cursed-anime-figures · 11 months
My commission from @retrokinetics of Toge and Mayuko came in today!!! I'm obsessed with it <3
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mintcrows · 3 months
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watched two toku shows with a friend so of course i mixed them up
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
Is it funnier if:
Shishido tunes in to the VTuber's broadcast knowing he'll fume about exposing Kiryu being his idea first
Shishido is already a fan of the VTuber and tunes in as normal only to fume about exposing Kiryu being his idea first
Shishido is the VTuber
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readtilyoudie · 5 months
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One Punch Man Vol 2
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inlemoons · 11 months
summary: She lives the life of many noble women, loathing her father but obeying him perfectly. Touga is in the room when she accepts Takemaru’s proposal, and he watches the words slip from her mouth as easily as a moan.
rating: M universe: pre-Inuyasha pairing: touga/izayoi
read on Ao3
They’ll never walk in daylight, Touga knows, but for all of his bloodsoaked seasons he still remembers the sun, a different and equal heat to war. Izayoi is his favorite summer so far, will inevitably be gone as soon as he has grown accustomed to her, the curve of her body fitting so well into his, their hair pooling together in silver and black on the blankets, or his furs, or the floor, or the--
He’s a reckless idiot.
She lives the life of many noble women, loathing her father but obeying him perfectly. Touga is in the room when she accepts Takemaru’s proposal, and he watches the words slip from her mouth as easily as a moan. He gives his warm blessing as Guardian of the West, ignoring the heady scent curling towards his nose and she meets his eye. He takes her for the first time that night, silently padding into dark chambers on the rush of the wind, leaving her breathless and bitten beneath his mouth.
“Our days are numbered, dearest,” he whispers another evening, tongue tracing the shell of her ear. Her skin prickles beneath his claws and thick tallow candles burn and drip their wax into puddles on the floor. And from swollen lips, bruised a little on the side, Izayoi announces his end:
“Fill me up, dog.” No gentle, submissive words from her, then, and it sends blood rushing to his groin.
“And you belong to him,” Touga groans as she swings her legs over his, trying and failing to muster a glare. She ignores him, a maddening habit of hers. She is fierce that night, arching her back and grinding her hips relentlessly against his, and he barely manages to pull out and finish on her thighs as sadness creeps into the corners of her eyes.
She isn’t the first willful princess he’s blessed then bedded-- he likes their curious, fever-filled gazes, before their fathers sell them off, before other lesser men douse away the flames in their eyes. But Izayoi is clever, and has a disarming way of maneuvering him into corners from which he could barely stand to extract himself, until one night, he doesn’t.
“It’s nearly been a year,” she says, yanking his sash apart and letting the fabric ripple to the ground. “I suppose we should stop.” She’s baiting him, he knows, but she means it, too-- tying rope around his heart and tugging on it until he relents and keeps her. Later, when she presses down, he comes inside of her -- filling her up is as easy as swiping his claws through the air.
So, he does it again.
He stays away for a week and she nearly slaps him when he returns. Face stoic, belly curling with anxiety, he can’t deny her, now-- she is a girl who loves a daiyokai and is careless enough to chase him. Her enthusiasm for this cursed life makes him want to grin so broadly he barely knows what to do with himself-- I should talk to Totosai--to the horror of her family, he rescinds his blessing. Then steals her away, peals of her laughter ringing through the summer air like bells.
Three months later her scent changes and there is hope here.
a/n: Touga’s dick is rated E for Everyone
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yeonban · 6 days
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Ummm quick question why is Naotora my ONLY non-batshit Orient muse,
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 5 months
Komaedaverse Idea: one of the komaedas was and is all of them at one point. always circling through lives only to get killed again. and Again. AND AGAIN!! but the thing IS, this particular komaeda actually made a deal with one of the very first instances of Komaedakind recorded: N Harmonia Gropius. N offered them something in exchange of simply just.. helping him get his pokemon out of a tree. oh yeah and conquering the world or whatevr idk..oh btw in this one N can turn into a Zoroark
anyways yeah btw this is @fifthdarkdevaofdestruction my main got shadowbanned for some reason sooo yah
oh and this was inspired by "Terrible Things" by Axie, really neat song and I like how it shows William's story from his perspective
okaaay bye byeeee!!!
I keep hearing and seeing so many comparisons of this N guy and Nagito and I’m this 👌 close to simply playing Black and White to know wth this guy is all about but I refuse to play any Pokemon game that isn’t Alpha Sapphire or OG Sapphire because I want that to be my very first Pokemon game, but also I’ve never gotten around to actually acquiring said game so as to when I’ll know about N? Who can say really. But he do look like a funky lil guy full of lies, mysteries, and Mountain Dew.
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bollitolyn20 · 10 months
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trollcafe · 6 months
supposed to be taking trash out. instead i have been thinking abt what kind of dog jodiah would be.
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
my inuzuka, inu brother, saruhara, and saru brother plushies have arrived 🎉
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Birthday Blues
Alright, here it is, albeit later than I intended to post it: the Inumaki birthday one-shot/character study I've been working on! After months of writing and editing, plus a final coat of polish from my beta reader, I can truly say that I'm extremely proud of my very first completed piece of fanfiction. I hope you like it as much as I do!
Notes: OC(Mayuko)/Inumaki, takes place during JJK:0, all of Inumaki's past and family situation is headcanon based on information from an interview with Gege
Warnings: mentions of emotional abuse and neglect (let me know if I need to add anything else)
Sometimes, when he was totally sure no one could hear him, Inumaki Toge would speak; less out of desire than necessity.
Shoko had commented during his admission physical that she was surprised his voice hadn't 'up and died already' given how little he spoke. 
"With your situation, it's understandable that you wouldn't want to talk all that much, and the loophole you found is pretty genius," Shoko snapped off her latex gloves and tossed them into the trash. "But staying practically mute isn't gonna do your cursed technique any good."
Toge tugged his collar back up and eyed her skeptically, a look which she returned with a raised eyebrow. She took out a pen and pad of paper and started writing as she spoke.
"From now on, I want you saying at least three sentences every week, outside of whatever you consider normal conversation. Doctor's orders."
"O-Okaka! Takana-"
"I know what I'm saying; if no one can hear you, no one can get hurt. And don't use your riceball language, you'll drive yourself insane."
Shoko finished writing with a flourish, then tore out the piece of paper and shoved it into Toge's chest.
"Three sentences a week. Actual Japanese. Don't skimp out on me, kid. I'll know."
It had been almost half a year since then. He still had Shoko's 'prescription' pinned to the corkboard in his dorm - a dorm which had started feeling less and less comfortable as the seasons slowly shifted and the leaves began changing colors.
Toge lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He lazily clicked his phone on. 
October 23rd, 12:03 am.
He turned it back off.
"Today... is my birthday. I'm seventeen years old now. And..." He rolled over with a quiet sigh. "Like usual, I'm going to be spending it alone." His voice sounded rougher than the last time he used it. Shoko was going to get on his case about that later. 
But later is later, and now is now, and right now, Toge was starting to feel a familiar dread creep in on his mind. 
It happened every birthday he could remember; the reminders, warnings, and disdainful looks were the only thing he could truly count on. Like clockwork, he was ignored even more than usual. Even his parents avoided him unless absolutely necessary. He thought his first birthday away from the clan compound would be different. 
Toge pulled on his headphones and cranked up the volume on his music, hoping the bass would drown out the voices beginning to cut through his thoughts; the voices that sounded just like his family, the voices that clicked at him in disappointment, told him that he was shameful just for existing, that he was worthless, dangerous, shouldn't have been born--
"To-chan, are you awake...?"
He bolted upright at the familiar voice that filtered in through the pounding glitch-hop, so different from the hissing ones filling his head.
Mayuko was standing in his doorway. She looked excited, until the scene before her registered, and her face fell into an expression of concern. She shut the door behind her and walked over to take a seat on the bed beside him.
Toge hadn't realized he was crying until he felt Mayuko carefully brush away the tears and slide off his headphones. She didn't ask any questions, just took him into her arms, held him tight, and traced delicate circles on his back. The feeling of comfort, something he was so rarely afforded, was overwhelming. Tears were stinging at his eyes again. A wave of unfamiliar warmth settled over him like a blanket and he felt himself break, sobbing into Mayuko's shoulder with his hands balled tightly into the back of her shirt.
"Let it all out, shiro-an... You're okay."
She sat with him like that for who knows how long, running her fingers through his hair and softly murmuring words of comfort, until the sobs finally subsided into an occasional hiccup. 
"Take some deep breaths for me, that was some pretty hard crying you just did..."
Toge was reluctant to part from the hug, fearing he might fall to pieces the moment he was out of her arms, but gingerly left anyway, sniffling and rubbing at his face with the heels of his hands. He forced himself to breathe slower, wincing at the harsh sounds accompanying each inhale. Eventually his breathing evened out, prompting a small smile from Mayuko.
"There you go. Feeling any better?" 
He nodded after a moment's pause, not trusting his voice.
"Do you... wanna talk about it?" Mayuko nudged his shoulder with hers. He took the invitation to lean into her again, grabbing one of her hands and lacing their fingers together. A wave of calm washed over Toge at the feeling of her hand in his. 
"... Okaka."
Mayuko squeezed his hand and caressed his thumb with hers as she leaned over and nuzzled against his platinum blonde hair.
"Would you maybe be okay with seeing the others in a minute...? Maki, Panda, and Yuuta are waiting out in the common room. We've... got something that might cheer you up a bit?"
"We can put it off until morning, if you want. They'll understand."
Toge thought on it for a few minutes. On one hand, he wasn't exactly feeling up to the kinds of late-night antics Panda liked to pull. On the other, he really didn't want to be alone with his thoughts right now. 
"Okaka, takana."
"Are you sure you want to go?"
"Alright, come on!"
Hand in hand, Toge and Mayuko walked through the dark hall, until the lamplight from the common room bled into the peaceful scene. Maki and Yuuta were sprawled on the couch, boredom and worry beginning to glaze over their respective gazes at the ceiling, and Panda was nowhere to be seen. Mayuko cleared her throat. 
"I got him."
Maki's eyes shifted over to where the other two were standing in the hallway, and she cracked a grin.
"There you guys are. I was about to make Yuuta go check and see if something killed you."
"You were?!" The dark-haired boy jumped in his seat and shot an anxious look at his classmate. 
"Panda, they're here," Maki called, ignoring Yuuta and inclining her head toward the kitchen.
"Finally!" Excitement buzzed in Panda's voice, which was followed by several muffled thumps. "Stupid human-sized kitchen-- Inumaki, close your eyes and don't open them until we say so, okay~?"
Toge looked cautiously at his friends, who each nodded or gave a reassuring smile. He took a deep breath; let it out. Trusting them wasn't hard, not usually at least. The uneasiness he'd come to expect today still wriggled in the back of his mind, but he forced himself to ignore it. He closed his eyes.
As he stood there, Toge heard his classmates shuffling around, frantic whispering, and tape ripping. He didn't think to question it much, tuning out the little voice that told him to peek and see if he was still safe. The five of them were all their own style of weird; it was one of the reasons they'd become so close. They were all considered outcasts in one way or another. 
"O-Okay, you can look now!" Yuuta's voice, shaking with a hint of anxiety, cut through the sudden silence.
Toge opened his eyes, and, for the first time in his life, found himself truly at a loss for words.
Brightly colored paper chains and streamers had been hastily taped to the walls of the common room. A home-made banner, emblazoned with his name and paper rice balls, crookedly hung above the TV. His classmates were all grinning.
"Happy birthday, Inumaki!"
The final hit was the platter in Panda's paws. It held a large strawberry cake that Toge could only assume the four of them had made by hand. The trim icing was wobbly and falling off in places, the decorative fruit was spaced unevenly, and the numeral candles were from two completely different sets. 
It was the most wonderful cake he'd ever seen. 
For the third time that night, Toge felt his eyes welling with tears. This time, however, instead of the usual gaping hole in his chest, he felt warm, and whole, and so, so happy to be alive.
He was right in the end, it turned out; this first birthday away from his family was different. For the first time, there were decorations and cake. For the first time, he was surrounded by people who cared about him and put in effort just to see him happy. For the first time, instead of being treated as a burden, Inumaki Toge's existence was being celebrated. 
He swallowed the lump forming in his throat.
"Te--" He paused, then shook his head ever so slightly. This was something he wanted to say in real words, when he was totally sure everyone who mattered could hear him. He tugged down his collar, a smile creeping onto his face as the happy tears rolled down and dripped off his chin.
"Thank you."
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lover-cook · 1 month
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DID I? NEVER POST THIS DOODLE? I DID IN MY SKETCHBOOK? Anyways ummm me and Yamato have a… very dramatic height difference!! Not that I’m complaining <3
I like to think they run off and do silly little dog activities but it’s like. This giant otherworldly wolf and… teensy in comparison Australian Shepherd nansnwnw
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cobrastrikes421 · 2 years
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Pumpkin carving lovers.
This year these couples are carving their pumpkin for Halloween at their school Academy for festive season. 
The outfits are from both @sapphire-and-ice and @qr-closet
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hom3landr · 9 months
bonfire night! sounds so cozy 🥹🥹
Gonna warn right out of the gate that I teared up writing this one. Jury is out on whether or not it counts as cozy
I Bet On Losing Dogs
CW references to animal abuse
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I bet on losing dogs
I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place
By the ring
Where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down
I'll be there on their side
I'm losing by their side
- Mitski
He shouldn’t have done that. He really shouldn’t have done that.
Despite the fact that the thud of the slamming door had long faded, it felt like he could still hear it thundering in his ears. So he’d lost his temper? So what? You were just being so fucking chipper about the whole thing. Trying to involve him in the “spirit of the season.” It made him want to choke with suppressed rage. All his fucking life he’d dreamed of having a domestic life to come home to. He’d dreamed of the white picket fence and building jack o’ lanterns with his kids, even before he knew he could have them. But even in his most self indulgent fantasies, he was still him. He had the suit and the strength. He was Homelander.
Now he had chance at domesticity but he definitely didn’t feel like it was worth the trade. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He should have been able to mindlessly split the wood for the fire with nothing but his bare hands. But no, he had to bear the shame of you watching him struggle with the ax for ages before he managed one uneven split. He had to swallow down the bile when you offered to chop the wood instead. He should have been able to bring you any supplies you needed in the blink of an eye. Instead, he watched you pull out of the driveway in the blinding rain, to pick up the marshmallows you’d accidentally left off of your shopping list. You never complained because for you it was normal. He was supposed to give you better than normal.
So yeah, when you’d practically forced all this indignity on him, he was going to snap. He wasn’t going to be magically fixed because he tried a fucking s’more for the first time. He wasn’t going to wake up a new man because he mangled a pumpkin. All this insistence on providing this life he hadn’t been able to live felt more like a slap in the face than a kindness. He was never going to be good enough like this. None of this fucking mattered when he was forced to realize that the most isolated he’d ever felt from humanity, was when he got the chance to truly be part of it.
He hadn’t laid a hand on you, but the ruthlessly cruel things he said likely hurt just as much. If he was forced to feel inadequate every day, it had seemed more than fair to make you feel lesser as well. He wanted you to bleed so his own dripping wounds would no longer be the focus. It wasn’t until the tears came and the door slammed that he realized what he’d done. He used to have his powers to ensure that people couldn’t just get away with leaving him. But you could abandon him in the cold and he’d be forced to stay behind knowing that he did it to himself. He couldn’t hide anymore.
His attention was tugged away from his thoughts by the soft sound of pawsteps in dirt. He might not have super hearing any more but that didn’t mean he wasn’t still attentive to noise. Sometimes he almost fooled you into thinking he kept his hearing simply from how much he was still able to pick up.
His eyes stung from the smoke as he watched the grumpy dog slowly make itself a place to rest by his boot. The dog looked like he’d spent his entire life in hell and from what you’d mentioned about his past, it sounded like he actually had. He’d been locked in a cage since puppyhood. Homelander could relate.
It was a Shiba Inu, lifted from a raid on a nearby puppy mill and quickly deemed unadoptable due to aggression. He’d never be fit for a home and it wasn’t even his fault. How was the feral thing supposed to go from near complete isolation to getting bombarded with human attention without getting a little bitey? Goodness knows Homelander hadn’t. He supposed that he wasn’t exactly adoptable either.
Homelander took a closer look at the grizzled pup curled up beside him. The dog's ear was still tagged from the puppy mill. He was nippy and rude and you’d had to fight to save him when the pound wanted to put him down. According to the vet, the dog had an unprecedented number of bite reports from shelter staff. Homelander wondered how many “bite reports” had been in his file. After what he just said to you, he mentally added another one to the tally.
The dog seemed to sense the attention and fixed Homelander with a glare. He scoffed but his heart went out to the mangy thing. He reached out to give him a pat and was rewarded with a low warning growl. He removed his hand, respecting a boundary he’d never had the chance to have.
“Guess we’re both a couple of bad dogs. They were gonna put me down too”
His chest ached as he remembered.
They’d put him back in the bad room. After all those years he hadn’t escaped it.
All he could hear were voices in his past ringing around in his head.
“The thing about cross-breeding dogs, you get the right genes, you can get a perfect creation. But it doesn’t matter how perfect they are. It’s not enough.”
“You cannot be bad”
“Just bad product”
“You’re my greatest failure”
“Gaping pit of insecurity”
“From the start, I hated you”
“You’re a fucking disappointment.”
He laughed mirthlessly, which caused the dog to lift his head in surprise. Damn thing didn’t even have a name yet. He knew he was losing it if he was getting worked up over a fucking dog.
Homelander reached out again, letting the dog sniff his fingers first. It was a handsome dog underneath all the wear and tear. Your tender attention had some some of its fur growing in again. You risked your life every time you applied the medicine for its mange but you never hesitated. Just like you’d never hesitated to take care of him.
The dog didn’t growl and Homelander pushed his luck and carefully stroked the dog’s forehead. Miraculously, the dog stayed calm. The only response was a half-hearted wag of its tail. So he tried again and got the same response. Homelander didn’t know if it was because the dog was too drowsy from the fire to care or if it somehow sensed a kindred spirit. He avoided the tender patches that were still in the process of healing.
“I don’t think you’re a bad dog.” Homelander whispered, words tight in his throat. Unwanted tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he continued petting. “You’re just scared.”
The old Shiba closed its eyes.
The sound of the door had his head whipping around towards the cabin. Your head was held high as you marched down towards the fire with a plate loaded high with goodies. Your jaw was set and you had that firm look in your eye that you always got when he was being difficult. You were still angry, that much was very clear. But you hadn’t left him.
You sat on the log beside him, body drawn tight, back ramrod straight. The plate balanced in your lap was piled with chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers. It was the s’mores that you’d been so excited to share with him before he’d lashed out. You’d just wanted to help him feel better.
He knew he should apologize but the words caught in his throat. Can’t teach an old dog new tricks, even if the old dog no longer existed.
“I love you,” is what he said instead.
You sighed heavily, fingers clenching and unclenching as you gripped the rim of the plate.
A tense silence filled the air as he waited for your response.
“If something I’m doing is causing you any kind of distress, you have to tell me. I thought you’d like it. I wouldn’t have suggested making them otherwise.” You didn’t look at him as you talked, wanting to make sure you said your peace before emotions took over. You knew you’d crumble if you saw his sad eyes now. “I know things are hard right now. I don’t want to diminish that. But I’m not the enemy here.”
He stayed quiet, focused on petting the dog to calm the urge to get defensive. He wanted you to hurry up and get to the part where you said you loved him back. You must still love him if you hadn’t left.
When he didn't respond, you finally turned to look at him but your eyes grew wide with shock when you saw the dog. It had shifted to rest its head on Homelander’s knee for better petting access and if you hadn’t seen what the dog was capable of, you’d have mistaken it for a normal house pet. Homelander swallowed thickly as you stared.
“He’s not a bad dog.” He stated, finally breaking the silence. Your gaze flitted between back and forth between the two of them as though you couldn’t make yourself believe what you were seeing.
“I know he isn’t” You replied, voice heavy with surprise and confusion. You reached out to lay your hand over Homelander’s free one. You didn’t know what his point was but you could always tell when he needed help saying something.
“He gets overwhelmed and lashes out but he doesn’t mean it.” Homelander’s voice cracked. “He’s very sorry.”
Your eyes glistened wetly in the firelight as understanding dawned on you.
“I know.” you whispered shakily. You squeezed his hand tighter.
“He appreciates everything you do for him. Please don’t take him back.” A tear escaped the corner of his eye only to end up caught in the rough scraggle of scruff that he hadn’t had the energy to shave. He tried to turn his head so you wouldn’t see but his voice would have given it away regardless.
Something in you shattered and you pulled him into a hug as tight as you could manage, carefully placing the plate to the side. You could count on one hand the number of times that you’d seen Homelander cry but he was sobbing into your chest the moment he felt your arms around him. His shoulders heaved and it was all you could do to keep your composure so you could comfort him.
The Shiba whimpered as though in sympathy and rested a paw on Homelander’s thigh.
“Don’t worry, he’s found his forever home with us. He’s not going anywhere. I’ll fight for him every time.” You pressed fervent kisses to his temple as he shook in your arms. You both knew you weren’t talking about the dog anymore.
Homelander didn’t know how long he clung to you but his tears gradually began to ease and his head throbbed from the force of his sorrow. He thought he would hate it but there was something cathartic about having his hurt mirrored physically. It made it feel real. It made it feel valid. You held him firmly but tenderly, strong in a way he could never be, strong in a way that Vogelbaum would have never been able to understand.
“I’m going to take care of you both but I need you to trust me.” You made him look you in the eyes. He nodded, sniffling just a bit. He did trust you. It was himself that he didn’t trust.
You reached out to give the dog a pet too but quickly drew your hand back at the flash of teeth.
Homelander winced sheepishly.
“C’mon Champ, you’re embarrassing me.” He chastised the dog as it cocked its head. “After all those nice things I just said about you. Did you even look at your talking points?”
You couldn’t help but let out a shaky laugh as he gave the dog his signature point, something the Shiba was thoroughly unimpressed by. For a split second he sounded like himself again. Something about this angry dog reached him in a way you couldn’t and you would forever be grateful to your past self for taking it in.
The two of you never ate the s’mores but Homelander had no problem sacrificing the marshmallows into the ravenous jaws of his new buddy.
“We should put some names in a hat and have him pick one” He grinned as another marshmallow disappeared. “He deserves to choose his own name.”
For the first time, he sounded excited for the future.
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humrpocesku · 4 months
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Drahý čumblre, máme tu zase ornitologické okénko, protože, prosím pěkně, cestou na vlak jsem u nás na Sázavě narazila na trans kačera.
Začneme základy - samce kachny divoké od samice odlišíme takřka vždy s naprostou jistotou podle zobáku, který je u samců sytě žlutý, zatímco u samic je zabarven do oranžova nebo hněda a většinou na sobě má tmavé skvrny. Proč se řídit podle barvy zobáku a ne prostě podle toho, že je samice celá hnědá, zatímco samec má výraznou zelenou hlavu a tak dále? To proto, že na jaře začnou samci přepeřovat a "obléknou si" krycí šat, který je shodný se zbarvením samic. Právě v tuto chvíli se dají kačeři od kachen rozpoznat právě jen podle toho zobáku.
A teď k jedinci na fotce. Když se podíváte na zobák, můžete vidět, že je oranžový s tmavými skvrnami, tedy typicky samičí. Zbarvení peří by ale odpovídalo na samce, byť hlava není zelená celá, ale je zelené pouze její temeno a zátylek. Na tom však není nic až tak zvláštního, v období přepeřování samci pochopitelně nemají hned zase zelenou celou hlavu.
Problém je v tom, že teď je únor. A v únoru už mají kačeři přepeřování do svatebního šatu dávno za sebou, jedince, co nemá zelenou kebuli, byste na rybníce hledali horko těžko. A druhým problémem je tedy "nesmyslná" kombinace zabarvení zobáku vůči zabarvení peří.
Takže... Co se stalo? Inu, tenhle jedinec se docela jistě vylíhl jako kachna, samice. A s největší pravděpodobností mu v průběhu života selhal vaječník, specificky levý (ono totiž ptáci jiný ani nemají). V těchto případech dochází k tomu, že jedinec začne přebírat chování samců a zároveň tedy i jejich zbarvení, je temperamentnější, dokonce se i může snažit spářit s kachnami-samicemi. A teď k tomu komplikovanějšímu a ne tak probádanému. Podle všeho u těchto kachen může dojít i k tomu, že jim naroste penis, který by dle všeho mohl být zřejmě i funkční. Bohužel se toho o této problematice neví tolik, aby se to dalo říci s naprostou spolehlivostí.
Ještě bych chtěla dodat, že trans nemusejí být jen kachny divoké, ale třeba i jiné druhy vrubozobých. Tento jev byl zaznamenán například ještě u kachniček mandarínských, kterých je jen tak mimochodem jak nas*áno v Brně.
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yeonban · 10 months
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Send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty.
Anonymous asked: 👀 Aijiro, do you like Shiro?
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The corners of Aijiro's mouth curl into a cryptic smile, though it's not necessarily one of fondness as much as it's one prompted by amusement. Amusement at the query, and amusement at being as vague about replying to it as he possibly can be. ❛ I do. ❜ Sure he does, but "like" can have several meanings, none of which Aijiro feels particularly inclined to mention here to help the inquirer save their time and effort. They can ask again, clearer this time, if they care enough to actually get a better answer (he's indifferent about it either way).
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