#industry wisdom
askagamedev · 2 years
Why Stadia failed?
From what I've heard from former Google employees, it's primarily because Google has a weird incentive structure for its engineers which puts all of the weight on launching new products, but not improving, maintaining, or sustaining those products. For most Google engineers, the only way to advance one's career is to be part of the launch (or major overhaul) of some product (e.g. Google Glass, Stadia, Google+, etc.).
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The more products an engineer is part of launching, the easier it is to get promoted, get pay increases, and advance one's career. There's no benefit to staying on, so the ambitious engineers will only stick around until the product launch counts toward their promotion cycle, then abandon the project shortly after to join up with another product that's still in development. The former Google engineers called this the LPA cycle - Launch, Promo, Abandon. This is also why so many Google products stop receiving meaningful post-launch updates. Most of the engineering team has abandoned the product. It really doesn’t have much to do with Stadia in specific.
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a-s-fischer · 2 months
Y'all ever read the summary of a book and know you're going to have to give it a try because it's right in your area of research, but it keeps being described as "groundbreaking", and you're pretty sure the only ground being broken is the kind involved in the author ignoring basic facts about the topic to push their uplifting and pseudo-progressive agenda?
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apenitentialprayer · 1 year
We live in a world drowning in information and desperate for wisdom.
Matthew Kelly (Holy Moments, page 100)
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githvyrik · 5 months
I do feel like I have a Point to being kind of a contrarian hater around bg3 because like I don’t actually hate it and there are a lot of great things it does but there’s a lot of things about it that REALLY REALLY bother me and also. like. I get larian isn’t the biggest studio but um. dnd is owned by wizards of the coast which is owned by hasbro. and uh. you don’t even need to look that hard for the awful shit they’ve done. so basically I think it’s important to bring up some things within The Hottest Big Game that I believe leave MUCH MUCH MUCH to be desired. anyways with all the Fantasy Game Stuff it supposedly challenges and twists (I have no idea what people are actually talking about when they say that, I guess it’s because they give NPCs something to do?) it sure seems happy to keep on with the weird traditions of If No Boob How Woman and Woman In Armor Means Tight Metal Jumpsuit and Fantasy Racism that’s just some people being mean to you based on the fact you’re a devilspawn and not like an actual system of oppression based around giving socio-economic power to certain people at the expense of others. and also drow are still evil. they do that really cool fun thing (/s) where people are Fantasy Racist to drow and call them all evil and horrible and yet they’re Right to be doing that because every drow is evil except you can theoretically play as One Of The Good Ones and maybe meet a couple more? great work guys. also no fat people you can’t make a fat character even though you can make your skin green and have horns and a tail. you can play a fucking dragonborn but you can’t be fat. also you only get like a few face presets and they’re different based on if you pick elf or half elf or human or whatever with no crossover???? which really drops the ball considering a lot of games will at least let you match a different nose to a different set of eyes. it is genuinely a big letdown for a game that’s supposedly all about Player Freedom where you can have pink skin and horns but you can’t be fat and if you play as a woman you can be muscular but only in the way where you can still be curvy and if you’re a guy you can be muscular in a twunk way and if you’re a poc trying to make your character reflect you then good fucking luck lol make do with like the 1 face preset you get I don’t even wanna hear about how hard it is because games have been letting you play with facial structures using sliders since forever. also I specifically built this PC to run fast and have good storage I got like 3 other people who Know Shit About Computers for video games and art and I spent a long time and a lot of money making this stupid thing I KNOW it runs well. so why the fuck is my game still so laggy what is taking up all the damn space I know it’s not the character customization. like is it just me or
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
The Indispensable Lessons I Learned from Working in Retail
Shaina Tranquilino
February 4, 2024
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Transitioning from full-time retail work to a career as an educational assistant at a school was undoubtedly a significant change for me. However, even with my reduced hours in retail, I quickly realized that the valuable lessons learned during my years of working in customer service continue to shape and enhance my professional growth. In this blog post, I will delve into how my background in retail has proven to be an invaluable asset in my current role and beyond.
1. Effective Communication Skills:
One of the key takeaways from my retail experience is the ability to communicate effectively. Whether it's interacting with customers or collaborating with colleagues, strong communication skills are crucial. My time in retail taught me how to listen actively, empathize with others' concerns, and express myself clearly and concisely – all traits that have been invaluable when assisting students with their unique needs and facilitating effective teamwork among educators.
2. Adaptability and Resilience:
Working in retail often meant dealing with unpredictable situations and challenging customers. This environment forced me to learn how to adapt swiftly while maintaining composure under pressure. These skills have proved essential when faced with unexpected situations within the school setting, such as handling emergencies or adapting lesson plans on short notice. The resilience developed through countless encounters with demanding customers has helped me remain calm and focused during high-stress moments.
3. Customer Service Excellence:
Customer service lies at the heart of any successful business, including schools, where parents and students are our valued "customers." My previous retail experience ingrained in me the importance of providing exceptional service by going above and beyond expectations. This mindset now translates into ensuring that every interaction I have within the school community is characterized by attentiveness, understanding, and dedication.
4. Problem-solving Abilities:
Retail work constantly presents challenges that require creative problem-solving skills. From resolving conflicts between customers to finding alternative solutions when faced with product shortages, I honed my ability to think on my feet and find practical resolutions. These problem-solving skills are transferable to my role as an educational assistant and other areas of my life, where I encounter various obstacles daily, such as addressing behavioral issues or adapting teaching approaches to accommodate diverse learners.
5. Time Management:
One of the most valuable lessons from working in retail is understanding how vital efficient time management is. Balancing multiple responsibilities simultaneously while adhering to strict deadlines is a skill developed through years of organizing inventory, handling customer requests promptly, and managing shifts effectively. This proficiency has proven invaluable in juggling the demands of both my school job and part-time retail position without compromising quality or effectiveness in either.
While transitioning from full-time retail work to a career in education was a significant shift for me, it's clear that the experiences gained during my time in retail continue to shape and enhance my professional growth today. From effective communication skills to adaptability, resilience, and problem-solving abilities, the lessons learned have seamlessly integrated into my educational assistant role, providing me with a unique perspective and a well-rounded skill set. Embracing these learnings has not only enriched my interactions with students but also empowered me to excel in various aspects of life beyond the workplace.
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bombusbombus · 1 year
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So much free real estate in earth 19.... Here's Clark "literally raised by cowboys" Kent.
(referenced from real pic of Dmytro Khaladzhi)
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nikolasongsa · 2 years
The rich industrialist was horrified to find the fisherman lying beside his boat, smoking a pipe. 'Why aren't you out fishing?' 'Because I have caught enough fish for the day.' 'Why don't you catch some more?' 'What would I do with them?' 'You could earn more money. Then you could have a motor fitted to your boat to go into deeper waters and catch more fish. Then you would have enough money to by nylon nets. These would bring you more fish and more money. Soon you would have enough money to own two boats... maybe even a fleet of boats. Then you would be a rich man like me.' 'What would I do then?' 'Then you could sit back and enjoy life.' 'What do you think I am doing right now?'
John Lane, Timeless Simplicity
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music-matters20 · 1 year
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You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
Maya Angelou
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gemstarstarlight · 1 year
Me: is trying to find a gifset in the newest episode of Suchwita where Yoongi says his English isn’t very good and he knows the English curse words best, which is a second-language mood and objectively funny.
Me: can’t find it in the usual tags (suchwita, Yoongi, Jimin, etc)
Me: searches “face-off jimin” because they were discussing Jimin’s song with that title when Yoongi mentioned it.
Me: gets this
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spreadtunes22 · 1 year
Major Tom, Ziggy Stardust, The Thin White Duke(w/the black white striped shirt and black pants), and Halloween Jack(w/ an eyepatch).
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askagamedev · 11 months
A follow up to the industry leader question. Do you know of any competitor that has unseated an industry leader? Any insight into how that happened?
Sure. It isn't a common occurrence, but it has happened before. Here are a few examples:
Pro Evolution Soccer lost out to EA's FIFA as the genre leader
NBA Live was unseated by NBA2K
PUBG was eclipsed by Fortnite
The original DotA was overtaken by League of Legends
MySpace was replaced by FaceBook
We may be seeing this happen with Cities: Skylines replacing Sim City
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Generally speaking, I believe that replacement is possible when two or more of these conditions are met:
The genre and leader are still relatively new, so the lead has not yet been fully consolidated
The leader has a really bad product launch that causes huge numbers of the audience to seek alternatives
The publisher of the competitor has already carved out a strong and established presence within the genre
The publisher of the competitor is willing to put a huge amount of resources into development in order to compete
Some other special condition, like how DotA was only a mod and League was a fully supported game without all of the legal Warcraft 3 baggage
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There are probably others I'm not thinking of, but the general requirement is that there has to be an opportunity open up and there has to be a strong contender willing to take the (financial) risk in order to take the lead. The longer and more established the genre leader is, the harder it becomes to unseat them. This is the biggest reason why industry giants like World of Warcraft and Call of Duty remain such juggernauts - they've got so much momentum already that getting ahead of them is almost impossible.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“Tailor Would Solve Depression by Doing Less Machine Work,” Kingston Whig-Standard. January 19, 1933. Page 1.  --- KITCHENER, Jan. 19.— “Hard times? I don’t know whet they are. I come to work at right o'clock in the morning, press coats and pants and let down cuffs all day. Then at six o'clock, I go home. Busy all day that's me. No machinery for me. Everything done for hand." 
It was F. A. Tylinskl speaking In his little tailor shop as he sewed busily.
There is only one sure cure for this depression people talk about, he believed. "Do less by machinery and more by hand and you have solved it. That's the secret," he says.
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adityadriers · 20 days
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Happy Buddha Purnima! Celebrate the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of Gautama Buddha, symbolizing the pursuit of wisdom and compassion through enlightenment.
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askagamedev · 2 years
Is there something you wish you had known before starting to work in computer games? Is there something you'd like to share with people wanting to become game devs? (Besides your usual advice of "do something yourself!" which both sounds good and still stands)
The thing I most wish I had known is that starting a career in AAA game development meant that I would not have an opportunity to work on my own game ideas for a very, very long time. I wish I knew I would be spending the majority of my time working on other peoples' ideas and making them a reality. That's something I wish all the young 'uns hoping to get into game dev as a career knew.
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When I started, I would get very specific tasks without much wiggle room. The general tasks were mostly already planned out for me by my leads. Any creativity was limited to within the confines of the task I was working on. I'd occasionally have to do some thinking on my own to resolve small ambiguities or figure things out, but it was mostly just leveling up and familiarizing myself with the problem-solving process. As I leveled up, the scope of my tasks and responsibilities broadened and I had more freedom to create my own ideas within the boundaries of my assignments. The more I learned, the easier it became to take broader requests or vague ideas and turn them into functioning systems and features. I was still limited by the confines of my task, but the space within those confines is greatly increased since my junior days. It was only at this skill level that I was actually capable and experienced enough to make my own ideas a reality in a feasible manner from start to finish.
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Even the most talented hopeful that manages to obtain a coveted entry-level game designer position on their favorite AAA franchise won't be given the keys to the kingdom. There are hundreds of devs on most AAA teams, each with their own batch of ideas. We all have ideas. We have no shortages of good ideas. We don't often get the opportunity to work on our own ideas because we're getting paid to work towards the leadership's ideas.
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whitakermoos59 · 2 months
Petroleum Engineering Pte
No prior experience or data of drilling operations are required. I suppose for me as a junior this may be a great training to have, particularly that it covers thoroughly the petroleum system starting from geology, reservoir to manufacturing. About 1,700 openings for petroleum engineers are projected annually, on average, over the last decade. Many of these openings are anticipated to result from the need to exchange staff who transfer to totally different occupations or exit the labor drive, similar to to retire. Employment of petroleum engineers is projected to develop 8 percent over the next ten years, quicker than the average for all occupations. The IADC is a prominent international affiliation representing drilling contractors, oilfield service corporations, and suppliers. It promotes safety, best practices, and technological developments in drilling operations globally. Although not at all times mandatory, pursuing a master’s diploma or a Ph.D. in petroleum engineering can improve your profession prospects, notably for analysis or specialised roles. It is much more beneficial if you purpose for a better position or career advancement. Having expertise in advanced properly log evaluation is crucial for reservoir characterization, formation evaluation, and properly planning. Architectural and engineering managers plan, direct, and coordinate activities in architectural and engineering firms. saga wisdom -leading competency-based training now obtainable online in addition to in-classroom. When you are taking an SPE course, you would possibly be getting cutting-edge, current technical info from the very consultants who pioneered these technologies in addition to content material customized particularly to the audience’s background and learning targets. Another 7% have been employed in architectural, engineering, and associated providers. 6% were concerned in the manufacture of petroleum and coal merchandise, and one other 6% had been employed as company managers. [newline]Embracing this area means accepting the problem to innovate and lead in an period of change, ensuring that as we make the most of the assets of right now, we additionally secure a brighter, sustainable future for generations to come. Offshore engineers need to be excellent downside solvers, be really careful with details, and know so much about working at sea. This course offers introduction to the petroleum industries and petroleum engineering actions. The coverage starts from introducing the petroleum (oil and gas) industries, and it is adopted by the illustration and outline of oil and gas reservoir (what is it really appears like?). The members will then be presented the petroleum engineering activities from finding, lifting, and transporting oil and gas. Brief presentation on the present technologies to increase oil restoration might be also presented. Petroleum engineers are in high demand in South Africa because of their wealthy oil and gas fields. If wells are not producing as much as expected, production engineers figure out ways to extend the amount being extracted. Professionals can even pursue optionally available certification by way of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Certification requires Society membership, passing an exam, possession of an undergraduate engineering diploma in petroleum engineering or a associated science, and no much less than four years of expertise and training in engineering. Others use their technical information to help prospects as sales engineers. Some may start their own companies that provide providers to larger oil corporations. According to the BLS, the demand for petroleum engineers is expected to grow at a slower pace than common with a three-percent job outlook between 2018 and 2028. Completion engineers must additionally evaluate and interpret reservoir knowledge, develop completion plans, conduct simulations, and put together stories. This is a senior level course on reservoir engineering series courses. The course covers the reservoir engineering aspects of water flooding. Fundamental properties of reservoir fluids, namely oil, natural gas, and formation water. The course covers hydrocarbon phase habits, equations of state, formation quantity components, gas solubility, types of vaporization, K values, and gas separation. oil and gas training courses online can assess their skilled capabilities against considered one of virtually two dozen E&P job competency fashions. Our industry consultants explore options to actual issues and discuss trending subjects. A Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Petroleum Engineering will sometimes take four years to finish. The first two years will provide a comprehensive basis, whereas superior work within the final two years will cowl various geological courses to understand rock formations. EOR specialists need to have strong skills in analyzing things, paying shut attention, and knowing lots about how reservoirs behave. In 2021, the BLS reported that a petroleum engineer’s imply annual wage was about $130,850. oil and gas industry training providers of Petroleum Engineers additionally reported that there was a 5 percent enhance within the median annual wage. The top highest earners received about $208,000 while the bottom percentile earned round $78,390. Before applying ensure you perceive the eligibility and entry requirements on your chosen degree. The University of Cape Town is the most effective college to check Petroleum Engineering in South Africa. Meanwhile, from Glassdoor, the estimated annual pay for a completion engineer within the United States is $93,158, with an average wage of $72,821. It is worth noting that these numbers can differ considerably and may be influenced by engineers’ circumstances, together with elements like education, certifications, additional abilities, and the area they work at. Undergraduate research beneath the steerage of an engineering college member for juniors and seniors. Fixed credit hours; three credit are assigned, this is equal to a minimum of 9 hours of analysis time per week; a pass/fail grade is for use. He was also concerned in worldwide properly management certification and served as chairman for a period of three years. The training he offers contains properly control to obtain certification in drilling and properly intervention, prolonged reach drilling, excessive pressure-high temperature drilling, caught pipe prevention and numerous different ad-hoc courses. He thoroughly enjoys training and is eager to proceed taking classes as an teacher for a while to come back. Petroleum engineers are professionals who specialize in the exploration, extraction, and manufacturing of oil and gas resources and in the mission to help discover oil and natural gas for the nation’s energy wants.
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langballeherskind10 · 2 months
Oil And Gas Service Providers To Obtain Training, Certification
By the end of the course individuals will appreciate the core applied sciences underpinning the LNG industry in Liquefaction, Shipping, and Regasification, in addition to gaining an understanding of world LNG markets. The course was completely designed and introduced, with a very up-to-date method on the latest technologies. As part of IHRDC’s ongoing program to improve the extensive IPIMS library of e-Learning subjects related to Upstream Petroleum Technology, we produce new video content material that make courses each well timed and interesting for our audience of E&P professionals. IHRDC’s “Unconformities and Tectonic History” video, part of IPIMS subject, Basic Seismic Interpretation has gained a Gold Award from AVA Digital Awards. This comes as extra sensors or controllers are being launched to measure strain, temperature, vibrations and flowrates. However, finances constraints are proving difficult to the significant capital funding needed to completely combine these new applied sciences. JewelSuite in Azure Marketplace is served as part of the customer’s subscription to Azure, operating with the customer’s own technical software infrastructure to use subsurface information to the JewelSuite functions. This subscription model allows the customer to cut back software licensing and help prices by as a lot as 30 %. Halliburton’s DS365.ai delivers fast return on investment, with more than 70 initiatives and over 60 AI/ML fashions deployed at scale. Positive monetary outcomes embrace a nationwide oil firm predicting an artificial carry failure, proactively saving $4 million in restore costs throughout 60 wells. RelyOn Nutec offers a comprehensive range of coaching and competency options to the oil & gas industry. By delivering everything from fundamental safety courses to high-level disaster management and contingency plans for entire organisations, we provide our clients with the perfect combination of global consistency and local flexibility. API Training builds a more knowledgeable and skilled natural gas and oil industry workforce by way of academic applications designed to help ensure improved productiveness, security and sustainability in industry operations. Industry professionals can proceed their skilled growth on their very own schedule via on-demand eLearning training or engage with trainers in real-time through instructor-led courses supplied in-person and virtually. View a full record of SPE's training course and seminar choices, out there to schedule by way of event-related courses or in-house training. Solve the challenges of travel, deadlines, budgets, and one-size-fits-all instruction by bringing global industry consultants to your facility, at your comfort. BMC Training offers comprehensive training solutions to help people and organisations unlock their full potential and achieve their objectives. The T stands for tropical and is a way to describe that the course goals at staff working in tropical areas. The warmer local weather and sea temperatures set a slightly different stage for handling risks and security, and an worker must concentrate on the different requirements the tropical climate entails. Petrel E&P, from Schlumberger, is a modular suite of functions designed to help exploratory geological examine and geological modeling, with features corresponding to information visualization, and different model building instruments. The SPE training program actively helps the SPE Mission in “providing alternatives for professionals to reinforce their technical and professional competence” by way of instructional offerings. Our industry consultants explore solutions to actual problems and focus on trending matters. It is an excellent example of a training course that teaches the identical approach to exit a submerged helicopter. The skills taught during a HUET course are the identical whether or not you may be in Mumbai or Schiphol. We’re excited to be taking the stage at one of Europe’s main showcases of organisational studying. Our collaboration with Oxford Management Centre aims to offer the best training companies and advantages for our valued shoppers. Participants will make presentations and obtain private feedback on their efficiency. The firms might be educated by the National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health, a UK-based examination board of vocational skills in health, safety and environmental apply. The purpose of our enterprise is to firstly provide accredited training to our clients within the marine, mining, nuclear, petro-chemical, manufacturing and industrial markets. Enhance your experience and stay up-to-date on greatest practices in a dynamic industry with stay, instructor-led courses or handy online learning. Continuing Education credits (CEUs) are available for many courses - see catalog for details. Enhance your expertise and stay up-to-date on best practices and technical data. After efficiently ending the BOSIET training the certification lasts 4 years. However, to uphold the license to work offshore, all personnel must take the refresher course called FOET. These modifications will require vital upskilling in numerous areas outdoors the normal energy industry. Of course, there are no strict dividing traces between every sector, and some professions would require employees to work across all three sectors. It’s also essential to note that oil and gas professionals can benefit from training courses past the instant realm of oil and gas. Like nearly each industrial sector around the world, the oil and gas industry is experiencing speedy modifications due to technological developments. Coupled with the transition to a decrease carbon future, increased internationalisation, and changing business models, this implies big adjustments for the talents landscape of the oil and gas industry. Our organisation is accredited to run Nebosh HSE Courses, a globally recognised well being, safety and environmental qualifications. The OPITO Open Learning portfolio, accredited by City & Guilds, offers learners direct access to self-learning courses delivered in a modular format. Take a couple of minutes to watch these three informative webinars that define our main power industry training product choices. Our competency management learning solution presents every thing from evaluation and assurance by way of blended improvement opportunities. You can do that by offering nice training on your organisation’s workers, whether they work in Business or Technical roles. Up thus far training for the Oil & Gas / Renewable Energy industry has always been a problem as this can be a sector that's continuously changing. From instructor-led courses and seminars to online studying, our training programs assist professionals improve their expertise and keep up-to-date on best practices in a dynamic industry.
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