#instrument and really hurt my one bad ear taking out the w*x and i was asking her questions about flying and she was completely dismissing
pepprs · 8 months
cool so my ent just made my ear bleed. im never going back to see her again.
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5 for the song ask 👁
Oh nice! I'll choose the character since you didn't exactly specify hehe I hope you like it!
Prompt from: Give me a character and a Disney song
Kiss the Girl (Yoosung x Fem!MC)
Saeyoung sighed as he laid his head on his hand. His twin brother who was sitting beside him didn't pay any attention and kept his focus on the snacks in front of him. It helped if he focused on only one thing, he still wasn't used to being around a lot of people, specially the type of loud, fancy and extravagant guests that always ended up invited to the RFA party for some reason or another. Saeran didn't exactly want to spend the evening with his brother, god knows he's had too much of that crazy idiot at home, but one of the guests thay you had invited (a self proclaimed vampire hunter that Jumin had recommended) would not stop pestering him with annoying questions, such as "can you actually wall outside on the sun for a bit" or "would you mind taking a bite of this garlic bread, I'm sure you can have some!" Then the breaking point was when the man suddenly said, "let me check your teeth for a bit" and suddenly grabbed his face. That's when Saeran gently pushed the man aside and went to sit next to his brother.
Saeyoung, having noticed that his twin hadn't even so much as cast a glance towards him sighed once again. And then again, this time louder. He opened his mouth to sigh again when Saeran abruptly turned towards him and glared.
"What!? Why in the world won't you let me eat in peace huh?"
Saeyoung sighed again. "I just can't handle it brother. How can a person love another with every fiber of his being, but not have the amount of guts to go and talk to them...?"
"....Are you talking about yourself? Because if you are then I say that they don't deserve the amount of torture you're-"
"Saeran! Oh my darling little brother, no it's not me! Look across the room, towards that little blond boy, shifting nervously and looking at the ground, and then, for a split second, looking at her."
Saeran sighed and did as his brother said, and then he grunted. "You mean Yoosung's obvious crush on MC? It's a surprise she hasn't figured it out yet. Also never call me that again or I promise I'll throw the whole bowl of punch in your face."
"Gah! But you are my darling bro- alright fine fine, SAERAN DON'T GET UP TO GRAB THE PUNCH I'M SORRY!! Anyway the thing is, I'm pretty sure the reason they haven't asked each other out yet is because they're pretty shy. They need some sort of, uh, push you know?"
Saeran glared suspiciously at his brother. "Please don't tell me that you're going to try and get them together-."
"I'm going to get them together! And you are going to help me!"
"Excuse me what-"
"Who are we trying to get together?" Someone asked from behind the twins and they both turned around in surprise. Zen was looking at them with his eyebrows raised and his arms crossed, looking like a mother about to scold her children. Of course, Zen only seemed to be ready to scold Saeyoung, since Saeran wasn't really doing anything.
Saeyoung quickly jumped up from his seat and smiled. "ZEN!! Oh this is perfect!!!! We are going to get Yoosung and MC together!"
Zen looked at Saeran, and he shrugged. Them he looked back at Saeyoung.
"Sev- Saeyoung, listen. These sort of thinga take time alright? Yoosung and MC will get together when they're both ready."
"But they ARE ready, now all they need is just a lil' push! It's all in the name of LOVE!"
Saeran cringed and quickly turned around to keep eating his food. That was certainly more interesting than hearing Saeyoung talk such nonsense.
"Well....hmm...I guess helping them a bit wouldn't hurt." Zen said, a thoughtful look on his face.
"Yes! We need to help those two love birds finally confess to each other! Do you have any ideas Zen? Saeran?"
"Don't get me mixed up in this." The younger twin groaned and kept poking at his food.
Then, Zen snapped his fingers and smiled. "I know! A love song."
"A LOVE SONG!!" Saeyoung repeated excitedly.
"Yes, yes, a romantic song. Recently on this show I've been casted on includes this one couple that like each other but don't have the courage to confess, so their friends set them up to dance together to this very romantic song, and in the end the couple figure out their feelings and confess to each other. We can do that!"
Saeyoung smiled. "Great idea!"
"Alright, then I'll go and talk to the band, be right back!"
Zen quickly walked towards the band that was hired by Jumin to play at the party, and Saeyoung squealed as he shook his brother's shoulder.
"Saeran this is great! We can both help Yoosung finally confess to MC!"
Saeran pushed his brother's hand off and sighed. "And what makes you think I'll help you huh?"
"Well, Yoosung is your friend isn't he? And aren't you annoyed of seeing those two kiddos acting as if they're walking on eggshells when they're with each other, it has to be bothering you."
"...it is but I'm still not going to help you and Zen with your crazy scheme, I bet it's not even going to work."
Saeyoung groaned. "Saeeeeraaaaan please!! Look, I'll buy you some ice cream when were done alright?"
"You can't bribe me with food." He scoffed, trying to sound offended, when obviously he seemed to be thinking about it.
"And I'll get you out of the party earlier. We manage to get Yoosung and MC to at least kiss, and afterwards we leave, get ice cream and then head straight home!"
Saeran stayed quiet for a few minutes before sighing and getting out of the chair, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Fine. Let's get those two dumbasses to kiss."
Saeyoung let out a woop, and soon Zen made his way towards the twins with a big smile on his face. "Alright, we've got the band ready, and I offered myself to sing. Does Yoosung know what we're doing?" He asked.
Saeyoung quickly ran up towards Yoosung, whispered something that made the boy blush, and then shoved him towards you, then he winked and walked over to Zen.
"Now he knows! We're all ready chief."
Zen nodded and made a gesture at the band, and then he opened his mouth to sing,
"Zen!!!" Saeyoung quickly grabbed the microphone from a very offended Zen, and then cleared his throat.
"What!? It's a classic, besides I'm the singer here you aren't-"
"SHHH!!" Saeyoung said, and then he walked over to the band and whispered something to them.
Saeyoung said, "Watch and learn, I've been preparing for this all my life." Then he pointed at the bongo guy.
He smiled.
"Strings. Winds. Words." Each time more and more instruments began to play, and Saeyoung made his way to where Yoosung was awkwarly standing beside you.
"There you see her
Sitting there across the way"
Yoosung looked at his friend with a confused expression.
"She don't got a lot to say
But there's something about her..."
"And you don't know why
But you're dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl." He wriggled his eyebrows and Yoosung let out a little yelp.
"Yoosung?" You asked as you walked towards him. Yoosung blushed and pointed behind him. "S-sorry MC, it's just Saeyoung being...well, Saeyoung."
"Uhm, Yoosung there's no one behind you."
You smiled at him, still confused. "Why don't I go and get you some punch? I'll be back in a few."
Yoosung watched you walk over to the table, and then he let out another scream once he felt someone whisper in his ear.
"Yes, you want her
Look at her, you know you do
Possible she wants you too
There is one way to ask her
It don't take a word
Not a single word
Go on and kiss the girl"
"Saeyoung I don't know what you're doing but stop, I can't just go up and kiss her."
Saeyoung rolled his eyes, whispering chicken before going to a very uncomfortable Zen and Saeran, holding the microphone towards tnem.
"Saeyoung I don't-"
My oh my
Look like the boy too shy
Ain't gonna kiss the girl"
Yoosung blushed. "W-well I am! Maybe I just, I, I don't know!"
Ain't that sad?
Ain't it a shame?
Too bad, he gonna miss the girl!!"
Yoosung felt himself become even redder, from anger or from embarrassment he didn't really know. That's when you suddenly grabbed his arm and smiled.
"Here's some punch...oh Yoosung are you feeling alright? Why don't we go and get some fresh air outside?" You asked, and Yoosung tried his best to smile.
"Y-yes...that's, yeah that's great let's go."
You grabbed Yoosung's hand and led him around the beautiful garden. He gasped as he noticed the lights, the flowers, and the pond that had a bridge to walk across it.
"MC, this...this place is beautiful. You did a great job"
You smiled. "Thank you."
Then, Yoosung gave you a sheepish smile.
"N-not as beautiful as you though." He, of course regretted the words as soon as they came out of his mouth, but you giggled and told him thanks.
"Why don't we go over the bridge? We can't really see the stars from here since the trees are blocking them, but I'm sure we'll get a better view from there."
As you led the way, Yoosung almost screamed when he noticed a familiar red head pop out from the bushes.
"Now's your moment
Floating in a blue lagoon."
"Saeyoung LeAv- ZEN?!"
"Boy, you better do it soon
No time will be better
She don't say a word
And she won't say a word
Until you kiss the girl" Zen said, and Yoosung groaned as he glared at the two men.
"Guys I...fine. I'll... I'll kiss her...."
Yoosung slowly walked towards you, and the two do you looked up at the sky. You sighed happily, leaning against Yoosung, and he blushed. Then, he heard from behind.
Don't be scared
You got the mood prepared
Go on and kiss the girl"
Yoosung slowly turned around to glare at his friends who were giving him a thumbs up.
Don't stop now
Don't try to hide it how
You want to kiss the girl."
He gasped as he saw Zen and Saeran (who was holding some maracas and looked as if he was about to use them to kill someone) appeared on the bush behind them too!
And then, to make matter worse, suddenly Jumin appeared beside them with a neutral expression on his face and holding Elizabeth in his arms, trying to sing along!
Float along
And listen to the song
The song says kiss the girl!"
You suddenly jumped and looked at Yoosung. "Hey did you hear something just now?" You asked him, but before you could turn around he cupped your face and made you look at him.
"U-uhm no! Nothing just uh, mosquitoes uhm, don't pay any attention to that!"
"Oh but if there's mosquitoes then shouldn't we go back inside? I don't want you to get bitten-"
"NO!" He grabbed your arm and pulled (a bit too hard) making you bump into his chest. You both blushed and Yoosung tried his best to keep his breathing steady.
The music play
Do what the music say
You got to kiss the girl..."
Slowly, Yoosung leaned towards you, his face getting redder and redder.
"You've got to kiss the girl!!" Saeyoung let out some excited squeals as both you and Yoosung slowly got closer and closer.
"Oh, don't you wanna kiss the girl..."
"I want to go back to eat, why's it taking so long, besides I think we shouldn't be spying on a private moment like-."
"Oh shush Saeran! Look they're about to do it!!! Yes Yoosung my boy!!!!"
You placed your hands on Yoosung's shoulder while he cupped your neck and tangled his fingers in your hair.
"MC...." He whispered.
"You've gotta kiss the girl..."
The two of you closed you eyes, now your lips about to touch.
"Go on and kiss the girl"
Yoosung blushed and pressed his lips against yours, only to feel-
A cold splash of water hit his back and he let out a help.
"Wake up idiot. It's 10am already." Saeran glared at Yoosung, who was looking confusedly around the room.
"I-uhm, MC? Wha- no we....I was about to...why am I?"
"Oh you don't remember?" Saeran smirked mischievously at Yoosung, who shook his head.
"Oh this is gonna be fun. Yesterday you were wasted, so wasted that you suddenly got the guts to kiss the MC, mostly thanks to my idiot brother and his stupid song."
"That part happened?"
"I wish it didn't. Anyway, before you were able to go all smoochy smooch with MC-"
"So I DID kiss her! I remember that at least!And then I fainted? But at least I got a kiss! WHEEOP!!!"
Saeran scoffed. "No. You leaned on the old bridge and fell. You were so shocked and embarrassed that you fainted while in the water, so Zen had to jump in and give you CP-"
And so the birds that were casually chilling in Saeyoung's rooftop got the scare of their life as a demonic screech was heard from the house.
Yoosung ended up needing about 5 years of therapy, but thankfully, as time passed, he gathered the guts to finally kiss you (and to not faint afterwards.) Then the two of you started dating, and you sometimes loved to tease him by making him remember that night. You would laugh as Yoosung would stutter and turn red, and then to apologize you'd give him a kiss~
The end!
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bongugourokishima33 · 4 years
Wicked Games | Bakugou Katsuki
Summary: Bakugou did something stupid and now he’s trying his hardest to fix it... in his own explosive angry boy way~ 
Warning: Angst, cheating, thick f!reader, slight smut (maybe...)
Word Count: 1,882
A/N: Bakugou x reader x Todoroki... It’s been a minute but I have a lot of draft works. I hope you enjoy this one! Tagging is not my specialty... you guys should know this by now, I try though! Umm, this is going to be for all my thick babes out (though if not don’t worry you can change that in your mind) thick thighs save lives, and my gay ass just wants to have a fic out there that mentions it.
P.S: I’m taking some requests, starting with fluff shit first so feel free to request (I really only write about Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima...)
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‘Y/N! Stop damn it, it’s not what it looks like!’
Your eyes fluttered open to the light from the window that shined on your face. Shit... another night of hell, another morning waking up feeling like shit. The gross images from that awful day keep playing through your head over and over, there wasn’t a night that they don’t replay in your mind.
Sliding up out of bed and slipping on some shorts and a baggy t-shirt, you tossed your hair up into a messy bun and walked out the room of your dorm. It’s been months since that dreadful night, but you still couldn’t get over the pain that lingered in your heart after it broke into pieces.
At first, everyone was concerned, noticed that you and him stopped being all over each other, you two wouldn’t even look in each others direction. They suspected what happened and kept their mouths shut. Your best friends, Mina and Jiro especially knowing that when the time comes you will talk to them about what happened sooner or later, but you're later was never.
“Y/N!” Mina smiled sitting at one of the tables eating breakfast, You gave her a soft smile and scanned the room, looking for the only person who could make your hellish night better.
“He’s in the common area, love,” Mina smirked giving you a wink, which made you slightly blush.
You strolled down the hall and made a left seeing him sitting on the couch, tapping away on his phone, Kaminari, and Ojiro sitting across from him on a different couch.
“Yoo, Y/N you look... horrible,” Kaminari said noticing your puffy red eyes, and resting bitch face look, you flipped him off and stood in front of the icey hot hubby.
“Roki...” You mumbled out dryly, your voice slightly cracking.
Without looking up from his phone, he opened his arms up and you sat down in his lap, straddling his waist as you curled up into his chest. His arms wrapped around your waist, and his smell fills your nose as you rested your face into his neck.
“Nightmare?” He asked, whispering into your ear, you nodded melting into the comforting kiss he planted on your head.
“You know there is  a thing called your room you can do all that in.,” Kaminari said frowning.
“You’re just jealous you don’t have someone to do that with.” Ojiro chuckled as Kaminari glared at him in protest.
“I’m sorry” You felt the tears starting to prick at your eyes.
You always said sorry, anytime thoughts of him ran through your mind you tore yourself up. It wasn’t right, the feelings, the love you still have for the one who ripped your heart of your chest. Todoroki knows, and still loves you, and comforts you and even lets you vent to him. He’s incredible, and you don’t deserve him for all that’s he’s done for you.
“Don’t be.” You could feel his arms move, knowing he placed his phone down to give you his full attention. Snaking his feelings up your baggy shirt to caress your sides he leaned down to place a kiss on your lips, your head still trying to hide against his neck.
He won’t ever admit it to you, how much it hurts that you still think about Bakugou, that you still love him. He knows it’s not going to do anything to change your feelings about him, but he can’t help his feelings for you and he will always love you.
Guiding your face out from hiding with your chin, he made you face him. Kissing you tenderly he rubbed his thumb over your cheek. You kissed back wrapping your arms around his neck, your stomach tingling slightly at the loving assault of his lips on yours.
“I’m telling you, man, that wrestling match was crazy cool!.” Todoroki broke away after hearing Kirishima’s voice, you glanced over the two-color hair boy and saw him walking into the open space, Bakugou beside him.
“Yeah whatever, I’m still not watching it dumb ass,” Bakugou grumbled running his fingers through his hair. His eyes trailed over to you, locking gazes with one another. You looked away and continued to kiss Todoroki, trying to get the images of that night that popped back into your head out.
Even though no one will ever know, besides Bakugou himself, it pissed him off seeing you with someone else besides him. Knowing all too well that it was his fault that things happened the way it did.
“Dude... why don’t you just go talk to her, it’s been months you need to apologize.” Kirishima said mumbling to him as they continued to walk away from the common area.
“Shut the hell up.” Bakugou snarled lowly,
Pulling out his phone, unlocking it to see a background picture of you guys still on his phone.
“The longer you wait the harder it will be for you to do something about it.” Kirishima said sighing as they continued walking. 
“Is there a reason why you guys called me here?” You asked looking at all the girls piled in Jiros room, as you stood by the door resting your back against it as it was closed. 
“Look, we’ve been friends for years since we were little, and I’m tired of seeing you this hurt over a dumb ass.” Jiro said getting up and placing her hands into yours. 
“Jiro...” You signed hating how everyone is starting to hate him, even though you shouldn’t care and you should feel the same too. 
“Don’t, you need to stop defending him, he’s not yours anymore, and he doesn’t deserve your kindness.” Mina said waging her  finger. 
“Jiro said you love singing, and you used to make music when you guys were younger... so we thought let’s make some music!” Ochaco blushed shrugging her shoulders. 
You stared at everyone blankly and shook your head, holding your hands up. 
“No, not happening.” The thought of singing again sadly hurt now
“Nope, he’s not gonna take another thing away from you, yes he used to listen to you sing, and you guys had your whatever... but don’t let that ruin your hobby, you're talented and you need this.” Jiro huffed grabbing your arm and her guitar. The rest of the girls grabbing more instruments from Jiro’s closet. 
“W-where are we going?!” Leading you out the room, the girls dragged you down the halls and down to the common area, moving stuff around and setting up some stuff. 
“No one’s here, they are practicing and improving their new super moves... I talked with Aizawa and we got this whole place for a few hours to ourselves. So let’s make some music.” Jiro smiled looking at Momo who came out of the from the kitchen area with a tray full of tea cups and snacks. 
“Yeah this will be fun... come on.” Mina said handing you the mic. 
“Okay.” You licked your lips biting them after, trying to ignore the nasty gut feeling you had. 
After the breakup, when you had time you spent it alone working on a new song that was just for you. You never thought about making it known to anyone, or wanting to ever think about singing after making it. 
“Yeah, so after this chorus you can come in, playing like this...” You said showing Momo the right notes to play smiling at how things were going after an hour of teaching everyone how to play the melody. 
“Like this?” She asked making you smile as you nodded loving the beat of the music. 
“Perfect, then it’s goes on repeat like the first verse, then the song ends.” You grinned. 
“Well, let’s hear what you wrote I think were ready.” Jiro smiled, noticing yours on your face. 
“I don’t know guys...” You fiddled with the keys on the piano 
“Get over there and sing!” Mina groaned shoving you towards the mic, you sighed knowing you had no choice and picked it up sitting on the stool they set beside the mic stand. 
Jiro smirked and started playing, queuing everyone in moments after, you took a deep breath and brought the mic up to your lips. 
“ You love to be a trouble maker Leaving now then fuck me later It's always later later later And I let you come back 'Cause sticking 'round is in my nature And tolerating bad behavior You know that I do that You love that I do that” 
The memories of how Bakugou would dismiss you randomly, or not text back like he used too flooded your mind. 
 “ Yooouuu, you know my weaknesses You banking a break of my rules Yes you take advantage Know how to manage My whole fucking planet” 
The feeling of the music, matching the words you sang made your heartach, missing his arms that wrapped around you. That held you when you were feeling down, or happy. His smell that would fill your nose when you breathed in his scent. 
“ You've been playing wicked games You know what to do to me I tried to stay steady I'ma leave but you Try to make me misbehave Fucking up my energy One day I'll be over all them wicked games, yeah” 
That horrible night popping back up into your mind as your sang your heart out, subtle tears falling down your cheeks remembering how he had that girl under him. How her voice sang his stupid name, the ways your did when you were in her position. 
“ Always show up when I'm fending And in the moment it's appealing But you're so good disappearing And I'm just so bad at the truth you know my weaknesses You banking a break of my rules Yes you take advantage Know how to manage my whole fucking planet” 
Everyone stared at you, silently tearing up as they listened to your words. 
“ You've been playing wicked games...” You sang softly, lowering the mic as you shook your head not wanting to continue, trying to hold onto yourself so you didn’t break down and cry in front of everyone. 
Ochaco and Momo rushing over to you to hug you and comfort you, as you let the tears run down your face, hating how your heart was breaking all over again. You stayed in their arms for a moment but knowing that it’s not their arms you wanna be in made it even harder. 
“Let’s stop for now.” Jiro spoke softly smiling sympathetically and walked up to you and moved some of your hair out of your face. 
“I need to go lay down.” You whispered breaking free from their arms and making your way to your room, holding back your screams. Once you saw your door you ran, opening it and shutting it closed locking it. it wasn’t fair at all, what happened, you didn’t deserve it and you knew you didn’t. 
Teary eyes blurring your vision as you slide down to the floor and cried in your arms, knowing that things will never be the same again. 
You snapped your head up, your heart racing as you blinked away the water from your eyes to see Bakugou sitting on your bed. 
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lveclouds · 4 years
pianos and coffee (myg x reader)
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(in which yoongi is a music major and you, the reader, pass by the music room occasionally to watch him as he plays the piano)
dedicated to: @dylanxmin @agustd02 @agustkive @yoongislovecult @softguks @joonglows @sketchguk @sweetheartjeongguk @flowerseok @yourdelights @dreamingofkoo @jksmoongf @gukwluv @gguksbby @yoonminos @minsprings @yoongismykink @outroshooky @kimcritique @brilliantlybasicb @thinksshesawolf @roguebangtan @nahfamily @jungkooksmoon @swanqook @koosgrl @yoonsgiggle  @daechwitas​
word count: 1k (my first drabble thats at least 1k hehe)
genre: fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, college/university au, music major yoongi, arts major reader 
rating: pg (for mild swearing) 
(lowercase intended)
a/n: another yoongi drabble for you all because why not? yoongi’s been providing us with so much content lately, like i stg we are so spoiled:((( anyways, please stream D-2 for good grades, clear skin, and clear skies. also, yoongi is the cutest bub ever and i wanna put him in my pocket but agust d makes me want to light stuff on fire you feel?? 
a soft, tired sigh escaped your mouth as you trudged down the empty hallway, feeling both mentally and physically drained. the late afternoon sun shone through the massive glass windows that took up the right side of the hall, bathing the tiled floor in golden beams of light. your arts professor was bombarding you and your peers with endless projects, and, top of that, you also had a literature essay due in two weeks. stress and anxiety were emotions that constantly plagued you, and it seemed as if they would never go away, due to the veritable mountain of assignments your professors were throwing your way. so far, your second semester of college wasn’t looking all that great. Your parents’ words lingered in your mind constantly. “do well in college so that you can get a good job and be able to provide for your own family one day.” “don’t become a college dropout, ok? promise us?” “don’t become a college dropout, my ass.” you mumbled. your schedule was quite hectic, and you barely had anytime for yourself, and you felt as if you were going to reach a breaking point sooner or later. 
“feeling great” you muttered, your tone dripping with sarcasm. suddenly, soft piano music filled your ears, and it occurred to you that you were standing right in front of the music room. you closed your eyes and allowed yourself to get lost in the gentle and soothing notes of the piano keys. the piano was an instrument you found to be quite beautiful, as you thought it possessed a delicate sort of nature. after the music had subsided, you opened your eyes and snapped back to reality, sighing heavily.  as you were about to leave, something, or rather, someone caught your eye, and you felt your face flush scarlet when you realized who had been playing. 
min yoongi, music major, and the guy you’d been crushing on ever since your first year at college, was sitting at the piano bench, delicate fingers hovering over the keyboard. not only was he one of the most talented guys on campus, but he was absolutely stunning, breathtaking, even. with messy, raven hair that was always falling into his eyes, feline shaped eyes that could pierce your soul with one look, a cute button nose, perfect eyebrows, and the softest pair of lips you’d ever seen on a guy, yoongi was, if not one of the most breathtaking guys you’d ever laid eyes on. everyone on campus was intimidated by yoongi and usually avoided him at all costs, due to the “cold” aura that radiated around him. however, you knew that yoongi wasn’t really what people on campus made him up to be, at least, according to your classmate, jeon jungkook, who happened to be close friends with yoongi. you had met jungkook on your third day on campus, all smiles and doe eyes bright and sparkling, and he was someone that you quickly became fond of. when he had asked you if you knew yoongi, you had shook your head, admitting that you were a bit scared to talk to him, due to the rumors that yoongi was extremely intimidating. to your surprise, jungkook had giggled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “yoongi hyung? intimidating? don’t believe anything those people say. he may look intimidating, but he’s actually a big softie with the biggest, kindest heart and is really caring, trust me. he’s one of the kindest people i’ve ever met and has the biggest amount of patience and is really calm, even in stressful situations. he also gives great advice and is a great listener; i rant to him all the time about my problems.” despite this, however, you were still too shy to try and talk to yoongi, which resulted in you pining after him from afar, refusing to initiate a conversation, much to jungkook’s dismay. “you just need to talk to him.” jungkook would say, making it sound like something that was as easy as breathing. “kook, it’s not that easy,” you’d protest, causing him to pout. “why?? yoongi hyung’s not going to bite you, if that’s what you’re afraid of.” that earned him a light shove to the shoulder. the real reason why you were so terrified of talking to yoongi was the possibility of being rejected, and now that you admitted it out loud, you felt kinda pathetic. 
you were sensitive and your feelings were easily hurt, even from a young age. if yoongi knew, you thought, he’d probably laugh in my face, you thought, your heart sinking down into your chest. you were snapped out of your trance when the door to the music room suddenly swung open, and min yoongi was standing right in front of you, expression unreadable. “can i help you?” he asked. his voice was deep and a bit husky, which sent a shiver down your spine. “I-i “ you stuttered, face flushing scarlet. your mouth suddenly felt dry, as if you had swallowed sandpaper at the sight of yoongi right in front of you. yoongi sighed. “you’re one of jungkook’s friends, right?” “w-what? h-how do you know?” “the kid keeps talking about you.” yoongi stated plainly. “o-oh. well, i’m y/n.” “i’m yoongi.” after a long, awkward pause, yoongi cleared his throat. “wanna get coffee? there’s a cafe that’s a two minute walk from here.” a shade of pink settled across your cheeks. “s-sure.” yoongi nodded and gestured for you to follow him. 
minutes later, you and yoongi were tucked into a booth near the back of a cafe, with warm cups of coffee in your hands. “so, what’s your major?” yoongi asked, taking a long sip of his coffee, dark eyes fixed on you. “i’m an art major.” “ah, so you know you taehyung?” your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. why does the name sound so familiar? you thought. “he’s also an art major too, so i thought you might’ve seen him around campus.” “ah! wait! wasn’t he that guy whose watercolor painting everyone was raving about at the art exhibit last year?” yoongi nodded. “ok , then yes, i have seen him around. I’ve never talked to him, though.” “taehyung’s a good kid, a bit clueless at times, but he’s one of the nicest people i know. plus, he’s pretty fashionable, at least, that’s what everyone says whenever they see him.” “i like his fashion sense, its unique.” “so, how long have you been playing piano for?” “ever since i could walk. my parents weren’t really into music, but i knew from the moment that i had my first piano lesson that i wanted to pursue some kind of music career.” “i’ve heard you play, you’re incredible.” a light blush spread across yoongi’s face. “t-thanks.” you felt a small smile forming on your face. jungkook was right, you thought amusedly. yoongi is really a softie. Then, you and yoongi ended up talking for hours, and your conversation with him was halted when one of the employees, a tall, handsome man with the plushest lips you’ve ever seen came over to tell you that the cafe would be closing soon. before you could say anything, yoongi’s face suddenly broke out into a smile, gums on display, and you thought your heart was going to jump out of your chest. The corners of his eyes crinkled, and his feline eyes were bright with happiness. “hello to you too, jin-hyung.” “wait? you know him?” the older male rolled his eyes. “yeah, he does, and often takes advantage of the fact that i work here so he can get a discount.” “i do not!” yoongi protested, a slight pout forming on his lips, and you tried not to melt at the sight. “yes, you do, now take your girlfriend and go.” jin said plainly, but his eyes were alight with mischief and the corner of his lips curved into a small smirk. “she’s not my girlfriend, hyung. we just met.” yoongi mumbled, blush deepening. “ok, ok, whatever you say, yoongi.”jin teased. “we’re leaving.” 
jin laughed as you followed yoongi out of the cafe, waving cutely. “bye yoongi!! use protection, ok?” “i’m sorry for him.” you waved off his apology. “it’s fine. jin seems nice.” “he is, but he teases me too much.” “but he makes great coffee.” yoongi smiled. “that he does.” and before the two of you parted ways that night, yoongi slipped a folded napkin from the cafe into your hand. “just text me if you ever need someone to talk to.” and with that, he left, giving you a small wave as he went. you finally allowed yourself a smile. not only had you managed to talk to your crush, but you had his number. jungkook’s going to be so proud of me, you thought as you walked back to your dorm. talking with yoongi had made all of your worries melt away, and you squared your shoulders a bit. maybe college won’t be so bad after all, you thought. 
a/n: omg this is my first drabble that’s at least 1k words!! I hope you all enjoyed this drabble, and please let me know what you think!! my next drabble may or may not be a jin one hehe
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princeyitz · 6 years
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[ loner | family oriented | lazy ]
GET TO KNOW ME TAG why r there so many questions </3
@viiavi​ tagged me(and mayb someone else??? i dont know tumblr notifs are awful)
uhhhmmm i tag @ratboysims​ @felicitum​ @bullsim​ @keysims​ @bratsims​ and uhhmmmmm any1 else that wants to do it just say i tag u
also here’s a bad edit of my simselfs outfit its cute and basically what i wear everyday gotta wear those nikes get some good ass arch support u feel me
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3. BIRTHDAY? june 3rd babey
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? i dont think i have one. picking faves for literature has always been hard for me
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? ummm dark chocolate or mango
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? thank you next look its a good song ok
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? ridiculous but how my mom says it like a harry potter spell
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? ummmm something by halsey i think
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? im binge watching greys anatomy so that i guess but also my fave show of all time stargate
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? i have no patience and i worry too much
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? yes! we’re getting married next october :-)
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? no responsibilities!!! no bills!!!! also my moms cooking
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? her name is lauren but also my fiance and my dog
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? dark green
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? my fam, my fiance, my dogs, my close friends
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? my fiance 100%
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? my parents i worry about their health and also my sister bc she’s in a new relationship
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? my sisters dog just had puppies so im excited to see them
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm rn sims
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? probably rugrats and also x files
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? hell yes big time
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? well i still cant drive so like. driving i guess
35. DO YOU PREFER TO BE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA OR BEHIND IT?uhhh behind i hate when others take pics of me lol
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? writing and simblr i guess
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? actually i think it was the adventure zone graphic novel does that count
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? the crimes of grindelwald
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? i feel like im on the spot ummmmm @felicitum @keysims @smart--milk @surreysimmer @hesitantpixels
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? u ever seen heroes? remember how peter was like a sponge well i wish i could do that but with like, normal knowledge/skills. like if i met someone who was a carpenter or dr i could shake their hand and i knew everything they did about that and could learn new languages that way too. i wanna b a sponge
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? in my bed w my fiance and dogs in a cuddle pile
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? when we ask blu if she’s a sleepy baby and she tilts her head
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? water all day every day im a camel hi
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? as i get older yes
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? when people talk down to me because of my identity or age
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? yea!! the last one we went to was p!nk im pretty sure
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? hmmmmmmmm probs harry potter tbh
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? yes and no
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? yup!!! i dont sing as often as i used to tho its sad
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? i really love big bear and catalina island
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? doesnt really matter as long as its not a big city and relatively close to family
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? we have 2 doggos
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? tbh i am a mix of both now, tho i used to be a night owl
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? earbuds sometimes headphones hurt my ears esp bc i always wear glasses
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? yes and im getting war flashbacks
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? pretty much anything besides hardcore rap, country, and religious music, also nothing too poppy
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? probs my mama
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? when they only brew decaf at work
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? i really loved english
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? i have two brothers and two sisters
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? flowers for my mother in law
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5′7″
75. CAN YOU COOK? yes
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? coffee, purple flowers, the lil potbellies that all puppies have
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? decaf coffee, peas, when people say my name wrong
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? uhhh i guess just bc thats who im around more
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? i live in southern california
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? garrett watts is fun
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? digit it saves me money
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? im super close with my parents and relatively close w my fiances parents as well
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? hmmm probs middle eastern
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? lmao no
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? not really
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OR THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? both but i tend to lean more towards the ocean
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? not at all im a chicken
97. HOW OFTEN DO YOU ADMIT THAT YOU WERE WRONG ABOUT SOMETHING? when i am wrong lol i dont care too much about being right
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? sometimes
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? pick it up and return it to its owner
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? yes but they have to believe in it too
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? yes but u cant tell nobody knows ok thanks
109. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A PLANE? yeah they’re cool
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? my ears and my septum
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? sam carter from stargate shes smart
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? yeah i have 10 i think
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? 110% yes
116. DO YOU WANT CHILDREN? yeah i want 5 but i dont think i can afford that many someone start a gofundme for my future babeys
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? i told my middle school crush that i liked her and then she told everyone and thats the story of how i repressed me sexuality until i was 20
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? yes but carefully planned and well thought out adventures where i have a checklist and a binder of all the information i need listen i am v anxious everything is scary
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? when i was a baby i was on the news lmao
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 25
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? to thine own self be true wow super lame and cliche thanks im tired is this done yet
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? savory i dont have much of a sweet tooth
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esreviun · 5 years
extubation (2012)
for myself, five years ago.
An endotracheal tube doesn’t come out very easily. The masses of surgical tape that hold it to your face aren’t there to keep it from accidentally slipping out of you. It’s firmly in there. It climbs up from your lungs out through your mouth and clings to the inside of your throat like something with legs. No the tape is there to keep it from moving at all. Anything— the smallest shift in your position a cough moving your arm too far— can pull a little on that tube and set your throat on fire. It doesn’t hurt— it burns. Every four hours a nurse comes in and rolls you onto your other side “to prevent bedsores.” You want to shout at them to leave you alone. You don’t care about bedsores, you care about breathing. But they still come in every damn four hours like wardens in a jail, making the rounds. It’s worst when they change your diaper. (You can’t afford to feel humiliated that you have to wear a diaper.) They have to flip you over more than once: take off the left side, flip, take off the right side, flip, put on a new one, flip, turn you over to fasten it, flip. With each flip your throat blazes and chokes you. You squeeze your eyes shut your face pressed into that horrible dank standard-issue hospital bedsheet and try not to cry from the pain. Every day. Every night. 
All this and yet when they actually remove the tube you’re terrified. You don’t want it to go. At least while it’s here, you know you can breathe— but they say that you’re probably strong enough to breathe on your own now without the ventilator. Probably?! They don’t feel like waiting until they’re sure? The nurses prop you up and get their equipment set out on the tray beside your bed. The attending makes a point of telling you: there’s a chance this might not work and you might have to be re-intubated. Just so you know. Thanks, you want to say. Thanks for paralyzing me with terror. Your bedside manner leaves absolutely nothing to be desired. She readies herself at the head of your bed and holds onto the end of the tube that’s sticking out between your chapped lips.
“When I count to three,” she says, “cough really hard.” 
She counts to three.
You cough.
i haven’t forgotten i’ll never forget
Junior year is when bad things start to happen, things that scare you for the first time. Pulmonology appointments were just a thing you did, until now. Like any other regular checkup. You grew up surrounded by doctors and hospitals and people poking at you and asking questions. It was normal. Being disabled was normal. You would gripe at your parents after church— after some well-meaning adult told you how inspirational you were or treated you like some paragon of bravery— saying, you didn’t envy birds for being able to fly, why would you envy other people for being able to walk? Reach things on high shelves? Take the stairs instead of the elevator? It’s not a big deal. It’s never been a big deal. Until now.
It’s the summer of 2006. Your doctors want to see you. They start running more tests. They ask you to breathe into a machine. Into another machine inside a glass box. Into another machine attached to a computer. Every time your chest rises or falls it makes numbers on screens. Every time you visit, the numbers are smaller. Your specialists start throwing code words around. Decreased lung capacity. Respiratory decline. More invasive solutions. God, you pray one night in bed, tears pricking at your eyes, please don’t let me get a ventilator.
Years later in your college dorm room you will write a poem about how it feels to hook up to your ventilator after a long day, how that first perfect breath of air rushes in and transforms you. You’ll sit there for fifteen minutes just trying to figure out how to describe that moment. It will overwhelm you. Eventually you will settle for: all you have to do is sit there and let it fill you all the way up like you’re being changed from a scribble into a sound like suddenly your shape means something but it won’t be good enough. It won’t capture it. So much of your poetry over the next several years will be trying to get another person to feel ventilated. So many of your poems will be coughs.
Over the months, you shrink. September and October pass. In your high school advisory photo, which you still have today you look tiny, a massive brown striped turtleneck sweater billowing over you like you’re a sheep. When you shear the wool off of a sheep the animal underneath is thin and scraggly. When you take off your clothes, you’re skin and bones. You try to explain, to concerned friends, what your doctors told you: the less oxygen you get, the harder it is for your body to keep going. You sleep badly at night. This makes you tired. Your body works harder to keep you breathing. You burn through calories. You become bony. You can’t get comfortable in bed. So you don’t sleep well. And so you’re more tired. And so you lose more weight. It’s a vicious cycle, you say. But your doctors are going to help you break it. You have no idea how.
(You don’t say that.)
You know that to help you sleep your pediatrician suggests Tylenol PM. Every night your mom puts the little plastic cup of golden syrup by your toothbrush on the bathroom counter. You swallow it. It tastes like bitter vanilla. (You will still remember this taste in five years and it will still make your stomach churn.) You know that pulmonologists prescibe you inhalers and expensive medications to make your breathing easier. You know that they’re giving you a lot of things to make a lot of things easier. But you also know the worst part: that no one seems to be able to explain what’s happening. You hear a lot of explanations for the how but very few for the why. You wish you could sit your body down and look it in the eye and ask it to explain. It changes under your fingertips and it won’t tell you why. 
Every day you come home from school a little more exhausted and put your hand on your chest and wonder why you can’t count on your lungs anymore.
i can trust in your sinew and mystery but— never quite enough
Sometimes when it’s too much you park your wheelchair in front of the wooden computer desk in the sunroom and you put in your headphones and listen to a mandolin instrumental. The same one, every time. Kneel Before Him. Chris Thile. You’ve played this song in your ears more times than you can count now. You close your eyes and focus on the notes. The mandolin takes you away.
You’ll write another poem in a few months about how your body has fought its hardest for you your whole life. And then you’ll write another poem about how your body has been betraying you your whole life. And then you’ll write another poem about how you can’t decide which one it is. And then you’ll keep writing those poems forever.
A dietician gives you this command: Keep a journal of everything you eat. Every day. Try to eat as many calories as you can. Eat whatever you want, as much as you can hold, whenever you’re even a little bit hungry.
In theory this is the best doctor’s order ever. In practice it’s a nightmare. You have no appetite. It’s wasted away. Early in the mornings before school you eat breakfast in the near-dark of the dining room and while your dad clears away the dishes afterward you scratch ¼ waffle w/syrup, 1 sausage, 2 oz. whole milk onto the next page of the small black notebook you carry with you now in your purse. Your dad makes you eat another quarter of a waffle. It slides thickly down your throat. You can’t remember enjoying food. You try to force down the nutritional supplements— the packets of clear starchy calorie gloop that your mom stirs into your mashed potatoes or mac ‘n’ cheese, the chocolate Boost shakes that are okay, you guess just more…cardboardy than chocolate is supposed to taste. You really try. But it isn’t enough.
They weigh you in February. You can’t stand on a scale so your dad picks you up and stands on it and then the doctor weighs him alone and subtracts the numbers. You measure 4’8”. You weigh 62 pounds. Sixty-two pounds. You’re sixteen years old.
(When you’re older you’ll wonder what the look on your dad’s face was when the doctor read your weight out. But you won’t remember it. You’ll remember the backs of your knees sticking to the rubber edge of the examination table and the weight settling into your chest.)
The doctor says the words feeding tube. You shake your head. That’s not going to happen. Ever. You tell him how on the ride home from school last week you ate an entire jelly donut and it was the first time in your life that you’d ever been congratulated for finishing junk food. The doctor laughs. So does your dad. You wish their smiles would reach their eyes.
You have to go to your mandolin when you get home.
it rests on my lap, indenting the tops of my legs the smooth soft neck of it against my face my right hand gripping the far side of its body i can imagine the inside of that dark, empty body so much like mine hollow, the way the universe was before there were stars
It was important to you even before this all began, the mandolin. You’d wanted one for years. Your grandparents buy you one for your sixteenth birthday. It’s not expensive and it goes out of tune easily and you’re not very good at it. You’ll only ever learn four or five chords and a couple of clumsy strumming patterns. Your hands are a little too small and your fingers weak and soft. The callouses don’t form quickly. Your fingertips burn. But you revel in it. You’ve never pushed your body to do anything before. You dig those strings into the pads of your fingers so hard that they leave marks that last for hours.
“When I count to three, cough really hard.” 
There’s an afternoon at school when you suddenly have to leave class and go and lie down in the counselor’s office because you feel dizzy and your head is throbbing and you’re so, so tired and you don’t know what’s going on. Your heart pounds. You’ve always been scared when your heart pounds. In eighth grade you remember feeling your heart racing and worrying that something was wrong with you like you might be having a heart attack or something. And when you were a sophomore you would freak out when you felt short of breath even though your parents would always assure you that it’s okay, honey there’s nothing wrong with you you’re fine. You’re just having an anxiety attack. It feels like you can’t get enough air but you can.
In five years you’ll know that some of these times there really was nothing wrong with you and you really were imagining it. But other times your parents were wrong. Other times were preludes to what was coming next. You were right not to trust your body. You never know.
i am covered in memorials of the times you have turned against me 
During the last week of March you’re home from school with a cold. You’ll remember that last day of school. You sat in the empty cafeteria with a book while it thunderstormed outside. The whole wall of the room was windows, and the rain and the dark and the silence of the trees heaving to and fro in the wind made you feel like you were sealed inside of a fish bowl Alex, one of your senior friends, sat down and made some jokes with you. Then you went home.
You’ve never written a poem about that day. Maybe you should.
Very early in the morning on Sunday, April 1st you wake up and call your mom into your bedroom to get you a glass of water. Your voice is faint. When she turns on the light your lips and fingernails are blue.
In the emergency room the nurses take one look at you and rush you back into an examination room where they stick a probe on your finger and read that your oxygen saturation is 60% and dropping. Someone gives you an oxygen mask. It seems to help. They think you’re falling back asleep.
You’re not. Your right lung is collapsing. You don’t have a cold, you have pneumonia. It’s spread into your bloodstream. Septic. Hypocarbic. Pneumothorax. Your body begins to shut down. Your parents are rushed out of the room.
(You will remember none of this. The only memory you’ll retain of that night will be protesting no, I’m FINE, just give me a glass of water and let me go back to sleep, Mom, it’s not a big deal, I feel perfectly fine. You’ll laugh when you remember this because you know now that oxygen deprivation can make a person confused or, in your case, a blithering idiot.)
EMTs and nurses crowd your bed. Someone presses a plastic mask over your nose and mouth. You’re long unconscious by now. They pump air into your starved lungs and outside of the room a nurse has to guide your mom to a chair so that she doesn’t pass out.
(It will occur to you long after this that if you hadn’t been thirsty that night you wouldn’t have called for a drink and woken your mom up and no one would have known that your body was suffocating you in your sleep. Your parents would have found you dead in your bed the next morning. Your whole face would have been blue.)
you have been warring me off of this territory since the moment i set foot on it and on the day when you win i will make sure that the last word is mine
i will be riddled with scars and i will not go quietly
You don’t die. Remember this. You don’t die. You push your body against that hospital so hard that it leaves marks that last for years. 
actually the sword is much mightier than the pen
No hospital room has white walls— not really— not the ones you stay in with the bad lighting and the dismal curtains and various baffling objects hung up around the bed that look like surely they must do something very important but hell if you have any idea what.
(In two months you’ll recognize them all.)
But for some reason white light is the first thing you’re going to remember. Maybe everything just seems bright to you because your eyes have been closed for so long.
Here is what you remember from week one:
You see your parents’ faces.
They’re crying.
That can’t be a good sign.
You drift.
And drift.
When you’re still sixteen still in the hospital you’ll write a poem called How To Spin Starlight. It will be the first poem you have written in months— months— and it will go like this:
the stars said “spin us” and i took a weary breath and turned the universe upside-down to draw some thread from black, black stars and spin it into glittering
It will be rubbish.
When you’re seventeen one of your best friends will tell you you don’t need the last two lines and you’ll realize she’s right. All the poem is about is being turned upside-down.
While you lie there with a tube down your throat and a tube up your nose and a tube up your urethra and a tube sticking into your foot and a tube sticking into your hand and a tube stapled into the side of your chest and a whole handful of tubes buried under the skin of your collarbone, the Easter Bunny comes.
He visits every patient in the pediatric intensive care unit. Even the ones in medically-induced comas. He bends over your pale, prone form in the hospital bed a horrifying specter of pink plush and oversized costumed limbs.
Someday you will see a photo of this.
You will wonder who in their right mind thought this was a good idea.
After about a week they take you off the sedatives and you think it’s Wednesday. You burst into tears when they tell you you’re wrong. You have no idea why. Your parents try to calm you down and explain why you’re here because you don’t remember and you don’t understand. You can’t breathe. You can’t talk. You’re broken.
When you’re eighteen you will write a poem about your mandolin.
i am acutely aware that my horizontal wrist veins and tendons are stretched out against its vertical eight strings and imagine that with a little maneuvering they could be woven together gold and silver strings with scarlet ones
You won’t have played it for years but you’ll remember the smoothness of its body the arch of its neck the friction of its strings. In your poem you will compare it to your body: this instrument which you are not very good at controlling and which sometimes doesn’t behave.
if i lifted my fingertips a quiver might start in the deep places of that body run up along that delicate neck reach the string-tips stay there—shuddering— and release a note sweet into space
It will occur to you two years later that this is wrong. You are not an instrument because when instruments shatter they can’t be repaired. Your fingers still run over the skin of your chest and your side and your hands sometimes over bumps and indentations and rough patches and you think it would be awfully cheesy to compare myself to a poem, wouldn’t it? A poem constantly being revised?
The nurse’s grip tightens on your endotracheal tube.
You cough.
You’ll try so many times over the next five years to explain what that tube feels like coming out— ripping out, more like it as though it wants to take your whole throat with it. What will be harder, though is describing what it feels like immediately afterwards: the gasping, the choking, the sensation of having lost the one thing that was weighing you down keeping you from floating away and yet at the same time feeling suddenly so unbelievably heavy. The nurses fit a mask over your nose: a C-PAP machine, to assist your breathing. It doesn’t help much. You haven’t taken a breath on your own in two weeks. You’ve entirely forgotten how. They keep saying you’re all right, you’re doing fine but you’re so scared you’re shaking and so finally in an effort to distract you and calm you down someone finds a DVD for you to watch. It’s “Grease.” It’s terrible. You watch it anyway, though because what else are you going to do? Your dad stays in the room with you. It’s dark— it’s the middle of April in Michigan and the blinds are drawn over the one window anyway— and you think, I could die here, sitting in a dark room and watching “Grease.” This could be how I actually die.
It isn’t, though.
It isn’t.
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haespoir · 6 years
witch / cafe owner ! doyoung
genre: tooth rotting fluff
pairing: doyoung x reader  
warnings: cringe? ? ? 
word count: 1.4k 
a/n: i needed witch doyoung but this turned more into cafe owner,,, so i might do a more witch related one?? ? hehehe idk i just word vomited so i hope you enjoy :-)
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ok so you cant tell me that doyoung is not a musical witch 
like say whatever you want 
but he’s got music flowing through his veins
this means he works with music, musical chimes, or rhythm during his spells and rituals !!! 
like imagine him humming and singing during a ritual aaa a. a a
or even playing instruments like the triangle or something 
omg that would be so PRECIOUS 
contrary to popular belief his house is not loud or noisy 
he has little music boxes that he’s charmed to play in harmony with each other ( think merry go round of life from howl’s moving castle ) 
it’s so calming and just ugh. 
it literally calms your soul 
which is a good thing !! ! ! 
bc he runs a small little cafe in town hehehe with the same charmed music boxes 
it’s a small little two story cafe that sits snug between a hair shop and a bookstore
which means he gets a lot of business 
usually he’s able to handle it all
with his little charmed whisks and ovens working hard in the back, he’s never really needed much help around his little cafe 
it’s not until idols start going to the hair shop next door and that means a huge influx of customers bc everyone wants to get their hair done at the same shop as their idol 
spoiler doyoung thinks it’s dumb and the excited shrieks of the fans piss him off 
like when he glares at his fansites,,, that’s exactly how he glares at the fans that come and disrupt his peace
i mean he’s so used to the calm bustle of his normal customers 
the wild crowds that come and go drive him crazy 
and he no longer wants to work the counter anymore 
so a help wanted sign goes up 
and that’s where you come in ! 
you’re actually not bending over backwards broke because of college 
but you’re tired of asking your parents for money and you just want to get your own job so you buy them gifts with your own money 
( aaawww how cute what a good soul ) 
now you’ve always been a regular at doyoung’s little cafe 
every time you walk in your eyes are literally shining because it is so FASCINATING 
you’ve never been to a cafe as cozy as his 
you’re not sure if it’s the twinkling music that dances in the air or if it’s the warm tones of the brick wall
or maybe it’s the foliage that occupies the corners where the ceiling and wall meet that wrap the cafe in this type of comforting vibe 
you often do your homework there,,,, and perhaps take too many naps but it’s kind of inevitable because wow that place is just so calming and cozy 
as soon as the sign goes up, you’re the first one to apply and doyoung is like ? ?  i didn’t even have the sign up for two days 
but he knows you’re a regular and he kind of trusts you? ? ? 
which is how you get the job in less than a week 
soon you’re donning a loose fitting white blouse with a black ribbon tie and a warm brown apron, working comfortably besides doyoung hehee
it doesn’t take long for you to really grasp how everything works and you absolutely love working there? ? ? 
i mean given doyoung is usually the one making the drinks and giving out orders while you take care of the cash register 
you two fall into a routine and it’s quite comforting 
lets say about two months pass by and while you love your job and doyoung is one of the best bosses you’ve ever had, you don’t know much about him?? 
you know that, while he’s an amazing baker, he prefers to let his enchanted utensils do the work. you know that he prefers white chocolate over any other ( which is gross doyoung you’re nasty i still love you but white chocolate is NASTY ) and he always is drinking a mango white tea  
but it’s not enough ? ?
so one day you gather the courage to ask him to hang out 
like outside of work 
and good lord did you need a lot of courage 
imagine doyoung, cherry bomb!era purple hair, a dark navy beret sitting snug upon his head as he looks at you, his eyebrow raised slightly in curiosity; a loose white blouse resting on his broad shoulders and it’s unbuttoned enough for you to see the thin silver chain that rests on his neck 
i think i would faint oh my 
but you’re able to mutter the words out “can we hang out, like outside of work? i mean i just want to get to know my boss !!! ” 
and gosh doyoung is so precious he just says of course with the gummiest smile and you feel your heart jump out of you chest 
like the uwu jumped out 
i mean 
perhaps you did have a teensy crush on him 
like you’ve never heard him really sing, but gosh he’s always humming and with the most endearing closed lip smile too 
it reduces your heart into a pile of goo in your chest 
and even when he asks questions like if any goods need to be replaced,, your heart is ZOOMING 
it makes sense that he’s a witch with an affinity for music 
his voice is literally music to your ears and does things to your heart that you can’t explain
so maybe it’s more than a teensy little crush 
a big Crush with a capital C and emphasis on big 
but anyways the big day rolls around and you’re so NERVOUS ! !! !
you guys meet outside of the cafe and soon you’re off down the street 
and your thoughts are just running wild 
does he feel the attraction between you two? 
is it just all in your head? ? ? 
but you’re too shy to ask and soon enough you guys are off to visit a museum,,, about witches hehehe 
i mean people know about witches and in this perfect world that i’ve crafted, there are no stereotypes that hurt them 
so doyoung takes you through the museum and you can literally feel the excitement oozing off of him 
he’s animatedly talking about everything and holding your hand without even realizing it ( or so you think ) 
you’re being dragged around by him, but not in a bad way 
it’s so nice to see him passionately telling you about things that you’ve never really went out of your way to learn about  
and doyoung’s heart is soaring 
bc like you’re so interested in his history, in learning about where he comes from and it just makes him infinitely happy !! 
Big Spoiler: he most definitely has a crush on you and has had one since you’ve stepped foot into his cafe 
but the day is spent so nicely with him ? ? it’s like you guys were made for each other ( going✈soulmate!au ) and you’re so upset that you’ve wasted so much time bc you were too shy 
anyways you guys are walking back to your place bc he refuses to let you walk home alone ( A WWW W ) your fingers are intertwined and they’re swinging with every step 
your heart at this point has fallen out of your ass and you’re going ✈ DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH KIM DONGYOUNG !!! 
all you can think about is how perfect the day was and you honestly wouldn’t mind doing it again 
like everyday LMAOFNS
but you’re in your own world until his voice breaks your little trance 
“you know i’m mad that it took this long” 
and you’re like bro wtf u mean ? ? 
“i’ve liked you since you’ve set foot into my cafe.” 
BOOM ! your heart? ? ? gONE 
you’ve got your phone out, calling a lawyer bc you want to sue him for making your heart explode 
like you literally can’t bite back the smile that itches to break out across the span of your lips and you’re just ?? speechless ?? 
he lets out the most melodic chuckle you’ve ever heard in your life and you’re still searching for words and it’s like he’s stolen them 
he ruffles your hair, with the most affectionate and endearing smile on his lips. you can see the smile lines forming above his cheeks 
and you swear there’s no one else in the world but you two and wow he’s just perfect 
“let’s do this again, soon. and not as an employee wanting to get to know their boss, but as your first date, with your boyfriend.” 
and of course you say yes heheheheh 
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Chapter 9/??
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Reader (Your/Name), (Full/Name)
Summit: It all begin at the Sports Festival when Shouto’s other half met Endevour by mistake. The student never thought to see his partner fight against his father just to show him that he is wrong. It started from that instant, Shouto’s new path started exactly from that moment thanks to his friends and his beloved one.
Fortunately, All Might is nearby and Tenya calls for him. The living legend literally lifts you up and drags you to Recovery Girl again, while Midoriya and Iida are following him, watching you anger up. You tried to escape but the hero is blocking the exit, so you stand immobile to stare at him for five minutes straight, then go back to the seat in front of the heroine and drop your hands on the table.
<<The next time I’ll fucking crush his skull against something so strongly that his bones will turn into dust…>> the student whispers evil murdering plans with a very adapted gaze, <<I’ll beat the shit out of- Ow!>>
<<It’s the same as before.>> says the old lady, <<Your muscles are too tense, I can’t pierce them, you need to relax. I don’t wanna give you more medicines.>>
<<Are you trying to kill me? Ok, I get it, I’ll relax. God fucking dammit- Ouch!>>
<<A lady shouldn’t say those words.>>
<<Grr… Am I allowed to break something?>>
<<No, you must use your hands the most less possible.>>
<<I can use my legs to->>
<<This is my office, you are not allowed to destroy anything.>> her voice is angry but when she sees the student hits the head on the table and stays like that, she pats her gently, <<Calm down, sweetheart.>>
<<Can I have my phone at least? I need music.>> Izuku takes it from your pocket, he searches the title, presses play and leaves the phone near you.
A beautiful song comes out from the speakers, an instrumental one played with violin and other instruments which blend so wonderfully together. It’s so relaxing and well written that Beethoven is a stupid in confront; the compositor selected all deep notes and when it goes to the higher ones, the rhythm doesn’t change so much, it’s the same deep, touching and relaxing song. (Y/N) closes her eyes and softly sings along.
<<It’s very beautiful, young (Y/N). Who wrote it?>> All Might leaves the door now that you’re relaxed, in fact his colleague can do her job easily.
<<Me and my mom.>> she replies with a sleepy voice, <<I love this song…>>
<<You did a wonderful job. Please tell it to your parents too.>>
<<They died in a car accident ten years ago…>> a tear is resting on the edge of your eye, <<This is the last song we composed together… I couldn’t even say sorry to her for what I’ve done.>>
<<Oh… I’m sorry, I asked something bad.>> the hero caresses your back kindly with his big hands, <<But I’m sure they are proud of you. You are strong, gentle and smile everyday->>
<<My father hated me due to my quirk… Control seven forms it’s difficult, I was little and I was training to master a new one, but I burned down the garden… and after that, nothing could grow again on that soil.>>
<<It’s a science reaction, the fire destroys brutally the ground, it takes ages to go back like it was.>> explains Tenya hoping to cheer you up a little, <<It wasn’t your fault.>>
<<Yeah, as if kids can understand that sophisticated mechanism.>> she mutters, <<My father never called me by name, never told me lovely words, never said “happy birthday” or caress me even once… My mom was my light. She was a huge fan of you, All Might-sensei.>>
<<What a big honor.>> the teacher is moved by your story, as Midoriya and Tenya, <<I wanted to meet her.>>
<<She was smiling and saying super cool things about you, she was always arguing with neighbors because her strong sense of justice…>> the girl smiles sadly, <<She taught me how to play the violin and the piano, and was during those days that I decided to become someone like her.>>
<<Can I ask why you hate Endevour so much?>> this time is Recovery Girl who asked the question.
<<Because he is like my father. I know how it feels when you’re bent and broken, how it feels when your dignity is stolen, I know how it feels when someone keeps their chains on you.>> she raises the head and rests her chin on the cold surface, <<Day after day, I defended mom from him, and when we went to a company to produce our last song, my light was taken away from me.>>
<<I see, so you should treasure a lot this song.>> the doctor starts to bandage your hands, <<You father played an instrument too?>>
<<No. Mom’s compositions were so good to be sold almost immediately, he married her just for fame, money and his ego. I feel always so bad when I go to see her… That day, was the first time I argued with her, she was too kind with that shitty husband… I’ve said bad things to her and never said sorry for that.>>
<<You were in the car too?>> Iida asks as he watches your hands be covered by bandages.
<<Yeah, but I don’t remember anything from the accident, only a truck coming towards us, a bright light and then, a few doctors were talking about permanent damages on my back with my grandparents.>> she turns off the music and opens her eyes, <<Ah don’t worry, that damage is only a scar, nothing else.>>
<<Ok sweetheart, you can go.>> Mic announced that in few minutes the next round starts, <<Don’t use them too much, am I clear?>>
<<Yes ma’am! Then->>
<<How can you talk about this tragedy smiling?>> Izuku questioned seeing you like the old days at school.
<<Because if I let this win over me, I could never be a hero.>>
(And here we are at another round! Fighters, get on the stage! We have the ordinary section with a psychic quirk that we haven’t seen yet! He is (choose a name)! And on the other side we have the student who is the most voted to win the festival! She fights with logic and strategy, during this event, we have seen her quirk for the first time, and damn that was cool! I’m talking about (F/N) of the hero course!)
You and your opponent stand in front of each other. Meanwhile, your brain is thinking a way to beat that guy without hurting him. It’s a little bothersome but you must stick up with it.
((Y/N), Recovery Girl reported that your hands aren’t in conditions to fight.) Aizawa’s voice brings you back to the field, (And said that you took a few medicines, do you feel to fight anyway?)
“He looks like a jerk but deep inside, Aizawa-sensei is a good and kind person.” moving the hair behind the ear, you reply with a strong nod, <<Yes, don’t worry Erased Head-sensei. I have all under control!>>
(What, you injured?! (Y/N), how?) Mic is too curious and shocked, Recovery Girl reported that to Aizawa only, and not him.
<<I fell down the stairs… Hehe.>> you admit touching your neck, <<I wasn’t pay attention. Please do not worry, I’m really fine and I can fight until the end!>>
(If you’re ok with this, then should we begin? Ready?! Go!)
The hero course student runs at full speed towards the rival, obligating him to attack for defense but the match is converted in a one-way game. The psychic boy uses his quirk to accelerate and reinforce his attacks but they are all futile, they don’t even hit the target. This situation goes for a while, until you stop and wait with your joined hands on the back, that the opponent reaches you.
(Oh, (Y/N) stopped to dodge and play with her enemy! Is she ready to end the match or she is done? Until now, she dodged everything with a majestic agility, her legs were moving so fast that she danced on the ring! Did you take meds? Your body is too elastic and agile to be numbed by them! Anyway, here we are, (name of the student) charges but (Y/N) doesn’t move!! Wait… Does (name of the student) slowing down?)
The girl closes her eyes as a punch is going to hit her, but the rival falls heavily on the ground almost touching your feet.
<<Please, take distance (Y/N).>> Midnight gets off the pedestal to check the adolescent, <<He passed out…>>
“Maybe I went too far?” you stay still and far from your comrade as ordered. “I was careful to not use it too much…” the teacher stands up and points the whip on the woman.
<<(name of the student) is unconscious! (Y/N) advance to the final round!>>
While the entire stadium is cheering for the overwhelming victory, you make a few steps forward and call the heroine.
<<Excuse me ma’am, can I do something about him? It was my power, I can wake him up. May I?>>  
<<If it was your quirk, then go ahead.>> the woman steps aside and watch over you while kneeling, rest a hand on the student’s back and free strange purple flames. “Three different forms…”
(Woah, what are those?! A new side of your quirk? (Y/N), how many cards are you still hiding?)
<<It’s a secret.>> flames are absorbed by your rival and after a few seconds, he wakes up, <<Are you ok? I apologize, I went too far.>> even with those injured hands, you offer a help to get up, <<Nice fight.>>
<<You too.>> he stands up and shakes your hand gently, <<Congratulations.>>
(These two are the spirit of this festival!! Look at them, shaking hands friendly! Give them another clapping! Oi mummy hero, say something!)
(What should I say? She never used her hands, still her victory was obvious. We don’t know how her quirk works, so as her future opponents. She charged first to move him and do what she wanted, the rest, I suppose she was using her quirk in an efficient way. (Y/N) fought with logic and strategy. As always.)
When you come back to the bleachers, you find Izuku waiting with an opened notebook. You smile and follow him ready to answer all his questions. Iida and Momo are trying to stop him but you first apologize for what happened before, covering yourself with an excuse. Gladly, everyone forgives you laughing and then, they sit in circle.
<<W-what is this?>> you ask a little uncomfortable, <<Maybe do I need to do something to make up?>>
<<(Y/N)-chan can you explain me what happened? Please!>> Izuku is like a leader of a fan club, <<Please!>>
<<That was my third form: Greed.>> she explains, then decides to make everything more interesting, <<But how it works?>> she touches Midoriya and he drops the pen, <<Make your guess.>> with the other hand, she evokes the purple flame from before, but this time is so tiny.
<<I can’t close my fist…>> whisper Izuku, <<How?>>
<<Can I try it?>> Kirishima stands next to you, <<Thanks- What?!>> he falls on his knees and the flame on your hand increases its volume, <<I feels dizzy and heavy…>>
<<How about now?>> smiling, the girl touch Eijiro with the fire and it’s absorbed by his body.
<<Oh!>> he jumps up, <<It’s back!>>
<<And you Izuku?>> she does the same with her friend, <<Can you close your hand now?>>
<<This form steals the energy of other people…>> he starts to write down everything, <<If she touches you, the force is stolen and the same amount is converted in purples flames. Your body is unable to move due to the huge lack of energy and when the flames are absorbed by your own body, the strength you’ve lost is back.>> he stops and looks at you, <<What was its name? I forgot, I was too focused to understand how it worked.>>
<<Greed.>> every time, every time he enters in this mode, it always makes you smile.
<<Greed, the name it’s perfect for- Ah, then the two forms you used in the cavalry battles?>>
<<This is my second form, Lust.>> you touch the ground and the flames freeze everything until you retire them, <<As you saw, it keeps going until I stop it or turn it off.>>
<<I see, so as the deadly sin, this form can’t be satisfied if is free from your control… Cool and dangerous. He has other characteristics?>>
<<Yes, but I won’t say it until I’m obligated to show them.>> Midoriya finishes to write down his thoughts and asks the last one, the lightning one, <<Fifth form, Melancholy.>> after evoking it, everyone shouts their shock.
<<Are flames and not lighting? What?! How!>>
<<I, I!>> Uraraka stands up proudly and explains how it works, and adds: <<So far, she has always the weaker forms between the seven she ha- Ah, now I remember! You touched the earring! So, this mean that you used a strong one!>>
<<What? Earring? Seven forms? Wait, wait!>> Izuku writes something again and asks for more information.
<<Did you not tell him?>> Tenya and Ochako shake their heads, <<Then, I’ve said it to them, so you guys have the right too. My quirk has seven forms that I keep sealed with this earring. It’s almost impossible for me to controlled all of them at once, so and if I take this off, probably I walk with seven fires all around me.>>
<<Amazing!!>> Midoriya writes again when you stop him on his drawing, <<Did I get it wrong?>> you explain that the seven fires are disposed in a semi-circular way upon your head, <<Oh, like this?>>
<<Yes.>> everyone pushes to see the sketch, <<This is how I look like if I don’t have the earring.>>
<<You idiot woman.>> and then Bakugou speaks, <<I’m here you know, and now I know most of your secrets. Are you underestimate me? In the finals, I’ll take my revenge.>>
<<I’m hard to take down.>> you reply, <<And you know that I have another four forms to show and use? Don’t get too cocky or you’re gonna end like our last match, yelling angry hero.>>
<<What?! How did you call me? I’ll kick your ass, you fire bitch!>>
<<Hahaha, I wanna see it if you can actually do it.>> he tried to hit you with a surprise punch from behind, but you block it successfully and easily, <<Mph, try next….>> the girl jumps from her seat holding the hand, <<You fuckin’ ugly son a bitch…>> she crouches down, <<It hurts so much, you jackass…. Fuck me, god fucking damn it->>
<<Uhm, (Y/N)-chan, your another personality is out.>> Izuku’s words bring you back, you are not alone!
<<!!>> she closes her mouth with both hands, <<N-no, I didn’t said->>
<<Pff, ahahaha! (Y/N) you’re really the best!>> Kirishima laughs, honestly amused by your reaction, <<Don’t worry, we are used to Bakugou, and you don’t need to hide from us, we are friends!>> those words are a bless for you, no one is afraid by you or your rough personality, this class is like your new home.
<<What a loser!>> Bakugou stands and goes to the stairs next him, when he’s about to say something, he slips on the ice and hits the head, <<Fucking fuck!>>
<<Watch your step…>> you’re hiding your laugh so hard, <<Izuku don’t laugh!>> everyone is doing the same, that scene was priceless.
<<You motherfucker!>> Katsuki is stopped by your smile, it’s too sly, what else did you do, <<What!>>
<<Stupid bitch!>> he turns his heel and walks away, without notice that his pants have a modify on the back zone.
<<(Y/N)-chan that was…>> Izuku is trying his best to not cry and laugh at the same time, so your friends. See Bakugou’s underwear was priceless, first the epic fall and then the big humiliation.
Quite evil for someone who aims to be a hero.
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21.5, 22, 22.5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Last Chapter
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smoreal · 7 years
Bandages and English Notes- Peter Parker (Tom Holland) x Reader
A/N: Hey, everyone, this is my first official fanfiction that I’ve posted on here and I’m open for constructive criticism, so share, comment, and enjoy!
You closed your locker to see that oh-so-familiar face that you had seen since the beginning of your freshman year. You could never gain the confidence to talk to him. You were already burdened with the fact that adjusting to a new place made you more anxious than ever, but luckily for you, he was nice enough to give you a smile or even a wave. “Hey, Y/n, do you happen to have the notes for our English class?” The brunette asked, avoiding eye contact. You blushed slightly, surprised to hear him talking to you of all people. “Uh, uhm, yeah! Actually, yeah, I completely forgot you weren’t in there half the time.” You say, cursing yourself inwardly for blushing. He gave you a grin, but you still couldn’t quite see his full face. “Thanks.” He replied before hastily walking off. You smile and go to class. Your next conversation with him wouldn’t be until you were picking up your instrument from the band room and turning a corner. You were so determined to get home you nearly rammed yourself into someone. You started spouting out apologies before looking at who you bumped into. “Peter.” You say, breathless. “Y-yeah, sorry, if I—” “Your—!” You say unsure of what to call the side of his face because of your state of shock. Staying quiet to keep the attention away from the two of you, you take his arm gently and usher him out of the middle of the hallway to make space for the people moving to and from classrooms. His left eye was bruised shut and his right cheekbone had a scratch. Peter immediately blushes at the sudden scrutiny. “I was doing pretty well at hiding it all day…” You look into the hall and spot a nearby bathroom. “Gosh, Parker.” You say, forgetting about your nervousness around him. You turn to look back at him and see him giving a sheepish grin. “What happened? Did someone shove you?” You ask, waiting for the hallway to clear of its students. “Yes and no…” He says, looking over your shoulder to see what you were looking at. The hall clears enough and you look at him. “Come on, boys bathroom, I’ll be right there, I’ll get some supplies from the janitor closet.” He looks at you with a lost expression so you huff and think about just shoving him into the bathroom yourself, but you didn’t know him like that, and he didn’t know you that well either. So, you settle with the next best idea. “Go now, or—or I’ll tell the entire school you’re—” Peter looks at you a bit frightened, “I’m what?” You say the first ridiculous thing that comes to mind. “Spider-Man!” He seems to freeze into his spot and you actually start to wonder if he is the alter ego. “W-what? T-That’s ridiculous! You can’t—” “Boys bathroom, Peter, I’ll be there in a second.” You say, satisfied your idea worked. He grimaces and obeys, disappearing into the bathroom. You pull a hair pin from your hair and follow in pursuit, stopping in front of the door and setting down your instrument case to pick the lock.
Peter sits on the sink and swings his legs, thinking about you. How would you, of all people, know about his vigilante alter ego? Did Ned tell you? Were you one of his enemies in disguise? If you were, why would you help him? All of these thoughts whisk away when you walk in with a bit of difficulty, your instrument case in one hand and other hand with hydrogen peroxide and bandages. Peter watches as you set down your instrument case and put the bandages beside where he was sitting. “Y-you know we’re in the boys restroom, right? You could get in trouble for being in here…” You shrug, carelessly, washing your hands and giving him a bashful grin before saying: “I’d rather be the one in trouble than you. I’m sorta a regular in the office anyway,” He raises his eyebrows in surprise and you quickly ramble to save yourself. “I-I mean, well, I’m an office aide, so I make sure to stay on their good side.” He smirks and you clear your throat, drying your hands, taking this time to compose yourself. “Anyway, ah, I’ve taken a few classes out of school to get the hang of this. So…” You push your hair behind your ear and take a few extra napkins to pour the alcohol into. “This might burn a little.” Peter nods and grips the edges of the sink. “Okay, I’m ready.” He says, forcing a smile.
“Ah! Ow, ow!” Peter seethes, and you smile apologetically. “Sorry, Parker.” “Why do I feel like you’re trying to hurt me on purpose?” You giggle and push your sleeves up. “Alright, I know those on your face aren’t it.” He blushes and stutters, “Ah, hah, yeah, you’re right, but—” You blush too, unaware of why, but persist anyway, “What? If you’re feeling self conscious, there’s really no need, I help my uncle in the hospital.” He continues to avoid your gaze and you chuckle, “Alright, it’s cool, I won’t push you to do anything you don’t wanna do, but if it’s pretty bad, I hope you were watching what I was doing just now.” Peter nods and looks at you. “Thanks.” You shrug and look at your watch, groaning at the time. “Gee, it is way past my curfew.” Peter immediately hops off the sink and you move back to give him space, “Ah, Y/n, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to get you in trouble.” “No, no, it’s fine, I wanted to help, I can deal with it. I’ll uhm…” You realize the close proximity of the both of you and falter slightly, “I’ll send you the notes from English.” He grinned and you patted yourself down, feeling for a pen. “Ah…” You pull one out and point at his arm with it, “Can I…?” Peter seems a bit lost for a second before realizing what you meant. “Oh, uh, yeah.” He moves a bit closer and you give him a grin, taking his arm and scribbling your number. When you finish you give him your pen, forgetting completely that it was your own. He takes it, also forgetting it belonged to you and tucking it in his jean pocket. “I’ll see you later…” He says, tucking his hands in his sweater. You nod and lift your instrument case, walking out and giving him a grin. “See ya.” Peter smiles as you leave and throws away the empty bottle of alcohol along with the last strand of bandage. He realizes with a small dread that he was way late for his internship for Mr. Stark.
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