#it's like a comedy act
murdcck · 2 years
me watching she-hulk just for matt.  i’m sorry. i can’t take the cgi seriously.
BUT ALSO??? DID THEY LITERALLY HAVE MATT SNIFF THE AIR AND PUT IN A PRONOUNCED SNIFFING SOUND? LIKE DUDE RIDICULOUS.. YES, I am biased. I’m sorry. Netflix showed Matt’s abilities way more subtly than this SNIFF!! sdjkfsd.
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ghostlysodo · 3 months
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pov: jon fully acting out each of the statements he reads
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waterghostype · 6 months
shit postings
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fishyartist · 6 months
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Combined Hyperfixations as per usual
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beanghostprincess · 1 month
The erasure of the Usopp Pirates in OPLA is quite literally the worst thing they could have possibly done and I will forever be resentful for that.
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icys-junkyard · 2 years
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Drawing Probopass that one time made my appreciation for it go up by like 8% so I had to draw it at least once more
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shesmore-shoebill · 19 days
yk what is soo fucking funny to me. our collective "AMANGELA????" response to patricks short film. bc this is literally a comedy thriller with a clear "man in my house" theme. Like the odds are that even if Amanda and Angela ARE a couple in the short at least one of them is dying, or at minimum most of the short will be focused on. The Man That Is In The House And Wont Leave. but yk what else is ALSO possibly in the house. the gay shit. There's gonna be full on axe murdering or spooky shit or Patrick with his face pressed up against a window and at least Amanda (if not Angela too) acting their fucking hearts out while presumably getting murdered or at least terrorized. and yk what. thats still an Amangela win.
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eggsdrawings · 2 years
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sink like a rock.
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tofixtheshadows · 2 months
"Marcille is gay because she felt Falin up in the bath" boring. Anyone as neurotic as Marcille could act like that.
The biggest canon proof that Marcille is a lesbian is her extremely comphet fantasies of chaste and chivalric men.
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Like this is just what lesbians who haven't realized they're lesbians imagine they want from men.
Marcille should not be at the club, but she should be home watching Pride and Prejudice (2005) and Revolutionary Girl Utena.
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cheeseanonioncrisps · 8 months
Obviously the structure of an episodic series often requires characters to go from 'complete strangers' to 'close friends/family' in an unusually short amount of time. I get it.
Writers need a 'new guy' in the group to ask questions about the setting that the audience can't, but still (especially in comedy shows) want the fun dynamics that come from all the main cast knowing each other super well. It's one of those functional tropes like L-Shaped Blankets where you're required to suspend your sense of disbelief.
Having said that, I love when writers choose to take this trope and retroactively justify it by later on revealing that the Seemingly Normal Everyman Character is actually as unhinged as the rest of the group— it's just that their weirdness manifests specifically as an ability to form found family dynamics with literally any group they join, almost immediately after joining.
Like, you assumed that they just fit in so well because your group has a special vibe, but then you accidentally left them in the supermarket for like five minutes and by the time you realised and went back they were already Blood Brothers with the cashier.
Characters who are like friendly dogs in that you can put them essentially anywhere, with anyone, and they will just be like “welp! Guess this is my New Family now” and just go along with it.
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marisatomay · 4 months
Goncharov was fine and funny until it became clear that only like a dozen people on this site have ever actually watched a Scorsese movie and of that dozen about three have seen one that wasn’t goodfellas or the departed
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How often do you think Jesse thinks ab how he killed an innocent man in cold blood to save the life of the man who, unbeknownst to him, watched his girlfriend choke to death on her own vomit and then left her corpse for him to find laying next to him in the morning? Do y’all think he ever fully came to grips with that bc I sure as shit don’t… What the FUCK Walter
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tomfrogisblue · 2 months
purgatory one was such an irl fever dream
No One Made It Out Unscathed.
everyone on every day at the exact second the server opens, weekly or monthly streamers suddenly becoming daily streamers, chill players suddenly calculating out which food gives the best saturation or how to get 0.1% of a point better on missions, Tubbo having actual nightmares, Cellbit's voice that wasn't great at the start taking even more of a beating due to constant screaming, Roier fully losing his shit a week and a half in - leading to a completely player-driven reset of how the xp and enchantment systems were being utilised (Because Everyone Was Fucking Miserable), the point where the gay ninjas had been eliminated but not told what would happen to them so everyone was like really weirdly intensely stressed out for about 14 hours, Tubbo just being too actually psyched out to beat Phil in the 1v1, how REAL the emotions were from the creators when they finally saw their kids again and THEN THE ROOF STARTED TO CAVE IN, loads of creators just taking a full break from the server when the nuke went off with a bunch of them not returning for MONTHS, the creators later being asked if they want to join purgatory two and many being like "lmao, no ❤️" and two characters (very much main characters in terms of lore) straight up canonically dying in the nuke blast
and there was just... a vibe to it. our eggs will die if we lose. if we're not being lied to AND if we're not the cursed team. how do we know who's the cursed team? should we lose on purpose if we're not? we're obviously the cursed team (EVERY TEAM SAID THIS).
and the chatters didn't escape the psychological torture this event organically produced. our children have been missing for months at this point and it almost doesn't matter who wins because everyone is at the end of their tether and absolutely every egg could theoretically die.
Enjoy, Sinners.
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69-toojay · 4 months
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May God give Light Yagami the strength to endure the bullying a thirteen year old is capable of
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ghostdrinkssoup · 1 year
I just finished watching the first two episodes of succession for the first time and seriously what the fuck is going on with tom and greg. they were together on screen for less than two seconds and tom was immediately like you wanna kiss me? oh I see. mhmm. yeah. you wanna kiss me so bad. literally embarrassing. suck my dick. I’m joking. omg I’m literally kidding don’t take me seriously. the look on your face oh my god you actually thought I was being serious? really? because I was. you want me carnally. you want money but you want me more. JUST KIDDING OMG
and greg is just standing there like 🧍 what.
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juneviews · 6 months
bruh I just love how cooking crush is literally just offgun lmao. the chemistry, mannerisms, etc. are just them for real. the show is about cooking when offgun are literally THE cooks of gmmtv with their variety show offgun mommy taste. and now they've made ten scared of physical touch when one of the most well known things about pre-2020 off jumpol is that he hated physical touch but changed himself to like it for gun??? ICONIC!!!
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