#is god real
lesbianlotties · 10 months
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gremblim · 10 months
Alfred’s making such a stance in the podcast post what are they talking about lmao
I like to imagine the podcast lasts about 5 hours and they've argued their way through such a variation of topics that the segue between unrelated arguments would give any normal human whiplash!
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kingoftheladybugs · 2 years
Feelin a little existential tonight boys
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thevqid · 2 years
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now what if i started crying
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daincrediblegg · 6 months
You will navigate to the page on disney plus (and it has to be here. Unless someone has actually uploaded the REAL movie anywhere else you cannot get it elsewhere)
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You will scroll down HERE. To EXTRAS instead. You MUST GO HERE. This is non -negotiable
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And you will watch it. And you will thank me for having been so blind and led astray by that stupid fucking mouse. You’re welcome.
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sapphic-storm69 · 1 year
Spiderverse thots
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noknowshame · 1 year
why is religious Christmas imagery all so joyful and pleasant? where is the inherent horror of the birth of Christ? A mother is handed her newborn child, wailing and innocent. Her hands come away sticky. Red. Simply by giving her son life she has already killed him. He is doomed from the beginning. Her love will not save him from suffering. Because the thing cradled in her arms is not a baby, it is a sacrifice: born amongst the other bleating animals whose blood will one day be spilled in the name of what demands it. the night is silent with anticipation. Mary, did you know? That your womb was also a grave?
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processofliving · 2 months
Is God real.
Is God real?
A very good question. And one that will (probably) never be answered. Apparently there is no scientific way in which to test whether God is real or not. Which is kind of crazy because we generally as people do not like it when questions are just left unanswered. Especially not big questions like this one. And I’m going to have to disappoint you; I’m not going to be able to give an answer to this question myself.
Personally I was raised an atheist, yet some of my family believes in God. I’ve got friends that are religious and I’ve got friends that are not. The one thing I always notice when discussing religion with them is that we’re not talking about whether God exists, but we’re talking about the things people do, say or think based on a religion. In other words, it is not a matter of whether He exists, it’s a matter of what it entails if He were to exist. 
I guess this is partly because it feels quite silly to ask a Christian if they think God is real, you feel like you already know the answer (although I feel it could cause some really interesting conversations as well, I’m sure religious people have existential doubts and questions time to time), but also because the way people ‘use’ religion in their life is what intrigues me. When I say ‘use’, I mean using a Holy Book as a basis for perspectives and behavior I do not feel are in line with the way I see life.
I think some of the very common questions I have, which I’m sure you’ve heard before, concern the following; using a Holy Book to say that being gay is a choice (and a poor one at that), or that people who do not believe in God will go to hell, or that, if someone dies unexpectedly, it was God’s will. These are things I cannot comprehend. I find it intriguing that people can believe in something so vastly different from what others believe in. And it is something I have been trying very hard to understand.
If there is a God, and there might be, would He design us to be gay if it was a sin? If there is a God, would He hate those who do not believe? And, if there is a God, would He choose to let a young child die? Is God not all love? That’s what I’ve always been taught. Yet I don’t have the answers. I’m just a little speck on this Earth who knows just as little about the concept of Deities as you all do. Maybe the people who believe in above-mentioned ‘things I cannot comprehend’ get it all wrong. Maybe ‘true’ religion is all about love. Or maybe it is not, and the people who believe in ‘all love’ are wrong. Or maybe it is so diverse that we will never know. But if there is One True God, I wonder what He thinks.
Concerning religion (and I guess generally as well) I have always felt very compelled to defend my perspective on life and do what I think is right. As if I have to defend those offended by people’s interpretation of their Book of Choice even though I am not the one preaching it. The conversations I have with religious people never turn sour, we are old enough to let our differences be differences, but it is curious that we always want to share our view on life with others and are so convinced that it is the right way. Ironic as well, since this entire blog revolves around my perspective on life. I truly wonder where that stems from, this urge to voice the things we believe in. 
Maybe it is God.
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spacedoutman · 3 months
Never too young to die | Oc X Velvet von Ragnar (Part 2)
Qwerty lang brainrot ):(
Warnings: Violence and some pretty gorey implications
BOOM!!! Metal spiraled through the air, followed by flames that dyed the sky red. Trees crashed together hard enough to fall like dominoes. Everything flashed white. There wasn’t a thought in Leni’s head the searing ringing could drown out. Boiling air combed over, flooding behind the flimsy wall the agents were practically pasted against.
Leni crouched a bit more, easing the bramble out of her way.
“Count it as a success, Stargrove.” She faltered, probably slurring like a drunken donkey. It wasn’t like she could hear.
She glared at the warehouse door like a hawk. That wasn’t even close to what it was anymore, at least. The ringing faded. Her heart slowed like it flew down a roller coaster. “Great.” Drew crackled over the ear piece. “How’s it looking now?” Leni stared into the larger-than-life crater in the wall which acted as a doorway to a pitch black void.
“I don’t hear anything.” She raised her trembling hand to her ear. “Keep your distance, Drew.”
“Right. Give the signal when you’re ready, everyone’s waiting on you. Stargrove out.”
She flicked off the device, taking one slow breath after the other and turning back to the agents behind her. Their camo uniforms blended in with the dead bushes poking them, each clutching their guns like life support. Sweat barreled down Leni’s face. Their quiet breaths broke the otherwise dead silence. Leni straightened her sleeves.
“Athanasiou, stay down.” She said in a low voice. “We..” The ground rumbled like it would cave in at any minute. “Nevermind that. Stay as low as a crushed bug.”
Dennis nodded quickly, wrapping his bag in his arms like a baby. She turned back to the door, getting down a little more. She held her rifle close to her chest, fiddling with the trigger. Her ribs caged her lungs. Her heart thudded in her throat. She swallowed hard, relaxing her shoulders even though that dark cloud of dread loomed thick overhead.
The warehouse coughed up muffled whistles. Leni balanced the rifle on her leg and stuck one hand in her pocket, fumbling around. She furrowed her brows a bit. The bramble crackled as the other agents positioned themselves. The ground trembled hard enough to topple them all in one go. Leni snatched her rifle. The sun beat like they were in hell—speaking of, the ‘mouth of the cave’ poorly glowed.
Those whistles boomed into whooping and hollering so loud it should’ve collapsed the warehouse. ‘One, two, three.. one, two, three.. one, two’ Leni counted in her head over and over. Before she could count to ten (if she was even going to), a sea of hammers, torches, machetes, machine guns to anything you could name sparkled like red against grey.
The ‘punks’ swamped the clearing like stirred silt in a crystal clear lake. Their hair was outlandish and their clothes looked straight off the set of an apocalypse movie. Leni jammed her hand in her pocket. The crowd chanted animal-like war cries. Leni narrowed her eyes, leaning a smidge closer. The ’punks’ looked around as if this was the biggest let down of their lives.
Leni raised a little device to her ear, keeping an eye on whichever one she could make out.
“There’s not a soul out here.” A gruff man crackled in her ear. “It doesn’t seem like it at least. Damnit.”
“Then who could’ve done this?” Another snapped back. “I didn’t get my ass up and drag myself all the way out here for nothing.”
“Eh, whatever. We’ll just send out a few scouts. It’ll be fine.” He dismissed.
“Fuck you.”
Leni lowered the device. “You’ even blink?” A playful voice bugged. She looked over her shoulder. Jess smirked, leaning close on all fours. “Give us the news.”
“They don’t suspect us.” Leni replied in a low voice, shoving the device into her pocket. “Give it a couple more minutes.”
The weapons lowering was as grand as the sunset. Leni fiddled a little harder with the trigger. Jess leaned back. Leni just knew he wore his wide, toothy grin. She pulled out the device and stuck it to her ear.
“I’m so done with all of this.” A voice groaned. “Let’s go inside, the lot of ya’!” He called out, the crowd around him arguing like one had commit murder. (They all probably had)
The crowd turned. Leni narrowed her eyes, composing herself and pulling a whistle from her pocket. What seemed like a million heads turned as it pierced the quiet. Then? Bullets rained like hell from the woods. ‘Punks’ stumbled back, only a few of them toppling into the mud. “Ear protection, am I right?!” Jess yelled enthusiastically, popping over cover.
The others fired away. Leni shot up, fired a few good shots and popped down. Bullets whizzed overhead, zipping in her ear like they would over speakers. She glanced over to Hira, who blind fired over the short wall. The sun was so hot she’d melt. The bald branches did nothing to fight it as a sharp stench smothered her.
Sweat pooled down her temple. Leni clenched her jaw, focusing on her breathing. It was a turkey shoot. She bit her lip. She stuffed whatever she was feeling under the rug and popped over cover and shot off a few more rounds. The punks scrambled in confusion, darting from place to place like a herd.
Or was it being everywhere all at once too much to handle? Others caught on and charged the forest like zombies, barely stumbling as bullets hit. Leni grit her teeth and popped back down, reloading quick as her light and shaky hands would let her. Her sweat-drenched palms didn’t help either. She took a sharp breath, said a silent prayer and popped over again.
BOOM! A tree burst into flames. The ‘punk’ with the bazooka also exploded. Machine guns opened up like a full-fledged battle-field. It all started to blur. She fired off shots and soon enough, she only did here and there? Or did she? She would’ve remembered in the moment. Before she could count to five, soldiers barreled into the clearing, crashing against the warehouse and firing around the corners.
Quiet flooded in as quickly as it left—besides a few scattered gunshots. Leni composed herself.
“Stargrove in. How does it look, Leni?”
“Fine. Over there?” She said in a hushed voice. Out of breath. He sounded the same way, if not, worse.
“We got em.” She could hear his cocky-ass smirk as well. “I’m going in.”
Leni could wait years. “I’ll meet you there.” She said, eyeing the soldiers. More flicked on their rifle-flashlights and headed into the void.
“Right. Stargrove out.”
The agents crept out of the bush. Leni stepped up, clinging on to her straight face. Looking anywhere was better than the ground. The others followed behind. “See Drew anywhere?” Jess asked cynically—but still stayed humorous.
“I don’t see him anywhere.” Austin said through a lightly shaking voice.
“I guess that’s better for us.”
“We work together, Barbierie.” Hira’s voice was smothered by frustration. “I don’t understand what you have against him-”
“Drew should be meeting us here with Birdie, Underwood and Evans.” Leni assured as calmly as she possibly could.
“Should we wait for him or no?” Hira questioned. Leni stopped in front of a warehouse.
“We’ll wait for him inside.”
The soldiers watched like vultures. Dust stirred up in the little bit of light there was as the agents stepped in. The echoes of distant whispers surrounded them. Leni swept out her flashlight and flicked it on. It made a nice spotlight on black. “Over here.” A man called out. Leni’s head snapped just about.
She turned to the others and nodded. Dennis held his bag close. The group made it to another group of soldiers—just then, a familiar overly eager voice rang out.
“I thought you said you’d meet us there.” Drew sighed. “We could barely catch up with you!”
“Next time, do us all a favor and go a bit slower.” Lauren Underwood playfully opined.
Leni chuckled dismissively. A soldier stepped up, his eyes wide and as blank as a sheet. “The door’s over there.” He said calmly.
“Perfect.” Drew shrugged lightheartedly.
Leni turned around. Drew clutched his gun tight to his chest. His gaze retreated as his chin dropped and he scratched the thing like he would his arm. He swallowed hard. “They’re just behind those doors.” The soldier stated.
“Right.” Drew said boldly, breaking through a shaky voice. “Helena. Do you have the bromine?”
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nazumichi · 8 months
the joys of a keychain (wow! little object) vs the fears of a keychain (What If It Vanishes)
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drusies · 1 month
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couldnt stop fucking thinking about this all day at work
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snowberai · 3 months
Merdusa (mermaid + Medusa) but her hair is ribbon eels
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nedlittle · 1 year
it drives me bonkers the way people don't know how to read classic books in context anymore. i just read a review of the picture of dorian gray that said "it pains me that the homosexual subtext is just that, a subtext, rather than a fully explored part of the narrative." and now i fully want to put my head through a table. first of all, we are so lucky in the 21st century to have an entire category of books that are able to loudly and lovingly declare their queerness that we've become blind to the idea that queerness can exist in a different language than our contemporary mode of communication. second it IS a fully explored part of the narrative! dorian gray IS a textually queer story, even removed from the context of its writing. it's the story of toxic queer relationships and attraction and dangerous scandals and the intertwining of late 19th century "uranianism" and misogyny. second of all, i'm sorry that oscar wilde didn't include 15k words of graphic gay sex with ao3-style tags in his 1890 novel that was literally used to convict him of indecent behaviour. get well soon, i guess...
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cozylittleartblog · 11 months
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@staff if you [change] the [design] of the fucking [dashboard] i will kill you
edit. i want it on the actual post that i am not actually making a de-th threat against the staff. that's shitty. the caption quotes the fucking costco hot dog meme, which i originally said in the tags. if any staff member sees this please do Not take it personally
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araneapeixes · 17 days
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i made a chart to explain my views and beliefs
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xsimbaaa · 1 month
This scene makes me feral…
The watch, the jaw, the wrist flick, the VEST….🤤
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