#insect video
vestaignis · 2 months
С наступлением весны проснутся божьи коровки. With the onset of spring, ladybugs will wake up.
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Источник: https://t.me/+fxNu20lM26MwYzhi, /wallpaperscraft.ru/tag/божья%20коровка/, /kartinki.pics/pics/30853-oboi-bozhja-korovka.html, ru.wallpaper.mob.org/gallery/tag=божья%20коровка/, /celes.club/52739-bozhja-korovka-oboi-na-telefon.html, /wallpapershq.ru/tags/5513_bozya-korovka/1080x1920.
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shelovesplants · 7 months
Carpenter bee 🐝 enjoying the last days of summer ☀️ 💜
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creepincrawl · 11 months
The cruncher. The muncher.
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willow-dino · 25 days
I knew it was there for hours and just thought it was dust or something
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crudlynaturephotos · 15 days
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mantiscorvus · 1 year
sorry but this is the funniest fucking thing to me
“The fascinating world of insects” by Free High-Quality Documentaries on youtube
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textless · 6 months
A sphinx moth enjoying moonflowers in the garden.
Cochise County, Arizona, September 2023.
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wastedpotentialsblog · 10 months
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It is Cicada Killer season here in Texas which means everyone is freaking out about the loud scary wasps digging ant mound sized holes in their backyards.
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vestaignis · 6 days
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Жук-геркулес – необычное насекомое, которые встречается на берегах Карибского моря, на территориях Центральной Америки и южноамериканского континента. При среднем размере тела более 16 см. он считается одним из самых крупных жуков на планете. При этом размах крыльев у самцов редко бывает меньше 20 сантиметров. Самочки мельче самцов и могут достигать в длину не более 8 см. и у них нет рогов. Свое название этот жук получил благодаря известному древнегреческому герою Гераклу (по лат. Herculēs), который прославился своей невероятной силой. Жуки-геркулесы— «тяжелоатлеты» и способны переносить тяжести, в 850 раз превышающие их собственный вес.
Окраска жука зависит от влажности окружающей среды. Геркулес имеет жесткие надкрылья. Они могут быть темно-оливкового, желтого, желто-оливкового цвета и даже черными. Тело покрыто редкими рыжими волосками. На голове у жука находятся 2 рога, один большой сверху и второй, поменьше, ниже. Верхний рог имеет несколько зубцов.
Геркулесы – летающие жуки, однако крылья применяют лишь по мере необходимости. Благодаря цепким лапкам эти жуки отлично передвигаются по деревьям, цепляясь за кору.Жуки-геркулесы абсолютно безвредны для людей. Они не несут угрозу и сельскохозяйственной деятельности человека.Жуки-геркулесы питаются опавшей листвой, старой древесиной и древесным соком, а также перезревшими фруктами и ягодами. Продолжительность жизни имаго, так называется взрослое насекомое, равна 6 месяцев. 
The Hercules beetle is an unusual insect found on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, Central America and the South American continent. With an average body size of more than 16 cm, it is considered one of the largest beetles on the planet. At the same time, the wingspan of males is rarely less than 20 centimeters. Females are smaller than males and can reach a length of no more than 8 cm. and they do not have horns. This beetle got its name thanks to the famous ancient Greek hero Hercules (Latin: Herculēs), who was famous for his incredible strength. Hercules beetles are "weightlifters" and are able to carry weights 850 times their own weight.
The color of the beetle depends on the humidity of the environment. Hercules has rigid elytra. They can be dark olive, yellow, yellow-olive and even black. The body is covered with sparse red hairs. The beetle has 2 horns on its head, one large on top and the second, smaller, below. The upper horn has several teeth.
Hercules are flying beetles, but wings are used only as needed. Thanks to their tenacious paws, these beetles move perfectly through trees, clinging to the bark.Hercules beetles are absolutely harmless to humans. They also do not pose a threat to human agricultural activities.Hercules beetles feed on fallen leaves, old wood and tree sap, as well as overripe fruits and berries. The life span of an imago, as an adult insect is called, is 6 months.
Источник:/www.zoopicture.ru/zhuk-gerkules/, /beatlename.ru/beatle18=zhuk-gerkules, /wildfauna.ru/zhuk-gerkules, /zenun.ru/zhuk-gerkules/,/redbook.su/nasekomye/zhuk-gerkules, /kartinki.pics/pics/697-zhuk-gerkules-art.html.
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jupiterswasphouse · 5 months
[VIDEO TAKEN: SEPTEMBER 15TH, 2023 | Video ID: A video of a black, yellow, white, and red lubber grasshopper on a piece of paper, wriggling its abdomen and opening and closing the dorsal and ventral valves of its ovipositor in a way that makes it look as if the back half of the animal is its own snapping creature /End IDs.]
Encountered this grasshopper and scooped it up with a letter! Which is about when I noticed it exhibiting this fascinating behavior! It's freaky but very interesting!
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prokopetz · 8 months
One of the occupational hazards of being so preoccupied with game design as a discipline is that sometimes I'll have dreams that are just some unknown force explaining an idea for a game to me, and last night I dreamed what is possibly the most obnoxious mechanical premise for a game I've ever come up with.
In brief, it was a traditional JRPG-style game with an atypical levelling-up scheme. Rather than gaining XP or levelling up at milestones, party members would grow in power by finding and absorbing or ingesting these little extradimensional parasites, represented in the dream as small grub- or fetus-like creatures with smiling humanoid faces. These parasites would be found as treasure and enemy drops, and could freely be given to any party member, except for the player character; the player character alone was unable to use them for Plot Reasons, and was entirely reliant on equipment to grow in power instead.
Absorbing a parasite both granted permanent stat boosts and unlocked weird psychic powers. However, they'd also cause progressive personality changes in the party members to which they were assigned, reflected by changes in dialogue and interactions, and eventually in granting or denying access to particular side quests. This function of the parasites was undocumented, and would likely go unnoticed by the player on their initial playthrough, as they'd level up as they went and would never see the unmodified dialogues.
A further wrinkle is that this effect was mediated by the game's expected progression. Farming parasites and "over-levelling" beyond where the game expected you to be would accelerate the personality changes, while going deliberately under-levelled would slow them (i.e., by giving your party members more time to acclimate to having bugs in their brains); like the personality changes themselves, the existence of these hidden modifiers would not be hinted at to the player.
If you spent a long enough stretch of the game sufficiently over-levelled, you'd eventually receive a non-standard game over where your party would betray, kill, and eat the player character. Furthermore, this non-standard ending had a deliberate "eclipse phase" whereby it would wait for a while after you hit the required threshold before pulling the trigger, in particular making sure that you've saved at least once, leaving your save file irrevocably fucked.
As a final twist, the non-standard game over would only trigger after resting; though the game's mechanics would heavily incentivise resting on a regular basis, it would theoretically be possible to massively over-level your party on purpose and avoid the bad ending simply by never resting again, potentially as a speedrun strat. However, doing so would alter the game's ending to replace the usual final boss with a hopeless solo boss fight against your own massively over-levelled party.
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crudlynaturephotos · 16 days
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