#it’s been a while aaaaaa
aiixen · 11 months
aixen !! hi !! hru??? :>
HI ART !! I’m okay!! I’ve been super busy this week but I’m doing good <3 how are you!!
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localapparently · 8 months
/ slight blood cw
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AUSDGHASD kim dokja eheheh KIM DOKJA AAA HES SO COOL screams screams screams screams
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Family, even in death.
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pup-pee · 3 months
jokes @ night r not funny in the morning,,,
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originally the blue was green but then i decided 2 b pan
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haemosexuality · 9 months
i just listened to the first episode of the podcast
1-aaaaaaaaaaaaaa. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
2-i cant believe little nightmares is a game where the overused "what if the main characters are actually in a coma and its all a bad dream!!!!!!!" theory might actually be true
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
TLOVM season 2 my absolute beloved, nothing else compares. Like, the found family is back. They’re fucking back and they’re better than ever, and ready to fight literal dragons which is so so sexy of them. New outfits, new weapons, new romances, new characters? Um, yes please, sign me up. Season 1 and the Whitestone arc was phenomenal and now we get to explore even more backstories? Hell yeah! Everyone’s gonna get their time to shine (experience life altering trauma)! Animated fuck-around-and-find-out found family fantasy show of all time fr
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mycotoxin · 7 months
If you want women’s restrooms to exist for the reason of safety, I believe that makes advocating for not just gender neutral restrooms, but having the option of a single-stall one (like most neutral restrooms are). If the concern is security, safety, and privacy, a sign with a skirt will not give you that. Restrooms are such a terrible anxiety-inducing place because of the people in there, so why not the single-stalled option?
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vonlipvig · 5 months
those jeremy allen white pics for calvin klein were truly Something, and god knows i have to practice my figure drawing, so here's some tits out wesley below the cut 👍🏻
y'know wes, if all that mafia boss shtick of yours ever goes south, there's always modeling! ;)
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chorastar · 6 months
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I am currently on vacation but I haven’t drawn for a bit so here’s some sh!tty art bc why not
(For context the words were my thoughts yesterday at a football game I did not agree to go to, which I later thought, that is so tweek omfg)
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koko2unite · 1 year
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carpisuns · 1 year
I was re-reading Where Roses Bloom, and oh my gosh, can I just say how obsessed I am with your writing?!?! The way you express emotion, the way you depict different sensations, just the way you describe everything, is so immersive and full of imagery. Like, I feel worried and anxious with the characters even though I know everything will be okay...
Anyways, mini-rant over, just wanted to let you know that your writing really moved me 😊
Have a nice day!
Hello this is so nice I’m emotional about it!! 😭 thank you so much, it really means a lot 🥺 I’m glad you enjoyed that story and I’m flattered you actually came back to reread it!!
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Foul Legacy's gonna listen to your ranting while holding you close, maybe even patting you! You better believe this man will do his best to make sure you're all okay and stay by your side! He'll make sure you'll at least feel a bit better before the day ends because he luvs you :3
*kisses Foul Legacy on the forehead* i love him so much <333
just imagine Foul Legacy seeing you're upset and sidling up beside you... pulling you into his arms and gently patting your soft hair as you turn and bury your face in his fluff. he lets you rant and curse about whatever's bothering you, crooning and clicking in response and nudging his cheek against yours. if you cry, he sweetly wipes away your tears with his claws, careful not to nick your skin. and once you're done and spent, silent except for occasional sniffs, he'll carry you to the kitchen to get snacks and water. cradling you in his arms, he'll feed you small portions of food and get you to sip the water, trilling happily when you manage to get it down. there's something so soothing about being cared for when you're completely exhausted and weary, wanting to do nothing more than go to sleep for a while, and with Childe gently rocking you back and forth, you figure you can stay awake a little longer, just for him
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ebongrove · 3 months
i still haven't slept and i'm trying very hard not to autistic flap at mega evolution possibly coming back for the kalos legends game
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gaylittleguys · 5 months
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75 godforsaken dollars in import fees
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marcusagrippa · 3 months
like. yes. humans are terrible a lot of the time. but holy shit it's so fucking insane that we even exist in the first place, let alone that we've built everything that we've built, let alone that we still have access to as much history as we do, and if i think too hard about stories i feel A Lot because it goes back and back and back and throughout everything that we've been through as a species, stories have always held us together, stories and dreams and poems and it fucks me up sometimes because when i'm studying poetry it's easy to think 'ugh this is so dull' but then you read one tiny line and then you're punched in the gut and you remember that this was written by a person, a person who was alive, once, and that in your hands your hold a tiny little piece of their heart and their hopes and their dreams, and it's sort of necromancy, isn't it, to read what they wrote and feel what they felt, and we're human and we've always been human, and if we've always had stories and words and poetry then they're us, really, and we're them, and i don't understand people who find literature boring because it's just it's the sum of everything that the author's ever known, every experience they've had, every other book they've read which has been the sum of everything another's ever known and there's not really a point to this but we are indistinguishable from our stories, we are our stories and our wars and our love and and and and
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c0d33 · 5 months
you're the banger artist :D
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aaaaaa you dont understand how happy that makes me to hear!!!! 😭😭😭 i have so many internal doubts about my art so hearing this is honestly so nice and i cant thank you enough
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