#it’s genuinely terrifying
meathounding · 1 year
i actually have a genuine fear of bugs
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devilsflowermantis · 8 months
like i want to make art. i don’t want it to be a job because that will destroy literally all passion for it. i don’t want to have to stress about wtf im going to do financially as someone who is disabled and relies on multiple other peoples incomes because ssi isn’t even enough to pay for a monthly rent for a shit falling apart apartment
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prideprejudce · 1 year
please tell me it’s not true that the one billionaire passenger coerced his terrified 19 year old son into going in that underwater coffin because it was father’s day weekend
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nerdpoe · 11 months
Radioactive Hero (but not really) au
Danny moves to Gotham, hear him out! There's really good jobs there that pay through the nose and the cost of living is cheap!
Plus, the city is riddled with heroes and vilains! It's so easy to slip under the radar!
Unfortunately, there are so many civilian casualties. Like, all the time. Even in Metropolis!
So Danny, for his first year in Gotham, opens small portals to the Far Frozen and gets schooled on being a field medic. None of his powers can really be used for healing, but they can make people feel better. He just has to be careful to be as far removed from the Phantom moniker as possible, so he can't use any obvious powers.
He gets a bit of a reputation in Gotham; a small time hero of the people, for the people. A hero not invested in fighting, but in dragging civilians away from the danger. He doesn't even have a moniker; people are too busy arguing over the best one for him.
So while aliens are attacking both Metropolis and Gotham, Danny is out in full kit; a gas mask to hide his face, all black, repurposed kevlar from the vests the GCPD did not properly dispose of, no identifying markers.
But one of the clean up crews notices something insanely worrying; the geiger counter they have to point at alien spaceship parts? Yeah. Yeah, it's going off when they point it at the new small-time hero.
That hero's power is radioactivity. Holy shit. It's not at a level that will hurt people, but when he's dodging through fighting the level goes up.
The clean up crew concludes and shares via Twitter that the medic-hero is only a danger to others if he gets too stressed.
Word spreads fast, and pretty soon the absolute second Danny shows up on a scene, all fighting stops.
After all, no one wants to piss off the living Nuclear Bomb.
Basically, Danny's ghost-everything sets off Geiger counters, and now absolutely everyone is convinced that the medic-themed hero only refuses to fight because his meta power is just...being radioactive.
But he isn't.
So now, because it's the perfect cover and completely disassociated from Phantom, he has to play along and pretend like yes; that is his power.
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violetsandshrikes · 10 months
one of the most insidious wellness/health trends is the “women ditch your birth control because it’s bad for you!!! they’re trying to poison you but it’s okay you can track your cycle naturally and that alone will prevent pregnancy”
can guarantee that if you go into the following of these accounts, the sources cited from these accounts, the tagged posts from these accounts - they are nearly always linked to greater movements about “restoring the west”, “we need women at home having children again” and other weird trad shit
“many women have issues with birth control because women are routinely dismissed/misdiagnosed by medical professionals” =/= “you should trust suspicious people about high risk alternatives”
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fallahifag · 22 days
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DCIP: Majd R., 14, was detained by Israeli forces around 2:30 p.m. on April 29, 2024 in the Palestinian village of Azzoun, east of Qalqilya in the occupied West Bank, according to documentation collected by Defense for Children International - Palestine. He was released the next day, unable to walk, after many hours of ill treatment, torture, and interrogation.
Majd and his friends were walking in the western neighborhood of Azzoun when two Israeli military vehicles approached them.
“We felt very afraid and ran away, but the military vehicles chased us, and one of the military jeeps almost ran me over. I had to stop running, while my friends managed to escape and disappear,” Majd told DCIP. “Around 10 soldiers exited the two military vehicles, pointing their guns at me and started physically assaulting me for 30 minutes.”
“I was screaming and crying in fear and pain. They cuffed my hands behind my back with a single plastic tie, and I was blindfolded, thrown inside a military vehicle,” Majd said, and added that two soldiers assaulted him inside the vehicle for about 10 minutes.
“One of them put his boot on my mouth while stomping on my chest with his other boot,” Majd said.
The military vehicle stopped at an Israeli military checkpoint located at the northern entrance to Azzoun. Majd was taken out of the vehicle, forced to stand still and a soldier repeatedly assaulted him with the stock of his rifle on the chest, head, and waist while directing insults at him.
“I was begging him to stop hitting me but to no avail. He then wrapped his hands around my neck, pressed with all his strength, and said to me in Arabic, ‘I'll kill you by strangulation.’" Majd passed out and regained consciousness around 5 p.m. and found himself in a room, lying on the ground and surrounded by a soldier, a cat, and a military dog.
“I felt really scared, mostly because the sounds made by the dog were terrifying. I started screaming out of fear because the cat scratched my face many times,” Majd told DCIP. “The soldier said in Arabic, 'I will let the dog eat you.'"
Israeli forces continued torturing Majd until around 2 a.m, slamming his head against a wall several times, causing him to collapse and ask for water, but his request was rejected and they forced him to remain silent.
Israeli forces transferred him to Emmanuel Police Station for interrogation at 3:30 a.m where his tie and blindfold were removed. The interrogator accused him of throwing stones at Israeli military vehicles and then allegedly subjected the boy to physical violence for two hours, forced him to sign an electronic screen with an electronic pen, and tied his hands and blindfolded again, according to documentation collected by DCIP.
The Israeli forces attempted to transfer Majd to Megiddo or Ofer prison around 7:30 a.m, but returned to the illegal Israeli settlement Ariel due to the overcrowded cells in both Megiddo and Ofer prisons. Israeli forces placed him in a yard under the scorching sun.
“I was worn out as a result of being deprived of food, water, or access to the bathroom throughout my detention. A soldier poured water on me until my clothes soaked, after which he spat on me,” Majd said.
Majd was released around 12:30 p.m. on April 30 at the intersection of Haris village, near Ariel settlement. He couldn't move or stand and remained lying on the ground until a Palestinian vehicle pulled over and drove him to his village, then transferred him to Azzoun Hospital.
(Source: DCIP)
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sunderberry · 4 months
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and angel was so proud of himself for being able to carry mr-hollow-bones husk over here
based on the hc where husk died from falling, and that's why his demon form is an ironic mix between two animals that should not be taking fall damage
so yeah he's afraid of heights and that's why he doesn't fly
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they'll be okay
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Deathstroke kept working at the lock on the upstairs window while talking to him, calling him "Nightwings secret son" in the creepiest voice Danny has ever heard as Danny watched him from the computer monitor. This guy had been trying to break in and kidnap Danny for days but the house keeps fighting him off and Danny was on his very first stay-cation away from ghosts. He wasn't going to deal with this wierdo if he could avoid it.
He had put a lot of work into setting this up. He and Jazz had convinced thier parents to go to a two week occult conference in Fawcett City and leave Danny home alone while Jazz was off taking collage classes in Central City in hopes that it will help her get into her dream collage when she turns 18. Danny even sent Vlad on a while goose chase that sent him into the path of that trench coat guy people kept warning him about before shutting down the portals.
Danny refuses to let all of his effort go to waste and the house is pretty well defended so he decided to just use this as entertainment as he munches on dry cereal.
They didn't have any popcorn in the house and he's not leaving with captain crazy still out there.
Eventually Danny gets bored and @s Nightwing on Chirper simply telling him that Deathstroke was trying to kidnap him and it has something to do with Nightwing. He sends him a fail compilation video of all the times Deathstroke failed to get into the house and getting progressively more angry. The last video showed Deathstroke absolutely enraged.
Danny thought that Nightwing probably had a similar situation with Deathstroke that Danny himself have with Vlad and that he'd laugh and show it to all his superhero friends and they'd mock him together.
He was not expecting half of the batclan in Amity Park 3 hours later. Nor was he expecting to get kidnapped by the bats the moment he was out of the house.
He was most upset by everyone calling him a dick though. Was what he did really that bad? Talking back to adults usually didn't get him anywhere so he just kept quiet and went with them, expecting to have to give testimony to the police or something.
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notaplaceofhonour · 8 months
Gentile leftists, this is a PSA, and I am begging you to listen. Sharing claims that Jews aren’t indigenous to the land of Israel, that Jews don’t come from the Middle East, and/or that the Zionist movement wasn’t created in response to centuries of antisemitism & genocide is fringe revisionist history with a long antisemitic history. These aren’t anti-imperialist or anti-colonial stances. They are just antisemitic conspiracy theories.
And on the flip side, acknowledging the simple fact that Jews are indigenous to the region currently occupied by Israel & Palestine does not imply any opinion about the modern states of Israel & Palestine, their governments, or the conflict in the region. This post is not voicing support for Zionism or the state of Israel. This is literally just historical fact: both Jews and Palestinians are indigenous to the region where modern day Israel & Palestine are.
If you make this about the politics or conflicts of the modern states of Israel or Palestine—if you comment or send me asks to that effect—you will be blocked.
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arr-jim-lad · 1 year
TIL american schools teach that the puritans were the good guys
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fawkesthephoenix394 · 2 years
I’ve been seeing so much shit come up on my dash that makes me want to cry!!! The time for protests is over, kids, please, just leave the US. As an outsider, that country has been a shitshow for years, and now, it’s irreparably damaged. Now is the time to move, if you can, are able to, please, LEAVE THE USA. Literally anywhere else is better.
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amphitritemists · 7 months
Jonathan Sims the Archivist and John Doe from Malevolent are such theater kids. Like why do they both go so hard with their narrations? Especially, John Doe like he could simply be like they're wearing a blue hat but no he has to be all dramatic like "They're wearing a blue hat, Arthur. It's the kind of blue a mother would choose for a nursery. The kind of blue that invites a feeling of calm. But this man. This man has a cold hard look in his eyes like he's seen things too terrible to repeat. I don't trust him. We should probably go." And then Arthur will be like "... Cool story, bro, but I think we should introduce ourselves."
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milfwillgrahamsblog · 19 days
Will Graham is one of the scariest characters that has ever been introduced to television and I feel like we as a fandom don’t talk about it enough.
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legobenkenobi · 1 year
i whole heartedly believe this scene is the reason Cody wears his jetpack everywhere
he heard that Skywalker threw Rex off a wall one time and he was like “nope. fuck that. not happening to me” and then never took his jetpack off again
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youngpettyqueen · 5 months
The Wire is really such a thesis statement for Julian as a doctor. he doesnt care what Garak did, he wants to help. he's a doctor, Garak's his patient, and its that simple. we see this with Julian, over and over, it doesnt matter what somebody or even what an entire species did, he will still always try his best to help
also, this episode really shows off what a good doctor Julian is when a patient is in crisis. Julian spends a good portion of this episode being upset with Garak and taking it personally that Garak won't come to the infirmary, but the second Garak is in crisis, he's no longer taking anything Garak says or does personally. he's listening, and letting Garak vent. Garak is lying to him, and being outright nasty telling him how much he hates him, and Julian stands there and takes it and lets him get it out. Garak attacks him and takes him to the floor and Julian doesnt fight back. he's trying to hold Garak down and stop him, yes, but he's doing it because he doesnt want to hurt Garak, and he doesnt want Garak to hurt himself
like yes The Wire is great for the Garashir insanity they are fucking insane in this one and the rituals are intricate but it also is truly such a fantastic Julian episode
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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James Stewart (It's a Wonderful Life, The Philadelphia Story, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington)—the thing about Jimmy Stewart is that for a weird-enough looking guy, he is yet somehow SO hot and SO believable, ALWAYS. He always plays the same person—he's always, well, Jimmy Stewart—yet that person can be a murderer, a dark cynic, a naive idealist, the boy next door or an old man who knows better, and every one of those is hot. I would jump his bones in a heartbeat
Gary Cooper (Wings, Mr Deeds Goes to Town, High Noon)—the amount of cunt this man serves [pics attached below]
This is round 3 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Gary Cooper propaganda:
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James Stewart propaganda:
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“Here he is next to Grant, in what I believe to be a promotional shot for The Philadelphia Story. Please don’t get distracted by Grant (or do, i’m submitting him next).”
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“He’s a nice guy and a good guy and deserves all the happiness and joy ever! Classic boy next door/class president kid that everyone loves for real. Stand-up for the Little Guy vibes. With a charming fun side!!”
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