#immediately after Amity and Luz got together
drachenfalter · 11 months
Still thinking about how the writers avoiding homophobia in CotH resulted in Odalia giving a perfectly valid reason for why she doesn't approve of Luz dating her daughter.
Amity: This is my girlfriend! Odalia: No. She is a wanted criminal. And you can do so much better.
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Huntl0w isn't good and that's why
A general compilation of all the problems that do not allow me to treat Huntl0w at least neutrally:
1. Distortion of characters. Do you remember Hunter from the beginning of season 2? And that's it, he is no longer with you. Now he is not a soldier who has been training all his life, he is a cute awkward blushing boy who can't do anything without his boss girlfriend. And do you remember Willow, a kind soul who uses her powers only against enemies? Forget, she'll drive a new acquaintance into the ground and won't let him go. They are trying to forcibly fit them into the girlboss x malewife dynamic, and for this they have to change their characters.
2. Lack of chemistry. The same problem as Lumity: all romantic interactions are embarrassments and red cheeks. But if the girls had a Grom dance and more time together, then Huntl0w has nothing.
3. Willow's attitude. She treats him the same way she treats all her other friends right up to the moment when he saved her with the help of the power of the Flapjack. I'm sure the writers didn't do it on purpose, but it turned out that way - Willow fell in love with Hunter only after he stopped being magically disabled. Or in gratitude for the rescue. One is no better than the other.
4. Hunter's awkwardness. The guy has known her for the fourth year, three of which they are clearly together, but still confused as the first time. He's obviously uncomfortable with her. But who is he comfortable with? With Luz and Gus! It is with Luz that he shares secrets, she understands him like no one else. With Gus, Hunter found the best common language, common interests, and in general they are on the same wavelength. Willow and Hunter don't have either. They were able to prescribe normal interaction with everyone except the love interest, and it's so fucked up.
5. The uselessness for the plot. They don't bring anything, even the very parallel with Caleb and Evelyn is ignored. It feels like they got together just to "pair every character" (except for Gus, of course, Gus is our black best friend, he doesn't deserve our attention).
6. Willow is Hunter's authority figure. There is nothing wrong with the fact that a girl can be a leader in a relationship. But when a guy just starts separating from his uncle, whom he considered an authority all his life, and immediately falls in love with a girl who commands him... This is a very bad parallel. Hunter just changed his boss. TOH is not so deep to develop this topic, and it don’t have enough time, so this is definitely a minus for them.
7. Lack of development. Yes, the series was cut. And now you say that this justifies everything. And I will say that it only makes it worse. Already knowing that the series would be shortened, Dana and co pushed a new love line, which "developed" behind the scenes, did nothing for the plot, but spoiled the characters' characters (as if Amity alone was not enough for us).
8. Hunter is the second Caleb. Yes, Hunter's arc has come to the same place where it began. This applies to a lesser extent to Huntlow, it is rather a sin of the plot itself, but in total with the rest of the problems it becomes no less infuriating.
In conclusion, I can say that this ship is definitely not problematic, it's just bad. No one is forbidden to love them, but they should understend why people may not like Huntl0w.
Maybe I'll write the same thing with Lumity, but I'm not sure.
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fruity-phrog · 1 year
Owl House headcanons, timeskip edition:
Lilith basically adopted Amity. They go on adventures together, mapping the Isles and documenting any and all changes that occurred when the Left Arm became the highest spot. Lilith is basically Amity’s mom now and they continued to heal their trauma from the Emperor’s Coven together.
The Emerald Entrails still play together often, now as a professional team. It’s still more of a hobby than a job, but they remained close.
Willow coaches flier derby to students at Hexside with the help of Skara, who works as a teaching assistant.
Hunter was officially adopted by Darius and Camila (separately) almost immediately after Watching and Dreaming and spent alternating weeks in the Human and Demon realm until he took up the job of palisman carver.
Gus and Vee, despite neither of them attending college, teach in the Human Realm course at Eda’s university. In between King’s Tide and Thanks To Them, Vee gave Gus detailed lessons to correct his misconceptions and they mainly teach the truth. Gus refuses to admit that the ocean doesn’t sound like a paperclip.
Luz and Lilith constructed the entire Glyph course on their own. Eda helped, obviously, but she was busy overseeing the entire building of the university. Luz is mainly taking that course for nostalgia.
Hunter tries to keep himself to himself and most people don’t even know he’s the Golden Guard. 
When Darius and Alador began to become friends again, Hunter hung out a lot with Edric and Emira while Amity was off with Lilith, so they’re close friends now. Hunter taught Edric about wolves and Emira about their healing processes in the Emperor’s Coven. They, in turn, taught him to be a teenager, because while the Hexsquad are great, they’re...not too knowledgeable in that category.
Amity is the strong tall girlfriend from her adventures with Lilith. This is actually semi-canon in that Ams is canonically taller than Luz now, but I just wanted to include it.
Hunter and Willow eventually got together nearly a year after Watching And Dreaming. They were even more drawn-out than Lumity. Amity was yelling at Willow to make a move, Gus was yelling at Hunter, Luz was yelling at both of them but it was eventually Waffles and Clover than got them to get their shit together.
Hunter, with Darius and Dell’s help, eventually carved an egg (like Luz’s) a few months after Watching And Dreaming, which hatched into Waffles. This was when the Hexsquad promised to get matching tattoos the second they were able to (Eda offered to do it then and there but they politely declined).
As I mentioned in pretty much every headcanon list I’ve ever made, Marcy went to Luz’s school once she moved. Marcy would not shut up about how amazing Anne and Sasha were, and Luz would not shut up about how amazing Amity was, but Marcy also spoke a lot about Luz to Anne and Sasha and so they got jealous.
Luz dyed Hunter’s hair red when she was sixteen and he was eighteen, but it went terribly and ended up light pink. He still kept it until it faded out.
Darius nearly fainted when he saw it.
Vee showed Masha the Demon Realm and they absolutely love it. Sometimes they’ll be a guest in the Human Realm course at the university and they go on dates to the Knee and Skull and cool BI places. 
Waffles bites Hunter. A lot. She’s a biter.
They all got therapy <3
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toh-tagteam-au · 1 year
Tag Team AU Synopsis – Covention
Synopsis Masterpost Link
Previous Part [Pre–Canon Events]
Next Part [Hooty's Moving Hassle]
We’re starting here because the first 4 episodes are in comic form. READ THOSE. THEY KICK ASS. YOU DON’T WANT A SYNOPSIS OF THEM JUST READ THEM. FIRST PART IS HERE.
Okay. The comic left off at Belos getting upset that Luz and Hunter aren’t actually sticking together as much as they should, so he says they aren’t allowed to leave each other’s sides Ever. He also reinforces the idea that Luz is powerless and thus defenseless, so Hunter should never leave her side. This is rough because the GGs usually split up to complete their tasks (plus then Hunter won’t be able to sneak off to the Owl House), so Luz asks Belos to reconsider. After a second of Fear, Hunter also suggests that maybe Luz could get her own staff for her protection.
Belos has an “outburst” because of that, but not before Luz sees it coming, swipes Hunter’s staff, blocks the attack, and gets the hell out of dodge with Hunter right behind her. They run to their room, where they freak out over what just happened
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Now it’s covention time! Eda and King talk about how Hunter may or may not return, when he walks in.
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Hunter tells them that the market is abandoned because of the covention, and Lilith being Eda’s sister is brought up. Hunter tells them that the Golden Guards told him everything about Eda, including her curse, when King speaks up and asks “What curse?” Eda uses going to the covention as a distraction so she doesn’t have to tell King.
When Hunter questions her about King not knowing about the curse, Eda says that she wouldn’t keep a kid in the house if she couldn’t control herself. Hunter clues into the fact Eda *can manage her curse* (DING DING DING, he wants to know this so he can heal Belos), and she says she’ll show him her system when they get back. Eda and King go to steal stuff while Hunter wanders, trying not to get spotted by Kikimora or Lilith, the only ones in the coven other than Luz and Belos that know his face. (also the scouts, who know his voice even if they don't know his face).
Eventually, Hunter runs into Willow and Gus, who are facing off against Amity who Willow accidentally walked into. Willow and Hunter reunite, Hunter saying similar words that Luz said to Willow when she spoke to her at Hexside: “Powerful witches like you shouldn’t be backed into a corner like that.” This clues Willow into Hunter being the one to send Luz to get her switched to the plant track. 
Amity immediately does not trust Hunter.
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So, Willow challenges Amity to a witch’s duel. If Willow wins, Amity has to apologize to Hunter and give up her top student badge. If Amity wins, Willow has to cut ties with Hunter and admit that Amity is the better witch. They split up to go practice. Gus introduces himself to Hunter, and they hit it off pretty quickly. They also immediately deduce that Willow is going to probably kill Amity in this witch’s duel. 
Cut to Eda, who is found by Lilith.
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Because Lilith is busy chasing Eda, Amity finds Luz in the covention arena instead of her mentor to ask if they can use it for a witch’s duel. Luz is very bubbly and friendly, which throws off Amity’s very polite and professional air. Blush happens. 
Time Skip. TIME FOR THE WITCH’S DUEL, which Luz is moderating because Lilith is busy. Spoiler: Willow kicks Amity’s ass. It’s embarrassing. Willow gets carried away and almost hurts Amity, but is snapped out of it by Gus and Hunter.
Amity runs off and is followed by Luz, who gives her a pep talk about not comparing herself to others and just being the best witch she can be. 
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This gives Amity the courage to apologize to Willow.
In the meantime, Willow is confronting Hunter about him being the person that got her on the GG’s radar. He tells her that he helped because she reminds him of someone else that is held back, and he doesn’t want her to feel that way (hint: it’s Luz and the fact that Belos won’t give her a staff).
Amity shows up. She apologizes to Hunter, and gives Willow the top student badge. Willow declines it, though. 
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Amity also tells Hunter that she still doesn’t trust him, to which he responds that she should stop trying to protect someone when she’s the one hurting them the most.
SUDDEN EXPLOSION. Eda is cornered by coven scouts, and Hunter rushes in with his hood up. He saves her with an ice wall and they get the hell out of there, Eda finally asking for Hunter’s name as he gains her respect. 
Lilith is pissed back at the covention, but Luz shows up and berates her for abandoning her student, eventually coming to the conclusion that Lilith is overburdened. Luz says she will take over tutoring Amity, to which Lilith can only agree since Luz technically outranks her. 
Previous [Pre–Canon Events]
Next Part [Hooty's Moving Hassle]
Synopsis Masterpost Link
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sepublic · 1 year
G O D *Grits teeth* You ever think about how fucking unfair it is that Luz’s mental health an self worth has been on a decline since like. GROM??? Since she got traumatized, and how many incidents she’s been carrying under her belt discretely, yet very clearly, as they grow and culminate no matter how hard Luz tries to compensate and apologize for being her imperfect self? Remember when Luz once said “I don’t deserve this” to a bad thing that happened to her, only for Viney to admittedly take that the wrong way, and Luz has felt punished for that claim as a result?
Luz tries to help Willow, gets her and Gus hurt, and just offers herself as a sacrificial tribute to Boscha. No blinking. Tries to help Eda with the curse when Eda tells her not to, BAM! Eda loses magic and Luz goes through some horrible stuff, is told that the weirdoes don’t stick together actually, and fucking Belos.
Then Luz spends all of 2A basically apologizing and trying to mend things over while acting like they’re okay for the sake of those she cares about. Says Willow and Gus don’t deserve to be expelled, but not herself! TURNS HERSELF INTO A LITERAL PUNCHING BAG. Thinks Amity hates her, and then that she just scared Amity off in her preemptive self-loathing!
HER MOM. Luz tried so hard to get back to her mom just to leave her sobbing, with Luz feeling like she’s evil and trash. After thinking she got a happy reconciliation with Vee’s help! And it haunts Luz so badly she immediately projects onto KIKIMORA in order to feel like she can make a difference!
And then the feeling of her dad’s death, the guilt, the sense that she’s failed another parent again and how he isn’t coming back. AND FUCKING PHILIP BELOS WITTEBANE GASLIGHTING LUZ INTO THINKING IT’S HER FAULT. THAT SHE HELPED HIM!!!
And Luz is in such anguish but she’s still trying, she still thinks she can salvage this, she’s in desperate denial! But Eda rebukes her and Luz is just WHY WON’T YOU LET ME APOLOGIZE FOR EVERYTHING, and then for a moment it seems it might work out. It CAN work out!
And then King’s Tide. 
AND SHE JUST GIVES UP IN S3!!! JUST FUCKING HATES HERSELF!!! The one moment of comfort she has with her mom and she interprets the lesson to mean ISOLATING HERSELF AS REPARATION!
Luz kept encountering wave after wave of bigger and more traumatic incidents that targeted her self worth and sense of guilt over daring to want anything for herself or even for others, made her out to be some villain for trying. And for every slight comfort that tried to bandage over, it’s not enough and is then immediately superceded by another incident! Dana said Season 2 was PAIN, she meant it! She really meant it! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-
Dana Terrace this is fucking criminal. I’m goddamn miserable over this Luz deserves better than this why couldn’t she still be HAPPY after S1?!!?!
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TOH got me acting up like a hysterical Victorian woman forreal. Coughing and gagging as I sob!
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jacksfandomrandom · 6 months
Summary: Amity has trouble sleeping without a stuffed animal. She vents about this to Luz one night and Luz, being the awesome girlfriend she is, helps her out.
(P.S I was inspired by fanart from @blakethewaffle on X/Twitter)
Another sleepless night passed for Amity. It had been about 2 weeks since they landed in the human realm. It had been really hard for her to cope with the stress of everything because she didn't have her comfort item. Truth is, she loves stuffed animals and cannot sleep without them. They made her feel safe and not alone. However, she has never told Luz about this because she thought that she would judge her or think she was pathetic and not be her girlfriend anymore. 
Luz had noticed the lack of sleep Amity was getting and was getting worried. She knew she often had nightmares but didn't know what to do. Amity would usually try to hide the fact that she was mentally in pain almost all the time. It took a lot to get her to open up. However, she knew that pressuring her to talk was going to do more harm than good. 
But one night, that changed. Amity was in her cot next to Luz's bed. She desperately wanted to cuddle something, at least until she would fall asleep. So, she plucked up enough courage to finally ask Luz.
“Hey, Batata?” Amity whispered to get a half-asleep Luz's attention.
“Hm?” Luz turned over slightly to see Amity, looking very vulnerable and a bit sad.
“Do you mind if… Can we cuddle?” She whispered nervously, fidgeting with her fingers.
“Of course, come on up,” Luz patted her bed and moved back so she could get up. She was extremely excited in the most relaxed way possible. She had been waiting weeks to cuddle with her girlfriend. To be honest, she had yearned to cuddle Amity whenever her depression and self-worth issues got too out of hand during the past two weeks. Luckily, they did a few times but only for a little bit. They never got to sleep together (NOT IN THE WAY THE PEOPLE GOING THROUGH PUBERTY THINK) so it was exciting.
Amity climbed up and immediately clung to Luz. Her girlfriend wrapped her in her arms and covered the both of them in the comforter. She kissed the top of Amity's forehead.
“Is something bothering you, Amity?” She asked.
“Well… yeah,” Amity said after a moment of hesitation.
“What's wrong?”
“You know how I haven't been sleeping well?”
Luz did know. 
Amity took a deep breath, encouraging herself to finally confess to Luz what had been bothering her.
“I can't sleep without cuddling a stuffed animal…” she admitted, burying her head into Luz's chest.
“Aw, is that it? No worries, Amity, I got a ton that you can borrow tomorrow. For now, let's snuggle, I'm cold and clingy.” Luz said, engulfing Amity even more. 
“Alright, sweet potato,” Amity giggled and relaxed in her lovers arms.
The next night, before they went to bed, Luz opened her closet door and showed Amity her collection of stuffed animals. Alot of them were Build a bear but there were some other ones too.
Amity immediately felt attached to the mainess lion plushie. She hugged it and it's shape was so perfect! The texture was soft and didn't have any weird hard patches of fur. She dug her face into its soft body and smiled happily.
“Aww, Amity, you're so cute!” Luz hugged her and gave her a peck.
“You can keep them, I got a ton already,” Luz assured her. 
“Thank you, Luz. You're amazing,” Amity said as she carried the stuffed animal to her cot. Luz also grabbed one and brought it over to her bed. Usually, she didn't need a stuffed animal but she didn't want Amity to feel alone or embarrassed to be the only one with a stuffy.
That night was one of the best nights of sleep she'd had in the human realm. She fell asleep fast and felt safe. Even though she loved getting cuddles from her girlfriend, it felt nice to sleep with a stuffy again.
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 5 months
(If you're just trying to find some cute ship art for like lumity or huntlow and you find this I'm sorry I just want this to get some recognition cause I'm new to the Tumblr community 😭😭)
Hello there and welcome to me rating different TOH ships!
It'll be in a format like a iceberg chart, the more well known ships at the top and more unknown and obscure ships in the middle and below
Also know this is my opinion and I have given reasons why I don't like and ship the ones I'm going to list, don't get mad at me cause I don't ship whatever the fuck you like
And with that let's go!
The surface
1. Lumity 9/10
Actually a really good ship, I don't know why people keep on saying it's a toxic/unhealthy ship, the only reasons they say is that they lie to each other,Amity somehow "hurts" Luz and never gives her a proper apology...? Im sorry but it's fucking stupid, there's other reasons but I don't remember them, I gave it a 9/10 because it's okay, nothing astonishing or amazing, just good wlw rep and that's all that matters
2. Huntlow 100000/10
WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIP OMG!!!! I wish it could have gotten confirmed or more hints throughout the show (I personally think it would have been a cool idea that after kings tide Hunter and Willow started dating and it would be shown in TTT) it's just a really cute ship to me and I love everything about it >_<!!!
3. Raeda 10/10
It's a really cool ship, but I was confused on the whole is Eda bisexual or pansexual thing cause she's confirmed bisexual but Raines non binary...and now supposedly bisexual people can be attracted to non binary people??? It's just hella confusing to me, but that's a topic on it's own for a different time, I really like how they developed and definitely TTBK was and is one of my favorite episodes
4. Veesha 8/10
It's actually canon that Vee has a crush on Masha and thats all I need to know...GAHHH IT'S SUCH A CUTE SHIP!! Really cool thing how Dana is adding some much non binary characters in the show (NOT including the collector cause he's demiboy NOT non binary, there's a huge ass difference) wish there could have been some development/hints in the WAD, sadly not, but that doesn't mean it won't be confirmed!
5. Gustholomule 8/10
By far one of my ships but sadly not on the top 3,yet again, needed more hints, especially in s2a cause Gus and Matty had more screen time and interactions together,and I love how the fandom just agreed Matty was gay, and not to mention the friendship with Matty and Amity
6. Belpaw 10000/10
this is a joke ship between Belos and springtrap/William Afton from fnaf but it's absolutely fucking hilarious to me and I love it
Now, time to go under the surface, here are some ships that some people know/ship but not much people do, and the further I go we'll get to the more...problematic ships, yet again, don't get mad at me for my opinions
1. Lunter -100/10
Please block this account immediately if you ship lunter I CANNOT STAND THIS SHIP!!! Sure, they had some pretty decent chemistry and interactions with each other, but it just won't work! There's no use in shipping a character with a canon love interest/already dating someone and just choosing to ignore it and ship them anyway, PLUS FOR THOSE SHIPPERS WHO ACTUALLY GOT FUCKING MAD CAUSE IT DIDN'T BECOME CANON I'M ACTUALLY SHITTING BRICKS ON HOW FUCKING STUPID THAT WAS 💀💀💀💀 plus Willows a canon love interest to Hunter, Zeno, HUNTERS VA, literally changed his name to Hunter noceda, and no it's not wlw erasure, but if you acknowledge the fact that lumity is canon, if you acknowledge the fact Dana put her hardwork and effort trying to get a same sex couple in a kid's show which literally got it CANCELLED, and still ship it, disrespectfully shut the fuck up, lunter would be canon if FUCKING NETFLIX MADE TOH 😭😭😭
2. Huntric/Huntmira -100000/10
I. Hate. This. Ship. I put them together cause I didn't want to make seperate sections for it, now you're gonna read me rant on how much I fucking despise this ship, number one, EDRIC IS FUCKING DATING SOMEONE, no interactions (only one with Edric but none with Emira) the mfs literally degraded him in labyrinth runners, no chemistry whatsoever, its overall just not worth your time, and I'm not a toxic huntlow stan, no I won't force the ship on you, however I will block you because I don't want that shit on my feed, same goes for lunter and the other ships I'm gonna mention
3. Luz x Willow, Amity, or all of them together 5/10
Ngl, it's not that bad of a ship, actually really cute, but I couldn't see it happening in the show given that lumity is already canon, plus we should normalize healthy friendships between two girls, not everyone needs to be shipped and the toh community has a huge fucking problem with that, plus this also goes for Amity x Willow as well
4. Camila x Eda (i dunno the official ship name 😭😭😭) 5/10
It's mid, I SAID IT I SAID IT!!! *hides in bed* I'm sorry the ship is mid, raeda is canon already and they didn't have any dialogue, interactions,chemistry together only other than people want Camila to date/marry someone,and the only part when they actually meet is in WAD and that one picture of Eda showing Camila the Apple blood, other than that it's meh, eh, mid
5. Boscha x literally anyone -1000/10
Disrespectfully shut the fuck up if you ship boschlow, boschmity, or boschluz, THESE ARE EXTREMELY TOXIC SHIPS AND YOU'VE PROBABLY NEVER EVEN WATCHED WING IT LIKE WITCHES OR THE ENTIRE FIRST SEASON OF TOH, YOU MUST HAVE SEVERE BRAIN DAMAGE IF YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS OKAY, Boscha is literally their bully, IT'S NOT THE ENEMIES TO LOVERS STORY YOU WANT POOKIE, the only one that isn't as severe is boschmity, that one, unlike the other ships isn't as bad cause boscha genuinely likes Amity and if you watched FTF you'd know why, plus boscha must had have the fattest crush on Amity, but the only boscha ship good is Boschbria (Boscha x Bria)
6. Veenter 10-/10
No...why must I have come to this...NOOO!!! okay, first off, ima just put this in the most direct, black and white, simple way, it fucking sucks, no interactions that support the ship, no chemistry, like I said, I'm a raging Huntlow stan, this ship is unacceptable, plus I like found...a potential r34 comic of them BUT WE DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT HAHAH....oh fucking god...
The pit, here lays all the problematic ships, also uhm TW maybe??? I am gonna use words like p3dph1l1a, @buse, Child @buse,and pr0sh1p alot, so if it makes you uncomfy just a warning, and with that, lets go...
1. Camphip -infinity/10
I HAVE A RAGING HATE FOR THIS SHIP OH MY FUCKING TITAN, okay, I know Camila is an adult and belos is...well he's an old fucking geezer,but the age gap gives me the ick, but let's just start, it's @busive, Camila literally said she wanted to beat him up in the beginning of FTF, AND I DUNNO, DO YOU THINK A 400+ GENOCIDAL EMPEROR WHO @BUSED 50+ GRIMWALKERS WHO COULD HAVE POSSIBLY BE KIDS (and by kids they'd be at least 11/12-16, still pretty younge though)MANIPULATED MILLIONS OF WITCHES AND DEMONS, AND KILLED HIS BROTHER IS A GOOD HUSBAND/BOYFRIEND MATERIAL? disrespectfully shut the fuck up, given the fact of think Luz, Vee, and Hunter are all Camila's children (or at least that's what I headcanon) DO YOU THINK THEY'D BE HAPPY TO KNOW THAT THEIR MOTHER IS DATING THE PERSON WHO CAUSED THEM SO MUCH FUCKING PAIN AND ABUSE????ESPECIALLY HUNTER, BELOS FUCKING SAID HE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HUNTER IN HOLLOW MIND, CLOUDS ABOVE THE HORIZON,AND IN THANKS TO THEM, HE LITERALLY TRIED TO K1LL HIM, THIS SHIP WOULD ONLY BE FINE IF IT WAS IN A GOOD BELOS AU, THE ONLY WAY, I will immediately block you if you ship Belos x Camila, I hate it HATE IT AND I'M DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS
2. Amity x Gus or Hunter -infinity/10
You're lesbianphobic, go fuck yourself if you ship Amity with any male characters
3. Empgold/Huntlos -infinity/10
It's pr0ship, p3d0philia, and @buse, Hunter is 16 and Belos is 400+ years old, you can't ship a character with someone's who dead so it wouldn't matter if you ship them after the time skip when Hunters 20, Belos @bused Hunter, the scar on his cheek and the whole fucking possession scene in TTT might give you a hint, Belos never cared for Hunter and only saw him as a tool, he tried to k1ll him in Hollow Mind, and in Thanks to them, if you ship them, I am blocking you, and I say this proudly
4. Guster -infinity/10
I. Hate. This. Ship, AND FUCK YOU GUSTER BUBBLE BATH YOU FUCKING MADE ME HATE IT EVEN MORE (please don't question what the guster bubble bath is, DO NOT SEARCH IT UP IT IS AN R34 COMIC...unless you wanna get traumatized, but it's cool baby girl) I hate this ship, there's plenty of interactions, but they give off a more sibling energy,and that's a reason why I don't ship it, I see them as siblings, I get they could somehow date cause of cosmic frontier but it's more of a similarity than a romantic aspect just like with Amity and Luz with the good witch Azura,its also uhm *COUGH COUGH* p3d0philia if you ship their time skip versions (Hunter is 20 and Gus is 16), the reason why I put it so low is because I feel like it's not as well know but not as obscure (plus I did this all rushed so I had no fucking time)
And ladies, bros, non binary folks, that's the end! You've endured all my criticism so take a damn break, you deserve it
And special credits to ships I didn't include!
Luz x Anne/Marcy (Amphibia)
Hunter x Sasha (Amphibia)
Gus x Willow
Gus x Bria
Luz x Marco (svtfoe)
Gus x Vee
Luz x viney
Edric x Emira
Eda x Belos
Eda x Darius
Amity x Marcy (amphibia)
Belos x Luz
The Collector x King, any member of the hexsquad
Amity x Odalia
Eda x Dana
Darius x Raine
Belos x Kikimora
Kikimora x Puss in boots (oh god yes that's exists)
Lilith x Belos/Hooty/Steve/Eda!!!
I hope someone at least read this cause I made this in a damn hurry!!!
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lollytea · 9 months
AND KING!!!! OH MY GOD I FORGOT ABOUT KING WHAT ABOUT HIM WJHERE IS HE IN THE AU!! also were eda and darius old freinds Back In The Day when they filmed the azura movie (maybe darius was like one of the makeup artist's apprentices or something and he kept rising to the top even after eda was fired from the sequels). also how did luz and amity get together and break up (i think u briefly mentioned this in a post) and then back together again? IS MATTHOLOMULE IN THIS AU TOO???? im sorry for the spam but my brain is exploding and i am chasing the dopamine rush
OKAY!!! BACK AT IT AGAIN!!!! Some more tidbits about the AU
-- To explain King, I'd have to first explain his Dad!! Let's talk about Papa Titan!!!
That wasn't his government name but an affectionate nickname he got during his time in the industry. The "Titan" part came from being a hulking 6'9 and built like a brick house and the "Papa" part should be obvious enough. He was a sweetheart who was always warm and fatherly towards anyone who needed somebody like him in their lives.
Titan was a director. More specifically, Titan was one of the greatest directors in Hollywood history. He was passionate about horror and humor and beauty and ugliness and love. There was so much love his work. A real Guillermo Del Toro type.
However, when he met a young Eda Clawthorne at an audition back in the 80s, he was basically a nobody. The Good Witch Azura was Titan's very first big budget project and he was determined to create something deep, magical and genuine.
During their time working together on the movie, Titan and Eda formed a tight bond over feeling like an outsider in this world because of things like medical history, sexual orientation and being lovers of the gross and the weird. They might have been weirdos. But weirdos stick together. By the time filming on Azura had wrapped, Eda and Titan were family.
Azura was a big hit at the box office and it was obvious that the studio had a franchise goldmine on their hands. However, the popularity of Azura among the 5-12 demographic led them to the conclusion that the series needed some drastic changes. Namely, they needed to take a more digestible and child friendly approach for future films. And Titan was just not the director for that sort of thing.
After quite a bit of back and forth over creative differences, Titan was removed for the project. To this day, he's not sure if he quit or if he was kicked out. It somehow felt like both.
(Eda was removed near immediately afterwards.)
Titan did not let this incident deter him and continued working and gradually climbed the ranks of fame until he was considered an irreplaceable Hollywood gem.
He and Eda remained in contact and that familial bond between the two never frayed.
Titan passed away from health complications in 1999. At the time of his death, he had been a single father of one. His infant son King was left in the custody of Eda, his godmother.
At the current point in the story, King is a loud, brash and opinionated eight year old boy who gradually warms into a mature, gentle and introspective soul as Luz enters his life. He likes stuffed animals, video games and making fortresses of solitude out of cardboard boxes and blankets.
However, King wasn't all Papa Titan gave to Eda on his way out the door. He also left behind a large wooden chest that he had packed to the brim with journals and notebooks and scripts and sketchpads and all the inspiration and ideas that he had gathered for future projects over the years. He knew, that his deathbed, that he would never get a chance to execute all of his ideas. Not in this lifetime. But maybe, one day in a far off future, there would be somebody like him and Eda, a lover of the gross and the weird. And he was sure that person would have plenty of ideas of their own. But who knows? Maybe one day they'd need a little extra inspo. His stuff would be their waiting for him. His soul would rest easy knowing one of those scribbled down half baked ideas could have some life into it. And by another weirdo just like him, who would put their own spin on it.
Titan entrusted that chest with Eda, knowing she'd come across another weirdo one day, even though she was adamant that there would never be anyone quite like him. So for years, that stupid box remained locked, gathering dust in her attic. Eda didn't trust the key with anyone.
Until she did.
It was eight years later when Luz Noceda lifted the heavy wooden lid and inherited the last drop of Papa Titan's magic.
-- Yes, Eda and Darius have known each other since they were teenagers. They went to the same high school (Eda went to public school on and off) and Darius was an intern in the wardrobe department on a movie Eda starred in. They were very familiar with each other and often hung out.
-- I haven't thought too deeply about the development of Luz and Amity's relationship in this AU. I figured I'd provide enough info but leave enough gaps that people who are passionate about lumity could use their imagination to draw their own conclusions. I can tell you about their pre-relationship tension tho:
In 2006, Luz became a little bit tangled up in celebrity gossip at the time for her friendship with known stars Willow Park and Augustus Porter. The two were frequent faces in Luz's silly low quality YouTube vlogs.
At the time, none of the trio were all that close to Amity. She was a celebrity to Luz but basically a stranger, a former friend turned strained acquaintance to Willow and a co-worker to Gus. So of course, Amity was not included in any of Luz's vlogs. They simply weren't close with her.
However, in the eyes of the press who feeded off writing parasocial and invasive articles about the personal lives of teenage celebrities, this was interesting. At the time, the studio producing Hexside was trying to sell the illusion that Willow, Gus and Amity, the show's stars, were all best friends behind the scenes who hung out all the time. And the YouTube videos were directly contradicting that.
This led to a lot of speculation about drama between Amity and the other two kids. Things like bullying, exclusion, bullying etc. Rumors were always swirling around and, in all honestly, it made Amity feel extremely uncomfortable and upset.
She had never cared before about what Willow and Gus did in their spare time. She knew they weren't friend, so why should it bother her? It wasn't until the whole press was drawing attention to her being a friendless loser that it really started to sting.
Sometimes she wished the dynamic she pretended to have with Willow and Gus was real. And during this time, she started to feel a good bit of resentment towards Luz for being the real third piece of this friend group.
So basically, once she and Willow started gradually repairing their friendship, Amity kinda organically developed into the friendgroup. She was chilly to Luz at first but through a series of trial and error, the two began warming up to each other. A shared love of the Good Witch Azura really ignited a passionate friendship between them.
From that point, Luz and Amity became closer with each other than they were with Willow and Gus. They were practically joined at the hip. Yknow those really really really close girl friendships that's clearly gay but they haven't noticed yet? Yeah.
In every other AU I imagine that Luz and Amity get together before Hunter and Willow. Except this one. It takes waaaay longer because Luz hasn't really realized she's bisexual yet and Amity is petrified to confronting the fact that she's a lesbian. She is not only closeted but she is deeply in denial about it.
So ya I haven't thought about the moment they get together but it probably takes at least a year. I'll let the lumityheads come up with their own headcanons about how it happens.
Anyway, yeah, the reason it took so long for this relationship is the same reason it fell apart so abruptly. Amity was scared that somebody was gonna find out. She was terrified. It's hard being a closeted teenage lesbian in any circumstance. But a closeted teenage lesbian in 2008 who also happens to be one of the biggest child stars on television? The whole world is watching her. The stress this little girl is under is insurmountable.
Ultimately, Amity is gonna need time to figure this out. She's gonna need help to break away so she can be with Luz without feeling paranoid. She's under contracts, she's in an abusive and controlling household and work environment. It's gonna take time before this little girl will be alright.
And also, that's not even going into if Luz will take her back after all this time apart. She's been understanding to Amity's situation but also very hurt by being suddenly thrown away. It's Luz's call to decide if they want to get back together, knowing that she's putting herself at risk to get hurt again.
But then again, she has a lot of faith in Amity.
Its a complicated mess and I haven't really planned the whole solution out. Feel free to brainrot about it for me if you want.
-- Anyway. MATTHOLOMULE!!!
Matt begins the story as a slimey, deceitful little paparazzi wannabe. His big brother Steve works on various sets around the studio and sometimes Matt is there because Steve has to babysit and sometimes he's there because he steals his brother's employee pass to sneak on to studio grounds.
He's a bit of a bottom feeder, mostly dumpster diving for celebrity trash since that shit goes for good money online.
However, Matt is dreaming big. And his next plot is not to gather celebrity trash but celebrity secrets. And his target is Augustus Porter.
Gus is thrilled to see a dude his own age on set and happily befriends Matt when the latter gives a sob story about being a loner.
Anyway, Matt betrays Gus, Gus gets burned. It sucks.
There's a later incident where Matt sneaks some of his school friends (most notably his "best friend" Bria) on to set to impress them and they prove to be far more vile and cruel than even Matt can stomach.
Things like stealing actors' phones and journals and gathering very personal text messages and diary entries of their lowest lows.
It's what wakes Matt up to the fact that maybe this isn't the person he wants to be. And maybe he's on his way to becoming that person if he doesn't catch himself before it's too late.
After helping Gus retrieve the private things that his former friends stole, he and Matt form a tentative (but real this time!) friendship. From that point on, he makes semi frequents on set for no other reason than to hang out with Gus.
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Some Vinera headcanons for a poor soul who had a bad day?
Sorry for the bad day and for taking so long with this, here’s a few:
Even tho’ Emira acts like she’s mad at Puddles Jr for taking so much of Viney’s time away from her, she can’t help but think of how cute Viney and Puddles Jr are.
Emira is definitely the “She didn’t want the cat and now look at her” type pet owner as Viney will often see Emira and PJ napping on the couch together (to which Viney snaps a pic of her adorable wive’s drooling sleeping face)
When Alastor needed Healing coven help for the sigil removal device, Emira immediately suggested Viney to him. This not only allowed Alastor to get to know his future daughter-in-law a bit more but also allowed Emira and Viney to hang out together more often after graduating Hexside.
Edric gets along with Viney pretty well and they both have an understanding. He tells her embarrassing stories about Emira when she was younger and she (Viney) helps with whatever healing or beast-keeping Ed might need. Emira isn’t fond of this deal but she loves the giggles Viney makes while listening to the stories.
Amity was Emira maid of honor and Barcus was Viney’s. Jerbo didn’t want the responsibility in fear that he’d mess something up, he did however make Viney’s bouquet and all of the flowers for the wedding. Vinira got married a few months before Lumity.
Even tho’ Viney gives the better massages, Emira does the best she can to help relax her wife after a rough day at the magical beast vet clinic.
They’d seen each other before, back when Viney was in the detention track but they never talked, just stole a glance or two. It wasn’t until Luz and Bump accepting multi-track students did they finally talk due to Luz introducing them properly. It was love at first “hi”.
That’s all I got atm, hope ur day got better after ya sent that ask
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flowersofstarlight · 7 months
🌷Valentino Voguish🌷
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Valentino, also known as Val, is a fashion designer and seamstress. They are friends with Mortimer and the Handeemen who help out with clothes and fabrics, the fashion choices, helping and giving children the confidence they need, and many things they are willing to help the Handeemen.
They are the owner of their boutique called “Radiant Aurora”, who immediately takes a liking to Nick Nack and his friends when they enter their shop. Their boutique is located in the city, somewhere near the town where the Handeemen live.
They are creative with their work and talent, very generous, and a beauty expert. Valentino loves pink, likes to spend time with the Handeemen, drinking tea and likes to keep things organized in their boutique and at home. They have shown their favorite flowers in Season 3, which are roses, tulips and cosmos flowers.
They have had Katsaridaphobia since they were a young child that crawled on their arm once. They hate what they look like and the fact that cockroaches carry bacteria. They dislike seeing their friends being mistreated. Especially hated the fact that Nick was being mistreated by his abusive father, Francis Nack (belong to @ericaportfolio). After Nick and his friends escape from Francis and his mobs, Val often stays with Nick and comforts him. They care deeply and are loyal to their family and friends.
Due to their love of fashion, Valentino got along very well with Nick Nack and became close friends in Season 3. Both are flamboyant, love poems, music, and understand the beauty of art. The two even shared their interest and liked to hang out together.
Val enjoys Mortimer’s company and having tea with him. They often talk about their family to him and mention that Mortimer somewhat reminds them of their old friend that brings back good memories.
Just like Nick Nack, Valentino has a complicated relationship and is at odds with Riley (which annoys Riley now that there’s two of them who are passionate about art). But they respect her and like her determination.
Valentino loves Daisy’s pie and is always grateful for her help when they run out of fabric and threads or clean up in their boutique. They are willing to fix or make new clothes and dresses for Daisy for free along with the Handeemen as they are their dearest friends. They appreciate Daisy’s kind words about their work and how compassionate she is.
Valentino has a bit of a complicated relationship with Scout, but not as bad as Riley and Scout’s relationship to each other. Despite their differences and the frustrations that Val tried to convince Scout to try to wear dresses or other new clothes they made, they do respect her and have a soft side with teens and children.
Cruella Movie and Rarity from MLP:FIM were the major inspirations for this character to be a fashion designer. I’ve been thinking about creating my own Hello Puppets OC and my first Non-binary character for a long while, but couldn’t figure out what to write down and the design for them. But now, I finally did it and I’m happy creating this OC.
I also want to mention that I thought about Nick and Val having a romantic relationship or at least felt something for each other during the show. Because again, as I mentioned before, I always see Nick Nack as Bisexual.
And I thought Nick and Val’s romantic relationship would be like Amity and Luz from The Owl House, or Fizz and Asmodeus from Helluva Boss (DON’T watch that show if you’re under 18). I figured they would be cute together. So yeah. If you guys want to draw my OC Valentino, feel free. ^_^
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smokestarrules · 2 years
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Also just. This is so cute. The thing that really gets me about this diary entry is the implication that this wasn’t written immediately after they got together, hence the “sometimes it feels like not much has changed,” but that implies that Amity starts all her diary entries (at least the ones involving Luz) with “Luz is my girlfriend!!!” and that is not only incredibly in-character, it’s also so fucking cute. 
The personalized butterflies and Abomination-colored markings, the “DATE IDEAS for luz & me <3″, the date ideas themselves... Amity Blight bby you deserve the world 
(By Lindsay Diamond)
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chaoticnebu · 10 months
For your palistrum au how did different characters react to hunter after finding out about the branches?
okay so, considering that the main version of the au happens during S3
Luz: knowing about his secret, she was understanding pretty much immediately. I brainstormed with a friend that she got worried because Hunter was holing in the bathroom for hours and when she finally managed to get inside, after a first moment of shock she promised she'd help with hiding the branches from others. It worked only for so long because the wood grew too much to wear clothes normally
Amity, Gus, Willow and Vee: They all found out together and as much as they love their friend, their first reaction was horror. They didn't really know what to do about it and even Vee who knows something about shaeshifting couldn't help. With Willow was especially dramatic because when Hunter ran away she blamed herself for it
Camila: She also was shocked and at loss of words at first, but after Hunter ran away from his friends she was more concerned with finding him because she knew Jacob was out there playing the monster hunter
Jacob (the ex museum curator): He's the main antagonist in the au, besides Belos. He's been spying on the kids for weeks and when one of them started growing branches he was THRILLED. He tries really hard to capture Hunter when he leaves Camila's home
After they get back to the demon realm:
Eda: haha OH BOY. so someone outside the family turned out to have some kind of """curse""" that changes their body in a way they can't control :') Fun times. Her heart breaks for him but she also tries to help him cope with it
Lilith: Same as Eda, but she uses her knowledge as an hystorian instead to find out more about grimwalkers
King: I like to think that King's first reaction would be fascination because turning to palistrom kinda makes Hunter closer to the Titan. They're the closest thing to a blood relative that each other has
Raine: They don't really know what to do about the mutation specifically, but they sure offered to teach hunter how to sing or play an instrument as a distraction
Darius: He probably reacted with horror too, but more about the scars and the broken branches (after he hears that Belos' acidic goop burned them off during the possession)
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gaybananabread · 1 year
Eda and Raine tickle Luz and Amity? It would be cute
This is so late omfg. There is no excuse. I live in shame. (T^T) Idk with the gifs anymore, I'm running out
Lees: Amity, Luz
Lers: Eda, Raine
Summary: Eda and Raine are trying for some privacy. When Amity and Luz keep annoying them, they have some fun together.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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Cuddling in her nest, Eda and Raine were spending some alone time together. Raine was reading their book while Eda scrolled through Penstagram. It was a comfortable silence, sweet and peaceful. That is, until two teens decided to crash the cuddle-fest.
Amity and Luz flung the door open, disrupting the quiet aura. Well, Luz was dragging Amity along, but the witch had no protests. Luz didn't read the room, launching into an explanation of something she found in the woods. Amity was just kinda there, nodding along with the rant and adding a comment or two.
The rest of the day was no exception. Sitting outside together, the girls accidentally launch a Frisbee at Raine's head. Relaxing on the couch, Amity bursts in, covered in abomination goo, an embarrassed Luz trailing behind. Finally, on a hill a few miles away from the house, they were alone. Or so they thought.
"Hey you two! We were wondering where you went!" Eda groaned and flopped back on the grass, and Raine shut their book. Man, those kids were persistent! Swearing under her breath, Eda sat back up, giving Luz the stankiest stink eye ever. The girl remained blissfully oblivious.
Raine took a deep breath, speaking before Eda gave herself a hurnea. "Well, seeing as this is the fourth time you've interrupted us today, you're either bored or desperate for attention." Luz blushed, looking away. Amity spoke next. "Luz was bored, I couldn't think of anything to do. Stalking you two was the only idea we had." The young witch cringed. Saying it out loud, she could feel the stupidity in those actions.
Eda slowly sat up, holding three fingers upwards. "Run. You have three seconds." Luz took off, kicking up dirt behind her. Amity opened her mouth to speak, but Eda kept counting. "Two, one, you're dead." With striking speed, Eda grabbed Amity, pulling her to the ground and pinning her arms above her head. Realization dawned on her face as she squirmed, trying to escape her iron grip. It was useless.
"Have fun with the kid, Rainestorm. Me and Amity are gonna spend some quality time together." Smirking, Raine took off after Luz. Eda turned her full attention back to Amity. She was, in short, utterly screwed. "Now, let's have our fun."
Luz is fast when she wants to be. In that moment, running for her life from Raine, she was a purple bolt of lightning. The bard had a hard time catching up to her, puasing to take a breath every minute or two. When they did catch her, Raine immediately used some magic to hold her in place. They weren't taking any chances.
"W-wait! Lehet's talk about this!" It was almost cute at how quick the anticipation got to her. "No, I think not." They went for her belly button, going for the kill. With a squeal, Luz was plunged into hiccupy laughter. "NOHOHOHO! RAHA*hic*HAINE!"
Honestly, she had it coming. Though Amity had a hand in it, Luz was the main reason they had no peace. So no, they wouldn't be stopping until revenge had been wrought. Besides, they knew Luz enjoyed it, no matter how much she denied it.
Raine couldn't wear her out so quickly, so they moved over to their sides, peppering them with little squeezes. Squeaky giggles filled the room. Luz tugged her arms, put the spell held strong, keeping her trapped. Maybe bugging her mentors hadn't been the best idea.
Eda was enjoying herself, scribbling on the witchling's belly. The shittiest shit-eating grin was on her face. Amity was trying to hold in her giggles, chest shaking with pent up laughter.
"Why ya holding back, Boots? You know that only makes it worse." Her face lit up in one of her signature stop-light blushes. She opened her mouth to retort, a slew of giggles accompanying it. "Hehehehehehey! Shuhuhuhut uhup!"
Eda's nails toyed with her belly button, getting a few snorts out of her. Titan, why are Eda's nails so pointy?! "Ehehehe*snort*hedaha! Quhihihit ihit!" The older witch gasped, making a somehow even more mischievous face. "Oh my Titan, you snort? That's adorkable!" Like she had any room to talk, Eda was a snort machine. Still, fun to mess with Amity over, her face getting even redder.
The girl's giggles were contagious, and Eda caught herself laughing along when she snorted. She wanted more than giggles, though. If Luz's info was credible, because she just loved to talk, Amity's armpits should do the trick. True to the human's word, she roared with laughter when Eda dug into her pits. "NOHOHAHAHAHAHAHO! GAHAHAHA!"
After about ten minutes, Raine and Eda met back up on their hill, leaving two very giggly, very tired teens in the grass. The sun was beging to set, painting the sky a warm, glowing orange. The two held hands, basking in the beautiful sky.
Meanwhile, Luz and Amity crawled onto the couch, utterly exhausted. They fell asleep together, faint blushes still visible on their faces. (Of course, Eda snapped a photo when she saw them. Blackmail!)
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hed-romancer · 1 year
opinion: why people don't like huntlow
i think the reason a lot of people don't like huntlow is because season 3 is already super, super short, and huntlow is the least interesting dynamic in the hexsquad the writers could've spent time focusing on.
luz and amity? multiple episodes of trying to work out their differences, delving into amity's issues with her mom and dad, luz's insecurity in making friends, and luz's grief over her dad's death; now they're a really supportive couple and a great model on how young teens can have healthy relationships with boundaries
gus and willow? best friends for years now, constantly having a good time goofing off in the background of episodes. willow is always there to help gus out, and gus is always there to cheer willow on. adorable
willow and gus and luz? the first friends luz has made (at least in a while) who wholeheartedly love and support her for who she is, and she's willing to go to stupid lengths for them, like pretending to be an abomination or animating a whole house.
willow and amity? have a whole previous friendship and enemy-ship to repair. do they want to repair it? are they just trying to hold it together for luz? can they repair it, and if so, what would healing look like?
hunter and luz? multiple episodes of her trying to see the good in him and them working together. him getting excited to tell her something and getting even more excited when she's interested to listen to him. her calling him family and pulling him in for a hug. her protecting him by pretending to be him and him immediately going after her to save her, even facing his abuser to do so. she finds out about his abuse and the first thing she does is offer him a home.
hunter and gus? gus is the only person besides luz who knows hunter is a grimwalker, but he doesn't tell hunter for a while. they get invested into the same tv show and gus uses it to try and subtly let hunter know that who he is is okay and they all care for him. their first interaction is gus giving hunter his sandwich. gus just keeps showing hunter kindness, even when he's not being dragged into crazy situations like luz.
hunter and amity? shared history of being antagonistic towards luz and impossible expectations from their parent figures and having to learn how to be their own people outside of that. they don't like eachother but they both love luz, and they both care for willow and gus, so they'll have to put up with eachother for now.
hunter and willow? sure they've got the half-a-witch parallel, but being in-universe disabled and being a late bloomer (into one of the strongest witches ever) are two different things. willow and hunter are teammates, and they care for eachother, but for most of their screentime, nothing too interesting happens, and i feel like it's kinda similar to how i'd feel if there were numerous scenes trying to show how amity and gus get along. like sure, go for it if you have the time. but you don't have the time so can we focus on something more interesting?
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oh-cawsh · 6 months
9 people to get to know better
thanks for tagging me @ghostradiodylan !!
1. Three ships: Rylan my beloved they do no wrong. theyre the epitome of awkward bashful and honest gay summer teen romance with the perfect contrasting note of horrific life threatening monsters which is unsurpassable genre peak. and yeah ngl its pretty rare that i get behind a ship but two others i can think of are amity/luz from the owl house (but mostly in season 1 because they do cute anxious crushing stuff and after that they just kind of turn into supportive gf A and supportive gf B), and legosi/louis from beastars because how do you just gloss over neurotic homophobe slut ptsd theatre twink x weird brooding puritan loser freudian pervert and the fact that it does WORK too like hello
2. First ever ship: i wanna say gregg and angus from night in the woods?? i remember i was in that weird sexual orientation puberty where you literally know you're gay but it's not like a consciously meaningful part of your identity so i remember seeing them and thinking wow that's cool that they're boyfriends i guess idk. also i'm inexorably drawn to their existence for some reason and my lockscreen is them cuddling with the lazy morning light peeking through the curtains
3. Last song: My Kink is Karma - Chappell Roan, im a sucker for moody electronic pop and that album DELIVERS
4. Last film: i watched the first three movies in a pirates of the caribbean marathon with some friends which ngl after the first one feels like trying to suck sugar water out of a sock 😶 the last film i personally chose to watch was the 1976 Carrie! it was nice being able to watch it and appreciate it as an adult with an education and not a teen recluse going "yeah carrie you show those villain highschoolers what's what"
5. Currently (re)reading: Shakespeare's Twelfth Night! i have my old copy from highschool open next to me and the 2012 shakespeare's globe production up and i just sit and sift between watching and reading and analysing it, just like when i first learned it in class. i'm not really sure why i wanted to reread it again in the first place, but i find it kind of soothing to read older texts where the language and culture's a little ways off from its modern successors. i find it calming to kind of pull those stories back in a way we can understand with its old contexts and writing, and see more and more of that timeless human experience shine through. sudoku for english nerds i guess LOL
6. Currently watching: my watcher's stamina has actually gotten so shit im ngl like i actually haven't watched a show in months 😭😭😭 the last show i watched was bluey (which was pretty good! (and pretty indicative of the kind of attention span ive got these days 😂👌))
7. Currently consuming: this horrible like nutraloaf nightmare bowl i made because my appetite was really poor today and at 5 pm or so i was like ugh well id better eat something quick and dense if im not gonna have a proper meal so i insulted God and put together reheated smashed potato (in the microwave so they lost all their crunch and flavour) + dried roasted edamame beans + peanut butter + regular butter + cheddar + yoghurt + whole salted almonds in a bowl and had a slice of walnut fig cake as a side. that thing needed a censor bar like i was in the trenches trying to get that down im ngl. eating that meal took more energy out of me than what it gave back like i knew i made something unholy and then immediately paid for it like it was so frankenstein and his monster right there on that kitchen counter
8. Currently craving: literally anything after that like god damn 😭😭😭😭😭 otherwise ive been hankering for a good chana masala and naan combo cus there's literally never a day where i'll turn south asian cuisine down like aw man i shouldve just gone out and got some of that to eat today ugh god damn it
also im ngl i don't really know who to tag cus i only started having a presence on tumblr like barely a month ago and ive only meaningfully interacted with like 3 people since then so um!! whoever's out there lurking around on my blog if ya wanna participate feel free! and either way, thanks for readin my ramblings regardless :)
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lollytea · 1 year
mmm okay opinion (☕ emoji I guess if this counts for that game) on huntlow and pda/physical displays of affection. Are they big on it? Do they not like to do it in front of people? My personal hc is hunters too flustered to do anything other than a hand-hold/pinky-link in public but when it's just him and willow he's touch starved and even a bit clingy. But I want to hear your thoughts boy 👁️👁️
YEAH YEAH YEAH This is also my hc about it!! And it's not even just Hunter who has reservations about being overly affectionate in front of people, but Willow too. It's the vibe I'm getting from little details like her waiting until everybody else leaves the room to flirt with him in TTT or not initiating the finger link in FTF until everybody was distracted by Stringbean. Like. She is shy. She feels weird about being so open about it when people are watching.
But I also feel like, though they aren't sickeningly sentimental in front of others, they are usually touching in some capacity. So yeah. Linked fingers. Or holding hands. Willow idly resting her weight against Hunter. Subtle stuff like that. And if they're not touching, they're likely standing very close together.
I dont think they're completely devoid of PDA. Like I definitely think they do shit like this while they're out walking.
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Willow likes to have his arm. She is a gentleman. 😊
OH and while they don't dare kiss as shamelessly as Luz and Amity do...Hunter occasionally gives Willow goodbye smooches. Even if they're hanging out with the others. It be like this
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It's always her forehead he kisses cuz her forehead so perfectly aligns with where his mouth is. She is the ideal height for it. And this is calculated too. He'd be embarrassed to do this and stick around for the others to make fun of him so it's always right before he has to leave. He plants that smooch and immediately teleports off the scene. He refuses to face the repercussions of being mushy with his girlfriend!!!! It drives Willow insane because hello??? She doesn't get to leave just yet. She has to just stand here with the others and be blushy and giggly about it. Do you even care, Hunter??? Do you even care about your girlfriend??? And she hates it cuz she likes it and no matter how embarrassing it is, she doesn't not want goodbye smooches, so she just has to put up with it. Fuck this guy!!!
But yeah!!! YEAH!!! If nobody else is around, Hunter is actually really touchy. He was very hesitant at first during intimate moments and Willow had to manually guide his hands to her face, her waist, wherever she wanted his hands to be. But as he got more comfortable with the fact that he was given permission to touch her, he gradually shifted into this fervent eagerness whenever they're alone. It kinda flusters Willow actually. She wasn't entirely prepared for it. Even after she gets used to it, he still has the ability to mentally trip her up.
Like he'll usually show up at her place after a long, soul draining kind of day. And they'll barely get their "hellos" in before he's suddenly bundled her up in his arms, squeezing her tight against his chest (Willow's like "Okay...okay...this is happening...be cool, this is happening....") and pressing a light kiss against her lips. It's a nonverbal question. Like "I feel like doing a lot of kissing? Can we do that right now??" And Willow rarely says no. She can't always manage a yes either. Just a little nod because WOW!!! OKAY!!! YOURE JUST GONNA BARGE INTO HER ROOM AND SWEEP HER OFF HER FEET???? NO CONSIDERATION FOR THE FACT THAT SHE WAS DOING HER HOMEWORK AND NOW SHE CAN'T FOCUS ON ANYTHING ELSE BUT YOUR STUPID MOUTH!!!! DO YOU EVEN CARE?????
Anyway, yeah. Very subtle acts of PDA. But Hunter is an absolute menace once he gets the hang of this whole "having a girlfriend" thing. Hands all over her. He has the audacity to make her feel loved to the point of idiocy. Disgusting.
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