#is just my first playthrough was a guy. so i guess it's a brother Forever
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i realise, i think, i can just like... post my designs, just my designs, right?
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faroreswinds · 2 years
Scarlet Blaze - Chapters 8-9
Ok, more playthrough notes!
Damn, Count Rowe is a bitch. The Rowe bloodline is a treacherous one to be sure. He’s ready to become traitor at the turn of a hat. This guy SUCKS.
My boy Metodey is seems... kinda like a cannibal, lol, with wanting to dress us up in “spices”. Nice to see him again, at least... even if it was but for a brief moment.
Fought Annette, Sylvain, and Rodrigue in the side battles. :( Man, here comes the Kingdom stuff...
Conditions - Defeat Dimitri... NOOOOOO
Wait, we can persuade Mercedes NOW? Huh, I thought it would be later. 
Why does Edelgard think that Dimitri’s responsibility is no less then hers. Um.... OK?!!!!????
I killed Ingrid with Ashe.... What a crime. 
Delivering her lance to Dimitri must have been hard... he couldn’t bear to lose her but he has.
The saddest part of this route so far has been related to Dimitri, as of course. 
Dimitri crying.... TT_TT And we had to leave her body behind, that’s even harder. 
Dorothea, shut up. 
Why is Edelgard suddenly apologizing. 
I can tease Edelgard (which she likes, apparently) or agree with everyone. Of course. 
Arval, avenging the old allies was YOUR dream tho.... 
This does feel a little out there, Shez suddenly deciding to want to recruit Byleth. Like... why? It came from nowhere. 
Arval admitting that it feels like they need to kill Byleth, and that’s the reason why he’s so obsessed with it. 
Oh, we are talking about the Slithers now. That’s why Lyisthea lives no matter what. 
God, I WISH I could join the Slithers. I WISH IT SO MUCH.
If you kill Mercedes (I did both kill her and recruit her) then Jeritza will mourn in camp instead. I also let Gwendal die to see what happens. He and Count Rowe then join with Dimitri (who allowed them to live because he didn’t want anyone to needless die). Dimitri retreats into the back and Gwendal and Count Rowe fight in the front. Both of them die. Then you defeat Dimitri. Edelgard makes a comment that so many people perished despite their efforts. 
For funsies, I allowed Jeritza to die but recruited Mercedes to see if her C support with Caspar changed. I also allowed Marianne to die as a test to see what Ignatz says in camp. He doesn’t seem affected, lol. Mercedes and Caspar’s support locks if Jeritza dies. Mercedes kinda just mourns a little, saying if Jeritza is gone there is no reason for her to be there anymore but she can’t go back.
And now for Chapter 9
Ah, Linhardt wants Edelgard to abandon the war. Makes sense. 
So people in Enbarr are happy because they don’t think they can lose the war. Urg...
Holy fuck, Ashe is so depressed because we killed Ingrid. He can’t go back, he says....
Mercedes seems doubtful too, despite being with her brother again.
One NPC still believes the Church should be protecting the people of Adrestia. Interesting...
Balthus still stole his gauntlets back like he did in Houses, cool.
Linhardt’s father is at the camp. I guess Edelgard’s assassination attempt is coming up.
Also, there are no other side maps for this chapter. Just the main story one. Huh.
Oooohhh, intruders in the palace~
Yup, there is assassination attempt by Shamir from the Church, I presume. It still feels weird to have the Church trying to assassinate. 
Oh, interesting, we have to protect Edelgard now, she’s not playable this chapter.
This has been the most interesting chapter in this route so far. Literally the most fun I’ve had since chapter 4. 
Shamir only stayed behind as to spare Catherine’s life, per Hubert’s “contract”. Wow, that’s.... :( 
I also went back and killed Shamir. She tells Catherine to run, and Catherine is, of course, upset. 
I let Shamir and Catherine kill Edelgard to see what happens. It took FOREVER. Edelgard has a lot of bulk. She just says to carry on and unite Foldan. Then Hubert is “What? No!” and that’s it. Boring, really. 
I didn’t bother to see what happens if Hubert dies first. I don’t want to torture myself sitting around and waiting for enemies to kill him. 
Ooooh, Ferdinand’s father escaped. 
Why are you being so cruel to Ferdinand, Hubert? It’s not his fucking fault. 
Hubert apologies for thinking Shez is a plant from the Slithers. I mean... it makes sense. And Hubert suggested to giving Shez a position of power so they can watch him. 
But, then, why would the Slithers work with the Church? Why would this convince you that Shez was on your side, if the Slithers don’t work with the Church? Hm.... Oh well. 
Ah, a time skip. And the Empire is struggling. We enter part 2 now. 
Wait, Edelgard is talking with Claude now? We just missed a WHOLE lot of stuff. When tf did they start to work together, what led to that?! Why are we SKIPPING that stuff?!
Fuck you Claude. 
And you are even suggesting Holst be your bodyguard, Edelgard?! NANI?!
Dimitri is just sitting in a corner, wanting to be left the fuck alone. 
And now the Alliance is helping launch an attack on the Kingdom by sea.
Fuck you Claude. 
Why would the Kingdom throw the white flag? Their way of life goes away once they do. 
Linhardt is the only one with sense. 
Whoa, Dorothea actually also has some sense, realizing they are the invaders and that the Kingdom with fight tooth and nail. 
Ferdinand, the fear is not all in their head. Edelgard wants to take over. Even if she doesn’t intend to reign down terror, their way of life is in danger. Jesus Christ, what happened to you?
Edelgard thinks the land taken by the Kingdom  (Sreng and Duscur) was cause the Goddess granted them that land. No, Edelgard, it’s not that... not that at all...
Looks like most of the characters haven’t been fighting for a while. Petra went back home for a bit, Bernie hasn’t held a weapon in a few months...
Wait, Cornelia has been killed in the Kingdom by Dimitri? Damn. 
The Western Church is obeying the Southern Church... but for how long?
Marianne’s father seems to think the Empire will eventually take control of the Alliance (he’s right, that’s Edelgard’s eventual plan)
Jeritza can tell Rhea has some power in battle... cool.
Shamir is rather judge-y, saying the Knights of Seiros has a difference sense of good and evil. Shamir, you are someone with no loyalty. Please.
Starting with Petra, Jeritza, and Hubert’s Paralogue....
Wow, the Knights of Seiros are really trying to assassinate Count Varley. It’s completely outside their MO. They don’t assassinate, at least they didn’t in Houses. It’s so bizarre. 
Keeping a corrupt official safe, yay!
So Count Varley basically gave legitimacy to Edelgard’s war.... through a divine decree. Amazing. How hypocritical. 
Catherine and Shamir were in on the assassination action. 
Varley is such a cockroach. 
Hubert calling the enemy crafty is like calling the kettle black. I hope this was done intentionally. 
Lorenz, Ferdinand, and Constance paralogue....
Oh god, it’s the annoying lords all in one sitting!
I feel like Constance is... setting this up to win herself, lol.
Hubert, Dorothea, and Hapi show up in the battle. Some fun dialogue with that. 
Apparently, Ferdinand and Constance were known as the “twin flowers” or something in high society. Lol....
Ferdinand won in the paralogue. I’m ok with this. He’s the better unit. Plus, it’s in honor of Billy.... TT_TT
Chapter 9 paralogue- You can get it if you recruit Ignatz, Lorenz, and Raphael. 
It’s about the death of Ignatz’s parents. 
It’s nice that Lorenz wants Ignatz to just treat him as normal.
Huh, so Claude’s grandfather died “near here” in an incident. Interesting. As long as Raphael’s parents. 
Lorenz’s father betrayed the mercenaries-turned bandits. 
Oooohhhhh, a Slither used them, not that Lorenz’s father betrayed them. 
OH, they died all at the same time. 
Not that they know it was a Slither, but I’m pretty sure it was a Slither. 
Raphael is such a treasure. 
Lysithea is such a brat. Glad that Shez kinda calls her out on it. But he takes the abuse a little TOO much.
Lysithea only staying for treats with Ferdinand is in line with her bad behavior. That said, I do feel bad because she feels she can’t do anything for Foldan due to her shorten life-span. I did like this support overall. Although, if nobles are expected to continue to improve the lives of commoners, what’s the point of “breaking down the barriers” again?
It’s nice to see Lysithea be... nice to Marianne. Even apologized. 
Ashe teaching Raphael how to cook is cute. But Ashe looking up (literally) to Raphael’s model had me chuckling. 
Ashe’s support with Shez - Mostly about Shez’s mother, really. But apparently she was even more intelligent than even the smartest average person. 
Marianne is for protecting only. 
They are going to dance around Shez’s adopted mother, aren’t they? 
Raphael really shouldn’t be let close to the cooking.... 
Bernadetta and Marianne’s support. .... Riveting. 
At least Bernadetta isn’t screaming this time. 
Hubert is so mean to Lysithea. This might be my favorite support to date, watching Hubert mess with Lysithea is hilarious.
 Raphael mentions asking someone else from a place where food is prepped differently in his support with Shez. BuT I THouGHt thE CHuRcH PRevENtED tHAT?!
B support with Shez and Lysithea. She is so childish... sigh.... Well, at least she is saying sorry. And never mind, she got mad again. 
Raphael learning to cook warms my heart. Ashe and Raphael are so cute... and Raphael made Ashe’s birth father’s best dish?! TT_TT. WHY DID THIS SUPPORT GET SO SAD?! My blackened heart stirred.
Petra’s model just popping into the screen during Raphael’s support with her was hysterical in a way it wasn’t meant to be. 
Raphael howling like a dog in that support was also funny because the model made no “howling” movement, lol.
Lorenz and Marianne’s C support... I like seeing Lorenz just being nice without all the haughty-ness. Hmm, but I’m not sure if I understand her father’s intentions. Because the academy closed down, he forced her into the army? Did he want her to learn war, to get stronger? Just showing support doesn’t seem... right...
Raphael is on his way to being Dimitri with pushing a fucking horse like in his support with Marianne. 
(Fun fact, most herbivores actually do eat some meat. The more you know, Raphael).
Lysithea and Ignatz support.... Lysithea is being nice to him? Weird... But poor Ignatz doesn’t really want to be a knight. 
I also unlocked Ignatz and Lysithea’s B support (I’m grinding them)....
It’s nice that Lysithea is being observant. I mean, she got the original idea wrong but was in the right direction. It’s nice that she wants to help him, but.... uh, she wants to become a commoner, right? If she’s offering her territory’s support, it won’t be her territory anymore once she and her family become commoners... Oh wait, they did kinda address that at the end of the support, lol. At least they aren’t TOTALLY stupid, the writers I mean. 
I haven’t unlocked them yet, but Mercedes has got quite a few SB only supports.... Lysithea and Caspar, apparently. 
OK, I lied, I was able to unlock Mercedes and Caspar’s C and B support. They should have had a support in Houses, to be honest. And... it’s about Jertiza, of course. I don’t really like... coddling Jeritza this way. He’s still a serial killer. That was... kinda a dumb support, ngl. 
I lied again, I realized you can grind supports in the record keeper battles, so I went ahead and got all of Mercedes available B supports. 
A LOT of supports are about Shez’s mom and stuff. And yet, we learn very little about her at all. What a tease. 
Mercedes loving ghosts is kinda funny to me tho (Support with Ashe). 
Wait...There is a real ghost? 
Lysithea being tricked by treats is kinda annoying. Am I heartless?
“Lysithea, it’s not often I find you in the kitchen!” “I could say the same.” HUH?! Mercedes bakes all the TIME, what are you talking about?
I do think making sweets during war time is a bit silly. Especially when there are supposed to be rations. 
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emmys-grimoire · 3 years
Lesson 52 analysis + 53 predictions
Turning this into a routine thing now! They’re fun to write and they’re popular (moreso than my actual commentary posts lmao).
Y’all like my ramblings.
Things guessed correctly from prior lesson
The House of Lamentation was an illusion produced by the fairies
The arc culminated in the completion of the Trial of Patience (star received via Simeon)
The illusion did a number on Simeon's feelings as well due to his fondness for Lucifer and the brothers
They shoved Mammon and Luke off to the side and plopped them back in only after the Satan/Simeon arc was complete. There was no arc for Luke. To be fair, though, they did get more content than I expected even so.
Things guessed wrong
The banshee didn't show up at all. It was a red herring.
There was no significance to the geranium found in the mysterious book
Our adventure also completed the Trial of Generosity. (I incorrectly attributed this to Diavolo, who actually gave us the Star of Gratitude)
Still ???
Whether or not there is some kind of transfer of memories/experiences going on between the brothers' past selves and present selves due to our meddling in time. We've confirmed that past angel Beelzebub has turned into a glutton in between the time we last saw him and now, but we haven't confirmed if it *is* our meddling that has induced that. Currently, no change has manifested in the present brothers, nor has the timeline of events seemed to have significantly changed.
Whether or not present Lucifer becoming more "angelic" in season 2, in lieu of past angel Lucifer's growing doubt, will be a significant plot point. The parallels are getting stronger, though. (This is elaborated on further down)
It feels like 50/50? I’ll probably keep a list like this going for future analysis/prediction posts just so I can keep track of how right/mistaken I am throughout the playthrough. Might help me make less mistakes in my analysis!
As a general rule I try not to meander too far off into symbolism or out-of-game lore because what I write begins to sound like this:
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And this is an otome game that is light on writing and plot. Nine times out of ten, it’s not going to be that deep. So I work with the details given and the plot points shown and try to draw connections within the framework of the story, in an attempt to try to deduce where the devs are taking the plot. Unfortunately for me, the devs like red herrings, and red herrings are designed to mislead you. With me, they are quite successful! I’d like to get better at spotting them.
The book was consequential -- it’s used to imprison Satan later -- but that’s the end of it’s meaning. Maybe the Bible verse had something to do with it, too -- those were some weird ass numbers to just throw in the title -- but maybe not. Either way, it doesn’t really matter. 
But enough of that, onwards! We have a lot of points to go over that may be interesting to note, right or not.
Satan the Memory Thief
Back in 50-B we learn that it was Michael who taught the brothers the stories behind the human world constellations. 
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When we’re tossed back in time-dreamland (?) again, it is Satan who takes the opportunity to teach the brothers the human world constellations. The room had just been remodeled: Michael hasn’t had the opportunity to give them tours yet. Lucifer mosied into the room so he and the brothers can get the first glimpse.
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Sooo if in a future lesson we ask them about where they learned the constellations in the present timeline and they say “oh a guy named Sully, who suspiciously looked just like Satan, taught us!” then we know our meddling is having significant consequences.
It IS worth noting that unlike the prior dream sequence, Satan and Simeon remember what they just went through. This particular time-dream could very well just be an illusion meant to give Satan/Simeon some kind of emotional resolution and nothing else. This is kind of why I hate that they’re bring time travel back into the story: it makes stuff like this confusing and borderline inconsistent. Some sequences may have effects and others may not. 
The chat between Lucifer and Simeon could also be consequential.
“Do you *really* mean that?”
There is a parallel at play here!
After you wake up after dozing off, you go off to find Lucifer and Simeon conversing in a forest clearing, evidently unaware that you’re eavesdropping on them. Simeon says although he knows it is just an illusion, that he was glad to see angel Lucy once more. Angel Lucy is predictably confused, and reassures Simeon that they’ll remain like this forever.
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Simeon, of course, knows better. He tells Lucifer that he knows he’s been meeting with Diavolo and he’s having doubts about his place in the Celestial Realm -- and if things really will remain the same. Lucy is caught off guard, and starts to explain with some clear hesitation... and of course we pass out before we could hear his answer.
There’s creepy loud heartbeats when it fades out. Normally I associate them with tense, pivotal decisions -- but it could also just be related to us waking up and returning to reality.
If Simeon ends up being wrong -- and there will be real world consequences to this conversation -- they could be very significant consequences. We’re not sure if the conversation continues for a bit longer after we pass out, but Simeon already woke up before we come to.
Obviously the brothers still fell (they’re still demons in the present), but I wouldn’t underestimate the potential of a butterfly effect changing the circumstances of the Great Celestial War. I kind of hope they don’t do that, though, because they haven’t even begun to explain the present details of that event. We know only the broad strokes. Suddenly changing them to make the resolution between the demons and angels more smooth will feel really forced.
And that parallel I mentioned: Diavolo expresses similar worries and doubt in Lucifer’s conviction in season 2.
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I have no doubt Lucifer actually means what he says to Diavolo, unlike his dialogue with Simeon, but Diavolo is aware of just how far Lucifer will go for the sake of his family -- and he’s probably #2 on the priority list, when push comes to shove. Lucifer forsaking the Celestial Realm for Lilith was the thing that brought him to Diavolo in the first place.
Of course, this lesson has Simeon suggesting that Diavolo’s influence on Lucifer was significant prior to all that unfolding, and it may have eventually happened regardless. It was only a matter of when, not how.
Still, Lucifer be writing checks he may not be able to cash. We also get this foreboding warning from Barbatos in Season 2:
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As I’ve said before, the inevitable conflict the story was hinting to at this point doesn’t happen in Season 2. Lucifer isn’t forced to make a choice like this. The Night Dagger didn’t demand it.
I’ve also expressed my belief that Season 2 and Season 3 were likely written back-to-back due to the small window of time between their releases, so I believe details overlooked in Season 2 may suddenly become more relevant in Season 3.
It’s worth remembering Diavolo’s growing feelings for MC -- and Lucifer’s inner conflict about it -- were hinted at early in Season 2, as well. It doesn’t really get going until the conclusion of Season 2, leading into Season 3.
Do I have any clue of what this is actually leading up to? Not at all! If it mirrors Season 2′s format, though, it’ll suddenly come to a head in the last 3-5 lessons. I remember feeling equally clueless then, and Season 2 had a lot more foreshadowing...
... a lot of which actually didn’t pan out! But it might now. 
Guardian Angels
Another smaller, but interesting detail. Guardian Angels are indeed a thing.
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I think they’re gonna become a thing soon. The devs very sneakily changed a small detail in Season 2, suggesting they might have realized that it may interfere with their plans for later seasons. 
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Old version.
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New version.
I’m thinking they may have decided giving Michael guardianship of an entire swath of the population was cheating, and they may be individualizing the role of Guardian Angels.
Which leads me to who I think Michael’s chosen human squeeze is:
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My man has been scoping him out long before we came around.
It makes sense, too. We know Michael gave his Ring of Wisdom to Solomon, which seems to have kickstarted his career as a demon-pacting sorcerer (though he clearly was a sorcerer before this).
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This is a very powerful item, described as the Ring of Light’s counterpart, that would be very useful for a high-ranking angel to possess. I don’t think Michael would fork it over to just anyone, particularly when we remember how he felt compelled to interrogate us via dream hi-jack before the Ring of Light fully came into our possession.
Solomon also makes Michael angst in a way a well-meaning but misbehaving child would make their parent angst:
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Solomon also really doesn’t seem to regard Michael like some distant, all-powerful alien being who could smite him out of existence.
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Contrast this with how he responds when he’s forced to hang out with Diavolo for a day (he gets more comfortable, but he initially wants to punt the responsibility back to Lucifer ASAP).
And he knows a surprising amount of small details about the guy:
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I think Solomon is a significant part of Michael’s long-term plans, but he may not even be fully aware of how. Or he is, and they’re in some kind of mutually beneficial agreement -- possibly related to cross-realm peace -- that we simply haven’t been made aware of yet.
Personally, I think Simeon should be made MC’s ‘official’ Guardian Angel if they’re gonna be a thing with official mechanics behind them. I know Michael is supposed to be the Big Cheese and ridiculously hot, so it may make sense to have him linked to the MC of an otome game because they’re super special too, but Michael may already have Solomon. He shouldn’t get to hog everything. It’s not like assigning Simeon to do job would really inconvenience him, either: MC is Solomon’s apprentice. He can easily work with the arrangement.
Luke may feel left out but he’s a kid so...
Seven Brothers Constellation
We learn there’s a constellation representing the brothers in the Celestial Realm. Everyone there knows the legend, but Luke doesn’t know what the three stars ‘watching over them’ represent. 
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He, Mammon, and Satan begin to theorize and Satan suggests they may represent the three realms. The other two like the idea, and Mammon insists the ‘human’ star represents MC. 
He’s probably right, but I’m willing to take it a step further: it represents MC, Diavolo, and Michael. The three “guardians” of their respective realms, and the brothers. Season 3 has been repeatedly beating us over the head with how much Michael still cares for the brothers and his relevance to their upbringing, and likely their future.
It bears repeating: Diavolo and Michael are aiming towards the same goal, though their visions of what peace and harmony looks like may be very different.
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Solomon could also qualify as a self-appointed guardian, but I think he lacks the connection to the brothers MC obviously has.
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Still, he has the same resolve, and he’s not leaving the story any time soon.
I sniff out even the smallest Michael details because he’s clearly the key to whatever is gonna blow up.
This might give us some insight on how the initial dealings with him may unfold:
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It’s hard to deduce just what this actually means. Either Michael tends to overthink things that just aren’t that deep (can empathize) and that in itself leads to needless complications, or he’s apt to misread situations and as a result gives poor advice. Or a combination of both.
My initial read on him makes me think that he thinks the best of humans/angels but the worst of demons. He is very, very complimentary towards MC as soon as they start answering his questions.
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Am I now? Really?
It could just be the game making characters butter up the MC to make the game more enjoyable for the player of a self-insert character, but dude we just met.
When you tell him you did what you did out of love for Lucifer:
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That’s a very telling pause/ellipsis. It’s like his brain momentarily short-circuits and he needs to regain his composure before he continues, and he still doesn’t sound entirely sure of what you just said lol
He also just outright admits he initially thought you must be wicked just because the brothers liked you, and this is a guy who is still fond of them himself. I think he’s having a very hard time with it.
So the inevitable bumps in the roads ahead with him will likely be a result of this, and/or his dad being an asshole. Neither he or Diavolo are actually in charge of the realms they’re overseeing -- they’re both de facto leaders -- so maybe the parents will suddenly barge in and try to knock over their sand castles for whatever reason. It is kind of weird that the exchange program has been agreed to in the first place, particularly on the Celestial Realm’s part.
Regardless, I have no clue what the next arc will be. I know we still have three trials left, but they could combine two again to leave more room for the actual storyline to progress. The climax is going to be the last trial of our sorcerer’s exam, or something happening afterwards. Not sure which one I’m willing to bet on yet: I remember Simeon’s play and the silly Blood Moon contest in Season 2 were what kept use preoccupied for Season 2 until SUDDENLY LUCIFER GETS AMNESIA AND THE WORLD IS IN DANGER AND WE HAVE TO STAB HIM TO SAVE EVERYONE. But they did heavily foreshadow that in the very beginning lol. They just didn’t fill in the blanks until much later.
I wonder what the trial of chastity is gonna be like and how hard we’ll actually fail and the game will need to overcompensate for that
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sir-silly · 3 years
TWDG S2 First Playthrough
E1 - Omid’s death is always such a bitchslap. It’s so stupid. Literally, why did they send her in there on her own? Are you kidding me? It’s ridiculous. Omid didn’t have to die. 16 months later?? What??? It would have made way more sense to have made the DLC about those sixteen months and then start at Christa’s camp with no baby or Omid instead of what we got instead. Bull. AND WE STILL DON’T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO CHRISTA.
I think out of the entirety of season 2, Clementine and Luke’s relationship in the first three episodes is my favorite. He becomes an alien after episode two, but he becomes intolerable after three. He’s just such a big brother to her and knows that she can take care of herself. Their relationship is similar to what I think Clem and Ben’s would have been if they ended up alone together after season 1.
I stole Nick’s watch, I’m not sure if I’ll give it back yet just because I think it’s hilarious that you can take it and not give it to him. Speaking of Nick, he 110% sees you when you look through the kitchen door if you never back out and he doesn’t say anything. I decided to go with Pete at the end just because I’ve never seen it played out before.
E2 - Well, ironically enough I prefer going with Nick. The first few times I saw it, I hated it, but it’s really grown on me throughout the years. Pete’s just didn’t feel as emotional or like it had much of an affect on Clementine. I also prefer him telling her about his mom in that shed rather than later on.
Another thing I love about Luke and Clem’s relationship, even though he knows she can take care of herself, he still tries to protect her. He holds his arm out in front of her when Matthew is approaching them on the bridge and is the one that pulls her down to keep her from getting shot. The banter they have is just really sweet and I miss that dynamic between them, I wish it carried throughout the rest of the season.
I was thinking about a missed opportunity the writer’s had while I was playing. Instead of having Walter die no matter what and Nick either die in episode two or four, whether you tell him the truth and/or convince him to forgive Nick should have a different outcome. Only one of them makes it to Howe’s depending on what you decided. You couldn’t convince Walter to forgive him? Nick goes out of his way to save Walter and Carver kills him. You told him Nick was a good guy? Walter sacrifices himself for Nick and gets killed instead. It would give a bigger variety and it would be really interesting to see how Walter would deal with being at Howe’s.
E3 - Troy makes me so uncomfortable. I know they were planning to have him do a lot worse, but he’s still just so ugh, you know? I’m physically incapable of liking Bonnie the more I see season 2. I just know that literally everything is because of her. She finds the group at the ski lodge, she blames Clementine for Luke’s death if she shoots the walkers LIKE HE ASKED, and she’s fully prepared to fucking leave her with a couple maniacs and a baby. Just her presence pisses me off.
I know I’m talking a lot about Clem and Luke, but I don’t care because I just love their relationship before he becomes an alien. I had her hug him which was really cute but I also want to see his reaction if she hits him which I think I’ll do next time. I know he pushes her to do things like every adult in this season, but he still actually seems to worry about her because he is hesitant about sending her to turn on the PA and he stands up to Carver when he says that Clem has seen more things than they could imagine.
E4 - I had no clue what I was going to do with Sarita, but I did end up chopping off her arm. I will forever hate how the adults are like "Kenny's being so scary, he's yelling, I thought he was gonna shoot me" and then they force Clem to go over there even if she says she doesn't want to.
I didn't know this until I looked it up just now, but apparently Nick died from a bite on the neck? This whole time, I thought he somehow just bled out from the gunshot to his shoulder, and I honestly don't know which is worse. His death is such bullshit. You know what else is bullshit? Alien Luke. Literally Rebecca shows more emotion than he does, and it was for all of 2 damn seconds. You know what I would have preferred?
Have Luke start breaking down. Make him just as unable to move as Sarah. Let him lose his mind over the fact that he just lost his best friend of "damn near 20 years" and make us decide whether we convince Luke or Sarah to escape. It's not convince Sarah or leave her, it's you can only save one of them. Again, more variety for those who aren't a fan of Luke and actually make it a hard decision because I feel like I would have a WAY harder time with that than whether to leave Sarah (I didn't by the way).
When Clem looks at the cannon and Jane says, "check the muzzle, napoleon" I really wish there was an option to be like, "Jane, I have a first grade education. I don't know my times tables, who the hell napoleon is, or what the fuck versatility means OR how to spell it. Keep yo damn nail file."
Another thing they could have done with Sarah, is if you saved her in the trailer park, she could have potentially saved herself. And this would be a really interesting one, because the determining factor would have been a thing that appeared as a dialogue option, not a choice choice. In episode two, you can teach her how to use a gun if you pick the right choice. Instead of having her die no matter what, if you showed her, let her actually show that she learned something and is capable of learning how to survive.
Rebecca’s whole situation is bullshit, too. You know, I’d be okay with it if it was changed. If you didn’t give her the pills, the coat and you left the observation deck early, I could buy her dying from hypothermia, exposure, blood loss, etc. But if you give her those things and you stay a few days, I would rather her have died in the firefight. It would have made way more sense. Like, I know a hell of a lot of things can go wrong during giving birth, especially without medical care, but after THREE damn days? I don’t know about that. Whatever you wanna say it was, a placental abruption, hemorrhaging, whatever - she would have died way quicker, not taken three days.
E5 - The writers had two good opportunities to get a chance to kill Kenny before the rest stop was ever a thing. They could have made Natasha go for him and you have the choice of shooting her or not. The could have been done later on when they’re walking through the woods and one comes up behind him. So, say you don’t let him get bitten the first time, but you’re seeing how unhinged he’s becoming, so you let it happen the second time. After that, you don’t get another opportunity.
Another thing about the pills, they’re so annoying. Like, you can only give them to one person. Rebecca, Luke or I think maybe Kenny. Because apparently there were only two damn pills in that bottle that shook like it was full. It’s so annoying. You should be able to give it to whoever you want, not just one of them.
I have so many problems with the ice scene. Yes, Luke, there are in fact TWO ways around. You see those trees? There’s these things called GAPS between them and the lake isn’t so damn big that you couldn’t walk around the damn lake. GRRRRR. When the ice started cracking, where were the choices to tell Luke to throw his gun away from him and to tell Bonnie to keep her fat ass put? “The small child is light, let them do it!” small child: no “Guess I’m just as light as her!” FUCK YOU BONNIE! THEN YOU HAVE THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO BLAME CLEMENTINE WHEN IT WAS CLEARLY YOUR FUCKING FAULT! YOU LITTLE WHORE ASS BITCH-
Sorry. I’m never going to get over Luke’s death or how fucking pissed I am at Bonnie and Mike. They can get fucked for all I care. Can I say, it’s also BULLSHIT that Bonnie makes it out of the ice but Luke doesn’t. Are you kidding me? She can find the hole, but he can’t (😳)?! GRRRR.
I was dreading that rest stop this whole damn game. I had no fucking clue what I was going to do when I finally got there, but I did end up deciding to shoot Kenny and leave Jane behind. I really struggled with deciding and I almost ended up not picking anything (which results in Jane’s death anyway). As much as I despise season 2 Kenny, I also despise Jane for what she did. I kinda wish I had looked away and then shot Kenny afterwards, but it is what it is.
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rametarin · 3 years
Watched a playthrough of FF6 recently.
I guess between all the bouts of grinding and level exploring I never realized just how melancholy that game is in tone when you focus on the main story from A to Z.
It’s not depressing, but goodness gracious. Most of the character development is tragic.
Like, Terra. What is she? She’s introduced as the captive mind-slave and personality robbed war machine for an actual evil empire. She’s the bi-racial spawn of fairies and humans (Fight me on that term. I dare you. I dare you, fucker. Fight me on my classification of her father’s race as fey.) that was an unwitting attack dog. Upon heading to a neutral arctic country, she meets a frozen fey-dragon entombed in ice. Trying to interface with her causes her machine to explode and brings her into the care of a man in town that opposes the empire. He frees her mind. Now this poor little half-fairy faun has to cope with the existential terror of suddenly being a person instead of a CPU for war machine.
So she makes friends with a world traveling treasure hunter, meets a dashing young engineer and prince of a techno-kingdom, his brother the weightlifting kung-fu dude, and joins an anti-empire resistance movement, knowing just the weight of what’d happen if that empire gained control of all the fairy-magic.
Well not too long after she defends Narshe from another Imperial attack and attempt to seize the entombed fairy-dragon. Again, she interfaces with the fairy-dragon. This time, the fairy-dragon awakens the other half of her heritage.
Terra sees her own transformed body and flies into a complete dysphoric tantrum where she flies off trying to escape from her own body, burning through the sky and screaming like a pink furred, yellow eyed demon. She burns parts of entire towns just buzzing them gibbering for human contact and help and all anybody sees with her whizzing by is a screaming monster before their houses and shops catch fire or are blown apart.
The party locate her in the top room of the tallest building in a city full of liars, thieves and degenerates, but she’s bedridden. Any time she wakes up she freaks out and knocks herself out or passes out at the reality of her own transformed state. They don’t know exactly how to help her. Then another fey person appears and lays it down; she’s not human. She’s not just some garden variety experiment from the Empire to endow human beings with magic. She’s full on, real deal, offspring of a Fair Folk and a human woman that strayed too close to the Other Side. The man reveals he escaped from the Empire’s torturous mechanical fortress where they suck the magic right out of the fairy-people and reduce them to immobile, pathetic lumps of the creatures they used to be. And also that they turn into magic crystals when they pass away. Where he proceeds to just.. let himself die for the party’s benefit. They receive their first Summons and ways to learn magic from the crystals.
His only request is they find their way to the Empire’s magitek facility, free the fairy-folk, and shut the abominable site down.
Well, after a detour to get an airship, they do so. They find a whole bunch of fey-folk in glass tubes being drained of life. Among them, Terra’s father. Maduin.  But it’s too late. The Fey-Folk explain that their lives have been drained too much- there’s nothing left to save. They gift their remains to the party to help stop the Empire and become magicite/materia.
Only when you bring back  the still psychoactive remains of Terra’s father, let him interface with Terra, let him show her her origins from HIS perspective, how he met her mother, how they formed a relationship in the fey-world, show him how the Emperor and the Empire invaded the magic realm, does Terra stop seeing her existence as monstrous and relax back into her human state. Now able to transform.
After you confront the Empire and fail, causing the world to go through a reshaping apocalypse as the bad guy co-opts the god statues, your party is scattered throughout the remade world.
Terra has taken up residence in a town that was devestated by Kefka’s godlike Light of Judgement- basically a laser beam that sundered the world. Where most of the adults perished protecting the children from horrible monsters and fiends unleashed from the broken world. They call he mama, now. She’s taking care of dozens of orphans in a town ravaged by destruction.
But by the time you find her again, she’s lost her will to fight. In trying to defend the town from an ancient monster, Phunbaba. She gets beaten near to death. So, the party rescues her. It looks like Terra is never going to rejoin your party and help save the world. She has to mother hen these lost orphans.
You come back later and fight Phunbaba again. Terra emerges and goes Super Fairy Saiyan and joins your party to fight him. After defeating him, she stands there in the town, monster-up. The children approach her and recognize her as Terra- whom they just call, ‘mama.’
She explains that she loves them, but has to leave them to join the party and help save the world from monsters like that. But she’d be back for them. Rather than be afraid of the Burning Pink Monster, they praise her and wish her well on her adventure and hope she returns home before the 17-18 year old couple have their first baby.
Moving on, they finally meet Kefka in his tower. Which he has dubbed, his monument to non-existence. Kefka doesn’t want to do anything but end life itself or make it suffer. That’s his whole bag. He finds amusement and joy in the suffering and oblivion of other people.  Final fight ensues. They win.
But the tower starts falling apart. They have to escape. While fleeing, the fey-crystals start disappearing- without the goddess statues and Kefka grounding the two different worlds, the feywild and the material world, the two are separating again. Maduin contacts his daughter again and tells her she is of two worlds; there’s a risk that she may be drawn into the fey-world with them, or simply ripped apart from the genes out. Unless she has a strong attachment to this world and the people in it, then she might... MIGHT..... have a chance to survive and live in that world. If she believes hard enough.
Terra transforms again into her flying pink furry monster mode and guides the airship out of the collapsing heap of a tower/castle as it comes down, as magic starts to fade from the world. Like a big monstrous Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
She starts to fade out. Losing her magic. She reverts, and the airship catches up, where she lands on the deck in a heap. Checking to make sure she’s still alive, she’s just barely. But she’s alive. Her Fey-side forever shut off, however.
She went from personality robbed, shell of a person, to confused purposeless soul screaming into the ether not knowing where she came from or what her purpose was, to understanding who she was and where she came from, to making contact with humanity around her, to eventually saving it and attaching herself to the planet and its people strong enough to escape death and save her friends.
There’s no saving the people that died when the world went to shit, there’s only rebuilding and moving on. But, she did it.
Terra’s story is probably the longest in the game, but they’re all basically similar.
The biggest problem is if someone tried to make this game into a movie, probably the whiplash of the major plot points would just be a cryfest.
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roddy plays fire emblem: three houses - prologue
all I know about this game I learned from twitter. I don’t know much of anything about this game. but I’ll tell you what I know about the characters anyway.
I’m only doing characters who I can distinctly recall off the top of my head. I’m not looking up anyone’s names because there are so many characters in this game.
Byleth - the player character. a teacher at this academy, despite not being much older than the oldest students here. game devs are cowards who couldn’t believe that lady Byleth could be Big Sexy in proper armor and instead they gave her fuckin....thigh-highs and lace and a titty window and a belly-button window ma’am your organs are there, you can’t expose that. my disdain for impractical lady armor is outweighed by my desire to play as the girl whenever possible, so like, I’ll play Lady Byleth, but I just won’t be happy about it. 
Jeralt - Byleth’s dad? I think it’s Jeralt? There’s some other guy who looks a lot like the guy who I think is Byleth’s dad so I can’t actually tell you if I got the name right. he’s a mercenary. I don’t know why he and his kid are hired at a fuckin....church academy? but they are. he raised Byleth basically as a feral child and he doesn’t even know how old they are? even though his wife died in childbirth and I think he talks about how long ago that was? or something? there’s something about him not knowing how old his own kid is. Dad what the hell.
Rhea - the lady pope of The Church, but not a cool ladypope like Leliana Dragon Age. I saw someone compare her outfit/hair to Ghetsis from Pokemon and I sent that meme to Wolf and Liam asking if they could confirm or deny and they told me that’s an insult to her but Ghetsis is slime of the earth so relatively, we still don’t know. I don’t trust her because I don’t trust quasi-historical-inspired-setting fantasy church leaders, except for Leliana/Vivienne/Cassandra.
Seteth - green hair? all the church people have green hair are they related? is it magic? I think it’s magic, Byleth’s hair is sometimes green. he’s like the Hot Dad but since he’s not your dad you can romance him. I don’t know if I trust his goatee but one of my friends retweets a lot of art of him and I trust her so maybe I trust him? he’s on thin ice.
Flayan? Flayn? Flyann? I’m calling her Flan like the custard but I know there’s a Y in there somewhere right? - more green hair, so a church person I guess. I have no idea how old she is because this is anime and she could be anywhere from 12 to an ancient dragon person because I know this series has some of those. maybe Seteth’s daughter?? I get that vibe??
Sothis - the ancient dragon person who looks like a 12 year old girl. more green hair. I couldn’t tell her and Flan apart for a while.
why aren’t they the Red Eagles? they’re red. the other two are blue and yellow. who named these guys. what the fuck.
Edelgard - every time I see the pokemon Eldegoss in SwSh I think of her. leader of the BE. controversial. very controversial. doesn’t like the Church. I can handle this, I romanced Anders in my first playthrough of DA2 which was my first time playing any Dragon Age game, controversial and Church-hating is like.... sometimes you just gotta blow up a fantasy church, you know? I get it. even if I don’t end up agreeing with her, like, I get it, I guess. she didn’t always have white hair but something happened. there sure is a lot of magic hair color shit in this game. I think Dmitri is her stepbrother.
Hubert - Edelgard’s right-hand man. vampire jokes for days. I’m gonna cut myself on that edge....the edge of his cheekbones they are Sharp. I don’t buy that this guy is a teenager. I don’t know whether he’s actually tall or people just play that up because it’s funny to draw him Tall and Looming behind Edelgard.
Ferdinand von Aegir - I AM FERDINAND VON AEGIR!!!!!!!!
Dorothea - she’s the opera singer one, right? if I got the name wrong, I’m talking about the pretty opera singer one with the hat that’s kinda like a beret. she’s my favorite because I’m gay and she’s very pretty and looks very sweet. she’s like the only one of the Eagles who’s a commoner I think? I don’t know why she’s here but okay. I like her. I would like to kiss her.
Claude - that’s not his real name. leader of the GD. he’s an archer and he has a big fuckoff dragon wyvern. his mother is from whatever country this game is set in but his dad isn’t and lots of people are rude and racist to him for it. he seems kinda chill but also suspicious of everyone which honestly I get it. also he might poison people? I trust him and I’m sure he has good reason to do it. I support him.
Hilda - Claude’s right-hand lady. pink hair anime girl with a giant fuckoff axe. I thought I knew more about her than that but nope that’s all I’ve got. has an older brother.
Lorenz - purple haired anime boy. look at his post-timeskip haircut this boy is Gay and there’s nothing anyone can tell me that would change my mind. needs to be smacked with some good ol’ Character Development to grow past being a pretentious noble prick but he’s pretty cool once that happens. one of the artists I follow who turned overnight into a FE3H twitter for like six months is a big Lorenz stan so I think I could be biased toward him already but that’s just How It Be when you’re coming into this via osmosis.
Dmitri - leader of the Blue Lions but everyone calls him a boar. gets absolutely hammered by Bad Times in the timeskip and comes back with an eyepatch and absolutely feral and unhinged. murdered a bunch of people? Dimi You Can’t Just Go Around Murdering People. 30-50 feral hogs in a big fuzzy mantle. very unfortunate that he’s being forced to do Leader Shit and just wasn’t allowed to be chill and relax and get to work through his issues instead of getting more of them and going feral.
Dedue - you cannot convince me that this man is not a 30-year-old father of two. how is he a student. get out of here. you’re wrong and you’re lying. who did these character designs. I think out of almost everyone here, he is the guy who Does Not Deserve All Of This but fate has been a dick to him. everyone he loves got murdered by I think Dmitri’s countrymen but now Dedue is Dmitri’s right-hand-man which I do not understand. He deserves better both in-game and also from the writers because they just kind of write him out post-timeskip I hear. just free this man from whatever the fuck is going on in his life and the game. I still don’t believe you that he’s of any age to be a student.
Sylvain - the redhead. childhood friends with Dmitri and someone else but I don’t remember who. The Horny Guy. may just automatically be recruited by Lady Byleth to their class, betraying his country and his oldest friends because he saw a belly-button window. just y’know. sometimes it be like that. 
FELIX - he’s the other childhood friend. I don’t know shit about him.
Caspar (artist?), Linhardt, Bernadetta (Bernie, my brain keeps just swapping her and Dorothea around because they both have these long regal names but I don’t think they’re actually anything at all alike), Petra, Leonie, Marianne,
they’re not really a house they’re just a bunch of people who live in the fucking basement and I think it’s the church’s fault.
Yuri - the other purple-haired anime boy. got kicked out of war crimes academy somehow. declared himself the leader of the basement people and they were just like “hey sure cool I guess”. 
Someone who’s a friend of I think Hilda’s older brother - not even a student or someone who needs to be living in the basement, he’s just down here for tax fraud? debt evasion? again, it be like that.
matchmaking simulator. Byleth plays matchmaker for all of their students by setting them up into the most healthy friendships/relationships that are as ambiguously gay as the COWARDS writing this game will allow. I know there are a few, but it’s mostly a few Byleth romances, so. that.
also Byleth makes the other professors’ jobs easier by poaching all their students so that they only have to teach like two people while Byleth has everyone in their class. recruit the students by giving them gifts and having tea with them. eat lunch like five times a day trying to hang out with everyone. go fishing. go fishing some more. the game limits your amount of bait per month because otherwise this will be a fishing simulator. I know this specifically because I asked Wolf and Liam if I could just fish infinitely forever and they told me no. I was upset. the day that the game starts is 4/20. I know this because Wolf made a meme about it and that’s what started our long conversation about the game that established nothing.
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immediately after everyone graduates, Byleth goes into a fucking coma for five years and wakes up and the five-year reunion is interrupted by a war between the three houses. -rimshot- also there might be some greater threat called the Flame Emperor or some shit but I know fuckall about that. mostly I just know everyone’s despair as they are forced to kill their friends who they didn’t manage to recruit.
I’ve never played a Fire Emblem before and I’ve never known what a tactic is in any RPG I’ve ever played. this is going to be fantastic.
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A Long Road (WIP)
I’m not sure I’ll ever actually get around to finishing this fic, but I’d love some feedback. It’s going to be a full-length game playthrough of Fallout: New Vegas under my OC Riley Smith.
This is the first “section”, can’t really call it a chapter, but here it is.
Her hands are bound.
The ground is hard and cold.
Someone is digging near her feet.
These realizations trickle in slowly, like a sink with a leak that never stops dripping. Each new observation is a piece of a puzzle she’s desperately trying to assemble before the end. But the end of what?
She doesn’t fully remember how she got into this situation. One minute she was on the road, bright lights of the New Vegas Strip filling her vision, only a few steps away from completing her delivery. The next moment she’s being dragged on the ground by her ankles, head thumping against the Mojave dirt with every step the man tugging her along takes. There’s at least three other people leading the way, and a man behind her. A particularly rough bump and she groans at the pain and the whole party stops.
From somewhere up ahead a voice calls “knock her out again, ‘fore she can call for help,” and then a fist comes down to meet her face and everything goes black.
When they knocked her out the first time the sun had been setting, tinting the sky with purples and reds. On the road she could just make out the faintest sliver of light on the horizon. Now, the moon is high in the sky, bright and full. The sight of it makes her head hurt and she knows she’s got a concussion.
The brim of her hat hides her eyes from view and she takes in what she can. The sound of someone digging, the smell of cigarettes, and three pairs of shoes - two dirty and dusty from the road and wear, and one pair that looks nice, almost new by post-war standards. Then, people start talking.
“You got what you were after, so pay up.” The voice is rough, angry sounding.
The response is casual, like whoever says it isn’t afraid of the people around him, even though he’s clearly not one of them. “You’re cryin’ in the rain, pally.”
So this was a job, taking her out, not just a couple guys looking for an easy score. But what did the person who hired them want?
Her? She’s a nobody, just a courier who’s good at her job.
Her delivery? It’s possible, but if that was the case why not just leave her in the dirt outside the Strip, why drag her to wherever they are now?
A realization strikes her: they mean to kill her, bury her out here so no one knows where she is. So that her body can’t be stumbled upon. Something about this whole thing is off, what’s so important about her that her body can’t even be found?
Her mind flashes to Andrew. They’ve been together nearly a year. When she doesn’t come home he might come looking for her, and if he does, he’ll never find her.
Or will he think she left him and not even bother to try and track her down? It wouldn’t surprise her. She’s always been a little flighty, hard to nail to one spot. The only reason she didn’t bounce out of her relationship is that Andy never tried to keep her tied down. Never complained that her job kept her on the road five days a week, only held her a little tighter every time she stumbled through the door, road worn and dusty. He probably won’t even look for her, they love each other, sure- but he’s not a traveler, not a fighter, not an adventurer. She’s positive he’ll miss her, he loves her after all, but she also wonders how long it’ll take him to move on once he realizes she’s never coming back.
Her heart hurts when she thinks of his face. Will he cry? Or has he been waiting this whole time for her to finally leave?
Will he find her mother and brother? Track them down to tell her that she’s missing, that she’s probably dead? Or will the two of them go on forever, watching the door and waiting for her to stop by? And what of her friends? Gunny and Jack, Missy and Elliot, they’ll miss her for sure. Will Andrew find them and tell them that she’ll never show for a monthly poker game again? Will they cry, will she be mourned, or will she fade from their lives as easily as she stepped into them?
Maybe she can make it so no one has to miss her. She still doesn’t know why they dragged out putting her in the ground, but she’s certainly not going to just roll over and let them get away with it. And if she can get free, then no one has to worry for her. Quickly she sits up, grinding her wrists together to try and get the rope around them to loosen up.
“Heh, guess who’s waking up over here?”
It doesn’t work, the knots are good, tight and rough, so she goes to run. Just as she’s rising up a hand clamps down on her shoulder and keeps her kneeling. When she looks up there’s three men right in front of her. Two great Khans and a man in a checkered suit. It’s clear by his relaxed position that he’s in charge and she watches, annoyed, as he puffs on a cigarette. She’s about to die, and he’s getting a nicotine fix?
Then he flicks it aside, crushing it under one nearly pristine shoe. “Time to cash out.” Oh, god, casino talk.
“Will you get it over with?” The Khan on the left looks annoyed, but checkered suit holds up a finger to silence him.
“Maybe Khans kill people without lookin’ ‘em in the face, but I ain’t a Fink. You dig?” Well, shit, that confirms what she already knew: they mean to kill her. It also tells her that this man isn’t a Khan, not that that wasn’t blindingly obvious by the everything about him, but still- it means whoever she pissed off probably isn’t with them either.
He pulls out a poker chip, it’s shiny, definitely different than any one she’s ever seen before. It has to be the platinum chip that was in her package, the one she was supposed to deliver. At least now she knows it was about her job, nothing personal.
“You’ve made your last delivery, kid. Sorry you got twisted up in this scene.” What scene? There was nothing to get twisted up in. She’s just a courier, doesn’t owe anyone money, never ran with a group that made enemies, has never even been on the Strip before. It’s all about who hired her, they’re the ones that should be tied up, kneeling in the dirt. She’s a good person, has friends and family that care about her, there’s no reason for her to be here, on her knees, not even given the chance to say goodbye.
He pulls out a pistol. She knows she should be scared, but the emotion seems far away. All she can get her hands around is annoyance and confusion. 
“From where you’re kneeling must seem like an 18 karat run of bad luck.” God who is this guy? All the poker puns and shit? They live in New Vegas, but doesn’t he have any sort of original thought- or has he really bought into all the hype? He aims the gun at her face, and when she looks up at him, she sees it in his eyes that he’s serious, there’s something there she reads that tells her nothing she can say or do will change her fate.
She’s going to die.
“Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.”
Her last thought is: what an asshole.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
First things first, did you have a good year? I would say most of it was good. I did most of the stuff I said I was going to do so I’m giving myself pats on the back for that. Things just kinda took a turn for the worse by the end of the year what with an ambiguous end to my most recent semester (I don’t have two of my seven final grades yet because my prof likes seeing her students suffer, I guess) and losing Nacho, so it all balances out.
How old did you turn this year? I turned 21. Which means legality in the US, but I’ve been legal in the Philippines for three years now so it doesn’t warrant much of a celebration lol.
Do you feel your age? I guess. There are days where it’s very tempting to feel inadequate because there are many 21-year-olds in my social circle who have their own business, are grabbing opportunities here and there (they’re in a successful band, are junior radio jocks, hired as emcees, serve as UAAP courtside reporters, to name a few), already make their own money, etc., but I just have to remind myself that everybody is moving at their own pace and that in my case, at least I’m not behind and that I’m moving remarkably fairly for my age.
Did your appearance change in anyway? Nah I BARELY did anything to my look this year. I did not go for a haircut at all in 2019 and now my hair is crazy long. I’m keeping it untrimmed until my grad shoot, so the long hair will stay with me for a while.
Post your favorite selfie. I would but Tumblr doesn’t really work the same way as Twitter where I’d feel more free to share photos of myself haha.
If you traveled, where did you go? My family went to Pangasinan, Bicol, Tagaytay, and Cavite this year. I also took my friends on a day trip to Nasugbu shortly before school started in August as sort of a last hurrah for our summer vacation.
Which fashion trends did you love? Which fashion trends did you hate? I initially liked chunky sneakers until everyone bought their own pair solely so that they’d feel like they’re one of the cool kids – it quickly became uncool after that. I was a fan of mom jeans (still am), high-waisted jeans, culottes, and tops in muted colors and had cute little bows in the chest area. I hated bike shorts and scrunchies, and slowly got tired of off-shoulder tops by the end of the year. I never understood tracksuits and never bought one of my own, and was also never a fan of hype fashion like DBTK shirts.
What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible? I looooooooved the floral romper and the two-piece ensemble I was both able to snag at Feliz.
What song sums up this year for you? Buwan by juan karlos, the two reasons being that the song exploded in 2019 and because it was Nacho’s favorite and he made a million jokes about it.
What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then? This question is a little vague so I’ll answer it in two ways. In my case, I definitely played Beyonce’s Homecoming album TOO MUCH last year. But radio-wise, it looked like Ariana Grande and Camila Cabello had stellar years.
What was your favorite movie of the year? I had several favorite movies, but here they are put in order: Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Midsommar, and Toy Story 4.
Did an actor/actress catch your attention for the first time this year? Florence fucking Pugh. Also I just realized how attractive Timothee Chalamet is, although I’ve been aware of him way before 2019 and haven’t watched any of his material.
Favorite new TV show? I watched the first few episodes of Stranger Things but I found it too slow-paced so I let it go easily. Other than that I didn’t really get into any 2019 shows because I’m not a big TV person, but I did recently get into Descendants of the Sun so that’s new for me! Queer Eye will also always have a place in my heart.
Which new ship/fandom has taken over a lot of your time, attention, and tears? I’m a little too old for that now but I did heavily get into the Try Guys. I don’t ship any of them together but I just genuinely love each of them, them as a group, and all the content they put out.
What food did you try for the first time? Ooh there’s a lot. Foie gras, aligue (crab fat) ramen, Bloody Mary, pistachios, a vanilla frappe from Starbucks, Tim Hortons food, ji pai (Taiwanese fried chicken) and pad thai, to name a few. I’m so so so pumped to try out even more new food in 2020.
Did you make any big permanent changes this year? I stopped talking to my brother.
What was one nice thing you did for someone else? Being one of the only two people in my org who can drive, I’ve always offered lifts to my friends. I don’t say anything even if where I’m taking them is entirely off my normal route, which frustrates Gabie, but honestly I just like helping my friends and making their commute easier for them. I also checked up on Nacho a day before he passed. I regret being too civil, but at least I checked up on him. Not a lot of people did that in his last few days.
What was one nice thing you did for yourself? Ok so one thing my org does is hold journalism workshops to schools across the country. The org is a bit small and not all the members are reliable, so what usually happens is that the same group of people attend the workshops and teach and facilitate – me being a part of that same group of people. Given that we have class during weekdays and these workshops happen on weekends, the schedule can be very demanding, especially if these schools request a shit-ton of topics for us to teach them. I sort of looked out for myself more this year by declining to go to a couple of the workshops, so that I can experience actually having a full weekend to myself.
Did you develop a new obsession? I discovered a YouTuber who is insanely good at Mario Kart 8 and I watched a ton of his playthroughs in 2019. Oh, and MUKBANG ASMRs. It’s an insanely unpopular opinion but I love chewing noises, dude.
Did you vote? It was the senatorial elections this year and yes, I did vote. None of my votes got in, of course, because unfortunately the rest of the Filipino electorate don’t know any better. I was part of a real-time fact-checking group that day for extra class credit, and I will never forget the collective groan and moan that came out of that room when the first batch of results came out on the news and we saw the same corrupt, power-hungry, money-hungry, anti-poor politicians top the polls.
Did you move? No. I’ve lived in the same house since 2008.
Did you get a job? I did not, BUT I did get an internship which I was pretty stoked about.
Did you get a pet? I did not. I don’t want anyone else but my dog, who I’ve had also since 2008.
Do you regret not doing anything? Sure. I have never taken Gab’s mom out on a girls’ night kind of date, and I always told myself that I was going to finally do that in 2019 – which I didn’t. I’m so going to make sure we do it this year. I’m also sad that I didn’t get to see Angela more times last year. And that I didn’t do more for Nacho, so now I have to live with the loss of him forever.
Do you regret doing something? Nothing is coming to mind so I guess nothing major. <-- Pretty much, thankfully.
Have you done anything that scared you? Tried vaping, did shisha for the first time, walk alone in Katipunan, be stuck at a restaurant table with Gab’s (very stoic) dad while she went to the washroom, to name a few lol. On a deeper note, I was a bad girlfriend several times over 2019 and it rocked the relationship quite a bit.
Did anyone/thing make you so mad it stayed with you for days? Yeah absolutely. I hated the people who went too far when it came to Nach, especially his ‘friends’ who didn’t hesitate to turn his back on him. And when things finally crashed and burned, I was too fucking pissed at everybody to even say something about it.
Did you lose anyone close to you? Yes.
Did you fall in love? For most of 2019 as with 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018, yes.
Did you fall out of love? Nope.
Did you start a new relationship? I did not.
Did you go through a break up? I almost had to, but we sat each other down several times in the year to fix what had to be fixed, and it’s been very smooth sailing since.
Did you have to cut ties to someone? They weren’t people I was close to in any extent, but I’ve blocked several people from a certain elite school because I hate that school.
Who was important to you this year but wasn’t important last year? No one strongly comes to mind since I basically just retained my circle, but I did meet Gab’s closest cousin this year for the first time, and anyone who’s family to her is automatically important to me, so I’d go with him.
Who wasn’t as important to you this year as they were last year? This is going to sound completely awful, but I guess my college blockmates. I was always sort of the ~black sheep in our small batch of 7 while all of them are incredibly close with one another. 2019 was the year that I stopped trying to hang out with them, because I realized that no matter how hard I try, we’re really just on different wavelengths and I can’t keep faking my expressions and mannerisms just so I feel accepted or so that I can survive a day with them.
If you could have a do over on one thing you did, would you take it? Yeah, I definitely wish I cut some of my classes much less.
What was the best moment of the year for you? What was the worst? There were a lot of high moments from 2019 if we’re being honest. I liked taking Gab and her dad out for a ONE Championship pay-per-view back in January, I liked being invited to her dad’s birthday dinner, my road trip to Nasugbu, every day that my dad was here, going to the beach, partying for Halloween with friends, seeing old friends again in our org Christmas party, that one night Gab and I went to BGC just to bar-hop, our fancypants date that was also in BGC, and I’m sure there’s a bunch more that I’ve forgotten to mention. The absolute worst moment came at the very minute I pieced it together and found out *surprise surprise* Nacho was gone forever. I don’t think I was able to speak for two hours. When I did, I ended up crying the rest of the night until I passed out.
Did anything happen that you were sure would change you as a person but it really didn’t? Not-so-serious answer, but I thought I was gonna live my entire life without needing injections to my mouth, but lo and behold I went to the dentist in December and got THREE. I thought I was going to pass out, I thought it was going to hurt, I thought I was going to thrash around my seat in terror... I ended up not even feeling anything. I dunno if it’s because I got a lower dose of whatever, or if my dentist is just better than others, but the whole experience went much better than I expected. This may sound shallow but I have the biggest needle-and-any-sharp-object phobia, so this is a lot coming from me hahaha.
Did anything happen to you that you were sure wouldn’t change you as a person but it did? Watching Portrait of a Lady on Fire. Gab just needed a companion to the cinema that night; I had no idea what the movie was going to be about and even read the entire plot while trailers were showing – in the end, it’s been me who’s been talking about the movie way way more than she.
What are you most proud of accomplishing? Not killing myself. The 2010s was just me internally betting on when I’d finally pull the plug, but I had what it took to get me to 2020, apparently.
What have you learned about yourself this year that you didn’t know in the years prior? That everything you do and say on the internet is permanent, and you’ll forever have to live with the the consequences that come from them.
Did your opinion of anyone change for the better? Andrew. Before 2019, I found him so horrifyingly clingy, so chatty, and he was always trying to be close to everyone (he still does). It drove the introvert side of my ambivert-ness absolutely NUTS. At one point I realized he wasn’t going to change, so I just gave him a chance and turns out, he’s a great friend and an even better co-worker hahaha.
Did your opinion of anyone change for worse? Everybody who claimed to be Nach’s friend but didn’t find it hard to say vile stuff about him.
If you make resolutions, did you complete them this year? I told myself I was going to make a one-photo-a-day private Instagram dump for 2019, but I stopped as early as January 27 LMAOOOOO. I’m doing it again this year and I’m much more determined to keep it going.
If you make resolutions, what will your resolutions be for the coming year? Keep my 2020 Instagram active, be able to travel... and be happier, basically.
If you could go on an adventure during the remaining days of the year, where would you go and what would you do?  Who would you go this? A little too late my dude. I’m typing this out in 2020.
What do you wish for others for the coming year? What do you wish for yourself? I just hope everybody on here feels a little bit more warmth and happiness, dude. We all deserve it.
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So I have read almost all the routes in Lovestruck, Seduce me the otome, the arcana, and Choices. I was wondering if you know of any other visual novels that you would recommend
Oof I’m so sorry I didn’t see this dkanwnsbbagw. I’m gonna give you the games and the LIs I recommend most if that’s okay.
I have a few....
1. Be my Princess. I’m pretty sure you’re a designer for something and get to meet the Princes from different kingdoms or something fkwnwnw. But it’s a nice game.
If you like Tsunderes I recommend Keith Alford. I actually forgot his name for a hot second whoops. But I loved him. He was kind of rude (I haven’t played him in YEARS so I’m not sure on everything sorry) but he eventually began to break. Like every tsundere lol. But he was adorable and he’s just jskansjs. He doesn’t realize his feelings at first and comes off very harsh, but underneath all of that, he’s a soft teddy bear.
But...if you like a funny and kind guy, go for Roberto Button. He is my #2. He’s so kind and nice and likes to dodge responsibility but he changes a bit for MC and she keeps him in line (or well you do I guess?). He was my first but then I played Keith and I loved him. It’s hard to decide between them but I love them. His poor Butler (Alberto) suffers trying to make him do his responsibilities. But he of course still loves the prince lol.
Actually I also recommend Glenn and Joshua. They’re both tsunderes but fall for MC. Glenn is actually a childhood friend and I can’t remember much in his route (mainly bc I didn’t play it but saw some playthroughs) and he’s so sweet. Joshua is a BIG TUFF Tsundere. He really is sweet (but he fears cats...but he did snuggle with one one time in a special episode of something for MC) and love Rice Balls...but only when MC makes them (or was it Rice Cakes...)
I never played any other guys from there so...there’s those guys
2. My Forged Wedding. You, the MC, have to pick a guy to be their fake wife for different reasons (I believe I’m sorry I haven’t played in a long time).
I believe this was my FIRST Otome game to come by. I’m not sure. I recommend Takao Maryuama and Yamato Kougami. They’re both very nice and sweet. Or well...Takao is in the beginning.
If you like Tsunderes, Yamato’s for you. He’s a teacher and is very kind once you get to know him. One of his students like kidnaps you or something and I’m gonna leave it at that ;’). If I ever wanted to live a normal life away from Lovestruck universe, I’d go with him. He’s nice and a real teddy bear and shows you love when you pass his first season. But he is a tsundere so he’s kind of rough on the edges when you meet him, but he gets used to you and is so sWEET.
Takao is just a normal guy. He’s sweet, kind, friends with Yamato (everyone in the game is friends with everyone fjsjsj), takes care of you, he’s a lawyer, and he just...knows how to keep you comfortable. He’s very sweet but can be dirty dkansbbqgw. Just gonna leave it at that ;’).
All in all the game is amazing, especially my 2 bois. And Ren is precious too. He’s a silent type so...not exactly my type. I’m the silent type in the relationship so I need a loud guy. Sorry Ren...but he is a prince I believe (?). So, he’s a kind guy, but he’s very quite and he’s actually a scientist. So I wouldn’t recommend him bc I never really played him and idk what happens but...if you like a silent type. Go for it XD.
3. Love Letter from Thief X (I believe that’s what it’s called). You, a normal person, receives a letter from a group of thieves and they come and take you and other things happen that I’m not 100% able to recall sorry.
I recommend one boi (bC I only played one boi) and it’s Riku. I believe that was his name. He was kind of sweet. I can’t remember much but I remember that I loved him so saknqbwgw.
4. Shall We Date: Angel or Devil. You, a woman that has 7 days to live because of some accident, has to give your soul to someone once those 7 days are up. I recommend Reiner and Feyril. For once, NEITHER OF THEM ARE TSUNDERES. Or not what I believe.
Reiner is a reaper. He is there to take your soul but he is kind of a flirt. He eventually begins to fall in love with you and doesn’t want to take you soul anymore, mainly bc it would mean he’d have to use his scythe and kill you, so he doesn’t want to do that. Some scary stuff is revealed to MC about him and it’s angst, but he is very sweet and was willing to fight for you. If you play him or watch the playthroughs, you’ll know what I mean ;’).
Feyril is an angel and is very kind...like an angel. He at first didn’t feel anything and was always there for you (I haven’t played him in forever forgive me if I get anything wrong...) and well...just is so nice like an angel. In the end he falls in love with you and I remember some bad things happened at the end (sort of) and there were different endings. Like sweet ending and happy ending. Different ones for each route. Also in one ending, him and MC do something interesting on the table in the library in Heaven👀.
I also recommend Latis. He is also an angel. He was your brothers angel (bc he died when she was little I believe) and he became close to you quickly. In the end he fell in love with you and asked, “If I go to hell, will you go with me?” I believe it’s because he wanted to do something dirty with the MC (like lust related. Even tho Feyril and MC did something related to that in Heaven...) and it wasn’t allowed but ya...he’s precious. Like all of these 3 bois I’ve recommended.
OKAY THATS IT. I can’t really remember any other games I’ve played. I’ve played other ones but I can’t remember much that happens in them/I never finished them and didn’t really like the game. Like love letter from thief x. It wasn’t my favorite so I can remember very little from it.
Or perhaps I was so young so-
But I hope you take my recommendations and read them! I really recommend My Forged Wedding and Be My Princess most. I loved those 2 the most. My bby Yamato and Keith being adorable tsunderes and just aAAAAAAH.
Im just realizing that there are no female in these games so I’m sorry if you wanted female. But I wouldn’t recommend females anyway bc I don’t read them so idk what happens ofkawhw. But I do know that they’re are no females in these games.
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breezy-cheezy · 5 years
Mmmmmkay I have to rant about Nier: Automata for a bit; I accidentally triggered the end of the game (playthrough 2, ending B) last night and stayed up till 2:00 trying to finish the stupid “not allowed to save” phase. But y’aLL IT’S SO GOOD??????? AND 3RD PLAYTHROUGH ISN’T ANOTHER RE-RUN OF THE SAME STORY WE GET MORE STORY AAAAAAAAA
(more under the cut because there is ALOT for those who care;;;;;)
- OK SO THE MUSIC IS AMAZING??? I love LOVE that the music dynamics build in instruments and intensity as you progress towards danger/plot, but also softens again for quieter moments and just...musical storytelling is so sooooo my jam I love it. Also that the music goes 8 bit when 9S hacks stuff, it’s actually kinda cute X’D
- ON THE SUBJECT of 9S being able to hack into enemies and you getting to play that as a little teeny ship shooting down viruses and barriers and whatnot. Genius???? That added SO MUCG to the story on the second playthrough as 9S. Particularly discovering the fact that all of humanity?? Is actually extinct?? ...even BEFORE the aliens/machines attacked earth?? WH A T?????? WHAT THE HECK ARE ANDROIDS FIGHTING FOR THEN????? *every time an android salutes and says “glory to mankind” now* GLORY MY FOOT THEY ALL DEAD MOVE ON--
-  I realize it probably has alot to do with the lore of previous nier games and I’ll probably have to trawl through Wiki pages soon here. Emil himself really broke my heart aaaaaah baby...his side quest is so sad. I also looked at arts and he was a really cute kid?? Before he was turned int the freaky moon skeleton thing...?? Oh my goodness......
-  The secret lunar tear flower room is gorgeous. I just sat there for awhile to soak it all in...the music is so nostalgic and I’ve never heard that song bfore how do y’all DO THAT--
- Emil’s shop is pretty cute. He just drives around the ruins and sells stuff if you shoot him and he’ll stop X’’’D It did ruin alot of serious moments tho. *Engels, talking about how he’d sinned for killing so many androids and choosing death--* “S-A-L-E SAAAALLLEEE~~!! EVERY SALE’S A WIIIINNNNNN~~~~!!!! LALALaaaaaa~~~...” Me: *facepalm* 
- ...I just realized the little tune he sings is a cheerful rendition of the music in the flower room. H E C K
- ANYWAY. Onto the actual game. I really really enjoyed playing as 9S for obvious reasons (bABY) but it really did add so soooo much to the pretty much surface level story when you first play as 2B. Which sums them up pretty well...2B, Battle unit 2, pushes on relentlessly, avoids thinking too hard about things and what she’s doing because oh dear, EMOTION might get in the way...9S, Scanner unit 9, on the other hand, cannot stop his curiosity. He asks questions, he sticks his nose in way further than he should to some dangerous stuff. I think he realized Machines were sentient and had feelings long before 2B, but was in denial for a good while. You learn so much more about what you’re fighting as 9S, because he scans. He observes, searches, discovers. Heck, some hacking caused him to experience empathy for the poor things, to his horror...
- Actually, there are alot of scenes where either 2B or 9S questions why a machine they’re killing is screaming for help, of crying for lost family, or loudly proclaiming loyalty to a king they’ll give their lives for...they stop for a moment, but the other quickly jumps in and reminds them that it’s just imitation. It’s not real, it’s fake, machines can’t feel, yadda yadda...it was odd to me they kept switching off on reminding, but...I think they both know, deep down, what they’re doing. But denial. Because if machines DO have feelings, if they are sentient...what does that mean for all they’ve killed...? Just...hoo BOY the moral dellimas in this game?? Scary good. The quests get that across alot.
- I don’t like the theme of hopelessness in most of the side quests?? I do see many of them as cautionary tales though. We watch many characters lose hope and the will to live after their thing/person they’re living FOR is gone. It makes me worry alot about 2B, who is a soldier through and through. 9S actually does have hopes and dreams for things outside of the war, which I love ;7; they definitely lean on each other alot emotionally on this respect though...I don’t know quite what to make of the themes of the game this far in yet;;;; 
- The love between 9S and 2B is of course my favorite thing. Familial, romantic, idk. I, being me, see it as more platonic, “You’re my rock in this storm” only friend/sister/brother vibe, but as more of a fan of platonic relationships, that is what I tend to do. But 9s following 2B around like a lost puppy and trying to do all he can to help and do his job but also getting bored with said job and trying to make the most of things, asking all the “why” questions, 2B acting irritated but also always keeps him close and makes sure he’s safe....going ballistic when someone hurts her boy ;;v;; I love...2 kids. Their operators and pods are such fun dynamics too~~ 
- As far as endings A and B...DANG. It hit worse because you get backstory on the giant ocean machine (that 9S just hit with a giant missle, which he also had to ride to keep it on the right path...DX NO SELF PRESERVATION) he just...wanted his mama......;;A;;
- Also it’s not fair. 9S is so injured by that missle attack, then I guess Adam finds him and is like “HM. *sticks the lil boy impaled on a wall* Perfect. *proceeds to emotionally and mentally torture said child*“ like YO ADAM THAT’S NOT HOW YOU DO THINGS. Then 2B proceeds to kick down walls for her boy and kills Adam and walks off carrying 9S bridal style into the sunset. Lovely. I have a comic idea for this part, lol.
- Oh I don’t like Adan very much, he is pretty tho?? There was alot of blood though...how do machines bleed?? How do the androids bleed?? What??? I question this alot. 
- Fighting Eve was...annoying but still heartbreaking. He misses his brother so much....even though Adam is a butthead and couldn’t care less he left his little brother behind DX just everything about that fight was Tragic. Also Eve developing more self awareness and realizing “Eve” is a girl’s name and being a bit miffed LOL that’s what y’all get when your first book is the bible kiddos...I realize they’re technically like what? 2 weeks old still???
- The ENDING. From 9S’s perspective is especially scary....the corruption transforming him, 2B coming in to kill him to stop the pain, he BEGGED her to, just....hhhhhhh babies ;;A;; 2B’s soft broken crying over him as she’s forced to strangle her only friend to death just aaaaaAAAAAAAA I DIE ;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;
- I was actually able to cry over it this time coz. It was 2 am. No parent awkwardly watching over my shoulder. Because the pose for this scene is...........super awkward..........like......really........their clothes are super torn up and uh. The first time I was just hoping my parents wouldn’t mistake it for a sex scene or something hhhhhghhhhh;;;;;; I really really REALLY wish the pose was different, the game does need to give the fanservice a rest, at LEAST for a scene this serious DX I’m able to ignore it but when someone else is watching I don’t wanna have to explain;;;;
- That IS a big gripe I have with the game. The fanservice. Just. Why. How is 2B’s outfit practical?? Self destruct mode???? REALLY???? Get this girl battle shorts or something please.....I guess if I looked at it more as a ballet outfit?? I might make some edits when I draw her because GEEZ.
- 9S gets some of this too. Self destruct mode, his shorts are blown off???? WHAT THE HECK???? Welp, never using that again. also why is he the only yorha boy android??????????? X’’’’D They never explain that!!
- BACK TO ENDING STUFF why were there random data hologram girls standing there, watching 2B strangle 9S?? Just...silently there...they weren’t there in the first playthrough?? I’ve seen them a couple times but they’re NEVER mentioned?? WHAT ARE THEY-- is it a glitch?? Wha--
- Teeny 9S being able to dump his consciousness into a giant machine robot guy and cradling 2B in his hand ;;~;; he’s fine y’all I’m so GLAD (I wanna draw something for this scene.... I wanna draw alot of things) 
- I love Pascal. He should adopt all the sad people to his happy peace village. He already started that...what a good egg. 
- The accessories option is lovely. I’ve been running around with 9S with a blue bow in his hair forever now ;7; replaced with the flower in his hair because BOYS AND FLOWERS I LOVE but I think I might give the flower to 2B because she’d look lovely with it and....I miss the blue bow X’D
 - Also the AMOUNT of things this could line up with a KH universe....as far as how androids work, hearts (black boxes), memories making you...you, being able to transfer “hearts” to new bodies when the old is destroyed, POWER OF LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP...there’s alot. I dunno what to do with this info...
Anyway, I have alOT of thoughts and feelings on this game, it’s like...a very cool book. I’ve had trouble putting down. These aren’t even all of them but idk who I can actually rant to so here it is for the Void
I’m so interested to see where it goes! 
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ghostmartyr · 5 years
Pokémon FireRed Nuzlocke [Part 10]
Welcome back to the tenth part of me trying to beat Fire Red doing a Nuzlocke with no grinding! That’s right, no grinding! The only experience allowed is against other Trainers!
Where are we in this harrowing journey now?
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To heck with it, I’m naming myself Blue this time.
Do you know why?
I’m blue, if I were green I would die (da ba dee da ba die).
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Oh yes, we’re doing this.
My ID # this time is... 50685. Which means...?
Bulbapedia says 4-6 is Fire.
You know what. It’s hard to tell because this is done through text posts that are not posted when they are done, but I just did everything up to Brock with a Charmander an hour ago.
But okay! We’ll do it again! But better this time!
I will name you... Left.
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Left is Rash, so we should get along great.
Fetch quest? Complete.
Pokedex? Get.
Route 1 Rattata? Get.
Her name is Down.
Route 2 Pidgey? Get. Sidey.
Viridian Forest Caterpie? Get. Nalley.
Viridian Forest? Get wrecked.
Route 22 level 2 Mankey? Get. I dub thee Weast.
Green, whose name should be Blue except our name is Blue?
Get. Wrecked.
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Now Brock’s Gym, where we shall be punished for our arrogance.
First and only trainer? Done.
Geodude goes down to a few Metal Claws, one of which raises Left’s Attack. But Geodude wasn’t the issue last time. Accuracy concerns, using Ember, and Onix being Onix were the main problems in that very near past.
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Metal Claw doesn’t really uh. What’s the word... help. So. uh. now we. hm.
Yeah, now we be horrible. Weast, you are sacrifice the first. Down, you next. And if you live long enough, maybe you can use Sand Attack!
Or you can die.
Left, you’ve had your Potion. Get back out there!
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For future reference, Ember is useless, stop trying to make it happen. You are not going to get the burn. Suck it up and cry when Metal Claw misses.
Okay! So Left is down to 13 HP. But Rock Tomb hasn’t missed yet! So!
Hey, it missed.
Now it just needs to like. Do that again.
It did.
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See, the problem here
is that now I have to live with actively killing Weast and Down.
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I’d say I’m sorry, but I don’t have to fight Brock again until something else goes horribly wrong, so we’re calling this a win for our team! Everybody cheer! You supplied your friend that you knew for like maybe ten minutes a serious victory with your deaths!
My brother called me a horrible person for what I did to Tarle in the round of this that made it to the Elite Four.
Gotta say.
I get that.
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But more importantly, I get Running Shoes. Life is okay. Not that Weast or Down will ever know that again.
Then Left tries to die to a level 9 Pidgey that knows Sand-Attack. He doesn’t. But he really does try. Then hits level 16, and just like Heero before him, becomes a Charmeleon. Oh happy day.
I miss Heero.
I don’t think I went over it extensively, because the horror of doing exactly what I am now was setting in worse than grief, but Heero and Allenby and Sprinkle and Zaft and Po... they were a good team. Left has got some gigantic shoes to fill. He’s alive, and that’s a great start, but. Oh. The pain of not being able to say that it’s Heero time anymore?
That will endure.
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Time to see if we’re catching something to throw into the rotation or not. Route 3 option, show me what you’ve got.
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Gee. no. really.
My Pidgey’s actually still alive, even. Caught and not dead. Like a pro.
Okay, found a Spearow.
Now we find out if Left (level 19) can kill a level 6 Spearow with Scratch. Let’s watch.
Yes. Yes, he can.
Route 3 is as dead as that Spearow.
Compensation for killing the route is 49 exp.
I can’t remember if I’ve brought it up before, but for the purposes of this playthrough, accidentally killing things is fine. Losing the Pokedex slot is punishment enough. This is hard enough without going out of my way to be mean to myself.
Intentionally killing things for exp is very much not allowed, though. If I don’t want the thing, and can’t catch it, I run. Snorlax, looking at you, bud. I don’t have high hopes for you not killing my entire team when we reach you. Catching Po was my one miracle, I think.
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I still really enjoy the art done for the different tourist traps across the map. v pretty.
And we lose out on catching Zubat.
...do I need things in my Pokedex to get Flash? I think I do.
Left, you’re way too strong for something that will die if Misty blinks in your direction. It’s a problem.
Add on 54 more exp to the illicit gains pile. I think after this if there’s not a level jump (I think there’s a small one before the next patch of grass), I have to start throwing a ball first thing. I probably should have done that with the Zubat, but. optimism.
Optimism has gotten the grindlocke into heaps of trouble, when you stop and think about it. It will continue, but oh dear yes, we see how this happens.
Hey, Ember finally burned something.
A Clefairy.
Thank goodness. Much danger. Such fear. Wow.
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I still don’t really dispute this. Poor guy.
Grabbed the Helix this time. I don’t think there is a way for it to matter less, but there we go.
Made it out of Mt. Moon! Hark and rejoice!
Now we’re going to start breaking out speedrun strats. In slow motion, so obviously mine will work out better. You might recall, if not from this experiment then from others, that there are two Move Tutors outside Mt. Moon.
Mega Punch and Mega Kick.
Mega Punch does 80 Normal, with 85 accuracy.
Mega Kick does 120. 75 accuracy.
So the reason we’re doing this is that we’re about to come across the areas where I have a chance to get an Oddish. If I end up with an Oddish, all will be well with Misty (hopefully). If I don’t, my options become majorly limited. Left will be the One True Starter and Finisher. He needs to be able to down the Starmie in one hit.
It will come down to luck, so we’re going to maximize the possibilities of that luck.
Mega Kick. Welcome. Later, Scratch.
Okay. Bought some more poke balls in Cerulean, also bought some Repels to see if a thing works. If it doesn’t I will avoid further comment on it.
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A Mankey is not an Oddish. And we already killed one, so next.
Spearow. Well, we killed the last one, so sure.
If it could use Growl a few more times, Metal Claw would become an option... Yeah, it’s an option, let’s go for it.
Yay, Spearow’s not dead!
I forgot I was playing a Nuzlocke. Did not nickname the Spearow.
Damn it, Spearow.
Invalid pokemon go in the box.
So with no Oddish, Left is going to have to tackle our rival and Nugget Bridge all alone. Yeehaw. Then we can hit grass that might possibly have an Oddish. We want to do that first after the bridge, because there are enough trainers to make the Oddish a real asset in the Misty fight if it’s allowed the exp.
Assuming we get an Oddish.
First thing’s first, though.
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Tiny things continue to amuse me.
Left is level 23 now. Pidgeotto’s Sand-Attack is honestly the largest threat. ...Not that Water Gun isn’t making a show of it. Geez, I’m going to have to buy Potions after this. If there is an after this. I missed Mega Kick every time except the last time, and since Squirtle was busy Withdrawring all through that, not only did I miss the chance to do useful damage, when Mega Kick finally hit on the last shot, it did not help.
So now we’ve used Smokescreen a few times in an attempt to even things out.
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I think I’m about to lose.
I have to be the worst again.
Left needs his accuracy back.
Nally... would you uh. mind uh.
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Nally the Caterpie is now dead, continuing this run’s trend of being inexcusably awful.
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She can’t.
She dies.
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Our name is GM this time.
Our rival is NPC.
This time our ID number is............ 59916.
-looks up-
Bulbapedia says 4-6 is Fire.
Maybe I’ll just lose against NPC. That would keep the restart time down.
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For now and forever.
His name is Scyther.
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Scyther gets to stay for a little while longer. He’s Sassy. Great.
Fetch quest done.
I almost universally dislike the beginnings of Pokemon games. Unless nostalgia is kicking in, or the game is completely brand new. Being back at the beginning is very much Not Great.
Though this time I learned that you can choose to leave home without talking to your mother. Wow.
First encounter is Rattata. Rattata’s name is Pidgey.
Route 1 done.
Route 2 gives us a Pidgey. Its name is Rattata.
Route 22 has a level 3 Mankey. Now named Machop.
I think. Sigh.
I think that no matter what starter I end up with, my strategy for this is going to be to have my starter handle the first Gym. If I keep getting Charmanders, that will mean a lot of fails before luck goes with me, because luck was the only way we made it through Left’s run.
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Damn it, Scyther.
No Viridian Forest catch.
May the +30 exp somehow help.
Through Viridian Forest, which means it’s back to Rival-san.
Rival-san is defeated. That’s probably going to be his actual name next time.
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We doing this?
Yeah. Sure.
Hey guess what. That +30 exp means Scyther is level 15 instead of 14! Yay! Does that mean anything?
Why did Onix use Bind.
(Better question, self. Why did you use Ember. Your optimism is killing all your pokemon.)
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Rock Tomb. After lots of Binds.
Why is Onix killing the rest of my team in slow motion. Stop using Bind. stop stop stop. just kill them.
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Thank you.
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o shit.
His name’s Acorn.
Squirtle learns Bubble at level 7. AKA the most useless Water move ever. I suppose I finally understand why Rival-san was using Tackle instead.
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Hi! Oak!
Bulbasaur is going to be a pain. Oak learned Water Gun at 13, but. that doesn’t really help.
Bulbasaur is only using Tackle. That helps greatly, and we’re done.
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Oki doki.
Now I have to think.
Is Acorn a real teammate, or not?
Rival-san having a Bulbasaur means that he’s going to end up with a Gyarados. Electric moves are very, very useful against such horrors. Electric moves are also very useful for, say. Misty.
I think I’m going to give Acorn a shot. Maybe I’ll have to shove him out into a box in the end, but there are enough useful points in his favor to train him up a bit. All the Speed EV pokemon are going to Acorn. When safe.
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My Route... 4? I think 4. Route 4 catch!
His name is Tree.
And he is actually from Route 3.
Here’s where things (already) get a bit sad, I think. I have limited resources. I do not want to devote time to training something I don’t think I can use. Nidoking is a fantastic pokemon, and in a normal Nuzlocke, I would be so happy to have one.
However, his move pool is not going to help me enough, I don’t think. Maybe my mind will change. Maybe I’ll be wrong. But each member of my team needs to have a specific relevance.
...Maybe that relevance will turn out the be the reminder that I can’t count on getting a Snorlax this time.
Fine, I’m digging up the pokedex.
I already know that Lapras is out. The leveling process is too painful. Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan can be options, because I think by the time I have access to them, they’re at a level that I can make use of. Eevee is technically an option, but. Flareon isn’t the best. I have a Water pokemon. I have Acorn.
If I don’t take the Eevee, that leaves room for something else from Celadon. If I catch a Magikarp sometime before Celadon, I can guarantee having a Grimer, which has the kind of move pool I think I want for a run like this.
Brute force is my usual tactic, but brute force only works in a run like this if I’m working with things that excel in force.
Other Celadon pokemon include things from the Game Corner. Pinsir has zero naturally learned Bug moves in this gen, so no. ...Oh. It’s also only an option in LeafGreen. Dratini takes too much exp to train into usefulness. Clefairy and Abra are too underleveled. Porygon is too laughably expensive. Scyther is hypothetically very useful, but doesn’t learn a Bug move until level 46. The main benefit until then would be Typing aid. A damn good one, and if it lived long enough, I could certainly make some magic happen.
The one thing I know for sure I want right now.
is a Diglett.
So assuming everything magically works out the way I’m intending, our future team has a Blastoise, a Raichu, and a Dugtrio. The question is what, out of my limited options, best adds to that.
...Tree. I don’t think this is your run, friend.
We soldier on.
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Our Mt. Moon is a Zubat again. Yay. ...Oh, whoops. Huh. I only have one Poke Ball. Hope it catches our new friend.
It does!
Zubat’s name is Oak.
Oooooh, Oak learned Bite.
The Squirtle Oak.
Now Wartortle Oak.
Bite at 19.
One arduous Mt. Moon later, Acorn is at level 13, and Oak is at level 21. Now before we do anything else, we’re running to the Pokemon Center for healing, and then the Mart for Poke Balls. We’re clean out of those, and I refuse to go through caves without Flash. I refuse, I tell you.
No Mega Kick of Punch this time. Oak and Acorn should be okay to handle Misty. ...I think.
Route 4 gives us an Ekans.
Its name is Oak.
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Acorn tries to deal with the level 17 Pidgeotto because we’re all about risk now. He gets it to orange and paralyzed. Hopefully that’s enough for Oak to clean up.
It is! yay.
He sends out his Bulbasaur next, and with any luck, Bite over and over will handle any and all problems.
Wow. Lots of luck. Poisonpowder misses, and Bulbasaur just keeps flinching. Sorry about your luck, Rival-san. I’m taking it all hostage.
I don’t think Abra has an offensive move, so it’s all Acorn’s.
Only a Rattata left, and...?
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Thank fuck.
So since we finally hit one, let’s end this on that high note.
Next time, Nugget Bridge awaits.
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sorenmarie87 · 6 years
I call him Mr. Huggles
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Summary:  You and Garth have a YouTube channel together - and do everything together.  He has always been your best friend but with the support of your followers, and your older brothers, will you take that leap from best friends to lovers?  
Square Filled: best friends to lovers (SPN Fluff Bingo) Pairing: Garth x Reader, Dean x Reader (sister)  Word Count: 1,476
Warnings: None.
A/N - Written for @spnfluffbingo  This is a modern AU - so no hunting.  
Forever Tags - @lovetusk​ @dragongirl420​ @mirajanefairytailmage​ @kazosa​ @soythedemonqueen​ @docharleythegeekqueen
SPN Tags - @clockworkmorningglory
It was your idea to start a youtube channel with Garth.  The two of you manage to do everything from crafting, cooking, weird challenges, and even some video game playthroughs.  Your most popular videos always involved Q&A from your subscribers.  You were in your shared office going over the list of new questions when Garth gently knocked on the door that you had open and handed you a cup of tea.
“You are a lifesaver Garth.”  He chuckled as he helped you get everything set up for the next video.  The two of you decided to film something a little bit different.  With your last video, you noticed a lot of the comments asking for the two of you to do a “relationship tag.” video.  Why did everyone assume you and Garth were together?
“About that time amigo.”  He heard you chuckle from the couch as the two of made yourselves comfy and started filming.
“Hey everybody welcome to Hunter’s Corner with Garth and Y/N! This week's episode will be something else, won't it Y/N?”
“Of course.  We got a request from our lovely viewers - to do another tag video.”  You heard Garth chuckle and take a drink of water before shifting towards you with a grin on his face. “I still don't understand why you guys are insisting that we do a relationship tag but we'll do it.”
You pulled up the list of questions you had saved on your phone.  “We are going to take turns asking each other these questions so that this video doesn't go on forever.”
“Our first question is when or where did we first meet?”
Garth chuckled with a huge grin before answering.  “We actually met in college.  We both are currently enrolled in the same dentistry school.”  
“My brothers’ actually introduced us when I was having trouble in one of my classes.  We became fast friends after that.”  You shifted slightly and handed Garth your phone.  “Okay so next question is what do we usually argue about?”
You actually had to think about that before you answered.  The two of you never really argued but there were two major instances where the two of you needed to be separated by someone. “Here's the thing we are pretty chill people so we don't argue that much.  We've only had two major arguments.”
“Yeah let it be known Y/N can get mighty feisty when she’s upset,  woo buddy.”
“It's the only time I can say that I've actually slapped someone in the face.  I felt so bad.”
“I was being kind of a jackass at the time..  Your brothers’ egging you on certainly didn’t help matters.”  
He handed you an open bottle of water after you finished your cup of tea.  You put your phone back in your pocket and switched over to your tablet,  so you could prop it up in front the two of you instead of passing your phone back and forth.  “We’ve learned our lesson about fighting fair.  Okay so onto the next question.”
“What's my favorite article of clothing?”
“I think it's all the clothes I end up stealing from him and wear around the house.”
“Believe me guys - she makes them look so much better than I ever could.”  You winked at the camera and you heard Garth laugh.  “It's true though.  Our next question is what's my favorite type of junk food?”
“That's an easy one - sweets of any kind.”
“We’ve been around each other too long.”  Garth heard you snort from laughing and you shook your head.  “She loves anything gummy or rice crispy treats.”
“I like what I like, sue me.”  You chuckled and smiled afterwards.  “Actually don't - you won't get much out of me.”
“Here's a hypothetical question - I'm ordering a pizza,  what's your preferred toppings?”
You knew your answer would cause another debate.  “I'm a ham and cheese kind of girl.  Although here recently I've been enjoying Hawaiian pizza.”
“Any topping is fine with me.”  He watched you make a face and bumped your shoulder with his.  “I know a lot of our viewers don't agree with pineapple on pizza.  It's not that bad honestly. Her brothers always give her such a hard time when she orders it.”
“Every time my oldest brother is over and we order pizza he’s like ‘'Y/N just order something normal.’  This coming from the man who salivates when someone even mentions the word pie.”
“Okay so moving onto the next question.”
“What film always makes me cry?”
“Any movie to be honest.”  He put his arm around you and gave you a gentle squeeze. “This one cries at anything.”
“Movie nights can be tricky at our house.”  You took a drink of water and watched Garth nod in agreement.  “
“What's my favorite video game?”  
“His favorite is definitely Castlevania.”
“She likes so many games though - it's hard to pick.”
“The next question is what's my nickname?”
You grinned at Garth and ruffled his hair.  “I sort of switch up what I call her.  Her friends call her Y/N/N and her brothers call her anything from squirt, short stack, etc.  I like to think she has this really epic nickname for me but -”
“My nickname for Garth is Mr. Huggles.  I mean he gives the best hugs.”  You watched as pink tinted his cheeks and you giggled to yourself.  “I'm joking - my nicknames for him change constantly.”
“Hey Y/N I know it's not on the list but do you wanna have dinner with me?”
“You mean like dress up, go out and all that? Garth, it sounds like -”
“Like I'm asking you on a date?  That's because I am.”
You actually chuckled to yourself and held up your tablet.  “Of course, I will gladly go on a date with you Garth.”  
“I guess this ties into the top comment someone left on our last video.”
“Impala67 left this on our last Q&A video and they said ‘I wish these two would realize how they feel about each.  I don't know how much more we can take.  Garth,  grow a set and ask her out already.’  
“That's all the time we have this week.  Let's us know what you want to see next down in the comments below and leave a like.  We’ll see you guys next time! Bye!”
The two of you smiled at each other as you ended the capture.  Making sure to save everything correctly, you handed everything off to Garth as he moved towards the desk so he could start editing and start the rendering process before the video posted.    
Garth was sitting in front of the computer the two of you shared with headphones on.  He was syncing up the audio and editing as he went along.  You were content with just watching him from where you were sitting as he worked.  Your phone was going off like crazy and you figured it was one of your brothers.  You were tapping out a text when you felt the couch dip.  Garth moved silently away from the computer and plopped down next to you on the couch.  
You felt him pull your body closer and you smiled at him.  “Why do you think it took us so long?” “I’d say our timing was off.”  You felt the warmth of his hand envelope yours with a light squeeze and he placed it over his heart.  “You’ve always had a place in here.”
“I forgot to tell you - there was a question I skipped because I didn’t want anyone but us to know just yet.”
“Which question was it?”
“When our first kiss was.”  Garth leaned over as you felt his lips press on to yours.  You would always remember your first kiss with Garth as sweet and tender.  He pulled back with a grin on his face as you moved your hand from his chest to the back of his neck.  Pulling him closer, you crashed your lips into his.  It wasn’t until you heard someone clearing their throat from the doorway that the two of you pulled apart.
“I see you took my advice Garth.”  He grinned with his arms folded as your face flushed.  “I know you’ll take care of my baby sister Garth, so I won’t give you too much of a hard time.”
“Thanks for the support, Dean.  It means a lot.”
“Just no nieces or nephews just yet okay?”  He said with a wink and left the two of you alone again.  
“What did he mean by advice?”  
“That comment that was left on the last video by Impala67?”
“THAT WAS DEAN?”  You chuckled as you laid your head on his shoulder.
“Even your family could see that we belonged together Y/N.”  
“Our biggest shippers were my brothers’.  Do you know how weird that is?”  
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rosenfey · 6 years
tell me about john. what drew you to him? what do you find attractive about him? what are his biggest flaws, in your opinion? i'm... trying to decide what i think about this character D:
Hey there, nonny! Thank you for this question, though I guess I’m not very objective on this, and my view is in no way the only right one, but let’s see! Will try to keep this as short as I can for your convenience, but no promises x.x
I wasn’t very drawn to his character on my first playthrough, I mean, sure, he’s handsome as hell [have you seen those eyes?? eggscuse you but blue eyes are and always will be my weakness anyway moving on], but I didn’t give much thought to his backstory. It was when I found out about him more [mostly on the wiki and official sources, because Ubisoft decided to not put more info about the Seeds in the games for some reason, which is a thing I’m forever salty about, but that’s not what this is about].
I think the scene where he captures the deputy for the second time was a breaking point for me? Like he opens up about his past [really just hints at it, like I mentioned, damn you Ubisoft, but still]. I have a thing for villains with tragic past. John was beaten up by his foster family for any ‘sinful’ behavior he showed, up to the point he made up some things he did, as he was led to believe no one is really ‘innocent’, and not confessing to your sins only means you are hiding them. You can clearly see he’s still affected by this - in his first scene, where Joseph calls him out on mocking the cleansing, and letting his anger take the hold of him. The way John’s expression changes kinda broke me, he knows he fucked up and as someone who was let to believe failings result in punishment, he expects one, he almost looks like a scared child that’s aware of his bad behavior.
And that’s the other thing. John really believes in Joseph, and he things he’s doing the right thing. Until the end, he tries his hardest to convert the deputy. Even if he has to twist their hand a little, bringing pastor Jerome, Mary May, and Nick to the church, for example. He does this so ‘it might be easier if [the deputy] saw a friendly face’. He doesn’t try to just kill the deputy, he wants them to make the decision to join the cult, to see his truth and admit Joseph is right. He might force the decision on them, but he wants it to be theirs. He wants the deputy to admit it themselves, that’s why he brings their friends to the church.
Joseph mentioned John used to be a caring and soft boy when younger, full of compassion and life. It’s easy to picture how everything would go without all the cult business and the abuse John [and his brothers] went through. In no way such a past makes up for what he did, and I’m not trying to condemn his actions, or anything. I just really dig villains with depth and backstories, that actually make sense and can explain why they act like they do now. Really, that’s what I like about John [and other Seeds, possibly] - I can relate to their past struggles, and I can easily understand why he turned out this way. Not because I would try to justify his actions, it more or less serves as a warning what might happen if people let their past experiences overtake them.
I don’t know, I dig villains with good sides, with positive traits that are hidden down under the negative ones. I dig villains that actually feel like people and are not meant to just be the Bad Guys. Finally, I dig villains that don’t see themselves as evil, and actually deeply believe that what they do is right. And of course, this is just my own interpretation, but I like to believe there’s a more human, kinder side to him still.
[And I dunno, he wears vests unironically, owns probably several gucci shirts that cost more than my monthly rent, and can pull off those ray bans like an icon, and honestly, I stan].
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theriu · 7 years
My First Water Temple (the really infamous one) Playthrough  - 3DS Ocarina of Time Version!
This dungeon doesn’t have that many enemies!!! And the ones there are easy to kill!!! THIS IS WONDERFUL I CAN JUST FOCUS ON SOLVING PUZZLES
Except the pokey clams. Those guys are jerks and they stab you.
Everyone online complained about the iron boots, but I thought they were fairly intuitive. I am still VASTLY amused by the concept of plain steel-lined boots whose weight you can just… turn off, though.
NEWS UPDATE: You get the Longshot (*BA-dum tshh*) in this dungeon. So stop wasting arrows on that shoot-the-eye-to-open-the-gate timer challenge that is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT THE LONGSHOT
Okay, I get that people get annoyed at this dungeon for its sneaky hiding places of keys and how you have to backtrack 37 times to find everything. But I was proud of myself because literally the only key I missed was actually kind of obvious (shoot through the fire to light the torches) and I feel I might have caught it if I hadn’t taken like a six-month break from playing in the freakin’ middle of the game. This probably still woulda driven me nuts looking for it except I accidentally spotted a reference to it in the walkthrough the ONE TIME I went for help. (I often need walkthrough help like 1-3 times per dungeon so this was impressive for me, leave me alone.) Also I guess it was made easier because the interwebs say the 3DS version marked the doors better than on the N64.
Shadow Link you’re a JERK, you’re a jump-scaring JERK! Freakin’ being invisible and jumping out of nowhere, I had war flashbacks (i.e. to when my older brother used to jump-scare me from behind doors and laugh maniacally at my screams).
He wasn’t that hard to beat otherwise, though. Din’s Fire, yo.
Hahahaha I KNEW there was something back here I KNEW it, you can’t hide from me, Boss Key!!!
Amoeba Dude is kinda cute in a spazzy sort of way. But must he taken FREAKIN FOREVER to toss me around the room? Let’s get on with the fight, dude!
Also I had no idea how to tell if I was actually doing damage. But I am proud of myself: I didn’t give in to my lack of self-confidence and look at the walkthrough, and eventually I smacked him enough times to make him sorry. VICTORY IS MINE!
…Did… did Ruto DIE?! This game is not at all clear what happens when people ‘awaken as Sages’…
…Well at least Link is off the hook for the awkward marriage promise, anyway. Victory all around!
Not nearly as bad as the hype, imo. Jabu-Jabu’s Belly is still my least favorite. STUPID FREAKIN’ ELECTRICAL ATTACK MONSTERS, WILL YOU STOP STUNNING ME SO I CAN DESTROY YOU AS YOU SO RIGHTLY DESERVE
(You can see other dumb LoZ opinions I’ve had here, here, here, and here if that sort of thing interests you and stuff.)
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