#inspired by the one person who wanted daifuku as an option
benkyoutobentou · 11 months
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megashadowdragon · 7 years
sanji will become king of germa part 2
the source : https://orojackson.com/one-piece-theories-and-speculations/sanji-becomes-the-germa-king.2071/ just putting this post on my tumblr ( and I had originally forgot to put the link up )
1) The inspiration behind Sanji's back story. 2) Recent events in the manga. 3) The future of Germa. 4) The future of the Straw Hat Pirates. 5) Why Sanji will accept the crown. With these 5 sections, I will attempt to create a convincing theory as to how Sanji could become the leader of the Germa Kingdom. 1) The inspiration behind Sanji's back story. Sanji's back story is inspired by the "Man in the Iron Mask", a real life French prisoner from 1669-1703 during the reign of King Louis XIV of France. (Remember that Oda said in an SBS that Sanji in the real world would be French). Both Judge and Louis XIV were warmongers with incredibly long hair that believed in the absolute power of the monarchy. They were both great reformers of their respective countries and they both advocated extensive use of their military might. No one knew the actual identity of the "Man in the Iron Mask" or why he was imprisoned, leading to many theories & speculations, most of them revolving around the idea that the prisoner and the king were direct blood relations. (Sanji is the son of Judge). There were fictional books & films about this real life character & they usually ended in the same way. The prisoner who was unjustly wronged, becomes the king of France (or Germa in Sanji's case). 2) Recent events in the manga. I believe that when the Vinsmokes were trapped by Charlotte Perospero in Chapter 864, Judge came to a bitter realisation. His supposed heirs do not care about Germa's future. I) Yonji only cares for prolonging conflicts in order to benefit from both sides. It was this attitude that led to Judge comparing him to a pirate in Chapter 839. When trapped by Perospero, he viewed the situation nonchalantly. II) Reiju is ashamed of the Vinsmokes and was prepared to allow the whole family to die (except Sanji) by not telling them about the assassination. She said nothing when facing death at Perospero's hands. III) Ichiji and Niji have a mercenary attitude of whoever pays the highest cheque gets their help. Niji laughed at their near fatal predicament while Ichiji called Judge pathetic for crying. It was at this moment Judge realised that he created perfect weapons but not perfect leaders. That by removing their emotion, he also removed their ambition and created apathetic beings that do not care about their own future or the future of the kingdom they are supposed to be ruling over. In Chapter 865, Judge witnessed Sanji rescuing them all and realised that Sanji was the only person in that moment, who actually cared if the Vinsmoke line continued. In Chapter 870, Judge was prepared to sacrifice all the Vinsmokes except Sanji, to hold off Big Mom so that everyone could escape (especially Sanji). 3) The future of Germa. The hit Judge took from Big Mom has either crippled him or fatally wounded him. Judge is a scientist that relies completely on his tech, tactics & weapons, he is not a truly skilled fighter. He also does not have his children's tough exoskeletons. Essentially, Judge is the Don Krieg of the New World. On his deathbed or in his crippled state he will realise that the only future Germa has is with the Straw Hat Pirates for the the following 2 reasons: I) Judge knows the World Government detests Germa for their warmongering attitude. Not turning up for the Reverie and attempting to ally with Big Mom will most likely result in the World Government treating them as criminals. II) Judge knows he can not trust the Yonko. Big Mom has just tried killing him for his technology. Blackbeard and Kaido would probably do the same thing for the same reason. Shanks is most likely not even interested in dealing with Germa. This leaves Judge in a precarious position of having no major allies in a world that clearly hates him. His only hope is to ally with a soon to be major power such as the Straw Hats and the easiest way to do that is to make Sanji the Germa king. Judge will order his children to follow Sanji's commands as king and they will comply because they are mentally conditioned to do so. I am not saying Judge cares for Sanji but he does care for Germa & if he believes Sanji is Germa's only hope then he will accept that. Sanji's role as king would be ceremonial. His siblings would still have to keep Germa functioning but Sanji will have the final say over major decisions such as who to attack and where to invade (like Kaido in Wano). 4) The future of the Straw Hat Pirates Luffy wants to become the Pirate King but he needs to become a Yonko first and to do that the Straw Hats need an actual army that is loyal only to them. Luffy's grand fleet only consists of allied captains that choose to come to his aid and are not a regular force the Straw Hats will have with them at all times. Other Yonko (specifically Big Mom, Whitebeard & Kaido) have this system of a dedicated loyal force that serves only them + allied captains as well. 3 things that are significant to all major factions in One Piece are resources, large numbers of fighters and technology. Germa can provide the Straw Hats with all 3. Luffy is going to need plenty of all 3 if he is going to fight Kaido, take Wano & hold Wano. Each Yonko appears to have a favourite island or a base of operations. Big Mom has Whole Cake Island, Kaido has some favourite winter islands & Shanks has an uninhabited island he likes to party on. Luffy however does not like to stay in one place, so what base of operations could possibly suit him. How about one that could move with him. The Germa Kingdom as a floating nation would be suitable as the Straw Hat capital once Luffy becomes a Yonko, as their capital could move with them and Luffy would never want to stay in one place, making the Straw Hat base of operations somewhat unique. Raid suits would be an impressive power up for all the members of the Straw Hats, especially Nami, Usopp, Robin and Chopper. Perhaps after using Gear 4th, Luffy will not be as vulnerable if he has a raid suit. Franky can use Germa's tech to increase his own power. For the Straw Hats, this would be a significant first step to truly becoming Yonko level.
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Perhaps the Mugiwara 56 artwork is foreshadowing this event. 5) Why Sanji will accept the crown Sanji will accept the crown because he has seen a Yonko's resources, connections & power firsthand and he knows his crew need more power. He will accept because his family need him to. Not the Vinsmokes but his real family. Zeff needs him to find All Blue and his crew need more power to achieve their dreams. He is the left hand man of the future Pirate King and he knows he has to step it up for Luffy. Sanji is a pragmatic individual who knows that in order to achieve his dream & the dreams of his crew, he is going to have to take every major opportunity that comes to him. For his sake and the sake of his crew, Sanji should become the Germa king in order to have a better chance against the Yonko. Even then, the Straw Hats will still need more resources & manpower to truly be Yonko level. Now the real question is how will the Vinsmokes & Straw Hats meet again. There are 2 options: I) Sanji will learn of how the Germa Kingdom is under invasion from Big Mom's forces and will come to the aid of the Vinsmokes. In Chapter 873, Charlotte Daifuku states that there is a squad invading Germa. II) They will deal with their respective threats independently of each other but they will need to work together to get past the naval blockade (& perhaps Bege will assist too). Lastly, in Chapter 485, remember what Sanji said to Bartholomew Kuma
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; Being the Germa king would certainly scare the Marines. Also would it not be fitting for Luffy if he becomes a king of kings.
Finally, Luffy's rise to Pirate King will be different to Roger's because the journey is different. When Roger made his journey, there were no Yonko or well established pirates that had been in the New World for decades. He did not need the resources that Luffy because his journey was a race against his rivals to see who could get to the end of the Grand Line first.
Luffy by comparison, is having to fight not rival forces but superior forces. Thus he needs to gather far more allies than Roger ever had, in order to achieve his dream.
@pernanegra @ecassandrae @sanjiafsincedayone @saltyrainbowrebel77 @chefalier
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Saiyuki Blast 7 | BnHA 33 | Katsugeki 8 | PriPri 7 | Reflection 5
Saiyuki 7
Well, back to the “kick demon butt” thing. It was fun to see Nataku and the past Sanzo party while it lasted…
I had the volume on there, and it was cool to hear Goku say “sankyu”.
This Kouten thing reminds me of Avatar (Last Airbender, you nitwits).
“…in each village…”
Schmuck bait, I say. Demons just wanna get into that scripture area, and they will.
Biotech? That’s unexpected from a story full of demons.
Get in, motherf***ers! We’re going demonslaying!...er, says Sharak Sanzo…
Oh my Sanzo priests. That movie…exists! It’s by Toei, to boot.
The fire looks real. Who made it like that? Ufotable?
Gen-tan and Gen-pyon are very cutesy nicknames, LOL.
Hey. Is it that Minekura actually ships this Kouten dude and Sharak? You wanna stick romance into Saiyuki right now? (I thought part of the appeal in this series was the yaoi shiptease. That’s normally what happens in my territory.)
I just realised it’s the VAs that do the lettering of the Ura Sai title…hmph. Interesting. (Why didn’t I notice that earlier? I don’t know myself.)
BnHA 33
After this ep, I’m up to date. Thanks a lot, one week break!
Wait, Stain wasn’t serious? Or the Full Cowl wasn’t serious?
I bet Deku wants an autograph. (Not taiyaki, LOL.)
You can see Tensei in Iida’s glasses reflection in the OP. I didn’t realise until now.
Well, I for one can’t wait for Bakugo to get an ass-whupping for the sake of modesty…haha. I’m sorry Bakugo, but you’re such a jerk.
Why does Sero like oranges? Or is that mikan? I wasn’t paying attention to that bit, due to the background speed lines.
Ouch! I normally don’t sympathise with Mineta, but here we are. DIdn’t see Jirou coming during the suspenseful moments before the punchline  it worked really well.
Ah hey. While we wait to see what All Might wants to say about his past, let me divulge something I’m been observing as I’ve been revamping Future is Crimson. If Future is Crimson is Boku no Hero Academia, so to speak, One Wish is probably Gurren Lagann – sometimes more mellow, but sometimes much much more emotive. Of course, that’s a bad comparison as Future is Crimson was much more lighthearted and symptomatic of the times than One Wish was, since the latter was based on my past experiences.
Here’s something I can talk about! Girichoco, or obligation chocolates, are chocolates you give to people in Japanese Valentine’s tradition to people you don’t really have special feelings for, but you’ve worked with them (and you wish to thank them for it). Or something similar.
“If superpowers had never appeared, then humans would be taking interstellar holidays by now.” – The only source I can find that says this verbatim is Random Curiosity, which really doesn’t help at all.
Katsugeki 8
(when Mutsu appears) Why do I get the feeling they’re frenemies all over again…? Actually, they’ve always been frenemies. Scrap that.
Oh yeah. There was some Katsugeki controversy where the horse looked like…aw, whatever. Read it yourself. Mind you, horse care really is a thing in Touken Ranbu to bring up sword stats.
(squints at Yagen’s back) Yagen wears suspenders. Amazing.
(squints at Tsuru’s tomatoes) I bet someone painted them…
Amazing! It’s Shokudaikiri and Ookurikara, in Katsugeki! They were more likely to appear than, say, Midare…but still, it’s good to see them again after seeing them in Hanamaru.
Mutsu sulks a lot. Didn’t realise until now.
I have the feeling Mutsu ate everything intended for Tonbokiri…
All the daifuku are what are known as temiyage (“hand souvenirs”, literally translating) in Japanese. When you’re visiting a sick or injured person who’s recovering, it’s customary to give them a gift.
Princess Principal 7
Jack the Ripper! Me and my Detective Conan phase means I was so gung-ho about the guy once, even though he was a serial killer. Did a project on him as a result.
This man…he’s from Dorothy’s situation…I remember him because he kinda looks like Chris from YOI.
I do believe Ange is creating some not-quite-Fordism right there.
These steampunk buildings remind me of Shaun Tan a little…If you haven’t read my personal page, the highlight of my “career” with books was a wordless book inspired by the guy’s The Arrival.
If there are any bishies around here, I won’t mind them stripping for me, haha.
A girl shouldn’t have to wear makeup to be pretty. Learn to accept girls for what they are in the inside, kids.
The term “foreman” doesn’t suit women, right? “Forewoman” is a term too, y’know.
Reflection 5
This entire faceless crowd…it makes me wanna bring back the “face-stealing aliens” meme I had back in Bungou Stray Dogs.
A Café…what a weird name. It’s certainly unimaginative…
Having the volume off really shows you where the animators decided to skip frames and use the slow pans.
This boy rescuing Lisa makes me think…why is he rescuing her? Because he pities her, since she’s in a wheelchair? Because she’s a girl? Or because of human dignity, of a person helping another? I wish it were the latter, but I get the feeling at least one of the other two options is at play here…
I thought the monster was his servant. His power. Well, Stan Lee. You’ve proven yourself somewhat.
Eleanor’s optimism seems to remind me of the type I inject into my own stories. It’s weird.
Who’s the real monster? Vy and Michael? Or Warren Dallas and his crew?
*as Vy and Michael lean in for the kiss* The exact framing of this looks like a million other romance movies you see out there. Stan Lee, you’ve lost me again.
I was absolutely screaming at Volt’s “electric attack”. Calling a café “A Café” is one thing, but can’t you at least be more imaginative with the attack names???
Scare tactics don’t work if you’re going to flick the cop’s hat off, X-On.
Vy and Michael’s names appear in the credits as Vy Ray and Michael Holden (surnames not final).
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