#is jace ACTUALLY her brother and do they ACTUALLY end up together?? im not sure if i can finish reading this series if thats the case
depresseddepot · 8 months
the last quarter of city of bones by cassandra clare is. certainly something.
#so. to set the scene here#the SECOND simon and jace were introduced i googled ''who does clary end up with''#and (regardless of whether of not this is true) i saw that she ends up with jace#disappointing but i expected it (i like simon so much more but theres nothing ya fantasy authors hate more than bffs to lovers stories)#and THEN i looked at trigger warnings for the book. ''graphic incest'' was super out of left field#at first i thought it would be alec and isabelle. then i thought it was luke and jocelyn.#THEN i thought the twist would be that it was jocelyn and valentine (bc i saw valentine being clarys dad from a mile away)#never. EVER. in a million fucking years. did i expect it would be clary and jace#listen. im all for fucked up ships. but what is this shit lmao#is jace ACTUALLY her brother and do they ACTUALLY end up together?? im not sure if i can finish reading this series if thats the case#it gives me the ick so severely. fucked up stories about incest are one thing but the summary of book 2 is Upsetting#''her handsome infuriating brother'' why the fuck are you describing it like its a TYPICAL YA FANTASY ROMANCE BOOK. IM SO CONFUSED#i read this book IN PUBLIC#if you've read the series: is he really he brother? do they really end up together at the end or was that misinformation?#also: is it worth it to keep reading regardless?#the first 3/4 of the book was so fun! the characters were cool and it was an easy read#but the last 1/4 was like that mr. incredible meme where he gets slowly more and more horrified#the mortal instruments#yeah im tagging the main tag bc i need answers#good lord lmao#i do honestly feel like the book was ruined because of that ending and that's irritating me because it was otherwise very good#but again. lmao. i don't know if i can read a ya romance book where the main character waxes about how hot her BIOLOGICAL BROTHER IS#it would be one thing if she was immediately like ''oh. lmfao. that's fucked up'' and stopped romantically pursuing him#but if they end up together she clearly does not stop#how is JOCELYN GOING TO REACT TO THAT. SHGXHAKJSHS#anyway please lmk. i feel very conflicted rn
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afro-hispwriter · 2 years
Letters(Aemond Targaryen)
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Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader
Summary- Aemond and daemons daughter have been secretly seeing each other and sending letters and at the dinner aemond asks for her hand shocking everyone and making daemon furious.
Warnings- angst, daemon just trying to be a good dad;(
Request by anonymous 
wc- 1.6k
When a crow landed on the stone of your window you jumped out of your bed. You took the wrapped letter off its claw and it flew off. You tore the ribbon off of it and opened the little paper.
My love,
I've received news that you will be coming to Kings Landing to sort out the issue with Driftmark. Words cannot begin to describe how excited i am to see you again.
From your lover,
You practically jumped up and squealed. It had been so long since you've seen any of your family that resided in Kings Landing. But of course you were more excited to see Aemond.
The carriage ride into Kingslanding was uneventful. There weren't people on the sidelines cheering for the arrival of the Blacks. They announced your arrivals, you didn't see Aemond anywhere. He said a long time ago in a letter saying he now wore an eyepatch. But you haven't caught sight of your eye patched cousin. 
They advised you and your siblings to see ser Criston who was currently training on of the princes. You walked quickly to the yard.
"Slow down sister, no need to rush." Jace said with a sly smile. He was the only one who knew about Aemond. You scoffed at him but slowed down. You saw a crowd and heard swords clashing. As you got closer you day the wiping of white hair flying around. You pushed through people and some glared until they noticed your white hair and averted their eyes. The person fighting Ser Criston was tall, and moved swiftly. He blocked Cristons weapon and moved around to a crouch letting you take notice who it was.
Eye Patch. Aemond.
He looked over the crowd until his eyes fell upon you. But he turned his attention back to Cristion and decided it was time to stop playing around. It quick ease Aemond disarmed Criston, still holding his 
"Well done Aemond, you'll be winning Tournaments in no time." Said Criston and Aemond scoffs.
"I dont give a shit about tourneys. Nephews. Cousin. Have you come to train?" He asks and sets down his sword. He turns to you and your stepbrothers but his eyes stayed on you. Jace looked shocked and immediately shook his head.
"Only if you will be the one doing the training." You say and raise an eyebrow at him and he smirked. 
"It depends." He said and sheathes his sword and starts stepping towards you. "Are you up for the hard work?" He stopped in front of you and leaned down so your faces were close together. "Because I guarantee you, you will be hot and sweaty in the end along with pain... in so many parts of your body." He whispered the last part in your ear and you shuddered. "I missed you."
He didn't let you respond before he left you there, flustered and wanting. Jace and Luke looked at you with raised eyebrows.
"Im not sure Daemon would like what we just saw." Said Luke and you roll your eyes and shove him playfully. 
Viserys requested the family have dinner together and you didn't know if you were dreading it or looking for to it. The Greens were already at the table waiting foe the Blacks. You sat on the end of the table next to your father with Baela and at the other end sat Aemond. A maid came and filled your cup with wine and you picked it up and looked at Aemond. He raised his towards you and brought the cup up to his lips. You did the same but smiled behind your cup. 
This action didn’t go unnoticed by Rhaenerya, she smiled slightly at seeing her stepdaughter and half-brother interact. 
Dinner was served, Alicent gave a prayer and after that. Everything went well. Everyone talked like nothing ever happened, they laughed with each other. Alicent and Rhaenerya actually struck up a conversation. Aemond wasn’t saying anything just continued eating and drinking, but he kept glancing at you at any given chance. Eventually he stopped eating and just stared at you. You felt his stare and looked up to him. He cocked his head to the side with a sly smile, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion but there was amusement placed on your face.
“What?” You mouthed but he didn’t do anything. Your father noticed who you were talking to and took notice to your face, he nudged your foot with his, bringing your attention back. Aemond drowned the rest if his wine and suddenly stood up, making all conversations stop and look up at him. 
“I have something to say, well more ask my dear Uncle.” He says and Daemon leans back in his chair and squints his eyes. You look at Aemond in confusion, not knowing what he needed to ask your father. “For the last few months I’ve been sending letters to your oldest daughter, your beautiful Y/n.” Your eyes widened.
“Aemond.” You say and Daemon looks at you with now wide eyes. 
“I’ve developed a love for her.” Aemond stopped right behind Daemon and Daemon couldn’t look at him just tightening his jaw. “So I want to ask for her hand in marriage.” Everyone stayed quiet and waited for Daemon to react but Viserys answered first.
“I think thats a mighty fine idea.” He said and coughed. “It would surely help secure our bloodline more, and as well help end this feud before it grows into something bigger.” Still nobody said anything but you watched Daemon grip his knife.
“Father-.” But you were to late to stop him. He had Aemond on the ground with a knife to his neck. 
“How dare you ask for my daughter’s hand? Do you think I haven’t heard the rumors? Why would I put my daughter in danger?” Aemond gulped and licked his lips.
“I would never hurt your daughter, I wouldn’t dream it.” 
“Daemon.” He heard Rhaenerya’s soft voice behind him and a hand on his shoulder. He slowly pulled back and stood up, you ran to Aemond side and bent down next to him, Alicent appearing as well.
“Are you ok?” You ask him and inspect his neck. He nods and waves you off. You then look up at your father to see Rhaenerya calming him down. You stood up and angrily walked to him. “Why does everything have to be violence with you? Why cant you just talk like a normal human being!? Why cant you be happy that I found someone I love?” You sped off after that leaving everyone in shock. 
Aemond stood up and tried to follow you but Daemon stopped him.
“No. I’ll talk to her.” He said and nodded to Rhaenerya who nodded back and gave him a smile. He went of to go find and comfort his child. 
He knew exactly where you were. When you lived in Kings Landing you always spent your free time in the gardens. He heard sniffles coming from the direction  of the fountain. 
He saw his daughter hunched over with a flower in her hands. 
“Y/n.” He says and you whipped your head around to your father. 
“Why are you here?” You ask and wipe you eye. Daemon sits down next to you.
“Im sorry, for what I did.” He says and you look at him in shock. “Sorry for how I reacted, you’re right i shouldn’t have handled it that way.”  He placed an arm around your shoulders and pulled you in close. “I will give my nephew my blessing to marry you.” You raised your head to him with an open mouth. 
“You’re serious?” You ask and he nods. You stand up and smile brightly down at him. “Thank you.” You bent down and kissed his cheek before running off but before you could get far his fingers wrapped around your wrist and tugged you back.
“Just know, if he hurts you, trust that no one will be able save him.” He says and his face goes back to seriousness. 
“You wont regret it father.” You ran inside the castle, running through the halls. You saw Alicent walking quickly down the hall. “Queen Alicent!” They turned around and immediate concern flashed on their faces.
“Child whats wrong?” Asks Alicnet and places her hands on your shoulders. 
“Wheres Aemond?” You say out of breath and she cocked her head to the side.
“Training outside.” 
“Thank you.” You say and run outside to the training area. You heard grunting and loud sounds of wood getting hit. You saw Aemond whipping around flawlessly. “AEMOND!” He turned around at the scream of his name.
“Y/n?” You jumped into him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“He said yes, he’s going to give you his blessing to marry me.” You say and and pull back. And for the first time in a long time Aemond smiled, this time with love. He dropped his sword and grabbed your face and slammed his lips down on yours. You both closed your eyes, melting into the kiss. He opened his eyes for a split second to check his surroundings and saw Daemon, standing by the entrance with his hands in front of him, smiling that his daughter found love.
The following week you were marrying Aemond in the traditional Old Velaryon way. Cutting your lips with dragon glass, followed by your hands and held them together, then wiping a stray of blood on each others foreheads. A kiss was shared, your bloods mixing in your mouths, signifying the security of another bloodline and also one of the few marriages done for love.
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bohemian-nights · 7 months
If Daemon does sleep with someone else for his own will without imagining Nyra, that's cheating and defenitely Daemyra shippers can't stay delusional and claims he loves her, they will be mad and heartbroken, i can assure you, but those leaks we got about him Nyra, Daemon is all fake, im sure. We don't know anything but Rook's Rest and Jace being with Cregan cause Harry is promoting them. About Daemon we only know he will be mostly at Harrenhal planning the next step to take KL, but nothing about how will be his relationship with Nyra. Anyway, if they're really going to adapt their marriage as big love story, we can totally expect Daemon to survive at God's eye and burn with Nyra at KL and their child watching them both die in front of his eyes. The “we are meant to burn together” might be actually foreshadow of their end.
This is the last time I talk about this because I’m sick to death of this topic.
In the book Daemon sleeps with Mysaria and takes Nettles as his lover yet Dumbnyra stans who have the capacity to read either ignore this by claiming sexism and/or saying the sources are biased.
Or they admit he slept with Mysaria because sex is just a biological function and it doesn’t mean anything while denying that he and Nettles were lovers (because if they admit to that then they can’t deny Daemon actually loved Netty and didn’t just use her for sex/intel like he did with Mysaria during the Dance).
So if they can do the above they will do the same for the show. These people are not rational. The only way they’ll concede that Daemon didn’t love their self insert is if Ryan Condal doesn’t chicken out, actually gives us Dettles, and shows Daemon was capable of loving someone unselfishly even at the expense of his own life.
Even then they’ll just say show!Daemon isn’t book!Daemon and somehow book!Daemon did indeed love their self insert despite him prioritizing Nettles safety over everyone’s (lying is their forte after all).
The last part sounds straight up like Dumbnyra fanfiction.
It makes 0 sense(and once again it’s stealing from Dettles because F&B specifically mentions that if Daemon survived he went back to Netty).
Actually it not only makes no sense it makes Daemon look severely incompetent/weak because why the hell would he go back and not even try to save the woman he loves?
His a** can’t even muster up an army? Try to claim a wild dragon and fight Aegon? He’s just going to come back empty handed? They are just going to hold hands and let themselves be burned? That’s what the Rogue Prince would do?
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Oh God, even the fanfiction Dumbnyra stans “come up with”(aka hijacking plots from other ships and somehow making it worse) is so terribly written. These people don’t have a original bone in their body and they wouldn’t know what an epic romance was if it hit them in the face🤣
If the show wanted to write that putrid couple as a romance(let alone a epic romance) they would’ve never had Daemon choke her out or have him be obsessed with his brother to the point where he wishes he could be with him.
Backpedaling now will only make things worse.
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Regardless of what they do Daemon surviving the Gods Eye to come back to Missy Anne is poor writing(and Ryan if you are reading this, it’s stupid asf, if you want to ruin your show yeah go with this bullcrap).
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zpetlovesglitter · 4 years
The Wicked Powers Theories
The Wicked Powers has recently been getting me excited WAY too much - which says a lot about how weird I am since Cassie hasn’t even started on it yet (LOL).
aND, so, I kind of thought it’d be nice to jot down some predictions and theories on how the series might go and maybe some thoughts on THE SHIPS (that really do be the real TEA).
So.Here we go.And do let me know about any thoughts you have on this topic as well - I read anything about TWP like a crazed creature these days istg.
1)The POV has already been envisioned to be from Ty, Dru and Kit. I absolutely love this settlement since they are all very intriguing characters. Ty is an interesting person and his actions are always unpredictable, so we might enjoy this one. And,I believe he is at The Scholomance while the story progresses, followed by Livvy (Ghost Livvy, I mean).It’s still unclear what Livvy’s situation is, so I can’t wait to know more about that - it’s bound to be something unexpected. And, as for Dru, it’s kinda obvious. We all know that WE HAVE A LOVE TRIANGLE COMING UP. But, other than that, we also know she attends The Academy and finally starts to makes some friends and even has that really close Italian (..or was it Spanish???) Shadowhunter friend who’s her age and Cassie also revealed that the two are really tight indeed. And I will be honing in on the Love Triangle soon - I told you I’ll be trying to spill whatever tea I’m guessing at.  And, as for the last character WE HAVE KIT! OMFG YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE OLDER BROTHER KIT.LIKE GOSH DARN IT HE IS SO ADORABLE AND MINA IS SO EFFING CUTE I CAN’T EVEN-                          AND KIT’S TRAINING WITH JEM AND HE IS GOING TO BE A WELL-TRAINED SHADOWHUNTER IN TWP, SO YAYYYY!! And, I absolutely CANNOT wait for MinaXKit interactions, they are the cutest siblings ever and I absolutely know that Mina grows up to be sarcastic. I can’t wait for the possible sarcastic arguments between Kit and 4-year old Mina. YOU THINK I FORGOT ABOUT KITxTY? NOPE.THE REAL SHET’S COMING UP.
2)Now,we know that the storyline is going to have something to do with that Faerie Heirloom that was from the Rosales Family. And, Cassie also said it was going to be kind of an Arthurian Legend-ish story. If you don’t know the Arthurian Legend, I suggest you read on it. I’m not sure if Cassie meant the characters and LOVE Aspect of it or the LEGEND aspect of it as in the stuff about Excalibur and all. But, for now we’ll view it in both and examine it, shall we?
King Arthur's reign ends after his wife and best knight have an affair.
This is the drama in the legend.But, there are no relationships with the MCs yet. So idk. I’m clueless. Like, maybe Dru has a relationship?? Okay I’m clutching at practically nothingness so don’t judge me. :/
So,it’s obviously something to do with the LEGEND.
I am afraid I cannot say too much about it, since I have never read too deeply about it. But, here’s some of the basics:
-He managed to pull out Excalibur from the rock it was stuck in.
-He wielded Excalibur for the people and not for his own self-interest.
-He gets help from a wizard named Merlin.
-The peeps go on a quest.
And I have this reference from a website..I’ll hit u with the link as well, if you’d like to read more on it like I did
Arthurian legend, the body of stories and medieval romances, known as the matter of Britain, centring on the legendary king Arthur. Medieval writers, especially the French, variously treated stories of Arthur’s birth, the adventures of his knights, and the adulterous love between his knight Sir Lancelot and his queen, Guinevere. This last situation and the quest for the Holy Grail (the vessel used by Christ at the Last Supper and given to Joseph of Arimathea) brought about the dissolution of the knightly fellowship, the death of Arthur, and the destruction of his kingdom.
(I’ve linked it with the text above.)
So,now I thought this was interesting- the destruction part. After all, it’s something I’m expecting about the Shadowhunters. Will the Clave maybe be destroyed? Or maybe Faerie will be destroyed? So,there were three things that brought on this uh Destruction.FIRST, his wife and his best buddy were going behind his back and doing them lovey-dovey stuff. And they all go on some quest to retrieve something important to them. So, this sounds like something plausible to be the plot of TWP. Maybe the Heirloom’s missing? And who goes on the quest though? Maybe they venture through Faerie? BLAH MY HEAD HURTS SOME THINGS ARE BETTER TO BE SURPRISED WITH ;)
-----I kinda scrolled back up while writing about Janus down there and remembered CLARY MIGHT BE TAKEN HOSTAGE LIKE YESS AND THEY GO FIND HER MAYBE?
3)We will defo see Christina, Mark and Kieran at some point- no worries, Emma and Julian too. Happy Couples! XD
4)So,then we can look forward to Dru and Jaime’s interactions. I am absolutely excited for this the most, as a shipper of the two. If you remember, we saw Jaime ignoring her for a while back there at the end of QOAAD and then he says “See ya at the Academy soon ig”. I really do hope they meet and hang out as friends, at least. I am excited to see what kind of trope it’s gonna be tho. Like, do they ignore each other and remain awkward until they start the adventure stuff in the book where they eventually have to talk to each other after years or smth. Or, maybe they’re really good friends rn. But, what I’ll warn y’all shippers is that they might not end up together, and could wind up as brother-sister-ish kind of best buddies. Which is equally cute a relationship imo. It’s a really sweet thing to be, really. I lowkey hope Cassie spins something beautiful for their relationship like a sibling-like best friends kind of thing. But, I feel like they might have feelings for each other in secret. Or maybe they date. Or maybe they suppress their secret-feelings for the sake of friendship later on in the book and end up having that really sweet friendship I was talking about.There are SO many options and that is precisely why I am so freaking excited.
5)JAIME ROCIO ROSALES.       Like, I have this gut feeling that he might end up being my fave male protagonist character in TSC. He’s got it ALL. Like, the sense of humour, the looks, the bubbly yet brooding personality, the quirks and OFC THE FRICKING NAME ITSELF IS CUTE AF LIKE BRUH I CANNOT WAIT TO READ ABOUT HIM.I have so much to say about Jaime but I’d rather we let ourselves simply wait for the crumbs Cassie might give us or maybe reread all his parts in TDA like I do everyday or just wait for the book to come out rather than simp for someone we know nothing about yet....
6)Ash Morgenstern.         He’s a cute lil bean.        That was random and untrue lmao. He’s not a ‘lil bean’. He’s totally badass with dem wings and all, but we know he’s soft inside for Janus and ofc Dru, I believe. I find him the most intriguing character, honestly. I would love to know what goes through his head. He’s actually, like, the one character in TSC that I don’t have all figured out. He gon surprise us all for sure tho. He is awesome. That’s all I have to say for now. And he looks up to Janus which is SO GODDAMN SWEET AHHHH. And THE WINGS I CANNOT WAIT TO READ MORE ABOUT THE WINGS IT SOUNDED SO BADASS ISTG I LITERALLY CANNOT WAIT GOSH DARN IT. But he really do be a cute lil bean lowkey tho.
7)Kit and Ty LOL. I have no words really. But lemme tell you how it might go. There is definitely going to be some kind of reunion. AND THEN THAT’S WHERE IT GETS CUTE. They could either be awkward and we know what tension that gets us-perhaps some whisperings of My Watson...(?  ;) and maybe they go all sad and brooding with dem looks later OR, they could be the sweetie-pies they were before and be happy and all HIII BUDDDYYYY MISSED YAAA LESS GO BE DETECTIVES YAY BURN IT UP MAH BUDDY!! Either way it’s going to be cute af and we know it . TRUST IN CASSIE Y’ALL.I trust Cassie to let this ship sail the seven seas and seven more like it deserves.
8)Ash and Dru So, Ash has a strange lil fixation on Dru and I believe he even thought she was ‘pretty’ or something. It was definitely a good adjective, but I think he said ‘pretty’. idk but we know he likes her. and I can imagine a nice relationship. I can picture them with her hair flying in the wind and they meet for the first time or smth. IHNI WHAT IM SAYING. But, there will be DRAMA. They are going to be real cute with each other YOU CAN BET ON THAT.And, by cute I do not necessarily mean ‘Oh, you have the loveliest eyes’ or some shet like that. I have a feeling it’s going to be a case of ‘Well,that’s not weird or anything YOU WEIRDO - NO U - NO U - NO U’ However this relationship is going to go, I know that it’ll be a sweet one.And, for all you shippers of these two, I have no assurances that HE IS THE ONE or anything but he is definitely a candidate. Jaime is going to be some competition I can tell. So, idk. It depends on the Jaime x Dru ship to decide things for Ash x Dru ship imo, since it might be a no-brainer if the two have feelings for each other- I mean,Jaime is an actually perfect love interest in TSC, while Ash is strong potential Best-Friend material, so it’s ONLY if Jaime and Dru don’t like each other that way that Ash could make it as a love interest. So, if y’all wanna find out what’s in it for you guys, ask Cassie maybe about how the Jaime x Dru ship might go, the next time u wanna ask her ;)
9)Tavvy and maybe the kid Helen and Aline might have had We were getting hints of another baby, so HERE WE GO.Tavvy might have a playmate. :D. YAYYYYYYYYYY
10)Janus  I’m honestly worried about him. He is a worrisome character. I hate empathising with the antagonist, personally. AAAAHHHH . I hope we see some character development in him. I really don’t want to see him as an antagonist in the story. He’s sweet and feels cheated, but he should realise that it ain’t Jace’s fault but SEBASTIAN’S fault. I would like for him to make amends with Jace :( And, also, he might get the story started in TWP tho idk. But, seriously tho, when he went home in that short story and Ash asked, “I thought you were gone forever?” or something of that sort and he shook his head sadly and Ash went soft for him. Like, that fricking broke my heart. I love this relationship tho. And, i hope Clary and him can be good friends. But, I feel like he might end up dying to save her or smth and make us all cry . T_T
12)Thule We might learn more about the Thule world and maybe they restore it or maybe the Quest is in Thule. idk. we don’t know much, but Thule will most probably be explored a lot. Cassie wouldn’t have opened up Thule for no reason.
13)Zara and Emma  Showdown? Befriend e/o ? What’s in store for these two? If it’s a showdown we get to see CORTANA YAY I AM OBSESSED WITH CORTANA NOW BECAUSE OF CORDELIA AND HER OBSESSION GOSH DARN IT WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME
14)BIG WAR I see a huge war coming I just know it. It’s a climax so there MUST be a big war and so I cannot wait! Feel like there’s gonna be some deaths as well. Lowkey feel like Jia might die. I can feel it. :(
15)The best-friend shadowhunter of Dru is a nice thing to look forward to! I can’t wait to read about the two! And I love the fact that Dru is finally exposed to new people. And, for anyone who’s confused as to how she goes to the Academy, in QOAAD she only said she’ll have some maturity done AFTER some years .  Those years are over and she at the Academy now hecc yeah I BELIEVE THE BFF IS CALLED THAI AND SHE’S FROM THE SPANISH INSTITUTE CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG???
16)Magnus Bane He is literally everywhere. He gon be here too. No worries for all the Magnus Bane stans. He’ll make it here without a doubt!  Good for you :).  and the entire community of shadowhunters they literally always need him  17)THE MAIN MAIN PLOT THE SHADOWHUNTERS SHOWDOWN IS OBVIOUSLY GOING TO ALSO BE RELATED TO THE PRINCES OF HELL COMING TOGETHER AND I AM TOO SCARED TO LOOK TOO INTO IT BUT WE KNOW SHIZ COMING GNJODIFPEDWEFHUGBJ VM
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im-tops-bottom · 6 years
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Jace and Alec have known each other since they were kids. They grew up together alongside Alec's sister Izzy. They trained together, slept in the same room, caused trouble and became Parabatai. As they got older and became shadowhunters things started to get crazy.
Alec and Jace realized on their own that they were in love with each other. Alec realized when Clary came into the picture that he had taken a liking to Jace when they first met and fell when Jace asked him to become his parabatai. Jace realized when Alec said "I love you" playfully, that Jace had been in love since they were teens but given how he was raised before joining the Lightwood family, he didn't know what love was until now. The best part was that the other didn't know their feelings and they planned on keeping it that way.
Everyone gets fed up when they distance themselves from each other, Jace throws himself at any and almost everyone, Alec flirts with Magnus, they get into fights and they group together to figure out what to do.
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The last straw is when Alec decides to marry new girl Lydia who has been following him around like a lost puppy. Jace gets jealous and storms off. Alec doesn't even pay attention to it.
While Alec trains outside in the sun, his mother walks up to him.
"what are you doing Alec?"
"I'm training. What does it look like I'm doing?"
"it looks like you are waisting your time when you should be following after your heart"
"I'm sorry?"
"what about him?"
"look I know you are in love with him"
"no I'm not. Don't be crazy mum. He's my brother."
"Jace is not your brother, he's not your blood"
"he's closer than a brother, he's my parabatai"
"he's more than just a parabatai to you Alec and you know it. We all know it."
"I honestly have no idea what you are talking about but I need to get back to training. I got a mission to go to with my parabatai."
"fine. Just make sure that you think about what your doing and take the time to think about whether or not lydia is who you really want because I'd hate to see my boys sad and miserable for the rest of their lives."
"Lydia is who I want mum"
Alec watches his mother walk off. He sighs to himself.
"I know the consequences of what would happen if the higher ups knew I was in love with my parabatai. With someone who could never love me back."
-3 days later-
Jace is straightening Alec's tie up as he contemplates on where he went wrong in life. Here he is standing at an altar fixing up his parabatai, the love of his life's suit and tie up as his heart breaks.
Alec watches Jace's face trying to figure out why he looks so hurt, so sad. He can't think of anything so he decides to talk to him.
"you know this is the first time since forever where we have gone longer than 10 minutes without arguing"
"yeah and let's keep it that way"
"Jace w-"
"ok your suit is looking fabulous, you are ready, now let's get you married"
"Jace h-"
"ok I'm gonna go toilet real quick, it should be starting in 5 minutes"
Jace walks off and Alec tries to reach out but misses Jace's arm. His heart breaks further as he watches Jace leave and he goes into shock as the music starts. He looks down at his watch and realizes Jace actually left and wasn't going to be attending the wedding. He wants to cry as he watches Lydia come down the isle.
-during the ceremony-
Priest: if anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace
"I do"
Everyone from other institutes who aren't made aware of what's been going on as well as Lydia, stare wide eyed at Alec.
Alec with a determined look stares at Lydia.
"Im sorry Lydia but I can't marry you"
"why not?"
"because I'm in love with someone else"
"who is she?"
"it's a he"
" a HE!?!"
"yes and I just realized what someone close to me has been trying to say" Alec smiles at his mum who smiles back and nods "they told me to follow my heart but I ignored it. I think it's time to stop ignori-"
Alec hisses as he holds his hand to his face. Lydia is in tears now and he just can't find it in him to comfort her especially when he just realized something.
He stands there in shock as he has flashbacks to all the times Jace would leave no matter whether they were on mission or not whenever Alec was flirting with someone. Later on he would find Jace either with someone else or getting drunk. He had other flashbacks where it looked like Jace wasn't happy whenever Alec talked about his conquests. One particular memory hits him hard and walks up to Izzy.
"Iz when you had that conversation with Jace, it was about me wasn't it?"
Izzy rolls her eyes and she stands to hug her brother before slapping him.
"yes and it's about time you finally realize it"
"he's in love with me isn't he?"
Alec turns as his mum stands up and crosses her arms
"and if so, what are you going to do about it?"
Alec smiles as he runs out of the alter and heads to Magnus'.
He recalls the time he saw Magnus comfort a broken Jace after Aldertree kicked him out of the institute and offered his spare room up. Alec of course said some nasty things at the time which caused Jace to run away and get kidnapped by Valentine which resulted in Ma-.....
"what are you doing here?"
"so you are finally talking to me?"
Which resulted in Magnus not talking to him.
"look I don't have time for this Magnus. I need to talk to Jace. I know he's here"
Magnus was just about to argue back but gets interrupted by the man Alec desperately wanted to see.
"its okay Magnus"
He watches Magnus walk up to Jace and whisper something in his ear causing the shorter male to nod. As soon as Magnus leaves Alec goes all out. With determination set in, he walks up to Jace and pulls him into a kiss.
After a moment of realization kicks in and Jace pulls away.
"what the hell Alec?"
Alec feels his heart beat faster as he realizes Jace doesn't look hurt or disgusted but look instead looks like....
"are you in love with me?"
"Alec have you hit your head or something because you're not ma-"
"answer the question Jace"
"why? Why do you want to know?"
"because I'm in love with you and it would make this very awkward if i got your feelings wrong"
"my feelings? Alec I love you. Of course I do. You're my brother, my parabatai."
"yeah but you love me more than that don't you?"
Alec pushes Jace along until he has him pressed up against the wall.
"be honest with me Jace. Look me in the eye. Tell me the truth."
Alec and Jace stare at each other. Alec looks at Jace with love and hope and feels proud as he sees the hope and love in Jace's eyes.
Jace gulps as he tip toes and wraps his arms around Alecs neck and leans in. Let's out a little gasp as he feels alec grab his butt with one hand and lift him up. He wraps his legs around Alecs waist. Eyes never leaving Alec's ones.
"alec" Jace says softly.
"yes?" Alec says just as softly back.
"my parabatai"
'here I go. All or nothing' Jace thinks to himself as he smiles at his already giggling parabatai.
"I love you too. More than anything"
"more than a brother?" *Kiss*
"more than a best friend?" *Kiss*
"more than a parabatai?" *Kiss*
Jace can't help but giggle into the kiss.
"yes Alec."
They make out before they get interrupted.
"about time you two get together. Now if you don't mind, can you please take it to Jace's room. I have a mission to attend to and I don't want to have to clean up after you guys.
Magnus is just about to leave "oh wait" he turns "and Alec?"
Alec gulps as he looks at the murderous look in Magnus' eyes "yes?"
"if you ever hurt my puppy again, I will banish to hell and tell everyone that you went to go and join the monks and won't be able to communicate with anyone until they deem you ready to go back into society"
Alec gulps as he nods. He can hear Jace let out a breathy chuckle. Magnus just nods as he leaves the Loft. His face gets pulled back by Jace as they resume their makeout session. Alec feels his heart soar and thinks that it definitely was worth it in the end.
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Jace x Simon I just want you chapter 3
Week and a half after seelie court kiss
Jace POV I’m such a dick (well you are what you eat) I unconsciously remarked in my head. I haven’t seen Simon since the seelie court and I feeling fucking terrible. I haven’t been able to think clearly and I can’t get his face out of my head. A face of pure devastation and heart break. I did that to him. I’m making him feel like this. It’s my fault. He’s so in love with Clary and they had a good thing going on when she was with him. Yeah it hurt like hell seeing my Simon be with her but knowing that he was happy and to see his smiling face was enough for me. Now their relationship is ruined and Clary said she wanted to speak with me… Great. I don’t want to see her I want to see Simon I want to check up on him I want to see his smiling face again. I want to hear him go on and on talking excitedly about the stuff he’s passionate about. I want Simon. I desperately want to hold him in my arms and to be able to call him mine. Now he’s hurting and there’s nothing I could do to comfort him. I need to tell Clary when she comes how I feel. I can’t be with her and I don’t want to. I just want you.. Simon. About 20 minutes later Clary came knocking at my bedroom door I opened the door but not before taking a deep sigh. She walked in and I immediately noticed her blood shot eyes. She was crying. I was startled wondering the hell you crying for but I was worried none the less. Is everything ok I gently asked. She looked up at me and sighed. Soon after the seelie court mission I tried talking to Simon she began. I immediately got a little tense but remained silent. He was avoiding me and wouldn’t answer my calls or texts or open the door for me. I finally was able to see him and talk with him. We’re on good terms now but I know he’s hurt. At first I thought it was because he still loves me and when the seelie queen asked for me to kiss the one I most desired it wasn’t him. But the other day I found something that now I know the real reason why he’s suffering Clary stopped speaking for a moment. I was confused if Clary no longer being with Simon isn’t causing his pain then what is. I went to the boat house to check up on him and it was open Clary started he wasn’t there so I turned to leave but from the corner of my eye I saw a photo album and some frames. I walked towards it and looked at the old pictures of us from when we were kids his family and you and the others. I also found a drawing of you that he drew. I didn’t even know that he liked drawing let alone that he’s talented at it. I wondered why he would draw it but then I noticed this book that was just underneath already open. Curiosity got the best of me and I read the pages it was open to. Jace it was his journal and I read his latest entry. He’s… He’s hurting because of me and you. Clary said as she quietly started sobbing. I was still shocked I didn’t know what she meant by that I had so many questions but figured she’ll tell me what she’s taking about. He doesn’t love me anymore but he does love someone else. I had a strange feeling she was going to say he loves me which is crazy because why would someone as pure and kind as Simon Love a arrogant asshole like me. But there’s no way.. Right? Jace he’s in love with you and what’s killing him in the inside is us being together but he’s neglecting his own feelings for ours. He wants the both of us to be happy together but I can’t be happy if I know this is hurting him this much. He says he’s fine but I know he’s not he’s putting a brave face for my sake but I don’t want to put him through that. She stopped talking to wait for my response. For a while I couldn’t even breath. I was in complete utter shock Simon Lewis loves me. This can’t be real there’s no way. But I couldn’t help the large smile spreading on my face. Clary was still teary eyed when I looked at her. Clary I’m so sorry but I don’t have any romantic feelings for you anymore I haven’t for a long time. The truth is I’ve been in love with Si for a long time now. I patiently waited for her response. I know was her simple reply. I was wide eyed how? I questioned. She gave me a soft smile Im not blind I see the way you look at him. The way you not so subtly look away before he catches you staring, all the times you ‘secretly’ smiled at his jokes and even lightly laughed. You really love him don’t you. Damn it I thought to myself how the hell did she notice all of that I thought I was being slick. There’s no point in denying it, yes I replied I’m so fucking in love with him I was just terrified of coming out and I didn’t ever plan on telling him because well for one I thought he was straight and second wasn’t he so in love with you. Clary laughed you know he’s pansexual right. I blinked several times with a stupid look on my face I did not know that. She laughed again yeah he’s pan but he calls himself gay all the time. Growing up he had his fair share on crushes all of which were dudes. I seriously had to remind him to calm the gay because he wasn’t out yet to his family and he was making it way to oblivious. I grinned so big I casually asked so what’s his type again in guys I mean. Honestly I didn’t know why I didn’t bet on it sooner his type is well you. I blushed at that. I’m surprised you didn’t notice though I caught him checking you out when we first met and after. Hey what’s your sexuality anyway Clary asked generally curious. I’m bisexual I replied proudly. Clary smirked so am I Wow I still can’t believe both of your gay radars we’re totally off I just think it’s freaking hilarious that you thought Si was straight. And you never notice all my staring at Izzy she laughed. Well he was in love with you and I could’ve sworn he had a crush on Maia and wait.. WHAT?? you into Izzy? Well have you seen her Clary said it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. She’s fucking gorgeous and smart and strong, confident, caring, kindhearted and a total bad ass with a nice ass she smirked. Gross she’s my sister I said. Haha oh and about Maia I mean she’s totally cute but her and Simon have just gotten close as friends nothing ever happened between them. Besides I’ve spoken to Maia she says she sees him as her little brother so don’t worry Jace, no competition there Clary said before playfully punching Jace’s arm. I still have one question if it’s Izzy that you like why did you kiss me at the seelie court. I did love you once but our love was cut short because of Valentine I truly believe even if not for Valentine we would have ended it ourselves since I came here I was attracted to you but I also held feelings for Izzy the more time I spent here the more my feelings for the both of you grew. I still held some feelings for you but they weren’t as intense as they used to be and honestly after being with Simon they were mostly gone. I did feel something with Simon but it wasn’t love. No where near the feelings I have for Izzy and even though my love for you was nearly gone it was still there. The fire was still lit. So when the queen asked who I desired most if Izzy had been there I would not even Hesitate to have the chance to feel her lips on my own. But in that situation a part of me still loved you and so the Queen wasn’t wrong. To choose between you and Simon I Chose you but Izzy is the one I truly desire. I was speechless I had no idea these are Clary’s true feelings. I had no clue that she is so in love with Izzy but was in love with me at the same time. I thought Simon and I were the only ones suffering. Not being able to hold the one you love in the way that you want is painful. But seeing them everyday as a constant reminder is fucking torture. I gave Clary a very much needed hug and she instantly returned it. After what seemed like a hour but in reality was probably 10 minutes we let each other go. Why don’t you talk to Izzy I asked her. She widen her eyes I can’t do that she said. Wh-what if she rejects me she stuttered and she starts acting all awkward around me and everything changes between us. Clary I spoke sternly to stop her little rant if your worry is that Izzy is straight then I’m not the only one with a broken gay radar. Huh clary asked clearly confused. Izzy is a lesbian she only has one night stands with males because she see them as her toys and are amusing. Also so nobody would suspect her being gay but trust me she is. She never actually had feelings for men and she never will she never even once dreamt about one or gotten wet during any of her sexual experiences with men. I know that last statement because I read her diary once. There was hope written on her face but there was still a hint of doubt. But what if she isn’t even attracted to me. Fray I don’t think you have to worry about that he winked at me. While I was snooping though her diary there were tons of pages about how much she adores you and all the things about you that she loves and admires. I’m pretty sure she feels the same. Really Clary said with the most biggest smile on her face and her eyes literally lighting up with joy, hope, love, and excitement. Go get her tiger. Clary didn’t even have to be told twice she was out in a flash. Briefly coming back to say thank you for this to which I said thank you and good luck with Izzy. You to she said hope it all works out with Simon she said right before heading out the door to find Izzy. I sat down on my bed feeling content thank you so much Clary I really needed that. Now what I need to do is find Simon and finally tell him how I feel. It’s late though and I’m so fucking exhausted I’ll go see him first thing in the morning. I got ready for bed with my final thoughts on Simon as well as my dreams. For the first night in a long time I was able to sleep peacefully knowing now that what I had thought was a one sided love is a mutual one that hasn’t started yet making me feel content. I fell asleep with a genuine smile on my face that never went away.
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pandoraspuxis · 7 years
I’d like to address the following: Stop reducing Jalec to labels such as racism, incest or abuse. First of all, just because 1 of every 100 jalec shippers criticizes Magnus for his ethnicity doesn’t mean all shippers do. Second of all, almost all jalec shippers ship malec, so no one criticises EVER at Magnus. Third: most jalec shippers ship jalec as a mid-ship, i.e. a ship that should have happened BEFORE their respective endgames so to solve issues and close cycles. 
Fourth: it isn’t incest. Yes, a Herondale married a Lightwood in the 1800s, but the connecting genes are more deluded than anything. Yes, Maryse and Robert took Jace in but they NEVER treated Jace as their own son (bookwise and showwise), Jace was taken like a child they took in, was he loved? Yes. Did Jace see them as family? No. Jace doesn’t understand the concept of family much until he faces it through Clary, and showwise, once Alec yells at him to tell him they are his family. Jace said to Clary “they are like my brother and sister”. LIKE not an absolute. And it is his way of telling Clary Izzy and I are nothing and I’m single ;). One Alec’s side it is the fucking same, it isn’t until that moment that he switches the chip. He never saw Jace as a brother, his guilt wasn’t because he wa his brother it was because a) he was a man and b) he was his parabatai and best friend. He felt the guilt that comes with falling in love with someone of your own gender, as those who have experience this know. IT isn’t an easy moment, you find yourself not fitting what the overall community tells you it’s normal (for a boy to like girls, for a girl to like boys). His feelings for Jace are a sexuality struggle, not a familiar one.
Yes, they’re calling each other brothers now. Now that they’ve moved on Jace has moved on with the idea of his father as his only family. He’s assumed the Lightwoods are the closest he’s had to a family, and he’s finally seeing it now. But remember one thing: when two people are together, the family of your loved one is also your family. And Alec is calling Jace brother because he’s finally moving on (and because his mother, Maryse, who took him in, acted as if she had turned her back on him), moving on what he feels for Jace which isn’t yet erased regardless of Magnus (first episode, parabatai lost, Malec date to point out minor points where his feelings for Jace were addressed). 
That doesn’t mean they completely see each other as siblings. And more importnatly: it doesn’t erase that there was a moment where they didn’t. Where Alec who first saw Jace as a kid, had already made hearteyes at him. It was then when he developed his crush for him. He fell in love later, but he already liked Jace as more than a friend when he was 12 and Jace 11 (which let me remind you, that’s not childhood but the beginning of teenage for boys and when feelings begin to develop). 
Just because Alec is with Magnus, Jace wo’t stop being Alec’s first love. Just because they’ve moved on CANONLY with their feelings (apparently, at least, since EVERYONE minimally logical accepts Alec still has feelings for Jace) doesn’t erase whath appened before. And Jalec shippers, WE ship Jalec:
Platonically: Always, never going to stop. They love each other in a deeper way than romantic love or familiar love. They’re parabatai. That will never cease, even in death, they’ll be ruined at the lose of the other. No matter how much you butthurts try to erase this.
Romantically: Season 1 and before. And in all those settings where fics are done, where rps are done, the romantic feelings were reciprocate and thus they actually developed a relationship. Or those aus in which Magnus and Alec break up (like it’s going to happen because their break up is canon) and Alec solves his feelings for Jace and they are however briefly and try out because AUs are to be experienced and experimented
Lastly, but not least important: STOP BRINGING INCEST INTO THE POOL WHEN YOU SHIP WINCEST WHO IS 100% INCEST AND 100% BIOLOGICAL INCEST. Unlike These two, the Winchester ARE and SEE each other as siblings as family. Ship what you want, but stop telling people to stop shiping what YOU don’t approve for idiotic reasons (or well, for morals that can’t separate fiction from reality or the idea that absolutely everything done in fantasy romanticizes it)
Also, remember what I?m saying here: 80% of Malec shippers ship JAlec. And 80% of Jalec shippers ship Malec. Why? Because Alec’s feelings matter. What Alec felt for Jace matters, and the idea of a world where he didn’t have to struggle with rejection and never had to feel not enough or not good until Magnus appears (and even after Magnus appers because he’s immortal and has been wth even more people than Jace has) matters. Alec and his feelings for Jace matter. And all the possilbities for his different ways of achieving happiness matter
Also, really, it isn’t racism. It isn’t choosing the white over the asian, it is choosing Alec’s first choice as a possibility. Maybe SOME do it out of racism. But surely NOT ALL. 
Long Live Jalec. Long Live Malec. Long Live Clace. Long live CANON AND NON-CANON RELATIONSHIPS THAT RESPECT CHARACTERS TRAITS. If you want to attack shippers, go to those that ship Alec with females erasing his sexuality. Or those that place Magnus asexual erasing his bisexuality. Or those that rule63!Magnus and still ship her with Alec. 
Also, about abuse. Yes, book Jalec can be seen as abusive. As well as Malec, Clace, Sizzy, and basically every relationship there, since abuse is part of the teen atmosphere of all those relationships in the books. But not showwise. And most of Jalec shippers are show shippers. Because the show and Dom and Matt made it that wy. Because Dom and Matt’s chemistry is extremely good and undeniable, and for once, TWO MALE ACTORS AND TWO MALE CHARACTERS CAN BE SHIPPED BECAUSE THEIR SEXUALITIES MATCH (Jace might identify as straight, but he’s just as bisexual as Magnus is and no matter how much you fight it, it is the truth, and ending with Clary doesn’t erase that possiblity, no straight man on earth mentions homoerotism like he does to Simon after the biting, no straight man on earth feels offended because he’s not seen like the prettiest by another male, and no straight man looks at Simon Lewis the way he does). FOR YEARS I’VE SEEN CLEAR STRAIGHT CHARACTERS BEING SHIPPED JUST BECAUSE OF THE CHEMISTRY OF THEIR ACTORS, AND THERE WAS NO WAY OF JUSTIFYING IT SO PEOPLE KEPT CREATING AND MAKING UP HEADCANONS, BUT JALEC HAS ALL THE CHANCES TO HAVE EVER HAPPENED IF ONLY CC WASN’T SO ANTI-LGBTA (”but she has gay ships and ...”Yes, she does, and she had them out of presence the moment they got together, we never saw Magnus and Alec, it was all secret escapes, and when they kissed publically she had them leaving on vacation so to have them out, and on the new books i’m seeing the exact same thing except maybe with a bit more fanservice so showing them more not to mention all those rumors that say she’s planning on killing Alec). 
And im sorry for that last paragraph, it looks messy, but I can’t avoid my passive-aggressiveness towards CC. Even if I am indifferent towards her, I’ll never forget the abusive elements nor the fact that she chose to NOT explore same sex parabatai but is doing it with a straight one. 
AGAIN: If you don’t ship Jalec is fine. If you don’t ship Malec is fine (weird, but fine). what isn’t fine is telling people to not ship things that are respectful in the way they ship it. Yes, again, some aren’t. Some Malec shippers are really disrespectful towards any other shipper (such as Clace shippers when it doesn’t affect Malec). Some Jalec shippers are really disrespectful towards Malec ones. But not all. 
Shipwars begin with you take the voice of those that want to fight. Most shippers don’t want shipwars. Most shippers want respect and peace and most shippers don’t have a ship, they have an ARMADA. I have one. I ship Malec, I ship Jalec, I ship Clace, I basically ship everything on that show romantically (specifically talking about the show now) but Alec and Clary and Izzy and Jace (and well, a few more, like Luke and Clary or Magnus and Clary, I can’t ship those for many many reasons but hey if you do *shrugs* i don’t mind). 
So, really, let people ship what they want. You don’t like Jalec? Then don’t check the tag. Blacklist it, ignore it. Like everyone does. This place is filled with teenagers and adults alike, and sometimes, Adults behave more like teenagers than the teens do. So, seriously: you don’t like it, you don’t check it. That’s all.
Stop attacking. Stop insulting. Stop calling shippers sick for shipping something you don’t approve.
P.S. If you’re going to comment on how it is incest, again, seriously, check the character’s point of view and not YOURS, that i the most important aspect, check the character’s point of view. And if you still think it is incest, well, let me tell you one thing: incest isn’t as bad as it is painted, it’s just a morality topic, a topic that was brought as negative in the fight of classes as it was what high classes used to keep their money just like celibacy in church appeared only to protect the church’s patrimony and not as part of any religious call.
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