#instead of having us focus on this boring ass bitch that's not even interested in his past
1eos · 8 months
march 7th truly needs a fully fleshed out story arc and everything, a 5-star form of her tew!!! truly the xianzhou arc felt so badly paced bc of all the exposition nd lore for dan heng but it all lead to a whole bunch of nothin..... could've spent that time with the more interesting characters like jing yuan, fu xuan, yukong, idk the list goes on
i need 50 in depth march 7th back story quests right fucking now with a different little outfit to go with each one like what the fuck does dan heng but stand there? the trailblazer has more character and they literally do not speak. xianzhou arc is literally so full of cool shit but every section with dan heng as the lead is soooooo boring like the trail blazer is already the blank silent protag that had their memory wiped and THUSLY is the viewpoint of the audience so why the sections with dan heng? we just walk around talking to infinitely more interesting characters as he says 'im not dan feng' and in the flash backs dan feng looks boring as hell too like wtf.
got me running around with this boring ass green man while blade is begging for jingliu to try and kill him and it's so interesting but we only get snippets presented in the most boring way 😭😭😭😭😭 i literally roll my eyes whenever i take a xianzhou quest and i see that the focus is dan heng. even as a broody man lover (blade baby ilu prostate orgasms can fix mara >.<) im not compelled by dan heng. he has no other side to him like he literally does nothing im sick of looking at him all the goddamn time like everyone else is so much more fun. i LOVED the quest with yanqing and jingliu bc he was nawt feeling her shit and there was PERSONALITY. yukongs companion quest was fucking amazingggggggg like i felt EMOTIONS. why the hell did we see bailu for 2 minutes in the arc but we got like 60 of dan heng following behind that blonde bitch thinking he shouldn't but still walking? dan heng is a walking piece of cardboard that would not shut up abt his past just for it to mean nothing like throw his ass in prison see if i gaf
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beevean · 9 months
If I may ask how would you rewrite castlevania as a series in my opinion I think some of the changes aren't the worst but they could be miles better especially now that I've gotten into the games I think the show would have benefited if it was Structured like jjba and them actually respecting the belmonts.
I mean. I'm going to be very boring and unimaginative. But make it more faithful to the games :V
The Jojo approach is the more interesting one to fly past most of the games, even the lightest in plot like The Adventure or CV1. But let's keep the focus on CV3 because the story is meaty enough.
I find rich when people sneer that CV3 is just a bunch of pixels so the show had to expand on its premise, and the "expansion" is the heroes sitting on their asses in a library and bitching at each other. The game is about travelling through Transylvania! It's about Trevor restoring honor to his clan's name after it has been exiliated! It's about these unlikely people coming together under one goal! Show them actually doing shit! Show them organically bonding, having a more interesting chemistry than "eat shit and die" "yes fuck you"!
The villain side of the story is such a no brainer it's not even worth mentioning - you have two CoD prequels, you can read them, use them! Show more Dracula, Lisa and Alucard being a family before she's killed! Show Dracula losing all morals in his grief! Show Hector and Isaac, formerly the best of friends, cracking under the pressure of keeping up with their Lord's demand, Isaac suffering from his inferiority complex, Hector witnessing with his own eyes how cruel Dracula has become! Hector and Alucard interacting before they both part ways! It's there! It's all there! Guys please there is no need to change anything, only elaborate a little more on the crumbs canon gave us!
I personally wouldn't bother with adapting CoD, but if we had to, again we can expand. Hector and Rosaly's quiet life and the former starting to heal from trauma only to fall into despair again, Isaac's tragic, uncomfortable descent into insanity... but now we also give more room to Trevor, instead of relegating him to occasional boss fight. We can show what the others are up to, or we can include Grant and Sypha into the plot. We can fix all the writing problems around Julia, actually redesigning her for a good reason.
yes i lack imagination but when games good i don't need to pretend i can do better
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immagrosscandy · 11 months
Do you prefer HPHM or HPMA? Which is better in terms of storyline, animation, and characters in your opinion?
-Sincerely, from a dumb anon that is me 💋😷
at this point i really prefer hpma over hphm for a lot of reasons and most of them are how hphm fails in everything you just mentioned
the story gets messy super messy as the years go by, they stretch the chapters like gum making em tedious and boring
the animation is sometimes nasty like some 3d models look bad very bad, as if they just wanted to get the job done instead of making sure said job is good
the characters are... meh. i like some of them but the main story focuses on some of the ones that get worse as the story progresses: like the stupidity that is jacob's sibling, the pain in my ass that is merula snyde, jacob "i am found and never seen again for some reason", the supposed-to-be big bad of the story who's VERY important as he's RELATED to the main characters and is never mentioned until the last year of school. why.
also. another problem that annoys me. the less focus the have on the story and more on adding things that don't really matter. like the amount of sidequests and how much of them they do, and how emphasis they put in them on social media. the perfect example is the big elephant in the room, the romance. like most people only care about the romance because jc stopped caring about the story and it shows, and its seems like they have some sort of dateline to make a new romantic sidequests so that the players keep in touch with the game (at least that's how it feels for me)
as you can see hphm was good, even great. i loved the story and the characters. i liked the mystery behind the vaults and our brother, the mc wasn't stupid, i even liked merula because she was a not-annoying bad bitch that knew more of the mystery than us, there was rowan khanna, they created talbott winger thanks you lord, the story was captivating and it didn't need to be like 60 chapters long i'm looking at you year 6 even the romantic subplot was okay for me, the celestial ball and the first date are peak tlsq and tulip and ismelda was dateable i mean c'mon
but they fucked up
so bad
and i'm hoping the same doesnt happen to hpma. i've finished the main storyline and i kind of like ivy and lottie's stories, they're super cute. the artstyle is GORGEOUS it blows my tiny mind, and the animation is great. i really like it! all the things you can do in the castle such as going to class, dueling, dancing or exploring the forbidden forest are really cool and they keep me interested. its just like being at hogwarts. also the characters here are great and they all have a different story to be told (i'm seeing you daniel)
also i never got to play hogwarts legacy or any of the hp games in the ps2, so this is like my first experience of an open-world hogwarts and... it's cool!
i really dont want to glorify this game, there are some things i dont like about it, but until now i'm really enjoying it!
so i feel like hpma might be better than hphm in terms of animation and storytelling, obviously. and i like the characters in both games, but in hphm they downgrade in quality and writing... so i guess hpma wins
dont get me wrong i still love hphm, but what i hate is what they've done to it
i hope this wasn't too long. if you have anything to say about what i've said feel free to do so. my opinion is just an opinion after all
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logicalbookthief · 3 years
Christmas Movies Ranked by How Anti-Capitalist They Are
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It’s a Wonderful Life
Movies that make you want to pick a fight with the 1% and also weep with joy. Absolutely a classic and anti-capitalist at its very core. Will convince you we need to start oppressing landlords again.
“Just remember this, Mr. Potter, that this rabble you're talking about... they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community. Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath? Anyway, my father didn't think so. People were human beings to him. But to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle.”
SAY THAT!!! George Bailey said fuck landlords, all my homies hate landlords, they have NO rights. Local man believes poor people are human, dedicates his life to helping them, and in his time of the need literally the whole town comes together to support him and his family. Class solidarity ftw!
“Remember no man is a failure who has friends.” Bitch I CRY EVERY GODDAMN TIME. 
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Home Alone
Soundtrack goes hard, the wacky hijinks even harder. 
Loses points because the bandits had a prime opportunity to seize and redistribute some of the wealth from this ritzy Chicago neighborhood and instead they focus their energy on trying to kill an 8-year-old who outsmarts them at every turn.
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A family favorite in our house. Touches on the overworking and mistreatment of employees through Greenway Press – Walter forced to choose between being with his family on Christmas Eve or losing his job, it’s implied Deb has a pet grooming business on the side to makes ends meet despite being a receptionist at a NY publishing company, etc.
Honestly most of the points come from Jonie’s underrated yet highly relatable storyline. She works in retail, exhausted and cynical towards the high-paced Christmas season which gives her little to no relief or reward, since she’s surviving on ramen noodles and using the employee showers because her water was cut off. Not expanded on enough to be considered a true Marxist piece but the effort is appreciated.
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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Although the meme is correct in that Rudolph’s red nose becomes desirable only once it proves to be useful, it does get points for exposing the harmful nature of forced conformity and those alienated by these capitalist ideals -- Rudolph, Hermie, the island of misfit toys -- are given a place to belong despite the perceived “flaws” that before made them undesirable.
Also the elves definitely have a free dental-plan now thanks to Hermie and are hopefully on their way to unionizing. Fucking superb you funky little misfit.
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Klaus (2019)
Turns a member of the bourgeoisie into a man I’d trust to carry my mail. Respect for postal workers this movie contains was ahead of its time.
 No direct takedown of the establishment but a heartwarming message -- “A true selfless act always sparks another” bITCH I may be crying -- that emphasizes the importance of giving to others even when there is no selfish motivation to do so, which is inherently anti-capitalist.  
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The Santa Clause
Scott Calvin starts as a toy executive who takes part in the commercialization of Christmas. He was probably a business major so automatically loses points.
The Santa dynasty itself seems to operate under the cutthroat rules of the business world where you must overthrow (or in this case, throw him off the roof) the former CEO in order to seize power. 
Elves have not unionized or seized the means of production by the end.
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A Christmas Carol 
THE ORIGINAL. Charles Dickens was not even in the neighborhood of fucking around with this one. CREATED the anti-capitalist Christmas genre!!
Rich man treats his employees like shit and gets terrorized by three ghosts on Christmas Eve. Force him to redistribute his wealth by dragging him through a montage of his most epic fails -- oh, hey, remember when your fiancé left you? -- and make him listen as all his employees and relatives complain about his stingy ass. 
They end this slideshow by throwing this dude into his own grave. DIRECT ACTION. 
Like damn, the ghosts really said, “If you hoard your resources and ignore those in need when you could directly improve/save lives with no cost to yourself, you will die ALONE and you WILL pay for your crimes in hell.” Literally watching this movie is a catharsis for anyone who is or has been poor and working class. 
I’m including all versions of this movie but a special shout out to the Muppet version because it fucks the hardest. 
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How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Listen I’m not even in realms of joking with this one. This movie is THE anti-capitalist film of the holiday season. 
WhoVille commercializing Christmas and a fixation on consumer culture to the point where anything and anyONE who cannot be commodified -- aka the GRINCH -- is alienated? The Whos rediscovering that people should be cherished over material items once it all is stolen and they must confront how empty the holiday has become??
Cindy Lou becoming disillusioned in Christmas -- at an age that coincides when many children (those who celebrate Christmas at least) lost belief in Santa and had to wrestle with what the holiday means with the magic gone and they’re more aware of the rampant consumerism that taints the season?? Her resolve to find a meaning that goes beyond material consumption because if a holiday founded on goodwill doesn’t extend that goodwill to everyone, even those society deems undesirable, then what’s the point???
The Grinch despising Christmas because he is unable to participate and isolated from the Whos and also the better qualities within himself? His alienation serving to demonize him further as it allows the public to narrow his valid criticisms of the holiday down to him being different and thus inherently predisposed to evil?? And hmm isn’t it interesting that a LOT of this demonization comes via Mayor Augustus “generously paid for by the tax-payers of Whoville” Maywho, Mr. 1% himself.
The upper vs working class divide evident in the light show competition between Martha May and Betty Lou Who?? The opening scene of the shopping frenzy that mirrors our own consumerist culture and overworking of retail/poster workers??? This entire monologue:
“That's what it's all about, isn't it? That's what it's always been about. Gifts, gifts... gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts! You wanna know what happens to your gifts? They all come to me. In your garbage. You see what I'm saying? In your garbage. I could hang myself with all the bad Christmas neckties I found at the dump. And the avarice... the avarice never ends! ‘I want golf clubs. I want diamonds. I want a pony so I can ride it twice, get bored and sell it to make glue.’" 
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
I put together some final thoughts on the past arc, cuz now that it's pretty much over and we can look at the past 20-ish chapters as a whole, I have some.
Apologies in advance cuz this turned out long.
I feel like with the appearance of Stain and Aizawa, the mention of Kurogiri, the callback to Toga, and the end of Dek's solo adventures, it is finally safe to give some final thoughts on the past arc. Specifically talking about the chapters ranging from 306-324.
I want to iterate that I am completely in understanding of the fact that the author is very much overworked, and that if he had been able to take a proper break after the war arc, (or a proper break in general) this past arc would have been better. This is not a jab at the author's abilities, because the man can tell a story. We've seen him do it. He's capable of it, especially when his heart is in it. Which, for the record, I don't think his heart was in this past arc at all--not like it was for the war arc and the very few chapters following up to 305. I think he was forcing these chapters out because he had to. Anyway.
Hardly any progress was made in the plot this past arc. Almost every chapter was boring. Like, we usually get HYPE when spoilers drop! Notice how that hype has completely died down. I will say that chapter 314 lit a bit of a spark in the fandom, but that spark died immediately when we got the three completely useless explosions (All Might's car, Nagant, the mansion in the forest), and when we kept seeing Endeavor and Hawks--two characters in desperate, desperate need of some serious development--remain completely stagnant and hollow.
Yes, some moments were worth being excited about! Toga came to Ochacko's mind, Midoriya has thought of Shigaraki several times--as well as thought back to specific lines from his (very important) speech--Shouto went off on his dad in front of UA, and Bakugo and Midoriya finally had a moment of clarity and unification. Those things were all nice. But beyond that....
I think my biggest issue is how Hawks is being handled right now. Other bloggers have said it before, but Hawks feels really retconned and it seems like Hori is backing out on kicking Hawks's ass in-story. Twice's death feels as if it didn't even happen. Which, I'm still holding out hope that that is going to change at some point down the line. BUT--the fact of the matter is that the writing has reduced Hawks to this extremely flat, 2-D character who only is constantly accompanied by/associated with Endeavor and cannot seem to exist in-story otherwise, not thinking a single thought about the fact that Endeavor is a grim reminder of his abusive past, not struggling or regretting even a little bit about the fact that he murdered someone who was running away crying, and suddenly has all these optimistic lines that really don't belong with his character. So after waiting all this time for his character to have the same substance he used to during the war arc and before, it's going to feel extremely jarring for him to suddenly be as important as he potentially could have been to the end game, and suddenly go back to being as complex and intriguing as he used to be out of fucking nowhere. I mean I'm holding out hope still, because Twice deserves better. And Hawks being made into a flat Endeavor worshipper is pretty cringe. There is still time for change though 🙏🏼, for now. Hawks is on thin ass ice.
Endeavor....ugh. Stagnant, plot-wise. But his character is fine, for now. His arc is pretty straight forward, but there's concern it'll just be....lightly painted over with a completely uncalled-for layer of optimism. Like, it's already optimistic and hopeful that his family is going to be together in the end. Nothing story-wise has changed that ending to come. If anything, because of the ridiculous happy-go-lucky last few chapters (sans 325-326), I'd say it's even more solidified. The question at this point is how dark and serious will it get on the journey to that ending. Will there be any stakes, any losses, etc. Endeavor should not get to remain a hero in the end. He shouldn't, and as of now I still think he's gonna lose his hero status in the end. But....heroes and civilians alike do not seem to give a single shit that he abused his family. They only yell at him because of what Touya did. Not because of what he did to his family as a whole, or the fact that he's still considered a fucking hero in the eyes of society. It's very...disappointing, and raises the possibility that nothing will actually be addressed with him and he'll still be a "hero". Nothing has called him out, except for Shouto! But Shouto has hardly had ANY screen time in so long, that it doesn't feel as heavy watching him (rightfully) bitch out his dad. That's another issue that would result in a way longer post than this already is, but Shouto needs his arc back. He still hasn't gotten it back, still. Yes, the kids are back on screen, but it's obvious which kids are gonna be saving some villains, so it'd be nice to put some focus on them and their inner struggles and their arcs, instead of pandering to everyone ELSE pointlessly if they're not going to carry the plot further (Endeavor and Hawks I'm looking at you).
Other smaller complaints:
I can't get over how there were three chapters dedicated to Ochacko and that megaphone. We got Toga out of it, but at what cost..
The villains were established to be central to the remainder of the main kids' arcs, but hardly any mention of them at all. It felt to me like the plot was literally dancing around that topic. Just trying to put it off for as long as possible.
I don't really have complaints about 325 and 326. They could have been better if everything leading up to them was...worth getting excited over, but ultimately they're okay. They at least gave us mystery (Stain and All Might) and suspense (Aizawa and Kurogiri) to look forward to. I hope Hori can enjoy himself more in the remaining parts of the story. It seems like when the happenings in the story are actually interesting, the story-telling is significantly better and the author seems to have more of a solid idea of where he's going.
He deserves a break too.
He has talent, I want to see that talent carry out the story to its end!
Anyway, here's to better chapters to come 🍻 🍻 🍻
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ah-ga-seven · 4 years
Till’ The End of Summer - Chapter 2
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>> series masterlist <<
Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x Reader
In a Nutshell: College!AU, Rich Kids, Friends to Lovers, Fuckboy athlete Yeonjun, Overprotective Best friend Soobin, contains all of TXT and other Idol cameos, Omnipresent perspective.
Synopsis: You and Yeonjun are caught up in a cat and mouse game because of unspoken feelings and endless pining for each others’ attention. With the summer break approaching and lots of college parties, will you finally get a chance to explore your feelings for each other; even though the world and Yeonjun’s reputation makes things complicated?
Word count: 7.2K
Genre: Angst, Fluff.
Cameos: NCT Johnny, Ateez Wooyoung, ITZY Ryujin & Yeji.
Warnings: Heavy drinking, sexual implications, arguing and conflict.
A/N: English isn’t my first language, pls don’t come for me ;)
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“Dang,” Soobin exclaims as you get in the car. He turns around to check out your attire, make-up and jewelry.  
You chuckle crossing your legs and posing for them dramatically. “How you like that?”  
Mia looked at you with proud eyes as she nods checking you out. “I approve,” she practically yells. She probably already had a few shots at home before she left judging by her enthusiasm.
“I don’t,” Soobin raises his eyebrows and Mia rolls her eyes at him. “Ok grandpa, how about we just get going.”
Soobin pouts at Mia’s comment and in order to calm him down she gives him a quick peck on the lips.  
You smiled at the two of them, hoping that one day you get to have what they have.
The remainder of the car ride was filled with laughter. You guys were singing, or should you say, screaming along to the music that was blaring through the speakers. The time practically flew by and before you knew it, the three of you had arrived at the entrance of the huge rustic looking frat house.  
You had never been here before, and you were amazed to say the least.  Your jaw dropped in awe of the size of the house. It was like a damn villa.
Sometimes you forget that 90% of the people at your school are rich brats who only got into this college because of their parents’ hefty wallets. You forget because you on the other hand, actually worked your ass off to get where you are without being an athlete or curing cancer in your spare time.
It suddenly made you think of Yeonjun again, about how little you actually knew of him. How did he get into this school? Was he already here? Who did he come with?
Soobin snaps you out of your daydream as he opens the car door for you. “The escort service is on the second floor,” he jokes helping you get out of the car.
You slap him on his chest but take his hand anyway. You’re used to his low key protective behaviour by now, so nothing really bothers you anymore. “Keep those snarky comments coming boy, I still have your whole embarrassing childhood to expose to your lovely girlfriend,” you say as the three of you start walking to the front door.
Soobin just shoots you a glare as he instinctively wraps an arm around Mia’s waist. “Don’t you dare,” he says pouting, making you and Mia laugh in response.  
The door opens with a dramatic swing and a tall, handsome-looking dude with sharp features greeted you with the warmest smile ever. It made you giddy inside, and you cursed at yourself for how easily impressed you are by any type of tall man.  
You could hear the loud music and feel the base send vibrations through your spine. You looked past his tall figure and noticed how the house was packed with people already.
“Sooooob, what's up my man,” he exclaims pulling him in for a bro-hug, Soobin smiled at Johnny fondly. “This is my girlfriend Mia, and this is y/n, my best friend” he explains, introducing both of you.  
“His single, best friend,” Mia chimed in giggling.
Your eyes grow wide and you slap Mia’s arm in response. “Don’t mind her. She has the alcohol tolerance of an underweight toddler,” you joke apologetically, which earned loud laughter from the tall guy who was dressed in white jeans accompanied with a loosely hanging Hawaiian blouse which was almost completely unbuttoned. Classic.
“Well, it’s a pleasure. I’m Johnny, feel free to make yourself at home. The booz and snacks are in the kitchen,” he said smirking, obviously checking you out from head to toe. “Come in,” he stepped aside so the three of you could walk in. You had to admit. He was charming. But as soon as your eyes landed on Yeonjun sitting on the couch with Beomgyu,  Hueningkai and Taehyun next to him, you completely forgot about Johnny’s existence.
He looked absolutely ravishing. When he wasn’t wearing baggy sweatshirts and sweatpants he actually had an incredible fashion sense.  
He was wearing a satin black button-up blouse that loosely hugged his figure, paired with dark denim jeans. He had his signature hoop earrings in, while also wearing a chained LV necklace and bracelet to go with it. You forgot to breathe for a second, and your eyes meet for the first time that night.
His eyes were looking around the room before his gaze lingered on your figure. His mouth fell agape slightly. And he swallowed harshly looking at your attire. “Damn,” he says under his breath. It was inaudible to you but you could tell what he was saying.
You silently take the win and smile at him knowingly.
You hadn’t even realised yet how nicely the house was decorated and just how crowded the place was. Your eyes reluctantly leave Yeonjun’s dark orbs to look around the living room and quickly noticed that Soobin and Mia had already abandoned you to get drinks. How nice of them.
You awkwardly look around and make your way to your friends, who were all sitting on the same couch, not noticing how most of the people there were staring at you as you made your way through the crowd.
“Isn’t it past your bedtime?” You joke as you give Hueningkai a nudge on the shoulder.
He scoffed in response. “You need to stop babying me,” you gasp, mocking him. “Never.”
He just smiled at you, giving you a quick hug.  “It’s good to see you,” he hums into the hug, and you smile at him as you let go.
“Wow y/n you look incredible,” Beomgyu says smiling up at you, Taehyun nods in agreement giving you a warm smile as well. “Total bad bitch,” Taehyun adds giving you a thumbs up.
“Thanks,” you chuckle, absentmindedly looking around for a place to sit.
Beomgyu noticed and got up so you could sit down instead of him, as there was no place left on the couch. Instead, he sat down on Yeonjun’s lap, who still hadn’t said a word to you since you walked in. For a quick second, you wish it was you on his lap, but then you notice that all he does is stare at you. Given the fact that you were feeling yourself tonight, you just stare back at him, which made him smirk in response. He licked his lips, ready to break the silence before Johnny appears in front of you with two red cups in his hands.  
“For the lady,” he says handing one of the cups to you.  
You look up in surprise, giving him a friendly smile as you accept the cup. “Thank you, that’s really thoughtful,” you say a little too flirty and you instantly curse at yourself for not having control over your tone of voice; even though you’re completely sober.  You take a sip, realising it’s your favourite. It made you look up at Johnny and he just smirked at you knowingly.  
“Thanks…” you say taking another sip, giving Johnny a smile that he could think about for the rest of the night.
You could feel Yeonjun’s eyes bore in to the back of your head. He was paying attention and what you would do next would determine the tone you had set for that night. So you knew you had to escape.  
“I’m gonna look for Mia, I remember I had to tell her something, If you could just excuse me for a second,” you said apologetically getting up. You pull your dress down a little trying not to expose your ass cheeks.
“That’s okay, the night is still young,” Johnny smiled at you brightly. It wasn’t the creepy type of smile or comment though. The tone in his voice was overbearingly friendly. His aura made you want to get closer to him. As friends though.
You smile at him and walk off, making your way through the way too large house looking for your friend.
You finally find her and Soobin in the kitchen with a bunch of other people. You recognise a few of them, but you couldn’t be bothered enough to greet them first as you grab a hold of Mia’ arm.
“Oh hey, y/n! They have jello shots. Look!” She wiggles the shot in front of you and you could tell she had at least 5 of them already.
“Bitch, fuck your jello, I’m not off to a great start,” you say whining.
Soobin turns around, suddenly interested when he sensed the desperate tone in your voice. He was eating some type of chocolate pudding.
He smacked his lips a couple of times before he decided to chime in. “What do you mean?”
You ignore Soobin and focus on Mia only. “I could tell he wanted to say something, but then Johnny appeared in front of me like I was in some type of Disney movie. It’s like the guy is glowing?” You say animatedly wiggling your fingers around to mimic sparks flying to make Mia’s drunken state understand better.
“Johnny is a great guy,” Soobin states butting into the conversation. “He’s into you, just date him.”
Mia just giggled, nothing was registering to her. Fuck. She was drunk. Too drunk to give you rational advice.  
“Jesus Soobin, how do you even know that?”  
“Because he came over here and asked us what your favourite drink was. He’s trying to impress you, so I just gave him a little nudge in the right direction. And like I said, he’s a great guy. Date him.”  
You roll your eyes at his pushiness. You don’t know what it is, but the more Soobin tries to push you into one direction, the more you don’t want to follow. It’s like you’re a defiant teenager while he’s the parent. It made you want to act out even more. It’s childish, you know that. But the fact that he even played matchmaker between you and Johnny was doing the most.
“I saw you cozying up to Yeonjun today at the park you know.”
“Oh did you now,” you roll your eyes at him.
“Damn it y/n,” Soobin took a step closer to you. He was getting mad and you could tell. Mia turned to her boyfriend giving him a warning look.
“I’m trying to befriend him. I literally had my legs draped over Beomgyu’s and you don’t bat an eye, but I can’t even talk to Yeonjun before you jump to all of these conclusions!?” You were raising your voice at him to get your point across but Soobin wasn’t having it.
“You didn’t admit your feelings for Beomgyu to me now did you,” he bites back at you.
“You’re being so fucking annoying right now, I told you not to worry about it,” you yell back at him, making Mia flinch in the process.
“What’s going on here?”  
His voice startles you and you feel his hand on your shoulder.  
You look up and see Yeonjun standing by your side, almost protectively standing between you and Soobin.
“Oh hey,” Soobin said, calming down at the sight of his friend.
“So much for a fun night,” Mia pouted, tugging at Soobin’s fingers.
Soobin just blinked a couple of times, apologetically looking into his girlfriends’ eyes. He tried to look you in the eye as well but you avoid his gaze.  
“Nothing,” you say stoically. “I was just about to leave.”
Yeonjun’s eyes grew big. “Leave? You just got here all of five minutes ago?”  
You sigh. “I meant, leave the kitchen,” you say waving your arms around.
Yeonjun didn’t quite understand what was going on, but he could tell that you were tense. He contemplated asking about it one more time because he was curious. But decided against it, not wanting to push you over the edge.
Instead, he nudged your shoulder. “Wanna go take a walk?” he asked giving you a hopeful look.
You visibly relax at his request, your heart skipped another beat and you just nod at him in response.
“I-” Soobin starts, but he doesn’t finish his sentence. He knew he was going overboard with it. And if he pushed another one of your buttons, you might just swing at him for real this time. He figured he just had to trust your judgment for once. Even though he knows of your terrible track record of dating incompetent men.
You send him a glare before boldly taking Yeonjun by his hand and leading him out of the kitchen with you.
You sigh in relief as fresh air fills your lungs when you step outside. The temperature had dropped so much since this afternoon. A shiver ran down your spine and Yeonjun noticed.
He turned to you. “Wait here ok,” he said confusing you as he ran off.  
Did he just leave you out here? Alone? What the fuck.
Not even 15 seconds later he returns with a leather jacket. He ran up to you and covered you with it.  
You stare at him in silence. Dumbfounded by his chivalry. You couldn’t help but blush, and you curse at yourself as you do so.  
“T-thanks,” you say fixing your hair.  
“It’s nothing, I realised I had the jacket in the trunk of my car,” he says giving you a warm smile.
God damn it. You melt once again. He’s making it too hard for you to stay away. But why would you?  
He hasn’t given you a reason to. Nor did he give you any red flags. The whole’ he’s a fuckboy and doesn’t want a relationship’ story didn’t add up.
“Are you okay?” Yeonjun asked cautiously, trying not to tick you off.  
You shrug absentmindedly. “Soobin is just getting on my nerves.”
He nods, noticing how he should probably drop the topic, but he decides against it.
“You know. He talks about you so much. About your adventures from your childhood, the trips you took together, everything. I can tell he loves you a lot. I don’t know what your fight was about but I don’t think you should be too mad at him. He’s just trying to look out for you,” Yeonjun says carefully. He knows he’s overstepping a little bit, but he doesn’t care. He hates to see Soobin upset, so he’d try his best to meddle between you two.
Oh Yeonjun. If only he knew that the fight was about him. And here he is, sticking up for Soobin even though he is trying to make Yeonjun out to be the asshole.
“Also, I am just starting to get to know you more and more. Soobin is our only connection, if you two fight, then when will I be able to see you hmm?” He says chuckling.  
Wow, okay. His flirty self is back again.
You laugh at the cute shift in his personality. “Don’t worry, I’ll pencil you into my busy schedule if you’d like.”
Yeonjun throws his head back in laughter. “When Soobin talks about you, he makes you seem so chill and funny, it made me want to get to know you better. But now that I’m with you all you seem to do is flirt with everyone.”
You stop in your tracks giving him a look of confusion, but you can’t help but laugh. “Flirt? With everyone? Who’s everyone?”
“Johnny,” Yeonjun says shrugging. “And Beomgyu, in the park…and well…Me.”
You nearly choke on air. “You’re kidding? Right?  I didn’t flirt with Johnny nor Beomgyu, Also Beomgyu is like a little brother. That’s gross,” you laugh nervously.
Yeonjun just stares at you and starts to smirk again. “So you don’t deny flirting with me?”  
Your eyes grow big at his observation. Shit. You really exposed yourself like that. “Well…I eh…” you stammer. You just singlehandedly boosted his ego with one sentence. He developed a child-like grin on his face as realisation hit him.
Yeonjun took a step closer to you. “You…what?” he’s getting cocky now.
His face was inching closer and closer to you by the second. He looked at your flustered facial expression as he crouched down a little to get to eye-level with you. When he sees the fear in your eyes he burst out laughing.  
You look at him in shock and he inches away from you again. “I’m just playing with you. You should’ve seen the look on your face.”
“Dick,” you exhale.  
“Dick!?” he repeats all fake defensive, poking your side.
“That’s the only pet name you’re getting if you keep playing with me,” you giggle as he poked your ticklish spot, and you swat his hand away playfully as you continue to walk down the street filled with massive villa’s.
“I prefer da- never mind,” he stops himself immediately.
You nudge him laughing hysterically. Not believing he was about to say that. You take a mental note, hoping you would need it in the future.
Being with Yeonjun was easy, it felt like breathing. He was able to switch your mood in all of 2 seconds and you’re thankful for that. You genuinely thought your night went to shit.  
Before you knew it, the two of you walked around the whole block. You talked about anything and everything and there is so much you had learned about him in such a short time.
He was an only child, he took dance classes since he was little and still practices from time to time, he loves to travel, especially to warm and tropical countries. He’s not a picky eater but can’t handle fishy flavoured foods like oysters. He is passionate and competitive, oh and his favourite dog breed is the Welsh Corgi.  
You were surprised at how easy it was to talk to him since he always seemed so distant and unreachable. But you figured he was just shy because, in reality, he was the biggest sweetheart. Maybe that’s his charm? Girls pine after him because he seems like a bad boy, but when he lets his walls down, he’s the complete opposite.  
“Wait, so…you’re telling me that Soobin got a sports scholarship and you got one because of your grades alone?” Yeonjun asks wide-eyed.
You nod. “Yep, total nerd over here,” you huff. “So…that means you’re like smart, smart?” Yeonjun asks while holding you back before the two of you cross the street to check if there weren’t any cars coming your way.  
The sudden skinship startled you a little as he held you back by your arm before he decided it was ok to cross the road, back to the house. His manners were dumbfounding, and you could tell he wasn’t even trying. It’s just the way he is. Always looking out for others before he looks out for himself.
“I mean…it’s nothing special,” you say lost in thought. you were getting kind of sad as you approached the house, knowing that your quality time would soon be over because of his immense popularity. Once you got inside you knew that everyone would want something from him again.  
“That’s cool y/n, you really earned it,” he gives you a warm smile before the both of you enter the house again. You reciprocate his smile, feeling warm inside at his compliment.
You take off his jacket, handing it back to him but he shakes his head in response. “Keep it with you for the night. Just in case,” he says wrapping it back around your shoulders. “Besides, I don’t think I’m ok with the fact that every dude can just gauge at you in that outfit” he swallows harshly.
You meet his eyes confused at his comment, but he doesn’t budge. “You’re lucky it goes with my outfit,” you giggle. The sound made his heart jump and his lips curl up into a smile. “Even if it didn’t. I’m sure you look good in a potato sack y/n,” he compliments you once again, moving a piece of your hair behind your ear so he could see your pretty features a little better.  
His actions and words were laced with affection. And not once had he tried to make a real move on you yet. You weren’t sure if you were happy or sad that he didn’t. But the more he showed this side of him to you, the more you felt the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
“Yo Jun!” Another tall guy with long black hair yelled out for Yeonjun’s attention. Making both of you snap out of your bubble as he approached. “We’ve been looking for you man; we need the king of beer pong in our team, alright?”  
Yeonjun chuckled. “Wooyoung, chill. I’ll be right there,” he patted his friend on the back to signal him to leave the two of you, but he didn’t seem to get the hint.
“Oh, who’s this?” He questioned giving you a smirk while holding out his hand for you to shake.
You took his hand, weakly shaking it as you introduce yourself. “I’m y/n,” you smile.
“Well hello y/n, can I just say, you look very pretty,” Wooyoung winked at you and you awkwardly smiled back. Damn these horny and drunk college boys really do be something else.  
“Ok. I think that’s as far as that introduction goes,” Yeonjun says chiming in. “How about that game you were talking about?” he diverts his attention to Wooyoung, but gives you a last look before he walks off.
“You coming?” Yeonjun asks holding out his hand for you. But you just shake your head in response.  
Given the crowd that had formed around the beer pong table, you decided against it. You didn’t like to be the center of attention, but you knew Yeonjun did. When you were with him you could feel so many eyes on you, but he didn’t seem to care or notice.  
“I’ll be fine, just go,” you say shooing him away playfully. He nodded, taking one last glance at you before he disappeared. It didn’t take long before he was completely engulfed in the game. You just stood there, watching him from a distance. He really was the MVP. Everyone was cheering for him as he kept making shot after shot. And of course, you noticed the females around him as well. He’s thriving off the energy and you don’t know why but it made you sad since you were pulled back to face the reality of things.
He’s just out of your league.  
Suddenly your mind flashes back to what Mia told you this afternoon.
“The problem is that a lot of girls have eyes for him too and that can become a problem. The issue is if YOU can handle that.”
Can you handle that? You sigh turning around, wanting to find either of your friends but you couldn’t get far as you bump into a wall of a person.
“Oh, sorry,” you say looking up. It was Johnny.
“Hey,” he smiled at you. “All by yourself out here?” He asked chuckling.
“Well, yes. Every time I blink my friends keep disappearing from my sight because this house is just too huge,” you say looking around you, trying to spot any of them.
Johnny laughed at your comment. “Do you want to see the rest of the house? I can give you a tour if you want? There are three floors. And we even have our own gym,” he said proudly.
“Your own gym? What the hell. Now that, I want to see,” you say intrigued.  
Rich kids really are something else.
Johnny laughed at your sudden enthusiasm and put an arm around your shoulder as he led you upstairs.
Before you reach the top of the stairs, you see Beomgyu, talking to Ryujin, a girl from his class that you were also friendly with.
“Oh hey, y/n, where are you going?” Beomgyu asks, his big eyes darting from you to Johnny. He squinted his eyes at the sight of Johnny having his arm around your shoulder.  
“I’m getting a house tour. Did you know they have a gym?” You say with your mouth agape.
Ryujin chuckled. “Wait till you see the sauna.”  
“Sauna!?” You repeat in awe.  
“Oh yeah, that’s on the third floor. We’ll get there,” Johnny smiles at you innocently and leads you further into the second floor opening the first door on your left. “This is Jaehyun and Jungwoo’s room. It’s kinda messy.”  
Beomgyu watched the two of you like a hawk. He heard you laugh at every joke Johnny threw your way. But the further you went into the hallway, the more your voice became white noise.  
“Ryujin, I’m really sorry but I have to find my hyungs,” Beomgyu says apologetically diverting his attention back to her.
“That’s ok, I was just about to get back to Lia en Yeji anyway,” she smiled at him knowingly. He was going to warn his friends about you disappearing into the rooms with Johnny, and she knew it.  
“Raincheck?” Beomgyu carefully asks, taking Ryujin’s hand. She smiled at him brightly. “Of course.”
He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and ran down the stairs making his way through the crowd.
Mia, Soobin, Hueningkai and Taehyun were sitting on the same couch from before. “Soobin hyung!” Beomgyu exclaims slightly out of breath.
Soobin looked up from his phone, Mia was situated on his lap, nearly passed out from the jello shots and Kai and Taehyun were lost in conversation with her. “What's up?” he asks putting his phone away.
“Johnny took y/n on the house tour.”  
“….She knows that tour always ends in his room right?” Taehyun chimed in. “She can be so naïve sometimes,” he says clicking his tongue.
Hueningkai’s eyes grew big. “Eh, should we…save her?”
“Save her? For what. She went with Johnny herself, she’s an adult. Why would we interrupt them?” Soobin coldly states, obviously still angry with you. Mia rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, still too drunk to really judge the situation, her head falls back on his shoulder as she giggles.  
Beomgyu raised his eyebrows in disbelief. Soobin would rather die than let a guy take advantage of you, so his sudden attitude towards the situation surprised him.
“Y/n is with Johnny? Upstairs?” Yeonjun overheard the conversation as he approached.  
He was confused, to say the least. He thought the two of you had something going, especially after the walk you took together just minutes ago. He looked down, visibly upset.
“Yeah, I saw them…” Beomgyu says scratching the back of his head.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I feel uncomfortable about it,” Hueningkai says shrugging.
“Me too,” Yeonjun says under his breath, earning a look from Soobin. “Why, did you want to fuck her first?” Soobin says, his voice laced with venom looking straight into Yeonjun’s eyes.
“What?” Yeonjun's eyes grew big as he looked at his friend in confusion. “What the fuck are you talking about?” Yeonjun bites back taking a step towards Soobin.
The younger ones all shifted uncomfortably in their seats. But Beomgyu knew better than to let this escalate.
“Guys, stop,” he said putting himself between Soobin and Yeonjun. “Are we gonna go up there or no? Time is ticking,” Beomgyu asked indifferently.
“I know I sure as hell am,” Yeonjun says tearing his eyes off of Soobin’s burning look, heading for the stairs without thinking twice.
Beomgyu panicked and ran after him, while Taehyun and Hueningkai shifted their attention to Soobin.
“Hyung, what was that about? Why did you come for Yeonjun’s throat like that?” Taehyun asks.
“Y-yeah, everything was fine this afternoon, I don’t get it,” Hueningkai adds.  
Soobin sighed, placing Mia next to him on the couch and off of his lap. “I’ll tell you some other time. Look after Mia for me. I’m going to go after them.”  
The younger ones just nodded at Soobin as he left, sprinting up the stairs two steps at a time.  
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Johnny was the biggest clown you had ever met. He pretended as if you were an interested buyer as he was showing you around. Cracking joke after joke. He had opened at least 3 doors to rooms where people were either making out or doing the dirty. And every time he did he looked so flustered it was adorable.
“I’m gonna need them to put a sign on the door or something,” he says scratching the back of his head.  
You laugh at his comment and you realise you finally made it to the infamous gym-room.  
“There better not be any people having sex in here right now or else I’m going to throw up,” Johnny says opening the door carefully. He peaks his head through and sighs in relief. “Ok. It’s safe for us to go in,” he whispers opening the door for you, letting you walk in first. You giggle again at his comedic antics and you step inside. Your eyes skim the place and you swallow harshly.  
“Damn,” you say in awe of what you were seeing. “This room is as big as my whole apartment.”
“And it looks better than the campus gym,” you say letting your hand graze over the fancy equipment.  
“It is, isn’t it,” Johnny says sitting down on one of the benches. “So…” he starts.
You turn around and look at him. There’s a sudden tension that filled the room since you were secluded and the music from the party was barely audible. You were waiting for him to finish that sentence, looking at him expectantly.
“You’re dating Yeonjun?” he asks out of the blue.
You almost choke on air, coughing, widening your eyes at his sudden assumption.
“N-no, why?” you ask. “Does it seem that way?”  
Johnny chuckled at how flustered you got and leaned back, making himself comfortable on the benchpress. “Nah, I just noticed the two of you walking outside together, and when you got back, he wrapped his jacket around you and stuff. It was very cute.  Also, he glared at me when I gave you the drink. I swear Soobin told me you were single,” Johnny says putting his hands up in defeat.
“He glared at you?” You blink a couple of times, letting his observations register and sigh. “It’s complicated,” you say.
“Ahh, it’s one of those huh?” He smiles at you knowingly.  
You just nod. Not really knowing what else to say. “Well, if you ever get bored of him. You know where I live,” he says wiggling his eyebrows and you laugh at his bluntness.  
At that, the door swings open. The sudden bang of the door making impact with the wall made you jump and you knock over one of the dumbbells in the process which caused a loud thud as it made contact with the wooden floor.
The first one you see is Soobin, which made your blood boil. The second is Beomgyu, which made you realise that he’s probably the reason why Soobin is even standing here right now. But then you see Yeonjun’s face, making your eyes nearly pop out of your skull and suddenly, all the anger in your body subsides.
“What the f-” you can’t finish your sentence before Johnny cocks his eyebrow at the three musketeers standing in the doorway of HIS gym room. “Eh, hey guys?” He says a little confused at the way they barged in.  
‘Ah, y/n. W-we were looking for you,” Beomgyu starts.
“Having fun here?” Yeonjun says crossing his arms. He looked upset. And he wasn’t hiding it.  
The temperature in the room dropped below zero due to his tone alone. Shit. He’s mad.
“Oh…guys, guys. Please don’t get the wrong idea here. Y/n was curious about the gym room since I mentioned it. I was just showing her around. Besides she was standing out there all by herself,” Johnny explained lightly.  
Soobin sighed closing his eyes. “Ok so, Johnny. This might sound unbelievable since this is your house and all. But could you maybe like…give us the room…please.”
You just stand there frozen in the same spot as Yeonjun’s eyes are still peering into yours. You were trying to read his facial expression, but you couldn’t. If only you could read minds.  
“You’re right. That does sound unbelievable. But I get it” Johnny chuckles shrugging.
“Just don’t break anything,” he jokes as he got up. You gave him an apologetic look and he just winked at you, signing to you not to worry about it too much.  
You’re lucky that he’s so chill. Otherwise, this could have ended a lot differently.
When the door closed, the loud music from the ongoing party was muted again. Silence engulfed the room which made the atmosphere so much tenser than it was before. For some reason, your heart was pounding uncontrollably fast. You didn’t know whether to be sorry or angry or why they even barged in the way they did.
“Guys,” you start, exhaling. “I’m…lost? What’s going on?” You ask crossing your arms.
Yeonjun leaned against the wall, biting the inside of his cheek nervously. You didn’t do anything wrong, or did you? He expected to see a different image, maybe you on top of Johnny or vice versa. But it wasn’t anything like that. He didn’t understand why he felt so angry. He should’ve just taken you with him to the damn beer pong table, but the fact that you didn’t want to, confused him. Were you just playing him? Did you enjoy having him in the palm of his hands like that just to drop him? All of these thoughts were circling his mind, but he wasn’t man enough to voice them.  He hated how hard you were to read. He hated how you had him in the palm of his hand like that. It was a foreign feeling to him.
What are you doing to him? He swore he was ready to fuck Johnny up if he was touching you in any way. But why? Why did the thought alone bother him so much?
Soobin sighs, awkwardly shifting his weight from his left leg to his right leg, looking at Beomgyu giving him a sign to speak.  
“Eh…I saw you going up with Johnny and I thought he was somehow going to take advantage of you…so I told Soobin hyung and here we are,” he shrugged, fumbling with his fingers trying to avoid your burning stare. “I’m really sorry y/n. I was just worried,” Beomgyu explains.
You close your eyes for a second, letting it sink in. “I…appreciate the concern. But you know and especially Soobin knows, I’m not the type for one night stands. Especially with someone I just met all of two minutes ago….and also…not surrounded by exercise equipment,” you say waving your arm around at the room’s surroundings.  
“We’re sorry for jumping to conclusions,” Yeonjun suddenly said, breaking the silence. “It was wrong of us to interfere. We had no right to do so. It won’t happen again. Even if you were to mess around with Johnny it’s none of my…I mean our business.”  
Before you could say anything, Yeonjun had walked out of the room, leaving you speechless and confused. You wanted to run after him but you decided against that since it didn’t make sense to do so. Nothing made sense to you at the moment.
What would you even be running after?  
A million different questions circle your mind as you’re trying to understand why he looked so incredibly pissed at you.
Did you mess up? Did you blow your only chance to get close to Yeonjun for good? You can’t really comprehend what just happened, but sadness washes over you as you stare at the spot where Yeonjun was standing just seconds ago.  
Soobin’s eyes followed Yeonjun out the door and then his focus shifts to you. He noticed that you were upset and his harsh demeanor softens at the sight. “Beomgyu, can you go check on him?” Soobin asked softly still looking at you with worry emitting from his pupils.
The younger one nodded and walked out the door, confused as ever.
As the door closed behind Beomgyu, you break. You put your hands over your eyes and a small sob escapes your lips.  
You really don’t know why you were crying, but at the same time, you do.
You unintentionally blew the one chance you had with the guy you’ve had a crush one for over a year now and you didn’t know how to fix it. Because honestly, all of your feelings were unspoken, and before today you didn’t even realise you stood an actual chance with him.  
But given the way he reacted to finding you with Johnny, you just knew that he had felt the same way about you too. With an emphasis on the word ‘felt.’
On top of this, the frustration and pent up anger you had towards Soobin made you even more emotional. You hated fighting with him more than anything, especially if he is the one that’s right.
Soobin’s face literally crumbled at the sight. He’d probably seen you cry all of 5 times during your life long friendship, so he panicked.
He walked towards you, bending his knees to get to eye-level with you. He tried to remove your hands from your face but since you didn’t budge – because you were embarrassed – he just pulled you into his arms, patting your hair.  
“Shhh, w-why are you crying…please stop, or I’ll start crying too,” he sighs into your hair, still patting your head to comfort you.
You remove your hands from your face and look up, trying to sniff your tears back into your head.  
“Soobin I-” you look at him not able to finish your sentence as more tears escaped from your eyes.  
He inhaled sharply. “It’s ok, it’s ok. Take your time just please stop crying, you don’t need to explain right away,” he says quickly wiping your tears with the long sleeve of his shirt.  
“No, I do,” you sigh untangling yourself from his embrace. You shake off your bitch ass behaviour and collect yourself, taking deep breaths as you fix your face in the mirrored wall behind you.  
Soobin watched you like a hawk, afraid you would suddenly start crying again.
You sit down on the bench press and rake your hands through your hair.  
“Look, first off I need to apologise to you,” you said calmly.  
Soobin head snapped in your direction as you spoke. He walked over to you and sat down next to you on the way too small bench.  
“You? Apologise?” he nudges you playfully trying to lighten the mood. “That’s new.”  
You chuckle at his statement and sigh. “I don’t know why I was so mad at you. You were just looking out for me and I broke a promise I made to you by going after Yeonjun anyway and I’m sorry.”  
Soobin frowns, blinking a couple of times.
“Y/n. I can’t tell you who to date. I certainly can’t tell you who you should and shouldn’t have feelings for. It was wrong of me to push you into a direction you didn’t want to go in, but-”
“No,” you interrupt him, looking him in his eyes. “I get it. I do. It’s just that…the whole ‘Yeonjun just wants to fuck’ story doesn’t add up? He was so sweet. We have a lot in common, and I could tell he genuinely cared. He didn’t try to get in my pants ONCE, he didn’t even try to kiss me when we were alone together. He was just interested in me, as a person. Not as…some lust object,” you explain to your best ability.
Soobin sighed, letter your words register. “I have to admit; I’ve never seen him so worked up over a girl before.”  
You raise your eyebrows. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that…he was upset y/n. He didn’t like seeing you with Johnny. When Beomgyu told me you went up with Johnny, you should’ve seen him. He overheard and immediately sprinted upstairs. I think he might really like you. Meaning that I was wrong. But you never know with him. It’s like he doesn’t want anyone to get close to him like that,” Soobin says rubbing his forehead. His head was pounding just thinking of the whole situation leading up to this very moment.
“Well, I just blew any chance I had with him,” you say playing with the rings on your fingers.  
“Not necessarily, I mean. It’s not like we caught you in the act or something. Nothing happened. Right?” Soobin asked looking at you.
“No. Nothing. Nothing at all,” you assure him.
Soobin just nods, licking his lips as he’s lost in thought. “Let me fix this,” he says determinedly.
“W-what?” you look up to him in surprise.
“I’ll talk to Yeonjun,” Soobin says reluctantly. “If I didn’t push Johnny into your direction this would have never happened. And also, I can’t see you cry. It hurts my insides,” he says avoiding eye contact.
For the first time in a while, you crack a smile, you nudge him. “Don’t get all soft on me now, you giant baby.”  
He just smiles, looking down at his hands that were situated in his lap. “Just don’t make me regret helping you out with this,” he said sighing.  
You wrap your arms around his waist hugging him, squeezing him to your best ability. “You’re the best, best friend in the whole entire world,” you say squishing your cheek against his. This earned a heartfelt giggle from him and he tries to push you off but you don’t let him.
“Ok, ok, ok. Stop it or else I won’t do it anymore”, he threatens and you let go immediately.
“Now let’s get you drunk. You’ve been through enough,” he chuckles getting up and pulling you up with him.
“Oh my god. Yes, please.”  
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You arrive in the kitchen again, ready to get to Mia’s level of brain dead as you watch the jello shot jiggle in your hand.  
“You’re not having anything?” You ask Soobin, but he just shakes his head. “I’m driving, remember?”  
you nod, understanding. “Right, I guess I’ll just cheers you with your Coca Cola,” you snort.  
He smiles at you widely, before you bump your cups together. “To never fighting again,” you say raising your plastic shot glass.
“Agreed,” he says doing the same. And just like that, the shot slid down your throat. You were surprised at the amount of alcohol in it, but then you remembered you were at a frat party.  
Soobin smiled at the face you made as you tasted the jello. He put his cup down on the counter and looked around the room. Soobin’s eyes wandered from you to the hallway and he froze. Not being able to register what he just saw.
You noticed his gaze stopping, and you wave your hand in front of his face. “Soobin, my dude. You good?” You ask him, but he doesn’t respond. His eyes fixed on something behind you.
You frown at him, turning around to follow his gaze, and just as your eyes landed on what Soobin was seeing, your heart sank.
It was Yeonjun, sticking his tongue inside Yeji’s mouth as he pinned her against the wall. Passionately kissing each other like no one was watching.
“Oh, no,” Soobin said under his breath.  
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A/N: Sorry. 
ATW’s in mine and the character's perspectives are open.
Chapter 3.
392 notes · View notes
zukkababey · 4 years
Wait hear me out - enemies to lovers pirate!Zukka where Sokka leads the Water tribe ships and Zuko is with the Fire Nation BUT since they keep bumping into each other and the sexual tension is just through the roof and they start to like each other a bit more Zuko just decides that Ozai is a whiny ass homophobic bitch and just boycotts the navy from the inside does this make sense? My very tired finals brain is just about to die so i apologize if it’s nonsense
okay this has been sitting in my inbox for a WHILE (sorry about that, friend, i’ve been waiting for inspiration) but now i’m ready to elaborate!!
okay so this is an au where zuko and sokka are both older, like late twenties or early thirties, bc they’re not gonna be navy captains as teenagers, lol
so, ozai is fire lord and the fire nation is known for being aggressive, but there isn’t a full out war, at least... Not Yet
sokka’s always kind of hated the fire nation, especially growing up with his father as a captain of his own ship, and all the time sokka spent at sea with hakoda and katara after kya died.
but then hakoda retires and sokka rises through the navy ranks, and now he has to deal with fire nation ships just like hakoda did, and boy, does he hate it. more specifically, he hates a very specific fire nation navy captain, who goes by the name of zuko. he’s so annoying, and so cocky, and so goddamn attractive, and sokka hates him a lot.
sokka can recognize zuko’s ship when it’s still just a blob on the horizon. it’s purely because he’s a diligent captain and definitely not because whenever he sees that ship he feels a type of excitement that he hasn’t felt in a long, long time.
and sokka doesn’t know how it happens, but they almost always have shore leave at the same time. zuko is usually hanging out with a girl in earth kingdom green, and sokka mistakenly thinks that’s his girlfriend. he pretends he’s not disappointed.
on the other hand, sokka usually sends word for katara, and her and aang show up and spend a couple weeks with sokka while he’s back on solid ground.
one day, they all run into each other at the day market. there’s a lot of animosity between zuko and sokka, but maybe it’s kind of turned into sharp digs and playful flirting. but sokka would deny that until his dying breath.
katara kind of wants to hate zuko simply because he’s fire nation, but she knows her brother. she knows that her dumb brother is harbouring a hate crush on this man. and zuko doesn’t really seem that evil, even if he is a fire nation captain.
she teases sokka the entire two weeks. sokka sulks.
the next shore leave is three months later, and katara and aang are both busy, and when sokka bumps into zuko at the night market, zuko’s earth kingdom friend is nowhere to be seen.
they talk. like, more than three words to each other. words that don’t even have bite to them. it’s a shock to them both. it must be the gentle ambiance, or the quiet night, or the fact that they’re in casual clothes, their nation rivalry left on the ocean waves, away from sight.
sokka reveals why he got into being in the navy in the first place (his father) and zuko also reveals why he’s in the navy (his father). zuko is pretty honest, but he still doesn’t go so far as to admit he’s the son of the fire lord.
next time they see each other on the water, maybe they’re not as mean to each other. maybe they’re almost.... friendly. when zuko and his crew leave, sokka slumps over the ledge of his ship and thinks, shit. i like him.
next shore leave is weird. because once again, katara can’t come. but zuko’s friend is next to him when he walks into piandao’s shop, and sokka is reminded that zuko has a girlfriend. it’s like a bucket of ice water over his head.
zuko doesn’t recognize sokka at first, drawn directly to the other side of the shop where the dual daos are. his girlfriend is trailing behind him, arms crossed, looking supremely bored.
but before he can get very far, he sees sokka. he’s startled, but then introduces toph to sokka as his friend.
which sokka finds very interesting.
they find each other at the night market, as has become custom during their shore leaves. zuko says that toph had to leave early.
they chat. they eat. they kiss.
they spend the rest of shore leave together in sokka’s apartment. it’s like a little slice of paradise. but it comes to an end, like all good things must. they go back to work. back to the ocean. back to opposite sides.
when sokka sees zuko again, he has full battle armour on, and he’s flanked by 10 other soldiers. one of them reads out a scroll, declaring that fire lord ozai has declared war, and that prince zuko is here to oversee the arrest of sokka’s entire crew.
not only is sokka pissed about the war, and how his crew is about to be taken prisoner, but he’s only just learning that zuko is the prince? the utter betrayal is almost enough to bring him to his knees.
a fight ensues, because no way is sokka going to go down without a goddamn fight. at least zuko has the guts to fight him, even though sokka knows he’s not using his firebending. sokka doesn’t know if he appreciates that or if he’s angry at the way zuko’s going easy on him.
in the end, sokka’s crew is taken captive, their ship set on fire and then sunk. sokka is pissed.
sokka’s alone in a cell that’s separated from his crew. he doesn’t really know why, but he does know that if he was with his crew, he’d have escaped hours ago.
when zuko shows up an hour later, sokka realizes why he’s been separated.
there’s a huge confrontation, because sokka is still unbelievably angry. zuko is the fire prince??? what happened to not wanting to follow the fire lord - his father? what happened to the man sokka had spent shore leave with? where is he?
turns out, he isn’t so far away after all. zuko unlocks sokka’s cell door.
“i’m so sorry,” zuko tells sokka. “but i’m going to make up for it.”
and he does. he really does.
they take over the ship together, with sokka’s crew’s help. they sail to caldera city to confront the fire lord, along with katara and aang and toph and sokka’s crew bc sokka’s crew is badass and loyal to sokka, through and through. and they’ve seen sokka fall in love with that fire nation dork, and they’re the forgiving type.
anyways, they defeat ozai. zuko becomes the next fire lord and actually starts to do things in the fire nation that he’s been wanting to do for years. all the knowledge of being at sea and seeing different nations has really shown zuko the things he needs to focus on to be a competent leader. and he does it all with sokka’s help.
sokka stays in the navy, because he loves the ocean and he loves his new ship and he loves his crew.
but if he retires a few years earlier than he planned so he can stay in his boyfriend’s bed all day all the time, instead of once every few months for a couple of weeks, then that’s his own business.
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cathrrrine · 3 years
RUN | Pietro x Reader
Originally from my Wattpad
tw // violence, swearing
I have never, ever told anyone my secrets. I've barely even told them my real name. But everything Fury had said felt like a stab to the chest. I didn't like the fact that he had that power over me. To hear someone say the things I've only thought about in the dark out loud was making me feel exposed. I wanted that to end, and quick.
He was right. That was what angered me the most. Every syllable, every word he had uttered was dangerously close to the truth. No one knew I had nightmares. And no one knew I lived most of my life in the darkness of the Red Room. These were things that I kept to myself. But somehow, Nick Fury got his dirty hands on my secrets, and I wanted the one who put their nose in my business to pay.
"What makes you think someone told me these things?" He inquired. I wasn't interested in his game anymore. I just wanted him to get straight to the point.
"The fact that you question the possibility is a sign." I dug my fingers into my own skin, fighting the anger away. I couldn't let it get out of my control, not now. No matter how much I wanted to strangle him to death, I couldn't risk getting killed. At least not until I find out who spilled my secrets. "Answer me, Fury. How did you get the information?"
He took a deep breath, pausing before he said, "Through a reliable source."
"A source that happened to know everything about me? You're a horrible liar." I scowled. "I made sure those sources were dead. Hell, anyone who knows even my favourite colour is six feet under." Or you know, burnt to ashes. A very creative way of disposing and cremating, I'd say.
"I beg to differ."
"Oh? So, I wasn't the one who killed them? I wasn't the one who murdered them with my own two hands? Who watched them take their very last breath with my own two eyes?" I watched him squirm in his seat, it was subtle but I caught it. "I guess they burned their own bodies."
He laughed, raising his eyebrows in mock humour. "That's cute."
"Adorable, I know." I grinned, but I knew the usual playful sass it carried was lacking. I was dripping venom. "Someone new told you these things. And if you want my full loyalty..." I turned my head to the mirror, which was obviously built for people to look in. If I guessed right, a group of Avengers were standing right behind it.
"Then you'll let me slit their throat."
The man let out a loud laugh, baring his teeth as he did so. "We have files of you, too, you know. Don't need to get so dramatic, L/N. You're not as secretive as you think."
"God. You can stop trying to lie now, Nicholas. There is no file. Even if there was, it would be useless. I wiped all my records clean and I made sure of that." I leaned forward. "Now, tell me the name."
On the other side of the mirror, a certain Avenger was trying her hardest not to run away.
"She's going to kill me." Wanda let out a sharp breath, her heart racing fast. She didn't think herself as someone who scared easily, but the look in Y/N's eyes shook her to her core. "She's already overpowered me once. I'm too weak against her. My powers-"
"-are strong enough to defend yourself against L/N. You have nothing to worry about, Wanda." Pietro cut in, trying to comfort his sister. He kneeled in front of her as she sat, looking into her eyes.
"I meddled in her mind. I invaded her privacy." She stood up from her seat, her chair screeching against the floor as she pushed it forcefully. She was trying her hardest to not explode into a flurry of emotions. God, if stress was visible in colours, she'd look like a damn festival.
"We needed you to." This time it was Steve who spoke up. "What you did was necessary, and if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have even gotten close to her accepting the offer."
"Besides, she's just playing mind games." Natasha chipped in. "She's trying to get Fury to break."
"Well, it might not look like it's working on him but I'm definitely affected." The young woman's eyes glowed red once more, the familiar scarlet waves swimming through and around her fingers. She tried to focus on the warmth, trying to find comfort in the familiar surge of her powers.
"Calm down." Pietro put his hands on her shoulders, urging her to stay seated. "She can't do anything to you. We won't let her." And he swore on that.
"Don't worry about it, kid. I'm sure Fury's got it all under control." Tony moved from the mirror to join his friends in comforting the young witch. "Plus, Pietro's right. We won't let her mess with you."
Wanda chuckled, amused at her family's antics of trying to cool her down."Are you just trying to calm me down so I don't accidentally blow this building up, or do you guys actually care about me?"
"A little bit of both." Tony shrugged. A small laugh escaped her.
"Guys." Natasha's voice brought them back to the problem at hand. Everyone moved to the mirror.
"You can shove that up your motherfucking ass, L/N."
The conversation had gotten heated. The room went still as everyone anticipated Y/N's next words. But then they couldn't hear her anymore.
"He muted us." Tony huffed.
Nick had disabled the speakers, and all they could see was him screaming at her, pointing in the direction of the two-way mirror.
Nobody moved.
Y/N was laughing, her body shaking as she cackled. They could see her mouthing a few more words before Nick slammed his palms onto the table and walked out, leaving her with a smug smile on her face.
Everyone's blood went cold.
"Wanda." The door suddenly opened, revealing a stone-faced Nick Fury. "I'm afraid it's gotten out of my control."
After approximately two hours, two men dressed in the familiar S.H.I.E.L.D attire came into the room I was in, and then led me outside to a well-lit hallway. The walls were stark-white, strips of light lining up at the sides of the ceiling.
"Where are you taking me?" I turned to the taller one of them two, trying to get him to look me in the eyes. But he kept his head straight, dragging me along as he walked.
"The Director ordered us to take you to him." He didn't react. He was like a robot...not even an ounce of emotion behind his eyes. I bet he'd be very good at playing poker. Maybe I should ask.
"Can't he just get me himself?" I whined like an ass, wanting to get at least some reaction out of him. But he stayed silent, barely affected. I huffed, turning to the other one instead. He was bald and he looked very angry.
"Is he always like this?" I pretended to laugh. Bald Man gave me nothing but a fierce sideways glance. This was boring. They were boring me. "Fine. Don't talk. Can't believe S.H.I.E.L.D hires people with dry humour."
"Hey...out of curiosity, do you play poker by any chance?" I genuinely wanted to know. Tall Man threw me a dirty look before turning his head away again. Still no damn reply, though.
"Jeez. It's just a question." I stopped talking immediately. I wasn't going to waste my breath on these two assholes.
Just as I was about to bask in the silence, a loud crash echoed through the hallway, the sound of gunfire and shouts bouncing off the white walls.
I heard the familiar whizz of a bullet coming towards us, and immediately dived to the floor, stomach flat on the ground. It hurt like a bitch, but I'd take a couple of bruises over a bullet any day.
The two men beside me immediately reached for their handguns, aiming it at whoever shot at us. I couldn't see, too busy trying to dodge bullets to focus on the attacker. It was a cursed situation. I was in handcuffs, and I had no weapon whatsoever.
Yet here I was, getting shot at in the hallway of S.H.I.E.L.D's headquarters. What have I gotten myself into?
"Search for her!" I heard a male voice shouting in the middle of all the commotion. Could it be? This wasn't just anyone. The minute I heard his voice, my blood went cold and I froze in my tracks.
He was here. And he was coming to get me.
"We have to get her out of here!" Tall Man yelled to his friend.
I heard the familiar crackle of a radio from where Bald Man was, "Code Red! Code Red! We've got a breach in the security system-"
A gunshot cut him off.
"Damn it–Tall Guy! I think this is the part where you take my handcuffs off!" I prayed he would comply. Please just get me out of here, please.
He didn't respond, so I rolled over to my back and heaved myself up, hands still bound. I couldn't be here. He was here. How did they find out where I was?
It took me years to get off their radar. I was invisible for so long, it seemed like I was so close to being forgotten. But they never forget.
Hydra never forgets.
I ran blindly through the hallway. Somewhere in the commotion, they threw smoke-bombs at us. Even if I wanted to run, I'd risk running into them.
Thousands of possibilities swam through my mind. Was this really the end for me? For my freedom?
My panic levels surged as I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders. I yelled, but I ducked out of their weak grip quickly, landing on the ground with a hard thud as my imbalance overpowered me. It was an unfamiliar face wearing an all-too-familiar emblem on her chest.
"You." She grinned.
"Yeah, no shit, it's me." I tried to scurry away from her, dragging my body pathetically on the ground as she creeped closer to me. The minite she was close enough, I swung my right foot across her feet. She fell on her ass immediately.
Old-school trick. Hydra's hiring idiots, now?
I scoffed before moving into action, swiping her gun away from her holster and shooting at her stomach. She clutched her wound, howling in pain as blood flowed out. I couldn't afford to think twice about it.
I ran again, this time in the opposite direction of where she had come from. Then I bumped into a brick-hard chest.
Panicked, I aimed my gun at the intruder. Only to find a silver-haired man at the end of the barrel of my gun. He held his arms up. "Don't shoot."
"I could pull the trigger right now." I was breathless–not only from fatigue, but from anxiety. "I would, you know."
He didn't say anything, but he did move. It was a hell of a blur, and just as I blinked, he held my gun in his hand while I stood empty-handed.
"Now you can't." He raised an eyebrow.
"Find her! Now!" It was his voice again.
Pietro's eyes flicked from my face to the area behind me. I turned away from him again, scanning the place for an escape. There was none.
My hands were cuffed. I had no weapon. I had no advantage. I was at a dead end.
There was only one way out of this. Unless I was willing to walk head-first into hell again. And God knew I would take this road just to avoid the other consequence.
"Alright. I give up."
"I pledge my fucking loyalty to you. Or whatever it is that you want. I swear." I looked into his eyes, desperate for him to oblige, to listen. "Now get me out of here. Fast."
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rapperkookz · 4 years
don’t be suspicious (m)
Tumblr media
pairing: bf!taehyung x reader genre: smut, lil fluff word count: 2.7k warnings: fingering, cunninglingus, slight exhibitionism, squirting, choking kink !! AH KIM TAEHYUNG
summary: you were just trying to pay attention to your class, but taehyung had other plans in mind
Your POV
You always had a loose idea about this, but time, ultimately, is just a concept. 
Ever since the quarantine had been put into effect, you’ve been spending the days doing anything and everything that you could to pass the time. You’ve made an unbelievable amount of recipes that you had seen on TikTok, including every different iteration of that dalgona coffee that everyone makes. Hell, even your boyfriend has caught onto how you make it, and not only can he not cook, he hates coffee as well. 
Speaking of your boyfriend, he was spending quarantine with you, rather than at his apartment or dorm. You questioned him at the beginning of the lockdown if him staying with you was too much of an inconvenience, he still traveled back and forth to the company pretty often for work and practice anyways even if his tour schedule was postponed for the time being. He responded back with “I’d miss you too much if I was quarantined with the boys, I already can’t see you when we’re on tour, at least let me practice my isolation with you.” Needless to say, you never asked again, you were glad to see him this often anyway.
You and Taehyung were currently watching Demon Slayer on Hulu. You rested your elbow on the arm of the couch, using that arm to prop your head up as you tried to pay attention to the screen in front of you. You were zoning out, you guys have been watching this show for the past 3 hours, you would rather pay attention to your boyfriend who was looking so cute from where he laid. His head was on your lap while his body extended out to the rest of the couch. Your other hand that wasn’t holding your head up, was playing with his hair. 
Taehyung hasn’t dyed his hair an extreme color for a while, so his hair was back to its native rich black tuft. He loved when you played with his hair, something about your hands running through his scalp was so soothing. You moved your fingers under his bangs and pulled it back, exposing his forehead. You giggled at how funny he looked, his eyebrows scrunching at the sudden breeze to his head. 
The comfortable silence between you two was suddenly rudely interrupted by your phone alarm, the words “CLASS IN 10 BITCH YOU BETTER NOT BE ASLEEP” wildly flashing on the screen. You frowned and turned it off, turning to your boyfriend who seemed like he had no intentions of moving whatsoever.
“Tae, get your lazy ass up, I have to tune into my class.” you tell Taehyung gently, poking his cheeks. Once Taehyung got the idea to get up, he hummed, padding around the living room and grabbing his airpods while you picked up your laptop off the coffee table. As soon as you typed your password to unlock your laptop, you let out an extremely loud groan. Taehyung had began to walk back over to the couch, his hands occupied with his case in one hand and his phone in the other. 
“Everything alright?” You frowned up at him, sighing dramatically. 
“I really don’t wanna go to class, Tae.” You let out another groan, your hand already hovering over the Youtube tab instead of opening your university portal for Zoom. Taehyung clicked his tongue, kissing the top of your head. 
“C’mon Princess. I’ll make you coffee so that you stay awake during class.” Taehyung had already started making his way into the kitchen. You gave him a curious look, “You’re making coffee? Tae, you hate coffee.”
“I know, but it’s for you. I’m making myself a hot cocoa afterwards.” Taehyung chuckled. Something was off about Taehyung in that moment, he never used Princess outside of the bedroom, even if it was to get you to fulfill a non-sexual favor. You decided not to think too much about it, opening your Zoom call for your class. Once you connected, you said your greetings to your class and conversed with your classmates, then muting your mic and camera and waiting for your professor to begin class. You heard the soft whirring of the hand mixer in the background, occasionally flitting your eyes between Taehyung and your computer screen. On screen, your professor began to go over housekeeping, but you were already starting to zone out, feeling much rather interested in the ASMR food video on the right side of your split screen. After 10 minutes of not paying attention to your class, Taehyung walked back to where you were, two mason jars in hand. He made sure that your camera was off before moving past you to go on the other side of the couch.
You pressed a kiss on his cheek as a thank you, stirring the metal straw so that your drink was incorporated. Taehyung smiled and put a hand on your thigh, massaging it gently. You put your computer on the table and made yourself more comfortable, moving both you and Taehyung so that his arm framed around your body nicely while you leaned back into his touch. Taehyung pressed another kiss to your temple, humming while scrolling mindlessly through his phone. 
Only a few more minutes had passed with your professor’s monotonous voice, but when you had tuned back in, your professor was telling everyone that the university required all your webcams to be on if they could and the microphone unmuted. You cocked an eyebrow at Taehyung, the two of you shifting your positions while making a silent agreement that the angle of the camera wouldn’t expose his true identity. Sure, your classmates knew that you had a partner but they didn't know it was a famous idol. To be more specific, an idol who’s a member of the most famous boyband in the world. 
One by one, the boxes on your screen started to reveal your classmates, all looking completely annoyed by the fact that they had to show their faces. You glanced at Taehyung once again, his hand giving your thigh a light squeeze of reassurance, before turning the camera on, still leaving your microphone on mute until you had to speak. You forced a grin and leaned back against the couch, trying to listen as your professor started lecturing again. You zoned out for about 30 minutes into your lecture, your mind bored and on the verge of taking a nap.
Taehyung turned his head to look at you from his side of the couch, a smile playing on his lips at how adorable you looked. He snorted upon seeing your head slightly bounce in fatigue, your eyelids doing anything possible to stay awake. You jumped as he pinched your skin, trying to keep you alert. “Baby, I made you coffee for a reason.”
“I know, but class really is just so boring, Tae.” You whined tilting your screen up so that it only showed the top half of your face. He glanced at your computer, making sure he was totally out of the shot, before scooching closer to you. You paid no mind to his actions, your body already leaning closer to his touch, as your attention went to your phone. Clicking his tongue, Taehyung took your phone out of your hands and placed it on the table, gripping your thigh a little tighter. “I think I know how I can help you stay awake, Princess.”
It was impossible to miss the mischievous glint in his eyes and the way his voice dropped 4 octaves while calling your pet name. Your breath caught in your throat as his hand that was on your thigh started inching its way higher up your leg. You let out a little whimper, eyes darting to your screen in panic as if your whole class could see what you and your boyfriend were doing.
“Relax, Princess. We won’t get caught,” he chuckled, massaging the insides of your thigh, close to where you were starting to desperately need him, but not exactly where he knew you wanted him. “At least, don’t make it obvious.”
“Shut up, you started this,” you gave him a look, feigning annoyance as he palmed your core. You bit your lip, your cheeks starting to blush at how damp your shorts were getting in this short amount of time. Taehyung only smirked as if reading your embarrassment and moved the fabric to the side, his bare hand making skin to skin contact with your pussy. He stole another glance at your screen as he shifted his position closer, sucking lightly on your shoulder. You whined subconsciously spreading your legs further apart as he prodded a finger at your entrance, gathering up the juices that were building up at the little hole. 
“God you’re so wet,” he practically groaned into your shoulder, slipping a finger in and twisting it against your walls. You let out a squeak, your hand grasping onto his arm for support. He only grinned and added another finger, the intrusion making you clench around his hand. 
“Tae,” you moaned meeting his gaze which was growing hazy with lust, “go faster.”
The boy tutted, his eyes narrowing as he sent you a glare, “are you telling me what to do, Princess?” You let out a moan as a loud smack resonated in the living room, your thigh stinging red from having contact with Taehyung’s hand. “Now pay attention to class.”
You forced your eyes away from your boyfriend and turned back to your computer. Luckily, no one seemed to notice (or care) about your lack of attention, everyone else seeming as distracted with doing their own things as you were. Your professor still carried on with the lecture. For a few minutes, you were fine. Your focus was semi on the Zoom call, but mostly on the way Taehyung’s fingers were casually thrusting in and out of your pussy. Even you thought that he was getting a little bored by the way he was still going through Twitter on his phone, which was in his other hand. Every once in a while, he would throw you a curve ball and speed up his pace or scissor you, making your lower body jolt in surprise as the heat suddenly built up in your stomach. But like the tease he was, he would slow down his movements, snickering as your orgasm disappeared.
Your breathing started to get shallow, Taehyung noticing how glazed your expression became. His pants were getting unreasonably tight, which was odd because he usually wore spacious flowy bottoms. This whole situation turned him on to no end, the boy having no second doubts as he removed his fingers and got on his knees in between your legs. “Tae, what are you-oof!”
You made a sound of surprise as he pulled your body to the edge of the couch, too preoccupied in making sure he still wasn’t seen on screen as he removed your shorts. He linked his arms under your knees as he sat face to face with your pussy, pressing kisses to the insides of your thighs before licking a stripe up your folds, circling his tongue over your bud of nerves before sucking harshly on your clit. “O-oh fuck!”
You closed your eyes, all your focus on the stimulation that Taehyung was giving your body. He moaned into your pussy, nuzzling his face against your folds as he aggressively sucked on your outer labia. He knew you loved a little bit of pain, your inner sadism only making his cock throb against his pants.
“y/n, what are your thoughts?”
The both of you froze at your professor calling your name, your cheeks blushing hotly in fear of being caught. You cleared your throat and unmuted the microphone, trying to keep your voice steady and composed as you answered, “Sorry, can you say the question again? I have a little headache and it sort of distracted me.”
You almost kicked Taehyung at the quiet snort he let out against your pussy, your body jolting again as he continued his administrations. Your professor repeated the question, you racking your brain to come up with a bullshit response. “-and that is-oo ow!” You tried to cover up your moan of pleasure with one of pain, ending your response and quickly muting your microphone. God you were going to kill Taehyung.
“You have a headache Princess?” He smirked to which you responded with a glare. The reason why you had to fake your pain was because Taehyung conveniently decided to thrust two fingers into your pussy while sucking on your clit. “Don’t give me that look, you know this turns you on, you’re practically dripping.”
“Shut up.” You said but fuck, you knew he was right. He removed all contact from your core and challenged you with a glare, making you whine as the pleasure disappeared, “...Daddy, please.”
He moved your screen up so that the camera view was of the ceiling before returning to his spot, “Don’t you dare hold back Princess, you’re going to cum and that’s it. I don’t fucking care about your class.”
You opened your mouth to say something, but a moan cut through your throat, a sudden blast of pleasure filling your body as Taehyung ate you out like a man starved. The moans from your boyfriend and the slick sounds from your pussy were obscene, you were almost embarrassed. He thrusted his tongue in your entrance as his thumb worked on your clit, moving at a fast pace as he tried to get you off. Aggressively, he pushed you down against the couch and replaced his mouth with three fingers, hammering them in and out of your folds as his other hand grasped your throat. Another wave of heat shot down to your core as he squeezed his hand slightly, the obstruction to your airways making your eyes roll to the back of your head, your mouth agape in pleasure. “Yeah, Princess? You love being choked, huh, my fucking dirty girl.”
“Daddy,” you gasped out, your body starting to shake as your high approached. Taehyung started sucking hickies on your neck, the purple bruises starting to form as he quickened the pace of his fingers. “You gonna cum, Princess?” All it took was a bite to your sweet spot and a flicker of his thumb to your clit for your orgasm to burst, an explicit moan leaving your mouth as your body shook erratically, strings of your release shooting out of your pussy as Taehyung fingered you through your high. 
You could barely register the ending comments of your professor finishing class as you tried to calm down your breathing. Your body twitched in overstimulation as Taehyung continued to pump his fingers in your hole, “T-Tae.”
He grinned and pressed a kiss to your neck before reluctantly pulling away, sitting on the opposite side of the couch as he stared at you lovingly. You could only laugh at how he could switch from being dominant to adorable in a matter of seconds. “Sorry baby, I just love making you squirt, it’s so hot.”
“Ugh, I can’t believe you.” You said embarrassed covering your face with your hands. “You really did this to me while I was in class, you said you were trying to help me pay attention.”
He shrugged and closed your laptop, noticing that the call already ended. Your boyfriend stood to grab some tissues, coming back to gently clean up your pussy and the mess your release made on the couch, “We’re gonna have to wash this cushion, baby.”
You chuckled and wore your shorts again, briefly fixing your appearance before wobbling your way over to Taehyung who was in the kitchen washing his hands. You snaked your arms around his waist in a back hug squeezing his body tightly against yours. “I love you, baby. Thank you, that was fun.”
“I love you too,” he said with a smile, pushing his ass against you jokingly. You giggled before moving one of your hands to his crotch, which was still hard from your actions earlier. “O-oh hello.”
“I still have another way to thank you, Daddy.”
“Yeah, Princess?” He smirked turning around in your hug. Taehyung placed his hands on your waist and pulled your body flush to his, his cock pressing against your hip. “I think you do need to repay me after all that attitude earlier.”
Your stomach jumped in excitement, your core already getting wet again as he led you to your bedroom. You were definitely going to repay Taehyung as best as you could.
A/N i...cannot believe i wrote this. i am just /whipped/ for kim taehyung. i hope you enjoyed, i am an amateur at smut scenes so hopefully this wasn’t bad. big uwus
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dilfhanni · 4 years
You might be pregnant.
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You were searching around the bathroom shelf for ibuprofen, frustrated that it wasn’t where you left it. That’s when you came across your box of tampons and you froze.
You were late.
You were supposed to have your period two weeks ago and lately things at the hospital had been busy and you were too distracted to notice. Your head started to ache even more and you stepped into the adjacent bedroom, sighing internally at the upcoming conversation. House was asleep, his last case was solved in the middle of the night and it was already 9 am.
You didn’t want to wake him up yet, so you decided to make yourself something to eat to distract your mind. It was probably stress; you had a lot of things going on with patients and Cuddy had been on your ass about clinic hours and Wilson wouldn’t stop trying to get you involved in the prank war between him and House. Usually House knew when you were getting your period – something that initially weirded you out because you hadn’t lived together at that point, but you had gotten used to it – but he had been so distracted with his case and with the prank war.
As you were finishing up cooking your French toast, you heard House coming down the hallway and kept your focus on the food in front of you. Suddenly your stomach felt tight and you didn’t know if you’d be able to eat because of your nerves; something he would definitely question you about.
You turned to face him as he entered the kitchen and gave him a warm smile, his hair mussed from sleep and his eyes half open. You knew he only woke up from the smell of food and was hoping for you to make something for him.
“Morning, sunshine. I’m making French toast and I’m going to assume you want some?” He gave you a nod in response and came over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning into you, resting his head on top of yours. You placed the two pieces of toast that were already done on the plate you had taken out and moved the syrup closer to the plate for him. Your body naturally relaxed into his and the tightness in your stomach eased, the fear from just a moment ago fading into thin air.
“What’s got you up so early? It’s your day off, you usually sleep until noon and it’s not even 9:30 yet.” His thumbs found their way under your shirt – his shirt, really – and rubbed back and forth over the bare skin just above your hips. You started preparing two more slices of bread for yourself and nudged your hips back a bit, tilting your head slightly in the direction of his plate. You couldn’t lie to him while he was so close to you, that was impossible. Lying to him was difficult enough.
“Eat your food, it’ll get cold. I had a headache and I was hungry, so I just figured I’d make something to eat instead of going back to sleep.” You hoped he would believe that; it’s not like part of it isn’t true. You were woken up from a headache and you were somewhat hungry. But that wasn’t what forced you to stay awake. It was the nerves tightening your stomach and running through your veins. The thought that you could be pregnant.
You were thankful when he stepped back and grabbed his plate, a fork, and the syrup, going into the living room to eat. At the same time, you didn’t like his silence. You knew he was thinking over what you said and trying to read your body language.
“You took the nonexistent ibuprofen then? ‘Cause we ran out of that last month when your Aunt Flo came to visit.” You stayed silent and kept cooking, biting down on your bottom lip. You hoped that by staying silent he would get the message that you just didn’t want to talk about it, you also hadn’t realized he knew it ran out. Something he could have mentioned, you thought to yourself.
Even with your back turned to him, he picked up on something you weren’t saying. You heard his plate being set down on the coffee table and you tried to stay focused on the French toast in the pan so it didn’t burn.
“Are… We don’t have anything to worry about, right? No small clump of cells in the room to be addressed?” You turned the burner off and set the pan aside, your stomach feeling tight and now nausea overcoming you from the fear of talking about. You turned around to face him and took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself.
“It’s fine, I’ve been stressed so that’s a valid reason for why it’s late. I’m not pregnant. And if I am then we’ll deal with it, okay?” You could sense the tension in the room and decided you couldn’t be trapped in this apartment all day with nothing to do. “I’m gonna go into work today and get my mind off of things so I don’t stress out even more. Not a word of this to anyone, okay? We can just give it another week and see what happens or… Or I’ll just have to take a test.” You quickly walked back to the bedroom, hoping that would end the discussion. But he was surprisingly quick to follow you.
“Why won’t you just take a test? It’ll tell us everything we need to know in a few minutes. Look, I know we haven’t talked about any of this, but you can’t seriously think we could have a kid right now?” He watched as you stripped your t-shirt off and quickly put a black button up on and some dress pants. You stopped to look over at him and put your hands on your hips, sighing softly.
“I don’t think anything because I’m not pregnant, House. I’m not taking the test because I know what it’ll say so you can forget it.” You walked past him and into the bathroom, shutting the door as a sign that the conversation was over.
You decided to work in the clinic for the majority of the morning – unlike House, you welcomed clinic duty. It was an easy distraction and you had a revolving door of people and never got bored. Well, you got bored, but the people were interesting.
You were finishing up some notes on a patient’s chart at the nurse’s desk when you notice House’s team come into the clinic. You roll your eyes and set the file in the proper tray and grab a new one, ready to get away from them as soon as possible because you were sure he sent them. You knew he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. He either told Wilson and Wilson sent them or he somehow found a way to get them to do his dirty work for him.
“(Y/N), can we talk?” You looked over at Foreman and pretended to think about it for a moment, glancing up at the ceiling almost as if in thought. You looked back at him and raised your eyebrow, setting the file you just grabbed back down because the clinic was no longer a distraction.
“No. Go back to whatever case you have.” You gave them a tight smile and walked past the group of four, heading out of the clinic and towards the elevators. You heard footsteps behind you and sighed in annoyance, stopping and turning towards them. You made eye contact with Thirteen, who looked like she was about to say something. You tried to give your best resting bitch face as you spoke, making it clear you didn’t want to be followed or questioned or talked to.
“This doesn’t concern any of you. I don’t care what any one of you has to say. If you keep following me, it won’t be pretty.” You started to turn back towards the elevators before glancing back at them. “And before any of you goes back to House and tries to say that I’m acting angry because of hormones – I’m not pregnant.” You walked to the elevators and thankfully one was already opening up. Unfortunately, the people on the elevator were Wilson and Cuddy.
You decided to take your chances and stand your ground, stepping into the elevator and pressing the button for House’s floor. Wilson cleared his throat and you closed your eyes.
“Just say whatever it is that you’re dying to tell me so I can get on with my day.” You refused to face either one of them.
“You do realize what this means? Potential House spawn? Do you really think he could be a father? And why aren’t you taking a test? I mean it’s just… It’s crazy not to!” You knew he was trying to look out for you and House, but his words stung a bit. You stayed silent, deciding that whatever you said would only be used against you. It was Cuddy that spoke up next.
“(Y/N), are you okay with any of this? I mean, from what it seems-“ You were glad that the elevator doors opened at that moment and decided to cut her off, still keeping your back to them both.
“Stay out of it. I’m fine, I’m not pregnant.” You walked out of the elevator and towards House’s office, taking a deep breath and biting down on your bottom lip. Your anger was slowly disappearing and hurt was building up in the empty spaces.
It hurt you to know that they thought he wouldn’t be able to be a father; that they didn’t know the real him. You knew he was scared at the possibility, but you knew he would step up and that he would be an amazing father one day. The fact that they called any chance of your baby a spawn was only adding to your anger. It didn’t bother you when House had called it a clump of cells – the it might not even be there for all you know – because it’s best to stay detached until you know for sure. And after all, that’s all it would be at this point.
You didn’t know if you wanted to be pregnant, your mind had been everywhere at this point and you kept saying that you weren’t pregnant that you didn’t think about the possibility of you actually being pregnant and what you would do. You opened the door to his office and he looked up from his papers, taking his reading glasses off and leaning back in his chair.
“I take it you talked to a few people?” You questioned him. You sat down in the chair in front of his desk, crossing one leg over the other and resting your arms on the arm rests, holding eye contact.
“Was I not supposed to?” He fired off with sarcasm and you waited for his actual response, trying to be patient for this conversation. “Yes, I did. I figured they could get you to take the test and that’s why you’re here. To tell me that you are in fact not pregnant because you took the test.” You shook your head and you saw some of the color drain from his face.
“I’m not saying I’m pregnant, House, calm down. I’m saying I didn’t take the test.” You saw him take a deep breath and nod a bit, his eyebrows scrunching together in confusion.
“So, if you didn’t take the test, then why are you here? Got bored of wiping snotty noses and checking for strep?” You smiled a bit and shook your head, uncrossing your legs and bouncing your foot up and down for a moment.
“No. I want you to do the test. I’m not peeing on a stick; I don’t trust it. So, I want you to draw my blood and test it. I’m not accepting a compromise.” You watched his face for any sign of resistance, glad that he nodded and stood up. He grabbed his cane and started for the door, leaving you still sitting in the chair.
“Are you coming? I can’t draw your blood without you.” You nodded and bit your lip a bit, standing and following him out of the door.
As you two sat and waited for the results, you rested your head on his shoulder, not caring that you were at work. Normally you didn’t do any kind of PDA except for kissing, the rest made you feel like others were seeing too much into your private life.
“For the record, I do think you’ll be a great father one day. I don’t care what anyone says, they don’t know you like I do.” You felt his lips press a soft kiss to the top of your head, his arm tightening around your waist.
“You can’t predict the future.” The sound of paper printing made your blood run cold and you sat up, waiting as he walked to get the paper.
Your results and something that you didn’t know if you even cared about.
You heard him stop a few feet away from you and you turned to look at him, shock written all over his face. You didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing yet.
“House? Can you just tell me what it says?” You stood up and walked over to him, taking the paper from his hand and looking down at your results. You felt a pit in your stomach and like you were on fire.
“It has to be wrong, I’m sure it’s wrong.” You looked up at him and he just stared down at you, swallowing hard. His eyes seemed a bit glossy and you could feel a small lump in your throat. You set the paper down on the tabletop beside you and placed both of your hands on his cheeks, holding his face. You placed a soft kiss to his lips and felt thankful that his arms immediately wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him.
You were wrong – you were pregnant.
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fyeahnix · 3 years
My Completely and Totally Biased Opinions on Weapons in Monster Hunter Rise
Some background: my first MH game was World. No I am not going to play the previous games, I do not have time to go back and sink another 1k+ hours into games with jank and outdated mechanics. Cool? Cool.
The first weapon I used in World was Switch Axe, used it for about 40ish hours before trying out Charge Blade, loving it, and maining it for I literally don't know how many hours in base game. Then picked up [insert shit weapon here], Bow, Hammer, and basically all the rest of them. The only weapons I never sunk time into were the Bowguns and Great Sword and I only used those for Siege hunts.
NOTE: This is my experience with the MH Rise PC demo, and NOT an invitation to spoil parts of the game for me.
Great Sword
I didn't like GS in World and I never truly picked it up. I only used it to fulfill a tail cutting role in try-hard lobbies for Safi'Jiiva hunts. I don't actually hate it now? It's a boring ass one-trick weapon to me, but I guess that mindset is why I didn't like it. I had fun with it the handful of hunts I tried it out in the demo. Feels like a pared down version of Switch Axe with the way I play both.
Weeb Stick (Longsword)
What can I say? I love the Long Sword. It was one of the last weapons I picked up in base World and I ended up maining it the entirety of Iceborne. It's an easy weapon, but the fact that you have options feels nice. For some reason, and it may just be because of lack of skills, it feels a little slower in Rise? In World, it might have been way too easy to just spam shit. Maybe they wanted it to feel like more of a focus weapon—striking at the correct time instead of wailing on shit.
Sword and Shield (aka the best weapon ever no cap dont @ me)
Mentioned in a previous post but I love this weapon. It was around middle of the pack (I think?) of the batch of weapons I picked up in World. I talked about it in a previous post, but in base game World, I enjoyed that it had variety in being a more elemental-focused weapon. In Iceborne, Perfect Rush happened and that immediately catapulted it into a raw damage weapon. That ultimately sucked, but I loved PR so much I didn't care. There was a bit of an adjustment in Rise with the very slight change to combos but it's feeling about the same. I'm happy Falling Bash is faster and it looks like it has another high motion value move in Spinning Reaper. I love that it has a Guard Point now which is tickling my inner CB main, but I need to get better at actually pulling it off.
Spin to Win (Dual Blades)
It's Dual Blades. Spin to win. Combos have been slightly altered but nothing I can't eventually get used to. I DO like the kunai attack but it feels like it takes so long to execute that I can't actually stack much damage onto it. I'll use it again at some point.
Interesting choice to split the charge into two forms, but I actually like that change. Cannot tell you how many times I accidentally performed that spinning/whirlwind attack in MHW when I didn't mean to so I'm happy I don't have to deal with that anymore. It felt a little more fun this time around. I didn't play TOO much Hammer in MHW, but the changes are positive.
Hunting Horn
Soooo damn.... I found HH VERY fun in base game World. It was the very last weapon I picked up and I had way more fun than I expected. Then Iceborne hit and it got even better. In Rise, I was a bit taken aback at the change in how the songs are played, but I think it might have been a change for the better. Instead of lining up notes and THEN activating them, they just...activate. Which is pretty cool. I hope there's some variety in the actual notes for different weapons tho. I also love how stylish this weapon is now. Like yas bitch you're a performer do some cool rock band shit.
Feels about the same as MHW with some slight changes. Not bad at all. Not much to say here.
Switch Axe
My muscle memory for this weapon came back VERY quickly. I REALLY like it still. I'm glad it kept everything good they added in MHW because GOD did it need it. I could see myself returning to this much earlier than endgame. Just a real fucking fun weapon to use.
ResidentSleeper (Charge Blade)
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE CB. I probably have more hours with this weapon than the others, but I'd have to check my World stats for that lmao (actually I might install World just to check that). This weapon is super daunting, but very rewarding. Learning Guard Points was the defining moment of realizing this series's combat mechanics were deeper than I expected. It feels about the same in Rise as MHW and that's what kinda disappoints me. I stopped playing CB after I learned other weapons because the build was just raw SAED spam. Boring as FUCK. I was happy that Iceborne gave it Savage Axe but I was having so much fun with other weapons, I didn't care to play it. It looks like there will be some degree of variety with it in Rise, but we'll see when the full game is out.
Insect Glaive
First of all, I am not one of those IG users who spends the entirety of the hunt in the air. I have standards. Ground Helicopter is much better. Overall it feels about the same as MHW. Just gotta get used to the controls since (I think?) the kinsect button has changed in favor of the wirebug button. Sucks and very unfortunate that the demo kinsect is so slow. I got spoiled on endgame super speedy kinsects D:
Okay so let's be honest here and accept that Bow was fucking broken in World. It's changed in Rise, and as mentioned in a previous post, I don't hate it? It's just slightly different. I think it has some potential for me. I'm def gonna try it out again because once I played around with the silkbind moves, I could see how they were helpful.
Light Bowgun
Not much to say. I'm not a huge Gunner. It felt about the same as MHW but I never used it casually outside of Siege hunts
Heavy Bowgun
Not sure if the Guard was part of this demo build or it's built into the weapon now. Either way, not much to say here either. I like the fact that you can charge shots tho, that's cool.
So as far as what weapon I wanna main in base game Rise upon release. I still don't know yet, but I'm still leaning heavily towards SnS. As a runner-up, I'm actually considering Hunting Horn surprisingly lmao. I might even end up changing my mind I dunno. Only thing I know for sure is what weapon I'm NOT playing.
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stardustndice · 4 years
𝒮𝓉𝑒𝓅  𝒷𝓎  𝒮𝓉𝑒𝓅  𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽  𝐹𝑒𝒶𝓇
part one of an obi wan kenobi x senator!reader trilogy
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summary: You save Obi Wan using the force, both of you are shook. You then strike a deal.
a/n: Surprise bitches it’s two days early!! This was based on this ask from a long-ass time ago and was reeeeally fun to write. There were a a lot of different routes I could’ve taken with the story, but I’m happy with where it went. Hope you guys are, too. 
wordcount: 2071 (WHEW)
warnings: mild violence, semblance of a panic attack
taglist: @karasong​ @kaminobiwan​ @snips-n-skyguy0501​ @captain-skytrash​(let me know if you’d like to be tagged in this work, future Obi Wan works, or overall!)
The moment was brief, and yet it changed everything.
Your eyes had begun to burn from staring at the quivering blaster shot. The only sound was the deep reverberations of the force and your heavy, shaking breath. The man whom you’d risked your life for scrambled up, taking out the figure behind the gun before carefully stepping over to you.
He held up his hands in the cautious way one does when approaching a frightened animal. “Senator, you can let go,” he whispered, and it was as if those were the only words holding you together.
Your exhale came out as more of a sob. The blaster shot resumed its path, leaving a scorch mark in the Coruscanti marble floor of your quarters. The only thing keeping you from crumbling into panic was Obi Wan’s hands gripping your upper arms. You thought you felt him soothingly tracing small circles into your shoulder and you shook your head slightly to better focus on the situation at hand.
“Where did they come from, t-the assassin?” you spluttered as Obi Wan approached the body. He knelt by the body and glanced at the window, a look of suspicion painted on his face.
“I don’t recognize him. Must be working on his own, but we can’t be sure. I’ll meet with the council.” he said. A lump was forming in your throat as you chewed your lip, unable to tear your eyes away from the new lifeless decoration on the ground. Footsteps tapped across the marble closer to you. Obi Wan appeared in your tear-blurred vision, brows knit in concern. You had trouble meeting his eyes. You felt ashamed for showing weakness and fear of death in front of such a practiced and skilled warrior. Not only that, but a handsome warrior you’d grown fond of over the past months you’d been on Coruscant.
“Senator?” The world snapped back into your brain. After taking a deep breath into your aching lungs, you met his gaze. “The council will make sure that you’re safe. I will make sure that you’re safe,” he half-whispered. You nodded, staying silent out of the fear that your voice might crack and then the lid would be lifted off your terror.
You didn’t want someone so strong to see you so pathetically weak.
Obi Wan straightened as a few clones entered. “Increase security measures around her room. Don’t miss a corner, window, or ,” he ordered. As the clones exited, Obi Wan trailed behind, but not before sparing you one last reassuring look. A smile managed its way onto your face and you jutted your chin out to show an illusion of bravery. Although, as soon as the pair of doors closed, your knees buckled and you hit the floor harshly.
This was never part of your plan. You’d come from a struggling planet, Nuca, in hopes of providing resources and protection for your people, who had been struggling with invasive Seperatist forces for many moons. It had taken a year for you to gain any kind of respect from many fellow senators simply because you came from a world that wasn’t nearly as gaudy as the rest of them. Homesickness had simmered in you during the first month. Coruscant bore no semblance to Nuca’s tropical forests and low-lying volcanoes dusted with brilliant wildflowers. Instead, you were cornered by far too many shades of beige. You’d tried to grow a few of Nuca’s native plants in your quarters, but the change of climate caused them to wilt and crumble.
You hoped it wasn’t an omen.
Now your world had been thrown off-kilter. The Force was never something you’d concerned yourself with. You’d always believed it was meant for the Jedi and the Sith, a weapon wielded only by a chosen group. Senatorial duties had taken up so much of your day-to-day life that the Force and its influence almost never reached you. The only thing that exposed you to the mysteries of the Force was the Jedi Order. You’d become interested in one of their members recently. More specifically, it was the one that had touched your shoulder and looked at you with borderline-ardent affection just moments earlier.
Obi Wan had strolled onto your path just a few months ago. You’d been on more diplomatic off-world missions recently, which meant you were often flanked by a Jedi, but you definitely weren’t bothered. You weren’t bothered when you were accompanied by Obi Wan, at least. Missions and high-stress visits became less stressful in his presence. His clever humor and sarcasm almost caused a break in your composure numerous times, but you weren’t angry. Upon arriving, you’d usually be nervous, but his calm demeanor helped you take a deep breath and negotiate. His presence helped you find your footing.
Sometimes he would come dangerously close to catching you staring at him. Whether it was talking to a member of the council or standing in a LAAT/i, you couldn’t help but focus on him in all his mystery. He was commanding yet gentle, always making sure that you were comfortable although letting you handle tense conversations. Perhaps that’s what drew you to him: his trust in your abilities to negotiate. It was high, silent praise coming from ‘The Negotiator.’
Your head fell back as you stared wordlessly at the ceiling. There wasn’t time to reminisce, to hide away from your discovery. For now, it would have to be set aside. You had a meeting to get to. Even if an entire squadron of clones had to drag you out for your own safety, you had to at least show up. It was common courtesy.
After a year as a senator in the Galactic Republic, you’d learned to keep your chin up in the winding hallways of the senate building. Despite the blood pounding in your head and the sweat on your palms, the mask of determination on your face remained intact.
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Once you entered the sunlit meeting room, the chatter of the other senators fell quiet. You set your jaw and locked eyes with a fellow senator, one whom you held a tremendous amount of respect for: Padmé Amidala.
“Senators, good afternoon. It seems the party has already begun without me. Please, continue,” you said, attempting to ease the tension. You really just wanted to move on from the earlier incident. It seemed that your colleagues didn’t share your eagerness, however.
Padmé uttered your name softly before she stood, giving you a pitying look. “Take the rest of the day. After the attempt on your life, you’re not in the mindset to focus on diplomacy.” She looked around at her fellow senators. “No one would.”
Her resolve nearly angered you. She was one of the strongest people you’d ever met, and somehow it still shocked you when she would stand her ground. “Senator Amidala, I’m perfectly alright. I am uninjured and ready to resume my duties,” you declared, breaking her gaze and sitting in your chair. You made sure to keep your back straight. Any sign of weakness after an assassination attempt would mean an immediate exile to your quarters, likely for the rest of the week.
Luckily, she backed off, lowering into her seat and squaring her shoulders. The room’s tension sank back into nothingness and you exhaled quietly.
As the meeting inched along past the two hour mark, you became lost in your own thoughts. Thoughts of your home ricocheted in your mind until suddenly, the sound of breaking glass lurched you back into the room. Every pair of eyes in the room locked on you as you felt your heart struggling to slip past your ribs. Then you noticed that you were no longer sitting, your hands in fists on the tabletop. You hesitated, though, when you glimpsed confusion in the gazes of your colleagues.
On the far end of the table, one of the newer senators had dropped whatever cocktail glass they were sipping from. You furiously blinked away incoming tears, shaking your head.
It sounded exactly like the window just a few hours ago. You could’ve sworn…
“Excuse me for a moment,” you mumbled, nearly knocking your chair to the floor as you stumbled out of the room. Your ears rang as the hallway blurred in front of your eyes. Someone could help, you knew that. All you needed to do was find that person. That task was becoming more difficult by the second, especially because you had no idea where the person or their quarters were located.
With no clue what your body was reacting to, you swallowed and straightened to the best of your ability. Salvation finally offered you a merciful hand when you turned the corner.
Your favorite Jedi was a ways in front of you, practically gliding down the hallway, and beamed upon spotting you. His pace quickened, however, when his eyes flit over your exhausted frame. At last, it felt like the world gave you permission to let go. You slumped against the wall, deflated.
Obi Wan’s hands on your arms were enough to coax your gaze to his concerned expression. The sound of your name falling from his lips felt like it was worlds away. Something wet on your cheek pulled you partially out of your daze. You were crying. The tear vanished soon after its presence was known, a calloused thumb brushing it away.
Before you knew it, he was leading you through the hallways, a hand on the small of your back. Other figures strolling through the halls stared at the Jedi half-carrying a senator. Once you arrived at your quarters, he helped you sit on a simple chair by your desk with a surprising amount of gentleness. The wood was rough under your fists while he sat beside you.
“You’re safe, no one is going to hurt you here,” Obi Wan whispered. You managed to nod and take another deep breath.
“Someone broke a glass and I thought...it sounded just like-” you babbled. Obi Wan nodded, having put the pieces together. “I hate this,” you mumbled. “I don’t want to feel so weak. It feels like I’m not in control, that my life isn’t in my own hands. And now I find out that I can use the Force. Maker, it has been a long day.” The hand you were dragging down your face was plucked away and grasped by Obi Wan. A blush crept over your cheeks as you peered over at him. He avoided your eyes, focused instead on his hand encasing yours.
“The universe is never going to be safe for people like you,” he said. When you raised a brow and waited for him to elaborate, he sighed and finally locked eyes with you. “You’re trying to make things better for your people. There are always going to be people who want to snuff out the light you’ve brought here, to the Republic.” His soft smile lit what felt like a million candles in your chest.
“I represent Nuca in everything I do, in everything that the public and my colleagues see. I’ve been here for a blink of an eye compared to other senators. If I slip up even once, it could spell disaster. I can’t afford to be seen as a coward, even if I am.” More tears were forming in your eyes. Everything that you’ve worked for was crumbling around you. You could feel your heart start to pound again.
“I don’t see a coward. You’re struggling, yes, but being frightened does not make you a coward,” Obi Wan firmly declared. You smiled at him. It wasn’t faked this time, you truly valued his opinion. He took a shaky breath. “If I taught you how to use the Force...would you think more highly of yourself?”
You blinked. He wanted to teach you? “General Kenobi, I doubt you have time to-”
“Midnight tonight in the training arena at the temple,” he blurted, a grin quickly forming on his bearded face. You couldn’t help but smile at his eagerness. Perhaps he was right. Additionally, you’d get to spend some time with him. You’d come to realize that he was quite easy on the eyes, to say the least.
“Alright,” you agreed. His boots softly tapped on the marble floor as he traipsed to the exit. He gave you the same smile as he did the last time he left, and slipped out.
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phcking-detective · 4 years
Baby I Can See Heaven in Your Eyes
Rating: E
Tags: dirty talk / voice kink, heavy petting, dry humping, delayed / denied orgasm, hair pulling, light pet play (Nines is called kitten and told to "sit"), oral fixation, crying, kissing and cuddling as (brief) aftercare before the scene continues, sexual possessiveness, fingering, sub space
TW: sexual roleplay that Gavin is Nines’s “owner” and Nines is his “companion model,” like an at-home Traci; no kink negotiation beforehand, but Gavin checks in with Nines frequently for explicit consent; Nines has a vagina (no gender play)
Nines cannot wait for his human to return home, so that he can test his most recent experiment. Thus far, he has tested a phallus, a vaginal component, two dildos, and a vibrator.
He is looking forward to also gathering data on Gavin's dick.
"Hello, detective," he greets the moment of the human's arrival.
Thing One and Thing Two greet him as well, One by rubbing against his legs and purring, and Two by screaming for attention. They have both been fed, and Nines plans on giving them their favorite electronic mouse to hunt as a distraction so he can have the human to himself for the evening.
"Hey, baby," Gavin says. He kneels down and pets both cats. "Hello beasties. Yes, hello. Are you lying? Have you been fed?"
"Yes, they have," Nines answers for them. "Please ignore their wails of alleged hunger."
"Dirty rotten liars," Gavin calls them affectionately.
Nines remotely deploys the mouse with a swirl of his LED. It is big enough to contain a small amount of wet food inside, and the "beasties" quickly chase it into the kitchen.
Gavin stands up with a snort. "Oh, did you want attention too? What've you been doing today?"
"Yes," Nines says shamelessly. "I spent the afternoon thoroughly masturbating myself. How was work?"
Gavin tries to hang his jacket on a coat hook that does not exist and drops it on the floor. "You—what?"
"I spent the afternoon thoroughly masturbating myself. How was work?" Nines asks.
"Not as fun as that," Gavin mutters as he picks up the jacket and tries again. "Did you … uh. Have fun?"
"Yes. I should really thank Connor," Nines says.
Gavin pulls a face. "You fucked Connor? In my—shit, OK. Well. Our apartment? Not on my bed though, right? That's still mine."
Nines rolls his eyes in return. "No, Gavin. I did not fuck Connor. He simply informed me that sex is not merely for reproduction and that it is not hyperbole when humans say they want to fuck someone."
Gavin stares at him. Nines understands. This is all very new information that seemed dubious to him as well.
"Apparently, humans really are out there 'fucking' one another," Nines explains.
"… yeah," Gavin says.
Nines analyzes him, noting his elevated heart rate. "Did you know about this, detective?"
"I—don't scan me!" Gavin snaps. "My sex life is none of your business."
"Oh." Nines feels his LED circle yellow-yellow-red. "But you are sexually attracted me, and Connor said that is not merely an annoying physical response on par with hiccups. Do you not want to have sex with me?"
"On par with …" Gavin stops and rubs his hands across his face. "Phck. We're really going to talk about this, huh? We're just gonna have a whole goddamn conversation about it."
"Yes," Nines says. "Detective."
Gavin puts his hands down to glare at him. "OK, just because I got drunk one time—"
"You get drunk fre—"
"AHT!" Gavin cuts him off with the no-noise he uses on the cats. "One time and ordered a companion android, who—"
"You did not," Nines reminds him. "You googled 'tall smexy anboid' 'want hot robo friemd' and 'am robots gay question-mark question-mark question-mark' before passing out."
"I hate you."
"You think I'm pretty."
Gavin stalks into the living room and throws himself onto the couch. Nines does not understand why his human insists on making everything so emotional and difficult and emotionally difficult.
He clearly desires android sexual companionship, given his drunken attempt to order a companion model — [confirmed].
He is sexually attracted to Nines, given that he mistook the RK900's first appearance at his apartment the next morning (entirely coincidental; Captain Fowler assigned them as partners) to be the companion model he attempted to order — [confirmed].
He did not reject the "companion model," despite all commentary from other humans (Cyberlife employees; DPD employees) indicating Nines is [creepy], [inhuman], [terrifying], et cetera, et cetera. Gavin instead labeled him a [big pretty bitch] and [all my phcking wet dreams come true, goddamn].
"You think I'm pretty," Nines repeats.
Gavin finally lifts his head out of his hands. "Yes. You're the prettiest fucking sass bot ever produced."
"You find me sexually attractive as well, and it is true that humans actually act on those physical desires, yes?" Nines asks.
Gavin sighs and lets his head drop against the back of the couch. "Yeah."
"I have installed a vaginal component, and I—"
"Oh my god," Gavin whispers at the ceiling.
"—have confirmed I enjoy penetrative stimulation," Nines continues. "You are in possession of a phallus, correct?"
Gavin looks up at him. "OK, so you're bored of dildos and you want to try out my dick?"
"Is anyone other than your hand making use of it?" Nines replies.
"Phck off."
Nines takes a seat on Gavin's lap. This is his [favorite] spot. Now he knows why it flusters the human so much, and also possibly why he enjoys it so much. Could he have been experiencing [sexual arousal] even without a genital component? Interesting.
"Baby," Gavin groans.
Nines relocates the human's hands to his thighs. Gavin obligingly begins rubbing them, almost reaching up high enough to cup his ass. He has sat in this spot before, firstly to mimic the cats, because they seemed to enjoy sitting on Gavin's lap and being petted. Then for [cuddling] and telling each other about their day.
Of course he had noted Gavin's reaction to this; he simply did not categorize it as relevant. The human's stomach also sometimes growled while around the cats, but that bodily reaction did not mean Gavin literally wanted to or would ever eat either one of them. Human bodies sometimes just do things.
But now Nines can recognize he is the [cause] of this particular reaction.
(And also note his new genital component's reaction to his human rubbing his thighs and calling him baby in that tone of voice.)
"Detective," Nines says in return.
Gavin huffs out a growl. "Dammit, Nines. You should—you can … go get another human. Or android, I guess. Just. Someone else."
Nines pulls back enough to ensure he can fully scan the human. Arousal — [confirmed]. No detection of [fear]. Gavin wants this and presumably is not coerced or intoxicated.
But admittedly, Nines did not have a social module pre-installed. He has learned from experience, observing humans in his new profession as a librarian, and … mimicking Gavin's cats.
(Not that he's told that last fact to Connor.)
"Clarify," Nines demands. "Do you not want this?"
Gavin, much like his cats when told to get off the counter, looks away and pretends not to hear him.
"Am I sexually assaulting you?" Nines asks.
"Wha—" Gavin finally gives him a reaction. "No! Fuck, god."
"I am requesting that you fuck me."
Gavin gives him a slow look up and down. "Closest I'm gonna get to heaven, huh?"
Nines preens under his gaze. Question answered, now reassured that his actions are not harming the human, he deploys another helpful tactic he has learned from Thing One and Thing Two.
He repeatedly butts his face into Gavin's to request attention.
"Kiss me."
"Nines, I—"
"Kiss me. Kiss me."
Gavin grabs a fistful of his hair and yanks him into a kiss. Nines ignores the notifications of a mission successfully completed as they scroll across his HUD in order to focus on the experience.
For how roughly Gavin maneuvered him into it, the [kiss] is surprisingly gentle. His lips press insistently against Nines's, drawing back slightly and then pressing again, but it is nothing like the people on TV who seem to be eating each other's faces.
It is … very nice. Warm. The human's lips aren't quite soft, due to chapping from the cold Detroit weather, but the texture is so [interesting]. And the contrast between lips and stubble and the slight pull of the hand still gripping his hair makes his internal cooling fans kick in to abate the sudden rise in temperature.
Then, just as Nines lets his guard down, Gavin bites his lip.
It does not [hurt] or cause any damage of course, but Nines still opens his mouth to ask why—and the human uses that split second to delve his tongue inside.
Analysis explodes across the android's HUD. Gavin's DNA, the hormones present in his saliva, traces of coffee. (And when was the last time he had a meal? Nines should be detecting actual food as well [reminder: my human has not yet consumed his daily caloric intake])
Gavin pulls back and separates their mouths. Unacceptable. Nines pushes forward and puts his own tongue inside the human's mouth to continue his analysis.
For some reason, Gavin pushes him away.
"No tongue until you learn how to kiss," he's told.
Nines does not pout. He presents a perfectly reasonable argument. "I was analyzing you."
"Yeah, that's why I made the rule," Gavin replies. "There's a difference between kissing and analyzing. Also, I need to breathe."
Well. The second fact does hold some merit …
"We can still make out." Gavin shifts his hand from Nines's hair to cup his face. "Just let me lead, all right baby?"
Nines nods and obediently holds still until Gavin guides his face back down. The kiss starts slow again, and the next nip at his bottom lip only tugs on it slightly before Gavin lets go and kisses him again. Nines tries to follow the pattern of when to press forward and when to tilt his—
Gavin's hands slide over the tops of his thighs and then inside them, thumbs pressed close to his groin. Nines barely has time to process this change (he is still being [kissed]) before the detective uses his grip to pull his thighs wider over his lap.
"You wanna show me what I'm working with?" Gavin asks him, his voice low and rough and … very unfair.
Nines leans forward into the human's arms, dropping his head down to rest on his shoulder. He needs less stimulus to process all of this. He restricts his audio input to ignore any sounds outside of the apartment. The mouse program gets abandoned, so the cats will likely be able to bat it out from under the fridge soon. All he needs is Gavin, Gavin, Gavin.
"Touch me," he asks.
The thumb slowly drawing circles on the inside of his left thigh lifts up to stroke over his pubic plate, currently equipped with a vaginal component. It only takes a gentle press to push the fabric of his yoga pants into the slick mess Gavin has made of him.
"Your cunt all wet for me, baby?"
The profanity shivers through him, and Nines nods against his neck. That answer apparently was not [adequate] though, because Gavin takes his thumb nearly away, resting so lightly atop the fabric Nines can only feel his human body heat.
"Need an answer, Nines."
Nines works his mouth silently for a few seconds before remembering to activate his vocal unit. "Yes, Detective."
Gavin hums and it's almost a groan. Nines presses closer and licks his neck. That is not [kissing]. This analysis of his sweat and skin should not be forbidden.
"I'm going to touch you," Gavin tells him.
Nines lifts his head to exhale a cloud of steam. It does very little to lower his rising core temperature, not when Gavin's thumb swipes up to pet across the crotch of his yoga pants until he finds his clit, grown swollen and plump. He chose a larger model, and he had very reasonable—
"Gaaav …"
—reasons. Reasonable … reasons. Yes. Many of them. Aesthetics and—and—more sensors to—
"Oh, baby," Gavin murmurs in that voice. "You need it, kitten? Look at you, you're trembling, and I'm barely even touching you."
That is an unfair assessment. Nines tries to formulate the argument but blows out steam again instead. Gavin has his voice, and the way he spread Nines's thighs so wide, he can clearly see the growing damp patch he's making.
The way that also leaves Nines's [cunt] spread wide, lips separated and hole clenching around nothing.
It feels … [filthy]
"So good for me." Gavin pulls Nines's face out of the crook of his neck by his hair. "Let me see you."
Nines goes with the motion. The human has a firm grip on his hair, right at the root, so the tugging doesn't actually [hurt], although the complete lack of resistance likely helps.
But he can hardly see his detective past all the error notifications crowding up his HUD.
Gavin apparently likes what he sees. "Beautiful. My pretty baby."
He doesn't stop circling his thumb around Nines's clit as he says it, and Nines whimpers. He tries to push his hips forward to get more pressure, more touching, more of anything, but Gavin takes his hand away entirely to still his hips.
"Please," Nines gasps.
Gavin gives him a stern look. "Behave."
Nines shudders all over, a full body malfunction. His core temperature has risen almost to dangerous levels. Gavin tugs his head back, forcing his chin up. Nines doesn't understand why (is he no longer allowed to view his human?) until a prompt flashes in red to exhale.
He releases a burst of steam that would have been too hot for human comfort, but Gavin has already preconstructed that. He is allowed to lower his head again once he's completed a few breathing cycles. His temperature and stress levels begin a slow descent as he settles into the knowledge that Detective Reed will take care of him.
"Please, Detective." Nines blinks several times to clear all the notifications. "I will be good."
He saves several still images of the way Gavin looks as he considers: his eyes more black than grey-green, the slight flush across his cheeks, the obvious press of his erection inside his jeans, yet he still remains in control.
(Of them both.)
Gavin lifts up the hand on his hip and offers Nines his thumb. Nines gratefully lets his mouth fall open, thumb gently pressing inside to rest heavily on top of his tongue. His eyes drift shut to focus solely on the analysis he receives.
All too soon, the thumb is withdrawn, but he doesn't have time to protest before it's pressing back into his clit again, even wetter than before, the damp fabric hardly even a barrier at all.
And then does not move.
"What do you say," Gavin asks lowly.
"Th—" Nines gasps. "Thank you, De—Detect—ohhh."
Gavin's own legs underneath him prevent him from closing his thighs around the hand between his legs, and the hand in his hair holds his head hostage so that he cannot look away. He doesn't know what to do with his hands until he realizes that at some point, he put them behind his back, an old program partially activated to stand at parade rest.
This is much better.
"You like this baby?"
Nines tries to nod against the hand in his hair and forces his LED to flash blue along the yellow and red.
"Good boy," Gavin praises. "Just gonna check when your light's been red for a while, all right?"
Nines doesn't answer this time. He just sinks down into it, the obedience of holding perfectly still, the care Gavin shows him, letting someone else have control for once. He enjoyed the way masturbation made his awareness of physical sensation temporarily overtake his thoughts, but he did not expect … this.
Except just when he feels his orgasm approaching, Gavin takes his hand away. He must make some sort of distressed noise, because his detective immediately reassures him.
"Shhh, shhh, I've still got you. You're good, so good for me, baby."
Gavin rearranges their legs as he speaks, holding both hands on Nines's sides to help support and balance him with his hands still gripping his wrists behind his back. The relocation stops with their legs staggered, Nines kneeling with one of Gavin's legs between both of his own instead of straddling his whole lap.
"You wanted to sit in my lap, didn't you kitten?" Gavin says. It is not a question. "So sit."
Nines doesn't understand, but he lowers himself back down anyway to [sit] on top of—
Both of Gavin's hands go to his hips this time, showing him how to grind down on the thigh between his legs. The pleasure is not as [focused] as being petted with his thumb, but he finally gets pressure against his entrance as well.
Nines doesn't realize he's broken posture to slump forward until Gavin pulls him in all the way, carefully nestling him to rest against his chest—although the android does still have to bend slightly to put their heads on an even level due to the height difference.
"Is this what you wanted?" Gavin turns his head to speak softly in his ear. "All those times you crawled in my lap, sat here like this, knowing how goddamn hard you get me?"
Nines whimpers and takes it, almost like a punishment, but so [good]. He only moves his hips as Gavin's hands direct them, as his leg pushes up and his hands pull him down.
"I shouldn't even be this nice to you." Gavin lets out a sigh. "But fuck it, you're cute. Go ahead and take a freebie, baby."
Nines tries to make his next whine sound a bit more questioning, to indicate he doesn't understand the meaning of that either. Luckily, Gavin pays attention. He always pays attention to Nines, in a [good] way, not afraid or gossiping about him behind his back.
"I'm going to let you come this time," he explains.
Gavin drops a kiss against his temple as Nines fixates on the very specific phrasing [this time]. Now he's the one a little scared, but not bad, not bad, it's too [good] to be [bad].
"Wh-when?" Nines manages to ask.
Gavin laughs, deep and almost mean. The not-fear shivers through him again.
He does not receive an answer.
Gavin knows he's a bad man. He's a very, very bad man, but goddamn if the universe hasn't rewarded him for it.
"That's it," he tells the gorgeous android rubbing off in his lap. "Next time I won't even have to show you how. Leave my hands free so I can have a smoke."
A cigarette is damn near the only thing that could make this any better. If this isn't a one-time curiosity experiment for Nines, he'll really have to try that the next time.
But for now, he focuses on the present, the absolute goddamn gift Nines is.
"Been waiting for this all day, haven't you?"
He doesn't give Nines time to answer. His thigh flexes underneath the slick cunt desperately grinding into it, and his android whimpers out static.
"How many times have you come already?" he asks.
"S-s-seven," Nines answers through a glitch.
Well. Gavin has to at least work him up to his own number, doesn't he?
"And no refractory period. Goddamn." Gavin sighs in mild envy while petting through his hair. "I could keep you here, just like this, all evening long. Keep you coming and begging for hours."
Nines lets out a grinding noise that might be the android equivalent of a sob. His hips finally lose their rhythm under Gavin's hand, just chasing his own pleasure now. He really shouldn't allow that so easily, but then again, Nines is a virgin who's never done kink before. Or anything else, actually.
So Gavin lets him have it.
But since he's a bad man, not an altruistic one, he pulls Nines's head back by his hair to see his pretty face, eyes wide and unfocused, lips slightly parted. There's a soft blue blush across his cheek's he's never seen before, and his LED practically strobes in his temple.
"Good boy, gonna make you come every time you sit this pretty little pussy in my lap."
Nines squeezes his eyes shut and whines. That's all right. He's too fucked out to make eye contact anyway, but one thing that isn't allowed …
Gavin presses his thumb inside the android's lips, pushing down on his tongue until his mouth drops open. He rubs the pad of it back and forth against the soft muscle for a moment, then down to smear the wet faux-saliva across his bottom lip.
"Keep your mouth open," he orders. "You're only allowed to come if you open that pretty mouth for me."
Nines gives a jerky nod, and Gavin sits back to enjoy the show. He pets his free hand across the android's chest and sides, feeling him up through the thin t-shirt as he rides his leg like he downloaded a Traci program to do it.
Eventually, the android starts spinning more red than yellow, hot air pushed out of his mouth with nearly even exhale, and he pushes his tongue out farther over his lips to show that his mouth is open.
And ohhh, Gavin is so bad. He rubs his thumb over that soft, pink tongue until it's nice and wet, then reaches up underneath his shirt to rub circles around one hard nipple.
Nines starts letting out shuddering sobs that Gavin lets wash over him, feeling them go straight to his dick like the android is being a good little companion and licking up his shaft. Next time, next time …
Finally, he scrounges around deep down in his soul to find some mercy.
"Come on my leg, baby."
He barely gets to "my" before Nines obeys, face dropping slack and LED pulsing a steady Yellow. Red. Yellow. Gavin gets to watch as his tongue gives the tiniest little flexes, like he's sucking cock in a dream.
If he were nice, he'd press his thumb back inside and help his orgasm along by giving Nines something to suck on.
Instead, he waits it out. Good training requires the sub to be just as desperate for it as you are, and he's going to let Nines work his way through a few orgasms with his mouth open and searching, so that when he finally presses the head of his cock into those sweet pretty lips, his android won't feel anything but gratitude.
When Nines finally slumps forward and begins crying against his neck, Gavin lets go of his hair and rubs both hands up and down his back.
"Shhh, hey, I got you," he says softly. "You were good, so good, baby. It's OK, just let it all out."
Nines sniffles, then begins studiously licking up his tears. Gavin would be a little concerned about his sub getting too deep into the headspace for their first time, except Nines licking his face, neck, and any other body part he can reach is pretty typical.
"Did that feel good?"
That gets a slow sigh of air that's just warm, not scalding hot. Gavin rubs a hand up the android's chest next, and Nines starts up a rumbling purr. Blue light spins in the corner of his eye. So he'll take all that as a yes.
"You want kisses?" he asks next.
Nines immediately butts his face against Gavin's cheek. He shouldn't have let the asshole learn how to be social from his fucking cats.
"All right, all right," he grumbles.
Gavin scoops up the lanky android in his arms as much as he can and turns them to the side so they can lay down on the couch, with himself on top of course. Nines lounges back against the cushions, black hair fanning out around his head like a dark halo. He reaches for Gavin and tugs on his shirt when he spends too long admiring the view.
Since he's already so spoiled anyway … Gavin obliges him with kisses. Nines hums and purrs throughout it, LED now a gentle baby blue.
"Did you like that?" Gavin asks quietly between the two of them.
He should have started this scene with that—some rules and a safeword at least—but he'll try to make up for it now with the aftercare.
Nines nods shyly, presenting his face for more kisses. Gavin gives them to him, but he keeps each one light and short to help them both wind down. They need to talk about if this will be an ongoing arrangement, and if Nines just wants to sub or if he wants to really dig deep and roleplay as Gavin's personal companion android.
Gavin tries to open up that conversation. "What do you want now, baby?"
Nines slowly opens his eyes and blinks up at him. His LED turns a slow, lazy yellow for a moment while he glances down.
Then he looks back up and clearly says, "Dick."
Gavin reflexively looks down at his own crotch—which is apparently where Nines was looking, not just demurely averting his gaze, the thirsty little bitch. He meets Nines's eyes again and sees the android watching him expectantly, like a pillow princess waiting to be serviced.
"Don't know how anyone mistook you for a detective," Gavin tells him. "When you're obviously such a slut."
Nines blushes and closes his eyes, but he doesn't bother to hide his preening smirk.
"But you're gonna have to earn that, baby," Gavin continues.
Nines opens his eyes to shoot him the wounded look he learned from their little beasties when being removed from the bed so Gavin can get some goddamn sleep without an eight pound cat laying on his face.
"I can be good," he promises. He glances down between them again. "I do not have a refractory period."
And then he looks up at Gavin from underneath his lashes with those big blue eyes, and all thoughts of kink negotiation and safe words take a running leap and crash through the window.
"I'm going to take off your pants and play with that pretty pussy of yours until you start crying again."
Nines nods eagerly. He even lifts his hips like a good boy to help Gavin peel the yoga pants off him, a sticky strand of lubrication stringing between his lips and the crotch for a moment before the thread breaks. That gets the android blushing and whirring again, but Gavin just chuckles.
He lifts the t-shirt too, but instead of taking it off, he tucks it behind Nines's neck. It's a pitiful restraint, especially against an RK model, but Nines obligingly tucks his arms back behind his back, then waits obediently for Gavin to begin.
And this had better be a long-term thing, because Gavin doesn't think he can ever let anyone touch his android after this. Not with how Nines is looking at him, so open and sincere, without a single doubt that whatever happens next will be good and safe.
He might be a bad man, but shit. At least he knows that. And he also knows how many losers and assholes are out there, sociopaths and abusers and people who are honestly just too dumb and selfish to notice when they hurt someone.
No, his Nines is never going to experience any of that.
"Did you think about me when you touched yourself?" Gavin asks.
He runs his hands up the insides of Nines's legs while he asks the question. That's unfair enough, but rubbing his thumbs right at the creases in his thighs as Nines tries to answer borders on mean.
"I—I, yes. Did." Nines stutters.
Gavin skirts his hands up higher, just barely resting on the outsides of his flushed lips. His clit is big enough to push out past them, a teasing little peek-a-boo that makes Gavin's mouth water. It looks just as fat and swollen with arousal as it had felt when he'd petted over it through the pants.
"Do you like having something in your cunt, baby?"
He gets even meaner when he punctuates this question by using his thumbs to gently pull his lips apart and watch the way his exposed hole clenches and flutters. Nines manages to make his moan sound something like please.
"You have to tell me if you want it," Gavin says sternly. "I'm not just gonna guess about something like that."
Nines frantically nods, his mouth working silently around gasps. He's so worked over just having his legs spread and his pussy put on display. Gavin decides to have mercy—mostly on himself.
"Shhh, OK. I'm going to play with you now."
He circles his thumb around the android's clit gently at first, just watching what kind of reaction partial stimulation to it gets him. Nines shudders out an exhale and his thighs tense.
"That's right, you need to keep your hips still," Gavin tells him.
Nines nods again, blindly, his eyes shut and mouth agape.
"Do you want it like this?"
Gavin slides his other hand up Nines's side, over his chest, to rest lightly on top of his throat. Nines slowly opens his eyes, LED sluggishly spinning yellow. Gavin times the slow circles around his clit to it.
"With rules and taking orders," Gavin explains. "Where you need to obey and behave."
"Yes," Nines breathes out.
He doesn't take that as his real answer right away. "Or do you want it more casual?"
Nines blinks hard, twice, and cocks his head.
"Where I tell you what to do, since I've got more experience. But," He lets go of the android's throat. "You can do what you want. You don't have to hold still or—"
Nines shakes his head no for the first time. "I … I want … to be … good."
"As a good boy, or my own personal companion android,"
Gavin strokes his thumb directly down the length of Nines's swollen clit for the first time.
"That I can pet,"
He keeps his thumb where it is and shifts his fingers to tease the tip of his index against the entrance clenching at it.
"And play with,"
"Yes, yes, please," Nines chants.
Gavin presses the finger inside and it goes so easy. Enough for him to believe Nines really has spent the entire afternoon doing nothing but fucking himself in Gavin's own bed.
"And fuck,"
He adds a second finger without any resistance and gets those tears he promised. He really can't stop a grin from spreading across his face at that, just as sharp and vicious as any of the RK's interrogation protocols.
"Whenever, and however …" He pulls his hand out entirely, leaving Nines gasping and wrenching his eyes back open to stare up at him in pleading confusion. "I want."
Nines sniffles and starts to shift his hips to seek out any stimulation he can. Gavin stills them with both hands, and tries to keep his voice soft and free of judgment for the next part.
"Do you still want to behave?" he asks.
He watches as Nines realizes what that really means. What he would be promising Gavin—just for this scene. They really do still need to have an actual talk before he'll accept anything as a permanent, serious answer, but he can't resist at least throwing this option out there for now.
Nines tilts his head back to release steam, but then he settles back down. His whole body eases in a way Gavin has never seen before actually—even though he rejected his programming in terms of working for either Cyberlife or the DPD, it always still shone through in his perfect posture and too-formal speech.
This is the first time he's ever seen the android look … relaxed.
Gavin waits, but he doesn't even attempt to hide the way he sweeps his gaze over Nines's body, appreciating the thick chest, pecs well-defined enough to almost give him a bust, nipples hard and begging for attention, and his legs still spread wide, showing off a perfectly manicured triangle of soft black curls right over where his cunt drools onto the couch.
He drags his eyes back up to meet Nines's soft look, utterly relaxed and blinking slowly. He already knows what the answer will be just from that, but he still waits for it.
"Yes, Detective."
this was commissioned by @gavinisqueertbh and you can find my commission info pinned to the top of my blog! subscribers to my patreon get early access to all my commissioned fics two weeks before they’re posted here and on AO3 for free ^^
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atozfic · 3 years
fic writer tag.
i was tagged by @/literally no one, i just like filling in these tag games instead of writing my wips. 🥰
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
harry potter, marvel, the umbrella academy, 5sos.
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
ateez, will be expanding that list soon though.
3. how long have you been writing?
basically since i developed the ability to spell, but started writing fan-fiction when i was way too young to be doing so, like most of us. i stopped for around a year or so before starting up again in march, when i opened this account.
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
only tumblr. if you see my stories anywhere else, they've been plagiarized and i would really appreciate being informed about it.
5. what is your favorite genre to write?
i hate this kind of question because it feels so open-ended but ig angst. useful angst though, not just sad shit happening for the sake of putting the characters and the reader through the pain.
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
a very chaotic combination of both. i write out a bullet form of every scene for a fic and then just randomly add details as i write. shorter fics tend to just be spur of the moment word vomit.
7. one-shot or multi-chapter?
both, even thought right now i've only posted one-shots so far. a multi-chapter fic is in the works though.
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
every story requires a different word-count to be correct. sometimes, you can say more with 100 words about a character than you could with 10k words.
9. what is your longest published story?
a touch of frost, but i'm pretty sure siren will overpass it in word count.
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
overdrive. fuck i'm in love with that fic and so unashamed to admit that. wrote the second half of it the day it was set to be posted and it was the most chaotic yet enjoyable 9 hours of my life.
11. favorite request you’ve written and why?
i've not done many requests, because i'm terrible at fulfilling them but it's a tie between my wooyoung greek mythology au drabble, yeosang apocalypse au drabble or my mingi ghost au drabble.
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
i have this incessant need to make half my characters mentally ill and i refuse to accept that it's just self-reflection. i also enjoy having realistic obstacles and troubles for my characters. not everything has to be life or death for it to be a valid concern in someone's life.
13. current number of wips?
i hope you all know i'm about to break out in a nervous sweat as i admit this but,, 26.
14. three things you have noticed about your writing?
1) i tend to repeatedly use the word "and" instead of just adding a damn comma.
2) i'm awful at describing surrounding scenes, and perfectly okay with that. personally, when i read, i'm far more interested in the characters and how they feel rather than reading paragraph after paragraph about the different architectural descriptions for the actual setting that do nothing but bore me and steal my focus away from the actual story at hand. this isn't shade, by the way, just me sharing a preference.
3) everyone buckle up, i'm about to actually praise something about myself. shocking, i know. but i feel like i'm good at making everything in a story count, even if it takes some time to make sense. dialogue, details, different facts about the characters, pretty much everything that i share is there for a reason and drives the story towards where i want it to go.
15. a quote you like from a published story?
"no one warns you about how lonely being an adult is.“
16. a quote from an unpublished story?
"we let you on board our ship, let you move into our home. we trusted you. i trusted you. and all you've done is lie to us. (...) get out of my sight.”
17. space for you to say something to your readers~~
how does it feel to be the sexiest, biggest brained bitches out there? no but fr, i have such an unhealthy amount of appreciation towards all of you. you've all been nothing but kind and encouraging since the start and have really given me a place where, even if i sometimes doubt its value, i feel comfortable enough to post my writing and feel welcome enough to share my dumb ass shit posts. i hope you know i see every like, every reblog, every comment left in tags, every ask or mention sent my way and i couldn't be more thankful for having met/interacted with you all. i promise to do my best to repay you all with chaotic fics fueled by my own existential crisis and dread.
as for tagging, i'm not tagging anyone because i really just think you guys should answer this tag game if you feel like it. ain't no shame in wanting to entertain yourself for a few minutes.
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Amber, I'm kind of obsessed with casino owner!Jensen and his pet. And how angry Jensen's gonna be when the new security guard Chad tries to 'rescue' Jared. And how Jared plays along with Chad, because he kinda wants to see what Jensen does and the guy's hot so it's fun. And how Jared's punished when Jensen finds out just how far he let things get with Chad, especially when Jared says "Well, if you'd fuck me more often maybe I wouldn't look for toys to play with while you're busy." (bad puppy!)
If there's one thing Jared knows with complete certainty, it's that Jensen Ross Ackles is a possessive, vendictive son of a bitch. He does not share, and he does not take kindly to anyone putting their hands on what he considered his. Which is precisely why Jared was willing to bet his teeth that Jensen would go absolutely ballistic once he knew about Chad and the dark purple hickeys that he'd left all over Jared's, temporarily uncollared, neck.
But his dirty little secret was out in the open now, and Jensen hadn't so much as batted an eyelash. The casino owner's inate ability to foil him at every turn serving as painful reminder why Jared had quit gambling in the first place.
"You're right, Jared," Jensen says, taking a small step forward. Then another. Jared's blood pressure raising higher and higher the closer he got.
Of course, his first instinct was to reach out for Jensen, beg him for forgiveness, and keep his fingers crossed that he'd be able to sit down tomorrow morning. But that wasn't an option because Jared's pride had been hurt this time, and not in the break you down and make you beg for filthy things kind of way either. No, his Dom's reaction, or lack thereof, had made him feel unwanted. Like Jensen could care less who used his body just as long as Jared came crawling back to him after they were done.
So when Jensen reaches out, warm palm cupping his cheek tenderly, Jared resists the overwhelming urge he has to lean in and nuzzle against it. He'd be damned if he was going to let Jensen win that easily.
"You're absolutely right."
The rough pad of Jensen's thumb brushes over Jared's parted lips in a soothing manner. And even when Jared nips at him playfully, because he's desperate to get a rise out of his Dom, Jensen doesn't flinch. No signs of frustration darken his handsome features, or anger giving his hands a slight tremor. He just stands there in front of Jared, staring thoughtfully into those wide, innocent eyes.
It's intense, to say the least. But then again, intense was practically Jensen's middle name.
"I am?"
Jared blinks nervously a few times, clearly confused but Jensen doesn't give anything away. He just pats Jared's cheek softly and continues. "Mmhm. I really have been working too much lately."
Panic swells in Jared's chest, thick and suffocating, when he sees Jensen's lips twist upward into cruel smile. Realization hitting him full force in the gut like a freight train, and just like that, Jared finds himself whimpering in Jensen's embrace. The hot tears welling up in the corners of his eyes reminiscent of the first time that Jensen had caught Jared breaking the rules.
"Hey." Jared's chin is pinched between Jensen thumb and index finger before he can even blink. Grip tight enough to bruise as he forces the younger man to look him in the eyes. And right then Jared thinks damn, this is it. The moment that his Dom cuts the lovey dovey bullshit and puts him on his knees.
That's why when Jensen presses a soft kiss to his cheek instead of landing a cruel backhand, Jared is at a total loss. His bulletproof way of getting what he wanted from Jensen shattering all around him like jagged shards of broken glass.
"Don't pout, Jare. Tonight, I'm all yours."
"O-okay," Jared concedes, trying desperately to swallow down some of the acidic bile rising up in his throat. Barely managing a slight nod of agreement before Jensen turned on his heels and dissapeared, leaving Jared in his bedroom half-hard and shaking. The younger man not quite sure if Mr. Ackles had just made a threat or a promise.
When Jensen calls him to the living room later that night, Jared gets his answer. It had been both a threat, and a promise.
"Ah, there's my boy," Jensen purrs, tracking every one of Jared's cautious movements with a predatory gaze. And suddenly, standing there in just a thin pair of light grey boxers, at his Dom's request of course, Jared feels more vulnerable and exposed than he has in over two years.
"Wh-what's going on?"
Jared takes a hesitant step forward, tearing his eyes away from Jensen with more difficulty than he'd like to admit to focus them on the blonde motionless heap just visible past Jensen's broad frame. A surprised gasp ripped from his lungs when Jared studies it a little closer and suddenly recognizes that longing gaze.
"I know I said we were going to have some alone time tonight, sweetheart," Jensen says, soft and apologetic. Yet still managing to look every bit like the pissed off alpha male that he was standing there in his navy blue Armani suit, clearly ready to do some serious damage. To Chad's vital organs or his ass, Jared wasn't quite sure. "But Mr. Murray just seemed so lonely out there on the casino floor. Hope you don't mind that I invited him over."
Behind Jensen, Chad's bright blue eyes were boring into the back of his boss' head with murderous intent. And Jared could tell by the state of his disheveled clothes and the fresh cut oozing blood above Chad's right eye, that he'd been thrown onto Jensen's couch rather than seated there. Hands bound behind him tightly with what Jared could only imagine was rope or a zip-tie. The single strip of silver duct tape secured across his mouth clearly the only thing keeping Chad's temper at bay.
"Jen-" Jared began, making a move toward Chad only to he stopped dead in his track when Jensen raised his finger. Those gorgeous green eyes buring bright with rage as he pointed to the ground, slow and deliberate.
Jared hears Chad make a wounded sound when he falls to his knees without question. His palms automatically resting flat on top of his bare thighs as he leaned back on his heels, head bowed in submission.
"Good boy."
Jensen's voice is smooth as honey. His words of praise drizzling down Jared's spine, warm and sticky-sweet, soothing him. And by the time Jensen had closed the gap between them, Jared's shoulders were relaxed. The last bit of tension draining from his body completely when Jensen reached out to scratch behind his ear.
"Very good, pet."
Jared hums his acknowledgement but he doesn't dare move. Because despite Jensen's words of affection and his gentle touch, Jared knows his Dom is one wrong move away from completely snapping.
Bending the rules now would only make things worse. And Jared is absolutely positive that neither he or Chad could handle that.
"Baby," Jensen coos, running his fingers gently through his pet's sweaty hair when he notices the pained expression on Jared's face. "I need you to talk to me."
Communication, this was good. This was something they'd learned together over the course of the death-defying rollercoaster ride that was their relationship. And it was definitely a relief to know that Jensen's finger was on the guard of the gun and not the tigger, so to speak.
"C'mon, Jare."
Jared takes a ragged breath and nods, daring to steal another glance at Chad before he looked up at Jensen, body trembling.
Outside he could hear the rain staring to pick up, thunder rumbling low and eerie in the distance but still, it was nothing compared to the storm raging in his Dom's eyes. So much for thinking Jensen didn't care.
"I'm worried about...him," Jared says, voice cracking. He makes sure to put an emphasis on the word "him" because Lord knows if Jensen had heard the guard's name come out of Jared's mouth, that there'd be six, not seven, bullets in the magazine of the Colt .45 Jensen kept tucked in his waistband and blood splatter all over his pristine white walls.
"Aw," Jensen mocks, eyes pitch black and full of venom. Clearly not giving a shit that he sounded petty. "Is my sweet puppy worried about his dumb little toy?"
A hard yank on his hair makes Jared lean up on his knees, whining. Chad's eyes growing wide with concern when Jensen's free hand found Jared's throat and squeezed. "Well, rest easy baby. I'm not going to kill this useless waste of space...Unless," Jensen pauses, tilting his head to the side like he's weighing his options. "Unless you want me to?"
Out of the corner of his eye, Jared can see Chad squirming a little, sad and helpless, and he hates himself for even considering Jensen's proposal. God, he wasn't this person. Or at least he'd convinced himself that he wasn't.
Before Jensen it was so much easier to ignore the darkness that had been gnawing at his insides for what felt like eons. But then this gorgeous, sadistic bastard came into his life, an unstoppable force, pushing Jared's boundries and offering him things that Jared would've NEVER asked for on his own. It was too much, and he wanted it all.
And yeah, the idea of Jensen bathed in the blood of a man who dared to put his hands on Jared was a (huge) turn on, but he can't do this, not to someone with a good heart like Chad.
"Jensen, please."
Jared's throat is dry, his voice raspy and broken as he reaches up to grab his Dom's wrist. "I'm so sorry. Just- punish me and let him go. This is all my fault." And it really is. Jared was never interested in Chad, at least not in the way he'd let the guard believe. Sure, they'd some fun, but it had all been a desperate attempt by Jared to get Jensen's attention. Everything Jared did, every time he acted out or pouted, it was all because he craved seeing that look in his Dom's eyes. This had always been about Jensen, and if he hadn't pretended that it wasn't, Jared knows now that he would've gotten everything that he wanted.
"That's very noble of you, baby." The older man digs his nails into Jared's sore skin as he hauls him up from the floor. There's a hint of amusement on Jensen's face now, standing there nose to nose with Jared. And somehow, this wild eyed, unstable version of his Dom terrifies Jared more than the cold, calculated one. "But I assure, I don't plan to hurt Mr. Murray. Well," Jensen stops short with a sly smirk before correcting himself, "you know what I mean."
"But I thought-" Jared's eyes dart from Jensen to Chad and back again, eyebrows drawing together in confusion.
"I know what you thought, Jare. I know everything that goes on in this pretty head." Jensen interjects, tapping his index finger lightly against Jared's temple. He smiles, bright and toothy, and Jared can feel the color drain from his face. "But believe it or not, Mr. Murray is here on his own volition."
Jared's jaw nearly hits the ground when he registers his Dom's words, teary gaze now focused on Chad who looks extremely apologetic and twice as embarrassed.
"The restraints?" Jensen is standing behind Jared now. He can feel the buttons on Jensen's dress shirt digging into his back, strong hands settling possessively on his hips, pulling him closer. "Just a precaution," Jensen explains, pressing a hot kiss to Jared's neck that makes him shiver. "In case he decided that he wanted to play the hero again."
Jared feels white-hot pain, sharp and intoxicating, twisting up his spine when Jensen bites down on one of the raw hickeys that Chad had left on his throat. Toes curling against the carpet as his dick throbs, dribbling pre-cum all over his boxers, head starting to spin. God, Jared doesn't think he's ever been this hard before in his life and it hurts so fucking good.
"Wh-what are you gonna do now?" Jared dares to ask while Jensen nibbles at his throat. Clearly trying to cover up Chad's handy work with a possessive mark of his own. And Jared's hand is trembling when he reaches up blindly, cupping the back of Jensen's head in his palm to bring him closer. Because fuck it. He'd already broken every rule in the book and he was still breathing, so why stop now?
"First," Jensen growls, delivering a sharp smack to Jared's outer thigh that immediately makes the younger man drop his arm. A half choked groan spilling from Jared's lips when his Dom suddenly flips him around so that they are face to face again. "I'm gonna spank your ass purple."
Jensen hands are warm and rough as they slid down Jared's sides, claiming every inch of smooth, tanned skin along the way. "And when you're so sore that you can barely think, begging for me to stop," he adds darkly, hands settle on Jared's ass. Fingers groping and kneading at the meaty flesh before Jensen pulls his ass cheeks apart, hold tight enough to make Jared whine and buck his hips. "I'm going to bend you over the coffee table and fuck you within an inch of your life. And I'm not going to stop until the only word that you can remember is my name and you're drooling all over Mr. Murray's cheap shoes."
Behind them, Chad is fighting against his restraints, mumbling something Jared can't quite make out but he's sure it's along the lines of "fuck you."
"And when you think you can't take any more," Jensen continues, completely ignoring Chad's temper tantrum, "I'm going to throw you over my shoulder, take you to the bedroom, and do it all again."
Jared's knees almost buckle when Jensen leans in to rub their noses together playfully. His lips ghosting over Jared's, so close and warm, daring his sub to close the gap between them and take what he wants without permission. But Jared's learned his lesson. Stays put even though he's dying to taste the jealousy on Jensen's lips.
"Can I wear my collar then?" He asks, soft and hopeful, pretty eyes locked with Jensen's.
"Of course you can, baby. I'm never going to let you leave the house without it on again."
Jared almost cries tears of joy when he hears the wicked tone in his Dom's voice. A sick part of him wishing that Jensen wouldn't even let him leave the house until he made sure Jared knew just who he belonged to.
"Thank you, Mr. Ackles."
"You're welcome, pet."
Jared feels a bit unsteady when Jensen steps back to take him in. His dark, hungry eyes giving Jared such a thorough once over that it makes the younger man's cheeks heat up with blush. He wants Jensen so bad right now that he can barely breathe. His need to be touched, to be controlled by the only man who knew how to handle him, hitting Jared like a sucker punch. He was so turned on now that it was causing him physical pain, and to make matters worse, Jared knew he had a long, torturous night of begging ahead of him before his Dom would even consider do anything about it.
"Oh, and don't worry Mr. Murray," Jensen says suddenly, looking over Jared's shoulder to address Chad directly for the first time that night, "If you sit still and behave, I'll make sure to leave the bedroom door open so you can hear my puppy scream."
Fuck, maybe Jared's plan had worked after all.
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danielcooperrp · 3 years
We Two Boys Together Clinging
Halfway through 19th Century American Poetry and Drew has a sensation with which he is all too familiar: eyes boring into the back of head. It doesn't matter how many times he's been gawked at in a restaurant or in the allergy aisle of CVS (hay fever is a bitch), the feeling of the little hairs on the back of his neck standing up never fails to make him want to slink into a hole and die. He tries to ignore it, tries to focus all of his attention on the professor, who is droning on about the difference between various editions of Leaves of Grass, but that only lasts so long. Eventually, he caves, and he turns to look. 
He's not shocked when the dark eyes watching him quickly dart away—people are often abashed when they get caught staring—but it is a surprise when, a few moments later, they return to meet his. The face they belong to is handsome, warm, dark skin, a strong jaw, a slightly crooked nose that suggests some kind of trouble, and—oh. Two rows of perfect white teeth that he sees now because the face is grinning at him, an inviting, dangerous grin, and now Drew's the one looking away, his own cheeks glowing red. His eyes burn holes in his notebook—he hasn't written a word in so long, he'll have to research this edition issue on his own later—and the other guy's eyes burn holes in his skull. 
Why is he looking at him like that? Drew hasn't said a thing all class, not that any of them would be able to get a word in edgewise. His eyes dart down to check his outfit; a little schnerdy, sure, but nothing that stands out in a Harvard classroom. He risks it again; a quick look back, and that smile is still waiting for him, this time a little softer, like he's happy he keeps getting caught. 
By the time class ends, Drew is a sweaty mess. He has no idea what the professor said for the last half of that lecture, but he's not going to stick around to ask. He tosses his notebook and his copy of Whitman into his satchel and slides into the mass exodus from the room. He lets himself be carried toward the building exit by the river of hungry undergrads, hoping that he avoids whatever situation was brewing behind him in class, but the river comes to a screeching halt when everyone notices that it's pouring buckets outside. Those smart enough to plan ahead whip out their umbrellas and leave, and some who don't have any other choice lower their heads and shoulders as though preparing to take a charging bull head on and foray bravely into the downpour. 
Drew doesn't have another class for forty-five minutes, and even though he was planning on getting lunch in the interim, he really doesn't want to get this sweater wet, so he decides to duck into an alcove and wait it out. He pulls out his phone, Googles the information he thinks he missed in class, and is halfway through an Encyclopedia Britannica article when someone clears their throat. He looks up and blinks owlishly. It's the teeth. 
"Hi," the teeth say. "I'm Xander." 
Drew stares. He doesn't know what to do with this information. During the rare instances someone deigns to talk to him, an introduction like "I'm Xander" is almost always followed by a request like "Can I get an picture?" or "Do you know where the bathroom is?", depending on if he's been recognized or not. But this...this is just warm brown eyes and a big shiny smile that he doesn't know what to with. 
"Drew Cooper," he eventually blurts out, remembering that he is in fact a human person with a name. "Um. Hi." 
Xander leans casually against the wall adjacent to Drew, the fabric of his shirt pulling tight over the bulk of his arms as he crosses them over his very muscular chest. "You know, I really liked what you had to say last week about the em dashes in Emily Dickinson's poems. How they're meant to give you space to breath but really end up making you feel breathless. Professor didn't know what do with that, but...I liked it."
What is happening what is happening what is hap— Drew swallows thickly. "Oh. Thanks. I, uh, visited the house in Amherst a lot growing up. School field trips, family weekends...I'm...familiar with her work."
Xander nods toward the corner of Leaves of Grass sticking out of Drew's satchel. "What about Whitman? He a favorite too?"
Drew shrugs. "Sure. Mostly 'Song of Myself' and 'Drum-Taps,' but generally...yeah, his language is...unparalleled." Drew pauses, unsure, and then continues. "Reading Whitman always reminds me that I need to look around more. That everything is beautiful if I let it be."
The smile grows bigger. "I really like the way you talk about poetry, Drew Cooper." Xander reaches into the JanSport he's got slung over one shoulder and pulls out an umbrella. "Want to talk about it over lunch?"
It’s not until their third post-poetry class lunch that Drew finds out something interesting about his new friend. “Wait...you’re on the football team?”
Xander laughs, a loud, warm sound that makes Drew feel like he’s part of the joke instead of the butt of it. “Yeah, yeah, I’m on the football team.” Drew makes a face. “What?”
“Well...don’t take this the wrong way, but...” Drew swirls his spoon in his cup of clam chowder. “...is Harvard’s team any good?”
This earns a longer, louder laugh from Xander, who takes a bite of his grilled chicken when he’s done. “In the grand scheme of things? No. We go up against Auburn or Clemson and we’re getting our asses kicked, no questions asked. But against the teams we actually play? We’re not half-bad.” 
“So what position do you play?”
“Tight end.”
“Oh, I know that one. That’s...an important one.”
Xander suppresses the laugh this time. “It’s okay, Cooper. You don’t have to pretend to like football.”
Drew scrunches his nose. “I’m sorry. I come from a sports family. My dad and my older sister, in particular, they’ll talk for hours about football or baseball or hockey...it all goes over my head.”
With a shrug, Xander says, “Well, you’ve got enough good stuff going on in that head. No need to waste brain space on stuff that doesn’t matter.”
Drew feels himself starting to flush, so he quickly tries to shift the focus. “Well what about you? If football doesn’t matter, why risk CTE for it?”
“Scholarships, Cooper! You think Harvard pays for itself? I got in on test scores, but test scores don’t get you out of loans. Football does.”
And doesn’t that make Drew feel so silly. He knows how unbelievably lucky he is, that he had every semester of higher education he could ever want at whatever university would take him paid for before he was even born. If he had the mind to, he could keep taking classes at Harvard or Yale or Oxford until he died and he’d never have to think about the cost. Xander actually has to work for his education, and Drew feels like a little kid in comparison. 
They’ve been in a little back corner of Lamont Library for a few hours now, bent over their respective texts as they work on assignments for different classes. Drew’s nose-deep in an anthology of Helen Hunt Jackson, while Xander’s scribbling away at equations for one of his insanely complicated math classes. They work in comfortable silence, and every once in a while Drew wonder how strange it is, the easy way they spend their days together. 
At one point, Xander throws down his pencil in disgust. “That’s it. Cooper, I’m dropping out.”
Drew makes a face. “You’re not dropping out, Xander.” 
“I am. No economics degree is worth this.” He gestures vaguely to his chicken-scratch math homework. 
“I mean, you’re not going to hear an argument from me, the guy studying History and Literature.” Drew peeks at the equations. “Would it help if you explained it to me?”
Xander furrows his brows. “What do you mean?”
“I mean...my sisters always head more of a head for the STEM subjects, while I’ve always been better at...” He waves a hand over his poetry book. “...softer stuff. But when I was a kid, my dad, who’s, like, an insane science nerd to the max, would tell me to pretend that I was the science teacher and I had to teach him the homework. It really helped. Explaining out loud, going over each problem piece by piece, helped me understand it better.” He flushes. “It’s just a thought, though. You don’t have to...”
“On one condition.” Xander smirks. “You have to tell me all of your thoughts on Thoreau afterward.”
Drew can’t fight his grin. “Deal.”
Drew’s schedule is light on Tuesdays, so he’s back in the apartment he shares with Aidan, about halfway between Harvard and MIT’s campuses. She’s here, too, ditching a class she claims is “beneath the mathematical sensibilities of a first-grader.” She and some friend Drew is sure he should know the name of are on their little balcony, sipping wine coolers and people-watching while Drew reads for his early Wednesday class. Mostly, really, he’s listening to them gossip.
“See her?” 
“Blond ponytail?”
“No, by the crosswalk, with the dog. Don’t tell her you have a fake ID, she’ll narc on you in a heartbeat.”
“Get out!”
“Dead serious. Freshman down the hall got busted because of her.”
“What a bitch. Over there, those two: dating or siblings?”
“They’re practically identical, so I’m hoping siblings....Oh god, please let me be wrong...”
“Who’s that?”
“Coming down the sidewalk here.”
“He’s hot, whoever he is.”
“I’ll say.”
“Wait...why does he look familiar....”
“Wasn’t he at that party two weekends ago? The one on Banks Street?”
“Oh my god, that’s it, he’s on the Harvard football team!”
Drew’s head snaps up. 
“Tell you what, he could score a touchdown any day. Look at those arms...Drew?” 
Drew scrambles off of the couch and flings himself onto the balcony. Aidan gives him a wild look. “What the hell?”
Peering over the edge, Drew spies Xander just as he gets to the front door of their building. He doesn’t need to use the buzzer, because someone’s coming out. “Oh.”
Ignoring his sister, Drew rushes back to the couch, where he grabs all of his books and notebooks and tosses them into his backpack. Then he races into his bedroom to grab shoes. “I, uh, have to go! Study thing!”
Aidan looks down to the street and back to her panicked twin. “Drew...are you friends with a football player?”
“No!” Drew squeaks. “Yes! I mean, yes, we are friends. We have a class together. I have to go!”
Aidan squints in suspicion as Drew charges out the door. When it slams shut behind him, her friend says, “Does he know his sweater is on backward?”
Aidan shrugs. “Not my business.”
“Why do you hang out with me?”
It’s a hazy October afternoon, and Drew and Xander are hanging out in Flagstaff Park, studying. People call out to Xander as they walk by, and Xander gives them a friendly wave or a “Hey man!” but makes no move to get up and socialize. Drew knows he’s quiet, not the best conversationalist in the world, so he wonders. 
“What do you mean?” Xander looks at him like he always does, like Drew is about to say something absolutely revelatory. 
“I mean...shouldn’t you be hanging out with the rest of the football team? Is that what you’re supposed to do?”
Xander seems amused. “Is that what you want me to do?”
“No,” Drew answers too quickly. “I just...I don’t know. I’ve never had someone spend so much time with me who wasn’t a blood relative, that’s all. And it seems like you have a lot of friends so...I don’t know...forget it...” Embarrassed, he turns back to his history textbook. 
A wide hand, fingers splayed, plops down over the pages, and Drew looks up to see Xander rolling his eyes. “I hang out with you so much, Cooper, because I like spending time with you, and also, I’m hoping that if I earn enough goodwill you’ll let me take you out to dinner at some point.” 
Drew freezes. “I—what?”
“I mean, if you’re not into me, that’s fine. I’m a big boy, I can handle it. But the thing is, I think you are into me, which is great, because I’m into you too, but I don’t mind biding my time until you’re ready.”
Every single neuron in Drew’s brain is misfiring. “You’re—into me?”
“Man got himself into Harvard just to outshine the professors and he still can’t read what’s right in front of him.” Xander sighs. “Yes, Cooper, I am into you, and would like to start seeing you socially in a romantic capacity.”
“But...you’re on the football team!” 
“I—what?” Drew just gapes at him. “Cooper...” Xander starts to laugh, slow at first, and then harder.
“Wait, why are you laughing at me?”
“It’s just...really refreshing to talk to someone as woefully out of touch as you are.”
“Cooper, I dated a guy on the swim team for like two months last year. My being gay is...not news. To anyone.”
“Apparently not my sister,” Drew grumbles. 
“Nothing.” Drew shakes his head. Nothing is making sense. “Do you know...who I am?”
“...We’ve met, yeah.”
“No, I mean...my family.”
“Oh.” Xander shrugs. “Yeah. Did some light Googling. I mean, c’mon, a white boy as quiet and smart as you? I had to be sure you weren’t secretly a neo-Nazi or some shit.”
“I’m Jewish,” Drew mumbles, “but that’s not the point. You know...who I’m related to.”
“Yeah. Am I supposed to care?” Xander reaches out and takes Drew’s hand, interlaces their fingers together. Drew’s heart is pounding so hard in his ears he can barely hear Xander speak. “Cooper, I am an economics major. I don’t want to date you because your grandpa was a billionaire. I want to date you in spite of the fact that your grandpa was a billionaire.”
Drew chokes out a laugh. “Fair enough.” 
“I mean, you’re cute and all, but don’t think I won’t eat you for sustenance when the class war starts.”
His laugh is louder this time. “Stop.” 
“So what do you say?” A squeeze of the fingers, and a squeeze to his heart. “Drew Cooper, will you go on a date with me?”
Drew chews on his lip, and then he nods. “Yeah. Yeah I will.” 
Then Xander grins his perfect white grin, and Drew knows he’s a goner.
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