#it’s a good song but ugh it’s so CORNY. i know it’s on purpose but RAAAA
xoadoratio · 1 year
I literally stopped caring about what I was gonna complain about maybe that song isn’t so bad
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berrymeter · 3 years
ok perth u probably didn't see the oneus cb yet but i gotta give u my thoughts please take my thoughts.
black mirror: it feels a little atrocious and cheesy and i actually love it like it's just a catchy song!! they could have gone harder but i'm okay with it. the mv is VERY valkyrie which is cute but also boring. none of the shots really wowed me also rbw tanked their budget for this cb.. and some of their fits suck. for me this is a step up from banbakbulga though
connect with us: letdown letdownnnn i would honestly rather listen to the outro version of this song. there is no movement there is no buildup. but xion has a verse so 🥰🥰 i guess
polarity: THIS IS THE ONE.. catchy as hell mwah
happy birthday: save me. save them. the chorus is nice honestly and i like this producer but the aggressively heterosexual corny english interjections really took me out of the vibe.. it's not my birthday i'm not your girlfriend shut up shut uppppp
valkyrock: mixed feelings bc it really just feels like valkyrie with poorly arranged hard guitar in the bg there were some weird instrumental choices too. it serves its purpose which is to be a cool concert remix. there are some cool moments tho especially with the main guitar which i can only assume is kanghyun just shredding it good for him. could have gone harder with the rock concept
so overall this cb... just okay. i'm okay with it! it's def not a come back home or a tbontb (i actually LOVED tbontb era sfsgdfdgdg even the acoustic guitar in the chorus) but frankly it wasn't trying to be that. still feels pretty oneus. anywayyy this is long! i just wanted to like. open a discussion lol don't feel pressured to respond!! -tt
i can finally start answering this ohohoho
hi tt anon my beloved!!! i am ready to answer to these thoughts (aka compare them to mine hSDGHSDKJGH. also i’ll be writing like, each ThoughtTM after i’ve listened to each song, so while i’m typing that i’ve only heard black mirror)
ok so i’m done typing my thoughts and. it got VERY long. don’t apologise for length i’m also wordy <3
now connect with us. so far i didn’t like the voice editing on keonhee’s voice but the song sounds... alright... not groundbreaking but it’s alright. seoho my beloved <3 WAIT THERES NO DROP IN THE CHORUS???? WHAT THE FUCK? i don’t really like the typical kpop drops always used now but come on?? oh wait there’s a? ugh. that was nothing. well i guess it’s a song and dongju got a verse for sure. i don’t have a lot to say on it i don’t know if i’ll add it to any playlists IS THAT HWANWOONG’S FIRST LINE?????? what the hell is any of this DSKJFHKJHD i may not have noticed him before but huh what. eh. it’s a song. again maybe it’ll grow on me! but right now yeah it’s a letdown i agree.
so for black mirror i agree the mv was... cheaper than what we got with gaja, twilight & etc. like they used all the budget on their first mvs DNSKJFHKJ (and to be or not to be... i guess? i don’t remember much except Guns And Blood Bath). i don’t really mind it in itself bc i don’t watch mvs much anymore and i’ve accepted that sometimes companies will just throw whatever at the audience for the sake of money (see also: ugly dance by onf letting me down in great part bc it acts as a followup to beautiful beautiful but is literally just a performance mv with no storytelling elements whatsoever but eh what can you do right) but for someone who likes cinematography it’s definitely gonna be disappointing if they were expecting something like gaja or come back home. as for the fits i didn’t really look at them, mostly their faces? and ough they are pretty <3 but yeah i wanted to get the more negative criticism out of the way so i can talk about The Song because unexpectedly i actually really like it!! and we can thank the bassline for that LMAOOO honestly this is gonna sound mean for no reason but this is what w*nho (censoring in case it gets in tags... i do NOT need mbbs after me on this fine day) thought he was doing with his debut song (not losing you that one made me cry. the one that i forgot the name of). i really enjoy the vibe of the song even if imo it doesn’t really fit the visual concept very much? but it has strings and i’m not gonna say no to strings. strings and a sexy bassline. and yonghoon’s whistling. SHFSDHKH
no but it’s a really good song imo! it’s not... as good as say, twilight (maybe it’ll grow on me idk we’ll see but twilight really was one of their best so), but it’s still a pretty solid song and while i do like banbakbulga a lot now it feels a lot less oneus than black mirror. oh wait i have something else to say, they really should leave the rapping to ravn bc like we know kpop rappers are not really rappers but i. really don’t wanna hear leedo rap anymore. he has great vocals there’s no reason for that... ravn is genuinely enjoyable to listen to so i don’t mind him but pls rbw give leedo more vocal lessons so he can sing more (and also give dongju vocal lessons at all?? why does he get two lines per song??? they’re a 2 yr old group now there’s no excuse. is he that bad? i don’t buy it he sounded good in the rtk gaja)
black mirror also very vaguely reminded me of run away by got7 during the chorus for some reason feel free to ignore that HFKJSHKFJ
onto polarity! shit i really need wrist braces. well this is like an improved connect with us? it’s definitely catchier sdnfsjkdfh and definitely a oneus song tho that means i don’t really like what their style is headed toward... one of the percussions they keep using, i really don’t like it!! i hear it everywhere and i don’t like it! not bc i hear it everywhere but bc it’s used for anything and everything like u should be more careful with what sounds u use for what songs. but i’m also very picky in the little details when i’m focused on something i guess sndfjskh. keonhee sounds really good in this song thank u mr lisp for my life i love u :) OH WAIT LEEDO IN THE CHORUS??? VERY GOOD LET’S GET MARRIED jk not to a leo man.
then we got happy birthday....... um... i was gonna say this is fine then he said you’re my goddess and. let me out <3 NOOO KEONHEE SOUNDS SO GOOD THIS IS EVIL... WHY DOES HE SOUND SO GOOD ON THIS SONG NANODNONDD LOVE LOSES </////3 i wouldn’t say it’s unlistenable for me like english girl but i’m gonna have to turn off my english speaking brain to listen to it yeah. it’s a good song otherwise what a shame... stop pushing ur heterosexual words onto me i’m just trying to listen to a song!!! do songs have to be gendered!!!!!!!!!
valkyrock here we go. last one. last one boys & not boys. so far it’s nice tbh. HUH? they lost the vibe with ravn’s verse. okay i guess the prechorus is alright i can hear the faintest hint of strings. the chorus... the percussions should not be like that... like idk how to explain it but the rhythm is too regular and not spaced out enough, if they were gonna do it like that it should hit a lot harder. don’t give me just the big boy (idk the english name but u know the one on the drums) and the small cymbal sound... that’s not loud enough bring out the damn gong (ok i may exaggerate but like it sounds more dancey than rock either way). uhhhhh overall though i really like the mix of the heavy guitar & strings i think that’s great and they should do that more. i can only assume onewe took care of the instruments LMAO harin u should’ve gone harder than that king i know u can...
so uhmmm for me this cb is... better than the previous one. which is sad bc it was a full album. i also liked it better than tbontb bc i felt that one didn’t go hard enough and black mirror wasn’t trying to go hard in that way so it doesn’t bother me 😭 yeah it’s not light us raise us fly with us level but it’s really good still. i can’t wait for oneus to finally release something that makes me insane but tbh? tbh? the bassline might get me there anyway. sexy bass makes me deranged and i think that’s at least a little bit relatable. still... when oneus get back to their roots in ways other than valkyrock maybe we’ll ascend to a better plane. much love 💕
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moviestetik · 5 years
Hairspray (2007)
Before I start rambling about this movie, I am aware of the huge jump between this movie to my previous movie post (The Nightmare before Christmas) LMAO but I just want to appreciate a musical movie once in a while and who would have ever thought this movie shows aesthetic values in most of its musical scenes. Since this movie is supposed to take place in the 60′s, the whole wardrobe and the cityscape are adapted to the particular era (which is one of my favourite elements when movies decided to do old school vibes, you know what I mean?). At the same time it focuses on major issues like racism but in a lowkey way since this movie is child-friendly. Highly recommended to those who love musical! UwU
Won’t be a long wordy post but I will attach screencaps of the movie that I feel like are giving off aesthetic vibes! Here goes:
1. Good Morning Baltimore
This is the first song introduced in the movie sang by the main character Tracy Turnblad!
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2. The Nicest Kids in Town
Introduction to the Corny Collins Show... and the handsome actor James Marsden.  
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There is actually another song called The Legend of Miss Baltimore Crabs after this but I do not have favourite scenes in it (maybe I am a bit biased because I hate Velma von Tussle).
3. I Can Hear the Bells
When Link Larkin, the lead male dancer of the Corny Collins Show, finally acknowledges Tracy’s existence! I love every scenes involved in this song, it shows different contrasting settings and also aesthetically pleasing composition.
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There is also another song after this called Ladies’ Choice sang by Link Larkin, I DO have favourite scenes in it but everything just moves so fast I could not take screenshots! :-( I will put down a YouTube link at the very end of this post so you guys can watch the whole musical scenes!
4. The New Girl in Town
I especially like the outfits here, you can see the contrast between the two performances.
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5. (Hey Mama) Welcome to the 60′s
This is when Tracy’s mother, Edna Turnblad got called by Mr. Pinky (a famous boutique owner in the town) and Edna has to go out from their home after many years of staying in. It is a good change for Edna where she gains confidence to look good! Love the lowkey good composition here, and the colours involved.
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Again, skipping another song called Run & Tell That sang by Seaweed and his sister, Little Inez. And again, I have favourite scenes but everything just moves so fast!!! 
6. Big, Blonde & Beautiful
Originally sang by Motormouth Maybelle and another version is by Edna Turnblad and Velma von Tussle right after. 
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For those who are wondering who Velma von Tussle is, THIS is her! >:-(
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7. (You’re) Timeless to Me
This is after Edna misinterprets the affair incident between his husband Wilbur Turnblad and Velma, in Wilbur’s Hardy Har Hut >:-( (which Velma purposely plans just to make a scene, now you all know why I hate her). There are actually more scenes that I like in this song but as usual: everything is so fast!!! D-:
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8. I Know Where I’ve Been
My favourite one so far! A powerful song sang by THE legend. They are protesting against the ending of Negro Day. You can actually see the different tone used in these particular scenes where it shows a certain type of mood related to the song. 10/10
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9. Without Love
This is literally right after the protest. LOL. They have to help Tracy from getting caught by the police (she hit a police officer during the protest). And this is also the moment Link admits he has feelings for Tracy, OMG.
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10. It’s Hairspray
This is near to the end! The final show of Corny Collins Show: Miss Teenage Hairspray. Love the colours involved! And James Marsden, ugh.
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11. You Can’t Stop the Beat
We are coming to an end! Good things happen in this scene, Tracy gets rid of Amber von Tussle (Velma’s equally evil daughter) LIVE on TV, Link and Tracy finally gets together (uwu), Corny announces that the Corny Collins Show is finally integrated! [poetic cinema] I do not even need to explain why I love this final song TBH.
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This is when Velma gets exposed on TV! LMAO
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And that is it from me! Here is the link to all of Hairspray songs in order! Or you can just watch the full movie hehe.
Shankman, A. (Director), & Zadan, C. (Producer). (2007). Hairspray [Motion Picture]. United States: New Line Cinema.
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nana-lew-rp · 5 years
Start By Saying Hi, Ask Her What Her Name Is|| MortiL3w AprilAU
@suzydoozy @felixpierp @crywastaken-rp @wishes-in-the--markmark @jeremydooley-rp @goldenbrowncrownrp
Suzy had really thought he was the one. Guess not, but that was high school she guesses. Arin passing her in the halls made her both weak and angry. Seeing him walk around with her twin sister. She’s smart, at least, and doesn’t bring him to the house when she’s there and lets her know when he’s coming over. It looks like love, it sounds like love. She couldn’t be anything but bitter. Here she was once again: Thursday night karaoke with Ro, Cry, and Felix; drinking all the Shirley temples and burning out their juice and fruit smoothies at the bar; she’s been thinking about how many of her classmates come and do the same thing. Their school always let them out early on thursdays and fridays, even when the bus schedule didn’t add up. Suzy was one of the few girls who had to travel to the private campus everyday in order to get the college-prep education she needed. It was one cross-town train to the local trolley to the closest school bus pickup point. Hence, her friends hang out when they’re not working on thursday nights and drive her home so that she gets home okay. She could feel herself slipping, and her friends made her agree to this after she hadn’t made it home twice already because she had spaced out and missed her connections to get home. Confused, she could hear the voice in her head and hear *that* voice in her head. It had really put her in her paces.
She ignored it for so long and her mom had told her that the doubt monster is trying to come out, so she shouldn't open her mouth and let him out. And she was right, it was dumb. Being hung up on Arin like that. There were plenty of other things for her to focus on...right?
As much as she appreciated her friends, it felt real corny to sit at this bar and nosh on food playing the games, topping each other's scores on the arcade, and singing til they were tired like these times aren't changing soon. Or that, well, she was changing.
---------------------------------------------------- Shawna had to be picked up again from the hospital. Yet another catatonic episode. It was so bad that they considered electro-shock therapy to see if stimulating her nerves would produce different results in her brain chemistry. She had been in such a terrible spiral with Andrew, it was a miracle Ray and Jeremy said something when they could. She had just moved to this private school, and Ray and Jeremy agreed to come, too, so that she had familiar faces up there. So far, so good. She still overall didn't like to talk much. She'd gotten into the random fight here and there, but a fairly b-list child.
It just happened to be passed down to Ray that they could hang out at this little karaoke bar near the school and they could play at the arcade and sometimes the kids who played in bands or wrote poetry would be there. It was almost like everyone was welcome as long as they weren't jock assholes. He'd suggested that Thursday night they miss the usually early train out of the town and go to this place so that he can see about these scores being beat. Jeremy was taken by the word "score" but was totally excited. They brought Shawna because hopefully it'll take her mind off of things- anything but another night in the house helping her lockdown before bed or staying with her until she fell asleep. She needed to be strong, and her training started now. ---------------------------------------------------- "Suzy!" ... "Suze!" ........ "Suzy!!!" "Ugh...huh? What? Uhh I'm sorry. What was going on?" "You froze right before you could say yes-" the waiter began. "T-To what...exactly?.." "Uhh..let's see..she said her usual Cheap Date Cheese fries, a Comedy Comes In Threes with extra mozzarella sticks, a large dirty Chai ChaCha- hold the caramel made with soy milk-, Cresent Moon Burger with mushrooms, and the next available slot on stage-" "Yeah yeah she's good, shell take it," Felix jumped up, "Stagger out the food please but bring the drinks," he smiled at her, "She clearly had something catch her up...and while you're at it, can you throw in a virgin Sex on the Sunrise?" "Sure thing! I'll be right back with those drinks and listen out for your name." "Uhh...thanks," Suzy replied meekly, "Put it on my tab." "Are you gonna talk to her?" Cry asked leaning in and looking across the bar at the other booth to the group. "No!" Suzy bit back, turning her head back and forth, doodling on her napkin shakily. "Why not?" Felix asked, "You should make friends that aren't guys."
"Hmph!" Shawna pouted, folding her arms and leaning back as her milkshake and Comedy Comes in Threes is sat in front of her. I'm just saying that maybe if you weren't around as many of... us..then maybe you'd feel better about guys because a girl told you we're trash said Jeremy, signing to Shawna across the table. "Ew," Ray said, as she received her food, "You like to eat onions..I forgot." "But they're onion rings, they're battered and there's mozzarella sticks and corn fritters, so-" What in the hell is that? asked Jeremy. "The corn fritter?" she asked, sipping her milkshake, he nods, "It's just a cool mix of corn and cream corn fried up." "Ew," Ray interjected. Yum, Jeremy replied. Ray shook his head as he ate his fries and bit into his eggplant burger, Eggs Can't Plant Seeds. They ate quietly and were entertained by all the people going up for karoke and it wasn't long before Ray had pulled them into the arcade. Jeremy sat with yet another order of their Kastu Chicken Pops and a soda as Ray and Shawna competed furiously- yelling over the thumping and clacking of the cabinet controls.
Next Up: Shawna and Suzy! Both girls looked at the stage, nervous. Shawna doesn't usually sing and the song she picked doesn't require a lot of it so she took a few deep breaths and started towards the stage once Jeremy was done massaging her shoulders. Suzy was confused. She didn't know what person had picked to do the song she starts her night with. Nobody that she knows knew that song. And most people who came in wouldn't even utter the song into the mix because of it's tone. The girl hopped up and walked to the stage and saw the girl that had stopped her in her tracks earlier sauntering up to the steps on stage. Suzy was a bit overwhelmed that the girl was around the same height as her and that she smelled amazing. Her small frame didn't really match her huge wavy hair, but it hid her curves on purpose, and up close they could be seen. Shawna looked like she was a normal girl who liked the latest trends and wouldn't even know the song she picked. Maybe they just threw her up here on random because she's new and didn't know what to pick so they filled the space. It's a duet anyway so it makes sense.
Ray and Jeremy had been standing adjacent to the table where Felix, Cry and Ro's booth was located, but not to their knowledge. Felix had noticed and stood up to confront them.
"Yo," he said. Are we in the way? Can you not see? Jeremy asked almost futile when he turns around to see Felix in his face. "Sorry I don't speak not mouth words- Curly Top, you speak english?" he asked. "He asked if we are in yall way. And Curly Top isn't my name, it's Ray, pretty boy," Ray rebuttled. "I'm flattered but I'm taken," Felix replied, pointing a thumb behind him to Cry, "And no, you guys aint in the way. I'm actually wondering if you wanted to sit with us." The two boys looked at one another and then back to the Swede, "And just why would we do that?" Ray asked, making a face. "Why? Our friends are on stage right now. And our girl likes your girl. Maybe we should hang out. Plus you guys are new and we're regulars...Come on, drinks and apps on us," Felix offered, gesturing towards the stage, then to the table where Ro waved at the other boys. "Bold of you to assume we'd be up for it...And how exactly does your girl like Shawna?" Ray asked, pushing Jeremy's chest to hold him up as he had started to walk towards the table to sit down, "You don't know us-" "You go to the same school as us..That's an Institute tie. That's cause for trusting us- we would see each other tomorrow anyway," Felix had said, flipping the boy's loosened tie on Ray's chest, which he swatted his hand away. "Do not touch me, Blondie," Ray quickly replied, "And even then, why should we trust you?" "We hide here from the popular kids and wait for the bus for our girl upstage. We're here today only because she's going through a breakup and could use a distraction. And by distraction, I mean a bi-straction. Is your girl on the spectrum?" Jeremy nods, She's bi, but keep talking- oh! And get back to the food and drinks I want more! "Dude I still don't understand you. You think you could, like mouth your words or something? I really don't speak ASL-" "He said she's bi and he's just asking about the apps and drinks," Ray said, "I'm sure it's a tough time for her, but there's a girl sitting right there, isn't there?" "Yeah but she's taken by someone with a Y-chromosome. Are you her boyfriend or something?" "No but-" "Then let's just give it chance; if it doesn't work then you'll have gotten us out of some food and drinks and we can act like this night never happened-" "Let me finish! Mr. Adonis!" Ray said, "I'm not her boyfriend but our whole reason for being here is because she got out of a very messy relationship as well and she needs to not worry about dating anyone just yet. If you're trying to get her to join some...crazy threesome-" "God! They're about to start, yes or no?!" Felix snapped. "Sure thing...but please also works," Ray shrugged as the moved past him and sat with the rest of Suzy's group. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Those flashing lights come from everywhere... Shawna watched the girl take the other microphone and pull the stand closer to her. The stage lights moved to point to the disco ball that turned in the corny fashion of the bar. The music slowly rose and her hands started to sweat and her heart began to race. She clutched the microphone as the song began and knew she had time to get herself together before the song had any vocal parts. She looked at the other girl next to her. She was intense even in all of this dark lighting, but she could feel her apprehension at them sharing a stage. Suzy had her uniform on but the sleeves of her jacket were rolled up, her long black hair loose and sitting on her shoulders (as opposed to the strict ponytails and braids they are allowed while class is in session) with her tie undone. Her rebellious look contrasted Shawna's wildly and then she hadn't noticed that the girl was trying to get her attention before her voice had brought her out of the focusing she was doing.
The way it hit'er, I just stop and stare, but I... Suzy had scanned the other girl over as she climbed up the stage herself and got in position. It's not the first time that she's had to share the stage with another person during a song that she picked and it's fine usually; however, today garnered more trouble because she had developed a crush on the other girl almost at first sight. She now got a good look at the girl. She's so...simple. Her hair fluffled out from obviously being in two french braids and a bang all day, causing wavy mane that fell just right. She wore light red lipstain over the other's black lipstick, which she couldn't get away from because her lips were so naturally full. Her frame was slight and curvy. She yanked her eyes back up as the music prompted the girl to start. She began slowly and watched the girl. Taking a longer pause with a larger breath into the lyric. Her cheeks were starting to feel hot but she held strong through the musical flourish and looked at the girl one more time to see if she'd fill in the song.
I'm lovestoned and I could swear that she knows. I think that she knows, oh..oh... Shawna jumped into the second verse and turned to the girl next to her and was so intimidated. Even though it was a song they both knew independently, it felt like they knew the song together in that moment for the first time. She bit her lip when she breathed and tried to lose herself in the lights. It made her feel faint, so she tried to side step out of the beam, crashing into the girl.  Instead of getting pushed, she felt an arm around her sides, which stabilized her. Her hunched, defenseive state relaxed into the girl and her light perfume she still had on. From where she stood now, Shawna could see her friends sitting with a bunch of other kids who went to the school, a couple she had seen before. Everyone had heard or at least seen the blonde boy with the accent and his boyfriend with the mask. She hadn't been there very long and knew of them. She's friends with those boys? She's way out of her element here.
Those flashing lights come from everywhere (those flashing lights come from everywhere) Suzy joined her and felt so excited by their duet coming together, not to mention the fact that she's holding the girl's side to keep her from stumbling off of the stage. She turns to her and backs up, holding the girl's hand instead as she sang. It was cute that they were around the same height and donned two different styles. However, it just felt like this isn't the end. They continued the duet and her and Shawna finally locked eyes, their brown eyes shining in the light. Shawna's honey pots showed her benevolence and just sweet approach to things, where Suzy was a little rough around the edges in looks and her willingness to remain consistent. No girl in the school really chooses to express her goth style like her, and after years of getting punished for violations to the uniform and petitioned for some relaxation of the uniform policy at the school, which through her diligence and some concessions, she had won. Shawna looked to Suzy like a girl who only has enough personality to follow the guidelines, and feels as though some people can't just not be themselves for the sake of eduaction for several hours. It was the type of plain that made her want to know if there was anything underneath, even if she stole just an additional glance from her it would let her know that she's not always the straight arrow she presents herself to be.
The way they hit'er I just stop and stare (stop and stare), I'm loved stoned from everywhere (everywhere) and she knows, I think that she knows, oh..oh.. Shawna was dazed and really encompassed in the song, especially when she looked into the eyes of the girl in front of her. She wanted Suzy not to leave her side, her touch felt so needed. Everything about her when she came into this restaurant was dead until she touched her side. She was welling up with courage for when the song ended to say what she needed to say and hopefully, find out how she can see this girl at school. She had Jeremy and Ray here, she wasn't about to leave them alone while she either made a new friend or invested time in a new fling, plus she had to go home. However, she would be willing to get chewed out for this. For her, at least. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- They finished the song nearly kissing and their friends looked at one another around the table, knowing that something had happened on stage. Shawna was rosy with embarrassment, her neck exposed from her pushing her hair to one side as to give herself more air. Suzy, who was just as sweaty, hadn't realized they had walked down off the stage hand in hand, and when she released it, she wiped her hand on her skirt. That was the hottest karaoke I've ever seen, said Jeremy. "Oh my god, shut up, Jerry!" Shawna snapped at him, sliding on the end next to Ray, who threw an around her. "Have fuuun up there? It looks like you did," Ray asked, biting into a corn fritter, handing the girl one out of the basket, "Have you had these? Here, eat one."
"Yeah, did you have fun up there, Suze?" Ro asked, smiling at her as she beamed, it gave her such a delight to see her friend full of life again. "She just eye-fucked the hell outta that girl, are you kidding me?" Cry said, laughing as he took another mozzarella stick, receiving a gentle nudge from Felix. "Please excuse my boyfriend, he's had one too many RedBull By the Horns," Felix said calmly, but his smile never left him. "Wait, you two are dating?" Shawna asked after swallowing her bite, "I almost couldn't tell, I'm sorry." "You weren't really supposed to, because the school can be really weird about gay couples, but yes they are extremely gay and in a homosexual relationship," Suzy said, sipping her drink, keeping eye contact with the girl on the other side of the table.
There was a little bit of silence as Shawna at times shied away from her gaze, then returned it, both giggling at each other. "You said you guys were outcasts, I don't think that's true," Ray challenged, not paying attention to his friend engaging in quiet flirting. "We are, most of the people at the school are vloggers, who do you know that's there who bakes, games or even vlogs nerdy dark shit like Suzy? You don'!" Felix explained, pointing a finger and dipping a Katsu Chicken Pop into the sauce and eating it. We're nobodies. And Shawna's new, we're like, transplanted nobodies, Jeremy mentioned. "Hahah...yeah, they get it, Jer, we're nobodies," Shawna said, sipping her drink and then shifting her focus back to Suzy, who gestured they play in the arcade alone. "But we're nobodies who have a bond, we understand ASL," Ray said, not paying attention to Shawna getting up from the table.
"Is that a thing you did for Jeremy, or was it like, something you guys just happened to know?" Ro asked, watching Suzy and Shawna sneak off with their drinks and a basket of Comedy Comes in Threes. "We're not a couple and I've known him for years and he actually taught me for years, labour for the love of friendship," Ray said, "Easy to talk to him privately when people just think you look weird." "I will give you that, it does raise your friend dynamic factor significantly," Cry mentioned, then noticing two girls and a basket of food gone, "Where's the Comedy Comes in Threes?" "Shawna and Suzy took it with them on their first date to the arcade," Ray said, pointing behind them to the arcade where the girls were playing and talking.
"Good, I hate onions," Felix said, shrugging. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shawna and Suzy were laughing it up as they talked at the foosball table, discussing things and various interests. "This is the first time I've seen you around here, and in Institute colours..You new?" Suzy asked, working their way around a pool table. "Uhhmmm, yes..but only a few months," Shawna replied, lining up her shot, listening to the balls clack, the cue ball not making one sink. "Few months, huh?..Well, I've been there a couple o' years as of next August," she replied, sinking her ball and watching the others around it fall in. "Oh..uhh, okay..I-Is it...hard?" Shawna asked, looking up at her again, "You know..getting therapy and going to school up there, like can you keep your grades?" "Yeah, they make it, real easy..even if you miss class because you needed extra treatment..They give you tests and time in study halls to catch up for the next tests and even offer exam prep." "Wooww...The placement test to get in-" "Is just a ploy for the parents to think this is some ivy league college prep school when really it's for-" "People like us?" They gave long stares at one another as they laughed lightly and exchanged glances longingly, wondering what their next move was as Shawna put up their cues and followed her with just their drinks to a Mrs. Pac-Man cabinet. Suzy brushed against the girl's waist with her forearem, causing her to turn around to respond, but found her side against the game's side. Shawna's eyes met with the other girl's in the dim light with other colours surrounding them. Shawna breathed a little, feeling the coolness of the acrylic against her back through her shirt and made her aware enough to look around and realize they're in between two games, and not originally facing the dining room like she thought before. It was quieter and much nicer to hear her and chat, and the game they both wanted to play was right there when they were done. Their legs crossed one another and made it comfortable in this cramped spot, the music just enough, but not too much. She became a little concerned about her safety. Her friends don't know their way around this arcade and she's tucked in between someplace in this dark, crowded bar. She breathed hard and felt fingers on her chin, "Did you know that you beat me?" Suzy asked, looking at the girl across from her. "Huh..huh..what?" Shawna asked, getting more aware again, following the movement to the other girl's eyes, "What'd I do?" "You beat me..in pool. I figured you'd checked out because I touched you..It confused you. Crowded and loud isn't your style," Suzy explained, looking at her and stroking her face with her thumb, "It's alright you can relax. I'm not gonna do anything crazy." Shawna never felt more grounded in that moment. She was looking at Suzy, who had an unsure smile on her face as well. She's been here before and she's certainly done this before. Who exactly had she done this with to figure this out? It doesn't really matter right now, does it? Whatever the case was, she was good at it. Her eyes glowed in the soft light and her hair was cascading over her shoulder. Her hand was soaked with sweat, but it was from her hand, and it trembled a little. She wasn't together, either. This was all rather intimate. Suzy smiled at the girl as best she could, and liked that she smiled back. They continued talking about how they learned to play pool and how they both like quite a few of the same arcade games. They giggled and laughed as they sipped their drinks and spoke to one another, hearing and watching occasional people pass them by, but no one ever noticed. It was their own little getaway in the middle of a crowd. Shawna warmed up as soon as she realized that's what was happening. The next thing she knew the girl was playing with the tail of the bottom of her button down, still glancing back up, but was biting her lip. God, she'd never seen someone bit their lip and turn her on like that. Suzy took her lips in and made eye contact with the girl again. "You know what you're doing, right?" Suzy asked, leaning back and chuckling nervously, her frustration blowing out of her breath. Shawna took her lip in one more time, then nodded slowly with a smile. She still held onto the girl's shirt and started to wind her hand to pull her back in. Suzy obliged and quickly pushed her hands up the side of the girl's face and pressed against her, kissing her lips gently. It took the both of them off guard, Shawna bringing her hands away from her shirt and underneath, pulling the girl in by her waist, feeling her soft skin. Their skin grew hotter even though their position stayed the same.
"What do you think they're doing?" Ro asked, forking around her Pie in the Sky cake. "They're not in the bathroom, so they're not fucking," Ray mentioned, shrugging. "They're probably still in the arcade," Cry said, rubbing a sleepy Felix's arm. I saw them there, but it seems they disappeared, Jeremy said. "Suzy likes to hide between the games when she's overwhelmed and can't focus," Ro explained, "It muffles the sound and the noise." "Great, so they're fucking in between the games in an arcade," Ray said, "I'm not breaking that up." "Ew! And stop saying those things..It's way too gross over there, it's only in emergencies-" Ro began, then her face fell apart at the thought, and she shuttered before her phone rang, "Hello?...Uh yeah, we're still at the bar..I'm waiting for Su-...I'm on my way.." "You gotta go?" Cry asked, looking at Ro. "Mark was just checking in, I'm supposed to uh..he's making sure I get uhh..we have to study..it's getting late," Ro stumbled through the words after the phone call. "Okay you can go ahead, Rosie," Felix said, finally awake again, and getting up, "I'm gonna walk you to the train and Cry can grab the two newlyweds." "Oh..okay..we just gonna drive them home-" Cry began to ask. We're just chopped liver? Jeremy signed, with confusion on his face. "Them includes you two. I don't think it'll matter. We're just gonna hang out until these two gotta go home," Cry continued, "Where does she live?" "Hallowed Grove, off 5th, it's a 2-hour train ride from the school," Ray explained, "30-minute walk to the train station." "Sounds like we're going in the same direction, she lives on 13th a little past Markle," Cry says, "It's a 20-minute walk to the 15-minute bus to the station, 2-hour 15-minute train ride." "Wow, that's far," Ray said, looking at Jeremy, "Well, we can get a ride from Shawna's house." "Fine. We should get going, we've got a test in the morning," Cry said, pulling his car keys out of his pocket. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shawna and Suzy are pulled out of their world by Cry, and they follow one another hand in hand. Their friends all pile into Cry's mom's minivan, and drive off into the night. The ride in the car is fairly quiet due to the energy being drained from the bar. Shawna and Suzy continue to coo with one another and talk quietly while the others sleep and Felix drives. "So uhh...what happened with your ex?" Shawna asked, tracing imaginary lines into Suzy's stomach. "He was cheating on me with my sister, and is currently dating her. She's very respectful about it, but he's..relentless. She tries not to tell me anything about him or what he says, but we go to the same school. It's unavoidable.." She explained, "Wh-what about you?" "He and I hit it off even though we're on two different side of the high school food chain..Then he told me all of this was for his childhood friend who wouldn't date him yet and that I essentially didn't matter. He was the reason I breathed...and then, she died in a drunk driver incident and...he rejected me even after he tried to take his own life for her. And...just like that..everyone hated me, when I liked being ignored better," Shawna sighed, picking the dirt out of her nails and shrugging. Suzy nods and bites her lip, "So..are you really..uh..uhm...or is it for show?" "Are you questioning my sexuality?" Shawna asked, giving her a confused look to which Suzy stares. The brunette giggles and kisses the girl's cheek, "I've known since I was like 13..I didn't do it a lot and at times Andrew would exploit it, but...I hadn't been in a real relationship with a girl before." "Oh..Well I-I dunno.. This all just kinda..felt..right? You know, just for the time. I'm not straight? I just..I dunno," Suzy stumbled, getting embarassed. "It's alright. I'm not in the market of judgement. I blame the song. It's very suggestive of lesbian attraction," Shawna joked lightly, making Suzy smile, "You don't have to care if you don't want to. We had fun tonight, and I know my friends wanted that for me. Plus, I'd tell you when I'd make you my girlfriend...and it's just not something I'm in the business of. I'd hate to do to someone what Andrew did to me...or worse..c-cus..I don't know anything else right now..you know?" "I like that," Suzy said with a nod, cuddling to Shawna, "I'd let you take the lead anyway, because I have no clue what I'm doing at all!" "I wouldn't be so quick to say that..You have a certain way about you that took me out of my usual slump lately, and being on stage with you had me breathless..you've got an appeal. It's not mysterious, but I just was... enamoured about what you'd do to me," Shawna explained, getting lost again in the moments. "Wow...You..you think so?" Suzy asked, looking up at the girl, messing with the bottom of her skirt. "Yeah..we don't have to be..like..together, but if you wanna see where this leads..f-for science reasons-" "You mean like Felix and Ryan?" Suzy mentioned, "Except that..they're like, actually gay? They had a trial period for a while and we're doing it at first for a completely different reason, but now..they're.." "Happy?" "Yeah..happy..I think that's why we have friends and some friends become our boyfriends and girlfriends," Shawna said, giving a weak smile, "That's what Andrew told me, at least when he acted like he really loved me." "I think the words were more true than the person," Suzy added, "We should cast a spell on him." "He's graduating from my old school this year, I think karma's worked a whole bunch in my favor," Shawna rebutted. "Nothing crazy, just some unfortunate happenings and a few nightmares of his twisted game," Suzy said, "That's what I've been doing to Arin." "You're a witch?" Shawna asked, getting more direct, "I mean..there's nothing wrong, but..do you have a coven?" "Well I mean I'm trying..right now it's me, Leda, and Kristen-" "And let me guess, they're together too?" "Nope..Kristen's been trying to cast a love spell on this guy in her history class named PJ, and Leda's...I dunno what Leda does. Sometimes she's with Charlie, sometimes she's not, sometimes she's with Cyr, sometimes she's not. We see her deal with this Cameron guy every once and a while," Suzy said, "So they'd be okay with no strings attached for me and a fourth." "Uhh..I'll see about being a fourth, but I'd like to see about casting the spell on him...as for no strings attached..I'm down if you're down." "GOD! ONE OF YOU SAY YES!" Felix snapped from the front seat. "FUCK YOU!" the girls said in unison, then looked at one another and laughed, sharing a kiss.
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swishandflickwit · 5 years
Deckerstar — sweetener 1/1
Summary: In which Chloe and Lucifer have a sour start to their day.
Ratings: General Audiences
Words: 666
Warnings: Post-reveal. Established relationship.
AN: So we've moved on from Billie Eilish to Ariana Grande lmao. Title and story inspired by her song of the same name.
Also on ff.net | AO3
Other writing
The Devil’s Lucky Number series: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | [ VIII ]
Chloe was a decisive woman—she knew what she liked.
She preferred things to be done a particular way—her blouses hung in color code from light to dark, a specific set of branded ingredients for her dad’s signature snack, her desk arranged just so, drawers stocked with singular purposes so that each tool had a place and every minute detail was accounted for. Even the whole precinct was aware of how she took her coffee—tall, non-fat, almond milk latte with sugar-free caramel drizzle.
So she should have known when she entered work that morning and was greeted by quasi-solemn visages and a slew of suspicious whispers, that her routine was about to get all sorts of disrupted.
Great, she sighed. Just what I needed.
Partially true. It had been unnervingly quiet since the whole shitstorm that was MarCain (seriously? Humanity’s premiere murderer? What the fuck) and the trainwreck that was Lucifer’s panic when he thought he’d scared her away for good. She was pretty much due for a dose of chaos—celestial-induced or otherwise.
It couldn’t be so terrible though when she reached her desk and, upon initial perusal, noted that nothing seemed to be misshapen, which she could—without shame—attribute to the lack of Lucifer’s presence.
Huh, maybe she had been exaggerating her entrance.
Besides, even if she hadn’t, it was nothing a little coffee couldn’t fix, a cup of the beverage poised on her desk all ready. The heady scent of mocha and caramel filled the air, stronger than usual but she paid that no mind, eager to get to her seat and start on the day’s case and she would’ve done just that, except in the blink of an eye Lucifer was at her side with a halting hand to her elbow.
“Wait,” he practically screamed at her face. “Don’t sit there!”
“What the hell, Lucifer?” she screeched right back. “Why not? And—” she stepped into his space and took a big whiff.
“Why do you smell like a Starbucks exploded on you?”
There was thunder to his voice when he spat, “The Douche happened.”
The glare he sent her ex couldn’t be classified as anything but murderous. She shook her head.
“Yeah, I’m gonna need more than that.”
“I was just going to put your coffee down on your desk but he,” she stopped him with a hand to his chest when he went to step in Dan’s direction and yup, that was a growl, “slapped me in the back!”
Immediately, any trace of vexation she might’ve felt drained as quickly as the blood from her face. She could discern the rest of the story—with his wings still in recovery, Dan’s good-natured greeting must have stung like a bitch, causing Lucifer to spill her drink on both her seat and himself, though with him wearing all black one couldn’t tell at first glance.
At her sympathetically pained expression, he deflated. He gestured sadly at the paper cup on her desk.
“You know how I feel about the office libations. Abysmal pigswill,” he sneered with a shudder. “I tried to at least get it to taste to your preference but,” he sighed exasperatedly. “Something’s missing. I can’t quite puzzle it out.”
Ugh, the coffee here did suck. But she couldn’t deny him a thing whenever he gazed at her like this, wide-eyed and hopeful and aching for her acceptance even after all this time.
So she took a sip, her gaze trained on him the entire time.
“You’re right,” she hummed, “it is missing something.”
She took his inquisitive nature as the perfect opportunity to slip her tongue in his mouth and plant one on him.
“Could use a little sweetener,” she grinned when they pulled away, foreheads touching and chests heaving as she soothed a hand down his spine. “Cause it tastes better on you.”
Chloe knew what she liked.
And an adorably flustered, speechless Lucifer was a sight she could definitely get used to.
 AN: Geddit? Cause he's sweet? Lol I'm so corny asdjslkfsl. But hey, give me more playful Chloe Decker pls she's always so serious in fics, mine included hahaha, let mah gurl have some fuuuuun.
ANYWAY, because I'm a dumb-dumb at math I severely miscalculated and it turns out, not only am I caught up, I am one post ahead of schedule!!! I have the penultimate chapter written up but expect 29 of these babies all the same cause I am determined to maintain my goal of posting one of these a day till the 8th of May.
Again, if you have any requests, hit me up!
And as always, hope you guys enjoyed this one!
The Devil’s Lucky Number series: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | [ VIII ]
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Thursday Night (A Bemily One-Shot)
This is for @emilyjunk for making quality Bemily content and I wanna get back into writing…I have no clue what this flaming pile even is…it got real flaming’ at the end lmao lmao okie byeeeeee
For the past two months, Thursday night was officially Emily’s favorite night of the week.
It was the one night of the week that belonged solely to her…and her music…and Beca.
And not just for Bellas purposes or song writing purposes.
Thursday nights were meant especially for Emily and Beca to be together. The night off was spent usually in Emily’s dorm room with the two cuddled together in the freshman’s tiny twin bed, away from all the chaos and pressure of school, work, and Bella’s rehearsals. Nights were filled with soft conversation and stolen bites of each other’s meals, with their latest favorite songs playing quietly in the background. Thankfully Emily’s roommate had evening glasses and usually went away for the weekend, so they had the entire place to themselves – and none of the Bella’s usually bothered each other on these nights for school purposes and the knowledge that they’d spend the whole Friday afternoon together for rehearsals anyways. No interruptions, no distractions, just Emily and Beca alone to be themselves together.
“Please…” Emily pouted down at her older counterpart.
“Nuh uh…” Beca smirked, purposefully turning away from her…friend? Who she was secretly seeing less than platonically once a week?
“Please Beca…” Emily begged once again, this time pulling the older Bella by the waist so that the latter’s back was pressed into the freshman’s front.
“No way Em!” She fought her way out of the Legacy’s grasps but alas, Beca had the strength of a newly born doe compared to Emily.
This had been going on for a solid ten minutes now and was a regular occurrence on their Thursday night dates…hangouts. It wouldn’t be a Bemily Thursday night without a fight over the last bite of food. Tonight, it was a fight over the last eggroll from their Chinese takeout.
“But Beca! I paid this time!!” Emily whined as she continued to reach over for the eggroll. She couldn’t believe how difficult it was to do so, seeing how Emily’s arms are basically twice the size of the senior’s. But of course, Beca was stubborn and never shied away from a food fight.
“You didn’t even want them!” Beca argued. And that was a fact, Emily had insisted that she was only going to order enough for Beca to have because she wasn’t in the mood for them tonight. Of course, Emily was wrong. But Beca had just made it seem like she was eating the best egg roll in the world.
“But it looks good! Please Beca!” Emily pulled out the big guns and made her best puppy dog face. She sweetly batted her long lashes and the DJ had caved. It was Beca’s ultimate weakness and she was truthfully surprised Emily hadn’t pulled out that trick first. When a disgruntled groan traveled to Emily’s ears, she knew she had won. With hard eyes staring into Emily’s twinkling ones, Beca handed over her eggroll (but not without taking a bite of course).
Emily – who was completely unfazed – happily took the treat and began munching away. Beca – grumpy no more – shook her head at the happy girl…her girl? She would never admit it out loud, but Beca would give Emily anything she wanted in heartbeat just to see her happy. Over an eggroll, she rolled her eyes with a thought.
“Thanks babe.” Came Emily’s reply.
Beca’s eyes widened and before she knew it, Emily had placed a kiss on the corner of Beca’s mouth. The action had also caught the freshman by surprise and she immediately scooted back and fell off the bed.
“Oh my god!” She squealed before collecting herself; seconds later she was back on her bed next to Beca. The two sat speechless, a small gap between them created by their takeout containers, while coincidentally Fallingforyou by The 1975 played lowly from Emily’s speakers.
“I…I really like you Beca…” Emily said so quietly that Beca’s thoughts had almost kept her from hearing it. Beca’s heart was hammering in her ears and- oh my god am I gonna throw up?
What is happening?
What is happening?
What is happening?
What is happening?
What. Is. Happening?
“Beca…” Emily spoke up again, this time more timid and anxious as she rested her hand on Beca’s waist.
They were facing each other now, the 1975 still playing in the background, Emily’s teeth gnawing at her bottom lip while Beca’s eyes flittered around the room hoping to land somewhere other than the brown eyes she always found herself getting entranced by. Unfortunately, she had caught sight of Emily’s eyes turn down dejectedly due to Beca’s detached demeanor.
Fuck…sack up dude! Beca scolded herself.
She finally managed to snap out of her trance and focus back on Emily, placing her hand on the taller girl’s knee.
“You know I’m really weird about things like this Em…”
Oh god. Emily felt her chest clench up, not liking where the conversation was going. Luckily Beca had become an expert at reading the girl’s social ques and was quick to shut that thought down.
“Hey hey hey…relax Em…” The older girl encouraged, reaching up this time to cup Emily’s cheek. The Legacy immediately felt herself calm from just the contact.
“Remember when we were at the auto show and I had no freaking clue what I was saying to Komissar?”
Emily nodded, remembering the moment as how it happened perfectly. She was later asking Chloe what had just happened to her ever so collected captain and “Chlo said it was gay panic.” She said seriously and Beca could control the giggle that had escaped her lips.
“Yeah…Look Legacy…When I’m with you- god this sounds so cheesy and I feel really awkward but I’m trying and- fuck I’m really not good at this but- I – ugh- same.” She immediately groans because same? What the fuck? How lame can she be?
Emily giggles because yeah, that would be Beca’s reply. And suddenly the girl doesn’t feel as nervous if Beca did say she felt the same way.
“I’m sorry, I’m real shit at this Em…” Beca laughs at herself only slightly pathetically. With a shake of her head and a brush through Beca’s hair, Emily assures her that she’s doing alright.
“What I’m saying really contradicts the nonsense that’s coming out of my mouth right now…and its really corny – like movie theater popcorn corny – so I’m not used to this but…being with you, I know what to say and I don’t feel like word vomiting – wow that does not sound endearing or anything…fuck-“
“Beca!” Emily giggles and Beca feels herself relax when she’s being pulled into Emily’s arms.
“It’s…like this Em…”Beca says softly as she relaxes farther into Emily’s hold before toying with the rings on the girl’s fingers. Emily’s heart swells and like how Beca feels like this is really cliché but she likes it. “I never feel like I have to be someone I’m not when I’m with you. I can just be myself…and it makes me feel really…safe- oh my god can I stop now I feel really- I really like you Em.” Beca says now with more confidence as she turns in Emily’s lap, her legs straddling the younger girl’s torso.”
“I get it Beca…I feel the same way. And this…Us…I want this.” Beca feels on top of the world right now and the only thing that makes her feel like she’s not dreaming is the sensation of Emily’s hands lovingly running over her stomach above her top.
“Wow this is really- we’re really cheesy…Geez I’m really about to reconsider this relationship.” Beca jokes.
“Time to get used to it Beca. You’re stuck with me-” Emily smiles widely, her right hand bracing the back of Beca’s neck while the left cups her cheek
“I’m going in!” Emily giggles before bringing Beca’s face closer to hers.
“I can’t believe I’m dating the biggest dork on the planet.”
“Cutest dork on planet Eart-” Beca shakes her head and closes the gap between them, bring their lips together for a sweet kiss because she can’t handle not getting to kiss her cheeseball girlfriend any longer.
Read it here on Ao3
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feminism-and-reggae · 4 years
Lyric Analysis
‘Luv Me Luv Me is obviously very anti-radical feminism! I included this one because I find it so compelling the song is so catchy. Much catchier than ‘Joy You Bring’ which is much more pure.
“Sweet, succulent and fine//A twinkling eye on my darling divine//I love the way you move all the way you're designed//Your only lines are my mind, forget the corny line//Now let me hit you off with this question sign//You seem to be the type for me to wine and dine//A little candlelight dinner toasted over some wine//Well, I will hit you off with this lyrical rhyme//Now Mr. Lover keep her rockin', Mr. Lover keep her rockin'//Mr. Lover keep her rockin' and swing//Now Mr. Lover keep her rockin', Mr. Lover keep her rockin'//Mr. Lover keep her rockin' and swing” (Genius Lyrics).
Video Analysis
The video is completely anti-radical feminism as well. Women in the video walking around half naked. I believe if the context were different the nudity might have the potential to be more metaphorical and hence more toned-down. However, the lyrics prove the purpose is purely for objectification.
Lyrical Analysis
‘Joy You Bring’ is a much more positive, sweet song about loving a woman. What’s interesting though, this sing is not as catchy as ‘Luv Me Luv Me’. It’s curious how the song with the vulgar lyrics sounds better and is more popular.
At any rate, it is slightly refreshing from the last song to hear Shaggy rap about being in a healthy relationship like this, where he brings his feminine partner up.
“For every day and every moment (wa, wa)//For every smile and every dream (every smile and every dream girl)//I'll paint you a rainbow (uh, a big rainbow)//For all the joy you bring (all the joy you bring yeah)//I'll buy you a mountain (a nice mountain girl)//And I'll cry you a stream (wa, uh)//I'll give you a river (so wa)//To show what you mean to me (so wa, uh, uh)//I don't wanna sound cheezy//But I realize that loving you is very easy//Playing in the summer sun warm and breezy//Not at all sleazy//Poor, but I love it when you give me that look//Whoo, you're looking so teasy//Woman you're the fire and my love and it's freezy//Living like a Jefferson's George and weezy//If I am queezy//Girl you're always to hear and I'm dote this time//So I'm needed//Can't get enough of you women I'm greedy//Sinking in the ocean of your love and unheeding//Unconseeding and I wanna show you what you mean to me” (Genius Lyrics).
I would say this is a pro-radical feminist song.
Lyrical Analysis
This is a more pro-radical feminist song as well, that’s very popular. ‘Angel’ is a classic! I feel like we all grew up on it.
“Now this one's dedicated to all the youths who want to say nice things to all dem girls//(Heh, heh, heh, shooby dooby dooby doo boy, shooby doo)//Treat her like diamonds and pearls//Dedicated to all the girls around the world//(Now) Now this is Rayvon and Shaggy with a combination you can't miss//(Heh, heh, heh, shooby doo dooby doo boyoy, yeah)//Flip this one 'pon the musical disc (Yeah) Well//Ah ah, wah wah wah//Girl, you're my angel, you're my darling angel//Closer than my peeps you are to me, baby (Tell them)//Shorty, you're my angel, you're my darling angel//Girl, you're my friend when I'm in need, lady//Life is one big party when you're still young//But who's gonna have your back when it's all done? (Yeah)//It's all good when you're little, you have pure fun//Can't be a fool, son, what about the long run?//Looking back, Shorty always mention//Said me not giving her much attention (Yeah)//She was there through my incarceration//I wanna show the nation my appreciation” (Genius Lyrics).
Slightly more positive messages like this reinforce the critique of woman being devalued in medicine, religion, law, etc.
Video Analysis
The video itself is not too friendly to this particular theory of feminism. Again the women are barely wearing anything. Not that this makes less ‘holy’ or undeserving. It’s frankly disappointing to see this huge contradiction between lyrics and visuals.
Lyrical Analysis
This is Shaggy’s most pro-radical feminism song!
“So amazing how this world was made//I wonder if God is a woman//The gift of life astounds me to this day//I give it up for the woman//She's the constant wind that fills my sails//Oh, that woman//With a smile and a style//She'll protect you like a child//That's a woman//She'll put a smile upon your face//And take you to that higher place//So don't you underestimate//The strength of a woman//The strength of a woman//Woke up this morning//Got up with the scent of a woman//So picture if you would what life would be//... ain't much good without a woman” (Genius Lyrics).
These words do a great job deconstructing the negative thinking patterns regarding women, that society has been taught to learn. The music video only makes it better.
This song also reminds me of Susan Hawthorne’s piece in ‘Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed’. Hawthorne tells a short anecdote in the beginning about struggling with epilepsy and finding her voice in the world as a woman. Hawthorne explains how much better everything got when she found radical feminism. It reminds me that woman truly can do whatever we set our minds to, as cheesy as it sounds. “Until feminism I had no proof of my existence. Woman hidden behind man. Epilepsy hidden by silence. Lesbianism hidden by ignorance. Ignorance of myself” (Feminism Reclaimed, paragraph 7).
Video Analysis
It’s very nice to see women doing different things, like play instruments, sports and even experiment with going to space. Because woman can be whatever they choose. And it’s about time people start learning that!
Cultural Analysis
In terms of this branch of feminism, I think Shaggy could do a lot better. It’s hard to say, because he’s given us so many fun, catchy songs to sing a long to-some of them are still problematic. He’s between helping and contributing to the problem. Shaggy hasn’t been talked about too much in recent years-perhaps it’s time for the world to start paying attention to his lyrics.
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lilyharvord · 7 years
Modern Au Part 3
Pups and Boom Boxes
           What did you even call a guy who you were sort of dating but not really? Cause it sure as hell isn’t boyfriend. Boyfriend is reserved for the guy who you’re sleeping with, or the guy who you let hold your hand when you’re walking around with him. Cal wasn’t that, at least not yet. We had hung out more since New Year’s, but we definitely were past the friend’s stage. So what did you call the stage between those two? We hadn’t… slept together… which meant it wasn’t friend’s with benefits, so what the hell were we?!
           I climb up the stairs to his apartment complex and buzz his room. He picks up a few buzzes later, and breathlessly says, “Get up here as fast as you can, I need your help with something.”
           With a sigh, I yank open the door and then head inside, pulling off my hat and undoing my scarf. Whatever he had done now, I didn’t really want to know. I had come over to have coffee and a serious talk about our relationship.
           As I walk down the hallway toward his apartment, I hear something crash and then him letting out a string of curses. At that, I break into a sprint, thinking somethings happened and he’s hurt. I throw open the door and am greeted by a bunch of mud on the floor, and all over the walls near the baseboards. I raise my brow and then shut the door before calling, “Cal? What the hell-“
           Before I can finish a small object comes sprinting out of the living room and leaps at me. I let out a shriek of surprise and back against the door as a tiny puppy jumps at my feet, and tries to gnaw on my boots. It barks happily and then grabs one of my shoelace and yanks, completely undoing my boot.
           “HEY!” I shout at it, and it freezes for a moment, looking at me with wide surprised eyes. Then Cal comes around the corner, covered in mud. I glance at him in surprise and the pup barks happily and then takes off for him. He smiles wickedly and then says, “Now I’ve got you.”
           It sprints between his legs though and continues through the apartment barking its head off. I stay pressed against the door and whisper, “Why is there a dog in your apartment?”
           Cal pushes his hair out of his face and then sighing, he looks at the disaster that is his hallway and says, “It was sitting in a box in the middle of the park. It’s the runt of the litter or something, cause some asshole just left it there with a sign that said to take it.”
           “SO YOU TOOK IT? Cal, you can’t even manage your own life let own a dog!” I cry as it comes barreling in from the bathroom with one of his shoes in its mouth. Cal let out a groan and then takes off after it, completely ignoring my comment. I follow him more slowly and see him cornering the dog in the living room. It growls playfully, with its butt up in the air and its tail wagging dramatically. Cal crouches down then and grabs it. Immediately, it protested, yipping and howling.
           He shushes it and then carries it toward the bathroom. It’s only then that I notice that it’s covered in mud. Cal holds it out so that it doesn’t get mud on his shirt anymore, and then smiling at me, he says, “Do you want to help me give him a bath?”
           I purse my lips and then look the dog over. It twists its head to the side at that, and then opens its mouth so that its tongue hangs out. I shy away from it a little bit and then say, “Sure, I guess… but Cal-”
           “Great,” Cal says as he starts toward the bathroom again. I shrug off my jacket and shout at his back as he goes farther into the apartment, “But afterward we really need to talk.”
           He starts humming a song as he goes into the bathroom, and I sigh when I realize he’s ignoring that comment on purpose.
           The puppy was by far worse than a toddler in the bathtub. It cries for a solid ten minutes while Cal gets it wet, and then yips and barks while I help rub shampoo into its fur. After that, it tried to leap out of the tub, and once it succeeded, only to land in my lap soaking wet. Cal laughs the whole time though, like this is all some fun game. I grit my teeth and pretend like it doesn’t matter, he’ll get rid of it as soon as he can. Cal knew he didn’t have time to take care of a dog, besides, he really only stays in the apartment half the time anyway.
           As soon as the dog has been washed three times, Cal scoops it out of the tub and wraps it in a towel, talking to it like it’s a child. I sigh and then sit back on my heels while the tub drains. I’m soaking wet, and my hair is a mess, and honestly I was peeved that he was trying to ignore my comments about talking seriously about our relationship.
           He carries the dog out into living room and then sinks onto the couch with it, laughing as it tries to climb out of the towel to lick his face. I stand in the doorway to the living room then, at the end of my rope. I straighten my shoulders and then say, “Cal, we need to talk right now, so stop ignoring me like a two-year-old.”
           He glances at me then with a raised brow and then says, “Okay, start talking then.”
           I squeeze my hands into fists at his cavalier tone, and then inhaling slowly, I go to say what’s been on my mind but I freeze when I realize I have no idea how to talk about this. All of the speech starters I had planned seemed corny and stupid now that I thought about them. He continues to watch me though, his brow raised as he waits for me to speak. I throw my hands up then and shout, “Can you stop looking at me like that? Like you’re expecting something!”
           “You wanted to talk, I’m waiting to see what you want to talk about.” He says carefully as he continues to rub the dog dry. It lays in his lap panting and looking absolutely blissful. God dammit, even the dog was in a good mood.
           “I don’t think we should do this anymore.” I say suddenly. He stops rubbing the dog, and its ears quirk up in curiosity before its head rotates to look at Cal.
           I cross my arms defiantly, and then say, “We’re not dating, we’re not just friends, I have no idea what we are. We’ve dug ourselves a hole, and I don’t want to get stuck at the bottom of it.”
           He sits there, frozen it seems. The only thing that moves is his chest as he breaths slowly and carefully. Eventually he looks down at his lap and then says, “I didn’t realize we weren’t dating, I figured we were just taking it… slow and steady.”
           “Slow and steady? SLOW AND STEADY IS WHEN YOU’VE KNOWN SOMEONE FOR YEARS! We’ve known each other for mabye five months!”  I shout as his comment completely taking me over the edge, making the dog turn and bury its head in Cal’s stomach. He shifts the dog onto the couch and then stands up and says, “We’ve been talking and hanging out. I mean you kissed me on New Year’s and said you liked complicated!”
           “I was in the moment!” I shout back, and the dog whines at the volume of my voice. Cal looks taken aback and then stepping toward me says coolly, “And what about all those times I picked you up and we got food, or that time we sat on a park bench and talked for three hours? Was that just living in the moment?!”
           I glare at him and then say, “That was me trying to figure out what the hell you wanted!”
           “What I wanted? I wanted you to be happy! I wanted you to be give me a sign that you felt the same what that I do!”            “Ugh!” I scream as I dig my hands into my hair and pull at it. This was a mistake; I should have just broken the connection slowly and taking myself out of his life little by little, instead of this abrupt argument. Now I would leave him on a sour note.
           “What do you want Mare? Just tell me and-“
           “I WANT YOU TO SHUT UP AND LET ME THINK!” I scream, and he freezes. In my distraction, I hadn’t seen him coming toward me slowly, his hand out stretched to touch my arm. We both look at each other for a few seconds, me with tears in my eyes, and him with a look of utter pain. I back away from him then and whisper, “I just need… I need space, and time… just… leave me alone for now.”
           He stands there dumbfound, like I just slapped him across the face. He swallows a heartbeat later though and says, “I don’t understand.”
           “I don’t know what I want, maybe I wanted the stupid eighties romance, where you pick me up the convertible after my sister’s shitty wedding, but you weren’t… I just… ugh! I honestly don’t know!” I cry as I turn and storm toward the door. He doesn’t even follow. He’s so shocked by my confession, or maybe he was trying to piece together whatever I had given him. I grab my coat and my shoes and pulling them on though. I grab my bag and then slam the door behind me for good measure when I leave.
           No one in my family asks why I came how with red eyes, and they especially didn’t ask when I slammed my door shut and didn’t come down for dinner. I had made a huge mistake. I’d realized that on the subway ride home. I shouldn’t have said those things, I should have just kept my mouth shut and tried to piece together how this whole relationship with him would work. All he had done was just try to keep me happy, and I had thrown it back in his face. Burying my face in the pillow I try to hide the next round of sobs that rise up.
           The door to my room opens, and Gisa clears her throat before saying, “I think you should look out your window.”
           I lift my head and glare at her. She simply nods to my window and then closes the door. I sniff and wipe at my nose before glancing at the pouring rain outside. Sitting up, I push my hair out of my face and then look out at the street below. My eyes shoot wide open and I throw open the window before screaming, “What the hell are you doing?!?”
           Cal smiles up at me and then shifting the boom box to his shoulder he shouts back, “You wanted eighties romance, I had to catch up on my movies before I tried this!”
           He presses play on the machine and then sits there with a shit eating grin on his face as he shouts, “I meant to find a convertible, but the weather kind of screwed up my plans to take you for a drive over the Brooklyn bridge to see the city lights!”
           I sit there for a second, completely shocked, and then I blink and realize he’s soaking wet, and sitting at his feet is the little dog, happily wagging its tail. I slam the window shut and then grab my jacket off of my desk before sprinting out of my room and through our apartment. My mother barely avoids me in the hallway, and demands to know where I’m going, but I throw myself out the front door and down the hall to the stairs. I can feel all of my family’s eyes and then, I can hear them all shouting about following me or not.
           I can barely hide my own smile as I shove the front door to our apartment complex open, and sprint out into the rain. Cal sets down the boom box just in time to catch me as I throw myself into his arms. He presses his lips to mine, and spins me around slowly. The dog barks at his feet, trying to nip at my shoes. I wrap my legs around his waist though, and push his soaking wet hair out of his face before I choke, “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking-“
           “You were right though,” he said with a smile as he wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me balanced, “Neither of us really knew what we were doing before we jumped in.”
           I wipe some of the water off his forehead, and then with a small smile, I shake my head and say, “You’re going to be the death of me.”
           He smirks again and then reaches up to press his lips against mine. I cup his face and let him, my heart rapidly pacing in my chest as we do this. Without a doubt my family was watching this, and trying to figure out what the hell I was going to tell them. I hadn’t really told them about Cal, or that I was even really seeing him.
           When we pull away from our kiss, he lets me slide down until I’m on my feet again. I keep my arms wrapped around his neck though. He smiles down at me and then pressing a kiss against my hairline he says, “If you want space, I understand. Just tell me.”
           I shake my head quickly and then say, “I was… I was just frustrated today, and I wasn’t really thinking about what I was saying. I don’t want to step away from you, or whatever the hell this mess is.”
           He laughs at that and then bending over he places his forehead against mine and whispers, “Then are you willing to place a label on this whole thing?”
           “I’m good with hot mess,” I say with a laugh. He laughs as well, and then pressing another kiss against my lips he says, “Hot mess it is then.”
PART THREE!!!!! YAAAASSSSS!!!! AAAAAANNNGGGSSSTTTT!!! I’m so sorry, but I’m also not sorry, cause I can never stay away from it. (: Anywho, part 4 will be a cute little valentine’s day thing, I’ll see when I can get that up. (:
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rarestnicole · 6 years
Title, um, uhh... shizzumz in my mind at 3 AM to 4 AM?
I want an architect for a husband, I thought, after reading some chapters from one of my favorite stories from Costa Leona Series.
I know for sure that after re-reading another story from the same series with a protagonist who's a civil engineer, I'll fantasize about having one for a husband. LOL.
Noon, I don't have specifics kapag dating sa title or job or occupation ng future husband ko. All I ever think is dapat magaling siya sa Mathematics since that's my ultimate waterloo. Ugh.
Why do I want a Mathematician for a husband?
I'm completely stupid when it comes to Mathematics. Damn x and freaking ys and many more. I even got a grade of 75 sa Math in my NCAE results and they put it there that I should choose STEM. First choice. Eh? They must've done something wrong. Tss.
Here's exactly why... I don't want my child to suffer the way I did whenever I come across Math. I don't want him or her to stare at an empty paper thinking how it sucks to be such a moron in Math while most of the people in the class are scribbling down at their spare sheets and trying to find what the hell is x. I don't want him or her to go through the same thing I went through. It sucks to try and solve a Math problem only to realize that none of the stuffs our teacher taught us remained in my head. I even forgot the solution, I couldn't get it right. How hopeless. How do I get by? I patiently write down all the steps in solving those problems and open my notes when it's activity time. Sometimes, our teacher would let us open our notes but there are these times when it's "strictly close notes" time and I'm damned. Thank God for a best friend who's good in Math. It just sucks to be me kasi nahihiya akong magtanong nang magtanong kasi ang hirap na nga tapos iistorbohin ko pa siya. So I'd wait for her to take a look at me. I don't make a sound, I don't complain and I don't really ask unless there's only 5 minutes left before passing the papers. Ayaw kong pagdaanan ng future children ko 'yon 'no! Sus, kung ganun lang naman, magma-madre na lang ako. Hah! Nasa NCAE results ko kaya na pwedeng pwede akong mag-madre.
So silly. How can one girl think of such things even when she's only in Junior High School. It was just so hard that it pushed me to that state. Dati, naaalala ko pa, kapag activity na sa Math tapos hindi ako nakinig kay Sir Allan, kahit crush ko pa si Sir simula grade 7, hindi ko nagawang makinig, hindi ako nagpapasa ng papel. What am I going to pass? A piece of an intermediate paper with no problem-solution written on it but with my complete name? No, mi amigo. That's embarrassing and that's a waste of time. Mamomroblema pa si Sir, he'll doubt his capacity pa when it comes to teaching Math when it's entirely my fault for being such a lazy bum. Sorry, Sir, I did it on purpose. And besides, ang hirap makinig kapag nasa likod ka. Sucks to have a surname that starts with letter 'S', eh tuwing recitation ko lang napapakinabangan ang pagiging huli eh. Tss. Ang daming kakausap sa akin sa likod and I don't want to be rude. No, I absolutely don't. Kapag kinausap ako, kakausapin ko rin because I don't like the feeling of being ignored kaya anong katinuan ang meron ako kung gagawin ko sa iba ang ayaw kong maranasan, aber? Kaya, go chika now, pass an empty paper later. HAHAHA.
I can't remember when exactly did I start asking myself and the people I'm close with about who am I going to end up with at the end of my life of being single. As in araw-araw ever since I started, tuluy-tuloy ang pagtanong ko, most of the time out of nowhere pa, kung sino ang makakatuluyan ko. Sabi ko pa noon ayaw ko ng taga-Romblon kasi baka kilala ko lang pala, eh wala naman akong kilalang matino noon na taga-sa'min lang that I even thought about how I'm about to become an old maid. Geez. That's rule number 1 back when I was 16 but try, try, try to follow the rules, I'll break every one of them with boys like you. Char. HAHAHA. Meghan Trainor lang? HAHA. HINDI AH. EH KANINO PA BA NAMAN AKO MAGKAKAGUSTO EH NASA ROMBLON LANG AKO AT PURO TAGA-DOON LANG NAMAN NAKAKASALAMUHA KO. LECHE THAT RULE NUMBER 1. I threw that to the depths of Tartarus na and asked Tartarus himself to look after that rule since I can't ask the goddess of night, Nyx, to do that since ang mga anak niya ay mas nangangailangan ng pagbantay--unless she agrees with what her children want to do. Shems, ang sasama pala ng mga anak ni Nyx, paano ba naman kasi, si Tartarus ang tatay. My god, gurl! Nag-try ka man lang sana kay Ouranus or kay Chronos or sa ibang Titan man lang muna bago kay Tartarus. O baka naman dahil madilim sa Tartarus, doon lang siya nag-stay at sino nga ba naman ang makakasalamuha niya doon kundi ang embodiment lang naman ng kinalulugaran niya. Pwe. Hindi man lang siya nag-effort lumabas at mag-explore. Helloooooo! And daming matitinong--mas matitino pa kay Tartarus ha, na primordial powerful beings 'no (huwag lang si Chaos, oh please, no, no, no huhuhu). Girl, kulang ka sa adventure. Dora should've existed before Nyx did eh para nasama siya sa kanya kahit papaano. Hays. Talk about timings and other shizzumz.
Oh well. I can't believe that I've been typing these paragraphs for more than 30 minutes now and I started at 3 AM, kasi naman ang thoughts ko na mga ganito, alas tres na rumaragasa sa makulay kong utak. (which colors are painted on my mind kaya?) Amazeballs. I was just reading Blown By The Wind until all of these stuffs demand for a story to be published. Tsk, tsk. I'm getting worse and worse each day. Char.
Pero dati talaga, tinatanong ko araw-araw kung sino ang makakatuluyan ko. Ang dami kong iniisip eh; Charlie Puth, Calum Hood, Bradley Simpson, Theo James, Chris Evans, Jamie Dornan, Park Chanyeol, Lee Jongsuk, Ji Chang Wook, Song Joongki, Christian Grey, Logan Griffin Torrealba, Brandon Rockwell, Hector del Merced, Rozen Elizalde, Sibal Riego, Vincent Hidalgo, Zamiel Mercadejas, Raould Riego, Crisostomo Ibarra delos Santos, Reeve Leonardo Monteverde, Ramses Avilla, Archelaus Valleroso, Lourd Marco Aceveda, Zeo Alcante, Levi Alarcon and so, so, so, so many more from singers to actors to fictional characters, kaso hanggang isip ko lang sila eh. Ahehe. Pero ang saya lang imagine-in na isa sa kanila ang makakatuluyan ko. Kahit si Sibal na lang o si Bari, o. HAHA. Ang iba sa kanila like PCY, CP at CH, hiningi ko talaga kay Lord. Hinihingi ko kay Lord kasi malay naman natin 'di ba, hinihintay lang pala talaga ni Lord na hingin ko dahil nakalaan naman talaga sa akin ang isa sa kanila. Hahahaha. And when I started praying for a real guy, a specific real guy, I had this feeling of damnation. HAHAHA. Like, "Ano na Salvador, akala ko ba ayaw mo sa mga ka-corny-han, bakit nangangarap ka na for reeeeal, gurl why?" HAHA. So I promised na I won't ever pray hard for another real guy. Damn, that sucks kapag hindi na-grant. Huhu. Lord, baka naman po. 😂 Baka naman hindi ko na kailangan mag-pray ulit for another man. HAHAHAHAHA. Ano ba 'to.
Dati, may nabasa akong rules sa Lana's List to determine kung reachable ba o unreachable ang guy na gusto mo. Kapag reachable, GO GURL! at kapag hindi, NO GURL!
Ganun lang ka-simple.
Ganun lang DAPAT ka-simple eh, but humans are naturally greedy, ika nga ng nakararami. Kahit unreachable, ita-try talaga ma-reach kahit konti lang eh. Ang iba pa, they'll cause their own destruction para lang ma-reach ang talaga namang unreachable. Luuuuh, kasi naman may reachable naman sa tabi, why bother?
MAS LUUUUUUH, kasi naman hindi naman gusto 'yong reachable eh. Do you think one would bother reaching the sky kung doon naman pala sa meadows ang cloud na inaasam niyang malapitan at mahagkan? Nah. One won't even look at the sky kung nasa meadow lang naman pala. It's not how hard and how simple eh. It's for what and for whom, the reasons why and and the feelings felt eh. Wow, so nice of you to contradict your self, 'no? Hm.
I consider the person I like, unreachable and I consider my feelings for him a threat to my sanity and serenity.
Wow, 'te, parang meron ka nun 'no para ma-threaten. Fool your foolish self. Char.
Eeeeeeeh kasi naman 'di ba if one doesn't like me, I shut my freaking everything. Kidding. My mouth lang, I can't shut my mind eh. I wish I could, 'no. Haha. But I think I won't do it even if I could. Tonta.
Aaaaaaaaah, everything is freaking my precious miiiiiiiind. Aaaaaaah, I want to be freeeeeee. I want to eat all the Cream-O on the cabinet because I was really starving kanina, I want to express my feelingz freely and love with no inhibitions and fear and restraint, I want to go to the school I want without thinking about how good is it to have someone with you always like a family and how bad is it going to be for her if I'll leave her alone in her place only because I care more about her than I care about myself and I dunno if that's recklessness or selflessness. Huhuhuhu. I've been given the opportunity and I appreciate everything you do more than I say I do but I'm having second thoughts about my dreams. Huhuhuhu. What's stopping you, Anne Nicole?
My family? My love for them, exactly.
It's 5 AM and I'm just about to sleep when all of them is about to wake up after more or less 3 hours. I won't be surprised if I'll wake up alone in the room without even the dogs by my side for waking up later than I planned to. Nyenye. Where's my antok? Give it back to me na, I'm ready to drift to sleep na.
*whines because I'm still as wide awake as Katy Perry*
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