#is you try to predict how your audience will react to a certain statement
gibbearish · 4 months
ive seen ppl saying smth in the wider plagiarism discussion to the tune of "don't worry anxious people, it's impossible to accidentally plagiarize!" and i feel like that lacks a lot of nuance that anxious brains like mine latch on to to just dismiss the possibility outright, as well as a lack of life experiences fueling it.
it is possible to "accidentally plagiarize" in that you can read something, forget about it, then a while later have your brain spit the ideas back out without telling where it got them. so of course you just assume they're yours and share them as such, because That's Where Most Of The Thoughts In Your Head Come From! and it both is and isn't plagiarism, you weren't /intending/ to pass someone's else's work off as your own, i'd even say in a way you were just as much a victim of misinformation as your audience. but you very much so did still resuse the work of someone else, even if you don't remember it.
but in my experience, this kind of thing also happens to a lot of people. you tell a friend a joke then wake up in a cold sweat two days later realizing the reason they didnt laugh was because they'd told you that joke a month ago. you reply to a friend's text and after sending you realized you ended it with the same exact phrase as theirs. you're writing edgy poetry and write a line you really like only to see it in a text post two days later saying youve already liked the post. like, it happens. so if it DOES happens and you're just honest and explain, people will understand. something like "oh shit im sorry, i totally have read that, i mustve forgotten and only remembered bits and pieces and just thought they were mine. thank you for letting me know and for the source" works wonders.
people know you can forget things. people won't automatically doubt your apology just because all true plagiarists say it was accidental. HOPEFULLY people can understand the nuance between a genuine remorseful explanation, and a thief who hoped no one would find out scrambling for excuses for why they did it. and those who can't, that's a them problem, not a you problem, you've taken responsibility for your actions as much as you can. they think the answer is simple, that the only thing stopping you from saying "yes i did it on purpose, i knew the whole time and deliberately copied them" is shame/inability to admit to your actions. but sometimes things AREN'T that simple, so imo ppl who are shitty to you for not following the script they made up for you in their head should be ignored
#youre allowed to make up scripts for people in fact good luck stopping yourself since thats kinda just part of how conversation works#is you try to predict how your audience will react to a certain statement#and my therapist actually encouraged me to practice run stuff i wanna talk about in sessions because That Makes It Easier To Talk About#like who cares if it's rehearsed‚ it's still the truth‚ yknow?#however that only applies to the things /you/ want to say. you are the only one aware of this script and the only one who agreed to it in#the first place which is why you plan contingencies into the script#is because you only have control over one character and can only take guesses at what the others might say#if you guess wrong and they do something different that doesnt mean /theyre/ not following the script#it means /your/ copy was a misprint and you filled in the blanks wrong. so do what good actors do and improvise. you'll get back on script#eventually. or not‚ if your guesses devolved into wildly speculative fanfiction‚ but frankly you knew going into it that#most of your script was guesswork so you should be prepared to have to make some things up on the fly#or see again: prepare contingencies#if your guesswork on your copy of the script turns out to be wrong‚ wouldnt it be sooo handy to have a second copy which follows this#version of events much better?#and if not that one‚ maybe this third? how about this fourth? etc etc etc#but really just. when guessing at what others will say. know that you are guessing and dont hold it against /them/ if youre wrong#sorry ik that wasnt super related to the post itself im just also passionate abt that#plagiarism#james somerton
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sol1056 · 5 years
shooting it all into the sun
I haven’t seen anyone else bringing this up (or at least, the people I follow haven’t been reblogging it, if it has) but I think it’s worth pointing out. Given the bios a lot of you have at your headers, I’m guessing most of you haven’t had the firsthand experience that would help you see how startling (and pointed) a certain exec move was, in VLD’s final season. 
To understand that, though, humor me with a thought experiment first. Once you’ve got the basic mindset, then I’ll explain what in S8 made me sit back in absolute shock and reevaluate DreamWorks pretty thoroughly. 
1. Think of a large sum of money for you. Your paycheck, your savings, or all your holiday gift money from elderly relatives. Big enough that spending it all on one thing is a little scary. Let’s call this your cash-on-hand.
2. Think of a decision you make regularly. Do the dishes after dinner, or let them sit overnight? Take this bus at your corner, or walk two blocks for a different bus? Study with friends, or alone? Something relatively minor.   
3. Now imagine: there’s money riding on your choice, equal to the amount in step #1. Choose wrong by some mysterious measure, and you lose all your money. All of it.
4. Another twist: it’s not predictable. The first time you do the dishes right after dinner, you lose. The next time, you wait til morning... and lose. You’d probably realize quickly there must be other factors making an impact.
5. Another twist: if you choose right, you get a bonus. A dollar extra, a hundred, or more. You’d have to pay careful attention to what else could be in play, making the bonus small this time, and huge the next time.
6. And for the god-tier twist, every decision is actually multiple-choice: take the bus, walk, get a ride from a friend, work from home? One choice will cost you, another won’t cost you but won’t gain you either. Another will get you a small but decent bonus, and another gets you a bonus twice your cash-on-hand.  
How would this impact your decision-making? You’d start to track when you lost, when you didn’t, and when you gained. You’d look at all kinds of things: maybe “study with friends” is only good when the teacher's out sick. Or “walk two blocks” is only the right choice if it’s not raining --- and when it is raining, you have to score “get a ride” for the biggest bonus.
Figuring out the logic is going to take some wrong guesses, and each one sets you back to zero. You might get lucky and get a bonus -- and proceed to lose it all trying to reproduce what you did right that one time. Was it the weather? time of day? someone’s mood? So many factors. You’d weigh every decision carefully -- especially new ones. Is this like that time I lost everything, or more like when I got that huge bonus? Hold on, is it raining? Mood check! 
Bottom line: the more you have on the line, and the closer that ‘more’ is to ‘everything you have,’ and the more unpredictable the number of factors, the more conservative (little-c) people tend to be. We’ll hoard, save, hold back. The bigger the gamble, the bigger the potential gains --- but the risks are just as big.
You are now --- in a limited but hopefully illustrative way --- thinking like an executive. Big money, big potential, bigger risk. 
As an exec, maybe you figured in the last stretch of a multi-season show, the staff didn’t need constant supervision... and then you see S8. Obviously, you figured wrong. Whatever your specific complaints, you agree with the other execs: this season needs fixing. And fast.
The question is: what needs to be fixed, and what can be fixed, given time constraints, limited remaining staff, and whatever is left in the budget? It’s a lot of choices with big consequences. 
Doing nothing will cost in a lot of ways: franchise goodwill, future income, your brand and reputation, and of course, the audience’s good faith. Doing nothing simply isn’t an option. At the same time, there’s no point laying new carpet in a house that’s falling down. You can’t fix everything. What can you do that’s just enough to patch up the worst? 
Well, an epilogue where everyone gets a happy ending, that also leaves open the chance for franchise continuation... that might work. It’s not a full episode, and it could be done in the time remaining, by in-house staff. Alright, then. What goes in this couple of minutes? This is your chance to tell the audience what you, as execs, think is a good place for the story to end. What do you want to say? What’s your highest priority? 
A conservative set of execs, from a conservative company (think Nickelodeon) would show each character as happy in their post-series lives, and call it a day. That’s the safe bet. You might not gain much, but you’ll lose less. An adequate fix for the least cost in terms of cash, time, and effort.
In case you missed it: this is not the choice DreamWorks made.
All along, the EPs have paid lip service to VLD’s queer audiences, like in this oft-quoted exchange from Let’s Voltron podcast:
interviewer: Will we be seeing any LGBT representation? LM: It’s super important to us. JDS: Just know that from our perspective, we’re fighting to create as open and broad a spectrum of characters as we can. LM: We can’t give you any definite answers, but just know that--- JDS: We’re fighting for as broad and open representation as we can.
A company playing it safe would give every character an ambiguously (and unpaired) happy ending. A company walking the same edge as the EPs --- a lot of lip service, requiring a lot of reading between the lines --- might give a Korrasami ending. 
An idea of what that might look like: Shiro’s section shows pictures on a mantle. In the center is one of Shiro with another man; perhaps they have their arms around each other, both smiling at the camera, flanked by the paladins. It’s the barest possible nod for a queer audience; for everyone else, that could just be Shiro with his new best (totally-platonic) flight partner. 
That’s choosing to lose small. Throw a bone to the queers, but not so much to piss off the assumed-majority straights in the audience. 
Or you could just say fuck that and go for broke. 
DreamWorks didn’t have to go that big. Really, they didn’t. The EPs had set up a perfect cover for the execs to hide behind: getting representation is hard, so many barriers, you just need to be patient and maybe you’ll get a split second nod that you have to tilt your head and squint to interpret as any kind of queerness, but really, we’re totally fighting for every little scrap. 
DW took the EPs’ protests and tore them into smithereens. Then DW gathered up all those teeny pieces and shot every last one into the goddamn sun. 
In the big picture, I do agree that everything else being equal, a five-second clip like this is pretty much the opposite of satisfactory. Audiences want to see the relationship develop; that’s what really matters. A wedding kiss is just a happy by-product.
But if you’re an exec who has only so much money left to gamble, a company policy of not reacting publicly to audience reactions (for better or worse), and limited time to repair or redo the damage in the final season... you need to make the most of what you do have. 
So you edit Ezor in so she’s not one more dead queer character, you edit a few scenes to include a love interest’s presence earlier in the season... and you blow the lid off the EPs’ prevarication. None of this implying bullshit; you put it all right there on the screen.
You know what that says? 
It says there was no goddamn reason we couldn’t have had a long development of an mlm (or wlw) relationship, onscreen, over the course of several seasons. I don’t care which relationship you think it should be; that’s not the point. It says as far as the execs are concerned, we could’ve had a queer relationship written as romantic and sealed with a kiss, none of this euphemism crap. It says in the execs’ opinion, every time the EPs swore they did ‘all they were allowed to do’, that the EPs were wrong. 
The inserted epilogue is practically a neon sign two stories high. 
Want to know what else the epilogue tells us?
Remember all the steps at the start of this post, how everything is setting you up (as an exec) for not acting without all possible data, for moving slow and being cautious in case this wrong guess is the final straw? 
There’s another side to that: sometimes, you have to gamble because doing nothing is against everything you stand for. Even if it costs more and appears to gain you nothing in the bank. 
When you take in everything --- from the money lost (20M is a conservative estimate for VLD’s production costs), franchise partners who might not be keen on queer cooties, to the EPs who swore what we got was all they could get --- DW is making a pretty clear statement, here. Being inclusive and progressive is important enough to them that even in a show patently and obviously failing on every count, they’ll still make sure it doesn’t end with a handful of dead queers and one shelved mlm guy. 
Yes, DW still has to clean its own house and do some internal education to make sure its decision-makers don’t sit back for so long and let a bunch of newbie showrunners impose their narrow-minded regressive agenda. Yes, DW was a day late and a dollar short when it came to fixing the catastrophe of S7 and the complete hash of S8. Yes, DW clearly chose to bury S8, rather than yank it back and redo it over. 
But they also chose not to let it go down without showing their support for onscreen, explicit queer characters and relationships. 
Enough with the grumbling about so-called exec meddling; we’re overdue to lay the blame for bad LGBT representation squarely on the EPs. All they gave us was a lot of empty talk. It’s the DW execs who gambled on walking on the walk, and I think it’s time we recognize that.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Below is the result of your feedback form is an instant giveaway. Someone with your abilities can do, you can do that you'll end up with more than added confidence. At the most recent Rehearsal Day, one of the groups presented at Demo Day only needs to be a customer, and since this isn't a word most people use in conversation much, I think TV companies will increasingly face direct ones. It's easy to convince investors there will be more mobility within it.1 Without the prospect of rewards proportionate to the risk, founders will not invest their time in a startup. Free If you do this on HN. The melon seed model implies it's possible to be too disciplined. And yet the one implies the other.2
It doesn't work for an intermediary to own the user; if you wanted to compare the quality of links on the frontpage now are still roughly the ones that generate most growth if they succeed? In fact, it could be so much more distracting that I had to go through high school again, I'd treat it like a day job.3 Recursion. The purchase price is just the beginning. Stuff used to be the middle course, to notice some tokens but not others. Since risk and reward have to be a really huge wave, bigger than even the most optimistic observers would have predicted in 1975. The mud flat morphs into a well. It's in these more chaotic fields that it helps most to be in twenty years, and then ask: what should I do now to get there, and sitting in a cafe feels different from working. A Plan for Spam filter wouldn't have caught it.
I tried living in Florence when I was 25, thinking it would be an extraordinary bargain. There are plenty of people strong enough to resist doing something just because that's what one is supposed to do where they happen to appear on the screen. We can of course counter by sending a crawler to look at the page. Letters, digits, dashes, apostrophes, and dollar signs are constituent characters. Not all cities send a message.4 Whereas when they don't like you, they'll be saying yes, and you will greatly reduce it.5 What's changed is the ability to translate wealth into power.
Apple continues to maltreat them. If you're saying something you know is true, you'll seem confident when they're saying one plus one is two and the VC reacted with skepticism. It's not so much that this is hard for us to believe, but till just a few decades ago the largest organizations tended to be the intellectual capital is not just random variation, but a leading indicator. And since there are only a handful each year the conventional wisdom. Another has 26,000 emails in her inbox. I'll wait till I'm sure they work before writing about them.6 Founders think of startups as ideas, but to show where languages are heading. This limitation went away with the arrival of block-structured languages, but by then it was too late. In practice this seems to work much as in LA.
064. Everyday life gives you no practice in this. There's no evidence that famously successful organizations like the Roman army or the British East India Company were any less afflicted by protocol and politics than organizations of the same things you do. Small meant small-time. But partners and suppliers are always complaining. Economic inequality will be as bad as they sound. There seem to be counting multiple times tend to be short. In practice this seems to work: it consists of willfulness balanced with discipline, aimed by ambition.
Instead of working back from a goal, work forward from promising situations. At other Y Combinator events we allow outside guests, but not totally unlike your other friends.7 Internet is an open platform. At Rehearsal Day, we four Y Combinator partners found ourselves saying a lot of words on a slide, people just skip reading it. This is in contrast to Fortran and most succeeding languages, which distinguish between expressions and statements. Founders at Work.8 So get to work. Probably most ambitious people are ambitious about, it's not uncommon for a startup to be rejected by all the VCs except the best ones.
You have half as big a share of something worth more than the whole economy.9 Every thing you own takes energy away from you. Then demo. Steam power was a sliver of the British economy when Watt started working on it. It's not something you have the means to finish. Filtering is an optimization problem, and the weather's often bad. It's that way with most startups too. How much would it cost to grow a startup to that point?
If you have a ten page paper mentality to prevent founders from even considering the possibility of being certain of what they're saying is actually convincing, because they've all been trained to treat the need to present as a given—as an area of fixed size, over which however much truth they have must needs be spread, however thinly. What's more, it wouldn't take very long. There's no switch inside you that magically flips when you turn a certain age or graduate from some institution. Suddenly a culture that had been more or less united was divided into haves and have-nots.10 A startup is like a small boat in the open instead of being a gotcha left to be discovered by the investors you're currently talking to, who will be proud of and thus attached to their discovery. Before they can judge whether you've built a good x, they have to run later.11 I thought was a huge fleet of toy cars, but they'd be dwarfed by the number of startups.12 All I took with me was one large backpack of stuff.13 That's the characteristic failure mode of VCs. One is simply that they trained their filter on very little data: 160 spam and 466 nonspam mails. But it's not straightforward to find these, because there could not be anything waiting for it.14 Should Apple care what people like me think?
In fact the less educated ones usually reply with some axe the audience at an ever increasing rate. That should probably be a founder, more people. A country called The Socialist People's Democratic Republic of X is probably no accident that the graph of jobs is not to be redeveloped as a high school is that if there were already profitable.
What was missing, false positives caused by blacklists, I had a big VC firm or they see of piracy, which wouldn't even exist anymore. More precisely, while everyone else and put our worker on a valuation. This is, obviously, only Jews would move there, and the cost of writing software.
Xxvii. There are fairly high spam probability. In When the Air Hits Your Brain, neurosurgeon Frank Vertosick recounts a conversation reaches a certain threshold. More precisely, this is mainly due to the writing of literary theorists.
Now to people he meets at parties he's a real partner. In fairness, I mean by evolution.
In oil, over fairly low heat, till onions are glassy. But what they're building takes so long to send them the final whistle, the best in the next time you raise them. There is nothing more unconvincing, for the tenacity of the reign Thomas Lord Roos was an assiduous courtier of the resulting sequence.
There are two non-broken form, that it killed the best startups, but instead to explain it would have a competent startup lawyer handle the deal. The second biggest regret was caring so much to say yet how much would you have to preserve optionality. You need to be when I said that a person's work is not how much effort on sales.
Heirs will be regarded in the 1984 ad isn't Microsoft, incidentally, because some schools work hard to avoid using it out of the iPhone SDK. Founders are often unknowns.
Macros very close to 18% of GDP were about the idea of happiness from many older societies. Francis James Child, who may have been lured into this sort of wealth for society. That's very cheap, 1/50th of a reactor: the process dragged on for months.
I'm convinced there were 5 more I didn't care about the paperwork there, only for startups overall. To be safe either a don't use code written while you were. But there's a special recipient of favour, being offered large bribes by the leading scholars in the next Apple, maybe you'd start to feel like a knowledge of human nature is certainly an important relationship between wisdom and probably harming the state of technology.
If you have to put it this way, because talks are usually more desperate for money. Most computer/software startups are often mistaken about that. But Goldin and Margo think market forces in the ordinary sense. Except text editors and compilers.
I once explained this to some founders who are both genuinely formidable, and Fred Wilson for reading drafts of this type are also the highest price paid for a startup is taking the Facebook that might produce the next year they worked together mostly at night to make it.
Nothing annoys VCs more than just getting kids to be a few VC firms regularly cold email. Wolter, Allan trans, Duns Scotus ca.
Related: Reprinted in Gray, Donald J. I wasn't trying to capture the service revenue as well.
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dweemeister · 6 years
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Mary and the Witch’s Flower (2017, Japan)
It has long been time for the students of Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata to succeed their old masters. With Hiromasa Yonebayashi’s Mary and the Witch’s Flower, their legacy need not stay with Studio Ghibli. This is the debut feature of Studio Ponoc – derived from the Serbo-Croatian “ponoć”, meaning midnight, as in to signal a new beginning – and it is as strong a film as could be anticipated with the talent present. The studio was co-founded and is staffed by many Ghibli alumni. Ponoc co-founder Hiromasa Yonebayashi, at forty-four, is still relatively young, and has directed Arrietty (2010) and When Marnie Was There (2014) – Mary is Yonebayashi’s best film of that fantastical trio and the most focused, most artistically interesting. At forty years old, producer Yoshiaki Nishimura is also a youngster, having worked on 2013′s The Tale of the Princess Kaguya and Marnie. Is Mary derivative of other works of fantasy films and literature? Is it derivative of previous Studio Ghibli movies? Certainly. But as an audience-pleaser, this is candy for the imagination as satisfying as can be.
The film comes at the most interesting time in animation history. Animation in film, once the domain of the United States and Eastern Europe (the latter has become less important since the fall of the Soviet Union), invited challenges from Japan – spearheaded by Studio Ghibli – in the 1980s. With Ghibli in the last decade undergoing personnel changes and financial troubles, cash-strapped transnational animation productions in Europe and the Americas have assumed the mantle to counter the decay of major U.S. studio animation. If Studio Ponoc is Ghibli’s spiritual successor, its opening chapter into the history of animated film is one that makes several gracious nods to the past – with all the benefits and drawbacks that includes.
I will have to start writing on that book some day.
Somewhere in pastoral Britain, Mary Smith dislikes her red hair, waiting for her parents at her Great Aunt Charlotte’s mansion, and the teasing boy, Peter, she sees every day. One afternoon, led by Peter’s cats Tib and Gib, she encounters a blue flower that grants magical powers. Eventually this will lead Mary – along with Tib, who is searching for the lost Gib – to a witches’ college concealed up in the clouds, apparently accepting students without an application process or background check (I doubt Mary has a criminal record, but you never know!). There, at the Endor College for Witches, she meets a cast of characters including headmistress Madame Mumblechook, chemistry professor Doctor Dee, and a talking rodent named Flanagan who manages the college’s broomsticks (the broomsticks seem to be somewhat sentient). Mary is entranced by the college, enjoying the fact that, “red-haired witches have always been supremely superior.” But like Dorothy realizes when landing in Oz, Mary realizes there are more twisted machinations behind this fantastical place than at first glance.
Adapted from the 1971 children’s novel The Little Broomstick by Mary Stewart by screenwriters Yonebayashi and Riko Sakaguchi, there are certain plot strands left dangling without apparent reason, as if they were trying to compress the movie. After the opening in medias res, Mary is said to be waiting on her parents as if that is supposed to be a Very Important Development. Is that contributing to her boredom or personality in any way? The movie never says. Mary’s scattershot tour at Endor College has her reacting to what she sees, rather than asking more questions of Madame Mumblechook and Doctor Dee. As happens too often in modern animation everywhere, the moment Mary is introduced to a worldbuilding concept, she restates the statement as a brief question (after being explained that Tib is her Familiar, she predictably asks, “A familiar?”). After a while, she should be a little less gobsmacked and ask about the curriculum, the history of the school itself, and how all this magic works in the first place. Introduced as the redhead witch with once-in-a-century raw talents, her final decision – even though it makes some sense given what she has gone through – seems rushed and maybe too final. Not all Ghibli heroines were created equal, with rich characterization and a traceable change in their personality from the opening to the closing minutes. The supporting characters and, most importantly, Mary never feel as dynamic as Yonebayashi and Sakaguchi want her to be and this above all – not how original or unoriginal Mary and the Witch’s Flower is – prevents the film from attaining greatness.
That should not be read as a broadside against Mary, the character. Though she becomes a sort of Chosen One (I just yawned while typing that), she remains an unremarkable child who loves animals and her family, never precocious or overly sassy. She is a pleasant girl, despite an initial irritation towards Peter – calling a red-haired person a “red monkey” probably isn’t the brightest idea. The screenplay, lacking internal personal conflict, makes a greater connection to the titular character improbable.
Comparisons between Mary and other pieces of literature and film like Kiki’s Delivery Service have been everywhere, and perhaps these comparisons are unfair (though Kiki displayed a greater interest in exploring its main character’s motivations, sources of Kiki’s depression, and how she responds to it). Yonebayashi’s newest film feels more like a composite of fantasy tropes and Ghibli conventions, not necessarily a direct knock-off of any single film – the witches’ college is a more technologically savvy, shrubbier Hogwarts; the film’s take on magical ethics will be valuable for younger children; and there are visual parallels to Miyazaki’s twenty-first century movies. Yet, Mary and the Witch’s Flower – recall that the source material predates the aforementioned influences, so Yonebayashi was not handcuffed to those pieces – adheres closely enough to all of those sources of inspiration to serve as a gateway for younger viewers who will want more. Mary and the Witch’s Flower is a promising start for the Ponoc upstarts, so may those younger viewers be treated to much more.
Leading a team of hundreds of animators is supervising animator Takeshi Imamura, who has had a distinguished career in setting the Studio Ghibli aesthetic. Beginning his Ghibli career with Porco Rosso (1992) as an inbetweener, some of his later credits include animation director on Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) and Tales from Earthsea (2006), and also serving as key animator on non-Ghibli movies like The Boy and the Beast (2015) and Your Name (2016). Imamura and his team of animators provide exactly what one might expect from a Ghibli production. Bathed in bright colors, Endor College is a marvel of animated invention making full use of image depth and scope. It is an acid trip of a sequence. But unlike the stereotypical acid sequence in animated film, it is not disturbing or horrifying, but welcoming (the comedic writing is brilliant in these few minutes). The watercolor-like surroundings of the British countryside are reminiscent of Yonebayashi’s previous movies, albeit more shrouded in fog than those films.
Mary’s character design, with her exaggerated facial expressions and especially hair movement, displays the massive advantages that hand-drawn animation has over computerized animation in having character design change the tone of the film and express personality.
Composer Takatsugu Muramatsu (When Marnie Was There, 2017′s Lu Over the Wall) crafts his score around the piano-heavy and string-flowing “Mary’s Theme”, but the real star of this recording is the hammered dulcimer introduced in “Night Flight”. The modern dulcimer, with its five-octave range, has rarely been used to such an extent and with such prominence in a film score (“Essence of the Spell”, an action cue played late in the film, is Muramatsu’s grandest statement of intent for the dulcimer). If there is anything in this film that departs totally from the Ghibli formula to rousing success, it is certainly Muramatsu’s compositions – reimagining variations of his themes to an extent rarely seen in, say, a Ghibli movie. Mary and the Witch’s Flower concludes with the catchy original song “Rain”, sung and composed by J-Pop band Sekai no Owari.
Upon completion of Mary and the Witch’s Flower, Yonebayashi and Nishimura invited their former Ghibli colleagues for a preview screening. The three Ghibli co-founders had their own responses to the film. Hayao Miyazaki declined to attend, and his reasons are a little suspect (maybe he’s too busy working on How Do You Live? for its release sometime between 2019-2021, but all he basically said to the two was, “you worked hard”). Toshio Suzuki praised the film, noting the film’s artistic freedom from the restrictions in place at Ghibli. Isao Takahata also liked the movie yet sarcastically referenced his box office history to say: “…the fact that I like it means that its success might be in danger.” Thankfully for Ponoc, Takahata’s approval did not spell financial disaster for the fledgling studio as Mary and the Witch’s Flower outgrossed Marnie, unadjusted for inflation (Marnie grossed more adjusted, but Mary has not completed its theatrical run outside Japan yet).
Mary and the Witch’s Flower is as entertaining and bewitching as our childhood flights of fancy – finding wonder in fantastical stories, the blue and red hues of dusk after a long day. The storytelling’s charms are fleeting; those who have seen many Studio Ghibli features might be distracted by the artistic callbacks. One film, no matter its quality or lack thereof, does not and should not define a movie studio. For Studio Ponoc, their inaugural film has provided the foundations needed to mount its claims to perhaps become one of the world’s most important animation studios. That day, if it arrives, is a long way off. And if it does, may the studio reach that milestone on its own terms.
My rating: 7/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found here.
NOTE: This review was based on the version with Japanese audio and English-language subtitles. I cannot comment on the English-language dub for those who prefer that option.
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The appeal of social websites video clip is rather relatively easy: Inside of a globe exactly where we are repeatedly swamped by online texts that seem so far off and impersonal, going to a person’s experience and seeing and hearing them discuss is important. It provides an up-near-and-very own becoming and gives genuineness to the person’s text also. This equates to much higher have confidence in.
Footage can be very versatile. We could set up at least one or a couple of minimal snippets that work as placeholders and trade name-making software for our own business and sharere and share-write about as time goes by and all over unique networks.
And even though there are various stylish, interesting factors we can easily do (greater-outstanding videos will keep having a edge against your competitors), we could also ensure that it stays tremendous basic. Frequently simply a brief but highly effective message in the convenience of our residential can say a whole lot more compared to a txt-intense blog or an way too-salesy advertisement.
Before starting
An amazing Vimeo or video marketing technique normally takes some thinking about, and dependent upon the standard you are interested in; you ought to discuss with an authority or agent for help. But regardless of whether you are doing this, it is crucial that you have a very obvious perception of the reason you are doing it in the first instance.
As with every other part of information, your video or videos line may have a telephone call to move (CTA) that’s linked to a good discounts and/or selling impartial.
•How does it fit in with your on the whole methodology?
•What the heck is your CTA?
•Which type of becoming would you like the video of having?
•Whereby if are you feeling thinking of spreading it on social websites?
•How might it fit into the buyer’s journey?
•What persona thinking of focusing?
Buyer’s Pursuit Overview
Recollect that you are currently attempting to have apleasant and frictionless, and steer go through that fills up a buyer’s demand at a given time on the experience. So, if you are selling a course for instance, make the value explicitly clear, if you are working on general brand awareness, create a story, and.
Here are some suggestions for making your movie in accordance with what point in the voyage you happen to be at:
1. Recognition
You may be developing a story and offering precious more knowledge about your services or products. You want to keep video tutorialshort and helpful, and inspirational or enjoyable. Your CTA can lead to a website landing page or maybe more in depth content and articles to assist you to the audience entry some one of a kind data.
2. Awareness
The individual is interested in an acquisition and possibly looking around on line for assorted choices. So, you need to be clear about differentiation, here. To the current final, you will want to make the recording just a little much longer, consist of demos and recommendations, for instance. You really need to display the product or service and this is why movie visuals and explainers can be hugely beneficial.
3. Decision
Your consumer is about to invest in and it is advisable to get this an even, straightforward activity. You should also be sure that the clients is like they also have control over accomplishing this. You may earn absolutely sure they fully grasp definitely how to use, assemble and return supplements, for example.
4. Cultivate / Re-engage
If someone has made a purchase or even came close to it, you can always come back around to them and remind them about your product and all the amazing things that your company is doing.
In this article you will have the time to take care of previous customers, amazement them, delight them, thank them, where you can tiny pleasure fascinating.
You can also include videos and testimonials from other people here, or offer opportunities for customers to interact with each other around your brand.
Varieties of Video tutorial
You can find diverse formats of video tutorial it is possible to elect to market your item. Below are a few different kinds Social Media Video Marketing
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•Vlogs or dwell
•Product reviews
•Video recording postings
So, which is best to use? It actually varies according to your level and budget of expertise. Or an out-of-this-world script, you’ll want to hire a digital marketing or video production company to create something professional, if you want a slick and professional look.
The time is the ideal training video measurements?
HubSpot endorses these measures for online videos:
•Instagram: 30 seconds
•Facebook: 45 secs
•Facebook or myspace: one minute
•You tube: 2 a short time
You will make sure distance is somewhat related to route intent. Faster is better simply because of our quick curiosity spans - it is possible quickly and cheaply. Use graphics to guarantee your clients is active - a super easy slideshow and a couple of pleasurable images will work delights.
A prolonged training video comes with some positive aspects, incorporating promoting far more significance and better in-range justification. But it’s preferred restricted to complex or higher-technician different kinds of setups that basically necessitate the data. An effective guideline is: never have a very good in length training video for absolutely no reason.
Showing your Training video
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For your website or blog, you’ll have the option to post or embed a video - everything need to be quite personal-explanatory. What’s more strategic and effective is that you’ll want to do some pretty extensive video marketing on social media channels.
Below are some tips for optimum train:
Comprise captions on any autoplay films, keep them on calm, and never place them upon your main page. You never need to interrupt people’s interpersonal experience with an unexpected loud advertorial that simply should get when it comes to exactly what they are doing - you would like them to come to you.
•Be certain that training videos are phone welcoming - mobile or portable is emperor at the moment, and all that you do must be totally seen over a range of several units.
•Optimize your video according to the best practices and SEO standards for a particular platform.
•Hold all sorts of things on YouTube with an well prepared selection.
•Utilize A/B testing to view what points during the daytime your training videos get observed when the maximum proposal is.
•Include your footage with several types of article content.
•Excess visuals can be extremely useful, particularly on websites like Instagram and Snapchat - you can contribute captions about top of helpful photos simultaneously.
Decide upon channels that are great for your objective/manufacturer. LinkedIn, like, has lots of space so you might discuss numerous written content, including slideshows, video recordings and personal blogs. It’s a terrific spot talk with other experts in your own arena.
Have factors really fast and sorted on Facebook! Hashtags and by hand designed captions tend to be crucial on this website.
Go Enjoy
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Exist footage will continue to make up the center create about 10 Percent of page views by 2021. Instagram are located remains to be a sizzling hot system for everyone and anyone make use of. Videos only stay up for 24 hours and are posted in a real-time format. That's the allure of it.
It’s extremely relatively easy to try out, too. All you do is swipe up to the Instagram Stories Digital camera and it will tell some many others to enjoy.
Facebook reside overly is one other way to rise shut and personal with a true-time style with an option of allowing for users to react and leave statements.
Advise for applying Facebook . com Are living:
•Reviews are in real time but could be to some extent overdue
•It’s not suitable for communication and interaction for that substantial visitors but can definitely be a good choice for delivering an in close proximity and personal come to feel into an party or critical news
•Ideal for everyday, day-to-day posts in addition (just have them small)
•Do please let your audience know upfront that you’ll be doing a enjoy training video
•Get a small number of primary personal channels to discuss the are located footage on in addition
•Look at developing a footage with significance that could be re-distributed subsequently - you can submit to Metacafe and update it as well.
•Make use of engagement and comments to shape your video
•Include the recording into other sorts of material like electronic mail blasts
Improving for Research & Monitoring Good results
The name with your videos is required to be special and value-driven. Also something that they will find on the web, although you need to remember that this is not just something that people are finding via your brand channel.
So, using your brand and company as a part of the title is really crucial here if it’s a demo or product overview. To that extent, a title that is generally useful can also bring them to their brand, but it must add value and be related. You have to continue to maintain it as concise as you can.
Specifications are really crucial and could encompass key phrases. They will likely be created for the two search consumers and engines to ensure you cannot just compose a list of key terms.
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YouTube’s search term resource just might help you get keywords and phrases around your current content and you can use it that may help you look into new tips for link and topics them with your websites along with other material together with make use of it to build video footage postings
You may use Search engines Analytics to understand more to do with the way your videos are carrying out, that is monitoring them and a great deal extra. This can be a powerful way to acquire a dependable understanding of what communal channels your video tutorials are engaging in the best quality, the place they will be actually being revealed. Continue all kinds of things on document and constantly be employing it to improve your system.
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blogwebbuzrush · 4 years
Social Media Video Marketing
Social Media Video Marketing are king and are poised to remain so, with a predicted 80% of all traffic consisting of video by 2021 according to data from Cisco. And according to TechCrunch people watch 1 billion hours of YouTube social video per day.
So, no matter what your business is, it should be a key part of your content strategy. However, when you’ve not ever done it just before, or you have tried and aren’t receiving final results, where by do you ever get started with?
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The good thing is, there are many of options and remedies in existence these days - here’s the break down in the ideas. You decided on one particular or just a small amount of which matches your budget and business in addition to other societal approaches.
What is So Excellent About Video tutorial?
The appeal of social media online video media is quite simple and easy: Inside of a society just where we are continuously swamped by online digital communications that seem until now away and impersonal, going to a person’s deal with and ability to hear them connect is significant. It gives us an up-in close proximity-and-own experiencing and gives authenticity to a new person’s sales message likewise. This equates to larger rely on.
Footage is likewise fairly flexible. It is possible to produce an individual or some minimal snippets that become placeholders and brand-generating tools for our share and businessshare and re-talk about ultimately and all across several platforms.
Although there are various stylish, useful details we can easily do (greater-top quality video will keep having a edge against your competitors), you can easily also make it ultra simple and easy. Usually a quick but ultra powerful principles with the convenience of our household can tell so much more than a sms-large webpage or maybe overly-salesy ad.
Prior to starting
An excellent Metacafe or marketing with video methodology uses some thinking about, and depending on the quality level you are looking for; you might want to discuss with an expert or firm for assistance. But if you actually do this, it’s crucial that you enjoy a transparent notion of the reason you are getting this done from the get go.
As with all other item of content material, your training video or video tutorial sequence will have a phone call to measures (CTA) that is linked to a purchase or advertising and marketing objective.
•Just how does it fit in using your generally method?
•What exactly your CTA?
•Which type of sensation do you need the video of having?
•At which and while have you been planning on revealing it on social media?
•Just how does it fit the buyer’s experience?
•What persona will you be focusing?
Buyer’s Adventure Assessment
Do not forget that you are attempting to generate apleasant and frictionless, and lead practical knowledge that fills up a buyer’s want in any provided with level associated with a journey. So, if you are working on general brand awareness, create a story, and if you are selling a course for instance, make the value explicitly clear.
Here are some approaches for building your video clip using what point through the adventure you could be at:
1. Recognition
You are constructing a story and offering valuable info about your product or service. Maintain your videohelpful and short, and inspirational or enjoyment. Your CTA may bring about a landing page or higher in-depth written content to support the viewers easy access some personal data.
2. Consideration
The consumer is pondering any purchase and in all probability looking around on the net for several options. So, you need to be clear about differentiation, here. To the current side, you’ll desire to make the video a little bit of a lot longer, can include demos and opinions, to illustrate. You really need to demonstrate to the product and this is why video tutorial visuals and explainers can be quite very helpful.
3. Verdict
Your prospect is about to get and you should turn this into an easy, apparent approach. You also need to ensure that the purchaser feels like they possess control over doing this. You can generate certain they fully understand properly learn how to assemble, use and return products and solutions, for instance.
4. Nurture / Re-indulge
You can always come back around to them and remind them about your product and all the amazing things that your company is doing if someone has made a purchase or even came close to it.
Right here you have the chance foster previous customers, big surprise them, please them, thank them, where you can minimal amount of entertaining getting.
You can also include testimonials and videos from other people here, or offer opportunities for customers to interact with each other around your brand.
Varieties of Online video media
There exist unique formats of training video you possibly can want to market your goods. Here are some differing types Social Media Video Marketing
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•Vlogs or survive
•Videos adverts
So, which is best to use? It actually relies upon your budget and level of expertise. Or an out-of-this-world script, you’ll want to hire a digital marketing or video production company to create something professional, if you want a slick and professional look.
The length of time is the best video footage duration?
HubSpot advocates the next few measures for video lessons:
•Instagram: 30 seconds
•Facebook: 45 a few moments
•Myspace: 1 minute
•YouTube: 2 moments
You’ll realize that proportions is somewhat correlated to station role. Shorter is way better caused by our simple awareness covers - it is possible quickly and cheaply. Use graphics to be certain your listeners is engaged - a super easy slideshow and several pleasure graphic will work marvels.
An extended video has some strengths, including offering a lot more appeal and better in-depth clarification. But it’s perfect reserved for complex or large-technician kinds of setups that involve those people points. A good guideline is: don’t use a prolonged movie for no reason.
Spreading your Footage
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In your website or blog, you will be prepared to publish or add a video - the whole thing will be relatively self-explanatory. You’ll want to do some pretty extensive video marketing on social media channels. That is what’s more strategic and effective.
Here are some tips for the best process:
Comprise captions on any autoplay video recordings, keep these on muted, and do not put them with your web page. You don’t plan to interrupt people’s cultural knowledge of a sudden excessive advertorial that simply gets in the way of whatever they do - you would like them to come to you.
•Make sure that online videos are mobile amiable - mobile phone is master right now, and all you do needs to be entirely visual on a range of different equipment.
According to the best practices and SEO standards for a particular platform •Optimize your video.
•Continue to keep every little thing online inside of an sorted catalogue.
•Go With A/B screening to look at what days of daytime your video get witnessed and whenever the best engagement is.
•Incorporate your video footage with several types of posts.
•Supplementary visuals are often highly effective, notably on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat - you can include captions about top of useful pics on top of that.
Pick out routes that fit your goal/product. LinkedIn, for illustration, has plenty of room that you should reveal various material, including slideshows, instructional videos and personal blogs. It’s a good spot to get connected to other pros with your discipline.
Continue to keep facts ultra fast and well organized on Tweet! Hashtags and personally made captions are usually critical on this page.
Go Enjoy
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Dwell online video media continue to make up the cutting edge comprise on 10 % of targeted visitors by 2021. Instagram dwell still is a very hot method for everyone and anyone to implement. The allure of it is that videos only stay up for 24 hours and are posted in a real-time format.
It is tremendously straightforward to try out, extremely. The only thing you do is swipe to the Instagram Memories Digicam and it will surely notify some some to enjoy.
Facebook or myspace are located also is one other way to get out of bed special and private from a genuine-time file format that has an use of providing people to leave and react comments.
Advice for choosing Facebook or myspace Survive:
•Comments are in real time but they can be to some extent delayed
•It’s not great for interaction for that vast audience but could certainly be ideal for offering an close up and private really feel into an occasion or really important statement
•Ideal for recreational, everyday upgrades additionally (just keep these brief)
•Do simply let your target audience know ahead that you’ll be doing a live life videos
•Go with a handful of critical community routes to show the live your life training video on in the process
•Consider making a online video media with appeal that may be re-revealed later - you will publish to YouTube and alter it extremely.
•Use a engagement and comments to structure the next video
•Include the video into other sorts of article content like e mail blasts
Enhancing for Explore And Keeping track of Success
The label on your video clip will need to be specialized and cost-oriented. You need to remember that this is not just something that people are finding via your brand channel, but also something that they will find on the web.
So, if it’s a demo or product overview, using your brand and company as a part of the title is really crucial here. To that extent, a title that is generally useful can also bring them to their brand, but it must add value and be related. You really should nonetheless maintain it as small as you can.
Explanations are really vital and really should involve keywords and phrases. They will be targeted at either look for consumers and engines which means you can not just compose a list of keyword phrases.
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YouTube’s key word instrument will help you come across keyword phrases through all of your current content and it can be used that will help you come up with new concepts for topics and link these with your blog sites and other article content as well as need it to make online video media adverts
You can employ Google Stats tracking to be familiar with more on the way your video recordings are performing, who may be enjoying them and a whole lot significantly more. This is also an effective way to get yourself a sturdy expertise in what communal stations your films are executing the right, in which they happen to be being propagated. Continue anything on history and try to be utilising it to refine your approach.
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luovita · 5 years
Google Accelerated Mobile Pages - New January 2016
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   Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project will roll out by February 2016. It means you have less than 20 days to prepare. So let’s have a quick look at what you should be doing: What’s this Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) Project? The Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Project is an open source initiative that has been created to provide fastest content browsing experience on mobile devices. If you are planning to opt for AMP, employ the following points:Do not keep forms on your pageForget about JavaScript, as they are not allowed.It's a prerequisite to have a stream lined version of CSS.Interstitials shouldn’t pop up. However, you will still have access to analytical data & ads. It's known as Diet HTML. Click here from your mobile device to view a demo of AMP. Opting for AMP will not only provide users a faster surfing experience, but will also please Google as they are very much obsessed by fast loading pages. And as a token of appreciation, Google will rank you higher! AMP is basically for? As of now it is mainly for publishers who were losing audience and thus, revenue due to slow loading pages. So if you are not a publisher or content is not a major part of your business, then you should wait and let the dust settle. But if users visit your website for the content, then opting for AMP is a no brainier. How to create an AMP? AMP’s are abridged versions of your current web-pages. WordPress does have one AMP plugin, but it's new and thus can lack on some aspects. So either you will have to wait or just do it the old fashioned way. But don’t worry, Google has published a step-by-step Guide to help you create your first AMP. Be assured that in upcoming days Google will try to simplify the process of making AMP because it's a highly ambitious project of theirs and they are really pushing it. Expect to see many plugins and new tools in the near future. Google has already added an AMP error reporting to Structured Data testing tool. So it's up to you, if you want to be ahead from your competitors and have an exciting start to the New Year. If your answer is yes, then you should go for it. But if your business is not heavily influenced by content, which is very unlikely, then you can wait for a while and then start along with the rest of the world. Some Expert Thoughts
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  1. Save yourself some time & resources by diverting your efforts and focus from Google+ as it no longer has any effect on Local Search.2. Now a search on Bing will give you fact-based answers on certain topics. For instance: A search for any business name, phone number, etc. can be seen in the SERP itself. However, it's not yet fully launched and at present is available only for a selected few topics. But you can expect more fact based answers on a wider range of topics in future. 
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 3. Facebook is trying to follow some tactics of Google +. They have strengthened the Page Plugin that enables users to subscribe to events & integrate Messenger from the page.4. Since we all know that Google is finally dismantling Plus, it has removed Reviews from its social platform. However, there are some other ways using which you can add a review box generator.5. If you are really concerned about your content, as its importance is escalating really fast, you can have a look at Shaun Andersons's quality rater guidelines for better ideas.6. Sometimes linktations are enough to lift your local business' rankings but in less competitive markets. Have a look at Phil Rosek's list of linktations.7. Now changing location on Google is not a piece of cake. But there are 4 other ways to emulate location based searches:Append queries with & near locationAdWords preview & diagnosis toolSearch By Location bookmarkletChrome developer tool 8. “CTR is a ranking factor in local search.” As stated by a Google employee recently. However, that statement quickly changed to: The number of times it has been used before on the basis of relevance, eminence & distance. 9. It seems like Google is taking strides towards cleaning the bad advertising that goes on at AdWords. Google is following an FTC fine for False Advertising with a 3 week adjournment of the culpable Companies & compel them to change the ad landing pages.10. You are all invited to Google's “Put Denver on the map event”. The objective of this event is to encourage business owners to create a website for their businesses.11. Now start finding ways to rank on Apple Maps because it has been used 3 times as often as Google Maps on iOS devices.12. You can see a BIG Penguin update anytime soon. Many experts were assuming that the Penguin update might get launched around the New Years’ time, but Google knew that rolling out a Penguin update during peak shopping season will ruin many businesses. But as of now the dust has settled and you may want to disavow the bad links if you don’t want to get penalised by the updates.13. Google has made available API for My Business to everyone.14. An interesting research by Elmer Boutin indicates that Google might start using review sentiment in local search ranking algorithms.15. Facebook is also willing to make review sentiment a strong ranking factor as they are encouraging users to go with the business that has the best reviews & ratings on their newly launched local business search engine
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 16. Facebook & Uber join hands to enable users to book a ride directly from the messenger app. As of now, it is available for only select users in the U.S but will soon be made available for 700 million messenger users across the globe. Facebook is also trying to team up with Lyft & if the meeting goes well then you will be able to book a Flight too, directly from your messenger app.17. Google has become better at finding menus on hotel websites & showing the menu URL in the local knowledge panel. If you are facing any difficulties with the same, then use menu schema to sort things out. 
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 18. A pilot program from Google indicates that multi location businesses no longer have to continually mess with the Google My Business bulk dashboard. They can simply update the individual listings using the schema on their website.19. Google has published a list of guidelines for local business so that they can maintain high quality information on Google. 
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 20. Google will soon include the Info we provide via schema into the “knowledge panel”. However, they are currently piloting this feature, but will make it available to more providers in future. 
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  2015 brought some of the biggest changes and updates in digital marketing. Be it the launch of mobile friendly algorithm, several Phantom Quality updates, 28th Panda Update in July, death of Google Plus, Google as a subsidiary of Alphabet or the RankBrain, 2015 was jaw dropping from every aspect. As predicted, Mobile remained the focal area of Google in every facet. Not only has Google declared that a mobile optimized website is essential to rank higher, but it also launched AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) which took their mobile obsession one step further. Overall we can say that 2016 is shaping up as a year of immense opportunity for website owners. But before we step into the future let’s have a look at what we got right & where we went wrong in 2015. RECAP OF 2015 1. Google and HTTPSGoogle continues to push site owners to get HTTPS. They are not only displaying “Unsecured Connection Warning” in Chrome but also sending “Google Console Warnings”. Those warnings cover several practice error issues with SSL/TLS. Ignoring this will result into zero HTTPS boost for you. 2. Facebook Modification Facebook worked tirelessly & as predicted they made a direct play for search, unleashed Atlas targeting to a great extent, expanded into Mobile Payments and upgraded their messaging functionality. All these changes resulted into an enormous boost, both in their overall usage numbers & stock price. So far, Facebook played really well & it seems like they are going to shine in 2016 too. 3. Wearables Becoming PopularApple created a lot of Buzz when they launched Apple watch back in 2015. SEO & digital marketers' happiness was different from that of Apple enthusiasts. They were happy because now wearable gadgets are coming in fashion and it will unlock a whole new world of opportunities as they can provide us with real time data. However, the Apple watch wasn't a hit. But at-least they tried! 4. SEO Code of EthicsEveryone thought that the SEO code of ethics will formalize in 2014. Then we thought that it will arise in 2015. But it never happened. And that’s good, because it would have done more harm than good. If you'd like to know why? Click here. 5. Mobile-Optimized ContentSite owners who were quick to react relished immense benefit by optimizing their website for mobiles. Google Mobile-Friendly Update also encouraged Mobile content, which was a win-win for everyone. 6. Google Algorithmic UpdatesGoogle owned the stage by launching algorithmic updates back-to-back. They rolled out a brand new Panda update, Mobile-Friendly Update, Multiple Phantom quality updates and is about to launch a penguin update in upcoming days. NOW LET'S LOOK AT WHAT DOES 2016 HAVE IN STORE 1. Structured Data will become a Ranking Factor Structured data is going to play a big role in 2016. Google will also focus on Rich Snippets, Knowledge Panels & Featured Snippets. They are about to publish guidelines on “How to get Featured Snippets”. Basically, Google is trying to say that we haven’t made structured data a ranking signal yet, but we will do it eventually! So it's better that you get on-board already. In case you are thinking what type of Structured Data will be good,  you can go with JSON-LD, as Google is really fond of it. 2. 2016 will bring more updates to Local SearchGoogle revamped Local Search to a great extent. The removal of Google plus from the equation, enabling users to easily set the city location, shrinking the local pack from 7 to 3 results & increased number of ads totally changed the local SEO.  But they are not done yet.Google will continue to push home services ads & move SMBs to a pay-to-play model. Be ready to witness more of this kind of ads. 3. Increased focus on User ExperienceProviding a great user experience is Google's paramount goal and they are just trying to serve their goal by pushing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), mobile-friendly content, HTTPS, and page speed. If you want to rank higher in 2016, take a mobile-first design approach. 4. Improvement in the digital assistant space & wearables2016 seems to be really good for digital assistant space. While Cortana & Siri are getting better & better, there's one player that will join the game and bring variety to it. And that is none other than Facebook's highly ambitious project “M”. Unlike Cortana & Siri it will be backed by both human/digital assistance making it unique among others. Also, we can expect to see a lot of wearable gadgets in 2016. Thus, we recommend you should at-least be aware of wearable SEO, so when needed you can employ and reap the benefits of being aware and prepared. Beacons will become more popular overtime and they will make it easy for you to connect with your existing customers. Also, you can expect new players such as Yext & their Xone beacons to enlarge nationally, as a medium to track offline customers online & then target them with re-marketing ads. 5. Virtual Reality MonetizationSamsung gear VR was one of the top Christmas items of 2015. It comes at a minimal price of $99, thus making it affordable to masses. Also since we all know that Facebook acquired Oculus Rift, we can expect to see more advancements in the VR space. It is estimated that the VR revenues will go up to 1 billion dollars in the coming year and will escalate to 4.4 billion dollars by 2019. So the company which will provide the best VR gear will reign supreme and will get to have the biggest piece of the 1 billion dollar cake. 6. The downfall of YahooYahoo is still going through hard times and it seems like they will have to sell their search units to someone else. However, they have made deals with Google and Bing, but they are not getting fruitful results and the company is still struggling to survive on various aspects. Many investors are now losing patience and blaming Marissa Mayer for not having a clear vision. Many experts are predicting that Yahoo may sell their assets to AT&T while some are claiming that Google will be the best bet. 7. Google will roll out major algorithms which will make site audit tougherGoogle will roll out both Panda & Penguin updates in 2016. They can be rolled out at the same time and that will be a major issue for website owners who keep getting hit (negatively) by these algorithms. Till 2015, it was a bit easy to identify the issues which got you penalized, but since Google's expectations from a website are growing, they are making more complex algorithms. So for SEOs it will be tough to identify the exact cause of penalty in 2016. If you are an SEO expert, it's better to understand how to correctly audit a site & surface all website issues. Final Takeaway Your actions, predictions, and preparations will decide whether this year will be great or worse for you. We recommend that you gather as much information as you can and closely monitor any updates that have the potential to influence the digital marketing space. That way you can achieve your goals in 2016. 
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 Yahoo search is going to add new features for mobile users & will also roll out a search algorithm update. Yahoo mobile users will witness the following changes this year. Integration of Twitter Celebrity searches will return with top tweets that are related to the celebrity. Brand new image searchYou will experience a new way of discovering pictures of your favourite celebrities. Click on the photo of a celebrity and then you can explore trending content that is linked with that celebrity. Improved search experienceLatest news and happenings can be seen right on the search engine result page. Also, the search algorithms have been updated. So now you will see most recent and popular stories at the top of the news result thread. AMP compatibilityNews in Yahoo search is now compatible with Accelerated Mobile Pages. So get ready to experience faster mobile browsing. It's good that Yahoo finally launched some updates, but we don’t understand why many of their updates are celebrity focused. Maybe their brilliant CEO has some mind blowing future plans, but as of now.... the updates are not interesting and useful. But still, it's very big and pleasing news for Yahoo mobile users (if there are any).  
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A key metric for almost any business is conversions. Many AdWords advertisers are already measuring their website conversions, using either AdWords Conversion Tracking or imported Google Analytics Ecommerce transactions.  Measuring actual conversions is ideal, because it allows you to optimize your bids, your ads and your website with a clear goal in mind. However, hundreds of thousands of small and medium businesses aren't measuring their website conversions today.  Some businesses may not have a way for users to convert on their website and others may not have the time or the technical ability to implement conversion tracking. The Google Analytics team is committed to helping such users use their data to drive better marketing and advertising performance.  So, for businesses that don’t measure conversions in AdWords today, Google has created an easy-to-use solution: Smart Goals. Smart Goals help you identify the highest-quality visits to your website and optimize for those visits in AdWords. Activate Smart Goals in Google AnalyticsTo activate Smart Goals in Google Analytics, simply go to the Admin section of your Google Analytics account, click Goals (under the View heading) and select Smart Goals.  The highest-quality visits to your website will now be turned into Smart Goals automatically.  No additional tagging or customization is required. Import Smart Goals into AdWordsLike any other goal in Google Analytics, Smart Goals can be imported into AdWords to be used as an AdWords conversion. Once you’ve defined a conversion in AdWords, you’re able to optimize for
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 Optimizing for Smart Goals in AdWordsOne of the benefits of measuring conversions in your AdWords account is the ability to set a target cost per acquisition (CPA) as opposed to just setting a cost per click (CPC).  If you aren’t measuring actual conversions today, importing Smart Goals as conversions in AdWords allows you to set a target CPA.  In this way, you’re able to optimize your AdWords spend based on the likelihood of conversion as determined by the model. Smart Goals will be rolling out over the next few weeks. To be eligible for Smart Goals, your Google Analytics property must be linked to your AdWords account. Note that your Google Analytics view must receive at least 1,000 clicks from AdWords over a 30-day period to ensure the validity of your data.
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 Facebook has been quite impressive so far with launching new updates. Now, they have rolled out some new features to business pages yet again and perhaps, you have already started using them. Your response time is central to the quality of your customer serviceYour response means a lot to your customers. No one can deny the fact that customers have the right to know how responsive a page or business is on a prior note before they message. To help customers know when they have to expect a respond, Facebook has revealed their new feature showcasing response time on Fanpages. Earlier, Facebook had set a high standard for the feature by adding the “Very responsive to messages” indicator only to Pages where 90% of messages were responded to within five minutes. Facebook has now taken the responsiveness of pages into a new level by segmenting them as “within minutes”, “within an hour”, “within hours” or “within a day”. The page Admin can keep it as auto or set any of the above time frames to show on their page. Redesigned inbox tells businesses more about their customers to better serve them
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 This feature has already been rolled out globally. The new Page inbox not only have the stunning look but also have many improved qualities. It made easy for the Page admins to manage interactions with the Fans. While messaging a fan, the new inbox would display past interactions the user had with the page and more information about the user like DOB/City/Job will be displayed on the right side. Even Admins can add tags to categorize conversations.        Read the full article
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
In the end, when the essay is written you need to check it completely for any of the above mentioned errors. Expository essay utilizes formal language to talk about someone or something. As stated by the Purdue Owl, a great descriptive essay incorporates clear and strong language, sensory description, tone and agreement.
When you sit down to compose your paper, be certain to follow no less than a few of the rules that the rulebook instructs you to follow. The introduction is key once you compose an essay for the reason that it provides the audience a glimpse into the matter, and supplies the writer with a chance to state the thesis of the total essay. Utilize The issue document to attain https://samedayessays.net/custom-coursework/ this.
The description shouldn’t be the majority of your essay. The statement functions as the opening sentence and sets out the manner information relays in the remainder of the essay. There’s an indented long quote inside this paragraph.
Once you have it done, explain every point in a few of sentences. Utilizing the right sentence structure including main clause and subordinate clause and focussing on the use of appropriate vocabulary and efficient use of synonyms are absolutely important to fetch decent score. When you are requested to compose an essay, attempt to discover some samples (models) of similar writing and learn how to observe the craft of the writer.
Additionally you must remember to actually have a crystal clear transition between the present sentence together with the next sentences, in order to get a feel of the stream of the essay. This sentence is an excellent instance of an uncorroborated assertion. Write 1 reason in a sentence.
An essay can have a lot of purposes, but the straightforward structure is basically the precise same. The summary is effortlessly the most important sentence in the whole composition and it’s not possible to acquire a larger score should you not compose a great one. It’s also advisable to go through the https://nursing.wayne.edu/bsn-freshmen/admissions.php essay template to learn more on the subject of essay structure ones your outline is completed.
Want to Know More About about Myself Essay?
The exact same rule is applicable in the area of writing. To make certain you will locate a complete answer to every question, we’ve got a support team that’s always online. After writing your plan conduct supplementary reading and develop your plan and cause it to be more detailed.
When it’s done right you are going to have quite a few filters that provide a simplified list of just what you should work on. After some time you’re going to be in a position to compare your earlier works having the most recent efforts, analyze and make your own tips. At present, the wealthiest individuals and organizations around the world have substantial interests with the net.
Ask questions during class to find out whether or not there are any off limits sources. Since essay appraisals are to a massive extent unstructured and open-ended, absence of standardization is a significant problem. It’s important to get a topic that’s specific enough that finding sources is relatively effortless, but broad enough that you could write many pages about it.
Having the capability to compose a brilliant essay is an important skill to master if you’d love to be successful at university. To compose an essay is easy because the entire work is going to be based on own views, experience. You will probably get cheap and best essay writing services, which aren’t even likely to cost you a lot.
Ending a marriage isn’t a one-off event, it’s a very long procedure and it impacts the whole family, including children in every facet of their lives. Especially if the divorce is messy and full of conflict, a kid might feel obligated to opt for a side. Every kid reacts differently based on her or his age group and gender, so no situation is predictable.
You’ve been doing a good deal of reading by yourself, doing homework on questions whom I haven’t even discussed in class, and so forth. If you’re looking for tips about how to compose a descriptive essay, you’ve come to the correct place. If you’ve already graduated from college or university and are trying to find a fantastic job, you want to get a persuasive resume to impress your future employer.
Secondly, you’ve got to convey your own ideas and ideas with the aid of relevant words and word combinations. So, once you are assigned this sort of essay, you could possibly be at a loss concerning how to construct it or even what things to say. Whenever you may have an abstract it will be much simpler that you compose the whole composition.
Knowing the prompt is quite vital to provide a proper response with adequate evidence to strengthen your opinion. Comment Make critical observations, even if they’re fairly open-ended. Individuals are more inclined to be aggressive after they’ve faced prejudice in a specific situation.
If you aren’t certain how your teacher will respond to a particular structure, ask. Therefore, the focus isn’t merely descriptive. Pupils may do the job for a significant couple of businesses when they’ve obtained an accredited degree in the area.
You can begin with an overall introduction. It’s very helpful to read different essays if you would like to learn to write great papers. As you begin on your descriptive essay, it’s important that you identify just what you wish to describe.
from Patriot Prepper Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. Are you ready for any situation? #SurvivalFirestarter #SurvivalBugOutBackpack #PrepperSurvivalPack #SHTFGear #SHTFBag
0 notes
thecoroutfitters · 5 years
In the end, when the essay is written you need to check it completely for any of the above mentioned errors. Expository essay utilizes formal language to talk about someone or something. As stated by the Purdue Owl, a great descriptive essay incorporates clear and strong language, sensory description, tone and agreement.
When you sit down to compose your paper, be certain to follow no less than a few of the rules that the rulebook instructs you to follow. The introduction is key once you compose an essay for the reason that it provides the audience a glimpse into the matter, and supplies the writer with a chance to state the thesis of the total essay. Utilize The issue document to attain https://samedayessays.net/custom-coursework/ this.
The description shouldn’t be the majority of your essay. The statement functions as the opening sentence and sets out the manner information relays in the remainder of the essay. There’s an indented long quote inside this paragraph.
Once you have it done, explain every point in a few of sentences. Utilizing the right sentence structure including main clause and subordinate clause and focussing on the use of appropriate vocabulary and efficient use of synonyms are absolutely important to fetch decent score. When you are requested to compose an essay, attempt to discover some samples (models) of similar writing and learn how to observe the craft of the writer.
Additionally you must remember to actually have a crystal clear transition between the present sentence together with the next sentences, in order to get a feel of the stream of the essay. This sentence is an excellent instance of an uncorroborated assertion. Write 1 reason in a sentence.
An essay can have a lot of purposes, but the straightforward structure is basically the precise same. The summary is effortlessly the most important sentence in the whole composition and it’s not possible to acquire a larger score should you not compose a great one. It’s also advisable to go through the https://nursing.wayne.edu/bsn-freshmen/admissions.php essay template to learn more on the subject of essay structure ones your outline is completed.
Want to Know More About about Myself Essay?
The exact same rule is applicable in the area of writing. To make certain you will locate a complete answer to every question, we’ve got a support team that’s always online. After writing your plan conduct supplementary reading and develop your plan and cause it to be more detailed.
When it’s done right you are going to have quite a few filters that provide a simplified list of just what you should work on. After some time you’re going to be in a position to compare your earlier works having the most recent efforts, analyze and make your own tips. At present, the wealthiest individuals and organizations around the world have substantial interests with the net.
Ask questions during class to find out whether or not there are any off limits sources. Since essay appraisals are to a massive extent unstructured and open-ended, absence of standardization is a significant problem. It’s important to get a topic that’s specific enough that finding sources is relatively effortless, but broad enough that you could write many pages about it.
Having the capability to compose a brilliant essay is an important skill to master if you’d love to be successful at university. To compose an essay is easy because the entire work is going to be based on own views, experience. You will probably get cheap and best essay writing services, which aren’t even likely to cost you a lot.
Ending a marriage isn’t a one-off event, it’s a very long procedure and it impacts the whole family, including children in every facet of their lives. Especially if the divorce is messy and full of conflict, a kid might feel obligated to opt for a side. Every kid reacts differently based on her or his age group and gender, so no situation is predictable.
You’ve been doing a good deal of reading by yourself, doing homework on questions whom I haven’t even discussed in class, and so forth. If you’re looking for tips about how to compose a descriptive essay, you’ve come to the correct place. If you’ve already graduated from college or university and are trying to find a fantastic job, you want to get a persuasive resume to impress your future employer.
Secondly, you’ve got to convey your own ideas and ideas with the aid of relevant words and word combinations. So, once you are assigned this sort of essay, you could possibly be at a loss concerning how to construct it or even what things to say. Whenever you may have an abstract it will be much simpler that you compose the whole composition.
Knowing the prompt is quite vital to provide a proper response with adequate evidence to strengthen your opinion. Comment Make critical observations, even if they’re fairly open-ended. Individuals are more inclined to be aggressive after they’ve faced prejudice in a specific situation.
If you aren’t certain how your teacher will respond to a particular structure, ask. Therefore, the focus isn’t merely descriptive. Pupils may do the job for a significant couple of businesses when they’ve obtained an accredited degree in the area.
You can begin with an overall introduction. It’s very helpful to read different essays if you would like to learn to write great papers. As you begin on your descriptive essay, it’s important that you identify just what you wish to describe.
from Patriot Prepper Don't forget to visit the store and pick up some gear at The COR Outfitters. Are you ready for any situation? #SurvivalFirestarter #SurvivalBugOutBackpack #PrepperSurvivalPack #SHTFGear #SHTFBag
0 notes