#it gave me a little hahahA
allpromarlo · 2 years
hangman threw mav outta the hard deck and tried to give him an 'ego check' (the irony) only to have the most embarrassing man crush on him for the rest of the movie
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fairyroses · 8 days
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— Alex Lex Luthor & Jimmy Olsen in My Adventures With Superman, "More Things in Heaven and Earth" (2.01)
+ bonus:
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sp00pypumpkins · 3 months
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I am finally better from being sick a few days ago B] and finished the ref for Zero in the sweet home AU by @asamary (sorry for the tag)
Now I can freely do silly lil comics about it HAHA
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ssreeder · 1 month
I'm so looking forward to iroh and zuko properly talking and seeing irohs reaction to zuko being gay.
Like we all know he doesn't agree with the fire nation rn but how will he react?
Will he not support him cause sokkas a guy? Will he not support him because it's SOKKA? Will he accept him? Will he reveal he's known for years zuko was gay?
Especially with everything that happened with zhao, regarding to what jee said to bato on their date. (Which is a very understandable perspective, zuko just got out of this very sexually traumatising situation and almost immediately starts a relationship (his first relationship) with sokka, but then again it is a very unique situation)
One thing I love about some atla fics is how they portray the FNs thoughts on queerness, cause on one hand they were one of the only country's (I think) that treated men and women the same but then again it's also the fucking fire nation.
And I also think zukos whole canon arc can be very comparative to queerness,
His dads an asshole and after speaking out against him he throws him out, and zuko try's for 3 years to regain his father's love and acceptance, and then faced with the opportunity of regaining it takes it immediately regardless of who or what he may hurt (iroh, his own morals etc) but once he makes it back home realises how fucked up everything is and eventually confronts his dad and openly tells him he doesn't agree with him then runs aways.
I also wonder if iroh secretly knows jee is queer it doesn't seem that likely to me but it also is iroh so who knows.
I do think Iroh’s reaction will be a big moment for not only the story but for Zuko’s character development. Right now, Zuko’s technically still a prisoner, holding himself there by assuming Iroh will not understand or judge him when in reality he’ll never know what his uncle is thinking until they TALK ABOUT IT. (Which the FN royal family is just sooo good at healthy communication I don’t understand why this is so hard for them lol?!)
I do agree that the suddenness of the relationship combined with the intensity from both zuko and Sokka is very alarming for people looking at it from the outside (I mean we all totally get it cause we were there but others are like uhhhh hmmmm ok this might be concerning) so I get them gossiping and wondering if this is truly real or what the fucks going on with those boys.
I love Zukos canon arc because there’s just so much about zukos story that can be relatable no matter who you are and I think that’s why he is a fan favorite (it doesn’t explain why we torture him the way we do but ehhhh it’s fine haha)
Hmmmmmm does iroh know Jees gay? Depends on how saucy those music nights got ;)
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age-of-moonknight · 5 months
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Variant cover for Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #1.
Artists: Gene Colan, Chris Ivy, and Brian Reber; Logo Designer: John Babcock; Letterer: Mike Higgins
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coffeebanana · 11 months
For the prompt game:
"How did we even get here?"
"Dunno, but maybe we should've read the instructions, huh?"
With Adrino
CW drug use. (well, kind of. they're sort of fantasy drugs that teleport you but may or may not have other effects. and if they ARE drugs they're like shrooms, so nothing addictive)
--- "How did we even get here?" Nino groaned, rubbing his forehead as he slowly pushed himself up off the floor. 
Frankly, Adrien thought he was insane for attempting to sit up at all. Adrien didn't even have the energy to reach up and catch Nino's glasses before they slid from his face; instead he was fated to watch them bounce just out of Nino's reach. The world spun like a top, and the patterns on the rug scratching Adrien's cheek weaved together in front of his eyes in some sort of intricate dance--one that made him certain the threads were trying to seduce him. 
(Or maybe he was high? Could magical ghost mushrooms get you high?)
Nino wanted to know how they'd gotten here. But Adrien wasn't even sure where here was.
"Dunno," he said shakily. "But maybe we should've read the instructions, huh?"
Nino's hand froze midway through fumbling for his glasses, eyes bugging out of his head. "There were instructions?"
"Uh...no." Adrien forced a laugh. "Just a joke."
Adrien looked away, stomach churning. Because nothing about this was funny. None of it made any sense at all.
He'd only wanted to bring his girlfriend back from the dead. So why did her ghost seem dead set--pun NOT intended--on setting him up with his best friend?
Thanks for the ask!! 💜
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coldercreation · 8 months
I just finished reading the second Liam chapter and aaaaaaaaa just screaming. It’s perfect!! Both chapters are so well written, so full of love it kinda hurts hahaha
From the first part, idk I loved it when you mentioned about Lit past together since very young. Like, I knew that bit of their story bc I read it here in one post but reading it in the actual story felt like it was even more real, y’know? To read about Liam’s concerns about his career, Kit’s unconditional support since always…I can’t explain why I loved it so much but yeah haha feels like being closer to the boys <3
And yes, we are not lying when we tell you that that first part was soooo good. You found a well balance and projected very well the idea that Liam was confused and concerned.
And this second part goshhh i cannot <3333 i’m so weak with pet names (pretty sure I have said that before…) and praise likeee i read it and i feel like melting haha you can imagine after that second (third?) chapter im nothing but a puddle on the floor hskdjfdk apart from that, it’s great to see Liam and Kit finding themselves more settled with their instincts now :’)
I’m so excited to get into Kit’s thoughts and Izzy and Nat participation in this whole situation.
Sorry I wrote so much haha. But yeah, thank you for everything as always!! 💗💗
(P.S. you are definitely spoiling us with 3 chapters in like 4 days!! Not complaining tho…)
Ahhh thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the chapters!! I love hearing all about it so no such thing as writing too much (also, have you seen me and how much I write?? lmaoo) Such a lovely message, thank you so much<3
And yesss I’m so happy to finally have more of Lit’s background in the actual story, about the daymn time! Their dynamics in general are just so fascinating for me to mess with, and it’s fun to figure out how they shift over time in relation to how they grow and things change etc. Like, before Nat, Liam was the youngest and the most ‘babiest’ of them, so all their dynamics adjusted a little with Nat coming in. But like in this sad!kitty one, as much as it was for Kit's benefit this time around, Liam also still needs the moments where he gets to be a whole baby with Kit :( (when they’re not too busy being dude-bros to trigger Izzy & tease Nat lol)
Thehehe I hope you enjoyed the rest of the story as well! I’m afraid Kit had literally like 0 thoughts by the last chapter, but hims a cutie and he was going through it, so we shall give him a break :’) 
Thank you for the sweet message again, I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on the chapters! xx
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characteroulette · 9 months
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This is related to a different muse I did that then became a whole fun thing hahaha. Phoenix arm in a sling is actually the least amount of injury he could have gotten from what he did
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la0hu · 1 year
i need to get better at directly confronting ppl when they say something that seriously upsets me to my face, instead of hiding it and secretly resenting them. tonight rodrigo said "we can finally watch wwii movies in the house again, bc rebeccah doesn't live here anymore and she gets triggered by everything" and this was already after an hour of playing the most boring political board game about the afghan war of all things at his behest and my patience was already wearing thin and i was tired and exasperated and not in the most generous mood. but i didn't say anything and i should've.
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
my algorithms pull up a lot of adhd stuff for me now I guess bc like my phone listens to me and it’s just like. idk it’s really funny how much more palatable all the conversation around adhd is lol. like it’s all so positive and uplifting. and then everything about bipolar disorder/other mood & personality disorders is either hush hush or super clinical or just fellow ppl being like “lmao mood” abt rly batshit stuff 😂
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veterveter · 2 years
"I have this idea," Andrés says, gesturing with his hand, slowly, deliberately, adding gravitas to his words, "Or more like a plan. For how my life will be. How our lives will be." Martín should tell him. Any good friend would surely confess to knowing what he knows, about her, about him, about this doomed quality that all of their lives seem to share.
Hey hey hey, have this Gatsby AU I wrote for myself (and then relinquished all rights to it to @sorrydearie beloved, bye it's yours now) ✨
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rosicheeks · 2 years
23. fear(s)
26. idol(s)
My momma 🥰
28. i’ll love you if…
You’re a sweetheart and a good listener
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elegantdemoness · 7 months
My beautiful furry angel, Aries :) she makes me so happy. Wakes me up every day to give me kisses and purring snuggles. She's my wee little best friend. Just her sight makes me smile. The most affectionate, sassy little personality but man is she a beautiful soul 🐾
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selineram3421 · 5 months
здраствуйте можно сделать реакцию на ревность аластора
Hi, can I get a reaction to Alastor's jealousy?
Jealousy Headcanons
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Alastor X Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ platonic to romantic, violence, all caps in bold italics = SOUND EFFECTS, implied torture/murder, gore? eyeballs, possessive? Alastor wants all of your attention ⚠
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Alastor has never felt jealous! How absurd of you to think that! Hahaha! Ha... Who is that demon taking up your attention?
He always had your attention.
You could be talking to the Princess but still focus on him.
Hell, you could be checking in a guest and still keep up with his tale of the day.
But now it was quite odd.
There was a demon coming by the hotel, not to see if they were interested in the cause but to use up his friend's precious time.
Even now the beastly thing walked up to the check in counter and started up a conversation with you.
He watched from the bar.
"Hey! I see its dead as ever in here.", the dragon demon grinned as they leaned on the counter.
"Not true~", you had replied. "I checked in four new guests!"
Yes, you had a knack of persuasion. Able to convince many to do almost anything. Sometimes even him.
"Oh yeah? How many sinners walked in?", the scaled creature leaned close.
Far too close for his liking.
"I just told you how many.", you replied and placed a finger on the dragon's snout, pushing them back as well. "Personal space."
He didn't like this demon.
Everything about them set something off. Their manners, their way of speaking, the way they move-
"Oh come on, I don't bite sugar cake~", the beast took your hand and kissed their way up to your elbow.
The way they t̵̬̥̻͂̿̈́ȏ̴̒͠u̸c̷̈́̊̆́̓͘h̷e̴̖̖͒̓͂͋̎ḑ̴̣̋͜ you.
"Nope!", you yanked your arm away and held it close. "None of that.", you laughed nervously with an uncomfortable smile.
It looked wrong. Your smile should be a happy one.
"I said I don't bite!", they laughed and tried to grab at your arm again. "You know I'm messing! When's your break?", they leaned over the counter, still trying to get at something to pull you closer. "I know a good bar to go to, or we can go to the club! I'd like to see your ass in something a little less-"
"Ew, no.", you rejected and backed away.
"Come on!", they started to climb on the counter. "Its just one time! I'll even help you get in and out of your clothes.", they grabbed onto your sleeve.
That's ENOUGH!
He quickly shadow traveled and snatched the wrist of the dragon.
"I believe they said no."
The beast growled with a sneer before looking at him, freezing up once realizing who had their wrist.
"I was just joking man. Haha..", the dragon looked between him and you. "I understand! I'll back away. The slut is yours."
"Excuse me!?", you said angrily.
His antlers grew, the low static that hummed now raising up in volume.
"₵₳ⱤɆ ₮Ø ⱤɆ₱Ɇ₳₮ ₮Ⱨ₳₮?"
"The slut-"
He held the demon's snout shut as they screamed and cried over their broken wrist.
"Now, there is a no killing rule in the hotel.", he said and then grinned menacingly. "But that doesn't apply outside."
His smile widened after seeing the panic in their eyes.
"Dear.", he turned to face you. "Has this guest overstayed their welcome?"
You stared at the beast with such a terrifyingly hateful glare.
"Yes they have.", you replied, crossing your arms. "I'd like to keep a souvenir, for memories."
And then you gave him that lovely smile.
"Alastor, do you think you could get me a dragon eye or two? I hear they make nice details to things."
"I'll make sure to get them.", he released the demon, only for his tendrils to take hold of them. "I won't be long.", he reassured, lifting up your hand to kiss the back of it.
He saw you blush before he 'escorted' the demon outside.
After finishing up (and calling Niffty to clean up), he returned with two freshly picked dragon eyes.
You thanked him with an odd little gleam in your eyes. No doubt your mind jumping idea to idea of what you could create with them.
Now with the pest gone, he would have your attention again.
Just like he wanted
"Thank you Alastor. I'll be able to make something interesting with these."
"I can't wait to see what you make this time."
Perhaps he'll ask you that question sooner than later.
Of course he has to prepare everything to properly court you.
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I am using a website to translate requests. Please let me know if I have translated anything wrong.
~Seline, the person.
@willowaudreykeyes @biromanticboba @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @ducky-died-inside @scary-noodlesblog @lbcreations-blog @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @+?
ML for Alastor🎙
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pholla-jm · 2 months
My Wife is Real
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IMAGINE: MY WIFE IS REAL~ GOJO X WIFE!READER GENRE: FLUFF cw: not proof read. use of y/n. use of she/her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Who do you think he’s texting?” Nobara whispers to her two classmates, Yuji and Megumi. 
Their teacher, Gojo Satoru, sat at his desk. Legs kicked up onto the desk while he was on his phone, giggling here and there. 
It was questionable if Gojo even knew that class had started. 
Megumi didn’t even bother to pay attention. He also sat on his phone, scrolling through social media. 
“I don’t know…” Yuji ponders. “Ugh, he has to be harassing a poor soul.” Yuji gasps at Nobara’s response, “no.” 
Nobara sits up in her seat, “Gojo-sensei,” she calls out. Gojo peeks up, “oh. I didn’t know you were here.” “Maybe if you stopped bothering people, you would notice.” 
Gojo places his hand on his chest and gasps dramatically. “I am not bothering anyone.” “Then who are you texting?” “My wife, duh.” 
Nobara bursts out laughing, “hahaha, yeah… yeah right.” She wheezes. Tears left the corner of her eyes as she tried to take him seriously, but she really couldn’t. 
Yuji just stares at him in confusion, “you’ve never told me about his wife. I don’t believe you.” 
Gojo gasps in shock and disbelief at his student’s words. “Huh?! I do too have a wife. That hurts my feelings that you don’t believe me!” 
Gojo’s full focus was on his students now. Trying to convince them that his wife is indeed real. “She’s literally the best person in the whole world, and the prettiest.” 
Nobara scoffs and rolls her eyes, “stop making things up Gojo-sensei. It’s getting sad at this point.” 
Gojo pouts at her words. He then grabs his phone, typing something in his phone. He puts his phone down with a triumphant smile on his face. “You’ll see.” 
“Yeah… we’ll see.” Nobara says to Megumi and Yuji. 
Megumi on the other hand was not paying attention to a single thing that was going on. He assumed something stupid was going on, so why even bother to pay attention? Yuji just has a thoughtful look on his face, trying to remember any mention of a wife. But there is no mention of one. 
“Yeah… I think you’re making this up… sorry Gojo-sensei.” “This is just getting sad…” Nobara whispers while shaking her head. 
“I can’t believe my student’s have little faith in me.” 
Only five minutes passed of slight bickering between until a knock was heard at the door. The bickering died down and all heads turned towards the door. 
Nobara’s and Yuji’s eyes widen seeing a woman at the door. 
“Who is that?” Yuji whispers to Nobara. She shrugs her shoulders, “has to be someone he hired.” 
Gojo jumps from his chair, a huge smile on his face. “Wifey!” 
He runs over to you, pulling you into a tight hold. 
You let out a strangled gasp from the impact. “Gojo,” you start, “this is the second time you forgot your lunch… and it’s only Tuesday.” 
Gojo pulls back, a faux pout on his lips, “I’m sorry.” You narrow your eyes at him, “I bet you’re just using this as an excuse to see me.” “Whoops, you caught me. Well, while you’re here. Let me introduce you to my students.” 
“Wait wait-” You didn’t get a chance to stop him because he dragged you into the front of the classroom. 
You eye the three students. Megumi had finally put down the phone, giving you an apologetic look. Nobara and Yuji were looking at you in shock. 
“Students, this is my wife, (y/n).” Gojo basically shows you off with a bright smile on his face. Hands in a jazz hand formation. You nervously smiled at the students. 
“Hello Gojo-san.” Megumi quietly said, but it was still loud enough for everyone to hear. You gave the boy a sweet smile, nodding at him. 
“What?! Do you know her?” Nobara and Yuji ask him. “Yes…” 
“Yes, they’ve known each other for quite awhile now…. Sorry guys. She’s a bit shy.” Gojo says while you continue to smile at them. 
“They didn’t believe Gojo-sensi had a wife..” Megumi tells you. 
You hum before turning to Gojo, “I see… I don’t blame them.” 
“Huh?! What is that supposed to mean?” You roll your eyes. “Ever so dramatic.” “...so mean.. How can my wife be so cruel?” 
“Ugh, no one cares,” Nobara sighs, “come sit down with us (y/n)-sensei. I have so much to ask you.” 
You just smile at the girl and move over to the desks. 
Gojo looks at you with a shocked look. Not believing that you were leaving his side. 
“What are you doing?” He asks you. You look back at him, “well, you wanted me to meet your students. So I’m getting to know them.” 
You give him a little smirk and Gojo knows that type of smirk. The one where he’s going to regret his actions later. 
Maybe not now, but he knows that this decision will come to bite him.
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phantomskeep · 1 year
one time I was at my desk, at 3 in the morning, and I was writing a case study report for one of my classes. My illegal pet hermit crab who lives in my closet broke out of his enclosure and skittered across the floor and pinched my toe. So I did what anyone would do in that moment. I kicked the little fucker into the wall. Did I know it was my beloved Prop Wash at the time? Nope. Did I absolutely think a spider bit me and I was about to become the next Peter Parker? Absolutely.
I still feel bad. Prop Wash the hermit crab is absolutely okay, btw. He wasn't hurt. He still escapes his home at least once a week, the little psycho.
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