#it’s weird because I’ve met people more feminine than me who call themselves butch
midwestgender · 4 months
Was scrolling thru my snap stories today and gender has been so odd for me. I’ve always been really attracted to the butch/femme stuff but I lost soooo much social approval when I presented butch/masc that it became so terrible for my self esteem and I can’t figure out if I really did enjoy being more masculine or not because it’s so clouded by the self hatred I experienced at that time. But I was also occasionally quite feminine during my teen years and I remember enjoying that because I felt closer to being attractive but also I felt like I was not myself at all. trying to untangle gender identity and self esteem has been soooo difficult for me over the years.
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cinniharpy · 5 years
Alright, so I wrote the following for a private Twitter account I have and... I dunno, I put so much into it that I wanted to share it somewhere else too. This is the only other place I'm mostly comfortable with, so here ya go.
Okay. Well, it's pride month and I got this here private twitter, so let's do A Thing. Let's talk about B I S E X U A L I T Y. Or, at least how I've experienced it.
"But, Amanda," I can already hear assholes saying. "You've only been in relationships with men. How can you be bisexual?"
Ooooooooh well, we're about to get into it and my lifetime of confusion and repression because of worrying about how other people view things.
To start, being bi is not something new for me. I might not have been willing to admit it, but I've known I'm bi since I was ten years old.
Because at the same time I developed a first crush on Daniel, I also developed one on Sarah.
And to a ten year old growing up in Texas, I didn't know what that meant, but I knew it wasn't right. You were not supposed to feel the same way about girls that you did about boys.
But I did.
And I remember finding out what the word "lesbian" meant and how bad that supposedly was. There was a rumor that my teacher - my favorite teacher - was in a relationship with another teacher at the school. Another woman. And parents raised a fuss and kids said awful things...
So, to little ten-year-old Amanda the message was received. Whatever made me like Sarah in the same way I liked Daniel was bad and I was bad for it.
So began many, many years of denial and confusion.
But, despite me driving back any gay thoughts, my crushes in my younger years were still varied.
And, even when we moved to new states and I met new people, and things slowly started to seem more accepting... I felt like homosexuality was something I could accept in others, but not myself.
And I guess I figured... if I also liked boys, then what did it matter. I was straight enough to just say I was straight.
And it's not like I could ever pursue a relationship with a girl, right? What would my parents say?
Well, I knew what they would say. One time I brought it up with my mom, where she told me that she'd be fine with it, but that she wouldn't want that for me because it would mean my life would be very hard.
And my dad? I only remember it coming up with him once. I don't recall how it came up, but I remember him yelling "You like girls?!" in a tone that I couldn't read, so I just vehemently denied it.
So until, I'd say, maybe middle of college I just called myself straight both internally and to everyone else.
And by this point my preferences in partners were starting to solidify, which, in some ways made it hard to do something like claim I'm bi.
For one, I do still tend to go for men. Bisexuality is a spectrum and a large part of my spectrum is still men.
For two, my preference in the types of people I liked who WEREN'T men also made me feel like I couldn't claim to be bi. Truthfully? When I do go for non-men, they do tend to be more androgynous or butch people. My crush list pretty much contains almost entirely men, butch lesbians, and masculine leaning and/or androgynous non-binary people. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of being with someone more feminine, but typically that hasn't been my preference.
But these preferences made me feel like I wasnt "gay enough" to claim being bi when even the not-men I liked were still more masculine.
Side note: these preferences have also been why "bi" has felt like a more accurate term for myself than "pan."
ANYWAY. Maybe halfway-ish through college I started to become more comfortable with thinking of myself as bi and being okay with the fact that I'm attracted to more than just men. This mostly came from being around more lgbt people. SCAD was an art school so, ya know, this was inevitable. And amazing. Because, up until that point I had seriously not met even one lgbt person who was fully out and totally comfortable with themselves.
And yet, I still have yet to be in a relationship with anyone who's not a man. Might've kissed a girl, but that's about it.
So why?
Hooo boy. A good chunk of reasons.
A big one is fear. I've been interested/had not-men be interested in me before. Doesn't go very far. Because I'm afraid of a lot of things. I mean, I already have enough relationship fears with men, and now imagine a non-striaght relationship.
Like, even though this has been a near life-long thing for me, what if all the people who have ever been shitty to me about being bi are right? What if I'm just wasting someone else's time? Bi now, straight later, right?
What if I don't do gay right? Do I want to go back to basically feeling like a confused virgin if the person I'm having sex with doesn't have a penis or wants to have sex in another way? How do I navigate that?
What would my family say? There's some extended family who might never speak to me again. My own parents might say they'd be accepting, but would they really? My dad can be very homophobic. Could I really expose a partner to that?
How would friends react? Would they be weirded out? How would people in public spaces react? How much of this relationship would I have to hide? Could I be attacked?
Would a lesbian even want anything to do with me knowing that I've been with men before/am capable of being attracted to men? Because holy hell I've also heard gay people say downright terrible things about bi people.
Would being in a visibly non-striaght relationship affect things like having a job or looking for a job?
If I do fully claim my bisexuality how many people does that chase away? There's even been guys I've been interested in where I've thought "they can't know this about me because it will either make them no longer interested in me or they will think it's their ticket to a three way."
And surprise, surprise, guess what my ex thought was gonna happen when I did eventually tell him. Spoiler alert, asshole! Two things: one, the kind of girl I'm into is not gonna result in your fem-on-fem fantasy. And two: my sexuality is not a performance for your titillation.
I digress... there's a lot of reasons that I haven't REALLY explored that side of my sexuality. And sometimes I wonder if I ever will. Thing is, even if I don't, it's still a part of me and has been since I was ten. It's something I've been confused about, agonized about, questioned, and even found joy in for twenty years now. And I don't think that's nonexistent or nothing.
Though it is perhaps sad that one of my prevailing thoughts is: If I am capable of being attracted to men and it helps me avoid all the fears and worries I've listed above, then maybe that's what I should stick to.
But that also feels disingenuous. Because I am attracted to men. I know that, and it is (often unfortunately) undeniable. But I also have a long history of being attracted to people who aren't men. And coming out and being okay with that is still an ongoing process for me.
I might never be fully out - not unless I do become involved with someone other than a man. I don't talk about this on facebook and my family sure doesn't know.
But in some ways I think it would be kind of nice to be fully out? To be fully comfortable with this part of me?
But that has to start with me being comfortable with the label.
So yeah, even though until this point I have only been in relationships with men, I am bisexual and I do claim that label.
No matter who I choose to become involved with, I am bi.
I have always been and will always be bi.
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gayagendaofficial · 5 years
Wait, what’s gay lingo? Like, what does twink, bear, etc. mean?
Before I get into actually defining these terms, I’d like to write about a few things:
So this is probably in reference to this post I made. Not to explain the joke to death, but that’s exactly what I’m about to do. I wanted to make fun of how people who aren’t mlm think they know what mlm terms like “twink” and “bear” mean and how they blatantly use them incorrectly everywhere, because they think they’re funny (bc gay men are a joke, right? //sarcasm), or because it makes them look “woke”. It’s an idea I had for the longest time when I saw something a str8 woman wrote about Zac Efron being a twink, in the present. Like yes, Zac Efron was a twink, past tense, but he is absolutely not a twink anymore (if you can even call a str8 man a twink). And she also implied that being a twink is something you can’t outgrow, which is laughable, because it’s kind of a meme among gay men that being a twink is something you grow out of whether you like it or not.
This mostly seems to be a problem among cishet women, since cishet men tend to be too concerned with their “masculinity” to touch gay culture. But since this is tumblr and virtually none of you are cishet, a lot of the times I’ve seen people misuse these terms on this site were LGBT+ people who weren’t themselves mlm. In those cases, the reasons seem more that these people are just misinformed, and they use these terms because mlm use these terms, and we share a community. Part of it comes from the fact that wlw might see the terms “twink” and “bear” as analogous to “femme” and “butch” respectively, which is not true in the slightest (Butch and femme are their own complex thing. What they actually have in common with twink and bear is that few outside their communities actually know what they mean lol).  Another reason might be that other LGBT people see mlm using these terms sarcastically and think they’re being used in earnest; if an actual gay man calls a bodybuilder a twink, he’s probably being sarcastic, and also probably trying to insult him (which is a whole can of worms I’ll open up in a bit).
I’m gonna try to define what “twink”, “bear”, and a couple of other terms actually mean, as well as give a little bit of context to how they’re used and controversy surrounding these identities within gay spaces, partially based on my experience as a gay man and partially based on casual research. I’m just one gay man, and I’m not an expert in queer studies or anything, so take from that what you will. I hope this will be useful to mlm who are just discovering their identities and exploring their sexuality/gender, who are new to the community, and I also hope to inform our siblings elsewhere in the LGBT community. This info could also be useful to cishet allies, although please be mindful of your intentions in using these terms.
Anywho, lets get to the definitions:
A twink is a young, smooth, slim mlm. The definition here is generally seen as being pretty strict on those 3 criteria, although “twink” is sometimes used for older mlm who are skinny and don’t have much body hair. Those last two criteria are the most important, because there are other categories for mlm that fit one of the criteria; an otter is essentially twink + bodyhair, and there’s a whole host of other words for other body types.
The definition of “bear” is a little more flexible than “twink”, although it generally comes down to the inverses of those same 3 criteria. The most important of these is the bodyhair requirement; any definition you find of bear includes something about being hairy. Almost as important as bodyhair is body type, although “bear” covers a slightly larger range than twink in that regard. Usually, “bear” indicates that someone is large or plus-sized, although it can also sometimes be used to describe someone who is muscular in the sense that they are beefy (if you can see a 6 pack, he’s probably not a bear). It’s also sometimes associated with being slightly older, but that’s not nearly as important, and “bear” can refer to any age. The term “cub” refers to mlm with the same body type as a bear, but who are smooth and young.
Now, let’s get into some misconceptions/controversies surrounding these terms. The first of these is that twink and bear are the only two options, and that all mlm fall into one of these two categories, or that other terms are simply variations on those two main terms. This misconception is really only one held by people who aren’t mlm themselves (or are, but are only just learning the terminology). These terms are extremely specific, and the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of mlm don’t fit into either of these categories. And that’s ok! There are a ton of other words mlm use to describe themselves. I’ve already mentioned “otter” and “cub”; there’s also “jock”, which refers to muscular mlm; “wolf”, which also refers to muscular mlm, but specifically hairy ones (with a bit of overlap with the “beefier bears” I mentioned earlier); the relatively new term “twunk” which you may know from this video as “a combination twink and hunk”; and many many more. In addition, all of these categories are really just physical descriptions of your body, and don’t have any bearing on anything else. You don’t need to fit into any of them.
That being said, there are a number of stereotypes associated with these terms, and it is important to address them.
Our next misconception is one that’s as common among mlm as as it is among everyone else: that twinks are by definition fem, and bears are by definition masc. “Masc” and “fem”, short for masculine and feminine respectively, come with their own host of problems, and that is a can of worms that I am not going to open up right now. This post is long enough as it is. If you want the sparknotes version of the controversy surrounding the masc-fem dichotomy, it basically boils down to misogyny, transphobia, and internalized homophobia. But back to twinks and bears: I would like to assume that it’s obvious that your body type or bodyhair has absolutely no impact  on your personal presentation of gender. There are plenty of fem bears and masc twinks. But unfortunately, most people don’t seem to get this. And this super important, because the gendered way we think of these terms affects everything else I’ll be talking about in the remainder of this post.
My next point, which is really and observation based on my experience in the gay community, is that bear as a term seems to be much less… loaded. However, being a twink myself, there might be a gap in my personal experience, so any bears feel free to correct me. However, from what I’ve seen, “bear” isn’t really used as an insult in the way “twink” is. Which is a bit of a miracle, considering how prevalent fat-shaming is in the gay community. From what I’ve seen, bear isn’t a term that’s forced on you, it’s a term that bears choose for themselves, almost always in a positive way. It’s a term associated with body positivity, and bear communities seem to be much less toxic than the gay community as a whole. Even when it’s used to describe someone else, it’s always a neutral statement of fact. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it used as an insult, or even sarcastically. The worst I’ve seen of it is that it’s used as a porn category, which contributes to the fetishization of fat people; but then again, twink and jock are also porn categories, so it would be weird for bear not to be. This isn’t to suggest that bears are treated better than anyone else in the gay community, if anything they’re treated worse; just that the word “bear” itself has neutral to positive connotations. (Again, any bears correct me on this if you’ve seen it used negatively!)
Twink, on the other hand, is absolutely used as an insult, and frequently. And while this may sometimes be harmless, more often than not it’s really problematic. If you’re plus-sized and you use twink as an insult in the same vein that Nicki Minaj said “fuck the skinny bitches”, that’s completely fine. Twinks are seen as being desirable (if they behave a certain way; more on that later), so effectively it’s punching up instead of punching down. However, a good 95% of the time that “twink” is used as an insult, it really comes from one of the many stereotypes that all essentially boil down to the idea that twinks are fem. And the idea that being fem is inherently bad and insult worthy is, once again, rooted in misogyny, transphobia, and internalized homophobia. 
This association between twinks and femininity also has a lot of scary implications on the beauty standards twinks are held to. I’ve noticed that twinks fill a niche in the gay community that is similar to the role cis women are supposed to fill in western culture as large, and that we’re only seen as sexually valuable if we perform the same behaviors and meet the same beauty standards that are typically reserved for women. We’re bottoms by default, submissive both in and out of the bedroom (yes I actually am a sub bottom, but that’s beside the point). We’re supposed to maintain a completely smooth, hairless appearance; a shaved ass is the bare minimum of hygiene. I once met a guy on grindr who demanded that I be completely hairless everywhere beneath my eyelashes, and while that’s a bit extreme, he was by no means an outlier. Just today I talked to a guy who wanted me hairless between my neck and knees. We’re often seen as vapid and stupid, and infantilization of twinks is rampant (some guys put way too much emphasis on the young part of the definition). And, to cap it all off, there’s the racism! Who’d’a thunk that all forms of oppression are connected? (sarcasm). Twinks can of course be any race, but the ones you’ll see men on grindr going after the most are white or light-skinned Asian twinks. Combine that with stereotypes of Black, Latino, and Middle Eastern men as dominant and aggressive, and you have a whole slew of white supremacist ideas painted over with a thin coat of gay porn.  (mlm of color who’d like to add or correct me on anything, please do so!)
I’ll end this already long post with a comparatively brief discussion on who these terms apply to. Basically, if you’re an mlm and you fit the definition of “twink” or “bear”, congratulations! You’re a twink/bear! “Can bi men use these terms?” Of course! “What about trans men?” Are you attracted to men and male-aligned people? Then of course! That last one might be controversial to some cis gays, and to that I say fuck right off. However, it does get a bit muddier with trans women and transfem nonbinary people and the word twink. Trans women are absolutely not mlm, but many of them have been a part of mlm communities for a long time, often before they even realized they were trans, and some may be reluctant to give up the word twink (I haven’t seen this for bear, although again, lmk if you’ve seen evidence to the contrary). And on top of that, a lot of cis men looking to have sex with trans women conflate trans women and cis twinks. Because remember what I said about twinks filling the niche of women? It’s often a niche they share with trans women, except trans women have it even worse, because they are actually women. My two cents is, if a trans woman wants to refer to herself as a twink, she’s more than welcome to. Just don’t go around calling trans women “twinks” unless they specifically say you can; it’s a gendered term, you are misgendering them, and, once again, you can fuck right off. (trans women also please comment if you want!)
Well, anon, I bet you weren’t expecting a post this long. At least I hope y’all learned something! Be gay do crimes!
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evesbeve · 5 years
~All. Of. Them.~ ☺
99 gay-ish asks
… you know WHAT.
1. how tall are you?
I am 159cm aka 5′3ft!
2. what is your body type?
According to the first Google Image result I got, it’s between “Banana Shape” and “Apple Shape”. I have no idea who came up with these terms. But there you go.
3. what is your favorite part about your body?
My nails-
4. is your current hair color your natural hair color?
My hair is brunette, which is also my natural hair color!
5. are you more outgoing or more shy?
I’d like to think I’m outgoing, but we all know the truth rip
6. are you more femme or butch?
Depends on the day-
7. are you tol or smol?
I definitely wouldn’t call myself tol, so smol, I guess!
8. wine mom or vodka aunt?
Sober Mom
9. weird habit?
The door has to be either fully closed or fully open. Don’t fite me on this-
10. favorite meme?
Too many to count, but this is one of my favourites right now-
Tumblr media
but also like, most of my faves at the moment are actually memes with pictures of me and my friends XD
11. do you sing in the shower?
Hell yes!!
12. ever used a bow and arrow?
13. are/were you a theatre kid?
(Answered here)
14. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
Nope, but I’ve seen Aladdin’s counterpart to broadway in London! So it’s like, the exact same thing, but in London XD
15. do you think musicals are cheesy?
Yes. Do I think it makes them less enjoyable though? Nope.
16. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
It’s a complicated story, but I have!
17. favorite Cards Against Humanity Card?
Gooood, it’s been so long since I’ve played CAH! I have no idea ;;
18. last movie you watched?
I think it was Far From Home!
19. behind the camera or in front of it?
I’m usually the one taking pictures and filming my friends (they better thank me in 10 years) but to be honest, I wish they’d take some more pics of me to look back to too. I do enjoy filming though, so I guess behind!
20. favorite tv show?
Right now, it’s definitely The Umbrella Academy!
21. meaning behind your url
My name is Evelina, and I am online
22. reason you joined tumblr
To follow a project I used to like on YouTube ^^
23. who’s your closest tumblr friend?
I mean, @clumsinessinperson, @xxwhisperapplexx, @hollsheadcanons and @spinharmony started out as tumblr friends, but now we’ve known each other for more than a year and they’re my best friends in the world ;w;
24. what’s something most people love that you hate?
Olives. Peas. Crocs.
I do hate BBQ sauce with PASSION though-
25. have you ever taken narcotics?
I mean, only when I got my teeth extracted XD
26. have you had sex?
27. have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
I’ve never sneaked out before, so nah. My phone caught me on my phone at 5am once, does that count?
28. worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?
(Answered here)
29. describe your passion without mentioning it.
The ocean’s waves clash at the coast. They drown in themselves. They help the boats move. But sometimes, the ocean is quiet.
30. describe your best friend.
Nearly impossible to describe a 100 people in one sentence, but none of them have braincells.
31. give us one thing about you that no one knows.
32. how do you feel right now?
33. what is your biggest fear?
34. what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
(Answered here)
35. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
Honestly, uploading my stories.
36. have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
MANY TIMES. But hey, that’s life. And that doesn’t mean that it’ll always disappoint you. Keep trying, everyone!
37. something you fantasize about.
38. last time you cried and why
This morning because I had a fight with my mom lmao
39. what was the last thing that made you laugh?
40. do you really, truly miss someone right now?
Sure do *dabs*
41. who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
@xxwhisperapplexx​, @clumsinessinperson​, @aesthetically-bitching​ and my other irl fren who doesn’t have tumblr but he is a dumbass!!
42. the last time you felt broken?
SEE 38, RIP (I’m okay now tho, dw!)
43. are you starting to realize anything?
I wanna be a director or a scriptwriter or something!! Just work in the movies!!
44. are you more dominant or more submissive?
Dominant, but I can be just as submissive!
45. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
I’ll only date you if I love you?? Why would I date someone I don’t love?
46. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
Uhhh look, I’m 16, so the same age, lol. And even if I was older, age doesn’t matter as long as it’s not creepy and predatory, you know?
47. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
I don’t have a crush at the moment, thANK GOD.
48. do you have any kinks?
49. first thing you notice in a person?
(Answered here)
50. how can someone win your heart?
Step One: Stan Ben Hargreeves.
51. been rejected by a crush?
Nop. Never confessed-
52. have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
53. would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
54. is trust a big issue for you?
I mean, I wouldn’t trust someone I just met with my life, but I do have faith in people ^^
55. did you hang out with the person you like recently?
I do not,,, have a crush,,,
56. is confidence cute?
Everything positive is cute.
57. what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
I don’t like someone right now but if it were to happen, I wouldn’t say anything? It’s their life.
58. would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
Everyone makes me laugh. I must hate the person then XD
59. does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?
60. ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Yes, like a bazillion times.
61. do you want to get married
I’m open to it!
62. worst thing you’ve ever done?
Honestly, I was trying to think of a serious answer, I PROMISE, but then I remembered that when I was little my parents had pissed me off so badly, and I quoted a Barbie movie that said “You’re ruining my life!” like an angry toddler.
Then they threatened to never let me watch Barbie again because it was a bad influence, anD I MEAN. It was what it was XD
Note: They never banned Barbie.
63. three things that turn you on.
How did you know I was an android.
64. who do you hate?
Hate is a strong word, lmao.
65. favorite term of endearment?
Unironically, it’s “boo” XD
66. who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
I WAS WONDERING IF THERE WAS A QUESTION LIKE THAT, honestly I do not remember. Probably someone from Winx.
67. intimidating girls or kind girls?
Both are valid.
68. what do you look for in a possible partner?
I don’t look, they hit me in the head.
69. do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
All. All the girls.
70. are you good at flirting?
Yes, actually XD
71. who was the first person you came out to?
Probably @aesthetically-bitching​, I think!
72. do you have any friends who are wlw?
73. is your crush wlw?
don’t have a crush, but used to-
74. last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?
I have no idea, I’ve known I was bi since 6th grade.
75. write a short love poem to your crush/self?
Not all the steps you walked on are stableBut that’s okayReaching the top requires a few
76. do you fall in love easily?
I’ve only fallen like in love twice. Crushes are way different, and I’d say kinda…?
77. is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
Yeah. But I hate talking about it.
78. are you good at hiding your feelings?
Yep. If you notice I’m sad, I want you to notice I’m sad.
79. are you a forgiving person?
80. what is your “type?”
Ironically, Eudora Patch from The Umbrella Academy is a very good depiction of my type. (Note: Personality wise. Looks genuinely don’t matter to me, everyone is BEAUTIFUL.)
81. fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours?
I am a little spoon inside and out-
82. tall girls or short girls?
Doesn’t matter-
83. hugs or kisses?
Hugs!! kisses kinda make me uncomfortable most of the time to be honest
84. twirl her around or get twirled?
b O T H
85. tummy kisses or thigh kisses?
86. hairline kisses or neck kisses?
87. play with her hair or stroke her tummy?
88. making out or soft kisses?
Soft kisses, definitely. Not that I’ve kissed anyone before, but oh well XD
89. hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?
Neck…? I’d say neck.
90. how confident are you in your sexuality?
It took me a while, but I am very confident in it right now!
91. when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?
92. have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?
I have, and I told them absolutely nothing
93. how old were you when you realized you were into girls?
*shrugs* young XD
94. most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?
All girls are cute girls. So many things.
95. do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?
THIS QUESTION IS STRESSING ME OUT, I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO CHOOSE. Honestly, Alphys and Undyne are a hard one to top, aND ALSO CANON
96. what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?
“You’re just confused.”
97. when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?
… I don’t know what to tell you.
98. what is love to you?
Love is complicated.
To me, it’s not about having a partner. Actually, loving someone regardless of romantic feelings is way more important, in my opinion. These things can co-exist, and loving a friend is just as important loving a lover.
The lack of it can hurt, especially being forced out of it. But feeling love? I don’t know. It’s one of the most beautiful feelings ever. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by it.
I really love this article on it! It’s about the 8 types of love the ancient greeks had, and as I greek person myself, I think highly of it. I highly recommend reading it!
99. ask me anything. (bUt since no one specified, I’ll ask myself: Why do this and what did I learn from this?)
I did this because I am stubborn. Also I genuinely liked the questions XD
What I learned from this experience is that I really love answering questions, oops-
If you made it this far, I don’t know what to tell you. You deserve a golden star, my dude.
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la-mise-en-abime · 7 years
my heart yearns for you, i never wanted to be comic, i always thought it would be better to be funny in real life and not have to muster it and waste it on stage, and have people be surprised when you weren't as funny in real life, i always found that dissapointing when it happened to me, like that person was an apparition of themselves an empty shell. And wow I've come to realise how sad this existence is, or maybe its just the pattern of believing in your self, there are certainly dips. my heart yearns for you and i think fuck, was i supposed to have gone with you, was i supposed to have been all these things, what if we’d never met. I hope I can separate myself from you and form my own being, we were growing together and were not growing apart yet but maybe i need a change. This year has been weird, so wonderful, and so weird, and now maybe i am feeling the repercussions of your change, i am really feeling what you are feeling as one amoeba, we obviously share a bladder that has been said before so the urinary tract is suffering, but it hurts to feel your mundainity, it hurts to see you in your ordinary pain, your extraordinary pain in your ordinary life, it hurts me to think maybe you are not special, you are not just a special magical spelll that has reeked havoc on my life and make me question what holes i want it in. You are special, but if the world doesn’t notice so and treats you like shit i wont stand by it, ill stand with you, im sure what else I can do, will do. I dont want them spreading. our message so falsely for their own gain, i dont want coffee drunk over us and laughed over us, at our expense and sexual fetishes and smiles and dimples and rude finger gestures and shrugs and pleas and questions and examinations and cuts and bruises and cuts and no questions and spit in your face. Id rather not that thank you, id really rather not. I dont care what i am, just in relation to you always in relation to you. omg the fucking car alarm wont shut the fuck up, please shut the fuck up screaming like a fucking attention seeking cunt shut up, thank you. I was scared they would rape you, im still scared they will rape you, and i dont wants o be subtle anymore, I m scared they will fist you and put things inside you and pull your trousers down and laugh and bend you over a car and fuck you and fuck you hard, and im scared i want that, no i dont but I can imagine it vividly, has it happened somewhere in my memory before. I remember crying very hard over that film boys dont cry in tigers arms, sobbing and gasping like when i used to have tantrums, once a huge one in a video store andi couldn’t breathe i was crying so hard, and my dad said, T everyone can hear you, look they're all looking at you, take a deep breath and bap bap bap like fish inhale all that air and exhale very slowly, (later he said so your mouth looks like an asshole) but fuck those people that were looking at me he just shouldnt have made me fucking cry and it felt good and distressing to cry that much.
when we first met, the first night i called you she so many times when i was talking about you to other people, i had to keep correcting myself like i had terrets or something (that fucking car alarm) she, he, she, he, she, he. You didn't realise you have subsequently told me, but i rememeder it clearly, i was so drunk I could nt get it right, and you were the first trans person i had met knowingly, when you first told me you joked it about it, that seemed to be your method at the time, haha yeah, im basically just becoming a teenager, im about 13 in T years, i was like who is this creature who is telling me this there was subtle tone of vulnerability in how you explained it as if to say please accept this floating skin of myself that rests just above our heads, any sudden movements will frighten it off and i complied with this thing in front of me, kept it floating warily above our heads, as i fell in love with you. but your smile was golden, you were soft like the butches i had seen before, that negative space you *cant couldn’t touch where femininity and masculinity come close but don’t touch. the softness of fat under you shirt and the way you sweat and knowing there was something vulnerable in your pants, something I knew so much of and also nothing. this was stepping into another realm. I felt almost ashamed as if i was leading you on and you were so shiny and soft I knew you wanted more, but i was scared of you. i think i was terrified. of what you represented.
i was so scared of getting it wrong I did the most research ever before i met you again. how to give a clit orgasm , trans porn, top surgery, bottom surgery, fucking buzz feed all to find you somewhere, but you weren't there, you were new born, fresh into this world, thats why it felt like a lie, its affects creep up on you and for a long time you are lying to the world and proving it and i knew so much yet i would blow on your skin and, nothing. as i see you then you were more of a man than ever so pushed into a box, as so much of it is, to parade something you cant even have the grasp of to explain, to someone, your grounding on this earth in a matter of facial muscles and sounds originating from the mouth and lines and lumps in the right place flattened down that could have restricted your breathing as we slept and i said how lovely your back was because you wouldnt take it off you. Wouldn't let me see you like that it could have killed you in your sleep left me kissing a dead back i cant I cant. So for a while I could have been your fairy. your keeper even your comforter i did not exist because you did not hold me back, give yourself to me and**** i asked you in the dark of night do you like being licked out, do you like getting oral sex, do you use dildos, where do you not want me to touch, i thought you didn't want me to put my mouth there because it was wrong, it was weird, overgrown stump of what a pearl was, oh how i was wrong and you loved it and i too, i thought you might want me to suck on that appendage that innocent bystander that plastic thing that was never asked if it wanted to go in the dark place alone with no light, want me to lick it and suck it and look up at you while i did it like in the films, cause i would have done anything to get you off, and i did, but you let me put the overgrown pearl in my mouth let me pull it and suck it and let it rithe in my mouth furry stubborn pearl rolling on the sea bed, under bed under my tongue it would grow and wither and chip into my head visions of another world where I had never been and we would have to take an underground river to get to.
i remember the night it happened in that small space we called a bed the squeaked and the heating sounded like it was having a hight pitched breakdown, i was going to party that was prom themed and dressed up with lipstick over my top lip and all around my mouth and a wig and a dress and the whole time i was getting ready i was thinking of it happening, i was terrified i was going to get it wrong, id never done it, what if i would never get it right cause it wasn't the right genital substance for me, what if it was embaressing and i would have to go home with my tail between my legs not a true lesbian, straight person, person of lesbian tendencies, individual or something, someone that could not give another person what they both wanted to be given. i dont know I really didn't know, all I knew was that i looked fucking brilliant, and no one else was dressed up as per usual, so fuck them, and it gave me that sense of brilliance that everyone is judging you and you dont care.
and now they tell me a changeling is an old fairy that takes the place of a human baby an old stubborn baby that clings onto life promising its youth to all those around it that makes more sense when i call you a changeling when i call you a changeling that has been swapped at birth if only you didn't have a belly button or you had two sets of eye lids, or a second skin, but you do have strange belly button piercing from another life well say its an alien marking it i like putting my finger in it so hairy and soft and i get stapled in the mind when i know you were a teenage girl, and it turns me on and it scares me you will see that in my eyes. it makes sense that the old fairy would have seen the land and its folds to have a sense of knowing the cradle is where it should reside for the rest of its days not shuffle along in the mud with fairy toes all wet. you told me to put my toes in the sand, it felt so wrong and like they were being licked that time, in Edinburgh, a large man in an animal state licked my toes and it felt so good i let go of everything, but it comes so natural to you , to look at the sea and see answers, im almost playing to your state so you feel more comfortable in your natural environment if i am repulsed. the way people do that sometimes in order to appease the other, was it unnatural for me not to be amazed, you do annoy me when you are that pure(goldstar). i look as if i have corrupted you from your chosen path, perhaps you will go back there someday, back to the beach and think of me and you'll be at home cause i wont be teasing you, you'll be done with London and its cruel ways to spit you out with all your teeth and dreams, ill sit up in my high castle and be cold because of the drafts, without my human blanket.  my cold winter feet.
and i want to have your children as long as they are fizzy and rough and have no part in the world they will become hardened to. i want there to be a way, a way that men with answers will give them to us and let me stop googling humiliating shit like can two eggs make a embryo, this is the age of fake news and i dont want to be a fucking victim. (of it) I want the soft place between us soft shell air socket between us to be full with potential and not lacking in our minds because of what ever we've been told needs to be there to build a life. i want it when i rub on the top of your clit, tiny boner, source, of rivers, slowly when you sit on me to really be you inside me or you transporting something in the air to me you don’t have to be inside me i am clever enough, imaginative enough to receive a wish of will. this way is better is better it is this way is better and better for me to lay my body on the sidewalk and shout for it to be this way ill disgrace myself to hold your hand.
its funny the words we use to communicate to each other i call you bitch and slag and squeal at you in the morning i shout in a mad face that the bombs are coming get down the bombs are coming and i tickle you and hit you when you dont hide your face into the cover, i like the helpless tickling noise, your gasping for air and your fucking smile is so framed in everything i could ever ask for. I think im like my dad like that when he screams little baby bird baby bird and picks you up like a child with the body of a huge 50 year old henry the 8th look a like. i dont want anyones approval but it hurts to know some soft states cant be translated into other states some things cant be grasped or explained.
we like to scream bitch after saying things because its like the cartoon rick and morty character who is the nightmare man, that was what got me through the break up and you lay on my lap as we watched, and i sunk my sad claws into that screen hoping the half an hour episodes would sink into one another and back into the whites of my eyes into my brain i could see us watching but i couldn't feel it, but the feeling was slowly coming back like after you burn your fingers with ice cream.
im sorry if you are hurt I had to do it i needed to be selfish well all die alone theres nothing more to say i couldn’t put it into words, i am scared of what is coming of the eyes of others im scared I will blame you for what i have doubts. you let me take you there i feel like the guy, there is no guy and I am becoming more comfortable in this position against your skin you can tell when people have copy and pasted ideas im self conscious of your knowing of my lust of your knowing of my want to penetrate you im conscious of my eagerness to do this and im conscious of what this could mean and could not. Im conscious of your body next to mine in the dark room im concious of the splinter in my finger im conscious i must be with out you. Im conscious of my memories past and how they build this encounter how i must hold back things from your view and bring others into the light but they are all there waiting to be shown it is for me to divide(decide). i am concious of you in the dark room when I see the man cry at the sound of a lovers voice from years past i feel the weight of his pain and i cry infant(infront) of you in the dark room full of people, they dont know this they dont understand like i have and i come out the cinema see the shadows of people in my way did they see what i saw i could not believe they were they they do not feel the same they are frauds, I make a swift exit to the toilet so as not to be taunted by these shadows, what is this face i see on leaving the huge and empty lonely *discabled toilet we blush at each other we know who the other is and cannot express the name of the other our mouths are forming round the name both struggling to admit this is happening(the other has a name) both blushing both full with what is delirium from all the crying shed in the dark room the evil son dark species feeder comes out the * bathroom to greet us he too is bleeding red blush and eyes and nose do twist and curve into some uncomfortable shape to fu/fill the space where words should be, and none of us can detect any.
you ask me how i did it. and i think of their mouths on each others genitals for a flash second as they stand close enough to kiss and i think better put that to bed my love. you ask me what did i do. She's taller than I thought im a fucking child a well mannered fucking child the fact my face has been near a dick makes you want to slit my throat, but i cut my tongue off and gave it to you for christmas. i say i sucked my fingers and put them places, and all i want to do is feel and to be shown the different avenues of experience. Im sorry i made that gesture people did it at uni those cuts across the arm in the air a razor blade wiped clean every time wrapped up and hidden in a draw like a battle field my love like a war torn landscape. i fucking hate those people i dont know i could strangle them for their inanety for their very wretched existence on this planet.
of the splinter in my finger at close glance microscopic slow motion as a pick it from my finger and its still sore is there still something in there i will never get out i will always copy in my actions to others be a wooden
fuck the egg fuck the egg fuck the egg and they were all so strange and i was so strange in their company as i am in the meetings of strangers it it where i find myself i find myself there it is my true self when i making things up and there is an atmosphere not yet made but worth polluting and his mother was dying and he saw a drag queen make an omelette and i made my excuses from my lack of anything and you were on a chopping board waiting to be chopped and i was in the hill in the suburb of my mind in my fear of the rape of the suburb and my filming of the fish in the shop window in the night of the suburb* and my mothers words were strong and definite this is something that will affect you and you are lost i am lost lost lost i know it was a losing game to say it was what i could handle was funny and I was laughing as i tried
filming things to take back to you of my existence the evidence of my existence and the world that you could not see. parcels of light
so poorly filmed camera angles all blushing with love
Id love to have been there in that moment, frying pan on the go, quite allot of fat, like chicken breast, must be nice to eat feed someone something from your own body. penis
im sorry i was full when you wanted to fuck me. Tomorrow we are going to dinner with your family, i will have to behave like i have to, no hands under the table touching you as we eat, it will be hot, suffocatingly hot and ill have to concentrate on what i am eating not eating you
did i hurt you did i make you bleed? i wish id recorded our conversation, and ill have to read this book again and again as its urgency describes the urgency for us to be described. You said it made you open that those boundaries were closed for so long, you've been alive for a long time, no ones ever been in there no person or thing, you must really like me, for letting you do that, my bodies like what are you doing things dont go in there only come out, whats that we like it, oh i suppose we should give it a try. its not something i can describe yet this feeling of you opening up to me, i knew all along you would like it. it makes me drowsy watching you getting turned on suffocating under my hand, you want it and im going give it to you im gonna take it away and put it back in , im touching you where you've never been touched it might as well not existed you didn't exist before this moment soft in my hand and wriggling in my fist, im holding you there i wont let you go ill give you everything you want to get there ***im deep inside you i can feel your pain that something has expanded and been washed away with the penetration and skin on skin that soft place between your hip and lower thigh that could still be a babies limb(thigh) that night i spoke to a butch about being a bottom and she told me sex is just looking at someone just imagining things are there that aren’t and everyone gets fucked in every hole and space that wants it when you have not spent your life in the corners of others peoples eyes ducking from sight and fucking, would you have put things inside yourself when you were younger did you just bleed and then stop and then bleed and then stop did your blood stain the sheets did you feel like a hole like an opening to be spread across the floor and sucked from someones fingers(in a jar), to be spread across the floor, did your dad smile at you and tell you not to have seconds did he have seconds is he an asshole does he think about your vagina swelling as it does with the months of injecting vials  T /of pleasure/ straight to the blood supply supplying an ever growing (cock) clitoris, you said id fucked you into a coma, i want you to sleep in my lap all day, you cried and my hands were wet when i put them on your face, your got my cheeks wet you fucker (asshole) i was saving them for a rainy day, you said you lived on one floor you said 2 women lived in your house that were sisters and never spoke did your blood stain the walls did your blood stain the walls can i eat it can i lick it from your wounds when we fuck with the jock strap on and its covered in blood it makes me think of your blood and if there was a gash between your legs a severing you apart if you will fall apart and break in half and stain the floor as i drag you across the room , can i lick it from your wounds your soft and gutteral wounds so soft like petal flesh someones cut them and theyre bleeding from your plastic appendage theres blood on your clit but im sucking it, still blood there.,wont let me inside cause of the invisible blood there, it will be there for a while trickling down, the war on your body, the thighs of a child, i touched you in a place you hadn't heard of hadn’t translated into the language coudlnt understand the cuts dont like holes skin didn't prick pickle, ulcerus skin would let anything in barriers up it hurt me when i wasn't allowed in felt like heteronormativity without the pain of boredom but a line not to be crossed but things not to be stroked or kissed or licked let me hold you in the night now I've held you and broken you and something floats inside me if only they were to know, could you be pregnant with my wanting ?
have you been spending allot of time with your parents because you know they are going to die soon, i am lonely, i need to spend more time alone, it makes you more lonely when you cant remember the last time you were alone i really would’nt know who i was if i got married now.
i like fucking you in the ass, it really gets me off, really gets me off, really turns me on really makes me want to be inside you inside your whole core cant
i am dancing in slow motion to your voice, i am filming myself dancing in slow motion to your voice, i am cutting something up while listening to your voice, i running round in circles listening to your voice, i am on the floor crying listening to your voice, i am holding myself tightly listening to your voice, I am shouting over the sound of your voice trying to make myself louder, i am hungry for you voice, i am ashamed by the space between us, i am hungry for your voice, I am holding a floor/flower for your voice, i am listening to your voice drunk with my fingers in my ears, i am drinking shots to the sound of music timed listening to your voice,- man be cool i am frying an omelette listening to your voice, i am feeling everything listening to your voice, i am feeding an audience member listening to your voice, i am surprised by myself listening to your voice, i am masc for maSCC listening to your voice, i am hoping you wont leave listening to your voice, i am wanting to throw things away listening to your voice, i haven't decided listening to your voice, i am miming along listening to your voice, i am copying you listening to your voice, i am speaking very slowly listening to your voice, i am oily listening to your voice
a happy accident might be to faint on the tube and on coming round see your face, i find there is a null space between writing of words and the performance it is to panic that one is not right that one is not enough to parallel the other, to say that what comes first what is the purpose of the speaking, how much effort should the speaking be to counteract the writing, did the writing come from an improv, how does one improv on their own, I will just have to talk to myself for the rest of my life, no the improv comes from an exercisee, starting small and fun and exploring it, not know or worrying as to where it might go, the same with writing, do you start with a goal in mind, well sometimes you have an objective but you go on a journey to get there and no decision is wrong just a manifestation from your head, nothing you could ever do if it was honest would be wrong honesty is the best policy but that doesnt mean you cant be honest and also be deceitful, be lying and be honest, be lying honestly, be copying honestly, it is a mixture of lies and truth this is performance, to use ones body as the bericle to which you tell the story or the thoughts from your brain just your very existence not he stage is radical enough, to even say one word or blink would be radical enough…
i am sad i think my father is lonely i cant see him now but can here his soft rummaging and weird noises down stairs he can scream like a mad man and is always performing his mad man routine which might infact be his personality, but like me he is just pushing the boundaries and likes to piss people off and make them feel uncomfortable, so it is sometimes hard to tell the difference, I am sad he is lonely because i cannot see him but i can hear him coughing now, and in the night, i can hear him snoring through the floor boards and i can see the snor s coming up through the air like fluffy grey clouds or waves, i am sad that he is lonely i cannot see him but i can see a dark blue space punctured with lights and that is what downstairs looks like until i go downstairs and i can see its real walls and light fixtures and i know this is the real corners not the dark corners, i think he is lonely as he asked me to go to the corner shop to get him a beer a Stella Artois and I am sad because i did not get it for him and now he is coughing he is in the sarcoughaus of the house he is under my feet i feel i am selfish i only speak to him when i want things i wish adults weren't so useless and they could tell you what was wrong like a plant or a shoal of tuna feels like stabbing in the dark into a shoal of fish trying to understand him
when I woke up i thought about your genitals how they might be wet on my face, i turned over and felt my body on the mattress, I thought had you ever done this, you never touched it when you wanked, you still dont unless you with me and were in the moment. i had a pervading fear you might leave me for another man, I watched men from your eyes, seeing them as unconquered land as something you had not tried never been touched by a man in all your years, apart from that hand job with your guitar teacher, i thought i hate that woman, i woke from a sleep of her me telling you couldn't watch it, it angered me too much, i couldn’t watch it was sickening and her fucking face i could cut it open
Soft wet thing doesnt make sense pear shaped blossom and soot covering the sides urinal polished unforgetting is it to touch another in your future, basin of doubt my mouth alludes me it goes to what has come before
(without sentence structure just using simile and metaphors and free writing compairison to do this )
I had another dream about someone else, i feel dirty im gonna have a shower, im scared your gonna change im scared your gonna leave me for another man, im scared of you have a life without me, i keep having dreams about her, every night, do i want to fuck her or am i taunted by her, im taunted by her by a past life of mine, she came to greet me and she had candy floss hair i looked a mess everyone was there and we went out and left everyone i just left for her pleasure
i get paid to be sensitive in the sensitive spot the wind touches my ankles and there nothing to do in the plain sight the pain sigh the plain sight that moves me i woke up with blurry vision am i going blind, i woke up and what i could see yesterday i can no longer see before i feels good to hold your self down to be fLat and shiny and full of a heart and skin and blood underneath to know a cut would open you up so easily to fail in the dirt failing to use your limbs to fall bewildered to go outside for once in your life have you been outside today have you have been outside today no so dont hurt me again with your stale cavity
you would growl at the man in the shop selling us peaches didn't know he had a tremor terret,s to growl not ideal for a corner shop being the only light in a dark world dark street moon time peach buying and it upset me and i thought of myself as a small child all small and childlikee as a small child when kids took it too far and you shrivelled up into your self, its when your alone with your pain, snowball in the eye water dripping from you eye in alone with myself for hours, all hazy in the background, background noise, sharp aliveness alive sadness with he dirty snow dripping from my eye or glass that i sat on, the worst would be to be maimed she said , to be maimed  would be the worst, to be maimed she said would be the worst, it was only a peach pit in my skull, but you wouldn’t want a 12 inch knife in your stomach sternum would you no you wouldn’t, a peach pit stone cutting the sides of your head off, shaving an inch from yours skull, its skill to laugh again after the impact, i felt child child again, plight of the hill and the peach pit in my brain it sunk in made its self known to me, known that it would not venture out, somewhere else a man was being cut open, known to me it would not venture out, it would not venture out and to expect something of the thing before it reaches its thing hood is foolish to expect something fo the thing is foolish, is foolish when a peach pit has embedded itself into its skull sorry to be a senstitve being, sentiive in the cool of the night air, as we cross the road to avoid cars we think might kill us, where everything is the height of the wind as the rain is about to fall, as temperaturee falls, it stayed with us all night, that stone worked its way out (but that stone did not work its way out)
shouting from a place of honesty, to unravel it would take its secrets away, it was a sigh in the mind, it was my sweat on your forehead, it was something happening far away, it was that peach pit of cruelty
why did i keep eating them bending lower and lower to my fait. my knees are the first to go, too weak for what they will
its when your alone with your pain, glass in my upper thigh near the places you choose to be cut open, involuntarily penetrated and loneliness is death and i have a scar there and its when your alone with your pain
, an men described as mediateranine colouring what ever the fuck that means hindered bodies with
i am so angry at you i am gone with anger I am gone i could have made the thing and blasted it into your face i could have made the thing and blasted it into your face watever you fucking cunt go lick the dogs arse i hate you and your fucking cuffling laugh and the way you look at me when you disapprove maybe i need to be more accepting thats my fault but i could hit you right you you fucking sucker go lick the dogs arse shut up ill say goodbye and not kiss you how do you like that if only it didn't fold back on me you /dont know me at all you are fitting things into the past what you used to say what you used to think you dont actually think that anymore dont let the shit they say grind you down thats a cliche go lick the dogs arse I am full with so many voices and none of them are yours  you sucker go lick the dogs arse the words you say are empty vaccums i do things for you im self entitled i want to get it wrong i do things for you im self entitled i want to get it wrong i want to be excited instead im scared i want to get it wrong go lick the dogs arse
i couldn't hate you for long, but did you hate me forever, soaking up my life, is this sharing is this toll sharing, does it hurt you too,
it comes from the soul
wind hots the window suds like a bee dying
duality of eggs and blood
Bred into my womb
to find the details and tell your story
a film from my perspective as a stalker to you
hey fossil fuel, dirty ribena, slime mould, sea potato, Ursula le Guin, get in my mouth please peasant testicle tentacle put you to sleep eat you to your heart, peace be with you, bible passage for your grandma, Eccles cake for you pegging, naked with a cap on, dim light of the room a memory not to be forggoten and then i devoured you and then i devoured you and then i devoured you and then i devoured you cherry pip cherry core cherry cherry sticks and cherry more. Lychees at the cinema a hidden satsuma grapefruit lips fruit is expensive
im worried my dad only exists in my kitchen
im proud that you told them there is something else a Zara sales assistant wouldnt get it you were trying to tell her there was a void in the floor that she could fall into this gaping hole sucking the air out the room just a dash from razor on someones face wouldnt tell it to them straight give them enough warning of their ignorance there was a hurricane a whirlwind approaching she better get her fucking brolly - probably sum it up in one sentence.
into a massive void that was shaking all the
in those slow motion moments under the lights as the corners of your body touched mine tacky red paint and screaming
in that surreal slow motion
the less im with you the more I hate you for not sugaring my existence
Iit will all pass so grab it now
it was your gold star!!
my hands smell like celeriac but this morning they smell of your scent from inside your thighs where the humming birds sing, where i laugh at our fathers for not knowing we have that scent on our fingers as we talk to them
Ilike that man who kept getting ups nd putting his hat back on
when your full with cum and adrenalin you cant feel the pain
the metaphors the rising cultures
i am funny and you are funny and in the end i think its all going to be okay
to make a real effort to smile and not put my hands under the table.
the smell of cigarettes Monday morning
do they mix the ashes and dead bodies with the food
seeing that fruit stall and thinking that was where you were mine but i was not yours
i was your baby and i used to suck your chin
Never yours
Theres a man bow legged and he's walking, did his mum know not to wrap him round her chest like that so his legs would grow in the shape of her love and rib cage
the ground is lavender, looks like lichen, bluebells maybe just floating above the grass, a hat, a bonnet of flowers
i pass blisets where the man speaks in burps
throat cancer has made him funny without realizing
we walk along and our our knees in the right place?
we use sticks, we use plastic wheeled things, i am late, we use stealth, accents and alter egos, i channeled into a man selling big issue suddenly i am Liverpudlian so he recognises me as his own and forgives me for no money
she grows it but it looks better short
im late and bins line the pavement
i woke up in shock this morning and apologised in my sleep
they will cut it off soon
film haircut march poem pics love
funny watch
even though can is hilarious
i fancy people who look like they've been found under a rock.
i rip my hair our its pieces
i am holding back
from every circle of my life
shame theres no poppies just unruly black hairs vying for attention
my love
not in our forehead or fingers
it is your ex girl friend
in awe of all the others creatures
i saw a bird with a ketchup packet
to call to each other reference each other tell each other things that are subconscious or just things. I call you bitch, the source, trans jelly, lichen, kitten , chicken tikka masala, midlands, it goes on. Im a rabbit in your keeping your your so small, smaller than me.
i hear you are on quest is that true? and you were born this morning, how is the world treating you? Im going to tell you some truths about the world.. have you learnt about hot and cold yet? Christmas trees have very short lives, sometimes the sun shines too much and you go red, you like icecream, you also like the beach and walking with your shoes off, you really like steak, cartoons and you are very kind.
the reason i cant really talk very clearly is because i have cut my tongue out and given it to you as a present.
I cut your tongue off and gave it to you for christmas.
ill cut an old woman face off and lay it in mine and scream like a goddess in battle as we sit on the tube cutting a mans head off with the slight of a blink in my fantasy that could be real if you will it.
if i had a 3d printer
i take you and i raise you to the highest peaks, dont bring us down.
and not spunk.
Middle ages people with their politics and booze that nor really fair i like them allot and they've livedI
as we have discovered a whole new worl
it feels great cause you know they are just particles of nothing and every part of your face is ——-gleaming.
boat to under the river where snails .
and ill nev
left me with a mound of flesh
for moths to come
my truth, my witty ex
Political nipples
Beetle juice
your such a tease
0 notes