#it's not that you can't enjoy music when you have a big age gap
hwiyoungies · 11 months
there's a good example for this whole age "discourse" thing. say it wasn't kpop but rather some disney star, let's go with miley cyrus when she was doing hannah montana, she was 13-18 when she was doing that show, a show that was crearly meant for an audience of a similar age, so if any adult was investing any big amount of time of that it did raise some eyebrows because why are you watching a show that is meant for kids when there's content made for you (there's a lot of nuance within that as well but still). sure you could've enjoyed the songs, maybe watch the show with a kid from your family but you never invested any more time on it besides that because you were not the target audience. the difference with kpop is that they're putting kids of the same age range miley was when doing that show, but the target audience is not the same, it's adults, it's whoever wants to consume kpop, so at surface it seems like there is not any issues with it because, hey, if i'm the target audience why can't i enjoy this? why can't i spend my day enjoying this content made by teenagers even if i'm an adult? if you take all the context out it's odd no matter how you put it. "but context matters!!!!" sure, it does, but shouldn't the safety of the teenagers matter more? shouldn't we be more worried about why these companies keep debuting younger and younger kids instead of if we're being accused of being a weirdo? like ask yourself why is it weird to possibly like a disney show but not weird to like a kpop group with teens the same age as the disney star as an adult
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msgexymunson · 9 months
Sammy's Mom
Description: Eddie Munson finds it difficult to get over his fantasies about you, his best friend's mom. He tries so hard to keep it in check. The only problem? Sammy's mom has got it going on.
A/N: kind of a little nod to the song "Stacey's Mom" (which is 20 years old now BTW, so if you remember it it's time to take aspirin for your back pain), I've written too much older Eddie in my time so trying to balance it out, as I've given him far too much rizz! And his friend is called Sammy as I've watched a lot of Supernatural recently. Please comment and reblog if you enjoy this my sweethearts.
Warnings: where do I start lmao, NSFW, Minors DNI or I'll slap you with a wet fish, age gap, Eddie's 21, reader is early 40s, MILF reader, reader referred to as 'Mrs F' a few times no first name given, perv Eddie, voyeurism, male masturbation, very slight foot fetish (nothing actually happens), oral both male and female receiving, p in v unprotected sex, slight anal play, cum eating.
10.5k words
Johnny's little six year old voice rings out like a bell in the front yard. You look out the window and see him running as fast as his little legs could carry him towards a young man getting out of a beat up van. 
"Hey Squirt!" Crouching to his knees, he accepts your kids embrace, then stands with him, swinging him around in the air as Johnny shrieks uncontrollably, unbridled joy brimming from his chest. The next minute he's got Johnny on his shoulders, walking around the house to the back yard. 
You smile at their antics, warmed at the gesture. Eddie has always been good with your youngest son when he comes to visit Sammy, your oldest. It was nice, him having another man around to look up to, even if he really needs to remember to watch his language. 
Voices sound from the back yard; Eddie had found Sammy and as usual, they were loud and laughing. Not that you minded at all, any laughter those kids could get was music to your ears. 
You grab your sunglasses and perch them on top of your head, searching around for your gardening tools. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and you wanted to be near the kids at least. Grasping your pruners and gardening gloves in one hand and a cooler in the other, you make your way to the rear of the house. 
Pushing the back door open with a hip, you see Sammy is already in the pool. Johnny is still talking a mile a minute at Eddie, as he sits on the edge of a lawn chair. 
Well, he's certainly grown up. 
Eddie's shirtless, sitting there in his long black swimming trunks. There's a new tattoo on his ribs but you can't make it out from this distance. He's looking toned; his jaw is sharper, with shoulders broader than you remember. He's become a man. 
When the hell did that happen? 
Shaking your head out of your temporary revelry, you walk over to the pair of them. The snippets of conversation you overhear as you approach widen the smile on your face. 
"So, you think of any new monsters for me big guy?" 
Johnny beams at Eddie with pride. "Yeah! So right, it's like, a big bat thing right? With metal bits all over, and- and- then it's got these huuuuge teeth, and- and- when he opens its mouth the teeth fly out, right, and turn into bats!!" 
He starts excitedly flapping his arms around and screeching as Eddie laughs and ruffles his hair.
"Bats huh? That's sick. Pretty metal, squirt. Have to add that to the campaign." 
Johnny beams at the praise, staring down at his hand, trying to work out his fingers, then flashes the devil horn hand at him triumphantly. 
"Johnny honey, do you want to play in the pool? Give Uncle Eddie a chance to breathe?" 
"Yeah! Can I do cannonballs? Can I can I can I?" 
His enthusiasm always brings a smile to your face. "Sure thing honey, just don't go in the deep end, 'K?" 
"Kay!" He flashes a thousand watt smile at you and runs off, calling to his brother. 
Your gaze returns to Eddie, who you are sure was just checking you out. His eyes flick to yours almost guiltily. 
"Brought some beers out for you both. Here." Passing him the cooler, your hands brush briefly, the slight touch running a shiver down your spine despite the heat. 
"Thanks Mrs F." 
Eddie licks his lips and you trace the movement with your eyes.
"Mom! What are you wearing?" 
Sammy has exited the pool, dripping water everywhere. You look down at your outfit. You were wearing a two piece, slightly skimpier than your usual swimwear, and a pair of jean hotpants. 
"Sammy love, it's hot. I'm in my backyard. What am I supposed to do? Dress like a nun?" 
Eddie snorts a laugh next to you. 
"But you're all… exposed mom." 
"Sammy, shut up. Your mom can wear what she wants." 
"Yeah? You're only saying that because you-"
But you're destined to never hear the end of that sentence as Eddie pushes him into the pool. Water splashes everywhere, and Eddie laughs, throwing his head back. The gesture has you staring yet again, looking at the skin on his neck, the way his Adam's apple bobs. A mad idea enters your head; what if you just darted your tongue out and licked over it? Decorated that delicate skin with kisses? Nipped at the sides of his throat with your teeth?
Eddie makes eye contact with you then, and you quickly look away. He was sure you were eyeing him up, almost certain of it. Hell, he's been staring at you for years, mapping your curves with his eyes, knowing he'll never get a chance to feel them under his hands, but the look you just gave him made his stomach twist.
Before your thoughts can go any further you tear yourself away and over to the rose bushes. You deadhead the rose bush as if your life depends on it, furiously snipping and cutting, as if you're trying to trim back the impure thoughts you're having. 
After a while, the bushes are looking a lot neater. Stepping back, you remove your gardening gloves and swipe the sweat beads on your brow with the back of your hand. 
"Mrs F, you wanna beer?" 
You turn to see Eddie laying on a sun lounger, waving a cold one. As you walk towards him he stands up to hand it to you. 
"That a new tattoo Eddie?" You ask, pointing to his abdomen. He looks taken aback by your question but responds nonetheless. 
"Yeah, you like it?" 
Your hand drifts towards him almost instinctively, only realising when his muscles tense under your soft touch. It's a scorpion, surrounded in a wreath of flames. Tracing it with your fingers, you circle it slowly. Eddie can feel his heart pounding in his chest. A slow moan escapes Eddie's lips which pulls you out of wherever the hell you were heading. The heat must have gotten to your head. Pulling back your fingers, you respond.
"Yeah, I like it. Metal." 
Looking up around him through your lashes, your eyes meet his. He looks flushed, cheeks heating at your stare. 
"You OK Eddie?" 
"Y-yeah, fine. I'm gonna have a dip in the pool." 
He shuffles awkwardly off, nearly bent double. All his strange stance does is draw attention to the tent in his swimming trunks that has appeared. It's really rather large; to your amazement, you can't seem to take your eyes off it. Eddie dives into the pool, swimming over to your son. 
Did I just do that? 
You shake your head, banishing thoughts of Eddie's package, and head off to the kitchen to clean some dishes. 
As Eddie rushes into the pool, he's wishing the cool water would shrink the raging hard on he just got. 
Fuck, you look so good today. That skimpy bikini top barely covering the curves of your tits; them damn near spilling out of the top. Those tiny shorts, framing your hips and ass perfectly. Then you had to go and touch him. That had him nearly busting in his pants. He can't help but wonder if it was on purpose. A crazy thought he shouldn't be entertaining. 
He dips his head under the water trying to cool the blood that had rushed to his cheeks. 
You had to be at least 40. Sammy's Dad had been out of the picture for a while, he knew that much. He couldn't help but wonder if you were a little lonely; maybe that's why you had been flirting with him. Or it was entirely Eddie's imagination and he just needs to jerk off and get it out of his system. 
As he gets out of the water, shaking his hair like a dog, he thinks he sees you looking at him through the kitchen window, but he can't be sure. 
"Dude, why have you got a boner?" Sammy points at him from the water, forcing Eddie to cup his erection, trying to hide it from prying eyes. 
"I can't help it!" He whisper shouts, cheeks flushing anew, "your mom's hot!" 
"Eddie! Don't say that, that's gross!" Sammy slings back, pulling a disgusted face.
"Hey it's not, she's a total fox, what can I do, it's like, biological, she's a babe!" 
Little did he know you can hear every word, pressing your lips together firmly to suppress a laugh as you dry up a cup in the kitchen. 
"She's like, really old, and she's my mom for God's sake!" 
"Hey, rude, she's not that old. You think she's into younger guys?" You can hear the smile in his voice, he's clearly just trying to wind Sammy up now, but your thighs clench together at the thought. The cup in your hands is dry as a bone right now. 
"Eddie shut the f-" 
"What's a boner?" The little voice is clear and loud, cutting through the argument. 
A loud laugh shoots from your chest uncontrollably. You try to mask it with your hand but there's nothing you can do, it's out there now. 
Eddie's head whips around to face the house, flicking water droplets in its wake. 
"Oh shit." It's low, but loud enough to hear. 
Making your way back outside, you call out to Johnny to save either of them answering the awkward question.
"Come on kid, you want a snack?" 
"Yeah mommy! Shit!" Eddie's mouth drops open. 
"What did I say about copying Eddie" you ask sternly. 
He parrots back in a sing-song voice, "don't copy Eddie, Eddie is dirty." 
"That's right. Come on, inside." He runs past you in the way only a child can, feet flat on the floor slapping on the concrete.
Eddie steps a little closer to you.
"I'm so sorry Mrs F it won't-" 
"Hey, it's OK," you reply, stepping to meet him. You drop your voice lower, hand up as if you're telling a secret. On autopilot, Eddie leans towards you to hear your whisper, close enough to smell your shampoo. 
"Sometimes mommy's dirty too." 
Turning on your heel, you walk back into the house without a glance, leaving Eddie with his jaw on the floor.
Where the hell did that come from?
You try to steady your breathing as you go inside. That was reckless of you, he's half your age. You admonish yourself, telling your brain that you need to stop flirting with the poor boy. 
Eddie's frozen on the spot. It's clear you overheard their little conversation, and then you come out with something like that? It's definitely not his imagination at this point. For a crazy moment he thinks he might actually have a shot at you. 
Stop it. She's Sammy's mother for Christ's sake. Pull yourself together Munson. 
"Imma take a quick shower if that's alright and get, er, changed. You wanna work on the campaign some more?" Eddie says it over his shoulder to Sammy, not daring to turn. He's never been so hard in all his life. 
"Sure, just stay out of my mom's room." 
Eddie laughs nervously, "who do you think I am?" As he walks to the house. 
"Eddie fuckin' Munson." Sammy mutters under his breath. 
As he stumbles into the house with his bundle of clothes over his crotch, he catches another glimpse of you, on your hands and knees searching in a cupboard. 
"Honey, I don't think we've got any animal crackers left." You say over your shoulder to a pouting Johnny. 
You're barely contained in your jean hot pants, the denim tight against your perfect ass. 
"Fuckin' hell" Eddie mutters under his breath, tearing his eyes away to make his way upstairs. 
He practically runs up the stairs, tripping slightly on the last step. Flinging his body into the bathroom, he shuts and locks the door. 
Five seconds later he's in the shower with his hand wrapped around his slippery cock, tugging on it as if it were his last day on earth. 
Fuck, why does she have to be so fine? 
He's whimpering and stifling breathy moans as he cums hard in less than five minutes. Shame snags its sneaky claws into his heart then, as he hangs his head under the shower head. He needs to get it together before the thought of you ruins him completely. 
Knocking on your eldest son's door, he calls out for you to enter. Both him and Eddie are sitting on the bed, a pile of books and notes between them. You do your best to ignore the smoky weed smell as you address him.
"Sammy, I'm heading out, you still OK to take care of Johnny?" 
"Woah, Mrs F you look h-" Sammy elbows him in the ribs before he can finish the sentence, "-very nice." Eddie finishes lamely. 
A smile spreads over your face at his words. Your date tonight was nothing special, not really, but the need growing between your legs needed to be sorted out somehow. So, you'd dressed to impress; a red figure hugging dress, ending just at the knee, with matching slingbacks. Your hair was down, hanging past your shoulders in soft curls. 
"Mom, I'm going to Tiffany's, to stay over, remember?" Sammy responds, raising his eyebrows meaningfully at you.
"That was tonight?" Well, fuck. "Your grandma's coming to pick Johnny up at 9, can't you stay until then? 
"I can watch him." 
You both turn to look at Eddie. He looks just as surprised as you two at his words.
"I can watch him, no problem. I ain't got anywhere to be tonight."
Eddie doesn't know why he offered. Well, in part he did. He might get to see you again in that dress later. 
"Thanks Eddie, you're a lifesaver. I can pay-" 
"Oh no, don't worry about it." He flashes a grin which does something to your insides, melting them just a little.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it. Johnny's downstairs watching TV, he's had dinner, just need to wait for my mom to pick him up. You sure it's OK?" 
"Of course, it's no problem." 
"OK, well make yourself at home." You give him a winning smile of your own which makes his face flush red. 
"Oh, and Sammy?" 
"Yeah mom?" 
"Use protection." 
You laugh and shut the door, heading off to your date. 
The date was a total bust, not that you'd expected anything less. Greg from accounting was nice, sure; kind of handsome, in a middle aged balding kind of way. A reliable sort of guy. Then, when the dinner was over and he kissed you, you knew there was no way it was going to go any further. So, you'd refused his invitation to go to a bar, made your excuses and got a cab home. 
Standing outside your house, you look at the time. 9:30. Rock and roll. You huff into the humid night air at how old you must seem right now, and open your front door. 
Sprawled on the sofa, manspreading, sits Eddie. A beer rests on the coffee table, and the TV is blaring out some horror film. 
He scrambles to his feet looking like he's about to be told off. 
"Mrs F, sorry, erm, your mom's not here yet, she called saying she was running late-" 
As if on cue, there's a knock at the door. You open it, and see your mom standing there, pushing past you in a cloud of perfume. 
"Hey love, so sorry I'm late!" She looks at you, then Eddie. "Is this your date?" 
Blushing a furious red, you shake your head. 
"Oh, no this is Sammy's friend, he was watching Johnny for a bit." 
"Oh, the young man I spoke to on the phone. Shame, he's very handsome." She winks at you. 
Eddie looks like he's about to die from blood loss; his face is so drained it's ghostly white. 
"I-I'll go get squirt," he stumbles out awkwardly. 
"Mom, please behave." You whisper when he's left the room.
"I'm behaving! I thought you were on a date, what happened?" 
"He wasn't my type." 
"Well, you should find someone who is. How long has it been?" 
You run your hand through your hair, feeling a little more confrontational than usual due to the alcohol in your veins. 
"Mom, just drop it. I'm fine!" 
"OK, OK! That babysitter is a fine looking young man-" 
"Mommy!" You turn just in time for Johnny to grab your legs in a hard hug, squishy cheek pushing against your thigh. 
"We went on an adventure! I'm a Knight, I saved the lady! There was gobbins and stuff!" His little eyes shine, staring at Eddie in pure adoration. 
"Really? Well done! Sounds amazing love. Go on, go with nanna. I love you." 
"OK! Love you mom! Bye Uncle Eddie!" He runs over to him and grabs his legs fiercely. Eddie ruffles his hair in response.
"Night squirt. Or should I say Sir Johnny the Just?" 
"Yeah! Imma hero!" He beams and runs off to grasp your mother's hand, regaling her of his adventures. 
"I'll see you later mom," you say, passing her Johnny's overnight bag by the door. 
As the door shuts, the only sounds are coming from the gristly movie on the TV until Eddie switches it off. Silence. 
"Mrs F, I only opened the beer after I put him to bed, I swear-" 
"Hey, it's fine, don't worry. Thanks for staying longer, I appreciate it." 
"Oh, it's fine. My trailers empty anyway, and you have cable." He smiles sheepishly at you. 
"I told you, make yourself at home. Finish your beer." 
Shoes are kicked off to join the jumble at the front door, and you rub some life back into your aching heels. Eddie's staring at your feet and he can't figure out why. He's never had a thing for feet, but yours? Yours he'd happily have running over his body, in his mouth, on his cock. He's almost ashamed at how just the slightest bit of your flesh on show has him practically drooling. 
You're oblivious to Eddie's perverse thoughts however. Tonight was not what you wanted, and it makes you huff aloud at the thought. 
"You alright Mrs F?" Eddie asks, concern in his voice as he sits back down on the couch, trying his hardest not to stare at your cleavage. 
"Yeah I'm-" why are you lying? "no, actually I'm not. Not the night I was expecting." When you flash a weak smile at Eddie, it's not returned. He looks worried almost. 
"Wanna talk about it?" 
It's sweet of him to ask, and you're about to brush it off but he just looks so invested in your welfare that it takes you aback briefly. 
"Sure. Hang on a minute." You pad barefoot to the kitchen and grab a beer, returning to the living room to sit on the couch beside him. 
Eddie is trying to tell himself he's just being nice. It's not just an excuse to stay. It's difficult to believe his own thoughts however when your dress is riding up your thigh like that.
The very air between you both seems thick and laced with unanswered questions, tension real and palpable. 
"So, Sir Johnny the Just?" You ask, to try and clear the closing space. 
"Yeah," Eddie grins, face lighting up at the mention of your boy, "I gave him the name. Made a little one shot for him, you know, fought some goblins, saved a damsel in distress. He's got a knack for D&D." 
Your eyes glisten at that.
"Thanks, he really looks up to you. It's nice, him having some guys around." 
"Can I ask, what happened to… Mr F?" He knows he's crossing a line here, but he's so curious, and Sammy never talks about it. 
"He left me. I was pregnant with Johnny, and he met some blonde twig, had an affair." 
"Oh, I'm so fuckin' sorry." 
You shrug. It's trauma, yes, but it's passed. A wound that has long since closed over the years, scarring but healing. You sip your beer and ask a line crossing question of your own.
"So, no girlfriend then? Since you're free on a Saturday night?" 
You're not sure where that came from, but it's been asked now. A bubble of nerves pops when you ask it, showering you in drops of second guesses. 
"N-no, well I mean, yeah I've had like, girlfriends in the past but no, I'm single. As a pringle." 
What was that about? Smooth Munson. 
You just laugh as he visibly cringes at his own words. 
"Pringles aren't single, they fit together. They come in a tube." You add, mock helpfully. 
You both chuckle then, diffusing some of the awkwardness between you. He knocks your knee with his. You reciprocate, and look up into those soulful puppy dog eyes of his. 
Eddie's arm lays on the back of the couch behind you, and he's painfully aware of that fact. He wants to drop it to your shoulder, to run circles on your exposed skin and give you that smile, the smile he's given to a dozen girls. But you aren't a girl. You're a woman. The thought is making him more nervous than a virgin on prom night. 
Coughing the thought away, he asks you about tonight. 
"So, what happened on your date? I thought you'd be out later." 
"So did I." You slug some more beer back to calm yourself, and continue, "he was a nice guy. Opened doors, paid for dinner. Then he kissed me." 
Eddie attempted to ignore the burning jealousy in his gut. 
"Oh yeah? Sounds awful.' 
Laughing, you reach and stroke his side for a minute. Your hand lingers, feeling down to his hip. Eddie's heart is pounding in his throat. To his amazement, you leave it there, absentmindedly running fingers over his t-shirt. 
'Yeah, torture," you quip, "it was the kiss." 
Suddenly, you're moving your hand, much to Eddie's dismay, and turning to face him on the couch. He does the same, noticing that his arm is now so close to your head he can feel a slight tickle from your hair. 
"Can I be honest with you?" 
"Sure," Eddie tries to say coolly, to act like his entire insides aren't on fire because of the eye contact you're giving him. 
"It's, er, been a while. A very long while." Your eyes dip down, unsure why the hell you're telling Eddie this, but something about him is making you want to be open when usually you're a closed book. 
Eddie swallows thickly. He knows exactly what you're getting at. On instinct his thumb is rubbing the back of your head, over the soft curls. You don't seem to mind, better yet, your shoulders drop some tension, letting go just a little. 
Still looking down, you say "I can usually tell what someone's going to be like, in bed, from a kiss. Never been wrong yet," you laugh a little, "and he felt, well, dull, and kinda selfish." 
Grabbing your beer for something to distract you from the ache in your core, you drink some more, nearly finishing it. 
As you place it back down on the coffee table, you glance at Eddie's lap. He's fumbling with his rings, spinning one with his thumb as he shifts in his seat. There's an unmissable bulge in the front of his jeans; they're so tight you can see the outline of it. Of him. 
Glancing up at his face when you feel brave enough, it's beetroot red, but his eyes look dark, hungry almost. 
"Well, th-that's a cool superpower to have," he laughs out nervously. 
"I suppose it is" You smile. 
Eddie's trying so hard to control himself. The devil on his shoulder is pulling at his hair and yelling in his ear to make a move. 
This isn't right though, it's Sammy's mom for fucks sake. 
That's when you put your hand on his knee, touching that bare patch of skin where his jeans are frayed. Your touch is delicate, almost hesitant, and it destroys any resolve Eddie had. His hand is shaking slightly as he puts his fingers over yours. 
The touch is warming and electric, fanning the flames of the blazing fire in your stomach. As your eyes meet, Eddie's confidence grows. He can see that you want this, but someone needs to make the first move, and he would kick himself if he missed out because he didn't have the balls to make it.
"You know sweetheart," he begins, as you take a sharp breath at the nickname, he's never called you anything other than Mrs F before that, "you can't just say you have a superpower like that and not show me." 
There's nerves in his voice, but also a cheeky smile playing on his lips. To his amazement you blush, mouth curving into a smile of your own. 
"Listen, Eddie, you're a very sweet boy-" 
"-man," He interjects, "I'm 21." 
Chuckling, you reply, "OK, a very sweet young man, but I don't think that's a good idea." 
It's true, you don't. It's a very bad idea, but it's one you can't get out of your head, your eyes drawn to the curve of his jaw, his stubble, those plush lips of his. Wetting your lips impulsively, you nibble at the bottom one which sends Eddie's head into a dizzying whirlwind. 
"I just wanna know if I'm good in the sack, think it's only fair if you can tell me, it's just a kiss." 
Luck being pushed as far as it can go and then a little further, he daringly places a hand on your cheek. 
He is right, it's only a kiss. 
You say it in your head as if you're trying to convince yourself of the lie. By the time you realise how weak of an argument it is, you're already leaning forward, eyes unmistakably drawn to his lips. 
Eddie leans in, breath fanning your face. 
"Don't you want to… satisfy your curiosity?" 
It's bold, he knows, but you're the one who leans in further.
Eddie doesn't think twice, not when your eyes are hooded like that and your lips are forming a sultry pout. He presses his lips to yours softly at first, feeling the plush of them melt against his, his hand winding into your hair. 
You don't stop him, or pull back. His lips on yours are disarming, taking away your bite. The kiss is gentle, and you dissolve into it, moving your lips against his with a passion you can't remember ever feeling. 
Eddie's trying really hard not to just stick his tongue down your throat and feel you up, but he needs to prove something. He might not ever get a chance ever again, so he takes it slow. Opening his mouth, his tongue swipes against your bottom lip, begging. Not only do you let him, you return his tongue with a lick of your own, running it over his lip in turn. Tongues stroke into each other's mouths sensually; you feel as if you have something to prove. Like he's the one who will be judging you and not the other way around.
He tastes intoxicating; you can't put your finger on why, it's beer, and cigarettes, and something else that's drawing you in. It's just pure Eddie. His smell too, leather, smoke and Old Spice;  it's filling you up from the inside out, making your head spin. 
Eddie's obsessed. Your touch, your scent, your taste. He could kiss you forever; he could kiss you until he dies, suffocated by your mouth, your passion. This feels like some sort of fever dream and he never wants to wake up.
Your fingers are touching cotton fabric before you even understand that you've got a fistful of his shirt, pulling him in further. He responds by dropping his hand to your neck, thumb rubbing intoxicating patterns on your pulse point. 
When you're feeling on the brink of being entirely consumed by his kiss, he's the one to pull away. It's a little sneaky, he knows that, but he wants the upper hand and thinks he won't get it ever again. Eddie can't believe his luck when he sees your eyes still closed, lips chasing his touch, with a ball of his shirt in your hands. 
As your eyes flutter open, you look up at him. A self satisfied smirk is smeared across his face and you can't help but think he's won this round of whatever the hell you're playing. Playing with fire it feels like. 
A moment too late and you remember your hand bunched into his clothes. You unhand him and slap his knee, fingers unwilling to pull away. 
"So, what's the verdict sweetheart?" Eddie asks. His fingers are still massaging at your neck, rubbing back and forth, sending tingles down your spine. 
"What?" You ask, mind well and truly blank. 
"Guessing that's good." He laughs, taking his hand away to take a sip of his beer. "Remember your superpower, Wonder Woman?" 
"Oh, yeah. It was… good." You shrug, picking up the last of your beer and downing it. 
"Good? Good?! Come on, you gotta give me more than that!" He huffs dramatically, slamming his beer bottle on the table. 
Laughing aloud, you turn and face him again. He really is beautiful. His hair framing his face, that triumphant smile on his lips, laughter lines creasing in his day old stubble. You can almost believe he's older than he is, but knowing what you know about his family, he's been through a lot. 
"OK, it was the best kiss I've had in a while. A very long time." 
It's quiet for a moment; a loaded kind of quiet. It hangs heavily in the air like a thunderstorm. 
"Well, how about you?" You ask. 
"What do you mean?" 
"You know what I mean!" You laugh, nudging him with your foot.
"It was… good." He says, mimicking your words. Then he takes in your face, drinking in your beauty with his eyes, until he can't hold back anymore, "alright, it was mind blowing, you're really fuckin' hot." 
"Yeah, for my age" You scoff at his response, disbelieving him even after that kiss. You hear it alot, ever since you passed 35. 'You look good for your age', the backhanded compliment that feels like a knife in the chest. 
"That's bullshit!" Eddie responds loudly, shaking you out of your head and into the here and now, "you're fucking hot, period. Nothing to do with age sweetheart." 
If his words are lies, the bulge in his pants sure isn't. You feel drunk, and not from the alcohol. Eddie's kiss had you feeling reckless. Naughty. Young. 
"I overheard your little conversation earlier," you admit, scooching closer to him on the couch. Faces an inch apart, Eddie's torn between pouncing or running. So are you. 
"Yeah, you weren't supposed to hear that. Kinda glad you did." 
That makes you braver. All thought has gone, and the pounding need in between your legs has you losing all inhibitions as you lean towards his neck.
"Do you want me, Eddie?" You purr into his ear, nipping at the lobe with your teeth. 
"Uh, like, yeah. Yes, o-of course" He replies shakily, hand restless against your thigh. 
"You're trembling Eddie" it's your turn to smirk, lips dragging against his throat, "you've been with a woman before, right?" You know he has, but you can't help teasing him a little. 
Yes, a dozen, but none like you. 
"Y-yeah, I'm not a virgin, if th-that's what you're asking." 
Get it the fuck together Munson. 
"Then why are you nervous?" 
"Girls don't make me nervous. You make me nervous" He laughs, with absolute honesty in his words. 
With a flick of your eyes to his lips, you cradle his jaw. Eddie can't wait a second longer, he's about to burst. He takes a breath, grabs you by the hip, and presses a hard kiss to your mouth. 
The first one was a test, an examination. This one is pure desire, neediness etched into the marrow of his bones. Yet you're the one to deepen the kiss, mouth opening up to him, your tongue running over his with fervour. Lust is rolling off the pair of you, filling the room with its sultry fog.
Impatience gets the best of him, he needs you closer, so he yanks you into his lap, hands grabbing hard to your hips. Gasping into his mouth at the sudden dominance, you let him lead. His kiss is burning you, hot and heavy. Your hips start grinding into his lap of their own accord, each movement inching your dress higher and higher. 
Eddie rolls it up and over your ass so your red lace panties are on display, dress bunching at your waist. His hands are all over you, feeling at your thighs, your hips, your ass, kneading at the dough of your flesh desperately. 
Each grope, each bruising squeeze of his fingertips has you panting in his mouth, your hands winding into his loose locks, tugging. 
The kisses are becoming sloppier, allegedly immovable lipstick starting to smear on Eddie's face. You're biting at his bottom lip, grinding hard against his clothed dick; Eddie feels like he's died and gone to heaven. 
He tugs at your dress urgently, coaxing you to wriggle it up your frame and fling it away. 
The sight of you in your matching bra and panty set is enough to stop him in his tracks. It's gorgeous satin and lace, one of many you have. Even Eddie can see this is expensive. He runs his hands up and down your sides, drinking it in as if it were his last day on Earth. 
You allow him the few moments he takes to worship you with his eyes. If anything you're enjoying it as much as he is, his hungry stare fuelling your ego. 
"See something you like?" You tease, fingernails dragging across his neck. 
"Fuck yeah" comes his breathy response, pulling down a cup of your bra roughly, his mouth finding your nipple and sucking. 
Throwing your head back, you let out an unadulterated moan. You grab the hem of his shirt and tug it upwards. He gets the message, wrestling it off of his toned frame and throwing it away as if he's exasperated with clothes. Relishing in this new uncharted territory, your hands run all over his skin, tracing tattoos and freckles, fingernails leaving evidence of your desire. 
"Sorry, I just need to-" instead of telling you, he shows you, standing up with you grasped firmly at the hips. You think for a moment that he's going to take you upstairs, but he's pressing you down gently to the floor, lips and tongue tasting your neck, playfully licking over your collarbone. 
Eddie needs to know what your pussy tastes like; he's been dreaming of this for as long as he can remember. The thought of you unravelling because of him has him twitching in his pants. 
So, he makes his way down your torso, mapping your skin with his tongue. You're just so reactive; each time he laps and sucks at you a breathy gasp comes spilling from perfect painted lips.  
It's driving you crazy, his mouth is setting each patch of skin aflame, burning with passion. You're surprised by his movements as his mouth trails lower and lower. It looks like he's taking every enjoyment in tasting you, and the way he wiggles to get between your spread legs makes you realise he's going to go down on you. That is what's so surprising; you've never had a man who did that without some serious coaxing, let alone one who seemed to really want to. 
Now you're not self conscious by any means; you've grown to be very comfortable with your body, the feeling just comes with age. You can't help but be a little worried however, when Eddie reaches the stretch marks on your tummy. Little lightning strikes, lighter than the rest of your skin. You're not embarrassed, those little marks on your stomach and thighs are signs of your two beautiful boys. What's troubling you is the fact that Eddie can't have possibly seen any before, at least like this. What if they disgust him? 
It seems you needn't have worried. Eddie's in awe, running his fingers over the soft skin of the scars. He plants a kiss over the top and watches your muscles tense up. 
It's not that he likes them, or dislikes them for that matter; it's the fact that they are real. You're real, and in front of him in your underwear, and they ground him to the fact that this is actually happening. 
Reaching the hem of your panties he's torn between taking them off or not; you're just so damn pretty in them. He settles for running his tongue along the seam making you moan. You, Sammy's mom, moaning underneath him. He'd pinch himself if he didn't think it would spoil the mood. 
"You can take them off if you want baby." 
"Can I just, move them to the side? You're so fuckin' pretty like this." 
"Sure" you nod at him. He does so and nearly dies at the sight. Seems everything about you is thought of, down to your manicured nails, waxed legs, and bikini wax. The little patch of hair left is driving Eddie fucking crazy. 
He wastes no more time and runs his tongue through your folds, lapping at you like a man possessed. You taste exquisite, a flavour Eddie will remember for the rest of his life. It has him groaning into you, the vibration tingling over your clit making you writhe under him.
He's trying to map what you like, what makes you whimper, what makes you buck into his mouth. You can tell he's trying, really trying, but you know what you need. 
"Eddie, oh fuck, use, use the flat of your tongue," as he changes his tongue shape and rhythm, you wind your fingers into his hair and tug him right where you need him, "Oh God fuck, right there!" 
Yes fucking ma'am. 
Eddie's birthdays, Christmases, Easters, fuck it, all the holidays, have come at once. You are using him for your pleasure, riding his face. His dick is so swollen it's almost painful; he's rutting into the carpet like a teenager, the seam on his jeans not nearly providing enough friction.  
The pleasure is coursing through your veins, throbbing inside your stomach and thighs as you take what you need, fingers pulling hard at his hair. 
The moan that rips from your chest when Eddie pushes two fingers into your soaking wet cunt is pornographic, long and loud. He curls them upward, stroking incessantly at your g spot and spots appear in your vision. The last coherent thought you have is, fuck he really knows what he's doing. 
You come with a strangled scream of his name, then it's all just white light and searing ecstasy as you ride out your orgasm. Your pulse and the feel of Eddie's hair taut in your fingers are the only things keeping you on planet Earth. 
Eddie just about holds it together, fingers working you through your release. You screamed his name. He almost came in his pants right then and there. The sound of you screaming his name is now a new core memory. He's sure he will replay it in his head many times with his fist on his cock.
Your back finally touching the carpet again, you tear Eddie's head away from your pussy and coax him none too gently upward. He hovers over your mouth, a little worried about kissing you when his face is covered with your release, but that worry turns into shock when you push his head forcefully towards yours and slip your tongue in his mouth. 
You can't help but moan at the taste of yourself in his mouth. The moan sounds low in your throat, buzzing into Eddie's mouth so low he feels it in his dick. Seems you weren't lying when you said mommy is dirty too. 
Suddenly Eddie's world turns sideways as you flip him onto his back, pushing his thighs apart with your knee. His scent, the feel of his skin, it's intoxicating. Before you realise what you're doing, you're sucking a love bite into the side of his neck, hard. 
Trailing lips and manicured nails down his torso, you pause at the fly of his jeans. You look up at him through your lashes. 
"This OK Eddie?" 
"Erm… oh God yes?" 
You giggle girlishly, flicking the button of his jeans undone and unzipping the fly gently. Relishing in the moment, you guide him to lift his hips and pull his jeans and boxers down slowly, unwrapping him like a gift.  
And what a fucking gift. 
As you pull his jeans and underwear down to his knees, his hardened cock springs out, coming to rest on his abdomen. It's big, the biggest you think you've seen in real life. Blushing a pretty pink at the tip, a pearl of pre cum sits on the slit at the top. 
Eddie takes your stillness as judgement, he can't help but fill in the silence. 
"Sorry, it's er, it's not like, impressive or anything- oh fuck" 
His apologies are interrupted when you take the tip in your mouth, sucking up the pre cum that glistens there. You roll the tip around your mouth, amazed at the fact he tastes so good. 
Breaking away with a pop, you reply, looking at him as you fist his length slowly with one hand. 
"Eddie, you're really, really big." 
"Really?" He doesn't look convinced, leaning up on his elbows to look at you. 
"Really. You're huge Eddie." 
"Yeah?" An edge of disbelief coats his voice, but he's smiling. 
"Biggest I've seen." 
Eddie's smile is damn near splitting his face in half. 
"So, could I get that in writing or- Jesus fuckin' Christ!" 
You take him in your mouth again, fitting as much as you can, fisting the rest in your hand. The groans and whimpers coming from Eddie's mouth are downright obscene. The wetter you get him, the louder he gets, so you dribble purposely all over your fist, letting it drip down to his balls. 
Eddie's eyes keep trying to roll back but he won't let them, he refuses. He needs to see this, to see you. The slick sounds your hand and mouth are creating are making him fizz from the inside out, each movement is making him want to blow his load in that perfect practised mouth. 
Sammy's mom is sucking my fucking dick dry. 
He's trying to get his head around this impossible situation but it's so outlandish he wants to laugh. Or cry. Or scream. He settles on moaning, hand resting on the back of your head, stroking encouraging circles. 
"Fuck, you're- you're too good at this, holy shit!" 
Relinquishing his length with a sodden wet noise, you fist his length, running your thumb over his tip and lapping at his balls. Taking one in your mouth and playfully sucking, he nearly busts right then and there. 
"OK sweetheart, I-I can't hold back if you, fuck, if you d-do that-" 
You finally unhand him with a cheeky smile and straddle him, your underwear the only barrier between your sex and his throbbing length. 
"You OK there champ?" You ask, a mischievous grin plastered all over your face as you drag your perfect nails down his chest. 
"Y-yeah, I'm fine, I-" Eddie grabs your hand, stopping you in your tracks, "Please give me a minute, please." 
Eddie's eyes are big, wide and wet. Almost like a lost puppy. You're torn between wanting to hold him close, look after him, and fucking him hard until he cries. 
Suddenly he looks concerned, eyes growing impossibly wider. 
"I don't have, a-a condom or anything-" 
You chuckle lowly, bringing his hand to your lips, kissing softly at his knuckles. 
"Eddie, baby, I had my tubes tied years ago. It's OK. If it's OK with you?" 
Holy shit. Sammy's mom wants to ride me raw. Jesus Christ. 
His head is spinning; he realises he's nodding so hard he may have whiplash. You smirk at his response, the rigorous nodding and wide eyed look is just doing something to your insides; twisting them up, making you hungry. 
Maybe that's why you do what you do. You wink at him, and swing your leg over, pushing your underwear to the side once again. Though this time, you're straddling him backwards, round ass on display as you tease the head of his cock with your soaking wet lips. 
As you sink down onto him, you hear the guttural moan that strikes out from his soul almost, travelling swiftly to your core. He's big, you weren't lying. You feel each vein, each ridge, as you seat yourself fully onto his cock. 
This boy has no idea what he's packing. 
Jesus Christ, the spots this impressive length can reach are unreal. You bounce on him slowly, revelling in the stretch. He's throbbing underneath you, inside you. The sensation makes you moan wantonly, feeling sexier than you've felt in years. 
Eddie's mesmerised by your ass, watching it bounce on his dick, drooling at the shake of it when it plunges back down. His eyes are drawn to your tight hole, half hidden by the pricey underwear that still adorns you. Just a tiny slip of lace hugged in your ass cheeks. 
He's already pushed his luck; he's well aware of that fact. The arousal pumping through him has him throwing caution to the wind however, so he sucks his thumb, getting it nice and wet, and pushes it against your asshole.
It surprises you, sure, but you're moaning louder at his bold move. 
Eddie's reeling, dizzy at your reaction. He was expecting at least for you to just slap his hand away, but if anything you speed up and make even more noise. Fuck, if you could get more perfect, you just did. He pushes his digit in, feeling you clench around it, riding him for all he's worth. 
"Oh fuck, Eddie!" 
It's too much for you to take, being filled in both holes, riding him hard and fast until your vision is blurring and spots are in your eyes. Your release startles you, a fuzzy feeling filling you up from the inside out and exploding from your cunt in a gush. 
Reality seeps in as you come down from your high; pain in your knees searing up your leg. 
"Sweetheart, I need to get on top, please." 
It's a relief you're not prepared to admit to as you climb off, legs twitching and knackered. 
Near collapsing on the floor, Eddie's on you, falling in his excitement. He's forgotten his jeans are still woven around his ankles. He kicks them off and slides between your spread legs. 
"Can I take your panties off now sweetheart?" 
What he's not saying, is he really doesn't want to miss what might be the only time he gets to see you naked. You oblige, lifting up your hips so he can wrestle the sodden garment off you. 
As if you can hear his prayers, you unhook your bra too, flinging it toward the couch. Eddie's nearly having a heart attack; it's hammering hard in his chest, the only thing stopping it from bursting out is his ribcage. The sight of you, nude, beneath him? It's unravelling him in a way he didn't know was possible. 
So he loses it for a moment, burying his head in the valley of your breasts, licking and sucking as if his life depended on it. Your nipples stand to attention at his ministrations, yet your core hums at the lack of attention. 
"Eddie, please, I need you inside me." 
Fuck this is unreal. She's so beautiful and she's begging for me. Feels like a dream. 
But it's not a dream. He's pressing his quivering length against you again and your pussy is swallowing him up as if it's hungry for him. 
You let him in, his hard member spearing you, humping into you hard and rough. You groan against him, fingernails finding leverage in his broad shoulders. 
His arms hook under your sweaty knees, pulling them hard against your torso, angling himself to fuck into you mercilessly. 
"Fuck, you feel- so fuckin' good" He stammers out, slamming his hips into you. 
You're beyond words, screaming his name like it's the only word you know. 
"You gonna come again? Please, fuck, please come, I need it, I need it baby please" His babbling words fire out at you, driving you ceaselessly to another orgasm. 
Fingers wind between your heaving forms, running urgent circles over your clit. They slip and slide against your sodden nub, desperately seeking to get you to that precipice. You moan, and moan, and finally clench and scream his name, voice hard, burning in your throat.
Eddie can't take it, not the way your cunt is grabbing onto him so tightly, constricting his dick as if it's afraid he'll leave. He stutters his hips and grunts his own release deep into you. 
For a minute he doesn't stop, He refuses to stop. He doesn't want it to be over. So, he fucks his cum into you until it's impossible to continue and finally comes up for air. 
You envelop his lips into a suffocating kiss, swollen lips and tongue and spit. Messy and passionate, he returns it, glad that you still want to kiss him at the end of all things. 
Though, you don't want it to be over. His touch, his feel, his taste, you could soak it up, roll around in it forever, wrap yourself in his arms and stay. A mad thought. A maddening thought. 
Eddie slips from inside you making you frown at the loss. His smile is soaked in mischief however, as he starts to kiss down your front again, burying his head in the deep valley of your breasts, tongue lathering over the supple flesh and moving downwards. 
He's never, ever, felt the need to taste himself on another. As a matter of fact, if you had told him yesterday he would feel the desperate urge to press his tongue into a pussy that is dripping with his own cum he would have laughed in your face. But, this is your pussy. Your tight wet cunt, and he needs to taste it. He needs it like he needs air to breathe. For a second he stares up at you with big soulful eyes. 
"I wanna taste what we made." 
His words are shooting into the pulse spilling from your core.
"Really?" Your words drip in perplexity, amazed that any man would want that, but the thought lingers, making you realise that you want that. 
No further time wasted, he dives into your dripping core, tongue dragging through your aching lips. For a moment it's too much, until it drops into pleasure; pleasure that you sink into, melting under his touch. 
Eddie laps furiously at your clit, both of your releases dripping from his chin. He sinks thick fingers inside, squelching into your soft heat. 
Wordlessly, he takes his fingers out and reaches them up to your face. His eyes are trained on you, flat of his tongue rubbing against your swollen nub. 
Hesitantly, you take in the sight of his sticky fingers, before you take them into your mouth, sucking and hollowing your cheeks. The taste is indescribable; it's salty, sweet, tangy, each separate flavour hitting your tongue differently, fuelling your desires.
You're making Eddie's dreams come true with that gesture. Your trust in him, your filthiness, the way your tongue works against his fingers, it's all shooting to his heart, and his cock. He's impossibly hard again, groaning into your cunt. 
Another release is speeding toward you. You can feel yourself hurtling towards it, free falling into ecstasy. You grip around his wrist, fingers digging bruises into the tendons as your orgasm rushes out of you in a string of curse words. 
He moves back up your body and you envelop his slicked lips in a firm kiss. To your surprise, you can feel his hard member digging into your thigh. It's been a long time since you've been with anyone who couldn't go more than one round before rolling over and falling asleep. The joys of youth. 
"You OK Eddie?" You ask between breath-taking kisses. 
"OK? I'm fucking amazing sweetheart. Feel like I just won the lottery or something" He huffs a laugh, nudging the tip of his nose with yours. 
"You, erm-" you begin, feeling almost embarrassed, "-you wanna go again?" 
"Oh hell yeah." 
His tip is already begging at your entrance but you place a firm hand to his chest, stilling his movements. 
"Eddie, upstairs? My back is killing me." You admit it, the hard floor giving you aches and pains. 
"Fuck, yeah, sorry. Come on" practically leaping up, he holds out his hand to you and you grasp it in yours. You giggle at his eagerness, the sight of him stark naked leaping up the stairs three at a time stoking your amusement. 
This might be inappropriate, it might be a bit wrong, but damn, this is fun. Having someone desire you so much, who wants to fuck you over and over? Morals can kick in tomorrow. Tonight, you have a gorgeous young man aching to give you more. 
"Hey, you still here?" 
You look up, distracted from your musings of last night. God, that boy had some stamina. 
"Wow, that date must have been good! You going to spill? Come on, tell me about it!" 
Blushing, you sip the glass of wine in front of you. Karen Wheeler had popped round unannounced with a bottle and you were sitting around your kitchen table whilst she grilled you about why you were smiling so much. She would lose her shit if she knew who you were smiling about. 
"I mean, I can't really talk about it." You mumble around your glass. 
"Oh God, why? Oh, he's married, I bet he's married! You naughty thing!" Her words are admonishing, but her cheeks are glowing. She's loving every minute of this. 
Why not? At least that would explain it away. 
"Yeah, he's married." 
"Oh my you're terrible!" She cackles, laughing. "How was he?" 
"I don't know what you're talking about Karen." 
"Oh, come on you're practically glowing! I know that look" She says, nodding sagely. 
"OK, look" You say, taking a gulp of wine for composure and a deep breath before it rushes out of your mouth in a torrid whisper. 
"It was fucking incredible, like toe curling incredible, you know? And he just kept going, I mean, honestly? The best I've ever had." 
Karen coughs and nods pointedly behind you. Glancing over your shoulder, you see him. 
Eddie. Fuck. 
He's standing there nonchalantly, leaning on the doorframe with a Cheshire cat grin. 
"Sorry for the interruption, just grabbing a couple beers." 
He bounces into the kitchen and fetches two beers from the fridge. 
"Me and Sammy are just working on the campaign. I'll er, leave you ladies to it." 
He practically skips out the room, leaving you red faced. 
"That Eddie?" You nod, face red as a beetroot. 
"He's grown up, hasn't he?" 
You steer away from this line of questioning, mortified that he heard what you said. 
"Only on the outside. You want a top up?" She agrees with a grin as you fill her glass up and she regales you with all the poolside gossip. When the bottle is done, she leaves with a wink, saying she'll keep your secret. If she only knew what that was. 
Eddie's on cloud nine right now, bouncing up the stairs three at a time. 
The best she's ever had. The best she's ever had. 
It's in his mind, playing in a loop. His mantra, a quote that will live deep in his chest from now until forever after. 
The best she's ever had. 
He flings the door open and flounces into Sammy's room, banging a beer down on the bedside table. 
"A beverage for you, good fellow!" 
"Aha! Fine work m'lord!" Sammy twists the cap off, tossing it in the bin. Eddie does the same, twisting to face the waste paper basket, and takes a long swig. 
"Eddie you dirty fuck." 
He freezes, ice pouring down his spine. Spinning on his heel, he turns to face Sammy.
"What are you on about?" He asks, a fake smile masking the fear that had bottomed out in his stomach. 
"I see the panties you've got in your back pocket, red ones. They're poking out! Dude, did you get lucky last night?" Sammy smirks, swigging his own beer.
He couldn't help himself. He swiped them when he was leaving. They were still wet, soaked with a mixture of his spit and your release. He'd sniffed them and got himself off twice this morning. 
Chill out. Sammy's grinning. He's got no clue who they belong to. 
Eddie relaxes and grins smugly back, laying on the floor, his back against the bed. 
"Oh, you have no idea." 
Humming to yourself, you sort through the dirty clothes in the laundry room, separating darks and lights. 
Your thoughts drift yet again to that messy haired rocker. His large hands, his tight torso, his dick. Fuck, his dick. 
Shaking your head, you do what you can to rid your brain of your salacious thoughts, loading the washer a little more forcefully than you necessarily needed to. 
You hear the unmistakable click of the door behind you. Not bothering to turn, you huff as you shut the washer lid with a bang. 
"I swear to God Sammy if you need a shirt for tonight I've already-" 
"Hey sweetheart." 
Flipping to face the door, there he is. Arms folded across his slender chest, smug smirk spread stickly across his features, he stares at you. 
"Eddie, you need to leave." 
Your tone is stern, but your bottom lip disappears into your mouth, being nibbled at by your teeth. 
"You sure? Thought you might wanna see me. You know, since I'm the best you ever had." 
"Eddie shut the fuck up!" You hiss between your teeth, eyes flashing to the door. 
"Sweetheart, Sammy's fallen asleep. He had a long night. You know what that's like." 
"Eddie, that was a one time thing. God, it's not like this can go anywhere, so why are you here?" 
Tapping your foot impatiently, he closes the gap between you, cornering you between the wall and the washing machine. 
You want to be angry; to push him away and leave, but the pounding of your pulse between your legs betrays you. 
As if he knows, he slots his leg between yours, denim clad thigh hovering near your throbbing heat, pushing your sundress up in the process. 
"I know. Fuck, I'm well aware. I just wanna- help you out. Like, an arrangement" He smiles, knuckles reaching up to stroke your cheek. 
Before you manage to form words, he's on his knees in front of you, large palms running over your bare thighs. 
That's all he says, wet doe eyes wide, gleaming up at you as if you were some sort of goddess and he was kneeling at your altar. 
Eddie's begging to the old Gods and the new; fuck it, to anyone who might be listening. He wants you, with everything he has. Each fibre is burning for you. He thought it might go away after last night, but it was simply a taste. A drop of water doesn't quench an undying thirst. 
This little sundress is doing nothing to sate his hunger for you. The flimsy material clings in all the right places, forcing his eyes to trail over your curves like a man starved. 
Without a thought in your head, you wind your fingers into Eddie's hair, relishing the feel of his hot breath on your naked thighs. Guiding his head forward, you shudder as his lips trace across your flesh. 
Eddie lifts your dress up, reaching desperately to pull your panties off and away before you change your mind. Slick sticking to them, he pulls them down, watching as they gradually peel from your core. 
He sits on his heels, eyes flitting from your eyes to your cunt. 
"Sweetheart, please. I just wanna- I wanna help you with your needs. Fuck, with my needs." 
Nodding emphatically, you tug at his hair, drawing him in. 
Eddie counts his blessings and dives straight at your pussy, lapping between the folds just like you taught him. 
"Oh God" you moan aloud, then bite at your hand to stop your noises. Flicking one leg over his shoulder, you force his head as close as you can, nearly riding his face. 
If anything, Eddie is a quick learner, at least when it comes to you. 
His tongue is electric, hitting all of the right spots. He feels your cunt on his tongue, leaving hot and heavy licks. Running his hand up your thigh again, he presses his thumb against your clenching hole, wiggling into your slick drenched pussy. 
"Eddie, yes!" You whisper, fingers pulling at his curls incessantly. Eyes rolling back, you rut your hips into him, on the brink of falling apart.
White hot light sears your eyelids as you  come with a stifled cry, cunt undulating around his thick digit. 
Yanking his head away from you by the roots of his hair, you cannot fail to hear the unmistakable moan that spills from his lips. 
Eddie's staring up at you dumbfounded, as if you created the universe just for him. 
Panting, you stare back down at him, his lips parted and shining with your orgasm. 
"Eddie, holy hell." 
He stands, wiping the slick from his face with the back of his hand, though it does nothing to remove the grin. 
Against every better judgement, you grab him by the shirt and pull him closer, lips nearly touching. 
"You- you can't tell anyone about this, OK? Not a soul, understood?" 
If it were possible, his grin grows even wider, palm resting at your waist. 
"I can be discreet." He whispers as he presses his lips to yours. Winding fingers into his hair, you deepen the kiss, tongue moving expertly between his parted lips to taste him, and you. 
Eddie pulls away reluctantly. 
"I better go." 
As he moves to the door, hand hovering over the handle, you call out to him. 
"Eddie, wait." 
Turning his head, he looks at you. 
"Sammy's seeing Tiff again tonight, and er, Johnny's still at his grandma's." 
"Good to know." He winks and leaves. What you don't know is that he does a mini victory dance once the door is shut, fists pumping in the air with sheer joy. 
He doesn't know how long this is going to last, but he'll take every single second he can get with you whilst you let him. 
Taglist (just some likely candidates ;) )
@cursedyuta @eddiesprincess86 @munson-blurbs @rip-quizilla @emsgoodthinkin @josephquinnsfreckles @zestychili @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @eiightysixbaby @lightvixxen @ali-r3n @usedtobecooler @roanniom
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ham-st4r · 1 year
𝑼𝒏𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 - 𝑳. 𝑯𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒖𝒏𝒈
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❦PAIRING: heeseung + female reader!❦
❦WARNINGS: mentions of intimacy, angst, taboo relationship, small age gap, child abuse, cheating, (not reader) mentions of illegal racing & weed smoking, kissing, alcohol, selling drugs, divorce, violence, blood, injuries, cursing, crying (not as intense as it sounds but I did want to make sure I added all the warnings)
❦GENRE: step-mom reader, stepson heeseung, dysfunctional family, slow burn.
❦SUMMARY: in which you move in with your husband after your wedding, everything is perfect except for one thing, no matter what, you can't seem to get close to his son. Even after a year of knowing each other, you hadn't even spoken ten words until his 21st birthday rolled around, and funny enough he was the surprising you.
Find your way around!
Hello, this is my longest fic so far, so I hope it's okay. Please leave feedback and reblog! thanks so much, happy reading.
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It had already been two months since you moved in with your husband, and things couldn't have been better. He gave you a key to the house and even bought a car for you as a welcoming gift which you thought was over the top, but he assured you that it was more than okay and that you deserved it, which made you fall for him even more if that was possible.
In the beginning, your parents weren't too fond of you marrying an older man when you were still in your late 20's it took a while to convince them, but he really made you happy, and when you introduced him to your parents over dinner, and they saw how radiant you were when you were with him they gave you their blessing, and you couldn't have been happier.
There was just one tiny little problem.
More like a big problem.
No matter what you did, his son heeseung wouldn't even spare you a glance, not when you first met, not at the wedding, and not since the day you moved in, absolutely nothing.
You knew it was probably hard for him to go through all this, especially as a twenty-year-old getting used to having a mom or (stepmom) all over again, but you've been in his life for about a year now, and he still hasn't warmed up to you yet.
"I don't think he likes me," you sighed as you cuddled up next to your husband on the couch in the living room.
He wrapped his arms around you to comfort you. "Don't worry, honey. I'm sure he'll come around soon. He's just adjusting to the new house and everything," he reassures you.
"I hope so." You said with a sad smile.
That conversation happened last month, and he still hasn't made any effort to communicate with you.
You've tried various things to get his attention, like taking him shopping or making his favorite foods. Nothing worked, but his twenty-first birthday was right around the corner, and you were going to try to use the special day as a way to get closer and bond with him.
You noted that he enjoyed listening to music like a lot, so you had bought him the airpod max hoping he enjoyed them.
You could only hope he didn't think you were trying to buy his affection cause you really weren't. You just wanted to get to know your son.
And speaking of your son, he didn't tell you where he was off to when he left earlier this morning, and when you asked him, he just slammed the door in your face without saying goodbye, which wasn’t surprising to you anymore.
You initially called your husband, but he didn't pick up the phone, which also wasn’t surprising anymore. You figured he was just working overtime like he often does.
But luckily for you, he had given you heeseung's phone number in case of emergencies, and to you, this was an emergency he left in the morning, and it was now midnight with no word from him, so naturally, you were worried about him.
Thankfully your worried heart was put to ease when he answered on the first ring, and you breathed a sigh of relief. "What?" His tone was cold and harsh, just like it had always been, but right now, you didn't care. You were just happy he answered.
"Are you okay? Where are you? What time are you coming home?" You said in a worrisome tone.
You could hear him sigh on the other end. "I'll be back soon" you could barely hear him from all the loud noise in the background.
"Okay, I'll heat up dinner for you when you arrive. Drive saf-" your shoulders slumped down in defeat when he abruptly ended the call.
Another hour had passed, and you began to worry again, but the keys jingling outside the door made you jump to your feet excitedly. At least one of your boys was finally home.
"Hey!" You greeted. "I'll go get you something to eat. I'm sure you're starving" Heeseung didn't even pay you any attention. Instead, he took his shoes off at the door and made his way upstairs to his room.
You could only watch him with a frown on your face once he was out of sight. You could have sworn you smelled the scent of weed coming off him, and you furrowed your brows. You didn't know he smoked, which made you wonder if your husband knew you made a mental note to ask him when he came home from work later on.
Which was apparently not going to be tonight, it was already two in the morning, and you fought to keep your eyes open so you could greet him when he came back, but as the clock struck 2:02 am, you found yourself shuffling off to your shared bedroom drifting off to sleep just minutes later.
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The next morning you woke up to an empty bed, and you assumed you had overslept and hubby was already at work. However, when you turned to face the clock, it was ten in the morning. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes, double-checking the time, and your eyes were correct. Maybe he worked all night or had to take the early shift. You'd just have to call him and figure it out later.
You got up and stretched for a while before going to the bathroom to wash up a bit.
Once you finished and went downstairs, you were pleasantly surprised to see heeseung dining at the table. "Morning," you greeted him with your croaky morning voice and a gentle smile as you made yourself a cup of coffee.
He didn't say anything, but that was to be expected. He never talked to you during breakfast. Since you moved in, you never had dinner as a family. It has always just been you and your husband occasionally while heeseung stayed in his room doing god knows what or you and heeseung sitting in absolute silence.
Once your coffee was ready, you joined him and quietly sipped your hot beverage. "I was really worried about you last night," you confess. You didn't want him to get up and leave when you tried to talk to him, but you wanted to express that you cared, and if that made him upset, you were willing to take that chance.
He looked at you briefly and took a spoonful of his cereal.
You took that as a sign to continue. "You don't have to tell me anything, but please just be home sooner than midnight," you spoke softly, just barely above a whisper, so you wouldn't scare him away.
He only gave you a small nod, but that was enough for a smile to spread across your face since he had finally acknowledged your presence.
You and him continued to have breakfast in comfortable silence until the front door opened and startled you slightly. "I'm home~" your husband sang as he stepped inside and took off his shoes.
You got up from your chair and ran over to him excitedly, wrapping your arms around his back and giving him a peck on the lips. "I missed you," you pouted, and he poked your cheek with a smile on his face.
"I missed you more" you grabbed his warm hand and led him to the kitchen table.
"We were just having breakfast. Would you like me to cook you something?" Before he could respond, heeseung had stood up and washed his unfinished cereal down the drain, and took off to his room.
You looked at your husband with sad eyes and sat on one of the kitchen chairs. "Why the sad face honey?" he stroked your cheek with his thumb lightly, and you leaned into his warm touch. "Hey, look at me" he tilted your head up slightly, staring at your beautiful eyes. "You had breakfast together again. That's a win, right?"
You’ve been having breakfast with heeseung since you moved in, and nothing has changed. It didn’t help you get closer with him, but you tried to stay positive, and you supposed your husband was right.
"Right" you got up from your seat and kissed his cheek. "I'll make some pancakes. How does that sound?"
"That sounds lovely." He agreed and gave you that beautiful smile of his.
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"I don't want to kill the mood," you mumbled as you cut into your fresh plate of pancakes. "But last night when heeseung came home, he reeked of weed" you bit your bottom lip nervously as you awaited his reaction.
He just chuckled in response. "Honey, he's been like that for years. Don't worry about it." He dismissed.
"Has he been coming home past midnight for years too?" You hadn't noticed this behavior until last night. Usually, you were in bed by ten, but since you stayed up late waiting for your husband to come home, you were up late enough to encounter this apparent habit of heeseungs.
He dropped his fork and grabbed your hand. "Yes, ever since the divorce," he sighed. "He's just been very troubled. I've tried to talk to him about it, but he shuts me out all the time."
You wonder how bad the divorce must’ve been for heeseung to act this way. Your husband always said it was the past and that he didn’t want to talk about it, and you respected those boundaries, but you were still curious.
"Maybe I should talk to him," you suggested. After all, maybe it was the lack of a mother in his life that made him act this way. Maybe you could be there for him in a way his father couldn't.
He let go of your hand and clenched his jaw. "I told you I've already tried."
"But maybe I could try a different approach" you were adamant about the idea cause if heeseung was struggling. Naturally, you wanted to help him.
"Fine," he threw up his hands. "You'll just be wasting your time" your brows creased in confusion at his response. He had never acted this way before when you and him talked about heeseung's behavior, but before you thought too deeply about it, you assumed he was just tired and let the conversation go for now.
He abruptly stood up from the table and went to the bedroom, leaving you alone with three plates of unfinished food.
Heeseung had just come downstairs, and he looked like he was going out. Judging by the clothes he had on, he glanced at you, and you tried to hide your hurt expression by giving him a weak smile.
He eyed the table noticing there was a plate in front of his chair where he usually sat, and it was untouched.
He checked the time, and he supposed he could spare a minute or two. He rejoined you at the table, devouring your pancakes like it was his last meal on earth.
You smiled slightly as you watched him eat in silence. "Aren't you going to eat?" He mumbles after taking a sip of water.
You nearly jumped in surprise when he spoke to you, but you quickly composed yourself. "Yes," you whispered and resumed eating your pancakes, and even though they were cold, you ate every last bite with a smile, cherishing this rare moment with him.
Once he finished, he took his dishes to the sink and washed them along with the bowl he had left from earlier.
“Bye, heeseung” you gave him a tiny wave from the kitchen that he didn’t bother to return.
He put his shoes on at the door, and without another word, he was gone.
But at least there was progress, or so you thought.
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You're sure that someone would have probably thought you were crazy with just how many decorations you had bought for your son's birthday, but hey, it was your first time celebrating the special day with him, and well, you wanted it to be special.
Unfortunately, earlier in the morning, when you were getting ready to go shopping, your husband informed you he wouldn't be home which totally ruined your whole entire mood. It seemed like everything went against you when it came to getting together as an actual family. If heeseung wasn't abruptly walking out of the room every time his dad entered, then his dad would be leaving for work nothing seemed to be working out for you.
"Can't you just call in? just this one time?" You all but begged him to stay home for Heeseung's birthday.
"No, I can't," he said flatly as he put on his dress coat. "He'll be fine. I always miss his birthday, whether it’s a business trip or for work, and besides, he's got you now" he turned around and flashed you a quick smile.
"Yeah," you mutter sadly while he kisses your cheek and waves goodbye to you.
You sighed at the earlier memory, but you weren't going to let it get your spirits down, especially when heeseung’s room was now decorated from head to toe. You smiled to yourself at the finished product taking a picture and sending it to your husband since he couldn't be there.
Now all that was left to do was wait for the birthday boy.
Heeseung trudged up the stone path to his house, sighing loudly when he saw the empty parking lot, which was a sign that his dad wasn't home.
"Seven years in a row," he mumbled sadly as tears welled in his eyes. He's not sure why he even still cared if his dad celebrated his birthday with him or not.
You'd think after seven years of hating his dad, he'd be over it by now, but he wasn't.
He remembers all those years ago when his mother did her best to make him feel loved going as far as inviting all his friends over to celebrate his birthday, but no matter how many people showed up, nothing could replace the absence of his father, not even the outrageous amount of gifts he received could replace that relationship he so desperately wanted with his dad.
Heeseung doesn't even know when it all started. All he knew was one day, he was a small child enjoying picnics at the park every Sunday after church, and the next moment he was a young teen, and his mom had turned into an alcoholic once she found out her husband was cheating on her, and just like that, everything fell to pieces and the perfect family was ruined all because of his piece of shit father.
Unfortunately, since heeseung was so young back then, he didn't have a choice in who he wanted to take custody of him after the divorce, and sadly there was no chance of him living with his mom. She didn't have enough money and a stable home for him to even stay in, so naturally, he was stuck with his father for the time being.
But now that he's a full-grown adult, he could make his own decisions about where he wanted to live, but stupidly enough, he was waiting and hoping that his father would change and that he would somehow care about him the way he used to but after two years of hoping heeseung had given up and decided to take his life into his own hands.
Which was probably not the best choice, but he needed money to move sooner than later, and a nine-to-five just wasn't going to cut it, especially cause he was secretly helping his mom get by cause, of course, his mother’s well being was no concern of his fathers, So naturally heeseung had resorted to the quickest way to make loads of money by selling drugs, betting, and racing illegally. It wasn't safe, but it was a safe bet to get him where he needed to be, and that was out from under the roof of his heartless father.
Especially right now, he's never wanted to leave so bad the fact that his dad had the fucking audacity to remarry was baffling to heeseung. He had the perfect wife, and he fucked it up for some random woman that he'd never see again, and that angered heeseung to the point that he couldn't even fathom he couldn't believe that his precious mother was brought down and reduced to absolutely nothing at the hands of his own father the thought made him feel sick.
And now that his father was doing the same thing with you made him feel even more sick. He never saw you as his mother. That’s for sure no one could ever replace her, not in a million years, but he could tell you were a good girl, and you were trying, which he appreciated. Even though he didn't show it, and even so, you still did your best and put up with his attitude to bring the family together, and you just had this glow that could change the whole atmosphere from dull and uninteresting to happy and cheerful, something his father didn't deserve he doesn't deserve your kindness because even after he fucked up with his first wife he didn't learn from his mistakes cause he was still going out behind your back every single night.
Heeseung wanted to tell you so badly about his dad’s unholy doings, but he didn't know if that was his secret to tell, so he stayed quiet. But right now, he didn't really care about respecting his father's privacy anymore cause not only was he cheating on his own son's birthday, but he was also out cheating behind your back, just like the old days.
You didn't deserve such treatment in heeseung's eyes. You deserved a real man, someone who could appreciate you for all your efforts and hard work, someone who could be there for you instead of leaving you home alone for ten hours a day, someone who could love you the right way.
Heeseung feels so terrible for even thinking about you like that, but fuck, it was impossible for him not to. You were the perfect wife. Quite literally, everything about you was ideal for him.
He could see himself in his father's position so easily coming home from work to be greeted by you with warm hugs and kisses and a hot meal waiting for him on the table.
Except with him, it would be so different. He would answer all your calls, he would never come home late without telling you first, he'd give you massages when you were tired, and he would appreciate you for every little thing that you do.
Cause that's what you deserved, not a pathetic excuse for a man like his father.
As he got closer and closer to the door typing in the security code, he hadn't realized it yet, but his tears had subsided, and maybe that's all it took was for his dad to miss his birthday one last time cause as he took his shoes off at the front door he didn't have that heavy feeling in his gut anymore if anything it felt like a weight had been lifted and he could finally let go.
This felt like the last time his dad had to prove himself, and when heeseung came home to an empty parking lot, he accepted the fact that his father would never care about him the same way again, and as much as that hurt him in the beginning, it also felt like a relief cause now he didn't have to hang onto any false hope how could he when his own father gave him absolutely nothing to hang onto.
He was finally free, and he accepted his fucked up reality for what it was, something he wished he would have done years ago.
But, at least he can say he tried cause he really fucking did, no matter how painful it had been.
The house was oddly quiet normally. You would have been running down the stairs to greet him, but you were nowhere in sight, which made him frown.
He'd never ever ever ever admit to you that he liked it when you greeted him, that he liked it when you cooked his favorite dishes and liked how you worried about him and his safety when he was out late.
Cause god knows he loves all those things about you. Sometimes he'd leave the house just to hear you say bye, and he knows that sounds pathetic, but it's true.
He hated that he couldn't reciprocate your cheerful attitude. He wanted to so bad, and he almost slipped up so many times, but he was afraid that once that happened, there would be no going back. He was already basically in love with you at this point, and if he had to engage with you every day in a friendly manner, he'd be a goner, so instead, he gave you the cold shoulder and acted harshly towards you and it hurt him to know that he was hurting you, but if he ever acted on his desires for you he knows he'd ruin the family just like his father did, and he never wanted to be like his father ever.
He quietly made his way to the kitchen keeping his noise to a minimum, assuming you must have been tired and had gone to sleep early.
He decided to eat one of the apples you had bought from the market the other day. You had been talking about how good they were, and he remembered the sad look on your face when his stupid ugly, nasty father rejected them, saying. "I OnLy eaT oRgaNic fRuiT."
Oh, how heeseung wished he could have stuffed all those apples down his dad's throat at that very moment.
As heeseung bit into the apple, a smile unknowingly spread across his face. You were right. They were delicious, or maybe it was just cause you bought them, who really knows, but he enjoyed every last bite of it before throwing the core into the trash barrel and jogging upstairs to wash up for bed, not knowing that he was about to nearly have a heart attack after he opened his door.
"Surprise!" You popped out from hiding behind his door and held a cake with two big candles reading twenty-one on it. "Happy birthday, heeseung!" You smiled brightly.
His eyes went as wide as saucers as they scanned all the decorations. There were white, green, and purple balloons decorating his ceiling, and on the cake was his favorite cartoon character, buzz light year.
He couldn't do it.
He couldn't treat you harshly anymore, not after something like this. How could he?
This was far more than anything he could ever ask for, and he couldn't help but tear up. How did you know he loved Toy Story? His dad didn't even know that, not that that's saying much, but still, he couldn't believe that someone actually paid enough attention to him to even notice.
His silence was making you nervous, but before you could start overthinking, he quickly blew out the candles and set the cake on his nightstand, pulling you into one of the tightest hugs you've ever felt.
"Thank you, y/n, thank you so much," he cried on your shoulder, and you were shocked. You were not expecting this type of reaction from him, but you thoroughly enjoyed it and quickly hugged him back.
"You're welcome, birthday boy" you ruffled his hair, and it was difficult for you not to cry as well. Your son was finally hugging you for the first time since you met.
You rubbed his back gently as his cries started to die down a bit, and he pulled away from the hug, looking at you with teary eyes. It took everything in him not to kiss you right now, and he's thankful that you broke eye contact with him first. Otherwise, he probably would have done something really stupid. "Come on, let's open your presents" you wiped the tears off his cheeks, and he smiled before closing his door and joining you on his bed. "Okay, first one," you handed him the box excitedly. It was a Ferrari Lego set wrapped in Toy Story themed paper.
He didn't want to ruin your beautiful wrapping, but he couldn't contain his excitement as he ripped the paper off, gasping when he saw what was in his hands. "You didn't have to. How did you know?" You giggled at his reaction and nudged his shoulder playfully.
"Mothers know these kinds of things" he froze when you said that, being reminded of what this actually was a mother and son celebrating a birthday. He realized he was painting a different picture of what was actually happening inside his head, a more romantic one, so he calmed down his excitement while silently reminding himself that you only thought of him as your stepson, nothing more, nothing less. "Besides, your whole room is full of legos" you pointed to his shelf with all his little figurines, and he smiled at that, happy that at least someone paid attention to him.
"Thank you!" you felt saddened that he still hadn't called you mom yet, but your husband was right. It's the small wins that count. Heeseung would come around soon enough, you thought, especially after tonight.
"Okay, next!" You handed him another big box, and you couldn't wait for his reaction to this one.
"What did you get me?" He asked with a teasing smile. Honestly, being like this in front of you was easy for him. He felt light whenever you were around. Everything was just so carefree and comfortable. That's one of the many things he loved about you. Even if you two never spoke properly before, this felt natural, and he knew it did for you, too. He knows all the effort you put in to get closer to him, so he knew this meant a lot to you too, and he was grateful cause that let him know you cared and you didn't just give up on him like his parents did no matter how many times he treated you rough you were always patient with him which made him wonder how his worthless dad was lucky enough to get a girl as perfect as you.
"Open it and see" your cheeks hurt from smiling so much, but you were just so happy that he was finally opening up to you and letting you in. It made you feel so much joy that he trusted you to show you his real emotions. This moment meant the world to you, and you'd definitely never forget it.
"No way!" He stared at you in shock. "You're freaking crazy," he said, getting choked up as he examined the headphones.
You're not sure if he was crying cause of the present or the fact that he was finally celebrating this day with someone after so long, but it didn't matter to you as long as he was happy. "Do you like it?" You side-hug him and lean on his shoulder.
"Of course, y/n," he sniffles. "I love it" you leaned up, watching the smile that never left his face until he turned to look you dead in the eyes. "I love you" he used the opportunity to slip those words in just to let you know he knew you'd think of it in a mother-son way, but he didn't care as long as he got to tell you before he left.
Those words nearly brought tears to your eyes. That was even better than him calling you mom. You smiled brightly. You were so happy, and you couldn’t wait to tell your husband the news.
"I love you too" you quickly pecked his cheek as you stood up from his bed to grab the cake. "How about some cake?" He looked at you and nodded. "Come on," you said in a whisper and gestured downstairs.
"Can we eat it here?" He asks sheepishly, and if you didn't know any better, you'd think he was turning five and not twenty-one from his childish request, but who were you to say no to eating cake in bed?
He sat back on his bed and tucked his feet under him while the bed dipped down next to him from your weight. He swiped his finger along the cake, gathering some frosting and licking it off his finger. "Good?" You ask, laughing at the way he decided to eat it without a fork.
"Yeah," he mutters shyly as you do the same, tasting the sweet frosting and humming at its delicious taste nodding in agreement with him.
You both ate the chocolate cake until there was barely anything left, and he sat it back down on his nightstand before he joined you on the bed again.
"You don't know how much this means to me," he whispered and trailed off while playing with his fingers nervously.
He looked like he wanted to say more, so you waited patiently for him to continue like you always had.
"This was the best birthday ever," he breathed out and looked at you with an unreadable expression.
"I'm so happy to hear that" you smiled genuinely at him and gently patted his shoulder.
Before you could even register what was happening, he was leaning in and kissing you.
It was if time had stopped.
You were paralyzed when you felt his lips on yours. You couldn't react from your state of shock as your eyes widened. He continued kissing you, tilting his head slightly and brushing his lips over yours.
When he placed his hand on your knee, you finally were able to react to the situation, and you pushed him back roughly by his shoulders. "What the hell are you doing?" You wiped his saliva off your mouth and stood up, distancing yourself away from him as you caught your breath.
He immediately hung his head low, knowing that he had messed up big time. You could hear him sniffling lightly. "I'm sorry," he whispered as his voice cracked. "Y/n, I didn't mean to." He looked at you with tears now trickling down his face. "I-I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry" he got off his bed and reached for you, but you backed away from him further, and his heart ached when he saw the pure look of utter disgust on your face.
Your heart felt like it was about to leap out of your chest from how fast it was beating. You had no idea what to even think. Your mind was blank as you rushed out of his bedroom and into yours, locking the door behind you just in case he tried to follow you.
You curled up in bed and let the silence take over, trying to make sense of what the hell just happened.
As you were lost in thought, you heard a few soft knocks on the door, and you jumped slightly. "Y/n, please don't be mad at me," he pleaded softly, and you could hear the hurt in his tone. "Please…” he whispered shakily, and you heard a soft thud on the door when he rested his forehead against it.
For the next three minutes or so, you could hear him quietly sobbing outside your door, and you were torn on what to do. Your stepson had just kissed you out of the clear blue.
You didn't know if you should talk to him about it or not. Maybe he had been smoking and just made a mistake, but you can’t remember smelling any smoke.
You ruffled your hair in frustration and did the first thing that came to your mind.
You tried phoning your husband. Maybe he could give you some answers.
You just sighed when you heard the dial tone.
Of course, he didn't answer like usual it annoyed you that he could never answer his phone because of work. You knew he was more than likely in a meeting, and he couldn't be disturbed, but every time you needed him, he was never there. You knew that’s what you were getting into when you married such a busy man, but that didn’t make it any less upsetting.
You tossed your phone to the side and sighed loudly. You could still hear heeseung’s faint sniffles from behind the door.
"I know there’s no excuse for what I did, but for what it's worth, you made this birthday the best one yet" he dragged his index finger down the length of the door. "G-goodnight, y/n" he walked back to his room and lied on his bed, feeling absolutely terrible about himself. Not only did he kiss you without permission, but he also kissed a married woman. "What was I thinking?" He mumbled quietly into his pillow.
He knew exactly what he was thinking, and he let his emotions get the best of him, but it was so hard to control it when you looked at him so fondly. How could he not get emotional when you had set up all those things just for his birthday? How could he not get emotional when you remembered the things that he liked?
It's been almost a decade since he felt those types of emotions, and he wasn't ready to feel those things again, especially not with you, especially when he couldn't control his feelings for you.
All those thoughts, feelings, and emotions came over him so fast that he didn’t have time to second guess his actions, but as soon as his lips were no longer on yours, he realized that he had made an irreversible mistake.
The last thing he saw before he cried himself to sleep was his leftover cake on the nightstand.
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You woke up in the morning, and unfortunately, the first thought that came to mind was last night. You frustratedly massage at your temples, trying to rub out the headache while looking at the alarm clock that read 8:27am.
You turned to your husband and wrapped your arms around him, hoping to seek some comfort from him after what happened last night, but he rolled on his side after mumbling something about it being too hot as he scooted away from you.
That was another thing that has been troubling you lately. Maybe you were blowing things out of proportion from all the stress you had been carrying with you recently, but he seemed so standoffish lately he'd barely kiss you unless it was before he left to work, and god forbid you mentioned your worries about heeseung to him, he'd just blow you off, and tell you that heeseung was an adult that could do what he wanted.
But the worse part was you couldn't remember the last time he took you on a date or the last time he made love to you, and getting married only seemed to create distance between you both, and you hated it. You felt so alone being cooped up in the house all day. Sure, you'd go shopping sometimes, but that only took your mind off of things for a little while.
And heeseung never talked to you, so that made you feel even more alone, and after last night everything kind of just hit you like a ton of bricks. You felt more isolated than you ever have, and you had no one to talk to. You moved far from your parents, and the time zones were completely different. You hadn't contacted your friends in years, and now it was just you all alone by yourself to figure out what you should do after your stepson thought it would be okay to kiss you, and your husband was practically ignoring your needs as his wife.
This whole time you've been so worried about getting the mother approval stamp from heeseung that you barely even had time to focus on your life with your husband, and now that you realized that, it felt awful. 
"What do I do?" You whisper as tears well in your eyes, sobbing quietly so you wouldn’t wake your sleeping husband.
For the whole day, heeseung didn't even think about leaving his room. He just couldn't face you after what he did last night.
Remembering the look on your face was enough to have him curled up in bed until midnight.
Once he saw all the lights were shut off, that's when he decided to leave. He made his way to the door, and he almost shirked when he saw you lying on the sofa all by yourself.
He tiptoed to the door, praying you wouldn't wake up, and to his luck, you didn't. He hastily put his shoes on and haphazardly wore his jacket and went to his secret racing spot.
You stirred in your sleep. Once you heard the door shut, you must have passed out while watching tv again. "Babe?" You called out, but you got no answer. You turned the tv off and went to your bedroom to see your husband fast asleep. "He didn't wake me up?" You mumbled you were once again waiting for him to come home from work, but you fell asleep, and he didn't even think to wake you up before going to bed.
Which reminds you, if he wasn't the one leaving, then that must have meant it was heeseung, and it was past midnight since your talk with him over breakfast. He seemed to understand your concern for him being out so late and made it a point to come home no later than ten.
So why was he leaving past midnight again?
You wanted to call him and tell him to bring his butt home, but after last night you're not sure where he stood with you or where you stood with him, to be honest.
Heeseung didn't want to leave past midnight and make you worry, but after what happened the night of his birthday, he figured you didn't care about him coming or going cause he made you mad, and he hated knowing that he ruined the little relationship you had both formed just as quickly as it happened.
But if he looked on the bright side, at least now, you probably hated him and wouldn't try to get close to him anymore, so that was a good thing. Maybe that would help him suppress his feelings for you, and besides, he'd be leaving soon anyway, so how you felt about him didn't really matter.
He was going to use the money he made from his nightly races and drug deals to move out. He now had more than enough to afford his own place and live alone comfortably.
Of course, his dad wanted him out a lot sooner and would be more than happy to buy heeseung his own house to get him out of his hair, but heeseung didn't want anything to do with his father once he was gone. 
Everything that happened in this house he wanted to be a thing of the past, even if that included you.
Sure, it was a cop-out move to just avoid what happened that night, but in his mind, there wasn't a need to address that situation again. He fucked up, and that was the end of it.
That wasn't the only reason he wanted to move though his dad played the bigger role in that, and now after that incident with you, it was fuel for him to leave even sooner than he had originally planned.
He closed his eyes as a few tears rolled down his cheek, and the crowd roared his name as he revved his engine.
And as soon as the two black and white checkered flags were raised, he pressed his foot on the gas, going full speed ahead, pushing all his worries down just like his gas peddle, even though he knew they would all surface again and haunt him once he reached the finish line.
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Of course, you couldn't get any sleep cause heeseung was still out, and it was now three in the morning, not to say you would have been able to get any sleep with your husband snoring loudly next to you anyways.
You quietly got out of bed and put your robe on. You walked downstairs and poured yourself a glass of wine, sitting on the sofa, waiting for heeseung to come home.
It wasn't long before the door was creaking open, and you heard the familiar jingle of heeseung’s keys.
He turned around and twisted the knob so he could shut the door silently.
You cleared your throat, and he nearly jumped out of his shoes as he slowly turned around with a grimace on his face. "Mind telling me what you've been up to?" You traced the rim of your now empty glass as you crossed your leg over the other.
"S-s-sorry, I won't do it a-again," he mumbled as he hung his head low and kicked his shoes off at the door.
"What exactly is it that you won’t be doing again?" You asked and slowly held the cup to your lips, taking a small sip of the alcoholic drink.
He gulped nervously from your stern tone. "Just hanging out late with some friends," he lied. He didn't have any friends, not since his parents divorced.
You hum and nod your head. "Do these friends happen to smoke?" You questioned.
How the hell did you know that? "Yes," there was no point in lying. He wouldn't want to make you more upset.
You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. "What did I tell you about being out past midnight?"
"I know, and I'm sorry," he mumbles. "I didn't think you'd care" he bit his lip nervously.
"Why wouldn't I care? You're my son," his expression hardened at your words.
"Please stop saying that," he whispered shakily.
"What's wrong? I know I'm not your biological mother, but I'm trying here" you pushed down the lump in your throat and ignored the ache in your heart as he said those words to you.
"You just don't get it, do you? That's just the thing, you're not my mom, and I'll never see you as my mom" he clenched his jaw in annoyance.
Now you couldn't even pretend that didn't hurt like hell that's all you ever wanted was for him to call you mom but the way those words fell from his mouth so carelessly broke your heart. "W-what did you say?" Your voice now matched him with a shakiness that made him instantly regret what he said.
He came closer to you, wrapping your frail body in his arms. The smell of smoke invaded your senses as you inhaled sharply. "No, no, no, that's not what I meant," he whispered as your shoulders shook in his hold. "You know what, screw it" he pulled back and stared into your eyes intensely. "I'll never see you as my mom because," he took a deep breath before continuing. "Because I like you" his bottom lip quivered, and you could feel his body shaking slightly. "I know it's wrong, and I swear I tried not to, b-but I just couldn't help it, and on my birthday, I just couldn't control how I felt. It's the first time someone has shown me any type of affection in years, and I-"
You cut him off. This was nonsense. He was speaking. There's no way that's how he truly felt. "You never even talked to me before then" you pulled away from the hug and waited for him to explain.
"I know," he whined out. "But that's why I didn't want to get close to you 'cause this whole time I've had…" he trailed off, but you got the point. "And on my birthday, you just" he looked down at his feet, embarrassed and ashamed to even be telling you this. "You made me feel special, and I haven't felt that in a long time." He whispered.
You looked at him with a million questions swirling around in your mind, but you asked the burning one. "What about your father? He's great to you. Surely he makes you feel special" you tried to make sense of what heeseung was saying, but you couldn't wrap your head around it, and getting angry wouldn’t help, so you spoke calmly while hoping to get some answers.
He just scoffed at your words and shoved his hands into his pockets. "He didn't even wish me a happy birthday." He poked his inner cheek with his tongue.
A look of shock overtook your features. Of course, you knew your husband wasn't going to be there on his son's special day, but not buying him a gift and not sending him a text was outrageous. "Maybe he was just too busy," you reasoned. There's no way he would not have sent his own son a happy birthday text unless he was busy.
"For the last seven years? I don't think anyone is that busy" he rolled his eyes. "It's obvious what's important to him, and I'm not."
"Don't talk about your father that way. He's a great man and a great husband, and you're just being ungrateful right now. He's working himself to death to take care of us both," heeseung just gave you a sad smile.
If you had any idea.
"If you say so," he wasn't going to argue with you about this. He was afraid he would slip up and spill his dad's secrets, and that would make everything so much worse than it already was.
"Just go to your room, and you're not going out tomorrow." You concluded that was all that needed to be discussed right now.
Without another word, he quietly went to his room and left you stressed out on the couch with so many unanswered questions.
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"Honey will you call that deadbeat son of ours from his room," your husband joked as he sat at the table.
You just chuckled at his statement, knowing he meant no harm, and went to get heeseung from his room.
You knocked a few times and waited for him to answer. He cracked the door open just a sliver, and you saw his eyes widen slightly. "Yes?" He whispered.
You hated how he almost seemed scared of you after everything, but right now, there was nothing that you could think of to fix this situation between you and him, so you’d just have to be awkward around each other for the time being.
"Dinners ready, and your father wants you to sit with us," you informed him in a soft tone hoping that would help unnerve him, but it didn't seem to work.
"Ok," he said quietly and opened the door, fully exiting his room and coming downstairs with you.
"There he is! Finally decided to crawl out of that den of yours," heeseung sighed while sitting at the table. He knew this was going to be absolute torture. He was only doing it cause he knew you wanted to. "So your mother told me you've been smoking, is that true?"
You gasped in shock. This was not how you wanted him to bring this up. Tonight was just supposed to be a simple, peaceful dinner, nothing more, nothing less.
You shook your head and signaled for your husband to stop, and heeseung looked at you with a tinge of hurt on his face. Not believing the fact that you had told his secret.
Apparently, your husband didn't get the memo. "So are you going to answer, or do I have to beat it out of ya" his father joked, but neither you nor heeseung was laughing.
You smiled awkwardly and took a sip of your lemonade, staying quiet.
"What does it matter?" Heeseung responded harshly.
"To be honest, I don't care what you do, but your mother here is worried about you," he said while cutting into his steak.
"Babe," you scolded him for his choice of words. You knew he was just frustrated and didn't mean them, but you still acknowledged how inappropriate that was to say. "Sorry he's been drinking," you murmured to heeseung, but he knew even if his dad wasn't drinking, he would still say those hurtful words to him without thinking twice about it.
"There's nothing to worry about" heeseung dismissed the topic from going any further.
"See honey? I told you it's fine" you just sat there uncomfortably for the rest of the dinner. Maybe it was just you, but he didn't seem to care about his own son's reckless behavior, and it left an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. "What I am worried about, though, is when you're going to get a girlfriend. I mean, you're a grown man, and you haven't dated anyone." He chuckled.
Heeseung glanced at you feeling embarrassment course throughout his veins.
You were surprised to hear that. Heeseung was a good guy. From what you know, he was intelligent and interested In making music, plus he had handsome features, so you were bewildered at the new information.
"Isn't that something, dear? He's twenty-one and doesn't have a girlfriend."
"Well, that's his choice, babe. Maybe he just hasn't found the right one," you try to ease the tension of the conversation, hoping heeseung would loosen up a bit, but he didn't.
The conversation started out in the wrong direction, to begin with, but now it was completely lost.
"I suppose, but he hasn't even had sex yet" this was the first time you had ever heard your husband talk in such a manner, and it was revolting, to say the least, especially at the dinner table.
Has he always been like this? You wondered.
"Dad, we can have this conversation another time," heeseung gritted through his teeth. He knew his dad was trying to get under his skin, not to say he cared, but heeseung just didn't want you thinking differently of him for being a virgin. He didn't want to think he was any less of a man.
Of course, his dad wasn't going to listen to that, not when there was a perfectly good opportunity to humiliate his son. "Hell, he hasn't even had his first kiss yet," he chuckled, and heeseung's mouth parted as he stared at his dad in shock, unable to comprehend why he'd want to put him to shame like that in front of you.
Heeseung looked at you scanning your face for your reaction, and you could have sworn you saw tears in his eyes before he got up from the table and ran off to his room.
"Why would you say that?" You asked, knowing that you weren't the only one that could obviously see that heeseung was upset when he left.
"Say what? It's harmless fun. He'll get over it" he took a drink of his beer before shrugging his shoulders.
"That didn't look harmless to me, and it wasn't funny," you said sternly while throwing your napkin on the table.
You may not have been on good terms with heeseung, but he didn't deserve to have his love life aired out for your husband's drunken amusement.
You could only imagine how embarrassed heeseung felt.
You stood up from the table and headed to your room as well. You couldn’t believe he had to ruin the evening. "Honey, wait, I'm sorry," you heard him drunkenly apologizing, but you continued on to your room, too stressed and tired to put up with him or anything else right now.
After you finished washing up, you went to check on heeseung. As hard as it was going to be to speak to him, you just wanted to make sure he was okay after what happened.
You knocked on his door, hoping he hadn't already gone to sleep. You waited a few seconds after knocking, and you didn't get an answer.
Maybe he was listening to music, you thought and cracked the door slightly. He was lying in his bed listening to music, just like you had originally thought, and he was wearing the headphones you bought him for his birthday. You smiled at the heartwarming sight before opening the door further and revealing yourself.
His head shot up to the door when he noticed the light from the hallway shining into his dimly lit room. When he saw it was you, he quickly took off his headphones and straightened out his blankets, running his fingers through his hair, trying to tidy up a bit.
"Can I come in?" He just looked at you and nodded his head. You shut the door behind you and sat on his bed, pushing away the thoughts of the last time you were in his room on his bed. "Sorry about him," you apologized on your husband's behalf.
"It's not your fault" he scooted away from you and hugged his knees to his chest. "It wouldn't be the first time he's done that" the words accidentally slipped from his mouth, and he panicked.
"What do you mean?" You ask him, puzzled.
Heeseung was quick to come up with an excuse. You didn't know much about his relationship with his father. From the outside looking in, they seemed like they got along pretty well, and heeseung knew what he said just now would make you ask questions, and those questions he didn't want to answer cause ultimately they would reveal what his dad was doing to you this whole entire time.
"Uhh, you know, just the teasing and all" he smiled uncomfortably and hoped you'd buy that lame excuse, and it seemed like you did when you nodded your head in understanding.
"Just so you know, it's nothing to be ashamed of" you were going to reach your hand out and comfort him, but you decided it'd be best if you didn't.
"I don't want to talk about it," he said lowly, and you sighed in defeat as you sat up and walked out of his room. If he didn't want to talk about it, you weren't going to force him to. You assumed he needed space, and you were more than willing to give it to him.
You went back to your shared bedroom to find your husband already lying in bed waiting for you. "Honey, I'm sorry," he apologized again while you got into bed next to him. "I'll talk to him tomorrow. He's probably upset with me," he mumbled in the crook of your neck as he wrapped his arms around you.
You cuddle up closer to him, and he presses soft kisses all over your neck, tickling you. "Babe!" You shouted when he started tickling your sides playfully.
"What?" He answers back as if he's unaware of what he was doing to you.
You giggled and squirmed, trying to get out of his hold.
"I gotcha now," he teased and continued tickling you while laughing at the noises you were making.
Heeseung could hear you both talking and laughing. He hated how his room was right next to your guy’s, and he could hear literally everything.
He turned up his music to full blast, drowning out everything. The last thing he wanted was to hear you being intimate with his father.
His father didn't deserve to see your body, heeseung thought. You should have been in his bed making love to him. He was confident his father couldn't please you the way he could. Hell, it wouldn't even be a comparison.
If heeseung had a chance with you, he'd give you anything you wanted. He'd take his precious time with your delicate body, trace his fingers over every dip and curve of your beautiful figure whisper praises in your ear about how good you make him feel. He'd stare directly into your eyes and tell you how much he loves you and how precious you are to him as he slowly strokes inside you while you moan his name and clasp your hands tighter with his.
You should be in his room right now with him.
Little did heeseung know you were unfortunately not getting intimate with his father cause after the little tickling session, he passed out from all the alcohol he drank earlier in the evening, leaving you to fall asleep unsatisfied for the countless night in a row.
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A few weeks had passed now, and things were starting to get better with your husband. He was taking you out more and spending more time with you, which was great, and it kept your mind clear.
Unfortunately, things were the same with heeseung, and even still, you had no clue what to do. You wanted to tell your husband, but you had no idea what kind of mess that would have caused, so you ignored it entirely, and heeseung went back to his old ways of giving you the cold shoulder, which you were happy about cause that made you feel better about not addressing the situation somehow you twisted it that if he wasn't talking to you you weren't going to talk to him and you convinced yourself this was his fault for shutting you out.
Besides, he hasn't made a move on you since, so there wasn't anything to talk about, right?
Finally, you got your much-needed break from everything that has happened this past month, and you couldn't have asked for anything better than to be where you are right now, hugged up to your husband on the couch, watching movies as he stroked your hair.
Your guy’s movie marathon was interrupted by heeseung making a surprise visit to the living room. He scoffed and made his way to the couch, handing his father his key to the house before retreating back to his room.
You eyed the little transaction, and you furrowed your brows, looking at the house key that sat on the entertainment stand in the living room. 
"Babe, what was that about?" You wondered why heeseung was giving up his house key.
"Oh, he didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?" You say, growing more confused by the second.
"He's moving out next week," he told you as if it was just something as small as a story from one of his co-workers or something.
You sat up abruptly. "What?! No, he didn't tell me" you knew things weren’t going great with you and heeseung right now, but you didn't expect him to keep something this important from you. "Why didn't you tell me?" Now that was the strange part he didn't know about yours and heeseung's falling out, so why would he assume heeseung would tell you when he didn't even speak to you?
"Cause it's not a big deal" he shrugged and tried to hug you, but you backed away.
"It is a big deal. You know how hard I've been trying to get close to him, and you didn't even think to tell me he would be moving?" You raised your voice slightly.
"What does it matter?"
You couldn't sit still any longer. You got up from the sofa and went to heeseung's room. Maybe he could give you a better explanation than the bullshit your husband just gave you. "Why didn't you tell me you’re leaving?" Your tone was still harsh, but it wasn't aimed toward heeseung.
"Didn't think you'd care" he disregarded the way you just stormed into his room without knocking.
"Why would you think that?" Your expression softened, as well as your tone.
"We haven't talked in weeks, so what's the point? For all practical purposes, I'm not even here," he angrily shoved his belongings into his suitcase.
You knew it was your fault why he felt like that, and it made you feel terrible. You could no longer deny the fact that your and Heeseung's relationship diminished because you were not handling what happened like an adult. "I'm sorry. It's all my fault."
Fuck fuck fuck.
He wanted to punch and kick himself for thinking you looked cute apologizing right now. That's not what this is about, heeseung focus. He took a deep breath and put on his hard exterior once again. "I forgive you," he said with no emotion at all.
He couldn’t understand why you’d take all the blame, though, cause he definitely had a part to play.
You watched him packing, and you still felt guilty for everything, even if he had forgiven you. "So that's just it then?" You asked sadly, you knew at this point having a mother-and-son relationship was out of the picture, but you’d still miss him when he was gone.
He sighed and zipped up his bag, opening a smaller one for his toiletries. "What do you want from me, hmm? I already told you this," he pointed back and forth between the two of you. "Is never going to happen. I can't give you what you want, and you can't give me what I want."
"Heeseung, I don't know what to say. I want to tell you I'm sorry, but I'm not. I'm a happily married woman, and you have to understand that," you tried to explain to him in a way he'd understand without hurting his feelings.
"Exactly, and I can accept that, so why can't you accept the fact that this picture-perfect family idea of yours is never going to work? I'm moving out, and now you can live the rest of your life happily with that-" he had to bite his tongue to stop himself from talking and saying something he shouldn't.
"Honey?" You heard your husband calling you from downstairs, and heeseung sighed. You wanted to finish listening to what he was saying, but you opted to leave his room and go to your husband.
"Fuck” heeseung said under his breath when you walked out.
He wanted to let you know what was happening, but he was scared. He didn't want to hurt your feelings, or worse, what if you didn't believe him?
He shook his head and finished packing. It wasn't his mess to sort out. He tried to convince himself.
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Everyone glossed over what happened over the next week, and so did you heeseung was leaving today, and there wasn't anything you could do or say to stop him.
It was in the evening, and you were supposed to be going out to dinner with your husband, but he wasn't answering your calls. He said he'd be ready by six, yet it was eight, and he didn't even bother to call you to inform you what was taking him so long, and you started to get worried. 
Tears unknowingly pricked your eyes and cascaded down your face. Everything had gotten to you, and you couldn't contain your emotions anymore and finally let out all your frustrations.
You sobbed into the palms of your hands while sitting at the kitchen table. Everything seemed to be going wrong the past month, and you had no idea how to fix it heeseung was basically done with you, and your husband didn't even seem to notice how stressed you were lately. You were hoping to talk to him over dinner, and now that fell through, so here you sat sobbing like an overgrown baby waiting for your beloved husband to come home.
To make matters even worse, when you looked up, you met eyes with heeseung, and he was just staring at you.
You must have missed him coming down the stairs while you were crying hysterically.
You quickly grabbed a napkin and dried your tears. Obviously, it was too late to hide them, but you still tried.
Heeseung dropped his moving boxes at the door and made his way over to the kitchen. He didn't hesitate for a moment to lean down and wrap his arms securely around your shaking shoulders. "Shhh, it’s okay" he kissed the crown of your head and rested his cheek there while fluttering his eyes shut.
You didn’t have it in you to tell him off for his overly affectionate gesture, so you let him comfort you instead.
You grabbed his hand and held it tightly. You didn't have to tell him why you were crying. He saw his mother in the same position you were in right now, all beautiful and dressed up, ready for the big date that never came.
"I'm going to tell you something that I know I shouldn't, but you deserve to know," he whispered and squeezed your shoulder reassuringly. "My father is cheating on you" heeseung's heart rate increased as he finally spilled his father's filthy secret to you.
"What?!" You pushed his arms off you, and he stumbled back slightly while you stood up from your seat. "Why would you say that? He would never" you defend your husband. Little did you know he would, and he was at this very moment.
Heeseung hung his head low. "That's the same thing I thought when my mother told me," his voice cracked. "I know it's hard to accept it. I've been there before, but it's true."
"No," You felt more fresh tears welling in your eyes. "Take that back right now. How could you ever speak about him that way" this was absolutely preposterous, you thought.
"Because it's true, I wanted to tell you for so long, but I didn't want to hurt your feelings, okay?" He stepped closer to you, and you let him engulf you in a hug, but you didn't hug him back.
"How do you know?" You asked, nibbling on your lip. You wanted to fight back, but something about the look on heeseung's face made you feel like he was telling you the truth, and it made you feel sick.
"Call him and ask him where he is," he responds quietly. You broke away from the hug.
"No, I get it now. You're just trying to break us up 'cause you can't stand the fact that I don't want to be with you" that had to be it cause the man you married would never cheat on you, and you knew he loved you, too much to do that to you.
"What?!" Heeseung said, shocked that you would not only accuse him of lying but the fact that you would think that lowly of him. "I would never lie to you, y/n that's not the type of guy I am, and what would I gain from lying to you? I know you'd take his word over mine any day, and besides, I'm leaving today, so even if I was trying to turn you against my father, that'd be pretty stupid given the fact that once I walk out of that door in the next fifteen minutes, you'll probably never see me again."
That was true, but maybe heeseung didn't want you for himself. Maybe he just wanted to ruin your life cause you didn't accept his advances.
He could see the apprehension on your face, and he took the opportunity to further prove his point. "He said he would be home today at six, right?" You just nodded your head. "And he also said he was going to go to work, right?" You nodded once more, feeling a heavy weight settle in your gut. "So if I call his work right now, he should be there, right?" You knew where this was going, and you didn’t like it one bit. You were going to leave and go to your bedroom, but he quickly grabbed your wrist and stopped you from moving.
He let go of you and pulled out his phone, and dialed his dad's work number, putting it on speaker as the phone rang three times before someone picked up. "Hi, could you give me Mr lee's extension? I'm his son, and he's not answering his phone right, and I'm worried" you listen, as whoever was taking the phone call informed heeseung that Mr lee had not been at work today and that he was always off on Sunday. "Oh, okay, thank you. Bye," you stared at heeseung with tears in your eyes.
But you were still in denial. "He's probably just off doing some work elsewhere," you smiled and convinced yourself.
Heeseung couldn't believe how much you were defending his father, but he understood he was the same way when he found out from his mother, but he was going to prove to you that it was true one way or the other. "Y/n, I need you to listen closely to me. I'm doing this for you, okay? I love you, and I don't ever want to see you hurt. I don't want to sit back and watch the next most important woman in my life get reduced to nothing at the hands of my father, not again" it was hard for him to contain his emotions. Talking about this topic was something he thought he had gotten over, but it felt like the wound had never healed, even though he thought it did years ago.
You stood in silence, wrapping your arms around yourself, preparing for what he was about to say. If you were being honest, you had your doubts about your husband a few times, like when he smelled like women's perfume, and he told you he worked around females, so that's why he smelled that way at the time that sounded true, so you went along with it the other time you saw a red stain on his shirt that looked a lot like lipstick, but you thought you were reaching and didn't bring it up to him but now as heeseung was giving you all this information you weren't so sure so instead of telling heeseung off for saying such foul things about his own father you stayed and listened cause deep down you were afraid you had been right all along.
"Remember all the times I always left the table when he came home? It's cause we don't get along. He made it seem that way, so you wouldn't think any less of him, but he knows deep down I hate his guts, and he hates mine. You remember all the times he came home from work late? He was out at the club. Remember all the times he didn't answer his phone or come till the next day? He was off with somebody else while you were waiting at home for him like a good wife" before you could shut him down, he pulled up a picture of your husbands' car in the parking lot of a club, and that's when it felt like your world had come crashing down you had a feeling but you being you just thought you were overthinking all the time, and you stupidly gave your husband the benefit of the doubt when evidently he didn't deserve it.
You were sad, hurt, and upset. "Why would you do that?" You said to heeseung while crying. He just looked at you, mirroring your hurt expression cause this was just as hard for him to relive all over again as it was for you finding out. "You're lying!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. "You're lying!" You pushed his him. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" you hit his chest, punctuating your hurtful words each time your hand came in contact with his body. Tears brimmed in his eyes as he let you weakly pound his chest. Eventually, he grabbed your wrist and stopped you pulling you into a hug instead. "You're lying," you choked out through sobs as you let him engulf you in a hug. This time, you hugged him back in your weak and vulnerable state.
You couldn't believe everything was a lie right from the beginning. You don't blame heeseung for not telling you sooner. You blame yourself for being so stupid and naive to believe such ridiculous lies. You hated yourself for having blind faith in your husband, and you hated your heart for loving him so foolishly that even when things seemed different, you just brushed it off.
Heeseung rubbed your back soothingly to comfort you. "Remember all the times I came down for dinner when he was gone? I did it so you wouldn't feel alone. Remember all those times I came back early? I did it so you wouldn't have to worry about me anymore. Remember all those times when I was here for you, and he wasn't?" You could feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest while he poured his feelings out to you. "If I was in his place, I'd never come home late. If I was in his place, I'd never look at another girl, and if I was in his place, I'd treat you right" he held onto you tighter, giving his words more significance.
He leaned back to look you in the eyes, trailing his hands over your hip bones. "If I was in his place, I'd never make you cry" he scanned your face, and his heart broke for you. You looked lifeless and completely broken as he wiped away your stray tears. It was like he was looking in a mirror at his fourteen-year-old self when his mother told him the same news, except when he found out he had no one to confide in cause his mom practically abandoned him for alcohol and left him in the hands of his abusive father, but he wasn’t going to let you go through the same thing that he did he was going to be that person that was there for you when no one else was he was going to be that person his mother couldn't be for him.
Heeseung thought it was now or never and closed the gap between you two before he could think twice. Besides, no matter the outcome of his actions, he'd be gone tomorrow, but he was here today, he was in this moment, and he was going to make every second of it count.
You responded to the kiss, and in your weakened state, all you wanted was his comfort. It was something you needed more than anything in the world, especially right now.
It felt so right.
No matter how hard you tried to be his mother, you never quite made the cut, and deep down, you knew it was because you never really saw him as your son. You were just too wrapped up in trying to be the perfect wife for your husband that you lost sight of everything, and right now, after everything heeseung had told you, kissing him didn't feel wrong cause you didn't feel like you were kissing your stepson no, you felt like you were kissing a man that loved you and a man that actually cared for you and your well being.
He hummed into the kiss pulling you closer by your waist as he kissed you passionately, slowly, lovingly this was the first time you had ever felt this way from a kiss. You never felt the butterflies in your stomach that you were feeling right now when you kissed anyone else. With heeseung, you could actually feel the love he had for you.
He leaned back and fluttered his eyes open, slowly placing one last loving peck on your lips.
He's been waiting for the moment for far too long. It was definitely worth the wait. He'd live his hellish life all over again just for it to lead to this very moment with just you and him and no other distractions in between.
Your lips were just as soft as he imagined, your kiss was just as electrifying as he daydreamed, and your embrace was everything he ever prayed for. "Come with me," he says out of nowhere. "Get a divorce and leave him live with me. I promise I can take care of you, trust me" he rested his forehead against yours. Everything was happening so fast, and you could barely breathe, but one thing you knew for sure was right now, heeseung had told you the truth you had been searching for, and his embrace made you feel safe. He proved you could trust him, but you don't know if you were ready to move on so quickly you didn't want your emotions getting in the way of making such a big decision, and heeseung seemed to have read your mind.
"We can take this as slow as you want" he gripped your shoulders, leaning down a bit to hold eye contact with you. "Look at me, okay? All I'm asking is for you to come with me, if, a month down the road, you decide you don't want to try with me. I’ll completely understand, but right now, I just can't stand to see you hurt. I can't let that happen to someone I love not again," he meant every word wholeheartedly. He couldn't be there for his mother, but he could be there for you.
You nibbled on your lip in thought you had no money outside of your husband's income, and you couldn't afford to move right now. "Heeseung, I can't." You whisper.
"Why?" He breathed out and placed his hands on your cheeks. “Hmm?”
"I can't afford to move, and I can't go back to my parent's house," you told him your concerns for the first time in months. You felt comfortable speaking your mind out in the open.
"You know how I always go out at night?" You nodded your head as he stroked your cheek softly with his thumb. "I hate for you to find out like this, but I was doing illegal things to make money, and let's just say I could buy you a house twice this size. We could fly to your parent's house and be there in the morning. Whatever you want, I can give to you." He looked at you intensely to prove to you that he was dead serious.
You could feel a headache coming on. This was all too much for you to handle alone, but Heeseung wasn't going to let you handle this alone, not this time. "I couldn't ask that of you."
"I want to give you a life that you deserve, let me" the look in his eyes was indescribable, but if you had to put it in words, it was love mixed with hate, sadness mixed with anger, but behind everything, it was hopeful and sincere. "Let me be the man in your life that my father couldn't be" you didn't need to hear anything more you gave him a quick kiss sealing off his promise and wrapping your arms around him tightly.
"Thank you," you mumbled into the crook of his neck wetting his shirt with your warm tears, but he didn't mind one bit as he reciprocated the hug.
"Anything for you. I got you" he disconnected from the hug and smiled, wiping your tears. "Let's get you all packed, yeah?" He wasn't trying to pressure you, but the sooner you both could leave, the better.
"Wait" you put your hand on his chest, stopping him from going anywhere.
"What's wrong?" He asked softly and rubbed the back of your palm with his thumb.
"I'm scared," you muttered.
"It's okay. I’m here now, and I won’t ever let him hurt you again" he led you upstairs, and you grabbed only your necessities. You didn't want anything that reminded you of your soon to be ex-husband.
Heeseung gave you a reassuring smile to ease your worries as you dropped your bags off at the door.
You both sat in the living room, waiting for him to come home. "It's okay," heeseung whispered and grabbed your hand. "I'll be here every step of the way. You have nothing to worry about" he kissed your hand but quickly distanced himself from you when he heard the front door crack open.
"Hey, isn't this a surprise you guys are actually getting along for once," he said, and it was now clear as day how condescending his tone was, and it only occurred to you now that that's how he always talked to you when it came to you trying to get close with heeseung you can't believe you didn't notice it sooner.
You can't believe he didn't even mention the date you two were supposed to go on. Then again, if heeseung never showed you what your husband was up to, you probably would have summed it up to him just being tired from “work” like you always foolishly had.
"Can we talk?" You ignored his slight jab and walked over to the kitchen heeseung parted his mouth to say something, but you smiled at him, letting him know you were okay.
"Sure" he took off his shoes and followed you to the kitchen smirking at heeseung while doing so.
"Look, I don't want your explanation. All I want is a divorce" you slid the diamond band off your finger and set it on the counter.
"What?" Your ex-husband chuckled incredulously.
"I know exactly what you've been doing behind my back, and I don't want to be with a person like you. I can't live the rest of my life with a liar," your whole body shook with nerves and fear.
"What are you talking about? I haven't been doing anythi-"
"Don't! Just stop!" you yelled at him for the first time ever. "Save it for someone else" you tried to walk past him, but he grabbed you by your wrist heeseung was watching the whole time from the living room, and as soon as his father laid a finger on you, he was quick to stand up and make his way over to you.
"Don't you dare touch her again" you looked up and saw that heeseung had gotten in between you and was shielding you from his dad.
"Oh, so he speaks," his dad chuckled. "Stay out of this boy. It has nothing to do with you" he pointed his finger in heeseung's face.
"It has everything to do with me," heeseung gritted through his teeth. "You heard her what she said. Now leave her alone."
"Watch your tone with me, boy" he balled his fists and got ready to throw a punch at heeseung, and you screamed in fear, but luckily heeseung was quick enough to dodge out of the way.
"Stay back," heeseung said to you before turning back to his father. "Do not make me do this" he stood up to his father, looking down on him from the height difference heeseung had definitely outgrown his father. He was no longer the helpless teen boy that couldn’t defend himself all those years ago. He had grown into a man that was able to stand up for himself and protect the people he loves.
His father didn't listen, and this time, it was heeseung who was raising his fist and landing a powerful punch to his dad's jaw, knocking him straight to the ground.
Heeseung immediately jumped on top of him, pinning him to the ground while beating his face to a pulp with every punch. He could hear his mother's cries, and with every punch, he saw your sad face, and he went into a fit of complete rage, landing every blow, each hit more powerful, Than the last, as he screamed. "No more!" Over and over again. “I’m not letting you hurt me or the people I love anymore!”
You stood there in shock, whimpering with your hands covering your mouth as tears ran down your face. "Heeseung, that's enough" you went closer to him, and he pushed you back slightly and continued to punch his father's face in, pretty soon. It would be unrecognizable. "Heeseung, please stop" when he heard your broken voice, he immediately snapped out of it and turned around to see you crying. He quickly let go of his father's collar and stood up, wrapping you in his arms protectively.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. You could feel him shaking with pure rage, and it scared you, but you knew he'd never do anything to hurt you. "I'm sorry, love.” He spoke gently and stroked your head. “I just don't want him to hurt anyone anymore." He took a deep breath to calm himself.
"It's all okay now," you comforted him and rubbed his back gently.
He sighed and rested his chin on the crown of your head. "It's okay," he reiterated, swaying your body back and forth in his hold" "ready to go home?"
"But your hand" you held his bloody hands, examining the broken skin on his knuckles, and he winced slightly.
"I'm okay for now. Let's just get out of here" he kissed your forehead softly.
You looked at the floor where the man you once called your husband was laid out unconscious, and as you looked at his bloody tattered face, you felt no remorse, not after he tried to not only hurt you but heeseung as well after you found out everything about him you couldn’t feel one ounce of sadness for him.
Heeseung followed your line of vision, and he felt nothing but resentment toward the man he once called his father. "He can take care of himself" heeseung spat on his unmoving body and hooked his arm around your shoulder, and headed to the door. "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?" Heeseung said with worry.
"No," you whispered and shook your head softly while clutching onto his arm.
“Good” he whispered and kissed your cheek, a faint smile graced heeseung's features, and his eyes lit up as a warm feeling spread throughout his chest. He couldn't put into words how happy he was that you felt comfortable and safe with him.
You grabbed your suitcases and walked out the door hand in hand with heeseung. Once the car was fully loaded with your belongings, he opened the door and helped you inside, buckling your seatbelt and placing one last loving kiss on your temple as you smiled softly at him.
After he got in the driver seat and buckled himself in, he held your hand in his, rubbing soothing circles on your palm, and you're not sure what the future held for you and heeseung, but for right now, you were going to go wherever he takes you.
Cause, after all, it was heeseung that helped you break your unholy ties.
Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate each and every one of you who made it to the end.
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softstarlite · 3 months
Bathing In Love
A Joel Miller One Shot
Joel Miller x f!reader
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Warnings: age gap implied, fluff everywhere, so sweet you'll get diabetes, sexual talk but not smut, baby presence. (reader is you amor, so just sit and enjoy ;-) )
Rating: +18 (not explicit)
Word Count: 3k
A/N: so here it is! My Joel fluffy one shot, to be honest this is very self-indulgent haha. I'm not completely sold on the title I came up with but I wanted to publish it so whatever. Hope you guys like it as much as I do. I wanna see if anyone realises what I did with Tommy's daughter's name ;-)
Dividers by @saradika
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A deep and raspy “sweetheart” is the first thing you hear when sleep starts to leave your body, you can feel a heavy arm around your midsection and a scruffy beard scratching the back of your neck. You let out a sleepy groan and hide your face on your pillow from the bits of early light coming through the curtains making the already fully awake man behind you chuckle.
“We need to get up sweetheart” you feel the peck he leaves on your naked shoulder. You normally didn't have this much trouble getting up but the same man that was now waking you up had also made you stay awake till very late at night, moaning his name and the one´s above again and again.
“Let´s say we're sick and stay here all day” it's the first thing of the day to come out of your mouth with still so much sleep in your voice that's also slightly muffled by the pillow your head is resting on. You feel him rub your hip and his face buried on the back of your neck shaking from side to side.
“Now, you know why that would never work, even if we were the best of actors” he says before giving your shoulder another peck and a soft and tiny slap to your hip to then stand from the bed with a grunt and the crack of his knees.
You groan again but this time louder while you stretch your limbs still covered by the warm comfy covers. Your eyes finally open just when Joel is pulling up his legs the grey sweatpants that you, yourself discarded from his body last night. You stretch your body as quick as your sleepy state lets you, bending by the middle you reach with an arm outside of the bed to the floor, where Joel´s t-shirt from the night before was laying to pull it over you before he has a chance to get it himself. He rolls his eyes while walking to the wardrobe and you finally stand from the bed putting on the shorts that he almost ripped from you last night.
You pass by him on your way to the bathroom to wash your face and can't help giving his ass a squeeze on your way, after you wash your face you pass by him again and kiss his cheek before talking.
“I'll start a pot while you get ready” he can't help but look at you with so much love in his eyes; you could almost swear that anyone could turn the man in front of you from a murderous beast to a big teddy bear by just the mention of coffee.
“Thanks darlin´” he kisses your slightly chapped lips before you start making your way to the kitchen downstairs.
After about ten minutes Joel makes his way into the kitchen where he can see you making some eggs while you hum to Love Spreads by The Stone Roses playing from the record player in the living room, your back facing him.
His arms envelop you from behind and his head rests on your shoulder, making you breathe on his fresh minty breath, you lean your own head back into his shoulder while you stir the scramble eggs.
“I'll finish the eggs darlin´, you pour the coffee” he says into your ear while rocking the both of you softly to the music. You hum in agreement and turn around and pass him the spatula and he gives your forehead a little kiss.
As you put out from the cabinet three mugs and place them on the counter, the front door opens like every morning that Joel has patrol, indicating the arrival of Tommy. You turn your head over your shoulder to greet Tommy with a good morning when his footsteps start to approach the kitchen, but when you see the little ten month old in his arms, you forget the coffee, let out a squeal of excitement and run to take the bundle of joy from him.
Tommy gives to you his daughter with a chuckle and a roll of his eyes “It's nice to see too”
“Yeah, yeah, good morning Miller” you greet him with your own roll of eyes, joke coating your tone and a smile taking home in your face towards the baby in your arms.
Sophia Miller had captivated your heart since the first moment you saw her. She is definitely a Miller, you can see so much of Tommy and Joel in her.
Tommy takes after the coffee for you while you bounce his daughter on your arms and you coo to her.
“Mrs. Johnson couldn't take her today?” Joel says from the stove where he is making some toasts now after distributing the eggs between three plates. Mrs. Johnson is an elderly woman that always looks after Sophia while Joel and Tommy are on patrol and Maria is busy basically running all of Jackson.
“No, she couldn't, she said that her cat was sick and I genuinely do not know how to tell her any more times that Dr. Turner won't see it, that she's a human doctor not a vet” he explains while adding some milk to your coffee, since both brothers like it completely black “Me and Maria think that she's too young for the daycare and to mingle around the other kids but i guess today we have no choice, we have patrol and she´s managing the whole deal with those teens that run away” he puts one of the black coffees, the mug with the little owl in it that you found for him in one of you few runs that you barely do, beside the stove for Joel, then he brings the milky one to you where now you're sitting on the little table on the kitchen, almost bumping his hip on the meat grinder that Joel installed a while ago on the kitchen island; he joins you and Sophia by sitting on the chair in front of you.
When Joel finishes cooking, he puts one of the plates inside of the microwave so it stays as warm as it can for the almost sixteen year old that hasn't woken yet then he places one of the other two in front of you on the little table. Just before he moves away, you take little Sophia´s hand and wave it to him for her while saying with your cheesy baby voice “good morning, uncle Joel” , to which he responds with a pinch of he cheek with the back of two of his fingers, then he goes to pick up his own plate to eat while leaning into the kitchen island alongside his coffee.
“I can take her with me to the stable if you would like to, Tammy has a crib there for when she brings her son” you offer, shrugging your shoulders while feeding the baby on your lap a small piece of your eggs.
“You sure?” Tommy asks with slightly raised eyebrows, when you nod, he smiles like a mad man “oh thank you!” he expresses his gratitude by stretching himself over the table towards you and kissing your forehead and then his daughter´s “and that's why you´re my favourite person in this family” he exaggerates making you chuckle and Joel shakes his head.
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Many hours later, you find yourself working on the stables, cleaning one of the empty stalls, its horse on patrol with a young patroller called Jesse. The youngest of the Miller family is on the crib that you had mentioned before, playing with a pair of plastic red cups that for some reason had been more entertaining to her than actual children's toys since she was old enough to hold them.
You hear the front door of the stables opening and the closing behind that had just entered the stables. You peek your head out of the stall and immediately you smile when you see that the person intruding is Ellie.
“Hey hon” you say before putting your head back into the stall to put down the manure fork that you were using, letting it lean on the stall´s wall, then you exit the stall towards where Ellie is standing while wiping your hands on the sides of your jeans.
“Hey, i just came to let you know that i'll spend the day at Dina´s, apparently Jesse found a new game for her console on the last patrol or something” she explain to you while she turn around and walks to the crib where the ten month old is too preoccupied with the cups.
You nod and walk to where they are, from beside the teen you put her bangs, that she lets off of her ponytail always, behind her ear and then look at the baby with her.
“Okay, you know the drill” you put your hands on the back pockets of your jeans.
“Yeah, yeah, make it back for dinner, I know” you were the one to actually negotiate this condition with her when you saw how much it affected Joel when she started to make many friends in town and spend less and less time with him, she agreed quite easily making you think that she missed spending time with Joel just as much.
“Hey” you pinch her side to make her look at you “ if the game is any good, ask Dina to lend it to you so i can try it, okay?” you put up your fist for her to bump it, which she does.
“I will” she says before caressing Sophia´s head and then bumping her shoulder with yours “See you later shitface!” she exclaims with joke to you while exiting the stables, you shake your head with a chuckle and just before she completely disappears from you view your scream reminding her “the baby you asshole!”
Just as the door closes, you hear hooves meeting the ground behind you, indicating someone's arrival from patrol. You groan, you only had 5 minutes left of your shift and now you would have to stay and unsaddle the horse or horses and brush them. You turn to see who the fucker was and when you see that is actually Joel and behind him Tommy, both of them soaked on mud from head to toe, your anger dissapears and you can't hep but laugh loudly, folding by your midsection while gripping your sides.
“Yeah, very funny sweetheart” Joel says while he ties the reins of each horse on their respective stalls, which you thank.
“Oh, you think it is funny eh?” Tommy says now, approaching you and trying to squeeze some of the mud on his hair into you, which makes you swat him away. Tommy´s voice makes Sophia squeal from her crib and stand in it with little balance.
“Oh baby girl, save me from your mean father” you speak to her with your baby voice while picking her up from the crib. Tommy can see Joel´s eyes sparkle in love and adoration like everytime he sees you with his niece.
The little girl babbles and makes grabby hands towards her father, so your only option is to pass her to him, none of you caring if she got dirty with mud as well.
“Traitor…” you say to her with narrowed eyes once she's in her father's arms, obviously she doesn't understand what you're saying so she just giggles, making you three chuckle with her.
“Anyway, thank you for looking after her today again” Tommy expresses his gratitude then he takes his backpack from his horse saddle and start to make his way out of the stables the same way that Ellie did before “Say bye uncle Joel, bye auntie” he says in his own baby voice and them disappears from both of your gazes.
While your eyes are still on the door, you feel Joel´s arms embrace you from behind, his face takes home on your neck, where he takes in your scent. You melt into him and bring a hand behind into his muddy locks, closing your eyes. After a few moments in this position, you turn in his arms and look at him, seeing the tiredness and exhaustion in his expression.
“You don't have to wait for me today, you know?” You bring your hand back to his muddy locks, brushing them back “Why don't you go ahead and get yourself a warm relaxing bath?” your eyes go around his beautiful features.
“You sure darlin´? I can wait as always” he is the one to close his eyes now, enjoying your touch. You shake your head even if he's not looking.
“No, really baby, go ahead, i'll finish here quickly” that's enough for Joel to agree and kiss your lips before getting his own backpack from his own horse an ¡d follow the same journey out of the stables as Tommy and Ellie.
You take fifteen more minutes to unsaddle the horses and brush them, then another five minutes to make your way into the house. You get rid of your boots and coat by the entrance, then you make your way upstairs to the en suite bathroom where Joel is inside the warm bath like you told him to do, his head leaning back into the bathtub with his eyes closed, you´re even a little sure that he may be slightly asleep. You get rid of your clothes in the bedroom, where the laundry basket is, then you tiptoe to the bathtub to not wake Joel yet. Once your back makes contact with his chest, he wakes up with a little gasp; as soon as he sees what is happening, he hugs your middle and whispers in your ear.
“If i had known that you naked would be part of the bath, i would have definitely waited for you” he nibbles your earlobe slightly and you chuckle, then with as much carefulness you can have, you turn to now straddle his hips.
“Now you relax and let me take care of you, before you start acting worse than a teen” your hand reaches for the bottle of shampoo behind him on the edge of the tub.
You squirt some of the product directly on his head and after placing back down the bottle, you start to massage it on his greying hair. He lets out a relaxed moan and closes his eyes yet again. You run your fingers through his hair to spread and rub the shampoo, your eyes take the opportunity to take on his relaxed face and features, you feel privilege to see this side of the hardened man before you, only a few people get to see it and for some reason he decided some time ago that you were worth seeing it and since then you couldn't feel more lucky.
Once you have made more than enough foam from the shampoo, you lean over his shoulder to reach a little cup to help you rinse the product. You feel Joel´s almost growling when, from your lean, your breast graces his cheek; you can't help but chuckle when you take your previous position on his hips and feel his hard on.
“You can be worse than a teenager sometimes, Miller” you say while filling the cup with water from the bath and rinsing the shampoo from his hair, putting a hand on his hairline so the soapy water doesn't get in his eyes.
“It's all you darlin´, you keep me young” you smack his shoulder softly while giggling.
When his hair doesn't have any trace of shampoo, you grab your own conditioner and squirt some of it on the palm of your hand. You feel Joel´s eyes fixed on you, so you playfully push his forehead back and smile.
“I said relax Joel” he smirks and says okay a few times while closing his eyes again.
You rub the conditioner between your palms and then you apply it on his hair, after it you clean your hands of any residue of it. Once your hands are clean, you start to massage Joel´s shoulder and he lets out a groan between pain and pleasure. You massage him for five minutes while you let the conditioner take action then you rinse it just like you did with the shampoo. To finish you kiss his lips, your intention was just a quick kiss but he circles your waist with his arm and deepens it and you just can't deny him.
“Why don't you start the grill outside while I take a good shower?” you say when you both pull back, your fingers brushing his wet hair back “Ellie will be home from Dina´s for dinner soon” he hum in confirmation and after you peck his lips again, you stand up on the bathtub with carefulness to not slip and offer him a hand to do the same.
When you thought he would get out of the bathtub to dry and then get dressed to then go do what you said, he stays there in front of you and takes your face between his hands.
“Thank you sweetheart” he says with so much love and gratitude in his eyes, not taking them away from yours for not even a moment.
“You don't have to thank me Joel” you say back with a bid soft smile, he shakes his head.
“Not for the bath baby, for being you, for being the light that guides me through the darkness everyday” that makes you want to cry and your insides to melt for the man.
“I keep to my last statement” you put your own hands on his wrists and rest your forehead on his “you´re the one keeping me afloat every day” he kisses you again, taking all of the air from your lungs and once he pulls back and sees your dazed face he chuckles and smacks your ass.
“Your steak as always darlin´?” he asks you while putting a towel around his waist, already out of the bathtub, you nod while turning on the showerhead and he leaves the bathroom towards the bedroom with a wide grin.
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l1ndseyper3z · 3 months
I really don't know wether I like him or hate him
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warnings: Mark being Mark, daddy kink, bondage, age gap (both over 18), praise, degrading, gunplay, public sex, thigh riding, cock-warming, cumming inside, p in v penetrator, eating pussy, sucking cock, petplay, bootlicking, boot grinding, thigh riding, choking, sir kink, master kink, spanking, strong language
you are responsible for your own media consumption. minors dni.
master of PDA and physical touch
he needs everyone to know that you are his and NOBODY is allowed to even glance at you the wrong way.
if anybody even looks at you for slightly too long he perfectly flexes to expose the gun on his hip
if you're younger than him (which chances are, you are cause idk he gives off younger gf vibes) he is so protective
it does get a bit much sometimes but with the knowledge of his sister you can't exactly blame him
he always plays with ur hair
it grounds both you and him
he has to be big spoon
he likes having control and being able to keep you safe
100% teaches you self-defense
with the shit he sees (and does) he wants you to be able to protect yourself when he's not around
worries that jigsaw will test you
even though you've done nothing to deserve that because you're an absolute angel in his eyes
defo that boyf that follows you around stores carrying all ur bags and clothes
always kissing ur neck and hugging ur waist
he took quite a while to get used to you and begin to trust you because of his sister
will watch all ur fav movies and shows with you but complain the whole time (even tho he's secretly enjoying it)
pet names for you 100% consist of baby doll, baby girl, my girl, my girl, darling and sweet girl
he's so sassy for no reason whatsoever (name a saw dude who isn't???)
can be a bit cruel sometimes
and his ego gets in the way of apologising
when he realises he's fucked up he'll buy you flowers or something
he isn't great with his words so prefers to let his actions speak louder
he tries to like the music you like
if you tell him you relate to a song he'll figure out what it means and read through the lyrics to try and understand you better
he so caresses your thighs when he's driving
half the time he dosent even realise he's doing it, it just happens
cooks for you
he so puts his hands in your back pockets
he just does
100% gets bricked when you wear his clothes
makes you beg to cum
uses vibrators on you as punishment
call him daddy in bed
just do it
it awakens something in him
will tie you up and use handcuffs on you
edges you
overstimulates you
has made you suck on his gun
or fucked you with his gun
absolute master of sucking pussy
chokes you when you aren't behaving
icl he is quite selfish when it comes to sex
wants you to suck him off all the time
He just loves looking down at your little pathetic tear and spit coated face as you suck on his big fat cock
King of praise and degradation
"look at my pretty little whore, sucking daddys cock so well"
"spread your legs slut"
so forces you to warm his cock when you've been a bad girl
and makes you ride his thigh when you're being a desperate slut
always cums inside you
he's not very vocal but you can get the occasional groan or curse out of him
lasts scarily long
will have sex anywhere, anytime
he has such a high sex drive
why do I get the vibe he has made you grind on his boot before
he's a kinky bitch and is probs into petplay of some form
"pups don't talk. now, if you lick daddys shoes clean he might just fuck your desperate little pussy"
just wants to see you panting on your knees below him as you obey his every command
will fuck your little pussy like there's no tomorrow
"good puppy, taking it so well for daddy"
will bend you over his knee and spank you as a punishment
and make you count aloud
and thank him
"now, bratty girls have to be punished, count out loud and be sure to thank master for teaching you how to behave"
"pup, I can't quite hear you, should sir up it to 25 spanks?"
his aftercare is okay
cuddles, water and maybe a shower but thats pretty much it
I'm sorry this turned out to be utter filth 😭
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
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everybody loves somebody |older!eddie| part 10
prompt: your first valentine's day with eddie.
age gap relationship. Eddie is 42 and reader is 26. everything is consensual.
contains: age gap, dilf!eddie, older!eddie, alcohol, language, p in v sex, oral male and fem receiving, really sweet and fluffy and smutty. minors dni 18+
The front office had delivered the roses to your door during your planning, smiling and giggling with holiday filled joy about how beautiful the roses were. And they were, but the card attached was even better.
'Bunny, Happy Valentine's Day to my best girl. You have my heart every second of every day. I can't wait to see you tonight. Love, Ed'
Your blush matched the roses, heart soaring and floating the rest of the day.
The other teachers had cooed, tight lipped smiles when you passed with the bouquet. You could feel their jealous gazes, eyes cutting and lips pursed.
The kids had asked a million questions, bombarding with you about who your boyyyyfriend was, followed by a stream of giggles and cackles. The candy from the party didn't help their energy, bouncing at their desks, ripping open heart shaped suckers and candy hearts.
Eddie had shown up at your apartment at five o'clock on the dot. He'd had a midday shift today, taking the night off so he could spoil you. He cleaned up nice for you, he always did. Curls tamed and framing his face neatly, black button down and black slacks, leaving the top unbuttoned so you could see his inked skin. Sliding your jacket on, opening your doors, lips on your cheek, pressing kisses and words that made you giggle into your skin.
"Enzo's?" You asked, brows raised when the truck rolled into the parking lot. Cars filled the spots, but you knew on nights like tonight they only did reservations. A big Valentine's Day dinner that was near impossible to get into anyways.
Eddie grinned, hand on your thigh, rubbing small circles up your bare leg. "Told you I'd spoil you, bunny." He pressed his lips to yours, squeezing your thigh when he ran around to open your door.
You didn't miss the way the hostess raised her brow at the two of you, eyes flickering from you back to him, then at his tattoos. Your eyes narrowed at her, lifting a challenging brow to the snooty high schooler. Her lips pressed together, but she showed you to your seats, nose in the air.
You passed Steve and Nancy in the restaurant, the two having a child free Valentine's dinner to themselves. Eddie waved, the two sharing matching smirks before you were seated.
"You didn't have to do this for me, Ed." You smiled, looking at the candles that illuminated your table. Eddie reached over, pouring champagne into your flute. "I would've been happy with Benny's." You grinned.
Eddie laughed softly, lifting his own glass. His eyes sparkled when he looked at you. "Well, maybe next year." He said, tapping his glass with yours, enjoying the way you blushed, trying to hide behind the glass. "To our first Valentine's Day. One of many."
He ordered your food, you let him, content on letting him be in control tonight, letting him spoil you for the evening. You knew he loved to, smirking at you after he'd tell the waiter exactly what you wanted. Proud of himself for how he took care of you.
The champagne poured, Eddie ordered dessert, the two of you chatted in the dim light of Enzo's, the classical music playing softly in the background only aiding to the snooty vibe of the place.
"My first graders wanted to know who sent me the flowers today." You grinned. "Thank you, by the way, they were stunning. Beautiful."
Eddie smiled. "Of course." He nodded, reaching his hand out to grab yours across the table. "I got you somethin' else too." He moved into his jacket, pulling out a small, square shaped, black box.
You gasped when he opened it, teardrop pearl earrings with gold clasps lined with tiny diamonds. You saw them weeks ago, a little after Christmas when he was taking his watch to be fixed. You'd told him they were beautiful, so dainty and perfect. So, he went and got them for you.
"Eddie, you shouldn't-"
"Sure I should have." Eddie waved at you, grinning at the way you delicately reached out to hold the box. "They're gonna look beautiful on you, baby. Happy Valentine's Day."
You smiled, clasping them in your hands. You leaned across the table, not caring at the glances or side eyed stares you got to kiss him, fully and passionately. Your head swam from the champagne, and your heart was fluttering, you felt like it might fly right out of your throat.
Eddie chuckled through the kiss, hands holding your jaw, gently. By the time you were brought your dessert, you were ready to go. Eddie had it wrapped up to-go before the two of you left, giggly and blushing all the way to the car. He stopped before he opened your door, kissing you hard, pressing your back up against the cold metal of the truck.
The ride home was sweet. Stolen kisses, giggles, Eddie serenading you with love songs on the radio. Eddie's house was quiet when the two of you stumbled in, Brielle was at Gina's for the night.
Eddie's hands were all over you, roaming your black, silk dress, pawing desperately at the fabric. His lips on your neck, scruff of his beard rubbing against your sensitive skin. You knew you'd be chaffed raw by tomorrow, but you didn't care.
"Wait," you gasped, pushing Eddie's chest slightly when his lips sucked on your neck. Eddie looked at you with confusion, hands still tight on your hips.
"Wait, I-I have a present for you too." You said, blushing and nervous. You clutched your purse in your hands, white knuckled with the strap between your fingers.
Eddie cocked a brow, eyes falling down to your purse. "Bunny, c'mon, you didn't have to-"
"Yes, I-I," You laughed. "How about, you go in the bedroom, wait for me, and I'll be there in a minute? Ok?"
Eddie raised his brows, a dark look taking over his features. You grinned, legs clenching with excitement. "I'll just be a minute. I promise."
You slipped into the bathroom in the hall, back pressed against the door, lying your purse on the sink. You pulled out the red lingerie piece you'd been hiding. Lacy, one piece set- well, it was so revealing, it might as well been nothing at all. Crotchless so it exposed your center, lacy mesh material so sheer you could see right through the two small heart details that attempted to cover your nipples. It was high cut on the sides, plunging low on the front. Scandalous and delicate.
Eddie had lost his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, sleeves rolled up as he waited on the bed. You peeked around the corner, hidden by the door as you grinned. "You ready for your gift, Mr. Munson?" You asked.
Eddie smirked back, spreading his legs farther when he sat into the bed. "Can hardly stand it, bunny. Show me what you got me."
You took a breath, pushing the door open, revealing yourself, changed into the lacy red piece. Eddie's eyes bulged, roaming over your body as you walked closer to him.
"It was supposed to have little wings and an arrow, but," You shrugged, spinning around for him. "Whaddya think?"
Eddie swallowed, reaching out to you, eyes moving from your breasts to your exposed center, back up and down, all over. His hands pulled you closer, so you were standing between his legs. He spun you around slowly, fingers tracing over the thin cloth that barely covered any part of your ass.
"Holy shit." Eddie breathed, hands moving fro your waist back to your ass. "You bought this for me?"
You smiled, nodding excitedly. "Happy Valentine's Day, baby." You whispered, lips brushing over his. "Hope you like your gift."
And oh, did he.
Eddie had no problem showing you how much he liked his gift. He was buried between your legs not minutes later, your claves down his back, heels of your feet digging into his shoulders and moving around like his own pair of angel wings.
Eddie sucked on your clit, fingers pumping slow and lazy in you, curling so he jammed into your g-spot, leaving you crying out and gushing. Your hands wrapped in his curls, crying out when he'd bury his nose into you, inhaling your scent entirely while devouring you from the inside out.
He'd pulled down your straps, leaving the top part around your waist so he could toy with your nipples, grinning into you at the way your back arched when he rolled them between his fingers.
You were a puddle when he finished, barely holding yourself up when you climbed down the length of his body, trailing sloppy, wet kisses. "'M gonna thank you for dinner." You said, hazy and spacey. "Thank you for takin' care of me."
Eddie smirked, pushing your hair out of your face when you fumbled with his pants. You palmed him through his black briefs, kissing the outline of his cock so delicately he lurched towards you.
You kissed up the length of him, tongue trailing back down lightly. You knew by now how he liked it, slow and a little teasing at first. Your mouth sucking lightly on his sac until he was throwing his head back with a groan, leaking from his tip. His hands found your hair, fisting tightly and pulling at your scalp.
You took your time. You really wanted to show him how much you appreciated him, how much you loved him. He didn't thrust into your mouth, or fuck your mouth until you choked around him. He let you swallow him taking him slowly and sweetly. Kitten licks to his tip that led to you nuzzling the hair at his base, him stuffed down your throat.
That's how he fucked you that night, slow and meaningful. There was no rush, no thrill to fuck quickly and hard. His body was pressed to yours, your hands on his back, heels digging into the flesh of his ass. Eddie kissed down your neck, muttering sweet words and praises Ito your skin, sweaty bodies conjoined together as the bed squeaked with every slow rock of his hips against yours.
Your eyes rolled back, toes curling when he circled his thumb around your clit. "'S good for me, bunny. That's right. Let me make you feel good, sweet girl." Eddie rasped against your cheek, pressing soft kisses into your heat licked skin.
Your nails raked down his back with every orgasm he pulled out of you. You clamped around him again, tears leaking out of your eyes. You could tell by the way his grip tightened on your waist that he was close, but he didn't pick up his speed. He kept it consistent and rhythmic, the way you liked it. Your heart swelled that he knew that about you now.
Eddie groaned, muscles clenching when he released, warmth filling you from the inside out. His sticky bangs pressed against your forehead, his head falling against yours, lips brushing and noses touching. "I love you so much, baby, so much, fuck." Eddie muttered, chest rising and falling quickly against you.
His head dropped to your shoulder, breath steadying as you remained wrapped in each other, close together. Eddie looked up at you, you ran a hand through his sweaty curls.
"Happy Valentine's Day, baby." Eddie whispered, lips pressing against your jaw, trailing all the way to your lips. "I'll spoil you every other day, too. I promise, bunny."
"Yeah?" You asked, giggly and dazed, coming down from your own high.
Eddie nodded, hands fisting the fabric that was tossed on the space next to you two, lacy red fabric that had been sweat soaked and was now wrinkled. "I promise." He said. The lines by his eyes crinkled when he smiled, moving the discarded lingerie closer to you two. "Especially if you wear this again, baby, fuck." You giggled, wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer to you.
You stored the lingerie piece in the back of his underwear drawer, saving it for the next time you needed it. You went to work the next day, high neck sweater to cover the hicks on your collarbones and breasts, but ears shining and sparkling with your new dazzling earrings.
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ghostly-wisp · 1 year
i finished this at like 2am after last night's episode so like?? ignore how rushed it might seem i was tired
warnings—mentions of alcohol (reader gets drunk)
[series masterlist ] [chapter 1] [chapter 3]
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A couple of months went by, a lot faster than how Pedro expected it to be. Before he knows it, it's nearly Thanksgiving break. and soon, it's going to be time for winter vacation. By then, the year will already be halfway over.
Thanksgiving break wasn't as big of a deal to students, because the break was shorter. It was just a long weekend, but still–a break is a break nontheless. The worst day was the Monday before, and the Monday after. 
Mondays never used to bother Pedro, frankly, he didn't mind waking up early and driving to work while the sun was still coming out, however, some moving into the apartment complex — the neighbors are less than considerate. They blast their crappy remixed music until ungodly hours of the night, which resulted in him getting a lot less sleep than before, and he couldn't quite enjoy the sun anymore. He wonders if he should've kept the house in the divorce–he paid for it after all. Though he wouldn't feel as happy in it anymore, it wouldn't be home. 
He can't think of the details of his divorce for too long, it'll either make him feel upset or angry. As he's going to work, he can't be either of those things. The students shouldn't see him like that, and some of them are already upset and angry enough for both of them. 
He drives into the staff parking lot at 7:02, which gives him just barely enough time to get into his classroom and prepare for the day ahead. He had a good week before vacation planned, all his students were going to the lab — he finally got the okay to perform the elephant toothpaste experiment — and he was sure that the kids would love an experiment like that. He gets his bag filled with yeast, water, and food coloring – and he's off into the building.
He can tell the staff doesn't want to be here either, their huge coffees and barely awake mumbling. He can only imagine how the students will be. Only four days, then it's a long weekend and Thanksgiving. He's only halfway to his classroom when he notices you're not too far in front of him in the hall, so he calls your name. 
When you turn–you smile at the sight of your friend, honestly, you thought it would've been Jen or someone else you just didn't have the energy to talk to at the moment. "Morning, Pedro." you hum, stopping in your tracks to allow him to catch up. "What's the plan for today?" 
"Elephant toothpaste!" He exclaims, turning the corner to the hallway of both your classrooms. He's already talked your ear off about this experiment – so you didn't need to ask about it again. If there was anything he was more passionate about than teaching, it was science. It's what made him such an effective teacher. "And you?"
"Nothing special. I had a test planned but honestly, I might just put on a movie." giving them a test would be pointless, and probably just piss your students off. He nods as if he heard your thoughts, "That would probably be better." 
You smile, stopping at your door and finding your room's key on the Keychain. "A couple of other teachers and I are going out after school on Thursday, to celebrate the vacation." You tell him, he's standing up against a locker watching you struggle with your keys before finally pushing your classroom door open. "Probably to some bar, you're welcome to join us. If you want." 
It feels nice to be included in work parties like this, to have the chance to interact with people you work with for hours on end five times a week, outside of an environment where you have to watch what you say and force this sort of politeness. However, the age thing made it harder for him.
The age gap doesn't stop him from being friends with the other teachers—the technology teacher just around the corner was fifteen or so years older than Pedro, though he can assure you he won't be at this gathering. He can already imagine the crowd it will likely be, you, Sam, and a bunch of other teachers in their late twenties to early thirties. He would be out of place, too old to be hanging out with the youth. God forbid you wanted to dance — the last time he danced was at his wedding, ten years ago. "I dunno," he says after a few moments of contemplating, playing with the lid of his coffee cup, following "Don't you think – I'll be a little out of place?" He decides to put it lightly, instead of, don't you think I won't fit in because I'm old?
"Don't be ridiculous," you dismiss, waving your hand as you put your coat and bag in the closet behind your desk. "You realize, half the staff loves you, right? Think you're the coolest guy they've met." and some other things you promised not to say. 
"And the other half?" 
"They don't know you." 
Thursday came quicker than Pedro expected, though he should've known given it was just a four-day week, and there wasn't any productive work happening in his classroom.
He didn't give it much thought until you popped your head into his room once all the children left the school for the weekend. "Did you make up your mind?" you ask, his attention shifts to you, he can't help but notice the new way you had styled your hair today, and he made a mental note to say something about it.  
"Are you sure I won't be too old for you youths?" He asks playfully, "I don't want to drag the rest of you down." To this response, you roll your eyes. "Pedro Pascal." You huff, stepping completely into his classroom. "Enough with this age nonsense, I bet you can still bust some moves. Have fun tonight." 
"Fine, I'll go." He can't seem to find a way to say no to you, part of him thinks he doesn't entirely want to, it's been so long since he went out with friends and relaxed like this, perhaps it was the night of his graduation night when he went to the bar last. That feels like centuries ago now. "You don't mind if I leave at seven? I have to be in bed by eight." 
"Oh, shut up! you're not that old!" 
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He's back in his apartment, looking frantically for any clothes to wear that weren't too business casual, this was a bar after all — he wasn't going to show up in one of his silly ties. It seemed though that everything he tried on wasn't right. As the clock got closer to the time you told him to meet everyone else, he grew impatient, throwing on black pants and a long black long-sleeved shirt, and he was on his way.
He pulls into the parking lot to see a good number of cars, but none of them look familiar to him–he was nervous that he was in the wrong place, and he's about to check his phone to reread your text before he sees you getting out of your car. He assumes you saw him when you start heading over to him. He turns the engine, slips out of his truck, and locks the door.
"Wow, wow, Mr. Pascal–don't you clean up nicely," you comment, making him re-check what he's wearing as if he forgot. "Thank you, Ms. L/N. You don't look too bad yourself." You only beam, before turning heel to head towards the bar. "Come on, old man. Times tickin' before your bedtime, and we're not spending it outside in the parking lot!"
Pedro's not fully sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't this.
He wasn't completely wrong in the sense of who came — it was more people around your age interested in the dance floor playing Lady Gaga – not that she's not amazing, that woman is a God – however, it just wasn't his groove tonight. He notices Sam is very into it, they're dancing to whatever song comes on and living in the moment. Pedro is envious for a moment, he watches everyone on the dance floor for a moment, thankfully, when you slide into the chair beside him, martini in hand, and distract him from his co-workers' choreography to Bad Romance. You've got a buzz going, not that he can blame you. If he had a designated driver, he would've been drinking a little more himself.
"Pedro," you start, there's a pause before you continue. "You gotta dance—have fun with us! you look awfully lonely sittin' here by yourself with a, what are you drinking?"
"Jack Daniels," He says, "Jack Daniels!" you exclaim.
"'m not lonely." He assures, sometimes he liked the solitude. While he did come here for a social outing, sometimes he liked to be left alone in places like this. "You should go back out there! Join your friends on the dance floor!" to his suggestion, you shake your head. Even with alcohol in your system, you're just as stubborn as when you're sober. "Not without you, no!"
"Can I ask you something?" If you were sober, he would've said something stupid like you already did. Though he figures that while you're in your current state, squinting your eyes at him, perhaps now wasn't the time to use such stale humor. "Shoot,"
"Why did you get a divorce?"
For some reason he wasn't expecting that, not from you at least—maybe Sam, or Jenny, or one of the other teachers whose first names he can never remember. He can tell you're curious, eyebrows raised and your drink is pulled closer to you, his face suddenly feels hot, and he's blushing. He can't quite figure out why, is he embarrassed?
Divorce isn't something to be embarrassed about, it happens to more people than you might think. Yeah, he's forty-seven years old and that's a little later than when most people get divorced, but it's not like it's completely unheard of. He's not Ross Geller from the show friends, it's not like this is his second or third divorce. Still, the word haunts him and follows him around as this sort of shame, this dirty word. He feels like he's judged by teachers and students. Mr. Pascal moved here because he got divorced. That his friends walk on eggshells around him, Pedro hasn't been the same since his divorce. "She cheated on me," he replies, deciding on telling the truth about it. It's the best way to face it, his life fell to shambles because his wife — the woman who he promised to love through sickness and health — decided to find comfort in the arms of another, he can't sleep as well as he used to because he moved out of his home where he had caught them, he couldn't stay there because of the reminders in each hallway what used to be.
He's caught off guard when you make a "tsk" sound, "I can't believe that," you say, "Who can cheat on you? I mean you're sweet, you're funny, and attractive, any woman would be lucky to have you!" While touched by your words that he assumes is meant to be a ego boost, he knows that he didn't give you the entire story.
"I was kind of being a shitty husband, I was drowning myself in work all the time, n' when I wasn't working, I wasn't giving her an equal amount of my time either. She found someone who would, I can't blame her for that." You wave your hand as if that part doesn't matter. "Whatever, I still can't believe someone would cheat on you. I mean, you're a heartthrob, who could let that go?" He knows you don't mean it — if you do, you're too drunk to be willingly saying it. Not to him at least, he underestimated your buzz.
"Who's your driver for tonight?" he asks, choosing not to comment on what you said to save you any embarrassment in case you wake up tomorrow and remember this. "Sam," you say, looking at the dance floor to point to them as if Pedro hadn't ever met them before. When you go to do that, you discover that they're gone. Apparently, they left. Leaving you abandoned, because well, Pedro sure as hell was not going to allow you to drive home. He pays for his drinks, and offers his arm out to you, which you not-so-gracefully stumble into. "Where we goin', Mr. Pascal?" you ask while he guides you to the doors of the bar. You're leaning into his chest, he's a lot leaner than you thought, and he smells vaguely of vanilla. "I'm taking you to my house," he sighs, patting his pockets until he finds his keys, unlocking the car to help you in.
He sighs once he's finally got you into the car, he's thankful that he went because god knows where you could've been by now, and he doesn't want anything happening to you—he's also thankful because he has material to tease you about once you're well enough to understand.
I'm a heartthrob. He thinks, smirking wide as he gets into the driver's seat.
@djarinsstuff @doodlebob-mp3 @wanniiieeee @zeyzeys-stuff @jay1bird23 @corpsebridenightamare @queerponcho
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 5 months
(i totally understand, believe me 🫠)
thank u for the first ask on my blog <3
currently working on the continuation of the metalhead!könig story, but I need some more time (you know, the holidays :P) - you guys are gonna be the first ones to know <3 enjoy this little glimpse into the concert we haven't seen yet while you wait (cw: age gap)
"I'm gonna get something more to drink, you want another beer as well?", he asks me, speaking into my ear, so I'll actually hear him over the loud music.
"Yes please!", I shout at him, and he takes my empty cup making his way through the crowd of people around us, heading to the bar. I look after him, so clearly visible the whole time as he towers over everybody.
'Immortal' is blasting from the speakers and I'm honestly glad they kept this song on the setlist from their old stuff, it's a banger. I scream the refrain with Will, while I still can't fully pull my gaze away from König, keeping him in the corner of my eyes.
I see him looking around, seemingly looking for me, two fresh beers in his hands, and I stretch my arms in the air, waving them around, jumping, so he'll see me.
And he does.
The furrowed brows relax when his eyes find me, a little half grin forming on his face.
That little reaction makes butterflies take flight in my stomach.
He joins me again with big strides, hands me one of the beers, and for a moment I expect him to just bend down and press a kiss to my lips.
Like he isn't just my company for the concert. Or like a date.
But much more.
I shake my head to dismiss those thoughts. Because he just doesn't kiss me on the lips like that. Because we're just at this concert together, having a great time. Because I just couldn't be with a guy more than 15 years older than me. Right? And I don't even know if he'd be interested.
He takes his place right behind me, his front against my back, the warmth of his body so close, while his right arm snakes around me - like it's the most natural thing in the world - hugging my shoulders. Pulling me closer to him.
The way he hugs me like this, his cheek resting on top of my head, as we wait for the next song to start.
I don't even know him. I met him just a few days ago. But then why do his arms around me feel so familiar and trusted?
Read more: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | (cw: age gap 25/41, nsfw smut)
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leftoverenvy · 5 months
Tastes Like Sugar (ch. 29)
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Summary: India Mae, or Indi, is a music major, struggling to pay bills, tuition, work, and make good grades.  Emily Prentiss is a BAU profiler, as well as a DC socialite thanks to her huge family fortune.  The two enter into a mutually beneficial arrangement: Emily will pay for Indi's school if Indi accompanies Emily to her social functions for a few months, posing as her girlfriend.  As weeks go by, the lines between their arrangement and their true feelings start to blur.  But money can't buy love, right?
Pairing: India Mae Banks x Emily Prentiss; OC x Emily Prentiss
Warnings: smut; sugar baby relationships; age gap (16 years - but all over 18)
Word Count: 2.8 k
Read on Wattpad | Ao3 | Previous Chapters
Taglist: @ssa-sapphic 🧸; @5raysofsunshine 🌮; @reidselle 🦭; @swiftfiles 🐝💚; @gaelic-symphony 🎻 ; @sadgirlml 🌻💌; @hotchs-bitch 🦆 ; @multiverse-mxdness ; @madelineleong ; @scorpsik 🎨 ; @heidss
A/n: Wow, I am so so sorry that it's been so long since an update.  I've finally found my joy in writing again.  If you're still following this story, I cannot tell you how much your patience and loyalty means to me.  Enjoy <3
Chapter 29 - Wayward
My summer with Emily was like a dream. She had only been gone on two cases, spending more regular hours in the office. We didn't comment on her unusually light case load for fear it would jinx it. I loved the time we were able to spend together with a more normal schedule. I enjoyed twisting myself around her while we watched movies on the couch. I relished the way she made me feel as she watched me play the piano. I yearned for the way she touched me every night.
Even though she had been gone for a case in Alaska for the last week, I still counted it a blessing to have had so many weeks uninterrupted by calls away. "Hi angel!" I startled, jumping halfway off the couch.
Once I had caught my breath, I smiled widely and responded, "Emily!" She flopped down next to me on the couch, pulling me in for a proper kiss. "Missed you," I mumbled between kisses. Once our frenzy had slowed down, I whispered against her neck, "I have something for you."
"That's funny, me too!" She whipped out a keychain with a photo of the Northern Lights in it.
I chuckled, sitting up to grab it and examine it more closely. "This is actually very pretty, Em. I thought these were supposed to be cheesy."
"I thought the Alaskan landscape deserved better. It was gorgeous up there; I wish you could have seen it."
"Thank you, babe. I love it." She kissed my cheek, tugging me closer.
"Now," she started, "What's this about a present for me?" I smiled bashfully, suddenly nervous to play the song I had finished for her. "I thought I was supposed to bring you presents."
"I didn't say it was a present. It's not a big deal. Just a lil something."
"Mmhm," she hummed skeptically, her eyes narrowing. "Show me." Something in Emily's glittering eyes told me she was excited by the prospect of receiving a gift. When was the last time someone had gotten her something that she really wanted?
I reluctantly left her arms and stood up. Butterflies swarmed my stomach, nerves overtaking me. This was a bad idea. I should have recorded her song and let her listen to it on her own. I felt like the biggest idiot on the planet – she was going to hate this.
"I've uh," I nervously sat down at the bench, "Been composing this summer." I had worked all summer on this composition when Emily was out of the house.
"I know, baby. You've done some really great pieces."
"Yeah, well." I swallowed thickly. I tried to think of what to say next.  I thought you deserved one to show you how much I love you.  Instead, I whispered, "This one's called 'Emily's Song.'" Before she could say anything, I started playing.
As soon as I pressed down on the keys, my hands knew what to do. I didn't need to think about it, muscle memory controlled my fingers. I felt myself start to tear up playing, knowing just how much love I had woven into this song. I wished I was brave enough to tell her. Embarrassed by how emotional I was, I begged my eyes to suck the tears back in, certain Emily would be appreciative but not emotional. 
As I started the last part of the song, I knew that I would never love anyone like I loved Emily Prentiss. But the thought terrified me. I was only twenty-two – what did I know about love? And how could she feel even a fraction of what I felt for her?
When the final notes of the song rang through the air, I couldn't bring myself to look at Emily, far too embarrassed. I heard her sniff and then push herself off the couch. Another beat passed and I felt her arms wrap around my shoulder. "That was perfect, Indi. Thank you." She pressed a kiss to my temple, her lips lingering longer than usual. "I mean it, angel. No one's ever written a song for me before. It was absolutely beautiful."
Her lips trailed down the side of my face, lingering at the corner of my mouth and until I turned my head to kiss her back. She deepened the kiss and trailed her hands down my body to show me how much she liked the song.
- - -
Emily and I fell back into our morning routine as if we hadn't broken it during the summer. I made us breakfast as she packed her go bag for work. We ate in silence, as she read on her iPad. Breaking the quiet, she asked, "Are you ready for your first day back?"
"I guess," I responded morosely. "I liked our summer together. I liked being able to focus on music and you. No math or English essays to worry about." Emily chuckled at that, moving her dishes to the sink. 
"At least you have a good first recital piece ready."
Puzzled, I asked, "Which one?"
"My song," she said, beaming with pride.
I narrowed my eyes with uncertainty. "You really think it's good enough for recital?"
"Yes I do," she affirmed. And her voice was so confident, it left no room for objection. "This will be your best semester yet!" she said positively. 
"But how can I be expected to do homework when you're home if your case load keeps up like this?"
"Are you pushing for me to go away on a case?" she asked with a smirk.
"Absolutely not!" I protested. "I'm just saying, it will be hard to concentrate knowing you're home."
"We'll manage, angel." She kissed me on the forehead and moved to holster her gun to her hip. My heart skipped a beat staring at her; she made everything look sexy. "I'm off to work now. I'll text you if I'm called away." She leaned down to kiss me briefly. "I want to hear all about how your first day goes! I'll call you if I'm away, or I'll see you tonight."
"Bye, Em." When the door to the garage closed softly behind her, I sighed. I wanted to get to campus early so I could get a good seat in class. I quickly did our dishes, grabbed my backpack, and hurried out the door.
But life had a funny way of balancing itself out. I had had the best summer of my life and was already disappointed to have to go back to classes, just to receive the worst welcome back to school present: my car broke down. I called Emily in tears, worried that I was going to start the semester off on the wrong foot with my first professor.
I dialed Emily's number with shaky hands, feeling the passing cars shake mine as they zoomed past me on the highway. I wasn't sure how Emily understood me through my hiccups and tears when I told her I was stuck on the shoulder of the highway.
"Shhh. Calm down, baby. It's going to be okay, I'll make all the arrangements. As soon as we're off the phone, I'll call a tow company to come get it and take it to the shop." I breathed a heavy sigh of relief, tears abating, thankful, as always, for Emily.
She continued, "In the meantime, baby, just drive the Lexus – the keys are by the door." I felt my heart rate elevate at the thought. "Or, if you'd prefer, you can Uber over to Quantico and pick up the Jag."  Pick up the Jag.  She said it so casually, as if driving one of her very expensive cars did not cause me extreme anxiety.
"No I do not want to "pick up the Jag!" Emily, what if I crash your car?!" I felt my face go hot at the thought, palms starting to sweat in anxiety. "You love all of these cars and they're so expensive and I'm not on your insurance!" I rushed out.
"Breathe Indi! It's just a car. And you don't have one right now. Please, take whatever car you want. Or Uber everywhere – I'll put more money in your account for it. Is that what you'd prefer?"
"No!" I nearly shouted. I took another deep breath, trying to keep in perspective that this wasn't Emily's fault and she was just trying to help. "I-" I exhaled into the phone. "I'm sorry," I deflated, "It wasn't fair to blow up at you like that. I appreciate you letting me drive the Lexus." 
Sensing the storm was over, Emily said, "I'm only sorry I can't see you drive it." I could almost hear the smirk in her voice. "I'm certain you'd look damn sexy in that car."
I chuckled and swiped at the remaining tears, embarrassed I had cried so much in front of Emily. "We'll see if you still say that when I ding your Lexus," I half joked.
"Like I said," her tone more serious, "It's just a car, angel." I paused, unsure what else to say. Her voice was calming though – she calmed me. "Look, I've gotta run. I promise I'll send a tow truck, but Uber home and grab the Lexus so you aren't late for class, okay?"
"Okay," I said softly, tears welling back up in my eyes.
"I'll call you later with an update."
"Bye…" And the line went dead.
- - -
Throughout my first class, my thoughts fixated on my car and how I was going to pay for everything. Even though Emily had been paying for most everything the last few months, I wasn't sure I'd be able to afford whatever the mechanic's bill was going to be. 
As my thoughts contemplated every little thing that could go wrong with my car, I missed everything my professor said. I was immensely thankful the first day was always spent going over the syllabus. I'd just have to make sure to read that thoroughly later tonight.
Over the lunch hour, Emily called. "Car's toast and probably not worth fixing."  So much for easing into it, I thought. I sighed deeply. Of course life would throw this at me. Things with Emily were just too good for everything else to be going right. 
"Okay…" I sighed. I mentally calculated how long I could go without a car while I built my savings up again. I also braced myself for having a conversation with Emily later about asking to go back to work; that battle wouldn't be won easily. But how else was I supposed to take on a car payment?
"I'll see you tonight, okay baby? I'm going to make sure to come home early."
- - -
Later that evening, once classes had finished, I arrived home. I was excited by the prospect of Emily coming home early, and I eagerly awaited the garage door opening to see if her car was in the garage. Once the door had raised fully, I counted three cars in the garage…except, whose car is that?  In my spot, where my car should have been, was parked a shiny, new Audi. Panic swelled inside of me. I didn't want to rush to conclusions, but Emily didn't drive Audis. In fact, I had told her it was my dream car. But surely she wouldn't have irrationally bought me a car without thinking about it first.
Not seeing the Jag parked in her spot, I quickly dialed her number as I walked through the door. "Do you like it?!" she asked excitedly.
"So I'm not crazy?" I spit out, trying to control my rising temper. "You did buy me a car?"
"Yes! Do you like it?" she repeated.
"Emily…" I said in warning. 
"Don't make this a big deal, India. I swear to god, don't. This isn't a big deal."
Her flippant tone fanned the flames of my anger. "It's a car, Emily. An expensive one at that." Suddenly, Emily's cavalier attitude on spending rubbed me the wrong way. I had never cared what anyone did with their money; it was theirs to do with as they pleased. But to hear firsthand how dismissive she was about such a purchase enraged me. Especially because she was wasting her money on me.
How could she not understand this? She threw money around like it was nothing. It made me feel like shit, like I was worthless. How could I ever repay someone who gave me everything? How could I ever be enough for her? I had nothing. I was nothing.
She sighed into the phone. "Can we talk about this when I get home?"
Clipped, I responded, "Great." And I hung up. Immediately, I knew I shouldn't have done that. No matter how badly she angered me, she didn't deserve to be disrespected.
I paced the living room waiting for Emily, counting out each step until I lost track. I tried to match my breathing to each tick of the clock on the wall. For forty-three minutes, I tried to calm down, anxious about our impending argument.
But no amount of mental preparation would have helped, because as soon as Emily walked through the door, we started fighting about the car.
"I don't see what the big deal is, Indi. It's a car for fuck's sake." I winced at her cursing during an argument.
"But that's exactly it, Emily! You can't understand why this is a big deal for me."
"Do you not like the car? Is that what it is? We can exchange it for any kind that you want," she offered.
"It's too much! And it wasn't part of the deal!" I shouted at her.
Shock flooded her face and she froze. Softly, almost hurt, she asked, "Do you seriously still consider this just an arrangement?" She spit the last word out as if it left a sour taste in her mouth. "You can stand there and really tell me that you still just see me as an ATM?"
"I NEVER saw you as an ATM, Emily. Of course this is more than being your sugar baby." It still didn't sit right. Rocks settled in my stomach. How could I ever get her to understand? 
"Then what? You think just because I love you that should mean my support should just stop" - she snapped her fingers - "like that?"
Our argument entirely forgotten, "You love me?" I whispered, aching at the thought of her taking it back, but sick at the thought of her really meaning it. I wouldn't allow myself to believe she meant it.
"I-" She blew out a puff of air. "Yeah." Time stopped. My breathing, my thoughts – they all stopped. "I love you, Indi. I am so in love with you."
And for a split second, I almost accepted the car. But accepting this huge gift almost felt like I would be solidifying our original arrangement. I couldn't sort it out anymore. I was overwhelmed by it all. By how much I needed Emily. By how this had turned into something so different than the life I had pictured for myself. I didn't know who I was anymore; I had lost myself in a game of make believe.
Emily couldn't want me forever like I wanted her. Too soon she would realize that I could give her nothing in return. Only then, it would be too late for me. I would be too far gone, too far entrenched in the India Emily wanted me to be, the real Indi never to be seen again.
My eyes went huge at the thought. Who had I let Emily turn me into? Who had I become during this arrangement? And how had I lost myself so quickly? Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. This mansion felt like a collapsing, cardboard box. Emily's affection, once a warm, safe blanket around me, now felt like a noose.
Shaking my head, I turned and ran upstairs. When I came back down, bag packed, Emily hadn't moved an inch. 
I needed distance from this life – from Emily – so I could find Indi again. But who was I without Emily? It had only been six months, and already I had no idea what life would be without her. I had pretended to be what I thought Emily wanted for so long that I forgot who I was. It didn't matter, though. Because if anything was certain it was that I could never be enough for Emily. She deserved so much more than the little I could give her.
I drove quickly back into the city, to Penelope, to my real life. I knocked on the door to what used to be my home praying Penelope was there to greet me. When she opened the door, tears flooded down my face. As I walked through the door, Pen's arms around me, I couldn't help but feel unsettled. I didn't feel at home here anymore. If I didn't fit into my old life, or into Emily's, where did I belong?
Continue to next chapter
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crushculture03 · 8 months
Chapter 1
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Chapter 1 in the Teachers Assistant series
Warnings : age gap
Notes : Y/H/T stands for your home town
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When you woke up that morning you made sure to put on your best outfit, and by best you mean the most revealing one you had, a short skirt and a front tied blouse. You wore it because it was your first day of being Professor Healys T.A. and you wanted to dress to impress the young professor.
You quickly made your way to his office and knocked on the door. "Come in" he said from the otherside of the oak door. You open the door slowly, before slipping into his office. "Hey Professor" you say as you approach his desk.  He looks up from the stack of papers hes grading and smiles when he sees its you. "Hey Y/n, thanks for coming in so late" he says and gestures for you to take a seat on one of chairs across from him.
"Of course! I'm more than happy to help" you say a tad to eager, before sitting down. "Y/N you know you can call me Matty right?" he says as he laughs at your formality's. "Yes right, sorry matty" you say, your cheeks heating up from embarrassment. "It's quite alright darling" Matty says, enjoying the way your cheeks flush once again when he calls you that. Him calling you darling has your stomach doing flips, and your cheeks flushing once more. "So um wh-what did you need help with" you stutter out, "Well I just wanted to get to know you, I know it's late and I would've called you in sooner but I had meeting after meeting today" Matty says. "Oh well what do you wanna know?" you ask, "Anything you're willing to share" he says and leans back in his chair.
"Well I'm 21, I'm studying Music Mangement which I love since music has been such a big part of my life. Um I'm an only child and am originally from (Y/H/T). I'm quite fond of writing and watching old movies, my favorite being True Romance, it's such a classic" you say as you try to think of more. "True Romance happens to be my favorite movie as well" he says, a bright smile appearing on his face. "Really? Most people tell me they've never heard of it before" you say, as you mirror his expression.
"It's a masterpiece, in fact I even wrote a song based on it" he says, which surprises you. "You're a song writer?" you ask, he chuckles "Before I taught i was in a band with some of my best mates, and I was the leader singer" he confesses. "Thats so cool, if you don't mind me asking why did you leave the band?" you ask. He sighs, "Well we all grew old and wanted to settle down, well at least they did, me on the other hand can't sit still so I decided to go back to school get a degree and start teaching" Matty says, "Wow , you've had quite the life professor" you say as you sit in awe at the man infront of you.
Somehow learning he was once in a band makes you even more attracted to him then you were before. "I'll have to play you something sometime, since you said you're a music major" he says. "I'd love that, maybe you could even teach me guitar" you joke, "I wouldn't be opposed to that" he says, catching you off guard.
"You didn't gel your hair back today" you blurt out, not sure how to break the silence that overcame you both. "I thought it was time to let the curls breath" he jokes, a runs his hand through his curly hair, an action you've dreamt about doing before. "You look better with your natural hair, more handsome" you say without thinking. "Shit i um sorry I-" you stutter, "Don't be sorry love" he says, the way the word love falls off his tongue makes you squeeze your thighs together.
"I should probaby go, but it was nice getting to know you prof- Matty, I'll see you in class on monday" you say and quickly stand up and head for the door. "Why in such a rush?" he asks, as he makes his way around the desk and up to you. "Well I-" you stutter, the closeness of his body to yours makes your heat speed up. "Do I make you nervous y/n?" he asks, as he steps closer to you, the space between your two bodies becoming smaller and smaller. You swallow as your eyes meet his, "A little" you whisper. "Hopefully not in a bad way" he says, you shake your head "No no of course not, I'm just always nervous around guys who I find attractive" you blurt out, once again not processing what you're saying until the words have already left your mouth.
"You think I'm attractive?" he asks, and gently pushes a stray hair behind your ear. "God yes" you mumble, not being able to contain yourself. You knew this was wrong, he's your professor and 13 years your senior for godsake but he was just so tempting, and unbelievably attractive. "I think you're quite attractive as well darling" he whispers, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. Before you can speak you hear your phone go off in your bag. You mentality curse whoever was calling you for interrupting the moment between you and matty.
"Shit it's my friend, I'm sorry Matty I gotta run" you say, a pout forming on your face from having to leave the gorgeous man infront of you. "It's ok darling, I'll see you later" he says, before making his way back to his office chair. You quickly wave goodbye to him before rushing out the door and back to your apartment to face time your bestfriend.
Matty sat back in his chair after you left, a million thoughts swirled in his head. He knew it was strictly taboo to have a Teacher student relationship, plus you were 13 years his junior. But he couldn't stop thinking about you, and the way your eyes lit up when he shared he had the same favorite movie as you. He knew you were going to be trouble for him and that he should stay away, but he just couldn't and he could tell you couldn't stay away either.
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gaygoetia · 2 months
Initial thoughts on the Fallout TV show:
- I really enjoyed the show overall. The pacing, story and tone is great and it was so fun seeing all the various background details and references to the games. They really outside themselves with the sets, costumes, props and overall art design. And the music!!! So fun recognising the songs from the games. And the twist was great!
- Lucy is a sweet cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. I adore her. I also love that she's stuck to her morals even after everything she's been through.
- I really like Cooper (I'm a sucker for an anti-hero) and enjoy the big contrast between his pre-war and current personality. Also I love that he proves that ghouls can be hot.
- I had very mixed feelings about Max at the start of the show but I really like how he's grown and developed thanks to Lucy's influence. I also feel instinctively protective over him cos I just know the fandom is gonna be racist and shitty about him.
- On a related note, the shipping discourse with this show is gonna be a disaster. Can't wait to see takes such as "Cooper/Lucy is problematic because of the 200 year age gap" and "Max doesn't deserve Lucy because he lied to her, instead she should be with Cooper (despite him being a cannibal and serial murderer who literally tortured her and almost killed her multiple times), this makes perfect sense."
- To be clear, I actually like both Lucy/Cooper and Lucy/Max as ships! (though not as much as I like Lucy/Literally Any Woman), they're just prime material for stupid shipping wars and I'm exhausted just thinking about it.
- This show is really good but is in desperate need of more girls and gays (I need Lucy to have female companion/romance options lol) Barb, Moldaver, Steph and Betty were great but they were 1. All kinda-antagonists (who were only ever seen from other character's POV's) 2. Did not interact with each other. The gender imbalance is especially stark when you consider there are almost twice as many men in the main cast list as there are women.
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priceseyes · 7 months
sgt. athena 'birdie' kallis & capt. john price hcs. summary: just some cute and simple hcs of these two (+ a few with task force 141) that i conjured up, hope you enjoy! warnings: FLUFF! just complete fluff.
enjoy the silence, cod-verse: a masterlist.
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there is a 12 year age gap between athena and price, athena being 25 and price being 37.
athena is Māori 
athena has an arm tattoo that represents her culture and where she's from. she also has a scar under her eye she got from a past enemy.
she's demisexual!
athena's favorite animal is the wrybill, a bird that's native within new zealand, where she was born.
athena likes to keep a walkman on her during missions, let's her mind stay at ease and she gets to listen to her favorite music.
sometimes, athena will borrow the beanie price has, he think it looks cute on her but, he wouldn't say that aloud unless he was alone with her.
athena was given the codename 'birdie' by price, himself. therefore, price is often the one referring to her by that name. although, when it's just the two of them, he'll call her athena.
speaking of names, price will not only call her 'birdie' but sometimes little bird, pretty eyes or just 'thena'.
athena can't STAND graves, sometimes graves will call her 'birdie' with that southern accent of his but she tries to not let it get to her. price hates him just as much.
gaz is best friends with athena, he teases her about her relationship with price often times.
sometimes the two will do impressions/mock price's accent on comms.
going back to athena on missions, there are times where athena likes hearing price's voice through the comms. the way he talks her through the mission keeps her at peace, even when's right there with her! his voice is comforting to hear.
if athena feels stressed or nervous and price is there, he'll also comfort her with rubbing her arms or sometimes he'll give her a forehead kiss.
there is a 12 year age gap between athena and price, athena being 25 and price being 37.
athena's favorite animal is the wrybill, a bird that's native within new zealand, where she was born.
athena likes to keep a walkman on her during missions, let's her mind stay at ease and she gets to listen to her favorite music.
athena was given the codename 'birdie' by price, himself. therefore, price is often the one referring to her by that name. although, when it's just the two of them, he'll call her athena.
speaking of names, price will not only call her 'birdie' but sometimes little bird, pretty eyes or just 'thena'.
athena can't STAND graves, sometimes graves will call her 'birdie' with that southern accent of his but she tries to not let it get to her. price hates him just as much.
gaz is best friends with athena, he teases her about her relationship with price often times.
sometimes the two will do impressions/mock price's accent on comms.
going back to athena on missions, there are times where athena likes hearing price's voice through the comms. the way he talks her through the mission keeps her at peace, even when's right there with her! his voice is comforting to hear.
if athena feels stressed or nervous and price is there, he'll also comfort her by rubbing her arms or sometimes give her a forehead kiss.
she keeps a picture of the two of them together in the front pocket of her vest as a reminder that he's always with her.
price will make athena co-captain sometimes if he's out to do something and has her watching over the rest of the task force 141 members, sometimes the boy will question it, ESPECIALLY soap.
although, there are times where athena has to earn the title of co-captain as price doesn't want to show TOO MUCH favoritism.
ofc, athena is the little spoon and price is the big spoon.
athena is 5'5 meaning she's a short queen in price's eyes.
lastly, BIG cuddles between the two of them with athena lying on his chest as price's chin rests against the top of her head, thinking about how lucky is having a gal like her in his life.
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notes: that's that!! this was SUPER fun and I really enjoyed making this. maybe i'll do some more similar posts like this in the future as i'm already LOVING the relationship between them + i have some future lore planned as well. they're my precious, comforting babies and I love them, haha.
if you enjoyed, please let me know! 💜
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imyourrjoy · 11 months
New teacher New Start
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Summary : A new teachers first night on the town became more than she was expecting in many ways, then one
Warnings : implied smut,drinking ,age gap, chessey flirting on both ends,
Word count : 673
Pariring : teacher!reader x preoutbreak!joel miller
Next chaper (coming soon)
🍒Masterlist,series Masterlist
A/n: she's short and sweet and also the first part of a series I hope you enjoy. Also, I'm dyslexic so sorry if my spelling sucks 💋💋💋
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I was excited yet nervous as I got ready for my first night out in my new town. I had just moved here a few weeks ago, and I was ready to explore the nightlife. My friend had recommended a popular bar downtown, so I decided to give it a try.
As I walked into the bar, I was immediately struck by the lively atmosphere. The music was booming, and the chatter of the patrons filled the air. I took a deep breath and made my way to the bar.
I ordered a drink and took a seat at a nearby table. As I sipped my drink, I couldn't help but feel a bit out of place. Everyone seemed to know each other, and I was the new girl in town. But I reminded myself that everyone had to start somewhere, and I was determined to make the most of my night out.
After a few minutes of sitting alone at the bar drawing in my thoughts, a man took a seat next to me. He was older and handsome, and his eyes were so magical. “You all alone,” he asked, taking a sip of his whiskey. I smiled “Yeah, it's my first time here”. He turned to see me “Where ya from” he was a Texan “not Texas” I joked. As the night continued, we continued talking. He was a contractor and a big flirt. He was also buff; everything was certainly bigger in Texas. In many ways
Time skip
I woke up the the alarm on my phone blaring me out of my slumber I want in my room i was in a strangers and I was naked too; note to self stop at one drink I got up and hurried around the room finding my discarded clothing but for God sake I couldn't find my shirt until it hit me he ripped it off I looked at the man asleep he had a glow to him I didn't want to wake him so I grabbed the gray Flannel he was wearing the night before and grabbed my purse walking the walk of shame to my cab.
I didn't feel clean until I showed. I can't believe I just did that, but I was lucky my alarm woke me and not him. I wasn't ready for that at all
But all of those thoughts went away when I walked into my first classroom. I didn't have much up yet, just the agenda,a decent looking Corq bored, and the chairs all set out. I was thinking of buying some fake plants and things for my class, but for now, this would do. I wrote in red marker 'welcome parents and students to ms.l/n history class'. I drew some fun stars and things around it, giving it some light. I'm not expecting many parents, but I set out water and candy. I'm so nervous on my first back to school night as a teacher.
I so far have see 8 sets of parents some nice and and old ball of very conserving parents let's say but the night was coming to a close I was getting ready to erase my bored when I heard a knock on my door I turned around and saw a girl with a lovely smile and then I saw what I'm assuming is her dad a minute later the same man who ripped off my shirt and picked me up at a bar. My face lost color, but when the girl spoke, I shook it away.
"HI sorry I was lost in thought what's your name we can go sit at my desk and have some candy as me and mr" I waited for his last name as we made eye contact for the first time since that night,"miller" I spoke again "while me and your father talk ok" the girl nodded and walked to my desk and immediately opened a chocolate I gestured for him to do the same.
It was awkward.
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A/n : Feedback is appreciated I love you
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lolamarlowe65 · 1 year
𝓘𝓷 𝓶𝔂 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 //James Hetfield
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"The house next door was just sold, i hope the new neighbour will be nice."
part three of ? part two
disclaimers : smut, age gap (modern day james), slow burn shit, sex dream, smoking, probably drinking, whatever must know human reproduction to interact, kids dni
Wattpad link
࿓ 𓋪・𖧹 𖤐
Chapter 3 - 1967 Camaro
After I got home I put myself to sleep. Maybe I'll get some sleep. I haven't slept well since my mom's gone. It's always nice to sleep normally sometimes. My eyelids are heavy and I fall quicker than I did the last few weeks.
*I'm lying on my side in my bed above the covers. I don't have the time to know what I am doing when a hand falls gently on my waist.
This tattoo.
It's him.
He gently puts his hand under my shirt and pulls me to him by the waist.
"-My girl." i hear him whisper in my ear, his breath slowly attacking my neck.
I bite my lip. God, I'm so wet. I clench my thighs together and I can't help but start to rub against his growing erection. Fuck he seems so big.
"- Already so horny for me huh?" he says laughing against my neck.
"- Don't worry, I'll take care of you." he adds.
He climbs over me and starts attacking my neck. I want to whimper his name but I don't even know it. I put my hands in his hair. I hold him like he is my oxygen. I can't let go.
"-Mmhh..." i moan.
He lifts his head and smiles at me.
"- I -*
I suddenly wake up to the sound of an engine outside. I don't know what to think about this. I don't even know his name! Plus he's way older than me.
Well, a little dream never hurts anybody, right?
I slide my hand in my panties just to check. Jesus, I'm so wet. I'm down so bad.
It's not like you will ever see him again Ann, it's okay.
I got up and looked out the window. The sound of the engine came from a moving van. The new owner of the house next door was moving in.
Today I don't have work. I have to get some groceries, that's all. I decided to stay in my pyjamas and stay chill for the day. Well I sleep in my underwear and no shirt, so I put on some shorts and a Doors shirt.
That's my shit, I'm into 60s rock. The Doors is my favourite band. Apart from the 60s and very early 70s i don't know shit about music. 70s, 80s, 90s and after : no idea. My mom used to listen to Guns n'Roses sometimes and she loved Motörhead so I know who Lemmy Killmister and Axl Rose are (mom told me he was an asshole by the way) but that's it. I've always been stuck with the 60s. I know the classics, you know GnR, Queen, Nirvana, Metallica, etc... even though i could never recognise one of their members if they were put in front of my face.
I go down to the living room and put on some music. There is my grandmother, reading softly. I go kiss her on the cheek.
"- What did you put on my dear?" my grandma asked sweetly.
"- Jefferson Airplane, i know you love them." i tell her.
"- Oh yeah, it reminds me of my teenage years."
I know my grandmother saw so many things going on around L.A in the 60s/70s, she said she wrote them down in her notebooks and she'll give them to me one day. I know I'll probably have them when she's gone and I don't want that. So I'd rather not know until a long time. I sit down next to her and put my head on her shoulder. She puts her hand on my hair and begins to caress them slowly.
"- It seems you have slept well sweetheart. Had sweet dreams?" my grandma asks.
I cough a little bit.
"- Well... it was an okay night, I slept better than the last few days." i answer, trying not to be embarrassed by the remembrance of my wet dream.
"- I'm glad you did darling."
She kisses my forehead.
"- Hey grandma guess what?" i asked.
"- What sweetheart?" she questioned.
"- There's gonna be new neighbours next door. Maybe they'll be a nice couple." i say enjoyed.
I secretly hope this is a nice couple. That would make it more secure for my grandmother. Not that Stacy isn't good but for emergencies purposes when i'm not there it would be practical.
"- Don't worry for me sweetheart. Whether they are a gang member or a nice couple, I'm sure it'll be nice." she says laughing sweetly.
I laugh too. My grandmother is a badass that's for sure. I get up to get something to eat.
I hear a knock on the door and look at the clock. It must be Stacy.
"- Hey Stacy! Good morning!" we greet each other.
"- Hey girl! Did you notice the moving van?" questioned Stacy.
I walk outside the front door with Stacy and look over the porch to catch a glimpse.
"- Yeah it woke me up. Too bad I was having a nice dream for once." i answer, bothered.
I saw the questioning look of Stacy. She probably wanted to ask about my dream but she must have assumed I was saying that for once I was not having a nightmare about my mom's death. So she let go. Well it's true. I did not have a nightmare. But I did go from one extreme to the other.
"- You know who is the new owner?" Stacy asked.
"- No, not yet. I hope they are a nice couple. You know with my grandma and all."
"- Oooh maybe it's a nice and sexy dude just for your eyes to eat." says Stacy jokingly.
"- Stacy, come on."
"- What?! It would be nice!" she states.
No guy could beat the man I saw yesterday anyway. So her joke doesn't even work. Maybe I should tell her.
I get up and close the front door so my grandma doesn't hear.
"- Hey Stacy." i said to her with a shy face.
"- Oh my god tell me! You look like it's something nice!" Stacy asked excitedly.
We were sitting on the stairs of the front porch. Watching the workers move in the stuff into the newly sold house.
"- I saw the sexiest man alive yesterday at the pharmacy." i say, embarrassed.
"- Ann tell me you took his number?!" Stacy said, shaking my shoulders.
"- No way! Plus he looked so much older than me."
"- Well, I don't see the problem." she says dubiously.
I rolled my eyes and Stacy saw it.
"- Think about it. Life's too short for you to give a shit and your mom would say the exact same thing. You're an adult. He's an adult. You want him. And if he wants you, why would you not go for it. It being consensual is all that matters." she says excitedly.
"- I don't know. You're probably right. Anyway it's not like I'm gonna see him again."
"- I know I'm right! I always am. Next time something like that happens you go for it!"
I put my head in my hands for a second and sigh.
"- That's not the worst Stace."
"- What?" asked Stacy.
"- I had a sex dream about him last night." i say almost whispering.
"- WHAT?!" she coughed "I mean... What? No way! I didn't know you were that perverted girl!" she says laughing.
"- Fuck you."
"- I mean it's not a big deal, happens to the best of us. You saw a hot dilf, your brain made a sex dream about him. That's normal. Whatever. But i'm glad you dreamt about something else tho."
"- So it doesn't mean anything?"
"- No, maybe that you need a good fuck. But that's all. Look. The dreams you have about your mom are only a reaction to her death. It doesn't mean much more right? Same thing."
"- The dreams of my mom means that I miss her."
"- Yeah and this dream means you need to relax. Now i'm not telling you to fuck an older man, i'm telling you you just need to let go."
"- Argh" i exhale. "You're right, I do need to relax."
"- Yeah, do some of those artsy pictures you are so talented for or something. Try and live your passion. France is in good hands, plus it's not like you taking a step forward will forbid you from taking care of your grandma."
France is the name of my grandmother. It's a beautiful name. When Stacy uses her first name I know she's being serious.
"- Maybe. I don't know if I'm ready."
"- It's been years since you stopped living for yourself. It's time for you to start again." said Stacy concerned.
"- Years?! I'm not that old!"
"- Two years is already too much when you forget about yourself."
My mom was diagnosed two years ago. That's when I stopped everything to take care of her. I completely forgot it's already been that long.
"- This whole thing is so torturous."
"- It could be simple Ann, but I get why you don't see it. I know you will. You're a girlboss." she winked at me.
Stacy then gave me a warm hug.
The workers outside were taking out some big black boxes, they looked like engineering stuff. As well as cases. That looked like music stuff. It's cool, maybe it's a couple of artists. It's hard to see well anyway. This house is still big and there's a big path between the portal and the house.
"- And what about you, Stace? How is it going in your love life?" i asked, trying to make her stop talking about my life.
"- Wait look!" Stacy exclaimed.
Out of nowhere a loud engine roamed from the left side of the street. A black 1967 Chevrolet Camaro approaches. I thought that it was a nice car but that's the type to be owned by a douchebag. I hope they don't pull to this house.
Next thing I know, it does pull up to the newly sold house. It pissed me off. What is it? A douchebag musician who thinks they're rich and famous after one hit? I hope they're not gonna act like the neighbours in the highly modern houses around the block. They despise you because they got more money. Money they got by doing nothing but stealing it from their parents in general. They're lucky my grandmother is nice because I know a lot of old ladies who would have kicked their ass just for having such a loud car.
"- Oh fuck no." i frowned.
"- You've got your answer girl, douchebag bought the house. Love the car tho." she said with a doubting look on her face.
"- Give me a cigarette, I'm begging you Stace!"
I don't smoke. Normally. Well I do a little, when I feel too stressed I do. I've chained smoke the whole week after my mom died. I haven't smoked in a week. But now I need one. So many confusing things are going on around me. Stacy looks through her bag and gives me a cigarette and a lighter. I light it like a starved man.
"- Thanks Stace." i say giving her the lighter back.
"- That's not gonna solve our problem."
"- Problem?" i ask, raising a brow.
"- Who the hell is douchebag dude. I mean he may be a douchebag but I still wanna see his face."
"- Yup, me too."
He stopped in the street, not in his driveway, probably not to bother the people moving in his stuff. The car windows were tinted a little, so we couldn't see much. The car door opened and there he was.
Oh my god.
He was there.
The man from the pharmacy. The hottest man I ever crossed paths with. The man whose hand gave me a wet dream. The man I never thought I would see again. He looked over at us and smiled slightly before quickly looking away.
*"- My girl."*
Him calling me like this in my dream came back to me suddenly. I coughed due to the cigarette smoke that got tangled in my lungs because of the shock.
"- Fuck..." i said between breaths.
I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I should. But i can't.
I forgot all about what I said earlier. He walked toward the house, shaking hands with the workers moving in his stuff. He was wearing a black leather jacket and black jeans. I couldn't look away from his attitude. The way he walked. The way he looked so smooth talking to other people. That I already knew with the way he talked to Pam. But it was a better sight.
"- Hey guys, how's it going?" he asked the workers with the beautifulest smile i have ever seen.
"Whatever" I say to myself breathing in smoke. It's not like him being my new neighbour is gonna change something.
"- OH. MY. GOD." said Stacy.
Stacy had her mouth wide open. She looked like she saw God herself.
"- What?"
"- No way you didn't recognise him!" said Stacy.
"- FUCK what is wrong? Pam yesterday and now you. What? Who's this guy?" i say obviously pissed off.
"- Pam?" she raised a brow.
"- Him. This dude. He's the one i saw at the pharmacy yesterday."
"- No way you've had a wet dream with James Hetfield?!" she exclaims.
"- James Hetfield?!"
"- James Hetfield. The singer of Metallica." she says like it's obvious.
"- What the fuck?"
"- That's so cool girl! Ann, your new neighbour is James Hetfield! And you've got a thing for him. I heard he got divorced not long ago. If it's any of use for you." she goes on with a malicious smile.
"- Stacy."
"- What?" she laughs.
I light off my cigarette and get up. I get some stuff in the entryway and get out again.
"- I'M GOING TO GET GROCERIES GRANDMA, I'LL BE BACK SOON. LOVE YOU." i shout to my grandma who's on the other side of the first floor.
I turn around to face Stacy.
"- Whatever. I need to do some groceries. One word of this to my grandmother and I'll beat your ass. I'll tell her about the metalhead neighbour when the time is right!"
Stacy laughed.
"- Okay okay. You're the boss."
I give her the finger while getting in my car. I need to change air.
I'm parking in front of the grocery store. Before coming out my mind wanders.
James Hetfield. Him. He is the guy I have a crush on. Well only a little crush but still.
I look up "James Hetfield" on my phone.
It truly is him. Even in pictures he gives me this weird effect. He was so cute young. He was so hot in the 90s. But nothing compares to him now. He truly is ethereal. I want to know more, to know him more. Not because of his fame, just because he attracts me. I'm so confused.
"- James." i sigh, throwing my head back on the headrest.
࿓ 𓋪・𖧹 𖤐
A/N : slow burn shit is killing me i have to write sex dreams. Chapter 4 is ready btw. XOXO <33
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juicypassionfruit · 2 years
Hello! Can I ask a Knox x female reader in which he is super anxious because he has to meet her family? She has a protective brother and her dad is not really happy about this relationship because of the age gap. She is younger. I think mom would love him like April margera
Cold Feet 
Johnny x Fem reader
A/N: Of course! Sorry it took a while! Hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: drinking, a nervous Johnny, and an overprotective family
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The night was going as normal as it could. Y/n and Johnny were out with the rest of the Jackass crew getting drinks. The two of them sat at a table with Steve-o and Chris. Johnny told everyone about the both of them officially dating, so Chris and Steve-o were of course being annoying and asking invasive questions. Y/n paid no mind to their drunken antics, just laughing it off and telling them to shut up. They eventually stopped.
Johnny and Y/n first met when he moved to L.A. She was working as a bartender at a bar and he was working for Big Brother Magazine. After work, he'd come in and get a few drinks and soon became a regular. He'd come in with his coworkers or sometimes by himself. Y/n would pour his beer and make small talk. It didn't take long before the two started becoming closer and hanging out outside of her work. Over the years they became closer and closer.
When Jackass the show came out, Y/n was there supporting him at the premiere. She met all of the guys and it was a surprise to all of them when she told that that they were just friends. They all started to make fun of Johnny for always talking about her and constantly thinking of things to give her. "Oh! Y/n would like this"
The two of them sat side by side watching Chris and Steve-o take an unhumanly amount of shots. “Hey, so, Knox, What’s like the craziest stunt? Personally, I'd say the bulls, but what do you think?” O rambled. Johnny sat and thought for a moment before smiling big, “Probably meeting Y/n’s family”
Y/n laughed and lightly shoved him, “It wasn't that bad!”
“I was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!” His southern accent coming out.
The night was cold but refreshing. Johnny stood Infront of the mirror comparing two ties, not fully satisfied with either of them. He wanted to make a good impression, there were already a few disadvantages he had against him, and needed to make up for them any way he could. The age difference between them wasn't very liked by her father and brother. Y/n was a grown adult who lived on her own but was still treated like a kid by her brother and dad. She thought it was silly he was trying so hard but admired him for it. It warmed her heart he put so much effort into everything.
“C’mon Pj, we can't be late. Then they really won't like you” She teased but his eyes widened and he rushed out of the bathroom, grabbing his keys before walking out of the door.
On the way there he played his music in hopes of settling the nerves, but it was no use. As he reached her parents' house, his heart was pounding and he was sweating profusely. Even the cold air couldn't cool him off. He got out and rushed over to her side and opened the door for her, taking her hand and pressing his lips to the back of it. Y/n looked up at him and smiled, “It’s gonna be fine. They’ll love you.” The reassurance made him feel slightly better but he was still nervous.
Y/n walked up to the door and walked in, Johnny right behind her holding her pinkie.
“Y/n!” Her mom came up to them with open arms and a big smile.
“Hi, mom. This is Pj” She introduced him and he nervously laughed, “Nice to meet you. You have such a lovely home.”
Her eyes rolled when she heard him say that, but her mom loved it. Immediately showing the family photos around the house. Y/n’s cheeks reddened at her high school pictures. “So anyway, let's eat!” She tried to change the subject, but her mother brushed her off.
After a few moments of going through photos, Y/n’s brother and father walked in. All of Johnny’s nerves instantly returned. He slowly stood up and walked towards the door to greet them, Y/n right behind him.
“Hi, I’m Philip” He shook both of their hands as they introduced themselves. Their faces were full of uncertainty, still trying to figure out him and his intentions.
At the dinner table, they all ate and made small talk. Asking Johnny loads of questions, to which he answered with no hesitation. Her brother made a few comments and backhanded compliments, but Johnny didn't do anything but laugh. His nerves were not all the way gone but he was more comfortable than when they first arrived.
“So what are your intentions with my daughter?” Y/n’s eyes widened and her cheeks burned, “Dad!” She was beyond embarrassed at the question.
“Well, sir, I uh, wanna date her for as long as she’ll let me” He ignored her and answered. Her father was pleased with this answer but didn't say anything. He just nodded his head and continued to eat.
“Dinner was great mom, but we have to go. Pj has a big day tomorrow.” Y/n helped clean up the dishes and the dinner table, before hugging everyone goodbye.
“Bye Pj!” her mother hugged him tightly while her father and brother shook his hand.
They walked outside hand in hand to the car. He opened her car door and walked over to the driver's side. “I don't have anything goin’ on tomorrow, doll” He laughed and shook his head.
“I didn't want them interrogating you anymore” She replied and he nodded his head.
“Well, thank you, sweetheart” His southern accent was like music to her ears.
They both drove to back Johnny’s, while the windows were rolled down and his country music playing loudly.
After telling the two of them how meeting Y/n’s parents went, Steve-o and Chris laughed. “Oh dude, I am the worst person to introduce parents to”
“Moms love me and I'm pretty sure dads do too” Chris smirked and laughed. Johnny's arm hung around Y/n ignoring the two idiots in Infront of them.
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littleragondin · 6 months
1, 14, and 21 for the ask game. Also special question just for you: best siblings this year?
Ohoho thank you for asking! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ I caught up on quite a few shows from 2022 this year but I will only pick from shows that came out in 2023 for those questions, and ones I have finished as of today.
1. What are your top 10 QL this year?
Starting with a hard one aren't we? Okay let's try it, top 10 based not always on quality but definitely on the love I have for them! (except maybe for the top 2, ranking has changed 5 times before I posted so take it as fluid lol)
10- Love in Translation. This one was a surprise because I did not expect much, but it was very good comedy, had emotionally intelligent characters, a great female love rival, and while the plot might have been a little weak (especially over the last 2 episodes) it was still a lovely romance.
9- Kimi to nara koi wo shite mite mo. Five excellent episodes, that gave us Amane the loveliest, saddest boy and Ryuuji as the kindest one. Bonus point for Enoshima's gorgeous background.
8- A breeze of Love. I do love non linear storytelling, and the miscommunications in this one really worked for me. Loved it a lot.
7- My School President. I am a sucker for a musical show, and those teens were simply the cutest. They started the year with a bang for me.
6- I Feel You Linger in the Air. Yes, the last two episodes had big pacing problems, and the ending was kind of sloppy and under explained but my god. What a ride. The emotions hit it every single time for me, and for all the crying I did, I still came out of it with my heart full.
5- Our Dating Sim. I think my favorite second chance romance in a good long while. It used its allotted time perfectly to tell the story it had to tell, the way it unfolded felt believable, and the shift in perspective regarding the conflict was really well done. Also, like everyone, still haven't recovered from "Have you been well? Without me?"
4- Bokura no Shokutaku. Food related jdrama rarely miss the mark for me (looking at you Zenra Meshi (눈_눈)) and this one was so gentle, with great siblings, and so so so much love it had to be on the list.
3- Laws of Attraction. Look. I was bound to put this one in the list if only for JamFilm, but it also gave me unhinged men (Charn and of course Nawin oh boy), absolutely badass ladies - from Maya and Rose to our grandmother extraordinaire, and a side dish with a broken rich boy and a devoted bodyguard. Delicious.
2- Unintentional Love Story. Despite the abysmal kisses, I loved the romance, they had wonderful hugs and tons of hand holding, and the second couple was a delight.
1- Kimi ni wa todokanai. Probably my all time favorite trope made so, so perfectly well, with the cutest characters, the best pink boy in the world, and a banger opening. No notes.
...missing some high quality stuffs (Moonlight Chicken, sorry dear) but well. Ten is ten 🙈
14. What are your top 5 favorite tropes used this year?
5- Catching the clumsy one before they fall down the stairs. Both Kimi to nara koi ... and Kimi ni wa todokanai did it and I loved it both times. 4- Age Gap. While not always a fave of mine, I have really enjoyed it every time I encountered it this year! (be it in The New Employee or Love in Translation, or I Feel You Linger in the Air and Moonlight Chicken) 3- Dancing/waltzing together. I can't keep track of all the iterations we had of this, but you can be sure I loved it each time. 2- Second chance love. I love people getting to try again when the sentiments are still there, and we had some really nice one too (Our Dating Sim obv, but also Shigatsu no Tokyo wa...!) 1- Obligatory ☆*:.。.o Childhood Friends to Lovers o.。.:*☆ for this one. It's a favorite of mine period, but we had some really good iterations of it this year (yes yes yes kimi ni wa todokanai, but also Shigatsu no Tokyo wa... and technically Tan/Methee in LoA)
21. Who was the softest character/pairing in QL this year? Which pairing had the best communication?
Oh, I feel like we had quite a few very soft pairings this year... But! I think I will pick a show that had all of it: softest character, couple, AND good communication > The New Employee.
Seung Yun was just the sweetest, his relationship with Jong Chan was absolutely adorable, and (from what I remember) their communication was top notch.
Honorable mention for sweetest couple to Napdao and Wela from Lucky My Love, my girls were the cutest.
Bonus. Best siblings this year?
Siblings?? My favorite thing in the world?? (°◡°♡) (technically I have watched To Sir, With Love this year so I could nominate Best Brothers Yang and Tian right?)
My favorite siblings this year came from Japan! I have to hand it to Minoru and Tane from Bokura no Shokutaku. They were so adorable I'd be remiss not to pick them.
Close behind are the Ohara siblings, Yamato and Mikoto from Kimi ni wa todokanai - they clearly took great care of each other and their dynamic was the cutest.
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