#in the end nobody really reads the script I write
masakia · 1 year
I do love creating games in college and all but god 4 years non stop of making a game every six months have left me so burned out that I don't even know if I want a job in the industry anymore
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fanby-fckry · 4 months
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
24 min. ago
time sensitive question how flirt boy
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
2 min. ago
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thanks guys
#the fucking radio demon parody account replied to my post #with extremely UNHELPFUL advice #and charlie #is ur advice unisex? #bcuz if thats how you got vaggie #im judging you both #irl source
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⚪️ Anonymous said
r u dead?
📻 real-radio-demon Follow
4 hr. ago
Ha! Bold of you to assume I can be killed :)
📻 real-radio-demon Follow
4 hr. ago
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Show your face and per’’haps,’,’. I’ll come~.to you
🎀 charlies-angel Follow
32 min. ago
This account is fake. Nobody knows where Alastor is, anon. Stop wasting your time.
#this parody account is in really poor taste
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🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
Jul 1
if I make it outta this alive, I’m gonna tell my crush I’m in love with him.
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
Jul 1
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
1 hr. ago
ya know, I don’t think I’ve confessed to someone and meant it in over a decade?
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
53 min. ago
haha would it be crazy if I said I forgot how?
#its literally part of my job to flirt with people #then i catch feelings and suddenly #i get all tongue-tied #i cant fall back on my old scripts either #he hates bullshit #he wants me #the real me #but the real me doesnt know how to do this!!!
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💀 be-gay-do-crym Follow
2 hr. ago
apparently people are canceling @.niffty-lady ? wtf?
🌕 m00nlight-h0wling Follow
1 hr. ago
they are and it’s actually the stupidest thing i’ve ever seen
#and the bar was really fucking low #considering the amount of dumb chaotic bullshit my dad gets into ↯ #niffty lady
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👓 creepz0 Follow
3 hr. ago
It’s time to CANCEL @.niffty-lady
Here’s why:
Niffty LITERALLY KILLED a man in cold blood and now PROFITS off of his death
This so-called “lady” is INCREDIBLY rude to fans, ignoring requests leaving fans on read and answering asks with a NASTY attitude. NOT very lady-like if you ask me
Is associated with the VERY PROBLEMATIC @.real-radio-demon (self explanatory)
Writes TOXIC and PROBLEMATIC ships (spidermoth, radiohusk, reylo 🤢)
Writes NSFW when she herself is CHILD-CODED
PROOF is under the cut ⬇️
. Keep reading
#callout post ↯ #niffty lady #anti niffty lady #niffty critical
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📻 real-radio-demon Follow
3 hr. ago
Despite popular belief, I am not dead!
Well, not any deader than I’ve been since 1933! Hahaha!
↯ #is alastor dead? #ha! no ↯ #alastor the radio demon #real radio demon broadcasts
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⚪️ Anonymous said
isn’t it disrespectful to write fics about someone you killed irl?
🪡 niffty-lady Follow
4 hr. ago
I have no respect for Adam. Hope this helps! <3
#answered ask #anon ask
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📺 voxblr4k Follow
5 hr. ago
Is the radio demon dead?
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. 96,460 votes • remaining time 6 days, 19 hours
#polls ↯ #alastor the radio demon ↯ #is alastor dead?
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🪡 niffty-lady Follow
6 hr. ago
Forbidden Fruit
Adam x Reader | 10k words | Rated E
⚠️ Major Character Death
Tags: Smut, Whump, Sinner Reader, Forbidden Love, Bad Ending
After a night of reckless passion, you quickly became Archangel Adam’s favorite sin. Your love, as forbidden as the fruit of Eden, was destined to end in tragedy.
#niffty lady fic #adam x reader #angel x sinner #sinner reader #smut #whump #forbidden love #bad ending #rpf #aoos link #aoos fanfic
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📻 real-radio-demon Follow
6 hr. ago
Well, it looks like I’ve got some time on my hands!
I’m sure many of you have burning questions you’d like answered
So, ask. me. any’,thing. :)
#ask me anything #ama ↯ #alastor the radio demon #real radio demon broadcasts
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🐍 x-hiss-lord-x Follow
Dec 12, 2019
i can't have beef with the power of friendship trope because if someone wanted to hang out with me i'd probably reconsider my stance on turning the city into the 10th circle of hell
🐍 x-hiss-lord-x Follow
Dec 12, 2019
besides i can always just redirect my dark urges towards being violently protective of my new friends. there's no rule that says you can't do that.
🌈 hells-disney-princess Follow
7 hr. ago
I found Sir Pentious’s old voxblr blog, and I think I’m gonna cry
🌈 hells-disney-princess Follow
7 hr. ago
He made the ultimate sacrifice to protect his friends and the hotel during the extermination. He did exactly what he said he would in this post.
I wish I could thank him for everything he did for us. And I wish I could’ve done a better job of protecting him.
I don’t know where Souls go when they get erased; I don’t know if they go anywhere at all. But I hope that wherever Sir Pentious is now, he’s with people that he considers his friends.
#rip Sir Pentious #we miss you #irl source
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📻 real-radio-demon Follow
8 hr. ago
↯ #alastor the radio demon #real radio demon broadcasts #the ink spots #we’ll meet again #Voxify
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⬜️ voxblr-meta Follow
9 hr. ago
Fanby’s Fake Dash Masterpost
#meta #fake tumblr dash
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comicaurora · 10 months
Hello! I wanted to send my appreciation to you as a longtime fan of OSP and Auroura! I am an English Major with ADHD and your content always makes me inspired and my English Lit. Brain very happy with how good your storytelling is.
My question is what stories inspire you to write or make you want to sit down and tell a story? Your content makes me want to work on my projects, but my Adhd only last as long as I am not disturbed (i.e. need to eat or get up and move). You have always been upfront about your Adhd so my second question is how do you keep focused on your story and not burn out? (Talking as someone who is writing a novel as their thesis)
You have been a great inspiration over the years and someone I look up to as a storyteller! I wish you focus and luck! => 💝
Woo! Interesting questions!
When it comes to inspiration, I haven't really found a pattern for what works and what doesn't. The majority of the time, only new experiences/stories I haven't seen or read before work for me - rewatches and re-reads, while much more comfortable for my brain, don't tend to translate into creative inspiration for me - but it's not like a specific genre, or even a specific kind of relaxation, consistently work for me.
The way my brain works is a bit "no take only throw", as it were. I want to just sit down and make solid, steady progress in a predictable environment with a routine, but what I need is to try new things, go outside, take risks - because all those things give me new material to work with and refill the creative gas tank. When I'm stuck, I can't just hit the gas and punch through the block - I need to back up and try a new angle.
The good part of all this is that whatever engine that's running my subconscious is actually pretty good at signaling what it needs. The ADHD brain will be repelled by activities that aren't working for it and drawn to the things it needs at the time, whether that's creative energy or exercise or cleaning or doodling or listening to music or suddenly binge-watching a show that's not even all that great, and once it's got what it needs out of it - whatever that is - it'll be repelled again, either spitting out a sudden burst of creative energy or retreating to its den to chew on whatever it got out of the experience for a more slow-building reward. Little bursts of motivation and creativity pop up all throughout the day, and if you can pivot to the activity in question - or at least note down the idea you just had - you'll be able to harness that pretty nicely.
This "system" really only works for me because I have an extremely unstructured schedule and nobody relying on me to be consistent moment-to-moment. If I'm following the creative needs of my inscrutable Better Writer In The Back Of My Head, I can't be worrying about things like a consistent lunchtime or classes or a 9-to-5. All of my observations are caveat'd by the fact that I am ridiculously lucky to have the kind of freedom of movement and schedule that I can focus entirely on getting to know my brain better.
When it comes to staying focused on any one project, I've reluctantly concluded that the only way to win is not to play. Creativity needs time and diversity to recharge, and when you stall out in any given work session, it's usually because you're out of gas. This is why I maintain several projects in varying stages of "for my eyes only"-ness - a sketchbook, private writing projects, patreon doodles, music practice; even in the large-scale projects like the channel and the comic I have multiple angles of attack at any given time, where I can as needed switch between scripting, research, drawing frames, storyboarding more plot onto the end of the comic's current draft and lining/coloring/background-ing the finalized pages of the comic chapters earlier. This lets me maintain semi-steady progress on average, even if any one facet of the process is left by the wayside for potentially even weeks at a time.
If you're working on one writing project, one novel, I'd recommend giving yourself some time to do small-scale side-hobbies. It won't feel like they're helping, but they are.
I've started to think of inspiration rather similarly to the way I think about nutrition and digestion. It's a somewhat arcane process that, despite being a part of me, I don't exactly understand what's going on under the hood. If you eat only one thing, no matter what that one thing is, you're going to end up sick because you're lacking all sorts of niche micronutrients. If you parcel out a specific space of the only things you're allowed to eat, you might not get sick (as quickly) but you're likely going to become increasingly miserable as you think of the things you're not allowing yourself to try, or slowly build up highly specific forms of malnourishment by avoiding certain things entirely. But if you start listening to your body and try eating what it says it needs at any given time - oh, I could go for a rice bowl right now, oh I don't think I'm feeling something sugary today, man I could really go for some grapes - you're likely to hit a broadly good balance of health because you're hitting a broad range of things your body needs, even if you don't know all of their names or calorie counts, and your body is putting those resources to good use without your conscious input. Between my brain and my stomach, I only trust one of those to actually understand what a stomach needs to do its thing - and between me and my creative brain, most of the time it feels like I just work here.
I hope there was something helpful in all this!
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sleepy-wyvern · 1 year
Method Acting | Jack Champion x female!Reader
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First pic jacks insta, Second pic
Available on: AO3, Wattpad
Summary: You’re an actress playing Ethan Landry's lover so you and Jack Champion start “fake dating” to help your role for Scream 6. Although you detest the idea of love you can’t help but start falling for his charm. At what point is it real, what is fake, and what is acting? Surely he can’t feel the same way… right?
A/N: This fic is intended to be a romance for my babes depressed you can’t be with your favorite celebrity right now, who are so in love with them it hurts. This fic does not contain descriptive sex scenes but does contain descriptive make out! There are clear references to sex as they film a sex scene!
Dedication: This fic is dedicated to (and inspired by a prompt from) my loyal reader over on ao3, Vanttier. Thanks for all of the comments without you I wouldn't be so motivated to write💙
Disclaimer: All characters sharing names with real people in this work are fictional characters I created and are not intended to reflect the views/opinions/actions of the real actors. I know absolutely nothing about acting or movie making so this is all improvised and likely not accurate at all. The point isn’t to be accurate but just for fun so please be gentle 💙
NOTICE: This fic is based off of the Love Interest, you don't have to read it to understand this fic but this fic contains spoilers for that one, so if you want to read an overprotective!ethan landry x female!reader go check that out out first on AO3 or Wattpad!
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“Jack Champion,” the name hummed over and over in your head. He was the one to play the role of your lover and today you were to meet him.
To be honest you weren’t sure that you ever wanted to play a part in a cheesy romance movie. Horror had your heart and you were such a big fan of scream that it was impossible to turn down the role. That and your manager would have your ass for turning down such a legendary role most would only ever dream of. 
You weren’t sure how you felt going from a nobody actor to an A-list movie star overnight practically. It really wasn’t something you ever thought of. Sure you dreamt of it from time to time, especially when you were little and your mother held you by the hand to bring you to various auditions as a child. You never thought it would actually happen and never really desired it either. You had fun acting and being in movies bringing characters to life but you were content with just enough to get by. 
The only problem with this gig was it was a romantic role and you despised the concept of love. What was the point of it and why was the world so obsessed with it? When all love stories end in tragedy if you wait long enough.
Still, a role was a role. You’ve kissed people on set for movies before with small relationships on screen but never the main romantic protagonist. Especially for being the first movie protagonist without Neve Campbell there were big shoes to fill and surely your social media would be flooded with hate and undesired criticism. Frankly, you would’ve turned down the role in a heartbeat if it wasn’t your favourite franchise.
Anyways, today was the day you were to meet Jack, running through your lines together in the first scene where your character meets his; Ethan Landry. Nerdy cute boy who held a deep dark secret.
Jack was the same age as you, 18, but he had practically grown up on set, and while you were familiar with it since a child you had mainly worked on smaller, more indie films until somehow being noticed. So it was more than a little daunting to meet him, compared to you he was a professional. So were you nervous to meet him? More than a little.
You practically held your breath as the door opened, doing your best to keep looking at your lap as he stepped through the door. How long should I wait until looking…? You wondered.
“Jack,” the script-manager stood to their feet, going to meet him. 
You stood to your feet allowing yourself to give him a glance over while he was shaking hands. You’ve seen him in photos where he looked pretty much like a generic gym guy. In person though he was much softer. He looked nerdy and cute with his curly fluffy hair but clearly his toned frame underneath made you feel a little intimidated. First impressions were important, especially with your destined lover. 
You fluttered your eyelashes a little shy as his brown eyes looked into yours. The moment he spoke you realized that despite your nerves he was adorable and sweet, seemingly awkward but that just added to it.
“Hey, nice to meet you. I’m Jack.” The words were simple but as he held his hand out to yours his voice seemed to hum through your body. 
Your eyes catch for a moment on the metal chain around his neck as you move your hand to his. His grip was just firm enough as if he noticed how timid you were. 
His eyes seemed to shine in the light while you spoke “Hey, I’m y/n but you probably already know that.”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks as you wonder if you unintentionally came off way too cocky. He seemed to find it amusing though as he let out a small chuckle. 
The director seemed to find this a good sign as they glanced between us “good, you’re acquainted. Are you ready?”
It dawned on you again that this was the guy you were going to be having to do sex scenes with. 
“Yeah, I think so,” his voice answered and you were too afraid that if you tried to speak a squeak would come out of your throat instead. 
“Don’t worry,” his voice was softer than you expected, he must've noticed your nerves. “I don’t bite.”
“But do you stab?” You found yourself wide eyed and he laughed; the sound hummed through your entire body again, swirling around your heart like silk.
“Sometimes,” he replied slyly and you mirrored his smile, tucking your hair behind your ear nervously. It was then that you noticed he was wearing a black Stabathon shirt that seemed to frame his body perfectly.
You tried to distract yourself by focusing on the character you were to play. She was meant to reflect on the average female viewer of the movie and an insertion of the average scream horror fan. It was a total “I can fix him” plot line with a cheesy romance of a girl stopping a boy from being a mass murderer. Completely unrealistic and if anything just plain bad advice, if you felt like living anyways. Still, you liked her and her strength in the script especially towards the end.
Your nerves were still fluttering when you sat across from Jack at the table. You didn’t realize how tightly you held the paper script until you noticed there were wrinkles in the corners. 
Relax, y/n. Nothing you haven’t done before and nothing you can’t handle.
Amongst all of the stress with Jack you almost forgot your other co stars were there too including Devyn. She was to be Anika, your Instagram model roommate. Essentially the polar opposite of who you were to play; you were someone who wore horror movie shirts and ripped jeans while she was always trendy. You were thankful for the comfortable wardrobe at least. Even though your characters were totally different, you grew together that way encouraging growth and adventure.
“Hey, y/n,” Devyn had a sweet smile and comforting aura about her that you enjoyed. 
“Hey,” you smiled softly. 
“Ready?” Jack asked. He was looking at you intently and you forgot how to form words for a second. 
Devyn glanced between you both and it took all of your willpower to not blush. It felt like everyone at the table was thinking about the same thing: the fact that you two were going to have to have sex together. 
You nod though with wide scared eyes “as I’ll ever be.”
Devyn laughed leaning over to touch your arm gently. 
Someone read out loud the setting and you weren’t sure who. Your eyes were reading your first line over and over in your head. When it came your turn to speak though the words came easy. At least with Devyn aka Anika it had. She made it feel like you were already best friends and roommates. She suggested you room together too to help even further. 
The wandering thoughts somehow helped distract you from the guy sitting across from you, puzzling over his script like it was a crossword. It took all of your strength to ignore the way his muscles flexed when he moved.
“Come on, it’ll be fun. There will be lots of boys there.” Devyns voice next to you piped up “you like boys right?”
“Sometimes,” you said with a sly undertone the exact way Jack had said to you earlier. The idea had popped into your head the moment before you said your line, and although you were looking at Devyn you felt him look up from his script with a smile.
While you did take the tone and attitude from him, it was your head-canon that your character was bisexual even though the line likely just meant that she wasn’t interested in the types of boys these parties attracted.
The next lines seemed to come more naturally as you played off one another. She was the encouraging roommate trying to get the shy one to go with her to the party. Really Anika was a great friend to your character and you admired that, perhaps wished you had it yourself.
When you reach the scene where you both pour a glass of alcohol you find yourself wishing you had one, knowing it was soon to be the first dialogue between you and Jack. 
You effortlessly deterred the fuckboy in the script that was later to harass Tara when you found your heart started to race, pounding louder and louder in your eardrums.
“What kind of boys do you like then?” Anika asked. 
“Cute, nerdy, fluffy haired boys,” you answered. The words came naturally because it was true for you too. You avoided looking across the table. 
“Ah, the first murder suspects.” She replied and you wondered how your character didn’t take the hint then and there. “Well, let’s drink to you finding a boyfriend. Or at least some good dick.”
She held up her water bottle to you and you laughed genuinely, doing the same as you clinked your bottles. 
“Perfect,” the script director commented while you drank. 
Out of the corner of your eye though as you drank you met his gaze, forgetting your unspoken rule to not look across the table. Brown and soft, his eyes made you feel like there was no one else in the room except you both. Your heart seemed to catch in your throat as he smiled softly. 
Too quickly the moment had passed though as someone’s voice narrating the scene popped the bubble you shared together. You looked down at your script biting your lip knowing what was to come. 
Jasmin had spoken up for her first dialogue with you as Mindy. Her voice was very different when she acted, more confident and cocky as her character was especially about horror movies. You knew your character couldn’t compete with her on trivia but she had the same adoration for horror. The lines of your shy character came easy, especially with your genuine discomfort with romantic relationships. 
But now you knew it was time. Your first lines with Jack.
While Anika and Mindy have their playful conversation you imagine being there at the party. Loud sounds, people talking, constant movements and noise. Usually you would try to avoid letting yourself feel this anxious but it was important for the script. 
You imagined yourself flopping against the old college couch as the script manager narrated.
Jack's voice was suddenly different, softer this time and more nervous as he looked at you but not into your eyes as if suddenly nervous. 
“You look like you’d rather be anywhere than here,” he said with a cautious smile. 
“Yeah, well, you’re not far off.” Part of you wondered if you were having a real conversation or were acting. “I’d rather be watching scary movies. I'm only here because Anika invited me,” and because your manager would kill you if you turned down this opportunity. 
“Me too,” his eyes sparkled as he looked at you before glancing down to his lap “oh, uh, I mean about the scary movie part.”
“Oh yeah?” Despite your character's confidence you felt your arms start to shake, trying your best to suppress it. “What one’s?”
You found yourself leaning across the table pressing your elbows into the sturdy wood to hide your shaking. You held your head in your hands as if actually on a date with him, curiosity mixed with shyness. A date with Jack Champion…
“Slashers,” he admitted, only making careful glances into your eyes as his character Ethan would. Jack gestured to his Stabathon shirt playfully and it took all of your being to not giggle. 
You channel your laughter into excitement for your line “I love slashers! They’re like my comfort movies.”
Somehow, some way, he started to make you feel more comfortable just sitting here talking to him. 
“I would’ve panned you for more a Quentin Tarantino fan,” he admitted and you remembered you were supposed to be dressed as Mia Wallace.
“Oh don’t worry, I am. D’Jango? Kill Bill? How could I not be!” You exclaimed “you have me there. Slashers though, they have my heart, truly. Just I couldn’t turn down an opportunity to dress as Uma Thurman.”
“Understandable, pulp fiction is what really got me into movies.” He smiled looking into your eyes the steadiest he has since reading the script. “What’s your favourite slasher?”
“Hmm, I have to say stab.” When you answer Jack's face turns into surprise and shock as he gestured playfully to his shirt again. 
“Really?” He says with eyebrows raised and you swallow your laughter. 
Talking to him was so… natural. So fun as you bounced off of each other's lines so effortlessly. Perhaps this wouldn’t be as difficult as you thought it would be. 
In fact when the narrator started reading the scuffle between Sam and the fuckboy you started looking forward to more small talk with him, something you normally dreaded.
“Hey,” you whisper to Jack loud enough for the others to hear. He leaned forward across the table playfully as if to listen to your secret “uh, how about that movie?”
Mason, who played Chad, looked at Jack with an impressed gasp. Devyn did the same to you but hers was more shock that melted into approval.
“Y-yeah, I’d love to,” for some reason hearing Jack stutter made something stir in your stomach.
That’s when you realize the racing in your heart, the way your cheeks heated when you looked at him and the light fuzzy feeling in your stomach. 
No. No way I was in love with Jack Champion. No, no, no, no. Your thoughts buzz and spiral as you recite your lines. This can’t be happening.
“Wonderful,” the director praised as the scene ended, “If I didn’t know any better I could’ve sworn you were actually nervous with a crush on Jack,” he chuckled.
You felt Jack’s brown eyes on you as you looked at the director, swallowing hard before you spoke “thanks. I practiced.”
Thanks so much for reading, read the rest over on AO3 or wattpad!
Hope you enjoyed and had a great day my lovely reader!
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ryanguzmansource · 3 months
📹 • Ryan's podcast appearance for A-Line Podcast (3.11.24)
ON BEING A "SEX SYMBOL": I don't see none of that […] I stay appreciative, I stay grateful for all of it. That's crazy though because I don't see myself like that, you know? [interviewer makes a comment on his level of humility] I've had a lot of humbling things happen to me that past, like, my whole life. Some people, like—I got good people in my corner right now checking me.
ON ACTING: [interviewer asks how long he's been in the profession] Thirteen years now? And it's never something I even thought of, coming from Sac [Sacramento]. Yeah, I was—I was doing, like, modelling in San Fran[cisco], I was doing fighting in Sacramento, and then I think just the environment I was around wasn't offering me any kind of, like, out, and I got caught up, and I was just like "You know what, I'ma do the same shit, I'm gonna get in trouble, I'm gonna end up like all these other individuals I'm around, let me try something new." So I got invited to come out to LA [Los Angeles] and do a photoshoot and that changed my life.
I was modelling and fighting at the same time, and then—because—I just came off one of my last fights [interviewer asks if he won] Nah, I lost. It was a-a belt fight too for the title. [interviewer asks if he was contender or champion] I was the contender. Yeah, I was going against the champ. Yeah, and I was only on my third fight at the time, so I was like, I was coming up real quick and I picked up that fight to be honest because somebody else turned it down and nobody else wanted to fight this guy so they looked at me and I was like, sign me up. Yeah, yeah, but then I came out here and everything changed. I remember getting a call from some, I don't even know the guy no more, but uh, he was talking about some, like, audition or something like that and I'm like, what do you mean, audition? and he goes oh yeah yeah I act, and I'm like "oh, okay, bro, if you can do it you're [indistinguishable] as fuck." [laughter] I gotta try this shit out for sure." And ever since then, man, I booked Step Up and I haven't been—[interviewer asks which movies he was in] Four and five. Yeah, four and five.
ON 9-1-1: [interviewer asks how long it takes for him to learn his lines and what his process is when he receives a new script] 9-1-1, they keep you on your toes because like, literally, we'll get the script the day of or, like, the night before and you don't even know you're working that night so it's just—now, at this point in time, I've been doing it for so long, it's just like—what I do, what helps me out is I read the lines over and over and over and over again until I got the lines on lock, right—[interviewer asks if he writes his lines in order to memorize them] No, I-I used to. So when I—when I came out here and I only had, like, twenty-seven dollars to my name, I could barely afford paper, so I would just take, like, a couple pieces of paper and keep on writing shit over and over again until I got that and then I think it developed something in my brain so that now that I'm looking at this stuff, I'll get the lines down real quick and then, as soon as I get the lines down, I put myself into it. And that's where you get to, like, the flavor, the character, like, all the like, little textures and stuff. Yeah.
ON THE ON-SET ENVIRONMENT: It really is like a little family, you know, we really kick it on-on, uh, and off screen and everything.
ON IF HE STILL GETS NERVOUS WHEN ACTING: I'd take a fight over [walking on set]. I think for me, in anything I've ever done—the more, like, tense I am, the worse I am. You know what I'm saying? So, like, I'm trying my best to just be comfortable and just be me and it's been a process to try and find out who that was at the same time as being an actor. So as I've climbed over the past thirteen years, I've kind of found out my identity, who I am, and feel real stable in who I am, so when I come on a set, it's the same person you'll meet all the time. And then when I'm—when they—when they call action, it's just a flip of the switch to be honest. It's really not like—I can't—I can't think about it too much.
ON METHOD ACTING: [interviewer asks what's the difference between what he does and method acting] Nah, but I did a movie—I did method for, like, so again, I've only done one acting class in my entire life, so I was trying to just learn on the go. I didn't even call myself an actor until, like, three years ago until I had a conversation with Kenny [Kenneth Choi] and Kenny was like, "bro, you got all the things, like, why are you not taking advantage of what you have?" But, uh, I did a Mario Van Peebles movie [Armed (2018)] and I was supposed to play the like, schizo, kind of like, like, crazy individual, all paranoid and everything like that. So I locked myself up in this, like, horrible ass motel, like, you know, prostitution was happening over here, like, we got—we got everything, you know, and I kept myself in that room, and then to further that thing, I hired one of my boys to, uh, be snapping pics of me randomly so, like, it always keep me, like, is somebody looking on me, blah blah blah.
And I couldn't get out the room, the room was hot as fuck, I think it was, like, 110 degrees in that room, um, it was in the middle of the fucking summer, and I just drove myself insane. I drove myself insane and I did this movie. I mean, it didn't come nothing of it but it became the Mario van Peebles show. I didn't realize that going into it but, um, that stuck with me for years. It fucked with me. So I would go around and I remember coming out of that room, actually—it was weird, I came out the room, my two boys took me out to lunch, and I'm-I'm-I'm trying to eat and all I could do was hear everybody's voices and it was so overwhelming I almost started crying, I'm like, oh whoa. So I had to, like, hop in the bathroom, I'm like, and seclude myself so I couldn't hear nobody. And then I finally, like, started to reintegrate myself into the community and then - and then I just went straight to filming. But I learned from that process, like, nah, method ain't for me.
ON HAVING A LIFE OUTSIDE OF ACTING: [interviewer asks how he's able to have a life outside of acting considering both the unpredictability and the rigor inherent to his line of work.] Yeah, you just got to be adaptable. ON GETTING HIRED: [interviewer asks if he sent in an audition tape for 9-1-1] Nah, bro, so it worked out differently for me, I got a straight offer based off an audition I did two months or three months prior. [interviewer asks if they kept his tape] I think so. Yeah, so, what happened was—[interviewer asks what the tape/audition was for] No, it was FOX, something completely different. Yeah, and I don't know, I don't know really the backstory 'cause, to be honest, I-I met up with Tim Minear, and shout out to Tim Minear, he's-he's like the OG of the OGs. Yeah, yeah, shoutout to showrunner, yeah, yeah, yeah, he-he does everything, he put, like, new life into this season for us.
But, um, I only met Ryan Murphy one time, and the only time I met him, actually, I was trying to go to Netflix trying to get my show picked up. I was writing something for, uh, with a-a-a group of people, and I was like "alright, I got this all set up" blah blah blah, you know, and that—there's a certain amount of slots that Netflix will see the people, so I'm sitting down there waiting, everything like that, and I see fourteen individuals come through, Ryan Murphy's leading them, like, I don't know who this man is. And finally someone comes up to me and says, hey, so, Ryan this-this guy actually works for you, and he's like, oh hey nice to meet you, blah blah blah and, like, dips out, and I'm like, fuck I'm not going to get this television show, like they're going to sign with this man" and shortly after, they signed this, like, massive deal and—yeah.
ON WORKING WITH ANGELA BASSETT: "She's probably one of my favorite people I've ever met. [...] It's royalty right there, yeah, it's royalty. The fact that she can go win an Oscar, come back to our show and act like nothing happened? Like, that's who she is.
ON EDDIE'S S3 FIGHT ARC: [interviewer asks if he asked for his background in fighting to be included in 9-1-1] I got a theory about that though, like, I feel like they found out about my fighting and then I kept on coming in with, like, black eyes and like, like, different, like, little, like, you know, yeah, we-we, like, the makeup artist would call it, like, oh, falling down the stairs or what not, so, he's like, "did you fall down the stairs again today?" blah blah blah so I think they just kind of, like, wrote that in. […] I thought I was going to get fired.
ON FIGHTING: Still fighting. Still trying to teach, still doing it, like, anybody wants, you know. [interviewer asks if he's still going into the ring getting punched] I mean... I'm trying to punch [laughter]
ON THE STRIKE: [interviewer asks how badly the SAG-AFTRA strikes affected him] I'm in a blessed position, you know, I stay grateful for everything and then, like I said, Ryan Murphy saved my life, uh, because I just found out—not to back out of your question—but I just found out that I was about to have a baby boy, um, before I got this-this show and, like, divine intervention, right, um, so for the strike, residuals started coming through out of nowhere. That USA [USA Network syndicated runs of 9-1-1]. So I was actually just linking up with my boys every single morning at four or five in the morning. [interviewer asks if his residuals were mere coins like some of the rest of the people in his industry] Nah, man, you get some. Like one I, like, get super hyped, right, and I be like okay, a dollar. […] So I was getting that, but then I was also getting something else and I was just like okay. Every check [from 9-1-1] [is] the same, the residuals are different. So residuals are, like, based on how-how many people watch. I'll get a residual from, like, say Boy Next Door comes out and it, I think it was just on HBO, you know, ten thousand people, hundred thousand people will start watching that, then I'll get a residual for that, and then I'll get a residual for 9-1-1.
ON THE ON-SET ENVIRONMENT (again): [int: And I'ma speak, like, being on set with y'all, man, like, um, I hear so many horror stories of, like "the actor was an asshole," like all of y'all bro, like, when you see me, you be like "how's your kid?" and that shit is crazy bro, I be appreciating that shit, like, y'all really—it's really like a family setting, not just with the actors with—among actors—it's like crew-wise, like, even—I saw Aisha [Hinds] on another show, she hugging me and shit, everybody looking at me different now. You know what I'm saying? So, like, y'all really show love on, like, a daily basis, you know what I'm saying.]
It starts from the top, though. I mean, Angela, you know, she-she runs that whole thing. [...] Pete's the same way, yeah. […] She's straight-up grace. The way she handled that other Oscar situation when she was supposed to, like, win? And she sat down like this [demonstrates]. [And they tried to make it seem like she was shading the winner.] Of course they did. Of course they did. I remember talking to her about that. [And how was she feeling?] You know, she had some, like, some things to share about that, and, like, to be honest, it's human. It's like, what she felt was human, it's like—and the way she handled it was better than I could have handled it. You know? And the way that she was getting treated? Better than how I could have felt. You know? So, like I said: grace.
ON JAKE PAUL/FIGHTING: [parts of this exchange were indistinguishable due to an inability to read lips] I put out my thing for Jake Paul, like, years and years ago. I was like, Jake, if you wanna fight, let's fight, bro. […] I didn't get nothing back, I got crickets back, so he literally, yeah. [interviewer comments of Jake Paul's skill and ability.] He's gotten better. I mean, he's got millions of dollars like he's in Puerto Rico, like, top training, like, he's got a good team around him. [interviewer asks if he's still willing to fight Jake Paul knowing he's received top-notch training] Tomorrow. Yeah. Today. Whenever. Yeah. We about the same weight. I think he's 199, I'm 187.
[indistinguishable] That don't mean nothing, that's Mike Tyson. And you gotta think about the last couple fights, is like, Mike Tyson, he's had Anderson Silva, I'm a nobody to him, and I don't have the controversy behind me. You know? There's a scandal that-that, like, they feed off of. They're smart, I said this: the Paul brothers are really smart about advertising themselves, marketing themselves, like, and-and surrounding like, insulating themselves with really good people. [indistinguishable] I feel like they had something in the clause, like, don't hit me too hard. You see the age gap right? I mean, 57? The other one, Anderson Silva was 50, the one before that was 40, like, he-he's—I feel like he's going to the retirement home—[he lost to Tommy Fury] He lost to—because that's close to his age. And I don't even think Tommy Fury is that great.
[interviewer asks if, when he's in the ring, does he use moments where he's not in action to rest] Yeah. Yeah, so actually, you learn a lot from the fight. So, like, sparring is completely different than fighting in the ring. […] The first fight I ever had, I realized that the crowd actually plays—cause, the adrenaline—it takes out your-your stamina, so I would get in there and I would already be breathing hard and not realizing, like, I haven't even fought yet. So by the second round in my first fight, I remember my coach, like, pulling my pants, being like, trying to get me, like, room for my stomach to breath, and slapping me in the face, being like, wake up, you got to fight another round. Just because my heart was beating too hard. The next round—I mean, sorry to stop you—but the next fight, I ended up deciding I'm going to fall asleep right before my fight. I'm going to stay calm as I can, I'm going to walk out to my own little, like, headphone music, blah blah blah, I'ma go to the ring girl, flirt with her for a little bit, blah blah, go in there and just treat it like another day, stay comfortable, stay calm, like I'm doing with my acting, and then I fucked this dude up, man, I was like that's it.
[interviewer asks if he believes in not having sex before a fight] Ah, I mean… [laughter] I mean, I-I, they-they say a lot that does act as, like, testosterone. [interviewer asks if he believe that it can help before heading into a fight, regardless if he practices the ideology or not] Yeah. Yeah, 'cause, I mean, if you withhold sex for all of--I mean--you just start getting, like, little-- [Antsy?] Yeah, exactly.
ON GARCIA V. HANEY: [Devin] Haney's gonna—Haney's gonna whip him. Yeah. No, [Ryan] Garcia's got so many holes in his game. He should have stayed-he should have stayed with Canelo [Alvarez].
ON BOXING OVER MMA: I moreso watch MMA 'cause that's where I came from […] I like-I like using everything. [interviewer asks about his fight style] Striker. I didn't like getting—that's how I lost in the last fight. I hit old dude, like, right in the face, his eyes roll in the back, I celebrated too quick, I raise my hands up, he kind of falls on me, grabs on my side, and as he's, like, grabbing on my side, he's trying to get his, like, whereabout, right, and then kind of pulls me into a guard, we fall down, he goes into my, like, it's called side mount, so he's on this side, my legs are this way and he gets onto a full mount, which is just like—my legs are past him, his legs are right here, and he just starts doing [gestures] that 'cause I didn't have any ground game (?). And I heard about this guy being nothing but a striker so I was like alright, so I went up to him and I was just like, let's get it cracking, like, this is the fucking, like, belt, somebody's going to get knocked out. Somebody's going to get knocked out, right, let's do this, and it turned into something else.
[interviewer asks what's the worst shot he's taken]
So, by my trainer, 260 pounds, King of the Cage champion—like, five, six time champion—and he has an iron rod or, like, a metal rod in his shin […] So I got, like, a [works his jaw]—my shit still clicks [He came up and kicked you?] So we do this thing called a Shark Tank, right, so, like every person, like, ten people hop out around the cage and one person's in the cage, and whoever's in the cage is getting ready for their fight and every minute, or every two minutes, we switch out the fighter. So you get a fresh fighter every single time, and it doesn't matter how big or small [...] So I, it was my turn, and I'm faster than him, so I was bam bam bam—I was a fresh fighter, I was third round, so like—or second round—so we're going back and forth, boom boom boom, I'm hitting him, and he just, like, set up one shot, and as soon as he threw that leg, I—slow motion—saw bop! And I've never been hit this hard in my life, I—he hit me so hard, like, I hit the ground and popped back up. I bounced off the ground, and I thought I was still, like, alright, let's go, and I started throwing shots, and my head's just ringing, I don't know where I'm at, I don't really remember the time. I've never been knocked out, but that was the closest I've ever been knocked out, and then my jaw for the next month and a half, I had to, like, eat soup.
ON WHY HE FELT LIKE HE WON HIS LAST FIGHT: I hit him with a cross, his eyes were rolling back, so I thought okay, that's it, I did it, and he starts, like, slumping up, right, and as soon as he started slumping, I turned, and again, immaturity, so I felt like I got this, it was in the bag, everybody, like, got out of their seats, started yelling and blah blah blah, and and and I thought it was over.
ON IF HE'S FOCUSING MORE ON ACTING OR FIGHTING: Yeah, I always saw myself as a fighter more than anything else […] My dream was to get on UFC Ultimate Fighter and hopefully get on the UFC.
ON IF HE KNOWS NATE DIAZ: Yeah, so, I mean, everybody know everybody, right, especially in NorCal, so, and, we're fighting, we go to these different leagues and whatnot, and everybody—it's kind of like a little clique, little gang, blah blah blah, you stay with your gang. And there's quite a few times where ours and theirs got in a little… [gestures] And just off of, like, some dumb shit, like it's—it doesn't take much. And for a while, I kind of held a grudge until I came out here, and then finally, like, I don't know, I just dropped this shit and then Nate reached out, or, like, Nick sent me something like a comment in my Instagram, I—yeah. But. It's all love.
ON HOW OFTEN HE TRAINS/GOES TO THE GYM: [conversation drifted almost immediately but, essentially, he works fourteen to fifteen hour days and presumably finds it difficult to go to the gym, but his kids often accompany and train with him when he goes]
ON RAPPERS: [indistinguishable due to noise, but he prefers Kendrick Lamar and Lil Wayne over Drake]
ON WOMEN: [interviewer talks about a specific instance in which a man loans approx. 20k to his girlfriend to cover her expenses, yet when he needs money for their mortgage, she says no. He then asks if Ryan is able to overlook that, were he in the same situation] Nah. She gotta go.
[interviewer suggesting that saying a woman "can't get a man" or calling her a ho is the same as telling a man to "shut yo' broke ass up] But women make a lot of money off of that now. Like on OnlyFans and everything, women make hella money, I don't know if they even care anymore.
[interviewer on if women "really" want to work or not, or if they'd rather just be taken care of by men or be homemakers]: I say give them everything they want and then let them find out. Let them find out they don't want what they want.
interview ends because he has to leave.
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inkskinned · 2 years
he had to hurt her like that, look at the cinema he made. did he? how do you know? the ends justify the means, huh. a woman could never actually act this well, it had to be real, a snuff film. yes, she was hired for her talent - but pain will make the talent brighter, right.
he is not alone. there are men around him who think like this. who choose actresses they can manipulate, exert power over. who write scripts that demand the pain be felt. she must hurt to uphold the message.
(an aside. author's note, i guess. in poetry, when the words cannot hold themselves up, we actually blame the writers. it shouldn't matter who speaks the literature. the words should carry their own weight. be their own scaffolding.)
the men in the room all applaud each other for doing less. they say they push boundaries. they're leaders in their field. they ask the hard questions.
when they get your resume, they put it into a pile that they will put into a trashcan. when they get your screenplay, they will use it as a coaster. when they build their museums, they will have a disjointed room dedicated to "repairing" the ways that women and people of color have been eradicated from "fine arts". it will be self-effacing. we may have overlooked some artists, they apologize. but really it's not our fault that white men make better art. (those men and their works are in permanent displays. for more on this, see: the way that he laughs at your work will make you sick to your teeth). in six weeks, their apology will be scrubbed and the room will be scrubbed and all the paintings will go back into storage.
they know they are right. sure, okay. maybe we have had less opportunities. but what would we have done with them? not something like this. it took a man to do this. okay, okay. it was deranged, we can all agree about it. but look at the product.
in your life, when you wake up, isn't it grand. if they made a museum for people like us, it would be a cycle of empty frames. of ruined videos. of songs with a voicecrack. all the little plaques reading some variation of a theme. here is where my work would stand if someone like me could actually get published in this fucking industry. here is the work i tried to make, before my agency was stripped from me. here is the placeholder of my dreams, but i could not afford them in this society.
if you keep walking, out in the greenhouse out back, the whole world is full of color. every fabric and fortuneteller and feverdream we spat out in despite. centuries of brightness, of novelty, of exploration. of talent, of wisdom, of creativity.
there is only one sign here in this alexandrian library. the sign acts like an epitaph. you already know what it says, don't you. THIS ISN'T ART, it tells you.
the blankets. the chef-level 5-course meals. the carefully-colored journal pages. the abandoned works-in-progress. the library of fanfiction. the margin drawings. somewhere in there, an actress makes a face, and you think - oh shit! she's really broken! but then she smiles at you, winking. she could do it, you know. she could always act like a starbeam. it's just that his name is the one scrolling at the bottom. she hadn't wanted to undress for him. she goes home and gets forgotten. in our museum, another blank frame goes up on the wall.
they'll give him an award, looking to the camera with almost an apology. he will laugh ruefully. nobody will do anything. little white strings will drip from his fingers. young boys in film studies will continue to chainsmoke while explaining how beautiful it is that there's violence in those scenes. she couldn't have done it without him pushing, he'll tell you, shrugging.
but what if, you wonder. what if he had never existed? without him, what else could we be making? all that time and love and spirit, allowed back into the light. into knowledge. what has he taken, to give us his art?
and is it a trade worth making?
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Things in Stranger Things season 4 (Volume 2) which did not make sense, were forgotten or simply pissed me off.
❗️Spoilers obviously❗️
The whole town was convinced that there was a cult going on and people got up looking for Eddie and seemingly the rest of Hellfire Club because they were convinced it was a cult. Did they just give up? They never showed up again. Also the parents didn't bring this up at the end when everyone was reunited.
Why did Mike believe that the painting was for him and El when he clearly read the letter that said Will was painting it for someone he likes. Additionally, how the fuck did Mike not notice his supposed "best friend" sobbing in the car right next to him? You can clearly see him look in Will's direction but he just doesn't do anything.
Is the police just... dead? Where are they? Why are they not actively going after Jason's crew
Where is Owen? Is he alive? Why did he say that he could get El back in Hawkins in 2 hours tops if the Cali crew said it would take all night to get back, was he gonna call a private jet or something??
Where is the military? They went to that lab and then were never heard of again.
When Nancy was Vecna'd, she was in the laboratory. Why???? She had nothing to do with that place. Why wasn't she robbed from facing her own fears and traumas at the start of volume 2? Also when she got stuck in front of those doors which were blocked off by planks, they were push doors. Why did she rip off all of those planks if she could've just pushed the door and crawled in between those planks. Maybe I'm getting something wrong here but that just seems like such a hard thing to miss while writing the script...
Why did only Jason and his buddy go to Lucas and Erica when he had a whole team? Were the other guys just watching tv?
Vecna survived being transported to another reality and being hit by lightening so much that his skin peeled off, but can't handle Steve and Robin throwing a molotov at him? Or a shotgun? Really?
Did they leave Eddie's body in the upside down? Why is nobody mourning him besides his uncle and Dustin? I thought Mike, Lucas, Steve, Nancy, Robin and even Erica cared.
So El can bring people back from the dead now? That's not telekinesis, that's Mary Sue magic. What's next? She can share her powers with anyone she wants and then they can make people fly with the jerk of a wrist?
We still don't know why the upside down is stuck on the moment Will was taken. With the way this was brought up in volume 1 it really seemed like this would be answered in volume 2. But of course not, because Will Byers just kept getting sidelined in every way possible.
How come it was leaked that 5 people would die in volume 2 but the only important characters who died were Brenner (papa) and Eddie. Max died but she was brought back to life because apparently Eleven can do that now. That's not 5 is it? Or did they count the people in that helicopter who were trying to shoot Eleven?
Were we supposed to care about Brenner's death???? With how the cemra kept focusing so much on him? I was glad to watch him go!!
The timeskip of 2 full days in the middle of the climax???? Wtf was that??????
Mike being a complete asshole to Will these past 2 seasons was just for no reason then? He is JUST an asshole??
Were Robin, Nancy and Steve just choking on those vines for like 15 minutes or was the time where Eleven struck Vecna actually a lot shorter than that?
They actually forgot Will's birthday, I hoped they were just joking but they really forgot. He was the only character with a canon birthday within the series (until they talked about Dustin's) but clearly they care so little about Will that his entire existence is forgotten.
Wasn't the upside down toxic? Why is everyone just fine inhaling the shit?
The queerbait. No, gay people didn't bait themselves. Netflix, the Duffers, and the actors were actively promoting Byler and hyping up Will's sexuality when in reality Byler is just doomed, not just as a romance but as friendship as well. And Will did not explicitly come out to anyone. People are STILL in denial that he's gay and that's exactly why you make characters come out instead of keeping it "up to interpretation wink wink"
Will calling Mike the heart of their group yet Mike's the one who broke their party up the most.
Mike saying he instantly fell in love with Eleven when they met, as if he didn't tell her to shut up, go away and stop being weird back then.
Mike saying his life started on the day he met Eleven, the same day Will went missing, in his face. When Mike said before that the best thing he had ever done was befriend Will in kindergarten.
So did Vecna create the Mind Flayer or did it already exist? Cause if Vecna created it that's so goddamn lame and it adds no new mystery.
The continuous stereotypes and suffering/deaths of outcasts, poor people, queer people and people of color. One black character plays basketball and the other is a sassy one-liner. The brown guy is a funny weed man with barely to no relevancy to the plot. One lesbian gets a lazy background ship with a girl who is an exact copy of herself and the gay character is living in a painful unrequited love story and used as fuel for the main straight couple, without even being given a canon coming out scene. All this while the straight couples get together and have tons of moments together. Eddie who is poor, is seen as a cultist, dies and nobody besides 2 people mourn his death. Max, another poor character who had already lived through trauma and abuse, dies, gets brought back to life, is now comatose, probably crippled, and maybe permanently blind.
Will's endless suffering. He just can't ever be happy can he? Wtf is wrong with the writers...
Did the Russian crew just end up at Hoppers cabin like that in 2 days? No problems whatsoever? Wow that's convenient.
Hopper hugs Mike but not his new stepsons?
Not one, not two, but three jokes about Hopper once having been fat because he's lost weight in the prison.
Comments had some great additions and I came up with some more too so here's more:
Nobody showed up to Lucas' game when he had a very valid reason to want to play, and it was never brought up again. They all stood him up.
Eddie's death was so rushed and predictable. I saw it coming as soon as he said his whole "I'm a coward I run away I'm not a hero" speech. It's typical "I'm a coward so I'll die a hero" foreshadowing which is overused and just horrible. And in the end he didn't even save anyone, it was completely unnecessary. Eddie deserved to live.
Eleven not being able to win the final fight until she got validation from her boyfriend. Why was she not allowed to do this by herself?
The military watching the pizza van drive off and then do nothing about it? I thought they were experts at tracing and tracking, but nope, they just gave up after Eleven escaped the underground lab.
Just the Cali crew being sidelined so much when they once were such interesting characters (besides Argyle)
Steve saying he always loved Nancy and never moved on despite him telling Robin in season 3 that he didn't like her anymore. Let Steve move on and stop having Nancy jump from boy to boy, hurting them both in the process.
Just a nitpick but the sound design was so overly dramatic at times? Like Brenner LITERALLY snapped a pencil and the sound design was like ☄️💥🔥
Tell me what I missed cause I'd love to add it on this shit list.
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tobiasdrake · 20 days
Have you read the Dragon Ball Super manga? You've stated in the past that you're more of a fan of the original manga than the anime adaptation, so I was curious what your thoughts are on the current continuation of Toriyama's original manga, seeing as how the manga had some Toriyama supervision and was based on his notes.
While I do prefer the manga to the anime, I will say that both versions of Dragon Ball Super are hit-or-miss. There are basically three creatives at work with DBS.
Toriyama, up until his passing, would write story notes and some individual plot points down and pass them off to Toei and to Toyotaro. Lotta To- names floating around Dragon Ball.
...he said with no sense of self-awareness at all.
But this is Toriyama twenty or thirty years later, so he's not exactly the same creator that wrote the original manga. His memory of his own work has drifted; For instance, while writing Battle of Gods, he forgot that Super Saiyan 2 even existed and thought SSJ3 was SSJ2.
It had been a long time for him. He only got back into Dragon Ball because Dragon Ball: Evolution pissed him off. Explaining in the 30th Anniversary Super History Book:
"Dragon Ball once became a thing of the past to me, but after that, I got angry about the live action movie, re-wrote an entire movie script, and now I'm complaining about the quality of the new TV anime, so it seems that DB has grown on me much that I can't leave it alone."
The movie script he rewrote was, of course, Battle of Gods.
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Famously, after seeing Evolution, Toriyama basically marched into Toei to see what they were making, ripped up the script for Battle of Gods, and rewrote the whole thing. He was just. So. Incensed. By Hollywood's butchering of his work.
So, in a twisted way, we have Dragon Ball: Evolution to thank for the resurrection of the Dragon Ball brand. I know, it's so weird.
This was Toriyama's formal return to the world of Dragon Ball after decades of just writing little story bits here and there or designing a character or two. Though just writing story bits here or there is more or less what he settled back into with Super. Toriyama would write notes about what he wanted to happen and deliver them to Toei and to Toyotaro, and the two would separately interpret those notes into their own vision.
You can tell what's from Toriyama versus what's from Toei or Toyotaro based on what plot points end up being hit by both versions versus what's unique to one interpretation or the other.
So, this:
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Gohan facing down the fused Kefla and sacrificing himself in a double KO to take her off the field? That's Toyotaro.
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Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken? That's Toei.
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Goku has never kissed Chi-Chi in 20+ years of marriage because he's aroace and they're basically playing house for keeps? That's Toriyama.
Android 17 being the key factor in winning the Tournament of Power because his Android energy can't be sensed the way ki can, that's something that came down from Toriyama. 17 pretends to self-destruct using the bomb he doesn't have anymore; The one Krillin once used Shenron to remove from him.
But Toei has 17 emerge for the fight with Jiren, so he can briefly join Goku and Frieza in fending Jiren off - before they tell him to fuck off because he's not supposed to be in this scene.
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While Toyotaro has him remain hidden under his cloak of ki-sensing invisibility for a last-second surprise.
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But like I said before: Writing Dragon Ball again after twenty years away out of spite towards a bad American production, Toriyama isn't the same creative he was when this was all fresh and new and exciting. He was just as prone to characterization slip-ups and questionable decision-making as Toei and Toyotaro are.
I mean. That was even happening in the original manga. Remember that time when any part of the Android arc honestly? Good times. Nobody's perfect.
So, like I said, with Super, it's really hit or miss on both sides. Sometimes Toriyama's collaborations with Toei give us the heartwarming and beautiful friendship relationship between Broly and his new pals Cheelai and Leemo.
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Or this. Especially this.
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Nothing in Dragon Ball has ever, EVER been as funny as when Goku and Vegeta made Frieza hold the line against Broly, a nemesis Frieza brought to Earth to kill Goku and Vegeta. Taking advantage of his berserker rage in the most comical and beautifully karmic way possible to buy them time to work out the Fusion Dance.
And sometimes they give us yet another version of the Gotenks failed fusion joke they need to flog like a dead horse every single time a Fusion takes place in any piece of media they have ever produced.
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That is Fusion Reborn, Yo Son Goku and Friends Return, DBS: Broly, and DBS: Super Hero in order.
And for his part, sometimes Toriyama's collaborations with Toyotaro gives us Goku lighting the fuck up like Spirit Korra.
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And sometimes it gives us Vegeta learning how to teleport from the Yardratians but then immediately swearing off ever using it again because... I guess the move has Goku's cooties on it or something.
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"Vegeta, you can teleport!"
"No, I cannot! I demand divergent character evolution from this manga so I will forever forego ever learning the cool and useful techniques that you use, Kakarot. What do you mean my dialogue sounds like a fourth-wall breaking author screed?"
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This is honestly one of my "favorite" things that ever happens in Super. Vegeta refuses to learn Ultra Instinct, the ultimate martial art of the gods taught by Whis, and demands another path to the same kind of power that does not exist.
Then Beerus, a character who has long been established as vastly inferior to Whis, is like "Wanna learn this other thing that's just as good as Whis's thing I swear?" and helps Vegeta learn a new art where he... *checks notes* ...lets his opponent punch him in the face without defending himself until he dies.
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This is where you end up when your mission statement is to not do the things that actually work for the intelligent martial artist and instead do the opposite out of spite. You end up with a fighting style that's built around losing fights on purpose.
Toyotaro somehow manages to shill the hell out of Vegeta and downplay Goku while also making Vegeta look like the most useless idiot ever. Ultra Ego is the worst transformation in the history of Dragon Ball and I'm convinced that Beerus helped Vegeta develop this as a prank.
He's up there right now laughing his ass off.
So. Yeah. There's a lot to like but also a lot to not like about both versions of Super. It's very different from what the original manga is, and it has very different pluses and minuses between the two versions. But there are some gems to be found here.
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And the biggest gem is this guy.
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alittlefrenchtree · 1 month
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So. The Idea of You.
It’s not spoilers free. I’m talking about details and a couple of (very expected) plot twists.
As quickly mentioned before, I hadn’t huge expectations for the movie and I’ve watched only because I’m interested with what Nick as an actor, even on projects that aren’t for me or that I’m not really enthusiastic about.
My main goal was to not be angry at the end of it. And I’ve kind of succeed? I was briefly angry after one hour and forty minutes BUT nobody acted on the said stupid idea so I didn’t stay angry at the end. Yay.
Things I liked about the movie :
-Roughly the first… Lets say 50 minutes to be generous (roughly until the night at the nyc hotel included). It was silly and cringe and absolutely ridiculous but it was fun. I think it’s even funnier if you followed a band when you were a teenager and read or write the same self insert scenario in fan fictions. And since I did, I laughed a lot. Both Nick and Anne sold the thing from their first scene together. As seen during the promo tour, the duo works quite well on screen.
-The very few glimpses we had at the weight of celebrity on Hayes’ shoulders. When Solène asked if it happens a lot, when he gets recognized in the car, when simple daily life things as even grabbing a thing to eat is an impossible problem to solve, when he understands it’s because he’s famous that he’s loosing his relationship… It’s one of my favorite subjects to write about so I would have been on board with that anywhere and anytime but watching it on Hayes Nick’s face broke my heart all the same. I know this is not that kind of movie but I would have been delighted if it was more about that.
-The very few tries at portraying how boysbands created around a casting process destroy the kids they’re hiring. How each member is pushed in a little box to fit a role that is identifiable, very narrowed and marketable. How music is never at the center of anything for this kids who are dreaming of it. How they all have an expiration date and how they’re all left alone with huge mental health problems that usually leads to self-destruction. I find ironical that in a movie that is described as something for 40yo women who were told they have an expiration date, it’s the 24yo male character who is the target of that through an industry of billions of dollars in their script.
Things I disliked :
-…everything else? I swear I tried to keep an open mind about light, fun and silly cute but the majority of what I’ve watched and heard only felt shallow and empty. I was hard to root for a couple when the majority of the development of their relationship is glossed over. In the second half, bounding and solving problems are mainly portrayed the same way (tonguing each other romantically kissing). Any attempt to develop something past the first half of the movie is terrible. The writing is atrocious even for a light and fun thing. There are cute and fun moments in the second half but there are so little and rare I was mostly bored out of my mind.
-the person who wrote the PR kit and sent Anne and Nick in front of every camera around the world to say that it’s a movie about female pleasure and that female pleasure is a whole character of the movie on the base of an unrealistic 12 secondes fingering scene alone. Straight women around the world, you have my whole compassion, because that was sad as fuck. I understand all too well the need to take liberties with marketing speeches but damn 💀
Here you go! Remember that every word is a personal opinion, disliking half a movie is different from hate and hating the people who worked on it and if you want to write to me saying you disagree with every word I wrote, it’s ok too. But I suggest you to write more arguments than insults if you don’t want to waste your time 😘
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jomeimei421 · 2 years
hi do you have any more fic recs?? ive read everything you already recommended in the last post and i am Terrible at finding fics myself-
why yes indeed i do <(:]) spoilers for all of ORV under the cut! Here is a link to my other fic rec post for those who haven't seen it yet.
Mei's ORV Fic Recs 2: Electric Boogaloo
Looking for Yoo Joonghyuk by Je_te_veux
GEN, written for YJH's birthday. A canon compliant exploration of YJH's search to find the answers to who he is and what he should live for. Takes place during the epilogue. Again, JTV is a Chinese author so you will need to read their fics with material translation, but their writing is remarkable! I'm especially fond of the way they wrote YJH and Anna Croft, and also, I have a soft spot for things where YJH (who has had to carry the enormous burden of the Story for so long) finally gets to do some reading and writing of his own.
Love & Affection Do (Not) a Cat Make by featherx
Sangsoo, with a side of Joongdok. The misadventures of HSY (cat) and YJH (cat???). I have a special spot in my heart for this fic because cat HSY is written so hysterically well it has permanently affected my own characterization of HSY. Funny, charming, cute, but as with all things orv, has a very sweet and sad undertone.
Great Escapes by wyrvel
JDJ. YJH attempts to confess. KDJ does not make things easy for him. The calling card of a great jdj confession fic is a tasteful amount of KDJ brand tomfoolery, just enough to make you want to grab him and shake him like maracas. This fic accomplishes that with flying colors. It's written from YJH's pov, but you can just feel the gears turning and steam puffing out of KDJ's head. Op understands babygirl YJH. As a warning, this is the first part of a three fic series, the other two are NSFW.
Only I know how this show will end! by ineedacatchyname
YHK. Our favorite toxic polycule, now on live tv! A truly tremendous Love Island AU fic. My absolute favorite thing about this fic is that every time a character is introduced, there's a cutaway to their Love Island Love Interest Self Introduction Sexy Beach Montage Reel written in the style of a TV film script and every last one of them had me crying real tears. YSA is also excellent in this fic.
World's End Rhapsody by wakerife
JDJ, with a side of Sangsoo. This was one of the first orv fics I read, before I started bookmarking them; there's a really sweet scene of YJH reading that I couldn't get out of my head so I went on a hunt to find this fic again by searching through every single ORV fic tagged with "post-canon." A collection of KDJ recovery snippets, punctuated by some heartfelt jdj.
At Sea by ksalientian
YHK. The dead return from the sea, including KDJ. He doesn't come back exactly how they remember. Eerie, melancholy, and permeated with slow, enormous loss. There are some horror like elements in this fic, but it's more psychological than something that might make you squeamish. Yoohan are going through it. Fantastic fic!
I don't want to fall asleep just yet by featherx
GEN. Pre-canon. There's a ghost that lives inside of HSY's house. A short character study on the loneliness of a writer.
A New Story Written by pyrrhura
YHK. KDJ worries in the middle of the night about being responsible for a new story, and about being a father. Or, three idiots and baby. I love fics where yhk get their blissfully mundane happy ending, but op doesn't confuse that with forgetting the traumas and hardships of the past. Love the banter in this fic, and the way they just lean on one another without even thinking. As a warning, there are discussions of unplanned pregnancy in this.
Ain't Nobody Solving That Declining Birth Rate by dulcetair
YHK. KDJ is fresh out of a coma (broke) and YJH is a former terrorist (also broke.) The post-scenario government issues a cash incentive for people to get married. Or, the gang commits marriage fraud! Features YJH wearing a apron that says grillmaster on it. I was already a firm believer in YHK getting married for """tax benefits""" because it makes things easier for KDJ who is too embarrassed to admit anything otherwise, but the idea of HSY using Avatars to game the system and buy a three story house just for funsies is also incredibly in character.
What the Living Do by younglegends
GEN. Snapshots of mourning, loving, and longing from various KCom members' points of view. The chronological events of this fic are backwards, which makes for an interesting read. Younglegends hasn't written a lot of ORV stuff yet, but the two fics that they have so far are both downright phenomenal, and some of the best work I've seen in this community. They are also the author of the fic that I refused to spoil in the previous orv fic rec. Also, their YSA characterization is perfect.
That's all for now! Enjoy!
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
𝐍𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐫𝐲
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This is part 2 to Good Rockin' Tonight, which you can find here.
Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Word count: 8,5K
Summary: After four years, you and Elvis meet again but the both of you realise you're more different from each other than expected. Still, you take the next step into your relationship but it doesn't take you long to find yourself unhappy with the life you're living.
Warnings: angst fest, small age gap (4 years, reader is older), reader being conflicted about her future, arguments, reader being very independent, strong language, alcohol consumption, smoking, breaking up.
A/N: well... this kind of took a life of its own, tbh. i have too many thoughts and too many directions i want to go in with it, sooo it'll turn into a 4 (maybe 5) part series. don't let the break up scare you, my loves. 👀
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After your night with Elvis in 1956, your journalism career pretty much skyrocketed the same way Elvis’ did.
You had interviewed the young rockstar the following afternoon while indulging in a late lunch with him, his friends and Lori. Both you and Lori really enjoyed yourselves among the guys, but unfortunately all good things must come to an end. Elvis and entourage had to get back on the road to make it to the next town on time and you and Lori had to go back to work, hopefully satisfying your boss enough to get you that promotion.
The article was a success. You obviously did not publish the first interview you did with Elvis, because it was simply too flirty and you were positive his fans nor your boss would appreciate the conversation you and the singer had. The interview that was published was fun and light, with Elvis talking mostly about his fans and music, which is exactly what the people wanted to read.
You and Elvis had exchanged phone numbers and once he got news of you getting a promotion, he made a promise to celebrate with you. You promised him you’d attend one of his shows as soon as you could again.
But neither of you were able to keep those promises. Your work load was getting heavier – which you were thankful for because this is exactly what you wanted – and Elvis had just been given his script for his first movie.
The romance, friendship or whatever it was that you two had was short lived as your phone calls got shorter and shorter, only for them to eventually stop altogether. You couldn’t blame him and neither could he blame you – you both lived different lives, you were both busy with finding your place in the world.
Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.
Even though you haven’t heard personally from Elvis, it was impossible to avoid him in any way. He was on the cover of most teen magazine’s, his movies were doing extremely well and everyone wanted a piece of Elvis Presley – mostly his fans and reporters. You were still working at Modern Teen and whenever Elvis’ was in or near Los Angeles or a new movie was released, the office was in high spirits, the space filled with the sound of type writing machines buzzing and Mr. Kimzey’s phone ringing non-stop.
You always loved the atmosphere whenever Modern Teen was doing a piece on Elvis or whenever he was in town. It was hectic and stressful, but everyone was buzzing with good energy – even though you wanted to take every chance of meeting Elvis face to face again, it wasn’t always possible. It may have seem like Elvis was the only celebrity around that mattered, and although he definitely was the most popular, you couldn’t simply fill an entire magazine with Elvis only.
Lori and you were still interviewing other people and once Mr. Kimzey assigned Doris Day to you, you were over the moon. Elvis was a hero to many teen girls, but Doris was yours.
Meeting her was like a dream come true, but you and Lori’s parade was quick to be drenched by the storm clouds that crept their way into the office when news got out that Elvis Presley’s career was coming to a halt.
He was getting drafted.
The two years of his absence were strange. Not only were his fans devastated, but the music industry was changing and so was your life. Even though you and Elvis were separated by an ocean and a nine hour time difference, you were both miserable.
Elvis lost his mother, hated being away from home and was fearful for his return to the States and how people would perceive him. You had lost your job due the company’s banktrupcy, living in a small apartment together with Lori in the middle of Los Angeles and instead of enjoying your twenties like you should, you were running all over the city to find a new job.
You may have worked your way up the career ladder at Modern Teen, but it didn’t seem like it mattered all that much when it came to other companies. With the new decade coming closer and closer, people were anticipating Elvis’ comeback and they only wanted the best of the best when it came to reporters.
They were hiring mostly young men, because unfortunately, the arrival of 1960 wasn’t changing the fact that you still very much lived in a man’s world. They didn’t think a woman could do the job as well as a man, figuring a female reporter would get distracted too quickly, would be a distraction to people in the industry or co-workers or were simply not meant to be making a career but rather be off marrying and popping out a few children.
You were genuinely considering an entire career change, until you got an unexpected phone call from Seventeen magazine, letting you know they wanted you on their team.
You had applied for a job at the magazine three months ago, but you figured you wouldn’t hear from them since their magazine mostly focused on fashion and you were a music journalist. They let you know that they were planning to expand more on music and film to cater to a wider range of people and after looking through your portfolio once more, you were considered to be the perfect candidate.
It was a huge surprise, a company you never imagined yourself working at but you didn’t hesitate to take the opportunity with both hands. Meeting celebrities, models or fashion designers – you figured there wasn’t that much of a difference other than the topic that would be discussed. You just wanted to work and write again, and you could definitely use the money.
Unfortunately, Lori did not join you on your new adventure as she had made the step to switch careers and was currently working at a recording studio – though not colleagues anymore, you still lived together and were closer than ever.
Having to step inside the office on your first day alone was nerve wracking, but the feeling didn’t last long; the fashion magazine was run by mostly females and they all welcomed you with open arms, treating you as if you had been with them for months. Years even. While you had been hopeless losing your job at Modern Teen and hunting for a new source of income, you were happy that your life had the exciting routine it always had again.
It didn’t take you long to develop a slight interest in fashion and although the newly music and film columns were doing well, you’d learn from your co-workers who specialized in fabrics and designs and whatnot whenever you had some free time on your hands. Although Elvis’ arrival back in the States did not go unnoticed, the Seventeen office didn’t have the same high energy and buzzing feel music magazines had – the people in your office focused on their own work, running back and forth to get things ready for a shoot, calling modeling agency after modeling agency or editing their work until they were seeing cross eyed. It was chaotic in a completely different way.
But all you could think about was Elvis and how you were going to get in contact with him again. You were ashamed to admit that you had called the old phone number he had given you – and even Red’s number that Lori still had – but you never received an answer. You figured the only way to get in touch with him was in a professional setting.
The opportunity to do so fell in your lap when Mrs. Hollis, your boss, gave you the news that she had assigned you to spend a few days at Paramount with Juliet Prowse, who was currently shooting a new movie. You were eager to accept the project, even before Hollis told you her co-star was Elvis Presley.
As if you didn't know that yet.
You had not shown much interest in Elvis before the first time you met him, but ever since you shared a bed with him, you kept track of what was going on in his life. He was still getting a lot of attention from the public, so it didn’t take you much digging to find out he was making moves in Hollywood.
You didn’t care that this wasn’t going to be a movie article, or one that strictly catered to the movie. You liked Juliet Prowse and couldn’t wait to meet her and spend time with her – you didn’t even care that you’d mostly be writing about what she was wearing – but the only real reason why you were doing this was because you were going to see Elvis again.
“Nervous?” Oliver, one of Seventeen’s stylists and self proclaimed photographers, asked as the both of you were led through the gates of Paramount Studios.
“A little,” you told him with a small smile, following a security guy that walked ahead of you onto the lot. “I mean, it is Juliet Prowse. She’s with Sinatra- what if he visits her on set? I will just about pass away,”
Oliver laughed, nodding in agreement. “Believe me, I will too,”
You laughed along, not telling him that you didn’t care if Frank Sinatra would make a surprise visit or not. Sure, Frank was awesome, but it was the other present singer that was getting your insides to twist and turn the closer you got to Prowse’s dressing room. He probably wasn’t even going to be in there, but it was the fact that he was here… somewhere.
As expected, Juliet Prowse was lovely. She gave you and Oliver a tour of the set which had you thinking you were somewhere in a small town in Germany. Oliver being the expert in the latest fashion among you two and Juliet being very interested in the subject, the two got drawn to each other – laughing and talking about things you sometimes did not completely understand.
You’d much rather be talking about music or film, anyways. It wasn’t like you were miserable when fashion was the topic of conversation, you liked it, but it wasn’t what you were most passionate about. For some reason, you found yourself feeling like somewhat of an outsider and you hated that feeling more than anything. As Oliver suggested Juliet to take some photos, you took the opportunity to excuse yourself.
You didn’t know if you were annoyed at this project or at yourself – you should be grateful that you had a job at all. You were in Hollywood, wandering on a Paramount lot… there were enough people who wanted to be in your shoes. And here you were, suddenly overthinking a job that was steady and secure.
You didn’t know if the money was worth to sacrifice your happiness.
The thought that you might be annoyed because you have not seen Elvis yet either made you even more annoyed. Just like back in 1956, it was like he had some kind of freaky control over you, making you act like a lovesick fan, and he wasn’t even here.
You walked until you found a quiet spot behind one of the caravans that were used for wardrobe changes and rumbled through your purse to grab your pack of cigarettes out of it, placing one in between your lips. You cursed softly as you realised you didn’t have a lighter on you, and then nearly had a heart attack when the back door of the caravan was thrown open, hitting you in the shoulder with force that made you stumble back a little.
Your unlit cigarette fell to the floor as you grabbed your shoulder and looked up at the man stepping outside, looking at you with bewildered eyes when he noticed what he had done.
And when he noticed who you were.
You didn’t realise how much you had craved to see him again until this moment. Seeing him in pictures and movies and hearing him on the radio was one thing, but it was nowhere near as good as the real deal. You already knew he had grown up quite a bit compared to the young rocker he was in ’56, but having him stand right in front of your nose and clothed in an army uniform… it had your heart thumping frantically against your ribcage.
Or was it because he still knew your name after four years?
“Are you okay? Shit, I should be more careful,” he sighed deeply, looking a little frustrated with his own actions as he stepped closer to you and gently removed your hand from your shoulder to look at the damage.
There was no damage – at least, not yet. And you wouldn’t care if you’d be bruised later.
You were nailed to the ground, staring at him as if he was nothing but a figure of your imagination and suddenly, Elvis became doubtful, thinking this was a case of mistaken identity.
“Y/N, right? Modern Teen?”
You slowly shook your head, but before he could apologize for both hitting you with a door and mistaking you for someone else, you quickly stopped gawking at him and quickly nodded your head. “Y-Yeah, it’s me. Modern Teen,” you closed your eyes for a few seconds, frowning as you laughed. “I mean yes, it’s me, Y/N. I work for Seventeen now,”
He let out a deep laugh in relief and swung his arms around you, nearly making you wince in pain as he squeezed your shoulders. He was hugging you as if you two were life long friends who were having a reunion and although you had not expected him to react this way, it felt good.
His large palm holding onto your shoulders… not so much.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” he quickly let go of you as he noticed your face and you rubbed your shoulder a little, laughing softly. “Let’s get some ice for that,”
“No, no, I’m fine. C’mon, what am I? Made of sugar?” you joked with a grin on your face, making him laugh in excitement. Noticing the pack of Marlboros still in your hand, he sneakily stole it from you and took one out of the pack. Putting a cigarette in between his lips, you followed his lead and thanked him as he lit it with a lighter he fished out of one of the pockets of his uniform.
“What are you doing here? Seventeen’s all about fashion, isn’t it? I guess I’m not giving you much to report about,” he chuckled, flicking his index finger against his cap, letting it sit slightly crooked atop of his head.
Taking a drag from your cigarette, you chuckled and exhaled some of the smoke into the other direction. “I’m here for Juliet. My colleague’s.. doing God knows what with her right now,”
He didn’t miss the hint of annoyance lacing your tongue, no matter how small it was. “Lori?”
“No, Lori works at Sunset Records. Probably discovering America’s newest gem,” you grinned playfully, leaning against the caravan behind you, far enough from the door.
Elvis took place next to you, a soft smile on his face.
He was hoping you didn’t see the hint of hurt that tugged at his features because of your comment. And you hoped he hadn’t heard the slight pang of jealousy in your voice when talking about Lori.
“So you both went through a change of careers? Fashion seems like it would fit you, but your face says otherwise,”
You raised your eyebrows, turning your head to look at him. “And what does my face say?”
“That you hate it,”
He was grinning down at you, as if he had just given you the greatest lecture there was to be taught and you couldn’t help but laugh. Shaking your head a little, you took another drag from your cigarette and looked down as you flicked some ashes to the ground.
“I don’t hate it. Fashion is interesting, it really is, but I’d much rather go back to the time where I had to argue with the door men at the Shrine Auditorium so I could interview America’s most controversial rockstar,”
He nearly choked on the smoke that filled his lungs as he laughed at your comment, slapping his chest a little. With slightly flushed cheeks, he grinned as he looked down at you due to your height difference and raised a teasing eyebrow.
“Interviewing him wasn’t the only thing you did,” he teased, smug grin showing off part of his pearly whites. You gasped in feigned shock, slapping his arm as you pushed yourself to stand up straight.
“I have to get back to work,” you told him, a smile on your face. You didn’t want to, but you figured Oliver would be wondering where you were right now. “Too bad I’m assigned to your co-worker, or we could’ve done another.. interview,”
His teeth sunk into his lower lip, getting the suggestive hint you were throwing his way and before you could walk away, he gently grabbed your wrist.
“We still can,” he quickly said. “I mean, not that, you know. Not that I would mind-believe me, I wouldn’t mind at all. But I’d like to see you again, Y/N,”
You laughed softly at his words, looking down at his hand around your wrist. The skin on skin contact caused goosebumps to lick at your skin, memories flashing before your eyes.
Part of you wanted to play hard to get, but you had no idea if you’d be able to reach out to him if you’d simply walk away now. You were only going to be here for a few days, and those days would have to be spend with Juliet Prowse.
You weren’t going to turn down Elvis Presley. You couldn’t and you wouldn’t.
“Dinner tonight, my place. Around 7ish? Bring Red too,” you told him, meeting his eyes that seemed to light up immediately.
The frustration that you thought you had seen lingering around him when he stormed out of the caravan had melted like snow in the heat of the sun.
As soon as you got home and Lori wandered through the doors, you filled her in on the situation. She cursed you for not calling the recording studio to tell her earlier, because now she only had ten minutes to get ready, but as she ran to the bathroom, she called out how much she loved you.
You laughed softly at her antics and looked at the state of the dining table, afraid if you had overdone it for a dinner that was supposed to be for just friends. Maybe the candles weren’t necessary, but without them, the table looked too empty. Leaving the table for what it was, you quickly made your way into your bedroom and changed into a different dress, overthinking the first one.
You could never go wrong with black – see, Seventeen had taught you a thing or two.
Checking your make-up and hair in the mirror, you nearly broke your lipstick in half as Lori’s panicked screams filled up the apartment. Running out of your room, you noticed your friend frantically swinging her arms around to break through the thick smoke that was filling up the kitchen.
Shit, you completely forgot about the food in the oven.
Just as you wanted to make your way into the kitchen, the doorbell screeched through the apartment, making you even more nervous and panicked. You decided that whoever – hopefully Elvis and Red – were at the door would have to take on the role of your savior, as you and Lori had no idea what to do.
“Help!” you squeaked out as you opened the door, relieved to see the two familiar men in front of you. Elvis quickly stepped inside, followed by Red and in the matter of a few seconds the small fire in the oven was put out by Elvis throwing handsful of salt in it and Red taking it a step further by aiming the fire extinguisher unknowingly in Lori’s direction.
You were happy everything was back under control – aside from having nothing to eat now – but Lori seemed completely through it as she stood there in her towel, covered in the contents of the extinguisher.
You and Elvis stood there with your mouths hidden behind your hands, holding in your laugh, as Red feared for his life.
“I’ll help you clean,” he quickly told her and she grabbed his arm, telling him he’d better or else, tugging him along into the bathroom.
“I wasn’t that hungry anyways,” Elvis shrugged with a grin, opening the sliding doors of your balcony before he joined you in the kitchen again, kissing your cheek.
“Liar,” you sighed, pouting as you looked at the completely black chicken Elvis had thrown in the sink just a few minutes ago. “God, I’m embarrassed. I invite you over for dinner and I can’t even feed you!”
“I’ll ask Red to get us something. It’s no problem, honey,” he said casually, but for some reason the pet name made you halt in your tracks. It had hardly bothered you in ’56 – ofcourse you liked hearing him say it – but now it just sounded so… different.
You didn’t know why, but it did. And it made the hairs on the back of your neck stand right up.
“We don’t need to have a fancy dinner or anythin’. I just wanna be here and catch up with you,” he smiled as he appeared next to you, his hand on the back of your neck to let his fingertips tickle your skin through your hair playfully.
“Let’s catch up while we clean this mess,” you inhaled a deep breath, trying to ignore the effects he still seemed to have on you as you stepped away to take some cleaning supplies out of one of the cabinets.
He didn’t seem to take offense to your actions, happily helping you clean.
As Red and Lori were out to get food and the kitchen was clean, you and Elvis sat on the balcony nursing a drink. You learned that he still wasn’t a big alcohol fan, but he was enjoying the margarita you made him.
“So, Hollywood, huh?” you hummed with a wiggle of your eyebrows, putting your cocktail on the small table in between you two after sipping it. “You like the movie you’re working on?”
He avoided eye contact for a little bit, looking at the view of the city as he nodded while gulping down a big sip of his drink. “Yeah, it’s fun,”
You weren’t an idiot. You didn’t miss the dishonesty in his words and you were also reminded of the short lived frustration that was written on his features earlier today.
“Acting fits you, El, but that’s not what your face says,” you sang teasingly, grinning at him as you crossed your legs and hung your arm over your knee.
He smiled softly at the new nickname, his eyes meeting yours. He knew you were using his own words against him, but he decided to play along.
“What does my face say then, honey?”
“You hate the movie,”
His smile slowly faded as he chewed on the inside of his cheek, nodding his head as he downed the rest of his drink before putting the empty glass next to your full one.
“I do,” he mumbled, grasping his box of cigars from the table to light one. Squinting his eyes at you, he took a drag from his cigar as that small grin returned to his face. “Should I be tellin’ you this? You’re a reporter after all,”
You let out a small laugh as you rolled your eyes, raising your glass to take a sip of the self made cocktail. “You’re right- don’t tell me. I’ll write down your deepest and darkest secrets.. should I let you plan my funeral now or…?”
His fans would hunt you down and murder you.
That you were sure of.
He laughed and exhaled some smoke up in the air, flicking some ashes off his cigar into the ash tray.
“It’s just… I don’t know. It’s nothin’ like I expected it to be,” he mumbled, keeping his eyes on his cigar that he rolled around the edge of the ash tray. He shrugged his shoulders lightly, avoiding eye contact.
He was feeling vulnerable. Sure, he had complained about the movie and The Colonel to some people that were close to him, but never to a girl he was together with. And he wasn’t even together with you- he slept with you once four years ago and he knew absolutely nothing about you.
He regretted saying anything and bringing up the topic. He liked you and not only did he not want to put an unnecessary burden on your shoulders, he also found it hard to trust girls. He didn’t like talking about the business aspects of his career in general and especially not to girls, but he wanted to trust you.
Because you were so kind and you were looking at him with those sweet eyes and that warm, inviting little smile. He wanted to trust you and confide in you, so badly.
Other than telling him he could talk to you about it, you didn’t pressure him any further. You didn’t need to, because that little confirmation of you being okay with him venting was seemingly all he needed to let out more than he was planning to.
“It’s just a bunch of bullshit. I came back from Germany not even a year ago and I feel like I’m right there again- and fuck, it’s just so frustrating,” he was raising his voice a little but you knew the emotions he was showing weren’t aimed at you. His hands were all over the place, as he was speaking more animatedly than you had ever seen someone do before. “The songs are literal shit and the script is even worse. I love actin’, I really do, but I have so much.. so much more in me. I can do so much better, Y/N, I’m tellin’ ya,”
You were looking at him the entire time, nodding now and then to let him know you were listening to what he was saying. You felt bad for him, but to you, it didn’t seem like a problem that was unfixable. Sure, this wouldn’t be a cinematic masterpiece, but there would be other offers. His acting career was still open to go in many different directions.
But as you gave your opinion about the matter and he went on a whole rant about his manager, you wanted to keep the conversation going.
You realised soon that you should’ve just kept your mouth shut.
“Find another manager, Elvis,” you told him, finishing you drink. “There’s plenty out there that I’m sure would love to manage you and are willing to put your wishes first. Lori’s pretty tight with her boss, all kinds of people come in and out of Sunset- I can have her ask around for you a little,”
You could barely finish your sentence before he had let out deep sigh, his features hard as he roughly pushed out his cigar in the ash tray and shook his head.
He should’ve never brought up The Colonel. He knew himself, he knew that he didn’t like discussing this subject, and he had no idea why he had done it now. He didn’t want the evening to be ruined, but he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
“It doesn’t work like that, Y/N. There’s contracts and all that shit,” he sighed, rushing a hand through his hair as he looked over the railing of the balcony again to not have to look at you. “I’m not sayin’ he’s entirely a bad manager, it’s just fucked that I’m stuck doing shit I’m not interested in doing,”
“Well then do something about it, Elvis,” you were getting a little bit frustrated yourself, as the tone in his voice was now aimed at you and it had hurt your feelings a little. Though not being tied down to a manager and being able to walk away from your current job, you were also most definitely not in your happy place. But you didn’t want this to escalate into an argument, so you hid your emotions as best as you could. “A lot of musicians and actors switch managers, even in the middle of their careers, and most of the time it’s for the better,”
“I can’t- you don’t fucking understand,” he mumbled as he ran a hand down his face, looking at you. With his eyebrows frowned and his jaw slightly clenched, he looked like your balcony was the last place on Earth where he wanted to be. “Let’s just drop it, alright? As soon as Red comes back, we’ll leave,”
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, one in disbelief, that was. You still felt bad for him and you didn’t want him to leave, but you weren’t going to let him treat you as if you were some kind of naive little girl.
“Fine, whatever. I was trying to help you, Elvis, but if you can’t even have a normal conversation about it then you should go,”
He watched as you got up and grabbed the empty cocktail glasses, walking inside to put them in the sink. He felt bad for snapping at you, but he currently wasn’t in the position to overpower his ego and therefor, he wasn’t going to apologize.
He was stubborn and so were you, but the two of you didn’t know that.
You barely knew each other.
“And don’t worry,” you suddenly spoke up, not bothering to hide much of your emotions for his sake anymore, that sweet playful smile of yours nowhere to be seen anymore. “This conversation stays between us. How can I write about something I don’t understand, right?”
He had followed you inside, standing a few feet away from the kitchen space. The tension in the room was thick and awkward and even though you were decent enough to not kick him out before Red got here, he couldn’t deal with the situation you and him were currently in.
He hated confrontation.
“I’ll wait for Red outside,” he told you, to which you simply nodded your head.
Part of you wanted to tell him to stay, kiss him to persuade him not to leave even but you didn’t. You’d like to think you weren’t that hopeless.
He bawled his hands into fists before sprawling out his fingers against his thighs, giving you a quick nod as he walked over to the front door. You ignored him as he mumbled a soft “I’ll see you on set” and sighed deeply at the sound of the front door opening and closing.
You hated men. You truly did.
Red wasn’t too happy about finding Elvis outside of the door and having to leave Lori behind once again, but he couldn’t do anything else than say goodbye to Lori and go home with Elvis.
You apologized to Lori, feeling bad that she had to miss out on a fun night.
“Don’t stress your little head about it. Red’s coming back tonight when Elvis is sleeping,” she grinned at you as you sat down on the couch, with the food she had gotten with Red. It was too much for the both of you, but the seafood platter calmed you down a little bit so you were happily stuffing your face. “What happened anyways? Only thing Elvis said to me is that he was sorry and he’d be back another time,”
“I hope he won’t,” you scoffed, not meaning a single word. Ofcourse you were hoping he would come back. “I don’t even know what happened, Lo. We were talking about the movie he’s shooting and his manager, and then things just.. went downhill,”
“I’m sorry,” she pouted a little, taking a bite of food. You shrugged and sighed deeply, popping a prawn in your mouth.
“It doesn’t even matter. We barely know each other, I don’t even know why it bothers me so much- anyways, he’s young but since he thinks he’s so wise, he’ll figure it out,”
Lori took you by surprise by letting out a laugh, wiping her mouth with a napkin as she looked at you in near disbelief. “You’re in love with him, Y/N. That’s why it bothers you,”
You widened your eyes a little, quickly swallowing your food as you pressed your napkin against your lips. “Yeah, so is half the world,”
“Maybe. But half the world hasn’t slept with him and he doesn’t look at half the world the way he looks at you,”
You knew she was right. You were in love with him and he did look at you in a way that made you think he felt the same, but right now you were still annoyed at the way he had spoken to you.
You didn’t know if a relationship between you and Elvis was in the cards, but what you did know was that he had already crept his way into your heart so deep that was impossible for you to get him out of it.
With Oliver being struck by the flu, you were on your own on the job. This wasn’t exactly a bad thing since it gave you the opportunity to get to know Juliet Prowse better and you learned that she was even nicer than you had originally thought. You became quick friends with her as well as with some other girls on the set.
You and Elvis had been avoiding each other like the plague and even though you felt awkward every time he was near, you were starting to enjoy this little project more and more. It wasn’t like you did not know anything about fashion but you appreciated Juliet teaching you a thing or two about designers and whatnot and she loved hearing you talk about music and your previous job. You trusted her enough to confide in her about what happened between you and Elvis, though not in great detail, and you cursed your new friend as Elvis stepped inside of her dressing room where you were waiting instead of her.
It was your last day on set, the day you were supposed to interview Juliet to write up a good article for the job that you actually needed but she didn’t seem to care much about that right now.
Hopefully you’d be able to thank her later, but that all depended on how this conversation with Elvis was going to play out.
“Hi,” you were the first to break the silence a few seconds after he came into the room. He was leaning against the closed door, looking at you.
The awkward tension in the room was nearly palpable. You hated it.
“Where’s Juli?”
“Honey, listen-“ he started as he pushed himself off the door, walking over to you. Leaning against Juliet’s vanity table, you held up a finger and stopped him.
“No, Elvis, you listen,” you told him, crossing your arms as you inhaled a sharp breath. “I don’t know what’s going on between us; I want to get to know you better and explore.. whatever.. it is that we have going on but you can’t snap at me the way you did. Maybe it wasn’t my place, but I was trying to help or at least let you know I was there for you if you wanted to talk. The way you talked to me the other night made me feel so.. so small and I don’t appreciate that, El. I like you, I do- I think you’re a great guy, truly I do, but I don’t want to feel small. I’m a twenty nine year old woman and-“
He caught you off guard as he strided forward and grabbed your face, kissing you. You let out a small huff against his lips, your muscles threatening to turn into jelly at his touch but before your body fully gave in, you managed to gently push him off.
The distance you kept between you by pressing your hands firmly against his chest was something Elvis hated more than anything.
“See, that’s what I’m saying- you can’t just kiss me and consider it an apology. I need you to say the words, talk to me,”
He nodded a little, but you didn’t miss the way his jaw clenched in frustration. You watched as he took a step back and took the hat that belonged to his uniform off, rubbing his hands down his face before he suddenly threw the hat across the dressing room. His temper didn’t scare you off, but as he paced back and forth with his hands on his hips, you just wished you could pull the damn words out of him.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for talking to you the way I did, I was an ass,”
He took you by surprise with those words, but you kept your mouth shut because you could see there was more burning on his tongue. You didn’t want to stop him from spilling his feelings.
“But I like you, more than I thought I would and I appreciate that you wanna try and help me but this… this is my shit to deal with. I don’t wanna put that on your shoulders,”
You were weak. The look in his eyes made your legs move on their own, walking closer to him. He seemed both lost and frustrated, you didn’t know whether it was because of his own actions or because of the fact he was working on a movie that didn’t show the potential he told you he had. A movie that made him unmotivated, but still he had hope that better things were coming.
They had to.
“I’m asking you to put it on my shoulders,” you told him, sighing softly as you took his hands in yours. “But if you really don’t want to talk about it, I won’t force you to. Just know that I’m willing to be here and listen- whatever you’re going through, you don’t have to go through it alone,”
He nodded and gently pulled his hands out of yours, wrapping his arms around you to push you against his chest and squeeze you softly in his embrace. You sighed softly as you wrapped your arms around his waist, rubbing his back soothingly. “Thank you, Y/N. I never met anyone like you,” he whispered, putting his chin on top of your head. “You’re so kind and so.. real. It’s real hard to meet people like you nowadays, and don’t even question what’s going on between us anymore, okay honey? I wanna be with you,”
You pulled back out of the embrace a little, placing your hands on his hips as you looked up at him. He smiled at you, moving his hand up to twirl a strand of your hair around his finger. “I want to be with you too, but I want something real, El. Something serious,”
“Hey, did you forget what I told you? You know I’m not a one time kinda guy,”
You playfully squinted your eyes at him. He did tell you that and you remembered it as if he had spoken the words only yesterday. Just like you believed him back then, you believed him now as well.
“I hope you can live up to that statement,” you told him, raising yourself on your toes to plant a soft kiss on his lips. He smiled a little against your lips, nodding as he gently cupped your face.
“I can and I will, because I only want you,”
You and Elvis dated for a total of two years. It was good in the beginning, perfect even- aside from the topic of his manager, the two of you talked about everything and you learned that he wasn’t that bad at talking about his feelings at all. Whenever he had time off, he’d spend it with you; he even paid for your – and Lori’s – plane  tickets whenever he was back in Memphis and wanted you there with him.
Due to Elvis’ inconvenient schedule and you not wanting to miss any time with him, you had lost your job. You always told yourself that you were an independent woman and would pick your career over a man, but when it came to Elvis, he was always your number one priority. You were a weak, weak woman.
A woman in love.
In those two years, you and Elvis knew pretty much everything about each other. He was able to bring out your childish and playful side and you were able to have him tell people “no” more often than he liked. You loved him, you believed that you would until the day you’d die, but eventually you were starting to miss normalcy.
A normal, human routine. Wake up, go to work, cook, lazy evenings with the TV, go to bed. This was the complete opposite of how Elvis lived his life and you had always accepted it, but you were exhausted.
You couldn’t handle to stay up all throughout the night only for you to sleep the day away. Having a house full of rowdy men almost every day was something that had you craving privacy and you couldn’t take one more second of having to sit at home and worry whenever he was away shooting a movie and you most certainly could not handle another outburst of your own temper whenever you read in some lousy magazine that Elvis Presley was getting all cosy with his newest co-star.
A week before he was set to leave to Hawaii to film Girls! Girls! Girls!, a bomb had exploded in Graceland.
Red was quick to get Lori out of the house and everyone knew when and where to disappear off to when they heard you and Elvis going back and forth in a heated argument.
“So, that’s it? You’re leaving, drowning two years down the drain just like that?” he yelled at you as he was hot on your heels with every step that you made from the wardrobe to the bed, throwing clothes in your suitcase. “You can’t even tell me why you’re leaving?”
“I told you, Elvis, but you don’t listen!”
“I’m listening now, so tell me- tell me why the fuck you’re leaving when I give you everything you want. Everything you need. I’d give you the clothes off my back and you know it!”
Every time you threw a piece of clothing in your suitcase, he pulled it out again only for you to take it out of his hands and put it back in your suitcase.
“I don’t want the clothes off your back, don’t you fucking get it?” you yelled in frustration as you halted your movements, standing in front of him. Now you were the one speaking animatedly; a habit you picked up from him. “I don’t need fancy jewelry and dresses piling out of the closet. I want a normal life and a man who’s actually there. All I want is you, Elvis, not the shell of you that comes home exhausted every time you finish one of those damned movies!”
“You knew what you were getting yourself into, don’t even try to put the blame on me, Y/N,” he grabbed your wrists as you raised your hands to run them through your hair. You sighed deeply, shaking your head a little at him.
“I’m not putting the blame on you,” you told him as you harshly pulled your hands out of his grip and went back to packing. “Maybe this is all my own fault, maybe it is.. and I love you, but I just can’t do this anymore. This isn’t the life I want to live, Elvis, you know me better than that. I don’t belong here.. in Memphis, in Graceland. I don’t belong in your world,”
You stopped pacing once more, placing your hands on your suitcase as your head hung low. You blinked a few times to fight the tears, but it was useless; your shoulders were shaking as they rolled down your face, mascara staining your cheeks.
Tears stung in his eyes too and he was quick to wrap his arms around you, sitting on the edge of his bed and taking you with him as he pulled you on his lap. He held you firmly, caressing your hair out of your face frantically and thumbing away your tears.
“You do belong in my world, you belong with me,” he whispered, holding you so tight against his chest you could barely breathe. “Please tell me how to fix this, tell me what to do.. Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you,”
You shook your head, pulling back out of his embrace to look at him. Placing a hand on his cheek, you wiped away a tear that rolled down his face. Seeing him like this broke you, but you knew you had to choose yourself this time.
“We can’t fix this, El,” you whispered, slowly getting up from his lap. “I need my old life back- I need myself back and I can’t do that here. I can’t do that when I’m together with you.. I’m sorry,”
You hated yourself for saying those words out loud, but you knew they needed to be said because they were true. Although Elvis had never held you back from working, you knew he wasn’t too fond of you going back into the journalism field either – he had made a comment once about how it was weird for a person that was in the public’s eye and a journalist to be together. It had rubbed you the wrong way when he said it, but you had ignored it.
Although he had never explicitly said the words, you knew he wanted you to stay by his side at all times. Wait for him at home when he was away for work and then be ready 24/7 for whatever he had planned. And you had tried, you had tried so hard, but you were unhappy.
This wasn’t the life you had expected to have – maybe he was right.
Maybe a reporter and a celebrity just weren’t meant to be together.
You couldn’t even remember the last time you wrote or did something you were truly passionate about, something that made you happy. You didn’t want to live in secret anymore. You needed to find yourself again before it was too late and you’d completely lose sight of who you really were.
Elvis was hurt and angry and broken, but he couldn’t force you to stay. No matter what he’d do or say, he knew there was no stopping you. Part of him understood how you felt – ofcourse he did. He’d seen how unhappy you were at times and he hated that he was partly to blame for that.
You were a bird and birds weren’t meant to be held in cages.
He just wished things didn’t have to end this way, and he didn’t have to let you go like this.
You still loved each other and he was glad you were okay with his promise of calling you when he’d be back in LA. It wasn’t like you thought ill of him or blamed him for how things had played out – there were two parties involved and although there really was no one to blame, he wasn’t the bad guy. The hurt you were feeling in your heart right now was your own fault as well – perhaps this much heartache could’ve been prevented if you had set your priorities straight from the beginning, if you told him straight up how you wanted the relationship and your lives together to be.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered as you held each other at the front door, Lori and Red standing by the staircase. Just because you and Elvis had put an end to your relationship, didn’t mean Lori had to. She still had a few vacation days left and you were more than okay with her staying at Graceland for a little longer; you needed some time alone.
“Don’t be,” he told you as he held you pressed up against his chest, his fingers combing through your hair as his other hand rubbed your back repeatedly. You felt as if his hand was going to burn a hole through the fabric of your jacket. “I love you, baby. I want you to be happy and I’m sorry I can’t give you what you need,”
His words tore your heart to shreds all over again and part of you didn’t want to let go of him. Part of you wanted to drag your suitcase right back up those stairs and throw all your belongings back in the closet, but you knew leaving was the right decision to make. No matter how much it hurt.
“I love you, Elvis,” you told him as you pulled back out of the embrace a little, wiping a tear from the corner of your eyes. You smiled at him, but it was filled with pain, and it made Elvis’ heart clench violently in his chest. “I hope.. I hope we can stay friends- I don’t want us to become strangers,”
“Are you kiddin’? I’m gonna call you as soon as I’m back in LA, can’t get rid of me that quick,”
The both of you laughed through your tears and you nodded, allowing him to kiss you one more time. Your body responded to him immediately but before you could melt into the kiss even further, you gently broke contact and took a step back. He lifted your suitcase from the ground, walking you out of the house and to the car where Joe was already sitting behind the wheel, waiting to take you to the airport.
“Have a safe flight,” he told you after he put your suitcase in the trunk, opening the door for you. He was trying to keep his voice as steady as possible, but you didn’t miss the tremble on his tongue and him swallowing his tears. “Call me when you get home,”
You nodded, squeezing his hand firmly as you kissed his cheek. You had to force yourself to get in the car and as he closed the door for you, you could see he had given up on trying to stop himself from crying. You gave up the battle too, letting your tears run freely down your face – as Joe drove away from the house, you didn’t look back, because you knew the sight of Elvis standing there would make you want to jump out of the moving car and run back into his arms.
Maybe you were making a mistake and maybe this wasn’t the right decision at all, but you didn’t want to be stuck in a lifestyle that you had no business of being in.
Some things are simply not meant to be.
The scene in Girls! Girls! Girls! of the small kitchen fire was slightly altered at Elvis' request. For obvious reasons.
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Taglist: @feverkitten @woundmetender @returntoelvis @ab4eva @prayerstopresley @marriedtopresley @steph-speaks @wonka-gifs @notstefaniepresley @elvisabutler @ellie-24 @dollksj @webbedwebs @wivette @breadsquash @savedrebelcreation @re3kin
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david-talks-sw · 5 months
any new Star Wars essays in the making, or are you moving on?
I don't know, honestly.
Part of it is "life gets in the way," I'm working a lot and so whatever time I have left is spent just messing around or meeting with my loved ones.
I've got a bunch of stuff in my drafts. I don't mind sharing it here, most recent to oldest:
Sort of a joke post of me pointing out how stressful being George Lucas' producer must've been, like this guy really DIDN'T WANT to write his fucking scripts, did he? Poor Rick McCallum. Abandoned because who gives a crap.
'Ask' reply on how EU-fueled fandom perception of the Jedi was flipped by the prequels.
'Ask' reply about the themes in Ahsoka and why the show doesn't know what it's about. Problem is, I go about it starting from the basics, so nobody's gonna sit through reading a tematic breakdown of the first Pirates of the Carribean movie, The Batman and the original six Star Wars films before I even get to the show at hand.
"Part II" post about what Ahsoka, Rebels and TCW get right about lightsaber duels, which the Prequels never did.
Quote collection & analysis on just how complex the Prequels were meant to be (in the late 80s, Lucas intimated that the Sequels were the story that was supposed to have gray morality, not the Prequels)
Quote collection on how the themes and principles of Star Wars align with Lucas' own opinions and philosophies.
Quote collection on Lucas defining Anakin's flaws.
Quote collection on Lucas talking about the fact that we need to be more proactive, which aligns with what Lumi points out sometimes about the Jedi: they should've been more politically engaged because we all should be.
Why I approach Lucas as "word of god".
Personal life/joke-y post dating from the time of the WGA strike about how Jack Black's School of Rock lyrics "In his heart he knew, the artist must be true, but the legend of the rent was way past due!" applied to me. Abandoned because I didn't wanna bum everyone out.
Correcting the notion that Dark Times-era Jedi such as Kanan or Ezra or Ahsoka represent what Jedi were supposed to be.
A comprehensive end-all outlook on how Anakin's flaws all tie together. I've written this one twice and I don't know how to differentiate it from my other posts.
A secret "Part 3" to my TLJ Luke post, in which I point out that RJ's being too "indie", while being a strong point for a big chunk of the film, hampers the film's ability to make Luke feel as badass as he does on paper. I want to illustrate a storyboard for this one, but that takes time.
The evolution of Star Wars' approach to transmedia.
Debunking Star Wars myths: a (very) comprehensive outlook on children in the Jedi Order.
Problem is that only like 2/3rds of these are fully-written... and I still need to find the relevant clips, turn them into GIFs, etc etc.
There's many other interesting Asks in my inbox btw. But I'm already behind on all these, so I haven't begun to touch them.
Then there's the drawings.
I wanna draw a comic of the meeting between Yoda and Dooku in Dark Rendezvous. I wanna finish the comic fight between Maul and Ben. I wanna draw Mace, Shaak Ti, I've got a Luminara fan-art that was supposed to be ready for Jedi June 2022 and an Anakin drawing that looks weird. No time, nor am I skilled enough. (Like, I trace, that's what I do, it's not a secret I've said so before... but it takes me a long while to do so. I'm not fast at drawing, let alone coloring.) I could commission some of these, but there are obvious obstacles there.
There's fun tidbits I've discovered here and there but nobody will care about them and I usually try to not drown my blog with bs posts.
Then there's the bigger problem.
All the things I've listed above? I'm not 100% motivated to finish. But a lot of the new stuff I wanna write about is hella negative.
I had a lot of stuff I wanted to say about Ahsoka. But it wasn't all good. It was mostly me bitching, be it about the show or the fandom's reactions to it.
I've also got more stuff to say about Filoni's take on Star Wars, but I've talked about why it's inaccurate like 8 times already, and I don't actually dislike the guy, like there's plenty of things he knows and does that I think are awesome but also people won't stop putting him and his takes on a pedestal and--
oh shit, there's Acolyte too, I forgot about that, gray morality galore, here we come. But here too, like... I've talked a couple of times about why this entire gray morality thing is actually just the gen X-ers trying to make the prequels "cool" and "complex". but I've never explored properly, with quotes and research and shit. but i've talked about it so many times that at this point it'd end up like the Filoni rants, redundant. "we get it already." as if this show didn't have haters lined round the block for absolutely sexist reasons.
Don't get me started on the mountain of lies and/or idiocy that is the YouTuber Star Wars Theory.
And yet he said one thing a few months ago which struck a chord within me and it's the fact that Andor is awesome, excels on all levels because it's treated seriously, like a proper show, not a Disney Plus one... why wasn't Obi-Wan Kenobi? Why wasn't Book of Boba Fett? And I've already established multiple times that I enjoyed Kenobi (yes, including the Reva parts) and I've established that I know what they were going for in Fett and I've established that this is mainly a "Disney Plus didn't know how to structure a fucking show pre-WGA strike" issue more than anything else... but when I think about how these could've been treated instead? When I look at the characterizations and emotional stakes of like Fargo Season 5? It's infuriating. Because it's not bad (talking about Kenobi, BOBF is awful)... but it could've been EXCELLENT and instead it was just "okay" to "good".
I just miss live action lightsaber duels, man. Like, good ones.
and i dunno. maybe I should just let it rip on all this. "go off, king!"
but I think there's so much negativity re: Star Wars that adding my thoughts on these subjects, no matter how structured and reason, will just blend into a wave of needless, un-constructive hate.
maybe I should finish the writings in the drafts and just post them with no gifs, maybe just still images?
but doing any of that feels like a step back.
So that's where I'm at right now.
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pastriibunz · 15 days
have i ever told you all how wild i think it is that Kai has a fandom?
like, the fact that people are consuming my writing and enjoying it and INVESTING themselves in the story?
thats so fucking amazing to me
kai as a concept started when i was around 9, when i listened to my first batim fansong, “gospel of dismay” by DAGames. i attached to the bendy character so much, i created this character that acted as his daughter like the cringe little freak i was.
around the same time, i had listened to “why did i say okie-doki?” by the stupendium, and attached to the monika character in the same way.
as i grew, kai grew with me. her story slowly became an amalgamation of fandoms i enjoyed, all set in the town of unington (which i stole from “peggy suave”, a music series uploaded to youtube by sim gretina). there wasnt really an overarching plot, some angst scattered here and there, but in my head, it was a semi-episodic series that revolved around Kai and her friends, and her adventures as ‘the savior of the multiverse’.
it wasn’t till i started writing ‘showstopper’, a bnha x oc fic, and uploading it to wattpad in 2021 before i started seeing intrigue for kai and her story.
before that, kai only existed as comics in my sketchbook that i showed to friends, or nobody at all. i was into mha, and i didn’t like the insert character’s personality in most x readers, so i decided to write my own. with kai.
people loved kai. i had consistent readers, commenters, and as of now, it sits at 7.5K reads. people felt for her, kinned her, and slandered any characters who didn’t like her.
eventually, my interests faded. and showstopper remains unfinished.
other than showstopper, Kai still didn’t really have a bunch of deep lore. she still was her little fandom amalgam, with her bits of angst.
but that all changed when Hatchetfield came into the mix.
in mid 2023, early 2024, @local-soda-can (and @chillibeanos somewhat) introduced me to the starkid original musical, ‘the guy who didn’t like musicals’. they loved it, and so did chilli, as they had been doing some oc insert stuff with it (btw, go check them out, their character Bean Sprout is so awesome!,).
I, however, wasnt too keen on watching.
I’m a very hard person to get to watch anything with an hour+ runtime. longer time commitments spook me, and with TGWDLM being over an hour, i wasn’t planning on watching.
until we had a sleepover, and i did.
and i fell in LOVE.
immediately, i had me and fizz start rping through The ‘Kai’ Who Didn’t Like Musicals, as i dubbed it.
the rp finished on September 14, 2023 and that was that.
that was all TKWDLM was supposed to be.
that was all Kai In Hatchetfield was supposed to be.
a series of RPs with a friend.
that was, until, one fateful wednesday, September 20th, 2023, i was watching TGWDLM after school.
earlier, i had the RTC script printed out to read, and i had thought: ‘man. i wish i had the script for this show.’
and then i thought, ‘wait, i have a laptop! what if i just typed out/downloaded the script?’
and as i sat there, on my laptop, i had another thought.
‘Wait, i have the rp, that’s practically all in script format, it has almost all the parts, what if i just turned it into an actual script?’
and thus began a two month long journey of transcribing the musical/rp into a script.
when i uploaded TKWDLM to tumblr on November 27 of that year, i honestly wasn’t expecting people to actually read it.
of course, i had hoped people would!
but honestly, she was 130 pages, she was kinda cringe, and she was honestly just meant for me.
I did NOT expect fans.
I did not expect people like @androgynous-sack-of-flesh-3 (hi there!) to go through my blog, scrounging for every last drop of Kai I made
I did not expect people to invest themselves into Kai’s story, and cry at her death during the ending.
Most of all, I did not expect people wanting more.
The Kai in Hatchetfield series was supposed to end at TKWDLM. I wasn’t planning on transcribing the nmt rps I did with my friends. I wasn’t planning on doing more scripts.
Until one anon in my inbox made the brilliant pun:
‘Nightmare Kai-me.’
With that post, I uploaded a poll asking if people wanted to see an actual NMK series.
And to my surprise, people did.
And thus, I started writing.
And that was a catalyst.
From there, I have gained so many followers, so many fans, all wanting more of Kai.
I have people like @raspberrysmoon (hi pooks :3) theorizing about the overarching lore of nmk, and even writing their own fanfic series revolving Kai (shoutout to sotbaw!).
I have people invested.
I have people who want more.
And that is so shocking to me.
I never expected my silly little story to reach so many people.
I never expected people to be touched by it.
I never expected to make people feel.
And, honestly?
I can’t help but say thank you.
You all are the reason I keep writing.
You all are the reason I keep publishing Kai’s story.
Without you, there would be no nmk. There would be nothing more than a script sitting in my google docs, one that I’d eventually forget about.
All I can say is thank you.
Thank you for giving me a space to share my writing.
Thank you for giving Kai a chance.
Thank you for giving me a chance
Thank you for making a silly little 9 year old girl’s dreams come true.
Thank you all so much.
I can’t wait to see where Kai goes next :]
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relaxxattack · 2 years
how come twitter hates knifetrick? i havent read it nor have i ever been involved in any mcyt or adjacent stuff btw
oh man. ok let me explain the story. it was around exactly a year ago the main bit of this shit happened actually
in 2020 minecraft roleplaying (mcrp) becomes super mainstream with the rise of dream smp. in these series, stories are scripted and then acted out live with some improv stuff
in the fandoms there is a LOT of drama over whether it's okay to ship the roleplay characters. there's lots of stances on this. in the beginning, most people say it's not okay to ever ship rp characters, because the youtubers usually just use their own persona as a base for an oc, so it's basically the same thing as shipping the youtubers together. shipping irl people is weird and gross, so nobody wants to do that.
in 2021 a couple of ships start getting confirmed as canon in the rp. characters date or get together or canonically have romantic scenes. this makes the fandom hurt itself in its confusion, because it doesnt understand if it's allowed to ship those characters together.
two guys have their characters literally get married and have a child. the fandom LOVED these characters, they were well written and cute and had a great dynamic. the fandom wanted to ship them and support their marriage so bad. BUT. they were played by real people. those real people (tubbo and ranboolive) were also minors at the time, who nobody wants to risk being weird about obviously.
the mainstream fandom decides that to solve this problem, they will pretend that the marriage is platonic, and ostracize and witch hunt anyone who claims it's not. they draw tons and tons of ship fanart of the two characters, all helpfully tagged as "platonic", sometimes tagging every single use of the word "husband" as platonic.
EVENTUALLY, people start realizing, hey wait, this is roleplay. it's fictional. the streamers are not actually traumatized war veterans who invented nukes, have amnesia, raised a child, are half hybrid alien etc etc etc.
in fact... it's actually really weird to try and make their roleplay relationship the same as their real life one. in the roleplay, they are married and have a kid and act lovey-dovey... why would you claim that's their real relationship? why would you conflate the two? can't we just understand that it's fictional?
most of the tumblr fandom, eventually, realizes that fictional characters and real human actors are not actually the same person. (it helps that the actors themselves state the same thing.)
the twitter fandom however... does not eventually realize this. they stay in their "platonic husband" hell, simultaneously being really weird about shipping and outwardly hating all shippers.
fastforward a bit, there's another mc roleplay series. it's a spinoff series of that first one we were talking about, and it's an athology series-- a whole bunch of oneshots with new characters each time. keep in mind, these characters are NOT EVEN RELATED TO THE STREAMER'S PERSONAS... they make up new ones each time!!
anyway they do one of the oneshots in a cool futuristic city and i was like "man it would be cool to write about this." one of the characters (ran) acts very weird and suspicious for the 5 lines he has total, which leads to a lot of silly theories about what he might be up to in this future city. i think, "man it would be fun to write about him." a different character (jackie) remarks on that character as well; jackie is also one of the only characters to live to the end of the oneshot.
ages after this oneshot was actually aired i thought to myself, what the hell, i'll write a story about ran and jackie. they have literally no existing personality and the futuristic city is not even remotely expanded on- i get to do all that myself!
so i write a comedy mystery action romance novel about an alien assassin (ran) assigned to kill the general of the city's army (jackie) while they try to find some kidnapped kids. keep in mind, i had basically nothing to work with for these characters-- they were side characters for a single episode from a spin-off series, they had around ten lines total. i got to make up basically everything about who they were and where they came from and what they would do myself. the story is also chock full of OCs, and all of the mechanics for the city itself were original and invented by me-- it was a huge labor of love and invention and original work.
the romance wasn't intended to be a whole thing, but honestly it felt very natural (and all the story's fans definitely wanted it), so it eventually happened.
surprising no one, the same twitter fans who believe that fictional characters are somehow LITERALLY the same as their actors started trying to tell me i was shipping real life people. (what? gross?). they told me i was being a bad fan by going against the wishes of irl people who didn't want to be shipped. they accused me of so much, of just trying to "hide" that i really shipped irl people, tons of things. but my story was not about irl people. the characters literally have different fucking names, appearances, personalities, dynamics... EVERYTHING.
twitter users eventually started a "cancellation" of me. i don't even use twitter. but anyway they dug up a bunch of weird innocuous comments or fanarts i had done before, and then pointed to knifetrick, and said i was secretly a gross person, that i was a guy who shipped gaming youtubers, etc. there was a thread about it, idk.
eventually the harassment in my inbox caused me to take a break from tumblr for several weeks. i actually wasn't sure if i would come back. HUNDREDS of people were talking about how terrible i was; people on twitter literally have me and my works in their goddamn dnis. it was such a surreal experience and it caused me so much anxiety.
eventually, several of my friends convinced me to finish the story, because really there was nothing all that wrong with it in the first place. i came back to tumblr.
i added the banner that is currently in my pinned to discourage gross shippers, or people who think *i* am a gross shipper, from coming near me anymore.
as far as i'm concerned, ran and jackie are my OCs. they were from a oneshot-- a oneshot that has not been MENTIONED by its creators for years now-- who i gave an entire story to. i don't want to associate with that fandom anymore, so i don't want the characters i worked so hard on associated either.
they still talk about me on twitter sometimes, kind of as an urban legend of drama. "holy shit you guys remember the knifetrick stuff? that was so gross, how did we let any of that happen. people kept defending it too 🤢". it doesn't bother me as much anymore, because i'm surrounded by people with the critical thinking skills to tell the difference between tom hanks and woody, but it's still sometimes surreal and hurtful.
don't take this as just me complaining though- making knifetrick was incredibly fun, and i still adore all the fans and memes and fanart to this day. you all were incredible and pretty much make those awful episodes worth it <3
in case you're wondering, the steamiest thing those characters did, that people were so upset about?
they shared a chaste peck of the lips for .2 seconds before one of them tried to kill the other.
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lemmilemura · 1 month
i actually NEED and REQUIRE a reader that is self aware that they’re in a show and is only there for simon because they’re in love with him (i’m also thinking of some obsessive vibes, not like full on yandere but just obsessed)
PINE MY SAVIOUR THIS ACTUALLY MADE ME WRITE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LIKE MONTHS <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Little warning there is violence... If I had to say how bad..... maybe Wayne level? all directed at Jake btw Yeah this went so far off the rails :D
y'all know the drill Based on the show Al lkept gender-neutral
You were just a character in a show. You knew that. Your life was just entertainment. You weren't even one of the important ones, just an extra off to the side, barely any lines. If you looked up into the sky, the clouds formed almost a screen, some days even a face. The face of the person watching you.
You saw the world stand still when they paused the show, time rewinding and speeding when they went ahead or back. You knew you were in a show. You knew that nobody else did. You saw that door that followed you everywhere. That studio door with big, red EXIT text. You knew you could leave.
But you didn't want to. After all, you had everything you needed. You never really had to eat or sleep or even use the bathroom. You knew exactly how it all went, becuase it did so over and over and over. You knew your cues, you knew what everyone would say and when.
Then again, there were of course bad parts. The constant repitition of events and days, the never changing people and conversations... The continuously reoccuring death of the guy you were in love with. You loved him, eventhough you weren't supposed to. You read it in the script- which appeared one morning on your nightstand- nowhere was even a single mention of your feelings for him. Yet they still existed.
You didn't know when they appered, you just noticed they did one day. There was no explanation either. Maybe it was because he looked good, which he did. Maybe it was because of the way he behaved, so different than all the other guys. Maybe it was something more, maybe it was everything.
You saw it every time. You had to, it was in the script, the law almlost. Every restart you find yourself in the library at the same time as their detention, every restart you see the school being egged, the teacher leaving, and him dying. You on the upper floor, putting books away as part of your volunteer librarion position. You could recite it all word for word, you knew the timing perfectly. When the first egg hits the window, when Ms.avery leaves and when he takes a drink and when he collapses and when it's too late.
You started hating your time-loop. You started hating your show. Why were you cursed to know? To be aware? To relive this all over and over. You knew who was behind it. You knew why and how. You could stop it, you were convinced. If you told him not to do it, if you changed one single thing. You weren't supposed to. You didn't know what would happen if you did. Anything could. That, was infinitely scarier than the loop itself. You tried so hard to stay out of it, to fulfil your role until the end. When would that be? You had no idea. Maybe there was no end. Maybe this was purgatory. Eternal damnation and suffering for whatever sins you may have previously committed.
You had started counting the reruns once, but you gave up after 5. You felt as if that was over a century ago. Truly, you were slowly going mad. You just wanted it to end, to finally be able to do what you wanted to do. You wanted change. After countless nights awake you decided.
So you stepped out of line. You went off-script.
The next restart you followed along, until a few minutes before the end of classes, a few minutes until they were supposed to meet to start their dare. Such a stupid thing to die for. A dare. He seemed so much smarter than to ever fall for that. But maybe your version of him was just better in that sense. You waited outside his class. How they let you in this morning is beyond you. How they didn't notice the baseball bat was hilarious, if not a little pathetic. Worrying even.
Your own teacher didn't even notice you leave class early, neither did anyone else. It's as if you weren't even there. But the watcher noticed. They rewind. Let it play. Pause. Rewind again. Pause. They're looking at you, you know it. You could see the camera behind you reflected in the glass of the classroom window. First change.
When the bell finally rang you could see him inside, packing up and genuinely being deuchey as always. You felt as if you would hate him regardless of murder. He was just the kind of guy everyone hated, except the other characters around him.
When he finally started his way to the door, you got ready. Bat laying over your shoulder, foot tapping the floor. You were impatient, insanely so. You just wanted to see what would happen. Sure you could always have just gone through the door, but now you wanted to go out and make a change. Go out with a bang, as they say.
You line up. He exits. You swing. He stood no chance. Crashing against the wall through the force of the bat, you could hear a crunch, a grump, and a thump as he fell to the floor. Good, it only took one hit. Not to say you weren't ready to dish out as many as needed to get the job done.
Everything paused. You got to revel in the looks of your peers, their shocked faces and phones out, the ones caught mid scream, the ones that are somehow already crying. You turned around to face the camera and bowed, a thank you to the watcher for allowing you this moment and watching.
They rewinded it countless times. You got to relive it countless times. Every time you swung a little differently. Once aiming for his chest, once his crotch, so on and so forth.
You were lost, truly. Maybe you had gone mad. Surely you weren't supposed to enjoy this. Surely.
Suddenly, the repitition stopped, everyone once again frozen, and you finally stopped to catch your breath. Turns out swinging a baseball bat full force 10 times over is quite the feat. When you turned to the camera, you didn't see it. Even after spinning for a bit you still didn't. Everything went a little dark. You heard footsteps. Someone else's footsteps.
You turned and saw...
"You're really gonna keep doing that forever?"
He was stood at the end of the hallway, and it made you realize everyone besides you, him and Jake's body were gone.
"I mean" you managed between pants "I've kept this all up for so long. Atleast this is something different."
He stepped closer, until he was on the other side of you. He looked the body over. "You really did a number on 'em."
"Good as I could. Aiming with this thing is surprisingly difficult." You spun the bat around in your hand before resting it on your shoulder again.
"You know what's gonna happen now?" he asked. You just shook your head. You truly didn't know.
"I've got no clue. Hope it's interesting atleast." You sat against the wall, laying the bat on the floor.
"You're surprisingly calm right now. You're not freaked out?" He sat down too, both of you waiting for whatever would happen next.
"We're literally only characters in a show. You being self aware is nothing compared to that." Through your mania it hadn't even truly set in. "Now that you meantion it though, how'd it happen?"
"I think it's because I'm one of the narrators. Or maybe because I died." You were neither of those, so your hopes of finding out why you were self aware died. "Jake died too and he's still a dumbass." you replied, making him chuckle.
"Guess he's just too stupid." "Maybe..."
You sat in silence for a while, small amounts of dread starting to settle in. You truly were scared of the consequences, yet in the moment you couldn't stop.
"I made you self aware, by the way." He admitted. "Being the only one was starting to get lonely."
Maybe that was why you liked him. Why you 'saved' him. Why you just beat Jake to death multiple times.
"I did think you'd step out of line sooner."
"Yeah sorry... I was just scared of what would happen. Still am."
"Me too."
And as the world around you faded more and more, turning into darkness, you sat there thinking of it all. The years of the same loop. The repeating converstaions and days. Your entire life.
You regretted going off-script.
Once again thank you so much pine for the idea!!! I just wrote 1431 words IN ONE SITTING. WHAT THE FUCK. I hope you all enjoyed this, it definitely went so far off the rails xD
~Taglist~ @pine-ferret
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 8 months
here's a question, what do you think happens to Debbie (and Franny) post s11? Personally I'm not a fan of the idea that Debbie would go off with Heidi after she fought tooth and nail to stay in her own house, plus Heidi is...not really what I'd picture for a good ending to Debbie's story. What would you see being a good post script for Debs?
ahhhh i love you for asking this
i mean, there's a part of me that wants to say that everything will go great for them, but i think that it'll be rough for a little while.
to answer the heidi thing (which i have talked about many times before but this ask is a little bit old lol sorry!), she will not last. she'll be gone in like, a week, and will never be heard from again. i think that the finale made that pretty clear, even though other people interpreted it in other ways. when heidi mentioned texas, debbie looked hesitant, and considering how she spent the past season fighting for this house, and the past eleven seasons fighting for her family, there isn't a single part of me that thinks she will be leaving for texas and if she does, her kid will be coming with her 100%.
but anyways, debbie will be going through it. she will have lost her father and her girlfriend in the same week or so and given her abandonment issues, i think she'll probably break. she'll have a whole breakdown over it, then be a bit depressed for a month or two, and then i think she'll slowly start to feel better. also, something that nobody talks about for some reason is the fact that post-11x12 all of the gallaghers (including mickey, tami, kevin, and veronica) all most likely get covid since they were all around frank and like touching him and shit, so that will probably happen.
i think that, as always, she'll pick herself up on her own and fix everything herself. her business will thrive, maybe she'll help out at the alibi if carl and tipping buy it (i hc that they do), but i think that money-wise she'll be set.
she and lip will definitely still have some conflict. every gallagher kid has a complex, difficult relationship with frank (i've actually been writing about this) but these two and frank have always stuck out to me (but they all stick out to me, honestly). i think that since the two of them were already fighting and are both notoriously awful at handling their emotions shit will go down.
debbie will keep the house since it's been in her name since the season nine finale (i mean duh, why would lip get to sell HER house??), lip, tami, and fred will move to milwaukee but then lip and tami will split up and it'll be messy, maybe he'll come back to chicago and they'll get split custody, carl will live there for another year or two, liam will live there until he graduates, and ian and mickey will move back to the south side. debbie will feel uneasy because of all of the change, so she'll insist on family dinners weekly, absolutely NO exceptions (you could be sick with some sort of flesh eating virus and she'd still demand that you attend).
she will never fully process losing frank. even dead, he still manages to fuck her over. i think that she'll set up a memorial for him a lot like the one she set up in 3x01.
if she reads the letter it'll fuck her up even more and i'm hoping that she gets therapy (i have a fic in my drafts about this lol) to help her deal with trauma, abandonment issues, grief, and help her navigate parenting while being only twenty.
i seriously just wish her the best because season eleven really made me realize how much she actually needs help.
live laugh debbie gallagher
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