#it’s very annoying actually. we all want out I think
woso-dreamzzz · 1 day
Kidnapped II
Fridolina Rolfö x Baby!Reader
Summary: You're sick
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The league win is tonight.
Or, rather, the presentation of the trophy is tonight and Frido's excited. It should be a fairly easy win for the team so that combined with the trophy lift is going to make this day amazing.
It falls just short of perfect because you've fallen ill.
Frido's parents arrived nearly two days ago and, while you were perfectly fine on the plane, you're now a bit wheezy with a sore throat and a cough that just won't seem to go away.
"Älskling," She coos, bouncing you around as she gets ready to leave," You sound so bad."
You've been up most of the night coughing and Frido stayed up in solidarity, allowing her parents some sleep while she cared for you.
You cough again, as if to prove that you are feeling incredibly bad.
She measures out some medicine. Most of the team thought it was a little silly for her to be stocked up on kid's medicine when the only kid she hung out with was Cub but Frido had wanted to be prepared for if you got sick during any of your visits.
She'd be smug about it if it didn't mean that you were feeling terribly icky today.
She sways you softly as she squirts the medicine from the syringe down your throat.
"I know," She coos," Yucky, huh? I'll give this away to Mapi and Ingrid and find you some nice-tasting stuff for next time."
You whine a little and drop your head against Frido's collarbone. She keeps rocking you, rubbing your back softly as she lays kisses on top of your head.
"I'm going to call in," Frido says when her parents finally join the two of you in the kitchen," It's a fairly easy match. I won't be needed."
"Trophy is presented today," Her father replies gruffly," You can't miss that."
"Älskling is sick," Frido insists," I don't want to leave her. She needs me."
"You're not her mother," He says," You can't just pause your world because the little one is sick. Go to your match. Your mother and I will decide what to do with her. One of us will be there."
Frido puffs out her cheeks just like you do when you're annoyed. "I can stay!" She insists," She needs cuddles!"
"Cuddles that we are more than capable of giving her," Her father reminds her.
"Not sister cuddles!"
Her father laughs a little bit with an eye roll, taking you from Frido and soothing you easily when you whine against his chest.
"You know, I thought we left this petulance behind when you became an adult."
"I'm not petulant."
"Sure you're not.
Frido stamps her foot. "I'm not!"
Her father keeps laughing. "You're thirty years old and you're still stamping your foot? You're showing your baby sister a bad example."
The rumble of laughter from your father's chest has you let out your own raspy giggle that has Frido beaming at you.
"I'm staying here," Frido insists," Just to watch her a bit. It could get worse, you know."
"We raised you," Her father replies, adjusting you on his hip and bouncing slightly to help you settle," I think we know all about sickly children. She's much more well-behaved than you ever were."
"Fridolina," He says, pulling out the full name and essentially silencing Frido with one word," If I have to drag you into that stadium by your ear then so help me I will. Your sister is capable of watching you on the tv no matter how sick she is."
Frido knows her father very well so the threat isn't empty.
She is going to the pitch even if he has to drag her there himself. It doesn't mean she has to be happy about it though.
Actually, Frido decides that she's not going to be happy at all even if the trophy is being lifted tonight. She forces herself to keep a frown on her face even when she listens to Ingrid complain about the two ginger cats that have now taken over her house.
Frido refuses to let herself be happy after being forced out of her own house while you're still wheezy and coughing.
"You can smile, you know," Mapi says," It won't break your face or anything."
"I'm proving a point," Frido replies," I am letting my parents know I'm not happy with this situation."
"Are you twelve? Because this is super childish."
Frido ignores her.
"Is this what I have to look forward to? God, I hope Cub never grows up."
"It's the principal of the matter," Frido says," My parents will understand."
It's difficult to keep the frown on her face when the team go seven nil up by the end of the match but if there's one thing Frido is, it's stubborn and she refuses to act like she's enjoying herself when you're sick in her home.
The trophy is brought out while the team celebrates and Frido gets up to join them before there's a familiar call of her name.
It's her mother's voice and Frido now knows it's her father who stayed home to look at you.
Because Frido isn't quite sure how she would react to seeing him here after her forced her to come without you.
You're being dangled over the railing to her, looking much happier and perkier than before.
"Look who decided to get over her little cold to see her sister win the league."
Frido grabs you and you clumsily fall onto her chest, giving her a big wet kiss on her neck.
She laughs. "Thank you, Älskling!"
You screech something unintelligible and Frido nods.
"I love you too!"
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sickslimez · 1 day
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SYNOPSIS...after still messing around with your ex husband, you began to wonder if you’re still in love with him after finding out about his new girlfriend…
INFO...ex husband!toji x fem!reader, reader & toji have two kids, megumi is readers bio son, jealousy, smut, angst, arguments, alcohol, drinking problem, family problems, arguing in front of kids, toxic behaviors, crying, mentions of divorce
OTHER...likes and reblogs are appreciated
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“Fuck,” Toji grunted before letting out a deep sigh, sweat dripping off his skin as he placed the weights down on the floor. He looked around the room, glancing outside the window.
“That was three more than the last time,” Gojo spoke with a smirk, leaning up against the wall. He took a sip from his water bottle before speaking again, “who’re you tryna impress?” He teased.
“No one. Just tryna get back into the gym.” Toji grabbed his water off of the floor along with his towel, wiping the sweat from his face. Gojo causally walked over towards Toji, standing over him with his arms folded. “May I help you?” Toji glared at the white haired man. As good of a friend gojo was to Toji, he was also very annoying at times, which eventually he had to get used to.
“You never told me how your talk with y/n went? How is she anyway? Single? Not single? Just wanna know when I can make my move.” Gojo quirked a brow, clearly trying to get a reaction from his friend.
“Very funny. She’s doing just fine.” Toji stood from his seat, pushing past Gojo and walking out of his gym room towards the kitchen to grab a small snack. Gojo trailed right behind him, laughing.
“And?” Gojo snatched the box of granola bars from Toji’s hand, slamming them on the counter as he waited for more of a response. “Come on man, I want the details!”
Toji rolled his eyes with the shake of his head, snatching back the box. “We talked about us as parents and our kids. That’s it. What more do you wanna hear?” The crinkling sound of a wrapper filled the silent kitchen.
“That’s it?” Gojo’s brows furrowed, genuinely confused. Toji nodded in response, chewing on his food. “You two didnt have sex?” Gojo questioned, eyebrows now raised in surprise. “Not even a kiss?”
“Nothin. Just a hug and a see you later,” Toji explained.
“Holy shit! You two are actually over. Wow, I never thought I’d see this day come,” Gojo scoffed, grabbing a granola bar from the box. “Have you met or seen her new man?”
Toji shrugged. “No, not really. I’ve seen him, but I haven’t properly talked to him. Don’t think I want to. I want her to be happy, she deserves it. I just can’t stand seeing her happy with someone else. Is that wrong of me? I still get jealous, possessive. But it’s no longer my place to say anything.”
“Who are you and what did you do with Toji?” Gojo had a scowl on his face. Toji let out an airy laugh, shaking his head at him. “It’s weird seeing you all…mature.” Gojo shivered before taking another bite of his granola bar.
“I know. I’m still getting used to it myself.” Not a second goes by where you’re not on Toji’s mind. He thinks about what you’re doing, how you’re doing. He wants to text you, see you, hear your voice, touch you again. He hates that it has to be this way now, but it’s for you, for your family.
Though he has these thoughts in the back of his head, imagining you forgetting about him, acting like he doesn’t exist anymore, you getting remarried to someone that isn’t him. He’s scared of fully losing you, losing his family. You and the kids are the only thing keeping him together, giving him hope that things we maybe work out in the future. But every now and then, he sees those flowers on your table, the kiss your shared with him, the smile on your face when you hugged him. It haunts Toji.
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“I forgot to ask, how’d your talk with Toji go?” Kento questioned, his arms snaking around your waist as you wiped your makeup off in the bathroom mirror. He peppered kisses down your neck as he waited for your response.
A smile crept on your face before speaking, “it went well actually. No argument. He was actually very understanding.” You softly smiled, continuing to wipe the makeup off. Of course you wouldn’t mention how Toji practically told you he was still in love with you, held you in his arms while you cried into his chest. It still felt like you smell his cologne in your nose each time you took a deep breath.
“Well, that’s good, right? Now you won’t have to deal with him anymore,” Kento chuckled, pulling away from you. Your brows furrowed at his comment, something in the way he said it didn’t sit right with you, but you decided to ignore it. “He seems like a pretty shitty person, but who am I to judge. I’m just glad you’re doing better, sweetheart.”
You turned around to face the blonde haired man with a puzzled look on your face. “Yeah, who are you to judge?” You asked, tossing your makeup wipe down on the bathroom counter. “Me and Toji may have not had the best relationship towards the end and we may not agree on some things, but I do not need you coming up in here and bashing my children’s father to my face.”
“Woah, woah, calm down, I didn’t mean it like that, okay? I’m sorry, it just came out wrong.” Kento grabbed onto your hands, rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles. “I just seen how much he’s put you through and I don’t like it.” You pulled your hands from his, leaning Nanami with a slightly shocked expression.
“That is not how you meant it. Calling him a shitty person? Really? He’s a good dad, takes care of his kids, he cares about the people in his life, Kento.” You started to get defensive. Toji had his bad moments, every one does, and your relationship showed that side of him, but you also saw the best of him too. You knew deep down Toji was actually someone trustworthy, a good person at heart.
“Yeah, like the way he cared about you towards the end of your marriage?” Kento questioned.
You stared at him, unable to form words, trying to process the ones that just came out of his mouth. “What did you just say?”
Kento stepped closer towards you, realizing what had just slipped from his mouth, an apologetic look on his face when he saw the saddened look in your eyes. “I’m sorry, I—”
“You have no fucking right to talk about my marriage with him. Just because I told you what happened doesn’t mean you know the whole story, you understand? He was my husband, he’s the father of my kids! How fucking dare you? Get the hell out of my house.” Anger lined your tone. You never thought that someone like Nanami would ever judge someone’s character, let alone, speak about them in such an ill manner. He seemed understanding, open to the whole situation, even offered you advice—which you took.
“Y/n, I didn’t mean to upset you. Forgive me. You’re right, it isn’t my place to speak about your marriage. I just thought—”
“Let me make this clear again…get out of my house, please.” You sharply inhaled, eyes fluttering shut as you tried to control your anger. And to think you were going to have a nice night while the kids were at Shoko’s and you had the house to yourself. You stood there looking at the tiles of the bathroom floor, Nanami stepping out of the room to grab his things. A shaky breath rattled through your body as tears began forming in your eyes, but just as quickly as they came you wiped them away even faster.
The front door shut, leaving you in complete silence.
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Toji rubbed the towel over his wet hair, sweats hanging low on his waist as he walked into the living room to settle down for the day. He grabbed the remote, turning on the tv to find an interesting moving to watch before bed, choosing between horror or thriller. “This is same shit as the other one,” he spoke to himself, sucking his teeth.
Toji’s phone began vibrating as he clicked through the movie selections, not bothering to look as he picked it up. “What do you want, Gojo?” Toji asked with an unenthusiastic tone.
“Toji,” you sniffled. He immediately sat up, eyes going wide at the sound of your voice.
“Y/n? What’s wrong? Are you okay? The kids okay?” He asked with panic, standing to his feet.
“The kids…the kids are fine, they’re with Shoko.” You could barely talk, trying to control your emotions.
“What’s wrong, mama?” Toji questioned, walking over to the front door to slip on his shoes. “What happened? Talk to me.” He opened his front door, walking to his car, unlocking it.
“Can you just come over? Please?” You asked.
“I’m already on my way, okay? Stay on the phone,” he demanded. The sound of your cries made Toji fill with worry. You wouldn’t tell him what was wrong or what was going on, but he’s never driven anywhere else faster before. “I’ll be there soon.”
“Okay.” You nodded as if he could see you.
Toji didn’t even turn his lights or tv off. Hell, he can’t even remember if he locked his front door. But at this point he didn’t give a damn. All he knew was that you needed him right now. He wasn’t going to leave you like he did all those times before. “I’m around the corner, be at the door.” Toji hung up the phone as he turned down your street, slowly breaking as he pulled up to your house. He noticed how there was only your car in the driveway.
He saw your front door open, the light from the house illuminating your figure as you stood on the steps. Toji quickly got out of the car, rushing towards you. He could hear you crying the closer he got. You reached towards him with open arms, Toji took you in his, nearly out of breath. “Mama, what’s wrong? What happened?” He asked, soothingly rubbing your back.
“I’m sorry for calling so late,” you sobbed.
“No, no, shh, come on, let’s go inside.” He noticed how you were only in your nightgown in the cold. Helping you into the house, he locked the front door behind him. He stood there with you in his arms, embracing you, comforting you as you cried. “I’m here, baby,” he said softly.
“I just…we got into a fight…and I started drinking and I—I can’t stop crying. I needed you,” you explained, tears rolling down your cheeks. Toji could faintly smell the alcohol on your breath as you spoke. Toji wasn’t going to intrude on your business when it came to your new relationship, but if he had to guess, the argument was pretty recent.
“He didn’t touch you or anything, right?” Toji sternly asked. You immediately shook your head no. A weight of relief lifted off of his shoulders at your answer.
“I’m sorry for calling you so late, Toji. You didn’t have to come I was—”
“I don’t care about that, okay? I don’t want you to be alone while you’re feeling like this. Not anymore. Let’s go.” He guided you towards your bedroom, the plush carpet under your feet as he sat you down on the bed. You finally stopped crying, wiping the tears off of your face as you sat there to collect your thoughts. “I’ll be back.” Toji felt a tug on his hand as he went to step away, looking back to see you staring up at him.
“Stay.” It almost looked like you were begging him. Is this what you were like all those years ago? How he just ignored you? How could he do something like that to you? You squeezed his hand tighter as you crawled into the bed, pulling him with you. Toji reluctantly followed, but still gave in. His arms wrapped your body, pulling the blankets over you as you snuggled into him. You inhaled his scent, hugging onto him like you never wanted to let go. “Don’t go,” you mumbled against him.
His fingers ran over your skin. “I won’t, mama. I’ll be right here when you wake up.” He kissed the top of your head. Toji laid there as you fell asleep his arms, bedroom light still on, his hair still damp from his shower. He doesn’t know what to think right now, lost in his head. Was this real? Or were you just drunk? He doesn’t want to think about it too much, but yet he does. Will you hate him when you wake up? Scold him, yell at him? God, he hopes not.
“I love you, Toji.” Those three words made his heart sank, his movements came to a halt.
She’s drunk. She’s doesn’t mean that. Don’t read too much into it. This will never happen again. It isn’t real.
It takes everything in him not to say those three words back. He doesn’t want to give into something that he knows won’t even be a second thought to you the moment you open your eyes again. His jaw clenched as he stared at your bedroom wall. “Just sleep, baby,” he quietly spoke. He slumped the lump in his throat, continuing to trace patterns on your skin.
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blackkatdraws · 2 days
Black and Narry lore! [Narry is owned by @insomniphic and some of the art here were drawn by her too]
[Small Note: None of these are canonical to their stories and were made just FOR FUN.]
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As a being of purity and light, Narry was appalled when he first came across Black who appeared to be the very embodiment of darkness and wrongness [at least in Narry's point of view]. Narry sees Black as a waste of potential because of how much power Black ["the bad guy"] has at his disposal.
Black feels indifferent to Narry's existence, as he's already used to similar beings like him. He sees Narry as a waste of power since he's clearly holding it back for the sake of the people he wants to protect.
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Because of how much impurity Black's power emits, Narry is incapable of seeing Black normally.
In Narry's perspective, Black is a huge writhing mass of something that's very unpleasant to look at. This appearance is inconsistent and can shift continuously. This effect extends all the way to even photos or depictions of Black.
He physically cannot [refuses to] be in the same room as Black because he can't stand the feeling, the smell, the sight, everything about his power. It sickens him.
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There's no context for this comic. This is a What If scenario where Black and Narry are going somewhere together when a group of bad guys come and attack them.
Narry is the type to hold back his true power in order not to hurt the people that are attacking him which annoys Black into stepping in [because he has somewhere else more important to be and Narry is delaying it].
Of course, Narry ends up getting injured and Narry makes Black promise he won't kill the aggressors before passing out.
[Admittedly, this scenario breaks a few canonical lore for both characters but we'll go with it for now.]
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As a response to that idea, Insomni drew this.
Narry wakes up after the fight was long over and he sees piles of bloody bodies laying on the floor. He gets upset that Black didn't follow through their promise.
Black does not care. Instead, he laughs at Narry for finally snapping [considering it took a while for Narry to finally loose his cool at Black].
Black did keep his promise. All the aggressors are still alive, but barely.
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We talked some more about their dynamic and we both drew these.
In this scenario, Black and Narry are fighting. [Started by Narry, who had the full intent to kill him for (what he perceives as) the greater good.]
He thinks this world would become cleaner without Black around.
Narry is convinced that Black is a monster incapable of feeling or doing anything remotely positive. Even as Black saves Stanley from the attack that Narry himself sent towards Black, he's still in that mentality where he sees everything that Black does as something for negative reasons.
Narry is a good person but his (justified) blind dislike for Black leads him into taking extreme actions at times. Plenty of people dislike Black for what he is, but Narry is the only one with the power to actually do something about it.
[The last drawing is another What If scenario where Black had to take Stanley and flee because he keeps getting in the way of their fight (and Narry is too focused on his task to take other people into account). Black doesn't want Stanley dying because of a stupid scuffle.]
[Note that Narry won't actually hurt anybody EXCEPT Black, he's a good guy who wants to do what's best for other people. Black is just EVILLLLL mwehehehe]
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[Then I proposed another What If scenario where Narry won the fight causing Insomni to draw this.]
As Narry was about to strike with a powerful attack to finally end him off, he felt something familiar coming from within Black.
In the ocean of filthy dark energy Black emitted, there was light.
It was small. It flickered weakly in the air as the darkness that kept it safe was falling apart, but it didn't go out. It lit up softly without any signs of extinguishing any time soon.
Narry was in disbelief.
Stanley had done the impossible. His relationship with Black had given birth to a different side of Black's power, tucked away deep inside where only they're allowed to see.
And it was now in full display to Narry.
As a being filled with goodness and empathy, his guilt starts to eat away at him as he finally snaps out of it and sees the extent of what his impulsive actions have done.
[Insomni and I both agree that their fights would probably be settled with a draw or mutual death, so this scenario is not as probable to happen. It's interesting to think about though.]
[Again, breaking a few canonical lores but we like gay people here so it's whatever. I was the one who proposed the idea anyway. (❁´◡`❁)]
[Here are fun extra doodles!!]
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aita for not saying goodbye to my friend
me and my friend have known each other for a very long time but i fear that it was mostly due to our proximity growing up. i moved to where i am when i was around 11 and he was also 11, and we are 19 and 18 now.
when we were younger our personalities meshed well, and i am grateful for him being my first friend here. however as we have grown up i feel that we are just growing into two separate people. he has said some kind of passive aggressive things to me and generally i feel like hes started to think lesser of me, especially in our friend group where i have long suspected that i am the general least favorite. i don't think there's anything specific i ever did to piss him off but he has acted annoyed towards me sometimes without any real reason, but i depended on him to get to school in our senior year and he has been there for me for years and years, and i would hate to have just cut him off and leave him behind, erasing all our history. however he has not exactly been the most caring to me, but he still says i'm his best friend for reasons i can't possibly explain, since i know that's not true.
here's where i may have been an asshole. i left for college in fall last year and didn't really say goodbye to anyone, including him (he stayed home for the year, along with a couple other friends anyway). it wasn't because i wanted to ice anyone out, but i felt it wasn't worth making a big deal because i don't like making big deals out of the things i do, and making the rounds just to say goodbye for school felt like too much. however i also didn't really think he would care, considering that he would favor our other friends over me even when it was an event related to me (i had a terrible 18th birthday party where i was largely ignored but thats a different story).
he texted me months later, like sometime in winter, how he felt that it was really cold of me to not say goodbye because we're supposed to be best friends, and that it made him really upset that i left without a word. this text made me feel annoyed but i didn't accuse him of anything i explained above (i didn't want to get into all of that) but simply said i didn't want to make a big deal of it. i ended up apologizing even though i didn't mean it at all, but i can't help but wonder if this was actually shitty of me or if i'm just making a big deal of this specific incident.
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Very strange to see how people post about Sulla on tumblr. To me he’s up alongside Mussolini and Franco as “shoot on sight”
Understandable. I think very few Roman politicians would be good people by modern standards.
Context matters a lot. If you do a search for "Sulla Musk," you'll find articles about Elon Musk unironically saying "Perhaps we need a modern day Sulla" last year. If you do the same search on Tumblr, you'll find classics bloggers - including some who make Sulla jokes/art - aghast at Musk's remark. They were just having fun; they never wanted anyone to idolize him for real. I think most Sulla "fans" on here are like that.
When you're a history nerd hanging out with other history nerds, you probably won't add "bad things are bad" disclaimers to all your posts, because you assume your readers already know that. To keep reminding folks would feel repetitive, even condescending. I also think that some tasteless humor (and kinky shit) is inevitable in a field like classics, because our brains can only sit with heavy, serious topics for so long. We need to be silly sometimes to make it tolerable. Or at least, that's why I make so many jokes.
But the jokes (and kinks) don't land well with everyone. I think we all have "Dude, not cool!" lines we can't cross. There's a certain homophobic slur that will never be funny to me, because it was used against me as a teenager. People throw it at Octavian all the time here. But I accept the word doesn't hold the same pain for everyone as it does for me, so I just unfollow/block those folks and mind my business. You might want to do the same for Sulla-posters that annoy you.
I also bring up Musk because his example shows that our "friendly nerd spaces" are never really far from actually dangerous people. That's the hazard of using social media instead of huddling on private listservs, forums and Discord servers. Even on Tumblr, before following Roman history blogs I scroll through a few pages of their posts for fascist vibes, and I have blocked a few. You're right to be on alert for this.
Anyways, I ain't gonna shame someone just for having weird history blorbos or kinks, as long as they don't support reactionary shit for real in modern politics. I've written up an essay on spotting fascists in history spaces, which you might find handy. Fortunately, the vast majority of folks I've seen on classics Tumblr seem alright.
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minimoefoe · 2 days
Rewatch Thoughts: Rogue
I wish the ep started with 15 and Ruby showing up and seeing everyone dancing and being excited, kinda like Donna and 10 Unicorn and the Wasp vibes, rather than them already being in there idk
It’s a very difficult cheese lmao I like that little scene a lot
The fact Ruby sees Susan Twist yet again and doesn’t mention it to the Doctor at any point. They had other shit going on tbf nvm
‘Faster mover’ lmao. I like the Doctor’s vibe when he says that. Like he’s actually a bit shook by the fast moving. It’s more Doctor-y than the overt flirting in the rest of the ep.
Why would Rogue think that the Doctor was a Chulder when he’s been speaking like he’s from the future or whatever. If he WAS a Chulder don’t you think he would be playing pretend as a person from 1813. Not talking about the fuckin stars
Genuinely don’t see how ppl have said they’ve seen a gay vibe between Ruby and Emily. ur waffling sorry
I’m choosing to believe 15 doesn’t like being called Doc bc it makes him think of Graham and that makes him sad but tbh I do think 13 found Graham annoying sometimes so.. Maybe it reminds him of him in a bad way 😭
15 upping the Scottish accent and mocking Rogue’s American accent earlier lol
Shoutout to Kylie Minogue
15 being flustered over the psychic paper. Also 10/10 very Doctor-y 
New boss.. So Rogue is the Meep’s co-worker then. I wonder if whenever we meet the Boss they’ll make a reference to a person who ‘worked for them but disappeared’ aka Rogue
All the faces !!!!!
I feel nothing about Richard E Grant being there other than I know I don’t consider him in any part of the Doctor canon of my mind but I hope other ppl have fun arguing about where he should be in the timelines
The way Ruby awkwardly said ‘ah.. right’ after Emily told her who she wanted to marry made me think of Charlotte Ritchie in BBC Ghosts
15 singing before entering the TARDIS was a bit cringe
Rogue kinda is Jack just less whore-y and more romantic yknow
15’s solution to not killing the bird ppl being to send them to a barren dimension is sooooo funny like king you realise why that’s actually worse than killing right😭Unless we’re supposed to assume they can survive fine in this barren dimension? But the Doctor clearly sees it as a punishment when he thinks they’ve killed Ruby so presumably not
Rogue is very pretty I fear
I like that Rogue uses ‘they’ to refer to the person he lost idk why
‘I know the word OK’, Emily is so funny
The proposal making 15 actually freak out a bit and forget he’s acting lmfao
The Chulder’s actually using the word cosplay makes me cringe a bit. I think it would've been better if ‘cosplay’ was just the word the Doctor uses to explain what they do
On first watch it was literally right as Ruby told Emily that she was from the future that I realised Emily was one of them
Ruby not actually getting got is cool but like that scene literally shows the lightning and we hear her screaming but then in the flashback to what actually happened neither of those things happen so them putting it in the initial scene feels like a shit/lazy way of trying to hide the fact it was gonna be revealed that she was pretending all along when they coulda made it so that we the audience know she’s fine bc we don’t see the telltale Chulder bodyswap signs but the Doctor thinks she’s dead. Very strange imo
Been obsessed with the way the Duchess shouts ‘the wedding’ since I first saw it in a  trailer icl
That scene with Carla feels so out of place and tbh random bc like. This is the second time Ruby has almost died in an ep so surely we shoulda seen that flashback the FIRST time it happened not now
15 loves a cry and idk how I feel about it
Other than the non-Doctor-y flirting I think this is the most Doctor-y 15 has felt to me
Did Rogue really have to replace Ruby? He literally just shoved her off? Surely he coulda just stood at the side of the triangle and pulled her out of it instead? Or are we saying that once it’s prepped for 6 ppl then it won’t leave without 6 on it? Bc I don’t think they make that clear in the episode at all
This episode is sooooo Maxine Alderton in 13’s era coded to me in that it’s an ep where the writing, other than the couple of choices I don’t love, just overall feels much tighter than the rest of the eps in the series have been like I feel like I can tell the difference 
I love 15 and Rogue’s dynamic but I really wish 15 was more awkward in his attraction to Rogue. He was far too suggestive and direct imo, it didn’t always feel like the most Doctor-y thing ever. Like he may be 'healed' (whatever that even means) but he's still the DOCTOR
Overall a banger. 4.5/5. I think this is the first ep this season  where I’ve rated it a bit higher after rewatch
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🪸 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 Percy Jackson headcanons starring Elora! (An island and summer girl at heart!) 🪸 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
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Thank you @sequinsnstars for reigniting my interest in this series. It's time I did a remake!
I know everyone is just thinking "why did you have yourself be a camper in camp Jupiter if you hate camp Jupiter so much?" Well. I exist in camp Jupiter because I want to spite everyone who gave Jason a hard time there 😤
Anyways, I had no claiming in Camp Jupiter, the moment I stepped foot onto the campus with the 7, a huge shiny blue trident appeared over my head, the storm clouds were huddling together to form a storm, and all that typical dramatic Poseidon shenanigans. I think that kinda cemented that I was officially a part of camp half blood now??The claiming actually made me feel good? Because Poseidon chose to be extra dramatic and made sure to do it when basically everyone at camp was inside the huge campus, so basically everyone stopped what they were doing to like, stare in curiosity.
Because in Camp Jupiter, I never received any positive kind of attention yk? Neptune was considered bad luck, so I was basically receiving the child of hades treatment, but the Roman version.
As a legacy of Athena and Hermes (thank you to my moots for helping me figure this out!) I naturally get along with them very well.
@gentlehue would SO teach me how to grow plants, and I'll help her water them 😤💅 Cynthia I'd definitely give you potted flowers every time I run into you 🩷
I swear the Aphrodite children are SO superficially judged by people in camp sometimes :/ I'd defend my pretty babies from harassment and gossip any day fr (@sequinsnstars @auroraofthesun)
Also dear Aphrodite children, I love makeup and would spend hours in your cabin with you drowning in lip gloss. Y'all would be the best teachers for my make-up lessons.
Percy and I have beds facing diagonal to each other, while Tyson sleeps in the bottom bunk. We have fun game nights all the time omgg.
I have pictures of my happy times in Rome stick on my board (‘happy times’ translate to pictures w my bb boy Jason Grace since we were kids and he has them stuck too awh 🥹)
Since I'm an Athena legacy, I always tease Annabeth and Percy that “I'm related to BOTH of them” and also, they make me pick sides when they're annoying e/o by saying “cmon family sticks together!”
I would be great buddies with Castor and Pollux (let's pretend they're both happy and alive) and would always reassure them that Dionysus kids don't deserve to be called “lazy and useless” bc THEY DON'T.
Speaking of which, Dionysus rolled his eyes at my dramatic claiming muttering “another useless sea urchin that provides nothing but high attitude to our camp” 😭 bro didn't even Hesitate
I feel like I wouldn't get along with Ares children that much. Neptune children are known for their high temper (with Neptune representing the ‘violent and turbulent’ side of the ocean, unlike Poseidon who represents the positive sides of it) and it would totally clash with Ares kids tbh. Frank Zhang, however, is the biggest exception!
I have these moments where Annabeth is just so used to calling Percy “seaweed brain” and teasing him about being oblivious that she forgets that I'm an Athena legacy aswell and just assumes I'm not that smart. (Not implying that she thinks Percy's dumb, but her teasing kinda gets to her head sometimes) and i have to snap back with some quick smart response to remind her that lol
am considerably close to Nico, because I already knew him at camp Jupiter, and we kinda had a small heart to heart about how terribly we were both treated because of our parentage. Of course, that closeness continued in camp half blood as well.
I'm the closest to Kayla and Will in the apollo cabin because they almost always are the ones who treat my injuries (and @auroraofthesun too because you're an Apollo legacy!)
I have a Pegasus that I took with me from Camp Jupiter, his name is ‘Alga’ (meaning, ‘seaweed’ in Latin) he's steel blue with a grayish tint. I didn't get a Pegasus of my own like Reyna did, but more rather, I came across one who followed me around, and i adopted it without telling anyone but Jason about it while I was at camp. He thought it was sweet and didn't snitch on me or even tell Reyna <3
And Yes, Alga and blackjack are buds. And yes they do roast us, and yes we do understand them.Also, just like how Demeter kids hate when flowers are being plucked from their roots, and how Percy hates aquariums because they confine sea creatures, I hate it when people take too many seashells from the beach. (irl I actually love seashells and used to collect them, but I've heard taking too many spoils the ecosystem in a way, and realistically if I am in the pjoverse, that would naturally make me dislike it)
But I do love making sand castles and attachingseashells on them, because I'm not taking them with me right? It's just gonna stay there. I can have fun in an eco friendly way lolzAnd I prefer keeping fake seashells made of ceramic and stuff as decor to maintain my aesthetic
Me and Percy can communicate underwater, but to other people, it would sound like we are speaking gibberish. He was ECSTATIC when he discovered this new made-up sea language ability lmao
Also, we are both in-charge of cleaning the ocean if it gets too dirty, so we have “chores days” where we dive in, and clean every ounce of harmful algae. And tending to sick sea animals.My nickname is ‘Kelp head’ because I have extremely wavy hair that's shaped like kelp. I've had that nickname ever since my time at camp Jupiter!I'm extremely competitive at capture the flag! Because of that Roman wild war blood in me, I just can't help but take it kinda seriously. I feel like Percy's way more chill when it comes to this lol
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lacrimosathedark · 14 hours
As a big time Radioapple shipper, I would love it if Radioapple writers didn't like, bash Lilith?
I've seen a handful of writers make Lilith downright abusive. Saying Lucifer's ducks are ridiculous, that his dreams are outlandish, even going so far as to say he's useless or pathetic. This is often used to highlight the difference between Lilith and Alastor when Alastor is shockingly understanding, as if Lilith wouldn't be and is portrayed as and ice queen. Which is nothing like what little we know of her.
The intro says she inspired demonkind. In the pilot, there are posters of her encouraging Sinners to resist against the Exterminations. Charlie is so sure that Lilith would support her hotel. The paintings in Lucifer's office show a loving, happy family.
People who love each other can grow apart without either being outright abusive.
Lucifer's Fall came with a great deal of despair, exacerbated by the cruelty he saw in Sinners. His depression was in direct opposition to Lilith's hopes.
And then there's his AuDHD, which probably leads to him focusing on one thing or another and losing track of time, time he could be spending with his family. Not like he means to be away, it just happens.
And of course he's so socially awkward and Lilith is inspirational, so any "royal duties" probably fell on Lilith's shoulders rather than Lucifer's.
That's a lot of strain on the relationship without either one being particularly cruel or at fault. Just drifting apart.
It's possible Lilith kept Charlie from Lucifer when they split, but there's so many reasons she could have done that. If he got focused on something, he might not pay enough attention to her and she get hurt for example. There's also the possibility of anything Lilith was doing behind Lucifer's back to help Hell have something to do with Charlie.
And Lucifer is still wearing his ring, keeps up family portraits as a reminder. If there was any resentment for her at all, he could have covered up Lilith. We've seen Blitzø scribble out his own face in photographs and scribbled over Verosika on his calendar, and Stolas cover all portraits and revealing only Octavia. It's not out of the realm of possibility. But he didn't and he keeps that reminder of her with him.
And while very much not canon, I've seen Viv like fanart of Lucifer showing his ducks to Lilith and her loving them. Lucifer is adorable and do you think he was any LESS silly before his hopes were shattered? No! If anything, he was probably SILLIER when she fell in love with him. All that creative power and imagination, only scolding to dampen his sparkle, and not scolding from Lilith. He would tell her all about his funny ideas and would she have married him if she didn't love that about him?
Lucifer and Lilith were very much in love at first. The only hint we have that Lilith is actually a horrible person is that the person that is presumably her made some deal with Adam and has been chilling somewhere outside of Hell for the last seven years without telling her daughter anything at all. Which there could be so many reasons for.
And that dark look she gave to Lute doesn't have to be her being annoyed at having to go back to Hell to her family. Lute is a bitch, and also just called Lilith's daughter a bitch. Like...do you expect her to smile at her??? Lute sucks. (for the record, I hate her as a character, which I think means she's a good character. And her voice is AMAZING and I need to hear her sing more after You Didn't Know because WOW)
All that is to say, a separation doesn't have to be from abuse and it can still be hard to move on. AND you don't have to hate your ex to move on to dating someone else.
You don't need to villainize Lilith to make Alastor look good. Part of Alastor's appeal is that he's a complex contradictory bastard. If you want his behavior compared to something to make him look good, use his past actions. If he's getting kinder, sweeter, more understanding, his old antagonism would contrast it. And if you want to use someone else, Adam's right there! And he SUCKS! (I like him as a character tho, he's hilarious)
I don't like shipping Lucifer with Adam, but I know some people do, and I also like the idea that they were friends before everything fell apart. But Adam is all the negative things Alastor is not.
Both of them are prideful, but so is Lucifer. And Alastor generally wields his pride with grace while Adam never shuts the fuck up about himself.
Adam clearly has little to no respect for women, just by how he treats Lilith and Vaggie and even Charlie. Alastor holds women in high regard, and most of the people he seems to have actual relationships with are women, Niffty, Rosie, Mimzy, and even Charlie.
Adam is always talking about sex and bragging about how much he fucks, and says that Charlie and Vaggie's relationship is "hot as fuck" which, ew. Alastor, meanwhile, is (obliviously) asexual, has a general disregard for sexuality, and open disdain for hypersexuality.
Adam is very openly uncouth and brash and rude and constantly swearing. Alastor is vicious, but he is charming and genteel all the while, and swears a whole of three times in season one. First, the "Fuck you" to Lucifer in Episode Five (it took him that long to swear ONCE), and then twice in Episode Eight, once when first letting loose in his fight against Adam, and second when he was stunned right before getting wounded. Adam drops cunt in the first episode lol
Adam is also an open book where Alastor is a puzzle hidden behind a smile.
If you wanna compare Alastor, or anyone else you'd ship Lucifer with, to someone he might have been close to from all the way back in Eden times, Lilith isn't the only option there.
Let Lilith say one word before you decide she's evil, yeah?
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rayof-damnsunshine · 2 days
Ooc: I'm so proud of this
Well, she could already feel her dad's lecture now.
To most people, this was something that only happened in fiction. To Brooklyn, this was a regular Tuesday.
She felt the luke warm water touch her hands as she washed them. The bathroom walls were piss yellow and covered in not so pleasant drawings. What they were spending their tuition on still appeared a mystery.
She turned off the water and went to grab the thinnest paper towel known to man, but she paused , noticing something, or more someone, in the mirror.
She turned around, and there stood her teacher, Lady Mary, but she didn’t look like herself, she looked into need of some moisturiser.
"Lady Mary." She lowered her head for a moment.
Lady Mary stayed silent, her gaze piecing Brooklyn like a knife.
"I'll get back to class." She went to get her backpack but something whizzed pass her head, missing by about a centimetre and landing in the wall.
She gasped slightly, standing still.
"You never learn, do you?" She snarled, her voice sounding deeper than normal. "We always seem to cross paths."
Lady Mary, or whatever her actual name was, was Brooklyn's biggest pain in the ass. She seemed hellbent on killing her, for some reason she felt didn't need explaining.
"Look, I just want to get through my day, so if you could-"
"I'm here on a job. Peace isn't an option."
"What do I have you want so badly?" She turned around and faced her. Lady Mary had turned into her usual half lion, half human, part scorpion, all annoying form.
"You and your sister were protected from something, and I need to find what was kept under wraps."
"You better not touch my sister." She growled.
Lady Mary smiled, but there was no warmth to it. "Aren't you the younger sister?" She teased.
"I don't give a flying fuck. You touch my sister and I'll turn you into a baked potato."
Her smile faltered slightly. She grabbed Brooklyn's shoulder firmly, stopping her from running. "Why didn't you go to camp?"
"Where?" She asked.
"Don't play dumb."
"I don't-"
"Are you forgetting how good my aim?" She held up her tail and pointed it directly at Brooklyn's face. She gulped, old memories lingering in the back of her mind.
"I have zero clue what you're talking about-"
Lady Mary, being the asshole she is, threw Brooklyn to the side, making her slam directly into a bathroom stall and stumble backwards, the door opening with her.
Fuck that hurts.
Lady Mary went to start throwing more thorns or whatever they were. Brooklyn scrambled to her feet and slammed the stall door shut, hearing the thorns land in the door.
More thorns shot at her feet, making her back up and crouched on the toilet. Not her most flattering moment.
Lady Mary clearly wasn't impressed with that. She grabbed the door and pulled it off its hinges, tossing it behind her, breaking the sinks.
Brooklyn got out the stall and pushed her out the way. She ran to the broken sink and went to grab a chunk of porcelain. When she lifted it up, a glittering golden dagger.
Was it absolutely suspicious? Yes. Was Brooklyn going to ask questions later? Definitely.
She grabbed the dagger and faced Lady Mary. "Don't come near me."
Lady Mary pointed her tail at Brooklyn again. "I don't need to get close."
I didn't think this through very well
Brooklyn knew that peace really wasn't an option anymore.
Lady Mary flung thorns again. Brooklyn ran and tackled her.
Her grip tightened on the dagger and she slashed at Lady Mary's tail.
Instead of drawing any blood, or even cutting it off, Lady Mary hissed, pushing Brooklyn off.
She started turning into dust, crumbling like sand.
She yelped, trying to grab Brooklyn, even though she just pushed her off. Before she could even take a step, she faceplanted, turning into thin air as she hit the ground.
"What the hell..." Brooklyn breathed, staring at the spot Lady Mary had just been in.
Before she could even catch her breath, she heard talking approaching.
She grabbed her backpack and clambered into one of the only remaining stalls.
The talking became silent as they gasped.
She could see their feet from under the stall door as they all turned into circles, presuming looking at the damage.
"Someone get Lady Anne!" One of the girls yelped, as everyone spirted out of the bathroom, well expect for Brooklyn. She was currently crouching on the toilet again.
Moving probably the quickest she ever had in her life, she quietly opened the door and climbed out the bathroom window.
There was no way she was staying here after that.
@that-asian-child-of-aphrodite @that-one-daughter-of-apollo @childofthewargod @damiedantediane @glee-of-ares-wrath-of-aphrodite
Ooc: Hello, another lore drop!
This was the situation that brought Brooklyn to camp. Super fun, right?
If you want to be added or removed from the tag list, let me know :)
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How many of Destroyer's kittens do you think took a shine to Armand? Do you think Armand named any of them? Pretended to be irritated but was secretly thrilled when one of them would sit on his lap?
Oh I think at least three of her kittens took one look at Armand and instantly thought 'yes! We love you!' The last kitten is a bit shy and is wary of his in-human-ness, so he takes a bit more time to warm up to Armand. But once he does, he's all over him and won't leave him alone.
Because Armand isn't thrilled over them to begin with (or so he claims anyway lmao), they tend to gravitate towards him the most. Although Louis is the kitten's favourite person, they love nothing more than to climb all over Armand, biting at his fingers and curling up on his lap so he can't move.
Armand totally names them but they're his own names for them. Benji, Sybelle and Louis give the kittens their actual names, but Armand likes to call them things like 'Ankle Biter', 'Menace', 'Terror' and 'Nightmare'. These names start out somewhat genuine but over time Armand calls them this in the most affectionate way possible. But if anyone else refers to them by these names, Armand will glare at them and tell them not to be so rude to the babies.
And he's totally pretending to be annoyed by the kittens. At first it is a bit more genuine because "Louis they're chewing up my trousers and leaving holes in them." And when they make themselves at home on his lap, Armand doesn't really know what to do with them, so it comes out as irritation towards them for that reason too. However, the longer he's around them for, the more he gets used to the kittens and loves having them curled up on him.
If they settle on his lap, he does what every good person does which is not move a muscle until they do. If he's needed somewhere, Armand will tell them it'll have to wait because nothing is more important than these kittens getting their rest. No one's allowed to tell them off for misbehaving because Armand will be in their defence and say something like "Well if you didn't want the new table getting clawed up, maybe you should have put it in one of the rooms they can't get into."
One kitten in particular is very fond of Armand, and likes to sit on his shoulder, which he lets her do. Even when she's grown up, she still perches on Armand's shoulder, and he just leaves her to it while he goes about whatever it is he's doing.
Years down the line, when it's Destroyer's kitten's descendants, Armand likes to form an alliance with them and they gang up on Lestat when he visits. They're usually rewarded with some kind of treat after lmao.
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mngrsh · 1 day
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Kouta: I know this place. Kai: Oh? Kouta: Ahh, I mean, on this one… I think I know which place you're depicting… I remember taking walks to it in middle school. Kai: Hm. If that's so, we must be from the same city. …Hey, stop spacing out. Hello. Hey, hey. Kouta: Ack… No… Uh, please don't shake me. I'm just thinking… Where is this prison located? Kai: Where, where. Maybe we're all dreaming. Warden said our memories are going to be extracted from our dreams. Would make sense if it's all a shared dream space, wouldn't it? Kouta: Eh? It wouldn’t make sense at all.
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Kai: …Am I a bad person? Kouta: I thought it's something for the Warden to decide. Kai: Well, I'm asking you. Kouta: I don't think you're that much of a bad person. Kai: Even though I bully everyone? Kouta: Are you asking for my opinion or for a debate? I have no interest in the latter. Kai: … Stop smoking. It annoys me. Kouta: Huh?  Kai: Troublesome kids don't receive presents on Christmas. It's still spring, so work on your behavior until the end of this year. Kouta: …Even if you try so hard to change my opinion, it won't change…
I don't think you're that much of a bad person. Ask ▆▆▆▆▆▆. Actually, she must have told you already. Why would I Iisten to her? I'm an adult and decide for myself. … Where have you learned such manners? Don't you have pure morals, huh. So troublesome. I have to always hold you by your hand when we cross the road too, or you'd run right under some car. Hmph.
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Ego: Huh… Kai: … You remind me of someone. To be fair, it might be only your face. Ego: Hm. Kai: Yeah, someone from my victims. No idea who it was, though. You know? My recollection of my life is not very good either. Probably because of this place, but it has always been like this. Once someone is gone, I don't understand if they still exist. Every time they come back, it feels like they’ve reincarnated. I have to expect something, someone new each time, I can never trust in the other’s feelings. How frustrating.
Kouta: …You remind me of my classmate. Ego: Really? Kouta: No, uh… I don't really remember her, but it was my classmate. Ego: Is she related to your crime? Kouta: …
— What do you want? Not sure, I guess she was pouting. Of course, what else would she be doing. — I don't like that girl. Don't talk to her. — She's the one talking to me. Can't help it. — Do you not care about me? As if it's me who doesn't care! You constantly complain about each other to me. — I'm taking a nap. — It's dangerous to sleep in the train. I might be in a bad mood and not wake you up in time. I'm in a bad mood today, by the way. — Don't care. — Good luck at Kisaragi station. — Thank you very much.
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staring...ririka from hit project @tsumigram who Are you
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thebackupsystem · 1 year
Sometimes being a system is wildly dissociating at work because no one wants to do it, but no one can leave front for some fucking reason
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horsemage · 1 month
I think we should bring back basic etiquette lessons such as shutting the fuck up when you’re watching a movie in a group that is not exclusively your friend group 🙂
#welcome to another Mick Airs Out Their Grievances and by god is it a VERY long one#prob best if u don't expand the tags#am I being maybe a bit meaner about this than I would be for any other movie? maybe but pac rim is one of my favorite movies of all time#so I think I get a pass on this one.#one of the groups on campus is hosting movie nights & I went to this one bc I've only ever watched pac rim on my laptop and wanted to watch#it on a larger screen. yay yippee I love this movie!#there r maybe 10-ish of us in this room and a three person friend group is sitting on the couch one of whom has seen the movie and two who#have not. okay so far so normal.#and then the movie starts and they won't! stop! fucking! commentating! the whole fucking movie!!! I don't have a problem with doing that#when I'm in just my friend group because I know that I can tell my friend to stop talking or pause the movie or whatnot but not when I'm in#a large group w people I'm not good friends with ffs#and the comments aren't even funny or anything they're all oh this is JUST like in iron widow!! oh they're SO gay and autistic!!! and#they're talking so loud about this that it completely drowns out the movie audio which has already been turned up a few times#like. be considerate!! some of us want to yknow actually listen to what's going on and not whatever bullshit you're saying#I nearly walked out three or four times before I actually wound up doing so#I may have been a bit of a bitch at the end but I don't care. I got up to leave because this was not an enjoyable environment and one of#them offered to turn the movie down if it was too loud. this caught me a bit off guard since I expected them to still be so wrapped up in#their convo and. well. I may have said 'it's not the movie that's too loud' before closing the door#this also reminds me a lot about my issues with online shipping culture and it bleeding through into how we interact with media irl#this is probably heavily influenced by my aromanticism but I'm so sick of people constantly reading romantic relationships into everything#AND placing more importance on those relationships than any other form. I don't mind romance in media. I think if done right it has great#emotional impact on a story but when a movie is running and when other people who may not want to hear it are in the room watching it too#is not the time to be loudly saying 'he's autistic!' 'they're in love!' 'she has a crush on him!'#I have my own interpretations of the movie some of which agree with what they said and some of which don't but that's beside the point of#knowing how to coexist politely in public#anyway. I think they were awful and annoying and they ruined my night out.#I think I'm just so incredibly mad about this because I love the movie and I was looking forward to watching it in a group of people who#found it cool as well while still having some modicum of politeness#I almost wish I had been meaner but that's the extreme annoyance talking I think#hater hour over love u guys bye
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deadnamed at my father's funeral
#parental death tw#family death tw#not sure how else to tag this one#yeah december was a very rough month for me :)))#i actually drew this on the way to my hometown a couple days after i got the news that my dad had passed away#fully anticipating that one of the grueling parts of the process would be the incessant deadnaming and misgendering#bc my dad himself never once used my right name after i came out to him. not once#i asked and we even got in fights about it! bc he just REFUSED to do it#didnt want to think of me as a man at all. i was his only daughter and his baby girl and he didnt wanna accept that id changed#in that way#but i do know bc his wife told me that despite not really accepting the truth about my identity#he was very glad that i seemed happy about it#so i think thats whatll be important to me about it#he didnt get it and didnt really accept it for himself but he was happy that i was happy#anyway it was indeed annoying at the service but more people were chill about it than i expected#and i also had to deal with fewer people than i thought i would#was talking to one of his old band friends who i vaguely remembered and joked that 'i was a girl last time u saw me'#and he said 'youre still a girl' and i just went 'no i am not. the sideburns beg to differ.'#then at the end of the service when people were leaving he came and asked for my New name and when i told him#he was like 'ok ill try to remember that'#i like to think he realized instantly the faux pas he made and was like Yikes. This Is Her/His Dads Funeral. Maybe I Should Be Cool.#anyway. the whole affair was exhausting but i got some nice things out of it too#like hanging out w my brothers#then we got home and me and my wife both had covid bc life wasnt done kicking me in the dick i guess!#im good now i think tho. its fine its fine its fine
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nihiltism · 9 days
hell with it new url might change it later. honestly surprised this one wasnt taken
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tardis--dreams · 2 months
Some of those doctors make hating oat milk their entire personality. I hate them. Cannot pretend to find them funny or like i give a shit. Fucking pretentious assholes
#also my colleague (the girl i had my shift with) is the exact opposite of me in all aspects. asked me if I'd ever worked in customer service#because i couldn't care less about being fake friendly to assholes and don't care if they like the service or not#like bitch those people don't have any other choice but drink our fucking coffee it's not like I'm competing with anyone#or like they pay us in any way. i get paid for doing the dumb work i have to do not for stroking some dumb ass doctors' egos#they come out of their rooms once an hour to get coffee and we have the cups on the table and i wouldn't even Think of#HANDING them the cups and smiling sweetly at them and asking 'coffee? tea?? :))'#I'll just assume these grown adults will get their stupid coffee or tea when they want some. it's not like they don't know where it is#(and i AM friendly and smile when someone is coming in our direction but why the fuck do you need to get so disgustingly friendly with them#if someone held up a cup asking if i.want some coffee I'd leave immediately even if i came just for coffee. it's creepy)#anyway. she's nice. I'm not.#there's normal people who will get their coffee and maybe ask if the milk in the little jug is cow milk to which I'll happily reply 'yes#:)'. then there's the other people who see the oat milk and make it clear they are the most insufferable people on the planet#(and i pity their patients so much. not much to choose from i guess but if i had that as a doctor I'd happily just die)#like everyone who took oatmilk could do it without making a fuss about the cow milk on the table. the cow milk lovers could never#'the oat milk is in front of the actual milk. this is unacceptable. i hate such healthy bullshit' lol okay#'OAT milk?? I'll leave this to the horses! THANK GOD you have actual milk!'#my favorite was the one who really took personal offense with its sheer presence. as if it had killed half of his patients lmao#'we had 50 patients with xyz problem. ALL of them drink oat milk. they cannot see the connection. it's really unhealthy'#at this point i just said i didn't care and stopped paying attention and he started complaining to his doctor colleague about how#oat milk is advertised to be healthy and how it's actually the opposite and i just find that very funny compared to the first comment#from that one guy who doesn't like such healthy bullshit. you guys need to find a consensus on the oatmilk issue i think. no one takes you#seriously if you contradict yourself like this. also i couldn't care less about the healthiness of the milk alternative of my choice. bitch.#next week I'll end up killing someone. i hope they all die from their cow milk. (but not the ones who took cow milk and didn't say anything#about the oat milk. they can continue living as they didn't annoy me)#void screams#some of these doctors were actually quite nice (most of them even). one even brought an applicant to us telling her to get some coffee#(which we are not allowed to give to applicants. but i don't care. I'd rather they get something than some of the asshole jury members#who hate oat milk (which is not the issue. the issue is them making it everybody else's issue that they don't like oat milk))
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