#it can be about anything talk about ur day or ur cat or ask me somethin
lovelyhan · 1 year
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— divorce child ⟢
you like to think that your most recent breakup with vernon ended on relatively good terms. there’s only one issue left to sort out: who’s getting custody of the cat you got together?
★ FEATURING; vernon x producer!reader
★ WORD COUNT; 9.2k words
★ TAGS; exes to lovers, mutual pining, fluff, smut (MINORS DNI!)
★ NOTES; 3/4 stories in the series are now up <3 i hope you like this bc i really just wanted an excuse to write something fluffy and adorable with vernon.... he's got me in my feels these past few days fr. small heads up that this fic also features a bunch of characters from again and again, the mingyu installment of the series. this story takes place a couple years after that fic, but you don't necessarily have to read that part to get the events in this one :3c
★ P.S.; this was not proofread as usual lol if you spot any mistakes, do me a favor and pretend they don't exist !
this is part of the doting on you! series.
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★ SMUT TAGS; vanilla, clothed sex, wearing ur bf's clothes kink(?), unprotected sex, body worship, praise kink, fingering, oral (f receiving), creampie, the smut is just so sweet okay
★ SVT TAGLIST; @pretty-trustme - @just-here-to-read-01 - @cheolhub - @Idkmelkro - @dejavernon - @venusrae - @jeonghancvunt - @jyiiscool - @jinniesclub - @junhui-recs - @bldelaine - @fruitzcup - @hoeforhao - @candidupped - @emmmui - @billboard-singer - @caratochan - @jkbabiey - @featmia ★ SERIES TAGLIST; @exactlygreatcoffee - @gyusbabydoll - @jeonwonhi - @ti--red
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“You sure you don’t need me to pitch in for this month’s check-up? I can always wire you some cash, you know.”
As you zip the pet carrier shut, you roll your eyes despite the fact that Vernon can’t exactly see your expression. Your phone’s sitting all the way on the coffee table but you were so preoccupied with wrestling your cat, Milana into the bag that you couldn’t exactly hold it like a normal person would.
“I’m good. You already covered for me last time, remember?” You remind him before taking the call off loudspeaker before pressing your phone to your ear. “I just got her inside the carrier. Might have to patch up a few scratches before we leave though.”
Vernon laughs. “She always hates going to the vet. It’s nothing too bad, right?”
“I’ve handled worse,” you snort before grabbing a couple of band-aids you keep around various corners of the house for this scenario specifically. “How about you? I thought I remembered Jihoon mentioning that today’s gonna be shut-in day. You know, that time of the month when you guys lock yourselves inside the studio to brainstorm lyrics together. Didn’t think you’d have the time for a phone call.”
“I always have time for a phone call when Milana’s going to the vet,” he says a-matter-of-factly and you can almost picture the warm smile on his face. The thought is enough to make your chest flutter, but you push the feeling down before it can completely come to the surface. “But you are right about shut-in day though. I might have to go in a few, so if there’s anything you need, you better tell me right now or forever hold your peace.”
“Nah. I told you, we’re good,” you insist with an eyeroll before placing band-aids on the scratches that your cat affectionately left all over your arms. “I’ll drop by the company later to drop off a mix that Jihoon asked me to mess around with. But if it’s shut-in day, I doubt we’ll get to see you.”
“Hmm. I can hide his Coke Zero stash outside so he’ll be forced to go out and get it?”
“Now that’s just downright evil.”
“It is. Anyway, aren’t you going to be late?”
“I already am, but Milana’s vet adores her, remember?”
“Nari adores everyone’s pets. Mingyu-hyung told me so.”
“Shush. You talk like our baby isn’t special,” you huff as you sling the strap of the pet carrier across your shoulder. “We’ll head out now. Thanks for checking in, Vernon.”
“...Yeah. Yeah, take care on the way.”
You end the call with your heart racing inside your chest. It’s not the phone call with your ex-boyfriend that flusters you, per-se. You work in the same agency, for god’s sake. Meaning, you’d be in deep shit if talking to him throws you off just because your relationship has already come to an end. 
But whenever you jokingly refer to Milana as ‘our’ baby whenever you talk to him, it feels like you’re encroaching on something you’ve already lost a long time ago. 
Your listlessness lasts until you pull up by the parking lot. Whether Milana’s staying at yours or at Vernon’s, this pet clinic at the heart of Seoul has always been your go-to. The fact that the attending veterinarian is Mingyu’s girlfriend does wonders to your final bills—she loves giving discounts to regulars and acquaintances—and you like to think you’ve found a friend in her ever since. 
The automatic doors slide open when you walk in—Milana’s bag still slung over your shoulder. Chae, the receptionist, flashes you a bright smile before you notice the familiar golden retriever lying in front of the front desk. Old eyes flicker up to you for a moment before his tail twitches once or twice to signal his excitement. 
“Good morning, Chae. Good morning, Namja,” you coo before crouching down to pet his head. “Is Nari waiting for me? Sorry for the hold up. It was a bit tough getting this one inside her bag.” 
Chae lets out a soft laugh as she types away behind her computer. “Really? Vernon always gushes about how much of a sweetheart she is whenever it’s his turn to bring her in.”
You don’t know whether you should be surprised or embarrassed that Chae knows—or at least has an inkling—of your little arrangement with Vernon. When the two of you were still together, you always brought Milana in at the same time, but now you’re taking turns in bringing your little divorce child to the vet. 
But hey, at least you’re still upholding your parental responsibilities, right?
“Of course he does,” you scoff with a shake of your head. “He knows better than anyone that getting Lana inside the bag is a nightmare. This one’s already her third this year. I was thinking of investing in a cage-type carrier instead but Vernon said it was like we’re sending her to prison.”
Chae sighs. “Men. Always so dramatic. Oh, but Doctor Nari’s waiting for you inside.” The receptionist glances at you curiously before you start taking Milana out of the bag so Chae could measure her weight.
It’s a bit of a challenge, handing your full-grown Maine Coon over to Chae, but despite the fact that she thrashes all around before vet visits, Milana has always been tame whenever she’s at the clinic. You manage to settle inside Nari’s office once your cat’s vitals have been measured and her vet is more than happy to see a familiar face.
“Well, if it isn’t Milana and her single mother,” she chuckles. “You here for routine check-ups? Where’s the father, though?”
You roll your eyes—fully aware that she’s only teasing. “Do you ask Vernon where’s the mother when he’s the one who brings her here?”
“Maybe.” Nari smiles before getting up from her desk and receiving your big cat into her arms. “Oh. She’s gotten heavier since the last time she came in.”
“Yeah, her father has been spoiling her with too much catnip. I only found out last week,” you sigh as you settle into one of the seats adjacent to the one across Nari’s desk. “But she’s been hairballing a lot recently. She doesn’t usually groom as much as she does now. Should I be concerned?”
She hums for a moment as she puts on her stethoscope—checking Milana’s heartbeat while her free hand examines your cat’s light brown coat. “Doesn’t look like she has any fleas or mites hanging around, but I can always do a scrape for you if you want the definitive results on paper. Though the excessive grooming could also be caused by stress.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Stress?”
Nari nods before hanging her steth around her neck once more, stroking Milana’s fur with calm affection. “Cats are more easily agitated than dogs. Lots of things can stress them out. Loud music, vacuum cleaners, thunderstorms… Actually, even a switch-up in their pet parent’s schedules is grounds for stress.” 
You can only watch in silence as Nari scratches behind Milana’s ears, making your cat purr like a kitten despite the fact that her long limbs are spilling out of her vet’s arms. But regardless of how adorable she looks, Nari’s words got you thinking.
In the tail-end of the breakup, it was a topic that was brought up over and over: who gets to keep Milana? You both split half and half with expenses after the two of you adopted her at a nearby shelter. Not to mention, you both loved her in equal measure, so it was difficult to come to a decision that the two of you could soundlessly agree on. In the end, you settled with the compromise of taking turns watching over Milana because neither of you could stand not being able to see her for too long.
It’s been about three months since you and Vernon call it quits and three months since you’ve agreed on ‘splitting custody’. She stays with you on weekdays and with him on weekends—along with some exceptions for when one party isn’t available. It was also agreed that you’ll take turns bringing her to the vet every month to make sure nothing is amiss with her health.
But when you planned on paying Nari a visit today, you didn’t expect to find out that the fluctuating schedule you and Vernon made a deal out of could be a possible stressor for your cat.
“I think you should just keep her.” Nari suggests, a hint of concern creeping on her face. “You could always tell Vernon to visit Milana whenever he wants to, right? The back-and-forth travel is definitely going to take a toll on this one. Also, cats are smarter than you think. I’m sure she’s already sensed something’s off with her parents a long time ago.”
Milana heaves a deep sigh as if she understood every single word her vet just said and you can’t help the guilt that gnaws at your gut. You thought that this was the best decision you could make for both yours and Vernon’s sanity, but you completely forgot to take Milana’s well-being into account. You can almost hear Nari silently judging you, but you shake your head to rid yourself of the thought.
“We’ll… We’ll talk about it,” you reassure, swallowing the lump in your throat. “But…she’s okay, right? No serious health complications or anything?”
She rolls her eyes. “Sweetie, you’re literally the most responsible cat owner I’ve ever met. No one ever bothers to bring their pets in unless the situation’s already too severe to handle. So you’re good. Milana’s perfectly healthy. Just a little…sad, maybe.”
“Why would she be sad?”
Nari stares at you like you just asked something ridiculous, but thankfully she doesn’t dish out any half-assed remarks about it—opting to settle Milana back onto a nearby examination table to do a couple more physical exams. 
“Have I ever told you that me and Gyu used to be in a similar situation in the past?” 
You stare at Nari with a bewildered look while her gaze never strays too far from her patient. She even coos out little remarks of praise whenever Milana behaves. How can someone who’s this focused drop such a question in the middle of work? 
“Vernon told me you guys split up and got back together after almost a year,” you tell her dryly, not liking the fact that you admitted your ex-boyfriend is a big gossip, but you don’t see any point in hiding the fact that you knew. “What brought it up?” 
Nari’s lips twitch into a firm smile before she lifts her gaze to meet yours. “I just think that…you and Vernon? You’re kind of on the same boat we were in before we reconciled. It’s either the two of you are too stubborn or too afraid to see it for what it is.”
Too afraid to…? 
“What do you mean?” you ask. “It’s best that we split up, you know? Relationships between co-workers can get ugly really quickly if we forget to be professional. I don’t want us to stop doing the things we love just because of some work-related spat.” 
“Then the two of you should just learn how to segregate work from play,” Nari insists before smoothing her gloved hands across Milana’s long torso. “I’m not trying to meddle or anything, okay? It’s just that there’s virtually no reason for you to not get back together. You’re still taking care of Milana together, still checking up on each other, still working together—”
“There it is. That’s the reason why we can’t be together, Nari,” you groan at her stubbornness. “We’re still working together.” 
She huffs. “Is there a clause in your company’s contract that prohibits romantic relationships among talents and staff?” 
“I’ve never read the fine print, but I’m pretty sure there’s something along those lines somewhere in there.”
“Oh. Well, who cares? Milana needs a loving home where her parents can take care of her at the same time.” Nari then leans down to cup her face in her hands. “Isn’t that right? You need both of them to look after you, hm?”
“So you’re suggesting that Vernon and I should just get back together for Milana’s sake?” you ask half-jokingly and to your surprise, Nari nods like it’s the easiest question in the world.
“Well, I won’t make any assumptions by saying that you’re still in love with him, since you’re the only one who can say that for sure. But come on, do it for the not-so-little baby. You can just learn to love each other again in the process!” 
You can hardly believe your ears. In the quick stories that Vernon shared about Mingyu’s girlfriend, you never expected her to be this carefree about the matters of the heart. It must’ve been her six-foot boyfriend’s bubbly personality rubbing off on her. 
“Right,” you say with a shallow sigh. “Pray tell, why’d you and Mingyu split up in the first place?”
Nari’s eyes dart to the ceiling as if deep in thought as Milana nibbles playfully at one of her latex-covered fingers. The silence presses on for a few more seconds before she turns to you with a mellowed out expression.
“I thought we weren’t going to work because of how different our jobs are,” she admonishes quietly, lips spread into a thin smile. “But after being an idiot for almost six months, I realized that our jobs don’t matter. I love him. I don’t think I really stopped. Don’t think I’ll ever stop, actually.
“That’s why I was so surprised when I found out you and Vernon broke up three months ago!” Nari continues with a disgruntled look on her face. “The two of you spend so much time in the studio and at your apartment. You even have a child together!” She then gestures dramatically over to Milana. “So forgive me if it doesn’t make sense to me, why the two of you broke up. But won’t you reconsider it? For Milana?”
You shake your head. “Nari, some relationships just aren’t meant to work out. Just because you and Mingyu managed to make good on that second chance, doesn’t mean it’ll be the same with us. We’ve already…settled with what we have right now.”
“What, the endless pining and using the poor cat as an excuse to see each other?” She huffs again and, god, she reminds you so much of Mingyu now it’s actually funny. “Come on, sweetie. I’ve been in your place before, so I know perfectly well. Gosh, this must be how Seungkwan felt when I was still getting my shit together.”
Unsolicited mention of Seungkwan aside, you just don’t see any reason to pursue what Nari is convincing you to do. Nothing really changed after you and Vernon broke up. That’s one of the things you like about him—how easy it is to fall back into a comfortable friendship despite the history you shared. 
But you aren’t going to deny the fact that it kind of sucks that you can’t kiss him anymore. Can’t lean into his chair in the studio to pull him into a hug. Can’t tell him you still love him even if…
Fuck. You still love him?!
“Fine, fine. Since I have a couple more patients on the waitlist, I’m gonna let you off the hook. For now,” Nari grumbles before handing Milana back to you and taking a seat behind her desk. “Just stick to her usual vitamins and diet and she should be fine until the next visit. But if you want the stress problem to go away…”
“Nari,” you groan. “I’m not getting back together with him.”
“Hey, that is not what I was saying,” Nari rebuts with her hands up in surrender. “I was gonna suggest that you just lessen her traveling! Maine Coons are usually really active, but Milana’s a bit of a…homebody, isn’t she? Might not like all that moving around between yours and Vernon’s apartments.”
“But she’s literally with me five days a week. Won’t she have plenty of rest time then?”
“Oh, who am I kidding? Just get back together soon, pretty please?”
Yep. Mingyu’s definitely rubbed off on her.
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When you get home later in the afternoon, Milana is quick to slink off to her usual spot behind the sofa to take a nap while you make a beeline for the kitchen. 
It’s always been a post vet visit ritual to get take out to eat at home—even when you and Vernon were still together. However, you opted against the practice for now because not only does it remind you of your ex, but eating all alone in your apartment will only give you more leeway to think about the things Nari told you earlier today.
If you make your own food like you are now, your mind is at least preoccupied enough that you don’t have enough thinking room to even wonder if Vernon even wants you back. 
By the time the sun sets, Milana is still dozing behind the couch and you have a potful of pasta noodles and enough red sauce to last you five days. Another thing that you overlooked whenever you cook inside the house is that you almost always cook enough servings to feed two people. Whether subconsciously or not, you can’t bring yourself to hate how your habits are still attuned to the lifestyle you had three months ago.
Before you and Vernon broke up.
“Work,” you mutter to yourself as you dump some pasta and sauce into a bowl. “If I work, I won’t think about him anymore.”
Not-so wise words from a not-so wise person because newsflash: the time that you and your ex spent in your studio is leagues more than the time you spent together in the bedroom. Vernon has already cleared out his leftover gear from your home office, but memories aren’t something he can pack up and leave with so easily.
You recall quiet afternoons where you’d bounce ideas about their group’s next song off each other—sometimes with Jihoon and Seungcheol connected to a Discord call, but more often in the privacy of each other’s company. 
There were also gloomy days where it rained all day long. Milana would curl up on Vernon’s lap while he played around with the software on your computer—sometimes using the weird sounds she makes as samples to add into the mix along with the soft drizzle pattering against the windowpane.
But it’s even harder to just forget about all the times the two of you came together intimately within the soundproof walls. You can’t even count how many times Vernon has eaten you out while you’re perched on top of your work desk—one hand muffling your moans despite the fact that no one outside the studio can ever hope to hear you. The world is none the wiser when Vernon pulls you onto his lap, bouncing you on his length until he’s spilling into you with gratuitous release.
In the present, there you are in the ear-splitting silence of your studio—the music software your ex bought for you ages ago seemingly glaring at you for spacing out again. You know you shouldn’t be too hard on yourself since it’s easier to come up with the perfect beats when you’ve got a rough draft of the lyrics in front of you—something that Jihoon and Vernon are busy getting done today. 
But still. You can’t help the frustration because you’ve been functioning normally since the breakup. Sitting in the studio didn’t usually lead to you reminiscing about the countless hours you and Vernon spent here together. Making dinner never made you miss having someone to eat across from you at the dining table. 
If only Nari didn’t breathe a word about your ex-boyfriend and all the reasons why you should just get back together. Maybe you would’ve remained rational. Maybe you wouldn’t have started considering things that are beyond your control. 
Maybe you wouldn’t be hoping so badly for something to happen.
You try to distract yourself by listening to and reviewing the mix you’re supposed to hand over to Jihoon today. The visit you planned on making to the company was canceled since neither he nor Vernon were answering their phones, which usually means they’re taking shut-in day seriously for once.
The track continues to stream through the speakers as you munch on your dinner, filling the room with a quiet melody that would make a great ballad once the lyrics are in place. But no matter how good Jihoon’s music is, no matter how delicious your cooking can be, it isn’t enough to quell the thoughts that have been suffocating you all day.
You still…love Vernon. 
If you didn’t, your apartment wouldn’t feel as lonely as it does. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have to feel so awkward whenever you bring Milana to the vet all alone. 
But part of you insists that you’re just being carried away by the ideas that Nari planted in your head. You’ve been doing fine on your own for the past three months. How is today any different?
Your senseless overthinking gets worse before it gets better. 
The next thing you know, you’re scrolling through your gallery, unearthing pictures whose existence you’ve long forgotten about. You’ve spent almost three years with Vernon—two years officially before getting Milana on your second anniversary. Tons of photos were snapped, countless memories created. 
You could’ve snapped more photos, could’ve made more memories if only you hadn’t split up. The fact that (what should’ve been) your third anniversary passed a few weeks ago, stings more than it’s supposed to. That day, Vernon jokingly asked if you wanted to celebrate by your usual spot in the park a few neighborhoods away and you jokingly rejected his offer by saying you had a sitcom to catch up on.
Part of you wishes you accepted the invitation. Maybe the joke could’ve been subverted into something real, and maybe you could’ve been back in his arms by now.
That night, you go to bed with a mild headache and a million thoughts racing through your mind. It isn’t Jihoon’s sad, mellow mix that drones on and on in your head, but a single question that you aren’t sure if you’ll ever get a proper answer to.
How can you still love someone you were so sure that you didn’t anymore?
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Come morning, you wake up with a heart that’s heavier than last night and the glaring realization that Milana is missing.
Panicking isn’t usually your first instinct when it comes to your cat. Milana is fairly easy to spot because she’s built more massive than your regular neighborhood felines. But when you’ve already scoured the vicinity for your beloved Maine Coon, it becomes clearer and clearer that she’s nowhere to be found.
You ask around with your neighbors—fairly certain that they know what Milana looks like since she slinks out of the house every now and again. What makes this particular situation worrisome is that she hasn’t come bolting back inside your apartment when you brought out the goddamn catnip. So, when your neighbors begrudgingly tell you that, no, they haven’t seen an oversized house cat prancing around the area, you don’t know what to do.
“Wait, come again?”
“She’s missing, Nari,” you whine into your cell as you nervously bite down on your nails. “I… I was so sure that I locked everything last night, but when I woke up, the front door was wide open and Milana’s just gone.” 
Your friend curses at the other end of the line and from the concerned voices in the background, you figure that you must’ve called at a busy time in the clinic. 
“Sorry for bothering you,” you tell her while choking down a sob. “Just…give me a ring if ever you or Chae see her around the clinic.”
“It’s not a bother at all! I’m sorry I can’t be of more help,” Nari sighs. “I’ll keep in touch. Oh, but it’s also worth considering that cats like familiar places. If you’re going to look for her, you can start with that.”
“Alright, thank you, Nari.”
After hanging up on her, you bury your face in the palms of your hands—sticky tears matting your skin as you breathe in sharply. You’ve never had to deal with a lost pet before. How the hell are you supposed to find Milana in a city that’s as big as Seoul?
You consider calling the police to file a report, but you’re not sure if pet cats even count for a missing person’s case. They wouldn’t be of any help if it didn’t. The only thing you can do right now is go outside and look for her yourself.
You’re quick to pull on an old sweatshirt you once nabbed from Jihoon before heading out—simultaneously texting every one of your friends about the situation as you scout further out of your neighborhood. Hell, you even contacted the animal shelter you and Vernon adopted Milana from out of sheer desperation.
Thankfully, a handful of them responded right away with a promise that they’ll keep a close eye out for any Maine Coons that surely don’t belong in their areas.
But no matter where you look, you always end up back to square one. It doesn’t help that Milana doesn’t usually wander too far from your apartment, which means that you have no clue where she could’ve possibly gone.
Nari mentioned that cats like familiar places, but the only places that are remotely familiar to Milana are yours and Vernon’s apartments. 
Yours and Vernon’s…
You quickly bolt back to your place—scrambling to your car before fumbling to get the keys into the ignition. A few failed attempts and very loud cursing later, you manage to rev the engine to life. The next thing you know, you’re pulling into the street with an urgency that’s barely beating the speed limit. 
Given that it’s still a weekend, you don’t have to come into work, which means that you have no idea what the boys’ schedule looks like right now. You’re not even sure if Vernon is in the same city, but you’d rather risk the off-chance that he isn’t in Seoul than do nothing. 
You try your best to keep an eye on the road all while dialing up your ex-boyfriend as well as doing your best to obey every Korean traffic law there is. The first call goes straight to voicemail and you would’ve crashed into an SUV that’s idling by a red light if you hadn’t angrily brought down your foot on the brakes. Why the hell isn’t he answering?!
By the time you’ve made it to the street that led to his apartment complex, you’re already shaking with anxiousness. Dozens of uncertainties flit into your mind a million miles per minute. What if he doesn’t know where she is? What if he gets mad at you for losing Milana? Hell, what if he isn’t even here? 
Shoving down all these biting questions, you park haphazardly across the street, locking your car behind you as you jog up to the steps that lead to the entrance. You don’t know how to feel about the fact that the receptionist at the counter still recognizes you—even going as far as flashing you a kind smile and informing you that Vernon is just upstairs. You wordlessly thank her for the tip before jamming a thumb on the elevator buttons. 
You tap your foot impatiently across the marble tiles. Why the hell did Vernon choose to live in a place where you have to use elevators just to get home? Your apartment’s much more accessible especially in times like this when you feel like you’re going to explode with how fucking nervous you are—
The elevator dings when it arrives at the ground floor, making your nerves jump back into focus. You’re completely ready to brush past whoever’s getting out so you can come up to your ex-boyfriend’s apartment faster, but when you meet said ex-boyfriend’s surprised gaze at the mouth of the elevator, your prior urgency comes into a screeching halt.
He’s dressed like he usually is on lazy days—ugly checkered pajama pants, a tour shirt from some Western band that he probably hasn’t listened to a day in his life, and that perpetual bedhead he always sports whenever he just rolled out of bed.  
God, he looks so good. It’s so fucking unfair.
“Hey,” he greets awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. “I was just about to head out and grab breakfast… Uh, make that brunch. Did you need something?”
You don’t even dare to dawdle. “Is Milana with you?”
Vernon cranes his head in confusion and the look makes your heart sink like a stone. “Last I recall, you’re the one who brought her to and from the vet yesterday. Aren’t we missing a couple of chapters here or…?”
You meant to explain the situation as concisely as you possibly can to him. Vernon’s always been an easy going guy. You’re sure that he won’t resent you for it when he finds out that you lost the daughter you’ve been sharing custody over. Even if some irrational part of your brain insists that he will. 
But instead of coherent words, all that comes out of your mouth is a choked up sob.
The curve between Vernon’s neck and shoulder is as comfortable as you recall as you press your face against the crook of it—letting the tears run from your eyes and across his pale skin. You vaguely feel him wrap a protective arm around your frame while his free hand smooths down your hair and it makes you wonder why he’s patient enough to let you cry in his arms despite not having explained what the hell even happened yet.
He’s thoughtful enough to bring you to a more secluded corner of the lobby, calming you down by rubbing soothing shapes on your back with his hand and never letting you stray too far from his embrace. It helps that his low voice is there to keep you grounded—telling you that everything’s going to be fine and you just have to breathe, love. 
It works after a few minutes and Vernon only lets you let go when he’s sure you’re not in danger of suffocating on your own tears anymore.
“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong?” he murmurs, taking your hand in his. A small gesture that you’re too selfish to resist. “Is it about Lana?”
You nod weakly. “She’s…gone, Vernon. I have no idea where she went, but she’s gone.”
He hums in understanding and surprisingly enough, the understanding glint in his eyes never wavers. It’s a bit off-putting since you expected him to at least be shocked by the news, but it’s almost like he’s used to hearing that your pet cat just ran away. 
“Right. I forgot to tell you about this new habit of hers.” He chuckles with an apologetic smile before one of his hands reaches up to wipe the tears off your cheeks. The close proximity has heat rising to your face, but you’re too stunned to react.
“I read somewhere that it’s good for Maine Coons to wander around to stretch out their limbs. Nari also told me last month that Lana could use the exercise, so whenever she comes over to mine, I let her out without supervision. She eventually finds her way to the lobby and just waits for me to come back if I’m ever running a little late.”
You listen to every word of Vernon’s explanation with a look of disbelief. All this time, you were worried sick about how he’ll react to the news that you lost your cat, but he’s been letting her go out and about when it’s his turn to look after her?
“Then where is she now?” you ask—not bothering to pick a fight with him now of all times.
Vernon hums for a moment as if considering the options and you don’t miss how his fingers tighten around yours when he gives you an answer.
“I might have a good idea.”
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When Vernon suggested for you to head to the park just a few minutes away from your apartment as he climbed into the passenger seat, you merely scowled at him. “Milana is afraid of all the dogs that go for walks there. The only dog she isn’t scared of is Namja.” 
“Just trust me,” he insists as you start the car. “Better we look there and find nothing than not look when there turns out to be something.”
His logic isn’t so flawed after all when he briskly leads you down a familiar walkway to an even more familiar location. It’s a small hill that’s got a perfect view of the river nearby. The upslope is lined with plum blossom trees that bloom even more vibrantly in spring and it just so happens that one of those trees is dubbed as yours and Vernon’s usual spot. 
It’s where you and him usually hang out when the air in the studio has gotten a bit too stale to bring forth any sort of output. The outdoors can offer all sorts of inspiration when it comes to writing and producing songs and it’s common practice to make the trip to the usual spot when either of you are suffering from a nasty bout of creativity block. 
And under the shade of the tree in the said usual spot is none other than Milana—curled up in deep slumber as plum blossom petals drift onto her pale brown fur. 
You don’t even feel bad for rudely disturbing her from her comfortable nap, immediately pulling her into an abrupt embrace as you feel the tears welling in your eyes again. Milana lets out a strangled meow—claws straining against your skin with a threat of attack if you don’t knock it off. But you can’t bring yourself to care. You’d gladly use up all the band-aids in the world after she scratches you up if it means you can get to hug her for a few seconds more.
“There she is. All cozy at that.”
Vernon’s smooth voice startles you out of your relief—so overwhelmed to see your cat again that you almost forgot that you had company.
“I told you she’d be here,” he laughs before reaching out to pet her head. “You got us worried though. Don’t go wandering too far, okay, Lana? You scared your mom shitless, you know?” 
Milana responds with a disgruntled noise but you can feel her claws retract nonetheless. Damn Vernon and the fact that he’s obviously the favorite parent…
She seems considerably happier when you deposit her into her father’s arms—nuzzling his chest with a satisfied purr as you and Vernon start to descend the hill. 
But as he showers her with affection, you can’t help but sneak brief glances in your ex-boyfriend’s direction. Vernon has always been easy on the eyes. That’s one of the reasons you were drawn to him in the first place. But whenever you see him like this—laughing goofily as he teases Milana, the high of his cheekbones dusted red with a shower of plum blossoms gliding all over…
The gods are cruel to think you could ever put up a fight.
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When Vernon comes over to bring Milana back to your apartment, you don’t expect him to stay for too long. He mentioned on the way that yesterday’s shut-in session was a complete success and that they’ve got all their work cut out for them. All they need is a green light from the higher-ups before Jihoon can start handing the song samples to the company’s usual team of producers—a team that just happens to include you.
So yeah, you don’t expect Vernon to linger because he’s obviously got a lot on his plate. The man hasn’t even had breakfast or brunch or whatever. So when he surprisingly decides to stay and rummages through your fridge for the pasta noodles and red sauce you’ve been saving for tonight, it’s like you never broke up with him at all.
The sight is almost too familiar for you to bear. 
Vernon sitting on the kitchen counter, helping himself to some day-old pasta as his long legs dangled over the edge. Milana watching his feet sway around with keen eyes as she attempts to swipe at them with her claws. Not to mention you, who’s staring at the two of them like they’re the most precious things in the world.
“Hey, this is really good,” Vernon compliments with half his mouth stuffed with noodles. “You’re using that one Italian tomato sauce that I like, right? Man, I missed this a lot.” 
You will yourself to snap out of whatever trance his presence has got you in before walking closer to him with a soft laugh. You lean across the counter, grabbing a fork from the drawer where you keep your silverware to help yourself to some of the pasta that he haphazardly tossed into the microwave. 
“It could’ve been better if you heated the noodles properly in boiling water.” You shake your head. “Then again, you’ve always been impatient when it comes to food.”
“Not as impatient as Seokmin-hyung,” he snickers. “One time when we were still staying back in the dorms, Mingyu-hyung just put the lasagna in the oven but Seokmin-hyung was already yelling about when it’ll be ready to eat. Actually, he always does that even if one of us just pops something in the microwave.”
You shake your head, recalling the words of Nari’s receptionist, Chae. “Men. Always so dramatic.”
Vernon snickers in agreement. “Like you wouldn’t believe.”
You fall into conversation with him so easily, it’s almost unreal. When Vernon finishes his food, the two of you eventually migrate to the living room—catching up with each other in a way that you don’t really have the time to whenever he comes over to pick up Milana from your apartment in the past. 
Speaking of Milana, your cat acts as a barrier of sorts between you and Vernon, lying comfortably in the space that the two of you left unfilled. Cuddling up to him on the couch used to be so easy, it’s almost second nature, but now that you’re nothing but co-workers that are friends at best, you’ve got a lot more reservations than you used to have.
“By the way, I’ve been looking everywhere for that sweatshirt,” he muses before pointing at the graphic crewneck you’re wearing. “I thought I lost it in the laundry or that Seungkwan might’ve nabbed it when he came over to my place.” 
“Why is he your first suspect?” you snort. “Also, what are you talking about? This is Jihoon’s.”
Vernon blinks at you, a little confused. “No, that’s mine. Jihoon-hyung must’ve borrowed it from me and let you borrow it after. When did you even get it from him?”
“Um. About a month ago?”
“That explains it then.” 
You roll your eyes. “Look, if you want your sweatshirt back, I can just give it to you.”
“No, it’s okay. You can keep it,” he insists, one hand drifting onto Milana’s head so he can scratch her ears. “You’ve always looked good in my clothes anyway.”
Silence fills the room almost uncomfortably at how easy it is for him to admit that. The sudden shift in the atmosphere occurs to Vernon a little late and the smile on his face falls when he realizes what he just said.
“Oh, I didn’t… I mean—”
“It’s— It’s okay,” you interject meekly, managing a shy smile as you tug on the sleeves of your—his—sweatshirt. “I always liked wearing your clothes too.”
You’re perfectly aware that you should know how to hold yourself accountable for the things you say. That goes the same for Vernon. So when the two of you willingly let the other hear such controversial things that co-workers-slash-friends probably shouldn’t be saying to each other, you’re not sure what to make of the situation. 
Are you reading him wrong? Or is he actually reciprocating your misplaced longing, no matter how subtle? It’s always been hard to tell with Vernon, who’s never straightforward with what he wants to communicate. Always trusting that you would understand the nuance of his every action, his every word, when all they do is make your head spin.
The sight is perfectly domestic—lounging comfortably on the sofa after a good meal, both of your feet kicked up on the coffee table, and your big baby daughter purring quietly from where she lies between the two of you. 
But even if three months doesn’t seem like a whole lot, it’s enough time for some…due changes to eventually set. 
“You know…” Vernon starts, sucking in a deep breath almost like he’s nervous.
“Do I know what?” 
His eyes flicker over to the ceiling as if praying for some sort of deliverance before forcing himself to meet your gaze again. There’s a look in his eyes that you can’t parse right away, and you wonder if you can ever understand what it is. 
“I… I still listen to that old mixtape you gave me. Do you remember? The one you gave to me when we first met?” he murmurs quietly, bringing his hands onto his lap so he can twiddle with his thumbs. “Before we have to come up on stage and I start feeling nervous, I just listen to a softcopy of that mixtape on my phone. I still do now.”
That mixtape… He still has that? Moreover, he managed to save a softcopy and downloaded it onto his phone? You would’ve asked him how on earth he managed to do that, if you weren’t so startled about his sudden revelation.
“Your voice always gives me strength. Even when we weren’t together yet—even if we’re not together anymore.” Vernon purses his lips, a sad look eclipsing the sincerity in his eyes as he strokes Milana’s fur thoughtfully. “So I’m really sorry if you think I’m overstaying my welcome today. I definitely am. But I just— I just wanted to be selfish for once.I wanted to spend a little more time with you because I know you’ll go back to distancing yourself from me once I leave.”
When he turns to face you, you know it’s the real deal. There’s a spark of determination in his eyes that scares you a little—like he’s about to say something you’re not ready to hear yet regardless of how badly you want to. 
But before he can get a chance to utter the words, your phone starts ringing on the coffee table. You’ve never swooped in to answer a call so quickly in your life.
“Hello, what’s up?” You nearly cringe at how bubbly your voice sounds as you get up from the couch.
“Hey, have you found Milana?” Nari’s voice flows into your ear, genuine concern lacing each word. “I asked Mingyu to look around with Namja, but no dice. I could contact some other friends if you—”
“It’s okay, Nari,” you interject, fingers drumming across your thigh. “We already found her.”
Your friend makes a curious noise. “Who’s we?” 
You nearly balk when Vernon plucks the phone out of your hands, pressing it to his ear with a smug grin that you don’t usually see him wear.
“Who else?” he says. “Thanks for checking in, Nari. But we’re kind of…busy.” 
The call isn’t even on loudspeaker but you can obviously hear the way Nari gasps like Vernon just unveiled some scandalous secret. “Oh my god. Are you—”
Vernon ends the call before tossing your phone back onto the couch, startling Milana out of her nap. Your cat flashes Vernon something similar to a dirty look before hopping off the cushions and sauntering off elsewhere. You just hope she doesn’t retaliate by wandering outside again.
But your cat’s newest penchant for wandering around is the last thing on your mind because even if you’re not facing him, you can sense Vernon’s towering presence directly behind you.
You don��t resist when he hugs you from behind—resting his forehead against your shoulder as he breathes out a shuddering sigh. His arms still feel like home despite being months into the breakup and you don’t know how to fucking deal with it.
“I still love you. Never stopped,” he whispers. “It was…completely stupid of me to think we’re better off as friends just because we’re coworkers. You’re too important to me. I don’t want to be your friend. I want to—”
You don’t even give him leeway to finish that sentence, whirling around in his embrace as you meet his lips in a quiet kiss.
In a split second, several things happen at once. Dying stars collide. Black holes collapse. Eternities unspool. 
And you start to realize that you can’t live without Vernon Chwe.
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“Shit, Hansol, please.”
Vernon loves how his other name falls so gracefully from your lips—loves how you frame the words in such an…interesting way. You only ever call him that when you’re feeling particularly strong emotions—happiness, anger, disappointment…
He heaves a long sigh as he peels himself away from the home he’s made between your thighs. You’re not sure how long Vernon has been eating you out, but your brain is close to melting and you can’t process any other coherent thoughts aside from how your cunt still tingles from the orgasm he just gave you. 
Your panties have long been discarded on the bedroom floor. All you’re donned with now is the old sweatshirt that you thought belonged to Jihoon but turns out was Vernon’s property all along. He insisted that you keep it on—emphasizing just how much he likes seeing you in his clothes before promptly robbing you of your capacity to think by eating pussy like it was his life’s purpose.
It doesn’t help that he looks so fucking delectable between your legs—big hands splayed across the sensitive flesh of your thighs as he looks up at you with a dazed expression. His lips are parted, still glossy from the aftermath of your release and the look in his eyes almost makes it seem like he’s the one who’s just been eaten out to completion.
“Fuck, ‘Sol,” you whimper, head falling back onto the pillows as you shield your eyes with your arm. You can’t even look at him without feeling like you’re about to combust. “Stop staring at me like that…”
Vernon leans down to pry your arm off your face—forcing you to meet his loving gaze before pressing your arm down onto the mattress.
“Like what?” he whispers, the blunt of his nail scraping against your bottom lip. 
“Like you want to swallow me whole.”
His eyes almost crinkle with how wide he smiles at you and you nearly writhe with anticipation when you feel his drenched fingers prodding your slicked entrance again. 
“What if I tell you that’s exactly what I want?”
Vernon’s mouth is on yours before you can even breathe, tongue bullying its way past your lips as he licks into your mouth. He slips the digits he used to tease you back into your wet channel and you delight in how he swallows your moans as he pumps them inside at a languid pace. Vernon has always been good at building your release from the ground up—never one to rush any orgasms he’s willing to give. As long as you feel good, he’ll exercise as much patience as he can.
“V-Vernon,” you gasp when he curls his fingers and thumbs at your clit at the same time, flicking your sensitive bud with just the right amount of pleasure that has your toes curling with pleasure. “Fuck, please, please—”
“Sounds so good for me,” he sighs, taking your bottom lip between his teeth before giving a delicious tug. “Wanna record all your pretty noises and use it in a song. D’you want that too, love? Want everyone to hear how nice you sound?”
The idea of him using your voice in the throes of pleasure for such a mundane thing sends a rush of heat straight to your core. You moan in reply, rubbing your needy cunt against his hand in a desperate attempt to get yourself off. Vernon chuckles against your lips and his teasing almost makes you pout, if only he isn’t so fucking good at finding your g-spot.
The first time he makes you come, it’s with his mouth and the second is after he expertly picks you apart with his fingers. But no matter how well Vernon knows your body, you still think it’s fucking unfair for him to coax orgasm after orgasm from you like it’s as easy as breathing.
“Hansol,” you whisper—brain too fucked out to segreget his two names properly. “Want you inside me. Want all of you.”
He shakes his head with an audible tut, slipping his fingers out of your pulsing hole. The action makes you mewl in protest, but Vernon brings those same fingers to your lips to silence you. 
“You have to work on your patience, love,” he murmurs, angling his face a little before his lips descend onto your neck. “It’s been a while since I’ve had you like this… I want to savor you. You’ll let me do that, right?”
All you can do is answer him with a helpless nod.
His sweatshirt is off in a split second, revealing your body to him in a way that makes you want to hide underneath the covers. He gazes at you so intensely, it makes you wonder how someone you broke up with three months ago still looks at you like it's the first time.
Vernon writes poetry onto your skin with each caress of his lips, making sure you feel everything he’s doing to you as he leaves no inch of your body untouched. Sex with him has always been intense, not because he likes to fuck hard and fast but because he likes to take his time—to sink himself into your skin deep enough that you can’t ever hope to flush him out of your system. 
That’s probably one of the reasons why you just couldn’t bring yourself to stop loving him. He’s become such a fundamental part of your life that living without him is the same as breathing without oxygen. 
“Beautiful,” he murmurs as his lips latch onto your breasts. “So fucking beautiful.” 
Vernon isn’t a man of many words. You’ve come to know this for a fact, so whenever he spills all these compliments for you to hear, it makes your heart swell inside your chest. A handful of other people have called you that in the past, but when the words come from Vernon’s mouth, it feels like the gospel truth.
Fortunately, your lover was never too cruel to you. Sure, he likes to instill the value of patience, but Vernon never found the appeal of bringing your partner to tears because of their unquenchable need for release.
He doesn’t even make you beg for his cock. Vernon simply lines up the tip with your swollen entrance before slowly pushing inside—dark eyes cognizant of every shift in your expression to make sure he isn’t hurting you. When all he sees is you whimpering from how good it feels to be split open by his cock, he knows he’s doing it right.
“I love you,” he whispers breathlessly—hoping the words won’t be lost in the midst of the mind-numbing pleasure. “I’m so in love with you.”
He ploughs you into the mattress slowly, deeply, wanting you to feel every inch of his cock as he fucks into you. Vernon is rarely vocal with his words when it comes to sex, but he makes up for it with the pleasurable sounds that escape his lips. And with how long it’s been since the two of you lied together like this, you wouldn’t blame him for feeling more unhinged than usual.
“I love you, too, ‘Sol,” you sigh but the words are eclipsed with a high-pitched keen when he amps up the pace of his thrusts. 
“I love hearing you say that,” Vernon groans, biting his lip until he can taste iron on his tongue. 
“Then I’ll keep saying it.” It’s a miracle how you manage to get the words out when he’s quite literally punching the breath out of your lungs with each stroke. “I’ll say I love you while you’re fucking me. I’ll say I love you even when you’re not.”
“I’ll say it all the time if it means you’ll come back to me.”
For a moment, the intense pace he’s set falters—eyes wide and mouth agape. You worry that you must’ve said something out of turn, but Vernon proves you wrong by pulling you forward into a tight embrace, fucking up into your tight cunt with a kind of vigor that you never would’ve associated with someone as easy going as he is.
“I’m yours, love.” he rasps against your neck, teeth grazing the skin just above the thrum of your pulse. “I’ll always be yours.”
The sudden switch in positions and the sincerity of his words is what pushes you over the edge a third time—making you cling onto Vernon like a lifeline as he continues fucking you through your orgasm. You can tell that he’s close. His strokes are more erratic, more frantic. Now that he’s brought you to the pinnacle, he doesn’t see any reason why he shouldn’t make it to that same paradise too.
When he comes, it’s a burst of white hot pleasure that singes through every single nerve ending in Vernon’s brain. You let out such an adorable little whimper as his cum coats your insides in generous spurts, filling you to the brim with his emission with the full intention of keeping it inside you for days.
But as much as he loves entertaining the idea of defiling you until everyone in the world knows you belong to him… 
He’s always put great importance in the art of aftercare.
Both of you try very hard to ignore Milana’s judgemental stare as Vernon carries you to the bathroom—propping you up on the toilet cover first as he draws a warm bath. But from the way she dismissively leaves the two of you to your own devices after a few minutes, you like to think that you’ve gotten her seal of approval.
Your no-longer-ex-boyfriend gently lays you into the tub with him, reaching out for the soap on one of your toiletry holders as he massages you everywhere you’re sore. You let out a satisfied sigh before resting the back of your head against his firm shoulder.
“How’re you going to explain to the higher-ups that you’re dating one of their producers again?” you chuckle, placing your hand on top of his as he continues to clean you up. “Maybe I should just find a job somewhere else. A place where it isn’t illegal to have an idol as a boyfriend.”
“Maybe,” he muses before placing a firm kiss on your temple. “But whatever happens, I know I’ll always stick by you no matter what.”
You turn around, arching an eyebrow at him. “Even if it’ll cost you your job?” 
You completely expect him to backtrack a little. Vernon is obsessed with you—you get that. But probably not to a point where he’s willing to breach the company’s contract just to keep being with you, right? 
But for some reason, it sounds so fucking easy for him to say it when he whispers:
“Even if it’ll cost me my job.”
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⟢ end notes: this is probably the sweetest thing i've ever written bc i personally headcanon vernon as someone who loves his s/o so deeply, it consumes him (like in a good way yk). i had so much fun writing this (esp since i got to sneak in vet!reader from again and again under the name nari hehe) so i rly hope you enjoyed it! do look forward to the last part of this series, which will feature resident catboy jeon wonwoo <3
this is part of the doting on you! series.
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blue-jisungs · 9 days
hello! i hope 2024 has been treating u well!
can i request where jaemin is ur new roommate and ur sorta pessimistic abt him for awhile cuz of his cats? then one day its just u and his cats and then u start warming up to them, not knowing that jaemin was watching the whole time please!
so sorry if this is too specific but thank u if u see this!!
cats and pizza
author's note. hi anonnie! sorry it took so long :( 2024 has been quite nice for me teehee, i hope it has been for u too <3 also this was so fun to write as someone who absolutely adores cats 😭
setting. vet med student !jaem x fashion designer student!yn
warnings. one of the cats pisses lol, pizza, swearing, yn doesn’t like cats and talks bad about them >:(
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“oh come on, it’ll be fine! he looks nice and he’s a veterinary medicine student? come on, he must be… normal… i think” renjun hummed, looking through your shoulder at the text you got.
you rested your forehead against his arm and groaned while he took your phone and replied to the message.
“you need a roommate. stop being picky… besides, he’s not gonna be any weirder than the chenle guy… probably. hopefully” renjun cheered you on and patted your head.
your previous roommate, karina, had to move out so now you were in a desperate search of someone at her place because there’s no way you could single-handedly afford the rent. the landlord didn’t mind as long as it was paid so you could choose whoever you wanted.
but once you put the offer online, the amount of people and interviews crushed you. the rent was almost due and you had to hurry up – but it wasn’t your fault that all the interested individuals were… specific.
but getting a text from a guy named jaemin drew your attention. he wasn’t dry like all the previous guys and said that he’ll adapt into your schedule to come see the place – unlike others who set up the date and you didn’t have much choice.
you agreed to meet today and brought your bestie, renjun, as a moral support. and additional eye of judgement.
a knock on your door caused you to jerk up.
“it’s probably him” you sighed and ran to open the door “hi—”
your voice got stuck in your throat as your eyes met with a very handsome guy. a gummy smile bloomed on his lips as he reached his hand out.
“hi, i’m na jaemin! y/n, i assume?” he asked, voice full of positive energy. renjun appeared behind you.
“i… oh, right, you know my name. yes, y/n” you cleared your throat and shook his hand. it was warm and bigger than yours.
“renjun” your friend grunted and accidentally nudged your shoulder.
“i’ll show you around. do you want some water or anything to drink?” you asked nicely, stepping aside to let him in. while jaemin and you couldn’t take your eyes off each other, renjun let out a sigh.
“do you have any questions?” your friend asked, crossing his arms.
“oh, yeah! are pets allowed? cats specifically?” jasmin asked and you froze.
well, technically yes.
but you just weren’t a big fan of felines. they are just… mean. and ignorant.
but jaemin is so cute and–
you looked at renjun surprised when you two spoke out at the same time. jaemin laughed (and goodness, if it wasn’t the prettiest thing you’ve ever heard), throwing his head back slightly.
“yes they are. i’m just more of a dog person, you see” you hummed. jaemin sent you a warm smile.
“don’t worry, they’re lovely” he reassured you and renjun urged to show him the room.
and you blame renjun to this day for that because if you were to listen, you would’ve paid attention and noticed that jaemin had said ‘they’.
was one of your main factors to settle for jaemin the fact that he was charming and handsome? yes. did you think he only has one cat? yes.
much to your surprise, along with a new roommate you got three cats as a bonus.
standing terrified in the middle of kitchen you watched one of them snuggle against your leg as jaemin watched with amusement.
“they are real angels. i promise they won’t cause any trouble” he hummed.
you moved away from the cat but it followed you, looking at you with its big, blue eyes.
“just for the love of god please… make sure they don’t shit in the kitchen. or come anywhere near my room” you murmured, jaw clenched. if that furry thing of a demon is going to brush against you again–
the cat must’ve somehow understood that and it purred, tail wrapping around your leg.
“go… away…” you whined, stepping back yet again.
“luke, c’mon” jaemin sighed and grabbed the cat in his arms. the beast animal was looking at you with a mischievous expression. a shiver run down your spine as you looked away, and a meow came somewhere from the distance.
the sound of happy little feet kept you awake at night. lucy, luna and luke (it was hard not to remember the names since jaemin had them engraved on almost everything) were playing around in the hallway. at 3am.
pressing a pillow to your ear and pulling the duvet over the other, you cursed mentally at your own stupidity. you hated cats, why would you even agree? sure, jaemin is really cool and there certainly is something between you two but the goddamn furry beasts…
a loud meow came from under your door.
and then a scratching sound.
“you have to be kidding me” with a groan, you left the bed and opened the door only to be met with a pair of evil looking cat.
“luna- lucy, whoever you are… get your ass out of here” you grunted and tried to whoosh the cat away. but it only meowed and tried to come into your room “no!”
it was middle of the night, you should be asleep and getting your well needed rest for today’s exam.
but you’re closing the door and fighting with a feline.
great, just great.
“jaemin!” you yelled out, not bothered by the fact that you’ll wake him up “na jaemin, get ahold of your goddamn furry devils!”
you heard his hurried footsteps and when he reached to hold the cat up, you noticed he’s not even angry in the slightest.
“luke, c’mon, no scratching the door. sorry, y/n. sleep well” jaemin hummed softly and walked away with the pet in his arms, scratching it’s head gently.
as much as you’d like to say that you warmed up to the cats it just wasn’t… very true. you just accepted their presence. you even refilled their bowls a couple of times or threw them a squeaky toy.
as long as they didn’t interfere with your personal space, you didn’t with theirs.
which you were glad for.
“i’m back! i have some leftover pizza if you’d like!” you yelled out, not even sure if he was home.
you went to leave the pizza in a safe space (you totally didn’t save it because you knew it was his favorite) and walked towards your room.
something was off - it was very quiet in the apartment. and… it smelled…
pushing the door open you saw lucy jump off your bed.
“what?” you grunted, noticing how the cat ran past you. before you realised the smell, you saw the source: cat urine.
on your uni project.
“no, you’ve got to be shitting me” your voice broke, walking up to the handmade material for a dress. it was certainly pissed on.
but how did the cat end up here? you closed the door to prevent exactly such thing from happening.
tears were falling from your eyes, feeling helpless.
lucy was peeking at you from behind the door cautiously. maybe she sneaked in before you left and then you accidentally locked her in? yeah, that’s the only possible reason.
but that doesn’t make the situation any better (or the cloth any less stinky)
“ew… y/n…”
you heard jaemin’s mocking voice but the moment you turned around and he saw your quivering lip, his face dropped.
“what happened?” jaemin asked, walking in.
“i… lucy peed on my dress… which was my project for tomorrow… i don’t know what to do…” whines and sobs ripped out of your chest. jaemin sighed, eyeing the situation.
the said cat meowed as if saying sorry.
then, you felt two warm arms wrapping around your shaking body.
“it’s going to be fine, i’ve dealt with this countless of times before” he said calmly, fingers caressing your hair “let me handle this”
you sobbed into his chest – maybe from the stress of relief – and jaemin continued to soothe you, his cat watching you two curiously.
this day was shitty as hell. it’s been two weeks since the pee accident and luckily you managed to save your project. and whereas that made your mood lighten up, today was just a bad day.
you lost $20, dropped your phone and cracked its screen, and on your way back home rain started pouring and soaked you completely.
the warmth of your place was nice and made you feel secure. the second you stepped inside, you broke down.
everything just snapped and you sat down on the floor, careless to the fact that all the water is pooling around you.
cries left your lips, tears mixing with the raindrops on your face.
suddenly, something warm and fluffy crawled on your lap.
at first you wanted to push it away but upon meeting luna’s blue eyes staring at you cutely, you didn’t. you let her stay, unsurely resting your hand and her head. when she purred, you took it as a sign to let her.
sobs mixing with purrs drew the other two, lucy snuggling next to you, pawing the material of your sweats, and luke staring at the scene.
the cats silently comforted you, it hit you.
because of that, you started crying even more; feeling bad about the way you treated them before.
the quiet sound of door opening fell deaf on your ears.
jaemin looked down and his heart warmed upon the scene. he was proud of his kids, they reacted the same way he would.
“i have some pizza, i figured you’d want some” he announced quietly and you nodded.
maybe that’s all you needed after all: cats and pizza.
masterlist <3
taglist. @l3visbby ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @mon2sunjinsuver ,, @w3bqrl ,,
@eternalgyu ,, @haecien
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fcthots · 7 months
it is i...🏍️ anon...finally online when your inbox is open lmao. ty for the love on the motorcycle ask!
lately i've been thinking about being in a fight w jason and you're both ignoring each other all day but he still pulls you close the second you're both in bed bc he just instinctively has to hold you and ask if you're warm enough and tell you he loves you even if he's grumpy about it and refuses to say anything else
also thinking about makeup sex
(p.s. my crazy orange cat says hello, he's not quite gus but i think there's a spiritual connection)
Omg tell knockoff Gus I said hi
also omg YES ur back and with amazing asks as always <3
The fight started bright and early that morning. Jason was in a bad mood and said something dumb so you went defensive and said something insensitive. It was the same song and dance that had happened a thousand times.
Jason blew off steam during patrol and it was nearing 3 am. When you talked, you fought, so you remained silent. Brooding. Maybe you spent too much time around the bats.
You sigh as Jason takes his shirt off before bed. You aren't really mad at him, you're just annoyed. And stubborn. This "fight" would have been long over if you both weren't the most stubborn individuals on the planet. In your defense, he started it.
He lays down in the bed and closes his eyes. You figure that's that. You'll just go to sleep and see how you feel in the morning.
The second your weight is shifted onto the bed, Jason has you wrapped up in his arms. Night routine is still on then. The only difference is that he doesn’t look at you.
A slight shiver runs down your spine at the cold sheets. "Are you warm enough or do you want me to turn up the temperature?" His voice is gruff and lacks the usual softness, but the word themselves still warm your still salty heart. Even when you're fighting, he still cares for your comfort.
"'S fine." Your voice is tired and slightly clipped but the way you hugged his arms closer to you betrayed your care.
Usually he'd make you face him so he could kiss your forehead, but tonight he places the kiss to the crown of your head.
"Love you," he grumbles, eyes still closed.
"Love you too." You don’t think either of you would be able to sleep if the words were left unsaid.
He hums in acknowledgement and gently runs his fingers up and down wherever he can reach until you both pass out.
Tomorrow, he'll make you breakfast in bed and it'll be like the fight never happened. Tomorrow, he'll look you in the eyes and tell you he loves you. Tomorrow, he'll look you in the eyes as he undoes you.
But, for now, you'll smack him when he shifts to get more comfortable, just to be petty.
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bearw-me · 2 months
Hiiii!!! Would you mind doing headcannons / a fanfic where Husk has a crush on the reader and one day they ask him if they could cover being a bartender for a while to give him a small break (and to chat with Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb bc they are sitting at the bar too) and he agrees, not thinking that they would actually be able to make any drink or anything, but they actually end up being a phenomenal bartender (yet has never told or shown anyone until now), and it make him flustered as he has an even bigger crush on them now (which he thought was literally impossible). Thank youuuu!!!! 💖💖💖 (Also I love ur work 💖✨)
I cant describe in words how your request made me feel lmao! and thank you so much! ( i could talk about this dynamic all day ♡♡♡
𝐀 𝐅𝐞𝐰 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐔𝐩 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞
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𐐒 includes : husk x gender neutral! reader, cherri bomb, angel dust 𐐒 cw : drinking/mentions of drinking, swearing, fluff, mutual pining, reader and husk are flirting so hard smh 𐐒 summary : Husk could use a break from the bar, so you offer to take up the job for the rest of the night! 𐐒 word count : 1.7 k 𐐒 note : ah, husk + his drinks (guys! husk! with a bartender! is!) my heart is liquid now
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The night sure was lively now that Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb came (literally) crashing through the front door.
You smiled, resting your head in your hands as you watched the two from the end of the bar. "Those two must be a handful for you," you teased, letting your eyes flit over to the grumpy old cat you adored.
He managed a smile, glancing over at the two who were downing shots like tomorrow didn't exist. "Yes they are," he mumbled.
"So why'd you come over here Whiskers? You know I'm still working on my drink."
"You know I gotta keep my customer's satisfied," his voice teased back- just as smooth as the whiskey he poured- how charming, you thought. "Can't leave you here all by yourself."
You nodded, feeling a blush creep over the tips of your ears and nose.
Although, you couldn't help but notice. . .
Husk, the charming gambling cat who bartended for the hotel, a cat you could've sworn- or hoped- wanted your attention most nights. . . stared at the pair across the bars edge with a tired eye.
You quietly followed his gaze, humming as you pondered the next move.
"Why don't you pour yourself a drink? On me," you slid your card over the polished wood, only to be stopped as soon as it hit the edge of the bar. Husk's fingers pushing gently against yours.
"It's bad luck for a bartender to drink on the job."
"Is that so? Sounds like superstition," you teased, sadly tucking the card into your pocket.
Doesn't usually stop him from doing it, you moped.
"Hey baby! You can buy me a drink, no strings of course!" Angel called over to you, bringing shameless attention to his chest and biting his lip.
The bar laughed with him, spirits deliciously high tonight now that the couple had joined.
You were glad for the change of pace, "You know what?" You pulled the card out again, raising three fingers so that Husk knew how much to pour "I will buy you that drink Angel."
Cherri and Angel celebrated by downing a shot each, the young overlord herself yelling into the air with glee at the score.
Your gaze lingered over to the two, the sounds of vodka and juice being poured next to you. "Husk?" you asked, not really turning to look at him.
"What's on your mind?"
You waited until the sounds of pouring stopped, little freckles of juice sticking to your hand. . . then you turned to him, a little unsure in what you were asking "This drinks for you."
With a gentle hand, you tried to stop him from sliding it over to you, and responded just as fast as his denial "Let me run the bar for the rest of the night!"
His confusion morphed into the classic doubtful Husk you knew: always keeping his guard up.
"Oh really," he rasped, leaning over the bar to hover right next to your face.
Maybe he was trying to intimidate you, or try to see through you. . . but you tried not to flinch at the challenge, watching his dark eyes narrow "And what do you get out of this?"
You shrugged, a dumb smile popping onto your lips "Time to sober up? How hard could it be?" you purred, relishing in the fact that Husk had recoiled from you.
Sitting across the bar, head cradled in your hands, smirking at him.
He sighed, letting his eyes roll "Alright, fine but-"
Before his sentence even finished, you were right next to him at the back of the bar, staring with a pep in your step at all of the liquors, juices, and garnishes he actually had back here.
"Hey I didn't say you could-"
"Sorry Husk," you pushed him out of the area, feeling a little unwelcome or foreign on this side of the bar.
I mean, you both did, but it wasn't an entirely bad feeling-yet.
"Heyy, the old kitty came to play with us!" Cherri teased, watching as Husk awkwardly took a seat next to the two.
"Finally!" Angel groaned, throwing an arm over Husk and pulling him into the fun.
"On second thought, I don't think this was a good idea," Husk unfurled himself from Angel's grasp.
"Come on Husk, you deserve a break!" Angel insisted.
"Yes! Here are the shots!" You laid the three previously poured shots onto the countertop, eagerly watching as Cherri and Angel picked theirs up, waiting for Husk to join them.
The old cat eyed the shot, the red liquid glimmering quite nicely against the bars wood-top, and back the the pair of smiling faces that awaited him "Fuck it, I could use a drink."
When he smiled, you felt it like your own, proudly watching as the unlikely trio threw the drinks back with a hiss.
"So, what'll it be guys?"
Cherri sighed, slinking over the bar with a devilish grin "Hate 'ta hound ya on your first day, but what can you make?"
You shrugged, the confidence of being behind the bar (and the previous drink you had) voiding any concerns or anxieties you would've had. "What kind of drinks were you thinking?"
"More fucking shots bitch!"
You smiled "Dirty hookers, jagerbombs, lemon drop shots. . . maybe a kamikaze?"
"Oh~" Cherri put a hand on her chest, feigning flattery, "Fucking all of 'em! And throw in a few snake bites for me!"
"Just the dirty hookers for me, doll."
The pair of deviants giggled, marveling at the bars newest bartender and talking to each other whilst you familiarized yourself with Husks' bar.
He keeps it well stocked, you thought. Speaking of which. . .
As you rummaged around for the appropriate bottles, you could feel a familiar burning at the back of your neck.
Husk was staring at you.
You blushed, trying not to make eye contact by busying yourself with this new found task. "What's with the face, Whiskers?"
You heard him grunt, "What was that?"
"What was what?"
"You an alcoholic or something?" he clarified, the sound of him running his empty shot glass against the table lying underneath Cherri and Angel's conversation.
You hummed, not really answering until you had everything set on the bar. Five shot glasses on either side, you took the two bottles in hand flipping them upside down with a smile.
The three watched with amusement as you flipped one bottle high up, counting in your head the number of ounces you were pouring with the other while catching the bottle just in time.
Husks stomach was doing flips, watching on with a mix of anxiety that you'd break something (or god forbid hurt yourself) and the fact that you were actually. . . laughing.
The alcohol in your hands, whiskey, rum, vodka- anything- flying between your hands with the debonaire smile on your face.
Every movement, every flip, every spin. It all looked-
Husk caught himself, throwing his gaze to the side and moping. Trying hard not to think about anything.
"Here you go!" You slid the shots over to the pair, sure that it'd keep them busy for a while. . . or at least a few minutes.
"So what'll it be, boss?" You leaned over the counter, solely focused on him now, with that smug smile on your face. . . or maybe you were still a little tipsy.
"Sure," you shrugged "Your gonna pay me after right?" You laughed when his face dropped, assuring him it was a joke. "Come on Husk, its time for you to be served for once, what kind of drink do you want?"
He seemed to freeze, the little pieces of fur on the back of his neck standing up like he was full of static. "Anything, I just need a drink," he said honestly.
Back to the same tired Husk, you smiled, chest filled with warmth. He looked, or he seemed. . . well you didn't actually know. Did he like that you were behind the bar?
You grabbed him a bottle of beer, easily wrenching the bottle cap off with the metal opener.
Husk took it into his hands faster than you could set it on the bar, tipping the bottle back so far that the dark green glass shone in the hotels light.
"I guessed you really could've used that drink," you sighed, feeling a little guilty for not doing him this favor sooner.
"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Angel and Cherri caught on as Husk nursed his bottle to almost empty.
You smiled, albeit a little bittersweetly, and turned back to the bar in order to make him something you figured he'd like to try.
With new found 'confidence', Husk blearily eyed your back, a sinking, fluttery feeling growing in the pit of his stomach. Watching you clean the glasses, something he did all the time, it looked. . . magnificent when you did it.
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The night continued without a hitch.
You watched from behind the bar as the three laughed. Yes, Husk was laughing, bottle in hand and letting Angel Dust push him around playfully, daring the two of them to come gamble with him sometime.
It filled your heart completely, he looked really good with a smile on his face. . . And every now and then you'd catch him staring at you, almost as if he were proud.
To be fair, the thought almost made you fumble a cocktail you were making for Angel Dust.
"You know, your pretty good at this," he complimented you, in that glorious drunken heaven he was in. The quiet purrs coming from him was enough to convince you of that.
"Here," you offered, sliding a small silver tray with two shots and limes on it his way "on me."
He chuckled, a deep rumbling sound as fine as the drinks he served you. "No, I couldn't drink two-"
"This one's for me," you pointed, taking the slim glass between your fingers.
"Drinking on the job is bad luck," he slurred.
"Are you kidding me? This is the best luck I've ever had! Come on," you insisted.
Husk's face, while already burning from the alcohol, was flush with nerves, a little smile on his face from the feeling it gave him. "Thanks."
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cat3ch1sm · 6 months
hihi! i saw ur requests were open and i was wondering if u could do killua and gon with a reader whos a silly, clumsy, and kinda dumb mf <3
except readers very powerful, on level or even more than them bc reader is a boss fr 🙏
this can be hcs or a oneshot or whatever u want!
☘️~ DW POOKIE I UNDERSTOOD U PERFECTLY!! thanks 4 requestingg ily <33
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𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐰 𝐚 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐬𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 <𝟑
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୨⎯ 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐚 ⎯୧
killua usually doesn’t have a lot of patience for people with your personality , but he’s honestly seen what you’re actually capable of so he’s more like.. weirded out
as in like, killua knows you’re crazy powerful and generally super capable- so how the hell do you literally manage to trip over every minor obstacle in your path
but tbh gon has kinda warmed him up to those kinds of people. outside of battle situations it’s basically him making sure you and gon don’t get kidnapped or killed or something
and the contrast between your personality during battle and your personality on just a regular day chilling with him and gon is like insane to him. one minute you’re covered in blood and utilizing blazing nen in ways he didn’t even realize were possible, and next you’ve pulled up like a really stupid meme or picture of a cat on your phone and just giggling like an idiot while showing him (and very much still bloodied).
killua asked you about it once and you just kinda gave him that thousand yard stare and he was just like… nvm
apparently your higher functions just shut off after a certain time 😭😭
but back to the clumsy part. because it’s genuinely insane how careless you can be on a daily basis. worse than gon.
“watch out for the fucking pole, y/n!”
“are you even paying attention?”
“what the hell did you even just trip over, you dumbass? there’s nothing even there.”
“holy shit can you be careful for once??”
“I literally watched you take down 10 chimera ants without breaking a sweat and you can’t even pull a push door, you idiot?”
“no, i’m not letting go of your arm because that’s the tenth time you’ve tripped in the past fifteen minutes. you’ll probably kill yourself if i don’t hold your ass up.”
“way to go, dumbass, now you cut your leg. maybe you’ll be less stupid next time” (while begrudgingly fixing you up)
along with being clumsy you can be super absent-minded and get distracted easily. like gon and killua will just be walking and talking and then suddenly stop and realize you stopped like ten feet ago to stare at absolutely fucking nothing.
when they backtrack to get you they’ll be like “wtf are you staring at” and you’ll just snap out of a daze and they’ll realize you weren’t even staring at anything in particular, you just…zoned out😭😭😭
“y/n. y/n? hellooooo? ugh… nevermind.”
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐠𝐨𝐧 ࿐ྂ
we all know gon isn’t actually the silly, slightly air headed kid from the early days of hxh, obviously- but when he’s just with you and killua and there isn’t any danger, you both basically act the same way. believe me yall got killua stressinggg 😭😭
u guys just fuel each others’ silly antics. and while he isn’t as clumsy as you can be, when u guys are together you guys r genuinely a two man wrecking team. you guys are constantly doing silly and sometimes stupid stuff and not at all focusing.
far too many times you both have been walking or running beside each other and just stumbled over each other’s feet and fell to the ground like actual idiots.
you and gon both have the same tendency to get distracted easily. so basically the same scenario from killua’s hcs but you and gon lmfao
he’ll be walking looking at his phone or something and realize the both of you aren’t even beside him anymore.
“y/n? gon? where… you gotta be kidding me. guys. what the hell are you even looking at?!”
little Christmas head canon- you guys absolutely knocked down the tree at least twice.
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ma3mae · 10 months
Don't be so annoyed, love!
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Summary: He's so annoying sometimes but it's ok because you love him 😭 (HC w/ Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo)
Genre: Crack, fluff, lowkey suggestive themes
Warnings: 🗿 we ignoring the red flags bc we can. also mentions of farting bc dazai 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
A/N: u cant tell me that they wouldnt do any of these things ok 💀also kunikida's got a small drabble out of nowhere but im always wildin when it comes to him 😭😭😭😭😭
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Dazai Osamu
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u cant tell me that as soon as hes rly comfortable in ur relationship that he WOULD NOT be ashamed of just farting outta nowhere honestly 💀
Like yall r just chilling on the couch, watching smth and he just lets it all out bc why should he hold himself back 🗿
Hes at home 🗿
But bro's lucky he doesnt smell but 🗿🗿🗿🗿 wheres the warning from him
u give him the side eye and hes like "What? Are you perhaps ashamed of human nature, bella?" like ok we'll leave him alone but he ruined the emotional moment of the movie yall were watching 😭😭😭
Is also the type to prob leave his socks and clothes lying around
It got better over time but he still sometimes does it bc old habits die hard i guess 🧍
once got so bad you just collected all of his clothes and put them infront of the door so he'd have no choice but to pick all of that up and do it himself 💀
would try to talk his way out of it in the beginning but also felt kinda bad after the relationship got more and more serious
So now hes a good bf/ husband and does it himself 🤩 (with the occasional sock under the couch 💀)
drinking habits would take a bit longer to be fully gone, he'd learn to regulate it over time
He's learned to warn you tho when he thinks that a rly shitty day might hit him bc work and more
sometimes you take the day off and do something together to take his mind off of it
Sometimes you're at work and a "im home" text without hearts will come and you know whats wrong
would feel more comfortable over time letting you take care of him
will definitely show you his appreciation for you the next days in one way or the other 🤩💅
talking about living together, yall would often have to sit down to talk about his spendings bc our man cant save for ANYTHING
Used to often come home with little things like "Look, this reminded me of you!" and it's a plushie of a cat or something
Started off cute and small but got dramatic like him really fast
ngl he came home with a expensive necklace u liked when the both of u went shopping but u didnt buy it bc.. she expensive...
like he was charming as always with his "Tada! Guess what I've got you?~ 😋" ".... Not the necklace...? 😧" "🤩 How did you guess that right, bella??" "😨😨"
THIS man right here wouldnt even hesitate to just right out fking steal shit for you if u want it bc thats how much Power u got over him he'd never admit that tho sksks... OK maybe in bed...
he'd def either blackmail or bribe chuuya into helping him with stealing
probably even has access to his bank account and you'd only realize that when he'd stand infront of your door, asking where that "f*cking b*stard" is
you'd legit have to mediate their convo or else the whole building you live in would be gone immediately skks 💀
Chuuya likes u so he wouldnt make yall pay for it bc he knows that dazai's nearly broke 24/7 and u dont deserve to pay for his fault 💅
it would be enough to destroy his pride to make him obey chuuya for like 2 weeks or sum cue evil cackling from said red head
queen of Gaslightining nr. 1 😭 sometimes its for the dumbest arguments tho like why its okay to smack your lips while eating 😭
"I don't know it's just really noisy and kinda annoying for me?" "But Bella, that shows just how tasty your food is or are going to deny that fact and say that I should not show my appreciation for it? What if for me personally it's a sign of a good meal?" "Yeah but doesnt need to be that for me. Also you can show your appreciation for it in other ways like just simply saying its delicious?"
"But actions speak louder than words, my love." "YEAH, well then what do you want then???"
Its just a whole shit show and would (lmao it WILL) end in him giving you just shameless bedroom eyes and well you know whats gonna be after dinner lmaooo 🤡😭
Also also i do believe that hes not the best cook at first but hes a real fast learner so it prob would only take him a week of consuming cooking videos and reading books and BOOM
"Samu, is this a 3 course meal you're cooking because that's a LOT of ingredients in the kitchen." "Sssh just sit down, wash yourself up and enjoy the evening, my love! I'll call you when I'm done 💕"
Manages to somehow still give you some snacks and drinks in between the cooking 😭 with some sneaked in kisses on your shoulder or lips 😏
If you go and hug him from behind, he'll be MELTING
Like nuzzling your face into his back while wrapping your arms around his torso, you feel the slight rumble in his chest as he chuckles at your cute action 😭
"If you want to eat something then you should take a break from being so cute, you know? Don't want the food to go bad from maybe getting a bit distracted if you stay here for a bit longer." "Ew, are you implying you'd start something infront of our food??"
"... Well, I can just have a whole meal by myself but you'd be left hungry so it's your choice 😋"
🗿 the way he doesnt need long to be turned on is alwaya amazing to u but thats just how whipped he is and bro is a whole snack himself so WHOS complaining 😋💅
food's is guaranteed to taste heavenly but if he knows youve got time, then he'd make excuses to taste your cooking like
"Samu, it's been a while since I've gotten to taste your cooking." "Aww, was it that delicious for you? Hmm but I actually prefer your cooking!"
Time for some cooking and baking lessons together, eoow 💅 with the occasional make out session because the sauce found it's way on your lips and he just had to clean it up with his 😭😋
honestly despite all of some of the difficulties, dazai would never fail in making you feel loved in his own way even tho u gotta peel back some layers 🗿
At the end of the day, his bear hugs and many kisses are smth u love to come back home to after work
also doesnt say it but would def be a house husband for u 🤩 with the occasional "whoops gotta go and do smth quick" text and he comes home at like midnight skks bc the agency needs his cute ass 😋 but dw dinner's ready and house chores have been done so enjoy ur evening after work, zurlie 💅
dont kill me for this but id give him a 7.5/10 😭
Obsessed with him and i love him but it would prob be really really exhausting to get him to FULLY trust you and its honestly understandable
Also he kinda makes me feel like i'd have to walk on eggshells around him because you often dont really know what hes thinking 😭😭
could smile at u while thinking "why u so ugly" 😭😭
also bro is so smooth, its scary like he'd prob make us forget immediately that hes trying to find out everything about us(why he sounding like a stalker 😨😨 wouldnt want him to be MY stalker 😨😨 or would I?? 🤩) MY DELULU BRAIN 👹
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Doppo Kunikida
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😨 Cleaning maniac
personification of the verse "I can COOk, i can CLEAN" (i know its "dont" instead of can but we all know hes like perfect house husband material... maybe a bit too perfect 💀💀💀👹)
If u forgot a cup on the dinner table, he'd legit take the cup, put it in ur hand and be like "why did u leave it there if u r not using it"
WILL def rant about why u shouldnt do it
Honestly huge nagging mom vibes 💀💀
At the beginning of moving in together, he'd just clean everything without a word whatsoever
Like you wanna help around the house too? NUH UH, he already finished everything up.
Vaccuming the house? Done
Swiping? Lmao be sure to not arrive at home after work around that time bc u gotta stand at the door and WAIT until the floor is dried 💀😭
Dishes have been done like at 5 in the fucking morning 💀👹
Bro thankfully doesn't wash clothes that often (gotta be careful of the water bill 😭) but there r days where he legit throws his clothes nearly everyday bc the worse the mission the more blood yk 🗿🗿
U had to legit drag his ass to the couch to talk to him bc he gonn be deep clean the house if someone doesnt stop him
"Kuni, you literally don't need to do EVERYTHING by yourself! I'm also here to help and frankly, it feels like you're my maid sometimes 😞" " Don't worry. Everything fits perfectly in my time plan and since you sometimes work overtime, it's better if I do a bit more of it."
... "🗿 You are legit saving this city from being destroyed so often and I just sit in the office, bro 🤡" "I understand your argument but I have seen the way you look tired so often so let me take a bit of your burden"
He knows how to make us go "🥺"
The argument prob went on for an hour until yall settled on making a plan on who does what on which days and if someone's gotta work overtime or sum then the other takes a bit of it over and so on
So in the end its alrighty 🎉
Groceries and so on are never a problem except it sometiems turns out like going shopping with your mom because...
"Omg Kuni, look!!" *holds up cute decoration* "We could put this on our dinner table! Isn't it cute 🥺??"
Bro just takes it from you and looks at the price. Legit gives you the 🤨 look
"That's 937,32 Yen (around 6€) 🤨🤨. For a tiny statue of a dog? We could find it somewhere way cheaper." "🥺 But it's a limited edition and it reminds me of you bc its got the same fur color 🥺. It's even got ur glasses on 🥺"
Bro will say no but the day after you spot the dog on the table 🤡
Yall lying in bed together and cuddle so give him a peck on the lips while killing him with your cute ass smile (U MURDERER 🗿🗿)
"What was that for?" "Hmmm, well I just noticed that said statue magically appeared on our table. You think it was a cute long haired fairy with glasses and a grumpy look 😋? "
He tries really hard to deadpan at you but the corner of his lips still tug upwards as he pinches your nose
"Well, sometimes its not so bad to buy a little extra, I guess."
If theres a market nearby with some really good deals then you'd either be dragged together with him or he'd come home after work with tons of bags
Always surprises you in how good he is at negotiating about the price
Sometimes you gotta stop him from arguing with some of the shop keepers because some decided to sell some items way too overpriced 🗿🗿🗿
you once found him stay up all night researching about reasonable prices for veggies... 😨
and cue to yall standing in the morning infront of said shop keeper getting absolutely destroyed in an argument by your man.. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Well guess who even got some extra free stufd because kuni terrified the shit out of him 😋
"Thank you for your hard work in harvesting and selling us these delicious vegetables. My wife is quite a fan of them." Your husband said as he put the money into the shop keepers shaky hands, face red in embarassement as he squeezed out a "It's nothing." between his teeth. His face paled at the words "We'll see each other next Monday. Until then have a great week." leaving your man's mouth as he gave him a friendly smile before taking your hand and going to the next stall,only for you to sheepishly wave goodbye to the shop keeper before going with your husband.
"Well, you gave him quite the scare back there." You said as you felt him squeeze your hand a bit tighter, the bustling of the array of people only increasing by minutes. "Someone had to correct his ways. It would help his sales but only if he's willing to take that advice seriously." he simply answered as he looked at the contents of the bag, counting the ingredients left to purchase.
"Well atleast we got ourselves more than we needed so we can go home and call it a day." "Who are you?" Chuckling at your surprised face out of the corner of his eyes, he continued to make his way towards the end of the market, to finally reach your car.
"I thought over your words and I do believe it would be nice to" laze around together "for once in a while. Everything in the house has already been done, so maybe we could try out that one series you've been talking about. The reviews seem to be quite positive about it."
He just lets a breathy laugh escape his lips at your squeal while you begin to rant on why its gonna be so good watching it and
honestly there are like no real red flags like his red flags are disguised green flags and yall can legit work through it easily
The only thing would be his tendency to overwork himself and it could lead to an argument but never a real fight because hes pretty easy to reason with
Like even when hes stubborn, he'll STILL listen to your words because the many good things about him that he'd always make sure to take your words seriously 🗿🗿
which sometimes makes it tempting to tease him bc we can lowkey understand why dazai easily tells him the most outrageous shit and your man just casually writes it down in his notebook 😭
"That damn idiot managed to fool me again by telling me that aliens have been among us (AMOGUS 👹) and that the goverment has been hiding it from us for decades." "I thought you already knew about that tho?"
"What" "What?"
"Wait so they're real?"
Cue to him showing him a video (that dazai sent to you a week ago just for this moment 😭)
Lmao dont tease him too much tho but dw, he cant stay mad at you at all lmao 😋💅
Honestly a 8.5/10 bc his nagging scares me 💀😭
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Edogawa Ranpo
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"Greatest Detective" more like "Queen of Gaslightining" 👹👹
Everyone knows hes way too obsessed with sweets but how the hell is his teeth actually still existing 🗿🗿
ngl i believe fukuzawa would prob sometimes just randomly ask him if he brushed his teeth bc he lowkey lowkey raised him ok 🤡
Ranpo is all nice like "yup, i did." but when u ask him, hes a whole b*tch about it
"Hah??? Why would you ask me that?? Do you really believe that I'd be so dumb to forget about brushing my teeth? If i can solve the most difficult cases then why would you assume that brushing my teeth might something that I'd forget, huuuhh??"
His gaslightining used to work at the beginning of ur relationship but sooner or later its not hard to notice his patterns 🗿
Like yas ok, he could just put up a whole ass strategy in how to not get u to notice that he didnt brush em at all but bro
Hes too lazy
And hes a sucker for attention 😩 like he might be "annoyed" if u nag at him bc of smth but he absolutely loves it bc its just one of his many ways to get ur attention without him having to actively get up and get it for himself 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Hes a huge clown but i love him 😭
Dazai tends to forget his socks or smth lying on the floor but THIS mf right here just doesnt rly care 😭
Like that was the first thing u noticed when u entered his apartment 🤡
Its not right out messy on a disgusting degree, its more like theres tons of trinkets n shit from cases or just random candy wrap hidden under the couch 💀💀💀
The epitome of "I can do it tomorrow" bc bro doesnt forget, he just IGNORES that he has to do it 😭
might take a while to actually get him to yk do smth around the house
used to prob only sleep and shower at his apartment and thats it💀
But when hes whipped then hes whipped and hed actually try his best to help around the house
Key word "try" 🤡
Like its often tbh accompanied by "okay, ill do it but only if i get smth"
But there are days when he legit deep cleans everything by himself bc either you had a bad day or yall had a fight 👹👹
still would whip out the "now gimme something, please 😋" if yall cuddle after a fight and he cleaned and tidied everything up for his love 🤩
doesnt always have to be candy yk HEUEHEUEHEUUE 👹👹👹👹👹
also its not a surprise but dont let him near the kitchen
Like he had only cooked for ONE time and it was like a fever dream
Bc u legit had a fever and he cooked chicken soup but uhm 🗿
he cooked it so good??? Like veggies n meat cut and cooked up nicely?
Broth kicking in real hard?
Like? "What the hell? I thought you couldn't cook??"
Bro is about to put that spoon fr away 💀
"I'm not so heartless to let you starve and I definitely wont be giving you some cheap soup either. I just looked it up on the internet and followed the instructions so you gotta get well soon because I miss your cooking 🤩🤩"
Are we flattered?? Gurl, maybe but he'd def know if we tried to make ourselves be sick to taste his cooking again
Bro only offers to help when it comes to baking 😪😮‍💨😮‍💨
His only help is licking the dough or chocolate outta the bowl or smth 😀
would sneak in many kisses tho bc he likes u and sweet stuff is just sugar overload for him and he loves it 🤩
I think one of the important factors for him in a relationship is that fukuzawa approves of you? Since he does value his opinion over his own intellect
Like bro trusted him when it came to Fukichi and other ppl 💀
fukuzawa could legit go "aliens r evil" and ranpo would be like "ok everyone, aliens are evil!!!!" 🗿🗿🗿
honesrly i dont think why there would be a reason for fukuzawa not to accept you (if there is one then time to take 100 steps back and reflect on urself 💀)
He'd prob be impressed on how u even fell in love with him bc.. its ranpo💀
petty, clingy, can be manipulative ( but never with ill intentions), would legit prank ur ass bc he can, impatient and quickly bored af
But hes attentive, kind, can be patient when it comes down to it, empathetic (depends sksks) (also thank u fukuzawa for kinda ramming that into his head 🤩), affectionate in his own way (a sucker for physical touch but would NEVER right out admit it 🗿) and so much more honestly
there arent any real red flags tbh (might come as a surprise for some ppl)
Maybe maybe he'd obviously have a bit of difficulty fully opening up and i do believe there might be times where he once or twice legit deducted what ur feelings r for him bc hes used to being careful around people and especially bc in case someonw could randomly target the agency
Or is some kinda criminal in general
But honestly when hes learned to trust you then you know youve got yourself someone loyal 💅 and i mean FR loyal
personal favorite hc and honestly prob canon since we've already seen it : he'd not be ashamed to throw hands at someone when he thinks you're being insulted or harassed
And with hands i mean exposing them to 100% until they are pissing their pants and begging him to leave them alone 🤩🤩🤩
Also also, gives me off a similar vibe to dazai with the "maybe having to walk on eggshells" around them but ranpo doesnt make you feel as watched tbh as dazai which would kinda make it easier to talk to
but bro isnt as smooth as him so whOOP 💀💀
Overall iconic and a solid 8/10 🤩🤩🤩💕💕💕
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The random ratings i gave them LMAO 💀💀💀 hope u like em 🗿
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chocotonez · 1 year
skz + partner privilege
a/n: partner privilege isn’t a concept I was very familiar with, but it’s so cute…I’m gonna cry this is so qidhajdjsjs!!! Thank you for requesting anon <3 (also varying lengths isnt me showing favoritism, just me showing my writer’s block)
warnings/genre: fluff, swearing, “I’m breaking up w u” jokes, g/n reader, please tell me if anything else needs to be tagged!
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-lets you distract him
-chan prides himself on being very driven and task-focused, but when you come into the studio, or when he’s playing games or trying to cook and you appear, he is immediately just fawning all over you
-he needs you to know that you have his attention, and he doesn’t want you to think he prioritizes work over you
-he knows very well that sometimes he can be seen as a man married to the music, but you’re quite literally his muse, so he wants to spend as much time w u as possible-but also because he loves you and ur so cute and he wants to hang out w u!!
-“oh, baby, hey!! nonono you’re not bothering me.” and gestures you closer so he can hold you and ask about your day, if you need anything, etc etc
-tldr he’s always patient with you and lets you “bother him” except you’re never an annoyance, he always wants you around <3
lee know
-shares his personal life with you/lets you in
-in a more superficial definition, he lets you call his cats your children, he invites you to his apartment 24/7, he wants you to meet his family so you can all bond
-but in a deeper meaning, minho also is a lot more vulnerable with u (compared to others)
-he takes thinks very lightheartedly and isn’t one for super sincere moments, where he cries in your shoulder or explains his feelings, but with you he feels safe
-he lets himself break down in front of you, he talks about the minor irritations throughout the day, and he talks about any problems that come up in your relationship
-he never likes getting too emotionally invested in romantic relationships, but he wants to stay with u for as long as possible!!
-tldr homie lets down his emotional walls even in regards to you because he loves you
-tbh this one was v hard because he already holds his partner on quite the pedestal, with lots of privileges LOL
-but I feel like Changbin is the type of boyfriend where you could convince him to do literally anything
-he’ll practically do anything you say because he trusts you, and also he wants to see you happy
-if he’s ever mouthing off to chan, the members just call you over to get him to apologize for giving so much attitude
-“y/n?? I thought you were on my side >:(“ and he’s pouting and whiny but he does as asked for you, and he always ends up giggling when you give him a little kiss on the cheek as a thank you for listening to you
-obviously he listens to you on a regular basis (healthy relationships !!) but he will always do what you say, if you ever complain about something he’s doing while you’re fighting, he’ll put sincere effort into changing that or altering bad behaviors in a relationship
-obviously in exchange you’ll always put his feelings into his consideration and listen as well, but it is a privilege to have him so obedient (Chan thinks it’s a blessing)
-tldr he listens to you 24/7 about not being dumb but he also listens to you 25/8 about improving as a boyfriend and a person
-he’s so fucking sassy and always puts a lot of sarcasm and jokes
-similarly to minho he’s not going to randomly lovingly cup your face and profess how much he loves you, because he feels like that’s already obvious enough
-but with you!! he just snickers if you make a stupid joke at him, kisses your forehead, and jisung is just like :0
-han will just joke about hyunjin w slipping or messing up during a performance, and hyun will hit him with like “let’s talk about how you messed up pre-debut and almost got us cancelled”
-but if you ever call out hyunjin he won’t retaliate or bark back, just playfully roll his eyes and say “get better insults”
-he just can’t be mean to you, he can’t ever bad mouth you or even be hyperbolic in his little sarcastic remarks
-it seems small to your friends, but you know that this is his way of showing how much he loves you
-it’s not that he things you’re emotionally fragile or incapable of handling him, but he just holds you in such high regard and always so proud of you for all your accomplishments and improvements and wahhhh how could he ever find a way to back-talk you?? there’s nothing to mock or call out, at least in his eyes
-shows you off
-I feel like it’s pretty clear that he shows you off throughout my reactions (but never objectifying you), but for someone so bright and lively he can be a bit personal about his relationships—just an introvert thing tbh
-but to him you’re the most beautiful and amazing person in the world so how can he not post 20 instagram stories of you just randomly doing things?? how can he not smile every single time he talks about you??
-it makes you feel so incredibly loved and special to have someone so proud to date you
-he’s very loud and proud to love you, and even though he can shy away from being more expressive to the public about sincere feelings, he’ll never back away from an opportunity to brag about how amazing his partner is
-posts you to his story 24/7, talks about you excitedly to his loved ones, and he likes to include little aspects of you in his day to day life just as a constant reminder to others that he has the best s/o ever -wears your favorite color, your initials drawn on his wrist, picking out clothes he knows you like -and he'll always be like "oh this earring?? my partner likes this one, that's why i picked it <3"
-is more honest to you
-not that he lies to everyone, he’s so sincere and kind but he really is just a person and he feels like everyone expects him to love everyone, to tolerate everyone, and sometimes that’s just completely impossible
-rants to you about his feelings or annoyances, because he knows that you don’t have any expectations for him to just be a piece of sunshine 24/7
-you give him a place where he feels safe, maybe he had a bothersome run-in with someone at work, the choreographer was being a jerk, something along those lines—but then he gets home to you with your arms open wide and he’s immediately just ranting and huffing and puffing about his day
-“omg. love, today, you’ll never believe what this person tweeted about us, god!!” >:(( and he can just go off
-his honesty means a lot, because it shows that he really trusts you and is super sincere about his feelings, he knows that he doesn’t have to lie to you
-lets his humour run wild with you
-doesn’t feel like he needs to suppress his character around you, doesn’t feel like he needs to pretend, but unlike Felix who’s genuine in his feelings, Seungmin’s genuine in his humor
-weirdly stands in your doorway, pokes your cheek
-he can get kinda insecure about his behaviour, how he acts, he doesn't want to seem weird or be perceived any less especially when he was still super duper whipped and just wanted to impress you -but as the two of you grew closer he realized that he could just have the time of his life w/ you and you actually seemed to enjoy some of his jokes -okay so sorry about the format change it annoys me too--anyways, he loves to make you laugh so he is so down to publically humilate himself just to see you smile -he feels more confident and he feels as if its more worth it to be himself for you -you do wonders for his self confidence + he has fun so it's a win win situation
jeongin -always makes time for you, no matter what - he regards himself as more of a private and personal person, it can be overwhelming to him to be constantly surrounded by others, but for some reason you don't exhaust him in that way -he makes sure you always feel wanted, he never wants you to think that he'd rather have solitude over you -his members always tease him about it tho :,) -"we literally asked jeongin to hang out seven times this week and he said no six times, how did you manage to get him to immediately say yes to getting lunch with you??? he's a simp." -and yes he is!! he wants to be with you, spend time with you -you will always be in his schedule, even if for only a second
-on tour and you need to talk? dw shawty he's already asking a tech worker to hold his phone so you can facetime him while he's getting ready backstage -it's four am but you just need your boyfriend with you? he's already outside your door -he loves being with you <3
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nqify · 1 year
How about our cat boy using a collar on u, acting possessive, and saying things like your mine and all that stuff.
If u could add some aftercare or/and cuddles
collar kink. — miles quaritch ☆
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pairings. na’vi!miles quaritch. fem!reader
content warnings. choking. lil degrading. dirty talk. daddy kink. oral for f!reader.
note. i just know he’d get you a cute little hello kitty one
we all can agree on that miles is so possessive over you. anything you do, anything you have, anything u eat, drink IS HIS!!!
so when he starts thinking about having a collar on u while he’s pounding into ur abused pussy!! oh my god he’s going crazy!!
he’d be so subtle with it at the start, he’d see if u rlly rlly like choking, and ofc u did duh?? like he’s drilling ur shit and u whine, “p-please daddy c-choke me!!” yeah your definitely gonna LOVE the collar.
When he sees you in it for the first time?!?! oh my god, tail wagging, ears perked up, dick hard!! the pretty patterns laced on ur neck with the name “pretty girl” graved onto it, yeah hes fucking u good tonight!!!
this could go two ways, he loves u so much and soft love making happens, or hes pounding into you, grabbing onto the leash and choking tf outta you.
let’s say hes had a hard day at work, u wanted to surprise him! u dolled urself up and put the collar on, YEAH HE GONNA LOVE THIS!!!!
he comes home to u, ur spread out just for him!!. he noticed the collar, “fuck mama, look at you, u love being mine don’t you??” yeah ofc u do. and omg he’s so loving.
hes so gentle with you, slowly putting his cock into you, “yeah I know baby, it’s too big for u, but you can take it right?? ur my pretty girl, like the collar says, daddy’s pretty girl” his thrusts are hitting so deep!!! he’s reaching all the right places!!!
hes so close to u too!!! literally hugging ur body. he’d have his tail wrap around ur inner thigh while he pounded oh so slowly into you!!
he’d take his pointer and middle finger and tug at ur collar, “s-shit princess, this collar, f-fuck does things to me, ur mine mama, mine right?? ur daddy’s baby girl yeah???” u whine, “yes!!! pls d-daddy faster!!! want to faster pls pls!!” And omg this fucker can’t say no to u!!
he lifts himself up, still tugging ur collar, the other hand is placed on ur thigh, “want me to go faster baby?? want my cock to make u cum right? yeah that’s my pretty girl” GIRL!!!
now I know y’all came just for miles to choke tf outta you with the collar, I see you.
so if ur getting punished, he will definitely use the collar and leash on you, especially in the doggy position. He’s pounding into you from behind, hand gripped around the leash, pulling u back a little while he’s other hand is gripping ur hip for support.
he’d lean REAL close to you, nibbling ur ear, “such a pathetic little slut, gotta make me use the leash on you bc u just love being punished right?? u just want daddy to fuck this pussy all day don’t you?” your head is shoved in the mattress NODDING AND CRYING!!
he uses the leash to pull you up, causing u to choke and whine!! “don’t get all whiney on me now mama, u asked for this, u wanted to be a slut around all my friends, now take ur punishment”
miles is mumbling, “mine, f-fuck ur mine” and ur just crying!!! back arched and head pulled back!!! he’d grip the leash tighter and pull ur whole body up so that ur back is touching his chest. bf would use his other hand to go down on ur sensitive clit!!
”say ur mine, cmon mama, say ur mine, ur daddys right?? all mine to fuck and breed huh??” ur a mess!! “i-I’m all yours daddy!! a-all yours!! just for u to fuck!!” he’d shove you back down, “yeah that’s right, now u finally get it, ur my slut, my pretty girl, only I get to fuck you like this”
and when ur about to cum, this fucker wants u to say everything!! “who’s pussy is this mama??” You’d be struggling, “u-urs pls! a-ahhh! so close” and he’s GRINNING!! “uh uh baby, want u to say the full thing cmon now, make daddy happy and maybe he’ll let u cum”
“t-this pussy is y-yours daddy!! only yours!! I’m just ur f-fuck toy ahhh, daddy pls” girl he’s in awe, he has to let u cum now!!!
okay yall, you guys might not agree with me on this but I feel like he would def use the collar and leash while he’s eating you out, like more control over you??? yeah he’s taking that.
like you’d be spread open for him, ur head on the mattress while ur body is on the edge on the bed. This fucker has got the leash wrapped around his fingers. you’d try to move away from him due to the pleasure, he’d tug on the leash a bit, “uh uh mama, behave for me”
or he’d use it to choke you, since his other hand is busy down there. He’ll pull away from ur pussy, “look at you mama, u like when I choke u with this?? such a nasty slut you are huh??” he’d tug on it again and u whine out, “don’t act like u don’t love me eating ur pussy like this, u fucking love it that I have this much control over you don’t you?? u like when daddy uses u like this?? yeah that’s right” girl…..he is so fine.
and when ur about to cum, he wraps the leash around his hand and pulls u up, “look at me baby, look at me while I make this pussy pretty cum” EYE CONTACT!! (yall someone request this cuz I know he’d love it)
now ofc after y’all done ur business HE IS SO CARING!! he’s rubbing lotion of ur port neck, ur wrists and hips. Kissing your forehead and hugging you!! HE IS SO SWEET!!
pulls you close and says, “u did so well for me baby, so well” GIRL!!!!! u just smile and snuggle into him more!! “who’s my good girl mama??? Is it you?? is it my pretty girl??” ur nodding ur head. he kisses ur lips, “ofc it is, I love u mama” crying rn.
request are now open but only for a limited time!! so send in as much as u can now <333
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genezpen · 2 years
『 tomorrow 』
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pairings: wonwoo × gn!reader
genre: fluff FLUFFY
summary: wonwoo forgot about your birthday and promised to celebrate it the next day despite the conflicting schedule of your busy man. this is so bad mygosh
warnings: purposely written in lowercase letters, lazy author did not proofread (pls bear with me, i’m trying to breakfree from my mental block :<), lmk if i missed any ! :3
word counts: 1.3k+
notes: ur honor just got into svt recently and i can’t get enough of them so i’m writing for them as well this time :> enjoy, bffs<3
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the whole week you were so busy working so as your hardworking boyfriend.
it was past ten in the evening when you were watching the television, friday is indeed the best day of the week. tomorrow will be your day off so chilling once in a while is not a bad idea.
you were laying your head against your palms and your elbows pressed sideways on the couch with a bowl of fries infront. what an ideal rest.
suddenly, the door burst out open startling you. your heart shook in slight panic thinking whether you forgot to lock the door of your shared apartment and that some thief or a weirdo broke in but as soon as your boyfriend, wonwoo, showed up, you let out a sigh of breath you held two seconds ago.
“you’re home early today?” you casually ask him as you reach for the bowl on the table, waiting for wonwoo to approach the couch.
slowly he did. but to your surprise, wonwoo dropped on his knees before you instead. head down, dropping his body bag on the floor. your immediate reaction was to sit up and hold onto his shoulders to ask him what had happened.
“wonwoo! what’s the matter? are you alright?” shrugging him a bit but he did not respond. instead, he pulled you on the waist for a hug.
wonwoo’s face was buried in your stomach, you can feel the cold metal of his thin glasses poking through your spaghetti top.
you didn't know what to do, he’s never been this way before. so rather than continuously ask him what’s wrong and force him to talk, you wrap your fingers around his hair, gently massaging wonwoo’s scalp. use your soothing words.
“it’s fine, wonnie. don’t worry about anything, it will be alright—”
“it’s not okay...” he finally spoke in a weak & soft voice, tightening his hold of me.
“hmm? what’s not okay?”
wonwoo shot his head up to meet your eyes. his gaze hold submission and is apologetic. he looks like a cat who accidentally shred your favourite curtain, begging for forgiveness.
“i’m sorry, y/n. please, forgive me...”
your eyebrows met in confusion. he’s sorry for what?
“for what?”
this time, wonwoo slowly mirrored your confusion.
“i... forgot about today. are you... not mad at me?”
you raised your brows at wonwoo still caressing his hair genuinely lost. you tried your best to think about what seems so special today but all you could ever think of was your anniversary date which is clearly months from now before happening.
“today? what’s so special today? it’s not our anniversary, won—”
before you could finish your sentence, wonwoo gasped at your words immediately standing up on his feet to hold your face with both his warm palms.
“y/n, are you serious? or are you playing with me?” wonwoo’s face was so close to you that his addictive minty breath was hitting your face. the reason why your gaze dropped on his naturally red lips slightly dump for whatever reason, distracting you for a bit.
you shake your head to come back to your senses.
“look, whatever it is, baby, it’s probably nothing special for sure. unimportant, that’s why i forgot about it.” you assured wonwoo carelessly. your thumb graze his biceps this time calming him down somehow.
wonwoo’s lips parted in disbelief. his eyes glancing back and forth your left and right vision trying to see through your soul or finding a hint of humor but found none.
“it is your birthday, y/n... how’s it unimportant? nothing special? and... you forgot about it?” wonwoo’s puzzled expression is so cute you want to pinch his cheeks until you heard him drop the bomb.
what? your birthday? WAIT. WHAT–
“oh? OH?” surprised pikachu face meme suit you so well at this moment. your eyes went boba and your mouth shaped “O”, speechless.
“my birthday! that’s right– oh my gosh?”
how did you even forgot about your own birthday, right? that’s just so dumb of you.
“well, i’ve been very busy so i completely forgot to check dates, don’t judge me, babe!” defensively, you explained. worried that he finds you just as dumb as you see yourself right now.
“no one’s judging you, dummy. i just want to apologize, really...” wonwoo’s expression somehow lift up after that, he manage to chuckle at your cuteness making you smile as well. wonwoo then rested his forehead to yours, closing both your eyes. silence slowly enveloped you both but you can hear your own heart beating and maybe, his too.
for a moment, it was peaceful. the running television were in a very low volume that his breathing was louder to hear.
“you don’t have to apologize, wonwoo. even i forgot about it, you see. i understand that we’re just too busy the past weeks, it can’t be help. and still... thank you for being honest with me.” you manage to break the silence with a soft appreciation for your boyfriend’s honesty.
your hands rested on both his wrists, with his calloused palms still holding your face with so much care. your eyes met his soulful gaze.
the dramatic dim lights from the kitchen were reflected on the right side of wonwoo’s face while the other side hides in darkness.
the bone structure of wonwoo’s face defines even more because of it. makes him look attractive as he ever was, like a model in some sensual magazine with those hooded eyes and perfectly carved lips. wonwoo is freaking breathtaking.
“i’m always, and will always be honest with you, baby. still, it was my fault that we couldn’t even celebrate today. i’m such a clumsy boyfriend.” wonwoo sulked, pouting like a kid. dropping his eyes on the abandoned body bag of his, avoiding yours.
it made you giggle. this adorable little but giant kitty tower infront of you but feels so small because he forgot about your special day makes your heart melt.
“it’s alright, wonwoo, we still have another year for it. and another, and another...” you suggested. you sat down on the couch pulling his arms dragging him down with you.
wonwoo urgently shook his head as you both settled in. you put your feet across his lap, resting your thighs on his. while wonwoo’s right arm automatically wrap around your waist as you tried to turn the television off. his other hand was caressing your exposed knees infront.
“no, i want to celebrate it right away. tomorrow. it’s your restday, right?”
you nodded slowly, wondering if he’s free as well because his off has always been sunday.
“good. i already planned everything out while i was at work earlier. promise, i’m all yours tomorrow. we’ll do everything you want. visit everywhere you like–”
you raised your hands in the air halting wonwoo’s daydream.
“wait, wait, wait. how about your work?”
wonwoo’s smile quickly turn into a smug smirk as he looks at you sideways. “i made sure to finish everything today so the remaining minor shoots will be done by sunday. your boyfriend’s pretty smart, y/n, ain’t he?”
you scrunch your nose at him. he’s so willing to be with you tomorrow, huh? lucky as hell, you laugh internally.
“you’ve always been smart, wonwoo.” your sudden compliment briefly stunned him. your hands went to the top of his head patting it lovingly making him lean on the crook of your neck. “and you’re not just smart, you are thoughtful, hardworking, kind-hearted even when sometimes it doesn’t show–”
“eh?” wonwoo questioned, slightly lifting his head to look at you but you pulled him back.
“...a body to die for,” you continued, ignoring his little protest. “wise personality, good values and principle, multitalented, mature mind,”
“and handsome too.” wonwoo added. you can feel his happy grin against your collarbone.
“very handsome.” you both giggled cutely at that remarks.
your night ended cuddling on the couch with wonwoo in your arms, excitedly talking about his initial plan for tomorrow.
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all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, plagiarize, repost to another platform/sites without my permission.
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ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB HEADCANONS] - "i can't wait to see edits of us together."
pov: basically famous girlfriend x famous nsb members lol
warnings: none that i can think off
type: wholesome
members: all of them!
this one was requested! thank you! don't hesitate to request again! :)
likes & reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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this boy would be so happy to film videos with you
he find you so genuine
and stars too!!!
he would be like:
"hey stars! today's video a bit special, because i'm doing it with my girlfriend, y/n!"
he would be so happy
and he would smile so much
he would do a lot tiktoks with you
and talk about you during his lives
he would also bring you in nsb's videos
it would make him super happy to join him for the group's channel
"y/n wanted to join with us, guys!!"
"this video is with the pretty y/n!"
"hey stars! y/n is doing a video with us, today!"
the members would like you so much
they think you're cool lol
since you have a youtube channel, he would ofc tag along times to times
"oli, i'm trying to edit"
"and i'm trying to hug you" he said
he would be so happy to film videos with you
or to do any content tbh
like.. i know for a point that oli would be super happy and excited to film with you
sometimes, he wouldn't look at the camera lol, he would just look at you in the lense of the camera or in the flip camera screen (creepy or cute? you decide)
moy would flirt with you in videos just to see edits of him and you
the edits would be with his songs 😭 ( btw stream their mini-album, it's so good)
he would also comments on your tiktok or youtube videos
and he would be like "i love you" or like "you made my day"
he would write random comments just to see you smile
"y/n, you're like the prettiest girl i ever laid eyes upon.."
"can't believe you did this dance with panic.. ur so cute istg"
75% of his tiktok would be about you
you know the sound "me? obsessed with you? yes. yes, i am" well, he would do it
just so you could smile
and think of him
to conclude this headcanon about oli, he would be really cute (as always lmao) and super sweet towards you and your community! (we must protect his energy thank you)
(others members under the cut!)
seb is such a flrit
so he would flirt with you A LOT
and when i say, i lot.. i mean a lot
like, this man just want to make you blush
and make you smile
and if he can make you smile AND blush at the same time, then it's his happy day
"i tried to stop thinking about you. i failed."
"yoobi miss you, but i miss you even more"
"fucking princess looking"
"i looked hot today. you missed out.." (TELL ME THIS ISN'T SEBASTIAN 😂)
"damn, that smile, it kills me"
sebby would do tiktok with you
dances, challenges, test.. ANYTHING
he would do the trend on tiktok "yo bro, who got you smiling like that?" and write "her." on the screen
and if he really miss you, he would add pictures of you and him lol
seb is a good example of a "funny and *sometimes* clingy boyfriend"
he would write cute comments on your youtube videos
"wait why are you so cute"
"video idea: i spoil my pretty and super sexy bf for 24h"
"i'm so handsome in this video 😩 don't you agree y/n?"
"your outfit is on fire (not literally)"
he would be so happy to talk about you guys' relationships
"she makes me the happiest"
he would tweet about you
but not romantically..
more like random tweets about you
"stars, y/n said boba was not the best drink in the universe, what should i do?"
"need a new mom for yoobi. she said he was becoming dirty. she just doesn't accept his true value 🙄"
he would make you listen to the weeknd
and also doja cat
he would talk about you during his streams
"'how is y/n doing?' she's doing fine! thanks for asking"
he would play games with you on stream
"y/n is so bad at videogames guys, she can't stop loosing" then laugh
lot of teasing in the nsb's videos
"pass to the camera to the second prettiest girl i ever seen, my mom being the first"
"stars, look at her.. isn't she so pretty?"
"i'm trying to impress you y/n, is it working?"
he would appear on your youtube video, tiktok, instagram pics..
and like we know seb, he would still flirt and be a playful bf
"first, nice video. second, why are you wearing NSB merchandise while painting with ACRYLIC PAINT? YOU KNOW ACRYLIC PAINT IS NOT WASHABLE, RIGHT??"
he would tease you so much on your social media
he would make youtube video with you and do things on purpose so he could see edits of you two
"guys, y/n is in the bathroom, but please post edits of us, we'll make a video about it" he said on his twitch stream
then never do the video.
anyways, seb is so cute and sweet
he's so flirty and playful please-
he would make a lot of "truth or drink" kind of youtube videos with you (if you're in the age of drinking ofc!)
"hey guys! today's video with y/n aka my girlfriend. we're also with kane, oli, and regie. today we'll do truth or drinks, so.. let's go"
he would tease you so much on his stories
"good training with her." ig stories with him and you in front of the gym mirror
"guys.. y/n tried to cook and.. she literally forgot she was cooking something and it burned. *sigh while trying to keep his laugh* i might have to do a youtube video where i teach her to cook or smth because what the fuck is this-"
"not my girlfriend doing "could you date justin phan" type of quiz.."
"wait, i want to do a quiz about you too!!"
he would write comments on your tiktok
"nice hoodie.." while it's his hoodie (the green one 😋)
"you are very cute"
"LMFAO YOU'RE SO BAD AT THIS. i must learn you how to do it properly.." (yes he would make fun of you lol)
"is this a new dress?" he asked on your tiktok
"yes" you reply
"nice, wear it on our next date"
he would talk about you during his twitch live
and say that he miss you :(
"y/n is not here, she went home. she had studying to do."
"i'm literally this close to give my twitch channel to her.. y'all seem to love her more than me!!"
he would annoy you too-
"guys, let's call her. it'll be funny"
he would try to do tiktok with you
and do the "who's your soulmate" filter with you and ask for stars to do edits about you two using this filter
justin would tweet about you
romantically this time!!
"you are one of a kind"
"every night, my thoughts goes on you"
"guys, i know y/n is famous, but can i have her? like could you stop commenting on her tiktok "she's mine" or like "i love her sm, she's my type of girl" like no i'm dating her, she is mine and i don't want to share. i'm (not) sorry"
"leaving you is suicice"
"i panic when i see you"
"life without her would be a misery"
he would invite you to film nsb's videos with them
and phan would talk about you 😎
like in the asmr video, justin would literally talk about you and *only* you
"y/n said it was a good asmr trigger.. let's see if it work"
"did you guys know y/n was listening to asmr times to times?"
"this is for you, y/n!"
then do the worst asmr sounds lol
he would also expose you like there's no tomorrow (mostly on your bday)
"happy birthday to the prettiest girl i ever seen. i love you so much
justin phan would also compliment you under your ig pics
"this dress fit you so well, omg."
"that smile"
"looking good baby"
jp would be so happy to talk about you and see how loved you are with his community and yours!!
"stars, *name of your fandom*! look at how cute she is?" during your streams
"she really make me happy, guys"
"THIS GIRL HIT 489K OF SUBSCRIBERS!! CONGRATS ML <33 everyone let's clap 4 her" he would say on your stream
"YOOOOO! y/n is on my live, right now? *look at the camera* hey cutie"
lot of loves :(
ryan :(
please, he's so cute and so soft
he would be a bit more private than the others for this relationship
but he would still show you off ofc!
"hey. i stole y/n camera.. *smile* lol, guys subscribe to her. she's going to hit 500K soon.."
he would stream with you
"'*name of your ship* is back' yeah *smile* i missed it."
if you're bad at videogames, he would put his hands overs yours and show you how to play (cliche i know)
he would do videos with you on your channel
and seduce everyone 🥰
"your fans said they missed me"
he would do tiktok dance with you
but only cute trends :(
tiktok about you with songs
"oh darling, all of the city lights, never shine as bright as your eyes"
"cause all of the small things that you do, are what remind me why i fell for you.. and when we're apart and i'm missing you, i close my eyes and all i see is you, and the small things you do.."
he would do tiktok for you
just so it could make your day or at least make you smile a little bit
since ryan stream a lot, he would ofc bring you with him
"and today we have the popular y/n who gained 500k of subscribers last week. everyone say congrats!!"
ofc he know fame isn't always good, so he wouldn't be like seb or jp: he would be a bit more private than others, just because he doesn't want to make you in trouble or smth like that
but he would still make public content with you, just.. less than the others members
he would love to see edits of you two
he would listen to them like 10 times just so his fyp could "change" a little bit and see more of them
he would put you on his sc story
he would film you at random time
"this is the famous girl you guys are watching. she doesn't want to stop editing. she doesn't even want to take breaks.. y'all better watch this video or else it won't be worth it. it's been like one hour that i've tried to make her take a break.. *sigh* so hardworking i swear"
he would write comments under your ig post
"so you were the one who had this hoodie"
oh and he would also expose you
"if you exposed me on my bday, i have the right to do the same!!!"
lot of teasing :))
kane would love to do youtube videos with you
"hey stars! today, i and my pretty girlfriend y/n are going to add our own voices in anime!"
he would do a lot of pranks to you
"she doesn't know it, but i put effects on her voice, so when she'll record, it'll sound funny!!"
he would appear in your youtube videos and do prank on your OWN channel
but ofc, he'll be super sweet and kind towards you :)
"guys, look at how cute she is. i'm so lucky to have her"
"she have so much style.."
"look at her hair!! it's so beautiful!"
he would do a lot of videos with you actually!
"she wanted to do a part 2.. SO LET'S GO!!!"
ratan wouldn't comments on your tiktok or youtube, but he would do tiktok about you
the trend tiktok be like "focus, i'm focused- *show a picture of you*"
or like "i know i hope i don't fall"
and he write "guess i fell for her, huh.."
or any other trend that have the same effects 😂
he would stream with you on twitch times to times when you and him have time to do so
"and we're streaming with my cute girl, y/n!!"
"you guys all know her, she's the famous and pretty girl.. i don't need to do a presentation i think"
"stars, ask us questions!! we'll reply together!"
kane would support you so much
he's here for you!
he know fame isn't always good and fun, so he would be with you during good and bad times
"it's okay, y/n. they'll understand, i promise. no need to blame yourself. it's okay to take days off. you don't need to overwork yourself, okay? it's completely okay to be tired of it sometimes."
kane would be such a cute and sweet bf fr
i wish everyone to have a partner who love like kane does with his members and his partner :(
real true love
anyways, let's stay on track
i feel like ratan would also post you on his social media
"she texted me this... *screenshot of your texts* god she's so silly sometimes smh"
"anime nights with her"
he would watch your video
and he wouldn't be able to stop smiling or laughing
i think kane would have a partner who have the same kind of humor as him? hope it's understandable 😭
see an edits of you two? he'll like the edits, then check the comments and search for more edits
and sometimes even post them!!
"kaney/n is my favorite ship" he read the comment a fan made on your twitch chat while smiling "it's mine too"
he would reply to your stories
"you're becoming more and more famous, baby. it's making me smile so much, knowing you finally have the recognization you deserve!"
"you deserve it my love"
"INVITED IT TO A GALA? damn it baby, it's not an everyday day, congrats! i'm so so so proud of you!!"
he would be so cute oh my god
to conclude, kane would be such a cutie :(
he wouldn't mind posting you and talking about you for real
no because why my first thought was birds matching costume-
i'll start the headcanon right away, but i found birds matching costumes for real
if you want to see your matching costume, click here (it's the website where you can buy it lol)
enjoy being a bird with darren 🐦
anyways, let's start with the headcanon!
darren would do A LOT of youtube videos with you
"hey guys! today's video will be with y/n, aka my pretty and sexy girlfriend."
"what??? don't look at me like that! i'm just describing you!"
he would be so excited to film with you fr
and ofc he would be super happy if you asked him to film youtube videos with you!
he would smile so much while talking about you
like he wouldn't even notice that his smile is becoming bigger and bigger whenever he talk about you
"stars, please do edits of her and i. i love to see these"
"she's my birdie!! *lipbite*"
he would make tiktok with you (almost) ALL THE TIME
he would hold your hand on purpose, kiss you on the cheek.. be all cutie patootie with you during nsb's videos so he could see edits of you and him on tiktok and ig
i mean he love flirting and being playful with you
and wouldn't mind being dirty with you ;)
he would follow ig account of you 😭 like "update on y/n y/l/n fan account"
darren just love seeing your fans simping for you (he simp for you too) and making great content abt you
"y/n said i was looking like a chicken with my new hair color. she have no taste, for real. she doesn't appreciate the true beauty of darren liang"
"wait, but do i really look like a chicken-"
he would also compliment you on ig
and he wouldn't even be scared of embarassed of this comments
"this girl is literally a daydream"
"i miss you"
"your boyfriend is so lucky to have you"
"toasty miss you"
"my girl"
liang would also give you a plushie
"it's toasty's sibling!!"
he have an ig highlight about you
did he only create an ig highlight so the fans could do edits with them? maybe.. 👀 (the other reason why liang have one is because he love watching them and seeing you smile and laughing with him)
"cutie" is the title
or "y/n <3"
he would work out with you times to times and post pictures
"hahaha, i'm working out with her"
"big muscles"
"she think i'm sexy and she is damn right"
main topic on darren's headcanon: he post you on his story and make videos with you
like it's simple things, but coming from him it's super cute
regie would expose you
i'm sorry, but he would 100% expose you and be like "this is my partner, everyone!!"
he literally doesn't care AT ALL
"y/n said she liked my haircut.. so from now, all the comments i made on it saying it looked like shit are now gone, thank you, it look super good"
"y/n y/ln is my partner everyone."
regie macalino would do so much tiktok with you
and he would love it
he would literally give the regiey/n stan a lot of things to edit on
talking about edits..
he would love to see them times to times
and he would be so happy to see everyone saying you guys look cute and hot together :(
he would follow some accounts times to times when edits are on point
but he wouldn't search for them lol
everytime he would see an edit of you two, he would be so happy and smile so hard??
if the edit is really good, he would even post it on his ig & sc story
his heart being filled with love and happy emotions :(
he would read the comments and be so freakin happy
"your fans are saying i'm hot and they're not wrong"
macalino wouldn't make a lot of youtube videos with you, tbh
not because he doesn't want to, it's just that he prefer doing tiktok and all since it's a bit more quick and easy to do
"ayooo, don't forget to check my gf twitch!!"
this boy would also comment on your ig post
"you look like heaven"
or "beautiful"
"pretty girl"
shorts comments only!!
appreciation long comments belong to private chat with him >:(
like, he wouldn't express his love in comments
but in your text message, he would do it for sure
i mean, it's understandable..
he would compliment you a lot
and make nsb's videos with you
"AND TODAY WE HAVE REGIE'S GIRL HERE WITH US!!!!" sebastian said while smiling "you guys know her, regie can't stop talking about her... and she's super famous and all"
literally, this man want your full attention
but he won't say it to you
at least not in public!
to conclude? regie's appreciation for you is super sweet and cute
he would literally make appreciation story about you times to times
"y/n had a perfect grade on her super hard exam, let's all cheer for her. she deserve it"
"congrats for my girl to have made another week. i'm so proud of you"
he wouldn't do a lot of these tbh
only when he's super proud of you
othwerwise, it's on private message :D
I LOVED WRITING THIS THING SO SO MUCH!!! i know some people told me they were being excited for this one, so i hope i met your expectations 😭 if y'all want other famous!y/n x nsb members type of things, please let me know!! also the other requests are coming soon :)
taglist (open! send an ask if you want to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
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moodywyrm · 1 year
so reader's one of ellie friends right, and basically all ellie friends are known for the 'bad reputation'. but then?? abby has a massive crush on her? and abbys is a dork, someone who follow the rules and a real good girl. when they're already in a relationship, jerry hears about reader 'reputation' and gets a bit concerned?
one day, abby wakes up to some harsh cold symptoms and jerry insists shd must rest so she goes back to bed and sends reader a message and warnjng she wont show up because shes sick :(. jerry promises to come the earliest he can from work, so she won't be alone (he knows she's stubborn he knows she won't just stay in bed).
as soon reader sees abbys messages she immediately drops everything and FLIES to her gf' room, and stays to take care of abby.
imagine reader reaching her place with meds and all her favorite snacks, sweets, movies and all
actually 🧶 anon's ask inspired this? I'm so sorry this was such a tought dayand hope everything gets better :( wishing all the best ;;
also sorry if it's messy I typed so fast 😅
- 🌬
ohhhh hell yeah. alternate version of the basketball/college abby universe. I imagine that, even though Ellie n her friends have a kinda weird reputation, ur all pretty much just huge dorks n relatively good kids? like Dina is an academic Star and the sweetest ever, Jesse is super kind to everyone, huge big brother vibes, Ellie may be the schools suspected dealer (she is) but she's also just a massive dork, academic star, just doesn't really like talking to people? like she comes off as mean but she's actually just kinda reserved? and then u! ur very much black cat, kinda quiet kinda mean, also doesn't really like people, is very smart, has been friends with Ellie since like childhood. ur adoptive dad is friends (enemies?) with Joel (surprise ur adoptive dad/father figure/adult who took on a parental role in ur life is Bill n Frank but them from the tv show bc kings <3), so u n Ellie practically grew up together.
u get a bad reputation for being a bitch (imagine Kat from 10 Things I Hate About You but ur not mean to people who don't deserve it), and Jerry (who has close ties to the faculty) has heard from other professors about you. They all say the same thing: academically promising, if challenging to work with, especially in group settings. and he's ,,,, concerned ,,, to say the least, when Abby tells him that You are her gf and he's like OK! (on the outside) but on the inside he's like shit, I really don't want her to get hurt or anything. but, like u said, it only clicked that the student he'd heard so much about (reputation and all) was you After u n abby started dating, so that time when he didn't know, he was like 'she seems really sweet!' every time Abby mentioned u.
but then. abby gets sick. she texts u saying that she can't study with u bc she's got a cold and ur like??? fuck studying??? ur already on ur way to her place, knowing she's at her dad's, with two full bags of medicine, treats, and remedies from ur childhood like sprite, ginger ale, chamomile, vaporu, anything. and u show up at her door like Open Up Honey. and, on the outside, she's like u didn't have to come, I don't wanna get u sick :( but on the inside she's all warm and fuzzy bc ur taking care of her!! u!! who took so long to warm up to her in the first place and is now her sweet lil gf who never wants to leave her side!! and ur like yeah yeah whatever let me in but on the inside ur freaking out bc abby is ur baby n she's sick which means she's uncomfortable and u don't want her to be uncomfortable :(
so u spend the entire time taking care of her, cooking her soup From Scratch, making her rest on the couch n keeping her refreshed. ur sitting on the couch with her head on ur lap, rubbing lil circles onto her shoulder when Jerry comes home. abby, who was fast asleep, pops up so fucking fast she gets dizzy when the door opens and Jerry calls her name. ur steadying her when he comes into the living room and is like. oh. hi! u must be the girlfriend! and ur like hi yes nice to me you! and abby is still there all discombobulated like hi dad. ouch.
and the second she winces both u n jerry are like lunging forward to take care of her. u two proceed to help her upstairs to her room, getting her more soup n liquids n keeping her comfortable, and Jerry gets to see all the work you've already done to take care of her, and how ur taking care of her now even though he's there. he leaves you two in her room, abby about two second from passing out on ur lap and u reading to her. he walks back out to the living room and is like. 'huh. maybe everyone was just exaggerating.' but in reality he's like tearing up and getting emotional bc his baby girl, his lil Abigail, found someone who takes care of her and clearly loves her more than anything and that makes him so sappy bc he loves his daughter!!
n thank u honeybee, today is getting slowly better, I might have a lil cry n then get to work but who knows </3 this is also such a cute universe I really like it <3 wonderful developments in the college abby multiverse
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fxreflyes · 2 months
Tell publicly 3 facts about yourself or your three favourite songs or favourite books (it can be anything, really-whatever you want to share/feel like talking about) then send it to some people you like <3
hi Juliana!!! I hope you’re having a lovely day 🫶🏻 thank u sm for asking :’)
I’m v tired so these r gonna b kinda random?? It said whatever I wanted to share and my head is 😶‍🌫️ so
1. My bf & I are getting a cat soon!!! which is v exciting!!!!! how’re u and your cat doing? 💖
2. My Spotify daylists have consistently been saying post grunge for a genre and idk what that means. What is ur Spotify day list saying? They’re so amusing to me (especially their titles)
3. I like coffee & tea equally (I am reminding myself that this is indeed a fact … and I just made a chai latte which made me think of it lmao) which do u prefer?
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lunicho · 4 months
🪐 the red flag ask was my response but I forgot to tag myself because I got too excited to ask for your hand in marriage
I agree with you on the Nicholas one! He’s my type but I just know we would be toxic !!
Also if anyone had a problem with your response they can fight me. It’s just for fun!!!
On the flip side let’s do their green flags :)
link to red flags post
THIS WAS SO HARD FOR WHATTT OMG 😭 and i still don't feel like it's accurate ughh lmk your thoughts cuz idk,,, also me and juju would be SO TOXIC 😭😭😭 same with me and yuma ngl we'd always be fighting 😣 anyways green flags 😁😁
kei: not afraid to commit,, he’s so willing to do whatever it takes to make things work with you and that’s one of the best things about him. he’s willing, ready, and able to work with you bc he doesn't want to lose you.
fuma: great communication,, if there's a problem he's very willing to talk it out and make it better. he never wants you to be upset by anything, even if it's something small. he'll pause everything he's doing to fix things with u if u get annoyed at him or anything like that. ur so so precious to him.
nicholas: he’s thoughtful. if you’ve had a rough day or week he’s the type to plan a weekend of fun to get your mind off of things, he’ll take you on a late night walk or to see a movie or he’d book reservations to your favorite restaurant. but if you’re not up to it he’s okay with that too and he’ll cancel the plans no problem and he’ll stay home and cuddle with you.
ej: sweet to everyone,, on the flip side of the red flags post he would help old ladies cross the street and he'd help a server if they dropped something,, i just know he's soo sweet to service workers and to random people.. also the type to feed stray cats regularly and then get shocked when they wanna come home with him 😭
yuma: comforting,, the best to run to when smth bad happens. his arms are always open for you and his shoulder is always available for you to cry on. you're his little baby doll and he wants you to know that he's always there for you :’)
jo: great listener,, he may not be the best at communication but he will give his complete undivided attention to u when u come to him with a problem, whether it's about your relationship or someone annoying at work, he loves to know what's going on with you and he makes sure u know he's listening.
harua: he makes all the time in the world for you. he loves being around you and spending time with you bc you recharge him sooo much and he's the same for you. whenever he's feeling down or low your presence is enough to make him feel so much better and he's the same way for you, he makes sure you're comfortable around him and can be yourself and recharge as well.
taki: very fun,, the type to learn about something you're into just for the sake of spending time doing that with you. if u love a video game he's never heard of he'll watch youtube videos of it so he can surprise u with his skills later on.
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solar-halos · 4 months
i’ve been in such a johanna/annie mood lately here are some post-mockingjay headcanons i have about them
• johanna initially isn’t very touchy, but it’s not very long before she’s draping herself over annie any time she gets
• with that being said i think that annie being so physically / verbally affectionate would throw johanna off so hard at first. like yes she is blunt but also annie would say something like “wow you look so pretty! :D ily” and johanna’s face would go so cherry red
• i think johanna is the shorter one but refuses to ask annie for help so she’ll be climbing all up on the countertops to reach something and annie is like “babe. babe. i got it it’s ok”
• annie is always stealing johanna’s clothes and johanna is like “yeah girl don’t think i don’t notice that” but she secretly loves it she thinks annie looks very cute
• once again i think it would be very hard for johanna to be vulnerable for a while, especially when it comes to her fear of the water, so it’s nice for her to have someone like annie who understands what that’s like. eventually she gets those floatie thingies u lay on and swimming goggles and annie also thinks she looks very cute. as for bathing suits annie has always been a triangle bikini girlie to me but i’m having trouble pinning johanna down she’s either also a triangle bikini girlie or shorts and cropped tank girlie
• they make pillow forts and blast music and dance in the kitchen on rainy days
• johanna wraps herself around annie like a backpack whenever they go to sleep
• annie does face masks w her and johanna loooves the clay ones. when she applies it onto annie’s face she draws hearts but when annie questions her about it she’s like “no what im not sappy like that im totally just rubbing it in for you”
• and then to get more serious i think it would be a long while before either of them can reconcile with their feelings, with finnicks death and the war aftermath and everything, so i feel like the both of them would have a long period of lingering touches and very shy banter before they decide to make anything official
• johanna is SO abrasive but if she thinks someone is being rude to annie she’s immediately like “i think i know what i need to do…” and then promptly jumps them
• she is the black cat gf and annie is the golden retriever gf but not in a “no babe don’t jump them let’s just talk it out!!” way, she’ll be like “i’m rooting for u jo!!! ur gonna win i know it!!!!”
i think those are all my hcs. here’s a bonus one about johanna and odesta’s kid:
• he calls her joey. jo is already cute cos its a nickname but joey is especially cute
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leviathanthesnake · 2 years
helloooo 👀 i see u havent written anything for Sunny Day Jack. May i request general dating headcannons? Take ur time by the way and have a collection of blursed cat memes.
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Cats memes help me stay alive, thank you
Sunny Day Jack General Dating Headcanons
Gender neutral reader x SDJ
You/your used for reader
Not proofread
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There wasn’t really a courting process, considering he just randomly came out of a tape and started loving on you
Wakes you up with pancakes everyday
“Rise and shine, starlight! I made confetti pancakes today!”
“Jack…it’s seven-thirty.”
Loves to help you pick out outfits, or just watch you try them on if you want to do it on your own
“Ooooh, I love that one! But what if wore this shirt instead?”
Takes up all your hobbies
If you draw, so does he
You like baking? He makes great blueberry muffins!
Supports everything you do
Attacks you with kisses. Like if you were laying on your bed, he would practically throw himself on you and kiss every piece of exposed skin
Holds your hand every chance he gets
Palm kisses
Fixing your hair/clothes
Sometimes he seems more like a mom than a boyfriend
SUPERRRR protective of you
“Who were you talking to? Is he your friend? Do you know him?”
“It was the mailman, Jack.”
Holds you super close when you’re talking to people, and whispers to you that you don’t need them
Stays near you until they leave
Rewards you for doing good things
The rewards are usually kisses, hugs, or some kind of baked good
Always says the things he make taste good because they’re ‘made with love’
Keeps your house really clean
Says it’s bad for you to live in a unkept home
Does everything he can to keep you happy
Loves to do arts and crafts with you
Draws pictures of you and him cause he doesn’t show up in photos
They look like cartoons
Makes sure your eating enough
Picks you up anywhere in the house
He’ll carry your from the living room to the kitchen, even though you told him it’s kinda unnecessary
Somehow managed to buy things for you?? You still don’t know how he did that
Cuddles with you at least twice a day
If he’s touch deprived he’ll just pick you up and take you to your room to cuddle
Loves it if you just lay on him completely
The big spoon. Always.
He’s probably like 6’8” so chances are you’re smaller than him
Likes to tease you by raising things above his head and telling you to grab them
Gives it to you the millisecond you say please
He is so soft for you and will never say no to anything
Makes you tell him everything about the people you hang out with, so that he feels better about you being around them
Uses the sweetest pet names known to man
Sunshine, sugar, pumpkin, sweetie, light of my life
You’re never alone
Asks to go to secluded places like a field or the top of a building so you can have a ‘date’ and not look insane
Makes you feel so loved and safe
Just wants the best for you
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mooncalfe-art · 7 months
I just wanted to ask, clarify, and/or talk about some things:
So first, there are the ages posts, one, has Leo be 22, and Mikey being 19, I think. I can't remember Raph and Donnie's ages, but I do remember Donnie and Raph were between Leo and Mikey in age I think. And I even think Donnie was the 2nd oldest? Which is/was cool! And/or interesting.
But now, u have the updated age post, and all the turtles are (Leo, Donnie, Mikey, and Raph that is. And Lita) are six now. And I gotta admit, I liked Leo being the eldest, and by 3 years when compared to Mikey. Since I see him as such an ultimate big bro/as the ultimate big brother. Oh well; I can still think of him like that if I want to, he defin. acts like the ultimate big brother (be it eldest and/or a just a big brother (too), and u originally had him as 22 in that other post as well.
I am also guessing in their past lives Leo may have been the oldest, than Donnie, then Raph, then Mikey? Hence where u may have gotten the ages somewhat in that other ages post?
Also, them as turtles is 6 (I think that is what u meant?)? But mutant-wise, biology?-wise, and mentally wise they are late teens and/or early-ish 20's, correct? Just to clarify?
Also; I hope they are aging normally now!
(Sorry for all the questions and stuff, this stuff just has me a bit confused).
Have other thing(s) to say, but I will leave that for another Ask(s), and just leave this Ask as my ask talking about this subject.
P.S.: Do u prefer to get Asks here or on ur mooncalfe (I think) tumblr blog?
Mutant age is weird in IDW TMNT! The way animals are mutated it's like they instantly turn into adults with language skills and full cognition or whatever, as opposed to other TMNT incarnations where they mutate more gradually and age the way humans do. It makes pinpointing the Turtles' ages (and Alopex, Splinter, etc.) difficult and confusing. So yeah, when I listed their ages in that first post, I meant biologically (late teens) rather than chronologically (just a few years). Also I think the way Tom Waltz was writing the mutation it was like the characters' experience as animals was taken into account as to what their age, physicality, and cognitive level would be upon mutation (like Hob was an older cat, for example, so when mutated, his "cat years" were translated into the equivalent of human years which meant he ended up as a 30-something adult). And that's not even taking into account the psychotropic serum which would bestow human-level intelligence on a mutant, like when Slash was first mutated he was very animalistic but then when he later got the serum, it gave him instant adult-level intellect. Early in the series there was something about the serum splintering the animal's consciousness from their natural instincts (where Splinter gets his name from) but I'd have to go back and read that first arc again, it's been a while. Tom, why did you make this so confusing?!? ;)
I got the different ages from what my former editor Bobby Curnow's headcanon was, I based them off that and how the Turtles looked in their past lives like you said, yeah. And yep they are all mentally, cognitively, physically, biologically late teens, they don't actually act like 6-year-olds or anything like that. ;) And I think you're right that they (and other animal-born mutants) would be aging normally now.
This is all complicated by the fact that we're not actually allowed to give the characters specific ages in the comic, so technically and canonically the Turtles are eternally late teens, the way other comic characters like Batman or Spider-Man never actually age despite time seeming to pass within their respective universes. @_@ So I guess my original answer to the age ask is non-canon, since those ages will never actually be confirmed in the comic. I hope that all makes sense!
I actually shut my old mooncalfe tumblr down the other day, so you can send asks here! :)
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