#it stings for sure
silasbug · 2 years
honestly, i think that the main reason i am deathly afraid of the coming semester is because of what i've heard, in general, about the people i'll be studying with.
most of them will be rather traditionalist and conservative, no idea about how bad sexism might be.
it's defintitely a male-dominated field. as someone who was afab (& is easily recognizable as such even as NB) i'm just. ah fuck. i'm a little worried. this is gonna be two groups of 20 instead of a huge group of 250+ students.
i'm glad i even got in to the program, but.. fuck. i know this is no big deal. time's a changing. i just hope they're all a bit more open-minded than what people have let on.
but i'm worried i'll be the odd one out again. i don't want that. i'm going to try not to get lost in the fray. but i'm afraid i won't fit in.
and that's such a teenage-worry that it's almost comforting.
i know that, to change the tides, i have to become part of the water. then push.
i'll be part of the water. then push.
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tinyfantasminha · 11 months
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Who is your favorite fearless hero 🐱
Guys im being so serious Puss in Boots the Last Wish became one of my comfort movies so fast SOBS I could easily picture Grim in Puss' position through the whole movie so I had this idea! It's just perfect lol. And who else could Death/Lobo be. You had it coming (And an actor AU as a complementary:)
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chinelacanta · 10 months
old men yaoi,,, love wins
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bonus rouge + rogergarp under :O slightly suggestive but not really
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the-awful-falafel · 3 months
After the Noise update got my thoughts sorted, I actually think Noise and Peppino are not evenly matched in a fight. They're obviously still relatively equal as rivals, and I think Peppino doesn't fully tap into into his potential most of the time, but I also think Peppino is ultimately stronger-- and that fact pisses Noise off to no end. To catch up, the Noise cheats, steals, and distorts the truth to make himself look better/stronger in comparison as much as possible (not that he even cares about being fair or fighting clean, as seen in his boss fight) and it still only gets him so far.
So much of the update reads as Noise being incredibly petty and using his movie to not only appropriate Peppino's accomplishments for personal profit, but rewrite them / cheat them so he gets to one-up Peppino at every step of the way. Even in the swap mode he gets primacy!
It's probably most telling that Peppino blasted through the final boss rush just through sheer pushed-to-the-brink adrenaline rage, while in Noise's movie reenactment he had to give himself literal super saiyan bomb superpowers out of nowhere to one-up the guy lmao. He's such a gremlin with such an insecure ego, I love it.
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coolnonsenseworld · 2 years
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Last piece ❤️💙
There are still leftovers of the Calendar as well as some A5 prints with calendar pieces 💞
linktr.ee/Mezzy (or check my Tumblr for links)
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dejablonde · 9 months
I'm pretty sure there's only two types of bassists in this world
- quiet, probably dorky man with long hair (coin flip on whether he plays only 4 notes or approximately ALL the notes)
- the hottest woman you've ever seen in your life
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lonicera-edulis · 2 years
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More of cat memes requests.
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meep-meep-richie · 4 months
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´´ I care desperately about what I do. ´´
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teehee-vibes · 15 days
Do you think Drey’s amnesia extends only to the lore or history based memories and events/people that factor into his trauma? Or do you think he’s also forgotten some mundane things?
Do you think Drey remembers that he’s allergic to bees?
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They really killed Tech off huh?
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raydaviespilled · 1 month
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ray looked stupidly handsome in the long distance piano player and it almost makes me want to weep thinking about the extra 20 minutes that were destroyed when it was deemed too long….a greater cultural loss for humanity than when notre dame burned down times a million
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
So watching the newest Spy x Family, I see everyone squealing over Uncle Franky (don’t get me wrong I am too) but I also think his outsider’s perspective is kind of sad. When Anya is waiting for Yor and Loid to get home, the line he says there struck me.
“Hey, do you like your mom and dad?”
Like that’s a weird question to ask a young child who, hopefully, should love their parents. But Franky I think is acutely aware that they aren’t Anya’s real parents and the Forger family is fake. Franky has worked with Twilight for years, knows him very well and has presumably seen him make and drop identities like one would an article of clothes. We’ve even had Franky directly accusing Loid of being too clinical, focusing only the mission. I think Franky believes that once Operation Strix is completed, that he’ll leave and Anya and move on to the next assignment.
 I think that idea has colored a lot of Franky’s interactions with Anya. Yes, he’s also a big kid and wants to run around and be silly. But I also believe he’s trying to give this girl a sense of happiness and family presumably before she’s dropped off at the nearest orphanage once her usefulness is outlived. Like we all know Loid is catching feels but he’s a Good Actor and it might not be readily apparent to his coworker. Idk it must be so sad for Franky to watch this little family interact, to sweep up a child so clearly desperate for love and family in a spy operation, only to realize it won’t last.
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rookesbane · 1 year
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You will always be every one of these.
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homoeroticgrappling · 4 months
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karniss-bg3 · 8 months
Where do you think Kar’niss got his sword? It’s a very nice sword. Not just some off the rack gear. And named as well—-
*drags palms over face* This effin’ SWOOOORD! It has haunted my nightmares since Kar’niss’ corpse first dumped it into my Tav’s lap. I’ve dug and dug and dug and I’m left with more questions than answers. Knowing my luck there is some obscure text or throwaway dialogue somewhere I’ve missed that might lend me a better clue. Damn you Baldur’s Gate 3, you’re too bloody big.
So, I began to write out this big blob of text going into the history of drow weaponry, hues of metals, in-game model comparisons, the stats on the damn thing, and so forth. I was out here looking like this guy for two hours.
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Truth is, it’s really difficult to pinpoint the source of Kar’niss’ weapon. Not because there aren’t clues, but because Larian reuses longsword models so much that looking at the weapon alone isn’t solid enough. I almost came to the conclusion that it was an original drowcraft sword pre-1370’s DR until I discovered another sword model that was identical and not tied to drow at all. That and if it was truly a drowcraft weapon forged via faerzress methods then Larian would’ve changed the rules on how they worked. Which makes sense. It’s a fun bit of lore, but it would be a pain in the ass for a game mechanic. Who wants their badass weapons destroyed or losing all magical abilities when you leave the Underdark?
“ME ME ME,” said no one.
The only thing I can say for certain is that it is a drow forged weapon because it carries a buff that only activates if a drow elf is wielding it. It also seems to be perfect for a drider since it also has ensnaring strands, an attack that does 1d10 slashing damage and possibly enwebs the target. This works in conjunction with the added 1d4 poison damage to restrained targets. The swords description may hold the best clue of its origin:
“The trauma of becoming a drider is quickly set aside with a cold arachnid dispassion. This sword follows that disturbing trend - a replenishing poison gland is built within, deployed only against trapped opponents.”
This description and the name, Cruel Sting, lead me to believe the weapon...was a gift.
Imagine Kar’niss fresh from his transformation. He’s dazed, in pain, lost and alone. He’s been exiled from the only home he’s ever known and has lost favor with the Goddess he’s worshiped from birth. His future is uncertain and how long he has left to live is even less so. His mind is shattered, the incoherent thoughts his only remaining company. He hears frantic footsteps approaching from behind him and his already broken heart shrivels more. His kin have come to finish the job, to put him down, so enraged by the offense he caused Lolth. Weak and struggling to keep himself upright he turns to make a last stand, to show strength in his final moments, to die with some level of honor.
His resolve melts into confusion when he sees who is sprinting toward him. The individual would be unknown to us, but well known to him. A childhood friend? A lover? A confidant? Or perhaps someone he fought alongside faithfully for many years. Regardless of whom has arrived a strong bond is present between them. They approach and peer at what Kar’niss has become. Their face twists, a brief flash of sorrow betraying their features. Yet they cannot let it remain, nor are they able to stay with him for too long. Instead, they unsheathe a sword they brought with them, hurriedly holding it up to Kar’niss. Naturally he flinches at first, expecting the blade to pierce his flesh. The strike never comes, rather the new comer pushes it toward him with urgency, expecting him to take it.
Hesitantly Kar’niss complies, taking the hilt in hand and admiring the beautiful drow craftsmanship. He frowns, his eyes lingering on the one who brought it to him, too stunned to speak.
“It will protect you, Kar’niss,” they said in a hushed tone. “...Goodbye, and good luck.”
Kar’niss could do no more than stand there as their former companion darted off quick as a shot, not willing to run further risk of being seen with the newly transformed abomination. He clutched the sword close to him, the last connection he had to the life he lived before. It would forever act as a reminder of everything he has lost, the cruelest sting of them all.
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starswirly · 3 months
[ * Pros of self indulgent art: making what you crave and want to see in the world! ] [ * Cons: It’s not everyone’s niche ]
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