#it tooka while but it's finished at last
the-gordianknot117 · 3 months
About Acquaintances and Human Bonds.
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In this post I want to take a look at the “I’m just an acquaintance” moment and examine what significance it holds in the context of the Esper Sisters arc, its themes and all the characters involved.
This post only takes into account the webcomic version of the arc.
Disclaimer: this is my interpretation of the scene, the characters and the series in general given the current released material. Future updates can always change the meaning behind this moment and add further context to it, thus proving me completely wrong. By the way, I do not ship anyone in the series (more power to those who do, however) and none of what follows implies romance in any way.
First of all, before examining the scene, we have to take into account the arc it takes place in and what was revealed prior to Sataima’s line.
The “Esper Sisters” is an arc entirely centered on the characters of Fubuki and Tatsumaki, whose relationship, already soured by a lifetime of trauma, estrangement and abuse, reaches its dramatic nadir in the confrontation that follows the events of the MA arc. For these reasons, the arc explores the backstories of both characters by featuring flashbacks set in the years of their childhood. In Fubuki’s case, this section of the story contains a crucial and essential episode from Fubuki’s troubled childhood days (Chapter 99: 1, 2, 3 and 4), where it’s explained why Fubuki grew up the way she did, what relationships (or lack thereof) Fubuki had during her growth, and what role her sister and the outside world played in her life (e.g., ”If they bully you, you need to bully them back”, mirrored by Blast’s advice to Tatsumaki). It's not an exaggeration to say that without this fundamental flashback, Fubuki’s character would utterly fall apart and cease to make sense - even the reason why Saitama’s line cuts deep would also fall flat without all the information provided beforehand by the story, as we will see: this memory from Fubuki’s past and everything surrounding it is the keystone holding together the entire narrative of the character and one of the two pillars of the Esper Sisters arc (the other being the Tatsumaki one).
If the flashback alone wasn’t clear enough, in the page that immediately follows, Fubuki explicitly states, with a smug Tatsumaki complementing her words, how she grew up with the only, terrifying company of an oppressive older sibling because no one else dared to approach her with Tatsumaki looming around. This image of Fubuki’s childhood, coupled with the high school flashback from the MA arc (I covered this topic in much more detail here, among other things), paints a rather lonely and gloomy picture of Fubuki’s backstory, a past characterized by a complete lack of significant relationships or personal bonds, aside from her sister Tatsumaki, who controlled Fubuki for most of her life (as stated by the S-Class psychic herself; Chapter 100) and whose shackles are still in place in the present, only slightly loosened but ready to tighten at any given moment (the Esper Sisters arc it’s a demonstration of this, I wrote a post about it). This isolated and sheltered background made Fubuki long for what was totally absent in her life, human contact, but, given the lack of social experiences and the isolation she suffered from the outside world, she grew up ignoring how to form relationships and with no idea of what a normal relationship looks like, something worsened tenfold by the fact that her only parental figure, the one responsible for her isolation, was also a traumatized and unstable person who rejected human connections and actively encouraged Fubuki to embrace her powers and use strength against others; additionally, in the few interactions Fubuki had with the outside world, reality was presented to her as nothing more than a hyper-competitive landscape dominated by violence and discrimination, where people used force as a way to interact with others and idolatred power as the only indicator of individual worth. Therefore, having been raised by someone who values power above anything else and having experienced firsthand how the outside world only understands strength and preys on the weak (i.e., the bullies who emarginated and harassed her, and Tatsumaki always resorting to violence and resolving any conflict with brutal displays of her telekinesis) warped Fubuki’s perception of reality and taught her that she had to embrace her powers and resort to violence at the first sign of a threat if she wanted to survive. A lesson that Fubuki learned and took to heart. And Fubuki was rewarded by doing so, seeing how people in high school started respecting her specifically and solely for her superior telekinesis, but not for Fubuki herself as a person. This conditioned her to view relationships only through a hierarchical lens and as an expression of the difference in powers between individuals, and that, in order to effectively interact with people, aside from employing force, she had to don a façade of haughty superiority, instead of being simply herself; at the same time, her psychological need for friendship never vanished and remained unfulfilled. This background shaped a damaged human being who, in an attempt to adhere to her “education” while, at the same time, filling the void left by the lack of human bonds, resorted to establishing hierarchical dynamics that act as a replacement for real human bonds, where the role the members play in the organization codifies in terms of hierarchy the disparity in power between them, a template that is very reminiscent of Fubuki’s own relationship with Tatsumaki in a way. For most of her life, in fact, Fubuki was either powerlessly submitted to her sister, who dictated the terms of their relationship and held the power in it, or, later in her life and as a reaction to this, a leader with subordinates; beyond these templates, where it was either being subservient or superior to someone, Fubuki never met an “equal”, someone who, by existing outside of a hierarchically organized relationship/dynamic, didn’t fall under either of the aforementioned labels but stood on the same ground as her. As her experiences show, Fubuki only met an oppressive and tyrannic sister, bullies, followers, rivals and subordinates and for her, that was all there was in the world. People never formed connections outside of hierarchical structures, “power” was what attracted people and closer human connections, like even friendship, were totally out of the picture.
That’s where Saitama’s “group” comes into play. Its existence proves how Fubuki’s past experiences are only a partial representation of the world, that people can coexist on equal ground (so beyond the follower/subordinate templates Fubuki was aware of) and that there are alternatives to the toxic and unhealthy way of living Fubuki was following. The people at Saitama’s apartment do not obtain any immediate or foreseeable benefits from their gatherings; there are no rules or “hierarchies” and there is no grand goal that the group is carrying on following a particular agenda: they hang out simply because they want to spend time together. And Saitama himself is far different from any person Fubuki has ever encountered before: he doesn’t use others for his own gain, he doesn’t judge/value other people on the basis of their strength and he doesn’t take advantage of his incomprehensible power to impose his will or to submit and exploit others. As pointed out by Genos at the end of Fubuki’s introduction arc (Chapter 50), Saitama doesn’t antagonize or oppose anyone, but leaves them be, minding his own business without bothering anyone (unless they pick up a fight or represent a danger). Surprisingly enough, even with this particular attitude and his complete disregard for factions/rank/status, Saitama seems to naturally attract people. And yet he isn’t a “leader”, a “boss” or the “president” of a club. Instead of the usual boss/subordinate roles so ingrained in Fubuki’s mind to the point she can’t conceive of any other way to interact with others, Saitama is simply on friendly and equal terms with those who hang out with him, world-renown S-Class Heroes at that, despite him being only a B-Class rank-wise. Among those connections, what surprises Fubuki in particular are Saitama’s peculiar dynamic with Genos, which completely turns upside down anything Fubuki learned about status/ranking and the way these supposedly affect relationships (“D-disciple? An S-Class under a B-Class...”; Chapter 48), insomuch that later Fubuki asks about this “bizarre” dynamic directly to Genos himself in order to learn more about it (“Demon Cyborg, Genos... are you truly satisfied under that man?” Chapter 57), and Saitama’s friendship with the Strongest Man in the World, King (“How... is someone from S-Class so friendly with a B-Class...”; Chapter 50), that similarly ignores status as a factor that determines human interactions, much to Fubuki disbelief - there is also this little reaction upon learning about Saitama’s connection to Fang (“Bang? As in the S-Class Silver Fang?”; Chapter 51). But what’s more is that the unique rules of this group are applied to Fubuki as well: in this place, Fubuki spends her time and interacts with people outside of any social construct and logic previously known to the character and no one looks down on her with contempt nor up to her with reverence due to rank, status and/or telekinesis because these factors do not matter here, where she is neither a leader nor a subordinate, but “simply” a person; and despite the façade the character still resorts to, it’s always in this place that later we will see an extremely rare, if not unique, example of a relaxed and carefree Fubuki spending time in a casual and normal scenario like having a hot pot with other people to whom, beside working for the same organization, she has no actual affiliation (Chapter 57). All of this is completely unheard of and unprecedented for the esper. What the “group” ultimately represents for Fubuki is the importance of positive and healthy human bonds, of people being people, hanging out with no other goal than to stay together - all things that were completely missing in her life. Undescoring the utmost importance of this and establishing the core theme of Fubuki’s character arc (the importance of human bonds), Fubuki’s introduction arc ends precisely with Fubuki wondering if Saitama will allow her to join them (”Would he also let me...”; Chapter 50; in the official manga translation: “Maybe I could join them?”) - definitely not a casual or random choice from a writing standpoint.
So when Saitama says that he “is just an acquaintance” (Chapter 102: 1 and 2), in Fubuki’s mind, he is basically answering the question she was asking herself back in Chapter 50 (“would he also let me/maybe I could [join his group?]”) and she interprets it as “no”, that the only “group” of “normal” people she bumped into has the doors closed to her and won’t allow her to join this haven of “ordinarity”, even though that is not what Saitama meant there. After growing up in a toxic and sheltered environment, for the first time in her entire life Fubuki finally found a group that represents a healthy and positive alternative to all the deleterious experiences she had - an environment where power and hierarchies mean nothing at all, where people are simply themselves - and this made her desire to join this gathering, only to be reminded by the person who exposed Fubuki to this uncharted and fabled reality that she didn’t belong to the place nor, in the end, was she accepted in it - again, this is how Fubuki is perceiving Saitama’s words - due to being only an “acquaintance”. If Chapter 50 sparked in Fubuki the desire to join a group that represents everything that was always denied to her, Chapter 101 seems to put a roadblock in front of Fubuki that prevents the character from fulfilling (yet) what she has always deeply yearned for.
There is no better way to put Fubuki in front of the fact that her façade - the only way she believes it is possible to interact with others - and her mindset are actually keeping her distant from other people and affecting her life for the worse, sabotaging her chances at bonding with others and forming personal relationships. If we look back at her interactions with Saitama and co., in fact, Fubuki’s behavior there never actually manifested nor made apparent her genuine desire to spend time with the group and befriend them, despite the importance the place holds for the psychic and her actual intentions; if anything, whenever she (comically) opted for the defensive mechanism of the façade, which she used in order to fit in as the “new kid on the block” (more on this later), instead of being more genuine, it was something the members of the group didn’t find particularly endearing (Chapter 57; Chapter 98). It all goes to show how lacking Fubuki’s social skills are and how ineffective and inadeguate her way to interact with people also is (besides work, maybe), especially when it comes to ordinary and informal social settings such as this one; it also highlights to what degree Fubuki’s upbringing warped her ability to socialize with other human beings. While the Esper Sisters arc seemingly resolved the outside issue that threatened Fubuki’s freedom, Tatsumaki, Fubuki’s inner demons, spawned by that nefarious influence, are, by the end of the arc, something Fubuki will still have to face in the future. And if it’s true that, ultimately, the connection Fubuki forged as a leader will prove to be a strong and resilient bond once put to the test, Fubuki’s need for friendships, as in a non-hierarchical, not work/duty-related but informal and equal personal relationship, is still left completely unfulfilled, with a journey far from being completed yet. And, honestly, given how we are still in the middle of the story (?), it would be weird if such an important matter for the character was already solved.
For what specifically matters Fubuki’s reaction, in the past I have seen many write what essentially boils down to “what did she expect? Did she think they were friends or something?”. It’s frankly surprising how this confuses so many people because, once we look at the bigger picture and remember Fubuki’s characterization, the reasons behind her reaction become quite obvious since they are all ingrained into the very identity of the character. Again, Fubuki’s expression is symptomatic of the “fear” of having lost her chance at becoming part of something she always longed for - this also fits Fubuki’s insecurity and self-loathing issues, by the way. Sure, it could come off as an overreaction, especially as it is directed toward someone Fubuki met very recently and doesn’t have a strong connection with, but that is precisely the direct result of a sheltered backstory polluted only by unpleasant memories and isolation, to whom Saitama and his group represent an inedited and positive counterpoint; if Fubuki didn’t lack meaningful relationships (both in the past and her present) and her backstory wasn’t one of abuse and alienation, I very much doubt she would have reacted this way to Saitama’s comment or cared at all about about their relationship in general, but if that were the case, we would be discussing a very different character, and this moment would have no place in that story. Therefore, hearing from Saitama words that seem to lock away this dreamed oasis of normality and friendship is a major source of dejection for a person with her specific history, issues and hopes. Having no idea or knowledge of what a friend actually is and what a friendship/close relationship resembles made Fubuki think (or, better, hope) that the time spent at Saitama’s apartment was enough to forge a bond of that kind, a “mistake” that is quite reflective of how inexperienced Fubuki is in regard to people and how utterly ignorant she is about relationships and the way they actually flourish between human beings. 
By the way, thinking that Fubuki is only interested in Saitama's strength or that she is still trying to recruit him past her introduction arc would completely disregard Fubuki’s entire characterization and ignore several fundamental moments starring the character, like, for example, the one I linked from Chapter 50, one of the most important and character-defining pages featuring Fubuki in the entire series. Sure, given Fubuki’s background and the values the world projected into her, power is a main factor in what originally caught her attention in regard to this new, mysterious B-Class hero and surely affected how Fubuki’s perception of Saitama has changed over the course of the story. But Saitama as his own person and the precedent he sets is actually way more important to Fubuki than the physical strength he possesses, as he is the first source of positive influence Fubuki was ever exposed to: he is unlike any “strong” being Fubuki has ever met before (for the reasons stated above), and his mindset couldn’t be more different from her only parental figure/role model, Tatsumaki. During their fight (Chapter 48), Saitama didn’t fight back and retaliate, but was more concerned about reprehending Fubuki and reminding her what a hero is and what they stand for: he criticized her obsession with ranking and factions in a world where monsters run amok and few individuals stand against them, warning the esper against her egoistical mindset and predicting a scenario that Fubuki will later experience firsthand (the encounter with Garou; Chapter 78) - all things that will be proven correct and true as Fubuki can attest; even though Fubuki tried to recruit him into her group and then “lost” to him, Saitama never considered her someone he had “to bully back” or a rival/enemy who “must be destroyed”; in the interections following the fight, Saitama never demanded anything from her, he didn’t force her to join his “group”, he didn’t coerce her into following his goals nor did he try to dispose of this “rival”, but treated Fubuki as a human being and even admitted her into his apartment - where Fubuki stayed, or kept coming back behind the scenes, from Chapter 50 to Chapter 64, meaning that Saitama allowed her stay as much as she wanted. From this we can observe how Saitama is the one who finally snaps Fubuki out of her harmful way of living and warns her about the dangers of her conduct, leading the esper into a journey of maturation and improvement, whereas anyone else that Fubuki met before him directed Fubuki onto this very nefarious path, enabled her worst traits and encouraged the psychic to embrace the dangerous mindset that Saitama is criticizing and rebuking. More importantly, there is also the aforementioned existence of the Saitama’s group, which represents a gathering of people completely different from the ones Fubuki has ever experienced. As a testament to the peculiar role Saitama plays in her character arc and what sets him apart from those Fubuki met before, the dialogue in the elevator (Chapter 98) highlights (to me) how much of a high opinion Fubuki has of Saitama as a person, to the point that she lowers her façade and talks frankly, without resorting to the act she aways employs while dealing with others: in this scene, Fubuki is overtly praising Saitama while openly recognizing her own limits/shortcomings, right after he surpassed her in rank and Fubuki’s encounter with Garou proved Saitama right about her issues. None of this is something Fubuki would have ever done with someone she considers a “subordinate” or a “follower” (once again, I’m not implying anything romantic) - for a more in-depth look into the scene, the last section of my post about Fubuki in the MA arc contains an analysis of this conversation and what it means in the context of Fubuki’s character arc. This important dialogue makes all the more clear how much respect and admiration Fubuki holds for Saitama, hence why his comment has such a profound impact on her. Furthermore, when Tatsumaki seemingly killed Saitama, this was Fubuki’s reaction (Chapter 105) - ONE truly has a talent at portraying characters' expressions.
So, personally, I don’t think the subordinate angle matters at all in her reaction about being called an “acquaintance”: after all, Fubuki’s recruitment attempt failed and Saitama made abundantly clear to her that he wasn’t interested in her group (for example, this exchange, Chapter 50: 1 and 2; Saitama even remarked it at the start of the Esper Sisters arc), so, unless we want to believe that Fubuki is a dumbass with short-term memory, something not supported by the story in any way, I think there are other factors at play here and the character has other reasons to care for this person by the point the statement is made. It is important to note that, leading to Fubuki’s reacting to Saitama’s acquaintance comment, ONE specifically decided to depict Fubuki’s reactions growing more and more dejected at being called “not a friend” (“友達” [tomodachi]) and “not a companion” (“仲間” [nakama]) - both indicating a close and/or equal relationships between two persons that share a bond - which, for Fubuki, sounds like he was denying her the “right” (for the lack of a better word) to join; meanwhile, ONE didn’t include any reaction panel to Saitama stating he doesn’t work for her/isn’t part of her group because, since she is not delusional or stupid, Fubuki already knew that and recruiting Saitama is a non-thing by this point in the story. By the way, the recruitment stuff doesn’t even qualify as a recurring gag in the webcomic (at least so far) and the “Fubuki’s group” shtick is barely a thing in the webcomic, consisting of a couple of lines at most, which prevents the character from coming off as a stale and obnoxious parody of herself (unless in the future she gets turned into a rather sad and disappointing comic relief background entity). As mentioned before, the only time in the webcomic Fubuki has tried to recruit Saitama for real (up until now, at least) happened back in her introduction arc; past that point, the leader’s antics are a psychological denfensive mechanism she employs in order to hide her doubts and insecurities, to navigate unknown new dynamics and fit in a “foreign” environment, to compensate for her inability to deal with people in “normal” social settings (the hot pot and the Saitama group in general) or her way to ask for help while putting up appearances (the start of the Esper Sisters arc), instead of actual attempts to get him or others into her group. What draws Fubuki to Saitama and his group is not the egoistical aim to have these powerful beings under her tumb, but a desire that stems from personal reasons deeply rooted in her past. Once again, the fundamental page I linked above (Chapter 50) couldn’t be more explicit and unambiguous in its meaning: on it, Fubuki is expressing her true, sincere desire to join this group of people, wondering if Saitama and co. will permit her to do so; she is not, instead, secretly plotting to make them join her group and use them for her own ends. Surprisingly enough, Fang trying to have Saitama join his dojo is just as much a recurring joke as Fubuki's leader stuff (and way more one-note too, lacking all the subtext present in Fubuki’s case), let alone Flashy Flash’s attempts at becoming Saitama’s teacher in the post MA chapters. Once again, believing that Fubuki is only after recruiting others would completely ignore a core aspect of Fubuki’s character - her subconscious desire to form real human connections with people, compromised by the education that was imparted to her, by her traumas, and by the psychological defense mechanisms she employs in order to not appear “weak” - for the sake of boring flanderization that erases what makes the esper interesting and complex. 
Therefore, considering how character-related the topics tackled in this story-beat are for Fubuki, for the reasons stated above, it’s quite reductive, I believe, to label Saitama’s statement as a throwaway gag. Again, ONE made sure to reveal Fubuki’s entire backstory - a backstory specifically centered on a dramatic lack of positive and meaningful relationships and also isolation - before this scene, where, from Fubuki’s point of view, she is denied the right to join a social circle that she is drawn to. This statement ties perfectly into themes that have been linked to Fubuki from the very start (Chapter 50), but also plays into what constitutes the Esper Sisters arc narrative: the “acquaintance” line serves in fact as a lead-up to what Saitama states to Tatsumaki soon afterward, which is emblematic of the core message of this arc and its thematic backbone (again, all things I will elaborate on soon enough). If this was a simple comedic moment unrelated to Fubuki’s personal history, like, for example, how the door gag (Chapter 111) is a joke independent from Flashy Flash’s character and the story of the Ninja arc, then I wouldn’t stress over the importance of this page, but that clearly isn’t the case. Moreover, comedy serving a greater purpose and contributing to the narrative is a trademark of OPM and ONE’s style in general, and while not every single gag in the series accomplishes that, like the aforementioned Flashy Flash joke for example (and nonetheless, it serves to kickstart the Ninja arc and fits the characters), the scene in question between Fubuki and Saitama arc is clearly representative of that principle since it respects everyone’s characterization, takes into consideration their background, has a greater narrative purpose and develops the story accordingly. Beside, I don’t think this statement represents an end point but, rather, a source for future developments for the character(s). Now, I obviously don’t know if there will be a follow-up to it or not, but considering how this scene leaves things open and unresolved, it’s fair to expect progressions regarding this matter. In fact, I don’t see how leaving this relationship in its current state without ever bothering to advance it would make any sense narrative-wise, especially in the context of Fubuki’s character arc.
Before getting to Saitama’s side of things, there is another thing I want to point out in regard to Fubuki because I think it is paramount in order to understand the character and the scene in question.
I don’t keep up with the fan discourse anymore, so I don’t know if this is still a common interpretation of the character or not, but in the past I often saw a few readers describing Fubuki as a sociable and extroverted character. I find it very strange, because every single thing shown about her in the webcomic (from her general demeanor to her backstory) remarks how profound Fubuki’s psychological issues are and how distant and estranged from others she is as a result of her past: Fubuki is shown to have no close connections and to be unaware of how to be socially competent, hence her reliance on a removed and cold façade and the default template of hierarchies as substitutes for real human connections. In the sole instance where Fubuki interacts with people outside of work and under “normal” circumstances (already significant by and in itself), the hot pot with the Saitama’s group (probably the closest thing she ever got to spending time at a friend’s house or a sleepover), she comes off as incredibly ankward and naive, almost socially inept, due to her lack of experiences/social knowledge. I believe that the aforementioned confusion stems from the manga adaptation and, in particular, from its bonus/side art material, but this isn’t the right post to elaborate on the matter. In any case, even the presence of a group of subordinates doesn’t take away from what I stated above; if anything, it somehow accentuates it. Nowhere in the webcomic is it ever implied that Fubuki and the group spend time together outside of missions or work-related matters; their bond is strictly and consistently portrayed only as a boss-subordinate kind of relationship, albeit a positive and ultimately healthy one, in the light of the Esper Sisters arc. The only moment where their relationship progresses past the boundary of a boss-subordinates/work dynamic into a more “personal” territory occurs only at the very end of the Esper Sisters arc, when the Fubuki’s group members show their unwavering loyalty and profound gratitude toward Fubuki, going as far as to be ready to die against Tatsumaki for their leader’s sake (Chapter 105): from what we can see from Fubuki’s reaction, it’s evident how deeply touched she is from hearing their words of resolve and affection, to the point of shedding tears, because nothing of the sort - like someone genuinely complimenting her as a person - has ever happened to her before. If that moment sticks out, it’s because this exchange constitutes the poignant resolution of the Esper Sisters arc, driving home its message while at the same time refuting Tatsumaki’s distrust for others and her nihilistic outlook on humanity. But even then, that lasts only for a brief moment and Fubuki immediately speaks to her subordinates only as a leader, not as a “friend”; furthermore, she turns around and gives them her shoulders, thus hiding her tears and concealing her genuine emotional response to their words, because, as much as deeply she cares about them, she can’t afford to expose her true self and what she perceives is her most vulnerable side. As for the rest, thanks to Tatsumaki, Fubuki was socially isolated, and her only exposure to others as a child were the bullies who tormented her because of her psychic powers (a gift that Fubuki refused to use offensively at the time, before embracing the lesson the world taught her). Meanwhile, in regard to her high school years, ONE outright stated that Fubuki was a dark and unpopular girl (from “Other ONE-Bukuro 3″) - on the same page, Murata then comments that it was very important for him to depict Fubuki with lingering traces of her past emerging from the leader façade, since, after all, the manga was still following quite closely, at the time of the chapters covered by this behind-the-scenes self-published book, the general footsteps of the webcomic, where Fubuki retains the overall vibe she had in high school, and so he had to be very careful at making sure this element of her characterization was preserved in the remake and matched the source material, despite the differences between the two versions of the character (the leader façade being a detail much more prounounced in the manga version, well, in the early manga at this point); and speaking of that time period, the MA arc flashback underlines, through clever visual and narrative choices, how detached Fubuki was from the other members of the “Society of the Study for Supernatural” school club and, by extension, from anybody else: for the entirety of the flashback, which takes place exclusively in a school setting and in its immediate surroundings, Fubuki is consistently shown to be alone and on her own (more on this topic always here), she is never seen befriending anyone or even talking to people at all (obviously, she must have talked to them off-screen, nonetheless, this narrative omission is very deliberate, I believe), but, instead, she is constantly immersed in her solitude, an element the panels perfectly convey by having Fubuki always out of frame, far from others and/or visually separated from anyone else (a few examples). As for the reason people followed her, it wasn’t due to popularity (as a matter of fact, she wasn’t popular, as per ONE’s statement), “looks” or anything like that, but due to her superior telekinesis (as one of the panel I linked above showcases), which further convinced Fubuki that the sole value the world sees in a person is their power and that human connections are born and hierarchically organized only under this aegis (again, I talked about these fundamental topics in the post linked above). [EDIT 23/03/2024] I might as well include (briefly) Fubuki’s relationship with Tatsumaki on top of what has already been mentioned on this topic. The Esper Sisters arc as a whole demonstrates the absolute lack of communication and dialogue between the sisters made impossible by Tatsumaki’s total reliance on force as a way to resolve any dispute or personal problem - Fubuki never dared to defy Tatsumaki before the Esper Sisters arc precisely due to this (Chapter 99). Furthermore, Tatsumaki has no consideration of Fubuki’s feelings or understanding of her sister in general, having, for example, a recollection of her past completely opposite from Fubuki’s and no awareness of herself or the fear she evokes in her sister - even the mere prospect of Tatsumaki taking once again complete control over her life leaves Fubuki utterly terrified (Chapter 100; why would she be this traumatized and afraid if Tatsumaki was actually a lovely sister and the time spent together pleasing?). Additionally, Tatsumaki has no idea how damaged their relationship is at this point (she believes that Fubuki was/is comfortable around her, which reveals how Tatsumaki lives in a world of her own). By the utter disbelief in Fubuki’s repeatition of her sister words upon being (apparently) acknowledged by Tatsumaki (Chapter 101; soon afterward, the true meaning of Tatsumaki’s statements will dispel any sense of relief this moment gave the B-Class, though), we can see how flabbergasted the esper is of hearing something positive coming from the older sibling: it’s quite obvious how she was never praised or complimented by the most important person in her life and how starved of recognition she is. Approval from Tatsumaki also means that her sister will stop interfering and looming over Fubuki’s life and freedom, finally liberating Fubuki from that nefarious presence and influence. Not an edificating picture of a sibling dynamic, and this in addition to Tatsumaki being an unstable, violent person whose common rage outburst and psychotic temper (as Fubuki can attest in Chapter 102; but any scene with Tatsumaki, actually) make her a nightmare to have around, especially for a person who has no means to defend herself against her, grew up under her threat, and is also the object of Tatsumaki’s obsession, the one who also taught Fubuki how to rely on violence instead of dialogue, disregard human bonds, retaliate to any opposition, and never show any weakness, among other stuff [End of the EDIT]. So, considering what has been shown so far, the story depicts Fubuki as a socially stunted adult incapable (at the moment) of living a normal life, and pretty much anything about the esper evokes her friendless, isolated background and communicates Fubuki’s unfulfilled longing for human bonds.
This facet of the character directly ties to the topics of the Esper Sisters arc, where isolation and a lack of human relationships are explored through all the main characters’s experiences and how they deal with them:
for Fubuki, the point has been made abundantly clear already, and it comes down, essentially, to a sheltered and friendless background, paired with a harmful upbringing that cemented and reinforced warped worldviews, and being exposed solely to extremely negative experiences and power-obsessed-people perpetuating a distorted imagine of reality, all of which resulted in the development of what is a very damaged individual, whose traumas hinder her ability to open up to others and form bonds, among other things;
Tatsumaki, who, scarred from her past at the lab and misguided by a poor-timed advice, keeps anyone at a distance and disregards the value of human relationships by following an insane way of life that damages others (her sister in particular) and even herself, to the point that this has created a desert around the esper;
and finally Saitama himself, who, even prior to acquiring infinite strength, lived an unfulfilling and detached existence as a young salaryman in search of employment, completely alone and estranged from anyone else. The result of his training, after the fight against Crablante, only further heightened his alienation and led him to an almost jaded state, incapable of finding any fulfillment or satisfaction in life. Meeting Genos and all the other people who gather around him started to mitigate his condition, but Saitama has yet to understand the value these relationships have and find meaning in other aspects of his life.
Isolation and estrangement from other human beings are recurring elements in all three characters’ backstories and lives (with differences due to their individual histories and personalities). Similarly, everyone of them gets called out or receives a wake-up call by the end of the arc, which highlights how this situation is hindering their lives and puts them in front of their inability/unwillingness to open up to others: for Fubuki, it is the acquaintance moment; for Saitama and Tatsumaki, it occurs in their final conversation, Chapter 106. 
End of the digression.
As for Saitama, he is simply stating the truth. He first met Fubuki at her worst, and, in the interactions they had following it, Fubuki employed her façade the majority of the time - with that being said, while he doesn’t enjoy her company, Saitama in the webcomic actually pays attention to what Fubuki has to say (despite seemingly busy reading a manga, Saitama actually listens to Fubuki’s talk in his apartment and responds to her remaining on topic, unlike, for example, in Flashy Flash’s case, where Saitama only caught on to a single word out of the ninja’s entire monologue, which wasn’t even relevant to Flashy’s recount of his past; Chapter 115), admits her into his apartment and is even willing to follow Fubuki instead of outright avoiding her, which is not exactly negligible stuff if we compare it to how he treats several other characters. Anyway. Only in the Esper Sisters arc did Saitama see a more admirable side of the esper, learning a bit more about her past and her situation with Tatsumaki (Chapter 99 and the followings); besides that, the first time Fubuki was actually genuine and direct with him only happened right at the start of this arc, in the elevator. Therefore, it’s obvious why Fubuki doesn’t represent anything more than an acquaintance to him, and, to be fair, it would be strange if this wasn’t the case. At the same time, I don’t think Saitama is saying this line with the ulterior motive of hurting or insulting Fubuki; if anything, it’s yet another case of Saitama’s trademark blunt honesty and his statement represents a fatual observation more than anything else. As I previously mentioned, in Chapter 99, Saitama is repeatedly shown listening to the sisters’s conversation, and he later acknowledges Fubuki’s efforts after all she went through during the fight (Chapter 102). So, I believe that the real narrative meaning of the “acquaintance” comment and its relation to the core message of the arc become apparent only in the light of the follow-up lines. Soon afterward, in fact, Saitama tells the older esper, who arbitrarily decided that Fubuki didn’t need any human connection in her life and thus was forcefully imposing said decision against her sister will (Chapter 102), how nobody should dictate the life choices of someone else, that the value of human relationships shouldn’t be underestimated, and then he adds: “This is the power of Fubuki’s acquaintance! You better remember that, you shitfaced brat”. After hearing the reason behind the sisters’ conflict and having witnessed it unfold, Saitama decided to step in and take Fubuki’s side, assisting the B-Class esper fight an overwhelming and unfair battle against a toxic person who looms menacingly over her life and freedom, right when the S-Class psychic was about to re-take control over Fubuki’s life and cut any ties she has with the rest of the world (Chapter 101). Instead of a motivation unrelated to the core message of the arc and its characters, what actually brings Saitama to “fight” against the S-Class is his willingness to help Fubuki against her abuser (Chapter 103; Chapter 104), after the B-Class hero proved her growth as a person. Saitama’s actions, in fact, follow Fubuki’s bravest moment in the entire series (so far) and grant her the deserved assistence she is worthy of after giving her all for the sake of others, the human connections she feels responsible for as a leader. Now, make no mistake: Saitama would have helped anyone else in Fubuki’s place, but I think it is very important that Saitama witnessed Fubuki’s heroic side, understood what she was going through and personally ensured that she could confront her sister without an unfair gap of power on the side of the older sibling, making his involvement in the arc totally earned and organic.
Therefore, Saitama stepping in only as a mere acquaintance emphasizes the central theme of the arc - one of the most recurring themes in ONE’s works in general - which is the importance of human bonds and the unhealthiness of cutting ties with the rest of humanity. In this arc, Saitama is intervening not as a friend, not as her “nakama” nor as any other kind of more personal relationship, but simply as an acquaintance of Fubuki, and nonetheless, he is trying to help her against a toxic person who had (and keeps having) an extremely negative role in Fubuki’s life.  As an acquaintance, Saitama is showing Tatsumaki that no matter the degree of intimacy in a relationship, even a not-so-close connection between two human beings can make the difference in a time of need. Sometimes (like in this case), people who have no personal interest or involvement in a conflict might decide to help others without expecting anything in return or without having anything to gain. This nice subversion of the “power of friendship” is a major slap in the face of Tatsumaki’s toxic ideology and her twisted interpretation of Blast’s original advice, because it proves that not all people are egoistical and that not always human contact ends in exploitation, betrayal and mistreatment. The finale, when, in deliberate contrast to how people used to avoid Fubuki out of fear of Tatsumaki (I mentioned this already), the members of the Fubuki group courageously choose to stay at Fubuki’s side despite being up against a psychotic and immensely powerful S-Class esper (this and the following pages, Chapter 105), and then, when the latter wounds from the MA arc opened again, refused to fight Tatsumaki even though they had the perfect opportunity to finish off the person who wanted to maim them (or worse) up until that point, voicing instead their resolve to get stronger for the sake of their leader, further demolishes Tatsumaki’s biases, her idea of relationships as merely parassitic in nature and her complete distrust for people. The fact this showcase of humanity comes from an extension of Fubuki’s character, her group, makes it all the more poignant in the context of this arc and the sisters’ conflict, where the driving force that leads Fubuki, the heart and soul of the arc, to confront and fight Tatsumaki are, specifically, her human connections: in order to protect them, Fubuki finds the resolve and the courage necessary to face her own fears and traumas, in what represents the culmination of her character arc up until that point. It all goes to illustrate the healthy and positive role human bonds can play in our lives, and the profound impact they might have on our process of growth and maturation. And while the arc does acknowledge that relationships can be harmful and damaging as well (as Fubuki and Tatsumaki’s backstories and conflict demonstrate), it also proves how that is far from being the only case, that human connections are a fundamental part of what makes us humans and that no one, not even all mighty heroes, can live, or should live, on their own, isolated from anyone else.
Concluding the post, I believe the “acquaintance” moment has way more meaning to it than what it might appear at a first glance, because it’s actually deeply tied to the core message of the arc and the storylines of these characters. Removed from its context and without that specific lead-up, it can make for a boring and shallow “meme”, but its significance changes drastically when considered within the narrative framework provided by the arc.
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queenariesofnarnia · 4 months
the general and her boys
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gif not mine!
wc: 2,025
fraternal poly! bad batch x f!reader (absolutely no clonecest)
warnings: 18+ content! mdni! porn with a sprinkle of plot in the beginning, nothing crazy, group sex, praise kink, use of sarge, anal, piv, unprotected, cum swallowing, oral (m receiving), handjobs, and i think that is it!
All you asked for was a night of rest since you’re finally on shore leave. A night in your secret apartment gifted to you by Padme. Relaxing in your silk robe that matched the red in your squad’s armor, lined with black lace. You accomplished most of the self-care routine you planned for the night. Sipping on a glass of wine you picked up on Naboo, enjoying a trashy holofilm.  Several knocks echoed through your apartment interrupting the climax of the film. You had a feeling this was going to happen, even though they promised you not to start a fight with the regs. You entered the code to the door, meeting five sets of eyes as it whooshed open. Standing to the side letting them in to find a seat.
“I don’t want to hear about who started it or why you got involved” you grumbled sitting back in your original spot which now has you nestled between Tech and Crosshair.
“We’re sorry general” Hunter’s gruff voice sounds over the film you went back to watching. You glance at him and nod before turning your attention back to the screen. Wrecker helped himself to whatever snacks he could find in your kitchen.
“Wrecker, were you even going to ask if helping yourself to the general’s food was okay?” Echo was the one to question the large clone.
“I don’t care at this point. That’s why I have snacks in the first place. I knew my night alone wasn’t going to last” you tell Echo without breaking your focus from the screen. Finishing your wine, you placed your glass on the table before leaning over Tech who was busy with his datapad to grab the bottle on the side table. This gave Crosshair and Hunter a view up your robe, while Echo and Wrecker had a view down your robe. Plopping back down to refill your glass the room went quiet except for the film ending.
“Why didn’t you ask me general?” Tech broke the silence amongst your squad.
“You seemed busy, so I just did what was easy” you sent him a smile before taking a sip of from your glass. Crosshair took the bottle from your hand taking a quick swig before passing it to Hunter who had his hand out towards his brother.
“Don’t worry about why she didn’t ask Tech. Let’s talk about how the pretty little general gave us a little show as she reached over you.” Crosshair informs his brother placing his gloved hand on your thigh. The action made you take a gulp of your wine.
“What’s under the robe mesh’la?” Hunter whispers in your ear causing you to jump since you didn’t notice he left his previous spot.
“Tech start recording” Wrecker chuckles at the order given by Crosshair.
“I have been recording since the moment she opened the door” Tech says a smirk reaching his face. In this moment you knew you were in for it. You jokingly flirt with the guys all the time. However, you never thought it would lead you here. Echo was now sitting with his legs crossed intrigued by what is unfolding in front of him.
“Take the robe off for us sarad” Crosshair orders you giving your thigh a squeeze. You stood after chugging down the rest of the wine for the courage you will need tonight to survive. Back facing them you untied the robe letting it glide off your shoulders hitting the floor. Your spine tattoo now exposed to them. Each of their helmets and their names written by them decorated your spine. A chorus of groans sounded in the quiet living room as they took in the sight of your tattoo and your backside.
“Turn around for us little tooka” Wrecker’s voice cracking at his own request. Their jaws dropped when you turned around. The signature skull and 99 inked above your left breast, a loth wolf started at your waist ending at your mid-thigh, a 5, a crescent, and jaig eyes decorated your left bicep.
“When did you get all these tattoos cyar’ika?” Tech’s question breaking the trance his brothers were in as they stopped looking at the tattoos that decorated your body and back to your face.
“We can discuss that later. Now is there a real reason why I’m naked?” you questioned smirking your arms crossed beneath your breasts pushing them up.
“Get in the bed and we can show you” Hunter’s voice sounding deeper than usual makes your stomach flutter and your pussy tingle. Making your way past them without a word your hips swaying as you make it down the hall into your room. In about five minutes after the boys have taken their armor and blacks off they were surrounding your giant bed. You pretended to be busy with your datapad until it was snatched from your grip by Crosshair. He tosses it on the lounge chair in the corner of your room.
“Get on all fours mesh’la” Hunter instructs you. Immediately obeying, they command you to arch your back for them. The cool air in the room hitting your back side showing off your anal plug.
“She looks so pretty” Wrecker groans palming his cock. The others agreeing each walking around you to get their own perfect view of you.
“Wrecker get in front of her. Crosshair, Tech each of you take a side, Echo get behind her and mesh’la let me get under you.” Hunter gives out instructions. You never expected this moment a pleasant tingle was sent through your body as each of them found their spots round you. You were thankful for a big enough bed, so Wrecker fit in front of you nicely. Echo removed the plug from your puckered hole slowly. The mewl it pulled from your lips made each cock twitch. You spit in each hand before wrapping one of them around Crosshair’s and the other around Tech’s length beginning to slowly pump each of them. Hunter’s skilled fingers quickly found your soaking pussy dipping to fingers in, and Wrecker tapped the head of his cock silently directing you to open your mouth. Opening your mouth wide, tongue licking the underside of his shaft before taking him in your mouth. This was Echo’s opportunity to position himself before entering your ass. Feeling him stretch you made you moan around Wrecker’s length as Hunter’s fingers found your clit, whilst mouth attached to your nipple. Hunter continued to toy with your clit which was bringing you to the edge quicker than you would hope. The sensation of his mouth attached to your nipple turned you into a moaning mess. Each of your boys whispering praises to you.
“Look how pretty you are” “Kriff, you feel good” “Just like that sarad” “You look exquisite” you took praise well. Echo’s scomp was resting on you lower back and you enjoyed the cool metallic feeling. You could feel Hunter line up with your pussy with one thrust up he was buried in you to the hilt. He and Echo took their turns thrusting in and out of you at a brutal pace. Hunter’s fingers still rubbing your clit and quitting before you could finish each time, he took you there. He left his marks all over your breasts. Wrecker’s thrusts were faltering each time you moaned around him. Using the precum from Crosshair and Tech’s cocks was helpful since spitting on your hand would have been a challenge. Crosshair doing his best not to fall apart and Tech not caring that he was practically melting under your touch.
“I’m not going to last like this pretty girl” Wrecker’s sentence was broken up between each thrust. “You gonna let me cum in your mouth?” you nod your eyes glossed with tears and your moans desperate. His final thrust you felt the warmth of his seed hit the back of your throat before pulling out to finish the rest of his load on your face. Smiling at him before swallowing.
“I hope you got that Tech” Crosshair said before a string of curses leave his mouth. Tech could only nod.
“Tech come here” you gesture in front of your face and take him in your mouth. Using your now free hand to cup and squeeze his balls. You knew he wasn’t going to last long so when you pulled back you slowly grazed your teeth on the underside of his shaft, before taking him back in your mouth all at once. When you gagged on him, he couldn’t help but release in your mouth making sure each drop was in your mouth before he pulled out your mouth.
“Go ahead and smile for me cyar’ika” he instructs you his hand wrapping around your throat making you him in the eyes. You smile again showing him his cum. “You may swallow” he nods at you and pulls away. Placing a kiss on the top of your head thanking you. Crosshair took over stroking himself for you.
“I’m going to paint your face now sarad. But I’ll be in you later.” He hissed before releasing all over your face and hair. Smirking at your cum covered face he gets off the bed.
“Do you want me inside or do you want me to pull out cyare” Echo’s tone is soft yet rough as he whispers the question in your ear.
“In me please” you whimper biting into Hunter’s shoulder. He pulled out for a moment for Echo to finish. Rough fingers gently wrapping around the back of your neck pulling you in for a keldabe kiss. Echo leans down placing a kiss on your shoulder as his thrust falter, releasing in your ass. He waits a few seconds before pulling out of you slowly, putting the plug back in you until Hunter has his turn to finish. When he got off the bed, he made his way to the lounge chair in the corner. Hunter flipped you over with ease, guiding his cock back to your entrance thrusting in you at a rough pace, bending your legs back to where your knees touched your chest with one hand. With the other his thumb circled your clit.
“Go ahead and beg for it mesh’la” His sergeant voice making your walls clench around him. “You look so pretty all used by us” he whispers in your ear nibbling your earlobe as he pulls away. “I know your close mesh’la beg for it. That’s the only way I’ll cum in you.” His pace made you lose your train of thought.
“Kriff, Hunter may I please cum?” your tone is airy as you gasp between words.
“No. You can do better than that. Come on mesh’la” he pulls his thumb away right when you could feel yourself at your peak. You let out a string of curses that make Crosshair huff with laughter.
“May I please cum Sarge? Pretty please” the neediness evident in your tone. His thumb returned to your clit as you kept mumbling ‘please’ for your release.
“Go ahead” he grants. The moan you release higher than you expected as your back arches. Your pussy convulsing around his cock. Moments later he collapses on top of you, painting your walls with his cum. Placing a soft kiss on your neck rolling off of you. Once he moves Echo comes back over to gently tug the plug out to let his seed pour out your other used hole. Tech making sure he gets this part for their recording.
“You did so well for us general” Hunter compliments. You could only smile and nod. You could feel the exhaustion. Crosshair went into your fresher to get you a warm cloth to clean you up with. Wrecker went to the kitchen to get you a snack and get dressed. Tech, Hunter, and Echo went to put the bottom halves of their blacks back on before coming back to your bed. Crosshair cleaned you up before going to grab his bottoms. You’re snuggled up in between them all as they pile in your bed to cuddle. A moment you could only hope to get on camera one day.
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clu-ven · 1 month
White Lies are just Truths covered in Snow
Summary: After arriving on a barren planet to steal the Empire’s hidden cargo, you go along with a lie in the hopes of completing your mission (Mayday x gn!reader)
Word Count: 2.7k
(currently going through my drafts and found this! decided to finish it off even though I initially started this right after the season 2 Mayday episode came out ;-;)
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You look down at the planet’s desolate appearance. Despite being nestled in your ship, the very idea of facing the chilly weather makes a shiver creep up your spine.
The comm in your ship momentarily crackles before a familiar voice fills the small cockpit. “Tooka, this is Jaig checking in, are you on schedule for pick up?”.
In other words, it’s Rex, using the code names you all agreed on as a precaution. Even though your comm channel is private, Rex is a cautious man, preferring to stay vague and use code names while on comm channels. The last thing anyone wants is to accidentally give vital information away to anyone who could intercept your line of communication.
“Roger roger” you reply, biting back your smile.
You hear an audible scoff but it’s as if you can hear the smile in his voice “Stay focused, Tooka”. 
A muffled voice is heard in the background before Rex continues “If you run into any complications, let us know and we’ll provide backup. This should be a simple mission but stay sharp nonetheless… oh, and Rishi wants me to tell you he says good luck”.
Your heart warms at that. Echo has only recently decided to join the fight and although you haven’t admitted this to either Rex or Echo, his return is also the reason you’ve decided to do this mission alone.
You’re more than qualified to do this simple pick up of some cargo stored here. The cargo is rumoured to be something that can aid your fight against the Empire and with how dire things are, you’re more than happy to optimistically follow this rumour. 
With Echo still adjusting from being with the Bad Batch to now fighting the Empire on the front lines, you thought some quality time between just him and Rex would help ease him into it. 
Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?
Manoeuvring your ship to land, you peer out at the abandoned base, a thick sheet of snow covering the grey building. It’s not a welcoming sight. In fact, you’ve seen places on the lower levels on Coruscant look more welcoming than here… and a whole lot warmer. 
“Don’t worry, Jaig, I got this” you assure him.
“If you’re sure,” Rex sighs, worry lining his every word.
You laugh, casually sitting back in your seat as the ship descends to the platform below “I think I can handle stealing a few crates, Cap- uh, Jaig”.
“I know you can,” he replies “just remember to lift with your back”.
That earns another laugh from you “You’re kidding me, right? This place is bound to have some droids that can do all the heavy lifting… well, that’s if they aren’t completely frozen”.
After another amused scoff and a brief farewell, Rex disconnects, leaving you alone with your mission.
It takes a few more seconds for your ship to land, giving you the time to peer out at the base. It stands alone. No signs of a local village, a cantina or even grazing wildlife nearby.
The base is truly the only thing here. 
The wind that immediately greets you as you exit your ship is great motivation to pick up your pace and head straight for the building, not wasting time anymore time in surveying the area. The hanger has been left open for all to enter, as if the base is trying to coax the cold winds to follow you inside. 
Huffing, you pull your tattered jacket tighter around your body and walk deeper into the vast space. The dark outlines of empty crates line the hanger, probably full of medical supplies or food for whichever battalion was stationed here long ago.
There is an eerie silence to the place, punctuated by the sound of your own footsteps echoing off the walls. It looks utterly deserted. Now it’s nothing more than another relic of the Republic, frozen in time.
Maybe that’s why you become so rattled when you hear it.
“About time you arrived” the voice takes you completely by surprise, your hand immediately hovering over your holstered blaster.
As much as you want to unholster it and prepare yourself for a fight… you can’t, not when you recognise the voice. It’s the same voice that you know is capable of killing you, a voice that has experienced so much tragedy and the same voice of some of your closest friends. 
A clone. 
And so you simply hover your hand above the blaster, deciding to take your chances without instantly resorting to a standoff. 
You stay rooted in place, eyes darting to each visible nook and cranny, waiting for the clone to reveal himself. Movement catches your eye, your head snapping to the side as you're greeted by not just one clone, but three.
“We were expecting this cargo to get transported 6 months ago,” the clone in the centre states “any reason for the delay?”.
For a moment, you merely stand there, trying your best to comprehend the situation you’ve found yourself in. It’s hard to think of an answer to his question, caught off guard by the unexpected company. 
“Well, uh…” you begin, your eyes trailing down his armour, decorated with ribbons of bandages wrapped around each part of his plastoid gear.
Next, your gaze travels to the clones at either side of him, both with their blasters in hand but thankfully not aimed at you
“Get lost on the way here?” He offers up an excuse. Although his face is covered, his wrapped helmet obscuring his expression, the sarcasm in his voice is thick. “Or did the almighty Empire forget about us already?”.
“A bit of both?” you answer but your uncertain tone makes it sound more like a question. 
Clearing your throat, you try again, this time trying to sound more confident. “They’ve been updating files back at the uh… main base… some data was overlooked, so we’re behind on some missions that should have been completed months ago. Sorry to um… to have kept you waiting”. 
That sounded good, right? And technically it’s not all a lie. Ever since Echo came aboard, he’s been helping Rex gain access to Imperial records thanks to a few tricks Tech taught him. 
The clone replies with a shrug “At least you’re being honest”. The words sting, making you want to wince but you don’t, your expression staying neutral. If only he knew how honest you were truly being. 
“C’mon, I’ll show you where it is,” with the flick of his hand, the clone signals for the other two clones to lower their blasters completely, with one even holstering their weapon. A silent sigh of relief falls from your lips as you step closer to the troopers. 
“Hexx, Veetch, watch the perimetre,” the clone orders, bringing his hands up to detach his helmet. Once his helmet is off, he looks at you, your eyes properly meeting his for the first time as he instructs “This way”.
He takes a few steps forward, venturing deeper into the dim facility and indirectly showing off his mullet to you. His beard was a surprise to see too, though you’ve noticed beards have come into fashion lately within the clone world… mullets on the other hand, well, you’re positive this is the first and last time you’ll ever meet a clone bold enough to try the look and successfully pull it off.
“You coming?” he asks, glancing back at you with one of his brows raised “or did you just stop by for a chat?”.
You silently follow, hoping the less you say the better. 
“Name’s Mayday, by the way” he makes idle conversation “Commander Mayday���.
When you reply with your own name, he nods and leads you through the maze of tall, metallic shelving units. “I know this might be above my…” Mayday lets out a low chuckle “well, above my nonexistent pay grade but what’s in those crates?”.
You choose your next words carefully. Surely this is some type of test and the Commander knows what’s in there, right? Truthfully, you weren’t sure.
All you know is that it’s cargo the Empire won’t let go of, something they feel the need to hold on to even if it means their troopers are freezing to death to guard it.
“They didn’t inform you? Despite you being the Commander here?” You bat a question back at him.
“Clone Commander, they don’t tell us much these days…” he amuses drily, his sentence trailing off as he stops in front of what you assume to be the crates. 
Mayday pats the top of one, quick to change the topic of conversation “Well, I guess these are your problem now”.
You nod, biting your lip as a sudden wave of guilt washes over you. It seemed simple to take the crates when you thought no one else was here. You would even grab them and take out a few droids if that’s what was guarding the cargo… but even the idea of deceiving these clones makes your stomach churn.
You mirror his movement and put your hand on top of the crate too, looking anywhere but his eyes.
“Well then, I best comm the other two and get them moving this out to your ship” he lifts up his comm, giving Veesh and Hexx their new orders. 
While he does, you take the opportunity to look up at him again. You pray he doesn’t notice your guilty expression. By the time he’s off his comm, you’ve already tried to think of a few alternative plans. Would it be possible to persuade them to come with you? Would they be open and understanding when you explain the inhibitor chips and would they willingly get them removed? But then you hear Rex and what he would say:
“We can’t save all of them… but we can fight for all of them, one way or another”.
That’s what he said to you when he told you about what happened with the 501st. You could hear the pain in his voice when he said it and standing in front of Mayday now, it’s like you can feel that same pain making your throat close up.
Mayday seems to notice your shift in mood, a glimmer of curiosity flickering across his eyes. 
“You know, the ship you came here in, it’s pretty small for cargo transportation… not a model I’ve ever seen the Empire use either'' he keeps his head facing downwards but his eyes are locked on yours. The tone of his voice is so balanced, you can’t tell if he’s genuinely being curious or if he’s about to confront you.
A million thoughts race through your head. Should you simply ignore his obvious inquiries? Would that only add to how suspicious you’ve been already? Kriff, are you taking too long to answer?!
“Remind me,” your voice comes out croaky, the words desperate to get stuck in your throat and yet you force them out “when was the last time you were on one of the main Empire bases?”.
Mayday is a contradiction to you. His chocolatey brown eyes are warm and inviting to you and yet his position of Commander during the Empire’s newfound reign makes you apprehensive. The look he gives you isn’t sceptical, nor is it the hardened look of a soldier that you expected. 
“Fair point,” he concedes, his gaze unwavering “so you’re taking them?”.
“That’s what the Empire sent me here for” you lie with the flash of a smile, hoping that’ll win him over. 
You’ve been in worse situations than this, both during the war and afterwards. All you have to do is play along with a lie and despite a few hiccups, you think you’re doing okay.
Kriff, this isn’t even your lie. Mayday’s the one who just presumed that you’re here to collect the cargo for the Empire. 
“And they sent you to retrieve the cargo while you’re off duty?” he gestures to your clothes. 
It’s hard to tell if Mayday is teasing you or if he’s sizing you up for a fight, the smooth tone of his voice disarming yet eerie in the current situation. 
While your clothes aren’t what any civvie would wear, they are quite scruffy and far from the Empire’s pristine uniforms. You tilt your head, eyebrows raised as you feign shock “Commander, are you dissing my style?”.
That earns a laugh from him and you can’t help but feel a spark of pride. “Not at all,” he shakes his head, though his smile stays in place “I just thought the Empire had stricter dress codes”. 
You shrug “I was told this planet experienced extreme weather and I didn’t want to get my clothes dirty… but I do wish I wore something warmer, I knew it would be cold but this is worse than I imagined. I couldn’t even bear the thoughts of living out here and dealing with all you have”. Your tone shifts to a much more solemn note as you say that last part, memories of the war creeping up on you.
There’s a shift in Mayday’s gaze, a cloud of hesitation flickering past his eyes. So close to saying something and yet he stops himself, instead opting to simply nod in response.
It makes you nervous, your brain getting whiplash from constantly going back and forth from being convinced you’re in trouble to thinking Mayday has no idea what your true plan is. 
Instead of commenting on it, you focus on walking in step with Mayday, trying to act calm and bury your instinctive desire to sprint to your ship desperately. Making your way out of the facility, the two other troopers come into view, both of them hauling out one of the crates.
Glancing back at Mayday, you say “I’ll start up the ship, thanks for helping out”.
He gives you a small smile, a telling one though you’re unable to decipher what exactly he’s trying to tell you. Giving him a nod, you pick up your pace, your sights set on your ship. 
Behind you, you hear the Commander reply. “Sure thing, Tooka” he says it so nonchalantly that you almost miss it. 
Your feet jitter to a stop. Suddenly the chill of the wind seems sharper, cutting through you as you slowly turn around to look at him.
“How do you…” you trail off once you see the blaster in his hand, pointed directly at you.
“I should thank you,” Mayday begins, his tone just as smooth and calm as before “listening into your comm channel was the most entertaining thing I’ve heard in months”.
“Mayday, wait just-” you begin, unsure what kind of explanation you're going to give him but determined to at least try. But before you can even attempt to bargain with the Commander, he pulls the trigger. 
A flash of light shoots from his blaster, his aim perfect as you fall to the ground. Before you lose consciousness, there’s only one thought that runs through your mind — at least he has his blaster set to stun.
Mayday approaches you with his blaster held tightly in his hands, his firm grip unwavering. He’s seen it take three or even fours stun blasts to take down insurgents during the war and so he stays prepared, ready to deliver another stun if necessary.
When he reaches you, Mayday lightly nudges your leg with his foot, carefully watching for any movement. You stay still, completely knocked out and he leaves out a long, shaky breath. 
He didn’t want to do that.
And usually in situation like this, he wouldn’t even consider stunning. If any personnel enter the facility without being cleared by the Empire, then they’re trespassers and considered insurgents. In that case, it’s a shoot to kill situation, not shoot to stun. 
But as he watched you clamber out of your ship and survey the base when you first arrived, Mayday could tell this was different, that you were different.
Although every fibre in his being is reminding him that there’s distinct look for raiders or insurgents, you didn’t exactly seem like one. Nor did you act like the other raiders Mayday is forced to deal with on a week to week basis.
Holstering his blaster, he looks over at the other two troopers. “Hexx, go bring the crate back inside. Veetch, go get the binders,” Mayday orders, a satisfied smile creeping up on his face as he announces “boys, we’ve caught ourselves a pirate!”.
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kyberblade · 7 months
Bring You Back (Din x Reader) - Back To You Halloween AU
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A/N: You all can blame @fordo-kixed-rex for this. She asked me, “What would happen if there was an AU where the reader in BTY went Darkside?” And I said how dare you here’s what would happen and it went from there. I’ve been sitting on this for months. It’s been torture. The name is based off of a song that just clicked for it, Bring You Back by Gold Brother, LIIV and if you want extra emotional damage, put it on repeat while you read. I am not advising this for health and safety reasons. I’m not to be held responsible for any turmoil this may cause. You do so at your own peril.
I do not own Star Wars or it’s characters. Sadly. But I carry them in my heart. Does that count for something? My soul says yes.
Summary: The Darkside is always a temptation, even at the best of times…. What would happen if you ended up slipping further and further down a dark path? ….A path they couldn’t follow?
Warnings: Angst. Fluff. I know. I’m confusing. Welcome to my brain. Part of the Back To You Universe, so you’ll be kinda confused if you read it on its own, bc spoilers, but it can be read as a stand alone if you want. (Idk where exactly it takes place, but I know it’s after Part 19, sometime before or during TBoBF timeline that will be coming up in the sequel Close To Home.) Mando’a. Arguing. Mentions of saga typical violence. (See how frustratingly vague I was there?) It ends on a brighter note, don’t worry. It’s not all gloom and doom. I couldn’t do that to them. ……or could I? 😈
Word count: 2,326 (I know. What even is this drivel?)
Thank you to @fordo-kixed-rex for the idea and seeing this through from start to finish. And @littlemisspascal and @what-the-heckin-heck for flailing on this with me as it developed. I really appreciate you guys. You make me smile a lot. 😁
Also, stay tuned at the end for some kick ass art by @fordo-kixed-rex. 👀 (You’re not prepared. I’m telling you now. Buckle up, children.)
It had been little things, at first. Just small things he’d normally not think twice about, but they started to make him take a closer look. 
The way you’d look at an enemy.
At him.
His son.
It was icy, glazed over, and distant, yet fiery and ruthless all at the same time. It painted those under its gaze in shades of fear. 
Of disdain.
With something close to death.
Din hated that last thought, but he’d been around enough of that in his life to know what it looked like. He knew death intimately. It was a close acquaintance. He’d brushed up against it time and time again, and each time it would kiss his cheek with a promised, soon, as he whispered back, not today.
He wouldn’t pretend to know the workings of the Force. It was still a mystery to him. But he knew you.
And this wasn’t it.
This was something else.
You were shadows. Shadows of what you were. Of yourself. A shell. Something wasn’t right. But like always, Din felt like he was looking at a sun when he’d stare at you for too long, so he could never look long enough to tell exactly what was off. He’d only get lingering impressions, spotted vision that left him open and vulnerable.
A rattled crate here. A broken box there.
A common thief just after a few credits left clutching their throat as the life was choked out of them by an unseen hand; their wide eyes peering over your shoulder, pleading with him through his visor for just an ounce of mercy, an ounce of forgiveness from this…. Hell they had found themselves in.
But what could he do?
It had been made clear time and time again you didn’t listen when he told you what to do. In fact, you came to resent it. I am not a tooka, you would say, he remembered fondly, smiling down at the painting in his hands.
He’d bought it for you once upon a time. A token. A promise. Though unspoken, it was his vow at the time to always make it back to you. Then it had been used as a threat against him, against you, that had propelled this whole adventure into motion. Until….
Now he looked at the painting that once symbolized home, a dream, and he saw…. A void. Nothing.
He sighed.
If this was the path you truly chose, then he had to choose his own. For the good of the child. Himself. And for you.
He’d confront you somewhere private. Some backwater planet. You’d always wanted to see somewhere green…. He just wished he’d gotten around to it sooner. Maybe then…. Maybe then you’d be happy about this visit, instead of what he expected, which was anger at him.
But he couldn’t keep waiting.
Couldn’t keep putting it off.
Din turned toward the ramp with another sigh. He knew this would break your heart.
He knew because his was already breaking.
Normal POV
You looked around at the towering trees, smiling. Off in the distance between mighty boughs, a flicker of light…. Then another…. And another…. “Fireflies!” Despite your voice going up several octaves in excitement, you kept it hushed, hoping to not scare off the insects. But it turned out you didn’t need to worry about your voice, because as soon as you started toward them, they scattered, despite being a whole ships distance away from you.
Cocking your head, you tried to move towards another batch, but they too suddenly disappeared, scattering like the sparks of a dying fire.
Your brows narrowed in confusion as you came to a stop. They’d always swarmed to you, swirling around you in a cloud of light and energy, never had they run from you.
“That’s weird.”
“Maybe they sense it, too.”
You whirled around at Din’s low modulated voice. Once again he’d been able to sneak up on you, not a single bootfall down the ramp giving him away.
Smiling bemusedly at him, you settled your weight easily, head tipping back in question. “What do you mean?” You asked after a moment, turning to give him your full attention.
“Your powers, mesh’la. They’ve changed you.” His voice was low, pained. He stayed near the bottom of the ramp, his weight shifting slightly before he planted his feet and stood resolute, a sigh shrugging his shoulders gently before he went on. “At first I thought that was just the Jedi way, what do I know?” You chuckled softly. “But things have gotten worse. You’re…. You’re different.”
You scoffed, arms coming across your chest as your hip cocked out to the side, head tilting slightly with a sarcastic smirk. “You’re right. What do you know?” The words practically sneered from your lips, and you regretted them the moment they spilled, but you didn’t make a move to take them back.
It was like something had taken over your body, your motions…. Nothing felt entirely like your own, but it also felt so right down to your very bones. It made you shudder slightly at the contradiction warring inside your mind. 
Ignoring your slight, Din went on, his weight shifted to one leg. “Fine. Explain it to me.”
Arms going wide, you began to gesture as you spoke, voice raising with each word. “I’m doing this to protect the two of you, Din! I was useless before! Now I’m-“
“Now you’re what?”
“Strong.” Your brow furrowed as you stared up at his visor bravely. Holding his gaze, you never once wavered under its unforgiving stare. “Now I can help.”
“Really?” Din nearly chuckled, gesturing vaguely back toward the ship. “Because Grogu is so scared of you,” he dropped his arm, leaning in closer to you, his voice lowered, “he won’t leave the ship.”
“That’s not-“ you turned around in a circle and realized the kid wasn’t there. “Where is he, Din? You’re hiding him aren’t you? To prove a point.” Looking around once again, you let out an emotionless chuckle. “You stashed him in the bunk, didn’t you?” You started up the ramp. “I told you not to-“
You stopped in your tracks, staring blankly ahead toward the opening of the Crest, not really seeing anything in front of you but the white hot anger that began to brew just under your skin. “Excuse me?” If your words were any quieter, you’d not have heard them yourself. Turning to him, you arched a brow.
He stared at you in silence for only a moment before he spoke in a soft, but firm, voice. “Until you sort this out, don’t go back on the ship.”
With a scoff in disbelief, you shifted your weight to your other hip, one hand coming to rest there, and rolled your eyes. “It’s my home, Din.” You chuckled again, your tone still dry and mirthless. “What are you talking about?”
He walked past you up the ramp, turning once he was at the top and hesitantly lifting his hand onto the lever. “Until you sort this out, until you get back to…. You…. It’s not.” His visor fixed squarely on you, Din’s fingers rolled in a procession of indecision along the spine of the metal gripped tightly in his hand, his gloves creaking with the effort in the silence. You stared right back. Met him ounce for ounce. Until…. He pulled down and closed the ramp.
Stumbling backwards as the ship lifted a few feet off the ground, the ramp beginning to close, you fell to the ground with a thump , landing flat on your back. The wind knocked out of you as you stared up at the shrinking form of the Crest, an anger you’d never felt before consumed you, and you reached out one hand, crying out in anguish as you held the ship firmly in place. 
Whether it was a cry of pain, emotional or physical, fear, maybe even frustration, you didn’t know. All you knew was you couldn’t let them leave, and whatever it was boiled up and out of your throat as you watched the ship struggle against your hold. The metal moaned and groaned against your pull, the trees surrounding it bowing and bending in the wind from the engines. Limbs began to catch fire from the flames as Din hit the accelerators to try and break free from the phantom grip, but it was no use. 
Somehow you made it to your feet, one hand extended to keep the ship held still, tree limbs doused in flames falling to the forest floor with loud thuds all around you. With your other hand, you reached for your saber, not really sure why, but suddenly it was in your hand and ignited as you made your way toward the viewport of the ship.
Stalking around the corner, you stopped short when you saw your reflection in the transparisteel - your eyes had gone yellow and your saber - it had started to bleed. Red streaks were oozing down from the tip, tainting the once brilliant purple glow of balance with the bright red of hate. 
Blinking rapidly and shaking your head as you released the ship, you disengaged the blade and threw it to the ground, staring at it as if it had bit you while Din brought the ship back down with a thunk. 
The blaze of the fallen branches painted the reflective hull of the Crest in an eerie glow, shadows dancing all around as you curled in on yourself, staring at your saber where it had landed on the forest floor.
Din lowered the ramp and stomped down to you, getting in your face, but didn’t touch you. A deep enough breath would be all it would take to close the distance. You had to crane your neck back to hold the gaze of his visor, your face about to crumble under its weight this time. It’s the first time he’s seen you flinch in a long while. Looking at your reflection in his visor, you see your eyes are back to normal, but that settled next to nothing in your gut. “Let us go, mesh’la.”
“No. I won’t.” Then quieter. “I can’t.”
Din sighed, and you almost smiled at the borderline normal response from the Mandalorian. “Why not?”
Eyes fluttering shut, you willed yourself not to cry. “Because without the two of you, I’ll completely break. And when that happens….. when that happens, you’ll never get me back.” Making your way the few steps to the bottom of the ramp, you sat on it, still looking up at your warped reflection in his visor. It was fitting. Your eyes may be back to normal, but your face…. Your face looked twisted and broken. Exactly how you felt. “I’ll never get back to you.”
Shooting up in the small confines of the bunk space of the Crest, you took a sharp breath. Eyes darting all over, familiar blinking lights winking at you in greeting, the thunk under the cargo hold saying hello, and the soft snores of Grogu sawing steadily away in the background….
You jumped as strong, warm arms wound around your waist, the comforting press of a familiar chest leaning into your spine, the prickle of facial hair tickled your shoulder where it softly came to rest as gentle breaths puffed against your cheek….
“Mesh’la….?” A deep voice hummed in question.
A voice you’d know anywhere.
Vocoder or not.
“Sorry,” you breathed. “Bad dream.” Huffing out a laugh, you shook your head gently. “Bad dream.”
“Wanna talk about it?” He sounded like he was already halfway back asleep.
Turning your head to look at his profile in the low light of the bunk, you smiled softly as your eyes flicked over his face. “No, cyare.” Reaching a hand up to cup his cheek, you pulled him into you for a soft kiss. “Thank you. I’ll be fine. Nuhoy.” (“Beloved.”) (“Sleep.”)
As he pulled you back down toward the bedroll with him, your face melted into something a bit more contemplative.
It hadn’t been just a dream.
It had been a warning.
Slipping from the bunk once Din’s breaths had evened out, you walked over to where your belt hung by the fresher. Taking the saber from the belt, you glanced over to the open bunk, your expression tight, and closed the door with a wave of your hand.
Dismantling it down to the kyber inside, you breathed a sigh of relief when the crystal winked at you in the low light, unblemished. It’s purple hue completely unmarred from the ugly red it’d had in your dream.
After you reassembled the hilt, you ignited the blade and relaxed your shoulders further when the cargo hold was illuminated in the soft purple glow.
You stared at the blade for a moment, getting lost in the sea of silence hyperspace surrounded you with.
Be mindful, little one.
I sense much fear in you….
“Not right now, kyber blade,” you mumbled to yourself as you addressed the saber. “Now it’s time for sleep. Not time for voices.” Disengaging the blade, you clipped it back to your belt before making your way back into the bunk. “I couldn’t get a blue crystal. Or green. No. I had to get a wise ass purple one. The universe is testing me. Literally.”
Luke had told you to be careful, as well.
Maybe you needed to listen.
But this was a problem for the morning.
For now, you needed to do nothing but settle into the arms of your Mandalorian and rest.
But come morning…. Come morning, things were going to happen.
And you knew you would do whatever you needed to do to protect your family, your aliit.
Your clan of three.
Whatever it took, no matter how far you had to go….
You would always find a way to bring them back to you.
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(Click here for just the art in its own post.)
Tags To Come!
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Who you belong to
Summary: You plan a date night with Wolffe going to a concert for a band you both love. You decided to have some fun and choose a sexy, tempting outfit for your Commander. Turns out the lead singer had his eyes on you and Wolffe needs to remind you who you belong to.
Pairing: Commander Wolffe x f!reader
Warnings: NSFW,18+ (minors pls don't read), biker!Wolffe, sorta possessive Wolffe, jealousy, fingering, kinda public sex, grinding, language, growling, biting, kinda dom!Wolffe, blowjob, Wolffe being Wolffe, soft Wolffe, feelings, mention of a real life band and band member, a few easter eggs as characters, mention of readers looks, a bit long  (I hope I haven't left out anything.)
A/N: This is a gift for my lovely dear also super talented writer (check out her fics!)  friend Gabi! 💖@cloneloverrrrr
I know you love Wolffe and this band so this is especially for you to enjoy! I wrote this in vacay so pls forgive me if I mistyped something. Also this is my first fics post for a very long time so pls be kind. And this is my first ever smuty, spicy fics so Im super excited but also anxious about it. I really hope you'll like it. (I like criticism, but only if you guys are kind and not rude.) And forgive me if something is not correct with the grammar because english is not my first language. There is gonna be a part 2. (smutty!) coming in this week. 
Moodboard made by me in Canva and pictures from Pinterest.
Pls enjoy! 
Satisfied, you looked at yourself in front of the three-part standing mirror. Today promised to be a particularly good day. You finished your job early, so you had time for a pleasant bubble bath and some pampering rituals, which only boosted your confidence even more. Somehow your feminine energies were at a high level today. Several of your customers asked what serum you use, telling you that your skin is almost glowing, and even your hair is shining brighter. Maybe it's the position of the stars, maybe it's the full moon, or even more so, the fact that you happen to be on a date with the hottest Commander of the GAR, Wolffe. Your Wolffe.
Hound introduced you to each other when little tooka kittens moved into the air vent of Fox's office. You were the only applicant who was willing to take in the black and orange colored kittens. Fox and Wolffe were having a few words over a cup of caf when you and Hound arrived at the office. As soon as Wolffe saw you, he knew it was over for him. He fell into you hard, deep and inexorably. He immediately introduced himself, and although you were a bit surprised at first by the approach of the grumpy intimidating clone, you noticed over a little time, the softening of his dark and serious gaze as he looked at you with his silver and whiskey colored eyes. 
You were the only woman who found a crack in his hard, cold armor and moved straight into his heart.
It's been half a year already that you are officially a couple. As far as the strict rules allow. (You had Master Plo's blessing, and that was all that mattered to you. Rules are meant to be broken, anyway.) 
Wolffe has to go on another mission tomorrow, but tonight is all yours. So you certainly had some great plans.
A couple of scented candles in your apartment that made the air smell of pumpkin and cinnamon in honor of the coming autumn. Several outfits have been prepared for your black gothic styled bed and on the soft velvety blankets. The black kitten was sleeping curled up on the cushion of your reading chair. While you swept the orange one off the bed yourself. The little mischievous one really wanted to play with the shoulder strap of the small bag you chose to go with one of the dresses.
Your nails matched your lipstick, which was exactly the same dark rich burgundy as the spicy sweet wine you were sipping while getting ready, and it matched the  love bite marks that Wolffe gave you on your last evenings together. Little gifts, or you can say reminders of who you belong to, and how much he craves you. You loved them, even though they started to fade away a little.
"So it's a good excuse to get some more" you thought cheekily. 
You looked at the outfits, you weren't sure which one to wear, but you were sure of two things you definitely gonna wear. Your new long black vinyl jacket with matching boots and your new black lacy underwear set . The make-up was done, your hair smelled of your favorite shampoo and fell softly in raven black locks on your back, you had already put on your underwear and boots, both of which were surprisingly comfortable. You also talked to two girlfriends on comm.
All three of you lived far from each other, in different rims but you still made time for a little chat several times a week.
You met on a platform where several blogs ran stuff about clones (how little rights they have, how can their situation be helped, what is like dating in such straight circumstances.) and you've been good friends ever since.
One of them used their connections and gifted you two tickets to the concert of your favorite band. You and Wolffe were both fans of Bad Omens, so you couldn't wait for tonight to start. You just asked their advice on what to wear.
"Whatever you choose, knowing the Commander, you won’t be wearing it for long." teased one of them. 
Starting with this, an idea occurred to you!
Risky and bold, but it can turn out well...
You knew that Wolffe would arrive soon, so you said goodbye to your girlfriends and sipped the remaining wine from your glass, making up your mind confidently. You threw your clothes on the floor and only put on your coat. It was perfect: the size, the material, plus it covered enough to not get into an awkward position, as it was long enough. You sprayed a little perfume on yourself, which made you know that Wolffe would only go crazy for you. 
Wolffe had a bike, but not just any speeder bike. It was a big, solid, black, shiny, sport bike. He worked hard for it and put aside all the credit so it could be his. It was his treasure that was guarded with fear until he got to know you. After all, you took the first place in his heart. Anyhow he took great care of her and often maintained her, giving her the name Selene, which is basically the moon goddess in mythology. Until he knew you, she was the only one he cared about, and yes, he even howled sometimes when he drove with her on the capital roads.
He stored it in the small garage belonging to your apartment, which you allowed him to do and for which he showed his gratitude so many times in the form of kisses.
Right now, leaning on the motorcycle, you watch as the person of your desires and love approaches you.
Instead of his usual GAR gear, he wore black pants, boots, and a leather jacket. Smelling like a divine god, woody musk mixed with leather, amber and a hint of bergamot. An elixir that made you crave him more and more every time. 
"Hey handsome. Care for a ride?" you teased him. 
"With a woman like you? Always mesh'la. I will even go to hell with you, it will be heaven for me as long as you are mine and I can kiss you on those lush lips of yours."
You shuddered when you saw his eyes darken, and his seductive tone only made you more aroused. You loved everything about his voice, its depth, the accent, the way he whispered those sinfully sexy words into your ear every night when you were together in his own language.
He wrapped his two strong arms around your waist and kissed you passionately. You haven't seen him in a week, so the kiss quickly turned into tongue and teeth kinda kiss. With this kind of kiss, the world ceases to exist, it's just you and the butterflies in your stomach are about to burst out of excitement and there is only him. His honey-like taste in your tongue, his scent in the air your lungs breathe in, his grip in your body that makes you crazy and his love for you that makes you so utterly obsessed with him. 
You just stayed like that for a while, not paying attention to the outside world, lovingly kissing freely like young lovers. When you separated, both of you were gasping for air and your foreheads touched.
"Miss me that much Commander?" you asked
“So. Very. Kriffing. Much.” 
After every word, he planted a kiss on your lips, emphasizing his truth.
You both put on your helmets and biker gloves headed towards one of the downtown nightclubs on the lower level.
Wolffe drove fast, took the corners confidently, but with certainty. You loved riding a motorcycle with him, the excitement, the feeling of freedom, the fact that your body was almost completely smoothed over his. Wolffe promised that he would teach you to ride a motorcycle after the war, but you knew that together with him you liked riding much more. On the way, the pack members appeared on both sides, Sinker and Comet saluted and waved, and Boost boosted past you at full speed balancing on a rear wheel, all of them howling. You laughed as Wolffe shifted into higher gear more enthusiastically. You thanked the Maker for the hair foam that, when you apply it to your hair and drive at such a high speed, the air creates wonderful tangle-free volume in your hair.
With the tickets, they let you in out of line and you were already inside. Smoke machines and flashing red lights made the concert halls vibe. Upbeat music played that became one with your heartbeat. You chase out several acquaintances in the crowd, to whom you waved enthusiastically. You saw members of the Corrie guard, some troopers from the 501th and the 212th battalions. 
“You look amazing my dear. Absolutely stunning!”
When you heard the familiar chuckle, you turned to Gregor with a big smile as he winked at you from the center of a lady's wreath. He greeted you with two kisses on the cheek, which caused most of the ladies gathered around him to frown glumly with their colorful lips. But you didn't care, you and Gregor were good friends before you got together with Wolffe.
"I see you are not bored. You have quite an amount of pretty ladies as company."
"Well, somehow I have to make up for the time I was gone. And they can't resist the famous 'Gregor charm'." 
When he did his iconic hair straightening motion one girl almost passed out, you just rolled your eyes laughing. Gregor took a good look at you and knew right away.
"Naughty girl! You're gonna kill this poor bastard with your sexiness. Has he noticed it yet?"
"Not yet."
"Good. Play your cards smart dear. And don't sit on cold benches!"
He planted another kiss on your cheek and returned to his ladies. Such a ladies man.
There was a kind of unspoken agreement between you two, when Wolffe was around Gregor would try to flirt with you. This made Wolffe a little jealous and left delicious bruises on your soft skin to your delight while fucking you to heaven. And Gregor's current lady was also jealous and gave the Captain what he wanted much sooner. A win-win situation.
Wolffe put his arms around you. You enjoyed the concert together. You sang the lyrics with the band, you danced as much as the crowd allowed. The music and the atmosphere permeated you completely. You were upbeat and happy, a gorgeous smile was on your face and sparkle in your eyes.
Wolffe looked at you and couldn't get enough of you. He adored you. He was kind of obsessed. Your beautiful appearance, which seems to have been made for him. Your raven and shiny silky hair, your pretty face, your soft and divine body. Your kind heart, which holds so much love. The care that you put in your friendships. The nurture care you showed for the adopted kittens. As you shower his newly acquired war scars with kisses. Your passion for your work. 
He didn't believe in his wildest dreams that he would ever be able to feel this way about someone. 
As he observed you lovingly, he noticed a small blush appear on your cheeks. Then he noticed how the band's lead singer looked at you. Noah kriffing Sebastian was ogling you like you were a delicious dessert to him. Wolffe knew he was your celebrity crush since you were young. Wolffe was no longer paying attention to the music, but to the way the singer almost sang to you, and that he even winked at you. This clearly had an effect on him, because the Commander decided it was time to act. There were two options. He rips out the musician's heart with his bare hands in front of you, or reminds you who you belong to.
Unfortunately, he wouldn't win much with the first move, as he would be arrested and convicted, which would be a lot of paperwork for Fox, leaving option number 2. He took your upper arm and gently but firmly led you out of the crowd and into one of the deserted corridors.
He pinned you to the wall, the cold metal cooling your back. He covers your mouth with his, hot and heavy.
"Wolffe! What's gotten into you?" you asked.
He didn't answer, he just studied your face in silence, the neon lights in the reflection of his cybernetic eyes only made him even more dangerously handsome. The shadows on his face highlighted his strong nose, high cheekbones and attractive lips.
"I decided it's time for a little reminder for you mesh'la. I see you're enjoying the concert too much."
"Yes it's amazing! Aren't you enjoying it?"
"Not really when that bastard singer have eyes on something he shouldn't. I see how he basically eyefucked you. Do you want it mesh'la? Want to fuck him? Don't even get me started on Gregor."
"No. I'm only yours, you know that."
You cupped his face and looked into his eyes, soon you realized regardless, you still get a little reminder how to behave. You smiled at him.
"Good. Now be a good girl, and open up." he commanded.
You obeyed, opened your mouth and looked up at him seductively through your eyelashes.
"Make them wet."
You sucked them in and you gently started to caress his fingers with your tongue and enjoyed the effect you caused him. His eyes are fixed on you, lustful and dark, he swallows, then takes them away from your lips and straight towards your hot, longing center.
That's when he discovers that you're not wearing pants or a skirt. You see the surprise slide across his face and then turn into a satisfied smile. He relaxes his free hand on the belt of the jacket as he unbuttons it, then discovers that you are only wearing your underwear under the jacket, and the thigh high boots. He almost growled with desire.
"Such a dirty girl. You're gonna be the end of me."
He basically groweld in your ears. While he pulled your panties to the side out of his kriffing way and started gently stroking your folds and found that sensitive spongy spot as he slid two fingers into you. You were already wet all evening from the excitement of your choice of clothing and the feelings of his closeness.
His fingers moved rhythmically inside you as he massaged your clit in circular motions with his thumb. You moaned loudly with lust.
"Funny Gregor said that too." you let out a chuckle.
Wolffe suddenly stopped with his motions, eliciting a moan of complaint from you at the lack of his fingers. He grabbed your chin with his fingers wet from your juices, squeezing it a little.
His veins on his neck straining from how hard he's clenching his jaws, the wild nearly homicidal look in those amber colored and silver dark eyes, you began to understand how he came about his name. It aroused you to no end.
"I'm only going to ask this once, and you better have a good answer for me, mesh'la. Who does this pussy belong to? Who do you belong to?"
Maker, you were a whimpering mess, you wanted him so bad to take you right here right now while the concert still plays in the background and with the excitement that anyone could caught you in this position.
"You. Only you Commander." you said
"Will you think about other men when I'm pleasing you?" he asked in a gentle tone but from his eyes you saw how serious he was.
" Never. I'm only yours."
"Wouldn't you like anyone else to touch you like this? Hmm?"
He asked slowly oh so slowly circling your clit with his free hand, the other kept you still by the jaw.
"Are you wishing it was someone elses fingers inside of you? Noah Sebastian maybe? Or Captain Gregor? Do you think they make a better job at knowing you? Loving you like I do?"
His voice was low warm toned, it sent shivers down your spine.
He slipped to fingers in your tight aching cunt. You whined in pleasure wanting more, but he was torturing you with his sweet slow motions. Maker you wanted more.
"No there is only you. Only you my Commander. Oh, Wolffe, give me more! I need to come so bad. I don't want anyone else but you. No rockstar."
"What about the Captain you want him?"
"No, I don't wish for Gregor. Only you my love."
"Good. Don't ever say his name while I'm inside you. Understand that pretty girl?"
You loved it when he spoke to you in his commanding tone.
"Yes, What?" He leaned in closer to you, your lips almost touched.
"Yes, Commander." you said and he let out a satisfied grumble which made your pussy twitch in answer.
Oh, how he loved hearing that rank roll off your lips. Just the thought of it made him rock hard. Just as much as you loved to hear his growls and moans.
You palmed his turgid length through his pants and earned some more pleasant noises from Wolffe.
His fingers begin to swirl on your sensitive bud, you open your legs wider to allow him better access, and let out a small gasp when he gently nibbles your ear. He can feel how wet you get by his movements. His fingers curl in you the way he knows it makes your knees weak you can't help it but to grind into his palm. He starts to explore your neck and jaw gently kissing biting and sucking delicious lovebites on your pale skin.  You can feel you're close to your climax as he moved his hand in you and rubbed on your clit, when he felt your inner muscles clench around him he let out a satisfied growl in your ear, when you decided to lean closer to him and lick a long stripe over his pulse.
"Fuck...Wolffe...I'm close.." you moaned.
"Then cum for me mesh'la, give it to me sweet thing..."
Your climax hit you hard and you felt so wonderfully helpless as the room spun and you saw stars, you heard the music from the still running concert show.
He still had his hand in you still hit that oh so sweet spongy spot to help you ride out your orgasm. Wolffe loved to make you cum. Feeling you fall apart in his arms seeing how beautiful you were and how vulnerable in those moments it turned him on like nothing else.
"Shhh you such a good girl." he shooted you and kissed your forehead. "But you have to earn another one. Is it okay for you sweet thing?"
"Yes. Please. Please I need to taste you Commander."
You knelt down, running your fingers gracefully along his thick muscled legs up towards the zipper. When your hand was on his hardness, you looked up seductively.
"May I Commander suck on your cock sir? "
"Yes you fucking may. I like it when you know how to behave. Good girls get a reward."
Some concern appeared on your face when you saw his huge cock bounce out from his pants. He was perfect and you became more aroused when you see the effect you made on him. You rubbed your red plum lips gently to the tip to smear his salty pre cum then you slid it fully into your mouth ever so slowly and Wolffe let out a sexy hoarse voiced moan. You welcomed him with wet hotness and a tight throat as you moved up and down on his shaft. You tried to take him further, still only getting half way.
Your mouth felt a little dry, since you had been singing and shouting at the concert so far. Wolffe caressed your face lovingly, then turned up your face by the jaw:
"I got you. Open up, pretty girl, let me help you."
You obeyed, you opened your mouth with your eyes closed and felt him kiss you passionately and spit in your mouth.
You couldn't take it, you reached down with your hand and played with yourself until you were now completely wet and hot and could let him into your mouth and suck on him rhythmically up and down. His head fell back in pleasure.
"Just like that...so kriffing good...so good with that pretty mouth of yours."
You gently wrung guttural moans from him. Holding his gaze was hard but something in his gaze just kept you there. You couldn't look away from him.
He had that lustful loving look on you full of feral and hunger for you. Only you can get this reaction out of him. Only you hold this power over him, that makes him rock hard and wild for you.
You enjoyed and valued this power, this connection you two had. Force bond? Fuck that! You two were so perfect, so meant to be. Fucking soulmates.
You might have closed your eyes for these sweet thoughts because you heard his command.
"Don't you dare look away from me mesh'la."
He was satisfied with your quick response because he gently grabbed your hair and with one hand he guided you on his cock.
"That's it, keep your eyes on me. I want you to watch me as I fuck that pretty mouth. "
He couldn't have looked away if he tried to. The way his cock disappeared in and out from your mouth, as your talented tongue worked on him it almost made him lose his mind. If he was gonna die this is the way he wants to leave this life, with you, inside you. Loving you.
"Ah sweetheart I'm close... Will you be good and swallow? You can say the safe word if you want to stop."
You worked on him with more passion and gripped his hips as an answer.
You knew exactly what made him feel heavens, what movements he needed to tip over the edge and cum.
Your pace quickened and your tongue too, his grip tightened in your hair and his moans were louder.
You didn't care about the world around you, what mattered is the two of you, to bring pleasure to each other. And luckily he  chose a well hidden corridor. So you weren't disturbed.
He came hard, his head fell back, eyes closed growling like a real wolf. His salty warm cum came down your throat as you swallowed all of it. He looked down on you with lovesick eyes.
You looked so lovely, your mascara a bit smeared from your tears, your mouth is red glistening with his cum, your hair is messy and your eyes full of emotions.
He helped you up, kept you close to him, kissed you with love and passion.
"I'm so crazy for you mesh'la."
He whispered to your locks when he gave you a forehead kiss. You hugged him tight, intoxicated with his warmness and his cologne.
"Should I help you with something?"
"I just go for a quick touch up in the bathroom." you said.
You went into another corridor with still wobbly legs and acknowledged that there was no line in frotnt of the bathrooms so the show must be still going on.
You only saw a pretty lilac twilek girl press Gregor to the wall kissing him furiously. When he saw you he held his fist out and you fist bumped it while going in the ladies room.
You cleaned yourself up, put on another coat of lipstick, wiped away the smeared mascara and noticed all the lovely bruises your Commander gave you. Your neck was full of maroon colored lovebites, they were very noticable and very sexy on your skin. Wolffe guaranteed everyone saw he marked his territory.
When you went back he was waiting for you, and when you entered the crowd again he whispered to your ear as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Don't worry mesh'la the night isn't over yet. I have some plans for you after the concert. When I'm done with you my love, you won't even remember your own name."
Part 2. is coming soon!
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themummersfolly · 1 month
Nonverbal Art
alt. title: Art Nerd's Origin Story
Anyone else ever wonder why Thrawn's interest in art focuses so heavily on sussing out the backstory of the artist? Yeah.
I have no idea how pediatric therapy works in real life.
Vurawn doesn’t need a doctor to tell him he’s different.
There’s the whole talking thing, for example. Vurawn doesn’t remember learning to talk, even though he remembers Vurika and Mom says he didn’t start talking until after that. A lot of people still think he can’t talk, apparently, because he doesn’t do it very often. He’s not sure what the point is. He understands just fine, and besides, half the time when he does talk people get mad or start acting funny.
A lot of grownups think that not talking means he doesn’t hear either; even Mom and Dad forget sometimes. He overhears them talking about him. For a long time Mom thought he was stupid. It seemed to make her happy, for some reason. He doesn’t feel stupid; but then, he’s not sure if stupid and smart are things you can feel like. Vurika was smart, and they took her away and Mom was sad. Maybe if he’s stupid, he’ll get to stay and make Mom happy.
The army man said he was smart, when he gave everybody that test-thingy at school. But then he got into a fight with Teni the next day and afterward everybody said he was stupid. At least until the teacher made them stop.
No, he doesn’t need a doctor to tell him he’s weird, but here he is anyway.
He kicks his feet back and forth under the chair while he waits and thinks about the marker set Dad said he’ll get if he’s good for the doctor. He hopes there’s lots of orange markers. Orange is his favorite color right now. At school, there are fourteen different kinds of orange marker in the marker bin; he knows because he counted. First he lined them all up in order, then he put them in groups of markers from the same set and lined those up in order. Or he tried to, before the teacher yelled at him for hogging the orange markers.
He hopes he can be good enough to get the markers. Even when he tries to be good, he always does something wrong without meaning to.
That’s his name. He hops out of his seat and follows Mom into the back office.
He likes going to this doctor, honestly. She never gives him shots or gets mad when he does the thing with his hands to feel better. There are toys, and neat pictures to look at, and lots and lots of markers.
He wanders around the room, looking at the toys while Mom talks to the doctor.
“-test scores are high, but the teacher says he’s behind in his social development. He rarely talks, he never looks me in the eyes-”
Dad thinks Mom wants there to be something wrong with him, at least he said so last night. Vurawn doesn’t know why everyone wants him to look at their eyes; it makes him as uncomfortable as when he has to not fidget.
The grownups finish talking and the doctor comes over to where he is.
“Good morning, Vurawn.”
It takes him a moment, but he remembers there’s something he’s supposed to do when people greet him.
The doctor asks him questions; he’s supposed to answer with his big kid words, and he does. The doctor is happy, he’s doing it right. Maybe he will get that marker set.
“Vurawn, I’d like you to draw your family for me. Will you do that now, please?”
He’s not sure why she needs him to do that, but then he’s not sure why she asked all those questions, either. He does like to color, though.
It doesn’t take him long to draw everyone who’s important to him. When he’s done, the doctor sits down next to him.
“Tell me about your picture. Who’s that?” She points at the picture that is pretty obviously Mom. One by one, she points to each figure he drew and asks about it. Mom. Dad. Himself. The neighbor’s tooka. Vurika. He doesn’t know why she wants him to talk about them; most of the time when he talks about things he likes, people act like he’s doing something wrong and he doesn't know why. But the doctor lets him talk, so he does. It feels good to talk about things he likes.
When he’s told her all about his drawing, she picks it up and takes it over to Mom. He listens to them talk, and with no one to tell him not to, dumps out the markers and begins sorting them.
“-normal cognitive development for a child his age. But I think part of the issue is he misses his sister.”
That gets Vurawn’s attention. He’s not supposed to talk about Vurika; whenever he does, Mom gets sad and all the other grownups tell him he should be happy she gets to serve the Ascendancy. The doctor keeps talking.
“You see how much detail he put into her portrait; he clearly still remembers her, and remembers her well. Even as young as he was, her removal had a profound effect on him. That might be why he’s having difficulty adjusting socially.”
She can tell all that from his drawing?
“And here- this is your neighbor’s pet. She turns up in a number of drawings he’s done for me, so she’s clearly an important figure in his life. He may benefit from a therapy animal. If you can’t have one where you live, there are programs you can sign him up for-”
Every time he talks about Flower the Tooka, people look at him like he’s crazy! But the doctor had looked at his picture and understood immediately. Is that the secret? Can he really get people to understand him by drawing pictures for them?
And if it works that way, maybe it works the other way around, too. Maybe if he looks at pictures other people draw, they’ll seem less weird. Maybe the world makes sense if you draw it.
It’s like he’s spent his whole life in a dark, scary hallway, and suddenly, someone in a room nearby turns on a light. He decides to move toward it.
“Mom, I’d like you to draw a picture for me. Will you do that for me now, please?”
He’s been good all day, not just at the doctor. When Dad comes home, he has the marker set in hand, and the first thing Vurawn does is take it over to Mom.
She looks surprised, and he’s not sure she’ll go along with it. But then she takes the markers and flimsi and starts drawing. To keep himself busy, Vurawn picks up the pieces of the gadget she was working on and starts arranging them in order. They’re all very different, and it’s hard to figure out what order they should go in. Vurawn likes puzzles like this.
He’s just figured out where the big shiny piece should go when Mom slaps a marker down hard, puts her face into her hands, and starts shaking. Vurawn jumps. At first he thinks she’s mad at him for playing with her project. Then he sees that she’s crying.
“I’m sorry, Vurawn- it’s ok. I just can’t. You’re ok.” She doesn’t look up from her hands. Vurawn stands on his chair to look across the table at what she’s drawn.
It’s a grownup kind of drawing, much more complicated than his sensible stick figures. The face that stares out from the page is that of a little girl, about his age. It’s unfinished; Mom put the marker down before she colored it in.
“I’m sorry I got upset, Vurawn, I don’t know why I did that.” Mom wipes her eyes. Vurawn is still looking at the picture.
“It’s cause you miss Vurika.”
Mom freezes. He’s not sure if that means she understands, so he tries again.
“You’re sad cause Vurika had to go away. You’re scared that I might have to go away, too. But if I’m stupid, I get to stay with you, cause stupid people don’t have to serve the Ascen’a’cy.” He frowns at the tabletop, choosing his next words. “I can be stupid for you, Mom.”
He expects her to be happy at the offer, but instead she starts crying even harder. Vurawn feels the panic start to well up in his chest. He’s done something wrong again. Mom is upset, and Dad will be mad, and he doesn’t know how to fix it because he doesn’t even know what he did wrong-
Mom leans over and scoops him up in a hug.
“You’re not stupid, you’re a brilliant, brilliant little boy. I love you so much!” Her tears are getting his shirt wet, and now they’re both crying. “Don’t ever let anyone tell you you’re stupid! I just- I just want what’s best for you, even if you have to go away. My brilliant little boy!” She takes his face in her hands and makes him look at her. “If they chose you- I need you to remember. I love you so much, I’m so proud of you, and I don’t want you to ever look back.”
Vurawn doesn’t understand, but he nods his head because Mom needs him to. Then he leans into her shoulder and cries.
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aspenstarflare · 9 months
Is this round 4 of clone wars headcanons? Yes I think it is:
-Onetime while heavily drugged in the medical bay after a intense injury, Anakin confesses to Kix that he’s married to Padmé and all Kix simply says is “Congrats General but I already knew, now can you please stop moving- JUST HOLD STILL!” and makes Anakin cry really hard from the yelling that when Anakin is sober he doesn’t remember what he said, simply that he cried. Kix jokes about it at 79’s all the time about how his general is such a wholesome Tooka but still so freaking stupid.
-Before the Zyggeria arc, some Jedi Knights around Anakin’s age send him remarks about slavery and Tatooine that make up him upset. Ahsoka sees these and doesn’t understand why they personally are hurting Anakin until after the Zygerria arc and she sees exactly what these remarks mean and why they are said. She is livid when she learns of this. The next time a daring Knight walks up to her dad master and says “look at the slave becoming the slaver, must’ve been-” and before they can even finish Ahsoka punches them right in the face and beats the absolute crap out of them that Anakin has to drag her off the Knight before they were critically injured. Ahsoka after this expects a scolding once they get back to their quarters but instead she gets a hug from her teary master thanking her. After that anytime anyone else tries to even say anything remotely negative about Anakin or his past, they get faced by the wrath of a fiery angry teenage togruta defending her father master. Most people are smart enough from then on, not to bother Anakin.
-Rex and Kix have a entire lesson that they give too Shines when the join the 501st called “Protect our stupid Jedi protocol”. They teach men what to do if they see the Commander Sleep deprived, or the General not drinking enough water, or either Jedi trying to hide a Injury or give off their rations to the men cause they both think they can last without food and that the men need it more. They also tell them what to do if either stupid Jetti gets captured or tries to do any stupid self sacrifice Osik. If the commander has panic attack or the general a PTSD attack. They make sure that all men in the battalion have memorized it, because even though their jedi have good hearts, they are so kriffing stupid.
-When Anakin learned about the chips clones have on their wrist for identification, Anakin being a former slave was absolutely krffin terrified at first thinking the Kaminoians put them there to explode if a trooper went AWOL. Rex (who was relatively new to Anakin at the time) had to awkwardly calm down the distressed Commander who was having a PTSD attack. Getting to know and see for the first time a natborn caring about him and his brothers.
-Once a natborn officer had the audacity to yell at a shiny clone and call them expendable not knowing that General Skywalker was around the corner. That natborn was reported missing in action not long later and was never to be seen again. The entire 501st except Firestorm (who won’t say) don’t know what happened to the natborn officer or why the heck the general out of all people gave Firestorm his name when Firestorm insisted to all his brothers he could name himself. But oh thank god that Natborn is gone, they hated him.
-When Rex isn’t paying well enough attention, Ahsoka and Jesse steals his shines to go spar with Ahsoka. They scare the heck out of the poor shines when they get pounced on by their 14-16 year old tiny commander. After of course though she gives them some sweets she found in the temple as a “thank you” gift. Rex isn’t amused when his shines are returned to him asking if he possibly has a icepack and how kriffing amazing chocolate is and how Rex needs to try it.
-Ahsoka has legitimately taken multiple bullets for one of her 501st troopers and it never was pretty. Everyone was crying for different reasons. Anakin in Anger at Ahsoka for being reckless. Padmé (once she figures out) in despair that her this child has seen so much death she values others lives over hers. Rex in so much guilt that eats at him. The saved trooper at feeling valued but also guilt they’re the reason their commander got hurt. And Kix by being so kriffing tired of his Jedi doing so much stupid stuff.
-Padmé and Rex are besties, you cannot convince me otherwise, they go on shopping trips together, eat out together, whenever Padmé needs extra protection and Ahsoka or Anakin can’t go Anakin sends her Rex. Padmé and Rex have tea parties together gossiping and complaining about how caring but so stupid Anakin is, and how they should go overthrow a corrupt government together while they are at it because why the heck not they have a week before Rex is deployed again. And just genuinely have a great time together while Anakin sulks at the Temple hanging out with Ahsoka and Obi-wan cause he was planning on going on a dinner date with Padmé but instead she’s out at a coffee shop talking with Rex about this book they’ve been reading on their own time. (Padmé has definitely made several friends with all the clone troopers she’s met)
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clone-anon · 9 months
Would you please do some Crosshair x s/o reader who is on her period and needs cuddles? I have been going through hell this week.
Hello Anon. And may I add, FELT.
Crosshair had been up for awhile and had already eaten. He didn't wake you, wanting you to get as much sleep as you could. As he finished off his morning caf he heard you start to stir and came back to the bedroom. You looked up at him through groggy eyes and winced. He knew what kind of day it was, already having noticed the early signs last night, and he silently changed into his comfortable lounge pants and a t-shirt. They were soft and he knew you liked the feeling of them on him.
He got into bed next to you and laid on his side, propping his head up, letting a small, content smile appear as he gently ran his hand down your arm.
"I feel gross," you said. You felt tired and awful.
"Mm," he kissed your forehead, "You're not." He took your hand and kissed the back of it. "Why don't you take a shower? You'll feel better."
"I know," you replied, "but the actual getting out of bed feels a struggle, although I know I will feel better once under the water."
Crosshair got out of bed and walked to your side. He helped you up, went to the refresher, and turned the water on while you got undressed. You got in the shower and he grabbed some supplies from the kitchen to keep you hydrated and happy. When you came out, you found he'd already put out your most comfortable clothes for this time of the month. You smiled to yourself as you put them on and walked down the hall to join him. As soon as he saw you, he knew what to do. Taking his spot laying out on the sofa, he tapped his chest and grinned as you immediately laid on top of him. He pressed tender kisses to your head and his arms gently held you.
"You should eat something," he said, nodding to the end table. You did so, not really getting up, but laying on him like a snacking tooka. You couldn't help but smile at the feeling of his soft clothes underneath you. They felt and smelled like him. Like home.
You spent the rest of the day in various configurations of cuddling on the couch. Crosshair never complained. He never would. He didn't say it, but he always liked having you close anyway. While he couldn't make your pain go away, he could be there for you to see it through.
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toska-writes · 11 months
What about Y/N not liking their haircut because their bangs keep getting in their eyes? They want to keep their bangs long because they love the haircut, but they are highly debating cutting them off due to the annoyance. What if Hunter helps them fix it? Aka, him giving Y/N one of his spare bandanas to wear and push their bangs back, wearing it kinda like a headband.
I'm a sucker for big brother/dad!Hunter
I’m dying this is tooooo cute!
Summary: your hair has been getting in the way for maker knows how long, but your just not ready to let go of the style yet. I’m sure Hunter has a solution for that
Paring: Hunter x GN padawan reader (PLATONIC!!)
Warning: mentions of scissors but nothing else, WE 👏LOVE👏DAD👏HUNTER
Word count: 801 I wrote this all out and of course it got deleted and I couldn’t get it back but we pressed on anyways!
Notes: apologies to everyone else that requested the fic- I really should do first come first serve but this way I don’t burn out as fast if I want to write an idea right away
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The damp noodles you called your hair fell in front of your face yet again as you tried to style them.
A groan seeped past your teeth as you pounded a hand onto the freshers counter.
The door opened with a whoosh when you stomped quickly through the havoc marauder searching for someone.
That person however was not in the cockpit as you hoped.
“Where’s Tech.” You growled at Crosshair who was the only other person in the ship.
He continued to clean as normal while you stood there before finally he acknowledged you and answered. “Dunno.”
Rolling your eyes you asked. “Well do you know where a pair of scissors are?”
“Hmm.” He though for a moment disassembling another part of his blaster. “Dunno.”
“Wow thanks Cross your so helpful.” You grumbled leaving to same way you came in with frustrated footsteps
“Anytime. Always happy to help Y/N.” He called after you. The words were drowned out as you made your way off the ship.
The light of the setting sun was bright as you squinted along the horizons in search.
The figures of Hunter and Wrecker seemed to be sparing basking in the last few hours of the day. Thankfully however your sights landed on an open tool box laying by the bottom of the ship.
Quickly grabbing them you turned and were about the make your way inside when a voice stoped you.
“You go swimming Y/N?” Wrecker asked with a laugh walking up to you. “Looking like a wet tooka don’t you think.”
An elbow to his side made his laughter quite down just a bit.
“I hope you don’t plan yo cut your hair with those.” Hunter added when his brother was finished. “Believe me it’s not gonna go well.”
Wreckers laugher started back up. “I remember that serge.” His giggles broke apart his words. “You looked so stupid with half your hair a different length and all in you face. Those long necks weren’t thrilled.”
“Thanks Wreck.” Hunter rolled his eyes before he returned them to you.
“What am I supposed to do then?” You asked with a sigh placing the scissors in Hunter’s outstretched hand. “I really like this style.”
“You know Tech would be crushed if you cut it. He worked so hard on that.” Wrecker said looking between the two of you.
“Come with me I got an idea.” You followed Hunter back into the ship like his shadow as he scanned for something.
Unsatisfied he continued to where his bunk was, pulling something from underneath he presented to you his brilliant idea.
“There you go kid. It always keeps the hair from my face.” A bandana sat in Hunters hand. The red was a little more faded then the one he currently hand on. The skull design was printed on this one as well.
You started at him for a moment before quickly pulling him into a hug. “It’s perfect Hunter! We’re gonna match and everything now!”
Hunter went stiff under your hold before adding. “Well if you’ll turn around I’ll tie it for you.”
The bangs were brushed back from your eyes and the soft material was pressed against your forehead when Hunter was making sure it was centered. Tying it securely at the back of your head you beamed up at Hunter.
“I love it!” You exclaimed running from the room to show the others. A prideful smile was painted all over Hunters features as he followed you.
“Oh ho ho would you look at that!” He heard Wrecker practically shout as he leaned against the doorframe to the cockpit.
“Now we’re gonna have to get you matching armor as well!”
You looked over at Crosshair expectantly before he glanced up and met your gaze. After a moment he said. “Now everyone’s gonna know you’re with us when you cause a problem.”
You watched him continue to cleaning while laughing “Guess that means that your gonna have to make sure I don’t get caught then.”
“It appears I have missed something.” Tech appeared behind Hunter silently when he entered the ship. He carried many bags full of all different kinds of supplies.
Turning around and taking a bag from his brother Hunter said. “Ehh nothing much.”
You shook your head smiling to your self as you also took another bag from Tech.
“I like the headband.” Tech added when you were face to face.
You smiled again looking up to Tech. “Why thank you.” You dipped your head slightly. “I also heard about when Hunter cut his hair when you were cadets and I was wonder-“
“I’ll show you plenty of pictures in a moment after this stuff his organized.” He nodded his head knowingly shuffling passed you.
That was definitely going to be something to see
@arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @floffytofu @verybadatwriting @solstraalaa @ray-rook @ct-0113
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cabezadeperro · 6 months
🤎 for Kix/Jesse (if you are still playing)
established situationship, T, alcohol mention. canon compliant (sorry)
🤎 multiple kisses / kisses all over / kiss after kiss
“You have him?” 
“I have him.”
Kix crouches in front of Jesse, trying his best to not touch the disgusting floor of the alley. He didn’t have as much to drink as Jesse, but he’s had more than enough, and keeping his balance is harder than it should. 
He looks over his shoulder: Rex’s attempting to duck from under Jesse’s arm, but Jesse won’t let him go, his hand wrapped like a vice around Rex’s bicep. Rex is flushed and sweaty, his eyes bright, and when Jesse tugs him closer he rolls his eyes and allows it. Jesse smacks a kiss on his cheek, loud and wet and kind of gross, and Rex snorts. He smiles, big and wide and bright, and Kix feels something clench within his chest—it’s been a while since the last time he saw Rex smile like that.
He looks away, and when Jesse stumbles, Kix’s there to stop him from falling. He wraps his hands around his thighs, his fingers slipping slightly in the sleek fabric of Jesse’s dress greys, and then he stands up. Jesse’s arms wrap around his neck, and he rubs his unshaved jaw against Kix’s smooth one like a tooka. 
Kix starts the long, slow walk towards the barracks; Rex stays behind, cigarette already between his lips, his hands cupping the flame of his lighter. He paid for everyone’s drinks—Kix’s pretty sure the general gave him the money: Skywalker has known Jesse for a long, long time, almost as long as Kix and Jesse have known each other. Jesse’s chest is warm against Kix’s back, and Jesse’s lips are on his jaw, on his cheek, not quite kissing the skin.
“Are y’gonna stay tonight?” Jesse asks suddenly. Kix pauses in front of the turbolift, steps inside when the doors slide open. Jesse is heavy, but Kix’s carried heavier for longer, and—it’s fine.
“D’you want me to?”
Jesse sighs. They are alone in the lift—it’s so late it’s early, and anyway, lately most civvies avoid the area. Too many clones on leave, and too many shock troopers on duty.
“I always want you to stay,” Jesse says under his breath, his lips moving against Kix’s skin. He blinks away from his reflection, breaking his own gaze. 
Jesse’s very drunk. Kix knows he means it: that’s irrelevant. If Jesse were sober, he wouldn’t say it out loud. Kix clears his throat.
“You have a very early morning tomorrow,” Kix replies. And you’re very drunk. “Sure you want me to keep you up?”
Jesse says nothing, and after a while. The lift stops: Kix tugs Jesse higher over his hips and starts making his way towards the barracks. He can see them at the end of the street, huge and dark against Coruscant’s night sky. 
He’s beginning to think that Jesse’s fallen asleep when he shifts. “That’s not what I meant,” he grumbles. “And you know it.”
Kix presses his lips together. He nods at the boring troopers standing guard and steps inside. He blinks and makes a face when the lights come on, the sensors ticking as he walks towards the place where the 501st is billeted.
Jesse exhales. He starts shifting, trying to get off Kix’s back: Kix ignores him, ignores it, and doesn’t stop until they’re at Jesse’s cot. The long, dark room is quiet, mostly empty: most of the battalion is out in the city, making the best out of their leave. Kix unceremoniously dumps Jesse on top of his mattress, and then he kneels on the ground and starts unlacing Jesse’s boots. Jesse allows it, but Kix can feel the heat of his glare on the crown of his head.
After a beat, Kix sighs. He finishes tugging off Jesse’s boots and glances up at him: Jesse’s scowling, but he’s not actually angry.
“I’m sorry,” Kix says. He looks away, down at his own feet. He moves to sit down on the edge of Jesse’s cot, his thigh against Jesse’s hip. “I just—”
He trails off: he doesn’t even know how to explain it to himself.
“I know,” Jesse says. Kix blinks and glances up at him: Jesse’s shrugging out of his jacket, turning and shifting on the bed so that his head lies on the pillow. He’s looking at Kix with sad, liquid eyes: he’s already half-asleep.
Kix makes him drink some water, and then watches him until Jesse makes his sulking way through a stale civilian protein bar Kix finds in his locker.
And then it’s time to leave, to find his own bed, to sneak into someone else’s, and it wouldn’t be the first time but Kix finds he’s just not in the mood. It didn’t quite sink until that moment: Jesse really is leaving. Not forever, he’ll just be away for a few months, and then he’ll return, but he’s the only one left. Fives dead, Hardcase dead. Echo dead as well. Rex—well. Rex is Rex. 
“It’s only ARC training,” Jesse grumbles. He’s closed his eyes, and he’s lying on his side, his hands under his cheek like a child. There are chalky crumbs on his lips and on the pillow. “Don’t look so tragic.”
Kix huffs.
“Move over,” he says. Jesse blinks his eyes open.
Kix can feel Jesse’s gaze on him while he undresses, leaving his rumpled greys where they fall. He slides under the thin sheets, and then Jesse’s wrapping arms and legs around him, tucking his head under his chin. Kix sighs, tries and fails to breathe through the pressure on his breastbone, through the tightness in his throat, and falls asleep to Jesse’s lips on his throat.
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reader6898 · 6 months
Forbidden Romance
Pairing: OC Amilyn x Commander Cody
Series Summary: When someone keeps threatening Amilyn's life Cody is appointed as her personal bodyguard. As they spend more time together feelings start to form between them. In a time of war will duty and honor get in the way of what they want most?
Series Rating: 18+(no minors), attempted assassination, bit of violence, bit of a slow burn, secret romance, eventual smut
A/n: Cody and bodyguard romance just do something to me
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Chapter 1
Cody hated this. It had already been fifteen minutes and he was already exhausted from being around politicians. While he finished healing from a wound that he recently sustained from battle he was given bodyguard duty. He would've rather been stuck behind a desk but instead here he was stuck being a personal bodyguard to a senator. He knows that not all the senators are rich and snobby but from what he experienced most of them were. Cody hasn't even met you yet so until he does he's going to assume you are just like those senators. Cody was standing outside your office while he waited for you to get done with a meeting and answered a message from one of his brothers when the doors opened and out came two senators. He stood to attention as they passed by him and your aide came up to him. "Senator Shysa is ready for you, commander." Cody followed behind her as she brought him to the sitting area. "She'll be with you in a moment."
Cody nodded his head and went back to the message he was sending. As he pressed send you walked in with your aide and another guard. Cody looked up and you greeted him. "You must be commander Cody." Cody stood up just a little bit straighter. "Yes, ma'am." You gestured to the seat behind him. "Please, take a seat." "Thank you, ma'am."
Cody took his seat as you sat down on the couch opposite him with both your guard and aide standing close by. "Can I offer you anything to drink, commander?"You ask as you gesture to the water in front of the two of you. "No thank you, ma'am." You nodded your head in understanding but went and poured yourself a glass as you hadn't had anything to drink since breakfast. You quickly took a sip before getting to the task at hand. "I'm sorry we had to meet like this, commander. I know that you would rather be doing something else than be a bodyguard to a senator." "I'm just doing my duty, ma'am." "Right. Anyway, did General Kenobi or someone else give you a rundown by any chance?" "Only that someone has threatened you. The general didn't really go into much detail. He figured it would be better if you explained it to me."
“Of course. I’m sure that you are aware that I just became senator of my planet so I am fairly new to this. My planet was recently liberated from the separatists and we became part of the republic. To thank the republic I decided to open up trade routes to the clones so that it would be easier for you to access resources. I started to write up a bill to show my loyalty to the republic and that my people promise to provide whatever they needed but a few nights ago my office was broken into. Nothing was taken but the next day I found this note.” You take out the note that you had received and hand it over to Cody who took a look at it. “Like all other senators I’m no stranger to death threats as I had started to receive them not long after I became senator. Most of them were harmless so I ignored them. Along with this one of course.” Cody looked up. “Might I ask why you’re taking it seriously now?” “Yesterday I brought a draft of my bill to the senate. Most of the people support it of course and so I thought it went well. But then last night I went back to my apartment and someone had broken in. Everything had been turned over and one of my pet Tookas had been killed. I..also found another note and it has blood on it.”
Your guard handed the note to you which you then handed it to Cody. The note was definitely more threatening than the one he just read and was definitely cause for concern. “I wasn’t sure who to turn to so Senator Amidala brought it to the Jedi and they had suggested that they provide me with a bodyguard. So, that’s why you’re here.” Cody put both the notes down and looked at you. “I promise I’ll do my best to keep you safe, senator.” You smiled a little at Cody. “I have complete faith in you, commander.”
You stood up and Cody followed suit. “If you excuse me I have another meeting starting soon. I will be busy for the next few weeks so I will have my aide send you my schedule.” Cody bowed a little. “Of course, senator.” You walked back into your office and Cody took up his post at your door.
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For the rest of the day Cody studied your schedule on what your week looks like and when he wasn’t doing that he was accompanying you to talk with other senators about upcoming bills or keeping watch while you worked. While it was only his first day as your personal bodyguard all of it was pretty boring. He never understood how Fox and the rest of the corries could do this every day. But he will admit that it’s a nice change of pace. He didn't have to deal with his own men or paperwork and he wasn't worried about getting shot at. Not that he wasn't used to it but he was actually grateful to his general for forcing him to do this. He would have to thank general Kenobi after the job was done.
As he thought about this your office door opened and Cody stepped to the side to let you out. "Please make sure these get to Senator Amidala and Organa right away, Tasha." "Yes, my lady."
After your aide walked away you let out a sigh as the stress of the day got to you. Luckily you didn't have anything else to work on tonight. You looked at commander Cody and approached him. He stood a little straighter as you stood in front of him. "Ma'am." "I'm all finished here commander. We'll be leaving shortly." "Yes senator."
Tasha returned shortly after and after you sent her home for the night both you and Cody took off.
Next Chapter >
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Tagging: @wings-and-beskar @523rdrebel @cw80831 @anxiouspineapple99 @cloneloverrrrr @moonlightwarriorqueen @dystopicjumpsuit @eternal-transcience @sev-on-kamino @wizardofrozz @multi-fan-dom-madness @deejadabbles
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
The confessions PA & Fox gave to each other are so sweet 🥹 They made me smile 🥰
Everyone deserves to love Yuu and Fox. Everyone. They're adorable. Now let's pop backwards to Yuu getting hired as the Chancellor's personal assistant.
I decided to go with Bean and Nibling as family nicknames. Since those seem to be the most accepted nicknames.
You lean back in your seat, your feet tucked under you as you doom scroll through on your datapad. You are a recent graduate from your local high school, and while in an ideal world you'd be out hanging with your friends before they disperse into the universe like butterflies, but nooo. Your parents say, "Yuu, this is the last time you're going to have the chance to see your family before you go to college, you have to spend time with them." Jokes on them. You're not going to college. You weren't accepted to the one you applied to. Half applied to. Honestly, you're kind of done with school. You kick your feet up on the chair in front of you, and sent a message to your bff asking about the party. He sends a series of pictures, and then a sad face, with a note that he wishes you were there. "Yuu! Your uncle it here." You roll your eyes, and drop your feet to the ground as your uncle, opulently dressed as always, bursts into the room looking like Sinter Klaus. Well, if Sinter Klaus was skeletal, blonde, and had a ruddy nose from drinking too much liqueur. "There they are!" He bustles over to you, his heavy boots clomping across the floor, terrifying your tooka, as he holds his arms out to you. He smells like a brewery. And not in a good way. "My adorable little bean! So smart! So clever! Valedictorian!" He hugs you tightly and you grimace, "Tell me, Yuu! No one has told me yet! Where are you going to college?" He beams at you, "Here on Coruscant, yes? My Alma Mater, you know-" "I'm not." The room falls silent, and a dozen pairs of eyes turn to you. "You..." He laughs, "Ah, Yuu! Such a joker! It almost sounded like you said you aren't going to college-" "Because that's what I said." You shrug, unconcerned, "I never finished my application to any of the colleges you all waited to apply to, so...yeah. I'm not going to college." "Yuu...my adorable little nibling, you need a job to live-" "Oh, yeah." You pull open an app on your datapad, "I've put in my application for a sugar baby website-" Your uncle releases a noise that was definitely a wail, "Absolutely not!" He pulls out his comm and makes a call, "Come here, Yuu!" He tugs you next to him, just as the call connects and Chancellor Palpatine appears on the other end. "My friend! I wasn't expecting a call from you!" "Sheev! Allow me to introduce my sister's child, Yuu. They just graduated from High School, as Valedictorian." Your uncle smiles, "Tragically, they've decided to play child," He pins you with a pointed glare, "And doesn't want to go to college...are you still in need of a Personal Assistant?" Palpatine peers at you curiously, and then he nods slowly, "I'll give you a six week trial period, young lady. I'm sure you'll impress me." He smiles and then the comm cuts off. You glare at your uncle, "Young Lady?" "He's old, little bean. Be patient." Your uncle says. "Fine. It's only until someone else gets elected anyway." You grumble. "Oh, Yuu. No one else is going to get elected." Your uncle says with a laugh.
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oh-obrien · 1 year
Red Line (Prologue)
Anakin Skywalker
A/N: This is my fuck it we ball moment diving head first into the Star Wars fandom. I fully concede I am new to the fandom and DO NOT know everything. But I do know that I am really good at writing fanfic that a) Diverges from canon b) adds a little bit of a ‘modern’ twist on to some (most) stuff. 
This is gonna be a lil seriesssss and I am very excited. Prologue is a little short but future parts will be longer! Constructive criticism is welcome, but like I said I do know I diverge from canon here quite a bit. There will eventually be canon typical violence but not quite yet. 
Buckle your seatbelts for Angst, Spice and Fluff. 
Word Count: 1,942
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“No one said it was bring your street rat to work day,” Lyra’s right eye twitched at the sound of the all too familiar voice behind her as she neared the High Council Chamber, “and who said you could have a pet anyways? Can’t complain about me being the only one to get special treatment now.” She took a moment to take in a deep breath before acknowledging the boy behind her. She hadn’t seen him in nearly two months now as their missions had taken them separate ways, but he still clearly remembered how to get under her skin from the get go. Biggs sat down quietly at Lyra’s feet, watching the individual his master had yet to acknowledge carefully. 
“I forgot I’m not the only non-Council member they let into these meetings as of this session’s beginning.” Lyra finally turned around and saw Anakin Skywalker striding down the hallway, making his way towards the same place she’d be going. She hated to admit that Anakin had finally won the council over with his skills, allegedly. They had agreed that the Padawan was ready to begin understanding what being one of the most powerful Jedi meant. For the past two sessions Lyra had felt special, she was the only Padawan to be taken into council meetings, to truly begin her journey to becoming a Jedi-Knight and diplomat. Now though, now Anakin would be there also, he was naturally seen to be more gifted than her and she felt threatened by the boy standing in front of her. He’d once again be breathing down her neck like he had been since his arrival. 
Anakin knelt down in front of Biggs and offered the Tooka cat his left index finger. Biggs’ large ears flattened as he sniffed the boy’s finger, hissing not long after before slinking away to curl around Lyra’s feet. “Oh how kind he is, I don’t understand why-” but Anakin didn’t get to finish his thought before Biggs unwound himself from his Master’s feet and began to bound down the hallway, clearly having seen someone he was rather fond of. 
“Oh if it isn’t my favorite Padawan!” Obi-Wan’s voice filled the hallway, Biggs scampering around the Jedi Master’s feet as he bent down to pet the creature. “Ahh yes,” Obi-Wan straightened, “and you managed to drag in Anakin and Lyra as well. Wonderful! I was hoping someone would make sure they arrived on time” Obi-Wan picked up Biggs and strode past Anakin and Lyra, not acknowledging the two Padawans who were still awkwardly looking at one another in the hallway. Anakin had his hands clasped in front of him and nodded at his master as he passed, Lyra nodding at the Master Kenobi as well. 
“Well,” Mace Windu followed not far behind Obi-Wan, “I don’t care if Obi-Wan’s Padawan is the last to arrive at the first council meeting of the new session, but I refuse to have you fall to the same fate.” He gave Lyra a stern nod before walking into the High Council Chamber. Lyra rolled her eyes, which she heard Anakin snicker at, before the pair of Padawans followed their Masters into the High Council Chambers. 
While Obi-Wan took his time to become a friend to Anakin, learning to understand his Padawan past his Jedi training, Master Windu simply seemed to regard Lyra as his student. Nothing more and nothing less. Lyra had learned plenty from Master Windu, and it had allowed her to earn quite the reputation, but she sometimes longed for the relationship Anakin and Obi-Wan seemed to have, she didn’t resent the pair, she just wished she could experience the same connection with her Master.
Twelve chairs sat in the High Council room and Lyra heard Anakin let out a snicker in realization when he too had only counted twelve chairs, and while only seven currently had individuals sitting in them, both Lyra and Anakin knew that none of the dozen chairs were meant for them. Lyra had gotten used to standing for the duration of the meetings, but Anakin clearly took some offense to the fact that he’d be expected to stand the entire meeting. He was still a Padawan, not even a Knight yet; why would he expect any special treatment? 
Lyra stepped further into the room and took her place next to Mace’s chair where she knew she was expected to stand for the duration of the meeting. Anakin, who had not been invited to the High Council’s meetings until this term, however, looked rather confused and stood awkwardly at the front of the room. Obi-Wan lifted his left hand from Biggs’ head momentarily to motion towards Lyra, Anakin’s eyes flickering to the girl briefly before he took his place at Obi-Wan’s side the same way Lyra stood next to her own Master. 
“Been a long time since I have seen you it has, Lyra.” Lyra looked next to her where Master Yoda sat, his small frame practically engulfed by his chair. “Doing well I hope you are.” Prior to the break the more advanced Padawan’s were given, Lyra had been sent on a nearly two month long mission to Kessel to investigate a Spice ring operating out of the planet. She had posed as the well-off daughter of a diplomatic family looking to invest her money into something more profitable than typical government affairs and get into something more exciting than being the daughter of a diplomat. It had been a grueling two months and she would be expected to return to Kessel again at some point, but the intel she had managed to gain had proved to be valuable to the Council and Senate thus far.
“Yes Master Yoda, I’m doing quite well. I’m rather glad to be back, although it was nice to get some time off with the other Padawans.” Lyra heard Obi-Wan let out a thoughtful hum from two chairs over. Throughout recent years the High Council had begun letting older Padawans take some well deserved time off. Lyra also theorized it was to give the Masters a break from their Padawans as well, and while certain worldly things were still not encouraged, taking short breaks was something now seen to help some Padawans connect even more with the Force on their own time. Time to rest, rejuvenate and create a stronger bond with the force had been how the short break had been described to the group of Padawans that had earned the time away from the temple. Although the trip wasn’t necessarily used for its intended purpose, and most of the Council likely knew that, it continued to prove to be successful for the Padawans and Masters to take a short time away from each other.
“Ahh yes you went to the beaches of Naboo with some of the other Padawans if I’m correct?” Obi-Wan spoke up. Lyra forgot how normal most conversations felt prior to High Council meetings occurring. Although there were some formalities, like her need to stand next to her Master and the ability to speak only if addressed during the meetings, prior to their start it often felt like catching up with old friends. 
Lyra uncrossed her arms and pulled out a holoprojector from her robes. “Yes it was fantastic!” An image pulled up on Lyra’s projector of her and Astrid, one of the Padawans she has formed a rather close friendship with, at a beach. Lyra had on a blue metallic wrap bikini and held her purple, double bladed lightsaber in her left hand, both blades ignited and locked with Astrid’s green saber. “Don’t look at that! I didn’t even bring my lightsaber with me.” Ki-Adi-Mundi let out a small laugh as Lyra quickly tried to get the image to switch but it just turned to an image of her slicing some type of tropical fruit in half with one of her blades. She felt her face flush as the council members nearby began to laugh. 
“You’re nearly a Jedi Knight, Lyra.” Mace spoke up, “you're trusted to take your lightsaber where you please. Besides we all did questionable things in our younger years, much of it just wasn’t documented in the same way.” 
Lyra’s projector switched to an image of her and Biggs in the water of Naboo, the Tooka Cat sitting on her head while a silver scalloped bikini hugged her body and a pair of rather stylish sunglasses sat on the bridge of her nose. What Lyra didn’t see though, while she was flicking through the images, was the way Anakin’s eyes widened seeing so much of her skin uncovered. Little was left to his imagination and he cleared his throat, turning to see who else had arrived to the meeting thus far.
While Lyra had begun her training at the academy at the age of four, Anakin, who was two years her elder, didn’t arrive until he was nine. And in the nine years the two had trained together, neither had seen the other in anything less than their robes. Until now that was, and Anakin couldn’t quite place the feeling that began to swim low in his stomach at the sight of Lyra in such little clothing. The metallic material made her blue eyes shine more than usual and she was incredibly well muscled while still having curves in just the right places . 
“The break, I hope you enjoyed. Working again, you must begin.” Master Yoda spoke once Lyra tucked away her holoprojector.
“Of course Master Yoda,” Lyra nodded her head once, “I’m glad to be back to training; too much of a break isn’t good for me.” She nodded in toward master Yoda before turning to Anakin. “Did you do anything with the time off you were given, Anakin?” The boy seemed to feel very awkward in the space and Lyra noticed his face growing slightly redder, and while they had their differences at times Lyra still wanted Anakin to feel welcome in the new space.
Hearing his name caused Anakin to dial back into the conversation taking place in front of him and he stammered for a moment before formulating his response. “Obi-Wan and myself traveled to Alderaan for a meeting with the royal family.” Anakin’s posture relaxed more as he spoke. No longer standing stiffly with his feet shoulder width apart next to Obi-Wan. “It was a rather nice visit, although it doesn’t seem as leisurely as yours, Lyra.” 
Lyra felt her lip twitch and she motionlessly raised a small round fruit from the table in the center of the room and flicked it at Anakin’s head. The sphere making contact with the center of his forehead before falling on the floor. Anakin knew that she had been on a mission for two months prior to being given her break, a mission during which she was cut off from everyone and everything she knew. 
Anakin’s hand twitched and Lyra saw another fruit begin to rise from the bowl moments before Obi-Wan lifted his hand and directed it to his palm, handing it promptly to Biggs who still sat curled on his lap. “Must Mace and I have you two spar like when you were younglings to level your differences?” Biggs chewed loudly on the fruit but glanced between Obi-Wan and Anakin, as if he knew what was occurring in front of him.
“No Master.” 
“No Master Obi-Wan.”
“Very well,” Obi-Wan directed his attention away from Anakin and Lyra and to the other Jedi Masters who had just begun the meeting and Lyra knew that again bumping shoulders with Anakin every day would soon drive her to her breaking point.
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sun-roach · 11 months
Day seven 💛
Bringing Patcher an injured tooka I found and giving him puppy eyes till he heals it and then I'll give him his kisses and flowers 💛
Patcher looks up as you enter the med-bay. For a moment his heart drops, thinking that you might be injured. Though, the worry for you immediately gets replaced by the worry for the little tooka in your arm, as soon as he sees it.
Even if the chief medic doesn’t look like it, he actually has a very soft heart for animals. You don’t even have to ask him to heal it, but the tooka eyes you give him, just lets his heart further bloom with warmth.
<Come here. Let’s see what I can do for it.>
His deep voice is quiet, soft in attempt to not further scare the little thing.
While you hold the tooka on one of the free cots, Patcher scrambles for a few utensils and starts to check it’s injuries.
<Seems like this little guy had a rough past. A massiff attack… a broken paw… You said you found it?>
The chief medic patches the little tooka up, professional hands as gentle as possible. He had experience with hurt animals since Hound would sometimes show up with one of his massiffs.
After finishing the last patch, he scratches the tooka under the chin. His face stings and burns painfully, indicating he was trying to smile, not that you can see it. The only way how you can see the attempt of his smile, is the pain and softness written in his red eye.
For a moment Patcher eyes you, frowning , before parting his lips.
<Do you want to take it home with you? Otherwise I will ask Hound, if he is up to take another stray in. He and his men would take good care of the little guy.>
Perhaps that’s what he should do. When did he start to trust you? Yesterday? The other day? When you two shared some drinks? He doesn’t know. It also doesn’t feel as wrong or scary as it had been at the beginning. He is still full of wary but it lessens with each visit. Around you he becomes calmer.
Slightly he tilts his head as you wave him closer. Hesitantly he does, his odd eyes looking into your brown ones. A few seconds pass of nothing happening, not even his lungs or heart seem to work.
Patcher wants to opens his lips to ask, but stops as yours brush against his.
The corrie is surprised but doesn’t pull back. No, he kisses you back, tenderly clumsy, as if he was afraid to hurt you, yet confident with each second.
After a short while, you two part, breathless and with pounding hearts.
His hand moves to brush a few strands of hair behind your ear, just to linger against your cheek, while he drowns in your beautiful eyes.
<Vor entye… for the flowers.> , blooming in my heart.
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random-snippetss · 8 months
Whumptober 2023
Day 1
“But now this room is spinning while I’m trying just to fill in all the gaps.”
Safety Net | Swooning | “How many fingers am I holding up?”
CW: Drugging
Fox peered up at the sign over the door, proudly displaying the name of the club in bright lights. He felt out of place and exposed, missing the comforting pressure of his armor. Not that he showed it, years of training and practice keeping his expression blank as he shoved down his reluctance and approached the door.
As he drew near, the door opened, making the distant thumping of music more audible as an orange-skinned Zabrak and a human stumbled out, giggling as they staggered away. Shaking his head, Fox ignored him and entered the club. Immediately, he was overwhelmed by the scent of alcohol and sweat, temporarily blinded as the only light was revealed to be from the stage, where some DJ he didn't recognize was bouncing along with the song that was playing.
His eyes adjusted quickly and he scanned the room, making note of the number of people and the exits. Scantily clad servers of all species wove their way through the crowd, serving trays of drinks held aloft to keep them from being spilled. He caught the arm of a blue-skinned Twi'lek as he passed. "I'm looking for Taska," he called over the music.
The Twi'lek smirked and pointed to the bar. "Good luck," he said, disappearing into the crowd. Fox shrugged it off and pushed his way through to the bar. The sound was a little less loud back there.
"Whatcha need?" The pink-skinned Twi'lek asked, only a little louder than normal speaking volume.
"Looking for Taska," Fox repeated.
The Twi'lek paused in her drink making to look him up and down and raise an eyebrow. She finished her drink and started making another, vibrant pink and oddly sparkly, which she handed to Fox. "Take this." She motioned to a door to the right of the bar. "Down that way, last door on the left. Pick a mask." Before he could ask what she meant, she turned back to the other patrons. "Who's next?"
Fox took the shot and threw it back, nearly choking on the sickeningly sweet taste. He wiped his mouth and followed the instructions, passing through into a long hall. As soon as the door shut, the music all but cut out, leaving room for other, less...pleasant noises coming from the rooms on either side of the hall. He shuddered but pushed on, focused on the mission.
The last room on the left was empty when he entered, the closed door silencing all sounds from beyond. On the table were three full face masks: a tooka, a varactyl and a fox. He chose the last for the irony. Holding it in his hand, he sat to wait. Almost as soon as he did, the strength drained from his limbs, the room spinning, and he sluggishly realized that he'd been drugged.
He tried to stand, but only succeeded in slumping over in the booth, mask falling from his limp fingers. The door opened and he fought the closing darkness, looking up to see the blue-skinned Twi'lek from earlier. He noticed Fox awake and grinned. "Oh, I like them feisty." He trailed a hand over Fox's shoulder before gripping it tightly and jabbed a hypo into his neck. "Sleep tight," he singsonged, slipping the mask over Fox's face. He might have said something else, but Fox slipped into darkness.
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letsquestjess · 1 year
Blood Daughter - Chapter 3: Keeping the Promise
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Story Summary: After Kallar Viren flees the Empire, his daughter sets out to find him, only to discover he has been taken by Imperials. With help from Clone Force 99, Zeraphine pushes through her losses in a race against the clock to rescue her father or face the galaxy as the last of her family.
Warnings: None.
Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
Read from the beginning.
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The ship hummed with a low electrical pulse. Zeraphine nestled into the slim mattress beneath her and counted the rhythmic clunks. She initially thought the noise was coming from the navigation console, but after some time she realised it emanated from further back. It’s probably the ammunition packs, she figured, having spotted them piled on a shelf while Echo had finished dressing her wounds. Or water in the pipes. It might be the pipes. 
In the deepest recesses of her grief, she knew that eventually, the distractions wouldn’t be enough to numb the pain. Time pressed down on her and she smelled it in the air like rusted oil on an old clock, ticking in the minutes since her sister had fallen and bringing her closer to a reality she never wanted to accept. But for now, she had the chiming of the ship. And the settled snores of the sleeping clones. 
Almost as suddenly as it had started, the patterned clinks ceased. With a huff, she swung her legs from the makeshift bed, hugging her blanket close to her chest. She carefully placed the tooka doll Omega had insisted she keep with her aside, and quietly traipsed into the cockpit.
Illuminated buttons overtook large sections of the left wall in a kaleidoscope of flickering lights. Hyperspace bathed the cabin in a radiant blue glow, and the equipment circulated an inviting warmth.
The pilot seat squeaked as it rotated, and Hunter’s sympathetic gaze greeted her weary eyes. “Can’t sleep?” 
“How did you guess?” Zeraphine answered, her tired voice tinged with a hint of playfulness. The sergeant’s eyebrows quirked, and she bundled herself into the co-pilot chair, tucking her legs underneath her and glimpsing the luminous rush outside. 
“If Wrecker and Crosshair are having snoring competitions, I’ll wake them.”
“No, it’s not that. There was a clicking noise.”
“Sorry, that will be the refresher,” Hunter said, nudging open the storage cupboard beneath the console. “If the ship’s been inactive for more than a few hours, it can take a while to filter the water through.” He retrieved two ration bars from the organised boxes and passed one to her. “There’s some caf left in the machine if you want some.”
Zeraphine declined and lightly ripped the top of the packet, pushing the dry biscuit over the edge and nibbling on the corner. “Reminds me of the assignment we went on to that Separatist stronghold near the Outer Rim. I can’t remember where we stopped off on the way back to Kamino, but it was hailing. Neither of us could sleep, and we sat and ate those weird snacks we’d picked up.”
“The sour ones with the pieces in them?”
“Wasn’t that the mission where Wrecker launched you into a vent?”
“Don’t remind me,” Zeraphine sighed, shuddering at the recollection of her body hurtling into the metal tube at almost breakneck speed. “I’m surprised I didn’t just slide right through and out the other end in a crumpled heap.”
Hunter scrunched the two empty ration bar wrappers and tossed them into the recycling compactor. The system churned as it broke them down and the cockpit fell into a mild hush. “I imagine missions with your squad were rather quiet, so I suppose accompanying us was a bit of a shock.” 
“That’s one way of putting it.” A sliver of ventilated air crawled down the back of her neck, and she clutched her blanket closer. “Sometimes, I miss that rush of adrenaline. Despite why we were there and the constant danger, it was an environment I’d been trained for from the moment I was born. I had a purpose.”
Hunter watched the sadness play across her face in the vibrant light of hyperspace. He didn’t need electromagnetic senses or heightened tracking abilities to see she was trying to preoccupy herself. He understood the feeling well enough to recognise it. 
“Thank you for helping me,” she said quietly. “You took a massive risk, especially with Omega on board.”
“I’m sorry we couldn’t help Lina too,” Hunter replied. “If there had been another way…”
“She made a choice,” Zeraphine told him, her voice clipped and heavy with the weight of the words she’d been reciting to herself since departing Ciraden. “I tried to reach into the Force to stop her, to communicate with her, but she blocked off my attempts. She knew what she was doing and nothing would have stopped her.” Absentmindedly, she played with a loose thread on the blanket, her finger tracing its way around the thin, fuzzy material. “When we find a planet with a port, I’ll get out of your bandana. You’re not exactly blessed with space, and with your brothers and your sister to think of, you need to conserve what you have.” 
“That won’t be necessary,” Hunter said. “I promised Lina that I’d look after you, and I plan on keeping that promise.” 
“I’m not holding you to it.”
Swivelling the seat to face her, he leaned forward and waited until she met his eyes before speaking. “You’re injured,” he pointed out. “It’s going to take time for you to heal, so how about we put this conversation on hold, at least until you’ve recovered. We’re well stocked and have some places we can pick up supplies, so you wouldn’t be a burden if that’s what you are getting at.” 
Zeraphine opened her mouth to kindly refuse his offer in favour of moving on, but the words stuck in her throat. One loose tear fell, seeping to her chin, and the dam burst. Hunter was fast to wrap her in his arms, and he rested his cheek on her head as she broke down. 
“It’s okay, commander, let it all out. I’ve got you.” He massaged soothing, circular patterns onto her back and ignored the droplet-stained patch soaking through his shirt. “You don’t have to go through this alone. You have us, and we will make sure you find your way home.” 
* * *
A sea of voices filled the market. Occasionally, a vendor bellowed out their latest wares and lucrative deals, followed by competing sellers nearby. Converging streams of red and yellow banners stretched between the outer structures, almost concealing the view of the exclusive stalls on the upper levels. On the street corners and at intersections, holographic posters cycled between the criminals wanted by authorities. 
Hunter identified the pungent scent of fish, and his nose wrinkled in disgust. He dug his hand into his top pocket and clicked the comlink, grumbling at the quiet indicator on the side. 
“That’s the third time you’ve checked your comms,” Zeraphine said, keeping an eye on Omega as she bounded ahead of them to a confection stall brimming with bold, colourful sweets. “Tech assured us the repairs wouldn’t take long. He’ll contact you when they’re done.” 
“I know,” Hunter huffed, “but there’s an electromagnetic pulse somewhere in the area. Can’t you sense it?” 
“Kind of. It’s likely the Imperial power facility we spotted when we landed, but it’s far enough away to not be a bother. I’m monitoring everything too. If I notice anything concerning, I’ll tell you. Okay?” 
With a gentle sigh, the tracker relaxed his tense muscles and reminded himself that Zeraphine also had her own set of skills to aid them. He’d seen her in action, witnessed the fluidity and precision of her strikes when missions went awry. If matters quickly changed, he had more than enough support. 
Omega slowed to let them catch up to her and eavesdropped on their conversation. She absorbed the details they noticed in their surroundings and followed Hunter’s line of sight when he indicated the various alleys and stairways they might utilise as potential escape routes. 
“Zera?” she said. ���Can I ask you something?” 
“Of course,” the Phominian replied. 
“Are you a Jedi?” 
“No, but I have the ability to use the Force and so did Lina.” A mournful glimmer briefly crossed Zeraphine’s face before she lifted the corners of her mouth into a smile for Omega’s sake. “It came from our mother’s side of the family. She taught us herself.”
“So you didn’t train with the Jedi at all?” 
“No. Some of their ways conflicted with those on Phomina Nine,” Zeraphine explained. “But I did meet a Jedi once, before the war. He visited when I was little. Visitors are not exactly welcomed unless a Phominian can vouch for them, but he was kind enough and the governor was curious about him. He showed Lina and I some trinkets from other worlds. When he noticed we were Force-sensitive, he asked if we might accompany him back to the temple, but my mother refused. I don’t think she meant to be so harsh with her words, but she feared they would take us away and she did all she could to ensure we kept our distance from them.”
“Didn’t work though, did it?” Hunter commented, eyeing an altercation between a pair of vendors and hastening past them. 
“What do you mean?” Omega asked. 
“When the Clone War began, the senate requested military aid from Phomina Nine,” Zeraphine told her. “The governor was reluctant to send too much, so Lina and I volunteered, along with several other highly trained soldiers. We’d just lost our mother to a Separatist attack, and we were spoiling for a fight with them, so we saw it as an opportunity for revenge.” 
As the road narrowed, Zeraphine focused her energy outward and scoured the field of emotions for any hostility. “As soon as the senate discovered we were both Force users, they sent us to the Jedi council to see where our strengths would be best used,” she continued. “They recognised Lina’s exceptional tactical skills and stationed her on the Venators to oversee battles and draw up strategies, but my talents were… quieter. I was posted on Kamino for a short while and worked on cracking Separatist codes and transmissions. But Master Shaak Ti had other ideas and assigned me a small group of intelligence clones.”
“Your own squad,” Omega enthused. “What were they like?” 
“Mantle Squad? They were…they um…” She sensed the young clone’s eyes on her. Hunter’s gaze flitted away before returning to her with renewed curiosity. How could she truly capture the courage of those men? How could she reduce them to mere words in a way that mattered? Her heart loved them without condition, her soul cherished every second she had spent with them, but when it came down to expressing what they had been like, she hesitated. “They were a band of brothers,” she eventually managed. “Always finding something to bicker over. Pranking each other, and occasionally me. Loyal to a fault. Rather like your brothers.” 
Browsing an abundant stall for what they required and helping select the best stock, Omega mulled over Zeraphine’s recollection of her team. “Where are Mantle Squad now?” she questioned, while Hunter paid for the last of the supplies. 
“They’re gone,” Zeraphine said softly. She took a few boxes from the pile, stacking them neatly under her arm as she made her way back out onto the path. “They didn’t survive the order.”
Hunter felt the sting of her words and leaned down to Omega. “Hey, why don’t you see what that stall has there?” he suggested, pointing to an open pavilion overflowing with textiles. “You said you wanted to look for some material and they seem to have some nice stuff.” He waited until she’d darted off to explore the vibrant fabrics before stopping by the fence of a disused warehouse and lowering his voice. “Sorry about the questions. I know it’s difficult to talk about what happened.”
“None of us had a choice, you guys least of all,” Zeraphine replied, using the pause in their travels to assess their surroundings again. A faint twinge of malicious power hovered close by. “The Emperor threw the dice so high we couldn’t see them. And when they landed, he made sure they fell exactly where he wanted them to.”
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