#it means SOMETHING to me
blow-me-a-kis · 1 year
One minor fandom thing that grinds my gears is when I'm like here's a silly little headcanon, and someone else comments "actually no what if it was this instead". Like?? Nah bud I said my thing. Thats the space I want to play in. You want to play with a different scenario or with other characters, go make your own post. Maybe lets try and play with the scenario and the dollies I provided actually?? Like, maybe watch the Octopus episode of Bluey and learn to 'Yes, And', buddy
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ageless-aislynn · 6 months
Nowwwwww, I facetiously mentioned at the bottom of this post about the Halo: Reach achievement:
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To do that, you have to go under or close to par time on pretty much each level ON LEGENDARY.
I have beaten Reach on Legendary but it probably took me closer to 30 hours than 3 because I did my slow, methodical strategies to get through. I did the par time achievement by running past everything I could on Easy. Can I combine the two successfully?
I decided to give the first level "Winter Contingency" a try (after watching some Youtube vids on getting this achievement, of course 😉). Par time is 15 minutes.
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That was my third try, the first was 16 and some minutes, the second got it to 15 and some and then that one got under the par by 32 seconds! I should note that this is considered one of the easiest levels to do on Legendary and the guide I watched by the ever-awesome Halo Completionist did it under 12 minutes and you're going to need every spare second you can scrap together to give you a buffer for some of the long, difficult levels. But still!
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It's silly, I know, but I feel so proud of me! I'm an old lady (well, middle-aged, if I'm being generous 😜) playing Halo with shaky hands but I made under par time on Legendary! 🥳🥳🥳
PS - Tried it again and got 13:55!
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a-mentally-ill-nerd · 7 months
“You’re not him you’re a loser” from Literal Monster Vs. Richie’s “I am not a loser” in Nerdy Prudes Must Die
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modwyr · 3 months
the ides of march? you know hbo made that up for their prestige television show Rome (2005-2007)
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gracehaa · 2 years
look i may only be 3 episodes in to mystery incorporated but yes i have already claimed fred as on the aro spectrum
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lovebunnie · 1 year
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personal reflection on the very first aromantic visibility day :]
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eurydicees · 2 years
bokuto going to university is something that can actually be so important
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thesixtyin69 · 11 months
as i said, probably only exciting for me 😔‼️
i am one day away from 25 days clean of s/h :) and two away from 105 without starving myself 😄‼️‼️
Aw, sweetheart. I’m proud of you. Every minute, hour, and day counts. 💙 Don’t you forget that.
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chocolatemilk-mob · 1 year
life works by following whatever you’re drawn to the most and it always leads you on the right path
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hijaluna · 2 years
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edeldoro · 9 months
Always rereading Tingyun's process of elimination to her ingenium like, "So bows? Bows were almost in?"
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evidently-endless · 1 month
i think we should remind musicians they can absolutely make up little stories for their songs btw. it doesn’t have to be about them at all. you can invent a guy and put him in situations to music. time honoured tradition in fact.
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seenthisepisode · 4 months
no offence but the reason tumblr is “dying” is, well, yes, of course the cursed like/reblog ratio and the change in user behaviour (because of people being used to how instagram and tiktok work) BUT also the lack of weekly shows. i say it with my whole chest, they don't produce captivating and engaging stupid weekly tv shows anymore because streaming killed that so you have spikes of activity here when Something happens in general fandom or up to three days after a new season of whatever drops and then it's a wasteland. this is obviously an old woman yelling at a cloud missing supernatural and the vampire diaries and pretty little liars and all these other shows type of post but honestly give me back weekly tv shows where i have something to watch for 40 minutes almost every day of the week after work so then i can read and reblog it on tumblr give it back for the sake of my sanity
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2-kamikou-1 · 4 months
hmm im having some thoughts
#i know some people dislike the word chubby as a descriptor because it feels infantilizing#and i understand and respect that#i respect and encourage the push to use “fat” as an adjective with no negative connotation.#but as someone who isn't quite fat but is definitely not skinny#the word means something to me#and i actually like using it as a descriptor for myself.#i don't like to be called fat or call myself fat and it's not because I view the word negatively#it's because it doesn't feel like the right descriptor.#especially given that people who describe themselves as fat and blogs that focus on fat representation and positivity#are largely a different body type than mine.#words like chubby and pudgy#when i say them i don't mean them to be infantilizing or to dance around using the word fat#it is because they invoke different images of different body types to ms#*me#chubby is like somewhere between skinny and fat to me#which is exactly where i am#it means something to me#and like i feel like. my own body type is underrepresented. I don't see myself in much of anything.#people will draw characters that have my exact body type and I'll see people use it as an example of people trying to make their characters-#-fat without really making them fat#and like... okay but#I'm seeing myself here. is that not part of the goal with fat positivity and rep in art?#and even now i feel like somebody's gonna come on to my post and tell me that I'm just skinny.#like... “all bodies are beautiful”. all. not both. we do not have a binary of skinny and fat you guys know that right?#or even a trinary of skinny/fat/muscular#like there's so many things in between#and i think people should be allowed to describe themselves in ways that feel comfortable to them...#i would not call anyone chubby if they didn't want to be called chubby#but i call myself that because i do want to be called chubby. that's what i /am/.#idk. late night thoughts after i tried to make myself in picrew
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steelsuit · 6 months
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Vampire Spawn 🩸🦇
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bisexualpercyjacksons · 5 months
pjo tv show episode 5 alignment:
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