her she's done. She gone fr.
6. Who would ask the "would you love me if I were a worm?" question? How would the other answer?
Aiden would but just for fun and to not repeat myself lets imagine Ash asking 🤡 lowkey would be embarrassed and ask in the tiniest voice ever. Aiden ofc think this is adorable and tells her in great detail how he would get her a huge terrarium with the finest dirt and lots of food and Ash is just staring at him wondering why he put so much thought into it.
7. Who likes forehead kisses? Who likes hand kisses? Who likes neck kisses?
Forehead: Both :) Aiden likes her reaction and Ash kinda implodes whenever Aiden pushes her bangs back to give her a lil forehead smooch
Hands: Ashlyn, somehow it's easier than kissing him on the face or mouth but still conveys the intimacy she feels
Neck: probably Aiden, but it tickles Ash way too much for them to do it properly. He surprised kissed her nape once and she freaked out, so she threw her head back and broke his nose 🤡
8. Who is the big spoon? Little spoon?
Neither I STAND BY THIS. They sleep facing each other let me have this.
9. If there wasnt enough seats, how would they sit? One on the other's lap? One on the armrest? One on the floor in front of them?
Aiden steals the seat, makes a joke about how Ash can sit on his lap, Ash says she would literally rather sit on the floor, Aiden gives up the seat all pouty, then his restless ass spends the rest of the time finding a comfy spot before sitting on the armrest.
10. Who plays with whose hair?
Aiden 1000000% because he's obsessed with it. In the beginning Ash would pinch him whenever he did it, but after he started braiding her hair it didn't bother her as much. Likes fiddling with the tips or whipping the braid around like some weird ass stim toy lol 🤡
11. Who is clingy?
I think they both are in different ways...Aiden more tho, and he's more obvious about it 💀
12. What is something the other does that makes them flustered?
They're both idiots so they get flustered whenever they're soft with each other 🫠 for Ash, the aforementioned forehead kiss + Aiden praising her, and for Aiden it's whenever Ash touches his face really softly or initiates snuggling.
13. What is something they find attractive about each other?
Guessing this means physically?
Aiden: Her freckles. Or her hair. Or her eyes. Don't make him pick 🤡
Ashlyn: she's hard pressed to admit it but she does like his face- also likes his hands and looking at the scars.
14. What is something they argue about constantly? Is it a deep-seated issue or something small?
Aiden isn't big on fighting in gen, he doesn't have the motivation for it. Ash usually just scolds him for his piss poor self preservation skills and he'll sulk about it. Not above picking a fight about smth stupid if it gets her attention tho
15. How do they comfort one another when the other is upset?
Depends what is bothering them. Aiden usually goes for a hug if she allows it and tries to talk to her. Aiden usually prefers being alone if he feels like he's gonna get upset so it's a little hard for Ashlyn to help him, but normally tries to reassure him that she's not leaving, or holds his hands or face to help ground him. She's a very logical person so she tries to think of ways to solve a person's problem if they're upset, but most of aidens problems are internal/emotional.
16. Who is the better caretaker? Does their partner like being taken care of?
Aiden is better with physical injuries because...he's had them all before multiple times and he knows what to do haha. Ash appreciates the help but I wouldn't say she enjoys it. Ash is better with illnesses, which is great because Aiden acts like he's literally dying whenever he gets a cold (forcing him to spend all day In bed?? Just give him a death sentence while you're at it), so yeah he's a little baby that likes being taken care of.
17. Who steals whose clothes? Does their partner mind?
Most of Ash's clothes don't really fit Aiden...Ash steals his jackets/hoodies on accident because Aiden will give them to her (she gets cold easy) and she forgets to give them back (she's also a little weird about it and sleeps with them). He lowkey gets kinda smug when he sees her wearing them lol
18. They've had a major blowout. How do they handle it?
Like...the care tire blew out? Ash would probably change it (her parents taught her) and while she's at it she'd show Aiden how to do it too (he's never learned)
19. How good are they are communication?
.... C+ Probably rely on the gang a little too much to solve their issues. They're working on it, alr?
20. Who handles the spiders? Who screams directions in the background?
Neither of them are afraid of bugs BUT Ash does not like insects partly because she doesn't know how they'll react to smth. Logically tho she knows spiders are useful so she asks Aiden to get a cup and throw them outside.
21. Who typically tends to initiate intimacy first (this can be a conversation, action or anything)?
Depends on the kind, Aiden definitely seeks out Ash's attention more often (like asking her if she wanted to do the puzzle), but he's a little nervous about physical affection, so in the beginning of the relationship that was Ash. Now that he knows it's usually okay he is more touchy, but now Ash looks for his company more often so she will start conversations.
22. What is something - either character - doesn't like about the other?
Ashlyn: above all, his own self apathy. She is...really not cool with him hurting himself all the time. She also thinks he's way too impulsive and irresponsible sometimes
Aiden: don't ask him! But sometimes he thinks she's very...cold. and it hurts his feelings.
23. Who said "I love you" first?
Aiden, they were already together so he thought he should let her know :P
24. Who kissed who first?
Ash told him she wanted to first and he initiated it (since Ash didnt know what to do)
25. Do they have any pet names for one another?
Ash doesn't really like them, she feels stupid saying them 🤡 the closest is Mr. Durable if he's being an idiot. All her "idiot, dumbass, stupid" are affectionate. Aiden has like a lot of batshit crazy weird pet names for her that Ash doesn't understand at all. Partially to annoy her.
26. Who gets jealous most often? How does the other deal with that?
Pffffff. Aiden definitely. Ash usually doesn't really notice ("he's acting weird...well, he's always weird") unless somebody points it out. She's very pragmatic about it, she just bluntly tells him he's being stupid and that she's not interested in anybody else.
27. Who tends to drive on long journeys? Who navigates?
Ash is designated driver because Aiden is an absolute maniac on the road (even tho he says he's a fine driver) and they have a GPS because Aiden gets to distracted to navigate 💀
28. Do they trust one another? Are comfortable discussing their fears with one another?
I think in canon, and even in this theoretical relationship, they're a bit away from being totally open with each other. But they do trust each other.
29. What's an insecurity they hold about their relationship?
Aiden's BPD, even after everything, will flare up and he thinks Ash will leave him, especially cuz he's so "annoying and pushy", etc etc. This kinda bleeds into Ash's issue, which is the fact that she's putting so much into this relationship and she still feels like Aiden doesn't really trust her.
30. Describe how one would cheer the other up after a hard day.
Ashlyn: she says Aiden is like a kid, because to cheer him up she just has to hold him. A long cuddle session is in order, and some kisses for good measure :> Then she'll offer to go out tomorrow to do smth fun.
Aiden: she's probably overstimulted and exhausted, so he basically preps her/their room so she can relax to the fullest and does all the chores so she won't need to do anything. Orders takeout/goes to the drive-through so she doesn't need to socialize.
31. How would they describe one another?
Ashlyn: weirdo adrenaline junkie who doesn't know when to quit...and an idiot. He's still HER idiot tho.
Aiden: his guardian angel, bless her, because he must give her a heart attack per day at least.
32. Can they communicate private thoughts whilst in company? If so, how?
Not really haha. They're both difficult people to read, and they're not exceptions to each other.
33. Which one of them gives "that look" when they other is acting like a fool?
...Come on 🤡 You guys know. You know it's Ash.
34. How do they address a problem in their relationship?
...they'll probably ignore it for a while 💀 When somebody brings it up it'll be Ash. She is genuinely very invested in the relationship so like, she doesn't want it to blow up in her face haha, so she will look on the internet for a solution (or ask Taylor)
35. How does each significant other view any exes and former relationships?
Ash doesn't have any exes which is great because Aiden would probably be jealous of that too 🫠 Aiden doesn't have any like, real proper exes either. I guess she would be a little curious about his past relationships tho, just because he doesn't talk about them.
36. What is something that would break their hearts?
For Aiden, if she couldnt take him anymore...and for Ash, it kinda breaks her heart everyday that Aiden still thinks she'd leave him behind :")
37. Who is more likely to avenge their S/O if they were hurt or killed?
More likely??? I mean lowkey Aiden but they would both try- don't underestimate Ash's anger lol
38. What would be their ideal evening in?
I feel like they would binge watch a reality TV dance competition show or smth along those lines. Order a bunch of junk food, top it off with ice cream...Ash would probably fall asleep on him at like 1am and Aiden would fall asleep a little bit later because he sleeps easier with her next to him :)
39. Do they dance? If so, who's better?
They both dance!!! Ash is, ofc, an excellent ballerina and she knows some ballroom dancing. Aiden is better at freestyle and stuff like that, but Ash is better on a technical level.
40. What is a song that reminds you of the relationship?
Bro I suck at picking songs 😭 LOWKEY LOWKEY Acting My Age by The Academics 😭 Or No Time To Explain??? By Good Kid?? GODDDD I SUCK AT THIS SO HARD- Vampire Empire, Big Thief?? I'm gonna cry 😭
41. Who sings to the other? Are they any good?
Aiden tries to serenade Ash all the time lmao 🤡 he's not a really good singer or anything, but he's not terrible...
42. Who teases who? What about?
Aiden teases her more, but she'll drag him if it's necessary. He definitely type of guy to say "Omg you had a crush on me?? That's so embarrassing" when they've been dating for 6 months...
43. Who gets up early? Who stays in bed late?
Aiden can't sleep, so he gets up really early. Ash actually likes sleeping so if she can she's gonna sleep in 😭
44. Who's more likely to bring the other coffee or breakfast in bed?
One of the things Aiden can do in the kitchen is use the coffee machine!!! So he will bring her coffee in bed! No breakfast because...he doesn't know how to make breakfast... and he doesn't wanna cause her trouble by burning the pan or smth stupid like that 😭
45. What's the worst thing the other can say to one?
Ash: for him to leave her alone and to not talk to her again.
Aiden: telling her to leave like everybody else does in his life (he pushes people away)
They actually make me mentally ill /pos
46. If they were ever in a life or death situation, who risks their life?
HA. They both do, no questions asked.
47. If it ever came down to it, who is turning to the darkside to save the other?
Mm. I think they would both do it, but Aidens morals are pretty loose when it comes to Ash lol. If you asked him to kill somebody to protect her he wouldn't feel that bad about it.
48. If they ever had less that 5 mins to tell their partner something before never seeing them again, what would they say?
Ash: To not be scared, because she wants him to know she's going to do whatever she can to find him again.
Aiden: absolute mess, telling her how much he loves her and that she made his life so much better and worth living (Aiden, buddy-)
49. Is there a word or gesture that makes either of them melt?
Ashlyn: I'm serious, the forehead kiss, she literally stops functioning 😭
Aiden: When she looks him in the eyes, he knows she doesn't like that very much so he feels really special. Bonus points if she's holding his hands or cheeks.
50. Who's the romantic?
Aww, definitely Aiden. He's so silly about it all. Doodling their initials together, daydreaming about her, getting her gifts.
51. Are there any characters who ship them?
Taylor and Logan lowkey.
52. Who cooks? Who does the dishes?
Ash definitely cooks, Aiden can barely make Ramen. Aiden usually does the dishes to be fair between them, but Ash needs to supervise because he's prone to leaving grease or not cleaning the utensils properly (he wants to finish quickly)
53. Who eats healthier? Who's got the sweet-tooth?
Aiden is like a human garbage disposal, he eats the worse trash food humanely possible (and somehow is still not sick); his diet is basically fast food joints, convenience store snacks, and soda 💀 So Ash eats healthier... BUT Ash is the one with a sweet tooth. She really likes stuff like cookies, cakes, and chocolate. Aiden prefers salty and savory snacks (tho he does like candy, ex. gummy worms or lollipops, stuff like that)
54. What's something that they don't really care for but tolerate because the other has an interest?
Ashlyn: Video games. In general she finds them kinda stressful and loud, but she watches him play for fun (especially horror games)
Aiden: ballet shows. He ADORES watching her dance but like if she's not on stage he's not gonna be into it...
55. Who spoils who? Does their partner tolerate it? Do they secretly enjoy it?
Aiden absolutely spoils Ash, he has cash to burn, so why not on things she wants? :) lowkey Ash finds this a little weird, especially if he gets something really expensive (like this espresso machine he got her one Christmas) but she doesn't really have the heart to complain besides a "You don't need to spend so much on me..."
56. Who tends to be the level-headed one? Who is feral?
Ha 💀 Ash genuinely does her best to be level-headed...but deep down they're both feral.
57. Who reminds the other to wear a coat when it's cold out?
Ash. Aiden is one of those guys who goes out into snow In like jeans and a t-shirt to buy ice cream, so she crams him into a jacket...he lets her, cuz she zips it up for him and he gets a little goofy over that.
58. Do they hold hands?
..yeah :)
59. Is there a spot they tend to kiss or caress habitually?
Aiden brushes her hair back, so he touches the area around her temple/back of her ear a lot. Also kisses the palm of her hand whenever she holds his face. Ash kisses his cheek a lot, near the corner of his mouth.
60. Are they willing to show PDA? If not, is there a reason?
Well, Aiden doesn't really have a problem with it, but Ash is a little reluctant because it tends to draw unnecessary attention to herself and she does not like. Being perceived.
61. How would they describe their S/O in one word?
Ashlyn: "...interesting" (on a generous day, otherwise shes gonna say idiot 🤡)
Aiden: "incredible!!!"
62. How would outside characters describe their relationship?
Tyler calls it "barely functioning" which annoys Aiden to no end. Taylor thinks it's sweet how dedicated Aiden is to Ash...even though she's a little worried about him. In general everybody is kinda...pleasantly surprised the relationship hasn't exploded yet.
63. How would they describe one another while sleeping in the same bed?
Aiden normally kicks while sleeping so the first time Ash woke up with her shins really sore and bruised 🤡👍🏽 She's also not a fan of him snoring lmao. Aiden thinks she's a blanket hogger but, well, he won't complain about that. She also tends to curl up into a ball which he finds cute.
64. Would they ever answer the above question if it was asked to their face? How would they react?
Maybe when they were older and already living together, otherwise she needs to explain why they fell asleep on the same bed at the same time...lol
She'd be a little embarrassed that he finds her cute when she's sleeping haha. Aiden on the other hand would feel terrible about the kicking thing, AND the snoring (since she doesn't sleep with her earbuds in) 😭
65. Who tends to take the lead with intimacy?
Well, for kissing, Aiden tends to initiate it more, because he has a better idea of what you're supposed to do. But Ash sets the pace, if she doesn't want to do smth or stop, she tells him.
66. Have they ever been caught kissing? What would be their reaction if they were?
I dont think a peck is embarrassing...I guess this is like an open mouth kiss, but if they were doing that, I feel like they would only do it at Aidens house whenever it was empty because Ash is kind of paranoid about that stuff. If she got caught she would like. Die. Girl would be redder than her hair 🤡 Aiden would be a lil bit flustered depending on who caught them, but mostly annoyed at being interrupted.
67. Have they ever kissed anywhere questionable?
....In the phantom dimension lowkey
68. Who is more vocal? Who is the better kisser?
Aiden is just a loud person in general. He sighs a lot (he's lovesick fr), and sometimes he starts mumbling about how pretty she is and how in love he is with her.
They're both pretty bad kissers lol 🫠 Aiden loses his breath very quickly and Ash is super stiff.
69. If they were to go shopping, who holds the bags? Who decides where they go?
Ash doesn't really like shopping...? Lowkey stressful and she doesn't like getting new things. Aiden goes shopping because he has the money for it (he likes buying clothes) but he wouldn't make Ash carry his own bags lol
70. If they went out to dinner, who is paying? Would there even be a discussion?
Aiden. Ash usually tries to pay for herself but Aiden is pretty insistent about it, and he's SO rich that she has a hard time feeling bad about it.
71. If someone were to insult their partner, how would the other handle it?
Ashlyn: would snap back with something equally rude, but she's not super worried about Aiden, he has a thick skin and she knows that.
Aiden: will kill them with his bare hands. If Ash lets him.
72. If someone flirted with or showed an interest in their partner, how would the other react?
Ashlyn: probably surprised, she forgets not everybody knows about his massive baggage lmao. Teeniest tiniest bit jealous...
Aiden: absolutely the type of guy to swoop in, put his arm around her, and call her babe in front of the person. Will probably pull her away from the situation and then death glare at the person from over his shoulder :>
73. Who knows the other better? Why is this?
I think they both know each other pretty well, but Aiden knows all this useless trivia about Ash because he's obsessed with her /hj
74. Who's more likely to bail who out of jail? Would they give the other one shit for it?
Ash absolutely 💀 (it's with his own money too). She definitely gets on his ass for getting arrested over smth stupid like vandalism or "being a public disturbance" (and when he's older for stuff like driving under the influence or smth)
75. Which - if any - other famous ship's vibes do they emulate?
Man idk any famous ships :0 Like, what, an unhinged guy x girl clinging so hard onto those hinges? Guys let me know if you know any!
76. Are they soulmates? Do they believe in that?
I dont think they believe in spiritual stuff like that haha. They just know they love each other ^_^
77. What is something they would never forgive the other one for doing/saying?
Hhhhhh there's definitely a timeline where Aiden kills a person for Ash and I don't think she would ever really get over that, even if she still stayed with him. For Aiden...is hard, because it would be stuff that's not in character for her...maybe if he wasn't getting better and she left him. He would feel betrayed that she "abandoned" him when he was at his weakest. But even then...idk if she apologize for it I think maybe he would take her back...idk idk, they're complicated 🤣
78. Who has memorised the other's medical history?
79. Also, are they each other's first contact in an accident?
Technically its their parents but they would call each other right away, and when they're older Aiden would definitely change it to Ash. Doesn't help that they tend to get into accidents together tho 😭
80. What tropes could be applied to this relationship?
Grumpy x Sunshine, A Couple with Emotional Wounds, Battle Couple, Cannot Spit it Out (because fuck me that's why), Devoted to You (Aiden to Ash), Fire-Forged Friends...I'm this close to putting Heroes Want Redheads but...I'll control myself-
81. Did they have a meet cute? Or was it a train wreck?
More like a bus wreck, she literally ran away from him 💀
82. Make their relationship into a list of A03 tags.
Hm...Idiots in Love, Biting, Mutual Pining, Obsessive Behavior, Complicated Relationships, Blood, Hurt/Comfort, Bruises.
(All of this list is fluffy shit so let me think about the darkness for a second)
83. Who gets frustrated more easily? How does the other calm them down?
Ashlyn lowkey, she gets irritated when she feels like she's not being understood or smth isn't going to plan. Most of the time Aiden will try and talk to her, which has a 50/50 chance of working lol
84. Have they ever almost lost one another? How does it effect their relationship?
LMAO yeah 😭 they HAVE lost each other and they both blame themselves hard for it, it makes Aiden even clingier and more overprotective than he normally would be, and Ash is hard on herself because she feels like she can't protect him when it's her job.
85. Their partner is tipsy. How do they handle it?
Ash: semi-regular thing she deals with as an adult. He is usually a reckless drunk person so she tends to redirect his attention towards herself (so he will shift into flirty drunk mode lol) and hopes he'll fall asleep soon :p
Aiden: he'd get upset because Ash would never willingly drink enough to get tipsy- lowkey his first thought is that somebody drugged her 🤡 (Ash probably just didn't notice her own limits) she's a pretty quiet drunk tho so she won't cause him too much trouble. She's also more affectionate which he guiltily enjoys
86. Who gives the best gifts? Who gives the more thoughtful? Who goes for expensive?
Okay, so...like...it's not like Aiden goes for expensive gifts just cuz they're expensive, it's just like. Sometimes he just so happens to get something that is expensive for her! And he knows her pretty well, so he knows what she likes. Ash is always kinda nervous about gift shopping because she feels a little...apprehensive about buying people stuff...but she's not bad at it, it just takes her a while.
87. If they ever lost one another in a public place, how do they find the other?
Ashlyn: She just calls him on her phone lol, if she doesn't have it on her she will just walk around looking for him because...he's kind of hard to miss-
Aiden: Definitely starts yelling her name really loudly and bothering all the other people in the area asking if theyve seen her💀
88. What's the darkest secret they have ever told one another?
I feel like for Aiden it would be telling her about his past and stuff :p Ash doesn't exactly have a dark past or anything, I think at that point it would just be saying some dark thoughts she's had.
89. Would they ever consider marriage?
They don't really have strong feelings about it, Ash just asked him for the tax benefits.
90. Would they ever consider starting a family?
...I think Aiden is more into that idea than Ash is.
91. Who likes kids more? Who can't stand them?
Man okay neither of them dislike kids- Ash is just awkward around them and doesnt know how to take care of them 😭 Aiden has a lot of fun playing with kids but he's not exactly a responsible babysitter either lol.
92. There's a puddle in one's way. What does their partner do?
Ashlyn: ...??? Lmao she's not gonna do anything, maybe try and jump over if they really can't go around it 😭
Aiden: he's gonna jump in the puddle. It's for his enrichment. If Ash doesn't wanna get wet tho, he'll probably try and pick her up and put her on the other side lol
93. One has hurt their leg on a hike. How does their partner carry them?
Aiden is stubborn about that stuff and he's hurt his leg A LOT so he's only gonna lean on her for support. If Ash hurt her leg he'd carry her on his back.
94. Their pet has caused destruction. Who puts the pet in jail? Who defends the pet?
Ash is the disciplinarian, she's putting the dog in pet jail 😭 Aiden is probably going with the dog, he definitely contributed to the disaster...
95. Who gives flowers to their partner? What sort of flowers do they like?
Idk I feel like they're not big on flowers. Ash doesn't want smth that's gonna die in a few weeks- I feel like the only time they'd give each other flowers is if they were chilling in a meadow or smth. I think Aiden puts daisies in her braids.
96. Who reads the newspaper? Who wants to see the cartoons?
Aiden isn't big on reading- Not that Ash is either, but she'll skim the paper and give Aiden the funny strips.
97. How do they wake their partner up? Is it difficult to rouse them?
Aiden is a very light sleeper, so she just needs to call for him or touch him to wake him up. Ash is like....mid level, so Aiden will do annoying stuff to wake her up, like touching her foot with his (it's cold as balls), or tickling her nose with her blanket. 20% he'll start singing too.
98. Who would burn the world down for who?
It's easy to say Aiden, but I think they both would :>
99. Who gives off "they said no pickles" energy?
I guess this is an unpopular opinion but like i just don't think Ash would care enough to go to the register, even if they got his order wrong 😭 So imo Aiden-
100. Make a meme of this ship.
Another one...? Alr
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If you made it here... *gives you a cookie* :)
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enden-k · 3 months
I lob it art omg it’s just PERFECTTTTTT
Idk if you could go into detail (or if you’ve already talked abt it) but how’d you come up with the designs for ur kavetham witch au? They look so cool they make me want to consume them like cake 🍰
ok i think i told the story of how i created fantasy au a few times already but sjkbackc i dont mind
april 2023 i was prefarming for kaveh mats. was during the interdarshan championship update, kaveh was released in the 2nd half so i spent quite some time in the newly dropped sumeru region (realm of farakhkert/gavireh lajavard) to farm mourning flowers and fungal spores
i doodled hthm working hard to farm for kvh and him with the lil fungi and their big hats gave me an idea to draw him with a big hat like a cool witch. thought about it more and came up with a neat idea for a story so yea, my au and witchtham lit was inspired by the fungi while i was in the middle OF DRAWING THIS PIECE AHHA
(i think i said before when i talked about my ocs that i have a "problem" of always coming up w concepts and ideas and stories and whatever super fast. i can like, listen to one track or look at one thing and immediately get an idea for a fully fleshed out story. my brain is almost always full w stuff, its a blessing and a curse bc i cant work on 100 things at the same time. im not srsly complaining btw ok🧍‍♀️)
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me lit the same day:
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and boom, doodled the idea out and it turned into a big au now AHHA
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i rlly just wanted to draw him w a biiiiig hat and since im a SUCKER for badass witches and like, this very specific, amano aesthetic i have, i came up w smth that is still hthm but smth witchy
at first the idea rlly just was prince kaveh and witch haitham and kaveh being cursed and hiring haitham for his services; them on a journey trying to break the curse and falling in love with each other
over the year i fleshed the idea out more and more, changed their designs a little, thought of the entire story, designed the rest of the party and yea........this au is literally my baby <3 (its almost 4am rn so im sry if my answer is a bit short or rushed, i just wanted to answer it asap without rambling too much bc im always excited talking abt it ajkcbsk)
i love drawing it, i love talking about it, if theres more questions feel free to ask !! 💙
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fatuismooches · 1 year
I DON'T REMEMBER IF I REPLIED OR NOT BUT HERES A REPLY ANW OMG U BREAK MY HEART SO WELL AAASHHA sorry if I've already said smth so this makes it a double reply ANW dottore angst gets me so hard but I don't hate myself that much so an accompanyinh fluff I'd like to add is like imagine reader is reallyyyy good at chess cus they're established as smart by being in the akademiya and now since you can't rlly do anth all day you challenge the clones to chess often so anw one day dot is just coming as you win a game against one of the clones for the third time in a row and you challenge him to a game and he's so convinced he'll win he deliberates going easy on you and- wait what the fuck why are you so good
also you are quickly becoming my fav creator to interact wit :( 💗
- 🌕
Since your illness prevented you from training your body more than you like, you made your best effort to train your mind instead. You deemed your mind as very important, as the loneliness of it all often weighed down on you more than you liked. So you made sure to keep yourself occupied as much as you could, to try and prevent any negative thoughts from creeping up. And well, you found it to be quite rewarding. There was one time when the clones were struggling with an experiment for quite a while and were reluctant to inform Prime. So you asked them to let you take a look at the notes and everything along those lines. Admittedly, it reminded you of when you researched with your lover back at the Akademiya, so you accidentally got too into it, scribbling all of your thoughts and a possible answer to the problems. The clones were rather shocked when you turned out to be right.
But your favorite activity by far was chess. The brain teaser was highly favored by those at the Akademiya, and for good reason too. It was a great way to challenge yourself and get your mind working, and the best part? You could sit down comfortably and only move your hand, and enjoy the rather handsome view of a segment's face laced with confusion.
The clones were almost always happy to indulge your wishes, sometimes even fighting over who got to fulfill them. So after you absentmindedly mentioned wanting to play chess, the next day the game was set up in the lab, ready for use. Needless to say, you were quite elated. You had itched for the chance to play again. And of course, your only opponents were the multitude of your lovely segments.
The segments do love you. It is only natural that their creator’s love for you extends to them as well. So they gladly play along with your little game of chess, but they won’t do it too seriously; after all they wouldn’t want to hurt- wait, how did you already beat him?! For all of their wisdom and knowledge, they are baffled when they are taken out that quickly.
It eventually gets to the point where you have a little group of clones watching you battle another. It’s quite endearing to see them hover over you like that, trying to guess what move you’ll play next. But the true fun comes when Zandik appears. There are times where sometimes you do not see him for a few days, but that’s alright. The time spent afterwards always feels the best, and this is one such time. He is unaware of the little show you’ve been putting on, so you gleefully invite him to play you in a game of chess.
He accepts of course. Admittedly, it had been a while since he played, having only laid eyes on the chessboard in which the Gnoses were pieces. And of course, he has the same mentality as his clones - he’ll go easy on his darling, you’re his after all. He knows his genius is incomparable so- wait… you beat him? Since when did you become so good? You must tell him all the details now, he wants to know your thought process and the strategy’s name and how the other matches went and-
You shut him up with a kiss and invite him for some more chess games in your shared bedroom.
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💙Smoshblr December Asks Day 18💛
So I'm super into curating my closet and picking my day to day outfits according to the aesthetic vibe I'm currently feeling! (a bit pretentious? idk, it just genuinely helps me feel better, especially on days where I struggle to get out of bed) And there are so many pieces of clothing I absolutely love! Since it's holiday season I decided to go with some of the stuff I don't wear super regularly, but love whenever I get the chance to do so!
Also this post is gonna a bit long, so I'm gonna put my detailed answers below the cut 😅
but as a quick note on stuff that I usually wear... my top three fave clothing items are: Flannels, Skirts & Turtlenecks. (In warm seasons turtlenecks get switch with linen shirts) And also special shout-out to fandom inspired t-shirts & hoodies, that literally make up a good third of my closet❤️
Top 3 fave clothing items
Like I said before, I love!! Leather jackets! And I two of them are inspired by fandoms I am/was in! (First being a red leather one, that I don't have a pic of rn -> Emma from Once upon a time ❤️; and the second being the yellow one on the left, which I bought bc of my love for the Dirk Gently 💛 tv show!
2. The floral dress 🌺in the middle is literally my fave summer/warm spring dress bc it is a) super pretty and b) genuinely super comfortable to wear!
3. When I'm not wearing a dress or skirt (my beloveds <3) to a big family dinner or smth semi-serious like that; I love wearing a nice blouse 💚 + 🖤black jeans combo; And this is one of my fave blouses! (even tho it crinkles way too easily!!)
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Special shoutouts to my yellow raincoat! (literally inspired by IT 2017, with Georgie's paper boat, a red balloon etc on it) Def my most worn item of clothing in the fall! And also to my turtlenecks (so soft and I don't even need to wear a scarf inside, to be more comfortable!) and my skirts! (most of them are rather old and handmade by my grandma and I treasure them very dearly!)
Moving on to my top 3 accessories:
Flower Crowns 🌺 -> are they a bit cringe and smth that should be considered a relic of the early tumblr days? Maybe, I don't care tho! I love them, and I even handmade a couple of the ones I wear regularly! (like the one in the picture below)
That sword necklace! ⚔️ It has two dragons wrapping around the blade and a rose-gold tone that goes super well with my glasses (and it's a sword!!! like I just love wearing lowkey fantasy themed stuff that I got from diff renfairs!)
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3. This funky lil backpack 💛that I got for myself this year! I love collecting and putting pins on everything and this has really become my fave bag to carry around everywhere
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
Detail appreciation ask
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Those eyes on Sparrow
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Must protect
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Haboob, I love you. I love her gushing over Sparrow! I love how Notos is just with the hand extended all the while waiting for Haboob to free Sparrow and arghHhaahj
EVERY time i draw little tiny pupils on Sparrows i'm like "nooooooo that isn't my girl noooooooooooooooooooooooo she looks so scary ffffffffffffffffffrhghrhg she's supposed to be SWEET and SILLY AUGH" and then i fight through the need to make 'em big again </3
like this
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both hurt like hell to draw but also oh Heavens thank fuck her pupils are the correct size GJDSLCMKLDSLK
HE DOOOOOOOOOOOES CALL HER MAMA!!!!!!!!! fuckin. after Euros n Sparru come clean bout their relationship to Inkling she's like "alright, well... now you *have to* call me mom, Caper. you are part of the family." he's all confused, "we aren't even married!!!" and then Inkling whips out the fact that no matter how their romantic relationship will go she can tell they will always be very close friends and with Sparrows of all people that means he Will stick around n that's enough to warrant on-spot adoption GJLSDCML
it at first feels strange to call someone like that but then he gets into the swing of things n like idk... it feels nice to have a special caretaker like that. he likes getting headpats from her and since he is cheek-pinch-proof Inkling sometimes gently pulls on his antenna n he goes all dramatic about it
gods. i love Inkling. OH- fun fact!!!!! these lil beads
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she has in total 13 of them in her hair like this and each stands for one of her kids!!! so with Euros gettin adopted into the family in the off string ancient times au, she adds a bigger bead to the set that has only three lil beads. when Sparrows explains to Euros this deal and that it's a way for parents to always remember their kids he has a lil breakdown about it
GJSKLGDSMKL Notos and Haboob are such wonderful duo i fuckin love them so much. somebody comes in to ask a question bout smth and Notos turns around still in the same pose n everything, possibly slapping the poor incomer directly in the mouth. it don't give a shit!!!! JGKLJKGLDKSL oh gods if it'd be Orion of all people, poor chocolate boy endures violence once more
Euros told Haboob that Sparrows is part of the family n after asking if she's okay with physical contact (to which Sparrows replied "as long as it's not a punch..." cuz she's never been this stressed in her life, everything is Danger) Haboob decides it's time to go out to town on Sparrows appreciation n stars is she right to decide that
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torchiiko · 5 months
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hi everyone. carnival au kingspring bc sm-baby gave ppl permission to kiss the old man. kinger calls her flea :)
i gave flicker a carnival au design following similar design schemes to the other bosses! now shes got those big puffy shorts, taller boots, & a 4 pronged(????) fools cap! ill add some other details if i get to polishing this. Also i think they can have a spring neck like jevil in this au. 2 be a lil spooky when they get mad
theyre still tiny, probably not very strong either. maybe a few steps above pomni? i imagine their minigame revolves around smth to do with bouncing bc of her springs..OUHH maybe like red light green light where you have to use spring shoes to jump your way over to her!!
i am just coming up w this now,, you have to go thru a few rounds of red light green light where you use spring shoes to jump closer to her. the game starts with a clear path & pop goes the weasel playing as a music cue for how much time you have to move before she pops outta her box (not pictured)
as you go on, you have to start platforming over a void, & eventually with obstacles/hazards on the platforms, & the music cue starts cutting out so you have to remember the timing yourself. the spring shoes make the physics bouncier so its a lil more challenging than regular platforming
i think flicker wouldnt necessarily be violent toward humans but i think she would hold resentment knowing she can never rlly be Free. she makes them (caine) play her game regardless of the risks to their health bc thats all she was made to do & if she doesnt have that then what Does she have yknow?
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theeflowerofcarnage · 9 months
If you’re willing pls some details on your bg3 character? They’re so gorgina. I love her. I wanna give her a lil daisy or smth and put it behind her ear. If possible. If not we’ll work something out. Your taste in screenshots is so good and I love seeing other ppls games. Especially when we have more than one in common.
What’s her class? Her name? Any subclasses 🤔
Any reason for The Gale romance, or is it one of those unexplained there is no reason types? Either way they’re cute.
Where does her expertise lie, any backstory you’ve thought of and decided on and willing to share?
What’s her favourite pass time, what’s her usual response to difficult situations be it emotionally or in a fight? Does she believe in a high power?
Much luv, if you decide to answer or not I appreciate your posts no matter the game popping up on my time line <3 just an interested individual passing thru swat me like a fly if necessary and carry on 🤞🏼 I’m glad it seems like ur having a good time, hope ur doing well !
First of all thank you SOO much for asking ❤️❤️❤️ I didn’t think anyone would be that interested <<333 this ask made my day
n ive been thinking over it a lot since getting into act 3, ((im not a dnd expert  sooo consider the follow some silly musings I have on her backstory/abilities 🙈)) 
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Tldr is-
Dark Eyes is a Mephistopheles tiefling, she used to be a cleric but I changed her class later to an Archfey Warlock, she is an outlander and worships Kelemvor!!
She was born at sea! her parents were human & lived as merchants. They loved her despite her unexpected infernal heritage, they called her 'dark eyes' for her unusual appearance. She had a relatively happy childhood, she always felt at home in far off places. While sailing to the Sword Coast thier ship was capsized by a storm, her parents and the crew died but she survived, washed ashore near a temple dedicated to Kelemvor. From this point on, her life was marked by a quiet melancholy and deep religious fervor. Her near death experience exposed the capricious nature of fate.
she fully embraced the path of a Cleric of Kelemvor and traveled extensively over all of Faerun giving the last rites to the dying and aiding the departed, until the day she met a dying dryad in a forest, taking pity on her she guided its spirit to the realm beyond gaining the favor of the Faerie Queen Titania, ultimately sealing her fate as an Archfey Warlock.
Among the Fey she was reborn as 'Nemeth' a name given to her by her first lover a Leanan sidhe being. Under the guidance of these fey beings, she embraced life with reckless abandoned, danced among dryads in deep elder forests, and sung the songs of the rusalkas. She inspired poets and was the bane of mortal men, she learned to act in accordance to her own whims rather than being a martyr  - to me she is always very fickle and easy to displease, I've had her hex people for saying rude things to her (looking at u lord whitburn) on the surface she is seems distant but she still has a soft heart, where others fight she likes to wait things out, let others expose themselves, charm and decieve (in a way her and Raphael would get a long very well if they weren't enemies in game hehe)
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On the gale romance- well, that was a complete accident what can I say his dorkish nature is bewitching!!
they definitely play off each other well!! If it weren't for Gale she really wouldn't be trying so hard to save others. Being a warlock, she knows better than most that, to give into raw power is to become infinetly more vulnerable to the greater beings that wield it- She wants Gale to understand this!! Despite being a warlock, she still gives patronage to Kelemvor, it’s a big reason why she does not like Mystra's influence over Gale - to her Kelemvor is impartial, fair - he doesn't keep his devotees on a leash and does not interfere in mortal affairs, he is the washing away of these things, the cleansing of all desire. She wants Gale to see that his life is his own- only if he lets go! Anyways in my head she and Gale adopted the tiefling Arabella and sent her away to wizard school or whatever the equilvalent is
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znvorz · 11 months
My random lil analysis on your question on twitter whether canon Flug would think that Thompson is ugly or not (bc I can write more here) on all metaphysical levels possible bc I'm obnoxious:
and by that I mean an emotional
or physical level.
It depends. How he defines beauty. It seems like Flug calls people ugly either if they are rude to him or if they spook him/gross him out. For example I remember that Black Hat smells differently to everyone according to their feelings about him, and Alan said Dem thinks he smells like roses while Flug thinks he's "unpleasant" which means that canon Flug most likely finds Black Hat to be ugly and gross. Which I find interesting bc it looks like most people in their world regardless of gender think he at least LOOKS attractive. So it gives me the impression that Flug's opinion on someone isn't superficial but instead based on how they treat him (...and hygiene.)
That is a sorta philosophical approach at beauty but I'm sure Flug shares this belief. I'll compare him to me bc we share the personality type haha so ye, I actually automatically think people who are genuinely nice to me and others look physically prettier and vice versa. Flug lets his feelings sway him similarly.
From how kind and careful Thompson would act towards him I say he would quickly see him in a positive light where physical appearance alone doesn't matter anymore. He would grow to see things in him that others can't, blurring the line between emotions and body.
But you probably mean his pure, subjective opinion on his physical appearance at first sight. His outer beauty, not the inner one.
Because well that first option wouldn't happen, Thompson would never be rude to him (and he's clean HAH) so the question is whether Flug thinks that he is scary or cute/pretty.
Since he doesn't resemble any earth creature and doesn't have any creepy features (barely any features at all apart from his big eye haha and humans inherently think big eye(s) are cute🥹) I believe he'd be more neutrally curious about him as a species than anything else. I think he's very aesthetically pleasing with those lashes👀 PERHAPS I can see him be judgemental like "Well that's a weird species" agshdjdjk which idk if that is an insult, a compliment or a neutral expression since Flug himself is probably aware that he is not the most normal person. I feel like anything that strikes his interest is a good sign. bc he must have seen a lot. (btw if we still hold onto the belief that Flug is autistic then maybe he would like that he looks simple. Easy and calming on the eyes. No overload of details, asymmetry and clutter, like Dem.)
Otherwise; he's dressed in soft clothes in warm colors probably making him seem harmless. The only thing Flug might find scary are his pointy fingers reminding him of his boss. But no matter what he initially thinks, from Thompson's voice and how he acts he would quickly deduce that he wouldn't hurt him.
We once mentioned together that smth he might be put off about is the yellow heart on him... that is if that would be what he wears during their first encounter. Thompson looks more powerful (but also elegant) in his Sirius outfit... less approachable on a personal level. He would treat him more like a client and less like a friend in that one.
Also depends on where and with whom he meets him first. Flug will act more harsh when around any group of people than in front of Black Hat; and then again a lot more gentle when completely alone, bc there is no one around to show off to how tough he can be in order to keep up a halfway respectable leader position. He could just be calling people ugly to sound superior without actually thinking that way for all we know.
I could be wrong bc of 2 things: maybe I misjudge him to be less arrogant than he actually is and... Flug seems to live in a world that is not only populated by humans. AT LEAST since highschool he is used to living among all kinds of creatures. Growing up like that could have affected his perception of beauty quite a bit. Having had a crush on Miss Heed he still leans towards humans I guess... but ye! That's about it🧡
the idea that Flug wouldn't find him ugly because of how Thompson treats him would be so sweet 😭😭😭😭 Thompson does have good hygiene, he even smells like holiday or autumn spices typically. he feels warm and smells warm/cozy and he keeps himself clean. he also takes care of his skin. his hands are very soft. his fingers only sharpen at the end when he's either angry or panicking or anxious or frightened/scared, so there's some instances where he has accidentally scratched Flug. which usually ends with Thompson feeling very guilty and showering Flug with multiple apologies for a simple mistake.
and omg i totally forgot about that, Dem's design IS cluttered/asymmetrical, which is fitting for her character. Thompson practically being the opposite of that makes sense. Thompson dressing soft is definitely a reflection of his personality, but i can see Flug having doubts or worries that Thompson isn't what he seems. and totally with the heart clothes Thompson likes to wear (he made his own turtleneck sweaters), i think Thompson would most likely not wear anything heart related during their first meeting as to come off as more intimidating. he would definitely wear his Sirius outfit, it's practically what he wore back when he was a hero on his home planet (but he made some alterations, turning it into a Sirius themed outfit since he likes the Sirius star)
as for their first meeting, it would be a consultation, they would be alone together (like in some scenes of the orientation videos where Flug is alone with clients and not getting disturbed by Dem or BH) eventually Thompson would sign a contract with Black Hat most likely after the consultation. but seeing how Thompson is only wanting a weapon from BHO, im not sure how big the exchange would be with Black Hat. like would that be soul exchange worthy? i think Thompson would most likely sign a contract where he is supposed to help Black Hat with something much later down the line, whether it's a favor or if it's some sort of battle. i think Thompson's healing powers would be very useful in that case (it makes me wonder if Black Hat has healing powers or not, i cant really see him having healing powers though)
and now that i think about it, Black Hat would probably smell like rotting food and alcohol to Thompson, or maybe the smell of a musty humid dark dirty basement... thattotallydoesnthaveanysortofconnectiontoThompson'spast
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subskz · 1 year
just finished rereading 🤩 i also made notes while reading so i didn’t come back with another head empty “i love bang chan” message teehee
-changbin not having a phone case makes me violently ill. it must be a perk of having a samsung, i wouldn’t know though 😼 him also being convinced that the pencil has infinite lead is so endearing i love him. big tits to protect a big heart 💖
-the little detail of chan having to move back his sweater paw to shake the reader’s hand had me damn near foaming at the mouth. that along with his little giggles and happy dances were so sweet i was this close 🤏to dry heaving on the floor. the way you write him is so endearing and so much like he appears irl 😖
-you really did whip out the perfect description of minho. he’s such a beautiful man, i need to stop and look at pictures of him right meow
-BERRY CAMEO!!! i can’t believe that flew right past me on my first read😭 i love that silly little dog, she’s so cute 😭😭😭💔 i had to pause my reread and go look at berry content because she’s so sweet
anyways thank you again for being such an amazing author. i will probably be reading this again soon because the chris brain rot is real and it’s spreading 💔 -🐾
you took notes…ㅠㅠㅠㅠ please that’s the sweetest thing ever i’m actually so giddy right now 😭 thank you so much for being invested it means a lot to me!!
HELP you n me both it just felt like the cherry on top of the reader being horrified w binnie’s approach to academics (also realizing now that if he had a case it would’ve probably been smth cute n pink that would give away his true personality hehe) our samsung spokesperson is built strong just like this phone!! big tits to protect a big heart…that’s the binnie mantra i absolutely love it ♡
channie and his sweater paws!! i’m delighted you found that lil detail cute 🥰 probably the most difficult part of this was trying not to go overboard w all his lil habits LMAO so knowing that u enjoy them as much as i do makes me very happy!! he’s seriously so adorable without even trying, it’s sick -_-;
right meow 😭 i’m touched u think the description did lino justice! he really was blessed w the most interesting features, it’s too easy to ramble abt him when there’s so much to appreciate </3
MISS BERRY OUR BELOVED!! she is a star…the true protagonist of the story 🙏 i’m so glad you caught that as well! leave it to channie to post abt her on his ig instead of himself hehe
ur an absolute angel i can’t thank you enough for all your kindness and support! it’s not an obligation to at all but i truly appreciate you sharing your thoughts like this so much 💖 i can’t wait to continue the series and i hope you’ll continue to like it!!
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giggly-argent · 1 year
ok Zero relationship rambling under the cut-
(again in order of least to most reasonable)
Obviously not gonna happen but these two bonded so quickly over having to keep Gattina in check 💀
plus they're both big, strong n hot so my brain just did the math automatically-
But they're both very busy on opposite sides of the kingdom so they don't really keep in touch often :(
Maybe Jana could teach Zero a sport or two...
Also not gonna happen but they're kinda cute tho!
They're the two strongest (known) and highest ranking demons in the kingdom, but they can't talk to each other like normal ppl at first 😭😭
Hades has to work on getting Zero to be less subservient (while he unlearns tht trait himself), and they do end up as pretty good friends~
no matter what, Hades still throws some shady verbal teases at Zero when they're alone (lee to lee communication)
this is my #1 guilty pleasure oc ship I think!
Gattina's the first person in Zero's life to ever beat him in a fight (even if it wasn't Totally fair) and honestly? that's kinda hot to him!
he's not gonna let it happen again thooo
And in Gatti's case, she just likes hearing him raise his voice whenever she does smth stupid
Like with Jana, he's usually holding her back from an Actual Fight, but w/ Zero she'll deliberately do something outta pocket just to have him grab her by the arm and give her a stern look-
He knows what she's doin 👀
oughhg the pains the angst,,,
These two were the best of friends as kids, and they already dated thru their teenage years before Shura got possessed left the village </3
I haven't decided whether I wanna let Shura Survive the plot yet but even if he does, I might not put him back with Zero fully bc of the bad stuff he did 😳
Zero still has light feelings for Shura in Any continuity tho :')
this one came outta fuckin nowhere tbh!
These two are the definition of hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby (radiation dog vs banjo wielding puppy idk)
the shawl that Izzy wears is the one Zero used to wear when he still lived in Asayesa, and Izzy wouldn't let a single thing happen to it 💖
Izzy's the first one of the Asayesa gang to actually go visit Zero at the castle! (minus Shura but that wasn't a good visit 💀)
Zero usually has to scoop Izzy up out of some kind of peril, but he doesn't mind bc his lil country boy is just too goofy n cute!!
In return, he gets plenty of teasing and kisses an-[Removed for 'Too Affectionate' Crimes]
oh also they play music together anytime they get the chance to :)
getting into the Intended Relationships now :)
Traumabonding 3.0
Another Stoic/Silly ship, but the silly is mostly hidden on Meri's side
These two are both sooo used to forcing themselves to act super professional. They're always in the public eye, being scrutinized over every little detail...
They finally get to meet in private when Zero accidentally ends up in Zidenna's garden, and that becomes their secret meeting place whenever they both have spare time on their schedule 🖤
already muchotexto'd about these two in the last one-
childhood friends to lovers trope my beloved 💚 (+size diff my Ultra Beloved)
Super Gigantic Traumabonding 4.0
It takes Zero a pretty long time to warm up to his other coworkers, but the day he sees Zidenna again he's acting like they weren't even separated for 15 years~
Zinny's always hovering around Zero, playing with his hair or pinching his cheeks and ears just to idle, and he lets it happen (you can even catch his tail wagging if it goes on long enough :) )
Zidenna's clownery kinda rubs off on him sometimes! They've convinced him to play lil pranks on Noel or Aries every once in a while
Anytime they walk past Zero, they have to make sure they're not Too close or he's gonna scoop them up in a big hug and Not let go for a bit :'D
(they both think Meri is fine as hell-)
I could go on about these goofies for centuries but I shouldn't 💔
Zin & Meri
This one is Zero's definite endgame for sure,, it makes the most sense!
Zinny joins in on the little meetings once they figure out Zero and Meri are using their garden for em, and it just blooms from there!
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lestatlioncunt · 8 months
hello!! i'd like to ask about cassandrae if that's okay..!! divine soul sorcerers are one of my top top subclasses for characters so i am immensely intrigued about them!! i know very little about them to ask specific questions, but if you have anything you'd like to share or talk about, please do so!
there's so much work i need to put on cassandrae yet and i have mostly little confused details because i need to fill my brain with all the knowledge of forgotten realms/dnd in general that i lack but i will give you the general idea!!
i think of her as some type of deity fallen into disgrace, who lost their followers and now holds very little of the power they once had. she was never one of the big players, her following was always small to begin with (and completely forgotten after her disgrace), which is why they're goal was pointing at something higher, more power more everything. her ruin comes from her attempt at usurping mystra's rule, i have only a general idea for now but i feel like this might have happened during the time of troubles, with mystra's defeat by helm (helm might be her connection to divine ancestry maybe!! haven't quite decided yet) - it didn't go that well for cassandrae since it was midnight the chosen to ascend as the new goddess of magic ofc. they get punished for their hubris and stripped of most of their previous power and bound to walk among the mortals. i will probably come up with something about the crown of karsus when i'll get to play around with zefyr's campaign (which is my draconic sorcerer oc who's involved with cassandrae) and see what my brain will come up with when i'll fill all the gaps :]
another lil fact about cassandrae is that i want her to have some type of shapeshifting ability? like i've stated they are a mephistopheles tiefling but at the same time that's like the form they take when they lose all her power! if that makes sense. during her time of splendor she could take any form they preferred, but it's still smth that needs so many ?? filled too!!
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neonbreath · 2 years
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what’s up party people??? you can call me pink, and this is my movie addicted mess of a man, atlas! he is a shiny new muse for me, so i’m still figuring out a lot of his finer details, but i love to form characters through interactions in those cases so pls do throw all your babes at me! atlas had big dreams of becoming a film director, but things haven’t really panned out in any lasting way. he’s totally not a lil bitter or anything >.> the job of managing minseok sort of fell into his lap due to his father’s industry connections, as he owns a highly popular piano bar in seoul. (essentially his father was like you need to stop moping and do something with your life cbvbcxbv) he still performs to the best of his abilities as a manager and loves his client like family, thooo. i have a little more info and some desired connections below the cut, so if you’d like to plan out a thread or smth just shoot me a message or ask for my discord! 💕
atlas grew up primarily in the city of chicago, illinois. he lived with his mother full time after a very early divorce between his parents, while his father ran a successful piano bar back in seoul.
things weren’t overly toxic between them, thankfully. they didn’t like each other by any stretch of the imagination, but they kept up appearances for atlas, their only child.
atlas would visit with his father for a month out of every year, usually in the summertime when he was out of school. this was his first taste of the music industry, as his father had a lot of famous friends who would pop up at his bar. atlas wasn’t supposed to be in the bar per se, but he was well liked and protected among the staff and regulars. his father’s schedule didn’t allow for him to be home much, so he would tag along as his father made his way through the place carrying out his duties.
while atlas did enjoy music, his primary interest had always been film. the first time his mother plopped him down in front of ‘the wizard of oz’ and other child-appropriate classics, he was hooked. it was a high he’d never stop chasing.
he’d spend weeks on end working his way through the family’s vhs collection, would request movies almost exclusively for each birthday and even went through a little torrenting phase when he was looking for some harder to find stuff.
he could only dream of what it was like to bring such things to life — to be the one on the other side of the camera directing everyone to their places, making a piece of visual art with the potential to be remembered for eternities. he wanted it more than anything.
and yet, as he got older, there always seemed to be something standing in the way. in his senior year of high school, he was put in charge of documenting his graduating class for a special video presentation at the ceremony. he’d crafted something he was extremely proud of, a video he knew would blow everybody away. the night before graduation however, the file became corrupted as he was throwing a few finishing touches on it. he couldn’t access it or play it, and it resulted in him facing utter embarrassment at the ceremony.
this wasn’t the last of atlas’ pitfalls on his journey as an aspiring filmmaker. about a year into his higher education, specializing in directing at a small film school, the establishment burnt down with many of his academic works up until that point inside. after learning that his credits wouldn’t be transferred, he was sort of at a loss and disillusioned with it all. it was like the world was taking every opportunity to tell him he shouldn’t do the thing he loved the most.
his mother encouraged him to take some time off before attempting to go back to school and do some traveling, but all he ended up doing was heading back to south korea with his tail between his legs. he drowned his sorrows with his father for a couple of years before the latter became insistent that atlas get his life together somehow. he recommended him for a position being sought by a friend at a record label in seoul. they were in need of a manager for one of their new talents.
it was a bit overwhelming, as atlas hadn’t done anything of the sort up until then, but he strived to succeed for fear of his father’s reputation taking a hit for referring him. he put his directing dreams on hold indefinitely to fully take on the task on being minseok’s manager. he’s surprisingly good at the job, being so detail oriented, and he’s also always advocating for his client! if it’s not good for minseok’s wellbeing, he will tell the executives that he thinks so and do everything in his power to make sure it doesn’t happen.
someone he can bond over a love of movies with pls
your muse was in a drama that he really loved
maybe he pretends that you get on his nerves but he actually has a soft spot for you
someone who grew up primarily stateside like he did
friends who chill together and listen to 80s music
someone who gets annoyed with his little corrections and perfectionism
idk i’m bad at these but we can always go on chemistry and all that so!!! 💕
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taehyungfirst · 10 months
HII AGAIN i did watch rainy days! (istg it's so annoying that it's only at 11M rn wtf army?? i thought it would be more popular than love me again because even i found out abt the mv's early like 5 minutes after it was released... and like armys in different timezones might've received teh news later or smth idk idk i think they should've promoted more tbh and announced the news a little while before the release date so armys could've been more prepared.) as to how it's doing on the charts... idk man. it's just a lil depressing at the moment. i feel like we as a fandom, like considering how big and coordinated we are, could've contributed more. and the fact that they released it on yt first was.. idk. you can't use playlists on yt for the first 24h i think? and streaming is kinda frustrating because you have to be online and keep watching other videos in between and other stuff so it doesn't get counted as bot behavior. and i feel like some army aren't really interested anymore in non-ot7 content? ANYWAY. the MVs were sooo different to me in a such a good way i loved it. love me again with the warm golden tones and rainy days with the cool, moody palette (someone said that it's in blues and yellows and greys because those are the colors that dogs see, and that the mv is kinda shown through the eyes of yeontan, watching tae!). also, love me again has tae performing, and it's all so pretty that you don't even mind that there's nothing, idk, like cinematic? going on. i mean, that he's only standing and singing (my fav part so far is the pre-chorus, starting w "Fine, I will be honest with you"). cause the vocals, visuals, setting, vibe, outfit, etc everything just goes together so pleasingly and you can just focus on that and let loose. it's lovely on the eyes.
and then there's rainy days. to me, it's something that i can watch again and again for the details. it's visually attractive to me-- i love rain, i love 'gloomy' weather. the set has got an idk a kinda futuristic or sci-fi vibe to it, i like how unique it looks. and then you have tae just moving around, yearning, making some art (vante!!!) and just being very boyfie in general (that moment where he's lying in bed and smiling? asdhshfdjfhjkflhdsjf). at first, i liked love me again way more than rainy days but now it's really sneaked up on me and taken me by surprise lol. i went out today and i was craving it (i didn't have it downloaded so i had to wait to go home and listen to ;-;). so. i have a lot to say ofc ofc but it's getting kinda late so i should probably go to bed lol. -prev anon ⭐(https://www.tumblr.com/taehyungfirst/725456734868684800/i-freaked-out-bby-istg-it-was-so-good-like-the-mv?source=share)
hello ⭐️!
i think rainy days got low views because people are focusing on lma more, but i do agree with you i also thought that rainy days wouldve done better but even the streams for lma are higher 😭 i mean lma is a MASTERPIECE so i get it
regarding streams, the lack of teasers and build-up and the fact that it was a surprise drop really influenced everything, we’re doing our best but usa armys are not even trying rn like my tl is full of people asking for BUYERS because we have funds but not buyers and that’s crazy also it fell off us spotify yesterday yeah just kind of a mess… i hope they will be more prepared for september 8 and read guidelines, they’re lucky because they can use pandora too which is good for streams bc it got low filtering rates and it counts towards charts too
the mvs were so perfect anon 😭😭 i genuinely loved them both and the amount of details and interpretations of people (like saying that taehyung is dressed in flashy gold and red because he wants to be seen by his lover again… just beautiful) are so fun to spot and read! i’m so happy taehyung chose to create a visual album because it’s the perfect choice for him and for his art… can’t wait for the other mvs
also!! i actually thought i preferred rainy days more but then at random times i find myself singing “lost without you baaaby”… i can’t choose i fear
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
How did zephyr end up in the state she's in? Is there a post already discussing it?
I love her design btw.
it's talked about a lil in the big oc post in Boreas' doodle intro page!
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i had plans to then make a big post dedicated exclusively to the lore which was meant to obtain more details on Zephyr's updated lore, Mission Self-preservation as a concept, explore her a little more as a person by showing her interactions with the other Anemoi + Seaf and then how Sliver of Straw's triple affirmitive ultimately doomed the Eo group to failure
Zephyr's construction was, originally, a sort of rebellion against the Wellspring by the residents of the Secondary Homeland. p sure i already talked about the history of these two continents somewhere, but tldr: the Wellspring is where the global religion, iterators and such all originates from. the Wellspring colonized Secondary Homeland very early on and converted Most of important culture into their own (think what Christianity has done to the pagan believes in Europe)
the Wellspring was keeping the iterator plans for themselves, perfecting them but most importantly excluding other places for the sake of their superiority over everyone else. *some* Iterator plans though made it to the dark "underground" side of the Roam Network and then also the actual physical black market cuz ofc there's smth like that
the high standing Ancients of the Secondary Homeland wanted to make a statement about their independance from the Wellspring and so they took these plans and acted on them (got scammed). they didn't really have any proper Iterator engineers that could've caught the faults in the plans through all the years of construction and so they finished her
the moment they turned her on, ready to have a ceremony celebrating her birth in her chamber, everything went wrong
something within the structure spluttered, something exploded, a lot of things collapsed on themselves- the first thing that came from Zephyr's speakers, the very *same* moment she opened her eyes, was a bloodcurdling scream of sheer agony
the scream, then all the visible pain she kept going through afterwards (falling to the floor, breaking her spine, spasming, dry heaving because of those damn instincts coming from the puppet's organic brain demanding her nonexistent stomach is emptied-) And the structural instability terrified and scared everyone off to never come back, never make a note of her existence and try to cover up everything surrounding her (this primal fear is replacing the "why not?" reason for keeping her running)
because it was a stupid ass mistake. trusting unofficial plans for something so giant and grand? be deceived for literal decades by a small team of scammers? it's so pitiful. the biggest fuck up of the whole continent, there just won't be worse
and thanks to that colossal shame, Zephyr gets to quietly plan her revenge out for ages
and thank you! glad to hear that! she Is one of my very first og iterator designs so it's nice that she still holds up well
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