#it contradicts canon too hard to be a headcanon but i think if we try hard enough we can make an au where it’s real
kenonade · 1 month
Ok here’s the promised art dump!! putting the less finished stuff beneath a cut bc its quite a long post <3
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lettheladylead · 1 month
What would you say the most major differences between comics!Goldie (you can specify different comic writers if you want) and DT17!Goldie are?
I'd say the biggest difference between DT17!Goldie and her comic versions is the call to adventure. Though every comic writer writes Goldie differently, what's consistent is that she settled down after the Klondike, stayed in the area, kept things simple (sometimes successfully, sometimes unsuccessfully, depending on the writer). Which is fine, but doesn't fit the vibe of DT17 so it makes sense that they did something different.
It's hard to talk about the different comic writer depictions of Goldie because most of them have only written her once, maybe twice. Don Rosa is the exception, of course. Carl Barks only wrote her once, and Rosa's version strays from that a tiny bit (as much as he didn't want it to). I think it's obvious that Rosa wanted to write Goldie as a more present character, he wanted to include her in more things, but he didn't want to contradict Barks' canon so he didn't. But you can tell that he writes Goldie with the idea that she has a whole life of her own without Scrooge.
The writer with the second-most credits for stories with Goldie in them is Marco Nucci, but tbh that's just because he does a lot of Christmas stories. Mostly takes place during the gold rush, the stories don't always fit the Barks/Rosa timeline but they just fit into the setting.
Next highest number of Goldie writing credits is Marco Gervasio, but most of those are cameos. He did write the really beautiful and excellent story King of the Klondike but as for how that comic fits with others................I mean. I love it, personally. Gervasio followed Rosa's thought process - he wrote a story about Scrooge and Goldie, instead of a story about Scrooge that has Goldie in it. It's more interesting and more memorable.
Otherwise writers have only written Goldie stories once or twice, and most of them just focus on the past. Gold rush-era Goldie content tends to be consistent across the board, and repetitive, and often Goldie's role is small. The ones where she has a bigger role we get the basic Scrooge/Goldie content - lots of romantic/sexual tension, lots of arguing, some sort of misunderstanding or lie. And then usually older!Scrooge staring at a photo of her and sighing.
As for present-day Goldie stories, the most consistent things are that she's still very tricky, still very horny, and still very prideful (though less so in Rosa's stories). Tricky, horny, & prideful I think are the big Goldie traits that need to be present for her to feel in-character.
Soooo tl;dr as for differences from DT17, yeah the big thing is the call for adventure. All differences in her personal story and personality can be tied directly to that specific aspect.
Why isn't she more mature at her age? 'Cause she's been running around trying to one up Scrooge instead of settling down and working on herself. Why isn't she running a hotel in Dawson City? 'Cause she's been running around trying to one up Scrooge instead of staying in one place.
We got to know a lot about Goldie's personality in DT17 but not much about her life, which leaves a lot of room for headcanons but also leaves us wanting. But it left enough room that we can pretty easily take content from her comic selves and combine them with her cartoon self without any contradiction and that works pretty nicely for me.
Anyway anyway. Sorry. I keep getting distracted. Adventure is the big difference. Which is fitting since DT17 also wrote Scrooge with more emphasis on his adventuring spirit because they knew that'd be a more interesting story for animation than focusing too much on the money. Good to make them match, and it also stretched out an already iconic love story into 120 years of drama. And also gave us Scheme Team which I am forever thankful for. I miss 'em. I miss Goldie...........
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veliseraptor · 1 year
Soft/hard head canons for Shen Jiu 🙌
finishing off the last few of these in my inbox...this is an interesting one because like with other characters I feel like my headcanons for Shen Jiu in particular are less "hard" and "soft" than "malleable and story dependent" outside of, like, what we know textually. but let's see what I've got.
also sometimes as usual I don't know that I have headcanons one way or the other until I run into someone contradicting them, which I think has happened here but struggling to think of something specific...
hard headcanon: While the personality change from Shen Jiu!Shen Qingqiu to Shen Yuan!Shen Qingqiu is undoubtedly pretty drastic (and I really can't think about that plot point too long, it makes me feel Real Bad), I think a lot of the original goods' behavior is more self-fulfilling than inevitable or unchangeable. I mean, this feels like a definite theme in SVSSS generally (and in MXTX's works as a whole) - that people are not definitively and unchangeably Bad, that change is possible for people, even seemingly awful ones. (I mean, the entire arc of Luo Binghe's character transformation, for one.)
I actually think a lot of Shen Qingqiu's behavior was self-fulfilling prophecy - I mean, this is pretty firmly textually canon as of the Shen Jiu extras, I believe. He decides that people are going to hate him and therefore he acts in a way to justify and confirm that hatred. I love a self-sabotaging, self-isolating bitter asshole! I really do. That then calcifies, but not actually as much as I think Shen Qingqiu believes - he seems convinced that all his fellow Peak Lords will hate him forever so why bother trying, but we see in canon that they actually turn around on him fairly quickly when his behavior changes, which suggests to me a willingness to change their minds that I don't think Shen Qingqiu would believe in.
It is so firmly entrenched in Shen Qingqiu's head that he is loathsome and rotten and there's no changing that, that he can't imagine anyone seeing anything else. Given that, his expressed hostility is a way of warding people off at least from seeing any vulnerability, because it's not like he has anything to lose: in his head, he never had their affection or even respect. I think Shen Qingqiu would always be kind of bad at being a person and not terribly sociable, but I do think if he made an effort he would get more of a response than he would expect or believe would happen.
Also I think that at least one of the reasons he continues to push Yue Qingyuan away so hard despite the fact that he cares very deeply for him is because he wants to see if he'll keep coming back. Even if it's just out of guilt, and that's the last thing he wants, at least he does still come back, and that is, pathetically, better than nothing. Which just makes him angrier and makes things worse. Good times!
soft headcanon: The Ning Yingying question is one that I feel like I have a few different potential reads on - by which I mean to say, the particularities of the accusation that he was somehow inappropriate with her. The firm part of it is that I don't think he actually would make sexual advances on her (or any female students); my read on Shen Jiu is pretty firmly gay but sex-repulsed to the point that he's situationally ace. Where I do have headcanon variations is what, exactly, did happen - whether there was a misread somewhere by Yingying that got blown up as the forming picture of Shen Qingqiu as a lecher became more defined and absolute (i.e. reinterpretation of a past event that maybe felt funny in retrospect even if it seemed innocent at the time, or even something that felt a little awkward or inappropriate at the time but wasn't meant sexually, but that then becomes something bigger), or whether it was entirely false rumor, boosted by Shen Qingqiu treating his female disciples better than his male disciples and being particularly fond of Ning Yingying.
If the latter, then why doesn't she say anything? That seems like a pretty clear answer to me: in PIDW she's very much pushed into a passive role, and Luo Binghe is a strong enough personality with enough force of will that I can see her not feeling able to contradict him, and/or I can see her being convinced that it doesn't matter what she remembers, everything else is true and bad enough that one more thing is just going to ensure that Shen Qingqiu can't hurt anyone else, and/or that it's only fair if upsetting for Luo Binghe to have his revenge.
Basically: while I pretty firmly don't think Shen Qingqiu (original flavor) made any advances on Ning Yingying, I can see a few different ways that situation might have played out leading to it becoming another point against him at the trial.
I also wobble on how far I think the abuse went with Qiu Jianluo - whether it went all the way to rape or just ("just") the threat of it up to the point when Shen Jiu killed him.
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jamieedlund · 1 year
What's ur favorite hc for Aaravos?
This is a surprisingly hard question to unpack for a lot of reasons- but I'll do my best to articulate myself (ง •_•)ง
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I think this spoke for itself but just in case, here is a short elaboration: if I had to pick a favorite, it would have to be this.
He is someone who - despite all of the odds, despite how the world treated to him, despite being ridiculed, subjected to the worst torture known to man(yes solitary confinement is considered one of the most inhumane methods of torture) for over 300 years and had his name dragged through the mud for literal centuries-
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-could still smile so brightly and sincerely like that, affirming that he does, with all of his heart, still very much love this world. However twisted that love might be, however difficult it was for him to learn how to use and express that love in a healthy way, it still speaks volume about who he is as a person.
Now if you have the time, allow me to explain bellow. If not, stop here, the question is basically answered 🙏💗 Thank you for reading!
Hello, if you're reading this that means you are willing to listen/read more about my thoughts and therefore I expect you to have a leveled head and a polite attitude to what I'm about to say.
If not then why are you here there was LITERALLY A STOP BUTTON. Please click off this post, what are you doing with your life wasting it hate watching me? 
With that being said, hello! fellow polite person who is reading this - - - Spoiler there is no illust down here because I'm running low on time on my thesis I'm so sorry ;;A;; Here is the elaboration to why this is my default favorite headcanon!
While I am aware of the amount of WILDLY different headcanons that exist out there for him, which are very popular within the fandom and even taken as gospel, I strongly feel that mine isn't really aligned with some, if not most of the hc out there at all.
Personally, I don't even agree with the canon version of in him ss4.
I'm assuming that you are asking me about my- personal favorite headcanon for him so for now, my answer will be: Ignoring the terrible characterization of him in season 4, my absolute favorite thing about him has to be: Despite everything, despite what everyone says about him, despite how the world perceives him
He is
without a doubt
Someone who loves this world very much.
Again this all ties in with what I'm going to present in my thesis, so I can't elaborate on it too much without giving any spoilers to the case I'm going to present for him. But for now, and especially right now at the time of writing this, they just released another vaguely worded and filled to the brim with plot holes short story regarding his past ... I-- hm I sincerely have no intention to keep up with the series... Therefore my hc will definitely contradict vastly with the horrendous plot holes ridden pre-established canon
-which then made the act of answering to this question exceedingly difficult due to the way I personally perceive him.
To wrap it up, all I want to say is, we could have had it all, a character who would make us cry, laugh and want to root for, had they written him with love and care, rather than trying to stuff him into the shoes a villain, which just felt forced and unnatural. Villains who are terrible only to be stopped have been overdone, and for tdp to be another generic show is a huge waste of potential
Wouldn't most of us have killed for, finally, an antagonist who isn't actually the antagonist but rather the very system that these people are experiencing is the actual villain ? ? ?
Best of all, they could have contrasted this with Callum, our protagonist. In Callum's case, despite being portrayed as one of "the good guys" or "heroes", he has all the reason to hate the world. This in turn create a complex narrative about the nature of people - Or in this case, the hero acting morally righteous despite hating the world vs the guy who was deemed evil and terrible by the world and yet still loves it with all of his heart. It could have been a heart-warming story about how two individuals find their way in this messed up world-- but nope~ non of this is canon :DDD
When in the history of television has any shows have a twist with the "hero" and "villain" ditching their role immediately to become a neutral party to reflect all the flaws in the world they live in? ? ? TDP had the perfect setup, but then proceeded to drop all of the balls spectacularly in ss4...
I always try my best to not touch ss4 but it feels almost impossible to talk about Aaravos w/out addressing the disservice that it did to his character. And that is all, I have to say for now~
Sincerely, thank you for reading.
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My headcanon for Maki's sexuality and Danganronpa's "everyone's bisexual" problem
okay, but the fact I'm pretty sure Maki's LHS is about that friend (she tells Shuichi she used to play family with that friend and then in LHS she's like "we used to play family and we promised to become one when we grow up")
like, I'm fully Maki is a lesbian team, she played dad in their family, there's no heterosexual explanation, Kaito is just comphet
Ves: with the way she talks abt him, as a representation of what she's always wanted - to be "normal" - i think it's a fair reading!!
omg, you're a guy and you're being pushy with me, demanding I meet your idea of what a girl should be, what if I took that chance to emulate heterosexuality like I think I am supposed to as you're reaffirming that world-view
"you're the first person that made me feel this way", girl you were coerced into every situation where you were spending time with him and never said a positive thing about him, what kinda way you're talking about
she was shown being protective of him in the later stages but never saying something good about him
token comphet girl to me, following Toko's legacy
Ves: she's definitely sapphic…whether she likes men is hard to decide for me bc of kaito's general aura
Sini: She’s so gay in DRS Her interactions with Kaede and Chiaki?
listen, if you're not willing to see certain things as comphet dr can and will make everyone seem kinda bisexual this is because they make everyone accidentally gay from the beginning and then try to apply as much straightness as they can shove down our throats
salmon mode has a romantic ending for Tenko afaik, so people made cases for her being bi and repressing that side bc of trauma, canon would support that, but I don't, "a nice enough guy can fix her" is literally just another negative lesbian stereotype bc they tried to give her ALL of them
Ves: i have had SO MANY arguments on tumblr trying to explain that 1) tenko is a lesbian 2) tenko is attracted to men 3) this is because the makers of v3 are lesbophobes and her story is about finding a good man to "fix her" like. i feel like it isn't difficult to understand she's not written SUBTLY
Sini: Let’s be real, she’s kind of presented as a lesbian in denial. That’s not what they intended at all, but that’s definitely how it reads to me
[in another conversation] Hina: I'm just making her gay atp
this is a win for lesbian Maki truthers and I will take it, calling her unfortunate thing for Momota comphet is the only way to salvage that mess, the whole thing with her childhood friend and her LHS, and things she told Shuichi all contradict her confession to Momota, she is not in love and this would not be "the first time she felt that way" if she was, and just. immaculate gay energy, not bi, I can believe Tsumugi on her feelings for Momota being in-universe scripted, it was so forced, and she complied with it in a way that had to be pulling strings, just begrudgingly going along with something when her heart is NOT in it
Ves: harumami rights!
one of my fav "this is actually qp now, not doing the sibling dynamic" Amami ships beside amaguji, amamatsu is a bit below, it's the basic default cute option that will be good to see with any dynamic so I don't go for it, seen too much background romantic amamatsu in fics that protag Harukawa fic that seems silly if you judge it by it's cover is doing harumami propaganda to me, I think it's literally titled "ass in an assassin", unless I mistaken it with something else (since I know the title exists, I just hope I associate it with the correct fic)
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mack-anthology-mp3 · 4 months
hi mack i have not seen or read good omens but here’s 002 for aziraphale so you can be matchy matchy :))
hehe thanks murph <33 appreciate it
how i feel about this character -
HOO BOY do i have feelings about this character. ofc Aziraphale is so loveable and wonderful & i do love him so much BUT he's complex in a way Crowley isn't. there's this bit of fic that sums it up really really well uhh here's the fic if anyone is wondering
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he is so full of contradictions and thinking multiple things at once and mentally tying himself in knots to get himself to do things he Knows are the right thing to do (or even just. something he likes doing) which is such a fascinating thing to watch but also really heartbreaking if i think about it too much. like i love aziraphale and want to give him a big hug but also i want to argue with him sometimes. like in the 1827 minisode he is kinda a dick and absolutely zero-nuances the whole situation, but it's even worse because you can see exactly how he thinks what he's doing is right. i will defend his decision (key word decision!!) to go back to heaven forever because He Is Doing What He Thinks Is Right. he's also such a sweetheart, i too would like to live in a bookstore full of dusty old tomes & wear the same waistcoat for ~200 years.
all the people i ship romantically with this character -
can only be Crowley. there's a fun theory Aziraphale had an affair with Oscar Wilde while Crowley was sleeping through the 1800s but lets be real here he's saving himself for marriage (/JOKING OKAY) it was flirting for fun at most
non-romantic otp for this character -
i really had to think about this one but i think Madame Tracy. i mean there's a reason that of all the psychics in london he ended up in Madame Tracy's head, i just think they'd get along fairly well. they'd have high tea together. scones. but in reality i think he'd mostly rather be reading than making friends. ooh and he'd get along with Newt too i think.
[while typing this i realised that in the Crowley one i missed that Crowley & Anathema would get along Excellently hehe]
unpopular opinion about this character -
people like to paint him as being completely brainwashed by heaven HE'S NOT STUPID. HE KNOWS WHEN HE'S REPEATING A PARTY LINE WHEN HE DOESN'T MEAN IT. CROWLEY KNOWS THIS TOO. HE SAYS SHIT HE DOESN'T AGREE WITH ALL THE TIME. JUST COS HE FEELS LIKE HE HAS TO SAY IT DOESn'T MEAN HE'S BRAINWASHEDDDDDDD AHHHHHHHHHH sorry i just really hate that one. re: contradicting ideas in his head!! working himself into loopholes for right and wrong!! people like 'ohhh he's so distant in *whatever time period* it's cos heaven brainwashed him after they found out he was seeing Crowley!!!1! HE'S BEING NORMAL HE'S JUST EXTRA TOUCHY FEELY IN 1941 & S2 THAT DOESN'T MEAN HE'S BEING AWFUL EVERY OTHER TIMEEEEEEEEE augh. sorry. anyways. moving on
one thing i wish would happen / had happened in canon -
ough it would have been fun to see him fem presenting. i think he would have a really fun time gossiping with rich noblewomen & getting into court drama heheee
otp -
literally can only be Crowley <33
crossover ship (platonically) -
i think he'd be good friends with Zachary from the Starless Sea - for one they'd hide at opposite ends of the bookshop and read in silence and just peacefully coexist. but they woudl not so much get into situations as try very hard to avoid every situation ever cos they're in the middle of a chapter and don't want to talk to anyone other than like. three specific people. & they both know what it's like to just be someone else's part in the plan/story & have to find your own role in it.
Aziraphale & the Eleventh Doctor was the first thing i thought of but honestly they're too similar they'd drive each other up the wall half the time. the other half they'd be good but the slightest annoyance & they'd be at eachother
headcanon for them -
we already know he can draw really well FROM MEMORY so i reckon he has pages and pages of drawings of Crowley in every ridiculous outfit he's ever worn, smiling and sulking & sleeping & drinking & sprawled over on the couch & he hides them away in a drawer so no one ever finds them but he has them.
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baby angel :D
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dykelawlight · 7 months
👻🏷️🦋🐬 :3
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Oh man I don't know that I have any headcanons that are particularly wild. I tried to think pretty hard on this one and am mostly coming up dry. I guess one that I think at least contradicts most common interpretations of the character is that I think L has gotten out a lot more than we explicitly see in canon? Like he spends an inordinate amount of time indoors but like, he's also been to the club, even if he had a GPS tracker on and security placed around the room for his protection. But that's not that crazy!
🏷 Is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read?
Not in particular, no, because people tag things in such different ways. I am prone to the use of "top X"/"bottom Y" filters if I'm just trying to read porn and am looking for a specific dynamic.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
I think Light takes the prize for this one just because his inner voice is so fucking funny to me. Like think of something a normal person would do and then add 17 layers of nuclear overthink through the lens of an idiot who is also a genius and then regurgitate those thoughts onto the page. I have a lot of fun writing Mikami too though just because his perspective on the things around him is so wonderfully warped and I do so enjoy writing borderline-unquestioning adulation.
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
L in terms of characters I write regularly; even though I personally relate to him the most, I always get paranoid that his voice isn't quite right, either in that it's too formal or too relaxed or otherwise stereotypical. I never want to run the risk of turning him into like a yaoi archetype of some kind rather than a full person. In terms of characters I don't typically write, Near! There's a reason I've never written him even in like a 3-sentence fic prompt or what have you and it's because I feel like his inner voice totally eludes me. Maybe someday though!
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amtrak12 · 3 months
Thinking about this post about the mainstreamification of fandom and it was both too relatable and got me thinking about the early days of fandom going 'mainstream'.
I'd argue Community was one of the earliest fandoms to really become -- if not mainstream, then at least highly visible as the show was still airing. But it was so so different to what's happening now.
I think the main difference, other than it was 2010 and again one of the first fandoms to hit mainstream, is that no one treated what the writers said as the gospel truth. Fans and the showrunner/writers were in a two-way conversation with each other, and usually the format of that conversation was "No but...." It was a mutual rejection, while still inspiring a cult level of adulation from fandom. Because Community writers engaging with fandom was just another fourth wall broken, another genre parody in a show chock full of them. The writers didn't purposefully spite the fans (only the haters). They didn't shift to bashing a character because the wrong people loved them the wrong amount. They didn't stuff plot points down the garbage disposal because fans understood how to read foreshadowing. (Of course, Community was a sitcom that didn't have long term plot points to foreshadow, but still.) At most, the writers lovingly mocked the fans ala spoofing the Jeff/Annie S1 Gravity fanvid with their own Gravity edited montages in a canon episode -- which in turn only spawned more Gravity spoof fan vids by fandom. It was a mutual mocking the way siblings poke at each other.
And vice versa, no one in fandom cared whether the writers would ever make Jeff/Annie (or any ship) canon. If the writers couldn't see it, that was their problem! The fans could see it! And wrote a shit ton of fic about it. That was the point. Most people didn't even get upset when Dan Harmon and company claimed the Jeff/Annie shippers were all teenage girls shipping themselves with Jeff. We just busted up laughing because MOST of the fandom was 30+ year old women. Me at 22 was on the younger end. And sure, most of them did want to date Jeff themselves, but lbr being attracted to a fictional character is 90% of shipping. (And some people like myself were subconsciously shipping themselves with Annie because Alison Brie is absurdly hot.)
IDK what my point is here. I guess just that I was there at the beginning of fandom going mainstream and it's hard to regret that exact moment in time because it was fun! And rewarding! And spawned so so many creative works and discussions just like fandom is supposed to do.
But my god is it depressing that it ended up rotting fandom from the inside out. To the point that I try and say a S4 plot point is connected to S6 in a recent show when there's absolutely nothing to contradict this in canon -- and immediately get someone 'well actually'-ing me about what writers said their intentions for those plot points were in interviews and how that meant I was wrong. And it's not even because that fan preferred the writers' interpretation! They hate it actually! But they're so convinced that what a showrunner says is the absolute, irrefutable truth that they refuse to analyze the show for themselves and draw their own conclusions. Oh they'll complain about it all day long, sure. But engage with the narrative on a structural or meta level? Literally beyond them, and I can't wrap my head around that at all.
Fandom is not bound by writer intentions and never has been. Fandom isn't even bound by canon!!! Why the FUCK would writer intentions that can only be found in outside interviews be binding? Why would you slap shackles on yourself and then get mad that the chains cut into your wrists? Babe, look at me! No chains! I am free and happy not giving a fuck about what a show runner said! So why do you think I'm a problem that needs to be solved instead of your new life goal? Join me over here in headcanon land! Please!
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bitimdrake · 2 years
There's some bitterness in this, so feel free to ignore it, but I think comic fandom invites the level of inaccuracy it has. The idea of individual readers picking choosing what "counts" as canon is so common, even among dedicated readers, and there is so much vitriol directed at comics by comic fans that there it is such a short leap from "only the canon I like is canon" to "whatever I like is probably canon." I recognize that there are a lot of bad comics out there. (1/2)
But I think any discussion of fanon that ignores the way the culture of comic fandom, especially comic fandom in space like tumblr and ao3, encourages readers to divorce their opinions about the text from the content of the text. Some people think that's a good thing (I'm not one of them). And that's there perogitave. But I don't think its useful to anyone to skate over it.
No, this is all really true.
The expansive and tangled nature of dc comics means that everyone has consumed slightly different versions of canon, and so to some extent everyone having a different view of what's canon is inevitable. And then you add in the contradictions and the different writers with different views, and sometimes there really are moments or issues or arcs that seem like they oughta be ignored for contradicting the rest.
But I think there's a huge difference between, like, "this one issue here and that one issue there are out of step with the rest of this character's appearances so we'll ignore them or nudge them closer" and "well sometimes comics contradict each other, so I can make up whatever I want and declare that equally 'canon'". Which...no. That's fucking nonsense.
I try really hard to avoid the "if I didn't like it, it's not canon" thinking. Sometimes characters you like do shitty stuff; sometimes characters otherwise act in ways you didn't want them too. Sometimes stories are bad but still don't contradict anything.
My constant constant goal with canon is try to be as true as possible to events and to the average aggregate characterizations. And there is absolutely room for debate in determining that, but it's...very different than picking one (1) story (or headcanon!), making a bunch of assumptions from it, and then declaring anything that doesn't perfectly match to be Wrong.
(I ascribe to things along the lines of...Nightwing Annual #2 is not just ooc, but also really really blatantly contradicts the emotions and relationships that were actually present in the era of its flashbacks, so I DO ignore it. Or: Dick being so aggressive to Cass when she came back was weird and pretty ooc, but I'll try to keep it as much as possible, justifying it where I can and nudging characterization as little as possible where I can't. Or: Chuck Dixon is a super conservative dick, so I'll take bigoted views expressed by his characters with a grain of salt.)
And there's simultaneously a lot of negativity about canon, and a lot of self-congratulatory "fandom is so much better" that I think really feeds into this idea that there's no reason learn or care about what's in comics when you can instead make it up. And dc comics have had MANY flaws, but...a lot of things? about them? are good? There's a reason we get attached to these worlds and characters? I don't believe in throwing the baby out with the bathwater? (and, yes, also many things about fanon are bad)
Which is also why I try to remember to regularly talk about: I like comics!! I really enjoy comics! I complain about a lot of parts of them, but that's because I love them and want them to be better! I think people should try reading comics because there is so much enjoyment you might find if you give it a chance!
...and try to avoid all the people making blanket statements about "ugh comics suck let's just ignore them" instead of actually engaging with the text (and criticizing it, but for the specific things that deserve criticism)
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
You speak surprisingly little about him given his fandom popularity, so I'll have to ask about Maedhros for this one! (Love your blog by the way)
Thank you! You know what? You're right, I should talk more about him. Since Feanor is one of my blorboest blorbos his whole family is very dear to me, but I don't seem to talk too much about Maedhros, do I? Let's fix that
one aspect about them i love: He tries. He tries so hard. People in the Silm have a marked tendency to pick a course of action and stick to it no matter what, but Maedhros does his very best to judge each situation individually. I really admire how committed he is to doing what he thinks is right, even if his plans rarely go as well as he hopes
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: This is more of a pet peeve than anything but I wish people would see him as an individual. I feel like we always get Maedhros-and-parents, Maedhros-and-brothers, Maedhros-and-Fingon, Maedhros-and-Morgoth, etc, but never Maedhros, just Maedhros. I would like to have his individuality acknowledged, just in general. Basically please understand he's a full person on his own, no matter how caught up he always is in other people's lives
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: This is based on literally nothing and might be contradicted by canon tbh but the Vibe I get is that he's uncommonly affectionate for an elf. I feel like he definitely makes a sharp distinction between public and domestic spheres, but in private, he can be disarmingly sweet to family and friends
one character i love seeing them interact with: Good question. I'm trying to think of someone and drawing a blank? It's so rare to see Maedhros interacting with people, he usually speaks at them in canon. I wanna default to Maglor but that feels like a cop-out lol
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: Curufin!! For sure!! I have so many thoughts about them! They have this complicated thing going on where Maedhros is technically Feanor's heir but Curufin is the one to both inherit Feanor's skills AND to give him a grandson. How does that impact their relationship with each other, even before Beleriand? Please tell me Tolkien. Please.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: Ironically for someone called Nelyafinwe, he doesn't really like Finwe. He won't admit that under torture, but he doesn't. He doesn't hate him, but he can't help feeling like Finwe doesn't take as much responsibility for the people in his care as he should, neither as a father nor as a king. As someone who probably takes more responsibilities than he should, Maedhros resents that a little bit
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atsvmi-x · 3 years
my personal characterization of eren bc i’ve been thinking about him a lot🥰 this is all modern!au bc canon literally never happened.
these aren’t x reader headcanons but i have more than enough thoughts about eren in a relationship to provide those soon!
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Loud, brash, and loyal to a fault - you either love him or hate him (or if you’re Jean, you both love and hate him)
Those that he allows into his inner circle are friends for life. He’s easy to piss off but he’s quick to forgive when it comes to friends and family. If that doesn’t apply to you, or you cross those closest to him, he’ll hold a grudge long after the issue is resolved. You’re on his shit list for life.
He wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s literally impossible for him to conceal his emotions. If he’s angry, sad, annoyed, happy, literally anything his feeling you will be sure to know.
The same goes for his opinions. Blunt beyond belief. If he thinks something is stupid he won’t hesitate to say so. He’ll backtrack to soften his delivery if he notices that it offends other parties though.
All of these factors can lead to awkward moments. 99% of the time he’s confident enough in his stance to ignore how others might receive him but the other 1% of the time you might catch the rare sight of his cheeks heating up.
Contrary to popular belief, Eren is actually smart. Not to the same caliber of Armin, Erwin or Hange when it comes to critical thinking and analysis, but it is still above average. That being said, he doesn’t necessarily apply himself to subjects that don’t immediately interest him. However, he has impeccable game sense, making him quite the accomplished athlete.
Anger issues. Clearly. It made him a difficult child... for most of his life (and probably the reason he’s an only child) but as he’s gotten older he’s learned to manage his temper. It’s still easy to rile him up though, and it’ll be a cold day in hell before he backs down from a challenge. But for the most part his attitude is a running joke between those he’s closest with.
He has a strong moral compass and sense of justice. Not in the sense that he’s conservative, far from it. His personal ideology is: as long as it’s not hurting anyone people should do what they want. and anyone that messes with that is wrong. He’s a simple guy
Bad at flirting. He can be super oblivious and when he does catch on, he’s not smooth at all. But he’s tall and pretty so it comes off as endearing 99% of the time. It’s his boy-ish charms that save him every time.
Cute as a button as a baby. Poor Carla and Grisha were blindsided when he hit his terrible twos.
Had no friends besides Armin until middle school when his parents adopted Mikasa.
Before Mikasa, he and Armin were the black sheep of the neighborhood kids. Eren easily alienated himself from the neighborhood kids and his schoolmates due to his brash nature. Looking back on it, he still stands with his decision since it meant he found his first friend.
(Armin didn’t fit in for his old soul thanks to being raised by his grandparents)
Super curious and didn’t realize how small he was in such a big world. On several occasions he wandered off because of his curious nature. Would have been a leash kid if leash kids were a thing when he was growing up.
Could technically be considered a school bully for talking down to kids on the playground. HOWEVER, he was smaller than other kids for a while, meaning his haughty attitude resulted in petty school yard fights that he lost most of the time. Still, he never cried and never learned his lesson.
Since we was never against a fight, he made it his mission to take up for Armin. When Mikasa joined his family he did the same for her when their peers made comments about her different looks. As we know, those roles soon reversed with Mikasa taking on a protector roll
To try and find a suitable outlet for his excess...energy...Carla and Grisha signed him up for every sport under the sun. Was pretty good too but excelled at football and track and field.
Was on a first name basis with administration during his school years for getting too invested in classroom debates. His fired up nature easily boiled over outside the classroom resulting in several fist fights
Got suspended once for said fights, but more often than not Mikasa saved him before he could get into more trouble.
So angsty. Literally a textbook case of teen angst from the loud music, dark clothes, to butting his heads with his parents he was truly a nightmare. (He recognizes this and is forever apologetic to his parents for being so difficult during this time)
Started to grow out of his rebellious phase by his junior year. There was no real explanation for it he just...did. That’s not to say that he was any less combative, he just knew what battles to pick. Good job Eren.
By the time he graduates he’s such a mama’s boy. He’s always loved him mom but now his eyes have been opened to how much of a handful he was growing up. He’s embarrassed anytime she brings up old stories but he knows it’s all in good fun.
He’s also had a major growth spurt by the time he graduates and his years of playing sports have definitely paid off. He’s a total heartthrob by his senior year and unintentionally a heartbreaker. Again, it’s hard to break into his circle, nothing personal.
Young Adult (College/Post Grad)
Commits to playing football exclusively. Not out of hopes of going pro but he just really likes the sport. He’s well known around campus between sports and his personality.
Still, he can be found with any one member of his crew at any given time. It’s rare to find him by himself unless he’s in his dorm room. He’s a total extrovert and gets bored easily when left to his own devices.
BUT he’s not a total party animal. Definitely prefers kickbacks to partying. But he will show his face if someone personally asks him to come.
Smokes and drinks the normal amount. Knows his limits and isn’t a lightweight for either. But under the right conditions (i.e. drinking games, bets, etc.) he’ll over indulge. Far too touchy when he’s under the influence.
Struggled to find his “calling” in school. Most of his friends fell into majors that they clicked with but it wasn’t that easy for him. He probably ends up with a fifth year under his belt. since he didn’t officially declare a major until maybe junior year.
Graduates with a political science degree! 1) He fooled his parents into thinking he’d go to law school which satisfied his doctor dad. 2) While he doesn’t exactly know how, he wants to improve daily life for the less fortunate and he thought this was a good step to do that. 3) He loved being able to argue for a grade during in-class debates
I know we all love streamer!Eren but I really do think he’d end up going down a creative/independent route where he’s not tied to a desk 9-to-5. It really stressed him out to think about doing thing for 50 years and then being able to enjoy life after retirement.
Like previously mentioned, his music tastes were pretty narrow. But as his social circle grew and he was exposed to new genres his musical pallet has expanded. His go to genres are still heavy, but he’s not against asking what song just played if he liked it (unless you’re Jean, he’ll never give him the satisfaction).
I feel like his celebrity crush is Doja Cat. I have no evidence I just feel like he’d be into her.
Baby can NOT dance. if he tries hard he can bust a two step but usually he doesn’t usually put forth the effort though. It just gets worse if he drinks.
Very much a night owl but surprisingly, he doesn’t like to sleep in either. Feels like there’s too much stuff to do in a day to just waste it in bed. He contradicts himself though bc he can spend all morning in bed playing around on his phone (he’s addicted)
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tagthescullion · 3 years
so what are those headcanons for maria you said you have?
Uff many, many hcs
So many I’ll actually cut this
(CW/TW: holocaust, wwii, wwi, ptsd, sexism)
Maria Beatrice Name3 Name4 Di Angelo Carminati was born in 1910, has an older sister (very much older) who taught her all about being a suffragette, she got married when Maria was around 10-12 and went to live abroad
Maria’s dad, the diplomat, fought in WWI. When he left, she was very young, when he came back she could barely remember him, it took all of the 1918-1920 pandemic for her to feel comfortable around him again
Signor Di Angelo, imo was an aristocrat, and a Duke at that.. after the war he was “shell shocked” and suffered from panick attacks, making that period of adapting to each other hard on both the Duca and Maria
After that Maria was his little spoiled girl, anything she wanted she got including being a single mother of two bastards of questionable background, but to that later
He travelled a lot for work, and wherever he went he took his wife and younger daughter, he lived in the UK, in France and Germany.. his last post before Nico and Bianca were born was the US of A
In DC Maria met Hades at the tender age of 17, but because we have an irrational love for the god, let’s say he thought of her as “too young” to really try anything, but he was impressed nonetheless. Maria played the piano, spoke multiple languages, and saw through the Mist so clearly that Hades thought she might actually be a demigod
And while not a demigod, I reckon the Di Angelos are legacies, go figure of whom, but legacies (I have reasons I promise).. which is why il Duca and la Duchessa didn’t find it all that strange when Maria said shit like “that woman has snake legs”, but they did warn her against sharing what she saw
Fast forward three years into the future, Maria’s back in Venice, the 1929 crisis made everyone upset, and amidst all that sadness she sees her old friend Hades Lord of the Underworld at some socialite party or other
Maria wasn’t allowed to go to university, but regardless, she made it her business to excell at everything else, and to know everything about everyone, impressing old gossipy ladies, fancy gentlemen, and Greek deities
Like any good spoiled kid, Maria thought “no one was the right one”, a thought pushed by her protective father, but Hades is nothing if not manipulative, so he swept her off her feet..
Quite literally, she had lots of trouble with Bianca’s pregnancy, had to spend weeks lying down and enduring the increasing gossip surrounding her mysterious disappearance of social events
His Grace Di Angelo made it look like an improptu elopement, no one knew Hades, no one would doubt his daughter did get married under God’s good will in a church like a proper catholic girl.. or at least they wouldn’t have the balls to contradict him to his face
Signor Di Angelo was slightly disappointed to see he had yet another granddaughter, he needed a grandson because cheers, sexism, girls don’t inherit, but he was taken by the quiet baby all the same..
To Maria’s delight (and her father’s irritation) Hades did come back, as much as he could, specially during the warmer half of the year
And not two years later Maria discovered (much to her surprise, this time she wasn’t expecting it) that she was pregnant again
Little Niccolò Salvatore Antonio Luca bc luke’s my favourite bible part was born on a cloudy cold January day in 1933 (canon says 32 but I don’t like that)
He was the fuzziest baby Maria had ever seen.. he was cute though, and the moment he stopped looking like an overly squeezed sweet potato, the whole family could see how much he resembled Maria, and as such, the Duke too
Speaking of, the Duke was thrilled.. finally testosterone in the family joke’s on you Signor, the line dies there 🖕🏼, nah I’m kiddin’ but that’s what he’ll think anyhow and like Henry VIII he celebrated his heir
The Duchess loved Bianca, but she never quite liked the boy so much, who knows
Maria’s dad was kind enough to give her a house for herself and the kids, one within the city of Venice, unlike his probably huge house in Treviso
Maria loved Hades’ company.. he was kind, caring, and spoiled her and the children the way she was used to, but eventually she came to the conclusion that she didn’t want to be “the other woman”, so she cut things with Hades.. on good terms, but platonic now
I’m not kidding
I like the idea of her finding a German soldier stationed in the German consulate where her father kept working
There was something about him that didn’t scream bloody murderer and at some point he accidentally confesses that he’s smuggling people out of the Axis territory
Maria thinks she can finally do something to help, and by the time Bianca and Nico are 8 and 6, she’s helping Herr Schindler Von Luden (because I like long names) save people (specially kids) from the atrocity that was the Holocaust
But life isn’t simple, and her bubble of happiness (or contentment for she did live a bloody world war) eventually bursts.. someone gossiped a little to much and idle talk costs lives
It’s 1943 and Herr Schindler Von Luden is sent to the Eastern Front due to suspicious behaviour, and she needs to leave asap
And guess who comes back? Why yes! Our very (not always) lovely King of the Underworld appears one night, tells Maria to pack suitcases for her and the children and takes them all to the US
They spend March-May of ‘43 in DC and then we all know what happens
Herr Schindler Von Luden is heartbroken, the Duke and Duchess Di Angelo are destroyed, and Hades is fucking mad
And our young Bianca and Nico are taken away from everything they know
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Would it be considered unrealistic to headcanon Anderson as gay or bi since he's a hard-core Christian maniac who runs around screaming verses from the Bible lol
I'm trying to convey a few thoughts as an asexual protestant ... Not sure if it will suffice so I am more than glad if you guys add whatever you know and comes to your mind, for I am probably not very qualified to answer this.
I don't think it is.
There is a thing called internalised homophobia that might:
lead to
a) the "denial of your sexual orientation to yourself and others"
b) the "attempts to alter or change your sexual your orientation".
So if it clashes with his Christian belief, he might try to oppress these other "unholy thoughts" and try not to voice any of them, and even go so far to acting homophobic himself. 
(TW: Self harm)
If we add a few Catholic clichés this might even lead to self-flagellation.
He might also be okay with his sexuality and just dedicate his life to God and his orphanage anyway too and therefore not trying to pursue a relationship.
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Then again we have to keep in mind that Hellsing doesn’t focus on romance at all and almost everything shipping-related is merely headcanon and one is as legit as the other, as long as it doesn’t contradict what we see in the series completely.
So yes... certainly your gay/bi Anderson headcanon is not exactly unrealistic. And you wouldn't be alone with that opinion either, seeing the amount of Andercard shippers. :D
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Just because I can, I tried to google the passages that condemn homosexuality.
This one is very interesting:
(TW: Non-con mentioned)
There are seven texts often cited by Christians to condemn homosexuality: Noah and Ham (Genesis 9:20–27), Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:1–11), Levitical laws condemning same-sex relationships (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13), two words in two Second Testament vice lists (1 Corinthians 6:9–10; 1 Timothy 1:10), and Paul's letter to the Romans (Romans 1:26–27). 
The author believes that these do not refer to homosexual relationships between two free, adult, and loving individuals. They describe rape or attempted rape (Genesis 9:20–27, 19:1–11), cultic prostitution (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13), male prostitution and pederasty (1 Corinthians 6:9–10; 1 Timothy 1:10), and the Isis cult in Rome (Romans 1:26–27). 
If the biblical authors did assume homosexuality was evil, we do not theologize off of their cultural assumptions, we theologize off of the texts we have in the canon. The author attempts to introduce some new arguments into this long-standing and passionate debate.
But these are fairly modern thoughts and certainly wouldn't apply to the (1999) Vatican. I just found it interesting to share. That is my inner scholar. Im sorry.
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I like to mention of course, that no faithful person I know has anything against members of the LGBTQ+ community and I talked with theology professors. 
Then again those were protestants as well, so maybe it it different in the catholic section. We have been taught it is important to read the bible in the historical context and the most important part is the Christian charity. 
Not even the church as an institution is important - it is the community - the people. 
I like what the professor said: “You cant be a proper Christian sitting alone in the basement. That is why you have the church. To meet and come in contact with people.”
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darkpoisonouslove · 3 years
Hi, can you please do Bloom and Icy 1,3,7,9,12,13,14,19,20,25,28,29,30?
1. Who is the most affectionate?
Bloom. Icy likes it but initiating it will take a little longer. Especially since she is still trying to pretend affection disgusts her to keep her reputation of a heartless witch intact. It is totally not working because she is weak for Bloom but it will take her some time to admit it out loud even though she is totally aware of it.
3. Most common argument?
Who is hotter. Totally initiated by their friends (aka Stella and Darcy), totally not serious... until it becomes serious. The fun thing is that they’ve argued it different ways - sometimes insisting that the other is hotter, sometimes insisting that they are the hotter one. It totally depends on how the others will set it up for them. They haven’t seriously fought over it, though. Bloom can make Icy melt at any moment and Icy has all the icebreakers to fix any potential drama situation. (I am not sorry for any of this XD)
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Icy starts looking for ways to end the confrontations between them without having to kill Bloom. It majorly pisses her off because a) it’s getting in the way of her plans and b) she has to make herself look progressively dumber and more incompetent because Winx seem to lose brain cells as time goes on and pull increasingly dumb stunts. She is sure anyone with half a brain would have figured out that she is doing it on purpose but Winx are too busy fighting them to figure it out and Bloom is super dense about it (probably because she’s in denial).
Bloom finds herself no longer on Diaspro whenever she shows up. Instead of being jealous, Bloom finds herself drifting into musings about what would have happened if it had actually been Icy in disguise instead of Diaspro. Somehow all those scenarios end up with her and Icy experiencing some major sexual tension (in that fight and any other) and they end up kissing and more aggressively. She doesn’t even feel guilty because Sky was lying to her anyway. She just can’t comprehend why Icy of all people and that is why she denies having feelings for her even though she knows it deep down.
9. Who worries the most?
Icy worries more actually. Both about being “good” enough for Bloom and also for Bloom’s safety. Basically, she may love her and respect her as the keeper of the Dragon Fire and a powerful magical user but she still views Bloom and Winx as a bunch of dumbasses who totally get mixed up in the biggest trouble you can find in the universe. Bloom also thinks that Icy gets mixed up into a lot of shit but she is confident that Icy can handle it. She is also a bit scandalized to learn that Icy does not fully return that confidence when it comes to Bloom’s ability to get out of sticky situations (mostly because half the time the only reason Winx survived against the Trix was because Icy didn’t want to actually kill Bloom).
12. Who initiates kisses?
Icy. She likes kissing Bloom and she looks for no excuses to do it. She just goes for it. She doesn’t need a reason to kiss the life out of her girlfriend. She doesn’t care that she is contradicting her proclamations of disliking affection.
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Bloom. She likes just holding on to Icy, maybe cuddling into her and smooching her, too, or running her free hand through Icy’s hair. Icy claims it is counterproductive. Somehow you’ll never see her letting go of Bloom’s hand, though. She actually starts reaching for Bloom herself as she gets more comfortable with PDAs (and any displays of affection at all).
14. Who kisses the hardest?
Icy. Bloom was not prepared. She is a puddle for Icy the moment she gets devoured with a kiss and Icy loves every moment of it. They both do.
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Definitely Icy. Although it is more of a they already knew kind of situation. Stormy and Darcy had noticed the change in her and they figured out what was going on.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Darcy and Stormy are okay with it. They don’t exactly have that big reactions. They might be kinda salty because Winx were the reason why they ended up in jail several times but they’re happy if Icy is. Winx aren’t all that sold on it, though, considering all the times the Trix almost killed them. They come around eventually, some faster than others (surprisingly, it took Flora a big time because the Trix nearly killed Miele) but they do believe in people being able to change and be better so they are happy once they are sure that Bloom is having a good relationship that makes her happy. Mike and Vanessa need some time to get used to it as well because the Trix also nearly killed them. And Marion and Oritel aren’t thrilled about the Trix being descendants of the Ancestral Witches and having attempted to murder Bloom and her friends more than once. But they actually come around faster (well, Marion does, and she has to stop Oritel from meddling) because they don’t feel like they have that much authority in Bloom’s life. So really, it is Mike and Vanessa that Icy has to win over. She does understand why they’re wary of her and is even surprised that they’re giving her a chance at all. So she does her best to be the best for Bloom and they slowly warm up to the idea of her being Bloom’s one and only.
25. Who needs more assurance?
Bloom. She has many insecurities about never fitting in and she actually feels more uncertain about why Icy likes her. Icy is pretty certain in Bloom’s feelings about her because given what they’ve been through and what she’s caused Bloom and her friends, Bloom must really like her in order to even consider being with her. She is actually glad that she can provide reassurance for Bloom, though, and be there for her now to make up for what she’s done in the past.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Icy will totally get into more trouble than she would if Bloom were around. It’s not that she can’t control herself but she sometimes misses her more villainous moments. Bloom knows about that and pretends she doesn’t see when Icy is being more of a bitch than she needs to be. So Icy isn’t lying to Bloom about anything. She just knows it will be better for both of them if Bloom can pretend to be completely clueless about Icy’s misdeeds. She also chills with Darcy and Stormy, though. Or... well, they’re chilling like villains but you know. She’s chilled with Winx a couple times as well and that went better than she thought it would. Stella was a little annoying but they actually had a good time shopping together? Who would’ve thought. She’s also sparred with Musa and Layla and it was fun. She’ll deny it, though.
Bloom draws a lot. She likes making surprise drawings for Icy and of Icy. She also hangs out with Stella a lot. The other Winx as well but mostly with Stella. She’s had several outings with Darcy and Stormy and that went... decently. They found some things in common but there was also some awkwardness. Darcy and Stormy had a hard time opening up to her to which she totally related. So that kind of acted like a bridge. They were mostly learning to get along without Icy being there and it got better with time. They can have a pleasant meeting just the three of them now.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Icy has a hard time around Daphne because she feels bad for what Daphne (and therefore Bloom) had to go through because of the Ancestral Witches but she can’t help but be salty about Daphne being resurrected and getting to live while Sapphire is still cursed (if we take a better version of canon where the fact that she had a sister did not come out of the blue). Same for Domino vs Dyamond. She finds it hardest to interact with Daphne, however, because of Daphne’s character. The calmness and sort of wisdom that Daphne has kinda grates on her nerves. It breaks Bloom’s heart a little that her sister and her wife (oh, yeah) can’t get along (Daphne is not all that thrilled about Icy either).
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Bloom makes a necklace herself (with a little help from Hagen) that contains a spark of the Dragon Fire (like Oritel’s sword) and give it to Icy to both show her that she trusts her and share with her everything that is hers - not just her love, but her magic and life as well. It might have been a proposal without actually being one. Icy has to work very hard on learning to contain the tears every time she looks at the necklace in order to actually be able to wear it. It boosts her powers and makes her and Bloom a formidable team and arguably the strongest partnership in the whole universe.
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On the Citadel and writing (Star Wars) essays.
I’ve just stumbled upon captures of clones deaths in the Citadel and Obi-Wan’s reactions (easily summed up by “we must keep moving”), and the op was using this as evidence of Obi-Wan dehumanizing them, and I can’t stop thinking about it and it’s making me so (irrationally) angry. 
So yeah instead of ranting, I’ll attempt to direct my seething frustration into trying to organize a few thoughts on character analysis. Rule of thumb: text without context is pretext. Or in this case, picture without scene is probably bs. When using a particular frame as a piece of evidence supporting a take, you have to make sure you’re not excluding any surrounding material that could potential contradict that take, or else the analysis doesn’t hold. Quick example: using pictures of Yoda goofing around to test Luke’s patience as evidence that he is insane doesn’t work, because it’s revealed right after that he was playing an act. 
This principle is to be broadened when analysing entire scenes or episodes. You can’t take them out of the wider narrative. 
The post I was talking about continued on to say that this wasn’t the first or the last time that Obi-Wan was careless with the lives of his clones. Unless they were referring to RotS (which isn’t fair or intellectually honest because it was made long before anyone considered giving the clones identities and individual thinking), I don’t see that as being the case at all in canon material. Obi-Wan fights on the front lines. He takes the exact same amount of risk as his troops - he takes more risks even, as established as early as Christophsis (when he tells Rex to retreat with his men while he holds off the B2 super battle droids). 
What the op was probably talking about was the many plans of his that result in clones dying (ex: on Geonosis with the zombie worms, many troopers die as they escape). Here’s what I meant about the wider narrative: TCW is about war. It’s about people dying, and it has to be so the audience can understand the horror of a full scale war. And since it’s still (supposed to be) a kid’s show, it has to be mostly faceless people dying. 
I’m borrowing a quote from @trickytricky1​‘s absolutely amazing vid ‘Your Body and Your Blade’, which compiles scenes of Jedi placing themselves between their clones and enemy fire: “We are shown a war, and in that show, to tell that story, they will kill the soldiers. They will kill the soldiers regardless of whether we think they should have been able to be saved. They will kill the soldiers to prove a point, to tug the heartstrings, to move the plot, to set the scene. But that is far from the only thing we are shown.”
So there, wider narrative. The clones dying in missions led by Obi-Wan don’t say much about Obi-Wan himself. And speaking of Obi-Wan, more on character analysis. Obi-Wan, according to Matthew Stover’s Lucas-approved RotS novelization, is “the ultimate Jedi,” Jedi being supposedly defined by their compassion.
Obi-Wan is the guy who cradles one of his worst enemy in his arms as he dies, the guy who knows like a billion languages and is always shown to be super respectful and/or knowledgeable of other beings’ cultures (the Twi’Leks whose homes he doesn’t want to destroy, the Zygerrian whose culture he uses to buy Anakin time to disable the bombs, the Geonosian Queen, telling the Gungans they live in symbiosis with the Naboo...) and the one who knows the names of the 501st troopers despite not being their general (see The Deserter). Obi-Wan is not presented as dismissive of people or things because he does not understand them, and he certainly is shown to value all sentient life above his own. That does not jibe with Obi-Wan dehumanizing the clones. 
What we’re uncomfortable with might be the show itself not delving deeply enough into issues we as an audience can perceive because we have the benefit of omniscience and hindsight. Just as Yoda and Obi-Wan killing the clones in RotS does not inform their characters but the real life context of the movie’s creation, the same can be said of most problems with clone rights that we are indigned by. (Except in Krell’s case, or Tarkin’s - that’s what dehumanization looks like. And that’s what the show draws attention to, practically screaming “hey, look, these guys are evil for doing that!!!”)
To go back to the Citadel arc itself... Again, context. They’re in the middle of a highly time-sensitive mission, their failure could (as far as they know) mean complete defeat and the end of the Republic if the Separatist invade the Core worlds, and it’s more than probable that the clones who came along volunteered. (The ones we know are all high-ranking officers.) 
With this in mind, Obi-Wan not taking the time to show grief (again with the context that Obi-Wan isn’t one to wear is emotions on his sleeve) says one thing about his character, and only one: he’s a damn leader. As Piell puts it, this is war. You act first, survive first, mourn second. It’s hard to swallow as the audience, because we love the clones and care for them and want other characters to show that they care too, but fan-service can make for poor writing and characterization. 
(And by the way - Obi-Wan carries a clone on his back when they make their way down a cliff. He also personally assists most of the men up and down ledges, he gives out the warning about the blast doors closing... He’s trying to have everyone’s back. Pressing people to move isn’t being cold, it’s being cool-headed.)
To finish off, I’d like say that the “death of the author” principle is great when you’re writing school essays and want to show off (I should know, pretending that I’m smart and know stuff about literature is basically what I’m majoring in). But it can very easily lead to interpretations that - while valid to the degree that you’re entitled to make them and that they’ll probably always be defendable in some way - are not what you were meant to take away from the story. (Ex: the Empire was actually good, the Jedi deserved genocide, the Dark Side is freeing - go crazy, make defending these into fun rhetoric exercises, actually believe them if you want - but it’s still not what Lucas was trying to say.) 
Here’s what JAT (Obi-Wan’s voice actor) had to say about the Citadel. (Borrowed from the amazing @gffa​.)
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“He has sympathy and heart for the clones, but at the same time he knows the mission.” 
tldr: the Citadel isn’t an arc meant to highlight Obi-Wan’s flaws (if anything, it’s an Ahsoka arc, and an Anakin arc setting up his future interactions with Tarkin). The deaths we see him walk away from are mostly for shock value, to make us understand what how dire the situation is and to make Even Piell’s death believable when it comes (which in turn is to further Ahsoka’s arc).
So yeah, keep the author alive, try to make serious analysis in good faith and not based on your emotional reactions to character you cherish, but go crazy on the wildy AU headcanons and don’t let people spoil your fun. 
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12.what headcanon will you keep implementing in your fics, even if canon ends up contradicting it?
Oh there are plenty that I keep on the back burner.
Membrane’s Grandparents were poor and/or farmers. 
I know in the latest issue it showed scientist parents... But I like to think the smartest man in the world had a more humble upbringing and his Dad had a very strong work ethic. 
The only thing I don’t really like about the Scientist parent idea that the comics showed really DOES mean that they KNEW what Uranium 238 was, knew that their son asked for it, and gave him a never-ending avalanche of socks for Christmas anyways and said it was from “Santa”
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Like.... I assume so, Membrane...
Even then, When my parents personally did the Santa thing, Santa would give me the cool gifts, and then the lame gifts like socks were from the parents... 
I can’t help but view the gift of a sock-avalanche from SCIENTIST PARENTS as nothing but an act of mal-intent, even if the issue doesn’t frame it that way.
There’s also the issue of Membrane inheriting Membrane Labs from his parents when their faces are nowhere to be seen if Membrane just took the reigns of an already established company... Sure, maybe his parents made their son the face of their company like some sort of Wendys situation... but Membrane’s ADULT face is what the face of Membrane labs is...  Wouldn’t his parents use his cute child face for a brand? Even if the company had no branding or merch until Membrane took over the company it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
I MUCH PREFER the idea that Membrane built Membrane labs as a company from the ground up based entirely on tenacity, spite and his intelligence. 
The idea that the smartest man in the world just was BORN INTO this lifestyle of science puts a VERY sour taste in my mouth..
ESPECIALLY with the other characters in Invader Zim and in Johnen Vasquez work in general. Characters like Zim and Dib always work hard to get to where they want to be... and I like the idea that Membrane is the RESULT of putting in that hard work, but he completely neglected himself on a social and interpersonal relationship level. 
I’m sure the Scientist parents were meant as a joke to further compare to how Membrane and Dib are alike... and the generational cycle of abuse... and the mean-spirited joke of his parents gifting him socks does fit the IZ world... but I don’t like it.
If his parents were POOR or Farmers, or just didn’t have access to or couldn’t afford Uranium 238, THAT MAKES WAY MORE SENSE to me. 
Then it would seem like his parents did it more as a 
“He won’t ask for anything else.”  or “Naughty children only get socks” thing 
rather than a:
“Yeah, we know exactly what that is and have access to it... but our kid could blow his face off, so have a bunch of socks instead ya gremlin” 
I just like to think Membrane’s childhood was fairly humble, and he was a feral scientist child and really bright and his parents didn’t know how to handle him, and He was an extreme Mama’s boy. Also the Poor upbringing would explain his workaholic tendencies without having the Scientist parents. 
Sorry Eric Trueheart, you can pry “Poor upbringing” Membrane from my cold dead hands.
I will take those character designs and that Grandpa Membrane smoked a pipe though. Those are amazing. 
Zim’s Computer (and all other irken Computers) AI Brains used to be living Irkens before getting culled. 
I made an analysis about it on my old account, but I can’t find it cause Tumblr really screwed up the search engine on that account. But anyways... in two more chapters in Tech Support, we’ll get to find out Computer’s “tragic backstory” (tm) Like that chapter is coming after the current one I’m writing. 
Irken blood is Pink
I don’t care if Dark Green blood makes sense from a biological standpoint... I just need Vaperwave and Cyberpunk auestetics. It’s more of a visual thing.
I think Dib has the potential to grow into a real caring young man if he’s properly nurtured and learns how to grow and I possess a strong dislike “loser” Adult Dib.
I’m sure you know what I mean... Crackhead Adult Dib, Feral Adult Dib, Miserable adult Dib...
Nothing against those Dibs... It’s been shown on the record that Dib having a miserable adult future is probably what Johnen wants for his character. (The doodles and streams I’ve seen Johnen draw of his characters as adults as drug addicts or just working dead-end jobs wasn’t enough) 
I even like asshole kid Dib, and asshole teen Dib, but I really want to believe Dib will mellow out a lot when he gets older and learn how to be considerate. 
Maybe I’m being too unrealistic, and I know there is a MAJOR market for Rat-man Miserable Dib in this fandom... I’ve seen like so many versions of him. But it’s not for me.
I think it’s partially because Dib is exactly how I was as a kid, and I grew up to be a pretty mellow and caring person. (for the most part) 
I just want to see Dib to grow up to be chill and mostly happy. 
Zim is the most defective Irken in the history of the Irken Empire. HOWEVER: By human standards, Zim is fairly average, just neurodivergent. 
I know that I’ve seen some analysis on how Zim, “Almost works” and while I do agree, I still think that Zim is the most defective of his species. 
He’s the only one who caused the Control Brains on Judgementia to go insane and he tends to be a pariah and a liability to everyone around him. Caused the death of two Almighty Tallest and a majority of other things that take place throughout the show, comics and deleted episodes alike. The Comics even mentioned that Zim is completely delusional and has some core memory issues.
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(I’ve never even explained how Zim perceives the Judgementia arc in my au yet simply cause he doesn’t want to talk about or mention it yet... ) 
But a lot of Zim’s issues or “insane”-ness as the Irken empire sees it are fairly Normal issues for humans. Zim is just marked as the “most” defective simply because a lot of his “symptoms” are actually just very normal autistic or borderline/bipolar things. And that’s probably what he’d get diagnosed with by human standards.
Zim just feels things too strongly and has a terrible delusional memory and obsessively lies to himself to try to fit the mold of what a perfect irken soilder should be (in his mind) 
I have a feeling some of Zim’s PAK errors can be things as simple as: “can’t sit still.” “first words: I love you” , “short attention span” “overly emotional” and that’s marked as major concern to the empire.
But there are more serious ones like “Corrupted Memory drive.” “destructive” “delusional” etc...
But a majority of the list of what makes Zim, Zim are VERY common autism traits...
so if you give him that human diagnosis and then just examine Zim under HUMAN standards....
He’s not that bad at all.... 
Irkens can purr, chitter, and make a variety of sounds very similar to ants chittering combined with a cat. But typically, only defective Irkens seem to make these noises, and my Zim makes more of these noises and reverts to more primitive irken behaviors when he feels he doesn’t need to keep up appearances to be “NORMAL” anymore. In Irken Standards or Human standards. 
Zim is a weird Irken and sometimes things he does is not indicative to how other irkens act or behave, even though Dib uses it as a framework for a lot of his research, but a majority of it is just wrong because it’s Zim. 
GIR is smart and extremely perceptive. Also a hill I die on. I got into this fandom writing a thousand word essay on GIR and I still stand by all those points. GIR is smart... he’s just feral. And GIR can tend to notice things other characters don’t just cause his world-view is so simple. Zim and Dib think like one of those Pipe Windows screen savers... While GIR thinks in a straight line. 
Zim would rather create a maze to go through to get the cheese, rather than GIR who would just not bother with the maze and eat the cheese. 
GIR has great moments of clarity throughout the show, such as in Plauge of Babies and Walk of Doom
“Dib’s seen us before and he knows where we live”
“But if the big splody goes fast, won’t it get all bad?” 
Anyways... I think that’s it... I probably have a whole lot more. But those are my main ones. 
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