#inuyasha and kagome deserve better
flowersforone · 1 year
So as I mentioned before, Yashahime is not the sequel to Inuyasha that I wanted. What I really wanted was a series that has the same vibes that the bonus chapter of Inuyasha that was written around 2011. It would be a mashup of genres like the original but with more slice-of-life elements, humor and some long-term pre-established romance. It's still about the gang, they're still fighting demons, but they also have to balance that with children and being a responsible adult. It keeps the happy ending of the original, because they all deserved the happy ending. As it progresses their kids would get more and more screen time. Since there's so many characters it would more of an ensemble type thing with like Moroha as the main MC, something like Ranma 1/2 or Kyokai no Rinne. I'm going to be expanding a bit more from this headcanon post I made earlier, and just throwing plot ideas out there.
Inuyasha and Kagome get to raise Moroha because they all deserve a family especially Inuyasha. He'd give his daughter the childhood he never had, and he'd spoil his little princess. Inuyasha is also super protective of Moroha, but he also trains her in fighting with her claws and sword. Meanwhile Kagome is in charge of teaching her archery, honing her spiritual powers and reading, and compared to Inuyasha Kagome is slightly more strict. When she's a bit older she'll tag along with her parents or some combination of them and/or Miroku, Sango and their kids(mainly Kin'u and Hisui,) while they exorcise demons. They original gang rotates who they send out to work, so there's a different dynamic each time, but there's never a dull moment. Inuyasha and Miroku have their perpetual banter and teasing. Kagome and Sango are still best friends who gossip and are totally not talking about their husbands behind their backs.
One thing that annoyed me about Yashahime was that Moroha felt really OP, compared to how Inuyasha and Kagome started their series. IMO it robs her for an opportunity for growth.The story itself would be Moroha's journey as she grows up and gets stronger. She starts out inexperienced and feels inadequate next to her parents and everyone around her. At first she doesn't have any special weapons and relies on her claws and spiritual powers. Then her father gives her a sword on her birthday, and with it her youkai powers start to grow. Later on she learns how to unseal her youkai blood with the rouge, but instead of just tiring her out what if it also weakened her spiritual powers for some time. So she has to balance her youkai powers with her spiritual ones, which could be an interesting conflict.
Side note Moroha is only a year or so younger than Hisui, thus only three years younger than Kin'u and Gyokuto. They're all really close like siblings.
As for Sesshoumaru, well I don't think the treatment of his children in YH goes well with his character arc in the original. His whole arc was about learning to be merciful, protecting those who can't protect themselves, and the value of a life, which don't mesh well with his actions in Yashahime. So you could either scrap his twins, or approach their dynamic differently. They don't even need to be twins, because there's already a set of twins in the story or if their twin they'd be fraternal twins of different genders.
What if Sesshomaru found this mysterious hanyou baby in the middle of the woods? He can't find her parents so he hands her to a now seventeen or eighteen year old Rin, who now lives on her own and supports herself, by idk gathering rare plants and fungi in the wilderness. After entrusting the girls to Rin he does help her whenever he can. Rin raises the girls in the village until they're about four, at that point Sesshoumaru invites Rin and the girl to travel with him. They agree and they travel the Japanese country side as a sort of found family. Sesshomaru actually trains her to fight and control her demon powers, Jaken tries to teach her to read and Rin takes care of everything else. Sesshoumaru might be training the girl how to use a sword while Rin is off foraging for their supper. It's an idyllic life, that most hanyou children would only dream of. There's no child abandonment or any of that bullshit.
Time passes they grow closer, and start seeing each other as family. Whenever they stop near a human village Rin tries her best to make sure the girl isn't exposed to any of the prejudice that hanyou usually face, and if anyone assumes that she is Sesshomaru's and Rin's biological child they both get grossed out and will readily point out their relationship isn't like that. So we could either continue giving them a nice happy story or if you want drama I can give you that too.
The girl's biological mother is a powerful demon who fell in love with a human a noble or warlord, and they both died trying to protect her. When she's older her maternal uncle comes around to try to kill her because she's a threat to his power. Sesshomaru thwarts his attempts, and he retreats. The plot just kind of goes from there.
I've had this sitting my drafts for a long time, (i.e. nearly a year) and I do not recall where I was going with it.
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grayluforever · 2 months
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In the first episode of Yashahime, you think that after living there for 6 months that she would greatly approve her archery skills or reflexes to be better prepared in case of danger but when the root demon attacked the village and mistaked her for Kikyo (can't tell the difference between a woman and a pile of trash apparently) all she did was revert back to what she did when she was 15 years old and during the events with Naraku. She just stood there looking at it while she made glances at her bow and arrow that she lef to the side and frozen by fear and becoming completely helpless that the breed mare (Sango) had to end up saving her. Once again, she had to get her useless self saved by another person. When InuYasha arrived on the scene and she stated that the root demon called her "Kikyo" it was pretty obvious that she was indeed ONCE AGAIN jealous that even after 3 years she is STILL jealous of Kikyo. When she asked InuYasha what was going on he didn't really answer her or give her a proper answer and you can't seriously blame him due to her treatment of him in the past whenever he brought up Kikyo, especially the one time when he did tell her the TRUTH she still didn't trust him or believe him and made him sit over and over a few times.
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I feel like we as a fandom don't talk enough about Best Girl Moroha anymore, so heres an appreciation post for the most perfect, adorable, lovable, funny, energetic gremlin ever:
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Thank you InuKag for making this precious baby~❤🎀💚
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GOD I love Moroha!
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shinidamachu · 15 days
You know what I always wanted? An episode where Kagome actually manages to give in to the Darkness in her heart and it would be up to Inuyasha this time to snap her out of it and bring her back to her senses (paralleling how she always manages to bring him back whenever he goes into full demon mode), kinda like the 1st movie or the Tsubaki arc but like better because this time it wouldn’t just be Kagome’s body under the control of another but her mind as well due to giving into all her insecurities regarding Kikyo.
Honestly? This is such a good concept that it deserved to be its own freaking arc. The potential for angst and character development is insane. The parallels with Inuyasha, the parallels with Kikyo.
"You really are my reincarnation, walking the same path I did" except Kagome is walking her own path, based on her own decisions, because of her own feelings and then dealing with the aftermatch of her own actions after Inuyasha manages to bring her back.
I think it's brilliant because Inuyasha was always so terrified of Kagome dying on him that he doesn't really worry about all the other ways he can lose her. Or rather, he does, but it's never really explored in a serious or satisfying manner.
And the irony of it all? Like, Kagome being the one constantly afraid Inuyasha would forget about her if he goes full demon, only for her to turn the tables? Cinema.
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kitramune · 6 months
I love the plot of movie 2 SO MUCH. Like the idea of how it uses Tale of the Bamboo Cutter and Princess Kaguya as the villain, while also relating it to Kagome's situation of not belonging there and maybe being forced back home when she doesn't want to be? Brilliant. Naraku faking his death to try and get the ultimate power up? Noice. But it suffers from some glaring "Sunrise" characterization issues that ruin it for me...
First off the group just like... IMMEDIATELY split up?? Despite not having all the shards and how close they've all become as a little family, Sango and Miroku just instantly peace out. (Separate to even each other?? Someone correct me if I'm wrong but weren't they already engaged by this point??) Even if they didn't immediately go seeking out more shards, I have a really hard time seeing them all just... part ways. Relax for a bit, sure. But the narrative paints it as them not really planning on coming back, since Inuyasha's shocked to see them later. Kagura and Kanna finally being free and Kagura just instantly decides to serve someone else because... idk, she said it'd level up her freedom somehow? I assume Kanna was still being manipulated by Naraku, but Kagura going along with it made no sense. Kikyou being tasked with a little girl's dying wish to protect this super important object and then IMMEDIATELY giving it to the enemy is so fucking funny in the absolute worst way. X_X It's never even elaborated on, that's her ONLY role in the movie. And then there's the worst offender, which is Inuyasha himself. The writers still have him clinging on to the "I wanna become full demon" narrative, which was dead and buried by this point in the story. Inuyasha had already vowed to never use the Jewel and instead break its bloody cycle (manga only scene unfortunately) had already been cautioned by Miroku about potentially losing his mind and devouring Kagome instead of being better able to protect her, and then had that nightmare proved true after blacking out and slaughtering the bandits with his transformation and explicitly telling Toutousai that he doesn't ever wanna transform again - hence why he overcame the heavy Tessaiga in a whole-ass metaphor for accepting himself as a hanyou and getting stronger AS A HANYOU. But then Sunrise decided "nah screw that character development, he's still thinking about it." I love Kagome yelling "I love you as a hanyou" as much as the next fangirl but it just shouldn't have been on the table in the first place. In fact, y'know what would have been great? Movie 2's plot with movie 1's characterization and InuKag moment of "I need you, Kagome." Double down on that returning to the moon (metaphor for Kagome's time) conundrum and Inuyasha and Kagome BOTH worrying over whether Kagome stays there once her purpose is complete, or if she'll have to pick a time. I know the manga wasn't complete back then but imagine that A+ foreshadowing. idk, just shower thoughts I had today. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk and all that. InuKag deserved a kiss outside of weird timings!
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vikingknight90 · 1 year
Someone did not seriously add a trope claiming that in Japan and China, sessrin is as or even “more popular” than Inuyasha/Kagome. 
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Anyone have the link to when Japanese reviews hating on the show and particularly sessrib got posted? I specifically remember Japanese reviews who referred to sessrib as “terrifying!” lmao. Of course there are Japanese fans of the ship, but there are certainly many who disproved of it as well, and they deserve better than to have Western twats claim that because they saw Japanese fans of sessrib, that must mean that all of Japan and China supports them, hell they even love it more than inukag didn’t ya know!!!11 
I can’t fucking deal with these people anymore, lmao, why are they like this. 
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inusmasha · 7 months
One of the reasons I hate the Inuyasha love triangle discourse is bc frankly it bores me to tears.
It rubs me the wrong way when I see ppl go on and on about who loved Inuyasha better, who was more deserving of said love, who failed, and who gives Inuyasha more blah blah. I'm just saying that there is plenty to talk about outside of a romantic context. Especially (imo) when it comes to Kagome.
Reason #903048301 as to why I love the character Kagome is because she's like this timeless icon of the 90s teen girl archetype. It's wild how you can write fanfiction about her and get this glimpse into what it meant to be a teen girl back in the day. But, that definition varies for everyone, and that's what makes it magical.
When you see someone writing Kagome, it's like a window into their own experiences. Everyone's take on Kagome is a bit different but there's this..all encompassing Kagome-ness that we try to tap into (her kidness? her empathy? her sense of duty? it's different for everyone!). She's this character who somehow manages to resonate even today. Or maybe she doesn't, and that's part of the charm – she's this evolving, undefined concept. If you picture Kagome in high school today, it would def be a different Kagome. And that is so much fun to explore!!!!!!!!!!!
And then there's the fact that Kagome represents us, the audience, in Inuyasha's world. Through her, we get to explore this fantastical and dangerous realm. She grows, and we grow with her. By the end, she's not the same teen girl, but a mature woman. It's like, who is this post-canon Kagome? We all get to project our ideas of womanhood onto her as she takes on the role of the legendary miko of the village. She changes, and we see ourselves in that transformation.
I'm on this journey, trying to figure out how she still fits in today's world and how others put their own spin on it. It's fascinating how characters from that era can still resonate today, even as the definition of a teenage girl's experiences and identity has evolved over the years. These characters can serve as a lens to understand the changing perspectives and experiences of teenage girls through different generations. (SHE LITERALLY VISITS HER (more repressed) SELF IN THE PAST AND AHUghhhhhh!!!!!!!! AND! IS FIGURING OUT HER IDENTITY AND HOW SHE FITS INTO THE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS!!!! Her relationshi with Kikyo in that context is something I wanna talk about more)
Writing fanfiction allows you to delve into this archetype, providing insights into the character and the era while also allowing you to put your own spin on it. It's a great to see how different writers interpret and reinterpret this character in contemporary contexts. I can't get enough of Kagome.
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kstewdeux · 1 year
@inukag-week 2023 | May 30 | Prompt: “Possession”
Summary: Inuyasha smokes some demon grade weed.
Read here or on Ao3
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"This is bullshit," Inuyasha mumbled under his breath as he slid down the tree bark and glared at the well in the distance. Yet again Kagome had run off without actually telling him what was wrong. Why that woman thought he'd just inherently know what he did wrong he'd never understand but what he did know was that her reaction was definitely an overreaction. Nothing would ever get accomplished if she didn't talk to him and use words. Not that he was better at it or nothing but that was beside the point. This non-fight was the absolutely last thing he needed too. Between Naraku coming up with increasingly creative ways to kill people and Kikyo popping up earlier in the week for the specific purpose of trying to alienate him, Inuyasha was tired. He was burnt out. He just wanted one god damn afternoon where he didn't have to-
Blinking a few times, Inuyasha got an idea. A wonderful idea. A wonderful, awful idea. He hadn’t ventured that way for a little, uh, relaxation technique since he’d gotten sealed to a tree but given recent interactions, Inuyasha was 99.9% positive that Tōtōsai had kept up the habit and was very confident that the old offer to join at any time still stood.
The first time he'd ventured out that way he'd gone to try to seek shelter during his human night when he was much, much younger. Too young and far too inexperienced with life to properly care for himself. A demon had been hunting him for weeks and he'd barely eaten, barely slept, barely survived. Myoga, in a rare moment of usefulness, somehow tracked his tiny self down and told him where to go. Totosai did indeed offer protection from both the demon and the death by starvation but upon seeing the sight of the tiny boy, he’d also immediately offered his pipe. Looking back Inuyasha had many thoughts and harbored lots of well-deserved judgment on the age front but he couldn't bring himself to be mad over it. When he finally came back to his senses after those first choking drags, he'd felt full and well rested. He'd gone back at least once a year until the whole tree thing and now seemed as good a time as any to pick the ritual back up.
Best of all, a little trip to Totosai wouldn't be too suspicious and he could probably go with no questions asked. Even if someone did question it, it'd be so, so easy to come up with a plausible excuse now that he had his sword and an actual reason to go. The biggest obstacle had gone home to her world so there'd be no real interrogation and what Kagome didn't know wouldn’t hurt him.  Besides, it wasn't like they'd be doing anything or going anywhere. He could just "sulk" in the tree and no one would bother him. For once, once, he could get his mind off things and maybe feel like an actual person again instead of whatever anxiety riddled gremlin he'd been recently. 
This was the best idea he'd ever had.
"I'm going to repair my weapon," Inuyasha announced calmly to the others who offered to join him. He politely, suspiciously so, declined citing Kagome's possible return as the reason before taking off.
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Kagome gasped as a sudden surge of youkai woke her up from a dead sleep. It would be more alarming if it was unfamiliar but she knew instantly who it was. Sitting up, she rubbed one eye with her hand before throwing off the covers and looking around in the dark. Her window was open but there was no Inuyasha. The sound of clinking coming from downstairs told her where he'd gone to and she groaned as she slowly made her way to see what trouble Inuyasha was getting into.
Honestly, Inuyasha’s random visit pissed her off. It was only three days into her week long stay. It was past midnight. He was being so inconsiderate it wasn’t even funny.
"InuYasha? What are you doing here?" Kagome yawned irritably as she entered the kitchen and stretched her arms above her head, "Do you even know what time-“
Something invisible and putrid smacked her in the face before she could finish her sentence.
“Oh my god, what is that?”
She gagged. Her hand flew up to pinch her nose and she began heavily breathing through her mouth. Inuyasha - the ever sensitive Inuyasha - did not seem bothered. Why was this disgusting stench familiar?  It was getting worse the longer she stood here too. Her eyes darted to the trash can and a little vomit pooled in the back of her throat. Something had to be rotting in there. Had to be. Except it didn't really smell like rot. It smelled like Inuyasha got sprayed by something which would explain why he didn't seem to notice. Probably knocked his butt out until he got used to it.
Inuyasha giggled and Kagome's mind momentarily glitched.
"Ramen. It's ramen. Put it in the microwave," Inuyasha mumbled as he gave her a dopey smile and pointed at what he obviously believed to be the microwave. Hand still covering her face, Kagome looked endlessly confused and utterly over whatever was happening. Inching over to grab the room spray her mom kept on the counter, Kagome let out a few puffs before finally removing her hand. God, did Inuyasha get sprayed by something? What type of demon did that? She’d have to admit a deterrent like that would work on her.
"The microwave?" Kagome coughed lightly as she came to stand beside him and gave him a concerned glance, "Don't get me wrong. I mean I'm proud of you for knowing what a microwave does but, uh, I don't think you know what a microwave...is."
"Yeah. Duh," he replied a little defensively as he gestured at the damn thing, "I pressed the button. Damn things busted."
Kagome slowly opened the door and removed the small cup of instant ramen from the shelf before looking down at the half a dozen ice cubes on the floor. Yeah, he'd pressed a button alright. The small puddle of water also implied he pressed multiple buttons.
"So, uh, this is a refrigerator," Kagome explained cautiously and Inuyasha blinked at her, “It keeps things cold. It, um, doesn't cook. Why don’t I boil you some water and you can go take a shower or-“
Out of nowhere, a noise echoed in the quiet kitchen. A cross between a stifled snort and drunken giggles. A strange sound that had Kagome freezing after she set down the now useless ramen and picked up a towel to clean up his mess. Sapphire eyes widened in shock and she took a step back when InuYasha doubled over and the noise increased in volume.
"I'm so stupid," he cackled, “Cold doesn’t hot.”
Setting down the cup, Kagome grimaced as she awkwardly made her way to pick up the ice cubes and wipe up the small puddle. His frightening laughter subsided slowly into a sigh before he began sniffing madly.
"Where do you keep the fucking potatoes?" he groaned as he stumbled, actually stumbled, towards the pantry before holding himself up in a clear attempt to act like nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
"Yeah," Inuyasha huffed softly as his eyes darted around and he pouted, "You know. Po-tay-toes."
"Um, we don't have any potatoes and even if we did, you shouldn’t eat them raw," Kagome mumbled worriedly, "Are you...are you okay? Did you get attacked or something?"
"S’not the point. Potatoes. Now," InuYashya whined in frustration as he slowly turned to face her, "You know where they are. Help me.”
Kagome blinked rapidly at him as her concern rocketed into full blown panic before startling when he suddenly spun and grinned at the cabinet above the stove.
"AH. There. C’mere you bastards," he snickered before sniffing madly and obviously following something's scent until he came to stand in front of the stove. And then just kinda stood there swaying lightly. 
"That has fire in it," he giggled stupidly - pointing at the oven like it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. Kagome froze. What the hell was happening? Since when did InuYasha giggle or act so...so dumb? When he glanced over his shoulder at her with red tinged eyes, something clicked.
"Wait, are you high?" Kagome snorted when Inuyasha suddenly looked like a child with his hand caught in the candy jar.
"Mayyybe," he replied after a moment as he gave her a playful yet challenging glare before huffing and sniffing once more, "Where are the fucking potatoes?"
It finally clicked in Kagome's mind what he was really after. Chips. He was looking for potato chips.
"Sit down before you hurt yourself," Kagome sighed bemusedly at his obvious desire for munchies, "Wait a minute and I'll get you some potato chips."
InuYasha glared.
"Don't need you to help me. I'm not weak like you dumb humans," he protested as he turned his attention back to the cupboard above the stove, "The chips are up there. I can do it."
"Yeah, you can get the chips," Kagome snorted as she tried and failed to hide her amusement, "So are you, uh, going to do that? You know, open the door?"
"Oh right," he giggled softly as he did just that and quickly found what he wanted. The poor bag of potato chips never stood a chance and soon he was hovering over Kagome's shoulder anxiously awaiting his next snack.
"So, um, what did you, uh, take?" Kagome asked before blushing when he suddenly rested his chin on her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Went to visit Totosai," he hummed happily as he buried his nose into her neck and tightened his hold, "Fuck you smell amazing."
"What does Totosai have to..." Kagome managed time breathe before her eyes widened in realization. The old demon wasn't senile. He was just a stoner. There was weed in that pipe he was always puffing on. The world made sense again. Well sorta. It surprised her that Inuyasha had, uh, partaken.
"I could stay here forever. You smell like a blanket. I love blankets,” he breathed as his nose pressed into skin. Kagome blushed and angled her neck slightly away.
"Well, um, it’s good that at least one of us smells nice,” Kagome chuckled awkwardly before clearing her throat and focusing on the slowly boiling water. Inuyasha hummed again and began to sway taking her along with him.
"So you went to see Totosai?" Kagome continued as her cheeks flamed crimson. Part of her was mortified. Part of her was pleased. Part of her was already wondering whether traditional laundry detergent would work to get weed smell out of clothes or if she needed to go buy something stronger.
"Yeah," he replied quietly as he pressed a soft kiss against her neck. Kagome’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head and every muscle in her body tensed. The whistling of the kettle was the most welcome thing she'd ever heard.
"Let go of me. I need to make your ramen," Kagome coughed lightly and Inuyasha giggled softly as he tightened his hold.
"Go make it then," he challenged playfully before he gently nibbled on her ear lobe. Kagome shuddered and groaned.
"Inuyasha, stop. This isn’t like you," she breathed as she writhed slightly under the attention.
"I am me," he countered as he buried his nose into her neck, "I love ramen.”
He paused before giggling, "Almost as much as I love you."
Kagome froze before rolling her eyes and reaching for the thankfully nearby cup of noodles. Inuyasha was just high as hell. He didn’t mean it. If the bastard was here, he probably would've told Naraku he loved him too. 
Awkwardly pouring the water into the cup, which was a struggle when a snickering half-demon refused to let her go, she waited the necessary seconds before damn near thrusting the cup under his nose. He released her instantly as he took the ramen in both hands and stared at it like he'd was seeing god.
"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me," he cooed at the tiny cup before his mouth fell open in mild confusion. Kagome rolled her eyes before presenting him with chopsticks. He grinned at those too then wiggled happily.
Quickly devouring the cup like eating was going out of style, his bites slowed and dilated yet confused amber eyes suddenly honed in on her face.
"You're pretty. I'll give you that," he muttered before taking another bite and narrowing his eyes in silent accusation, "But I'm spoken for."
Kagome couldn't help the way that broke her heart. Tears began selling in the corners of her eyes, and she began to head back up towards her bedroom. Of course, he was spoken for. Kikyo was Kikyo was Kikyo and she would just never...
"See my bitch makes the ramen," he continued as though nothing happened and he took another bite before tossing the now empty cup onto the floor, "All you did was give me chopsticks. So you can smell aroused all you want little girl. I'm taken. My bitch'll probably be back soon and I'd like to keep my balls intact. Thanks but no thanks."
Kagome blinked once before slowly turning around. If he was this far gone that he didn't realize who he was speaking to...
What the hell had he smoked?
"So…you have a, um, girlfriend then?”
Inuyasha clumsily looked up and scowled.
“She’s prettier than you.”
Kagome choked on a laugh but otherwise managed to keep her composure.
”Tell me about her," she asked quietly as she slowly sat down at the kitchen table. Inuyasha blinked a few times then his irritated face went blank.
"I’m so fucking hungry. What the shit,” he muttered suddenly as he headed back towards the pantry and Kagome sighed.
Whatever Totosai had given him packed a punch, didn't it? Aside from the munchies, he was acting a little too out of it for the drug of choice to just be weed. Not that she was experienced with that or anything but Inuyasha seemed a little too out of it.  The weed had to be laced with something. Or maybe it was just demon grade? And how long would this last? The journey from Totosai's home took at least a day. Had he just been wandering around all that time or was his craving for ramen that bad? It was a miracle he hadn't died.
Inuyasha came back moments later with literally all the chips and began tearing into the first bag before he seemed to realize she was still there.
"There you are. I wondered where you went. Can't just leave me like that," he cooed happily before he began forcing handfuls of chips down his throat. Those red tinted amber eyes staring at her with nothing short of pure adoration. Like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his entire life. He blinked a few times before looking around.
"Where the hell did that other bitch go?" InuYasha asked in a confused tone as he glanced around the kitchen.
"It's just you and me, InuYasha," Kagome snorted softly - deciding to ignore the continued semi-insult in favor of  enjoying Inuyasha's semi-adorable babbling, "There was no one else."
"Whatever. Some girl comes in to steal me then that’s what you get for leaving," he huffed as he sent her a smug dopey grin, "Women love me. I am pretty."
A hand flew up to her mouth and Kagome shook with the effort of not laughing so hard she cried. 
”That so?” she managed to counter in between stifled giggles. Inuyasha looked crestfallen and cocked his head to the side.
”Am I not pretty?”
Aw. He looked so sad.
”You are the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen,” she hummed - her cheeks were starting to hurt from holding back her grin. Inuyasha preened a little and popped more chips into his mouth.
"You  don't smell pretty though. I think you need a shower," Kagome pointed out affectionately as she rested her chin on her hand.
"Why? I’m pretty," Inuyasha mumbled as he continued munching and absently looking around. Kagome rolled her eyes. She might have to just deal with the smell. After all, he was so blazed it was entirely possible he’d drown himself.
The things we tolerate for love.
Speaking of love...
Inuyasha began to hum a song and lightly sway his head, Kagome plucked up her courage.
"Inuyasha," she sing-songed and his dopey grin was back full force, "I love my pretty boy."
"Obviously," he giggled once before ripping open yet another bag of unsuspecting junk food.
"Does my pretty boy love me?" she sing-songed again trying to fight down the anxiety that followed. The look of love shining in his slightly altered eyes grew exponentially. Kagome held her breath and waited for him to say it. Just once. Even if it wasn’t true.
But then his face abruptly fell and he glared down at the chips in his hand.
"Fuck. I knew this wasn't ramen," he scoffed in disgust before continuing to eat the poor defenseless food items.
Kagome rolled her eyes but felt satisfied with his answer. Whether it the weed talking or him, the look said it all. And that was enough to heal some of her broken heart. At least for a little while.
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Groaning, Kagome tiredly batted away the fly tickling her nose and tried to roll away from the sensation. Five hours. It took Inuyasha five entire hours of being a bottom pit and an absolute idiot before he finally passed out. Part of her was glad that he’d come here because the list of worst case scenarios were endless. He could barely walk straight. Ran into several walls. Ate literally everything he could get his hands on.
“Pretty girl it’s time to wake up,” Inuyasha’s voice suddenly hummed happily into her hair - his nose gently brushing against her temple, “I let you sleep all day.”
Something warm and wet pressed against her temple. The bed shifted and a weight settled. Gentle claws began carding through her hair.
Once her mind registered what was happening, Kagome went from groggy to fully awake in less than three seconds. She stiffly rolled onto her back and sat up to look at a very pleased Inuyasha perched at the edge of her bed.
“I was saying that it’s time to wake up,” he repeated but there was a playful look in his eyes, “You need to study, right?”
Kagome opened then closed her mouth several times before glancing down at her alarm clock. Two. It was two. Thank god it was Sunday.
“I, um, cleaned up the kitchen,” he continued in that same soft and happy tone - his hand moving to lightly stroke her thigh, “And took a shower. And sorry about, um, last night.”
Kagome looked back up at him - concerned that he was still high because since when did Inuyasha talk to her like this. Before she could find the right thing to ask, he pulled his hand back and averted his gaze.
“Did you…” he blurted nervously, “What you said. You meant it, right?”
It didn’t take a genius to know what he was referring to. Still-
After what he put her through last night, she was feeling a little salty. Might as well play with him a bit.
“Yes, you are the prettiest boy I’ve ever met,” Kagome offered with a playful confidence. Inuyasha’s ear flicked in annoyance. His cheeks, though, turned pink.
“Gee. Thanks,” he mumbled and she watched his Adam’s apple bob. His knee started bouncing and his ears pinned back against his skull.
“Oh. Oh you meant the other thing?” Kagome playfully threw him a bone and Inuyasha nodded faintly For some reason, his insecurity gave her confidence.
“Yeah. Meant the other thing I said too.”
Inuyasha glanced at her with hope in his eyes. He also looked a little irritated.
“Which other thing? You said a lot of things.”
“Ah. But so did you. Told me all your secrets,” Kagome teased and Inuyasha’s blush turned his ears pink but his face did something beautiful.
A flicker of fear and then, he seemed to accept there was no reason to worry. Shortly thereafter, he turned the color of his robes and let out a shaky laugh.
“Worth it though. I…” Inuyasha paused and scratched at his nose, “I liked when you called me pretty.”
The mumbled words were spoken so quickly it was a miracle Kagome understood him.
"Technically speaking, you said it first and I just played along," she teased before paling slightly at the knowing smirk he gave her in response.
"That so?" he hummed - amber taking on a pleased and mischievous glint, "Did you just happen to forget I have excellent hearing?"
A red blush began creeping into Kagome's cheeks.
"I mean you typically say something about how good I look at least once a week," he continued playfully, "That was just the first time you said it to my face."
Kagome pursed her lips and thought about denying it but saw no point in doing so. So she simply sighed and offered a guilty smile.
“Well, i mean, you are my pretty boy,” Kagome hummed as her smile widened, “My good boy.”
Inuyasha's face darkened instantly.
“I don’t like that one.”
“Noted,” Kagome acquiesced happily. Sitting up more fully, she crawled over to him and positioned her face in just the right place should he feel the urge to kiss her, “So, do I just get to assume or-“
Inuyasha took the hint and dipped forward while his hands quickly settled her body on his lap. Pulling her close, he took a break for air and gave her the most beautiful little grin.
“Fine, fine, yeah, I love you too.”
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anotherworldash · 3 months
Can I get your opinion on Inuyasha series?
it's a wonderful series! one of my earlier fav series alongside digimon, pokeani, and HxH.
beautiful love story, OST, and setting.
some things about this blog:
i love NarKik, how awesome is it that the man who wishes to kill her, and actually have killed her, held also the dearest despicable desire to protect/keep-her-alive her? (or more like his desire has protected her...)
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not into inukag vs inukik topic ( i ship both )
reincarnation concept is very close to me, as physical body is just a facade . so to me inukag is a successful representation of the love inukik once had, a prove that bond between two longing souls is eternal .
there was also no competition between kikyo and kagome. the choice was very obvious.
kikyo chose to travel alone, she didn't want inuyasha's love anymore, she wanted revenge on him(when she didn't know it was naraku all along) . kikyo knew she died and she count her days on earth only for revenge (stopping naraku). remember how she killed a monk once for interfering her plan and tried to kill inuyasha? well that ended once she knew it was naraku all along.
kikyo's tale is not of love but revenge.
and inuyasha actively chose to travel with Kagome.
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big sessrin lover, but also ship kagusess and koharin (go search the tag in my blog if you don't believe) i will not say anything much about this part, because it will be too long for answer to this ask.
big believer than inu-no-taisho (inuyasha and sesshomaru's dad) and sesshomaru's mother are SIBLING
i hate the conception that kikyo is this 'gloomy' man-stealer, the fact that she is a very sassy and funny woman. once joked that kaede is now scared when seeing her, often forgotten in the series...
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my crackships are inuyasha x ayame, sesshoumaru x kagome, rin x kagome's brother, and SANGO X BANKOTSU, sango x koga. (pleaseeee i like sangmirok but i always feel she deserves better)
my favorite non-canon but possible ship is KAGOME X KIKYO (yay selfcest!)
i dont have much yaoi ship here, just inucest...
i haven't watched yashahime , i'm just not obsessing inuyasha series anymore and i wait for my next obsession to come before i watch it
this blog was a kikyo defend blog in 2010, yes, and it still is in 2024. Kikyo is my favorite character. god this woman is sooo FUNNY. i swear audiences are missing on how hilarious her personality is. girlie is always plotting..scheming.. with menacing expression. iconic really
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inu-yasha · 11 months
*sighs* Poor Kikyou
A friend showed me a panel where the author of "yashahime" wrote that Kikyou is his "ex" and I see that it also "confirmed" as everyone says. So to be honest, Kikyou's role has been reduced to "ex", and Kikyou is more than Inuyasha's ex. How annoying. This girl is dead, no longer a threat to the main couple, and continues to be humiliated, even in this pseudo-non-canon sequel. I really haven't experienced such hatred for a character like Kikyou. Kikyou's hatred transcends all levels.
Naraku is not as hated as Kikyou. I just feel it's annoying that Kagome failed to fill the void left by the loss of Kikyou, and knowing that Inuyasha still loves Kikyou despite her death, must be really frustrating even for the author of this pseudo-non-canon sequel himself. How sad. What's going on with Kikyou is absurd to me. This girl has done NOTHING to have such hatred. She is also a victim not only Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku etc.
She took it upon herself to get rid of Naraku, the person who ruined her life, she didn't hesitate to stand by his side giving him the jewel, which was part of her plan, she knew well how Naraku thinks as it was with Kagome's eyes. Kikyou had previously warned Inuyasha not to take her because he would want to get Kagome's eyes so he could see the jewel shards. All this and more, not only did she help Miroku and Kohaku, this woman did a lot more for the series than the jealous Kagome, was more interested in having an romance with the main character than taking responsibility for breaking jewel. Kagome got what she honestly wanted so much - Inuyasha and she wanted Kikyou to die, it also happened.
This woman don't have her back story.She and Kaede were left alone. Was Kikyou raised by priestesses after her parents died and then took care of her sister? Have She taken on the responsibility of looking after their little sister before? How were they left alone without their parents? How did their parents die? How did Kikyou choose the path of a priestess, becoming an unhappy person but devoted to her duties?
Kikyou has suffered a really big injustice from Sunrise, and now this… I am speechless, all I can say is how sad and pathetic and ridiculous at the same time to bring this poor woman, despite her death, to such a shallow statement. Kikyou really deserves better, apparently her sin was to fall in love with Inuyasha, but she was and is and will ALWAYS be loved by Inuyasha, no matter what the author of this pseudo non-canon works does.
And I came to the conclusion that Kikyou was and is VERY important to Inuyasha and the whole series since her role and her are still wanted to be humiliated and reduced (I've known this for a long time, only seeing things like this confirms it) - Pathetic
and also
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Kikyou's the best Inuyasha women character
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mamabearcatfanfics · 2 years
Inuyasha tucked a dark strand of hair behind his ear, the other hand carefully cradling the large plastic bowl of popcorn on his lap. He didn’t enjoy this snack as much as potato chips, disliking the way it sometimes got stuck in his teeth, but it was still pretty tasty, especially covered in butter and salt the way Kagome made it.
He thrust his hand in to grab another large mouthful, munching as he watched Kagome kneel on the floor nearby, fiddling with the buttons on the box that controlled the sound and pictures of the TV. The other members of her family had all gone to bed, and now it was just them, alone in the dim lighting of the Higurashi’s tv room, getting ready for their monthly ritual.
After a few recent close calls in his time, involving some blood loss and bandages on his part, and lots of tears and worry on Kagome’s, Inuyasha had grudgingly agreed to spend his human nights at her home in the future. The decision was heartily supported by Sango and Miroku, who now looked forward to their regular monthly holiday. Kirrara didn’t seem to mind one way or the other, as long as Sango was close by. Only Shippou had initially been disappointed, feeling like he was missing out in some way, but Kagome usually brought him back extra treats, so he’d come to accept it as just the way things were.
Kagome’s family had also quickly embraced the idea of having both Kagome and Inuyasha home on a day they could plan ahead for. It almost felt like a family celebration, even though Inuyasha himself didn’t feel like celebrating much.
He still disliked his human night, there was no getting around that.
He didn’t like that he couldn’t taste, smell, see or hear as well as he usually could. He’d tried to explain it to Kagome once, and she’d compared it to when humans got a sickness called a cold, which made their head ache and dulled their sense of smell and taste. He guessed it might be like that, he’d never had a cold to compare it to. But he was touched at the Higurashi family’s attempts to make him feel better on a night that was uncomfortable for him, filled with not so pleasant memories.
The night now followed a familiar pattern. Souta eagerly waited for them near the well house, hollering a quick greeting to Kagome before tugging on Inuyasha’s sleeve as soon as they arrived, wanting him to play soccer or computer games with him. Mama would be in the kitchen making one of Inuyasha’s favourite meals, remarking that a young man of his age needed proper nutrition to keep up his strength. Even Grandpa was welcoming in his own gruff fashion, patting him on the shoulder without an ofuda in sight. Kagome would go off to the store for ‘provisions’, but would always return before sunset.
As soon as the sun went down, Mama would call them all to dinner and they would eat together, gathered around the table. Kagome would tell them highly edited stories about their travels. Souta would talk about school, Mama and Grandpa would fill them in with news about the shrine. Inuyasha would eat, pushing his empty plate forwards every now and then for Mama to refill, which she did gladly, beaming at him with a motherly smile.
Everyone would help set the kitchen to rights again after the meal, then Souta would be sent off to bath and bed, grumbling about not being allowed to stay up. Kagome would go and get changed into her night clothes while Grandpa dozed off in his chair, his head nodding until being gently roused by Mama and sent off to his own room to sleep. And then Mama would bid them both goodnight, going off to her own room to read or do whatever she did before bedtime, pausing only to offer a hug and kiss to Kagome and a gentle ear pat to Inuyasha. And if he pushed his head into her hand a little more firmly sometimes, so similar to the gentle touch of his own mother, it was only because she deserved his politeness, nothing more.
Then came Inuyasha’s favourite part of the night. The part that belonged just to him and Kagome. He still didn’t entirely feel comfortable sleeping, even though the future time seemed to be not quite as dangerous. He would have been fine with just sitting up by himself, but Kagome would not allow that. Instead, she had come up with the idea of movie marathons.
As soon as they arrived through the well, she would go to the store, returning before dark with a triumphant smile and a bag that contained ‘movie snacks’ and two or three black boxes that contained the movies themselves, that would somehow be magically transferred to the Higurashi family tv screen. She would set them aside without showing him until the rest of the family went to bed – he never knew what they would be. But that hardly mattered.
Because they would sit on the big soft seat and watch them together.
Sitting close to Kagome in the dark room with only the light from the tv flickering in front of them, laughing and talking and teasing with no one else to interrupt or stare, letting her head rest on his shoulder or lap when she finally succumbed to sleep – that made those new moon nights bearable in a way he didn’t really want to examine too closely. Even though he couldn’t breathe in her nice smell or hear her heart beating with his subdued human senses, she was right where he could see her. And then if he did doze off, waking with a start at sunrise as his youki rushed back to full strength, she was right there beside him, her sleeping form a reward to his senses like a cool glass of water for a man who had been wandering alone in a desert.
“Hey, don’t eat it all before the movie starts Inuyasha!” chided Kagome as she noticed him taking yet another huge handful of popcorn. She pushed the black plastic box into the machine under the TV, pressing a button to make the images move faster, smiling sympathetically at Inuyasha’s scowl of distaste at the annoying noise it made. “I’m just going to fast forward it past all the trailers, and then we can watch the movie.”
“What’s this one about?” asked Inuyasha indistinctly around his mouthful of popcorn. “I hope there’s not going to be lots of singing this time.”
He actually hadn’t minded the movie about the magic blue genie they’d watched last month. It was pretty funny in some spots, but the music had stuck in his head, and made it hard to concentrate, especially as he hadn’t understood what they were singing or saying. Kagome said it was in English. The words had been there on the screen, but they’d moved a little too fast for him, and he didn’t understand all of them. Not that he would have told Kagome that. He didn’t want her to think he was stupid or ungrateful.
Kagome glanced down at the case in front of her.
“No, this one’s not a musical. Eri recommended it. She said she saw it when it came out in the movie theatre and suggested I watch it with you. It’s called Scream.”
Inuyasha huffed.
“Sounds noisy.”
“I think it might be scary”, said Kagome, biting her lip as she read the writing on the plastic cover that the movies came in. “I hope it will be okay.”
“Feh”, Inuyasha snorted, “no movie’s gonna be scarier than stuff we’ve already been through together.” He nodded at the screen. “Put it on.”
He was eager to get their evening moving to the best bit where she sat next to him in the dark.
“I guess so.”
Nodding determinedly, Kagome pushed the button to start the movie and sat next to him, kicking off her house slippers and curling her legs up, reaching across him for her own handful of popcorn. She nudged Inuyasha with her shoulder playfully as the movie started and he grinned, nudging her back.
“Wow, that’s a big house”, Inuyasha commented, watching the blonde girl walk around a kitchen twice the size of the Higurashi’s. “Oh, she’s gonna eat popcorn too!”
The kitchen seemed much shinier than Kagome’s family kitchen, with a lot more fancy things, but not as real or lived in. He stared at the screen in puzzlement as he felt Kagome inch closer to him.
“Why don’t her words match her mouth?”
“It’s dubbed”, she whispered. “It’s an American movie, but they’ve recorded words in Japanese over the top so we can understand it.”
“Okay”, said Inuyasha, not quite understanding what she meant, but not wanting to admit it. “Wait, why does she keep picking up the phone if she don’t wanna talk to this guy?”
“I don’t knooow”, whispered Kagome. She edged a little closer to him, grabbing a pillow and holding it to her chest.
“This girl is dumb. She keeps answering the fucking phone instead of leaving”, grunted Inuyasha.
“Ohh”, moaned Kagome, tucking herself into his side as the girl on the screen flicked on the porch light only to see her boyfriend tied up, tape across his mouth.
“Pathetic”, grunted Inuyasha, munching more popcorn as the boy died a lacklustre death on screen. He hadn’t even put up much of a fight.
Kagome gasped as the girl managed to get away from the black masked figure reaching through the broken glass of the door.
“Oh, now she runs”, he said, rolling his eyes. “Why didn’t you do that earlier woman? Oh, for fucks sake, don’t stop running!” He sighed as the killer caught up with her and stabbed her with a knife, gesturing towards the screen with a popcorn filled fist.
“See, that’s what you get for bein’ stupid”, he commented, then made a disappointed noise as the girl’s parents rushed into the kitchen, pulling the flaming pan of popcorn off the stove.
“Aww, what a waste. She burned it.”
Kagome’s fingers pinched at his arm as the mother screamed at the sight of her dead daughter hanging from a tree, and she jumped, knocking the bowl in Inuyasha’s lap, almost sending it to the floor.
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“Hey!” he grinned. He glanced at her face, about to tease her for jumping, but was alarmed at her terrified expression. He picked up the bowl from his lap and put it on the little table nearby, out of the way before it got spilled.
“Kagome, you okay?” he asked quietly, ignoring the movie now and focusing all his attention on her. Stupid human night. With his usual senses, he would have been able to pick up her fear much sooner. Her face was now burrowed into his arm, not even looking at the screen.
“Kagome, look at me. You told me this wasn’t real. It’s all pretend”, he said softly, nudging her gently.                       
“I know”, she whimpered, her voice muffled by his sleeve. “But that was so scary.”
“Turn the movie off then. We can watch something else. Or just talk.”
She shook her head.
“Eri said it was good.”
“It’s not good if it’s scaring you. I don’t want you to be scared.”
Hesitantly, he stroked her hair, remembering another time, earlier in their journey, where she’d sat beside him and done the same, leaning into his side, staring with terrified eyes at a dead girl. But that had been real and this was not.
“She’s not really dead, it’s a movie, just pictures, like you told me. And you would never be as stupid as her. Besides, I would never let anything like that happen to you.”
Greatly daring, he put his arm around her, squeezing her against him, then squawked in sudden surprise as she climbed into his lap, tucking her head on his shoulder.
“Is this okay?” she asked shyly.
“O’course. I’ll protect you from the stupid movie. Nothing’s gonna happen when I’m here Kagome.”
“I know, I always feel safe with you, Inuyasha”, she said with a happy sigh.
He could feel how hard her heart was beating, and now his was beating just as hard. Her hands tucked into his chest, gripping his suikan, and he adjusted her in his lap, his arms going around her to keep her close. Sighing, he nuzzled his nose into her hair, relishing the fact that when she was this close, even without his hanyou senses, he could pick up the scent of the soaps she used in her hair.
They both settled in to continue watching. He was now just as terrified as Kagome, but not because of the moving pictures on the screen. His lap was full of the girl that he would do anything for, the one person in this world he would die for, maybe even live for.
And that thought was scarier than any fucking movie.
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grayluforever · 1 month
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fawn-eyed-girl · 2 years
Hi Fawn! Do you have any inukag fics that you have enjoyed reading recently and that you would recommend? :)
Hello sunsetskys, dear! Thank you so much for the ask!
Here is a list of a dozen InuKag stories that I've read in the past few months that have really captured my attention. Fair warning; this list runs a little bit on the angsty side, because that's where my heart does lie (I'm a sucker for a good dark and angsty story), but I tried to give you a little bit of fluff to make up for it!
It's a long list, so it's below the cut, but I hope you find some of these as enjoyable as I have!
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The Art of Falling in Tandem (E; ongoing) by @shikonstar
After several years away, Kagome believes she is over Inuyasha and is finally ready to accept him as just a friend. And what could be the best way to prove this? Moving in with him, of course! She can handle it, right? The close contact. The intensity of his eyes. The shirtless.....well. She might have overestimated herself.
B-Side (T; complete) by hakomorebi (Ao3)/@serial-doubters-club
Inuyasha is a photographer assigned to cover a local music festival. When one of the performers sings a song written by his mother, a song only the two of them could possibly know, his world is turned upside down. Inuyasha may have to come to terms with the fact that his mother kept a secret that she took to the grave. 
The Closest Moment to Dawn (M; ongoing) by @classysassy9791
They named her Kagome after finding her injured and unconscious on the subway. Suffering from amnesia, she recuperates under the care of a semi-retired surgeon and a fresh young doctor. But when dark and violent flashes of her past come back to haunt her, Kagome begins to wonder if her past was worth remembering. Especially when a man she doesn't recognize quite literally lunges into her life, accusing her of murder.
Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover (series; ratings differ) by @superpixie42
Kagome Higurashi wanted to be anywhere but at the grungy bus station at 6am with her screaming infant. But when the local delinquent turns out to be a total sweetheart, maybe things aren't as bad as they seem to be. The story of how one act of kindness deserves another, and how strangers became closer than family.
The Ghost of the Higurashi Shrine (M; ongoing) by @elkonigin
After helping her grandfather on a regular, run-of-the-mill-excorcism-turned-blessing (it's better if you just don't ask questions, well maybe you should, Kagome didn't and look at where it's gotten her so far), Kagome finds that things, well, weird things, are happening in her home and around the shrine, in addition to some other places that really just don't make sense. Kagome doesn't consider herself brilliant by any means, she's barely passing as it is, but she's pretty sure that this mess isn't normal.
Go Away, Dad! (M; complete) by @neutronstarchild
There are times when the difference between human and demon traditions is stark. And right now, with Tōga’s prouder-than-sin grin at his naked son and Izayoi’s abject horror at her idiot husband, Inuyasha can only hope that Kagome is the understanding type.
Haunted (M; complete) by @witchygirl99, @wolfcry77
“Why are you here?” Kagome whispers to him.
“Haunting you, I guess,” he replies.
“Will you stop?”
“Don’t know how.”
That gets him a sharp look. He can feel that dark gaze boring into him. “What do you mean?”
“Trust me, I don’t want to be here with you, either,” Inuyasha states, practically growling. “You think I want to be reminded of my—” Death. Of his death. “But wherever you go, I’m pulled there. No fucking idea as to why.”
Agent Kagome Higurashi kills Agent Inuyasha Taisho in action. Neither let go.
How Does Your Garden Grow? (M; ongoing) by @dawnrider
An Ingary-esque AU: Kagome, the newest generation of caretakers of the Higurashi House, finally starts to feel like her garden and business is thriving with the help of her friend Jinenji. Their routine is thrown off by the arrival of an injured visitor who does not want to be found…
How to Train Your Dog Demon (M; ongoing) by @anxietyaardvark
Izayoi is tired of Inuyasha's excuses. All he does is work; despite his protests, she knows he's lonely. She decides to get him a companion to get him out of the house, and when she finds a no-nonsense dog trainer with great reviews, ulterior motives take over.
Once Upon a New Moon’s Nonsense (T; complete) by @mrfeenysmustache
A lot has changed over the centuries, and where once his kind was hunted, now they’re just… tolerated.
And well, Inuyasha is lonely.
For one night a month, Inuyasha gets to be wholly human instead of half, and he takes full advantage, lining up dates weeks in advance in the hopes of finding someone sweet and accepting who will potentially love him Hanyo heritage and all, and he has the perfect spot for wooing- a local restaurant with the comfiest atmosphere, cheapest drinks, best food, and cutest waitress.
But that’s NOT why he goes.
It’s not.
It is.
Sense and Sensibility, an Inuyasha Retelling (T; ongoing) by @kalcia, @ruddcatha
When their father dies, the Higurashi sisters Sango and Kagome suddenly find their fortunes changed overnight. The sisters begin to find their own paths, as one learns to step away from the practical to learn to dream with the help of the dashing Miroku, and the other sees the importance of stability in a world of fancy with the steadfast Inuyasha. An adaptation of the Jane Austen Novel Sense and Sensibility.
Willow (E; ongoing) by @lavendertwilight89
Kagome had been planning to move to the States for years and when she graduated and got a job offer in LA, she hopped on a plane and was reunited with her best friend Inuyasha. What they hadn't realized was the growing concern over COVID-19 and the eventual shut down and mandatory quarantine of the world could ruin Kagome's plans. When Inuyasha comes up with a plan to keep her in the country, will she accept?
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inukag-archive · 2 years
Hello!! Im looking for inukag, canon first-interactions fics rec! I don't know if I made sense but reading how their love towards each other develop brings me so much comfort! sfw please!, I'm really so grateful for this blog.
Hello Nonnie!
We previously made a list exclusively for First Kisses , so for this list the team searched for SFW canon fics that focused on relationship development and other firsts, like hand-holding. And if these don’t fully satisfy your craving, you can also check out our recently-posted SFW Canon list for even more recs!
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Firsts by @soliska (T)
More realistic glimpses into Inuyasha's first taste of seemingly mundane life experiences and Kagome's first impressions of the chaos in the Sengoku Jidai. A story of budding friendship and love told in short stories of the beginnings of trust, before anything became 'normal'.
All Of Your Pieces by @mustardyellowsunshine (G)
She learned to love him slowly, cherishing each new piece of him.
Time To Train Or Not by Monan (T)
What happens when Inuyasha tries to teach Kagome fighting skills on a rock in the middle of a lake? 
What The Future Holds by Sakura715 (K+)
What happens when Inuyasha helps Kagome out with an extra credit project? Something he'll never forget.
My Heart, Always by My-Crazy-Awesome-Sox (T)
InuKag oneshot: A lullaby Kagome sings to an orphaned inuhanyou gives InuYasha the confidence for a confession.
A Matched Pair by EverythingIsMagic (K+)
InuYasha realizes that sometimes having Kagome help him with things isn't so bad after all... One-Shot Fluff
Just Wanna Hold Your Hand by @mustardyellowsunshine (T)
Inuyasha had never faced a challenge like this one. Nothing else he'd ever come up against compared to the sheer heart-pounding terror of the task ahead of him. He was going to try holding Kagome's hand.
Baby Steps by Bee_Tawon (T)
In which Inuyasha feeds Kagome for the first time.
No One Else by @goshinote (G)
After exterminating a yokai in a small village, Inuyasha finds himself as the focus of a local woman's attentions. Since when is Inuyasha a ladies' man? Well, maybe that's stretching it. 
Learning To Love (Again) by authoressstarlight (T)
For Inukag Week 2020. A small series of oneshots depicting both the growing emotional bond between Inuyasha and Kagome throughout their journey and the difficulties it has to face and overcome.
How To Be A Boy Friend by @neutronstarchild (T)
“So what are you doing to make sure you are a worthy boyfriend to Kagome?” That was the question that Kagome’s friends demanded that Inuyasha answer. He didn’t know what to say, he always thought he was a great boy friend to Kagome. But when Hōjō-kun gifted Kagome smelly ointment, Inuyasha realized that he had to do better. It was time to show everyone just how great a boy friend he could be, after all, Kagome deserved it. But does Inuyasha really want to just be Kagome's boy friend?
Mistaken Intentions by @fawn-eyed-girl (T)
When Inuyasha overhears Kagome's wish on a dandelion to be with him always, he's confused. Aren't they already together, committed, forever? He decides to try and figure out what she means, and how to tell her how he really feels.
Kissing Game by Sleep Walking Chicken (T)
[Oneshot] Kagome asks Inuyasha an unexpected question.
Toddler Tizzy by @clearwillow (T)
Inuyasha's the unfortunate recipient of a misguided spell. Now he has to deal with the consequences of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But how is he supposed to communicate when he can barely form a simple sentence? InuKag
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shinidamachu · 11 months
so I was wondering where all these people got the idea that Inuyasha chose Kagome as a backup, because I watched the OG anime for the action only, so I went back and I just watched a whole ass anime-only scene of Kagome telling her school friends how she’s second place and her friends actually assuring her second place isn’t so bad.
Jesus Christ. Sunrise is seriously messed up.
The funny thing is, this scene probably traumatized me so bad that I completely blocked out its existence because I can't, for the life of me, remember it happening, so I'm just taking your word for it and rolling with it here.
Well, to be fair, Kagome's friends weren't the only reason why people got the nonsensical idea that Inuyasha chose Kagome as a backup and Kagome also wasn't the most reliable narrator when it came to her relationship issues with Inuyasha.
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So I can't really fault Ayumi, Eri or Yuka for having a biased impression of him, especially because that perception immediately changes once they got to know Inuyasha, gaining a new perspective on his relationship with Kagome.
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In fact, if I was on their shoes I'd probably have an ever worse opinion of him and he'd most likely have to work way harder to win me over. I can, however, fault them for assuring Kagome that "second place isn't so bad."
As much as I believe their intentions were good, it's just an awful thing to say and not at all what Kagome needed to hear. A real friend would either point out that her insecurities might be clouding her judgement or advise her to prioritize herself because she deserves better than to feel like second best.
I also dislike how they're always pushing Kagome to do this or that with complete disregard for what she thinks or feels about it. And this is particularly true when it comes to Hojo.
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Hojo who, by the way, acted way more concerned about Kagome's "illnesses" than her so called best friends and was always understanding of the times she blew him off, not once holding it against her.
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Which is more than we can say about Ayumi, Eri or Yuka, who threw Kagome at him and then acted like she was the one leading him on. Overall, I just don't think they were as supportive or as helpful as they could have been and I didn't feel like Kagome was having a genuine good time around them.
Kagome obviously cared about them and they obviously cared about Kagome, but did they love her? Did they actually know her? Sometimes it came off to me like they were more interested on the gossip than on Kagome herself.
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It was a friendship for good weather, not for every season.
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sailorshadzter · 2 years
some more early inukag
because i am once again a fool for their love.
(lol once again, as if i ever stopped loving them)
“I don’t see why you have to go back!”  
The angry scowl does little to change her mind. “Because I have an exam,” she snaps back, hands on hips, blue eyes narrowing. “And I’d like to graduate with the rest of my class,” she goes on, shouldering her backpack as she puts one foot onto the edge of the well. “I’ll be back Tuesday.” 
 He doesn’t know what Tuesday means but there’s no time to ask because she’s gone, fading from his time into the future. Just like that, she was gone. “Kagome will be back,” Miroku chimes in, unflinching when the hanyou’s gaze is daggers in his direction instead of the well. “Tuesday is three days from now.” The monk continues, thinking of what the young woman has taught him during their time together. “And it will do us well to rest.” InuYasha curses beneath his breath but does not reply, rather he storms off back towards the village, leaving Miroku there to heave a sigh. He supposes it’s best not to argue with the hanyou- even he’s not brave enough for that, yet. And so, with one last glance towards the well, he follows after InuYasha, hoping they might actually get the rest they deserve.  
[ x x x ] 
She can’t understand any of this.  
Despite the hours she’s crammed into this textbook, she doesn’t understand a damn thing. Heaving a sigh, she pushes back from the desk she’s sat at for the last several hours, thinking perhaps InuYasha was right, and she should have just remained in the feudal era. There’s a part of her that knows she belongs there- that she needs to be there. But... There’s still a sliver of her that wants to be like any normal girl might be.  
But she wonders if life could ever be normal again. 
Yawning, she glances at the clock which reads well past midnight and decides she might sleep a while. Perhaps in the morning she might wake with a fresh start, a fresh mind. And so, she rises up from the chair and instead climbs into her bed, fully clothed and not bothering to draw a single blanket over her head. Truth was, the moment her head hit the pillow, she was asleep; it wasn’t just the hours of studying that left her so sleepy, but the days, if not weeks, of nonstop traveling. They had spent the better half of the last month simply on the go- chasing demons and Naraku, too. It was exhausting.  
And so, she sleeps, quite peacefully.  
[ x x x ] 
When he slips in through her window, he’s quite intent on bringing her back.  
But she’s asleep in her bed, one hand tucked beneath her ivory cheek, stalling him in his steps. He’s seen her asleep, of course, but there was something different about this time. Something that steers him in a way he’d not thought possible. A sigh escapes him as he sinks down onto the floor beside her bed, torn between frustration and something that felt soft and warm. Whatever his plans were before, they were gone now, and all that was left behind was his instinct to protect her, to keep her safe from whatever might be out there- in this world, and his. 
And so, he closes his eyes, waiting until she opened hers. 
[ x x x ] 
She wakes as the first rays of dawn peek through her curtains. 
Yawning, she rolls onto her other side, definitely thinking she’d return to sleep for a few more hours. But she’s compelled to open her eyes, and she’s surprised to see the snoozing hanyou at the side of her bed. Sitting up, she blinks, thinking for a single moment that she’s just imagined this, that he’s not there, for why would he be? And yet... There he was, snoring softly. 
Something warm seeps into her blood, into her veins, and she can’t help but to smile as she leans forward, all so she might drape her sheet over his shoulders. He stirs, but does not wake, and so she returns her head to her pillow. It gave her butterflies to think he’d come all this way for her, only to have found her asleep and left her as he’d found her.  
Something tells her that this was where she was meant to be.  
[ x x x ] 
She fails her exam, but she supposes she shouldn’t be surprised. 
“Are you ready?” InuYasha asks, though her bag is already on his shoulder, those golden eyes unwavering in their gaze. “It is Tuesday,” he reminds her, though he only knows because he’s asked her mother that very morning when Kagome had left for school.  
 Kagome stares back at him for what might have been an eternity, before she laughs, a sound he realizes right then that he adores. When had that happened? “Ready,” she says, knowing that deep down, there was no where she wanted to be than by his side. In truth, she was eager to return to the feudal era, to the life she’s begun to grow accustomed to.  
“Did you pass?” He asks and she shakes her head, dejected, defeated, quite unlike the Kagome he knows. It surprises him and he reminds himself that this was her usual life, of course it was disappointing that she was not able to live it fully. “Next time then,” he says as they head out the door of her room and into the hallway, thinking back to what her mother had told him to say that morning when he’d asked- right after he’d asked the day of the week, that was. “You’ll do it next time.” Her mother had said to be encouraging! And while he knows it’s not his greatest of strengths, there’s something inside of him that wants to make her feel better.  
Was he... Consoling her? Kagome shoots him a surprised glance, eyes widening ever so slightly as his eyes turn back to her. “I hope so,” she replies, a smile spreading across her face as they descend the stairs to the lower level of the house. After a round of goodbyes, they’ve made their way back to the wellhouse, about to jump through back to his time. “Hey InuYasha...” She says, stopping him as one foot is halfway up, ready to jump through. “Thanks for coming to get me,” she grins, perhaps not quite what she’d thought she might say, but the next best thing. He scowls, but his eyes are shining as he offers her his hand, and together, they leap into the well. 
Back to the other side, the other life of theirs.  
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